Waiwhare Wire 1991 01

JUNE 1991


Working in a place where a large number of people congregate together for a common goal ( whatever that may be) it’s not long before the dreaded lergy [lurgy] appears and slowly makes it’s way through the community. And so it is at the moment. We all seem to be going down with something. So what better thing to do than to lie back and quietly peruse our community mag. It may not make you feel any better, but it makes a change from reading that old issue of the Woman’s Weekly (the one with the Elle McPherson feature) the wife has neatly placed at the bottom of the magazine rack.
When you’re feeling low, an issue with plenty of pictures would be the way to go. Well I did ask Martin Jones if he would do a centre Spread for us, but he mumbled something about being too busy shearing, needing a haircut and suffering from a heat rash somewhere. Oh well. I’ll just have to keep looking for someone else. Any volunteers?

We’ve had quite a large number of people move into the district lately. It gives me real pleasure to welcome into the community – Peter and Leslie Roil with Amy, Sam, Jamie and Harriet, in Glenross Rd.
Mark and Jan Oster with Sheena, Daniel, Jessie and Jayden in Willowford Rd.
Jocelyn Rodgers and Kristi, Kahl and Jason at Cahirdean.
Don, Raewyn, Jarreau and Elesha at Colonsay.
Mike and Ann Prescott with Jessica and Nick in Glenross Rd.
Murray and Angela Salter at Omahaki.
Stuart and Robyn McDougal at Brancott in Lee Rd.
Greg McSporrin [McSporran] in River Road.
We wish them all the best and hope their time with us is enjoyable and successful.

Our Thanks
We have had quite a bit of work done at school lately. I would like [to thank] Linda for cataloguing new books and repairing old books for our library. Also Dave, Tony, Peter, Mike, Graeme, John and Barry for building and siting our aluminium shed which will be used to store our bulky gymnastic gear.

On your engagement.

We had a full and enjoyable summer of cricket, with a good number of matches played and the reunion of old friends and players from teams we played in previous years.
At the beginning of summer we had a meeting to work an itinerary of games and to draw up a timetable for the season. We decided to invite a wide variety of teams to play games. So we added to our usual list – Okawa, Onga Onga, Te Awanga, Sherenden and Mangatahi, teams like Williams and Kettle, Maraetotara, Eskview and thought we would give Tuki Tuki another go. As most of you would be aware, games against these sides didn’t eventuate, which was a pity really. All these teams were rung in November and all were keen to play. Dates were set and all was ready. However when the time drew near, all teams apart from Tuki Tuki were unable to play – for one reason or another.
From my point of view, I enjoyed playing in all games, but I have to admit that I enjoyed the game against Tuki Tuki the most. I guess we were all apprehensive after last years embarrassment, but Tuki Tuki’s attitude was friendly and helpful this year. They really enjoyed the game, full of light hearted fun, which made us enjoy the game as well. The after match function was excellent, very friendly. We saw the team in a new light that day, and made some good friends too.
All other games had that friendly atmosphere as well, but Sherenden’s team was rather a surprise when a large number of young farmers from Crownthorpe turned out to play. It was also good to see Dennis Schaw bringing his Onga Onga lads all the way up here for a game.
The most satisfying aspect of the summer was the great support I received this year getting the cricket organised. This was great and it worked really well. My particular thanks goes to John, Steve and Rob for all their work on the wicket, to Dave and Mike for organising some of the games and the after match functions, and to Dave Hill for purchasing some of the new gear we bought with your fees. I would also like to thank Steve Ralph for letting us use his gear once again and also Carter Holt for letting us borrow the mower and the fire engine to mow and water the wicket.
I hope you all enjoyed the games this summer and we look forward to a few games again next summer.

You are all welcome to a party to celebrate Chris & Danny’s engagement – 29th June, 8pm at Wrekin.
Crate and a plate, please.
Venue will be the shearer’s quarters – we promise it will be warm inside – videos will be available for children to watch. Contact David or Linda Ward for more information (419)

[Original stories]

[Original story]

The second term at Otamauri Playcentre is proving to be hectic once again. We are due to receive official Ministry of Education licencing on June 30th, but are being asked to meet last minute requirements, particularly in the area of supervision. A higher level of committment, especially in the area of adult education is going to be asked of parents if we are to continue to receive Government funding. We already have a number of Mums starting on the new training modules, which is really great.
We have a roll of 33 children attending our two sessions at present. As we only have floor space for 15, extensions are shortly due to start to almost double our indoor play area. We are really looking forward to this and feel the children are going to benefit a great deal. Wet days hopefully won’t be quite so congested for much longer.
Last week our four year old group visited Waiwhare School junior room. This was a great experience for our small folk and enjoyed by all – thanks, Waiwhare. We hope to make this a fairly regular occurrence, also visiting Sherenden School. We also have trips planned this term to the Fire Station (for 4 year olds), David Dells Pre-school music group at St. Andrews and Flaxmere Indoor Pool. This week we are hosting a workshop on utilising play space.
This term we are concentrating on themes – we’ve just finished three lovely weeks of ‘colours’, with all activities emphasising colour in some way. We are about to start ‘Music’ so I can imagine if the builder starts we can look forward to plenty of percussion!
Please feel free to come and check us out at any time, you’re most welcome. Any other enquiries to myself ph. 804 or to Jill Simons (Public Relations Officer) ph. 825.
Leonie Smith.

with Robyn Gardener [Gardiner]
Saturday 22nd June 10 a.m. at Waiwhare School
Topics covered will include – Sewing up perfectly, casting on techniques, joining colours and knitting fairisle, buttonholes, basic knitting techniques, advanced knitting designs. Something for every knitter. EVERYONE WELCOME
Any enquiries to: Sue Weir 814
Carol Ayres 844

A beginners guide to crutching – especially for principals.

Looking for a new way to prepare those boring old chops? Here’s a recipe to add to your book of favourites.
2 eggs, hard boiled   2 cups fresh breadcrumbs
2 cloves garlic, crushed   2 tablespoons chopped parsley
4 tablespoons melted butter   salt and pepper to taste   chops
Chop the eggs finely and mix with breadcrumbs, garlic, parsley, butter, and salt and pepper.
Place chops in baking dish, packed closely together.
Spread breadcrumb mixture over the top of chops and cover dish with aluminium foil.
Bake at 200° (400°) for 25-30 minutes.
Remove foil and put chops under grill until topping is golden brown.


I’ve seen a bit of slick riding lately, particularly by the younger set of the community, as they round up, herd in, or generally zoom around the place on their four wheelers. I heard a story about a brilliant piece of riding that really needs a mention. Because of the special request by bike sponsors, the rider concerned shall remain anonymous.
One morning our illustrious hero set off on his four wheeler, dog sitting comfortably on the back, to do a little mob work and to check over his fine flock of pedigree progeny. He drove up to the first of many gates he needed to open that day and parked his machine. On pulling open the gate he realised that he had slightly misjudged the distance between the bike and the gate. Keeping his cool, (not a curse was uttered) he calmly hopped on to his trustworthy steed and reversed a short distance so he could successfully open the offending blockage.
On returning to his bike he spied a group of spectators in the near distance who were quietly waiting for transportation to the city, so he quickly decided to entertain them with a piece of spectacular driving. He revved heavily; he shut his eyes; he braced himself; he dropped the clutch. The bike responded brilliantly – backwards. The driver flew over the handle bars, the dog did a somersault in the air and landed somewhere beside the bike. The spectators stood in quiet embarrassment.
And what did he do then dear readers. He picked himself up, verbally abused the dog in no uncertain terms, hopped on his bike and quietly rode off, forgetting all about closing the gate again.

Fundraising – crutching
The Board of Trustees were really pleased with the turn out at the recent school fundraising held at Omahaki Station. With your effort we raised $1825.00 for the school. We would like to thank you all for turning out in such large numbers and helping us on the day.


Congratulations to Jean Redman – we hear you’ve been doing tremendously well lately, Jean.
In April, Jean attended the North Island Archery Champs held in Napier where she broke the N.Z. National Womens record Target Shoot for 70, 60 and 50 metres. In May, Jean went up to the Auckland Champs where she collected five awards for perfect scores at different distances – a tremendous feat. Not only this but she also got the N.Z. Ladies Long Bow Champion in the Field. Jean is ranked 5th in N.Z. and qualified to represent N.Z. in August at the British Archery Championships to be held in England.
We wish you the very best of luck Jean and hope you have a lovely time over there.


The Otamauri Pony Club held it’s second Ribbon Day on Saturday 25th May at the Sports ground. The weather couldn’t have been better and we had 30 riders participating. A very big thank you to June Collins, Danni Simpson and Peter Hyslop for judging and thank you to stewards, parents and children for making it such an enjoyable day.


Best Learners Pony
1st   Caroline Robinson
2nd   Chris Ayres
3rd   Melissa Rowe
4th   Bridget De Barre
5th   Hamish Webster

Best cared for pony and gear
1st   Hamish Webster
2nd   Bridget De Barre
3rd   Caroline Robinson
4th   Chris Ayres
5th   Melissa Rowe

Best Rider
1st   Chris Ayres
2nd   Bridget De Barre
3rd   Caroline Robinson
4th   Hamish Webster
5th   Melissa Rowe

Obstacle Race
1st   Bridget De Barre
2nd   Caroline Robinson
3rd   Melissa Rowe
4th   Hamish Webster
5th   Chris Ayres

Lucky Dip
1st   Caroline Robinson
2nd   Hamish Webster
3rd   Bridget De Barre
4th   Chris Ayres
5th   Melissa Rowe

Marshmallow Race
1st   Melissa Rowe
2nd   Hamish Webster
3rd   Chris Ayres
4th  Caroline Robinson
5th  Bridget De Barre

Egg & Spoon
1st   Caroline Robinson
2nd   Bridget De Barre
3rd   Melissa Rowe
4th   Chris Ayres
5th   Hamish Webster


Best cared for pony and gear
1st   Nicholas Webster
2nd   Amy Roydhouse
3rd   Serena Goulding
4th   Lauren Harper

Best paced and mannered
1st   Serena Goulding
2nd   Nicholas Webster
3rd   Amy Roydhouse
4th   Lauren Harper

Best Rider
1st   Amy Roydhouse
2nd   Serena Goulding
3rd   Nicholas Webster
3rd   Lauren Harper

Obstacle Race
1st   Nicholas Webster
2nd   Amy Roydhouse
3rd   Serena Goulding
4th   Lauren Harper

Flag Race
1st   Serena Goulding
2nd   Nicholas Webster
2nd   Lauren Harper
3rd   Amy Roydhouse

Musical Chairs
1st   Lauren Harper
2nd   Serena Goulding
3rd   Nicholas Webster
4th   Amy Roydhouse

1st   Lauren Harper
2nd   Serena Goulding
3rd   Nicholas Webster
4th   Amy Roydhouse


Best cared for pony and gear
1st   Amanda McCaslin
2nd   Simon Wallace
3rd   Emily [Emmily] Wood
4th   Summer Le Comte

Best paced and mannered
1st   Amanda McCaslin
2nd   Summer Le Comte
3rd   Amanda Robinson
4th   Emily Wood

Best Rider
1st   Amanda McCaslin
2nd   Simon Wallace
3rd   Amanda Robinson
4th   Emily Wood
5th   Summer Le Comte

1st   Amanda McCaslin
1st   Simon Wallace
2nd   Emily Wood
3rd   Summer Le Comte
4th   Amanda Robinson

1st   Amanda McCaslin
2nd   Summer Le Comte
3rd   Amanda Robinson
4th   Emily Wood

Novelty Event
1st   Summer Le Comte
2nd   Amanda Robinson
3rd   Simon Wallace
4th   Amanda McCaslin

Flag Race
1st   Amanda McCaslin
2nd   Summer Le Comte
3rd   Simon Wallace
4th   Emily Wood

SENIORS (Up to 14 yrs.)

Best cared for pony and gear
1st   Craig Ayres
2nd   Elissa Chalmers
3rd   Louise Wood
4th   Sarah Collins

Best Paced and Mannered
1st   Suzanne Ward
2nd   Elissa Chalmers
3rd   Sarah Collins
4th   Louise Wood

Best Rider
1st   Sarah Collins
2nd   Elissa Chalmers
3rd   Craig Ayres
4th   Toni Kennerley

1st   Margo [Margot] Lowry
2nd   Sarah Collins
3rd   Suzanne Ward
4th   Elissa Chalmers
5th   Craig Ayres
6th   Louise Wood

Novelty Event
1st   Neil Fountaine
2nd   Elissa Chalmers
3rd   Craig Ayres
4th   Suzanne Ward

Obstacle Race
1st   Elissa Chalmers
2nd   Sarah Collins
3rd   Toni Kennerley
4th   Craig Ayres
5th   Neil Fountaine
6th   Margo Lowry

1st   Neil Fountaine
2nd   Sarah Collins
3rd   Craig Ayres
4th   Toni Kennerley


Best cared for pony and gear
1st   Phillipa [Philippa] Kay
2nd   Lee Ann [Leanne] Kennerley
3rd   Debbie Sherwood
4th   Sarah Agnew

Best Paced and Mannered
1st   Lee Ann Kennerley
2nd   Michael Harper
3rd   Sarah Agnew
4th   Debbie Sherwood

Best Rider
1st   Sarah Agnew
2nd   Lee Ann Kennerley
3rd   Michael Harper
4th   Debbie Sherwood

1st   Michael Harper
2nd   Lee Ann Kennerley
3rd   Debbie Sherwood
4th   Sarah Agnew
5th   Sonya Neill
6th   Phillipa Kay

Novelty Event
1st   Sarah Agnew
2nd   Debbie Sherwood
3rd   Lee Ann Kennerley
4th   Phillipa Kay
5th   Michael Harper
6th   Sonya Neill

Obstacle Race
1st   Michael Harper
2nd   Lee Ann Kennerley
3rd   Debbie Sherwood
4th   Sonya Neill
5th   Sarah Agnew
6th   Phillipa Kay

1st   Michael Harper
2nd   Debbie Sherwood
3rd   Sarah Agnew
4th   Sonya Neill
5th   Lee Ann Kennerley
6th   Phillipa Kay


Kindergarten and Novice
1st   Bridget De Barre
2nd   Serena Goulding
3rd   Caroline Robinson
4th   Melissa Rowe

Green and Beginners
1st   Lee Ann Kennerley
2nd   Neil Fountaine
3rd   Simon Wallace
4th   Phillipa Kay

1st   Elissa Chalmers
2nd   Sarah Collins
3rd   Craig Ayres
4th   Debbie Sherwood


Best Sportsperson
1st   Tina Clarke
2nd   Margo Lowry
3rd   Toni Kennerley

Amanda McCaslin

RAFFLES   1st. Agnew   2nd. McCaslin   3rd. Robinson

QUIZ :   Junior – Nicholas Webster   Senior – Elissa Chalmers

Raffles and cash donations towards ribbons kindly donated by:

Rural Bank, M.A. Valler Transport, Camping Canvas and Leather, Forbes & Co, and Farmlands.

Thanks to the enthusiasm of parents, this winter has seen our boys once again participating in club rugby. We have boys playing in teams from grade 6 up to 12th grade. Grades 6 and 7 play in Hastings whereas Grade 9 upwards which are affiliated with Napier are more likely to play anywhere from Bayview to Maraekakaho or Havelock North.
They join up with Sherenden and other country areas such as Maraekakaho to make up the required numbers. Although those from other areas have played before, for most of our boys, it is their first experience of Saturday morning rugby; they have, however, made up for lost time showing great enthusiasm and some real talent. As with any activity when living ‘way out here’ a fair amount of travelling is required. The older boys are expected to attend weekly practices and living so far away is no excuse to miss these.
Most junior teams have weekly trophies or certificates and coaches try to see that every boy eventually gets to take one home – this is a great incentive and the boys are naturally very proud of these. So far Bradley Wallace, Brett Gunson, Scott Goulding and Ross Monson have claimed ‘Player Of The Day’ and Simon Wallace ‘Tackler Of The Day’.
So that each boy wanting to play, could play, they have been slotted into various teams:
Grade 12 – Jason Goulding plays for Heretaunga Intermediate. Jason made a great start to rugby, playing for the Curtain Raiser for the Hawkes Bay vs. Wairarapa Bush game in Nelson Park last term.
Grade 11 – Andrew Clarke is a Hastings Old Boys team member and has been picked as second best tackler.
Grade 9 – Brett Gunson plays against his classmates, joining his team from last year, Colenso Pirates Black; whilst Campbell Ayres, Scott Goulding and Simon Wallace play for Maraekakaho O.B. Funnily enough the day these teams did oppose each other the result after a thrilling game was a draw.
Grade 7 – Maraekakaho O.B. Combined – these guys have yet to be beaten! Daniel Ward, Bradley Wallace, Nicholas Webster and Ross Monson.
Grade 5 & 6 – Hastings Old Boys. We could have a couple of future All Blacks in Corey Bullock and Richard Ward who are showing tremendous skills in Touch Rugby.

Badminton is on again this year on Tuesday nights as usual. It starts at 7.30, mainly mixed doubles are played and occasionally we play against teams from other clubs. There is an annual tournament at Waikare – this year we will be defending our trophy that we won last year. Peter Dingle is Club Captain. New players are very welcome.

Squash is well under way with a teams competition between four teams at present being played. We’ve a trip away to Takapau coming up in July, with hopefully some more visits away and to in the future, before the club champs. To use the court nowadays you need a key, as it is permanently locked. A sub of $15.00 single and $30.00 family will get you one of these for the season. Ladies morning and club nights continue on Thursday at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. respectively. New members most welcome. Enquiries ring Jill…825   or Kingsley…8743 747

Last year the Palmerston North College of Education undertook a research project looking into the teacher training needs of rural people. This included all Hawkes Bay people who are remote from a teacher training facility and who for family and financial reasons cannot move to such a facility.
The project has been extended this year to designing a three year full time off campus primary training course. Each year will probably have four blocks of on-campus time of no more than two weeks per block.
Should the project go ahead, recruitment will take place early Term Two, and applications will be required by the end of July. Time for getting moving on this is short – the College of Education would like to start receiving responses from now on. Anyone wanting further information should contact.
June Bendall
c/- English Dept
PN College of Education   Palmerston North
Phone (063) 70104

Jay Easton
H.B. Polytechnic
Private Bag
Phone 844 8710 ext. 857

The Rata Olsen Scout, Cub programme began this year at the Clive Domain with the A.G.M. This was followed by lunch, then the scouts enjoyed an afternoon of water ski-ing up the Clive River, while the cubs completed their athletics badge, played cricket and swam in the Baths.
National Cub Day at Fantasyland in March was a great experience for the hundreds of cubs from Gisborne to Dannevirke who attended. The boys thoroughly enjoyed participating in the various games and activities as well as swapping badges etc. This was a highly organised day and is held every three years.
The scouts went on the Napier Raft Race down the Tutaekuri River. They started at the Dartmoor Bridge, stopped at Puketapu for lunch and finished at Redcliff [Redclyffe]. One of the Rata Olsen rafts made good time, but the other one unfortunately met with a mishap.
In April we all met at Dave and Gail Prices at Maraetotara, then wandered through the very picturesque Mohi Bush after a barbeque lunch. Ron and Peter, the scout leaders, showed the boys ways of making snares and a range of bivouacs (bush shelters).
Three boys were invested into Cubs at John and Jean Redman’s in May; Bradley Wallace being one of them. John gave us a very interesting and informative talk about their tourist venture and on archery, showing us a wide range of bows and arrows he and Jean have. After lunch we had a chance to ‘have a go’ at their targets. It certainly is much harder than it looks, although several boys showed considerable talent and skill.
This month four of the scouts have the opportunity to attend the Cosgrove Course at Haumoana for two nights. This course is advanced training for the patrol and assistant patrol leaders who will then be able to go on and teach the younger scouts. The following weekend some of the scouts are going into the Ruahines for Bushcraft and Mountain Safety run by the Mountain Safety people. It’s a great opportunity for these boys.
The rest of the scouts and cubs are meeting at the Flaxmere Skating Bowl for skateboarding, followed by a swim at Waterworld.
We welcome Jarreau Purcell into Scouts and hope he enjoys being in the Rata Olsen group. Any other boys interested in becoming scouts or cubs or want to know more information on the scouting movement or their activities, can contact Keren Wallace ph. 407.



I became interested in golf as a ten year old caddying for my father who was a scratch golfer and swinging my first club then under his expert eye. I played golf in the school holidays with my brother Tony and a few friends, also keen on golf, and apart from a few sword fights in the trees using our clubs as swords, we took it pretty seriously.

My first major highlight was winning the club championships at the Christchurch Golf Club as an eighteen year old and being rewarded with a round of golf with Bob Charles and his parents, also both left handers. Bob, who had quite an American accent holed some huge putts while his father, Ivor, who had the yips picked up his ball every time he got somewhere near the hole, but I remember it as being a very enjoyable game.

Touring Australia with the N.Z. Under 21 Team is something I will never forget because the realisation of playing for our country hit all the team and forged a really close knit unit. We gave some of the Australians a hiding which felt really good but I think they took our money at Wrest Point Casino which had just been built in Hobart. It was about twenty stories high, with each floor a different gambling limit which is why we played Two Up and Black Jack in the basement.

Another highlight was playing in my first full Canterbury Team in 1976 at the Freyberg Rosebowl in Timaru which Canterbury won in front of a large crowd and live T.V. That was nerve wracking and we were still celebrating at 7 a.m. the next day which has stood me in good stead playing indoor cricket for Waiwhare.

Playing in the British Open Qualifying, British and Scottish Amateur Championships would take pages to relate all the highlights, but the atmosphere of the Open was unforgettable, you could feel the excitement of the great players all around you, the leaderboard and huge crowds. I was lucky enough to get to know Johnny Miller in the practice rounds and had a short conversation with him as he walked up the 18th fairway in the process of winning the Open by three shots from Jack Nicklaus and Seve Ballesteros surrounded by thousands of people, that was quite an experience. He was barely able to talk with emotion; who could blame him.

Looking back I feel very fortunate to have had the time then to play golf at this level, but of course golf is a game which is enjoyable at whatever level you play.

Simon Robinson

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Waiwhare School

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Date published

June 1991

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We sincerely thank the following businesses and organisations for their support.