Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 061 – 13 January

Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,

A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.


THE undersigned sections FOR SALE on liberal terms: –
A.  R.
No. 129. – 40 3   No. 132. – 111
No. 130. – 40 0   No. 133. – 104
No. 131. – 46 2   No. 134. – 104
135. – 133 acres.

THE undersigned has instructions to sell on Liberal terms the undermentioned well-selected sections at Woodville: –
No. 153 –  80 acres.
No. 154 – 105 acres.
No. 184 –  80 acres.
No. 185 – 143 acres.
No. 199 – 73 acres.

500 MERINO WEDDERS, 6 and 8 tooth, delivery immediate
1000 Merino Wedders, full mouth, delivery December
1000 Merino Ewes, full mouth, delivery January
1000 Cross-bred Ewes, mixed ages, delivery February
4000 Cross-bred Ewes, mixed ages, delivery February
1000 Cross-bred Ewes, 2, 4, and 6-tooth, delivery January
3000 Cross-bred Wedders, 2 and 4-tooth, delivery January
1500 Cross-bred Wedders, 6 and 8-tooth, delivery January
A small pure bred Lincoln Stud Flock
92 Ewes, Rams, and Lambs

20 Tons 200lb. Silk dressed Dunedin Flour.
20 bags, 50lb, Silk dressed Dunedin Flour.
5 sacks Oatmeal, Dunedin, new.
204 bags Bran, Dunedin, new.
484 bags Feed and Seed Oats.
Apply to

6000 2, 4, and 6 tooth Merino Ewes, in lots of not less than 1500.
3000 Fresh 8 tooth Merino Ewes.

SHEEP STATIONS of various extent, and
Stocked and Unstocked in the Provinces of Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington, Canterbury, and Otago.
For particulars, apply at the office, Browning-street, Napier.

All First-class Flocks.

STORE SHEEP. – Various Lots of Store Merinos Ewes and Wedders For Sale.

Has the pleasure of announcing that at the request of a number of leading settlers in the Southern part of the Province, he has made arrangements for holding a
At Waipukurau,
Suitable Paddocking and other necessary conveniences will be provided, and it is intended to establish the Sale as a half-yearly one.
The central position of Waipukurau, connected as it is with Napier, the West Coast, and Wairarapa, by railway and good roads, will, it is expected, attract purchasers from these important districts, as they will be enabled readily to supply themselves with a choice of such Stock as they require. On the other hand, runholders or others sending stock to the Sale will have the great advantage of competition which the attendance of a large number of buyers always insures.
Stock owners desirous of making a trial of the proposed Sale, are respectfully invited to communicate with the undersigned as early as possible.
Stock and Station Agent, Waipawa, or to
Commission Agent, Waipukurau.

The undersigned is instructed by the Hon. H. R. Russell, to take Orders for Young Bulls of this season, the produce of his celebrated bull, the Crown Prince, out of his seven eight’s bred Abbot cows.
Crown Prince and his two sons took each of the First Prize in their class at the late Hawke’s Bay Agricultural Show, and the Abbot, the sire of the cows (which was purchased from the Hon. Col. Whitmore), is universally known, and has left stock in the district, second to no other bull.
MERINO RAMS – Got by Dowling’s celebrated Rams, out of Ewes bred from a small flock of Sheep, imported in 1862, and which have always been carefully attended to and improved.
LINCOLN RAMS – Got by two of Kirkham’s best imported Rams, out of pure Lincoln Ewes.
For further particulars apply to
Stock and Station Agent,
Waipawa and Waipukurau.

4000 MERINO WETHERS, 8-tooth; delivery immediately
2000 Merino Ewes, 8-tooth; delivery February
600 Merino Wethers, 6 and 8-tooth; delivery immediately
600 Merino Ewes, 6 and 8-tooth; delivery January
900 ⅞ Lincoln Ewes, 2, 4, 6, and 8-tooth; delivery February
500 Cross-bred Ewes, 6 and 8-tooth; delivery January
170 Merino Hoggetts and Lambs; delivery February
700 Fat Cross-bred Wethers


WANTED KNOWN – That in all Orders for GENERAL PRINTING executed at the DAILY TELEGRAPH Office, FULL NUMBERS are guaranteed.

Have been instructed by the trustees in the Estate of Thomas Meehan, Port Ahuriri, to sell by Public Auction at their Auction Rooms, Tennyson-street, Napier,
At 11 a.m.
THE WHOLE OF THE BANKRUPT STOCK, consisting of Clothing, Drapery, Hats and Caps, Millinery, Under-clothing, Hosery [Hosiery], Ribbons, Haberdashery, Fancy works, Boots and Shoes, Stationery, Perfumery, Medicines, Brooms, Lamps, Glass and Earthenware, Grocery, Tobacco, Oilmen’ Stores, Jewellery and Show cases.
The Stock is too numerous to particularise in an advertisement, and as it has been well bought, and very recently, the auctioneer can with confidence recommend this sale to the notice of the public. The sale is being held in the Auction Room for better convenience of room.

ROUTLEDGE, KENNEDY & Co., are instructed by J. W. WITTY, Esq., (who purposes residing on his residence in Wairoa) to sell by public contract, his DWELLING HOUSE AND GROUNDS, Lighthouse Road, Napier. The situation commands one of the most commanding views on Scinde Island. The Grounds (about 2½ acres), have been laid out with taste, and care, and at considerable cost, they are planted with the choicest fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, all well established in growth. The grounds have also the advantage of a complete system of surface drainage, and are supplied with tanks for the conservation of water. The whole being enclosed by a 7 feet galvanised iron fence.
The HOUSE is quite new and is built of the best materials, it covers an area of 76 feet by 54 feet, and contains 10 rooms on the ground floor, viz., Drawing-room, 21ft. x 15ft.; Parlor [Parlour], 20ft. x 16 ft., Bed-room 19ft. 6 inch. x 14ft., 12ft. high; Dining-room, Library, Bed-rooms, Nursery and Kitchen, in addition to two Conservatories, Scullery, Bath-rooms and Closets. The Partitions and Walls throughout are filled in with concrete.
There is one underground concrete Tank, containing 2500 gallons of water, and 4 galvanised iron Tanks holding 4500 gallons, with force pump and piping, capable of conveying water to all parts of the building.
In short, the House has been fitted at great expense with every regard to comfort and convenience.
The Furniture can be taken at vauatlion [valuation]. A considerable portion of the purchase money may remain on mortgage at a moderate rate of interest.

Per “Glenlora,” from London,
The Ewes are from the flock of the late Mr. Kemp, and are of the pure Biscathorpe Blood.
The Rams are a very superior lot, and comprise Dudding’s Kirkham’s, and Marshall’s, and are really very fine sheep.
The above have been carefully selected in England by Melville B. Smith Esq., which ought to be a sufficient guarantee for the good quality.
Applications for purchase of the above will be received by the undersigned.
Napier and Spit.
December 7, 1876.

Stock, Land Estate, and General Commission Agent, Waipukurau.
Goods Stored and Forwarded.
Offices and Stores: Near the Railway Station.

Mr. J.A. Smith,
Mr. J.G. Kinross,
Capt. A. Newman,
Mr. J.N. Williams,
Mr. J.D. Canning,
Mr. J. Anderson,
Col. C. Lambert,
Mr. J. Joshua,
Mr. T.K. Newton,
Mr. G.E. Lee,
His Worship the Mayor of Napier,
Mr. M.R. Miller,
Mr. H. Cable.
Hon. Sec., J.A. Smith.
A RECENT Act of the General Assembly having granted 3½ acres of Land adjoining the Immigration Barracks as the site for a new Hospital for Napier – which is much required, there being want of space on the present ground – the Inhabitants of Hawke’s Bay are requested by the Committee to subscribe to so desirable an object.
The Maoris of Hawke’s Bay are particularly invited to join in this movement, which applies to all alike, and it is hoped it may lead to increased friendly feeling between the two races. The Maoris are requested to give land instead of money, as it will perpetuate their names in the future, and show posterity how the aboriginal natives of the country and the European settlers progressed together.
It is proposed that any person giving £100 or more in money, or an equivalent in land, shall become a Life Governor.
Subscription lists are left with the members of the Committee, at the Banks, and with numerous settlers.

Hastings-street, Napier.
Fitted up with all the Latest Improvements.
Second to none in the Colony.
The Patent Rotary Hair-Brushing Machine, is in use, the greatest Luxury of the Day.
S.H. HAVING just received per mail a large parcel of Human Hair, of superior quality is prepared to make up Ornamental Hair-work of any design, at a few hours notice.
Families and Schools attended to at Moderate Charges.
All kinds on Perfumery, Toilet Requisites, from the best makers always in Stock.
Razors, Brushes, Strops, Combs &c.,
In Great Variety.
Wholesale and Retail Tobacconist.
Of the Best Brands.
Tobaccos cut or uncut of the undermentioned lines:-
Admiral Twist
Venus Twist
Barrett’s Twist
Venus Nail Prod
Two Seas
Canary Light Pressed
Rattle Snake
Water Lily
Sunny South
Cable Twist &c., &c.,
Try the Mixture.
One of the best assortment of Meerschaum and Briar Pipes in the Province, including Tyndall’s G.B.D.’s and Telescopes.
ALWAYS ON HAND, Fancy Goods, Bath Sponges, Gentlemen’s Walking Stick, &c., &c.
A Large Stock of First-Class Concertinas.




January 6.
On receipt of the news of Sir Donald McLean’s death the council unanimously passed the following resolutions: – 1st. That the Chairman be deputed to convey the condolence of, and the extreme regret felt by, this Council at the death of Sir Donald McLean to the family of the deceased statesman. 2nd. That this meeting do adjourn as a slight token of


respect to the memory of one so well known and so greatly respected in this County as the late Native Minister.
The offer of the Bank of New Zealand to allow an unsecured advance of £200 was accepted.
A resolution was passed to the effect that all rates levied in, and subsidies received for each riding must be spent in such riding.


A meeting of the full council was held at the Court House, Wairoa, on 4th January.
The proceedings were opened by Councillor Cable proposing that Conncillor [Councillor] Burton be appointed Chairman without salary; this proposition was seconded by Councillor Smyth, and Councillor Burton having signified his consent, the motion was carried unanimously.
The Council then adjourned to the temporary Council Chambers in the new building next Mr. Flint’s Hotel, and at 2 p.m. re-assembled.
On the proposition of Councillor Cable, the Chairman, George Burton, Esq., was appointed Treasurer on his own personal guarantee.
Cr. McKinnon proposed that the County Act be bought into law in its limited extent, according to clauses 11, 12, and 13. This he asked as a boon for Mohaka, and as fairness to a young community. He would further inform the meeting that Cr. Bee and himself were pledged to this action by their constituents.
Cr. Cable fancied the business on the first day would be to appoint valuers, &c., at once, as the Government bonus must be secured. If Mohaka did not desire to take advantage of the County Act., let them break off and go on their own hook to join some other County; but, at the present moment, the necessary business must be attended to.
Cr. Smyth proposed, as an amendment, that the consideration of clauses 11, 12, and 13, be postponed for one month, or until the next meeting of Council, and this amendment was carried.
Messrs. H. Duff and S. Thorpe were then appointed County valuers, and requested to bring up their report on or before the 15th instant.
The Bank of New Zealand were also communicated with as to the required terms on which an overdraft of £500 could be arranged.
It was also decided to obtain information as to the unoccupied lands in the County and a map was ordered to be prepared as speedily as possible.
The question was also raised as to whether the government could authorise the Registry Office, Napier, to be searched free.
Cr. Cable next proposed that Commissioner Neldon of the Otago Constabulary be communication with and asked to furnish necessary information with respect to the inspection of slaughter houses. A sub-committee was appointed for the purpose of drawing-up bye-laws, &c., on receipt of Mr Neldon’s reply.
A sub-committee was also formed for the purpose of reporting on the roads generally throughout the district, and it was decided to ascertain if the services of the A.C. would be charged against the County Fund or not for the road work on which they are now engaged.
Other sub-committees were appointed to furnish reports on Licenses and Ferries. These reports to be brought up at the adjourned meeting of 5th inst.
The Dog Tax was struck at 10s per head throughout the County, this was carried by the Chairman’s vote.
It was furthermore decided to offer the sum of £100 for the Volunteer Drill shed with the proviso of course, that a title could be secured.
After passing the usual vote of thanks to the chairman, the council then adjourned until 4 p.m. on the 5th January.
An adjourned meeting was held on the 5th. Full muster was present.
Councillor McKinnon explained that although the desire for the Mohaka re restricted powers of County did not appear to suit the ideas of the remainder of the Council; still he would be happy to meet the views of the majority in every respect, so that they could all pull together.
During the meeting news was received of the death of Sir D. McLean.
It was then proposed by Councillor Cable and seconded by Councillor McKinnon, “That this Council taking into consideration the above lamentable event the chairman be deputed to convey, the condolence of, and the extreme regret felt by, this Council at the death of Sir Donald McLean, K.C.M.G., to the family of deceased statesman.”
This proposition having been unanimously carried, it was proposed by Cr. Flint, and seconded by Cr. Cable, “That this meeting do re-adjourn until 7 p.m. as a slight token to the memory of one so well known and so greatly respected in this County as the late Native Minister”.
At the adjourned meeting the report on the sub-committees on Roads, Ferries and Licences, (reports enclosed) were adopted.
Cr. Smith proposed that a committee of Cr. Flint, Parker, and mover be formed to draw up specifications re sale of Wairoa Ferry. Report to be furnished at first meeting. Carried.
A proposition was also carried to the effect that the Council recognised as a rule that the rates levied in each Riding, together with the Government subsidies thereon, be spent in those ridings as far as possible.
The two gentlemen who were appointed valuers at the previous meeting, being unable to undertake that work, Mr Edwin Carter was appointed sole County valuer.
The offer of the Bank of New Zealand to allow an unsecured advance of £200 was also accepted.
Instructions were given re purchase of County Seal, and the meeting of the County Council declared closed.

Roads. – Your committee are of opinion that the maintenance of the main line of road, viz., Pakuratahi to Paretu should be borne by the county fund, and that such maintenance be let by tender in three (3) sections annually, viz., 1st section, Pakuratahi to Mohaka; 2nd section, Mohaka to Wairoa; 3rd section, Wairoa to Paretu. They are furthermore of opinion that all other road works, whether maintenance or construction, should be borne by special rates, to be levied in the districts benefiting therefrom. This should be particularly the case with bye-roads in the township. They also consider that it should be ascertained whether the county fund will be charged with the road works now being performed by the Armed Constabulary in the county. Finally they consider that a capable man should be employed in seeing these road works being properly carried out.
Ferries. – Your committee are of opinion that while the ferries should not be a loss to the county fund, it is not desirable that a large revenue should be derived from them. They should be as nearly as possible self-supporting, and that as limited a margin as possible should be allowed consistent with repairs and revenue. Your committee consider that the ferries at Mohaka and Wairoa should be let for a fixed term, that the performers should be guaranteed against all opposition, and that these ferries be sold by public auction. Children attending school should be allowed free transit. For the Waikare, Tongora, and Waihua ferries, your committee propose that Councillors Bee and McKinnon furnish a report at the next meeting. At Wairoa it is suggested that a small cottage be erected on the ferry reserve, so that an opportunity would be afforded to every one desirous of tendering.
Licences. – With regard to auctioneers’ licences, your committee deem it advisable that the rate chargeable be fixed at an extremely low figure. The county is not sufficiently populous at present to enable people desirous of establishing themselves as auctioneers to pay similar fees to those charged (for instance) by Napier Borough. They would therefore recommend that the annual fee be fixed at £10 per annum.

The death of Sir Donald McLean creates a vacancy in the representation of the district of Napier in the General Assembly and the names of five gentlemen are mentioned as likely to come forward as candidates. These are Messrs. Tiffen, Rhodes, Buchanan, Stuart, and Sutton. Taking them in the order in which we have placed them, we may say of Mr. Tiffen that his chances of polling the majority of votes in the town on Napier are not superior to those of Mr. Rhodes. The latter gentleman, in fact, is the more popular of the two, and in the Provincial Council exhibited certain abilities of no mean order. Mr. Tiffen, on the other hand, though a resident of Napier of long standing has never identified himself with town interests; and, as a Provincial Councillor, he did not altogether escape a charge of selfishness. Mr. Tiffen however, may receive some considerable country support, which generally may be said goes more to any candidate who can lay claim to the title of “old colonist” than to one of lesser years and superior abilities. On the strength of the county votes he would be likely to receive, Mr Tiffen’s friends may induce him to come forward, but without any special qualification it will be difficult for the electors to discover his claims to their support. Mr. Rhodes is almost a popular man in Napier, a distinction he earned when in the Provincial Council he threw down the gauntlet to Mr. Ormond, and figuratively “brought down the house.” The debate had drifted away from its subject, and almost a personal altercation had sprung between the member for Clive and his Honor the Superintendent on his representation of the province in the General Assembly at the ensuing elections. It was then in retorting to a remark, Mr. Ormond turned to Mr. Rhodes and said, “I’ll take care you don’t get in.” Mr. Rhodes did not stand on the occasion to which the threat would have applied, but, nevertheless, it may keep. Mr. Rhodes is too independent in character to receive more than an outward show of official support. Mr. Buchanan is the next candidate on our list, and though without any doubt the ablest politician of the five, it is questionable if he stands much chance against his opponents. With the best qualifications a man could possess for a seat in the House, Mr. Buchanan, by some means, has failed to obtain the confidence of the settlers. Having a thorough knowledge of the subject of colonial politics, of parliamentary forms, and being beside an excellent speaker, Mr. Buchanan appears amongst the candidates as a practised soldier does to a raw recruit. In spite of previous failures, like a war horse scenting the battle from afar, the old member for Waimarama comes forward at once at the first sound of the word “election.” Mr. Stuart owed his defeat at the last general elections to the excellent tactics of the provincial authorities. Whatever influence that could be brought to bear in the support of Captain Russell was exerted to the utmost. The provincial party – which was the reverse of provincialist in politics – felt its credit at stake, and saved it through Mr. Stuart’s want of personal exertion. He, however, polled a sufficiency of votes to show the esteem in which he was held, and as one thoroughly identified with the progress and prosperity of the town, he will this year secure a very large measure of support. The last on the list is Mr. Sutton, a gentleman so thoroughly well known, and so deservedly respected, that nothing, is left for us to say, except that in the event of him consenting to stand, Mr. Stuart will find in him his most dangerous opponent.  – Daily Telegraph, Jan. 9.



Mr. J. Golden, late proprietor of the London Hotel, has now taken possession of the Crown Hotel, Ahuriri. Mr. Golden is well known, and at our hands requires no extra notice. As a Publican his only desire appears to be to please those for whom he is called to cater, and we are confident that, as landlord of the Crown Hotel, no effort will be spared on his part to make the Crown Hotel at Port Ahuriri even more popular in the future than it has been in the past.

Our old friend Mr. R.H. Lord, we learn by this mail, has been appointed to the permanent staff of the London Punch. We are quite certain that Mr. Lord has now found his congenial employment, and one for which his peculiar talents specially fit him. We wish him every success.

Mr John Ashton, who is now the proprietor of the London Hotel, Port Ahuriri, appears to be using every effort to drive a good trade. The house is excellently situated, and all that is required to make it a success is that the house should continue to be in good hands. Mr. J. Ashton has had a large experience as a publican, and we are confident he will use his best efforts to satisfy the wants of those who patronize him.

St. Mary’s Boarding and Day School, Meanee [Meeanee], was reopened on Monday last. Mr. Hamill, the principal, holds excellent testimonials, and we are confident that the children placed under his charge, will ever receive from him the benefits of his great experience.

A method of cooling bottled liquor, as excellent as it is ornamental, has been adopted by Mr. Caulton, the enterprising proprietor of the Masonic Hotel. A tastefully designed fountain has been erected in the spacious bar which sends sprays of water over the basin, in which everything may be put to cool.
Several alterations in connection with hotels have recently taken place in Napier. Among others, Mr. Gray, the popular proprietor of the Forester’s Arms, has removed to the Albion Hotel, where doubtless he will continue to do a better trade than he did formerly. The expenses will doubtless be larger, but nevertheless, under the judicious management of Mr. and Mrs. Gray, the Hotel is bound to be a success.

Now that the fine weather has set in, it is to be hoped that the contractors for the new Taradale-road will so push on their works that during the winter months there will be no cause for complaints as to the state of the road by those who, in consequences of their trade have to use it continually.
The editor of the Herald, in denying the truth of Mr. E.H. Grigg’s supposition respecting the concoction of Mr. Steven’s letter, says – “Mr Carlile’s word will probably be taken against Mr. Grigg’s conjecture.” Mr Carlile’s assumption of superior integrity is only equalled in its impertinence by the unblushing denial of that which there is a witness to prove what actually took place. When any one of the proprietors of the Herald desires in future to manufacture a bogus letter, we should advise him to retire into a private room, and not to work the little game over the counter of his own shop.

The secretary of the Fire Engine fund Committee has, we learn, received advices from London by last Frisco mail, that the engine and appliances, with extras, have been shipped in the Fernglen for this port direct, which vessel, we observe is bringing immigrants, leaving about the middle of December, and we may soon be able to count the days till our town risks from fire will be greatly diminished.

The watering of Hastings-street from the water pipes has been done at intervals during the past week, but lately we observe that it has been done only from the fire plug near the Union Bank, although it is quite as much needed at other parts of the town in the vicinity of the water pipes.

During Sir Donald McLean’s illness, we were in receipt of telegrams, from which we learn that throughout all parts of the North Island the natives were in great tribulation on account of his illness. At the request of Sir Donald’s friends, we suppressed the information thus obtained, but we can now say his illness caused much grief in every native pah, and we are sure that the news of his death will be received with still greater sorrow.

Mr. Barker on Saturday completed laying down in front of Messrs. A. Maney and Co’s premises, an asphalt footpath. It is about the best piece of workmanship we have seen in the Colony and reflects great credit on the contractor. We hope yet to see all the shopkeepers in Hastings-street take steps to have the fronts of their premises asphalted in the same way as Messrs. Maney and Co.


A public meeting was held in the school room, Taradale, on Friday, to consider the unsatisfactory state of the present school arrangements. After some desultory discussion, Mr. Bennett moved, “That this meeting has entire confidence in Mr. Oldfield as teacher.” There being no amendment, the motion was carried.


On Sunday afternoon the body of Sir Donald McLean was consigned to the earth, the funeral obsequies attracting nearly the whole population of Napier, besides a very large number of persons from the country districts. At almost the last moment the processional arrangements were altered, which caused some little disappointment, and detracted much from the effect that otherwise would have been obtained. There was no military display, and no band, as was announced would be the case. The brethren of the order of Freemasons, to the number of one hundred and twenty, marched from the Masonic Hall to the residence of the deceased, and, heading the procession, led the way to [to] the cemetery. Following the hearse were relatives and friends of Sir Donald, the representatives of the several Friendly Societies in Napier, and the general public, the whole forming a procession reaching almost from the gates of the deceased’s residence to close of those cemetery. The sides of the road, the cemetery, and the hill overlooking it were crowded with spectators. The Presbyterian funeral service was read by the Rev. D. Sidey, after which the beautiful and impressive Masonic funeral service was conduct by Bro. P.M. Rev. D’Arcy Irvine, the Chaplain of the Victoria Lodge, E.O. The coffin was a very handsome one, covered with black silk velvet, and provided by Messrs Langley and Newman, undertakers of Napier. After the funeral service, hundreds of those present gathered around the grave to see the last resting-place of him whose name will ever be a household word throughout the colony.

The Herald again on Monday refers to the letter, which appeared in its columns on Friday, signed J. Steven, but now acknowledges that the letter was at least corrected by some members of its own literacy staff. This was all that was endeavoured to be shown on our part. The statements made as to our attempting to cast any reflections on Mr. Steven himself are wholly untrue. The subject is however not worth troubling the public further about, as it can have no other effect than that of lowering the tone of journalism in Napier.

The total receipts collected at the Customs, Port Ahuriri, for the quarter ending December 31st, 1876 amounted to £9503 2s 2d, showing a decrease on the corresponding quarter 1875, of £509 16s 11d.

On Saturday evening, not withstanding there were printed a larger number of impressions of the TELEGRAPH than usual, the whole of the copies were sold out by 6.30.

On Friday a man named Samson, when working on the roof of Messrs. Murray, Common and Co.’s new store, lost his footing and fell to the ground. He fell on his feet, but as may be supposed, falling from such a height, was seriously injured. The man was removed to his residence where every attention was paid him by Dr. Spencer. The injured man, is for himself fortunately, a member of the Foresters, and will therefore receive the usual benefits during his illness.

In last Saturday’s issue of the Wananga there was an article on the death of Sir Donald McLean, written with much feeling, and in very good taste. It concludes thus: – “Against Sir Donald McLean, as a private individual and a personal friend, we have nothing to say. He has rendered this colony many signal services – more than enough, we hope, to counterbalance those actions of his which from time to time we have been compelled to comment upon in the Wananga. The grave closes upon all private and personal feuds – and we do not desire to speak one bitter or unfriendly word of the dead.”
The thunder storm that occurred on Sunday December 31st, did not confine its destructiveness to the neighbourhood of Waipawa. That same evening at Porangahau, one of Mr. Hunter’s valuable foals, worth at least £20, was struck and killed instantly by lightning, while by its mother’s side.


During the sitting of the Wairoa County Council, last week, a rather humorous incident occurred.  Cr. Cable tabled a motion to the effect that no Councillor should be allowed to speak for more than ten minutes on any one subject. Cr. McKinnon strongly objected to this motion on the ground that he should like to have his speeches recorded, and that he considered it very hard lines that Cr. Cable, who had done all the talking that day, should try and gag the other Councillors. Cr. Cable then begged to withdraw the motion on his brother Councillor’s account.

A “Parishioner of St John’s” wishes to state that an intimation of the withdrawal of the Rev. Mr. Townsend’s resignation was published in the columns of the DAILY TELEGRAPH of the 25th September last. We distinctly remember the paragraph in question, but whether such an “intimation” can be considered by the churchwardens as “official” we are not in a position to say.


On Sunday Mr. J. Johnson provided luncheon for about one hundred and fifty natives, who arrived in town to attend Sir Donald McLean’s funeral.


The Rev. S. Robinson, by invitation, preached on Sunday in the new church at West Clive to a very large and attentive congregation. The offertory, we are glad to learn, was exceedingly good.

To the Editor: Sir, – Can you inform me (as you are supposed to know everything), if there is a stoppage in the water pipes at the upper end of the town? no attempt having been made to lay the dust, which is about two inches thick in the vicinity of the Telegraph and the Post Office. – I am, &c., A SUFFERER.

We have received several complaints with respect to the information published by us on Saturday as to the programme intended to be carried out at Sir Donald McLean’s funeral. The programme was obtained from official sources, and was, we believe, altered by request.


A feeble attempt at suicide by throat cutting was committed at the Spit, by a man of the name of Murray on Sunday morning. Murray was the emigrants’ cook on board the ship Waitara, that lately arrived here, and possibly his stupid attempt to destroy himself was due to drink. On the Saturday previous he had been engaged as cook by Mr. Young of the Railway Hotel, Port Ahuriri, and after preparing breakfast on Sunday, the foolish man took a razor and drew it across his throat. The application of a needle and thread, and some sticking plaster, has had the effect of putting the wound in a fair way of recovery.

The special train that left Waipukurau at 10 a.m. on Sunday, called at the intermediate stations coming down, and arrived at Napier at 12.55 p.m., bringing about 200 passengers. Owing to the lateness of the hour at which persons returned from the cemetery after the funeral of Sir Donald McLean, the departure of the return of the special train had to be postponed until the arrival of the regular Sunday train from Hastings, at 6.10 p.m.

In the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Monday, William Ryder was charged by J. Jessop with having embezzled certain sums, not exceeding the sum of £5. The case was heard, and the defendant discharged. Sixteen ratepayers were summoned for rates due to the Corporation, and were each ordered to pay their arrears, with 5s costs on each case.

At Trinity Church on Sunday evening, the Rev. J. S. Smalley, in the course of his sermon, before a very large congregation, referred to several deaths which had occurred lately of more than usual interest. He spoke in high terms of Sir Donald McLean’s personal character, and instanced cases of Sir Donald’s amiability, which had come under his own observation. In speaking of death the preacher expressed his disapproval of sable drapery as the customary insignia of that event. It was a relic of those dread conceptions of death which obtained among our pagan ancestors. Christian notions of death suggested the poem rather than the dirge – floral decoration rather than symbols of sadness. In the language of the New Testament, death to those who were prepared for it, was another term for emancipation, victory and triumph. Suitable hymns were sung, and during the offertory at both services, “The Dead March in Saul” was ably rendered upon the organ by Mr. Rudman, who kindly officiated in the absence of Mr. Bear.
During the quarter ending December 31, there were registered in Napier 124 births, 17 deaths, and 21 notices of marriage were given. During the previous quarter there were 119 births, 21 deaths, and 20 marriages.




The Greenmeadows Hotel at Taradale, having been purchased by Mr. J. M. Parker, the well-known Boniface of the Albion Hotel, Napier, has now been taken over by him from Mr. Jeffares. Mr. Parker is a well-known settler, and we are sure he will be able to command a thriving trade.
Mr. G.E. Toop, of Napier, has now become the landlord of the Farndon Hotel, recently occupied by Mr. H. Trask. Mr. Toop possesses all the qualifications necessary to make a good publican, and as the hotel is excellently situated, and affords capital accommodation, will doubtless be well patronised.

Mr. F. Gush, late of Otago, has been appointed Master of the United Methodist Free Church School, Emerson Street, Napier.

Mr G. W. Cullen, Municipal Returning Officer, has received instructions to take steps for the election of a Councillor in the room of Mr. T. K. Newton resigned. The candidates spoken of are Messrs. Large, Tiffen, and John Dinwiddie.

We understand that a Resident Assistant Master has been appointed to the Napier Grammar School; and that the duties will be resumed on Monday, the 29th instant.

Before leaving for Napier, in his farewell speech at Queenstown, Mr. Warden Beetham bore the following testimony to the high characters of the miners – a class of men often under-estimated, and too lightly spoken of by persons who have no real acquaintance with them:- “This being a goldfields community, I have necessarily been bought into intimate connection with the miners, and I cannot allude to them without stating my conviction – derived from a long and extensive intercourse with them – that, in many respects, a nobler, more manly, more intelligent, a more hard-working class of men it would be difficult to find. The isolated and independent life which they lead seems to generate a more than ordinary amount of self-reflection and self-reliance. I have frequently been astonished in Court at the acuteness – I might almost say subtlety – of their remarks; and I am not ashamed to confess it, I have on more than one occasion been put right by them.


There were no charges on the Police Sheet at the Residents Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday. The only civil business was a judgment summons at the suit of James Topping against one Henry Orr for £1 9s 4d. On the case being called on at eleven o’clock, there was no appearance of either the plaintiff or the defendant, although about an hour later defendant put in an appearance, apparently oblivious to the fact that Mr. Topping had not shown up.

On Monday, an accident occurred to a fishmonger’s trap near the railway line at Hastings. As the engine was passing, the horse which was attached to the trap got frightened and made a bolt. When pulled up all the harness was smashed, and other injury done. The fishmonger, who is named Bonn, and has only one leg, is prepared to sell the wreckage and open up a new trade in order to obtain a livelihood.

The Government thermometer at the Spit registered 85 in the shade on Tuesday, the highest this season.

Upon further consideration we are under the impression that we arrived at a hasty conclusion in yesterday’s issue with regard to the telegram notifying that Collectors of Customs have been appointed to issue publican’s and other licences. In our statement yesterday, we inferred this implied that the fees for these licences should be paid to the Collectors of Customs, but this is not necessarily the case. Under provincial institutions, Licensing Commissioners, appointed by the General Government, granted licenses, but the fees were paid into the Provincial Treasury. So now under the new Institutions the licenses will of themselves be signed by the Commissioners of Customs, but the fees will go to the local bodies as provided for by Acts of the Assembly. No Government, caring to hold office, would after all, we think, dare to keep monies solemnly promised to the Local Governments, at present in their infancy, without first obtaining the sanction of the General Assembly.


An accident occurred on Tuesday to what is known as Mr. King’s Meanee [Meeanee] and Taradale omnibus. The horses to which the bus was attached made a bolt from near Mr. Peters’ stables, came along Browning-street, rounded Newton’s corner, and pursued their mad career down Tennyson Street, turning at the Oddfelows’ [Oddfellows] Hall and were eventually brought up in Carlyle-street. They were evidently bound for Taradale. No serious damage was done to the horses, but the harness and bus will have to undergo some repairs, before again fitted to take the road.


An individual who recently commenced business as a Commission Agent in Napier, has suddenly departed for new pastures. He has left behind him many sorrowing, but enquiring friends.

A son of Mr. Johnson, of the Spit, on Tuesday fell off the Breastwork into deep water. There was an ebb tide at the time, and he would have been swept out, had not a man named Smith immediately jumped after the boy, and brought him ashore.

In our evening contemporary will be found Mr. Sutton’s address to the electors offering himself as a candidate to represent the Napier District. He announces himself as a supporter of the Government, and gives his reasons for placing his support in them. Mr Sutton promises to express his opinions on the public questions of the day at a public meeting before the day of the election, and pledges himself if elected, not to desert his post, but faithfully serve the electorate.

A testimonial was presented on Wednesday in Greytown, Wairarapa to Mr. Hastwell, the proprietor of Cobb’s line of coaches, for the enterprise exhibited by him in establishing passenger traffic between Wellington, Hawke’s Bay, the West Coast, &c., by way of the Wairarapa, and it is to be presented by Mr. James Gilligan of the County Council.

On Thursday, during the sittings of the Court, Mr. Cornford asked Mr. Beetham whether he would be willing on Monday next, when the question regarding the validity of the Clive election for the County Council came before him, to first settle important questions of law which would arise, before hearing evidence. The learned counsel said if His Worship took this course, all sides would then be able to know what evidence it would be necessary to produce. Otherwise, some forty or fifty witnesses might have to attend, whose evidence after all might not be material, or even required. He believed that the counsel engaged on all sides were agreed to this proposal, if acceded to. After some argument, in which His Worship, Messrs Cornford, Sheehan, Lascelles, and Lee took part, Mr. Beetham said he would be willing to proceed with the case as it was the first that had arisen in New Zealand, without first hearing the facts. The case, we believe, under these circumstances, is likely to occupy the attention of the Court for several days, as a large number of witnesses will have to be examined.


The new Waipawa Church will be opened on Sunday next, 14th instant. Services at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Church of England service will be held (D.V.,) on Sunday next, the 14th inst., at Hastings at 11 a.m., at Havelock at 3 p.m., at Clive at 7 p.m.


January 10.
The third annual session of the Grand Lodge I.O.G.T., was held yesterday. Seventy representatives were present, with about 50 visitors, making 120 persons in all, but there was only one Napier representative.  No business of public importance has as yet transpired.




A message received from the Quarantine station yesterday, stated that a popular Napier barrister on the island had framed a complaint against the neglect of the authorities, on the ground of no person being sent down in the steamer to brush his boots. The conduct of the passengers when first on the Island will form the subject of an official enquiry.



SIR, – I perceived a letter in this morning’s Herald, signed by Mr. Steven, of Kaikora, late postmaster, having a reference to the circulation of the TELEGRAPH. I should not attempt to answer his effusion were I not confident in my own mind the letter was written by the editor of the Herald himself, although signed by Mr. Steven. The writer may be perfectly correct as to what papers have passed through the Kaikora Postoffice. There is, however, another view of the question. Both the DAILY TELEGRAPH and the Herald, and indeed all papers throughout new Zealand, send the majority of their papers by train or coach, and therefore do not patronise the postoffices unless specially desired by subscribers. For the information of Mr. Steven and the proprietors of the Herald allow me to state this fact, that last quarter the circulations of both the DAILY TELEGRAPH and WEEKLY MERCURY have increased at the rate of at least one quire, or twenty-five copies weekly, and I hope by keeping both the journals up to the mark to see during the present year, if possible, their circulation more than double. – I am, &c.,
January 5, 1877.

Sir, – It behoves the Road Board to open their eyes to the above and prevent a certain portion of the public from making paddocks of the above. The poundkeeper informs me in the neighbourhood of the Mission Station and other localities such is the case, and consequently he has to pound Mr. A’s cattle, but cannot do so to Mr. B’s, because he has his cattle secured on the bye roads by a cross fence, while at the same time they are breaking the Trespass Act. Could not the poundkeeper legally cut down a fence across a bye road, or even any of the public? It seems strange that bye roads are formed and kept up by Road Boards, and yet people are allowed to turn them into paddocks. – I am, &c.,
Taradale, January 5, 1877.

SIR, – In reference to your telegram, published yesterday, respecting that for the future, all publicans’ licenses shall be issued by the Collector of Customs, permit me to express the opinion that I think the General Government, through its responsible officers, should not only issue the licenses, but retain the license fees. Is it not a patent fact that owing to the enormous consumption of alcoholic liquors, the mortality in New Zealand is vastly increased? Is it not reasonable then that the General Government, in consideration of the fact that they have to import immigrants, should retain all monies received for spirit and alcoholic licenses to reimburse themselves for the waste of human life caused by the destructiveness of the publican trade? The one should be made to compensate for the other. – I am, &c.,
Napier, January 9, 1877.

SIR, – I have been informed that there are several gentlemen who are going to ask for votes of the town electors to place one of them in the position held by the late Sir Donald McLean as one of our town representatives of the House. In looking over the names I am surprised that one old and much esteemed fellow-settler, Mr. F. Tuke, is not amongst the number. I should like to see him come forward as I feel that the country districts, and especially Taradale, would be able to return him at the head of the poll. – I am, &c.,
Taradale, January 9, 1877.

SIR, – Noting from your columns that there are five candidates in the field to represent Napier, I think it a duty as a voter to express an opinion with regard to what should be the qualification of the one elected. It is a notable fact that the express object of the party headed by Sir G. Grey is to break up the present dominant party, on the ground that the great governing influence of the Colony during Sir Donald McLean’s career was represented chiefly by Hawke’s Bay and Taranaki. This opinion has been expressed over and over again by the leading organs of the Separationists – the Otago Daily Times and the New Zealand Herald – during the past few months, and since the failure of the Otago Convention. It therefore behoves the electors of Hawke’s Bay to be careful during the present election that they do not act suicidially, and play directly into their opponents hands by returning any candidate who will not vote with our present representatives – weakening, thereby, their influence – and making Hawke’s Bay a house divided against itself, and therefore an easy prey to those who will carefully watch the result of this contest. – I am, &c.,
Napier, January 9, 1876 [1877].

SIR, – I have this evening received a cheque for £21 11s, from the hon. secretary of the Gymnasium Club, being the net proceeds of the entertainment recently given by the members of the club at the  Oddfellow’s Hall for the benefit of the hospital.
I beg through you to state that I am instructed by the committee of the Hospital to thank the Gymnasium Club for the aid they have rendered to the funds of the institution. – I am, &c.,
Hon. Sec.
Napier, January 9, 1877.

SIR, – When mud is thrown some of it invariably sticks. In order to scrape off all I can and prevent others being made a mark of, I will ask you to kindly publish this brief account of the disgracefully irregular manner in which the special train was conducted on Sunday.
The train started from Waipukurau, calling at all intermediate stations, and nearly reached Napier before an examination of tickets was made.
Again, the train started from Napier, and reached Kaikora without a show of tickets being called for. However, when nearing Waipawa, my ticket was examined and retained by the Guard. I ask you with the preceding irregularities was it not likely I should think this the final collection of tickets? After the train had passed Waipawa I was again asked for my ticket, which I said I had tendered previously, describing my position in the carriage at the time and other circumstances. On arrival at Waipukurau I was charged before the station master for travelling without a ticket. Fortunately a gentleman then present saw me take my ticket in the morning, and there and then testified to the fact. I also gave abundant proof that I had ridden from beyond Waipawa. Yet in the midst of all this irregularity on one hand and proof on the other, I was made a prisoner in the goods van with the avowed intent on being sent to Napier to answer the charge before a Magistrate.
Now sir, as I was charged with intent to defraud (or something amounting to the same) before several people, do you not think me justified in exposing a slovenly system, that renders the just liable to serious imputation. If I had no ticket in the morning how did I arrive at Napier undiscovered? If I had no ticket on the return journey why was I not challenged until within two or three miles of the train’s destination.
Before those who know me I need make no personal vindication, but before the inhabitants of Waipukurau to whom I am almost a stranger, I feel bound to put myself right, by adding that I made no compromise either by word or money, and that the high-handed public charge collapsed into such a private coaxing dismissal as would disgust anyone with a spark of manliness in him.
By inserting the above you will oblige. – I am, &c.,
January 10, 1877.

SIR, – Allow me to correct an error in your report of the Kaikora Races relative to the name of the horse entered by me in the hack Race. The name of the horse is Mangauuku, not Mungamuha, as your report sets forth. – I am, &c.,
Hampden, January 8, 1877.

SIR, – I have nothing to do with newspaper controversies, but I do not like to see anyone “jumped on”. Mr. Steven writes from Kaikora, that, owing to the small circulation of the TELEGRAPH, in the Patangata Road District, the inhabitants were not aware of the meeting called, re Road Board, until the meeting was over. Now, the facts are these, – that the whole of the settlers on the east side of Patangata Road Board District only receive mails once a week, consequently a notice may be in the newspaper five days before we know anything of it, except by chance. If we had our mails delivered to our doors daily, at 11 a.m., as Mr. Steven has, I daresay we would be at a similar pace to himself.


What he says about the circulation of the papers I care not a straw; I can only say that I always see the TELEGRAPH in every house in this locality. – I am, &c.,

(Before Richmond Beetham, Esq., R.M.)

James Simmonds, for this offence, was fined 5s, or 24 hours in default. The money transaction was preferred.

In another case of drunkenness the name of S. Donaldson had been given by the inebriate, and as such appeared on the charge-sheet. The offender on getting sober, had been admitted to bail by depositing a pound as security for his appearance this morning, but failed to answer when called; consequently, the said amount was ordered to be forfeited in the shape of a fine of 20s.

Baldwin v. Smith. – Claim £8, balance of account. Paid into court.
Ashton v. Atkinson. – Claim for £6 7s 6d for board &c. Defendant not residing in this province, and no proof of the service of the summons being before the Court, the day of hearing was extended.


William Cern, charged by Constable Harvey with this offence was convicted, and, it being his second appearance, was fined 10s, or in default twenty-four hours’ imprisonment.

Anderson v. Atkinson. – Claim of £27 – being price of a bay horse sold to defendant by plaintiff on the 29th December. Mr. Lascelles for plaintiff. Defendant, who is a commission agent in Napier, did not appear. Some little delay was occasioned, owing to the affidavit of service of the summons on Atkinson not having been sworn beforehand, and the bailiff not being in the precincts of the Court, the service could not be proved, an adjournment until 12 o’clock was proposed, but after a few minutes the bailiff returning, the service was proved, and the case proceeded with. Plaintiff’s statement was that he sold the horse to Atkinson, who said he would give a cheque for the amount, but afterwards refused. It appeared that defendant had again sold the horse and taken a three months bill. Judgment was given (by default) for plaintiff for the amount claimed, viz., £27, and costs and expenses amounting to a further sum of £5 8s, including solicitors’ fees of two guineas.

Before J. A. Smith, Esq., J.P. and Edward Lyndon Esq., J.P.

Jessie Johnson who had only just been released frA Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.om prison on a similar charge, was again brought up for having “no lawful visible means of support;” she was convicted, and ordered to be sent to prison for one month.

Peter London, charged on the information of the Inspector of Police with being a “lunatic and not being under proper care and control,” was remanded for medical examination.

(Before Richmond Beetham, Esq., R.M)

The man London, who was bought before the Court yesterday, on a charge of lunacy, appeared to-day and was discharged.
George Hammond was bought before the Court on a similar charge. Mr Scully stated that he was before the Court several times previously, but was never finally discharged as being wholly sound. He was remanded for medical examination.

Richard Roberts, and another youth, were charged with driving furiously in Hastings-street on Thursday evening.
Mr Hamilton was examined as to the offence committed. He stated that himself and Mr. Smith saw prisoner and a young man, driving very furiously to the danger of pedestrians.
Prisoner did not deny the offence.
J.A.  Smith Esq., J.P. corroborated the testimony of last witness.
Prisoners were fined in the penalty of 10s and 5s respectively.

Henry Goldsmith was charged by Mr. Scully with not contributing to the support of his family. When called, he made no appearance. The Inspector applied for a warrant for his apprehension, which was granted.

Thos. Mullins Station Master at Paki Paki, was charged with violently assaulting Patrick Moroney.
Mr Lascelles appeared for the prosecutor.
Patrick Moroney, sworn and examined: I am the landlord of the Paki Paki Hotel. I went over to the station for some goods that I expected by the train. I asked for my mail bag, and the defendant said if I wasn’t off he would soon make me. He had a spade near him, and threatened me with it. A man named Donoghue was present. He struck me with a short stick in the side of the head. He subsequently held an iron bar over my head, and threatened to have my life. Donoghue held me behind while defendant was beating me. Prosecutor exhibited his shirt and handkerchief, both of which were stained with blood, and evidently showed the illusage [ill-usage] prosecutor had received from the defendant. The latter told witness to go with him down to the creek, and he would wash the blood off his face, but witness wasn’t on, as he was afraid to venture his life in his hands a second time.
Witness was cross-examined at some length by Mr. Lee, but nothing very material was elicited.
Re-examined by Mr. Lascelles, for the purpose of showing that he was obliged at times to be out of temper, in endeavoring to keep order in his hotel.
Donald Frazer, a shepherd, was sworn, and examined by Mr. Lascelles. This witness corroborated the evidence of the prosecutor in every particular.
He was cross-examined by Mr. Lee, but the evidence of the witness could in no way be shaken.
Re-examined by Mr Lascelles to show that Morony [Moroney] was in too weak a position to “show fight.”
Alexander Craylor, another shepherd, was sworn and examined. This witness corroborated the evidence of the two former witnesses.
The witness, in his cross-examination, fully maintained his direct evidence.
John McKenzie, sworn, and examined; I live at Pukahu. I am a carpenter, but did not see the actual assault. However Moroney called the Station Master a cowardly dog for striking him as he had done. Saw the Station Master raise a crowbar over Moroney’s head. I said, “come, come, none of that work. Don’t do anything you may be sorry for.” The Station Master was not drunk. He might have taken something. He was very excited.
Constable Madigan: I am a constable stationed at Havelock. Prosecutor came to me to lay a complaint. The Station Master was very much under the influence of drink, but Donoghue was not so drunk. Moroney was covered with blood, and was very weak, and was also on his way to a Doctor. I arrested Donoghue at a Moari [Maori] pa. He and the Station Master were standing together at the time. I arrested Donoghue because he was a stranger.
The witness by cross-examined by Mr. Lee, but he firmly maintained the direct evidence.
This was the case for the prosecution.
Mr. Lee, for the defence, briefly addressed the Court on the evidence of the prosecution, and stated that he would call witnesses who would give a different complexion to the case altogether. Some of these were Maoris, who were impartial witnesses of the transaction. They saw the occurrence, and would give a fair version of it as it actually transpired, especially so as they didn’t understand what was spoken by the parties at the time of the alleged assault.
At this stage the Court adjourned for lunch till a quarter to two.
On the resumption of the Court, the case for the defence was proceeded with.
William Andrews, sworn: I am a railway guard. I know the prosecutor and defendant. Was in the office when Moroney came to the office. Did not hear Mullins use any bad language to defendant. Moroney came and kicked at the door. Mullins asked my fellow guard to take Moroney in charge, and I told him I would be obliged to take him in charge if he persisted. I was obliged to proceed with the train.
This witness, on his cross-examination, admitted that he saw nothing of the transaction, and knew nothing of it.
Thomas Mullins, station master at Paki Paki, was sworn, and stated that he was in the office at about 3 o’clock, and Moroney came up, and said he had goods there, and he should have them. He said that I owed him money, and that if I did’nt pay he would murder me. I was obliged to start the train, and afterwards I called Moroney into the office and asked him to sign for the goods, and he could have them, but instead of signing he struck me and knocked me down, saying he would murder me. A Maori was standing by with a stick in his hand, which I took to defend myself from Moroney’s attack. He then threatened me with an iron bar, still saying he would murder me. He was like a mad-man.
The witness was cross-examined by Mr. Lascelles, but gave evidence of a somewhat contradictory character to that of his direct evidence.
William O’Donoghue, sworn: I am a ship carpenter by trade, but am at present a house carpenter. I live in a six roomed house. I saw Moroney, and heard him kicking at the Railway Office. In substance, this witness gave evidence in corroboration of the Station Master’s in every manner.
Upon cross-examination by Mr Lascelles, this witness was rather flippant, and gave evidence in support of his direct evidence. He denied taking anything that day, but a cup of beer. Upon being asked by Mr. Lascelles, that what if Constable Madigan said he was under the influence of drink at the time, was true or not, he said it was untrue.
Some Maori witnesses were next examined, and gave evidence of a rather contradictory character, but in the main rather in favour of the Station Master, corroborating the evidence of Mullins and Donoghue. One of them stated he could’nt speak English, but he could understand English oaths. (Laughter.)
The witness Frazer was called to prove that the first Maori witness wasn’t present at all upon the occurrence to which he gave evidence.
The witness Craylor was also produced to prove that there was only one male Maori present when the assault was committed.
One of the Maori witnesses was recalled and stated that the other Maori was present on the platform at the time.
This concluded the case for the defence.
The Bench, in commenting upon the evidence, said they did not think the assault was of an aggravating character. Both parties were no doubt at fault. It was a difficult case to give judgment upon, in consequence of the conflicting nature of the evidence. They would, therefore, leave the case as it stood before it came into Court, both parties to pay their own costs.
Another assault case was being proceeding as we went to press, that of Mr. Hayte against Patrick Maroney [Moroney].


Ed. Hogan, on the application of Mr. Inspector Scully, was ordered to pay the sum of £20 a-year towards the support of his son, now on board the training vessel Kohimarama.
An alleged lunatic was remained to Napier for medical examination. He had been apprehended on being seen wandering about in a state of nudity on Sunday last.
S. B. Firth vs. Hickey. – Claim £31 11s for goods supplied. Defendant claimed to reduce the amount stated to £16 12s. Judgment for plaintiff for the reduced amount.
S. B. Firth vs. H.A. Hill. -Claim £12 5s, being money received by defendand [defendant] on account of plaintiff, and not paid over. Mr Cornford, for defendant, proved that the sum claimed had been paid under protest, legal proceedings being threatened by the party so paying it: that defendant had been acting as agent in the matter for plaintiff, and was consequently entitled to an indemnity which had not been offered by the plaintiff. Judgment for defendant with costs £1 15s.
Newman vs. Russell. -This was an application for an enquiry under the Hawke’s Bay Provincial Council Fencing Act and amending Acts, to ascertain the share of the costs of fencing a boundary line due by defendant to plaintiff. The Resident Magistrate said he could not hear the case, as the Act of the Provisional Council, adopting the Act of the General Assembly, was not sufficiently explicit.


st.   lbs.
Ariel, 4 years   9 4
Maori Weed, aged   9 0
Otupai, 4 years   8 10
Perfume, 6 years   8 9
Tregeagle, 4 years   8 9
Corsair, 6 years   8 5
Tawera, 4 years   8 3
Gillie Callum, 4 years   8 2
All Steel, 5 years   8 2
Treason, 4 years   8 0
Ben Nevis, aged   7 12
New Zealander, aged   7 12
Tamatia, 3 years   7 4
Hon. Sec.


The Newspaper in which all Public Notifications which have hitherto appeared in the “HAWKE’S BAY PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” shall henceforth be published.
NOTICE. -The “Provincial Government Gazette” will no longer be issued..
In connection with the above arrangements have been made to publish in the WEEKLY MERCURY all notifications which have hitherto appeared in the Provincial Government Gazette. Our subscribers may therefore rely on all Proclamations, Notices of Crown Land Sales, &c., &c., being duly brought under their notice in the columns of the MERCURY.

The Manager of the DAILY TELEGRAPH was the successful tenderer for all advertisements in connection with the Borough of Napier for 1877.


Shipping Intelligence.
4 – C.G. s.s. Stella, from Wellington-Passengers – Hon. J.D. Ormond, and Dr. Grace
5 – Rangitira, s.s., from Poverty Bay. Passengers – Messrs Tatham, Ferris, Brown, Macdonald, Harper, and Harrison
6 – Manaia, p.s., from Wairoa. Passengers – Dr. Scott, Messrs Witty, Boyd, and a few others.
7 – Jane Douglas, s.s., from Auckland via Gisborne. Passengers – Mrs. Massey and two children, Captain Bendall, Messrs Sladen, Goudy, Rearden, Best, Bowman, Ridings and 2 natives.
8 – Columbia, schooner, from Lyttelton.
10 – Go-Ahead, s.s., from Auckland via Gisborne. Passengers – Mr. and Mrs. Scrivener and 3 children, Mr. and Mrs. Spratt and child, Miss Berry, Messrs. Ross, Gray, Carroll, Batley and Akens.
10 – Southern Cross, s.s. from Auckland via Poverty Bay. Passengers – Mr. and Mrs. Seibner and three children, Mrs. and Miss Thordton, Mrs Tule and 2 children, Messrs. J Fryer, A Wardrop, Shearman, Weston, Mahoney, B. C. McKay, Carrington, Tutchen, A. Graham, M. C. Cropp, C. Dempsey, R. Thelwall, G. O. Turner, Sergeant Mills, A.C., the Lingard Troupe, and six in the steerage.
10 – Rangitira, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Mr and Mrs Campbell, Mr and Mrs Maney, Mrs Brennan and two children, Messrs Thorpe, Barton, McLean, McKenzie, Mason, Upchurch and ten in the steerage.
11 – Minnie Hare, schooner. From Ngungururu.

4 – Rangitira,s.s., for Poverty Bay. Passengers – Mrs. and Miss Begg, Mrs. Turner, child and servant, Misses Davies, Murphy, and eight original from the south.
4 – Manaia, p.s., for Wairoa. Passengers – Messrs Witty, Campbell and others.
5 – Stella, C.G.S.S., for Wellington. Passengers – Dr. Grace, and Mr. Somerville.
6 – Rangitira, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Mrs Moss, Miss Williams, Messrs Hill, James, Wallace, Stephenson, Thomas, Penrose, King, Monaghan, Wheeler, Stewart, Rowan, Ferris, McDowall, Harrison, Williams, and 8 in the steerage.
6 – Helen Denny, barque for London. Passengers – Sisters Mary Magdalen, Mary Bernard, Mr. and Mrs. Groom and 4 children, Mrs Clemensen, Miss Brown, Messrs Lye, Battey and Dr. Scott.
9 – Maggie, brig, for Newcastle, N.S.W.
9 – Jane Douglas, s.s., for Gisborne, Tauranga and Auckland. Passengers -Mesdames Carr, Greenwood, and Arden, Miss Carr, Dr. Pollen, Messrs Greenwood, Best, Ward, and Boland.
10 – Manaia, p.a., for Wairoa. Passengers – Messrs Newbold (2), Boyd, and 2 others.
10 – Result, s.s., for Wairoa. Passengers – Messrs Foreman, Marten, Johnson, and Murray.
10 – Go-Ahead, s.s., for Poverty Bay and Auckland. Passengers – Messrs Wylie and Chrystall.

When the Fairy returned from Poverty Bay, she called at Portland Island and embarked Ross, who has been working at repairing the approaches to the site of the proposed lighthouse. From Ross we learn that the contractor for the building, with his men, have arrived, and most of the timber required has been placed on the Island.
The C.G.s., Stella, Captain Johnson, arrived in the roadstead on Thursday. She had a fine weather passage.
The shipping in Wellington paid more attention to ushering in the new year than was done here. The display of rockets and firing of cannon lasted till nearly daylight. The illuminations also were very good – the St. Leonard’s being the best. She had the yard arms manned and illuminated with blue lights. The sight was very pretty.
The s.s. Jane Douglas, Captain Fraser, arrived in the Bay on Sunday, at 10 30 a.m., from Poverty Bay and Auckland. She had head winds from the latter port to Poverty Bay, but fine weather thence to Napier. She has 155 bales of wool for the Lochnagar, two tons of apples, and one horse, as well as a fair complement of passengers, amongst whom we noticed Captain Bendall, late coasting pilot of the mail steamers.
The s.s. Rangitira, Captain Evans, arrived at Wellington on Sunday, at 5 p. m., having left Napier at 11.30 a.m on Saturday.
The barque Lochnargar is rapidly filling up. She will be followed probably by one of the New Zealand Shipping Company’s vessels.
The s.s. Rangitira, Captain Evans, returned from Poverty Bay on Saturday, early. She bought a few passengers. She left again at 11 a.m., with a full cargo of maize and wool, and a good number of passengers. Captain Evans reports having had fine weather and smooth sea up and down the coast.
The barque Helen Denny got under weigh at 11 o’clock on Saturday night, and having a good land breeze she soon got clear of the Bay. She left within a few days of her advertised time. The agents and the stevedores are to be congratulated upon the expedition used in loading her. We wish Captain Ruth and his passengers bon voyage. The following is the correct list of wool on board the Helen Denny: – Kinross and Co., 2026 bales; Watt Bros., 849; Stuart and Co., 54; Newton and Co., 21. Poverty Bay wool: – Graham and Co., 369 bales; Watt Bros., 30. Total, 3349 bales.
The steamer Result towed out the brig Maggie on Tuesday, when the latter started at once for Newcastle, for another cargo of coals.
The schooner Columbia is from Lyttelton, with a cargo of oats and flour.A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.
The wool brought by the s.s. Jane Douglas has been put on board the Fairy, as the Lochnagar could not take it on board at once.
The s.s. Sir Donald has gone to Waihua for a load of wool for the Lochnagar.
The s.s. Fairy discharged the Jane Douglas’ cargo of wool on Wednesday.
The s.s. Go-Ahead arrived from Poverty Bay on Wednesday. She did not bring anything from Mahia as expected, the sea being too heavy to work the boat. On one attempt that was made the boat was nearly capsized.
The s.s. Jane Douglas left for Gisborne, Tauranga, and Auckland on Tuesday. She will call at Tauranga to land two passengers, and will probably take in a cargo of fat sheep from Tokomaru for Auckland. We are glad to see this useful little steamer wel patronised.
The s.s. Mania [Manaia] and s.s Result both left for Wairoa late on Tuesday or early on Wednesday. Neither of them had much cargo and about half a dozen passengers each.
The s.s. Southern Cross, arrived from Auckland and Poverty Bay at 8.30 p.m. on Wednesday. She was brought alongside the outerwharf at 2.30 next morning. She had a large number of passengers, but not much cargo. The Cross before going to Auckland will proceed to Mahia for a load of dumped wool for the Lochnagar.
The s.s. Rangitira, Captain Evans, anchored in the Bay at 10 o’clock on Wednesday. She reports having passed the Hinemoa off Cape Turnagain.
The s.s. Kiwi is on her way to Napier from Wellington via the Coast.
The schooner Minnie Hare has another cargo of piles for the Harbor [Harbour] Works and consigned to Mr. D. Ross.

McLEAN, – At his residence, Napier, on the 5th January, Sir Donald McLean, K.C.M.G., in the 56th year of his age.

Government Notifications.
Napier, December 30th, 1876.

I JOHN DAVIES ORMOND, hereby notify that the names of the Board of Wardens, and Chairman elected under the provisions of the Highways Act, 1871, of the Norsewood Highways District are as under: –
Chairman: Boor Eric Friberg
Wardens: Carl Schmidt
Hans Peder Pedersen
Frederick Redward
Harry Nordbye
Boor Eric Friberg

Napier, December 26th, 1876.
By virtue of powers vested in me I do hereby notify that the names of the Board of Wardens and Chairman, elected under the provisions of the Highways Acts, 1871, of the Petane Highways District, are as under:-
Chairman: Henderson James Twigg
Wardens: Hutton Troutbeck
George Spence
James Orr
John Steven
Henderson James Twigg

Office of Waste Lands Board.
Napier, 8th December, 1876.
TO HUGH McCORMICK, formerly of the 65th Regiment or his representatives.
You are hereby required, within six months of this date, to prove to the satisfaction of the Waste Lands Board that you have complied with the conditions required to entitle you to 60 acres of land in the Wakarara District, selected under a Military Settlers Land Order, and if you fail to prove your claim within the specified time, your title to the land with be forfeited and the land be dealt with as the Board may direct.
Chief Commissioner.

Napier, January 8th, 1876.
BY virtue of powers vested in me I do hereby notify that the names of the Board of Wardens and Chairman, elected under the provisions of the Highways Act, 1871, of the Oero Highway District, are as under: –
Chairman: John Buchanan
Wardens: James Nelson Williams
Frederick John Tiffen
Joseph Rhodes
David Henderson
John Buchanan

Office of Waste Lands Board.
Napier December 8, 1876.
Notice is hereby given that all land which, previous to this date, had been submitted for sale by Auction and not sold, excepting such as may have been reserved or withdrawn from sale, shall, after the expiration of 30 days from this date, that is on or after the 9th January, 1877, be open for sale at the present upset price.
Chief Commissioner.

The Shop and Premises lately occupied by Edwin Carter, Clyde, Wairoa.
The above offers a rare opportunity for the person to combine the wholesale with the retail department. General business. Rent moderate.
Apply to
Or to   E. CARTER,
Clyde, Wairoa.

WILL open a Private Mixed School at the Meanee Township, on MONDAY, the 15th instant, at 9 a.m.
There will also be an Evening Class for young men on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS add [and] FRIDAYS, from 7 to 9 o’clock. January 11, 1877.

DESIGNS prepared from rough sketches. Plans colored or etched in first style.
Architect and Building Surveyor, Waipukurau.

The Cheapest House in the Trade.

Pharmaceutical Preparations.
PRATT’S PODOPHYLLIN PILLS – An excellent Liver medicine.
PRATT’S TONIC WORM POWDERS – A safe and effective remedy.
PRATT’S STOMACHIC POWDERS – For Children aperient and alterative.
QUININE AND IRON WINE – An agreeable and invigorating tonic.
HEPATIC ELIXIR AND PILLS – Composed of Dandelion, Camomile and Hops, the best remedy for torpid or sluggish liver, indigestion, &c.
DR LOCOCK’S LOTION – For strengthening the hair and promoting its growth.
AROMATIC TINCTURE OF MYRRH AND BORAX – An excellent wash for the teeth and gums.
PRATT’S LINCTUS – For coughs, colds, &c.


We have received two letters, signed “One of the Public” and “Quixotic,” both of which are illegible. Correspondents should remember that it is much easier to put letters in the waste paper basket than to spend half an hour in an attempt to decipher what may be after all of no public interest whatever.

Death of Sir Donald McLean.
Sir DONALD McLEAN breathed his last on Friday afternoon. Though for some days past his life was by many despaired of,
the natural strength of his constitution was such as at times, during his illness, to give hopes that he would be spared for many a year to this colony to which he has so long and faithfully served. On Sunday evening last a painful report was current respecting the state of his health, but on Monday a better account was received, from which it was trusted that the severe attack of the previous day had been entirely overcome. Sir Donald’s varying health then till Wednesday night alternately raised the hopes, or inspired the fears of his friends, but on Friday morning it was evident that he could not survive many hours, and at half-past two o’clock in the afternoon his spirit passed away. His death was painless. And so has gone from amongst us one who was beloved by all who had the privilege of his personal friendship; one who was esteemed by every colonist in New Zealand; whose name was as familiar to all as a household word. No one of the public men connected with the early history of this country has rendered more distinguished services than Sir Donald McLean, and to none are the settlers of this North Island more indebted for the peace that now reigns between the two races, through the indomitable courage with which the deceased statesmen persevered in carrying out the policy he inaugurated. He lived to see that policy crowned with success, and honored by his Sovereign. His name will live forever; and, perhaps never more freshly than when, in future generations, the European and Maori races, shall have become blended in one common nationality.
Thirty-three years ago, Mr. Donald McLean, then a young man of twenty-three years of age, first received a public appointment at the hands of Governor Fitzroy. With scarcely an intermission he has worked, from that time till the day of his death, earnestly and zealously for the cause that was ever nearest to his heart, – the good of the Maori race. His first appointment was designated “Protector of the Aborigines,” which, though abolished by Sir George Grey, in 1845, was a title which none could deny him through his whole career. From 1845 to 1850, Mr. McLean occupied the post of “Inspector of Police,” his duties, however, being of much the same character as those which devolved upon him in his previous capacity. After rendering important services in connection with the settlement of disputes arising from native land purchases, and in the acquisition of valuable blocks of land for the Government,
Mr. McLean in 1850 received the appointment of Chief Native Land Purchase Commissioner; and soon afterwards the title of Native Secretary. In 1863, on the retirement of Captain Carter, he was elected Superintendent of Hawke’s Bay; and from 1866 till last session he represented Napier in the General Assembly. On the resignation of the Stafford Government, and at a time when the native war threatened the annihilation of the North Island settlements, the Fox-Vogel Ministry obtained the direction of public affairs, and Mr. Mclean, joined that Administration as Native and Colonial Defence Minister, and Mr Ormond succeeded him as Superintendent


of this province. Through the anxious period that then followed, a period during which no settler, outside a township, from Cook’s Straits [Cook Strait] to Auckland, could feel sure of his life; when hostile bands of armed natives as courageous as they were savage, roamed over the country, murdering, burning and pillaging, Mr. McLean conducted the defence, and eventually secured the peace of the colony. In 1874 the Hon. Mr. McLean received the honor of Knighthood, and thus honored, and in the possession of considerable wealth, he might reasonably have hoped for many years of a well-earned retirement. But a malady contracted while employed on the arduous duties devolving upon him in his younger years, had insidiously undermined his considerably powerful constitution, and at a time of life when few statesmen have reached their prime, Sir Donald died, deplored by all.

If the future of our new institutions were to be judged by the manner of their introduction we should have grave fears for the government of the Colony. Such colossal blundering has never before attended the birth of a constitution, and in any other colony than New Zealand, would certainly be followed by a change of Government. We do not anticipate that any such action in the present case, for the whole matter will doubtless be squared by an Indemnity Act, the favourite method, now a days, to rescue a defaulting government from the legitimate consequences of their sin. We do not hesitate to assert that more than one-half of the elections which have recently taken place throughout the Colony are absolutely void. We go further and say that the whole of the difficulties which have arisen, and the mistakes which have been made might have been obviated if the government had thought proper to do so. Under the 209th section of the Counties Act, a general direction might have been issued to the Returning Officers throughout the colony, and then we should have been spared the spectacle which was presented in the Hawke’s Bay County, of the returning officers in three contiguous districts, accepting and refusing votes upon three distinct and different grounds. We are not surprised to hear therefore that some of the elections are to be disputed. Mr. Sutton we are informed objects to the Clive election, and Mr. Russell will also contest the Waipukurau election. We have seen the grounds on which Mr. Russell intends to rely, and if they be supported by the facts which may be given in evidence, the election will surely be held to be void. One of the grounds taken by Mr. Russell is that at first elections no cumulative voting should have been allowed. The Act leaves this point in delightful uncertainty, and there is fair room for argument on either side. As a matter of fairness however, we consider that all the voters at the first elections should have been placed on the same footing, and it seems monstrous that in a matter of common concern that a ratepayer in a highway district should have perhaps five votes, while his neighbor in an outlying district possessing probably three times as much property, should have one vote. Another ground relied upon by Mr. Russell is the reception of the Returning Officer at Waipukurau of the votes of the settlers of the Ruataniwha District as ratepayers. The original district of which Ruataniwha formed a part was abolished by proclamation in August last, and the highway district of Ruataniwha was then created. No legal valuation roll existed at the time of the election, and it is alleged that the Returning Officer allowed the settlers to give cumulative votes upon the previous year’s roll of the abolished district. If this can be shown, all the votes so received will certainly be disallowed, and we do not think that the Resident Magistrate, before whom the case will be heard, possesses the power of allowing these votes to be taken upon their qualification as electors for the House of Representatives. Another point entered upon by Mr. Russell is one which, in our opinion, ought to suffice to upset the whole proceedings, for it is most unmistakably a matter which, in the words of the Act, “tended to defeat the fairness of the election.”  The Returning Officer is alleged to have decided to accept cumulative voting upon the scale set forth in the Counties Act. This may, or may not, have been right in point of law: but having so decided, he ought to have been consistent. The Counties Act allows all ratepayers to vote, no matter how small the amount of rates paid by them may be, yet we are informed that when several ratepayers presented themselves at the polling booth, their votes were refused, because they did not pay rates to the extent of ten shillings or upwards, as provided by the 45th clause of the Provincial “Highways Act”. Clearly this was wrong – the acceptance of votes, either upon the County scale or the Highway District scale only, might, as we have already said, been good or bad in law; but no justification can be offered for the allowance of both systems. The use of the ten-shillings clause shut out a large number of small ratepayers in the village of Waipukurau, whose votes, if accepted, might have altered the result of the above election. We are glad that these questions are to be raised before a competent tribunal. Apart altogether from the result, the discussion of them will be of value to the general public. Even the Government may learn a useful lesson from these cases, and manage to eschew in future that “how not to do it” policy which, in connection with the recent County elections, have involved them in so much discredit.

The County Council as its first sitting appears to have received several suggestions from the member for Clive as to the conduct of its business in future. It might have been reasonably supposed that members of the Council if they had not previously to their election looked into the Act, would, since their return have taken some trouble to make themselves acquainted with it. We take it that the Hon. Col. Whitmore is still intent upon bringing the Act into operation in its restricted form. We find that it was decided upon a motion, strongly supported by Col. Whitmore, to appoint an honoray [honorary] treasurer. There can be no objection whatever to the appointment except this which we think a serious one, viz., that there being no County fund upon which the treasurer can operate the appointment was scarcely necessary. We remind the Hon. Colonel that if the Council accept his views, the revenues are doled out by the government in accordance with a vote from the Council. Clauses 68 and 106. The Council was next informed that its duty was to ascertain the cost of the late elections, perhaps that may be to gratify some curiosity, it can be for no other purpose. It is not likely that the government will make any such return, as the Act does not provide for it, but it does provide, in clause 53, that the Colonial Treasurer shall pay the cost and deduct it from any monies coming to the County. We are also informed that the Council will have to get a valuation roll prepared by 15th April; we cannot find why that is necessary. It will be not found necessary because the County in its restricted form has no power of rating, and, therefore, does not require a valuation roll. It is unlikely that such a roll will be prepared, as there is no power under this Act to do it. All the clauses in the Act (40 to 50) providing for this being done are among the clauses withdrawn from operation, as the Council may find out from reference to the third schedule. The consideration of the boundaries of ridings, we are told, may well be left over for a future occasion. This also is a question which is not left to the Council in its restricted form; it is one wherein there will be good scope for the Colonel’s favorite clause (209) which provides that the Governor may make certain alterations if he should think fit. If there were any means by which the Governor, by virtue of the very great power he possesses under the Act, could compel those who occupy seats in the County Council to make themselves thoroughly acquainted with the Act they have to administer, we might possibly find that local self government in its latest form was moderately well managed.

MR TIFFEN’S address to the electors of Napier will be found in the TELEGRAPH. It will be seen to be by no means lengthy, and that the views expressed are wide enough to embrace whatever opinions may happen to be held by a majority of the House of Representatives. “My views are entirely in accordance with those of the present Ministry,” are Mr. Tiffen’s words. This is a wonderfully easy way of saying, “I have no views of my own, but my vote will always be at the service of the Government.” If Mr. Tiffen had stopped at that point all might have been well; our minds would have rested contentedly under the impression that wiser men than our candidate would control and direct his conscience, his views, and his vote. But rash men step in where angels fear to tread. No member of the present Ministry has had the temerity to express any views on any subject whatever, but Mr. Tiffen has pierced through the veil surrounding the Ministerial understanding, and has discovered that the old Punch and Judy, “progress and economy,” include the whole views of the Government. It is the old stock bunkum that is dragged out at every election. Mr Tiffen might just as well have said, “I am a Government man, and put my trust in Ormond; I claim the votes of all who have subscribed to the testimonial fund.” As Chairman of a County Council, something more that a short hollow address might have been expected from him. In the present juncture of affairs, and in the seat formerly held by a Sir Donald McLean, the electors are only likely to believe in a man who has the natural ability to think for himself, the talent to intelligibly express his views, and the honesty to abide by them. This district possesses one representative dummy already, and that is enough to satisfy a more greedy constituency than Napier.

From the tone of public feeling it is absolutely certain that on his return to the Colony Captain W. R. Russell will be asked to resign his seat for Napier in the House of Representatives. It is almost equally certain that Captain Russell will decline to accede to any such request. The vanity that urged him to secure the initials M.H.R., after his name, will induce him to retain the position he has morally forfeited by his conduct to his constituents. Unfortunately, the electors have no power to force him to resign his seat, and, confident in his security, Captain Russell will probably go on his way rejoicing. He, however, may be made to feel that he does not represent the district which was so ill-advised as to return him, and this moral pressure will be increased by the knowledge that his constituents regard him in the light of one who is unjustly keeping a better man out of the House. Under the circumstances of his desertion from his post last session, there is but one honourable course for Captain Russell to pursue. And that is to resign his seat after offering an apology to his constituents. He can then with a good conscience step onto the hustings again, and the number of votes he would poll might be taken for the measure of the leniency of the offended electors.


MR. JOSEPH RHODES’ small flock of alpacas was shorn the other day, the clip averaging rather more than five pounds and a half per head. The quality of the hair appears to be very good, and we should think it will favourably compare with the same article produced in South America. On arrival at London, an opportunity will be given for a comparison to be made, the result of which will be looked forward to with interest by Hawke’s Bay settlers. Mr Rhodes’ alpacas have been reared in this country, thereby showing that in one respect at least this climate is not unfavourable to the successful rearing of this valuable animal. It now only remains to be ascertained what effect the climate and feed have on the quality of the hair, and this will be known, we presume, when Mr. Rhodes’ clip is in the hands of the brokers.

ALTHOUGH it has been said that the services rendered by Sir Donald McLean need nothing to keep them in the lasting remembrance of the colony, nevertheless, following out what is customary in all countries, it would be but a small token of the appreciation in which those labours are held by the settlers if a public monument would be erected to the memory of the deceased. We trust at least the settlers of Hawke’s Bay will set on foot a subscription list for the purpose of erecting a monument in honor of the late Sir Donald McLean, and leave to a Committee to decide the form that monument should take.

CR. CABLE’S motion in the Wairoa County Council to restrict the length of a member’s speech to ten minutes, was an admirable proposal. We regret his good nature overcame the excellence of his common sense in withdrawing it in favor of a brother Councillor who desired his speeches recorded. If the motion had been allowed to take effect an example might have been set to other deliberative bodies that would not have been without its usefulness. The “iron-hand” resolution of the Victorian Parliament would inevitably fall into desuetude in the face of such a gentle pressure brought to bear to stop the flow of tongue of “stonewallers.” There would be no getting over the ten minutes rule, for every member would know before he started to speak that Time, like Death, levelled all distinctions. Cr. Cable’s suggestion struck a medium between silence and speech. The one being likened to gold, and the other to silver. Cr. McKinnon might have perhaps thought it was his duty to protest against anything approaching to silver-gilt. Cr. McKinnon might also have seen in the motion an attempt to shorten the length of his tether, and recollecting the old saying concerning the galop  of a certain animal, declined to have his speeches compare to anything so short and sweet.

The following appeared as a leading article in the Herald on Friday: – “The TELEGRAPH of yesterday remarks that the object of its proprietors in taking legal proceedings against Dinwiddie, Morrison and Co. ‘is to vindicate their characters against the aspersions cast upon them’ by these gentlemen. If so, we may ask why they have raised a false issue? Probably they do not know themselves. The case, as they bought it on, would do nothing to vindicate their characters, even if they gained it. Their advisors will lead them a pleasant dance before they are done with them.

FROM a telegram published in another column it will be seen that the Government have determined to make all publicans and wholesale licences payable to the Collector of Customs. It was imagined that these sources of revenue would be paid into the Borough and County Treasuries. We are aware that the Government are fairly hard up, and to meet the heavy expenditure in the way of interest on the loans, and other Government requirements, every penny they can lay their hands on will be required. The order for the payment of these monies into the Colonial Chest will be a great sell at any rate for the Napier Municipal authorities, as they have publicly notified to holders of licences to pay in their several amounts to the Town Clerk.


The council met at 12 o’clock to-day.
Present: – Messrs. Tiffen (Chairman), Kinross, Bennett, Williams, Brathwaite, Torr, and Col. Whitmore.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The Chairman laid the tenders from three Banks in Napier, for the Banking account of the Council, on the table; and he suggested that they be considered in Committee, as being confidential communications.
Col. Whitmore brought up the report of the Committee appointed at last sitting, which was read by the Clerk, and was as follows: –

Your Committee are of opinion that the Council may safely proceed to pass the resolution laid down in clause 11 of the Counties Act. There seem to be some omissions in the Act which, from communications they have had with the Hon. Mr. Ormond, they feel assured will be remedied by the Governor under clause 209 of the Act.
The distribution of the county fund need not be proceeded with until the annual meeting, which must take place before 31st March next. Your committee therefore recommend that at its rising the Council should stand adjourned till the 22nd March.
Your Committee have been unable to obtain complete returns of the Road Board assessments up to the 30th June, 1876, and the information they have been able to obtain upon the subject of the several items which form the County fund is far from exact.
Calculating however by the receipts of the previous year the subsidy due by the Government to the County, under the Financial Arrangements Acts, would be £574, and the revenue from all sources would be about £2,444.
Your Committee recommend that the distributed apportionment of these sums should be delayed until the annual meeting, when your Committee will be able to give the Council exact estimates of the revenue.
The difficulty of providing for the repair of bridges is a subject which has engaged serious attention of your Committee, and a proposal every way satisfactory will be laid before you at next meeting if the Government does not see any objection in law to its being carried out.
The principle which has guided your Committee in coming to the conclusion that the funds at the disposal of the County will suffice without bringing in the whole Act, is that no further charge on County funds is required than the maintenance of the main roads and bridges, and the payment of one officer of the Council.
Your Committee considers that the bridges require the largest provision, and the Main Roads should be provided for at per mile, except where peculiar exceptional circumstances exist – and that in addition to the proportion allocated to Main Roads a further contribution should be granted to each Road Board pro rata according to the amount of its assessments. The balance remaining over, your Committee recommend to be equally divided between the Road Boards including certain outlying districts.
Your Committee have reason to believe that what is known as the Taupo Road from the head of the Petane Valley will be a Government Road. The Main Roads in charge of the County will therefore be the Te Aute Road from the town boundary to the County boundary to the South. The Puketapu Road to the 12th mile stone, and the Petane Road from the Spit to the head of the Petane Valley.
If it be the pleasure of the Council that the Committee should continue its labors, a final report necessary to guide the Council at its annual meeting can be bought up on the 22nd of March, together with such information as can be obtained from the Government.
Your Committee recommend that an arrangement should be made with one of the New Zealand banks for a temporary advance not to exceed £500, and that the Clerk should be permanently employed exclusively to do Council business at an adequate salary. If the present clerk is so appointed there would be no objection to his continuing to act as Emigration Officer and Clerk to the Educational Committee, but it must be understood that his services should always be at the disposal of the Council when required.
H.S. TIFFEN, Chairman,
Napier, 9th January, 1877.

Colonel Whitmore, in a lengthy speech, moved that the report be adopted.
Seconded by Mr. Brathwaite, and carried.
Colonel Whitmore then moved in accordance with the recommendations of the Committee contained in their report, that the Council accept the provisions contained in Clause 11 of the Counties Act.
Seconded by Mr. Williams.
Mr. Bennett would not oppose the motion, but he felt convinced the whole Act would have to be adopted in less than four months.
Mr. Torr did not see than there was any provision made for the construction of the Port Ahuriri Bridge.
Colonel Whitmore said that was a matter that would have to be considered in conjunction with the Wairoa County.
Motion put and carried.
The Council then went into Committee to consider the Bank tenders.
On Mr. Tiffen resuming the chair, Mr. Brathwaite moved that the Committee be requested to continue their services, and to report to the Council at its next meeting, March 22.
Seconded by Mr. Torr and carried.
Moved by Mr. Kinross that the Union Bank of Australia’s tender be accepted.
Seconded by Mr. Bennett and carried.
The Council then adjourned till March 22nd.

December, 1876.
A large amount of business has been done in store stock during the past month, especially in cross-bred wedders. For merino wedders the demand is very limited, chiefly from two causes – only full-mouthed, as a rule, are placed in the market, and these at higher rates that will tempt buyers at present. For cross-bred ewes there is fair demand. For merino ewes (young ages) inquiries are great, and but very few offering; fresh 8 tooths are very saleable, and considerable transactions already booked; aged and culls are difficult to quit in A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.either sex. Fat sheep, from the great abundance of feed, are plentiful, and prices rule much as in November. Boiling-down has commenced, and is the present outlet. In cattle, last month’s prices are fully maintained for stores, although fat are slightly downward.
Quotations for stock are, for –
Cattle, – Fat, 22s and 6d to 25s, plentiful; Stores, in demand, mixed ages, and sexes. I have sold privately 60 head at £4 17s 6d; 137 head at £5, and a lot of 44, two-years and upwards, at £5 5s. For individual ages, steers may be quoted -1, 2, 3 and 4-year olds – at £3 10s, £5 5s, £6 10s, and £7 15s. Female stock, same ages, £2. 10s to £6.15s. DairA Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.y cows, £9 to £12 each.
Sheep, – Fat merino, prime, 7s 6d, to 8s, plentiful; store ditto, four and six tooth, 6s 6d to 7s; six and fresh eight tooth, 5s, to 6s, (very little business done), aged no demand. Cross-bred wedders, fat, 10s 6d to 13s each. Stores, two and four tooth, 8s to 8s 6d; six and eight tooth, 7s to 7s 9d. At these rates in both classes about 12,000 have been booked. In female stock, quotations for merinos, aged nominal, six and eight tooth, 5s to 6s; young ages, 9s to 10s; cross-bred cull ewes; mixed ages, 6s to 6s 6d; four, six and eight tooth, I have sold at 6s to 8s; superior ewe hoggets, 10s to 12s. Lambs, 16s to 18s per pair.
Horse Stock. – Medium draught, saleable at £30 to £35; heavy draught, £50 to £65; good weight-carrying hacks, £25 to £30; light serviceable hacks, £10 to £15, but transactions limited in either class.
Station Properties. – No transaction to report as closed during the past month, but several properties are under negotiation, and with buyers, advised to arrive after shearing, considerable business is likely to be effected.
Wool. – The past month has not been marked by any new feature in the market. There is no alternative to report in prices at home, the demand continuing on the whole pretty steady for all classes of wool. The union of the European Powers for settlement of the Eastern Question has been viewed with great satisfaction. Should the arrangements made prove lasting, we may expect, with some reason, to see the market remain tolerably steady and healthy. The clip has been coming in pretty fast, in spite of the unfavourable weather for shearing, and owing to the continual rain it will this year be very light in the grease.
I beg to direct attention to the list of my properties and stock for sale, and to remind breeders that our Annual Ram Fair is fixed to take place on the 1st of February, 1877.
Stock and Station Agent, Auctioneer &c.
Napier, N.Z., Dec. 30, 1876.




In England Christmas Day has ever brought with it that invigorating comfort and pleasure which parents feel in grouping around them those of their children it is in their power to gather together. To the young it brings bright hopes of little plots to be carried out, merry games to be played, and happy sensations at the expectation of meeting long thought of, and long looked for faces. Its morning service tells of a birth which has shed rays of peaceful light on the parts of those who have had to struggle along its rough course, and its evenings of gleesome though temperate rejoicings have wound the web of many a lasting friendship, and planted the seed of many a happy union. That its traditional and social claims should be acknowledged in this far away colony, is the bounden duty of all who take pride in their fatherland. That its rights of generous hospitality be encouraged must tend to develope the better characteristics of our nature. That its hereditary practice of gathering together, kith and kin, should be given full scope to out here, no sensible person should doubt, and that it has been indulged in to its fullest through out the length and breadth of the colony there is every reason to believe. Answering for Porangahau, such has been the case in this district, when, amongst other events, the races, which took place on Boxing day went off merrily, and thanks to prudent arrangements without any of the ills generally attending a race course. As Christmas is to old England, so is New Years Day to bonny Scotland, a day so completely given up to children, and recreation that grandfathers forget their age and again become children with the young. Fathers and mothers lose their individuality as parents, submitting to be ringleaders amongst their boys and girls in that which is mirthful and joyous.
In such a spirit did our esteemed Medical Practitioner, Dr. Tennant give himself up to securing for the young people of the district an evening entertainment, consisting of an exhibition of a phantasmagoria, with dissolving views of scriptural, historical, nautical, and comical scenes. The latter were more suitable and certainly more acceptable to the juvenile taste, and had the room, which was crowded, been larger, the exhibition would have been seen to better advantage. The evening concluded with a dance amongst the children, who enjoyed themselves as only children can.
During the day the Wallingford races came off, whilst at Porangahau the cricket match between the Waipukurau cricketers and those of Porangahau resulted in again placing the laurels on the brows of the gentlemen from Waipukurau. Beating Napier on Boxing day they have well begun the New Year by teaching Porangahau that efficiency is brought by work and practice; let us hope they will benefit by the lesson.

The Board met this morning at 11 o’clock. Present: – Messrs. Kinross (Chairman), Smith, Sutton, Vautier, Chambers, Kennedy and Rhodes, Hoadley (Secretary)
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The Engineer’s report for the month of December was read.
The contractors for the works made application to the Board, in accordance with clause 14 of their conditions, to sublet the works, upon which it was proposed by Mr. Sutton, seconded by Mr. Smith, “That the Board declines to recognise any subcontractor for the Harbor Works.”
Proposed by Mr. Sutton, seconded by Mr. Kennedy, “That on the date for the completion of a portion of the contract, the Engineer be requested to give such notice to the contractors as are necessary to protect the interest of the Board.” Carried.
Accounts laid on the table were ordered to be paid.
Proposed by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Vautier, “That the mover, with the concurrence of the following gentlemen, viz., Messrs Vautier and Kennedy, form themselves into a Committee and do by the next meeting furnish the Board with a Report of the Harbor Board reserves now available for lease, and the terms of the same.”
The Board then adjourned till next Tuesday week.

Te Kuiti, 21st, Dec., 1876.
– Friend, salutations to you and your tribe. Our son has arrived in the Valley of Waikato, and I have seen him like an unclouded son. I have received your loving letter, and of your letter of caution on account of our son. It is good; I am not dark on the subject. Your words are not new that too much must not be said of big chiefs. He travelled here on my invitation and that of a man of low birth, but your word is good. My love is strong for our son and all the tribe on account of witchcraft. That is why I sent for him.
This is all.
[This letter refers to a visit paid by Areta Apatu, of Wairoa, to Te Kooti, to see if he could remove the spell of witchcraft supposed to be over the Wairoa chiefs, and has been handed over to us for publication. Areta, who has just returned from his trip to see Te Kooti, professes to have derived much benefit therefrom, and states that the king has adopted a new religion, but that Te Kooti prophesies his downfall in the event of another outbreak. (Rather a safe prediction of T.K’s.) Te Kooti was formerly whaling for Toha, and has a great respect still for his old master. Te Kooti also stated that he had visited both Te Kapu and Poverty Bay, but that no one recognised him.-Ed. D.T.]

It is with very great pleasure, indeed we insert in the present issue of the Wananga an account of the speeches delivered at a meeting held at Porangahau, by the Maori tribes of that district. We give a translation of the notes sent to us for the information of our European readers, and we are sure that the European public will be as much pleased to read the very good and sensible remarks made by the chiefs of the tribes in regard to the Maori population discarding forever the Hauhau fanaticism, and again join with the rest of the world in the true and only God. We cannot refrain from repeating some of the observations of Paora Te Ara, where he says: “Do not let any foolish man say that that good and valuable thing religion is the worship (only) of the European; true, but my thought is that worship belongs to us all, and that if we let other men have that religion then it will only be for them but if we accept the religion, then it will be our religion. There will be only one day (judgment), when both European and Maori will be judged. All the world will be judged at once, and not one (human being) in all the world will be absent from that judgment. There will be one, and only one, day for that judgment.” We have again and again said that the Hauhau folly was one of the causes of all the evil which has befallen the Maori; and as the Maori members of Parliament can now without fear explain all the wants and wishes of the Native tribes of New Zealand, we say that the time has come when the very wicked and evil doing in the Maori Customs and the Hauhau stupidity be for ever given up; and let all the Maori people worship the only true and living God, so that New Zealand may have one voice in worship which shall go up to heaven from one people to one God. – Wananga.


Fire at Waipukurau.
Woburn House Burned Down.
From a telegram received in town on Monday we learn that on Sunday the private resident of T. Purvis Russell, Esq., was burned down. The property was only partially insured.

Balance Sheet of entertainment given by the members of the Napier Gymnasium Club in aid of the new Hospital funds :-
£   s.   d.
Proceeds   30 5 0
Less Expenses –
Pianist and Piano   2 0 0
Advertising, &c., Herald   1 4 0
Advertising, &c., Telegraph   1 5 0
Oddfellows Hall   2 0 0
Incidental expenses, cartage, &c.,   2 0 0
Balance to hand over   21 16 0
Hon. Treasurers.



Government Notifications.

Date.   Mode of Sale.   NAME.   PARTICULARS.
AREA OF LAND SOLD.   CASH.   Rents and Assessments. REMARKS.
Town.   Suburban.   Country.   Town.   Suburban.   Country.
Dec.   A.R.P.   A.R.P.   A.R.P.   £ s. d.   £ s. d.   £ s. d.
£ s. d.
9   Auction   D.C. Simpson   Rural Section 199, Woodville     73 3 14   72 18 0   Balance
11   Auction   David Hughes   Rural Section 1, Woodville   30 0 0   54 0 0   Balance
11   Auction   John Beattie   Rural Section 192, Woodville   77 0 0   72 0 0   Balance
12   Auction   J.B. Ross   Rural Section 63 and 65, Woodville   125 0 0   226 15 0   Balance
21   Application   S. D. Powdrell   Rural land on J.G. Kinross’s Run, Mohaka District   2,000 0 0   1666 0 0   Balance
21   Application   William Hyde   Land, Makaretu reserve extension   200 0 0   20 0 0 20 per cent. deposit
23   Application   M.S. Bell   Excess found on survey of application No. 2065   4 0 0   2 0 0   20 per cent. deposit
27   Auction   Thomas Gilpin   Rural section 138 Woodville   74 0 25   66 12 0   Balance
27   Auction   Edward Bibby   Rural section 54 Woodville   56 0 0   79 4 0   Balance
27   Auction   Samuel Woods   Rural section 180 & 182 Woodville   245 0 0   220 10 0   Balance
27   Auction   James Drummond   Rural section 179 Woodville   34 0 0   84 12 0   Balance
29   Auction   James Watt   Rural section 52[?] Woodville   74 0 0   82 13 0   Balance
29   Auction   James Watt & Geo. Walker   Rural section 33, 36, 38 and 39, Mahia   1117 2 0   1005 15 0   Balance
29   Auction   Fanny Withers   Rural section 38[?] and 40 Woodville   208 6 0   187 4 0   Balance
29   Auction   Walter Hallett   Rural section 184 and 185 Woodville   223 0 0   236 14 0   Balance
TOTAL   3410 3 0
Available.   Unavailable.
£ s. d   £ s. d
Land Sales   3416 3 0
Rents and Assessments
£3419 3 0
Commissioner of Crown Lands.
Crown Lands Office,
Napier, January 4th, 1877.

THE NEW BUFFALO HIDE FLOORCLOTH. – Durable, Tenacious, Flexible, Warm to the Feet, Impermeable to Damp, and Noiseless.
Our New Patterns in Tapestry and Brussel’s Carpets.

J GOLDEN  …  Proprietor.
The above Hotel which has now for many years been under the Superintendence of Mr Greer has been purchased by the undersigned. Having a thorough knowledge of the requirements of the locality, the advertiser promises to use every effort to make this Commodious Hotel one of the best in this part of the province.
Table d’Hote every day between 12 and 1 o’clock.
Commodious stables and excellent Paddocks.
The use of one of Alcock’s splendid Billiard Tables always to be obtained.
The comfort, Accommodation, and Convenience of Travellers will continue to be the FIRST study of the Advertiser.

HAVING purchased the above well known Hotel from Mr. T. Jeffares, hopes by strict attention to business, and by keeping the best Wines and Spirits, to merit the patronage of the pubic [public].
Every accommodation for Families and Travellers.
Good Stabling. First-class Paddocks.

BEGS to announce that his new BILLIARD ROOM is now open. The table is one of Alcocks’ celebrated make from Roberts’ pattern, and is acknowledged to be the finest table in Hawke’s Bay.

Of the Best Brands.
THIS First-class Family Hotel, beautifully situated on the main road to Wellington, offers really First-rate Accommodation to Travellers, Visitors, and the public generally. It possesses a large Dining-room, Private Sitting Rooms, Clean, Comfortable, and Well-furnished Bedrooms, in addition to which there is the largest Stable Accommodation in the province, with well-grassed paddocks.

This new Hotel adjoins the Railway Station, and affords first-class accommodation for Visitors and Travellers.
Meals to suit the convenience of travellers by each train.
Wines and Spirits of the finest brands.
Private Suites for Families.
Where Home and Colonial papers can be seen.
Large and Well-grassed Paddocks, adjoining the Hotel.
Extensive Stabling.
Stock and Station Yards, affording first-class Accommodation.

Travellers will find this Hotel replete with every comfort and convenience.
Plunge and Showers Baths supplied by Artesian Wells.
have lately been added to this establishment.
Private Baths for Ladies.
Good stabling and well grassed Paddocks.
Horses taken to graze on reasonable terms.
Well arranged Public Sale Yards.
Good Storage for Produce sent to Auction.

EXTENSIVE Improvements and Additions having been recently made this Hotel now offers every
At Moderate Charges,
Travellers, Visitors and Boarders.
Always of the Best Quality.

BEGS to inform his friends and the Public generally that he has opened the above-named and Well-known Hotel, and hopes, by strict attention to the wants of his customers, to merit a fair share of public patronage.
Travellers and Visitors to this Province will find this Well-known Hotel centrally situated, being opposite the Oddfellow’s Hall and the Railway Station.
Private Rooms for Ladies and Families.

THE undersigned begs to inform his friends and the public that he has just opened the above, splendid, new and commodious Hotel, at Port Ahuriri, near the Railway Station. This Hotel is replete with every accommodation and convenience, and every effort will be made to meet the requirements of customers.
Splendid Ales, Beers, Wines, and Spirits always on hand.
A Table D’Hote daily.
Splendid Accommodation for Travellers and Families.

This splendid new Hotel adjoins the Railway Station, and is, most conveniently situated for country visitors. It has been fitted with every care and attention to comfort and convenience. It contains commodious and well-ventilated Bed-rooms and Dining-rooms.
Breakfast will be provided for Travellers [in] time for the first trains from Napier.
A liberal Table provided.
A large Billiard Room, with Table by Burroughes and Watts.
MR McMURRAY’S long experience at the Shamrock Hotel has made him thoroughly acquainted with the tastes and requirement of residents in the colony, and he has spared no expense to make his new Hotel in every way suited for the comfort of Visitors and Travellers.

THE Undersigned having now entered into possession of the above Hotel, would desire to call the attention of travellers and visitors to the excellent accommodation he is enabled to afford.
Wines, Ales, and Spirits, of the very best brands always on hand.
Splendid accommodation for Travellers and others.

TRAVELLERS and other are informed that Mr. Mullender has now obtained a licence for the above Hotel. Mr. Mullender has for many years had considerable experience as a Publican, and is therefore prepared to meet all requirements.
Ales, Wines, and Spirits of the very best brands, are always obtainable.
Good Paddocks, and Stabling.

The above Hotel is newly opened, and situated close to the Railway Station; it is replete with every
No expense has been spared by the Proprietor to make this Hotel Comfortable and deserving of Public Support.
Excursionists by the Trains will find every Convenience.
Good Paddocks and Stabling for Travelling Stock.

50,000 BRICKS of FIRST CLASS Quality.
Apply to
J BARRY, Taradale; or

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Date published

13 January 1877

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