Waiwhare School 1991 Log Book


Jason Goulding   Form 2
Michael Ward   Form 2
Tina Clarke   Form 2
Jock Nicholls   Form 2
Neil Fountaine   Form 1
Suzanne Ward   Form 1
Duncan Kay   Form 1
Louise Wood   Form 1
Sheena Oster   Form 1
Jarreau Purcell   Form 1
Amanda McCaslin   Std 4
Callum McRae   Std 4
Sophie Lawrence   Std 4
Andrew Clarke   Std 4
Ben Nicholls   Std 4
Brett Gunson   Std 3
Simon Wallace   Std 3
Rebecca Ward   Std 3
Scott Goulding   Std 3
Campbell Ayres   Std 3
Samuel McCaslin   Std 3
Vanessa Fountaine   Std 3
Amanda Robinson   Std 3
Kristi-Rae Rodgers   Std 3
Kahl Rodgers   Std 3
Emmily Wood   Std 2
Brooke Mullooly   Std 2
Daniel Ward   Std 1
Jamie McRae   Std 1
Amy Roydhouse   Std 1
Jock Lawrence   Std 1
Nicholas Webster   Std 1
Serena Goulding   Std 1
Anna Wood   Std 1
Amy Roil   Std 1
Daniel Oster   Std 1
Corey Bullock   J2
Rowan Smith   J2
Travis Mullooly   J2
Michelle Dunn   J2
Caroline Robinson   J2
Elesha Purcell   J2
Richard Ward   J1
Christopher Ayres   J1
James Simons   J1
Joanna Ward   J1
Sam Roil   J1
Jessie Oster   J1
Hamish Webster   J1
Jessica Prescott   J1
Margarita Renata   J1
Jonathan Kernot   NE

Joanna Ward
Amy Roil
Sam Roil
Sheena Oster
Daniel Oster
Jessie Oster
Hamish Webster
Jarreau Purcell
Elesha Purcell
Jonathan Kernot
Kristi-Rae Rodgers
Kahl Rodgers
Jessica Prescott
Margarita Renata

Jason Goulding
Michael Ward
Neil Fountaine
Brett Gunson
Jock Nicholls
Brooke Mullooly
Travis Mullooly
Sheena Oster
Daniel Oster
Jessie Oster
Jessica Prescott
Margarita Renata
Andrew Clarke
Tina Clarke

Tony Simons

Pam Gunson
Marion Croad

Jill Simons
Keren Wallace
Anne Sherwood
Anthea Yule

Sue McRae

Carol Ayres

John Goulding, Chairman
Debbie Robinson, Sec/Treas.
Sue McRae
Barry Wallace
Rick Ayres
Pam Gunson, Staff Rep.

Jane Fountaine
Christine Goulding
Mike Barnett (relief)
Keren Wallace (relief)
Carol Ayres (relief)

TERM 1, 1991

4 February   The school opened with a roll of 43.
Staff – Mrs Pam Gunson   NE – Yr 2, Room 1
Mrs Marion Croad   Yr 3 – Std 3, Room 2
Mr Tony Simons   Std 4 – Form 2, Room 3, Principal
Mrs Sue McRae   Teacher’s Aide/Clerical Assistant

14 February   The whole school travelled to Sherenden School to attend the Taihape Rd Schools swimming sports.  Pupils of the school swam very well, winning the middle and senior school relays.

21 February   Middle and senior school attended the Hastings District Schools swimming sports held at the Aquatic Centre, Hastings.  Results – Emmily Wood, 2nd  9 yr girls freestyle
Louise Wood, 2nd 11 yr girls backstroke and 3rd 11 yr girls freestyle.
Sophie Lawrence, 3rd 10 yr girls backstroke.

23 February    Waiwhare Sports Day

25 February   Principal’s release time has been approved.  I’m allocated 5 hours a week by the Ministry.  Anthea Yule is employed for 4 hours a week and is working in my room on Mondays.  Joanna Ward enrolled – new entrant.

27 February   As part of the school’s study on books, the school visited the Napier Public Library.  We spent an hour and a half being shown the library and having a look at all its resources.  We then visited Brebner Print, a printing works in Napier.  The children were shown the art work, setting up of master copies and the printing of booklets for the retail market.  A very enjoyable visit.  Staff were really helpful.

28 February    The children were sent home at 2pm so staff could attend a stop work meeting organised by NZEI.

1 March   The school was visited by Alan Bamber, the fore [fire] safety officer, who talked to the pupils about aspects of fire safety in the home and how to escape from a burning building.  He showed a video and had a couple of demonstrations.  The pupils showed much interest in what Mr Bamber was showing them.

5 March    Joy Watson, author of “Grandpa’s Slippers”, visited the school and talked to the children about the processes involved in writing and publishing a book.

8 March   The school was closed for a shopping day.

11 March   Pam visited Porritt School for a liaison visit, to view other teaching methods.  Keren Wallace relieved in her room.

21 March   Dennis Coxon, rural adviser, visited.  Discussed with us the writing of cv’s, school development planning and checklist progress.

22 March   Teachers only day.  Kiwisport co-ordinator Shelley Tichborne, spent the morning with us telling us about the Kiwisport programme and showing us some of the disciplines involved.  We spent the afternoon working on a checklist for Physical Education.

10 April   The Health Dept checked and tested the school’s drinking water.  It was found that it was contaminated with – E. Coli organisms – 1 per 100ml, Coliform organisms, 25 per 100ml.  The result is indicative of both faecal and vegetative contamination.  I have instructed children that they are not to use the drinking fountains.  A supply of boiled drinking water is available for the staff room fridge.

13 April    I cleaned the water tank at the front of the school.  The sides were found to have a brown film on them.  We bucketed out about 3 barrow loads of rotting leaf matter. The sides were scrubbed with chlorine.

16 April   Six girls attended the novice gymnastics festival held at Heretaunga Intermediate.  A truck load of town supply water arrived and placed 2000 gals of water into the recently cleaned tank.

17 April   Ted Ercolano, Ministry of Education building supervisor, came to discuss with the Board of Trustees the occupancy agreement.  He has agreed to fund minor improvements in the school.  These are –
1   Replace carpet in library (one section only)
2   Recover floor covering in Room 3.
3   Pay for lighting upgrading in all 3 rooms.
4   Pay for aluminium shed for gym mats.
5   Fund 50% of the upgrading of the swimming pool.
6   Pay for porch construction of school house.

18 April    Diane, a teacher from Nelson Park School, Napier, came to spend a day with us.  She observed Marion and Pam and wanted to find out about planning for a multi-level junior class.

19 April   2 teams (10 children) attended the gymnastics festival at the Centennial Hall, Napier.  Our top team was unplaced in the competition this year.

22 April   Pam is absent, attending an art course at Mayfair School.  Dave Wybow (Health Dept) came to retest the drinking water.  He also tested the house supply.

10 May   School closed for the May school holidays.

TERM 2, 1991

27 May   School re-opened after the holidays.  School roll now 50.  The Mullooly children have moved to Crownthorpe School.

6 June   Mr G Okey came and measured Rooms 3 and the library to replace floor coverings with new carpet.  David Dell visited to take singing with the whole school and then religious instruction with the children in the senior room.

10 June   Pam is away all week.  She is recovering from an operation on her eye.  Anne Sherwood is taking her class till Thursday, after which her place will be taken by Keren Wallace.

19 June   Lance Winn, NZEI field officer, visited and discuss with the staff aspects of the employment contract bill that has just been made law and to discuss aspects of bulk funding of teachers’ salaries.  David Dell took singing with the whole school and then took religious instruction with the senior room.

21 June   The school was closed for a shopping day.

25 June   Room 3 had new carpet installed today.  Old carpet and vinyl was pulled up.  Now the whole room has carpet apart from a strip of vinyl between two doors.

28 June    I attended a rural principal’s course held at the Missionary Seminary, Greenmeadows.  We discussed aspects of “Tomorrow’s Schools”, how it was going to date, concerns for rural principals and ideas on how we could handle the paper war better.  The course began Thursday evening 27th June through Friday and ended Saturday afternoon 29 June.

5 July   Pam was absent today.  Anne Sherwood relieved in her room.

6-14 July   The school was closed for mid-term break.

16 July    The senior room visited the Technology-Science Roadshow held at Taradale high School. A number of science experiments were shown to the children.  These were related to mixtures of gases, motion and the burning of fabrics.  As well as this a hands-on time was available, where the pupils had an opportunity to try some of the displays that were available.

18 July   Gary Whincop, the finance adviser from Educom, visited to go over minor concerns with the school Imprest Account and to ask if we are happy with their service.  The AGM of the Waiwhare Bus Company was held at the school.

24 July   The AGM of the Waiwhare School Board of Trustees was held at the school.

1 August   Sandra McDonald, reading adviser, visited to discuss with me reading material suitable for the senior school.  She suggested that the “Highgate” collection of books would be most suitable.

2 August   A sports day was held at Crownthorpe School involving schools from the Taihape Rd.  Invited to join us were Kereru, Mangatahi and Raukawa Schools.  Games of soccer, netball, hockey and rugby were played.

7 August   The senior room visited the fire station today in conjunction with a reading unit on the Ballantyne’s Fire in Christchurch in 1947.  We had an interesting time talking with the firemen on duty about their jobs and about their feelings when they attended a fire.  The children were then shown the equipment the firemen use.

9 August   The school was closed for a shopping day.

14 August   We held an evening for parents entitled “Reading”.  This was an informative evening designed to show parents the latest aspects of reading from an educational point of view.  Nine parents attended the evening.

19 August   SNOW!! Snow began falling at the school at 12 noon.  The fall lasted for some 30 minutes.  By 1pm the fall had stopped and most of the snow had melted.  The sun shone brightly at 1.15 and shortly afterwards the last trace of snow had disappeared.  The children thoroughly enjoyed their “hour” of snow fights and sliding down the hill during their lunch time.

23 August   Jump Rope For Heart.

29 August   School dance at Sherenden hall.  The theme this year is “book characters”.

30 August   School closed for the August school holidays.

TERM 3, 1991

16 September   School re-opened for the 3rd term.

18 September   We received official notification that from 1992 the school will be down-graded to G1 status and that we will lose one teaching position.  This is due to a new approach by the Ministry of Education, where school grading will no longer be taken on July 1st  but a predicted roll number on July 1st 1992 will be the main grading determining day.  The Ministry will reassess the situation on March 1st  1992.  Our predicted roll on July 1st  1992 is 47.

2 October   The whole school visited the SPCA and then went to visit a vet in Napier.  This was in conjunction with our pet week.

3 October    Children eight years old and up participated in the Hastings Schools cross-country held at Maraekakaho Domain.

11 October   Pet day was held at school.  Stuart Weir judged them for us.  A really enjoyable and successful event.

17 October   The Taihape Rd cross-country race was held at the paddock across from Pukehamoamoa School.  A really hot day.  Children performed really well, a number gaining excellent results.

18 October   Both Marion and I sat a 3 hour exam in Napier today to complete our ASTU Computers in Education paper that we have been working on all year.  Now we wait to see if we have passed.

18 December   Ken Foster, the first permanent appointed teacher at this school in 1953 visited today with his wife.  He now lives in Christchurch.  He talked about his time here and observed many changes.  Things of interest he mentioned were –
– The original building moved here from across the river was actually a telephone exchange and was very small.  Something like 3 by 5 metres.  Just enough for the nine pupils first enrolled.
– The house was complete in early 1953 and was ready for Ken and his new wife at the beginning of the year.
– A number of family members where offspring attended the school now were familiar to the Fosters eg Tolleys, Gouldings, Barnetts.

20 December   Last day of term.  The school begins as a 2 teacher school next year.  We were downgraded after the July returns.  The school begins next year with a G1 status.  Marion Croad leaves us, going to Irongate School as a supernumerary.
The audit material was extremely stressful to complete by the 31 December deadline.  John Goulding, Debbie Robinson and Sue McRae all resigned from the Board of Trustees giving stress as their reason.  I thank them most sincerely for their support over the years.  An extremely difficult and thankless task.
Because of Marion leaving as well this means that only 3 members remain on the Board – Barry Wallace, Rick Ayres and myself.  A meeting will need to be held among us to decide what we will do about this problem.
Whole school walked down to the “Hummocks”, a paddock on Bernie Ward’s farm.  Had lunch at the stream.  Long walk back uphill afterwards.


Suzanne Ward, Tina Clarke, Neil Fountaine standing

Pet Day 11/10/191

Jim Gunson, Robert Ayres, Barry Wallace

Daniel Ward, Joanna Ward, Michael Ward, Neil Fountaine

Cross-country, Pukehamoamoa, 17/10/91

Sam Rosenberg

Suzanne Ward finishing.

Carolyn Clarke holding place card

The new yellow tank arrives

Kerry Tough at gymnastics festival, McLean Park, Napier, 19 April 1991

Electricity Department repairing broken wires brought down by falling branches, April 1991

“Book Characters” Dance
Sherenden Hall
29 August 1991

Hamish Webster, Joanna Ward

Jock Lawrence

Leonie Smith

Jason Goulding & Suzanne Ward

Jump Rope For Heart

Jarreau Purcell & Callum McRae holding rope, Michael Ward jumping

L to R:  Kahl Rodgers, Marion Croad, Campbell Ayres, Andrew Clarke, Ben Nicholls, Scott Goulding, Michael Ward, Bradley Wallace

Suzanne Ward, Louise Wood, Serena Goulding, Joanna Ward

Jason Goulding & Neil Fountaine

Sue McRae, Amanda Robinson, Michelle Dunn, Carolyn Clarke



Callum McRae, Hamish Webster, Sophie Lawrence, Sam Roil, Richard Ward

Walk to Hummocks, last day of year, 20/12/91

Jock Nicholls, Jason Goulding, Jarreau Purcell, Michael Ward

David Ward & Tony Simons’ backs
Marion Croad
Ben & Daniel Simons right
Michael Ward, Nathan Price, left

Suzanne Ward & Tina Clarke selling firewood to raise money for Rotorua trip outside Woolworths

Rotorua Trip
24-29 November

Huka Falls

Louise Wood, Suzanne Ward


L to R:  Adrienne McCaslin, Liz Kay, guide, Tony Simons, Suzanne Ward, Tina Clarke, Louise Wood, Jarreau Purcell

Buried Village – Tina Clarke, Suzanne Ward, Louise Wood, Sheena Oster

Mt Tarawera, 27/11/91

Carolyn Clarke, Amanda McCaslin, Christine Goulding

Amanda McCaslin

Duncan Kay, Callum McRae, Michael Ward standing

Going back to camp by launch

Michael, Linda & Suzanne Ward at the TOP!

Luge – Michael Ward

Jason Goulding, Neil Fountaine, Michael Ward, Jarreau Purcell

Emmily Wood, Suzanne Ward, Jock Nicholls, Tina Clarke

Michael Ward

Hongi’s Track, Lake Rotoehu

Having lunch behind Kawerau

Leisure World

Craters of the Moon

Cobb & Co

Callum McRae left, Sheena Oster, Amanda McCaslin, Tina Clarke, Suzanne Ward right

L to R:  Janet Huff, Liz Kay, Linda Ward, Tony Simons, Carolyn Clarke, Christine Goulding, Adrienne McCaslin.

Kawerau Mill

Kawerau Forest


Sophie Lawrence, Tony Simons, Amanda McCaslin

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Surnames in this log book –
Ayres, Bamber, Barnett, Bullock, Clarke, Coxon, Croad, Dell, Dunn, Ercolano, Foster, Fountaine, Goulding, Gunson, Kay, Kernot, Lawrence, McCaslin, McDonald, McRae, Mullooly, Nicholls, Okey, Oster, Prescott, Purcell, Renata, Robinson, Rodgers, Roil, Roydhouse, Sherwood, Simons, Smith, Tichborne, Wallace, Ward, Watson, Webster, Whincop, Winn, Wood, Wybrow, Yule

Business / Organisation

Waiwhare School

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Digital copy of original typed book

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