Waiwhare School 1995 Log Book


Tim Marfell   Form 2
Katrina De Vries   Form 2
Daniel Ward   Form 1
Amy Roydhouse   Form 1
Serena Goulding   Form 1
Amy Roil Form   1
Tamati Wall   Form 1
Caroline Robinson   Std 4
Elesha Purcell   Std 4
Richard Ward   Std 3
Christopher Ayres   Std 3
Joanna Ward   Std 3
Sam Roil Std   3
Kylie Marfell   Std 3
Rachel Robertson   Std 3
Maree Wallace   Std 2
Michael Robertson   Std 2
Matthew Marfell   Std 1
Geordie Wall   Std 1
Remy Lee-Kelleher   Std 1
Steven Keesing   Std 1
Megan Eyles   Std 1
Melissa Jordan   Std 1
Hamish Fountaine   J2
Jamie Roil   J2
Nick Prescott    J2
Rochine De Vries   J1
Samantha Robinson   J1
Tyler Keesing   J1
Harriet Roil   NE
Christopher Bishop   NE
Joshua McCallum   NE
Dean MacKenzie   NE

Samantha Robinson
Steven Keesing
Tyler Keesing
Harriet Roil
Dean MacKenzie
Christopher Bishop
Megan Eyles
Nick Prescott
Joshua McCallum

Serena Goulding
Caroline Robinson
Tim Marfell
Tamati Wall
Geordie Wall
Remy Lee-Kelleher
Katrina De Vries
Rochine De Vries
Steven Keesing
Tyler Keesing
Dean MacKenzie
Melissa Jordan

Keryl Lee-Kelleher

Margaret Henricksen

Keren Wallace
Sally Cunningham
Emily Nelson
Ray Mettrick

Pam Gunson

Carol Ayres

Lyn Elliott

Carolyn Clarke

Raewyne Leech
Jarreau Purcell

Peter Roil, Chairman
Vicki Howie
Simon Robinson
Graeme Fountaine
Carol Ayres, Sec/Treas.

Jane Fountaine
Raewyne Leech
Mike Barnett (relief)
Carol Ayres (relief)
Shona Weir (relief)
Christine Goulding (relief)


TERM 1, 1995

27 January   Teacher only day held for staff.

30 January   The school opened with a roll of 24.
Staff – Margaret Henricksen Scale A, NE – S2 (9 children)
Keryl Lee-Kelleher — Principal S3 – F2 (15 children)
Carol Ayres Secretary/teacher’s aide, Discretionary teacher’s aide
Lyn Elliott Discretionary teacher’s aide, job share
Jarreau Purcell & Raewyne Leech Caretakers
Cleaner Carolyn Clarke
Bus drivers Jane Fountaine & Raewyne Leech.
Samantha Robinson, who turns 5 on 12/2 began her introduction to school

2 February   BOT meeting – Chairperson Graham Lawrence, treasurer Simon Robinson, property Peter Roil, policies Tony Ward, staffing Annette Marfell.

3 February   S4 – F2s went to Pukehamoamoa School for land pre-training on the Optimist yachts in preparation for next week.

7 February   Joined Pukehamoamoa School, 9 of us, 17 of them, for sailing in Optimist yachts at Pandora Pond.  A great experience for them all.  They got the hang of it pretty quickly.  S3s worked with Margaret.

8 February   Visit from Heather Mathieson – science co-ordinator for the core contract.

9 February   Principal’s release – Keren Wallace taking seniors.

10 February   Second day of Optimist yachts and also took the children to Onekawa pool to test distance swimming for Aquapass.

14 February   Science cluster inservice in Napier, both teachers attending with Sally Cunningham and Keren Wallace relieving.

15 February   Margaret on 14 days LWOP to attend son’s wedding in Los Angeles.

16 February   Taihape Road schools’ swimming sports at Sherenden.  A perfect day with excellent viewing.  Great support from parents’ team with 4 male and 1 female.  Need more training, though, to be in the money.
Parents’ evening – 12 people present.

20 February    9.30am, Sarah Hakes from Audit NZ re financial report, Simon Robinson attended meeting as well in capacity of treasurer.  Hastings Districts schools’ swimming sports at Aquatic Centre, Frimley.  Three children stayed behind.

21 February   PAT testing began.  1pm Reading Recovery meeting regarding programme for Mathew Marfell once off the RR programme.  As Margaret was away Keren took the whole school and I attended meeting.  Other members Pam Gunson, RR teacher, Isabel RR tutor, John Medcalf, SES, Annette Marfell, Helen Wildbore, CCS and myself plus discretionary teacher’s aides.  Meeting followed by IEP plan.  After school I had the first of the new style report and interview sessions.

22 February   Maureen Grapes, health nurse, called in.

25 February    Waiwhare Sports Day.

27 February   S3 – F2 went to Crownthorpe School after lunch to attend a workshop by Aboriginal kite maker and flyer, Michael Alvarez.  All children made a simple hexagonal kite which were very successful in flying.  These are to be decorated in preparation for Friday’s international kite day.

28 February   Kim Whitta presented his version of “Jack and the Beanstalk” called “The Giant and the Goose” at Sherenden hall, 1 – 2.30pm.

1 March   Margaret returns from leave today to a day of strike action as last year’s negotiations on a new contract have still to be settled.  School is open but parents are advised to keep children away as there is no instruction.

2 March   Second day of strike action.

6 March   Principal’s release.  Staff meeting of teachers and DTAs re Matthew’s hours at 9am.

10am library development meeting with Jeannie Wright from School Library – Carol Ayres, Margaret and myself to attend.

7 March   3pm meeting with chairperson.  10.30am school took buses to Sherenden School to see the Variety Club Bash cars and people.  Lots of fun.  Water fights – free giveaways and plenty of autograph hunting.  The stars continued over the Taihape Rd.

10 March   Seniors took bus to Anderson Park, Taradale, for the International Kite Festival.  A hot, windy day meant the children were ready for home after an hour.  They didn’t get an opportunity to fly a kite with a kite flyer and the space to fly their own kites was too small.  They flew them in a separate area instead.

13 March   Received a selection of books from Ashton Scholastic for a library buying session.  Spent $300 and had 40% commission on books on top of that, making a total of $420.

16 March    Last BOT meeting before the elections at the end of the month.  Three current members not re-standing.  Have approximately 4 nominations plus staff rep.

17 March   Principal’s release – visit by Murray Jamieson, relieving rural adviser.  Arrival time expected 9.30am, actual time 10.30 after he had reached the first station past the Gentle Annie and been re-directed back.

21 March   Maths evening with adviser to introduce and talk about the new maths curriculum. Seven parents attended.

22 March   Maureen Grapes, Health Nurse, worked in junior class am and senior pm with the “Keeping Ourselves Safe” programme and the showing of videos.

27 March   Family maths evening at school taken by maths adviser.  Excellent evening 5-7pm with only four families not attending.  Approx 18 adults and 18 children made for a noisy, fun time.

31 March   Principal and rural adviser to discuss achievement objectives.

4 April   Margaret attended “Language and Reading the Mary Palmer Way” 1-7pm.  I took the whole school for the afternoon.

6 April   Kingfisher book rep called in.

7 April   Shortland Publications book rep called in.

1.30pm bus meeting at Pukehamoamoa re new MOE proposals.  Tony Ward and Ian Paton attended.

11 April   Novice gym festival at Havelock North Intermediate.  12 children attended from all class levels and did very well.  Children also had a swim at John Beaumont’s pool.

12 April    Heather Mathieson, science contract co-ordinator, spent an hour in each classroom taking science activities.

13 April   AGM and BOT meeting – no extra attendances, just past, present and new BOT members.

19 April   1pm Jeannie Wright library development contract – worked with Margaret, Carol Ayres and myself.  Keren Wallace relieved and took the whole school.

20 April   Margaret attended Maths Link course re new Shortland Publications, 1.30 ->, I took the whole school.

21 April   Main gym festival at McLean Park – 2 teams of 4 participated in the country grade, acquitting themselves well.  Started at 10 so our competition was over by approx 11-11.30am.  Children had swim at Onekawa indoor pool then lunch and play at Anderson Park before returning home.

25 April   Anzac Day. School holiday.

1 May   Principal’s meeting of the four Taihape Rd schools held at Sherenden.  Discussed winter sports organisation.

2 May   Keren Wallace relieving – I was on sick leave.

5 May   End of term one.

TERM 2, 1995

22 May   Beginning of term 2.

24 May   1-3.30pm, school library development contract with Jeannie Wright, library adviser.  Keren Wallace relieved and took the whole school for sport/PE.

25 May   Winter sports at Waiwhare.  Netball, rugby, hockey, soccer and small games.  Beautiful clear sky, no breeze.  Just managed to get the field mowed in time thanks to Marfell’s ride-on.

26 May   Principal’s release.

30 May   Cindy Good, Kiwisports, and All White Soccer player Chris spent morning with children doing Kiwi Dex and soccer skills.

1 June   Winter sports at Crownthorpe – beautiful day.

7 & 8 June   I attended a 2 day oral language 1st  Steps Literacy programme course.  Keren Wallace relieved.

10 June   S2 – F2s folk dancing at Sherenden hall.

8-11 June   Teaching principal’s retreat at Taupo.  Of particular interest, NZEI kit on appraisal and the Privacy Act.  Also checked out camp accommodation.

14 June   Science starter activities with Lyn Shannon.  I attended.  Keren Wallace relieved.

15 June   Day 2 of science contract, Margaret and I attended.  Funded by the MOE.  Keren Wallace relieved.  Junior and senior winter sports.  Emily Nelson relieved in senior class then juniors in afternoon.

21 June   Harry Hood course, “Left to Write’.  I attended and Keren Wallace relieved.  Community meeting held that evening – main purpose, school camp.  Fairly good tum out – approx 13 of the 17 families present.  Finished before 9.30pm.  Three children watched videos in staff room.  Had a small supper afterwards.

22 June   Waiwhare was to hold winter sports, cancelled due to poor weather.

26 June   Heather Mathieson, science co-ordinator, took senior class for post box activity on rocks in the morning and junior class for “Is it a fruit or vegetable?”  She then spent 12-1 talking with the junior teacher about science developments.  Afternoon was spent with principal going over the curriculum statement and programme over 3 years.
Special BOT Meeting held to discuss possible amalgamation between local schools and how we are going to tackle/plan the investigation into this.

27 June   Watties 7-a-side Rugby Tournament was held at Hastings Boys’ High School.  Players were Serena Goulding, Daniel Ward, Tamati Wall, Chris Ayres and Sam Roil.  They combined with Sherenden and entered the up to F2 grade that went up to 45kg.  Despite opposition being bigger and heavier they still won one game and drew another out of the four played.  Next year it would pay to enter them in the contributing grade up to 35kg and Std 4.  Perhaps include enough girls to make a full team.

28 June   Library contract 1pm with Jeannie Wright.  Weed non-fiction section, review objectives achieved so far and plan for 1996.

26 June   S2 – F2 children left at 9am for a day of Kiwisports at Crownthorpe.  Weather had not been good overnight but appeared to be improving at Crownthorpe.  Bus company AGM held in evening followed by a community meeting intending to inform people about the rumours going around re school’s amalgamation.  Peter Roil attended Crownthorpe’s meeting which was held for the same purpose.

30 June   Mid-term break begins.

10 July   Zebang storyteller at Sherenden Hall followed by a public speaking workshop for senior classes.

13 July   Winter sports at Sherenden cancelled due to heavy overnight rain.

14 July   I was away sick.  Keren Wallace relieved.

19 June   Science Roadshow at Karamu High.  Took S3 – F2s, 10.25am session followed with a visit to National Schools’ library for children to select a book for badge work and class books for social studies unit.  Meeting at Sherenden hall of the 4 school BOTs to discuss amalgamation.  Meeting called by MOE. Soe Schofield with Graham Thompson from Wellington office.  It was decided an investigative working party be formed with 2-3 reps from each board.

26 July   Jillian O’Sullivan from Sherenden came up for the afternoon to show the children some line dancing.  After school staff asthma education at Pukehamoamoa.

27 July   Michael Leyden, rep, called in at lunchtime.  Winter sports held here at Waiwhare. Another fine day.  Children put into teams for Ngaruroro Rover tournament.

2 August   Royce Lincoln checked children for eyes and ears as well as F1 colour.  No problems.

4 August   Assembly today contained lots of good narratives, line dancing demos and stock games by the seniors.

6 August   Margaret away on a two day First Steps Writing course.  Mrs Jan Beeden from Crownthorpe relieving.  Murray Jamieson, rural adviser, visited in the morning.  Winter sports at Pukehamoamoa although weather poor we weren’t attending as tournament date changed to while we are away on camp and the rest of the schools were practising.
Linda Ward and I visited Frimley School to see Learning Link Network in action.

8 August   Whole school visited Otatara Pa.  We had Nigel Hadfield guiding us, who was excellent and we learnt a great deal more than if we had gone alone.  Very interesting for everyone – over 2 hours of discovery.

9 August    Farewelled Katrina and Rochine de Vries who are moving out of the district into Havelock North.

14 August   Whole school less 1 (23 children) depart after 9am for a week in Taupo.  We went with Alf Godwin’s bus – Hawke’s Bay Rowing Club and George was our driver.  Two problems on the way – windscreen wipers and fuel line.  Made it to Taupo without stopping for lunch by 1.30pm.  Stayed at Lake Taupo Christian camp – Mission Bay.  Excellent weather, Tuesday and Wednesday, wet on Friday but we departed then.  We had 8-9 adults with the children at various stages.  Some juniors left Thursday afternoon.  Excellent camp venue and food.  Only difficulties involved health of children.  Arrived back 3- 3.30 Friday afternoon.

21 August   Vicky Barnett spent the week helping out in the senior classroom, mainly as preparation for Teacher’s College application.

23 August   Keren Wallace relieved full day – 1st  half sick release for me, 2nd  half library contract, last session for writing of development plan.

BOT meeting in evening, 7.30pm.

24 August   IEP meeting for Matthew Marfell at 3pm.  John Medcalf spent an hour with Matthew prior to meeting.  Attended by Mrs Marfell, Margaret, John Medcalf, Carol Ayres & I.

25 August   End of term 2 and assembly.  Viewed unedited tape of camp.

TERM 3, 1995

11 September   Principal’s meeting at Sherenden re cross-country and any other matters.  Received ERO notification of assurance review in October.  Two new pupils started – Steven (S1) and Tyler (J1) Keesing.  Also notified Geordie (J2) and Tamati (F1) Wall are leaving the district.

20 September   BOT meeting held in Information Centre (Library).

22 September   Carol Ayres and Lyn Elliott attending Teacher Aides course as part of their year’s development (professional).

23 September   Margaret and Lyn Elliott attending Swimsafe tutorials.

27 September   East Coast Principals’ conference run by HB Principals’ Association.  Day one. Attended for 1st time.

28 September   Principal’s release, school photos with Grant Shanley.  Sandra and Bev – oral language First Steps advisers.

Visit by book rep for Nelson Price and Milburn after school.

29 September   HB Principals’ conference – attended last day.

3 October   Keren Wallace attended course for optimist yacht training.  Margaret and I attended final science cluster session.  Sheryl O’Connell and Sharon Peez relieved.  Both relievers new to school and had a very enjoyable day.

4 October   Community meeting – agenda, amalgamation report, pubertal change course, religious instruction, bus runs and camp video if time.

5 October   Visit by Ray Mettrick who will relieve the 5 weeks while I am on LWOP maternity leave.  Christine Hardy, Lands End rep, called with a selection of books

6 October   Ray Mettrick again in the morning – familiarising himself with children and class routines.  Cross-country at Pukehamoamoa, 12.30 – 21 out of 24 children attended.  Children did exceptionally well with the following placings –
5yr girls   3rd  Harriet Roil
7yr girls 2nd  Remy Lee-Kelleher
8yr girls 1st  Maree Wallace
9yr girls 2nd  Kylie Marfell, 4th , Joanna Ward.
10yr girls 3rd  Rachel Robertson
10yr boys 2nd  Sam Roil, 3rd  Richard Ward
1lyr girls 1st  Serena Goulding, 5th  Elesha Purcell
12yr girls 1st  Amy Roydhouse
12yr boys 1st  Daniel Ward

10 October   Hastings District Cross-country postponed to Thursday 12th.

12 October   Children were taken in to the Equestrian Centre and met by Ray Mettrick as I was taken ill.  Children did very well with some excellent placings.

16 October   I began six week’s maternity leave.  Ray Mettrick relieving.

27 November   I return to work for the last 3 weeks of the year.

29 November   Maureen Grapes took S4 – F2s for puberty change video and discussion.

Library contract review after school with Jeannie Wright.

4 December   Group of children went after school to Nelson Park for Twilight Athletics.  This was organised by Ray Mettrick.  Children did very well with several getting placings in finals as well as heats.

5 December   Senior class had full day visit to Waimarama School and the beach, again organised by Ray.  Programme included a powhiri at the school followed by games, swim and then after lunch activities on the beach – sand dune races and sand sculptures.

7 December   End of year breakup.  Children went home at 2pm to come back at 4pm.  Held at school – very hot.  Low key affair with children giving speeches, singing and line dancing as well as “toots ‘n’ tunes” items.  Children and community farewelled myself with wonderful gifts and flowers.  Everyone had a barbecue tea afterwards and children swam.  Most went home from 10pm onwards.

15 December   Last day of school for 1995.


Swimming Sports at Sherenden School, 16/2/95

Yachting at Pandora Pond


Gym Festival, McLean Park, Napier, 21/4/95

Back Row L to R:  Elesha Purcell, Tamati Wall, Daniel Ward, Amy Roydhouse, Serena Goulding
Front:  Kylie Marfell Joanna Ward

Standing:  Rachel Robertson, Joanna Ward, Amanda & Samantha Robinson
Front:  Maree Wallace, Remy Lee-Kelleher, Elesha Purcell, Serena Goulding, Chris Ayres

Taupo-Rotorua Trip, 1995


Leisureworld, Rotorua

Back row left to right:  Keryl Lee-Kelleher (principal), Christopher Ayres, Amy Roil, Caroline Robinson, Sam Roil, Kylie Marfell, Joanna Ward, Margaret Henricksen (teacher)
Middle:  Rachel Robertson, Elesha Purcell, Amy Roydhouse, Daniel Ward, Serena Goulding, Richard Ward, Tim Marfell
Front:  Samantha Robinson, Tyler Keesing, Hamish Fountaine, Matthew Marfell, Maree Wallace, Dean McKenzie, Steven Keesing, Harriet Roil, Jamie Roil, Michael Robertson, Remy Lee-Kelleher, Christopher Bishop

Back row left to right:  Keryl Lee-Kelleher (principal), Rachel Robertson, Elesha Purcell, Amy Roydhouse, Daniel Ward, Serena Goulding, Richard Ward, Tim Marfell
Front:  Christopher Ayres, Amy Roil, Kylie Marfell, Caroline Robinson, Joanna Ward, Sam Roil

Back Row L to R:  Hamish Fountaine, Michael Robertson, Steven Keesing, Dean McKenzie, Maree Wallace, Remy Lee-Kelleher, Margaret Henricksen (teacher)
Front:  Samantha Robinson, Harriet Roil, Jamie Roil, Tyler Keesing, Christopher Bishop, Matthew Marfell

Back Row L to R:  Raewyne Purcell (bus driver), Keryl Lee-Kelleher (Principal), Carol Ayres (secretary)
Front:  Lyn Elliott (teacher’s aide), Keren Wallace (relieving teacher), Margaret Henricksen (teacher)

Breakup 7/12/95

Sam Roil (obscured), Amy Roil, Elesha Purcell, Joanna Ward
“toots ‘n’ tunes’ members

Line Dancing Demonstration

Peter Roil, (chairman of the Board of Trustees) presenting a certificate to Joanna Ward.  Principal Keryl Lee-Kelleher right.

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Surnames in this log book –
Alvarez, Ayres, Barnett, Beeden, Bishop, Clarke, Cunningham, De Vries, Elliott, Eyles, Fountaine, Godwin, Good, Goulding, Grapes, Gunson, Hadfield, Hakes, Hardy, Henricksen, Howie, Jamieson, Jordan, Keesing, Lawrence, Leech, Lee-Kelleher, Leyden, Lincoln, MacKenzie, Marfell, Mathieson, McCallum, Medcalf, Mettrick, Nelson, O’Connell, O’Sullivan, Peez, Prescott, Purcell, Robertson, Robinson, Roil, Roydhouse, Schofield, Shanley, Shannon, Thompson, Wall, Wallace, Ward, Weir, Whitta, Wildbore, Wright

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Waiwhare School

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