Waiwhare School 1975 Log Book


Bruce Cockburn
Matthew Cooper
Simon Cooper
Graeme Dudley
Warren Dudley
Douglas Drummond
Richard Gordon
Stephen Gordon
Milton Henry
Martin Joll
Gordon Kyle
Dereck Owen
Michael Owen
Richard Ostern
Andrew Peez
David Peez
Mark Peez
Stuart McKay
Clifford Tolley
Andrew Ward
Bernard Ward
Jeannie Comrie
Christine Dudley
Glenda Cockburn
Belinda Henry
Rhonda Hales
Maree Henry
Anna Kyle
Rebecca Joll
Kirsty McPhail
Sandra McPhail
Sharon Ostern
Kristina Peez
Brigitte Sheild
Susan Sparkes
Margett Christie

Christine Dudley
Graeme Dudley
Warren Dudley
Douglas Drummond
Kristina Peez
Glenda Cockburn
Bruce Cockburn
Martin Joll
Nathan Christie
Richard Ostern
Sharon Ostern
Margett Christie
Susan Sparkes
Tracey Woods

Kirsty McPhail
Clifford Tolley
Bernard Ward
Michael Owen
Dereck Owen
Belinda Henry
Maree Henry
Milton Henry
Nathan Christie
Margett Christie


Mrs J Henry (Rel.)
Mrs S. Davidson (Rel.)

M McKay, Chairman
B Cooper Secretary/Treasurer
Mrs W McPhail, Messrs B Joll, J Henry (res. Oct.)


FEBRUARY   School opened with a roll of 24 as a Sole Charge, with a new Principal. Visit from Mr DW Sheppard, Inspector, and Mr E Hogge, P.E. Adviser.
Annual Swimming Sports at Sherenden.

MARCH   Mrs Smith Started Junior Red Cross.

APRIL   D & A Sports at Matapiro

MAY   Began Term II as a Two-Teacher School, roll now 28. Mrs Henry relieving.

JUNE   School closed for In-Service course. Traffic Officer Farmer visited.

JULY   Visit from Board Building Supervisor. Parents’ working bee held to clear out gardens, and remove rubbish from Junior Playground area.

AUGUST  Boys 10-a-side rugby team played in Winter Sports Tournament in Hastings.

SEPTEMBER   School roll now 35. Advertisement in Education Gazette for permanent teacher’s

position at Waiwhare. Visit from Board Building Supervisor. School closed for one day teacher’s in-service course.

OCTOBER   Rural adviser, Mr R Pearcy, visited with a teacher from Thailand.
Building Supervisor visited – discussed plans for extra storeroom. School re-graded as Grade 3 for 1976. Senior room visited Napier Museum and Aquarium. Mrs Henry left and replaced by Mrs S Davidson

NOVEMBER   Painting working bee at Kaweka State Forest H.Q.  Visits from Mr V Owens, Adviser to Junior Classes and from Nurse Cooper and Rev. McGechie. General Elections – school used as a Polling Booth.

DECEMBER   Swimming re-commenced. Six-a-side cricket team visited Argyll East School. Reports issued, School Break-up ceremony held. Mr Page, retiring General Manager of the Board was Guest Speaker. The children’s items of plays, a Christmas Pageant and puppet plays were followed by a barbecue tea and games. Swimming Shield to Gordon Kyle. Mrs Barnett farewelled after serving as Bus Driver for many years.


Red Cross Eeling Expedition, April, 1975

Examination of a bees’ nest

February, 1975
Back Row left to right: Alistair Melvin (principal), ?, Stuart McKay, Stephen Gordon, Kirsty McPhail, Sandra McPhail, Bernard Ward, Michael Owen, ?, Clifford Tolley
2nd Row: Andrew Ward, Angus Richards, Dereck Owen
Front Row: ?, Belinda Henry, Milton Henry, Rebecca Joll, ?, Simon Cooper, Maree Henry, ?, Brigitte Sheild

District Mural, Term One

Mr R Pearcy, Rural Adviser, and visitor from Thailand

Cleaning pool – Andrew Ward, Graeme Dudley, Cliff Tolley, Stuart McKay, Bernard Ward, Sandra McPhail in water

Napier Museum and Aquarium Visit, October 1975: Sandra McPhail, Jeannie Comrie, Stuart McKay, Kirsty McPhail, Richard Gordon

Hot Air Balloons

Anna Kyle

Jeannie Comrie right

Sandra McPhail

Anna Kyle

Andrew Ward

Douglas Drummond

Sandra McPhail, Angus Richards

Gordon Kyle, Sandra McPhail, Stephen Gordon

Andrew Ward, Sandra McPhail, Angus Richards

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Surnames in this log book –
Barnett, Christie, Cockburn, Comrie, Cooper, Davidson, Drummond, Dudley, Farmer, Gordon, Hales, Henry, Hogge, Joll, Kyle, McGechie, McKay, McPhail, Melvin, Ostern, Owen, Owens, Page, Pearcy, Peez, Sheild, Sheppard, Smith, Sparkes, Tolley, Ward, Woods

Business / Organisation

Waiwhare School

Format of the original

Digital copy of original typed book

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