Waiwhare School 1980 Log Book


Anna Kyle
Brigitte Sheild
Caron Weir
Jennifer Drayton
Paula Nairn
Susan Sparkes
Ian Drayton
Kathy Greville
Jonathan Kyle
Andrew Gordon
Diane Drayton
Justine Weir
Trudy Sheild
Philippa Drayton
Aaron White
Jason Davidson
Tam Nairn
Toni Wallis
Justin Wisdom
Annette Huff
Campbell Vette
Jeremy Hunt
Anna Wilkins
Matthew Wilkins
Lucy Arthur
Nicholette Eatwell
Peter Sheild
Elizabeth Gordon

W Drayton, Chairman
I Gordon, Secretary.
P Kyle
G Sheild
Mr R White

Justine Weir (re-enrolled)
Tam Nairn
Toni Wallis
Justin Wisdom
Annette Huff
Campbell Vette
Jeremy Hunt
Anna Wilkins
Matthew Wilkins
Lucy Arthur
Nicholette Eatwell
Peter Sheild
Elizabeth Gordon

Justin Wisdom
Caron Weir
Justine Weir

Mr D Wallis

Mrs S Munro

Mrs G Wallis

Mrs G Wallis


TERM 1, 1980

JANUARY   School commenced 29-1-80.   Classes NE-SI S Munro
S2 – F2 Mr D Wallis
Roll 18.
Enrolments: Girls – Toni Wallis NE & Justine Weir S2 Boys – Tam Nairn NE

FEBRUARY   K Edwards Rural Adviser, visited re Reading, new pool
J Moir Reading Adviser, equipment, procedures, ERIC PROGRAMME
Mrs J Price PHN [Public Health Nurse]
6 February   School closed for Waitangi Day.
12 February   School Committee meeting held at the school.
Miss T Grant, Herald Tribune, visited to seek story, Life a County School.
Mr T Dymond – School Inspector, routine liaison visit. Discussed reading diff. and school programmes in  general.
Inter-school swimming sports were held at Sherenden. Chn. did very well.

Mr D Unwin – discussed chemical shed for the swimming pool and repair school house window.
Water Problems at school. I Gordon along with other Committee members arranged to repair faults. School Bus – verbal notification of new bus before end of Term 1.
7 March   Rural Adviser visited principal to assist with planning of Spelling and Reading.
10 March   PAT testing commenced
11 March   Fire drill practice was carried out
New school bus to replace existing one
New school bus on its first run was involved in a head-on collision on Glenross Rd. (opp. Mr P Kyle’s residence). Some extensive damage to bus, plus bumps, bruises, shock to chn and driver, thankfully nothing major. Old bus returned while new bus repaired. 17-18 March   Mrs S Munro absent, Mrs G Wallis relieved in the junior room.
PHN and Rev. McGechie visited.
19 March   School lunch sausages and fried potatoes enjoyed by all. Prepared by Senior Room.
20 March   School Committee Meeting held at the School 8p.m. 24 March   Shopping Day No. 1 31 March   New Enrolment Justin Wisdom NE.
1 April   PHN visit. 8 April School Closed Easter Holiday.
11 April   Parents evening to discuss “The Reading Programme in  the School”. Well attended and successfully informative. Beginning of “School Week”, Mrs Munro attended Intensive Reading at Peterhead. Principal took Junior Room. 15th April   Otamauri Play Centre visited the School and had their activities here. Most of the Playcentre is Waiwhare contributed it must be noted but approx. 30 pre-schoolers in all from Sherenden, Otamauri and our own district enjoyed the activities controlled by Mesdames G Wallis and C Gordon. Tremendously successful.
Rev. MeGechie took Religious Study.
16th April   Open Day. Most parents attended school on this occasion and participated actively and in an observation role in the class programme that was carried out in normal routine. Overall, every family had representative who attended the school activities at some time, often several, to participate in the week’s adventures. Tremendous success and support.
17th April   PHN visited.
21st April   Speech Therapist, Mrs N Kelsey, visited to assess referrals and to make comments helpful to teacher planning and parental knowledge.
23rd April   Mr L Wattam – Education Board Transport Officer visited to confirm bus mileage and routes as currently undertaken.
25th April   Anzac Day. School closed (Collection taken on behalf of Hastings RSA).
29th April   School Committee Meeting held at the School at 8pm.
9th May   End of Term 1, 1980. School holidays commence.

TERM 2, 1980

26 May   School reopened for Term 2 1980. New Entrant enrolled – Annette Huff. School Total 7 boys, 13 girls, 20 total.
27 May   Principal attended in-service course for country teachers (Taihape Rd group) based on ERIC. Mrs GP Wallis relieved.
2 June   Queen’s Birthday. School closed.
4 June   Dental Nurses paid visit to school to check on pre-schoolers/school age children.
5 June   Inter-school sports at Crownthorpe 6 June   Mrs Davidson (parent) took fabric printing for leisure craft.
10 June   PHN visited. 12 June   Inter-school sports at Crownthorpe.
17 June   Rev. K McGechie held religious instruction.
18 June   Mrs Stichbury, Audio-Visual tester from Health Dept. tested NE chn, and Form 1 chn.
25 June   New Enrolment. Campbell Vette. N.E.
26 June   Inter-school Sports at Crownthorpe.
27 June   School Fire Extinguisher tested.

30 June    Shopping Day No. 2.
1 July   New Enrolments. Anna Wilkins J2, Mathew Wilkins, S2, Jeremy Hunt J2.
PHN visit.
2 July   Principal attended Science Course (Otamauri). Mrs G Wallis relieved)
3 July   Inter-school Sports at Crownthorpe.
6 July.   A working bee was held at the School to cut fire wood, repair seating and to tidy up school grounds. Work was well covered.
11 July   Principal attended National in-Service course at Lopdell House, Auckland, on “Language Programmes Using Maori and Pacific Island Themes”. Mrs G Wallis relieved.
15 July   Visitors – PI-DO routine visit. Rev. K McGechie – Religious Study.
Ed. Board Building Supervisor – D Unwin.
16 July   Snow covered playground and surrounding district. Chn. loved experience. Fires were stoked early in the morning.
Mothers attended a work shop session to prepare ” Big Books” for Junior Room School Reading Programme.
17 July   Inter-school Sports at Crownthorpe.
18 July   Mrs S Munro absent. Mrs G. Wallis relieved.
22 July   Reports sent out.
25 July   Shopping Day No. 3.
28 July   Enrolment Lucy Arthur. NE. PHN visit.
31 July.    School Committee meeting held at Principal ‘s residence.
30 July    Mothers held a work shop morning at Mrs C Gordon’s residence as a follow up to 16-7-80 to prepare further “Big Books” for the Junior Class reading programme.
6 August.   Fire Drill held at school.
7 August   Visit by T Diamond, Inspector of Schools for Personal Assessment of Principal.
11-12 August   Principal attended interviews for position of Adviser on Education of Maoris and Pacific Islanders. Mrs G Wallis relieved.
18 August   Nicholette Eatwell enrolled. Total 26.
20 August   Rural adviser – discussed programmes Language/Extension activities with teachers.
21 August   Notice sent to parents concerning “Teacher Only” course – school closure for the 17 Sept, 1980.
22 August   End of term 2. A very hard working and satisfying completion, having experienced rather cold/snowy conditions. Very little rain. Closing roll 26.

TERM 3, 1980

8 September   Term 3 commenced. Roll 26.
10 September   PHN visited.
10 September   Principal attended planning meeting for Language course on “Teacher Only” day 8/10/80 at Fernhill School.
12 September   Principal absent. Mrs G Wallis relieved.
15-16 September   Mrs S Munro absent. Mrs G Wallis relieved.
17 September   Building Supervisor visited – bought school requisitions and also discussed staff toilet placement ie entry through girls toilet and also the proposed new classroom.
19 September   Enrolment – Peter Sheild, NE. Total 26.
24 September   PHN visited Routine.
25 September   Rural Adviser K Edwards. Visited whole day.
Music Adviser W Curtis.
6 October   Mrs S Munro absent. Mrs G Wallis relieved.
7 October   School Lunch very enjoyable. PHN visited.
9 October   Junior and Senior Class with 11 families and cars visited Arataki Apiaries and the Biennial Hastings and District Primary School Arts Display at the Cultural Centre. Lunch was had at Fantasyland. Very enjoyable and successful.
14 October   Enrolment Elizabeth Gordon, NE. Total 27.
17 October   Shopping Day No 4. School closed.
24 October   HB Anniversary Day School closed.
27 October   Labour Day.
28 October   Principal attended Massey University Extramural exam. Mrs G Wallis relieved.
29 October   Principal absent on sick leave. Mrs G Wallis relieved.
31 October   Principal on leave for Massey exam.

1 November   Working Bee at School. Swimming Pool Chem. shed.
3 November   Working Bee at Matapiro for D&A. Day.
Education Gazette contains vacancy for Junior Class.
4 November   Swimming Pool pump not working.
D&A Day at Matapiro. Various games to be clarified.
10 November   Building Supervisor visited School to assess swimming pool pump problems, boy’s urinal, operation and water supply to School house. Suggested re-plumbing etc. to bathroom.
12 November   Pet day held on very fine day. All parents groups were in attendance on a very enjoyable and successful morning.
18-21 November   A school-based camp (tents) was held. Very hot/fine with an enjoyable range of activities. A district barbecue was held on the Thursday night – a large number were in attendance.
24 November   Shopping day No. 5. School closed.
26 November  Bus inspection at the school.
27 November   School Committee Meeting held at the School.
2 December   Mrs G Wallis provisionally appointed to Teacher’s position. 5 December   Prize Giving on a warm but overcast day.
Awards: Sport – Anna Kyle
Most Improved Swimmer – Jennifer Drayton
Leadership and Academic Attainment – Anna Kyle
Most Improved Classroom Attitude – Kathy Greville
Diligence in Work Attitude/Application – Brigitte Sheild, Susan Sparkes
Co-operation Assistance towards School Tasks – Ian Drayton
Infants: Most Improved Classroom Attitude – Aaron White

New Bus
March 1980

Herald-Tribune 1980

Waiwhare School – small and remote [newspaper article]

a centrepoint for farm families [newspaper article]


16 July, 1980

Pet Day


Mr I Gordon’s pyjamas flying at full mast

Camp at school

18-21 November

Back L to R: Trudy Sheild, Philippa Drayton
2nd Row: Campbell Vette, Peter Sheild, Aaron White, Lucy Arthur
3rd Row: Tam Nairn, Anna Wilkins, Jeremy Hunt, Jason Davidson
Front: Annette Huff

Fijian for the day

Visit to Glenross Homestead


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Surnames in this log book –
Arthur, Curtis, Davidson, Drayton, Dymond, Eatwell, Edwards, Gordon, Grant, Greville, Huff, Hunt, Kelsey, Kyle, McGechie, Moir, Munro, Nairn, Price, Sheild, Sparkes, Stichbury, Unwin, Vette, Wallis, Wattam, Weir, White, Wilkins, Wisdom

Business / Organisation

Waiwhare School

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Digital copy of original typed book

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