Waiwhare Wire 1987 03

August 1987

Waiwhare Wire.

About a month ago I was caught up in another ‘local’ derby – the fire call – and felt that it needed some comment. I had often wondered how a local team was mobilized when a call went out, and found out rather quickly.
Firstly: the phone call at 12:03 “There’s a fire at Rawhenua, could you get down there please?” Right: where’s Rawhenua? and how am I going to get there when the wife’s in town with the car? So I find myself standing at the school gate, gumboots in hand about ready to hitch a ride with anyone passing.
The Forestry Fire Truck stops, I jump in and begin to feel a big hero, arm out the window (after I had pulled on my boots), the siren going, red light flashing. Great!! back in my childhood.
When we finally arrive, after a hazardous drive up the driveway we found we were too late. The smouldering remains of what was once a shed was all that was left. We did manage to save half a pile of sawdust though.
When I returned to School I was told that the Hastings Fire Engine had arrived. Funny we never saw it. As far as I know it is still down River Road somewhere trying to find a fire.
Anyway what an experience. Disappointed somewhat by being back at School by 1p.m. (fancy attending an emergency call during the lunch hour) and getting cold stares for putting out a fire in my new hundred dollar trousers.

And what a great pity to see that the Davidsons have to move on. Ross was a keen ‘district’ man, and did much to support the district from playing sport (squash and cricket) to being School Committee Chairman. Ross will be sadly missed, and of course Jos the keen golfer and great cook.
Their after crutching ‘hoolies’ were something really to look forward to.

We would like to welcome Dave and Gail Price and their children Nathan and Amy to the district.
Also Mike, Margaret, Nicholas and Hamish Webster, who have moved into Omahaki. We hope their time with us will be successful, rewarding and enjoyable.

We have been granted Friday August 14th as a Shopping Day. The school will be closed on that day.

Its time we think about continuing with more fundraising for Kaitawa. At present we have raised about $1,100 and need around three to four hundred more dollars to see us through.
The bus quotes we have received so far indicate that about $1400 will be needed for the bus alone. I am still looking for a cheaper bus, but at this stage I have not been able to find one.
Linda Ward is now working on a project, but one or two other ideas are also needed. So if you have any brainwaves concerning fundraising could you please give me a ring. I may need to call another meeting with the view of getting some of these ideas into creation.
There are plans under way to publish a recipe book as an ongoing fundraising venture for Kaitawa. This will be a district activity, with contributions welcome from everyone. Those intersted [interested] in helping with the preparations and publication of the book are asked to contact Linda Ward (419). Contributions in any category can be sent to school or given to Linda. Name of contributor is preferred but not obligatory if you wish to remain anonymous. we hope you will support us in what could be a profitable undertaking.

It is with regret that Bev leaves us as cleaner. Over the past eighteen months or so Bev has done a fantastic job, keeping the School spotless and entertaining the teachers with numerous stories and adventures that have come Bev’s way.
So from the teachers and children of the school
For all that you have done.

Men’s Squash is on again. Wednesday evenings, if anyone is keen on having a wack why not come and join us at the squash court. CONGRATULATIONS TO STEVE AND LEONIE ON THE BIRTH OF ERIN

Members of the school committee, plus Dave Ward, Peter and Michael Kyle spent a rather wet and uncomfortable day collecting and spliting [splitting] firewood for the school. Three cord of wood has been delivered and stored at the school. Many thanks also to Peter Arthur for supplying the wood.

40c Kg for orders please contact Keren Wallace ph 407.
Light pine legs with rush seating, contact Jill Simons ph 839

The following comes from the ‘DAIRY’ ??? of David Ward, who wrote this enlightened work when he was in Std 4. So sit back and find out what school life was like in the olden days. Oh yes thanks to Linda for sneaking the book to school without Dave knowing.
5th Feb – 8th Feb
On monday the 5th of February we started school again. We had a new teacher. This year I am in Std 4. During the day we tidyed [tidied] the school. After school I went home and went and picked mushrooms. After I picked a few mushrooms I went home and cooked them. They did not taste very nice. Dad had most of them. After tea I went to bed.
Next morning Dad came in and woke me up. First I got up [and] did all my jobs. Soon I was on my way to school. The name of our new teacher was Mr Nilsen. When the bell went we lined up outside then we walked inside. Then Mr Nilsen came in. He came in and talked about books. After play we did some reading. After we had finished Mr Nilsen gave out our books. We wrote our name on them. After, we did


Every Monday Night, journeying into town,
Right sporting men, all without a frown,
Indoor cricket is their game,
Alas so far no fame,
For at the bottom Waiwhare’s found, how they fight back!

Can they win, or are they down the track?
First Twyford takes a dive, then Burglars, Kellys Heroes and Weston Rangers
Now Waiwhare is alive, onto the final game,
This I will briefly describe, as it was played with ut-most pride,
Dennis won the toss, (how did he do that),
And sent Kellys Heroes into bat,
The ? academic chap, one who pushes a pen,
Bowled fifteen wides,
And the only good ball was hit for a seven,
The man from the South, our new import,
Bowled well, better than we thought,
Captain and Mr Plodd [Plod], sent theirs down,
But after four overs, all is not sound,
Then on came Mike, just what the Dr ordered,
He was sharp on attack, a minus three was recorded,
Now David bowled he wasn’t slow,
Took out the off stump, and his middle also,
The batsman got slowly to his feet, he looked sort of stupid,
Waiwhare looked neat.
There were catches taken, there were catches dropped,
Heroes were all out for ninetyseven,
Believe it or not!

Dennis and Mike opened, did well with the bat,
Tony and Steven second, and they weren’t flat,
After two partnerships, all looked good,
The score sixtyeight stood,
David and Simon took the score to a ton,
We were pleased, now we had it won,
John and Ping went on next, and what do you expect,
They just practised.
There were handshakes all around, Kellys Heroes were rapt,
For they had been beaten, by a decent bunch of chaps,
Now when you go to Manchester St., you are in for a treat,
Written above all the rest,
Is Waiwhare, are the best,
So thanks to our wives, mothers and all,
For all the support, and the late morning call.

The Team

The bottle drive was very successful. About $270:00 was raised. Some of this money has already been used to buy reading books and B.S.M. material for the school.
Many thanks to Raynor [Rayner] Croad who trucked the bottles into town for us and to Graeme Fountaine who helped Raynor load them onto the truck.

Back Row – L to R Dennis I thought that was pretty good Schaw, David “Could someone dust the ball Hildreth, John Mr Plod Holst, Ping I’ve said it once Lawrence.
Front Row – L to R Steve smiler Ralph, Simon Oof Robinson, Mike Catch the ball everywhere except in his hands Barnett, Tony Couldn’t hit the side of a barn Simons.
Absent – Jim Don’t run into me Gunson.

Congratulations Dennis Schaw – who is now a ‘World Indoor Cricket Record Holder’. Thirty hours twenty-four minutes of non-stop cricket. A great effort. Dennis also won the best fielder award. See dennis what you can do with all that practise, when playing with the Waiwhare team,

On the 19th June, the Badminton Club held their annual dance, which from all accounts, went off reasonably well, and I’m sure was enjoyed by all, with good music, food, and plently [plenty] to drink.
After included a slight diversion, for some of those, who thought the evening wasn’t long enough, to Monsons house, which turned out to be very entertaining.
Jane Fountaine.

We have had at least one incident where the ink on the School Tee-Shirt has run when the shirt was washed. The person who did the screen print suggests to run a hot iron over the print before you wash them. This should prevent the ink from running. (Do this only once though).
But just to be on the safe side gentle washing (by hand???) may be the answer.

Next term we will be taking part in ‘jump Rope for Heart’ (See attached page which tells you all about it.)
For the keen parents who are feeling a little unfit and are interested in doing some skipping one evening a week, (or just getting fitter), having a lot of fun and becoming a little fitter, building up to the jump-off with the children next term, please let us know at school.
If you are interested you will need to order a skipping rope now because there aren’t enough adult skipping ropes. Adult ropes $4:80, children’s ropes are also available at $4:20.
To stop the ropes wearing out we need the plastic Ivomec tubing to split and put over the ropes. If you have any could you please send it to school.
Yes I am interested in skipping one evening a week and would like to order a skipping rope.
Name . . .

Dear Parent/Guardian,
Good health and fitness throughout life is important to everyone. Through the Health Education and Physical Education programmes offered in schools, your child is learning the importance of heart and circulatory fitness and the need for daily physical activity.
The National Heart Foundation of New Zealand in association with the New Zealand Association of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, is promoting physical activity for health through our Jump Rope for Heart programme.
Jump Rope for Heart is a fitness programme based on a series of challenging skipping activities. Your child has learnt many of these skills and is now being encouraged to use them to improve his/her fitness in his/her own time at school and at home.
The culmination of the school Jump Rope programme will be in a Jump-Off. This is the time when children will work together in groups of six. They will take it in turns jumping rope and resting, for up to three hours.
An official student sponsorship form will be given to your child prior to the event to enable him/her to acquire pledges. Pledges will be based on each minute the six member group jumps.
Example: If the group jumps the full three hours, and a pledge of two cents per minute is given to your child, the sponsor would pay $3.60.
Funds raised will be used to benefit:
Your child’s school. 20% of the sponsorship money will be given to the school for physical education and health education resources.
The New Zealand Association of Health, Physical Education and Recreation for their community health projects.
The National Heart Foundation. It will fund the project and continue to fund school and community health education.
Your child will receive a congratulatory pin. He/she will also be left with the physical fitness and health benefits of the programme and knowledge of a good way of becoming an independent exerciser. Your child’s school will receive Double Dutch Ropes for playground recreation to thank them for their involvement.
The Jump Rope for Heart Jump-Off, and indeed the Jump Rope for Heart programme itself, provide excellent opportunities for you to be involved with your child. Come and enjoy the Jump-Off event at school; also experience some of the fun of jumping rope with your child at home. Adult ropes are available from the National Heart Foundation.
Your signature is needed to give permission for your child to participate. It indicates you have given permission and that you know of no medical reason which would prevent your child from participating safely.
Yours sincerely,
M J Cross

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Business / Organisation

Waiwhare School

Format of the original

Typed document

Date published

August 1987

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We sincerely thank the following businesses and organisations for their support.