Social Services Council Proposal 1976

Hastings Rotary Club,
C/- Secretary, Mr. F. Crist,
P.O. Box 752,

25th May 1976.

Dear Sir,


This is an invitation to your group to participate in the formation of a Hastings District Council for Social Services.

As reluctant as we are to send out an invitation of this nature at such short notice, being aware that many groups do not meet monthly and that to make contact with executive officers on urgent matters does present difficulties, we the undersigned feel that opportunities such as these do not come our way every day and should when they do appear be actioned immediately. It is for this reason we suggest that your group seriously consider the proposals as presented in this correspondence and that if after consideration you desire to further enquiries and wish for your group to be involved, you do so by authorising not more than two executive officers to attend the general meeting.

DATE: Tuesday, 29 June, 1976

VENUE: Wesley Lounge, Wesley Methodist Church, Hastings Street, Hastings.

TIME: 7.45 p.m.

SPEAKER: Mr. J. Kennedy-Good, Mayor of Lower Hutt.

Attached to this letter are copies of a statement outlining the broad proposals and this should be read before finally considering this letter.

A small sample group of citizens involved in working with people but not formally representing any organisations met to discuss the proposal as outlined. There was a clear statement from those present that a meeting should be called. Mr. Kennedy-Good, a member the New Zealand Council for Social Services with an established District Council in Lower Hutt has consented to address a general meeting and outline the work being done in his city and the aims of the National Body. One problem that arises from such a project is representation as an executive committee.

It will be a function of the general meeting to determine how this committee is selected so that work of the Council in Hastings can proceed smoothly to the satisfaction of every group.

The following are suggestions which could be discussed at the general meeting. Your group is asked to consider these and have an opinion at the coming meeting

(a)   That there should be a small executive body, each member of which would be a chairman of a sub-committee possibly representing organisations in the community with similar or related interests.

(b)   or That there be a large committee of 10 to 12 members with a three person executive elected by all participating groups from names brought forward at the general meeting. A ballot by mail would then follow thus giving organisations an opportunity in their meeting to select the candidate that they would prefer.

The question arises how the representative should be made up: –

i.   Citizens with personal expertise In one area of social concern who have a relationship with a participating group;

ii.   As representatives of a particular organisation or related organisations

iii.   How groups can be represented if their nominees are not elected to the central council.

Trusting we will receive your support in this venture.

Yours sincerely,
AM Crocket
A.M. Crocket,

Michael Dunk
Michael G. Dunk,


AIM:   To give Hastings a District Council for Community organisations working with people, Churches, non statutory and statutory social work agencies to have representatives meet for discussion and decision on matters affecting the quality of life of the community in areas of social service.

This composite and representative group will have a responsibility to promote free communication, liaison and co-operation and support in the aspects of work of each group wherein that group’s specific responsibilities lie. Essential to this general function is the intention to encourage each participating organisation in its own area of expertise.

Central to the Council’s function will be the opportunity for training, sharing of ideas and general information and identifying areas of special need for which no provision has been made in the community. With a concern for Hastings, the Council will aim to encourage high standards of social service as has been the record in the past, but with the opportunity for wider access to the broad spectrum of the changing developments in working with people

Further, a function will be to associate with other district councils for sharing of experiences, possibly inter-changing of training or other programmes, affiliation with the New Zealand Council for Social Service and later having regional representation when the need for such a body comes clearly established.


(I)   After the preliminary meeting of all groups, it is hoped to set up a representative committee which will meet on a monthly – or bi monthly – basis to consider: –

(a)   Needs of the community in the Social Service area.

(b)   To responsibly bring to the notice of authorities, local bodies, Central Government and New Zealand Council of Social Service, essential local needs in the area of the Council’s responsibility

(c)   To receive and support representations from member groups on their requirements

(d)   To publish a newsletter which will have as its aim to bring Hastings helping groups closer together, and keep them in touch with changing personnel, addresses and programmes

(e)   To ensure liaison on an agency to agency level.

(II)   On a three monthly – or four monthly – basis the Council will provide a forum for representatives from all groups and for individual members of these groups to meet where there could be a special theme, training experience, the introduction of national speakers so that not only at group level but also on a personal level, citizens in helping agencies can meet and have a common interest


With a history of similar meetings, principally the Hastings Community Social Service t s round table conferences, and the extensive co-operation of Hastings agencies, the general meeting to which has been has been invited two executive members of local statutory and non-statutory agencies, will study the proposals for the establishing of a Hastings District Council of Social Service.

From this it is hoped will emerge a working committee to consider the aims and proposals as set out above, with a view to having the Council function as an entity by July 1976. At the first meeting Mr. J. Kennedy Good will explain the work of the District Council in his area, and also if appropriate comment on the New Zealand Council of Social Services. The Hastings Community Social Service could if the proposed Council so wish, to act as the secretariate with the assistance as required from the Department of Social Welfare, Hastings.

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Business / Organisation

Hastings District Council for Social Services

Format of the original

Typed document

Date published

25 May 1976

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