Tuki Tuki Station Drawing Letters 2000

“Totara Cottage,
56 Te Mata Road,

23rd May, 00

Dear Jeremy,

Following our discussion of the large Geoff Fuller painting in your office of Tuki Tuki Station and background hills; Cyril, at their request, prepared for the Coops this pointillist drawing of the Homestead.

The house, with its unique verandahs, really stood out from the road and I thought you might enjoy viewing the Homestead from another artist’s eyes.

Yours sincerely,
Hettie Park

25 May 2000

Mrs Hettie Park
“Totara Cottage”
56 Te Mata Road

Dear Hettie

Thanks for your note of 23 May 2000, and for enclosing Cyril’s really attractive artist’s view of “Coop’s place”.

Tell Cyril I think it’s a great reflection of the old homestead – and it has made me contrast my old image of it with the new homestead that has been created in recent years after the fire. I realise how carefully they have re-established some of the character of that great house.

Cyril’s done a wonderful job – tell him so. I appreciate you sending it to me, and best wishes to you both.

Yours sincerely
J Dwyer

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Format of the original


Date published

23, 25 May 2000

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