Waiwhare School 1987 Log Book


Jason Davidson   Form 2
Tony Worsley   Form 2
Elizabeth Gordon   Form 1
Kylee Holgate   Form 1
Nicholette Eatwell   Form 1
Lucy Arthur   Form 1
Nicola White   Form 1
Philippa Kay   Form 1
Robert Ayres   Form 1
Mark Barnett   Std 4
Gavin Sparkes   Std 4
Michelle Davidson   Std 4
Peter Ward   Std 4
Deon Holgate   Std 4
Rocky Kyle   Std 4
Kathryn Paton   Std 3
Justin Clarke   Std 3
Rachel Kay   Std 3
Jessica Arthur   Std 3
Mathew Croad   Std 3
Nicola Lawrence   Std 3
Nathan Price   Std 3
Craig Ayres   Std 3
Jason Goulding   Std 2
Michelle Eatwell   Std 2
Tina Clarke   Std 2
Michael Ward   Std 2
Vicky Barnett   Std 2
William Kyle   Std 2
Andrew Gunson   Std 2
Mark Worsley   Std 2
Marcus Schaw   Std 2
Jodi Kyle   Std 2
Neil Fountaine   Std 1
Vikki Tough   Std 1
Steven Croad   Std 1
Suzanne Ward   Std 1
Duncan Kay   Std 1
James Schaw   Std 1
Amanda McCaslin   J2
Andrew Clarke   J2
Callum McRae   J2
Nicholas Robinson   J2
Kerry Tough   J2
Sophie Lawrence   J2
Jacqui White   J2
Brett Gunson   J1
Simon Wallace   J1
Timothy Kyle   J1
Campbell Ayres   J1
Rebecca Ward   J1
Scott Goulding   J1
Nathan Croad   J1
Samuel McCaslin   J1
Hugh MacMillan   J1
Vanessa Fountaine   J1
Annette Hall   J1
Amy Price   J1
Amanda Robinson   J1

Justin Clarke
Nathan Price
Kathryn Paton
Tina Clarke
Andrew Clarke
Nicholas Robinson
Campbell Ayres
Nathan Croad
Samuel McCaslin
Hugh MacMillan
Vanessa Fountaine
Annette Hall
Amy Price
Amanda Robinson
Rocky Kyle
Jodi Kyle

Jason Davidson
Tony Worsley
Kylee Holgate
Nicholette Eatwell
Michelle Davidson
Deon Holgate
Michelle Eatwell
Marcus Schaw
James Schaw
Timothy Kyle

Tony Simons

Pam Gunson
Marion Croad

Jill Simons
Rose Campbell
Keren Wallace

Karen Tough

Beverley Sparkes
Carol Ayres

Graham Lawrence, Chairman
Diane Arthur, Sec/Treas.
John Goulding
Graeme Fountaine
Roger Tough

Anne Eatwell
Jill Barnett
Cathy Worsley (relief)
Christine Goulding (relief)
Mike Barnett (relief)


TERM 1, 1987

School began on 30th  January with “Teachers Only” day.  Perhaps a turning point in the school’s history in that a third teacher has been appointed to the staff.
The staff is – TEACHERS – Pam Gunson – Junior teacher
Marion Croad – Relieving Long-term – Std 1-2
Tony Simons – Principal – Std 3 – Form 2.
TEACHER’S AIDE – Karen Tough, 5 hours per week

2 February   School opened at 9am with a roll of 49.  Six new pupils were enrolled.  One of these, Kathryn Paton, came from Otamauri School which was closed at the end of 1986.
The book room has been re-organised and converted into a classroom for Std 1 & 2 pupils (14 pupils)  All teacher resources are now being stored in the storage shed behind the physical education storage area.
Classroom numbers are – Room 1, NE – J2 – 15; Room 2, Std 1-Std 2 – 14, Room 3, Std 3 – Form 2 (21).  During the holidays the new well finally produced water.  Why this suddenly happened no-one is able to explain.  The supply is clear and seems plentiful.  It has been connected to the school system.

16 February   Nathan Croad enrolled.  School roll now 50.

18 February   Miss Val Dell, Inspector of Schools, came for a visit.  She discussed the school roll and the school’s role in the community.

19 February   Room 1 & 2 visited the Napier port in conjunction with their study on the harbour.

20 February   The school was closed for a shopping day.

23 February   Rural Adviser, Paul Tegg, visited the school.

25 February   School attended Taihape Rd Schools Swimming Sports at Sherenden School.  A new event was held this year – the fancy dress relay.  Waiwhare won both the senior pupils’ race and the parents’ relay.

28 February   Waiwhare Sports Day.

2 March   I took 20 pupils, Std 2 – Form 2, to participate in the Hastings Districts sports (swimming).  Held at the Aquatic Centre, Hastings.  Jessica Arthur was our most successful swimmer, gaining a fourth place in two events.

3 March   The school was visited by Val Paul, a teacher from Pakowhai School, who spent the day with Pam Gunson to observe junior room teaching.

9 March   I was absent due to stomach bug.  Keren Wallace relieved.

11 March   Returned to school after illness.

16-17 March   I attended a maths course in Hastings.  Went over the new Std 3 programme and also Form 1 & 2 maths.

21 March   School fundraising was held at Omahaki Station.  Excellent turnout by district.  Rained heavily all day but still managed to crutch 2160 ewes.

23 March   The school was closed for a shopping day.

2 April   Attended a course at Education Board in Napier on Consumer Education.  Rose Campbell relieved in my room.

8 April   Work began today on the lining of a store shed so it could be used as our teacher resource room.

24 April   School mothers prepared morning tea as a fundraiser at Waiwhare lamb sale, held in Bernie Ward’s yards and woolshed.

27 April   Mrs Gunson took seven pupils to Flaxmere Intermediate to be tested for their iron gymnastics badge.  All girls passed – some achieved very good results.  The judge praised the high standard of achievement of the group.  School committee elections held at school at 8pm.  Mr Graham Lawrence elected chairman, Diane Arthur secretary.  Committee consists of Graeme Fountaine, Roger Tough and John Goulding.

30 April   Work continues on the new resource area.  The room is presently being painted before the resources are placed on the shelves.

8 May   Closed school 2.30pm for May school holidays.

10 May   Many school children and parents took part in Napier-Hastings Fun Run.

TERM 2, 1987

25 May   School re-opened for Term 2.  Fifty-three pupils on roll.

11 June   Began winter sports combining with Crownthorpe, Sherenden and Pukehamoamoa schools.  The sports were held here at Waiwhare.

18 June   Teachers Only day.  Discussed and worked on module 4 of BSM programme.

19 June   School was closed for shopping day.  School committee completed last section of water supply by connecting the tank to the school system.

22 June   Suella Quinn, Hastings speech therapist, visited the school and tested six junior children for slight speech defects.  All children’s speech should improve as they mature.

23 June   Visit by Margaret Martin, District Health Nurse.  Gave the Form 1 girls an injection against rubella.

25 June   Travelled to Crownthorpe School for winter sports.

29-30 June   Parent interviews held at the school.

2 July   Travelled to Pukehamoamoa School for winter sports.

13 July   School re-opened after week long mid-term break.  Nathan and Amy Price enrolled.  School roll is 53. School committee cut and stored firewood.

16 July   Paul Tegg, rural adviser, visited school.  Discussed process writing skills.

24 July   Miss Val Dell, inspector of schools, came to discuss the likelihood of the school receiving a third classroom.  She suggested that there are five reasons why a third room should be placed at the school.

28 July   Rev. John Williams began religious instruction lessons at school.  Presently only teaching in my room.  Grading roll. The school has officially been graded as a G2 school for 1988. This entitles us to three permanent teachers.

31 July   Beverly Sparkes resigned as school cleaner today.  She has been the cleaner for the past 18 months.  Now she can sit back and relax (her own words).  Many thanks, Bev, for a job well done.

3 August   Carol Ayres began as new school cleaner.

5 August   I took 18 NE to Std 2 children to Flaxmere Intermediate to participate in the Hawke’s Bay Schools Gymnastics Festival (novice grade).  All children performed very well.

7 August   Mrs Gunson took ten girls to the gymnastics festival at the Centennial Hall, Napier. Waiwhare’s 1st  team did very well, gaining a fourth place in the country grade.

14 August   The school was closed for a shopping day.

18 August   The Rev. Williams came to take religious instruction in the senior room.

19 August   The Std 2 to Form 2 children visited Clive School for an afternoon of sports.  Soccer, rugby, netball and hockey were played.  A very enjoyable afternoon.  We have been invited to return again next year.

27 August   School’s fancy dress ball was held at the Kaweka Hall.  All children and their parents participated.  An enjoy able evening was held by all.  My thanks to Roger Tough who provided stereo equipment on which to play the music.

28 August   For the past week we have had a high school student, Angela Paton, visiting the school. Angela is keen to become a primary teacher and came to gain first-hand experience at the job.

The school was closed at 2.30 for August school holidays.

TERM 3, 1987

14 September   School re-opened after August break.

23 September   Mr Charles Bell, General Manager of the Hawke’s Bay Education Board, Jan Graham, school’s ward member, plus two members of the Education Board visited the school to discuss accommodation problems of the school.  They spent half an hour discussing with the school committee the possibility of shifting a new classroom.  The board members were somewhat non-committed but hopefully a new room would be transported to the school during the Christmas holidays and would probably come from Otamauri School.  Marion Croad and I began a 10 week course (in weekly one hour sessions) on reading in the middle/upper school.

29 September    The school was visited by Helen Arthur to talk to the senior class on the history of Waiwhare.

30 September   The school visited Crownthorpe School for the Taihape Rd cross-country run.  Very strong winds hampered good results.

1 October   The junior and middle rooms visited the Napier SPCA, a vet’s clinic and pet shop as part of their study on pets.  The senior room visited the Hawke’s Bay Museum and Wrightson wool stores in conjunction with their study on the history of Waiwhare.

6 October   A number of pupils participated in the Hastings Schools cross-country run held at the Hastings race course.  All pupils performed very well.  Elizabeth Gordon ran 3rd  in the 11 year old girls race, Peter Ward 10th  in the 10 year old boys, Nicholette Eatwell 12th  in the 12 year old girls’ race.

7 October   Paul Tegg, the rural adviser, visited the school and talked to me about school computers.

8 October   A saleswoman from Ashton Scholastic visited with a carload of books to sell.

19 October   A pet day was held at the school.  Excellent turnout by parents who came to watch. Stuart Weir judged animals on pre-determined categories.  An enjoyable if somewhat hectic day.

6 November    Jump Rope For Heart – the day full of skipping-related activities.

21 November   School working bee.  The fort was moved from its present site in between the silver birch tree and the concrete playing area to its present site to make way for the new classroom.  The large (and small) trees in front of the school were also removed.

22-27 November   Room 3 pupils attended a week long camp at Kaitawa.  Pukehamoamoa School joined us.  Liz Kay, Jill Barnett, Alan Clarke, Rick Ayres and Graham Lawrence were camp parents. Apart from the constant rain the week was very, very enjoyable and successful.

9 December   Miss Val Dell, inspector of schools, visited to check roll numbers and class organisation for next year.

14 December    The school attended a pantomime at Sherenden hall.

15 December    Jack Moir, adviser of reading, tested two slow readers in the senior room and suggested programmes of work to help improve their reading, to be implemented next year.

17 December    The end of the year breakup and prize-giving was held at the Kaweka Hall – an enjoyable and successful evening.

18 December   School officially closed for the year at 2.30pm.

1 and 2

Sheep Sale, Waiwhare Station, 24/4/87

Morning tea – Debbie Schaw holding baby, Jill Simons, Lynaire White

Making huts in the school paddock, February 1987:
Michael Ward, Mark Worsley, Justin Clarke, Tony Worsley, Mathew Croad, Peter Ward, Marcus Schaw, Nicola Lawrence, Jessica Arthur, Craig Ayres, James Schaw, William Kyle

Inter-school cross-country

Results of Hastings and combined districts inter-school cross-country held at Hastings racecourse on Tuesday.-

12 years and over.- Boys: R. Griffiths (Lindisfarne) 1, B. Brangwin (Hereworth) 2, J. Thompson (Poukawa) 3. Girls: A. Kennedy (St Mary’s) 1, D. Knight (St Mary’s) 2, V. Hansen (Twyford) 3.

11 years.- Boys: J. Marayan (Peterhead) 1, A. Rusbatch (Maraekakaho) 2, J. Rys (Parkvale) 3.

Girls: J. Davey (Maraekakaho) 1, J. Sinclair (Mayfair) 2, E. Gordon (Waiwhare) 3.

10 years.- Boys: A. Hart (Raureka) 1, S. Cavaney (Raureka) 2, D. Gibson (Te Mata) 3.

Girls: A. Haste (Lucknow) 1, R. Fagan (Havelock North) 2, T. Clarke (Peterhead) 3.

9 years.- Boys: A. Wong Kee (Peterhead) 1, D. Ferrier (Mayfair) 2, T. Walls (Hastings Cent) 3. Girls: R. Yurkowski (Havelock North) 1, B. Bourke (Poukawa) 2, H. Puna (Camberley) 3.

8 years.- R. Brady (Hastings Cent) 1, Blair Cotching (Hastings Cent) 2, J. Natusch (Maraekakaho) 3.

Girls: K. Hercock (Havelock North) 1, R. Tipuna (Hastings Central) 2, M. Flowers (Twyford) 3.

Herald Tribune 10-10-87

Fun Run, 10/5/87:  Dennis Schaw, Suzanne Ward. John Matthews & Philip, Mike Barnett, David Ward & Joanna, Martin Jones – shivering on a frosty Hastings morning

Peter Ward handing the baton to Nicholette Eatwell, Marcus Schaw waiting

Marcus Schaw & Nicholette Eatwell finishing in Napier

Pet Day, 19/10/87
Stuart Weir judging

Aborigine Day, 22/6/87

Mark Worsley, Nathan Croad, Steven Croad, Duncan Kay

? [Hugh MacMillan], Michael Kyle & Timothy

Sue McRae

Neil Fountaine & Michael Ward

Sam McCaslin

Tina Clarke, Amanda Robinson, Simon Wallace, Andrew Clarke

Scott Goulding, Amanda McCaslin, Andy Gunson

Michelle Eatwell, Rachel Kay, Jessica Arthur, Liz Kay

Richard Ward, James Schaw, Daniel Ward, ?, Marcus Schaw

Timothy Kyle

Suzanne Ward, Rebecca Ward, Vanessa Fountaine

L to R:  Neil Fountaine, Vanessa Fountaine, Michael Ward, Rebecca Ward, Helen Ward, Suzanne Ward

Jump Rope for Heart, 6/11/87

Rebecca Ward

Tony Worsley

Tony Simons & Pam Gunson
Watched by Marion Croad, Karen Tough, Nicola White, Philippa Kay

Fancy Dress Ball 27/8/87 Kaweka Forest Hall

Pam Gunson, Tony Simons, Marion Croad, Marcus Schaw

Peter Ward in green, Mark Worsley policeman

Big Chief Tony Simons of the Waiwhare Tribe

Moving fort to make way for new classroom 21/11/87

Break up 17/12/87

Andy Gunson & Kerry Tough in “Grant the Ant”

Suzanne Ward narrating “Grant the Ant”



Kaitawa 1987

Peter Ward

Tony Simons giving orders

Elizabeth Gordon, Nicholette Eatwell

Philippa Kay in nightie. Nicholette Eatwell middle

Craig Ayres, Robert Ayres, Mark Barnett, ?, Liz Kay, Phillips Kay

Justin Clarke, Tina Clarke, ?, Jill Barnett

Jill Barnett seated, Mark Barnett, Philippa Kay right

Trip home – Mathew Croad

Graham Stichbury, Michelle Davidson, Tony Simons, Jessica Arthur in doorway

Graham Stichbury

Rachel Kay blonde hair

Nicola Lawrence in blanket

Back Row L to R:  Craig Ayres, Duncan Kay, Mathew Croad, Gavin Sparkes, Tony Worsley, Nicholette Eatwell, Mark Barnett, Peter Ward, Nathan Price, Steven Croad, Michael Ward
Third Row:  Tony Simons (Principal), Nicholas Robinson, James Schaw, Callum McRae, William Kyle, Neil Fountaine, Justin Clarke, Lucy Arthur, Elizabeth Gordon, Robert Ayres, Marcus Schaw, Jason Goulding, Andy Gunson, Mark Worsley, Simon Wallace, Pam Gunson (teacher)
Second Row:  Andrew Clarke, Suzanne Ward, Amanda McCaslin, Tina Clarke, Kathryn Paton, Vicky Barnett, Philippa Kay, Rachel Kay, Jessica Arthur, Nicola White, Nicola Lawrence, Michelle Eatwell, Vikki Tough, Hugh McMillan [MacMillan]
Front:  Vanessa Fountaine, Amanda Robinson, Campbell Ayres, Brett Gunson, Rebecca Ward, Sam McCaslin, Sophie Lawrence, Kerry Tough, Timothy Kyle, Amy Price, Nathan Croad, Scott Goulding, Jacqui White, Annette Hall

Back Row L to R:  William Kyle, Mathew Croad, Justin Clarke, Tony Worsley, Mark Barnett, Robert Ayres, Nathan Price
Middle Row:  Mark Worsley, Michael Ward, Gavin Sparkes, Nicholette Eatwell, Lucy Arthur, Peter Ward, Jason Goulding, Craig Ayres
Front Row:  Michelle Eatwell, Kathryn Paton, Jessica Arthur, Philippa Kay, Tony Simons (teacher) Elizabeth Gordon, Rachel Kay, Nicola White, Nicola Lawrence

Back Row L to R:  Nicholas Robinson, James Schaw, Andrew Gunson, Marcus Schaw, Neil Fountaine Steven Croad, Duncan Kay, Callum McRae
Front Row:  Jacqui White, Sophie Lawrence, Vikki Tough, Tina Clarke, Vicky Barnett, Amanda McCaslin, Suzanne Ward, Kerry Tough

Back Row L to R:  Campbell Ayres, Timothy Kyle, Samuel McCaslin, Simon Wallace, Andrew Clarke, Hugh MacMillan, Brett Gunson, Nathan Croad.
Front Row:  Annette Hall, Amy Price, Rebecca Ward, Pam Gunson (teacher), Scott Goulding, Vanessa Fountaine, Amanda Robinson.

Gymnastics “A” –
Jessica Arthur, Nicholette Eatwell, Elizabeth Gordon, Nicola White

Gymnastics “B” –
Back:  Lucy Arthur, Philippa Kay
Front:  Vicky Barnett, Kathryn Paton, Michelle Eatwell, Sophie Lawrence

Back Row: L to R:  Timothy Kyle, Andy Gunson, Marcus Schaw, Steven Croad, James Schaw Middle:  Nathan Croad, Duncan Kay, Jason Goulding, Neil Fountaine, Michael Ward, Brett Gunson Front Row:  Amanda Robinson, Kerry Tough, Tina Clarke, Suzanne Ward, Vikki Tough, Jacqui White

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Surnames in this log book –
Arthur, Ayres, Barnett, Bell, Bourke, Brady, Brangwin, Campbell, Cavaney, Clarke, Cotching, Croad, Davey, Davidson, Dell, Eatwell, Fagan, Ferrier, Flowers, Fountaine, Gibson, Gordon, Goulding, Graham, Griffiths, Gunson, Hall, Hansen, Hart, Haste, Hercock, Holgate, Jones, Kay, Kennedy, Knight, Kyle, Lawrence, MacMillan, Marayan, Matthews, McCaslin, McRae, Moir, Natusch, Paton, Paul, Price, Puna, Quinn, Robinson, Rusbatch, Rys, Schaw, Simons, Sinclair, Sparkes, Stichbury, Tegg, Thompson, Tipuna, Tough, Wallace, Walls, Ward, Weir, White, Williams, Wong Kee, Worsley, Yurkowski

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Waiwhare School

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