Waiwhare School 1977 Log Book


Brigitte Sheild
Andrew Smith
George Smith
Hauri Smith
John Smith
Warren Smith
Donna Starnes
Jennifer Starnes
Lisa Starnes
Carrie Way
Jamie Way
Malcolm Way
Rodney Way
Victor Way
Jennifer Drayton
Ian Drayton
Diane Drayton
Lisa Dyson
Paul Dyson
Allister Feck
Barry Feck
Jocelyn Feck
Andrew Gordon
Richard Gordon
Stephen Gordon
Craig Greville
Kathy Greville
Martin Joll
Rebecca Joll
Anna Kyle
Gordon Kyle
Jonathan Kyle
Sandra McPhail
Mark Andrews
Rachel Andrews
Paula Nairn
Joseph Hays
David Hays
Andrea Hays
Shay Hambling
Trudy Sheild
Kiri Bennett
Matthew Melvin
Dion Cooper
Sacha Cooper

Andrea Hays
David Hays
Joseph Hays
Mark Andrews
Rachel Andrews
Diane Drayton
Shay Hambling
Trudy Sheild
Kiri Bennett
Matthew Melvin
Dion Cooper
Sacha Cooper

Stephen Gordon
Shay Hambling
Matthew Melvin
Andrew Smith
George Smith
Hauri Smith
John Smith
Warren Smith
Donna Starnes
Jennifer Starnes
Lisa Starnes
Carrie Way
Jamie Way
Malcolm Way
Rodney Way
Victor Way
Lisa Dyson
Paul Dyson
Allister Feck
Barry Feck
Jocelyn Feck
Martin Joll
Rebecca Joll
Sandra McPhail
Kiri Bennett

Mr AR Melvin BA, Dip. Tchg

Miss S Evans

Mrs C McKay (resigned August)
Mrs B Hoy

W Drayton, Chairman
PD Kyle, Secretary/Treasurer
Messrs B Joll, CJ Sheild, Mrs J Greville


FEBRUARY   The School opened with a roll of 43 children. Interior Re-decoration of school house. Visits from Mr Nelson, Rural Adviser and Mr Wattam, Board Transport Officer.

MARCH   Inter-school Swimming sports at Sherenden. Lisa Dyson set new record of 11.8 seconds for 7 year old girls freestyle.

APRIL   Biennial School Committee elections held. Annual D&A athletic sports at Matapiro. Waiwhare second overall by only 4 points – a great performance, notably by Sandra McPhail and Stephen Gordon who together won most senior track and field events. Board plumber installed new stop valve to pool water supply

MAY   Red Cross evening at Sherenden. Senior children entertained with a drama based in Red Cross Services in an earthquake. School closed on 6th May for holidays with a roll of 36. Reopened for second term on 23rd. Inaugural meeting of Jubilee Committee.

JUNE   Jubilee planning committee – 28 attended. Senior room visited Omahu Marae and Fernhill school. Reception at home of Mr LM Graham for Board members, school Committee chairmen and principals. Visit from Rural Adviser. Two Winter sports meetings at Crownthorpe.

July   Visit from District Psychologist Mr D McKenzie to examine several children with reading difficulties.

AUGUST   Hastings schools Winter Tournament. Senior netball, rugby combined teams from Otamauri, Sherenden and Waiwhare were unbeaten. Hawke’s Bay Gymnastics Festival, combined with Sherenden to enter a team.

SEPTEMBER   School opened with a roll of 29. Visit to Hastings Fire Station and Forrester Puppets. Visits from Rural Adviser and Traffic Officers. Pre-Jubilee working bee to tidy up school.

OCTOBER   25th   Jubilee of School held Saturday 8th. Celebrations commenced at 1.30 pm when Mr D Ward, Jubilee Chairman, opened the function. He then introduced the guest speaker Mr Phil Page, former General Manager of the Hawke’s Bay Education Board. The addresses were followed by a helicopter drop of sweets, after which group photographs were taken. The present day members of the school presented two items, an interpretation of Cinderella by the Seniors, and two folk dances by the Juniors. The first part of the Jubilee concluded with the cutting of the cake which was made by Mrs S Comrie and iced by Mr F Ward. Afternoon tea followed. At 8.30 pm a Jubilee dance was held in the Matapiro Hall, Crownthorpe. About 180 persons attended this highly successful function which concluded at 2am.

NOVEMBER   Two Traffic officers took a major study in each classroom. Four students visited from Wellington Teachers’ College. Trolley Derby held on Ward’s farm. Hastings Primary Schools Athletic Sports – Stephen Gordon first in 400 metres.

DECEMBER  Padder tennis tie with Otamauri – second victory recorded.
Senior room visited HB Museum and Aquarium. Junior room visited Apple Radio 2ZK and rode on railcar.
Annual Break-up ceremony Tuesday 13th, School closed for Christmas holidays on 16th.

D&A Day, April 1977
Matapiro Domain

Pet Day 26 October

Kaweka Forest trip, term two.

McIntosh Range

Mr Wally Drayton with an attentive audience

L to R: Joseph Hays, Mark Andrews, Craig Greville, David Hays, Richard Gordon, Gordon Kyle

Trolley Derby


Richard Gordon

Stephen Gordon

Gordon Kyle

David Hays

25th Jubilee, 8 October, 1977

Jubilee cake, made by Mrs Sheila Comrie & iced by Mr Fred Ward

Mr P Page, former General manger of the HB Education Board, gives his address.

One of the founding pupils, Margie Read (nee Arthur) and her second cousin, Trudy Sheild, one of the youngest pupils, cutting the cake.

Mr David Ward, jubilee chairman, officiating.

Saturday 8 October, At the School,
1.30 p.m: Official Opening of Jubilee.
Roll Call and Photos
Items by Children.
Cutting of Cake and Afternoon Tea
8.30pm: At Matapiro Hall Crownthorpe
Keep this as a reminder.

Please Return this Portion:
To assist your committee please forward before the closing date, 31st August.
I require… Jubilee Dance Tickets at $2 a single. Children under 15, $4.
Please find enclosed $. . .
Tickets will be sent by return post.
Return to Treasurer, Mr. D. Hoy.
“Willowdene”, P.B. Hastings.
Name: …
Address: …

Jubilee programme

Waiwhare School
25th Jubilee Dance
Admit One
Saturday 8th October.
8.30pm – 2am

Cinderella receives instructions from her ‘sisters.’

Widow Cranky and her two beautiful daughters

Lolly drop by helicopter

Scenes from the air

Back: Mr Alastair Melvin, Principal 1975-77, Miss Patricia Eising, Teacher 1958-66, Mr Jim McDonald, Principal 1970-74
Front: Miss Sue Evans, Teacher 1976-77, Mrs Pauline Barnett (O’Donnell), teacher 1972-73, Mrs Sandra McDonald, Teacher 1970-71

Back row left to right: David Hoy, Peter Kyle, Dennis Goulding, Eric Goulding, George Sheild, Graham Lawrence, Ross Lawrence, Tony Drummond
2nd row: ?.?, Grant Richards, Wayne Moult, Roger Tough, David Helleur, ?,
3rd row: ?, Margie Read (Arthur), Jocelyn Morrin (Drummond), Sue Cook (Helleur), Sue Sheild, ?, Clare Manning (Truman), ?, Barbara Taylor (Ward)
Front row: Tim Sheild, David Ward, Willie Barnett, Mike Barnett, Philip Helleur, Tony Ward, Chris Ward

Back row left to right: Nigel Brown, Grant Tolley, Patrick Ward, Stuart Comrie, ?, Richard Hoy, Warren Sculpher
Front Row: Lynda Comrie, Robyn Drummond, Wendy Kyle, Maree Ward, Allison McPhail, Janice Moult, Kay Lawrence, Ann Whyte

1967 –
Back row left to right: Allan Janes, Bernard Ward, Andrew Ward, Peter Richards ?, Angus Richards, Joseph Hays, Mark Thompson, ?., Stephen Gordon
Row 4: Paul Garside [Dyson], Mark Andrew?, Craig Greville, Richard Gordon, Gordon Kyle, Brett Tolley
Row 3: Graeme Dudley, Jonathan Kyle, ?, ?, Diane Drayton, Rebecca Joll, David Hays, Lisa Garside [Dyson], Susan Sparkes, ?,?
Row 2: Christine Dudley, Jeannine Comrie, Sandra McPhail, Anna Kyle, Karyn Janes, Andrea Hays, Kathy Greville, Brigitte Sheild
Front: Paula Nairn, ?, ?, Trudy Sheild, ? , Andrew Gordon, Ian Drayton, Matthew Melvin, ?

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Surnames in this log book –
Andrews, Arthur, Barnett, Bennett, Brown, Comrie, Cook, Cooper, Drayton, Drummond, Dudley, Dyson, Eising, Evans, Feck, Garside, Gordon, Goulding, Graham, Greville, Hambling, Hays, Helleur, Hoy, Janes, Joll, Kyle, Lawrence, Manning, McDonald, McKay, McKenzie, McPhail, Melvin, Morrin, Moult, Nairn, Nelson, O’Donnell, Page, Peck, Read, Richards, Sculpher, Sheild, Smith, Sparkes, Starnes, Taylor, Thompson, Tolley, Tough, Truman, Ward, Wattam, Way, Whyte

Business / Organisation

Waiwhare School

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Digital copy of original typed book

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