Waiwhare School 1990 Log Book


Craig Ayres   Form 2
Jessica Arthur   Form 2
Justin Clarke   Form 2
Kathryn Paton   Form 2
Nathan Price   Form 2
Nicola Lawrence   Form 2
Rachel Kay   Form 2
Jason Goulding   Form 1
Jock Nicholls   Form 1
Michael Ward   Form 1
Tina Clarke   Form 1
Vicky Barnett   Form 1
Duncan Kay   Std 4
Lani Henare   Std 4
Louise Wood   Std 4
Neil Fountaine   Std 4
Steven Croad   Std 4
Suzanne Ward    Std 4
Amanda McCaslin   Std 3
Andrew Clarke   Std 3
Ben Nicholls    Std 3
Callum McRae   Std 3
Jason McLean   Std 3
Nicholas Robinson   Std 3
Sophie Lawrence   Std 3
Amanda Robinson   Std 2
Amy Price    Std 2
Brett Gunson   Std 2
Campbell Ayres   Std 2
Charlene Henare   Std 2
Nathan Croad   Std 2
Rebecca Ward   Std 2
Samuel McCaslin   Std 2
Scott Goulding   Std 2
Simon Wallace   Std 2
Vanessa Fountaine   Std 2
Bradley Wallace   Std 1
Brooke Mullooly   Std 1
Emmily Wood   Std 1
Philip McLean   Std 1
Amy Roydhouse   J2
Anna Wood   J2
Daniel Ward   J2
Jamie McRae   J2
Jock Lawrence   J2
Nicholas Webster   J2
Serena Goulding   J2
Caroline Robinson   J1
Corey Bullock   J1
Kaya Predki    J1
Michelle Dunn   J1
Rowan Smith   J1
Sam Rosenberg   J1
Travis Mullooly   J1
Christopher Ayres   NE
James Simons   NE
Richard Ward   NE

Brooke Mullooly
Travis Mullooly
Sam Rosenberg
Richard Ward
Christopher Ayres
James Simons
Michelle Dunn
Caroline Robinson
Jock Nicholls
Ben Nicholls

Rachel Kay
Jessica Arthur
Nicola Lawrence
Vicky Barnett
Steven Croad
Craig Ayres
Justin Clarke
Nathan Price
Kathryn Paton
Nicholas Robinson
Nathan Croad
Amy Price
Lani Henare
Charlene Henare
Jason McLean
Philip McLean
Kaya Predki
Sam Rosenberg

Tony Simons

Pam Gunson
Marion Croad

Jill Simons
Keren Wallace
Rose Campbell
Anthea Yule

Sue McRae

Carol Ayres

John Goulding, Chairman
Debbie Robinson, Sec/Treas.
Sue McRae
Barry Wallace
Rick Ayreslogbook 1990
Pam Gunson, Staff Rep.

Jill Barnett
Christine Goulding
Gail Price
Mike Barnett (relief)
Keren Wallace (relief)


TERM 1, 1990

1 February   The school opened with a roll of 50.
Staff – Mrs Pam Gunson   NE – Yr 2, 13 pupils
Mrs Marion Croad   Ye 3 – Std 3, 20 pupils
Mr Tony Simons   Std 4 – Form 2, 17 pupils
Mrs Sue McRae   Teacher’s Aide/Clerical Assistant
The school year has begun with the legislation of “Tomorrow’s Schools” in place.  We are now on our own.  The Education Board has been dissolved and we have been granted a sum of $50,013 (not including teachers’ wages), to run the school for the year.  The school charter is complete but now needs changing because the Minister of Education is not happy with the wording (after he suggested the wording in the first place).  The charter must now be ready by the end of the first term, 1990. The first week of school itself has gone very well.  The children have settled into school life well and the teachers seem happy at this stage.  We are all working on kites to be ready for the international kite festival being held in Napier on 9th  February to celebrate 150 years of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi.
Today the well-drillers arrived to begin drilling a new well.  We found the old well had run dry during slightly dry spells, so the Ministry has agreed to pay for the drilling of a new one.

9 February   The drilling of the well has been very slow.  The drillers got to a depth of 9 feet before hitting a rock and breaking the drill.  Since the 1st of February the drillers have worked for only 3 days.  Not a good record.
Today we were to go to Napier to participate in the international kite festival.  We have been making kites all week in anticipation (made some beauties too) but the day dawned wet so it was cancelled.  We had a large number of disappointed pupils today.  Marion Croad was away today so we had Rose Campbell relieving in her room.

24 February   Waiwhare Sports Day.
April   The school and house are presently being painted.  The job is being done by Ray Stewart and being paid for by the Ministry of Education.

TERM 2, 1990

5 June   Arbor Day.  The school planted a tree today at the south western corner of the playing field. The tree is a golden totara and was donated to the school by the Hastings District Council.

11 July   I attended a meeting with members of the Ministry of Education held at the Sherenden Hall.  We discussed aspects of property and maintenance requirements, NZEI, progress on “Tomorrow’s Schools” programmes.  The meeting was also attended by principals from the surrounding rural schools.

7 August   The school attended the winter tournament competition held in Hastings. Rugby, netball, soccer and hockey games were played.  Pupils performed well, the soccer team winning its grade in the competition.

16 August   I attended the first day of the principal’s conference held at Michael’s Place in Napier.  We listened to two speakers, both from Waikato University.  As I had learnt nothing of value I did not attend the second day of the conference.

23 August   The fancy dress ball was held at Sherenden Hall and we had the theme of “clowns” for the evening.  It went really well and all who attended really enjoyed themselves.  A magician (organised through Pat Tolley) entertained everyone for about half an hour.  The kids really enjoyed him, particularly when he was about to cut off Callum McRae’s head

24 August   School closed for the August holidays.

TERM 3, 1990

10 September   School opened for the third term.

1 October   I attended the principal’s Task Force conference held at Peterhead School, Hastings.

4 October   The senior school (Rooms 2 & 3) attended the Hastings and Districts cross-country schools’ race at the Maraekakaho Domain.  This was a really good course and all children participated really well.  Our best runners were – Louise Wood, 4th  11 yr girls, Jason Goulding, 11th  12 yr boys, Jessica Arthur 14th , 12 yr girls.

9 October   I attended a course on running records for reading held at Heretaunga Intermediate.  Anthea Yule relieved in my room for the day.

11 October   The Taihape Rd schools’ cross-country run was held at Waiwhare School.

30 October   John McNeill from the Ministry of Education came to discuss the problems experienced with the school’s water supply.  After much discussion three conclusions were reached –
1   That no more money will be spent upgrading the well.
2   That a rain water tank will be placed behind Room 1 and water collected from the roof of Room 1.
3   This water will feed the toilet block and staff room when the well runs dry.  These are discussion points only at this stage – the Ministry approval for the work will need to be given.

2 November   John McNeill returned with a plumber.  They discussed at length the placing of the water tank.  They have now decided to place a larger storage tank behind Room 2.  This to be fed from the rooves of both Rooms 1 & 2.  A pump would be purchased to pump water to the main toilet block and the staff room.

9 November   The water storage tank was installed and water pipes connected.  A water pump has been placed under Room 2 and power installed.  Everything is now ready.  All we need is some rain to fill the tank.  The Taihape Rd schools held a D&A Day at Matapiro Domain today.  An enjoyable day, with fine, sunny weather.

19 November   Rooms 1 & 2 visited Cape Kidnappers to look at the gannet colony there.

19-23 November   Room 3 spent a week camping at Waimarama.  An enjoyable week was had studying rock pools, streams, orienteering, tramping, beach art etc.  The weather was overcast and cool all week with some showers.  The children went for only one swim because of the weather conditions.

Back row left to right:  Tony Simons (principal), Nicholas Robinson, Duncan Kay, Jason Goulding, Neil Fountaine, Craig Ayres, Jock Nicholls, Justin Clarke, Michael Ward, Steven Croad, Ben Nicholls, Callum McRae, Andrew Clarke, Brett Gunson
2nd  row:  Nathan Croad, Campbell Ayres, Simon Wallace, Sophie Lawrence, Suzanne Ward, Nicola Lawrence, Kathryn Paton, Tina Clarke, Amanda McCaslin, Rebecca Ward, Sam McCaslin, Bradley Wallace, Scott Goulding
3rd  row:  Marion Croad (teacher), Caroline Robinson, Anna Wood, Amanda Robinson, Emmily Wood, Louise Wood, Rachel Kay, Vicky Barnett, Brooke Mullooly, Vanessa Fountaine, Amy Roydhouse, Pam Gunson (teacher)
Front row:  Serena Goulding, Nicholas Webster, Richard Ward, Sam Rosenberg, Rowan Smith, Corey Bullock, Daniel Ward, Jamie McRae, Christopher Ayres, Jock Lawrence, Travis Mullooly, Michelle Dunn

Back row left to right:  Michael Ward, Jason Goulding, Craig Ayres, Jock Nicholls, Justin Clarke, Neil Fountaine, Tony Simons (principal)
Front:  Duncan Kay, Suzanne Ward, Vicky Barnett, Kathryn Paton, Rachel Kay, Nicola Lawrence, Louise Wood, Tina Clarke, Steven Croad

Back row left to right:  Simon Wallace, Brett Gunson, Andrew Clarke, Ben Nicholls, Callum McRae, Nicholas Robinson, Sam McCaslin, Marion Croad (teacher)
Front:  Campbell Ayres, Scott Goulding, Brooke Mullooly, Amanda Robinson, Sophie Lawrence, Amanda McCaslin, Rebecca Ward, Emmily Wood, Vanessa Fountaine, Bradley Wallace, Nathan Croad

Back row left to right:  Travis Mullooly, Corey Bullock, Jamie McRae, Daniel Ward, Richard Ward, Sam Rosenberg, Jock Lawrence, Christopher Ayres
Front:  Rowan Smith, Caroline Robinson, Serena Goulding, Anna Wood, Amy Roydhouse, Michelle Dunn, Nicholas Webster Pam Gunson (teacher)

Back Row L to R:  Amy Roydhouse, Anna Wood, Vanessa Fountaine
Front:  Michelle Dunn, Caroline Robinson, Brooke Mullooly, Serena Goulding

Sophie Lawrence, Vicky Barnett, Louise Wood, Nicola Lawrence

Back Row L to R:  Michael Ward, Craig Ayres, Justin Clarke, Duncan Kay
Front:  Jason Goulding, Steven Croad, Neil Fountaine, Sophie Lawrence

Sam McCaslin, Brett Gunson, Nicholas Robinson, Nathan Croad, Amanda Robinson

Campbell Ayres, Scott Goulding, Simon Wallace, Andrew Clarke, Bradley Wallace

Amanda McCaslin, Rebecca Ward, Suzanne Ward, Emmily Wood

Amanda McCaslin, Nathan Croad, Brett Gunson, Amanda Robinson

Back:  Louise Wood, Vicky Barnett
Front:  Nicola & Sophie Lawrence

Waimarama Camp

19-23 November

Kathryn Paton and Suzanne Ward

Fancy Dress Ball
23/8/90 at Sherenden Hall

Craig Ayres & Neil Fountaine

Tina Clarke & Kathryn Paton

Nicola Lawrence, Amanda Robinson, Sophie Lawrence

Vanessa Fountaine

Serena Goulding & Sam Rosenberg

Jessica Arthur & Vicky Barnett

Chris Ayres, James Simons & Joanna Ward

Campbell Ayres & Simon Wallace

Daniel, Rebecca & Richard Ward

Nathan Croad & Brett Gunson

James Simons

Jamie & Callum McRae

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Surnames in this log book –
Arthur, Ayres, Barnett, Bullock, Campbell, Clarke, Croad, Dunn, Fountaine, Goulding, Gunson, Henare, Kay, Lawrence, McCaslin, McLean, McNeill, McRae, Mullooly, Nicholls, Paton, Predki, Price, Robinson, Rosenberg, Roydhouse, Simons, Smith, Stewart, Tolley, Wallace, Ward, Webster, Wood, Yule

Business / Organisation

Waiwhare School

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Digital copy of original typed book

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