Waiwhare School 1986 Log Book


Aaron White   Form 2
Kathryn Schaw   Form 2
Anna Wilkins   Form 2
Jason Davidson   Form 1
Tony Worsley   Form 1
Peter Sheild   Std 4
Robert Ayres   Std 4
Elizabeth Gordon   Std 4
Kylee Holgate   Std 4
Nicholette Eatwell   Std 4
Lucy Arthur   Std 4
Nicola White   Std 4
Philippa Kay   Std 4
Mark Barnett   Std 3
Gavin Sparkes   Std 3
Michelle Davidson   Std 3
Peter Ward   Std 3
Deon Holgate   Std 3
Craig Ayres   Std 2
Rachel Kay   Std 2
Jessica Arthur   Std 2
Mathew Croad   Std 2
Nicola Lawrence   Std 2
Jonathan Walsh   Std 2
Jason Goulding   Std 1
Michelle Eatwell   Std 1
Michael Ward   Std 1
Vicky Barnett   Std 1
William Kyle   Std 1
Andrew Gunson   Std 1
Mark Worsley   Std 1
Marcus Schaw   Std 1
Neil Fountaine   J2
Vikki Tough   J2
Steven Croad   J2
Suzanne Ward   J2
Duncan Kay   J2
James Schaw   J2
Amanda McCaslin   J1
Callum McRae   J1
Kerry Tough   J1
Sophie Lawrence   J1
Jacqui White   J1
Brett Gunson   NE
Simon Wallace   NE
Timothy Kyle   NE
Rebecca Ward   NE
Scott Goulding   NE

Robert Ayres
Craig Ayres
Sophie Lawrence
Brett Gunson
Simon Wallace
Timothy Kyle
Rebecca Ward
Scott Goulding

Aaron White
Anna Wilkins
Peter Sheild
Kathryn Schaw
Jonathan Walsh

Tony Simons

Pam Gunson

Jill Simons
Marion Croad
Keren Wallace

Pam Gunson

Beverley Sparkes

Ross Davidson, Chairman
Anne Eatwell, Sec/Treas.
Graham Lawrence
Graeme Fountaine
Diane Arthur

Anne Eatwell
Jill Barnett
Cathy Worsley (relief)
Christine Goulding (relief)


TERM 1, 1986

4 February   School opened with a roll of 41.  Sophie Lawrence was enrolled as NE
I have moved here after holding position of Relieving Principal at Poukawa School.  Have found the school committee friendly and helpful.  The children are also friendly and always willing to help.

5 February   Paul Tegg, Rural Adviser, visited the school.  Spent most of the afternoon with us.  Very helpful to me especially with maths programme.  Pam also benefited with advice for her reading programme.  WG (George) Lowe, the first principal appointed to this school visited.  Stayed for about 15 minutes.  Explained what the school was like when he first arrived here.  Looked over the log book together.  Brought back many memories.  Now lives in England.  Is here on holiday – left to lunch with the Arthurs.

10 February   Visited Pukehamoamoa School to discuss organisation of swimming sports to be held at Sherenden School on February 25th .  Sports postponed till 27th  because of Queen’s visit.

11 February   Visit by PH nurse.  Enquired from DSI as to whether Form 1 and 2 pupils may attend manual classes at Flaxmere Intermediate.  Initial reaction is that distance is too great but has asked me to write to the General Manager.

17 February   District Senior Inspector, Pat Hogan visited the school briefly.  He seemed pleased with how the school was going and gave both Pam and myself advice on how to go about helping children with special needs.  He also seemed a little more sympathetic towards the children attending manual.  Bev Sparkes is doing an excellent job cleaning the school.  The toilets and classrooms are looking spick and span.

19 February   Visit by Dave Unwin, building supervisor.  Delivered alkathene pipe for new water bore.  Also a rake, hoe, spanner and drills.

22 February   Waiwhare Sports Day.

25 February   School travelled to Napier to observe the visit by Queen Elizabeth II.  We waited at Meeanee Quay, Westshore, for about 35 minutes.  The Queen was driven past at a very fast pace so the children could only catch a quick glimpse of her.

27 February   Swimming Sports at Sherenden.  Very good performances put in by most children. Jessica Arthur and Peter Sheild performed very well, gaining first places in their events.  The relay teams also performed well, gaining two second placings and a fourth.

4 March   Pam Gunson visited Raureka School to observe individualised reading programme operating at that school.  Marion Croad relieved.  Senior room travelled to the Aquatic Centre, Hastings, to participate in the country schools’ swimming sports.  This was poorly organised.  None of the equipment or lane numbers were on site till 11.50.  First race began at 12.  No marshalls were organised till just before the events began and it wasn’t until the second race was completed that the organiser found he was short of marshalls.  The weather was poor and to cap off a poor show the sports were abandoned at 1.50pm because of rain.  Fortunately all pupils did get a chance to have a swim.  The boys 8 year old relay team came first.  The girls 8 year old relay team came second.  No other age groups could be swum because of the rain.

11 March   Rev. J Williams took religious instruction in the senior room.

21 March    Mothers of the district have been invited into the school each morning to help Mrs Gunson in the junior room.  This enables Mrs Gunson to concentrate on teaching individual pupils reading and maths while the mothers supervise the remaining children at follow-up activities.

24 March   Form 1 & 2 pupils began attending manual classes at Flaxmere Intermediate.  They are being transported by parents until proper transport arrangements are finalised.

15 April   Meeting held at school with parents whose children attend Manual training.  It has been decided that parents will transport children to Flaxmere Intermediate on a weekly roster basis.  The Education Board will pay $20.64 to each driver per trip.  (At this stage only one car is used).

21 April    School closed for shopping day.

22 April   Two dental nurses visited school to check children.  Rev. Williams took senior class for religious instruction.

28 April   The school committee began installing the water pipe from the new well to the school. The operation was going very smoothly till the road was reached.  A machine was hired from Farmers Transport to bore a hole under the road just north of the school.  Hard ground made progress slow so it wasn’t till 8pm before the job was completed.  We now await the Education Board to install the pump at the well and for the new pipe to be connected to the school system, a job that will be completed within two weeks, so the Education Board tells us.

7 May   The new pump shed arrived today and was placed in the paddock opposite the school ready for the installation of the pump.

9 May   School closed for May school holidays.

TERM 2, 1986

26 May   School re-opened for term 2.  Simon Wallace was enrolled as a new entrant.  School roll now stands at 42.

3 June   Two new pupils enrolled.  Robert Ayres – Std 4 and Craig Ayres – Std 2.  Roll now stands at 44.

4 June   I attended a music course at Hastings Central School.  Marion Croad relieved in my room.

5 June   Attended a sports afternoon at Sherenden School.  Both senior and junior children participated.

6 June   Received a visit from Elaine Lambert, who would like the Form 1 & 2 pupils to enter a speech contest.  This is sponsored by the Save the Children Fund.

8 June    The school received a cheque for $76, a grant paid by the Post Office Trading Bank.  This was determined by the number of deposits lodged by the children of the school.

12 June   School travelled to Pukehamoamoa School for winter sports.  Teams mainly practised games for winter tournament which is to be held on July 3rd .

17 June   New pupil enrolled – Brett Gunson begins school as NE.  School roll stands at 45.

18 June   Kingi Barley, a school inspector, came for a social visit.  The school roll was discussed at length but no firm commitment was made as to whether the large number of children warranted extra teacher aide hours.  The actual roll must be 51 before consideration of a 3rd  teacher would be given.  The school travelled to Crownthorpe School to attend a sports afternoon.  Netball, soccer, gymnastics, rugby and hockey were played.  The junior children participated in ball games and relays.

24-25 June   Attended a course on Energy Education run by the Ministry of Energy.  Marion Croad relieved in my room.

29 June   Found out from Jan Graham, the board member of this school, that “Waiwhare” was named after an original landowner.  A gentleman named Waterhouse.  Jan found this information in the Napier Museum.

30 June    Rev. J Williams came for the last time this year for his religious instruction lessons.

10 July   Received notification from Rank Xerox that they have agreed to cancel the service contract on the photocopier.  This will mean a saving of over $50 a month to the school committee. Hopefully the machine will not need any major work done on it for some time.

14 July   Gill Simons has resigned as school teacher’s aide.  The position has now been appointed to Marion Croad.

16 July   Lance Winn, the NZEI liaison officer visited.  Parent interviews began today.  These will continue till Wednesday.

16 July    Paul Tegg, the rural adviser, visited and talked at length about planning a social studies scheme.  He also gave us advice on social study matters which would be helpful for our Teachers Only day.

21 July   Teachers Only day.  Pam and I planned the school social study scheme and outlined a social study programme for the next 3 years.

Dave Unwin, the building supervisor, visited the school. He delivered the school’s art supplies and told me work would begin next week on laying the floor of the pump shed and getting the shed ready for the pump to be installed.

22 July  Margaret Martin visited the school.

24 July    Children from Pukehamoamoa, Crownthorpe, Sherenden and Otamauri visited the school for an afternoon of sport.

28 July   I closed the school at 2.30 so that Pam and I could attend a course on “Beginning School Mathematics” beginning at 3.30 at Camberley School.  Work began on pouring a concrete base inside the shed to support the pump for the new water supply.  The door of the shed was repaired and painted.  Hopefully the pump will be here and connected up before the end of the holidays (August).

31 July   The school visited Flaxmere Primary and Flaxmere Intermediate Schools for an afternoon of sports.  Soccer, rugby and netball were played.  Teams were made up from pupils of the Taihape Rd schools.  Unfortunately we were beaten at every game we played.

2 August   A working bee was held at the school and an excellent turnout resulted.  A concrete pad was built beside Room 1 for the woodwork table and shelter.  Sand was placed around the swing, new fences constructed between Room 2 and the school house and between the concrete courts and school house.  New shelves were placed in the book room and store room.  The phys-ed equipment was placed in the middle storage shed and a number of old tree stumps were cut out in front of the school.  I was really pleased with the result.  The school is looking really good at present.

5 August   Rebecca Ward was enrolled as a new entrant.  The school roll now stands at 46.

13 August   Eight girls and three boys took part in the Hastings area gymnastics festival (novice grade) held at Flaxmere Intermediate.  The children performed three activities each and all performed very well.  Philippa Kay received an excellent grade for each activity she performed.

14 August   Timothy Kyle was enrolled.  The school roll now stands at 47.

15 August    Pam took six girls to the country grade gymnastics festival held at Centennial Hall, Napier.  Each pupil had to complete four activities each.  The activities were judged and points awarded.  Waiwhare gained a sixth placing out of twenty-five schools.  A very pleasing result considering this was the first year that the school competed in the event.

18 August   Len Unwin, schools’ traffic officer, visited the school and talked to the senior class about aviation.  This was in conjunction with their study on the history of flight.

20 August   The senior room visited Napier airport as part of their study on the history of flight.

21 August   The school’s fancy dress ball was held in the Kaweka Forestry Hall.  Dances were performed by the children from a variety of folk dances that they had learnt during the second term. Parents joined in with some of these dances.  Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and the dance ended at 9.30pm.

22 August    The school was closed for the August holidays at 3pm.

TERM 3, 1986

8 September   The school was opened for term 3.  The roll remains at 47.  During the last weekend of the holidays the school committee installed a slide at the school.  The slide has been placed on the north end of the play fort.

12 September   Dougal French, schools’ inspector, visited the school for an introductory visit.  He discussed a letter written by the school committee to the Education Board expressing concern for the need for more part-time teacher hours to help the teachers with the large school roll.  Mr French said that it would be impossible to grant more part-time teacher hours at present.

19 September   Contacted Dave Unwin to enquire about progress on the school’s new water supply. The pump was installed during the August holidays but apparently the well has run dry.  Only four gallons of water an hour has been able to be pumped from the well.  (When the well was sunk 400gal an hour was found).  Mr Unwin believes the well may have collapsed.  Quite likely seeing it has taken well over a year to install the pump.  Mr Unwin will contact the well drillers and discuss the problem with them.  Many more months delay no doubt till the new system is operational. Fortunately the old well is still providing the school with a good supply – even if it is a little muddy at times.

23 September   A nurse from the Health Dept visited the school to check hearing and sight of NE and Form 1 pupils.

25 September   The school was visited by a group of 40 ladies from the Havelock North Women’s Institute.  They were entertained by the children who sang a number of songs and performed some skits for them.  The ladies were invited to sing along with the children.  This they did with enthusiasm.  Before leaving the women were presented with flowers and cake from the school.

A gentleman from the Health Dept visited to check toilets, disposal of rubbish and light levels in each room.  He felt that blackboard lighting could be provided in both rooms.  Room 2 failed the permissible level of light allowed.  The Education Board is to be contacted.

1 October   Photographers from “Photec” came to take school photos.

2 October   Visit from Taihape Rd Schools to take part in schools’ cross-country race here at Waiwhare.  The children ran across Bernie Ward’s farm over a rather challenging course.

7 October    I took 8 year old and above children to the Hastings Cross-country run at the Tomoana Showgrounds.  The children put in good performances but good results eluded us.  Ross Davidson had finished four picnic tables and these were delivered to the school.  They have been placed under the trees to the north end of the school.

13 October   The school has been closed for a shopping day.

14 October   Mrs Pam Gunson attended a maths course at Camberley School.  Mrs Jill Simons taught in Pam’s room for the day.

The school received a $20 donation from the Havelock North Women’s Institute in appreciation of entertaining them at school when they came to visit the Waiwhare Women’s Institute on September 25th.

15 October   The senior room visited the hydro power station on John Chambers’ property, Mokapeka Station, in relation to their study on the “Dam Builders”.

21 October    Visit by Paul Tegg, the Rural Adviser.  The senior room travelled to Omahaki Station to build a hydro dam in a creek.

4 November   The whole school participated in the Flaxmere Schools primary music festival.  The school sang 4 songs and were enthusiastically received by the large audience.  The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience – that is, after they got over an attack of nerves.  Peter Ward, Gavin Sparkes, Deon Holgate and Mark Barnett did a brilliant performance of “Livin’ Doll”.

5 November   The D&A Day was held at Crownthorpe domain.  The children participated well.  We achieved placings in most of the running and relay races.

10 November   Attended a course on pool management held at Mayfair School.

24-28 November   Std 2 to Form 2 pupils attended a week-long camp at Clifton.  During the week the children went on two hikes, one along the Maraetotara Stream and one to Cape Kidnappers.  The children also made a rope bridge, did an observation trail and completed cooking and camp fire activities.  A very enjoyable week.  Many thanks to the camp ladies – Mrs Kay, Schaw, Barnett, Worsley, White and Weir for their enthusiastic help and enjoyable company.

4 December   Dougal French, school inspector, came to discuss the appointment of a third teacher for 1986.  Discussions were held over the moving of an extra classroom to this school.  This was not approved by Mr French.  He feels the extra class can be adequately housed in the book room.

18 December   The school’s end of year presentation was held at the Kaweka Hall.  The presentation took the form of 3 plays performed by the junior and senior rooms, then a number of songs sung by both parents and children before certificates were presented for the most diligent and the most improved pupil in each class level.  After the “official” proceedings were completed everyone returned to the school for a barbecue and games.

19 December    School closed at 2.30 for the year.


Jessica Arthur practising walking on rope bridge before the camp.

Jill Barnett doing the real thing over Maraetotara Stream

Aaron White & Deon Holgate enjoying a mud slide

Lucy Arthur, Michelle Davidson, Nicola White & Michelle Eatwell doing beach art

25-28 November

Mark Barnett light blue shirt
Gavin Sparkes looking behind
Rachel Kay blond hair


8 Masonic Flats,
30 Te Aute Rd
Havelock North,
Hawke’s Bay.
Dear Teachers & Parents
Thank you for the lovely afternoon you arranged for our Havelock North C.W.I.
I enjoyed it so much & I’m sure all the others ladies did.
The children were most delightful.  Would you please thank Tony Worsley for the flowers & also the young man who gave me the duck eggs, which were very tasty, also the ladies who cooked the lovely meal.  I hope we meet you all again some time.  Thank you again.
Yours sincerely
Mrs E. Strudwick.
Entertaining ladies from Havelock North CWI, 25/9/86

“Livin Doll” – Peter Ward, Gavin Sparkes, Deon Holgate, Mark Barnett
Primary Schools Music Festival, 4/11/86



MASSED CHOIR:   Consider Yourself
Do Ray Me

Mikado March
Quondo Quondo – Solo Shane Reid
Summer Holiday

FLAXMERE:   Joseph’s Coat
Any Dream Will Do
The Inch Worm
Where is Love

MASSED CHOIR:   Who will Buy
Send in the Clowns
Up Where We Belong

IRONGATE:   Food Glorious Food
Super Supper March
Spaghetti Bolognaise

WAIWHARE:   Sunday Morning
Sailing Away
Living Doll
Thank God I’m a Country Boy

Children:  Suzanne Ward, Neil Fountaine, Simon Wallace, Mark Worsley.
Adults L to R:  Gloria Kyle, Kerry Wilkins, Karen Holgate, Bey Sparkes, Anne Eatwell holding Jock Lawrence, Cath Gordon, Graham Lawrence, Mike Barnett, Keith Sparkes, Graeme Fountaine, John McCaslin, Ken James Tony Simons as monk, Campbell Ayres right

Sophie Lawrence, Suzanne Ward

Fancy Dress Evening – Kaweka Forest Hall, 21/8/86

Cross-country, 2/10/86.  Gloria Kyle handing place card to Suzanne Ward

Junior Room visit to fire station
L to R:  Simon Wallace, Suzanne Ward, Duncan Kay
Pam Gunson holding Jacqui White

Breakup, 18/12/86
Kaweka Forest Hall

“The Thing From Somewhere” –
Amanda McCaslin right, Suzanne Ward left
Front L to R:  Simon Wallace, Timothy Kyle, William Kyle, Brett Gunson, Rebecca Ward

“The Holdup” –
Peter Ward as James, Philippa Kay in white
Nicola Lawrence rear

“Snow White” – L to R standing:  Jessica Arthur, Tony Worsley, Kathryn Schaw, Nicholette Eatwell, Kylee Holgate, Michelle Davidson
Front:  Michael Ward, Craig Ayres, Jonathon Walsh, Rachel Kay

Back Row L to R:  James Schaw, William Kyle, Tony Worsley, Kylee Holgate, Nicholette  Eatwell, Peter Sheild, Kathryn Schaw, Lucy Arthur, Mark Barnett, Michael Ward, Callum McRae
Third Row:  Tony Simons (Principal), Simon Wallace, Steven Croad, Jason Goulding, Gavin Sparkes, Rachel Kay, Philippa Kay, Anna Wilkins, Elizabeth Gordon, Jessica Arthur, Vicky Barnett, Peter Ward, Neil Fountaine, Mark Worsley, Pam Gunson (teacher)
Second Row:  Timothy Kyle, Duncan Kay, Mathew Croad, Marcus Schaw, Deon Holgate, Jason Davidson, Aaron White, Andy Gunson, Brett Gunson
Front Row:  Rebecca Ward, Sophie Lawrence, Vikki Tough, Michelle Eatwell, Michelle Davidson, Nicola White, Nicola Lawrence, Amanda McCaslin, Suzanne Ward, Kerry Tough, Jacqui White

Back Row L to R:  James Schaw, Steven Croad, Vicky Barnett, Andrew Gunson, Callum McRae.
Second Row:  Brett Gunson, Mark Worsley, Sophie Lawrence, Marcus Schaw, Neil Fountaine, Duncan Kaye, Simon Wallace, Timothy Kyle.
Front Row:  Rebecca Ward, Suzanne Ward, Amanda McCaslin, Pam Gunson (teacher), Vikki Tough, Kerry Tough, Jacqui White.

Taken 1 October 1986

Gymnastics B:
Philippa Kay, Peter Ward, Suzanne Ward, Mark Barnett, Sophia Lawrence, Michelle Eatwell

Gymnastics A:
Anna Wilkins, Nicholette Eatwell, Elizabeth Gordon, Nicola White, Kylee Holgate, Jessica Arthur

Taken 1 October 1986

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Surnames in this log book –
Arthur, Ayres, Barley, Barnett, Croad, Davidson, Eatwell, Fountaine, French, Gordon, Goulding, Graham, Gunson, Hogan, Holgate, Kay, Kyle, Lambert, Lawrence, Martin, McCaslin, McRae, Schaw, Sheild, Simons, Sparkes, Sparkes, Strudwick, Tegg, Tough, Unwin, Wallace, Walsh, Ward, Weir, White, Wilkins, Williams, Worsley

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Waiwhare School

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