Waimarama Survey District Map 1929



3,900 ACRES.

NOTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned lands are open for sale or selection under the Land Act, 1924, and that applications will be received at the District Lands and Survey Office, NAPIER, up to 4 o’clock p.m. on

Monday, 11th February, 1929.

Applicants must appear personally before the Land Board for examination at the District Lands and Survey Office, Napier, on Tuesday, 12th February, 1929, at 10.30 o’clock a.m., but if any applicant so desires he may be examined by the Land Board of any other district.

The ballot will be held at the District Lands and Survey Office, Napier, at the conclusion of the examination of applicants.

The lands are open for general application, and may, at the option of the applicant, be purchased for Cash or on Deferred Payments, or be selected on Renewable Lease.

Preference at the ballot will be given to landless applicants who have one or more children dependent upon them; to landless applicants who within two years immediately preceding date of the ballot have applied for land at least twice unsuccessfully; to applicants who have served beyond New Zealand as members of the Expeditionary Force; to persons engaged on military service beyond New Zealand in connection with the late war, if such persons immediately prior to the war were bona fide residents of New Zealand; and to applicants who, while domiciled in New Zealand, have served beyond New Zealand as members of any of His Majesty’s Forces in connection with any war other than the war with Germany.

An application may include any number of sections shown on the sale plan, but no person will be allotted more than one section.



SECTION 1, BLOCK I:  Area, 500 acres 3 roods 20 perches.  Capital value, £7,525.  Deposit on deferred payments, £375.  Half-yearly instalments, £232 7s 6d.  Renewable lease: Half-yearly rent, £150 10s.

Improvements valued at £90 are included in the capital value, and comprise half-share 181 chains boundary-fencing and 75 chains subdivisional fencing.

This section is situated twenty-one miles and a half from Hastings Railway-station, by good formed and metalled road for nineteen miles and by new settlement road to be formed for two miles and a half – three miles and a half from Waimarama Post-office and school.  Comprises easy undulating country of calcareous sandstone formation.  Native pasture.  Well watered by two large permanent streams – Kaikopu and Puhokio.

Road frontage, whole of western boundary, and large section of southern boundary are fenced; 75 chains of internal fencing of little account.  Area of 90 acres in light bush, fairly open, with a certain amount of grass through it.  There is a quantity of blackberry on the section, and the altitude ranges from 250 ft. to 690 ft. above sea-level.

Section 2, Block I:  Area, 463 acres 3 roods.  Capital value, £6,925.  Deposit on deferred payments, £325.  Half-yearly instalment, £214 10s.  Renewable lease:  Half-yearly rent, £138 10s.

Improvements valued at £152 are included in the capital value, and comprise half-share 100 chains boundary-fencing, 165 chains subdivisional fencing, and old sheep-yards.

The section is situated about twenty-two miles from Hastings Railway-station, by good formed and metalled road for nineteen miles and by new settlement road to be formed for three miles – four miles from Waimarama Post-office and school.

Comprises block locally known as “Fighting Pa Hill,” altitude ranges from 250 ft. to 600 ft.  Easy undulating country of papa and calcareous sandstone formation.  Good grazing country, mostly native pasture; small patches of light bush and scrub with grass through it.  Watered by permanent streams, and generally in good heart.  Quantity of blackberry in north-east corner.  This section is almost completely fenced.  About 165 chains of internal fencing cutting the section into four paddocks.  Sheep-yards at north-east corner, old but in fair repair.

Section 3, Block I:  Area, 721 acres.  Capital value, £9,835.  Deposit on deferred payments, £485.  Half-yearly instalment, £303 17s 6d.  Renewable lease:  Half-yearly rent, £196 14s.

Improvements valued at £170 are included in the capital value, and comprise half-share 230 chains good boundary fencing and 110 chains subdivisional fencing.

This section is situated about twenty-three miles and a half from Hastings Railway-station, by good metalled road for nineteen miles and by new settlement road to be formed for four miles and a half – five miles and a half from Waimarama Post-office and school.

Comprises in its northern and middle portions easy undulating country, and at the south-western extremity rises to a comparatively higher flat-topped ridge.  There are about 180 acres at the top of this ridge almost flat and good quality; but, unfortunately, without water.  Altitude ranges from about 300 ft. to 1,750 ft. above sea-level.  For the greater part the formation is calcareous sandstone, and the remainder papa, principally on the lower levels.  Mostly in native pasture and well watered.

Section 4, Block I, and Section 4, Block II:  Area, 882 acres.  Capital value, £9,365.  Deposit on deferred payments, £465.  Half-yearly instalments, £289 5s.  Renewable lease:  Half-yearly rent, £187 6s.

Improvements valued at £131 are included in the capital value, and comprise half-share 150 chains boundary-fencing and 150 chains subdivisional fencing.

This section  is situated twenty-four miles from Hastings Railway-station, nineteen miles by good metalled road and five miles by new settlement road to be formed – six miles from Waimarama Post-office and school.  Comprises hill […].

Divided into two portions by the Waimarama – Te Apiti Road, which it is intended to form only up to the north-west corner of section.  That portion of section lying between the road and sea consists of 716 acres 2 roods 9 perches, but an area of approximately 166 acres of this is broken, slipping country, facing the coast, and is difficult of access, the remaining 550 acres of the eastern portion of the section comprises fair grazing country, good in winter and spring, but inclined to suffer during dry seasons.  In native pasture.  On the western side of the road the country is better, and includes streams providing permanent water fed by springs.  Sandstone formation, and carries native pasture; small patches of light bush.  Te Apiti boundary is fenced by old but well maintained fence.

Section 1, Block II:  Area, 640 acres.  Capital  value, £7,400.  Deposit on deferred payments, £400.  Half-yearly instalment, £227 10s.  Renewable lease:  Half-yearly rent, £148.

Improvements valued at £114 are included in the capital value, and comprise half-share 94 chains old boundary-fencing, 22 chains road-fencing, and 144 chains subdivisional fencing.

This section is situated twenty-one miles and a half from Hastings Railway-station, by metalled road for about nineteen miles and about two miles and a half by new settlement road about to be formed, and three miles and a half from Waimarama Post-office and school.

The altitude ranges from sea-level to 585 ft., and comprises easy hilly country.  An area of about 100 acres facing the coast is somewhat broken, slipping country, extending from the boundary with Section 2, Block II, Waimarama, to within about 15 chains of the point shown on plan as Te Rahui.  The coastal frontage is on more solid country.

Formation is papa, and pasture consists of native grasses.  Watered by permanent streams in western part, other portions not so well watered.  Particularly good spring and winter country; inclined to be dry in summer.  Quantity of blackberry on section.

Section 2, Block II:  Area, 693 acres.  Capital value, £8,175.  Deposit on deferred payment, £375.  Half-yearly instalment, £253 10s.  Renewable lease:  Half-yearly rent, £163 10s.

Improvements valued at (illegible) are included in the capital value, and comprise half-share 140 chains old boundary-fencing, 93 chains road-fencing, and 175 chains old subdivisional fencing.

This section is distant from Hastings Railway-station about twenty miles and a half, by good metalled road for nineteen miles and by new settlement road about to be formed, one mile and a half – two miles and a half from Waimarama Post-office and school.

Comprises easy hill country, carrying native pasture on papa formation.  Watered by three dams and by the Puhokio Stream.  There is a strip of about 15 chains along the coast which is broken and inclined to slip, but nevertheless is good sheep country which derives a certain benefit from the salt spray.  Good average winter country, inclined to become parched in a very dry season.  Road frontage and boundary with Section 3 adjoining is fenced; 175 chains of internal fencing, which, when external fencing is complete, will divide up into four paddocks.  Altitude ranges from sea-level to 585 ft.  Small amount of blackberry on this section.


Applications may be made at the District Lands and Survey Office, Napier.

Applications must be made on proper forms, to be obtained at the District Lands and Survey Office, Napier, and the principal post-offices in the locality of the lands to be opened.

The lands are described for the general information of intending selectors, who are recommended, nevertheless, to make a personal inspection, as the Department is not responsible for the absolute accuracy of any description.

In order that the Land Board may be in a position to judge the general ability of applicants to properly work and cultivate the land and fulfil the conditions, each applicant is required to produce for inspection when examined by the Board documentary evidence of his financial position, such as bank pass-books, certificates or letters of credit from managers of banks, financial institutions, or mercantile firms, or from private persons or parents undertaking to give financial assistance.  Persons undertaking to assist financially should state to what extent they are prepared to do so, and supply guarantees of their own financial position.

Applicants who may not find it convenient to appear personally at the ballot should appoint an agent to act for them, or they may send with their applications a post-office order, or a draft of cheque marked by the bank on which it is drawn as “Correct for twenty-one days”, in favour of the Receiver of Land Revenue, for the required deposit, which will be returned in case of non-success.  A separate deposit must be sent by each applicant who does not intend to be present or represented by an agent at the ballot.  Bank-notes, gold, or coin should not be forwarded by post.  Should the applicant not be present or represented by an agent to make the necessary payments on being declared successful, another ballot will be drawn immediately for the right to select.

Titles will be subject to Part XIII of the Land Act, 1924.

Sale plans and full particulars may be obtained at this office.


The attention of applicants is drawn to sections 111 and 112 of the Land Act, 1924, which provide that any person wilfully making a false declaration or obtaining land not exclusively for his own use or benefit, or any one aiding or abetting in such a breach of the Land Act, shall be liable to a term of imprisonment, in addition to the forfeiture of any land obtained by such false declaration.

J.D. TH[…]



“Cash” System.
1.   Applicants to be seventeen years of age and upwards.
2.   Applicants to furnish statutory declarations with applications, and, on being declared successful, deposit one-fifth of purchase-money; the balance, with Crown-grant fee, is payable within thirty days. The Crown-grant fee is £1 for first 100 acres or less and 1d. for each additional acre.
3.  Improvements: Purchaser must, within ten years, improve the land to the extent of £1 an acre on first-class land, 10s. an acre on second-class land, and 5s. an acre on third-class land, otherwise no Crown grant can issue.
4.   Roads may be taken through the land at any time within seven years upon payment of twice the amount paid by the original purchaser for the area taken for such roads.

1.   TERM of license: Thirty-four and one-half years.
2.   Deposit: Such amount as may be fixed by the Land Board, being not less than 3 per centum of the price of the land, together with £1 1s, license fee.
3.   The balance of the purchase-money, together with interest thereon at the rate of 5½ per centum per annum, shall be payable by half-yearly instalments extending over the above-mentioned period.
4.   With the first half-yearly instalment there shall be paid the interest on balance of purchase-money for period between date of license and date of commencement of term thereof.
5.   The licensee shall have the right at any time during the currency of his license to pay off either the whole of the purchase-money or any half-yearly instalment or instalments thereof then remaining unpaid.
6.   Upon payment of the purchase-money in full, and of all interest thereon, a Certificate of Title in respect of the land purchased shall be issued to the purchaser on payment of the prescribed Crown Grant fee.
7.   The interest of the licensee shall be subject to forfeiture in the event of his failure to pay any instalment of principal and interest due under the license or to comply with any of the conditions thereof.
8.   Applicants to be seventeen years of age and upwards.
9.   Purchaser shall execute required statutory declaration, and shall execute license within thirty days after being notified that it is ready for signature.
10.   Residence on land comprised in the license is to commence within four years on bush or swamp land, and within one year on open or partly open land, and shall be continuous thereafter for ten years.
11.   IMPROVEMENTS – Licensee is required to improve the land within one year to the value of 10 per cent. of the price; within two years, to the value of another 10 per cent.; and thereafter, but within six years, to the value of another 10 per cent. of the price. In addition to the foregoing, and within six years, improvements are also to be effected to the value of £1 for every acre of first-class land, 10s. for every acre of second-class land, and 2s. 6d. for every acre of third-class land.
12.   Licensee to pay all rates, taxes, and assessments.
13.   Transfer not allowed until after completion of two years’ continuous residence, except under extraordinary circumstances, and then only with permission.
14.   Roads may be taken through the lands at any time within seven years from date of license.
15.   License is liable to forfeiture if conditions are violated.

1.   TERM of lease: Sixty-six years, with a perpetual right of renewal for further successive terms of sixty-six years.
2.   Rent: 4 per cent. per annum on the capital value, payable on 1st January and 1st July in each year.
3.   Applicants to be seventeen years of age and upwards.
4.   Applicants to furnish statutory declaration with applications, and, on being declared successful, deposit £1 1s. (lease fee), and a half-year’s rent. Rent for the broken period between date of lease and 1st January or 1st July following is also payable.
5.   Applications made on the same day are deemed to be simultaneous.
6.   Order of selection is decided by ballot.
7.   Successful applicant to execute lease within thirty days after being notified that it is ready for signature.
8.   Residence is to commence within four years in bush land or swamp land, and within one year on open or partly open land, and to be continuous for ten years (crease line illegible) be dispensed with.
9.   Improvements. – Lessee is required to improve the land within one year to the value of 10 per cent. of the price; within two years, to the value of another 10 per cent. of the price; and thereafter, but within six years, to the value of another 10 per cent. of the price. In addition to the foregoing, and within six years, improvements are also to be effected to the value of £1 for every acre of first-class land, 10s. for every acre of second-class land, and 2s. 6d. for every acre of third-class land.
10.   Lessee to pay all rates, taxes, and assessments.
11.   Transfer not allowed until completion of two years’ continuous residence, except under extraordinary circumstances, and then only with permission.
12.   Roads may be taken through the lands at any time within seven years; twice the original value to be allowed for area taken for such roads.
13.   Lease is liable to forfeiture if conditions are violated.

1.   It is hereby notified that the working boundary between Sections 3 and 4, Block I, Waimarama Survey District, and the Te Apiti property will be the give-and-take fence-line along the survey boundary, which is a straight line. This arrangement is legally protected by an agreement between the owners of Te Apiti and the Crown.
2.   An area of 25 acres 3 roods 26 perches indicated by dotted line to the north-east of the south-west boundary of Section 2, Block I, Waimarama Survey District, and parallel thereto, is still subject to a Native lease to Miki Thomas up to the 1st November 1931. The lessee, in all probability, will only graze over that area between his north-eastern boundary and the parallel fence-line shown on the plan.
3.   Mr. J. Gillies, who resides at the Hastings end of the block, has kindly placed at the Department’s disposal one of his sons to act as a guide to intending applicants desirous of making an inspection. Riding-hacks may be obtained from Mr. Gillies’s son at 10s. per day or part thereof, by arrangement.
4.  Possession to be given on the day of sale.

Sites of Trigonometrical Stations and rights-of-way thereto are reserved.  Interference with any survey peg or mark is a misdemeanour under the Land Act.


Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block I and Sections 1, 2 and 4, Block II.
Scale:  20 chains to an inch.

Lot 6
D.P. 2860
Native Owners

Lot 9
D.P. 2860
John Barker

Lot 10
D.P. 2860
John Barker

Lot 11
D.P. 2859
Selby Miles Palmer

(Native Owners.)

Practically level land of good quality on top of main ridge.
Originally heavy rimu bush, which has been felled & burned.
(Few patches 2nd growth).  Now carrying good grass.

20½ miles from Hastings Rly. Stn. and 2½ miles from Waimarama P.O.

Native Land

Morehu Turoa

PT. Lot 2   Lot 1
D.P. 3251[?]
John Williams (Owner)


‘Te Apiti’ Boundary fence partly on […] take line as shown.  Old fence in fairly good order.

Totara posts.  7 plain, 1 barb wire.  Largely black wire.  Some iron droppers between posts.

Lot 1
D.P. 3215
Williams Family

Lot 2
D.P. 3216
R. Sunderland

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  • John Barker
  • J Gillies
  • Selby Miles Palmer
  • R Sunderland
  • Miki Thomas
  • Morehu Turoa
  • John Williams

Accession number


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