5th. November 1991
Camp organisation continues to proceed to plan. Fundraising has been extremely successful and continues to proceed well with the recipe books and sheep manure still continuing to bring in money. We still have fifty bags of manure stored in McRae’s shed that I would like to see sold, so if you could ask friends or relations to buy some, this would see Johnnie’s woolshed available for shearing again. I would like to thank Linda, Liz and Christine in particular for their enthusiasm and hard work in this endeavour.
All money raised so far is presently sitting in a bank account tagged only for Camp. Any money left over at the end of Camp is held in this account to be used as the beginning for the next Camp.
All pupils now have a Camp Book and from now on messages and information will be coming to you via this book. Please ensure that you read the book regularly; it is now our Official Communication Service.
Liz is presently working on the food list, and shortly a list of what we would like you to donate towards the Camp will be sent to you. We find this the easiest way to get the food we need together. I am concerned that there will be one or two complaints about food donation in regard to the amount we have raised through fundraising. I would like to remind you that this was agreed to at our Camp Meeting; and besides, the cost of a few dollars for food is a cheap price to pay for a comprehensive Camp like this one.
The proposed trip to Mount Tarawera as discussed in the Newsletter of 21.10.91 – Camp Update – will go ahead as suggested. Of the ten forms returned, only one didn’t think the launch trip across the Lake was a good idea. Please check pupils’ Camp Book for the plan of this day.
Four Mums have confirmed they will be joining us for the week. They are: Liz Kay (Camp Mum), Christine Goulding (Driver), Adrienne McCaslin and Linda Ward. I am still awaiting confirmation from another parent should she decide to have a mental lapse and want to join us. Ladies, I would suggest that you begin training for your week away – you will need all the energy you can muster, rest assured!
Over the next week, the list of clothing and accessories needed by the children and equipment needed by the group will appear in Camp Books. It may be an idea to begin thinking about getting gear ready now – e.g. patching up the hole in the knee of the only winter pyjamas your child owns, or getting new batteries for that torch, etc.
But we also need the following and it would be helpful if we could get:
2x family-sized tents: this means we can separate groups of children or groups of parents if the need arises.
1x electric jug.
…2/Over .
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