Public Notary Certificate 1883

Robert Payne Smith Clerk Doctor of Divinity Dean of the Cathedral and Archeopolitical Church of Christ Canterbury and the chapter of the same Church Guardians of the spiritualities bearing the warranty of the See of Canterbury by authority of Parliament lawfully empowered for the purposes herein written to our beloved in Christ Francis Logan a literate person now residing at Napier in the provincial district of Hawke’s Bay in the colony of New Zealand. Health and Grace: We being willing by reason of your merits to confer on you a suitable title of promotion to create you a Public Notary previous examination and the other requisites to be herein observed having been had and so out of our favour towards you admit you into the number and society of other salaries to the end that you may transform are at Napier afore ever and also in all other Her Majesty’s Sovereign Territories Colonies and Dominions and not in any other place whatever exercise with office of  in notary hereby becoming that full faith ought to be given as well in judgement as there out to the testimonials to be made by you after the oath and declaration hereunderwritten shall have been required of you and by you duly taken and subscribed.

I, Francis Logan do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Victoria her heirs and successors according to law So Help Me God.

I, Francis Logan do solemnly sincerely and truly swear and affirm that I will faithfully exercise the office of a Public Notary. I will faithfully make contracts or Testiments for or between any party or parties requiring the same and I will not add or diminish anything without the [?] and consent of [?] party or practices that may alter the substance of the [?] and will not make or attest any Art Courant or Testament in which I shall know there is in [?] or [?] and in all things I will act uprightly and justly in the business of a Public Notary according to the best of my skill and ability.

I Francis Logan do solemnlysincerely and truly declare and affirm that I am committed at Napier in that in provincial district of Hawke’s Bay in the colony of New Zealand and am desirous of being […ated] a Public Notary for the purpose of acting as such at Napier aforesaid and also in all other Her Majesty’s Sovereign solicitor Territories Colonies and Dominions and not in any other place whatsoever.

Provided always that those present do not avail you anything until the Oath and Declaration on the Commission bearing date the seventeenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty three as above prescribed and subscribed and duly taken by you pursuant to the tenor of the said commission and the certificate endorsed on those present as to the execution of the said commission be subscribed by the proper officer before whom the said oath and declaration shall be taken and stamped with the official seal and also unless those presents are duly registered and subscribed by the Secretary of Prosecutions of the Lord High Chanceller of Great Britain . Given under the seal of the Office of Faculties at Doctors Commons this nineteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand and eight hundred and eighty three.

W. P. Moore [?].

see Certificate endorsed.

Registered the Twentieth day of February in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty three.

By the Lord Chancellors Secretary of Presentations
Edward Theligen

I Edward Craig Stuart of Napier in the Provincial District of Hawke’s Bay and colony of New Zealand Bishop of Waiapu

Do make known and certify that on the   twentieth   day of   October   in the year of our Lord One Thousand eight hundred  and  eighty three appeared before me Francis Logan now residing at Napier in the provincial district of Hawkes Bay in the Colony of New Zealand and presented unto me a Commission bearing date the Seventeenth day of February One thousand eight hundred and eighty three and requested that I would take upon myself the execution thereof which request being willing to comply with I did see the said Oath and Declarations on the said Commission as within forescribed and did then administer to the said Francis Logan the said Oath and Declarations which being done I decreed the said Commission to be transmitted to the Office of Faculties and Doctors Commons London. In Testimony whereof I have herewith set my hand and seal the day and year above within.

Edward L. Waiapu

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Francis Logan’s certificate to practice as a Notary Public, 1883

Format of the original

Paper document

Date published

20 February 1883


  • Francis Logan
  • W P Moore
  • Robert Payne Smith
  • Edward Craig Stuart
  • Edward Theligen

Accession number


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