Waiwhare School 1974 Log Book


Matthew Cooper
Richard Gordon
Michael Hargreaves
Gordon Kyle
Derek Owen
Angus Richards
Mark Peez
Stephen Gordon
Allan [Alan] Janes
Michael Owen
Andrew Ward
David Peez
Stuart McKay
Bonk Dixon
Clifford Tolley
Bernard Ward
Malcolm McKay
Karyn Janes
Sandra McPhail
Jeanette Comrie
Kirsty McPhail
Maree Ward
Paul Hargreaves
Simon Cooper
Steven Hargreaves
Peter Richards
Blair Iorns
Dartell Lee
Andrew Peez
Tina McNamara
Sally Redman
Belinda Henry
Maree Henry
Brigitte Sheild
Anna Kyle
Rebecca Joll
Rhonda Hales
Milton Henry

Anna Kyle
Rebecca Joll
Rhonda Hales
Milton Henry
Andrew Peez
Mark Peez
David Peez

Maree Ward
Malcolm McKay
Bonk Dixon
Angus Richards
Peter Richards
Paul Hargreaves
Steven Hargreaves
Michael Hargreaves
Sally Redman
Karyn Janes
Allan Janes
Tina McNamara
Dartell Lee
Blair Iorns

Mr JA McDonald

B. Ward, Chairman
M McKay, Secretary/Treasurer
B Cooper, Mrs W McPhail, Mrs M Richards (resigned in August).


FEBRUARY   School opened with a roll of 30, and a new assistant, Miss J Lee.
The last ¾ mile of road was sealed and now comes right to the school.
Visit by Ed. Bd. architect who advised that work will start on a new classroom to replace the old prefab. This has to be moved first as the new room will be built on the same site.
Swimming sports at Sherenden.

MARCH   Roof on new classroom.
Three Education Development Conference meetings held at Sherenden Otamauri and Waiwhare.

Working bee held to trim school hedge and complete school bus garage.
D&A Day at Matapiro. Waiwhare A team 1st in morning’s tabloids, 3rd in afternoon athletics.
Visit from Mr DW Sheppard, Inspector.

MAY   Visit from school dental nurse.
Senior children moved into new classroom, and juniors into old senior room.

JUNE   The old prefab was transported away to Waipukurau Primary School.
Visit from Public Health Nurse.

JULY   Visit from audiometrist.
Winter sports in progress.

AUGUST   Visit from Mr Farmer, schools Traffic Instructor, but school closed for in-service course at Havelock North school.

OCTOBER   Teachers course at Mayfair School on Maths.
Local teachers met with Play Centre for a discussion on the preparation of 4 year olds for school.

NOVEMBER   Visit from Mr Sanderson, who taught batik and tie-dyeing.  Swimming started.
Senior pupils constructed a stage for the end of year concert.

DECEMBER   Reports issued.
Break-up ceremony held on the 12th consisted of ‘music-hall’ type items by the pupils, followed by a smorgasbord tea, and farewell to Mr and Mrs McDonald and Miss Lee.


November – construction of the outdoor stage

Tie-dyeing & Bubbles

Goodbye old prefab …

Hello new classroom

Original digital file


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Surnames in this log book –
Comrie, Cooper, Dixon, Farmer, Gordon, Hales, Hargreaves, Henry, Iorns, Janes, Joll, Kyle, Lee, McDonald, McKay, McNamara, McPhail, Owen, Peez, Redman, Richards, Sanderson, Sheild, Tolley, Ward

Business / Organisation

Waiwhare School

Format of the original

Digital copy of original typed book

Date published


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