Waiwhare Wire 1986 04

December 1986


Looking At The Details

special camp issue

This is the last issue for the year and perhaps time to reflect how the ‘Wire’ has gone over that time. Initially a development from the district newsletter it is pleasing for me to see more and more contributions from members of the community being included in the ‘Wire’. Some of these make interesting reading too, so therefore perhaps the ‘Wire’ has become what to [it] was designed to do – be a communicator for our district.
Many thanks to all of you who contributed to its pages and to those who even took time out to read it.

We would like all your empty bottles as a way of raising money for the school. So could you please save the hundreds of bottles that you will be emptying over the Christmas period. We will collect them sometine [sometime] in the New Year.

The school has a video of the music festival held at Flaxmere Intermediate during November. If you would like to borrow it to show Uncles, Aunts, big brothers etc please enquire at the school.

I am a little concerned about the ‘Home Brewing’ craze that seems to have taken the district by storm. Speaking from personal experience many strange things have happened to people who have devoured various flavours of this rather unique and potent liquid. (Like ending up at Kiarakau [Kairakau] Beach in the middle of a moon light night with the warning light flashing on the petrol gauge and still having to drive 40 miles before reaching home). I have been approached by these enthusiastic brewers that perhaps they could use the school pool for their brewing tank. Well … if it’s not fit to drink we could always swim in it.

CONGRATULATIONS – to Andrew Gordon who won ‘pant pant’ both the 100 and 200 metre races at the New Zealand secondary schools athletics championships recently…a brilliant effort ‘whew’.

WANTED   Work for a Secondary school student. Nothing too heavy otherwise anything considered. Apply to Andrew Schaw PH. 485.


I came to Waiwhare when I was three years old. When I came to school Mrs Munro was my teacher then. She travelled from town each day. Mr Wallis had been the senior teacher for about a year and a half. There was only about eighteen kids then. The number of children went up rapidly and a new room was put in. Mrs Munro left and Mrs Wallis started teaching the juniors, I only had one year with Mrs Wallis. Then I moved into Mr Wallis’s room. We had lots of laughs. He was a good teacher. Now Mr Simons is my teacher. He is a good teacher too. Next year I will be going after eight years at Waiwhare. Aaron White

Nearly There!

Boys can do anything!!

SPOT THE LOONEY? Congratulations Jill – You have won 1st Prize.





I would like to invite you to attend the schools breakup and prize giving to be held at the


On Thursday 18th December at 4:00pm

Vistors [Visitors] welcome.

Michelle Davidson.




24th to the 28th of November we went on a camp to Clifton we spent a week at camp. We went down in buses and cars. The truck was packed with all of our gear.
The weather was fine, around tea time it started to rain but not very hard. Here is an account of what happened at camp taken from the children’s diaries.

Monday 24th November
Dear Diary
We all arrived at school and loaded up the truck. Aaron Nicky and I jumped into the ute and went up to Napier to pick up a tent and a few other things. We arrived at the Camp and unloaded. Some boys that reckoned they were really strong got up onto the truck and shoved all the gear down at us (ha, ha). After we had unloaded the truck we tried to put the tents up. Kylee and I didn’t have much luck the ground was so hard. Oh no Mr Simons has put his tent up right next to our what a bumma. Well at least Kylee and I don’t have to go far to pull his tent down. After we went for a swim boy that was great fun. Then we went to the Maori Pa site and had a look. Now we are writing our diary hoping the spits will stop so we can go for a swim. Before we have tea and go on a night trail.

Peter Ward
Diary   25/11/86
Got up had a tiring run that Mr Simons made us do. Then we a [ate] breakfast. After that we went for a hike over the rivers thirty-two times just to get to a waterfall, but it was okay. The mud slide was really cool. After that we had a really nice lunch made by the mothers. After that we had another slide on the mud slick. And then we walked back to the road and we walked back to camp and did some beach art. We had a swim after that we saw a jelly fish in the water it went right past Gavin. Now we are writing in our book.

Wednesday 26 November 86   Lucy Arthur
Dear Diary,
On Wednesday we got up and prepared to make the rope bridge. We put all the rope and poles on the trailer. Then off we went guess who got to ride in the cars you guessed it the grownups. Debi seemed the only one who liked walking. We seemed to be walking up this road a thousand times [a] day. When we got to the Maraetotara Stream we started building our bridge we finally got it up. The juniors arrived man were they noisy. They went downstream and made a dam they caught an eel and someone kept it. It nearly got away. When it was Mr Simmons [Simons] turn people started throwing stones and shaking the bridge. Mr Simons fell off but he held on then he grabbed Anna and put her in the water. Then we set of [off] home for lunch it started raining. Mrs White went to pick up the kids who were still walking Anna didn’t want a ride. Later we started cooking our Waiwhare Rot. Everybody’s eyes were red. Before that Kathryn and me had walked down to the store to ask the store people to come. In the end the store people didn’t come. But some other people did.
We did our skits and we watched some fireworks then we went to bed.

Tony Worsley
Thursday 27th November 86
Got up  dragged out of bed at 6.20am to get ready for the Cape Kidnappers hike.  7.15 and everyone is leaving on the hike still half asleep. We had to wait for Mr Croad in his truck and Mr and Mrs Davidson and Mr Barnett in Mr Davidson’s Toyota. 11.30 Mrs Kay and I and Mr Barnett took off in Mrs White car to Cape Kiddnapper [Kidnapper] through Clifton Station when we got to Cape Kiddnapper there were Millions of Gannets and boy it “stank”. I saw one egg. Then we headed Down the hill to have lunch. The lunch was great around 1 hour later we loaded on to the Toyotas and took off to camp it was a great ride. When we got back to camp we mucked around 1/2 hour later Mr Simmons and Mrs Kay came back from making an observation we got lost then we came home and had a swim after the swim some of us had a shower and Gavin flashed his rear end to the girls and we went to bed early.

Philipa Kay.
Friday 28th November
We woke up and packed our bags to make sure we had everything. The weather had been miserable all week and wa-la it was wonderful we had breakfast and were allowed to have a swim after that we took our tents down and let our ground sheet dry we packed our tent into its cover by this time our ground sheet was dry and we folded that up. We heared [heard] a boat coming in and rushed over to see it about half a hour later we found out it was Nicola Lawerances [Lawrences] Uncle. For lunch we had apples and popcorn and raisns [raisins] we were allowed our muesli bars or energy bars. I had my muesli bar after we got on the bus and went back to school on the way home the bus got a flat tire [tyre] but they soon got that fixed. We went back to school and unloaded Croads truck and went

Considering the many activities that were changed at the last moment due to the weather (+ this being my first experience as a “Camp Mum”) I felt the camp ran exceptionally smooth.
Granted the children had their wild moments; getting slightly flooded out. Tuesday evening + the hilarity on our truck returning from the Cape; they were still polite to the parents, myself + any other campers around.
I learnt much from the children, facts they had learnt at school of the Gannets nesting & migration habits and the history of the Cape itself. As I grew up outside Hawkes Bay all this was very new to me.
The sing-alongs in the kitchen on wet evenings, and the bonfire night, were fabulous + funny.
All the above were high-lights for me plus many more – the Rope Bridge + the Maraetotara Waterfall.
So, I feel over all, a very invigorating + enjoyable week was had by all.
Debi Weir

Well I arrived at school with all the others wondering what camping (never been there, done that before) with 24 kids was going to be like. (Cubs are quite different). As for the poor teacher, with his padlocked tent!! Who was he trying to kid?
One of the highpoints for me was the walk up the Maraetotara Stream, never expecting the size of the terrain the water covered or the fact you could actually run all over it and choose deep pools to swim in if you so desired or slide down on your backside. Well worth the wading and walking.
I Also enjoyed listening to the singing and diary readings in the evening. You were guaranteed of a smile or three there.
The early mornings I could have done without, although Liz made it easier with an early morning cuppa. She seemed to have a built in alarm clock saying it was time to get up, the suns about to rise!!

Camp Clifton got off to a rather rough start in the form of our first Parents meeting. But Tony’s enthusiasm along with that of the childrens was not to be dampened. (until camp anyway).
Even Mother Nature had it in for us raining every time a new activity was started, flooding tents etc.
Wednesdays highlight was the visit by the Junior School. The enthusiasm shown for this visit from both the Junior and Senior Children shows just how close our school really is. This I’m sure is Thanks to Tony and Pam for the Leadership shown at school.
The juniors built a series of dams across the river, while the seniors built a Rope Bridge. The Rope Bridge was fantastic and only a few like Mr Simons found the water from below coming up fast to meet him (shame the wind rocked the Ropes Tony).
Wednesday nights campfire cook out was again dampened by rain, but the kids enthusiasm was kept up by the arrival of a new face and Help (Jill Simons). Thanks Jill.
Thursday was a perfect day for the Hike to the Cape and of coarse [course] Friday Hit us with a Beautiful sunny day to pack up and come home.
Tony, the kids enjoyed it, we enjoyed it. I’m sure the parents left at home enjoyed the break.
So here’s hoping there is plenty of support for next years camp.
Kids thanks for being such a great bunch.

Waiwhare School Trip to Clifton.
We packed the truck and set out all very excited.
When we arrived everything was dumped on the ground in a heap. The tents were put up with no trouble. There was only one tent that looked as if it was going to fall down. (not mentioning any names).
We had a food tent but after having a light snack we moved Gavin and Tony into this tent and Lynaire and myself looked after the food in our […]
We had lunch with our helpers and then Tony disappeared with the kids, then we all went down to the beach to watch the kids have a swim. Tea was a barbeque tea which was easy.
Tuesday was a trip which seemed miles but very good and was well worth it when we arrived at these massive falls which looked like the Pink and White Terraces. By the time we got back everybody was tired and hungry, Liz had the roast ready as she had stayed behind to take Tony W. to the hospital to have his knee looked at.
Wednesday we were all excited as the Junior class was arriving. And the bridge across the stream was being made. (You could tell which Mums were away when we saw them arrive). A bit of rain dampened the day but nobody seemed to mind. That night we had Waiwhare Rot. Now when this is made at home it must be raining and cooked outside. It adds to the flavour. After tea we had a camp fire on the beach and invited some campers to join us and the kids entertained us with singing and skits which they made up themselves and was well done.
We had tent inspections each day and that same tent was messy (his poor wife).
Thursday we woke up quietly and off to Cape Kidnappers which didn’t take as long as we thought. After viewing the Gannets and playing some games we all sat and waited for the vehicles to arrive with our lunch and a trip home.
Friday dawned brilliantly fine the warmest day of the week. We all packed ready for home. It was a great week with the kids and a lot of fun. The camp mums were all great fun and had sorted Tony out by Monday night. I hope Tony enjoyed it as much as we all did and it was a pleasure to be with the kids as they were all well behaved and a lot of fun.

I have always found organising a school camp a real pain. No matter how well things seem to be goning [going] there always seems to be heaps of last minute hassles enough to pull ones hair out at times. This time however things went fairly well! So much so I became worried that I had forgotten something major. So things rolled on fairly well.
The rope bridge idea I got when I saw one being made many years ago when I was a scout (yes, I was one too!) I didn’t quite know how to go about building one so I thought I’d ask Cathy Worsley. She didn’t know either! However she asked a Scout leader who happened to be building one that weekend and invited me to come and have a look. So Cathy came back to me with an invitation – two days after the weekend was over. But with a bit of trial and error the whole construction worked out really well. Many thanks to Rayner Croad for the rope and poles needed for this assemblage.
The camp went very well. Even the rain didn’t deter us from enjoying it. (Ever seen kids try to cook a meal over an open fire in the rain?) The camp mothers were great and everything went really well. Food was ready when it was meant to be and well prepared too. I felt like a King! Being waited on was an experience I won’t forget for a while – nor will Jill. I tried to continue the policy when I returned home – didn’t last long though. Many thanks ladies for your enthusiasm and help.
The children were great – even that kid who tried to destroy the trampoline with his knee (and ended up in hospital) and I’m sure they really got a kick form [from] being away form their crabby parents for a week. Perhaps the childrens attitude could best be summed up when one child grabbed Liz Kays skirt and said “If Mr Simons wants me desperately I’ll be on the dunny”. I would like to thank all of you for your support, help, food donations, transport, to Dave for the use of his truck and to Ross and Rayner for the Land Rovers.
Thanks Tony.

I have just heard from the Forestry that the new Forest Corporation is now recieving [receiving] submissions for the purchase of their assets. These submissions must be in by late January. The forestry camp have a fantastic hall that would be a great community asset.
It is up to us to ensure that the building stays here at Waiwhare. (if we want it). A number of options are available to us as to how we will best ensure its future here but will need to be discussed as a community. Perhaps a public meeting could be called to discuss this and a committee set up to proceed with negotiations.
Your feelings and feed-back are important. If this issue is of concern to you could you please return the slip below or give me a call. (839)
If support for this project is strong enough I will call for a meeting and we can go on from there. Please be prompt with your response as we have very little time.


I would be interested in attending a meeting to discuss the future of the hall.
Signed…   Phone…

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Business / Organisation

Waiwhare School

Format of the original

Typed document

Date published

December 1986


  • Lucy Arthur
  • Rayner Croad
  • Michelle, Mr and Mrs Davidson
  • Andrew Gordon
  • Liz, Philippa Kay
  • Nicola Lawrence
  • Andrew, K Schaw
  • Jill, Mr Simons
  • Mr and Mrs Wallis
  • Mrs Munro
  • Peter Ward
  • Debi Weir
  • Aaron, Lynaire White
  • Cathy, Tony Worsley
  • Mr Barnett
  • Mrs Munro
  • Aaron, Anna, Debbie, Gavin, Kathryn, Kylee, Liz, Nicky

Accession number


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Supporters and sponsors

We sincerely thank the following businesses and organisations for their support.