Waiwhare School 1969 Log Book


Donald Whyte
Richard Hoy
Warren Sculpher
Russell Tolley
Patrick Ward
Stuart Comrie
Ian Tasker
Grant Tolley
Lance Tolley
Neville Moult
Anthony Sculpher
Sidney Sculpher
Allan Janes
Andrew Ward
Stephen Gordon
Mark Graham
Christopher Graham
Paul Tasker
Duane Sowman
Angus Richards
Angela Botzen
Lynda Comrie
Robyn Drummond
Paula Tolley
Barbara Ward
Helen Richards
Ann Whyte
Kay Lawrence
Sally Smith
Janice Moult
Wendy Kyle
Allison McPhail
Jane Redman
Kirsten Smith
Dawn Botzen
Robyn McDonald
Sandra McDonald
Kirsty McPhail
Maree Ward
Marion Tasker
Jeanette Comrie
Vanessa Whatarau
Sandra McPhail
Julie Tasker

Donald Whyte
Ann Whyte
Jeanette Comrie
Stephen Gordon
Sandra McPhail
Mark Graham
Christopher Graham
Ian Tasker
Marion Tasker
Paul Tasker
Julie Tasker
Duane Sowman
Angus Richards

Angela Botzen
Dawn Botzen
Lynda Comrie
Robyn Drummond
Janice Moult
Neville Moult
Warren Sculpher
Anthony Sculpher
Sidney Sculpher
Duane Sowman
Ian Tasker
Marion Tasker
Paul Tasker
Julie Tasker
Paula Tolley
Barbara Ward
Donald Whyte
Vanessa Whatarau
Patrick Ward

Mr WR Taylor

Miss Patricia E Golden. Resigned end of year.

KW Lawrence, Chairman
HA McPhail, Secretary/Treasurer
Mrs G Botzen
Messrs J Kyle
I. Gordon


FEBRUARY   Miss PE Golden appointed Assistant Mistress. Staying with Mr & Mrs FW Ward.

FEBRUARY/SEPTEMBER   Considerable interest displayed in Captain Cook embroidery. Photographs appeared in “Herald-Tribune”, “Daily Telegraph”, “Dominion”, “Gisborne News”, “National Education”.  Embroidery displayed in Hastings, Napier and Gisborne Post Offices.

MARCH   D&A Day, Matapiro. Swimming sports at Sherenden.

APRIL   Very heavy winds. Volley Board badly damaged. Children kept indoors.
Biennial Householders’ meeting.

MAY   Death of Mrs Barbara Dampney. Her untiring efforts on behalf of the school have been placed on record.

JUNE   South Island tour. S3 – F2 pupils in conjunction with Sherenden School. Stayed at Greymouth Youth Hostel. Visited points of interest on the West Coast – gold and coal mining, museums at Black’s Point and Hokitika. Party entertained at Parliament by Mrs EM Tombleson, MP. A most successful visit, both educational and enjoyable.

JULY   Death of Archdeacon Weymouth [Waymouth]. Many people from the district attended his funeral in Havelock North. Staff, pupils and Committee sent floral tributes.

Full sports programme undertaken, with commendable results.

AUGUST   Mrs Giorgi, Mayoress of Hastings, visited and showed slides on the Hastings Embroidery in England.
S1 – P2 visited Kaweka School Forest for initial tour.
Planted an area of Japanese Larch trees.
Forestry visits to be a regular institution.

SEPTEMBER   Mr WR Taylor, Head Teacher, resigned his position upon appointment as Art and Craft Specialist at Palmerston North Intermediate Normal School, position to take effect in February 1970. Duration as Head Teacher at Waiwhare – four years and one term. Mrs Mary Drummond took over Red Cross work at school.

OCTOBER   Annual Red Cross sewing week under direction of Mrs A Hoy. Large number of garments produced.

NOVEMBER   Two classes of infants from Camberley School, Hastings, spent one day here, accompanied by teachers and parents. Also observed Mr FW Ward’s farm.
Operetta “Carry on Countess” performed at Sherenden Hall. One matinee, one evening performance. Large attendance from other schools, of parents and friends. A most successful venture.

DECEMBER:   Breakup Ceremonies. Seniors presented play. Juniors presented song with mimed action.
School and District presentations to Mr WR Taylor, resigning Head Teacher.
Mr KW Lawrence, on behalf of the district, thanked Mr Taylor for work and activities over past 4 ½ years.
School presentation to Miss P Golden, resigning Assistant Mistress.

SWIMMING SHIELD:  Sally & Kirsty Smith

BOOKS PRESENTED BY:   Mrs G Botzen, resigning school committee member.

District’s farewell party for Mr and Mrs. Taylor. Held at home of Mr and Mrs AJ Hoy.


This work, designed and executed by the senior pupils, went on display at the chief Post Offices in Hastings, Napier and Gisborne. Photographs of the embroidery appeared in the “Hawke’s Bay Herald-Tribune”, the “Daily Telegraph”, the “Dominion”, the “Gisborne News”, and “National Education”.

Pictured with the embroidery are:

Front: Kirsty Smith, Grant Tolley, Tony Sculpher, Sally Smith, Janice Moult, Allison McPhail, Warren Sculpher, Wendy Kyle, Lance Tolley, Neville Moult, Patrick Ward, Ann Whyte.

Rear: Robyn Drummond, Angela Botzen, Paula Tolley, Donald Whyte, Jane Redman, Stuart Comrie, Barbara Ward, Helen Richards, Kay Lawrence, Lynda Comrie.

Outside School House
Mrs DA Taylor, Miss C Boyden (Asst Mistress 1968), Miss P Golden (Asst Mistress 1969)

Bill & Delia Taylor

Richard Hoy, Lance & Russell Tolley, Neville Moult,


Standard three to Form 2 pupils, in conjunction with a party from Sherenden School, spent a week in the South Island. They were accompanied by their respective Head Teachers, Mr WR Taylor and Mr R Stuart, together with ladies from both districts.

The party stayed at Greymouth and visited points of interest on the West Coast, including gold and coal mining and various museums.

Below are copies of verse taken from a book compiled by the Waiwhare pupils after their return.

His hand slipped.
Down went the pan,
And his gold,
Four nuggets,
Into the river.
Oh, what a loss,
Just because of his
It was so evilly cold,
He knelt down and wept.

Paula Tolley

Gold Pans and Cold Hands

Verse One:

The hose slowly pounded onto the old, ancient stones.
The water gushed madly, ran down the old wooden troughs.
The water looked dirty and cold,
The flakes of gold lay there.

Verse Two:

Up on the table the old bottles sat.
These were used many years ago
In the fifty-eight hotels.
But now only the ground on which they once stood remains.

Verse Three:

We ran down to watch some gold being panned.
We looked into the old tin pan.
There were some old rocks,
How could there be any gold?
The water flew round and round in the pan.
He shoved out the big stones.
Now there remained the small, gritty stones.
He swished them around.
They slowly seemed to disappear into the big, cold tub of water.
Now lay a small trace of flaky gold.

Robyn Drummond

Kay Lawrence

Christchurch Cathedral

Paula Tolley

Janice Moult & Patrick Ward

View from Summit, Lewis Pass Road

Southern Alps From North Canterbury

Sluicing for gold, Goldsborough, West Coast

Lunch at Maruia Springs Hotel

Panning for gold, Goldsborough, West Coast

Lifeboat Drill, overseas vessel at Wellington

Vehicles leaving vehicle deck, t.e.v. “Maori” at Wellington


Copies of verse written to mark man’s first landing on the moon.

Pick up the Stone

Pick up the Stone.
Throw it.
Throw it, make a weapon.
With the weapon, kill an animal.
Use the animal
For food, better weapons and tools.
Use tools to make better tools.
Now iron.
Better homes, better weapons,
Lore [More?] land, more people.
Better homes, better weapons.
Machines to carry you.
Discover more land.
Discover more things.
World discovered.
Make submarines,
Go under water,
Into sky, conquer sky.
Build rocket.
Go to the moon.
Man walk on moon.
Come back, come back,
Take us to the moon.
Take us to Mars.
Tell us about the universe.
Take us there.
Go to the moon.
To Mars.
The universe.
Pick up a stone.

Lynda Comrie

Moon Day

Today it has happened,
Columbus has done it,
Discovered a new land for all.

Today it has happened,
The “Nautilus” has done it.
Gone under the Arctic ice cap.

Today it has happened
Yuri Gargarin has done it
The first man into space.

Today it has happened,
The “Eagle” has done it.
Landed two men on the moon.
A walk making history.

Donald Whyte

Mrs Giorgi, Mayoress of Hastings, visited Waiwhare School, and spoke on the Hastings Embroidery in England. This embroidery marked the nine hundredth anniversary of the Battle of Hastings, and was worked by the Royal College of Needlework, London.
Mr and Mrs Giorgi travelled to Britain to attend the various ceremonies held to commemorate the Battle of Hastings.

October:   Infants’ Activities


L to R: Ann Whyte, Jane Redman, Barbara Ward, Kay Lawrence, Helen Richards, Robyn McDonald, Allison McPhail, Richard Hoy, Robyn Drummond (Countess), Neville Moult, Sally Smith, Angela Botzen (Princess), Ian Tasker, Donald Whyte (Captain), Janice Moult, Grant Tolley, Patrick Ward, Stuart Comrie, Paula Tolley, Russell Tolley, Lance Tolley

Act 2, Royal Yacht   Photograph: “Herald-Tribune”

Senior Boys:
Front – Grant Tolley, Neville Moult, Ian Tasker, Lance Tolley.
Rear – Russell Tolley, Patrick Ward, Stuart Comrie, Donald Whyte, Richard Hoy.

Front – Stephen Gordon, Allan Janes, Kirsty McPhail, Jeannie Comrie, Julie Tasker, Chris Graham, Sandra McPhail, Bernard Ward, Mark Graham, Angus Richards.
Standing – Maree Ward, Marion Tasker, Sandra McDonald, Dawn Botzen, Ian Tasker.

Form II (with Mrs Taylor):
Front – Donald Whyte.
Rear – Robyn Drummond, Lynda Comrie, Angela Botzen, Paula Tolley, Barbara Ward.

Senior Girls:
Sitting – Janice Moult, Wendy Kyle, Ann Whyte
Kneeling – Robyn McDonald, Kirsty Smith, Allison McPhail, Jane Redman.
Standing – Robyn Drummond, Helen Richards, Kay Lawrence, Sally Smith, Angela Botzen, Lynda Comrie, Barbara Ward, Paula Tolley.

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Surnames in this log book –
Botzen, Comrie, Dampney, Drummond, Giorgi, Golden, Gordon, Graham, Hoy, Janes, Kyle, Lawrence, McDonald, McPhail, Moult, Redman, Richards, Sculpher, Smith, Sowman, Stuart, Tasker, Taylor, Tolley, Tombleson, Ward, Whatarau, Whyte

Business / Organisation

Waiwhare School

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Digital copy of original typed book

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