Springhill School – The Last Years 1978-1993



1978 – 1993

Autographs of those who attended the 1978 60th Jubilee

[Surnames] Simmons, Bainbridge, Franklin, Goodman, Roberts, Maulder, McLeod, Burkin, Turner, Leach, Weggery, Simpson, Loundes, Gilder, Leach, Alder, Boyce, Richardson, Muggeridge, Boyce, Coles, Satchwell, Cheer, Tapsell, Murray, Thompson, McKay, Lunt, Oakley, Chrystall, Joyce, Nash, Whiteman, Hartigan, Kirk, Simpson, Wall

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1998 would have been Springhill School’s 80th Jubilee and to mark this occasion I have produced this booklet. It is taken from the School’s 60th Jubilee to the last day of Springhill School 27-8-93.

I have made every effort to make sure that the dates and information published are accurate.

My many thanks to all the people who have contributed in any way to the compiling of this booklet.


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Paul Robottom
Lavinia Thompson
Neale Robson

Angela Coles
Francis Duncan
Sandy Flett
Geoffrey Kaipo
Glen Budden
Roderick Kirk
Brian Chalmers
Sarah Cullen
Allison Duncan
Chris Flett
Same Bradley
Trudi Budden
Patricia Wilton
Robyn Germain

Lisa Shuker
Steven Stoddart
Sonia Leach
Michelle Coles
Bruce Shuker
Daniel Preston
Robyn Bradley

Robert Cullen
Hylton Bayliss
Brenda Stoddart
Natasha Dillon
Alister Bayliss
Verity Bayliss
Kim Robottom

Steven Worsnop
Tania Shuker
Jason Macdonald
Joanna Preston

Alice Bradley
Lisa Jamieson
Alisa Shucker
Kimberley Hurley
Stacey Worsnop
Robbie Jamieson
Petrina Paulson

Timothy Hurley
Jamie Thompson
Dean Thompson
Sheena Dempsey
Shannon Dandy
Trevor Bull
Ratima Thompson
Ronald Thompson
Andrew Cullen
Corinne Macdonald
Emma Preston
Toni Hardyment

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Stacy McMillan
Margaret Crozier
Shannoll Woodley
Robert Crozier
Ben Yeoman
Haley Worsnop

Brendon Amundsen
Malcolm Hurley
Timothy McLean
Haley Amundson
Daniel Eagle

Nicholas Godfrey
Murray Chesterman
Tony Chesterman
Richard Dandy
Glen Chesterman
Barry Chesterman
Samuel Godfrey
Renee Yeoman

Kurt Simpson
Wade Brown
Michael Worsnop
Katherine Hooper
Hadyn Ease
Patrick Worsnop
Ben Simpson
Victoria Jamieson
Kathryn McMillan
Nathan Ease
James Worsnop
Michael Annan

Caroline Ritchie
Bridget Martens
Jessamy Ritchie
Emerald Jamieson

Anna Aldworth
Ben Aldworth
Lloyd Hunt
Genevieve Lambert
Sharon Tatum
Amy Schiavi
Daniel Aldworth
Justin Green
Scott Murphy
Janine Chisnall
Natasha Christensen

Diana McGregor
Robbie Gunson
Amanda Tatum
Christine Coles
Mark Franklin

Blair McGregor

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Rod Appleton Seymour (Principal), Bert Boyce (Bus Driver) with senior pupils 1979

Mrs Hine Kaipo with junior room pupils 1979

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Springhill School pupils 1980
Principal – Rodger Wakefield, junior teacher Hine Kaipo, teacher’s aide Julie Appleton Seymour, Bus Driver Bert Boyce

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LOG BOOK 1979 – 1992

18-11-78   60th Jubilee. A considerable number of meetings were held over the terms for the organisation of this event. It was highly successful on every account, the convenor was Ray Cheer and secretary-Historian Beverley Muggeridge.

27-11-78   Intercom system installed between staff room and room one.

14-12-78   School breakup held in school grounds. Had a family fun sports programme-Prizegiving. Father Christmas arrived by helicopter.

14-3-79   School Committee wood chopping day. Very well attended by each family. Three trees felled on the end of western plantation.

18-4-79   Arrived back from Easter break with the water in swimming pool black and covered in pollen scum – a dreadful mess.

26-4-79   Senior room on a trip to the Wakarara Camp for two days.

26-5-79   A district farewell to Bev and Brian Muggeridge who have lived in the area 19 years. The evening was held at J. Chrystal’s place and attended by approximately 80 people.

11-07-79   Bus drivers strike affected both buses. Very poor information about when, if, why, the strike would take place.

18-08-79   Farewell to John and Ellen Sebley who are moving to Tauranga. John has lived in this district all his life. Evening held at John Nash’s woolshed.

25-09-79   Heavy winds and snow which didn’t settle.

02-10-79   The gymnastics team were invited to perform to the C.W.I. at Tikokino Hall. Raining very heavily, the pool filled up and overflowed.

26-10-79   Last day as principal of Springhill, Rod Appleton Seymour. Taking up duties as acting Principal at Elsthorpe.

29-10-79   Miss Barbara Towers took up position as acting Principal until the end of term.

2901-80   Teachers only day, teacher Hine Kaipo, teachers aide Julie Appleton Seymour, Principal Rodger Wakefield.

30-01-80   Procured from Puketapu 45 seater bus for Bert Boyce’s run. School opened – Roll 39.

12-02-80   A dangerous branch hanging over the school gate, Mr McLeod contacted to come and cut it down.

18-02-80 Visit from bikies – no damage. Appeared to have used the area outside the school for a stop and a drink. Caused much heartstrain for the residents of the schoolhouse. Distribution of new Springhill T Shirt, a light blue with yellow lettering.

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10-04-80   Bus broke down twice, Bert Boyce’s A.M. run, electrical fault. P.M. run carburetter problem.

26-05-80   Roll opening for term two, 37 children.

27-05-80   As a result of a meeting between School Committee and H.B. Education Board the school bus will run to Cullen’s residence on North Block Road as from 19 June 1980, P.M. run only. School Committee began work on new H.T.H. shed and raising roof of pump shed. Chopping down trees by children’s toilets.

13-06-80   Chimney smoking badly. Barlow and Johnson have been contacted to clean them.

16-06-80   A Bullet found in the boys toilet. A shang-eye was also found. Both matters discussed at length and have been circulated in the newsletter.

17-06-80   Money from Springhill Jubilee 1978 for A – Overhead projector, B – Native trees C – Loud hailer.

01-08-80   Springhill’s Arbour [Arbor] Day. One oak tree purchased by Mr Ray Cheer of the Springhill School Centenary Committee 1978 to commemorate this centenary.

06-08-80   Magpie problems. Dive bombing children. Mr Boyce promised to get rid of pest.

Springhill School children 1981
Principal Rod Appleton Seymour, junior room teacher Shirley Ryan, Bus driver Bert Boyce

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17-11-80   Outbreak of pens and pencils going missing. Have hopefully countered this by naming every pencil and pen with poker machine.

25-11-80   An enjoyable visit to room 3 of Waipawa School, most of the children came to the conclusion that town schools are not for them.

03-02-81   STAFF Principal – Rod Appleton Seymour, Miss Shirley Ryan relieving for one year in Mrs Kaipo’s position. Total roll 33.

09-04-81   Argyll School visit.

13-04-81   Miss Ryan off home to Patea to make final wedding arrangements for her marriage to Mr Mark Hooper. They will live at Smedley Station.

21-04-81   Send of to Cliff and Margaret Hartigan. Good turn out of local people. Held in Nash’s woolshed.

28-06-81   First heavy snow on Ruahines for this year.

25-07-81   Farewell to Jim and Vivienne Bibby at Wakarara Community Hall. A large attendance representing most families of the district were present.

30-07-81   Visit by Omakere School for sport. Afterwards the whole school planted shrubs in the front garden. Each plant is designated to pupils.

07-09-81   School opened for third term, Mrs Shirley Hooper – acting Principal, Mrs Cathy Thompson relieving teacher.

21-09-81   Mr Roy Pederson’s run in lieu of Mr Bert Boyce on the bus route.

Pupils supplies pets day report

Junior correspondent for the Mail, Paula Richardson, of Springhill School, has supplied the following report f the school’s pet day:

“In the morning all the children brought their entries and set them out on the tables ready to be judged.

“When all the judges were here the children went outside to clean cars at $1 per car; the junior children all brought buckets of water to the seniors and the seniors washed, dried and polished the cars.

“After the judges had finished the children were allowed to go inside to see if they had won any prizes. This was followed by the opening of the sales table, darts and lucky dip.

“The parents then came and had a picnic lunch with their children. The stalls were opened again after lunch until 1 o’clock when the pets show began.

“First there was the most obedient lamb and then the fastest drinker. After we had that the dog section began. All the dogs were most obedient except one that ran into the crowd to seek out its mistress.

“Finally the pets parade was held and in this Stuart Riddell came first with his calf Lucky, second was Fiona Kirk with her pony Popcorn, and third equal were Bruce Shuker with his rabbit Roderick and Daniel Preston with is wormery.

“All the points for the day were added up and Stuart Riddell had won the cup, with sister Fiona second and Geoffrey Kaipo third.

“The chairman of the Springhill School Agricultural Club, Stuart Riddell, welcome everyone to the day and then the chairman of the school committee Mr Clive Alder, congratulation all the pupils on a job well done. The day ended with afternoon tea being served.”

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14-10-81   Music Festival, children performed very well. A tremendous response from audience of Springhill’s individual item. Received praise from backstage organiser for such a well behaved school. Songs sung – Nick Nack Paddy Wack [Whack], Vespers and Strangest Dream.

05-11-81   Pets Day, children busy cleaning cars whilst judging taking place.

03-12-81   Seniors off to Hastings to visit Apple Radio and the Herald Tribune. Herald Tribune could do with better ventilation, poor Andrew fainted and had to be carried out by two mothers.

03-02-82   STAFF Principal – Rodger Wakefield, junior room teacher Mrs Hine Kaipo.

09-02-82   An excellent turnout on Saturday for the Cheer family farewell.

09-03-82   Harold Beckett maintenance officer called. New desks and chairs, will collect all the old desks later, children thrilled.

17-03-82   Schools received official notification that they must close on Monday afternoon. A first for Primary Schools.

05-04-82   Painters began – a very messy day as the buildings leaked under considerable water pressure.

14-06-82   An ex-pupil of the school Mrs Boyce was awarded a Q.S.M. for community work. Mrs Boyce was Principal for six and a half years. Mrs Boyce is the wife of the school bus driver.

Mr Bert Boyce with happy Springhill children

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06-09-82   Springhill opened for third term with a roll of 36.

11-10-82   Viewed a performance of our massed choir item for the music festival, “She’ll be coming round the mountain’ – top class, all credit to Hine and the children.

21-10-82   Visit today from Mr Bob Bruce, the Board architect who made a plan of the school to work out where to site a possible new school. He indicated 1983 as a possible date.

Playing game for hospice

Springhill’s “Super Starkids” will compete against the “Spoilsports” in a “great softball test” in aid for the Hawke’s Bay Hospice this Thursday night. Venue for the 6.45 encounter is the “Wakarara Stadium”. The “superkids” are seeking sponsorship for their effort, and according to the Springhill School newsletter “dig deep, there may be some in need after the match”.
The match will feature such attractions as “Killer Ken Kaipo” at pitcher and “Learing Leech” as catcher, with “Porcelain Peter Chrystall” and “Kinky Kirk” on base.

28-11-82   High winds, a number of branches down over the weekend. A large turnout of workers to tidy up the grounds, so we could run the annual R and A day.

02-12-82   Visit today of Mr Michael Whiteman (ex Principal 1972-76).

16.12.82   A nostalgic day for the leaving pupils, who all felt a bit sad. Bert Boyce’s last bus run.

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Springhill School children 1983 with acting Principal James Fraser and Hine Kaipo

02-02-83   STAFF Principal – Peter Whatt, Hine Kaipo junior room teacher, Julie Appleton Seymour teachers aide, Roy Pederson bus driver. Roll 32

03-03-83   Visit by senior room children to Fletcher farm museum.

30-05-83   Underground petrol tank installed for bus petrol supply.

23-06-83   Trouble with the septic tanks and blocked drains from toilets, Ashby’s contacted. Decided to close school from 11 am. because of health hazard.

19-08-83   School closed for today for end of term two. (I have resigned as Principal of tis school – P J Whatt).

05-09-83   James Fraser – Mobile Reserve, acting Principal for this term.

29-09-83   Form two children attending C.H.B. College next year visited Tikokino School for advice on courses and general discussion.

15-12-83   School prizegiving held at Nash’s woolshed.

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Springhill children 1984 with Principal Murray Jamieson, bus driver Roy Pederson, junior teacher Allison deLange [de Lange]

31-01-84   STAFF Principal – Murray Jamieson, Hine Kaipo junior teacher. Roll 27. Pipe from cistern to bowl in one of the girls toilets came adrift, water everywhere.

24-02-84   Timber arrived for alterations to school house.

09-03-84   School went to old Maori Pa site on Helen Swinburn’s property. Mr Pat Parsons from Hastings who is writing a history on the H.B. Maori was our guest.

23-03-84   Mr Ross McDonald and Mr Bill Leach cut down huge gum trees at the back of the school in preparation for the new school. Mrs Kaipo received notification that she has a position at Pangaru [Panguru] Area school.

04-04-084   The tragic death of Wendy Nash, an old pupil of the school was announced. She was killed in an avalanche in the Swiss Alps while working as a ski instructor.

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03-05-84   Farewell morning tea held for Mrs Kaipo.

21-05-84   Term two. Mrs Allison deLange has taken over from Mrs Kaipo. Roll 29.

01-06-84   Jamieson’s shifted into school house. The removal van did not arrive until 5p.m. Ross and Annette kindly gave us a meal and bed for the night.

08-06-84   Well I am just sitting minding my own business and watching Knight Rider in my lounge at 8 p.m. when tis cavalcade of 9 cars pulled up outside. There was a knock on the door and there but four were all the parents of children at the school. The invited themselves in with their own food, drink and glasses, and thus began the surprise House warming. The final stragglers left some 5 hours later.

11-07-84   Mr Beckett rang to say the new school would be arriving on the first of August.

16-07-84   Mr Beckett called in after school to discuss with Bill Robottom, Peter Coles, Ross Macdonald and myself the site for the new school.

26-07-84   A meeting held with parents of senior room children to discuss proposed trip to Wellington.

28/29-07-84   1840 ewes were crutched by parents of senior room children, a great start to fundraising.

30-07-84   Waipukurau Construction began pegging out new school site.

03-08-84   The new staff room/office block arrived noon today.

School is first built in HB since ‘60s

Hawke’s Bay’s first new school to be built since the 1960s has just been opened at Springhill near Onga Onga.

The $128,000 Springhill Primary School replaces the delapidated main school building, which dates back to 1916, and two old prefab classrooms.

School principal, Mr Murray Jamieson, said the new school had been built on the same site as the old buildings.

He said it was totally relocatable had been built in Waipukurau and brought out to the site in three sections.

“It only took about three weeks to construct the whole school”, he said.

The school was finished during the August school holidays and was officially opened this week with an open day for parents.

Mr Jamieson, along with Mrs Alison de Lange, teaches the school’s 30 pupils who are all farm children.


He said the new school had been first proposed about two years ago and was a big improvement over the old.

“The old school house had a lot of character but it lacked light and was cramped”.

Mr Jamieson said he hoped the old buildings could be used as a community centre.

The Hawke’s Bay Education Board’s assistant general manager, Mr Brian Whale, said the board had decided to replace Springhill School because roll projections had shown it would be needed for a number of years.

He said it was uneconomic to upgrade the old classrooms. It was the first new school to be built in the Hawke’s Bay since the building boom in the 1960s, said Mr Whale.

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The arrival of the new school.

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With the help of junior room teacher Allison de Lange, Jason Macdonald and Joanne Preston cut the ribbon

Bridgette Coles and Duncan Kirk about to cut the ribbon into the senior room.

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08-08-84   What a day. The first of the classroom block arrived at 3 p.m. At 8.30 p.m. the second half arrived. The transport team had some difficulty getting the back wheels through the gate. It took 1 and a quarter hours and in the process they managed to cave in the concrete manhole covering the septic tank.

11/12-08-84   Crutching at Mark Bradleys 1940 ewes raining a further 800 dollars towards Wellington trip.

Springhill pupils and staff outside their new school

Springhill School staff began teaching their 30 pupils in a new school last week. Two new classrooms and a new staff room have replaced a 56-year-old building, which has stood since 1918.

Parents and the two school teachers, Murray Jamieson and Alison de Lange are pleased with the new modern building, with its ranch slider doors carpet, aluminium windows and woodburner fires.

The new building was unofficially opened by the school’s pupils last Monday morning and then for a first time they set foot inside their new classrooms.

It was built and moved to its site in Wakarara Road by the Waipukurau Construction Company.

The next step, in completing the new facility, is to obtain new desks blackboards and chairs from the Education Board.

As for the old school, its new function is still undecided but it’s hoped that it will be bought and kept within the district.

The new building is not the only facility that Springhill School has recently received.

Mr Peter Coles, the school’s committee chairman said parents and the committee had just finished developing a rugby field behind the school.

Mr Jamieson, the school’s headmaster/teacher, and Miss de Lange are impressed with their new staff room.

The design and location of the new building allows for maximum sunlight, a feature the old building lacked.

Inside the old building you could see improvements were needed said Mr Jamieson

The flooring was a giant patchwork, with different colours and bits of carpets scattered around.

The timber old and rotten in places and because of the lack of windows the building was cold, he said.

The school will be officially opened when the lawns and gardens are laid. A job the committee will tackle before the end of term.

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06-09-84   Workmen finish new school. Power Board erect new pole to take power to new buildings. New stove for house arrives.

10-09-84   First day in new school. All residents of Springhill/Wakarara area invited to attend an open day. Jason Macdonald and Joanne Preston cut the ribbon on the junior door. Bridgette Coles and Duncan Kirk cut the ribbon on the senior room door.

25-10-84   60 Metres of top soil delivered for new school lawns. Trucks hydraulics burst spraying oil all along bac of school. Poor driver spent the afternoon washing walls.

07-11-84   Working bee at school to sow new grass and to lay footpath.

14-11-84   Old school removed to Peter Oakley’s property.

18/23-11-84   Senior room spent a week in Wellington. Stayed at the Hutt Motor Camp. Had an absolutely marvellous week. The children were polite and well-mannered and a credit to the district.

12-12-84   School breakup at Nash’s woolshed.

29-01-85   Children back and raring to go. Roll 27.

02-04-85   The school’s new beat board arrived today.

11-04-85   Mrs Jill Fraser, the district nurse called in after a case of lice was reported.

13-04-85   New lawn put down where old school used to be and shrubs planted.

27-05-85   Term two begins. Roll of 35

31-05-85   What a week for rain I thought at one stage I would have to contact Noah and get plans for building an ark.

24-06-85   A Sharp S.F.756 photo-copier has been purchased.

Senior room 1985 with Principal Murray Jamieson

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Junior room 1985 with Allison deLange

School choir 1985 with Allison deLange

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26-06-85   Held a walka-bike-athon this afternoon with proceeds going towards this year’s Telethon.

10-08-85   Springhill choir performed at the C.H.B. Primary Schools 11-08-85 Music Festival at the Civic Theatre. Our Individual Item was ‘Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah’. Children were excellent in performance and behaviour.

25/27-11-85   Senior room spent 3 days at Punawaitai school, Pourerere Beach.

12-12-85   School breakup held in old school room for first time, very successful evening though the power went off just as Father Christmas was leaving.

13-12-85   Last day of school for 1985. Farewelled Allison deLange.

04-02-86   First day for children. STAFF Principal Murray Jamieson, Sue Cutbush junior room teacher. School Roll 31.

13-02-86   Bert Boyce’s funeral was held in Waipukurau. Bert died on Monday 11th.

25-02-86   Several children away to see the Queen and Prince Philip.

02-05-86   Murray away for two days after spraining his ankle chasing an opossum. Pauline Bradley relieved.

09-05-86   Well then, this is my last entry in the Springhill log book. Mr Richard McMillan is my replacement and he begins at the start of term two.

26-05-86   I have just completed my first day as Principal of Springhill School and apart from the fact that the water supply was disrupted and the photo-copier ran out of toner, have had an enjoyable day.

20-06-86   In a well organised operation nearly all families in the district arrived at Principal’s residence with refreshments and supper.

30-06-86   Used school film projector for the first time. It started smoking, so I think its future is a little uncertain.

17-07-86   First day of crutching. Senior room parents spent today and Saturday crutching to raise funds for trip to Rotorua.
entered. The A team came first, the B team 8th and the C team 16th.

08-09-86   Term 3. The roll now stands at 35.

25-09-86   Spent the afternoon planting the garden (school vegetable garden).

26-09-86   Annual cross country with Onga Onga at Onga Onga. Video recorder delivered.

17-10-86   Bikeathon to raise funds for senior room trip to Rotorua. The children biked or ran from school to Highway 50 and return.

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Springhill School 1987 with Principal Richard McMillan, junior teacher Denise Perry, bus driver Roy Pederson

Gymnastic team 1987, winners of the country grade

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05-11-86   Pets Day. A very enjoyable and successful day. The Springhill School Agriculture Club raised 130 dollars through their stalls and other activities.

10/14-11-86   Senior room trip to Rotorua. We stayed at the Rotorua Thermal Motor Camp. Travel was by Bruns Bus.

19-11-86   Junior Room travelled to Napier to visit the Museum, the Aquarium and Lilliput.

28-11-86   Games/barbeque/video evening held at school. Very well attended and great fun.

18-12-86   Prize giving ceremony held at school in the evening.

02-02-87   Children back at school, roll opened at 31. Principal – Richard McMillan, new junior room teacher Denise Perry.

19-02-87   School garden harvested – each child took home a bag of vegetables.

01-04-87   Weta Day. We travelled into Waipukurau for a day of Autumn Antics.

16-06-87   Winter has arrived at last. A very cold and bitter day with the snow down to low levels on the Ruahines.

24-07-87   The children held a concert to farewell Sonia Leach and the Hurley children. The Leaches now living in Waipukurau and the Hurleys moving to the King Country.

8-07-87   Crutching at Robottom’s to assist with fundraising for a proposed senior room trip to Wellington in 1988.

10-08-87   Travelled up to Napier to visit the Australian submarine berthed in the port ‘H.M.A.S. Ovens’.

16-09-87   The school phone connected to its own line. Individual lines have been introduced in the Springhill/Wakarara area replacing the communal party lines. This is a major development and represents the end of an era.

17-09-87   The junior room have begun planting seeds in containers for the school garden. The garden has had lupins growing in it over winter, as well as sheep manure and lime added.

16-10-87   The jump rope for Heart Programme was held at school. The children jumped/skipped for 3 hours and raised about 300 dollars in sponsorship.

17-12-87   Prize giving ceremony. A very successful and enjoyable evening with a very large turnout of parents friends and relatives. Heavy rain spoilt some of the earlier acts. The audience had difficulty hearing above the rain pounding on the roof of the old room.

18-12-87   Next year will offer new challenges – coming to grips with a new computer is one.

01-02-88   STAFF Principal – Richard McMillan, Denise Perry junior teacher. Roll opened at 33.

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Springhill School 1988 with Principal Richard McMillan, Denise Perry, and Roy Pederson, bus driver.

22-02-88   The electrician was out to attend to the water pump – again. Damage to the old pump necessitated the replacement of the pump.

24-02-88   Harold Beckett delivered two new desks and photo-copier paper.

03-03-88   Closed school because of Industrial Action. Most teachers in C.H.B. on strike as protest against the proposed new state sector bill.

17-03-88   School again closed because of Industrial Action.

27-04-88   Crutching, working bee held at Mark Bradley’s as part of the fundraising for the third term trip to Wellington.

06-05-88   The children have all worked very well, and a very healthy and positive attitude exists in the school.

24-05-88   Travelled into Waipukurau t attend C.H.B. College production of “The Boyfriend”.

01-06-88   Travelled to Napier where the senior room children played a game of New Image Rugby against Pukehou as a curtain raiser to the game Hawke’s Bay v Wales. The children defeated Pukehou 12-8.

06-08-88   Visit from Wall Dell, inspector.

24-06-88   The children made a coil trail as part of their fundraising effort for Telethon. They raised 65 dollars and 70 cents. That amounts to a considerable number of one two and five cent pieces.

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28-06-88   Crutching at Chesterman’s to raise funds for senior room trip to Wellington.

30-06-88   Water pump out of action (AGAIN!!!) The children have been using the staff toilet. Crutching at Chesterman’s again, followed by a meeting of the school committee to discuss a tape on the Picot Report.

12-07-88   “Bun Bun” the school rabbit died.

09-08-88   Significant date. The arrival of “Tomorrows Schools” (The reform of education administration in N.Z.)

24-08-88   A working bee at school to erect a double fence along McLeod Road and to repair the boundary fence with Ross Macdonald’s. the double fence is to protect trees and shrubs which are to be grown along McLeod Road.

14-11-88   Senior pupils spent the week in Wellington, 15 children and 9 adults, a staggering ratio, comprised the party.

15-12-88   School prize giving held in old class room with a very large turnout of parents, relatives and friends.

30-01-89   STAFF Principal – Richard McMillan, relieving junior teacher Kay Simpson. The roll opened at 32.

32-02-89   School swimming activity afternoon. David Scott an ex principal of the school visited during afternoon tea.

School 1989 with Richard McMillan, Shirley Hooper and Roy Pederson

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10-03-89   Firewood cutting working bee held at Ross McDonald’s. A note needs to be made here regarding the weather. Hawke’s Bay is in the midst of the worst drought for years. The landscape around Springhill including the school fields and lawns makes a depressing sight.

26-04-89   No manual because of P.P.T.A. strike action. Trivia – The Computer has printed 2,000,000 characters!!!

22-05-89   This term opened with the school roll at 32.

21-06-89   A real winter’s day, snow actually lying on the ground after a cold miserable night.

23-06-89   Video recorder has disappeared. It is very hard to imagine that it has been stolen, but that appears the case. A sad day for Springhill.

11-07-89   Ladies from Wakarara C.W.I. visited the school in the afternoon to begin the children on their knitting for “Operation Knit” Programme. The purpose is to knit squares which are to be sewn into blankets for homeless children in Uganda. A new video recorder arrived replacing the machine stolen before mid-term break. The drillers arrived to drill the new water bore.

29-07-89   A new item of playground equipment erected – trampoline.

25-08-89   Afternoon tea and presentation to farewell Kay Simpson.

11-09-89   The term opened with a roll standing at 34. Shirley Hooper is teaching in room 2.

16-09-89   Back to school party held in the old classroom. Some of the uniforms on display were real “period pieces”.

01-10-89   The date for the official changeover from Education Board to Boards of Trustee, control of the administration of schools.

11-10-89   On a perfect day for running we hosted Pukehou and Argyll East Schools for cross country.

15-12-89   End of term and the end of a very busy year. Tomorrows Schools is now very firmly with us. History will provide critical judgement.

29-01-90   Beginning of 1990 school year. Principal – Richard McMillan, Denise Perry assistant N.E-S2. Roll 27.

10-02-90   Working bee to repair spouting along front of classroom block.

14-02-90   Plumber repaired cracks in swimming pool. Despite the unfortunate timing of this operation right in the middle of the swimming season) it is hoped that the enormous loss of water occurring from the pool is stopped.

16-02-90   Junior room travelled to Napier to visit Marineland.

20-02-90   The children were very excited today about an earthquake that occurred last night (6.6). the quake was centered in C.H.B. and caused quite a bit of damage.

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1990 with Principal Maurice Chisnall, Denise Perry and Roy Pederson

27-02-90   Fundraising crutching at Mathew’s Estate.

08-03-90   Two kiwi sport table tennis tables and equipment were delivered. These were donated to the school by Barry Jensen of the Tikokino Hotel.

15.03-90   Crutching at Chestermans.

16-03-90   We travelled into Waipukurau to attend C.H.B. Health Fair.

22-03-90   Crutching at Worsnops.

30-03-90   The second Apple Computer has arrived.

01-05-90   C.H.B. primary schools gymnastic festival held at C.H.B. College, Springhill fielded 4 teams. This year there were over 90 teams competing, making it the largest ever held.

04-05-90   End of term and the end of my 4 years association with this school. Springhill school is as well equipped as any I have come across. The Board of Trustee is doing an excellent job in coming to terms with Tomorrows Schools.

21-05-90   Relieving principal Denise Perry, relieving teacher Pauline Bradley. Roll 25.

15-06-90   We travelled to Tikokino school to see “The Kids up the Road” production.

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10-07-90   Interviews for the appointment of a new principal were held at the school.

08-08-90   7 aside tournament held at Onga Onga School.

10-09-90   Principal Maurice Chisnall, assistant teacher Denise Perry. Roll 22.

29-09-90   Pub chop at Tikokino. A good turnout.

04.10-90   Spent most of the day making hot air balloons.

25-10-90   Cross country at Pukehou.

31-1-90   C.H.B. cross country at Takapau. Conditions were wet, cold and slippery. Springhill were represented by 8 children.

05-11-90   Pets Day. A beautiful hot sunny day. A very good turnout of people.

12-11-90   Senior room trip to Taranaki. Twenty children and six parents went on the trip. We stayed at the Stratford Holiday Park.

29-11-90 Highway 50 summer games held at Sherwood. A perfect day and very well organised.

04-12-90   Builders here to put new roof on changing sheds.

06-12-90   Denise and junior room stay at school for the night.

13-12-90   School concert. Things went off very well and was a great success.


In 1990, in 1990
There’s a school of 25
Just a small one, not a big one
We’ll be here in 95

CHORUS; We’re the darlings, we’re the darlings
we’re the darlings of Springhill
We are perfect little angels
Except when we’re at school

Oh the Chestermans, Oh the Chestermans
Murray, Glen and the twins
Double trouble, double trouble
Thank the Lord they don’t have quins

There’s the Jamiesons, there’s the Jamiesons
Emerald, Victoria too
Watch out for little Natalie
She’ll be here in 92

Wakarara, Wakarara
Wakarara with it’s hall
There are the Cullens and the Bradleys
There they build ‘em strong and tall

Wakarara, Wakarara
They all bus to school
There are Stacey, Michael and Haley
Steven, Jo and Emma too

Caroline and Jessamy
And there is Bridget too
Latecomers to our classroom
But very welcome too.

Page 27

28-01-91   First day back at school. Principal Maurice Chisnall, Maxine Dawson junior teacher. Roll 22. Graeme Heinz from Mita photocopiers came down from Napier this afternoon to demonstrate the 1656 copier to the B.O.T. The copier was purchased.

21-02-91   Country schools swimming sports at Waipawa. Eight children from Springhill School competed.

27-02-91   N.Z.E.I. Stopwork meeting held at Waipukurau in the afternoon. Children went home at lunch time.

21-03-91   Carolyn Gunson has been taking the children for music on Thursday morning. Things are going really well and the children are singing and playing well.

22-03-91   Softball tournament at Waipawa.

28-03-91   A very busy day at school. We blew eggs and decorated them. At lunch time we had a B.B.Q. Top Hat and bacon donated sausages and Tip Top donated bread. The children wore a funny hat and paid $1 which goes to the child Health Research Foundation who are trying to raise money to have all 5 year olds tested for diabetes.

04-04-91   Strike day. Teachers were on strike protesting about the Government’s introduction of the Employments Contracts Bill.

12-04-91   Finale to book week. The children and teachers dressed up as book characters.

26-07-91   Working bee. A very good turnout of parents. All gardens were weeded, flaxes pulled out, shrubs and plants planted.

30-07-91   Travelled to Waipukurau to watch ‘The Great Blue Planet Earth Sow” put on by the Strawberry Theatre at the Civic Theatre. It was really excellent, theme was conservation.

19-08-91   It is snowing bucketful. Out of concern that the bus would not be able to transport the children in the afternoon decided to close the school at lunchtime.

29-08-91   We have been doing a unit on “Pirates” and today there was a mutiny. In the end the teacher was tied up-not before he had bravely fought off his attackers or about an hour.

23-09-91   A shock to learn that our staffing next year will be 1. I feel that we have a strong case to keep 2 teachers.

02-10-91   Swimming pool drained in readiness for scrubbing/waterblasting and then painting.

18-11-91   Highway 50 summer games held at Tikokino School and organised by Argyll East School.

030-02-92   Principal Maurice Chisnall, Maxine Dawson assistant teacher. Roll 21.

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Springhill School Room 2, 1991.
Maxine Dawson with junior room children, 1991. Amy Schiavi, Sharon Tatum, Janine Chisnall, Genevieve Lambert, Catherine Hooper, Natasha Christensen, Ben Aldworth, Michael Worsnop, Scott Murphy.

17-02-92   Trip to Kairakau Beach to do rocky shore study. Weather was perfect although a little windy.

24-02-92   School swimming sports, overcast but very muggy.

02-04-92   Went to Onga Onga for the Ballet put on by Kim Whitta.

08-04-92   Trip to Argyll East School to play softball.

27-04-92   Went to the Telecom Technology Science Roadshow at C.H.B. College.

22-06-92   Anthony Ryan began working on new adventure playground.

29-06-92   Cold but dry. Mike O’Brian here to put children through their paces for safe cycling.

06-08-92   Onga Onga 7 aside tournament.

9-13-11-92   Senior trip to Wellington.

26-08-92   New overflow for septic tank being dug.

14-09-92   Term 3. No change to staffing.

29-09-92   School went to Napier today to see the Chinese and International Circus.

30-11-92   Public Health Nurse had a quick visit.

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School holds sports
(by David Chrystall, secretary of the Springhill School children’s committee)

The Springhill School swimming sports began at 1 o’clock, when Nicholas Chrystall welcomed a large gathering of parents and friends of the school.

The weather was overcast and a strong wind was blowing. The junior room held such events as the “biggest splash” and a “star fish”, which was followed by various events like “tugboats” in pairs and an egg-and-spoon race.

The senior school was divided up into three groups – Group 1 consisting of the better swimmers, and Groups 2 and 3 of the children who are still learning how to swim.

Group 3 opened the senior swimming sports with a length with flutterboards. The senior room also did things like two lengths freestyle, one length backstroke, an open long plunge and a number of medleys.

The swimming sports ended with a childrens-parents relay.

House Competition – Red 187, Blue 175, Green 182, Yellow 172.

Senior Girls’ Campion – Deborah Chrystall, runner-up Paula Richardson.
Senior Boys’ Champion – Stuart Riddell, runner-up Hylton Bayliss.

Intermediate Champion – Alastair Bayliss, runner-up Duncan Kirk.
Junior Girls’ Champion – Kylie Germain, runner-up Bridgette Coles.
Junior Boys’ Champion – Paul Leach and Geoffrey Kaipo equal.

[Springill School Rugby 1982]
BACK ROW:   Nicholas Chrystall, Hylton Bayliss, Stuart Riddell, David Chrystall, Principal – Rodger Wakefield.
FRONT ROW:   Alistair Bayliss, Duncan Kirk, Paul Leach, Geoffery Kaipo

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BACK ROW:   Robyn Bradley, Lisa Jamieson, Marie Leach, Robyn Germain, Sarah Cullen
FRONT ROW:   Kim Robottom, Sonia Leach, Paul Robottom, Verity Bayliss, Angela Coles

BACK ROW:   Toni Hardyment, Petrina Paulson, Kylie Germain, Robyn Germain, Bridgette Coles
MIDDLE ROW:   Verity Bayliss, Robyn Bradley, Sarah Cullen, Angela Coles, Sonia Leach
FRONT ROW:   Kimberley Hurley, Michelle Coles

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BACK ROW:   Duncan Kirk, Alistair Bayliss, Kylie Germain, Robyn Germain, Bridgette Coles
MIDDLE ROW:   Trevor Bull, Sam Bradley, Paul Leach, Paul Robottom, Robbie Jamieson
FRONT ROW:   Roderick Kirk

BACK ROW:   Roderick Kirk, Daniel Preston, Paul Robottom, Robert Cullen
FRONT ROW:   Andrew Cullen, Jason Macdonald, Steven Worsnop, Robert Crozier

Page 32

BACK ROW:   Alice Bradley, Kim Robottom, Roderick Kirk, Daniel Preston, Robert Cullen, Paul Robottom, Robyn Bradley, Verity Bayliss, Stacey McMillan

FRONT ROW:   Ben Yeoman, Joanna Preston, Jason Macdonald, Andrew Cullen, Steven Worsnop, Robert Crozier

Stuart Riddell chosen to play in Ross Shield team 1982

Hylton Bayliss chosen to play in Ross Shield team 1983

Page 33

C. Alder, M. Mcleod, J. Riddell, W. Leach, P. Coles, W. Robottom, W. Cullen, M. Kirk, R. Macdonald, H. Hurley, G. Germain, M. Bradley, I. Crozier, M. Hooper, K. Murphy, K. Yeoman, C. Preston, R. Jamieson, L. Aldworth, C. Lambert, P. Franklin, L. McGregor.

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Last school concert 1992

Page 35

Mark Franklin, Diana McGregor, Blair McGregor and Christina Coles

Joan Battersby with the four children

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15-10-92   Committee meeting. Ways of attracting new pupils for the school.

03-11-92   Proposed buying of bus to keep two teachers.

19-11-92   Special matters. Future of Springhill School. Letter sent to Ministry to organise Preliminary meeting to discuss options.

30-11-92   A public meeting held at the school. A letter was tabled from some parents regarding principal’s administration duties. Principal opted to be absent at this meeting.

03-12-92   Meeting called to handle submissions handed to Chairman B.O.T. at a district meeting regarding the future of Springhill School. Mr Dave Robb S.T.A. Representative present. The meeting moved into committee to consider the letter of complaints from some parents. The Principal was requested to leave at this point.

10-12-92  Roll 23.

17-12-92   School Christmas breakup.

11-02-93   Roll 4. The Principal was asked if he was committed in keeping the school open with only four children. He felt with only four children it was not viable. Principal to contact other schools regarding social interaction with them.

18-02-93   Children had a great day at Takapau Marae. Mr Bill Richardson addressed the Board in the evening regarding future of Springhill.

31-03-93   The Board discussed the options on closure or E.D.I.

29-04-93   Three visitors from the Ministry present. Information newsletter to District. Community meeting to be held. Wish list of assets to remain in community.

05-05-93   District meeting at School to discuss Amalgamation with either Onga Onga or Tikokino Schools. Board meeting followed district meeting. Voting papers placed in envelope and sealed. Principal’s resignation letter. Relief teacher to mid term break.

27-05-93   New Relieving Principal – Joan Battersby. Result from district voting – 5 Tikokino only, 5 Onga Onga only, 33 Tikokino/Onga Onga.

23-06-93   Children attended Sherwood School for the day.

24-06-93   School commence 8.45 a.m. and close 2.45 p.m. Ongoing problems with pump. Community Trust set up. Community hall and facilities within pipe fenced area to remain with the community.

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01-07-93   Working bee at school.

15-07-93   Principal to order red noses for children – Red Nose Day.

26-07-93   Special meeting at school with Springhill, Tikokino and Onga Onga Board of Trustees.

Closure/Amalgamation Meeting – Springhill School 26-7-93

Present:   Excellent representation from Tikokino, Onga Onga and Springhill, BOTs. Bill Richardson, Manager National Operations, Central Management Centre & David Goldsmith represented MOE.
Bill Richardson in the chair.

Agenda Items:
1)   Bill Richardson backgrounded the procedures and consultative processes to date culminating in this final meeting being organised.

2)   Requirements negotiated included:

i)   School Transport – lots of work has been put into consultation regarding the requirements of the three schools. After lengthy discussions with Waipawa Buses, who were most co-operative, extensions to existing bus routes were negotiated. Successfully negotiated also were suitable timetables meeting the needs of all.

ii)   Asset Distribution – after amicable discussion the following was decided:

a)   Both Principals would contact Peter Coles soon to make arrangements to look at the Springhill Asset Register with a view to the equitable distribution of resources. In the very highly unlikely event of a dispute David Goldsmith would act as a facilitator.

b)   After viewing resources there is like to be some surplus to requirements. Because of the level of commitment of some of the older residents of Springhill it would be nice to have them involved along with the present BOT to assist in making recommendations as to which schools this surplus should go to. They already have requests.

c)   Financial Resources – at the date of closure the balance of financial resources, after all outstanding accounts including final audit costs have been met, will be distributed equitably between Tikokino and Onga Onga BOTs. In the meantime the audited statements for Springhill would be available for perusal.

d)   Negotiations are under way with an MOE asset consultant to vest portion of the Springhill site plus other identified minor assets into a local charitable trust for the benefit of the community and in recognition of their services to the school.

3)   Letter to the Minister of Education from the combined BOTs discussed. The initial letter should be sent to Bill Richardson, Manager National Operations.

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Central Management Centre, 65 Waterloo Road, Lower Hutt. The content of the letter focussed on:

i)   The consultative approach.
ii)   Negotiated requirements with MOE e.g.
a)   School transport arrangements.
b)   Equitable distribution of financial assets & liabilities plus resources.
c)   The vesting of a portion of the Springhill School site plus identified minor assets to a charitable trust.

4)   Timeline:
i)   04-08-93 Letter of intent of closure of Springhill signed by the three BOTs to Bill Richardson.

ii)   07-08-93 MOE submission prepared in detail to support the letter of intent. The submission would reinforce the negotiated points discussed.

iii)   27-08-93 Formal closure of Springhill School.

5)   In closing the meeting Bill proposed a vote of thanks and paid tribute to the Springhill Chairperson, Board of Trustees and community for their considerable time and effort put into the school over a lengthy period of time. However the decision taken would be of benefit to the children of Springhill and to the other communities as well. He wished everyone well from the three communities in their endeavours on behalf of their children.

Special meeting followed 9.30 p.m.
The Springhill B.O.T. approved the incoming quotes for the maintenance of the buildings while the school is still operating.

26-08-93   Tikokino folk dancing festival in the evening at Tikokino Hall.

27-08-93   Last day of Springhill School. Reporters and past pupils of the district arrived. The four pupils presented a concert and planted a camellia (Donation) in remembrance of their time at Springhill. A presentation of a book was received by each child.


On Friday 15th October 1993 Mr Roy Pederson collapsed and died on the Onga Onga Golf Course. His sudden death was a shock to all the district. Roy had been the school bus driver for the Wakarara Springhill district from 1981 to 1993.

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Past pupils of the district on the last day with Joan Battersby and the four children.

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Pictured, back from left, are Mr Coles, Mrs Battersby, Mr Franklin and Diana McGregor. In front from left Christina Coles, Mark Franklin, Blair McGregor and Mrs McGregor.

Springhill School closes – again

Springhill Primary School in Central Hawke’s Bay closed yesterday for the second time in its 75-year existence for the same reason – not enough children.

“We’re very sad about it,” said board of trustees member Linda McGregor, whose two children Diana and Blair make up half the school.

The other two children’s parents are chairman of the board Peter Coles’s daughter Christina, and board member Paul Franklin’s son Mark.

Mr Coles, who also attended Springhill said the board saw the closure coming two years ago as the roll fell from 21 to four this year.

The remaining board members said they have stayed on this year to ensure an education development initiative with the school goes through and the assets which the community built up will stay in the community. The four children will start at Tikokino school after the holidays. It will mean a longer school day for the children because they will now catch the bus.

Relieving principal Joan Battersby has taught at Springhill for the second term only after the principal left to teach at Flaxmere. Mrs Battersby will go back to relieving teaching in the district.

The remaining parents believed that if the community had stuck together and the 20 pupils wo left last year had stayed, then the school would not be closed.

MP John Falloon assured the board that if the roll went up to 15 then the school could stay open.

The board members would stay on to wind up the school’s finances, which Mr Franklin said were considerable.

“It was a financial school with heaps of input from the community. If other schools were half as successful . . . ”

Two new computers and a video recorder are among equipment the pupils will take to Tikokino school.

The property manager at the Ministry said yesterday the school pool and hall would be kept in the community by a trust, but the classes and administration building would be moved to where the need is greatest. The school house and property would be sold.

Springhill community shared lunch yesterday and planted a camellia tree in the grounds to mark the last day.

In 1933 Springhill reopened with five pupils. The teacher’s salary was subsidised by parents. None of the remaining board members said they would be willing to serve on a board again.

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The Manager National Operations
Ministry of Education
65 Waterloo Road
Lower Hutt

July 27th 1993

Dear Mr Richardson


We are the combined boards of Trustees of Springhill, Tikokino and Onga Onga schools wish to inform you that after extensive consultation with all concerned, Springhill School is to close officially as from Friday 27th August 1993 and to amalgamate with both Tikokino and Onga Onga Schools.

This decision was arrived at after the following requirements were negotiated and agreed to by the communities and the Ministry of Education.

1)   Transport arrangements for eligible pupils attending Tikokino and Onga Onga Schools be set in place as negotiated with the Ministry of Education. Extensions to existing bus routes for Tikokino and Onga Onga will be in existence until the end of 1995 when they will be retendered for 1996. Both boards have agreed to try to retain as far as possible and within the School Transport Assistance Policy of $7.50 per capita rate, the best possible options when the bus routes are retendered.

2)   At the date of amalgamation the financial assets and liabilities in the Springhill school, plus the resources will be transferred equitably between Tikokino and Onga Onga Schools.
Any surplus resources will be left for the Springhill Board to distribute to other schools as they see fit.

3)   The Springhill community is I the process of forming a charitable trust and the Ministry will vest into that organisation a small portion of the Springhill site, plus other identified minor assets, for the use of the community.

We request that the above arrangements be approved.

Yours sincerely

PW Coles
Peter Coles
Springhill School
Board of Trustees

J Lane
John Lane
Tikokino School
Board of Trustees

I Annan
Ian Annan
Onga Onga School
Board of Trustees

Page 42

Farewell to Springhill School


Memories are all we have now
of those good ole school days
When we rode horses, bikes or bussed to school
every single day

But you have to go with progress
or that’s what they did say,
When we were told the doors were shutting
on that cold August day.

We must look to the future now
and forget those bygone days
The school is gone forever
and being used Dannevirke way.

Like the stopping of a heartbeat
A little piece of us is gone
Dear to our hearts forever
our memories will linger on.

Page 43


When one actually sums up the reasons why Springhill School closed, the one most important and obvious factor would be the lack of pupils to the School.

In this day and age parents have the choice of sending their children to whatever School they wish. We were lucky to have at close range either Onga Onga or Tikokino Schools. Several parents opted out before Springhill School was finally closed and sent their children to these two schools, as well as into Waipukurau, thus cutting down the numbers considerably to only four children.

During this critical time a reasonably large family moved into the area. If the School had been operating smoothly, undoubtedly Springhill School would have benefitted from the increase in numbers giving a total of approximately 17 pupils that could have attended at that time.

The closing of Springhill School was a great loss to the Wakarara and Springhill Community especially to those people who had attended the School and to those who had lived in the area for several years and taken a vivid interest in all that the School did.

The Ministry seem to delight in closing down small schools and there have been several in Hawke’s Bay and Dannevirke area since the closure of Springhill.

Springhill School was removed from its site in 1993 to the Makirikiri Marae just south of Dannevirke.

At the time of writing this article March 1997 there is still 18 school age children from Wakarara to Highway 50, also several pre-schoolers in the district.

The people of Springhill and Wakarara still come together in the community hall for such occasions as a send-off, a welcome in, or just a party. The hall is also used weekly for cubs and a polling booth for General Elections.

At the date of amalgamation the financial assets and liabilities of the Springhill School plus the resources were transferred equitably between Tikokino and Onga Onga Schools.

The jungle gym, educational items and books were given to Kimi Ora Community School in Flaxmere and several banana boxes full of books were sent to Samoa.

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Autographs of those who attended the 1978 60th Jubilee

[Surnames] Lowndes, Roberts, Maulder, Nicolandi, Chrystall, Adams, Keats, Murray, Worsnop, Bainbridge, Bromell, Beattie, Pocock, Cheer, Sebley, Sims, Everitt, Addis, McCullough, Clegg, Whiteman, Thomson, Macdonald, Goodman, Cook, Fletcher, Richardson, Coles, Steven, Arnold, Nash, Walis, Oakley, Sebley, Barry, Satchwell, Fletcher, Gardner, Bibby, Martin, Appleton Seymour

Autographs of those who attended the 1978 60th Jubilee

[Surnames] Wilton, Wilson, Goodman, Chrystall, Richardson, Macdonald, Riddell, Whiteman, Nash, Hartigan, Bibby, Cheer, Green, Thompson, Turnbull, Muggeridge, Tatam, Alder, Apatu, Tuck, Leach, Mcleod, Sebley, Satchwell, Appleton Seymour, Hawkins, Lunt, Giesen, Biggs, Martin

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[List of names in this title still to be added – HBKB]



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