are wafted in waves across the garden, distilled by the summer sun. The rich perfume of carnations with their clove spiciness, the soft fragrance of the gay coloured phlox, prim sweet Williams of velvety texture. Tall stately Madonna lilies grouped at the back of the border exhale their exotic perfume, making a fitting background for the riot of colour masses of velvety brown wallflowers, bergamot, verbena, mockorange, stately magnolia, boronica, freesias, antirrhinums of every hue, heliotrope, paeonies with a rose perfume and stocks of all shades. Red roses pour out their condensed essence of real attar of rose fragrance so distinct from that of the deep creamy old fashioned tea roses. There too, climbing over the cottage was the cloth of gold that rose that somehow seems to whisper of bygone days. Beneath the verandah, pink and white moss roses added their contribution. The almost heady perfume of sweet peas drifts across the garden balanced by the pungent freshness of masses of glowing scarlet geraniums. Hedges of flowering currant add their token beside sweet scented daphne which gives almost more than its share to the perfume laden air. Edgings of mignonette, pinks, virginian stock, pansies, polyanthus, alyssum, all view with each other please their little white-haired mistress of the garden. Neat hedges of rosemary and lavender surround the herb garden where balm, carraway, basil, clary, marjoram, rue, sage, parsley, mint, tansy, tarragon and thyme thrive as they did in the old fashioned gardens of England. Beyond the resinous pine trees, from the meadow, comes the perfume of the clover, merging with the fragrance of new mown hay, unlocking for so many the gates of memory. Such a mingling of fragrance to inhale as would surely satisfy and delight the perfume vendors of Arabia.
A new day is just awakening, its happy newness lighting the east. All nature is holding its breath, even the birds have not broken its stillness. A little breeze steals through the bush, leaves quiver, a rustle of bird life with here and there the first soft chirpings of newly awakened birds. As the first rosy flush spreads in the east the chirpings increase, like an orchestra tuning its instruments
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