Waiwhare Wire 1986 03


21st November, 1986

Yes, that’s right – another “wire” to read in front of the T.V. or while sitting in/on your favourite place. This issue is a little shorter than past issues mainly because common sense prevailed and I didn’t ask Dennis Schaw for one of his famous five page “game reviews”. So then here we go . . .

SCHOOL ROLL: The roll has risen to 48 and we welcome Scott Goulding to school as our latest recruit.

MUSIC FESTIVAL: The school participated in the Primary Schools’ Music Festival held recently at Flaxmere Intermediate. The children were recieved [received] by the audience enthusiastically and after performing four songs (the first two rather nervously) the children were pleasantly surprised by the audiences response. Many favourable comments on the children’s performance have since been recieved at school. We have even been invited to perform again next year! I would like to thank all those parents who provided transport and support and for letting us keep your kids up so late.
This week when Karen opened the banking bag we were very pleasantly surprised to find this note from an ‘unknown admirer’. Doesn’t it make it all worthwhile?

Dear Waiwhare School,
Congratulations on your fine effort at the music concert a couple of weeks ago. Our family really enjoyed it. The whole concert was well done.
Yours faithfully
Lorraine Watt

D and A DAY: Once again the annual D & A day was held at the Matapiro Domain. The children performed well at the many tasks completed during the day. It was great to see such a large contingent of “Waiwhareians” there.

SWIMMING POOL: The pool is now open ready for swimming. Anyone who would like a key please contact Anne Eatwell. A reminder that those people who don’t have children at school and would like a pool key a fee of $7.00 is required.
As the swimming season is upon us here is a story written by Sophie Lawrence which may give you food for thought:

BABY written by Sophie Lawrence
Yesterday on Television there was a baby. There Mother and Father didn’t have a fence around their swimming pool. The baby fell into the swimming pool their Mother had a big fright. She didn’t know where he was and she ran to the swimming pool and there she saw his body floating in the swimming pool. She cried and cried and cried.

END OF YEAR PRIZE GIVING: Will be held on Thursday 18th December at the Kaweka Hall beginning at 4.30pm. Afterwards back to school for a bar-b-que tea and games/swim etc.

SHERENDEN HALL: The A.G.M. of the Sherenden Hall Society will be held at the hall on December 1st at 7.30 pm. New members welcome.

PLAYCENTRE: Christmas Party – held at the Kaweka Forest Hall, Tuesday 16th December 9.30. One plate per family either adult or child. Open Day – Tuesday November 25th. All welcome. Come along and have morning tea with us. There will be a sales table and Tuperware [Tupperware] display.

CHURCH SERVICE: A combined church service will be held at Sherenden Hall on Sunday 30th November beginning at 2.30. A shared luncheon will be held at 12.30 at the hall. Everyone is welcome to attend. In the case of wet weather the normal service followed by afternoon tea will be held.

WAIWHARE COUNTRY WOMENS INSTITUTE CHRISTMAS PARTY: Kaweka Forest Hall, Saturday December 6th 2.30 pm. One adult and one childrens plate and drink per family. Each child to bring one decoration for the tree. Parcels as usual. Members a grocery item for the raffle please. See you there, ALL WELCOME. All enquiries phone Leonie 471.

RED CROSS SHOP DAY: December 6th. Helen Arthur is collecting for this but will be away the week prior. She will gratefully collect any non-perishable donations on the 27th or 28th November, Ring Helen 869.

CONGRATULATIONS: To Bill and Nan Royhouse [Roydhouse] who have made it to the ‘top’. Call up and see the old goat and his “deer” wife.

TENNIS: Morning tennis has been starting for about the last three Mondays. We’re Just waiting for the weather to be nice to us and it will be all on at Liz Keys [Kay’s] starting at around 9.00 am. Any enquiries ring Jill 839.

Diversification –
It seems to be the name of the game at the present time and there are a lot of us giving it plenty of thought and trying the odd thing out. However most of these things are fairly new to us, so we get the odd

hassles through ignorance and inexperience.
Goats – at the outset they look like a pretty good proposition – all the talk you hear about what you get for the fibre and for the progeny. However you don’t hear about keeping them where you want them. They stayed put for the first few days but after that plenty of time was spent keeping them at home. Electric fences – been there done that, barbed wire along the bottom of the fence – OK for a while – Linda worrying about them getting in the garden (they haven’t done that yet). Theyr’e doing a good job on Ivans blackberry behind his house (haven’t heard any complaints yet)
Trees – well we’ll give firewood a go – bore holes for 800 gum trees to plant – get the best planter in the district – greenfingers Pin and plan them all – blows a westerly for a week afterwards – fix the fence where one heifer got in – two days later an old pine tree falls on the fence and you’ve got 40 heifers in amongst the trees – tear hair out and get the electric fence to do a temporary repair – it won’t go – finally do keep them out in time – we’ll water them – they look a bit sick – next thing sheep are in! However, not all is lost – got them in time – we’ll keen trying.
Drysdales – not really a diversification but they have been thought to be goats. Shearers reckon they are a bit horny though (one shearer wanted travelling money for catching them – I know our catching pens are big but I wouldn’t say ‘that’ big).
I’ve still got an open mind on most of these things – everything has it teething problems.
Peter – does Cannabis Sativa coppice – if so, what is its firewood value
David Ward

Parents are invited to attend a maths discussion night to explain to parents the changes taking place in Junior Mathematics. The B.S.M programme involves all five year olds that have begun school during the past two terms, and any five year olds starting school from now on. All parents are welcome to attend, however it will be most beneficial to those parents who have children involved. Keep Monday 1st December free!!!
Starting time 7.30pm in the Junior Room. Bring a plate for a cup of tea afterwards.
Those Parents who have only pre-schoolers are most welcome to attend.
Pam Gunson.

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Date published

November 1986

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