Waiwhare School 1993 Log Book


Amanda McCaslin   Form 2
Callum McRae   Form 2
Antonia De Vries   Form 2
Simon Wallace   Form 1
Rebecca Ward   Form 1
Scott Goulding   Form 1
Campbell Ayres   Form 1
Samuel McCaslin   Form 1
Vanessa Fountaine   Form 1
Charlene Henare   Form 1
Emmily Wood/Bryant  Std 4
Tim Marfell   Std 4
Katrina De Vries   Std 4
Daniel Ward   Std 3
Jamie McRae   Std 3
Amy Roydhouse   Std 3
Jock Lawrence   Std 3
Nicholas Webster   Std 3
Serena Goulding   Std 3
Anna Wood/Bryant  Std 3
Amy Roil   Std 3
Tamati Wall   Std 3
Bradley Wallace   Std 3
Corey Bullock   Std 2
Rowan Smith   Std 2
Michelle Dunn   Std 2
Caroline Robinson   Std 2
Elesha Purcell   Std 2
Richard Ward   Std 1
Christopher Ayres   Std 1
Joanna Ward   Std 1
Sam Roil   Std 1
Kylie Marfell   Std 1
Hamish Webster   Std 1
Maree Wallace   J2
Veronica Campbell   J2
Matthew Marfell   J1
Melissa Jordan   J1
Remy Lee-Kelleher   J1
Erin Smith   J1
Hamish Fountaine   NE
Geordie Wall   NE
Jamie Roil   NE

Tim Marfell
Kylie Marfell
Matthew Marfell
Melissa Jordan
Hamish Fountaine
Tamati Wall
Geordie Wall
Jamie Roil
Remy Lee-Kelleher
Charlene Henare

Amanda McCaslin
Callum McRae
Simon Wallace
Scott Goulding
Samuel McCaslin
Jamie McRae
Emmily Wood/Bryant
Rowan Smith
Anna Wood/Bryant
Michelle Dunn
Veronica Campbell
Erin Smith
Charlene Henare
Nicholas Webster
Hamish Webster
Antonia De Vries

Keryl Lee-Kelleher

Tanya Bunny

Keren Wallace

Pam Gunson

Carol Ayres

Leonie Smith

Carolyn Clarke

Rick Ayres, Chairman
Tony Ward
Simon Robinson
Leonie Smith
Peter Roil
Jan Herron, Sec/Treas.

Jane Fountaine
Christine Goulding
Raewyne Leech
Mike Barnett (relief)
Shona Weir (relief)
Carol Ayres (relief)


TERM 1, 1993

4 February   The school opened with a roll of 36.
Staff – Tanya Bunny Scale A
Keryl Lee-Kelleher – Principal
Carol Ayres Secretary/teacher’s aide
Sally Cunningham Principal’s release
Dave Blackwell, traffic education officer, visited for bus programme.  A short visit from Mr Boyes – principal of Waiwhare School 33 years ago

9 February   John Medcalf, SES, to discuss IEP plan for a pupil.

16 February   Country schools swimming sports were postponed from 11/2.  Started at 10am and held juniors first with seniors starting at 12.15.  Water was extremely cold with children getting such a shock.  Many gasped at the wrong time and ended up swallowing water.  Finished early after a very smoothly run day.

23 February   Tanya Bunny visited Sherenden School for the day.

24 February   We all went up Glenross Rd to Gunson’s farm to visit the site of a German advert shoot.  An apple tree – adult (mature) had been brought out from town and specially planted.  Everyone seemed to be doing an awful lot of waiting around for action, including us.  Very interesting to see the makings and background into advertisement production.

25 February   Hastings districts sports postponement day (swimming).  Actually had fine weather.  A couple of mothers took the children in and they had a very enjoyable morning with some good results.

26 February    Sandy Anderson, Rural Adviser, Leith Wilson, Junior Adviser and Brian Rorke – Pest Control visited.

27 February   Waiwhare Sports Day.

3 March   I attended a library development course and Sally Cunningham, our part-time release teacher, relieved.

8 March  Peter Barrett of World Vision called to speak to the children.

10 March   Visit by Karoline Roberts of “toots ‘n’ tunes” to organise music lessons for children at school.  Quite a few children interested.

11 March   Visit by ex-pupil Cliff Tolley and fianceé – they spoke to the children about where they live in the United States and what school was like here.  Miss Bunny and I took a few children into the Gym Clinic after school.

16 March   Children interested in rugby were taken to Flaxmere College to see some All Black members.

17 March   “toots ‘n’ tunes” began 9.30-10.30.

18 March   Hearing and vision testing with Royce Lincoln.

19 March   Meeting with Violet Parahi (SES) and Annette Marfell re new enrolment of Matthew Marfell – with spina bifida.  George Waiahue from Flaxmere Rugby Club.

20 March   Crutching working bee fundraiser.  At Omahaki Station.

25 March   Pre-schoolers visited the school and junior class, from playcentre.

April   New enrolments – Marfell family – Tim, Std 4, Kylie J2, Matthew NE and Melissa Jordan, J2 – take the roll to 40.

4 April   Christine Scott of Shortland Publications and Philippa Ferns from Child Dev’t Unit.

8 April   Whole school went in to Hastings to see the secondary schools art display.

14 April   Teachers went to Pukehamoamoa School for asthma education meeting.  Evening session for interested parents in becoming parents as tutors.

20 April   Community meeting.

22 April   Local author, Diane Hebley, visited both classes as part of our book fair week which begins next Monday.

28 April   Novice gym festival – large group of children went.  First Wacky Wednesday idea of Miss Bunny’s where children come dressed as wackily as possible.

29 April   Open day – children washed cars to fund raise for Wellington trip.  Book fair evening where children performed plays, songs, book reviews, poetry reading and gym display.  Sold over $700 worth of books and earned over $200 for the school.

May   Left Waiwhare – Callum and Jamie McRae, Michelle Dunn and Veronica Campbell.  Enrolled NE Hamish Fountaine.  Roll 37.

4 May   AGM held.

TERM 2, 1993

25 May   School visit to Haumoana and Joan Wiffen to see dinosaur fossils.

27-9 May    I attended principals’ retreat in Rotorua.

31 May – 4 June   Wellington trip for the whole school – visited the Correspondence School, BNZ building, travelled in by train and went up the cable car.  Saw the Botanical Gardens.  Seniors stayed overnight at the zoo – juniors joined us the next day.  Went to Capital Discovery Place to see dinosaur displays, visited the Museum and Art Gallery.  Stopped at Southward Car Museum on the way home.

14-15 June   School management course for newly appointed principals.

21 June    Cheryl Nicholson – Kingfisher Books

24 June   Violet Parahi, SES and Sandy Anderson – rural adviser.

28 June   “toots ‘n’ tunes” progress concert at Sherenden hall.  Yvette Packe, new to the district, offered to take children after school for a gymnastics club.

July   Left school – Emmily and Anna Bryant [Wood].  Enrolled Geordie, NE, and Tamati Wall, Std 3.  Also NE Jamie Roil.  Roll 38.

12 July   Parent interviews this week.

16 July   Tanya and I attended Skills For Growing open day at Henry Hill School.  We will be doing the course in the Christmas holidays.

21 July    Visit by Hayley Anderson – asthma educator.

23 July   Lands End book rep.

26 July   Education, Information and Imagination in the School library in the 90’s course. I attended.

30 July   Visit to Kimi Ora School organised by Tanya as part of Maori language education.

4 August   I attended Life Education Trust meeting with the idea of having the caravan at our school at some stage.

9 August   Tanya attended Dacta Lego course in afternoon.

10 & 12 August    Tanya attended afternoon stress management courses.

12 August   Civil Defence Safety Day at Sherenden for S2 – F2s.

19 August   Folk dance afternoon at Sherenden Hall with the other 2 schools.

20 August    Daffodil Day – for a small donation children can wear a uniform to school.  Also made a coin trail into a daffodil flower

26 August   Community meeting at school. Open day at school.

TERM 3, 1993

September   Charlene Henare left.  Roll 37.

14 September    Science and Technology Roadshow S2 – F2 at Karamu Hall and I then went on to attend Harry Hood course in Napier.

23 September   School photos by Impressions Photography.

28 September   Hi Ho the Clown performance at Sherenden Hall for all schools.

October   Roll remains 37.

1 October   Fundraising to help team for the Special Olympics.  Chris Baldwin organised a policeman to come out and the children had a mini fun run with him.

5 October   I attended a budgeting for School libraries meeting in the afternoon at Lucknow School.

8 October   Cross-country held at Sherenden School in damp weather, all children performed well.

12 October   Hastings District cross-country held at Maraekakaho.  Eleven children went and performed with distinction.  Tanya attended EOTC in Junior Classes.

14 October   Pet day.  Had inside activities such as cooking display, floral hats, pictures etc and pets outside in afternoon.  I attended Cancer Society and schools’ policy meeting.

15 October   Sandra McDonald, Reading Advisor, spent morning helping to label some reading books with reading ages.

21 October    Teacher Only Day as not many children were going to be at school due to Show Week.

26 October   School development day held for staff and BOT with Dave Robb, STA liaison officer and Sandy Anderson, rural adviser.

29 October   Visit from Kiwi Sports Co-ordinator to talk about the Fair Play Charter and for children to agree to it and have it signed.

4 November  Juniors had a visit to the SPCA and the vets.

5 November    Sports Day at Crownthorpe – beautiful weather.

22 November    Visit by the Visiting Teacher, Des O’Flaherty.

1 December   School visit to Kiwiana Exhibition in Hastings.

3 December   Senior School walk to the McIntosh hut.  Amy Roil lost shoe in very first stream, made a substitute shoe out of socks and flax but didn’t last too long.  Steve Kelleher ended up alternately carrying Amy and Jessie Kelleher (the dog) towards the end.

Staff and BOT dinner at Vidal’s that evening.

9 December   End of year prize-giving held at Sherenden Hall.  Miss Bunny produced and directed a school play called “The Pohutukawa and the Fir Tree”.

15 December   “toots ‘n’ tunes” concert at school, followed by evening concert for parents at Sherenden.

17 December   End of year picnic and games at school, for final day.

Back Row L to R:  Tanya Bunny (teacher), Tamati Wall, Campbell Ayres, Katrina de Vries, Sophie Lawrence, Sam McCaslin, Simon Wallace, Bradley Wallace, Scott Goulding, Vanessa Fountaine, Corey Bullock, Keryl Lee-Kelleher (principal)

Middle:  Amy Roil, Tim Marfell, Daniel Ward, Amy Roydhouse, Antonia de Vries, Amanda McCaslin, Rebecca Ward, Serena Goulding, Richard Ward, Elesha Purcell, Caroline Robinson, Sam Roil

Front:  Hamish Webster, Hamish Fountaine, Maree Wallace, Joanna Ward, Remy Lee-Kelleher, Kylie Marfell, Nicholas Webster, Christopher Ayres, Geordie Wall, Jamie Roil, Rowan Smith, Erin Smith

Coin trail

Book Week

Daniel Ward, Simon Wallace, Jamie McRae

Vanessa Fountaine

Rebecca Ward

Back Row L to R:  Hamish Webster, Sam Roil, Tanya Bunny (teacher)
Middle:  Maree Wallace, Kylie Marfell, Richard Yard, Joanna Ward, Christopher Ayres
Front:  Geordie Wall, Jamie Roil, Hamish Fountaine, Erin Smith, Remy Lee-Kelleher

Uniform Day. 20/8/93

Rowan Smith, Hamish Fountaine, Jame Roil

Hamish Webster, Vanessa Fountaine, Amanda McCaslin, Amy Roydhouse, Elesha Purcell

Standing:  Sam Roil, Richard Ward, Bradley Wallace, Daniel Ward, Simon Wallace, Jock Lawrence
Front:  Jame Roil

Tim & Kylie Marfell

Maree Wallace, Melissa Jordan, Erin Smith

Remy Lee-Kelleher, Hamish Webster, Katrina de Vries, ?, Caroline Robinson

Sophie Lawrence, Rebecca Ward

Pet Day

14 October 1993

Chris Ayres

Elesha Purcell, Aidan Smith, Antonia de Vries

20 August 1993 – Coin trail for Daffodil Day

Back Row L to R:  Daniel Ward, Scott Goulding, Sam McCaslin, Simon Wallace, Bradley Wallace, Christopher Ayres
Middle:  Vanessa Fountaine, Sophie Lawrence, Antonia de Vries, Amanda McCaslin, Rebecca Ward, Katrina de Vries, Serena Goulding, Keryl Lee-Kelleher (teacher)
Front  Tamati Wall, Rowan Smith, Elesha Purcell, Amy Roil, Caroline Robinson, Tim Marfell, Nicholas Webster, Corey Bullock, Amy Roydhouse

Red Nose Day

Wacky Wednesday, 28 April 1993

Wellington Trip
31 May – 4 June

The dining room at Camp Elsdon

Morgan Dunn’s 5th birthday

Liz Kay – Mrs Mop

Amy Roil & Corey Bullock.  They were told that this was a tray of huhu grubs

Michelle Dunn, Remy Lee-Kelleher, Joanna Ward, Maree Wallace

National Museum

Sam Roil, Morgan Dunn, Hamish Webster, Erin Smith

Elesha Purcell, Serena Goulding, Michelle Dunn

Joanna Ward

Lani Henare & Joanna Ward

Botanic Gardens & waterfront

Elesha Purcell

Jock Lawrence, Lani Henare, Maree Wallace

Serena Goulding, Vanessa Fountaine, Sam McCaslin, Lani Henare

Bradley Wallace, Rebecca Ward, Lani Henare, Nicholas Webster, Joanna Ward

Tanya Bunny

Kylie Marfell

Amy Roil

Vanessa Fountaine

Erin Smith & Michelle Dunn

Chris Ayres

Veronica Campbell

Dinosaur Exhibition

Eric Smith & Joanna Ward

Joanna Ward & Veronica Campbell

Michelle Dunn & Erin Smith

Steve Smith

Jock Lawrence

Keren Wallace, Leonie Smith, Helen Ward, Bradley Wallace behind, Amy Roil right

L to R:  Elesha Purcell, Caroline Robinson, Maree Wallace, Michelle Dunn, Joanna Ward, Remy Lee-Kelleher, Veronica Campbell, Rebecca Ward

Steve Smith chasing Joanna Ward, Katrina de Vries sitting outside Parliament Buildings

Outside Camp Elsdon

Remy Lee-Kelleher, Erin Smith, Amy Roydhouse, Serena Goulding, Melissa Jordan


Cobb & Co

L to R:  Hamish Webster, Matthew Marfell, Maree Wallace, Sam Roil, Remy Lee-Kelleher, Morgan Dunn, Joanna Ward, Erin Smith, Kylie Marfell, Melissa Jordan, Veronica Campbell

Avalon TV Studio
Left:  Melissa Jordan, Veronica Campbell,
Right:  Kylie Marfell, Erin Smith, Chris Ayres

Original digital file


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Surnames in this log book –
Anderson, Ayres, Baldwin, Barnett, Barrett, Blackwell, Bullock, Bunny, Campbell, Clarke, Cunningham, De Vries, Dunn, Fountaine, Goulding, Gunson, Hebley, Henare, Herron, Jordan, Kay, Kelleher, Lawrence, Leech, Lee-Kelleher, Marfell, McCaslin, McDonald, McRae, Medcalf, Nicholson, O’Flaherty, Parahi, Purcell, Robb, Roberts, Robinson, Roil, Rorke, Roydhouse, Scott, Smith, Tolley, Waiahue, Wall, Wallace, Ward, Webster, Weir, Wiffen, Wilson, Wood

Business / Organisation

Waiwhare School

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Digital copy of original typed book

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