Waiwhare Wire 1987 02

May 1987

Waiwhare Wire



5th May 1987

SCHOOL ROLL:   The school Roll has risen to fifty-three with the enrolment of Nicolas and Amanda Robinson.

SCHOOL COMMITTEE:    These people were silly enough to get themselves elected onto the School Committee for the next two year term, and I hope they have an enlighting [enlightening] and worry free experience on the Committee
Graeme Lawrence – Chairman
Dianne [Diane] Arthur – Sec/Tres [Treasurer]
Graeme Fountaine
Roger Tough
John Goulding
May I also thank you all for attending the meeting in such large numbers

MAY SCHOOL HOLIDAYS:   The School Holidays begin on Saturday May 10th and School will reopen again on Monday 25th May. School will close at 2:30 p.m. on Friday. May I wish you all a happy and enjoyable holiday.

WELCOME: On behalf of all the Community I would like to welcome Simon and Debbie Robinson to the district and hope that their time with us will be happy, enjoyable and successful

FILM:   The film entitled “Perhaps You’ve Noticed You’re Changing” arranged to be shown through the Public Health Nurse, Margaret Martin, will not now be available till mid July. Apparently Margaret has had some problems securing the film on a long term basis.

DINNER PREPARATION:   Liz Kay has organised to supply a supper for the Hastings Operatic Society, on the evening of 23rd May. Proceeds from the supper will be donated to the School. If you could help by perhaps preparing food or would like to help serve during the evening could you please give Liz a call – (490).

PUPS:   Liz Kay has Black and Tan Huntaway Bitch Pups, she would like to lose. If anyone would like one please give Liz a call (490)

AN EMBARRASSING NOTE:   At the beginning of the year I asked for orders for ‘Fact’ and ‘I Spy’ magazines – a magazine for kids published in Christchurch. We received eight orders but the Company insisted on a minimum order of ten magazines. So I dropped the idea. A few weeks ago the Company wrote to me asking “Hey, where’s your subscription?” After explaining our position I have been kindly informed that an order of eight magazines would be gratefully accepted. So if you still want your child to have a Fact or an I Spy Magazine the cost is $7:70 per year. Could you please send a note to School. Any Parent wanting to see a magazine before ordering please let me know and I’ll send home a copy for you to look at.

FAREWELL:   It comes a bit of a surprise to hear that Andrew Ward is leaving us to seek a faster life in Wellington. He has a position with G.E.C., as a Salesman. I’m sure Andrew will be missed on the Shearing Board and the haytruck (oh alright . . . and the Club too!.) We wish him all the best in his new job and new lifestyle.

WAIWHARE LAMB FAIR:   There was a good attendance at the inaugral [inaugural] district stock sale held at Waiwhare Station’s sheep yards recently. A good number of local farms were represented with most vendors pleased with the prices they received. Did you manage to see who was bidding?
Wasn’t it nice to see past district farmers present, some even buying lambs too. Debbie and her helpers provided good refreshments and seemed to be well entertained too.
There was fun for all at the Social Club afterwards, don’t know who was declared Local Champ!! The whereabouts of the flag, (womble) and the amount of the redundancy (Malcolm) are the only mysteries remaining. Here’s to the next sale!
Ivan Gordon (Anon)

We managed to find a rather excellent piece of work by Roger Tough, when he was in Std 3 and thought it would make interesting reading. It comes from a project Roger completed – well half completed going by the comments splashed throughout the work by the teacher of the time.

SOAP BOX DERBY 1963 (more examples may follow)
My Biggest Laugh
My Biggest laugh was when Mr Ward won the first of the two parent’s races in Slim. Slim was a rather thin cart and Mr Ward could not fit in the box. So he had to sit perched up on top of it like a chook on a gate. you would think he would tip over any minute but he managed to get to the bottom without tiping [tipping] over

I would like to be Mother Help on


I would like to help as a Reliever (state any preferred day)
Signature . . .

THE FORESTRY DINNER:   The Forestry dinner proceeded very smoothly last Friday night. Thanks to all who cooked, prepared, served and cleaned up, and thanks to the Forestry for setting up the special Headquarters for us.
Help came from people with no children [children] at School and no children going to camp. Special thanks to them. Our expenses were held down by very generous donations from parents and also from people in town, namely Pernel Orchards, Nigel Read, Hamish McPhail and the Captain Salty Fish Shop in Omahu Rd. who gave us 10kg of filleted fish. So you know where to go for your fish and chips now.
Thank-you everyone, from the Camp Kaitawa Committee.
Dianne Arthur.

TENNIS:   This year the weather was kind enough to allow us to have a Tennis Season. I think we improved as the season went on and even if we didn’t Monday mornings turned out to be enjoyable. Thanks go to Jane and Liz for allowing us to invade their homes and grounds and for, more often than not, providing the Billy Jean Kings amongst us with sustenance at morning tea-time. Keep your fingers crossed that we can look forward to Monday morning tennis next summer.
Jill Simons

MOTHER HELP FOR NEXT TERM:   Pam is looking for Mother Helpers to help her next term, if you could help once a week or would like to be a Reliever, please fill in the form below and send back to School before Friday.
This involves helping Pam in the Junior Room between 10 and 12a.m. [p.m.] with a break 10:30 for a yummy morning tea.

DUCK SHOOTING EYE-OPENER:   shoot was held as planned on Easter Monday. The weather was kind enough to allow us a day off from the rain and this was appreciated by those taking part.
Some good scores were recorded and I think all who participated had an enjoyable afternoon. Thanks to George Sheild for the use of his trap and paddock and also to Adrian Krammer, who loaded up 700 odd rounds for the day at a very resonable [reasonable] cost.
So if you haven’t been dropping your share (ducks that is) get along to the next shoot.
Roger Tough

All is quiet around the Waiwhare Sale Yards after what seems to have been a successful sale, which everyone chipped in together to pull-off.
It’s great how a small community like ours can come together and achieve things like this and the Sports Day.
I work out in the Community and people have treated me not only as a worker but a friend which has meant a lot to me. As some of you already know, I’m moving out of the district to Wellington where I’ve got an inside job, happily with a better future for me.
Since I’ve worked here there have been lots of changes to farming (Deer, goats, kiwifruit, apricots, tourists) but none of them have become the sole income of any farm. Sheep and Cattle will always be around.
The School has grown rapidly, what used to rely a lot on Forestry Children, is a strong and healthy three teacher school now.
The district has changed a lot over the past few years.
Andrew Ward.

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Waiwhare School

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Date published

May 1987

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