December 1986
Looking At The Details
special camp issue
This is the last issue for the year and perhaps time to reflect how the ‘Wire’ has gone over that time. Initially a development from the district newsletter it is pleasing for me to see more and more contributions from members of the community being included in the ‘Wire’. Some of these make interesting reading too, so therefore perhaps the ‘Wire’ has become what to [it] was designed to do – be a communicator for our district.
Many thanks to all of you who contributed to its pages and to those who even took time out to read it.
We would like all your empty bottles as a way of raising money for the school. So could you please save the hundreds of bottles that you will be emptying over the Christmas period. We will collect them sometine [sometime] in the New Year.
The school has a video of the music festival held at Flaxmere Intermediate during November. If you would like to borrow it to show Uncles, Aunts, big brothers etc please enquire at the school.
I am a little concerned about the ‘Home Brewing’ craze that seems to have taken the district by storm. Speaking from personal experience many strange things have happened to people who have devoured various flavours of this rather unique and potent liquid. (Like ending up at Kiarakau [Kairakau] Beach in the middle of a moon light night with the warning light flashing on the petrol gauge and still having to drive 40 miles before reaching home). I have been approached by these enthusiastic brewers that perhaps they could use the school pool for their brewing tank. Well … if it’s not fit to drink we could always swim in it.
CONGRATULATIONS – to Andrew Gordon who won ‘pant pant’ both the 100 and 200 metre races at the New Zealand secondary schools athletics championships recently…a brilliant effort ‘whew’.
WANTED Work for a Secondary school student. Nothing too heavy otherwise anything considered. Apply to Andrew Schaw PH. 485.
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