Waiwhare School Bus Facts

Bus Facts

From “Behind Every School”
In the 1930s Ford buses, rear-entry doors and open-slatted sides. Mid 50s red and white SB Bedfords, 12 seater Bedford CA minibuses in rural areas.

From log books

All children are transported in a school bus owned partly by seven owners (John Sheild, Peter Sheild, Geoff Derbidge, John Tough, Owen Marshall, Jack Kyle, Bill Drummond) and driven by the teacher. A daily mileage of some 42 miles.

School started at 9.15am as a result of the bus being stuck on the Glenross Rd.

The school bus was not used as the result of a fault in the handbrake cable.

The school bus was not granted a warrant of fitness and will not be used until a number of repairs have been carried out. Until such time parents have arranged to transport the children to school.

The school bus service was resumed.

School started at 9.15 as the result of a collision between the school bus and a metal truck, two miles south-east of Waikonini on the Napier-Taihape Rd. The bus was carrying no passengers.

School bus was used on the original run i.e.to Waiwhenua, to Waikonini and to below Kyles. It was agreed, at a meeting on the 6th of May, of the shareholders, that this should be the permanent bus route.

School bus taken to Hastings for repairs to front spring. Children conveyed by Messrs Tough, Neill, Kyle and the teacher.

School bus taken to Hastings for a “hop overhaul”. Children were conveyed by parents.

A bus association meeting was held at the school. It was arranged that Mrs Marshall should drive the bus during the teacher’s absence [fortnight’s leave of absence for military training]. Insurance, admission of new members and the financing of a new vehicle were also discussed;

The school bus was sold and the new vehicle is being fitted out. Meanwhile the parents will convey the children to school.

A meeting of the school bus association was held at the school. All members were present. It was decided to form a separate association for the Glenross Rd as soon as a new vehicle becomes available.

July 14 – New transport arrangements became operative

(a) Waiwhare School Bus Association. Manager Mr P Sheild. Route extending on the River and Taihape Rds from Waiwhenua to Koromiko. From school centre – daily mileage 32. Ten children being conveyed. Teacher-driver. Vehicle – Fordson Van.

(b) Glenross School Bus Association. Manger Mr O Marshall. Route – from Omahaki to the school. Daily mileage from school centre – 28.  Thirteen children conveyed. Arrangements for permanent driver have still to be completed, meanwhile parents are undertaking the task. Vehicle – Volkswagen.

The children were conveyed to the Twyford School baths on the Waiwhare and Glenross buses and in three private cars. Engine trouble developed in the Waiwhare bus and it was taken to Hastings for repairs. Mrs J Goulding assisted with transport on the homeward journey.

The Glenross bus developed mechanical trouble and reached school about 9.10am

Mr D Richardson informed the teacher that his three children would not travel on the Glenross bus as he believed the bus to be too crowded. (The number at all times has been within the Transport regulations).

The Richardson & Jones families (a total of five children) have temporarily withdrawn for the Glenross School bus as they prefer to travel under their own arrangements.

At 8.25am the Waiwhare School bus overturned while turning on the road half a mile east of Waikonini. There were no children in the bus at the time of the accident and the teacher-driver escaped without injury. Parents have arranged to transport their children to school while the bus is being repaired.

The teacher informed the manager of the Waiwhare School Bus Assn that he intended to resign his duties as teacher-driver on the 19th of December

Mr McQuarrie began his duties as driver of the Waiwhare School Bus Associations’ vehicle.

Beverley and Robin Jones moved from Glenross Station to a residence at Willowford. They will walk to school each day. It is therefore no longer necessary for the Glenross School Bus to make two trips to school each morning and afternoon.

The Waiwhare School Bus Association held a meeting and decided to suspend the bus service on the Waikonini Rd as a result of financial difficulties.

The Glenross settlers provided transport for their children and will continue to do so until a new school bus is available. Transport on the Waiwhare Association’s area was also by private arrangement.

Three traffic inspectors visited the school at 2.50 to inspect the Glenross Bus. A temporary extension to the current licence was granted for the transport of more children.

Glenross – 21 eligible children
River Rd – 9 eligible children

Miss Gardner commenced driving River Rd bus

Glenross – 16
River Rd – 12

End of term returns –
Horseback – note John Comrie not eligible since 10th birthday.

Senior school visited Twyford for winter sports coaching. Bus broke down on return trip. Many children home after 8pm.

River Rd bus being driven by Mrs J Barnett.

7/8/72 – Association and Education Board Officer (Mr T Ercolano) met to discuss possibility of Departmental bus.

8/8/72 – received two offers of a driver for proposed Departmental Bus – Mrs M Richards, Mrs Ingles.

Mrs N Robertson driving the school bus again.

Mrs Redman relieving as bus driver

Mrs B Barnett driving the bus again

Mrs Barnett farewelled at morning tea at school.
Mrs Joan Stewart appointed bus driver for 1976

School bus taken into Napier for repairs to differential.  No afternoon run. Bus out of commission until afternoon run on 17 March.

Bus extended to Omahaki gate

Children transported to Otamauri School by bus until 21/2/78

New school bus to replace existing one – a welcome change. “Bedford”. Looks a beauty.

11/3/80 – new school bus to replace existing one. New school bus on its first run was involved in a head-on collision Glenross Rd (opp Mr P Kyle’s residence). Some extensive damage to bus, plus bumps, bruises shock to children and driver, thankfully nothing major. Old bus returned while new bus repaired.

18/8/81 – Mr Wattam Transport Officer, from Education Board, visited to discuss timetable implications and re-survey of bus routes in order that these may be rectified – possibility of a 2nd bus based upon extremes of timetable to be pursued. Mr M Barnett also attended along with full committee support to be involved in discussion.

14/10/81 – A second school bus began on the Tareha/Willowford and Kaweka Forest route.

2/12/81 – School Bus Inspector Mr H Boulton made visit to the school to inspect ED 121 and ED 1003.

24/5/82 –  Mrs G Barnett commenced permanent duties as bus driver of ED 1212.

Mr L Wattam visited the school at school’s request to discuss bus transport routes, eligibility and existing extension; also the re-location of the fuel supplies for the buses was discussed.

Mrs J Huff – school bus driver for four years – finished as driver of ED 1212. Her family is  transferring to Rotorua. New appointment is Mrs A Eatwell.

October 1988
Notice has been given (verbal only) by Brian Fouhy of his intention to put the School Bus Routes up for tender before Xmas. He said that under the tender agreements two routes will be paid for as at present but the Taihape Rd payment will end at Cahirdean and not Koromiko as at present.


1954 till end 1957   Ken Foster
Mrs Marshall relieved for two weeks April-May 1954
6/2/58   Mr Peter McQuarrie
11/9/64   Anne [Ann] Gardner [later Hurford]
23/5/66   Mrs Bobby Barnett
8/8/72   Mrs Mary Richards
12/3/73   Mrs Norah Robertson (again)
25/10/73   Mrs Redman relieving
5/11/73 – 23/12/75   Mrs Bobby Barnett
1976   Mrs Joan Stewart
1982 Bus drivers   Mrs Jill Greville, ED 1212.  resigned 7/5/82
Mrs Janet Huff  ED 1003 resigned July 85
24/5/82 – 1990, 1996   Mrs Jill Barnett permanent, relief driver till 24/5/82
1982   Anne Eatwell and Anne Vette relief drivers
1985-7   Anne Eatwell
Cathy Worsley relief
Christine Goulding relief
1987 – 96   Mike Barnett relief
1989 – 93   Christine Goulding, relief 1994 – 6
1990   Gail Price, Keren Wallace relief
1991 – 5   Jane Fountaine
1991 – 5   Carol Ayres relief
1993 – 6   Raewyne Leech
1993 – 6   Shona Goulding relief

Sherenden and Districts School

2001   Shona Goulding   Relief – Jane Fountaine
Vicki Howie until July 2001
Ann Loye July 2001
2002   Shona Goulding   Relief – Jane Fountaine
Ann Loye

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