Waiwhare School 1983 Log Book


Susan Sparkes  Form 2
Ian Drayton  Form 2
Jonathan Kyle  Form 1
Andrew Gordon  Form 1
Diane Drayton  Form 1
Joanne Hawkins  Form 1
Trudy Sheild   Std 4
Jacqueline Holgate   Std 4
Philippa Drayton   Std 4
Derek Hain   Std 4
Aaron White   Std 3
Anna Wilkins   Std 3
Jason Davidson   Std 2
Toni Wallis   Std 2
Tony Worsley   Std 2
Annette Huff   Std 2
Campbell Vette   Std 2
Peter Sheild   Std 1
Elizabeth Gordon   Std 1
Kylee Holgate   Std 1
Nicholette Eatwell   Std 1
Lucy Arthur   Std 1
Nicola White   Std 1
Philippa Kay   Std 1
John Huff   J2
Mark Barnett   J2
Aaron Wallis   J2
Jamie Adams   J2
Gavin Sparkes   J2
Michelle Davidson   J2
Nichola Hayes   J2
Dion Henderson   J2
Gareth Hawkins   J2
Peter Ward   J2
Deon Holgate   J2
Dallas Bennett   J2
Rachel Kay   J1
Jessica Arthur   J1
Mathew Croad   J1
Rebecca Vette   J1
Caroline Hain   J1
Nicola Lawrence   J1
Jason Goulding NE
Michelle Eatwell NE
Michael Ward NE
Dean Adams NE
Vicky Barnett NE

Mathew Croad
Rebecca Vette
Caroline Hain
Nicola Lawrence
Jason Goulding
Michelle Eatwell
Michael Ward
Joanne Hawkins
Jacqueline Holgate
Kylee Holgate
Deon Holgate
Vicky Barnett
Dean Adams

Susan Sparkes
Ian Drayton
Campbell Vette
Rebecca Vette
Gareth Hawkins
Joanne Hawkins
Dallas Bennett

Dave Wallis

Gail Wallis

Pam Gunson
Marion Croad

Jocelyn Davidson

Gail Wallis

Roger White, Chairman
Anne Eatwell, Sec/treas.
Ross Davidson
Mike Barnett
Kerry Wilkins

Jill Barnett
Janet Huff


TERM 1, 1983

1 February   Staff commenced work after a fine but often windy holiday break.  Presently drought conditions exist in the area, the “driest for 34 years” as stated by Mr B Ward, adjoining property.
Principal – Mr D Wallis
Teacher – Mrs G Wallis
Teacher’s Aide – Mrs J Davidson

2 February   School re-opened for pupils
New enrolments – Mathew Croad, NE Rebecca Vette, NE Joanne Hawkins, Fl. Opening roll 38.

4 February   A large scrub fire at Ngamatea became a concern, followed up by a week of voluntary service by district personnel.  The Principal assisted at the Fire control HQ located at Ngamatea during the 5-6th February 1983, as controlled by our local Kaweka Forest OC plus army personnel.

7 February   Principal’s meeting at Sherenden School re Swimming Sports. (Rural).

15 February   School Committee meeting was held at the school.

16 February   Mrs J Graham – Rural Ward Member – made visit to the school.  Mr R White, Committee Chairman – repaired main entrance gate to the school.
Matthew Wilkins withdrawn from roll to attend Hereworth School.  Roll now 37.
PHN Margaret Martin paid a visit.

22 February   Inter-school rural sports were held at Sherenden school for swimming.  An enjoyable and well attended.

24 February   Building Supervisor made visit to the school house maintenance was discussed, also drip-trays for Infant Room and Library renovations observed.

3 March   Four children from our school competed in the Inter-Primary Schools Swimming Championships at Frimley Aquatic Centre with little success.

10 March   Speech Therapist paid routine visit to the school to assess speech referrals.

The taking of school photos by Fotek was cancelled (by letter) after dissatisfaction of services given by them.

12 March   A school working bee took place with the cutting of school firewood and the fort complex completion most notable in activities.
Adventure Playground Fort Complex was completed (ground fill only required).

15 March   Rev K McGechie visited for religious instruction.  Also PHN.

21 March   New enrolment – Caroline Hain.  Total = 33.

25 March   Shopping day No. 1.

29 March   An In-service course for Infant Teachers on Reading was held at Camberley School.  Mrs G Wallis attended while Mrs P Gunson relieved.

1-5 April   Easter Vacation. School Closed.

14 April   Rural adviser to Schools made morning visit to school.  Discussed reading programmes, catering for individual needs, promotion aspects and curriculum strategies, also proposed TCD.
The first night discussion/practical evening of a “Maths in the School,” series was held.  Fourteen family groups were in attendance which was pleasing to see.

18 April   School committee meeting preceding biennials.  A large attendance was noted with the senior room full of parents and district folk.  The outgoing committee was re-elected.
Chairman Mr R White
Secretary/Treasurer Mrs A Eatwell
Mr R Davidson, Mr M Barnett, Mrs K Wilkins

19 April   PHN routine visit.  Rev K McGechie.
Science adviser visited to assist in the development of units of junior and senior room programmes. Very enjoyable day with a squash match at local court to follow after school.
Fire inspection of extinguishers.

25 April   Anzac day school closed.

26 April   Schools librarian adviser visited to assist in the setting up of our school library.  Return visits are likely.

28 April   Traffic instruction began for the remainder of the week with theme of “Communication”.  Field visit to Hastings for traffic instruction, and also a visit to the Post Office, for both classes.
The final mathematics evening for parents was undertaken.  Throughout the attendances were good and interest was high.

5 & 6 May   Mrs GP Wallis absent.  Mrs P Gunson relived in junior room.

6 May  End of term 1, 1983. May school holidays commence.

Overview:  With the advent of many innovative ideas over the recent months, plus the commencement of a new school year, a very business-like term has been undertaken.  However, it has not been at the expense of an enjoyable school atmosphere which the children have experienced for several years now, and which is seen to be so important to their progress.  School events have been participated in actively and the staff have completed a satisfying term with the children’s needs and progress always to the fore of their planning.  Overall, an enjoyable but busy term which should show in sound routines to follow.

TERM 2, 1983

23 May   Term 2 commenced with 38 pupils. Enrolment – Nicola Lawrence, NE.  All staff returned. The S1 children have commenced their afternoon class studies with the senior room.

19 May   Mr L Wattam, Education Board Transport, visited the school at school committee’s request to discuss the bus transport routes, eligibility and existing extensions.  Also the relocation of the fuel supplies for the buses was discussed.

26 May   School committee men (Mr R White and Mr M Barnett) plus principal cut wood for storage in woodshed.  This was followed by a school committee meeting.

30 May   Meeting of principals at Sherenden School to discuss forthcoming sports events.

31 May   PHN visited.

2 June   School librarian visited to assist in setting up the library. A group of mothers also assisted for the day, enabling a large amount of work to get completed.

6 June   Queen’s birthday school closed.

7 June   New enrolment Jason Goulding, NE.

5 June   “Teachers Only Day” – in-service course held at this school on “Reading Strategies and programming” re Mr K Edwards – personnel.

16 June   Mrs GP Wallis absent on sick leave.  Mrs P Gunson relieved.

18 June   The heaviest snowfall surrounding the school was experienced during our time here to date 5 years).

21 June   Rev K McGechie visited to take religious instruction.

22 June   School librarian and parents worked at completing the library/filing index system.

23 June   School committee meeting held at the school.

24 June   Shopping day No. 2.

25 June   Working bee at school.

28 June   New enrolment Michelle Eatwell, NE.
PHN routine visit.

4 July   District science adviser visited the school for the day.

15 July   Shopping day No. 3.

19 July   Rev K McGechie visited the school.

27 July   School committee meeting held at the school.  School bus mechanical supervisor visited school for bus inspection.

28 July   Winter sports at Crownthorpe School also 21/7/83, 14/7/83, 7/7/83.

1 August   New enrolment – Michael Ward, NE.

3 August   Parent work shop morning was held at the school to prepare mathematics equipment for junior/senior room.

4 August   Replacement typewriter (aged 6 yrs) picked up from Flaxmere Intermediate.

9 August   PHN visited.  Audio-visual testing done by Mrs M Stichbury.

12 August   School Bus Fuel Tank and Pump were supplied and fitted at the school frontage.

16 August   Rev. K McGechie – Religious Studies.  PHN – Routine visit.

19 August   End of Term 2.  Roll – 41.

Overview:  This has been an extremely busy term at the school.  The children have been affected by influenza (almost all) which was noted by the large absentee rate June/July.  However their resistances to other pressures have been commendable, none more so than the efforts they give in rising early on our “well known” winter mornings in

order to catch the school bus – often dark, wet, windy, extremely cold and with frequent sleet, hail and snow.  Their class efforts are positive and they reflect very tolerant and passive attitudes towards all ages.  They are a very happy lot and their smiles and relaxed characteristics suggests a school atmosphere of happiness, enjoyment, co-operation and respect.  These social elements, together with understanding of each other and ourselves fulfill admirably the general realization that we are fortunate to be teachers at such a school.
D L Wallis (Principal) 19.8.83.

TERM 3, 1983

5 September   Commencement of Term 3, 1983. Roll – 40.

6 September   Several truck loads of top soil were deposited at the school as arranged with the Hawke’s Bay County, for school landscaping purposes.
PHN routine visit.

16 September   Withdrawals Campbell & Rebecca Vette.

20 September   Rev. McGechie visited.

21 September   Mr P Hogan visited the school for Division B assessment for the Principal.

26 September   Mr P Waring – Manager Whitcoulls (Napier) visited on familiarisation call.

3 October   New Enrolments: – Jacqueline Holgate Std 4. Kylee Holgate Std 1. Deon Holgate Yr 2.

7 October   Shopping Day 4. School Closed.

13 October   Principal’s Meeting at Sherenden School to discuss ‘D&A’ Day Programme.

19 October   Principal attended extramural examination – Mrs P Gunson relieved in Senior Room.

20 October   School Committee Holiday.

24 October   Labour Day.

1 November   ‘D & A’ Day at Matapiro Domain.

2 November   Working Bee at the school.

7 November   Shopping Day No.5.

10 November   Summer Sports held at Waiwhare School.

14 November   School Pet Day held, notable as well for the fact that all families had parents in attendance.  A very good day.

17 November   E12/1 School Inspection. D A French, acting School Inspector.  Summer Sports held at Sherenden.
School Committee Meeting held at School.

23 November   Bus inspection at school.

28 November   Meeting of Parents to discuss proposed Wellington Trip.

29 November   Principal & Mrs G P Wallis absent.  Mesdames P Gunson & M Croad relieved.

1 December   Inter-school summer sports at Crownthorpe Std 1-F2.

6 December   School committee family barbecue held at the school.

9 December   School annual prize-giving held at Kaweka Hall.  Very large turnout of parents.  District folk and other interested people in excess of 49 adults, the largest turnout for many years.

Guest speaker Mr S Simmonds Napier Police.

Certificates of Merit:
Improved Classroom Application & Achievement in Reading   Caroline Hain
Improved Classroom Application & Achievement in Reading and Mathematics  Gavin Sparkes, John Huff, Rachel Kay
Consistent Application & Perseverance to Curriculum Studies   Nichola Hayes, Mathew Croad, Aaron Wallis, Dion Henderson, Peter Ward
Diligence & High Attainment in Curriculum Studies   Jessica Arthur, Michelle Davidson
Most Improved Classroom Application & Achievement   Diane Drayton, Anna Wilkins, Tony Worsley
Steady Application & Perseverance to Curriculum Studies   Susan Sparkes, Peter Sheild, Aaron White
Progress in Reading   Jonathan Kyle

Progress in Mathematics   Philippa Drayton
Progress in Mathematics & Reading   Philippa Kay
Consistent Diligence & High Attainments in Curriculum Studies   Lucy Arthur, Toni Wallis, Trudy Sheild
Sports Award – Susan Sparkes, Improved Swimmer – Andrew Gordon

15 December   School Committee meeting held at the school.

16 December   End-of-year.  School closed for beginning of school holidays.  Roll – 43.
Departing – Susan Sparkes F2, Ian Drayton F2.

Overview:  1983 appears to have been a busier than normal year with a higher roll, particularly in the infants, and a busy teaching programme emphasized partly by Personal Inspection Assessment of the Principal, and an E 12/1 School Inspection.  Parent support for school activities is very strong and interested and pupils and staff here are most appreciative of this.  It is very evident that the children have worked hard this year, endorsed by the inspectorate, and a very good learning environment persists about the school.  The School Committee have given very supportive assistance to the staff, pupils and the school and their efforts are worthy of the pride they feel towards this very fine school.  Teaching programmes have implemented many innovative and supportive ideas to our general curriculum and new/draft syllabi.  Children show receptive qualities in the activities that staff plan towards the acquisition of new knowledge, and as a consequence, it is felt most confidently that 1984 should see pupils equipped with the skills and atti-


Science Experiments 1983

Breakup – Kaweka Forest Hall, 9/12/83.  Constable Stan Simmonds presenting prize to Michael Ward.

Petrol Tank, August 1983

Police Station Visit 27/10/83
Back L to R:  Linda Henderson, Anne Eatwell, Gail Wallis, Jocelyn Davidson, Bev Sparkes
Children:  Mathew Croad, Jamie Adams, Rachel Kay, Gavin Sparkes

HB Gazette 14/11/83

100pc turnout at Waiwhare pet day

All families with children at Waiwhare turned up for the school’s annual pet day.

Advertise in the Gazette every fortnight.

The day was dominated by lambs and dogs.  Other notable pets were pigeons, goldfish and cats.

“The large turnout of parents representing all 26 families was pleasing to note,” said school principal Mr Dave Wallis.

A relieving teacher and district resident, Mrs Pam Gunson, judged the entries.

“The children put in many hours of hard work with the indoor exhibits while their knowledge of pet care was also a feature,” Mr Wallis said.  All children received an award in nearly 30 sections.

A morning tea was held and the show concluded at mid-day.

Results were:-

Juniors. –

Miniature garden/landscape:  Rachel Kay 1, Aaron Wallis 2, Mark Barnett 3, Peter Ward 4.

Hobbies:  Jessica Arthur I, Michelle Davidson 2, Gavin Sparkes 3.

Handcraft:  Vicki Barnett 1, Rachel Kay 2, Aaron Wallis 3, Nicola Lawrence 4.

Sandposy:  Michelle Eatwell 1 Jessica Arthur 2, Deon Holgate 3, Mathew Croad 4.

Vegetable novelty:  Dean Adams 1, Vicki Barnett 2, Jamie Adams 3, Michelle Davidson 4.

Lamb race:  Deon Holgate 1, Peter Ward 2, Aaron Wallis 3.

Tricks:  Mark Barnett 1, Jason Goulding 2, Aaron Wallis 3.

Best-groomed lamb:  Rachel Kay 1, Vicki Barnett 2, Deon Holgate 3.

Best-groomed other pet:  John Huff 1, Nicola Lawrence 2, Jason Goulding 3, Michelle Davidson 4.

Leading:  Mathew Croad 1, Peter Ward 2, Aaron Wallis 3.

Fancy dress:  Rachel Kay 1, Jessica Arthur 2, Nicola Lawrence 3.

Miscellaneous:  Nichola Hayes 1, Caroline Hain 2, Gavin Sparkes 3.

Seniors. –

Three pieces of fudge:  Toni Wallis 1, Elizabeth Gordon 2, Jason Davidson 3.

Vegetable novelty:  Tony Worsley 1, Jono Kyle 2, Susan Sparkes 3, Kylee Holgate 4.

Hobbies:  Nicholette Eatwell 1, Derek Hain 2, Susan Sparkes 3, Jacqueline Huff 4.

Handcraft:  Philippa Kay 1, Diane Drayton 2, Trudy Shield 3, Annette Huff [4].

Floral arrangement:   Trudy Shield 1, Philippa Kay 2, Jacqueline Holgate 3, Diane Drayton 4.

Chocolate cake:  Jacqueline Holgate 1, Jason Davidson 2, Toni Wallis 3, Susan Sparkes 4.

Pikelets:  Nicola White 3, Aaron White 2, Nicholette Eatwell 3.

Miniature garden/landscape:  Philippa Kay 1, Lucy Arthur 2, Nicola White 3.

Lamb race:  Diane Drayton 1, Toni Wallis 2, Anna Wilkins 3.

Trick:  Philippa Drayton 1, Toni Wallis 2, Susan Sparkes 3.

Best-groomed lamb: Jono Kyle 1, Phillipa Kay 3 [2], Anna Wilkins 3.

Best-groomed other pet:  Peter Shield 1, Jacqueline Holgate 2, Nicholette Eatwell 3, Andrew Gordon 4.

Leading:  Ian Drayton 1, Aaron White 2, Nicola White 3.

Fancy dress:  Diane Drayton 1, Trudy Shield 2, Nicola White 3, Elizabeth Gordon 4.

Miscellaneous:  Nicholette Eatwell 1, Anna Wilkins 2, Jacqueline Holgate 3.

Open events. –

Lamb drinking:  Jono Kyle 1, Rachel Kyle 2, Elizabeth Gordon 3.

Ugliest pet:  Jamie Adams 1, Michelle Eatwell 2, Michael Ward 3, Dion Henderson 4, Annette Huff 5.


Aaron Wallis followed by Michel Ward

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Surnames in this log book –
Adams, Arthur, Barnett, Bennett, Croad, Davidson, Drayton, Eatwell, Edwards, French, Gordon, Goulding, Graham, Gunson, Hain, Hawkins, Hayes, Henderson, Hogan, Holgate, Huff, Kay, Kyle, Lawrence, Martin, McGechie, Sheild, Simmonds, Sparkes, Stichbury, Vette, Wallis, Ward, Waring, Wattam, White, Wilkins, Worsley

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Waiwhare School

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