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Waitahora District and School 75th Jubilee Celebrations
On Thursday February 16th 1978 a marquee 125’ x 45’, which was hired from W. K. Backhouse of Wanganui, was erected in the small paddock (adjacent to the school house) which had been especially fenced and grassed the year before. This was beautifully decorated the following day by members and friends of the Waitahora Branch of W.D.F.F. with natural blooms and greenery. It was lit by flood lights and coloured lights from the Dannevirke Electric Power Board and the Dannevirke Operatic Society.
A comprehensive display of old photographs, maps and documents as well as many antique household items was mounted in the newly carpeted classroom by Mr Norman Buchanan, Convener of Displays and Mr Selby Thompson. Outdoors there were larger items of interest from early farming days and a display of different breeds of sheep run in the district over the years which was arranged by Alister Buchanan.
The Buffet Luncheon was attended by one hundred and sixty-three people and catered for by Prentice Catering of Palmerston North who also provided the dinner. Roll Call at 1.30pm was conducted by John MacGibbon using the Blue River Dance Band sound system. Photographs were taken by Claus Vindriis of Avant Garde Studios of Palmerston North. At 3pm afternoon tea was served.
At 5.30pm Jubilee Committee Members met invited guests Sir Keith Holyoake (Lady Holyoake regrettably was unable to attend), Mr L.C. Hunter, Chairman of the Dannevirke County Council and Mrs Hunter, and Mr J.A.N. Halford Chairman of the Hawkes Bay Education Board and Mrs Halford. They were entertained and the ladies presented with sprays.
Mr Wynn Jones, a past teacher of the school and at present resident in Christchurch, was the Toastmaster for the formal dinner which commenced at 6.30pm and was attended by one hundred and seventy three people.
Grace was said by Andrew Thompson and the Loyal Toast proposed by Sir Keith.
Following the meal Sir Keith proposed the Toast to the District mentioning the hardworking men and women of character who showed courage, vigour and imagination and who hewed out the farms and made the Waitahora what it is today – ‘a beautiful spot’. He also said ‘There is something distinctive about the spirit of the Waitahora community . . .’
Mr Ian MacGibbon Snr replied and spoke of some of the old identities of the district including Rory McKenzie, Samuel Hooper-Smith, George Buchanan, Ernest Thompson, Sandy McLean, Archie Wright, John MacGibbon, Bert Smith, Lewis Price, Harry Tickner, Bill Brown, Hugh Blyth, John Robertson, Jack Harvey and Donald McDonald.
A saddening note during the celebrations was the sudden death on Friday February 17th of Mr Dick Buchanan, a highly esteemed past resident of the district. His speech, previously written to propose the Toast to the School, gave a brief outline of its progress over the years. This was read by his nephew, Mr Alister Buchanan and the respectful silence which followed was tribute indeed to the late Mr Buchanan.
Mr Eion Simmons, Chairman of the School Committee suitably replied expressing confidence in the future of the school.
The Toast to the Dannevirke County Council and the Hawkes Bay Education Board was proposed by Mr Eion Hooper-Smith and replied to by Mr L.C. Hunter and Mr J.A.N. Halford who spoke of the attention given to the district by both bodies.
Mr Bryce Ellingham proposed the Toast to Absent Friends, following which the Jubilee Cake, donated by Mr and Mrs Hooper-Smith and iced by Mrs Joan Holyoake, was cut by Mrs Rachel Mills (nee White) one of the early residents of the district and Mrs May Newman (nee Campbell), one of the early teachers.
In proposing the Toast to the Jubilee Committee, Mr Norman Buchanan said the success of the celebrations was due to the organisation of the Jubilee Committee and the co-operation of the residents. Mr Marshall Tickner in replying said the committee had worked well together as a team and was delighted by the number of people who had attended making the Jubilee a very worthwhile project.
Following the dinner, dancing was enjoyed to the music of Trevor Kirk’s Dance Band.
Approximately one hundred and fifty people attended the Church Service held in the marquee at lam. This was conducted by Reverend Ron Sinclair, a lay preacher (and also a dairy farmer at Re Rehunga). Interspersed with the hymns ‘Now Thank We All Our God’, ‘All People That on Earth Do Dwell’ and ‘Lord Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing’, were Bible readings by Marshall Tickner (present resident), Edith MacGibbon (Jubilee Committee) and Kim Ferguson (present school pupil). Pianist for the service was Mrs Fairlie Nicol.
The barbecue lunch was a very colourful occasion as the weather was perfect and clothing, outdoor furniture and floral decorations combined to create a very bright scene. Two large barbecues and food provided by present residents, catered for about two hundred and twenty people.
During the afternoon an informal cricket match between was played on the Waitahora cricket pitch.
Following the Jubilee celebrations many compliments both verbal and written were received by the committee indicating that those who had attended had enjoyed the time of reacquaintance and reminiscence.
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