St Andrew’s Men’s Club Treasurer’s Notebook 1967-69



St. Andrew’s Men’s Club

Classic REDG.

Men’s Club


Derek Ainge  [Name crossed out in pen] 19-8-0
W Goldstone [Name crossed out in pen] 18-4-2


Annual Meeting

W. Neilson     D Rapley
J Izatt     C Haswell
A Izatt    W Hastings
A Ferguson     M Parkhill
A Dick     D Tilling
M Olsen     R K Mitchell
D B Rutherford     E Elliott
B de Castro     R de Castro
B Farquharson     J F Nelson
B Sweet
H Powdrell
W Ferrier
D J McKay
S Stark
D Gordon
A Cameron
E Powdrell
A K Macdonald
H P Lee
G Farquharson


Annual Meeting

11th May 1967

Attendance 32

D J McKay  Postages 17-6
Buns  10-0
J F Nelson  Envelopes  13-10
Tea  9-6
Sugar  1-6
R K Mitchell  Milk  10

Subs 29 (10/-)  £14-10-0

Cd fwd  5-2-4
Subs  14-10-0
Exs 2-13-2

POSB  3-11-3
Cash 13-7-11


H J Barlow
G Watson
T A Glenny
Olsen Max  Donation 20/-
R Esler
A Kirkpatrick
D Whitaker
S Campbell
R J Thomas

Cakes 15 Doz 4/-  3-0-0
S/wiches  18 Doz 4/-  3-12-0
10% Disc 13-2

Installation Night

May 25th 1967

Attendance  100

D J McKay  Postages  15-0
R K Mitchell  Milk  2-3
Caterers  Cakes  15 Doz  5-18-10

Subs 8 (10/-) 1 (20/-)  £4-0-0
29 + 9 Members 37 Donation  1-0-0

Cd Fwd  16-19-2
Donation  1- –
Subs 4-0-0
Exs 6-16-1

POSB 3-11-3
Cash 11-11-10

J McCay  10/-
P Gardiner  10/-
J Newall  10/-
G H Kershaw  20/-
G Feigler  10/-
C Goldsmith  10/-
W Burnett  10/-
T Townsend  10/-
G Goldsmith  10/-
G Kershaw  10/-

June 8th 1967

Attendance 33

D J McKay  Stamps  13-0
Buns  10-0
R K Mitchell  Milk  10

Subs 10 @ 10/-  5-0-0
37+10 = 47 Members
Donation  10-0

Brt Fwd  15-3-1
Subs 5-0-0
Donation  10-0
Exp. 1-3-10

POSB 3-11-3
Cash 15-18-0

A W Whyte  20/-
F McGregor  10/-
J Camp  10/-
I Snadden  10/-
K Macklow  10/-
C Harrington  10/-

June 22nd 1967

Attendance 46

D J McKay  Stamps  13-0
Buns  10-0
A Ferguson  Milk  10

Subs 6 (10/-)  3-0-0
47+6 = 53 Members
Donation  10-0

Brt Fwd. 19-9-3
Subs  3-0-0
Donation  10-0
Exp. 1-3-10

POSB 3-11-3
Cash 18-4-2

J L Jones  10/-
A Young  10/-
L E Horn  10/-
J Foster  10/-

July 6th 1967

Attendance 42

D J McKay  Stamps  13-0
Buns  10-0
Wilsons Wreath (H Elliot  1-5-0
R K Mitchell  Milk  10
$4.88  £2-8-10

Subs 4 (10/-)  £ 2-0-0
53 + 4 Members = 57

Brt Fwd  21-15-5
Subs 2-0-0
Exs  2-8-10
£ 21-6-7

POSB 18-11-3 $37.12
Cash 2-15-4
£ 21-6-7  $42.66

J Tod  10/-
P Love  10/-
Dr A G McPherson  10/-
A Lowe  10/-

20th July 1967

Attendance 43

D J McKay  Stamps  1.35
Buns  1.00
E Elliott  Milk  08

Subs 4 ($1)  4.00
57 + 4 = 61 Members

Bt Fwd  42.66
Subs.  4.00
Exs  2.43

POSB 37.12
Cash 7.11

W Fleming  $1

August 3rd 1967

Attendance 41

D J McKay  Stamps  1.40
Buns  1.00
R K Mitchell  08

Subs 1 ($1)  $1.00
61 + 1 = 62 Members

Bt Fwd  44.23
Sub  1.00
Exs  2.48

POSB 37.12
Cash 5.63

August 17th 1967

Attendance 35

D J McKay  Stamps  1.30
Buns  1.00
E Elliott  Milk  .08
J F Nelson  Envelopes  1.38

62 Members

Bt Fwd  42.75
Exs 3.76

POSB 37.12
Cash 1.87

August 31st 1967

Attendance 35

D J McKay  Stamps  1.30
Buns  1.00
R  K Mitchell  Milk  .08

Subs 3 ($1)
62 + 3 = 65 Members  $3.00

Cd Fwd  38.99
Subs  3.00
Exs 2.38

Dick Healy
Geoff Sole
M Thornton

POSB 37.12
Cash 2.49

September 14th 1967

Attendance 27

D J McKay  Stamps  1.30
Buns  1.00
E Elliott  Milk  .08

65 Members

Cd Fwd  39.61
Exs 2.38

POSB 37.12
Cash .11

12th October 1967

Ladies Night
Incl 20 Children
Attendance 145

D J McKay  Stamps  1.80
Benzine 1.00
R K Mitchell  Milk  .08
J F Nelson  Tea  .26
Sugar  .18
Cordial  .34
Caterers 20 Doz Cakes @ 48c  9.60
20 Doz S/wiches @ 42c  8.40
Less 10% 1.80

65 Members

Brt Fwd  34.85
Exs 19.86

POSB 5.12
Cash 9.87

Final 1967

St Andrews   6.00

POSB  5.12 + 32c
Cash  3.87

Brt Fwd  14.99
Exp 6.00
+ Interest  32

Aver attendance 36.4

N Parkhill  1.50
D J McKay  1.50
G T Kershaw  1.50  50c.
A Dick  1.50
C Goldsmith  1.50
D Rutherford  1.50
A Ferguson  1.50

Annual Meeting

15th May 1968

Attendance 18

Stamps 1st committee Meet. 30c
Stamps Annual.  $1.35c.
6lb. Sugar. 39c.
1 lb. Tea.  40c
Buns  72c.
Stamps. Installation  $1.15c

Cash brought fd.  $31.51
7 Subscriptions  $10.50
Donation  .50
Expenses  4.31
C/F.  $38.20

H Powdrell  1.50
J Newell  1.00
A Ferguson  2.00
A Dick  2.00
B Sweet  1.50
B de Castro  1.50
C Goldsmith  1.50
S Stark  1.50
W Ferrier  1.50
M Parkhill  1.50
W Fleming  1.50
K Marriott  1.50
H P Lee  1.50
Len Horn  1.50
G Farquharson  1.50
D Rutherford  1.50
A Kirkpatrick  1.50
Rev. S Campbell  1.50
D J McKay  1.50

Annual Meeting

16th May 1968

Attendance 33

D J McKay  Stamps  1.45
E Elliott  Milk  .08
J F Nelson  Biscuits  .70
Tea  .48

Subs  1 (1.00)  18 (1.50) = 19   $28.00
Donations 2 (.50)  $1.00

Brt Fwd  9.31
Subs 28.00
Dontations  1.00
Exs 2.71

POSB 5.44
Cash 30.16

E Powdrell  1.50
J Newell  Balance  .50
J McCay  1.50
G T Kershaw  1.50
G H Kershaw  1.50
D Whitaker  1.50
Max Olsen  1.50
E Miller  1.50
T Townsend  1.50
R K Mitchell  1.50
L G Goldsmith  1.50
D Tilling  1.50
J Nelson  1.50
RJ Thomas  1.50

Installation Night

30th May 1968

Attendance  110 + 22 children

J F Nelson  Sugar  .36
R K Mitchell  Milk  .20
B Fleming  Postages  2.00
Catering  14.35
J F Nelson  Envelopes  1.35

Subs 13 (1.50 )  19.50
Balance 1 sub + 50 cents  .50   $20.00
19 + 13 = 32 Members

Brt Fwd  35.60
Subs  20.00
Exs 18.26

POSB 29.94
Cash 7.40

J Izatt
A Izatt
A Whyte
F McGregor
P Gardiner
W Burnett
E Elliott
R Arrell
J Foster
B Farquharson
J L Jones

13th June 1968

Attendance 28

J F Nelson  Biscuits  .42
E Elliott  Milk  .08
W Fleming  Stamps  1.40

Subs 11 (1.50)  $16.50
32 + 11 = 43 Members

Brt Fwd  37.34
Subs  16.50
Exs 1.90

POSB 29.94
Cash 22.00

W Neilson
K Macklow
H Cameron

27th June 1968

Attendance 34

W Fleming  Stamps  1.20
A Powdrell  Milk  .08

Subs 3 (1.50)  $4.50
43 + 3 = 46 Members

Brt Fwd  51.94
Subs  4.50
Exs 1.28

POSB 29.94
Cash 25.22

Don Gordon  1.50
R J Esler  1.50
W Martin  1.50
Arch Rennie  1.50
Flat 1 Westcourt 410 Nelson St N

11th July 1968

Attendance 40

W Fleming  Stamps  1.25
Buns  72
E Elliott  Milk  8

Subs 4 (1.50)  $6.00
46 + 4 = 50 Members

Brt Fwd  55.16
Subs  6.00
Exs 2.05

POSB 29.94
Cash 29.17
Donations $5.25

Dick Healy  1.50

25th July 1968

Attendance 28

W Fleming  Stamps  1.50
Buns  72
R K Mitchell  Milk  08

Sub 1 (1.50)  $1.50
50 + 1 = 51 Members

Brt Fwd  59.11
Sub  1.50
Exs 2.30
+ Donations $5.25

POSB 29.94
Cash 28.37

Glen Feigler   $1.00
M Thornton  1.50

8th August 1968

Attendance 30

W Fleming  Stamps  1.40
Buns  .72
E Elliott  Milk  .08

Subs 2 ($1.00) ($1.50)  $2.50
51 + 2 = 53 Members

Brt Fwd  58.31
Subs  2.50
Donations 5.25
Exs 2.20

POSB 51.94
Cash 11.92

22nd August 1968

Attendance 24

W Fleming  Stamps  1.40
Buns  .72
H Powdrell  Milk  .08
J F Nelson  Tea  .44

Subs Nil
53 Members

Brt Fwd  63.86
Exs 2.64

POSB 51.94
Cash 9.28

5th September 1968

Attendance 29

W Fleming  Stamps  1.50
Buns  75
E Elliott  Milk  8

Subs Nil
53 Members

Brt Fwd  61.22
Exs 2.33

POSB 51.94
Cash 6.95

19th September 1968

Attendance 26 + 9 Orphans = 35

W Fleming  Stamps  1.50
Buns  .72
H Powdrell  Milk  .08
J F Nelson  Envelopes  1.50

Subs Nil
53 Members

Brt Fwd  58.89
Exs 3.80

POSB 51.94
Cash 3.15

October 3rd 1968

Attendance 35

W Fleming  Stamps  1.50
Buns  .72
E Elliott  Milk  .08

Subs 1  $1.50
53 + 1 = 54 Members

Brt Fwd  55.09
Sub 1.50
Exs 2.30

POSB 51.94
Cash 2.35

C Haswell
Subs 1 (1.50)
53 + 1 = 54 Members

October 17th 1968

Ladies Night
Attendance 160
Incl St Aidans Womens Club 50
Euphony Singers 20

W Fleming  Stamps  3.00
E Elliott  Milk  .08
A Powdrell  Milk  .20
W Fleming  Cakes  8.90
S/wiches  3.15
Harts  Inv. Cards  5.50
St Andrews Donation  6.00

Brt Fwd  54.29
Subs 3.00
Exs 26.83

A K Macdonald
A Young
Sub 2 (1.50)
54 + 2 = 56 Members

POSB 29.94
Cash .52

Brt Fwd  30.46
Interest 1.05

Bal Fwd to 1969  $31.51  Cash.

Final 1968

Subscriptions 29-5-69.

Mr B Farquharson  $1.50
Rev. Campbell  $1.00
Mr H Powdrell  $1.50
Mr K Mitchell  $1.50

29th May

Attendance 25  Artists 4.

Cakes, Scones.  $3.48
Milk  $0.16

Brought Fwd.  $38.20
4 Subscriptions  5.50
Expenses  3.64

A F Dick

R Healey  1.50
R Arrell  1.50
M Olsen  1.50 + 50c
E Powdrell  1.50
T Townsend  1.50
P Lee  1.50
A Whyte  1.50
P Gardiner  1.50

12th June
Attendance 23 members.
Speaker & Artists 3.

Brought Forward  $40.06
8 Subscriptions  12.00
Donation  50

Stamps  $1.15
Scones  0.72
C/F.  $50.69

A. F. Dick.

J Nelson  $1.50
B Sweet  (donation)  $1.00
I Snadden  $1.50
R Esler  $1.50  10/7/
Rev. Mitchell  $1.00  10/7/69
E Elliott  $1.50  10/7/69

26th June

Attendance 23.
Speaker & Artists 3.

Stamps  $1.05
Scones  .72
Sunlight Liquid  .55

Brought Fwd.  $50.69
Expenses  2.32

2 Subscriptions  3.00
Donation 1.00

A. F. Dick.

D Tilling  $1.50

10th July

Attendance 16.

Stamps  $1.05
Scones  .72
Milk  17

Brought Fwd.  $52.37
3 Subs  4.00
Expenses  1.94

A. F. Dick.

24th July

Attendance 15.
Financial – 27

Stamps  $1.05
Scones  $00.72

Brought Forward  $54.43
1 Sub  1.50
Expenses  1.77

A. F. Dick.

J Newell  $1.50
G Feighler  $1.00

7th Aug

Attendance 18.
Financial 29.

Stamps  $1.15
Scones  .72
Milk  .08

Brought Forward  $54.16
2 Subs  2.50
Expenses  1.95

A. F. Dick.

L Jones  $1.50
G H Kershaw  $2.00
D & J Izatt  $2.00

21st Aug.

Stamps  $1.15
Scones  .72
Milk  .05
BF  54.71
3 Sub  5.50
Expenses  1.92

4th Sept.

Financial 32
Attendance 18  Artists 2.

Scones  $0.72
Stamps  $1.15
Milk  .05

Brought Fwd  $58.29
Expenses  1.92
Printing  9.06  10.98

A. F. Dick

A M Young  $1.50
A Rennie  $1.50
J Foster  $1.50

18th Sept.

Attendance 17  Artists 4.
Financial 35.

Scones  $0.72
Stamps  $1.15
Envelopes $1.44

Brought Fwd  $47.31
3 Subs.  4.50
Expenses  3.31

A. F. Dick

2nd Oct.

W Burnett  $1.50.

Attendance 16
Artists 3.

Scones  $0.72
Stamps  $1.20
Tea  .58

Brought Fwd.  $48.50
1 Sub  1.50
Expenses  2.50

St Andrew’s Men’s Club

Supplied by
Queen St., Hastings.

Original digital file


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[List of names in this title still to be added – HBKB]

Business / Organisation

St Andrew's Presbyterian Church

Format of the original

Handwritten notebook

Date published


Accession number


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