Waiwhare Wire 1987 01

MARCH 1987

1987 already being only two months old, looks as though it could well be an unusual one as far as the district is concerned. Firstly the school has had a third teacher appointed to it’s staff – a turning point in that, this is the first time this has happened in the school’s history.
Secondly, that in a month or so we see major changes at the Forestry Camp. The forestry ‘people’ have been a great asset to our Community, especially in recent times. As I look back through the School’s history books there are regular examples where the Forestry Personal have been associated with the school. Not only by enrolling their children, but also by providing for us, the school sign, the use of the hall for school functions and instructing the children in the various aspects of bushcraft and safety. Many of us have made personal freinds [friends] with the ‘forestry workers’ and of course we have always been welcomed on camp every Friday night, much to the disapproval of many a wife. So when the camp ‘changes’ on April 1st gone will be an era that we have enjoyed over the years.
We would like to wish our freinds [friends] at the camp all the best for the future and hope your new professions will be successful and enjoyable.

By. Peter Ward. This was the scene late Sunday evening as members of the Sports Committee decided to travel to Taihape to grab a hamburger.
However the ghostly appearance of a row of bare backsides . . . outside the forestry camp prevented them going any further.

Flower seeds are again available through the school. The following varieties are available.
Anemones – Choicest St Brigid mixed $2:20 per pack of 25
Ranunculas – Mixed Super Exhibition $2:20 per pack of 25
Sweet Peas – Mixed 40c small packet
Sweet Peas – Multiflora Gigantea – six colours in separate named packets – $1:75 per set.
Please place your orders, along with payment before March 15th.

The Red Cross are keen to hold Basic First Aid Courses including resusitation [resuscitation] techniques in the district. Two options are available –
Either six, two hour sessions on a weekly basis or one or two day courses.
Anyone interested could you please fill in the slip below and return to school or contact Helen Arthur 869.

A reminder to Parents who wish to send their children home on another bus, or who will be going home on alternative transport. Could you please contact the Teachers as well as the Bus Drivers and tell us what is going on. We have had one or two major mixups recently.

Pam wishes to identify a parent who paid $2.50 for the bus when the rooms 1&2 visited the port two weeks ago. As the bus was not used the money is refundable. The problem is we don’t know who paid the money. Would the parent concerned make themselves known to us please.

Judge Tough Presiding.
The charge reads . . . Reckless driving and overloading of a Tractor

The school Committee elections will be held at the School on Monday 27th April beginning at 8:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. Even if you do not have children at School you are also encouraged to attend.

The next shopping day will be on Monday 23rd March. The School will be closed on this day.

Jane Fountaine has a problem with her canary. Apparently it was sent into a dizzy spell at the hands of Buster Monson and now refuses to sing. If anyone can help Jane she would be very grateful.

Packs of ice-blocks are available if anyone is interested. I think they are around $6:00 a pack. Please contact Liz Kay 490 to place your order.

After whitewashing Sherenden, the next game will be against the Forestry on Sunday 29th March, beginning at 1:p.m.
The after match function – barbeque etc – will be arranged. More details as they come to hand.

Beginning 7:30a.m.
THIS IS FOR – The purchase of a number of badly needed items at the School. Such as reading books for the Junior School. Storage
To generally keep our books balanced for the rest of the year. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

The School have recieved [received] a set of Tee Shirts for use by the children when they represent the school at sports events etc. The shirts look like this –
There has been much interset [interest] in members of the Community wanting to buy a Tee Shirt for themselves or their Children. So we will be taking orders for additional Tee Shirts.

Any Size   […] – from adult down to . . . prices vary according to size but range from $7:50 up to $15:00.
If you would like one, two or more please fill in the slip below and return to school. You do not need to send in any money yet. I will let you know the exact amount when the order is finalised.


PONY CLUB AND DISTRICT FAREWELL FOR THE WILKINS FAMILY is to be held at Gerald and Liz Kay’s on Sat 14th at 5:00 p.m.
Barbeque Tea – bring your own meat and drink, also a plate for the table (i.e. salad etc.)
Money for a gift to Liz or Christine by Wed 11th.
Everyone welcome.
Any enquires [enquiries] Phone Liz 490 or Christine 571.

The next Otamauri Pony Club Meeting will be at 1:30 on the 12th April. Will ring if cancelled.
Enquires Christine Goulding 871

Starting 10th March at Sherenden Hall – 7:30 p.m.
New male members needed.

If anyone is interested in night-school classes, the following courses are available at Napier Boys High School on Tuesday nights. A car is already going in on these nights.
1   German, commencing 10th March – all year.
2   Spinning for Beginners, 10th March – 8 weeks.
3   Cane Furniture, 17th March – 25 weeks
4   Woodwork 17th March – 26 weeks.
5   Metalwork, 10th March – 26 weeks.
Further information, phone Linda Ward 419

Places available for Saturday morning soccer at Hastings City Rovers. Further information phone Linda Ward 419

Someone left a cane baskit [basket] at C.W.I., Linda Ward’s place, last Thursday night.

Does anyone know J. Brownly? He/she won the ‘Stepping the Chain’ contest at Sports Day. Phone D. Ward 419.

The Waiwhare Indoor Cricket Team has once again entered a team in the Monday Night League, and after three games we are well placed at the Top of the Ladder, after reasonably easy victories over Twyford and ‘two fish and a scoop’ where we managed to pick up 8 and 9 League points from the two games, due to very good fielding displays where on both occasions we restricted the opposition to under fifty runs and scored over 100 ourselves in each game.
Last Monday saw us playing a team named the ‘Burglars’, and after a poor performance in the field we were faced with scoring 104 runs for victory. Tony and Steve got us away to a very good start, scoring 33 for the first partnership and in the process lost only one wicket.
It was then Jack and Grants turn to bat, the thought was that if these two scored a further 25 runs we would be in a good position at the halfway stage, but they had other ideas and when they had completed their 3 overs they had knocked up a fine 50 partnership.
Trevor and Jim then proceeded to carry our score passes [past] the opposition and well on the way to another Bonus point, their partnership was a well compiled 34.
It was then myself (Denis [Dennis]) and Mikes turn to bat, our aim was

first of all 125 and another Bonus point (a bonus point being scored every 25 runs) and then maybe another bonus point at 150, this we did with a partnership of 44 carrying our final total to 161 a good Victory gaining us 10 valuable points.
Certain members of the team realised that with indoor cricket on Monday night, it was not a good idea to play up on Sunday night, as well as Saturday.
Denis Schaw

Sports Day 1987
Our annual Sports Day has been and gone for another year. In spite of the unfavourable weather conditions we still managed to achieve an almost 100 per cent district turnout. It was heartening to see increasing support from Sherenden and more noticeably this year, from Crownthorpe and Matapiro. Entries in the children’s horse events were a little down on previous years and considerably down in the adult events, but it is still good to see that some people don’t mind making a spectacle of themselves on Sports Day. The children’s cycle races were as popular as ever and this year we saw an increasing number of children on motorbikes. Congratulations to those children who won ribbons and better luck next year to those that didn’t.
The number of static displays seems to increase each year. The cross-cut saw competition and timber identification were both well- patronised, along with our usual all-day activities. This year we were lucky to have demonstrations of motorbike skills, put on by the HB Motorcycle Club. That old car came in handy for something after all, and Ivan can stop moaning about it now as it is resting in peace at the bottom of the dump.
As always, Sports Day wouldn’t be as successful as it is without the support of a very keen committee. Inevitably, next year will see an increase in entry fees as we have only managed to break even this year. We hope the school fundraising effort was successful, the variety of activities in that corner was a welcome change.
Sports Day wouldn’t be Sports Day without the DAY AFTER. The less said about it the better, though one long-suffering wife was heard to remark “Men will be boys!”

Once there was a Govenment [Government] Department formed from the Lands Department and charged with the management of native forests and the establishment of the alternative wood supplies (exotic forests) to conserve the indiginous [indigenous] resource.
Over the years the Department achieved the greatest single forest conservation measure in N.Z., employed large numbers of out of work people, developed 850,000 hectares of marginal land, and even land stabilisation in some unstable areas.
Then there was this Minister of Finance who said “That trading department owes me $5000, million (or was it $500 million – he afterwards contrdicts [contradicts] himself). We’ll corporate it then we’ll balance the books”.
The value of the 850,000 hectares passing to the Forestry Corporation at harvesting time will be $12,750 million, on todays value. It will be intersting [interesting] to see –
what the Corporation pay for the asset
how many staff are shed from Treasury and State Services Commision [Commission] when four trading departments disappear.
wether [whether] a wood supply is avaiable [available] in thirty years time to meet demand.
will the taxpayer get a return on investment.
Wally Drayton

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Waiwhare School

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Date published

March 1987

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