Waiwhare School 1979 Log Book


Leigh Jones
Andrew Tolley
Mark Andrews
Anna Kyle
Brigitte Sheild
Mark Burling
Jennifer Drayton
Tracey Woods
Paula Nairn
Susan Sparkes
Ian Drayton
Kathy Greville
Rachel Andrews
Andrew Gordon
Dion Cooper
Angela Burling
Sacha Cooper
Trudy Sheild
Philippa Drayton
Dean Burling
Diane Drayton
Aaron White
Caron Weir
Justine Weir
Jason Davidson

Dean Burling
Andrew Tolley
Dean Karaitiana
Aaron White
Caron Weir
Justine Weir

Angela Burling
Dean Burling
Mark Burling
Dean Karaitiana
Justine Weir
Mark Andrews
Rachel Andrews
Dion Cooper
Sacha Cooper
Leigh Jones
Tracey Woods
Andrew Tolley
[Dean Karaitiana]
Caron Weir

Mr D Wallis

Mrs S Munro

Mrs B Hoy

Mrs GP Wallis

COMMITTEE (April Elections)
W Drayton, Chairman
I Gordon, Secretary
Mr P Kyle
Mr G Sheild
Mr R White


JANUARY   School commenced 31-1-79. Classes NE-S1 Mrs S Munro
S2-F2 Mr D Wallis

FEBRUARY   School closed 6-2-79 for NZ Day.
Shopping Day on 26 Feb.
Inter School Swimming Sports held at Sherenden, pleasing turnout by parents, and children met with moderate success.
Assistant Teacher commenced weekly Eric Course attendance.
VISITORS – Mr K Everitt – Traffic Instructor
Mr T Dymond – Inspector
Miss L Cooper – Public Health Nurse
Mrs J Price – PHN
Mr K Edwards – Rural Adviser

MARCH   Emergency Fire Drill and Earthquake Drill held. Mrs S Munro absent. Mrs G Wallis relieved and started her practical assignment for re-training.
School participated in primary School Sports Assn Swimming Sports at Frimley Aquatic Centre. Mrs A Drayton visited school, explained mechanics and operation of milk separator in relation to school study “Early NZ”. Churned cream to butter.
Senior room attended Aboriginal concert.
Whole school attended Farm Safety Day at Tunanui [Tuna Nui] Station.
“Oldies Day” held, children dressed in 1900s fashion. Ate and prepared a type of early NZ meal for lunch.
Senior Room visited Kaweka Forest. Shopping Day March 30.
Mr R Roberts – Bus Inspection
Rev. K McGechie
Mr K Everitt -Traffic Instructor

APRIL   Aaron White enrolled, Roll 20. Karaitiana family withdrawn from school. Parents evening held at the School on the topic “Language in the Classroom” Very enjoyable and well attended
April 12 – school closed for Easter, re-opened April 18. Dion & Sacha Cooper withdrawn from school. Easter weekend informal visits made by Mr T Dymond (Inspector of Schools), Mrs J Graham (Ward Rep.), Mr C Bell Gen. Manager of HBEB.
Working Bee held. Biennial School Committee Elections held. Appointments: Mr W Drayton, Chairman, Mr I Gordon, Mr P Kyle, Mr R White, Mr G Sheild
April 25 – Anzac Day school closed.
VISITORS – Mr D Unwin – Building Insp (HBEB)
Mr T Dymond – Insp. of Schools
Mrs J Graham – Ward Representative
Mr C Bell – General Manager (HBEB)
Mrs N Kelsey – Speech Therapist
Public Health Nurse

MAY   Principal attended AGM. of Sports Assoc. of Hastings & District Primary schools.
4th May – 20 May school closed for May Holidays.
Justine & Caron Weir enrolled. Roll 20.
Inter-school Winter Sports at Crownthorpe.
VISITORS – Audio Visual Tester (Dept of Health) (tested NE and Std 5)

JUNE   Queen’s Birthday weekend, 4th June school closed. Mrs S Munro absent, Mrs G Wallis relieved.
Principal attended In-Service course at Hastings Central for Maths MSM 7. Mrs G. Wallis relieved.
Indications made by Mr Unwin for replacement in 1980 of Junior classroom when finance and school grading are acceptable.
Inter-school sports at Crownthorpe, attended by Senior Room. Principal attended Social studies course at Otamauri. Mrs G. Wallis relieved.
School luncheon held to raise money for Telethon. Principal attended luncheon at Fernhill School and met NZEI. Nat. Pres. Ted Pankhurst.
School open to parents to observe and participate in normal school programme. Good attendance. Afternoon preceded by a luncheon and trading table. $41.02 raised by children for Telethon.
June 29 Shopping Day.
Principal & wife attended a dinner at Mrs J Graham’s residence (Ed. Ward member)
VISITORS – Public Health Nurse – Routine visit
School Dental Service
Mr D Unwin – Building Inspector
Mr J Harris –
Rev. McGechie – Religious Instruction

JULY   Mrs Munro absent, Mrs G Wallis relieved. Reports handed out. (1/2 yearly survey).
Otamauri and Sherenden visit to play Rugby and Netball. Mrs Wallis relieved in Senior Room due to injury sustained by principal.
Bus inspection. Mrs Wallis relieved in Junior Room while Mrs Munro on course.
School committee meeting. Shopping Day.

VISITORS – Public Health Nurse
Mr R Roberts – Bus Inspection
Fotek Photographers

AUGUST   PHN on routine visit, check for head lice (1 confirmed case) Combined teams from Waiwhare, Sherenden & Otamauri played Netball & Rugby in town at Winter Sports.
Sandblastmg of pool. Waiwhare School Gymnastic Championships held.
Leigh Jones 1, Caron Weir 2, Susan Sparkes 3
August 17 completion of Term II. School closed with roll of 17.
VISITORS – Public Health Nurse Routine Visit.
W Barber Ltd, Palmerston Nth   Sandblasting of pool.

SEPTEMBER   Term commenced 3rd Sept. Wet, miserable day
PHN visited. Practice Fire Drill poorly responded to. Will need more practice to create more awareness. School Committee meeting.
VISITORS – Public Health Nurse
Mr L Shannon – HBEB Science Adviser

OCTOBER   Shopping Day. School closed 17-23 Oct for Labour Weekend break.
Principal attended Massey University exams. Mrs Wallis relieved. Mrs B Hoy handed in her resignation as Teacher’s Aide effective from 30 November 1979. Meeting held to discuss arrangements for Senior trip to Robson Lodge, Kuripapango.
VISITORS – Mr K Edwards – Rural Adviser, Public Health Nurse

NOVEMBER   Working Bee held at school with good parent participation. Lesson on First Aid given by PH Nurse.
D&A Day held on very hot day at Matapiro Domain. Mrs G Wallis appointed Teachers Aide effective 3/12/79.
The Principal with Senior Room and 3 Senior pupils from Otamauri School departed for Robson Lodge, Kuripapango on a 4 day Outdoor Education Camp. Returned 23 November, 1979. Parents Day on the Thursday and highly enjoyed.
Camp Parents: Mrs R Nowell-Usticke, Mrs K Jones, Mrs W Weir
Pet Day held on 26 November. Well attended by parents.
Prize for the most overall points to Leigh Jones.
School Committee meeting held at the school 27 November.

DECEMBER   7 Dec. Annual Prize Giving, 1pm.
Held indoors due to weather threatening rain. Followed by afternoon tea.
AWARDS:   Academic Achievements   Anna Kyle
Leadership   Leigh Jones Most Improved (Snr)   Jennifer Drayton
Most Improved (Jnr)   Andrew Gordon
Sporting Award   Leigh Jones
Swimming Award   Susan Sparkes


BACK ROW: Mrs B Hoy, Philippa Drayton, Anna Kyle, Leigh Jones, Brigitte Sheild, Diane Drayton, Mr D Wallis (Principal).
MIDDLE ROW: Aaron White, Andrew Gordon, Andrew Tolley, Jono Kyle, Ian Drayton, Mrs S Munro
FRONT ROW: Justine Weir, Paula Nairn, Caron Weir, Jenny Drayton, Kathy Greville, Trudy Sheild, Susan Sparkes.

Physical Fitness

Oldies’ Day

March 1979

Ye old billy of tea

The Gumdiggers

It’s the country life for me

Without cares

Fair and pretty

Pet Day

26 November

“Mr Bojangles” – senior room item at 1979 prizegiving, 7 December 1979

Camp Kuripapango

20-23 November 1979


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Surnames in this log book –
Andrews, Bell, Burling, Cooper, Davidson, Drayton, Dymond, Edwards, Everitt, Gordon, Graham, Greville, Harris, Hogan, Hoy, Jones, Karaitiana, Kelsey, Kyle, McGechie, Munro, Nairn, Price, Roberts, Shannon, Sheild, Sparkes, Tolley, Unwin, Wallis, Weir, White, Woods

Business / Organisation

Waiwhare School

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Digital copy of original typed book

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