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- Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 062 - 20 January
Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 062 – 20 January
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.
The AA1 Iron Barque “LOCHNAGAR,” Captain KELLY.
Is now on the berth, and will sail this month.
For passage only, apply to WATT BROS.,
Or, to KINROSS & CO., Agents
The AA1 Iron Barque
602 tons Register.
This ship is a regular and favorite trader to this port, and will be followed by other first-class ships.
In consequence of the reduction of freights at the Southern Ports the above vessels will load at ½d per lb for greasy, and ¼d per lb for washed wool, shippers paying lighterage.
For Freight or Passage, apply to WATT BROS.,
Agents for N.Z. Shipping Co.,
Or, to KINROSS & CO., Agents for Shaw, Savill & Co.
WOOL SEASON, 1876-77.
The favorite A1 Clipper Ship
962 tons Register,
Is now on the berth at Wellington loading for London, and will receive quick despatch.
She is one of the safest and fastest vessels trading to New Zealand, and belongs to Patrick Henderson’s celebrated line of clipper ships.
First-class accommodation for passengers.
Freight and passage at current rates,
Agents, NAPIER and Wellington.
The undersigned will sell by public auction at the above Fair several valuable lots of Longwool Rams from the well-known flocks of Colonel Whitmore, Messrs Nelson, Tanner, Williams, Collins, Shrimpton, and others.
Particulars as to number will be advertised in a few days.
Intending sellers of sheep at the above Fair, who intend to favour the undersigned with their disposal, will kindly forward particulars as soon as possible, so as to secure pens and have the Sheep properly catalogued.
Napier, January 13, 1877.
Are instructed to sell privately a DWELLING HOUSE, situated immediately opposite the Hawke’s Bay Club, being Town Section No. 549, containing 1 Rood and 5 Perches, with a Seven-Roomed House and well stocked Garden and Orchard.
Terms easy.
For convenience of situation the property is undeniably the most desirable at present in the market.
GENTLEMEN, – I should have intimated to you at an earlier date that I had been requested by several of the electors to stand for the vacant seat in the House of Representatives; but when a vacancy occurs under Section 13, “Regulation of Electors Act, 1870,” the seat must be declared vacant by Mr. Speaker, and such being the case (and not having been done up to a few hours ago) I thought it would be hardly decent to come before the public when our late member had only been buried twenty-four hours.
In complying with the request of a number of the electors to allow myself to be nominated, I may briefly say that I do so with much pleasure, and shall avail myself of an early opportunity of meeting my friends.
I have the honour to be,
Your obedient servant,
GENTLEMEN, – As you will be called upon in a few days to elect a member in the place of our late highly esteemed representative, Sir D. McLean, I have the honor to inform you that it is my intention to seek your support.
Believing, as I do, that the present Ministry is one admirably fitted to conduct the Government of this colony at the present time, I shall, if elected, give them my support. I shall give my earnest support to the Ministry in their attempts to bring the expenditure of the colony within reasonable limits, and I think they have shown that retrenchment is the order of the day.
While advocating retrenchment in services that can be modified or done away with, I should endeavour to support any attempt for the further opening of the country for settlement by construction of railways, &c., and setting aside suitable blocks of land for agricultural pursuits, so that many of our old, as well as new, settlers may be able to procure land suitable for their use.
I shall strongly oppose any measure having for its object the subdivision of the colony, either in its insular and financial form.
Within the limits of an address it is impossible to touch upon all matters of importance, but I hope before the election to address you in public at the different centres of the District, and more fully explain my views upon many important matters.
A residence among you of nearly 20 years, during which I have taken an active part in all public matters should, I think, give me a pretty accurate idea of the wants of the district.
Should you do me the honor to return me you will find me always at my post prepared to serve my constituency to the best of my ability.
I am, Gentleman,
Your Obedient Servant,
Royston, 9th January, 1877.
GENTLEMEN, – As a vacancy has occurred in the House of Assembly through the death of my old friend, Sir Donald McLean, which must be filled up sooner or later, at the request of numerous friends I now come diffidently forward to ask your suffrages, to enable me to fill that vacant seat in Parliament as your representative.
I do this with more confidence that I can be of some use to you if you please to elect me. When I look back upon the 34 years of my life spent in New Zealand, 23 of which have been spent in Napier and its immediate vicinity, with the exception of a “tour round the world” in 1875-6, by which I was enabled to compare our rise and progress with other colonies and countries in Europe, India, America, and Australia – our progress as a colony has been simply wonderful, and only surpassed in two or three instances in the world’s history in modern times; but the advance up to the present year of grace 1877 will be nothing compared with the next decade to 1887, providing ordinary wisdom and prudence are duly exercised by those in authority over us. A judicious economy in the administration of the revenue of the colony is essential to this progress – an economy that shall open up the country year by year, and encourage its settlement by a yeomanry class and others suitable to the requirements of any given portion of the country: an economy that shall not overburden the colony with excessive taxation, and thus drive away capital : an economy that shall not go into recklessly borrowing large sums of money without being sure that it will be spent on reproductive schemes : an economy, in short, that will not hesitate in raising money for more fully developing the inexhaustible natural resources of this colony, while, on the other hand, it will unsparingly cut off all useless expenditure, and abstain from indulging in merely experimental schemes.
As a matter of fact, I believe that all “Land Revenue” should be General Government revenue, and that the North Island land revenue will soon be much larger than the South – an important item towards our future appropriations and progress.
Thus far I have treated the subject, as a whole, from a Colonial point of view, and the time is near at hand, Gentlemen, when the increased facility for travelling by land and sea will tend to suppress that narrow-mindedness which is the characteristic of our Colonial Parliament. Each succeeding session has seen a Ministry embarrassed with the selfish wants and aims of the numerous petty centres of population, each having a specific that was infallible, but unfortunately not applicable to the general good of New Zealand.
We have one local want: a necessity it will become in time, and that soon – A GOOD ARTIFICIAL HARBOR. Most of you know that for many years past, in my place in the Provincial Council, the Napier Breakwater was often my theme. The present harbour improvements will only go a very small way towards the shipping accommodation that will be necessary in a few years’ time, notwithstanding the probability of the railway being opened to Wellington within 10 years. Railways cannot compete with water carriage anywhere in the wide world, and New Zealand will be no exception.
If you think that, from my past services as a public man in Napier (commencing with the separation from Wellington, where all our local resources were then going, and towards which separation I was one of the original promoters), I am in the least deserving of your confidence, then Gentlemen, give me your votes at the approaching election.
The best of my life has been spent in your midst (from and before the city of Napier was), and I have only to say I propose spending the remainder of my days here in your service, if my leisure can, in your estimation, be of material use. My time and undivided attention I can now place at your disposal, if you honor me with your confidence and support.
Anything further in the way of explanation as to my views and opinions on the topics more nearly touching your interests I shall be happy to give on the Hustings or anywhere else you may desire.
I am, Gentlemen,
Your Obedient Servant,
GENTLEMEN, – You will shortly be called upon to elect a Member of the House of Assembly to represent you. I beg to offer myself as a candidate for that honor. My views are entirely in accordance with the present Ministry – namely, progress and economy.
I am,
Yours faithfully,
Napier, January 9, 1877.
ROUTLEDGE, KENNEDY & CO., are instructed by J. W. WITTY, Esq., (who purposes residing on his property at Wairoa) to sell by private contract, his DWELLING HOUSE and GROUNDS, Lighthouse Road, Napier. The situation commands one of the most charming views on Scinde Island. The Grounds (about 2½ acres), have been laid out with taste, and care, and at considerable cost, they are planted with the choicest fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, all well established in growth. The Grounds have also the advantage of a complete system of surface drainage, and are supplied with tanks for the conservation of water. The whole being enclosed by a 7 feet galvanised iron fence.
The HOUSE is quite new and is built of the best materials, it covers an area of 76 feet by 54 feet, and contains 10 rooms on the ground floor, viz., Drawing-room, 21ft. x 15ft.; Parlor, 20ft. x 16ft.; Bedroom, 19ft. 6 inch x 14ft., 12 ft high; Dining-room, Library, Bed-rooms, Nursery, and Kitchen, in addition to two Conservatories, Scullery, Bathrooms and Closets. The Partitions and Walls throughout are filled in with concrete.
There is one underground concrete Tank, containing 2500 gallons of water, and 4 galvanised iron Tanks holding 4500 gallons, with force pump and piping, capable of conveying water to all parts of the building.
In short, the House has been fitted at great expense with every regard to comfort and convenience.
The Furniture can be taken at valuation.
A considerable portion of the purchase money may remain on mortgage at a modest rate of interest.
Per “Glenlora,” from London,
The Ewes are from the flock of the late Mr. Kemp, and are of the pure Biscathorpe blood.
The Rams are a very superior lot, and comprise Dudding’s, Kirkham’s, and Marshall’s, and are really fine sheep.
The above have been carefully selected in England by Melville B Smith, Esq., which ought to be a sufficient guarantee for the good quality.
Applications for the purchase of the above will be received by the undersigned.
Napier and Spit.
December 7, 1876.
Has the pleasure of announcing that at the request of a number of the leading settlers in the Southern part of the Province, he has made arrangements for holding a
At Waipukurau,
Suitable Paddocking and other necessary conveniences will be provided, and it is intended to establish the Sale as a half-yearly one.
The central position of Waipukurau, connected as it is with Napier, the West Coast, and Wairarapa, by railway and good roads, will, it is expected, attract purchasers from these important districts, as they will be enabled readily to supply themselves with a choice of such Stock as they require. On the other hand, runholders or others sending Stock to the Sale, will have the great advantage of the competition which the attendance of a large number of buyers always ensures.
Stock owners desirous of making a trial of the proposed Sale, are respectfully invited to communicate with the undersigned as early as possible.
Stock and Station Agent, Waipawa, or to
Commission Agent, Waipukurau.

It does not appear to be generally known to persons travelling to Wellington, that Messrs. William Jones and Co. late Mr. Peters of Napier, and Mr. Hastwell of Wairarapa have made arrangements whereby travellers from Napier can now reach Wellington by way of Wairarapa. Mr. Hastwell’s coaches meet the Napier coach at Woodville every Tuesday and Friday, and the returning coach from Masterton every Monday and Thursday. The roads all through this route are in excellent condition and the coaches are driven by most experienced drivers. We are informed by persons travelling by this route that they not only passed through the finest country to be found in the North Island, but that the accommodation to be found on the road is far superior to that obtained on the West Coast.
Judge Molesworth, of Victoria, arrived on Thursday in Napier, after visiting the Taupo country, where he has been to recruit his health. He was highly delighted with his journey, and the wonders to be seen in that part of the colony.
The Returning Officer for the Borough of Napier notifies through our columns, that he has fixed Monday, the 22nd instant, as the day on which nominations for candidates will be received for the vacancy through the resignation of T. K. Newton, Esq., and should a poll be required, it will be taken on the following Monday.
An old soldier who was for some time engaged as cook at Mr. Healy’s homestead at Porangahau, died last week from the effects of an old wound in the head which he received during the Crimean campaign against Russia. He was attended by Dr. Tennent, and we are informed received at the hands of Mr. and Mrs. Sim of the Wallingford Hotel, every attention and kindness previous to his decease.
It is reported that Mr. T. Peddie has disposed of his private house (recently erected) together with some land in the township of Taradale to Mr. C. Butter for £1,200, who contemplates, at some future date, to erect an hotel on it.
Corporal Sellars, of the Napier Artillery Volunteers, will be an extra representative at the forth-coming prize firing at Hokitika. We wish him and his co-representative, Gunner Mogridge, every success.
It is rumoured that Mr. J. Tinley intends to enter into arrangements with Mr. A. McDonald of the Taradale Hotel, in order to erect stockyards for the purpose of holding monthly sales on that valuable piece of land lately acquired at Mr. Tiffen’s recent sale of land.
Some doubts have been lately expressed as to whether His Worship the Mayor would at the forthcoming election attempt to woo the “sweet voices” of the electors. All speculations on the matter are however now set at rest by the address of Mr. Stuart to the electors of Napier, which has been published.
A most important notice as affecting ratepayers has been issued by the Municipal authorities. Ratepayers who have had demands for rates left at their houses for the present half year not having paid them within the stipulated period of fourteen days will have to pay them forthwith, or have added to them the cost of Mr. Beetham’s Court.
At the Residents Magistrate’s Court on Monday an inquiry was held before R. Beetham Esq., R.M., into the validity of the election held at Clive for the return of a representative for that riding in the County Council of Hawke’s Bay. Mr. Cornford appeared for the petitioner, Mr. Sutton, and Mr. Lascelles and Mr. Lee for the respondent, Colonel Whitmore. The case was opened by Mr. Cornford on behalf of the petitioner. In a speech of considerable length he adduced a number of grounds in support of the points relied on by the petitioner, viz. – (1) The cumulative vote allowed by the Returning Officer being absolutely illegal; (2) That a number of votes were refused which ought to have been received, and other votes received that ought to have been refused. The first ground was relied upon to make the election void; the second ground for making void the declaration in favour of Colonel Whitmore, or for a scrutiny of the votes being made by the Resident Magistrate. After the Counsel had finished his address, the Returning Officer was called, whose evidence occupied several hours.
A meeting of the members of the Petane Road Board was held on Saturday last. After some argument, it was decided, taking into consideration that half of the year had passed away, to levy a rate of 1d per acre. Mr. Orr was appointed, in conjunction with the chairman to value the district. After the board adjourned, some discussion ensued among the electors as to the respective qualifications of the various candidates now seeking their suffrages for the seat rendered vacant by the death of Sir Donald McLean. It was generally understood that the Petane settlers would first desire to obtain an expression from all the candidates as to their views before pledging their votes to vote for any particular one.
On Sunday morning, as announced, the Rev. D. Sidey delivered a discourse in St. Paul’s Church on the death of Sir Donald McLean to a large congregation. The rev. gentleman selected as his text a portion of the 12th verse of the 19th chapter of Ezekiel, “His strong rods were broken and withered.” We regret, we cannot find room to publish the whole of the excellent sermon delivered. After the exordium, he referred to the high and noble character of the late Native Minister, both as a politician, an administrator and a Christian gentleman.
On Friday evening last, Mr. John Parker, host of the Greenmeadows Hotel, Taradale, celebrated his taking possession of that hostelry by a dinner, to which a large number of his town and country friends were invited. The invitation was responded to worthily, probably no less than 100 persons being present of both sexes. A very good repast was set before the visitors, to which ample justice was done. After each one had gratified himself of the good things provided, the cloth was removed, a few toasts were proposed, and drank with enthusiasm, the principal one of course being “The health of the Host and Hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Parker,” to which Mr. Parker replied briefly, thanking the company for the kind manner in which they had proposed and drunk his health, and trusting that he would merit the same good fellowship with his patrons in the country as had existed between them in town. Afterwards the health of Mr. and Mrs. Jeffares, the late host and hostess of the Greenmeadows Hotel was proposed and heartily responded to, Mr. Jeffares replying. Before and after dinner the assembled company tripped gaily the “light fantastic,” which was kept up till the morning light reminded them that another day had begun and everyone must attend to their usual avocations. All retired, wishing Mr Parker and his fair hostess a large and prosperous career in their new field of labour.
The last train was late in coming into town on Saturday evening, owing to the many cattle straying on the line between Hastings and Clive. The greatest difficulty was experienced in getting the cattle off the track, but it was accomplished at last without any accident. Some steps ere this ought to have been taken to have the line fenced off.
The trial of the salt-water well at the rear of the premises of Messrs. Newton and Co.’s on Thursday evening by the Fire Brigade, established the fact that nature supplies beneath the surface of the soil an almost in-exhaustible stream of water, sufficient to extinguish a conflagration in the most densely populated portion of the town. The small engine belonging to the brigade, vigorously worked, failed to diminish the supply of water, which apparently percolated through the shingle stratum as rapidly as it was withdrawn. The trial was an interesting one, and sufficient in its result to show the advisability of supplementing our water supply by other wells.
We learn that the blocks required for the Episcopalian Church at Hastings are now on the ground, and that the work of erection will soon be commenced. The contract is in the hands of a gentleman, who intends pushing on the works with the least possible delay.
The Rev. S. Robinson preached at the Church of the England, Havelock, on Sunday afternoon.

An altercation between natives and Europeans has taken place at Moteo. The facts are these: – Mr. Maney has been in occupation for the last six years of a considerable area of land stretching from Moteo to Omahu. The whole of this land had not passed through the Court, but a small portion of it, about one-seventh, known as the Tuhirangi block had. In this latter block Mr. Higgins, last year, secured a few shares, Mr. Maney holding the larger number. The other day the divided interest produced a rupture. Mr. Maney caused a flock of sheep to be placed on Tuhirangi, which Mr. Higgins caused to be driven off, whereupon Mr. Maney applied for protection to the native owners, of whom Renata is the recognised chief. Twenty men were then despatched to the ground to secure Renata’s mana, and the sheep were put back on the land. The coast being clear Mr. Higgins mustered a party of natives, and the sheep were again driven off. The news reached Renata he despatched on Monday seventy men to the scene to take possession of the land and to hold it.
The Napier Girls’ Trust School will be re-opened on Monday next.
The enquiry into the Clive Riding election was continued on Monday afternoon. Mr. Hardy, the returning officer, in his evidence stated that he rejected the votes of all persons whose names were not on the assessment list of the clive Highway District. He also admitted that he refused votes based on the electoral roll for the House of Representatives. The consequence was some of the largest land owners in the riding were de-barred from voting at all, while twenty-four smaller holders, whose names were on the Clive assessment list qualifying them to vote at a Road Board election, were permitted to give plural votes. Mr. Lascelles, counsel for Colonel Whitmore contended that the Returning officer had no other course to pursue; but Mr. Cornford, for Mr. Sutton, pointed out that by clause 51 of the Counties Act, subsection 2, every person possessing a qualification in any outlying district of a Riding, and who was thereby entitled to vote at an election of a member for the House of Representatives, was also entitled to be deemed a County elector. The Resident Magistrate deferred judgment till next Monday.
We learn on good authority that the Rev. S. Robinson has, at the request of a large number of members of the Episcopalian Church in Napier consented to remain, provided a church is erected for him. Steps are about to be taken to erect the long-talked of church with the least possible delay.
The Patangata Race Committee has judiciously postponed the Patangata Races until the 17th March (St. Patrick’s Day.) The race course is situated about six miles from the Kaikora Station, and conveyances will doubtless run on the day of the races between the course and the Station, thereby enabling town and other visitors reaching the course on the morning of the sports in time to witness the whole of the events.
The principal topics of conversation just now are the chances of the candidates for election to the House of Representatives, and the performances of the Lingard Company. The former, perhaps, as bearing more particularly on the permanent interests of Napier claim the first consideration. The writ not having yet been issued, betting is rather brisk on the forthcoming election. The previous performances of the several candidates on the political turf are keenly discussed, and the personal influence of one is often taken as a set-off against the common sense of another. Long odds, however, cannot be had, and the chances of all are considered so even that generally not more than 3 to 1 are offered against favourites. We have noted 4 to 1 against Mr. Buchanan, 3 to 1 against Mr. Sutton and 10 to 1 against the remainder of the field. – [From our Sporting Contributor.]
The concrete pavement laid down by Mr. Barker, from the corner of Mr. Manoy’s shop in Hastings street, to that of Mr. Hooper’s, is now being taken up again in order to relay it, owing to the cement being of an inferior quality. The pavement broke in several spots. Better material is now being used. It must be very disheartening to Mr. Barker to have the work to do all over again, without remuneration through the fault of others. The concrete pavement laid by Mr. Barker in front of Mr. Abrahams and other shops, appears to wear well and shows that with good material, concrete pavement may be counted a success.
An inquest was held on Wednesday at the Hospital before S. Begg, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Susan McMahon, who met her death on Tuesday afternoon through being run over by the 3 p.m. train from Napier to the Spit. It appeared from the evidence that Mrs. McMahon with another woman was walking on the contractors tramway running parallel to the railway between the Napier station and the Government cottages. The deceased, who was not of sober habits, just as the train was approaching left her companion and endeavoured to cross the line in front of the train. The engine knocked her down, the wheels passing over her elbow and ankle, crushing both. The unfortunate woman was at once conveyed to the Hospital, where shortly afterwards, the injured limbs were amputated by Dr. Hitchings in the presence of Dr. Robottom. The shock, however, proved too severe for a woman of her age, and she expired at about half-past seven o’clock in the evening. The jury returned a verdict of accidental death. It is noteworthy that after the accident was observed, the train was stopped by the driver Mr. Smith, before the last carriage had actually cleared the body of the deceased.
The enquiry into the Waipukurau riding election took place on Tuesday at Waipawa before the R. M., R. Beetham, Esq. The grounds of the appeal we have previously placed before our readers. The evidence of several witnesses was taken, that of Mr. Drower, the Returning Officer, going to show that on the day of the election he closed the poll for luncheon purposes. The Resident Magistrate reserved his decision till Monday next.
A clever cartoon on the forthcoming election has been brought under our notice. The vacant chair of Sir Donald McLean represents the goal towards which the five candidates are galloping on horseback. Mr. Sutton is leading on a first class nag, but heavily weighted by Mr. Sheehan, who, as Meptistopheles [Mephistopheles] is hanging on to the tail of the horse. In addition to this Mr. Sutton has to carry weight a la Johnny Gilpin in the shape of native deeds. Mr. Buchanan, on a very restive horse is barely capable of keeping his seat. Mr. Rhodes comes next being cheered by two vigorous yeomen. Mr Tiffen can barely make headway, but by vigorous blows delivered on the animal he is riding, by clerical looking gentlemen, he evidently hopes to cut a decent figure. Mr. Stuart, on the best horse of the lot, pulls up suddenly, apparently to save himself for higher stakes.
The Hon. Mr. Ormond, the Minister of Public Works, arrived in town on Tuesday from Wallingford.
Private advices received from Mr. Melville Smith inform us that he is on board the Glenora all safe, together with his shipment of sheep.
During the month ending the 15th day of December last, the total amount received for traffic on the Napier and Waipukurau railway, amounted to £1,689 6s. 9d. Passengers, £667 15s. 1d.; goods, £1,021 11s. 8d.
Mr. Rochefort, Civil Engineer, has been put in nomination for the vacancy caused by the retirement of Mr. Newton in the Town Council. He has taken this step at the request of several of the rate-payers who reside in the western portion of the Borough, who at present are wholly unrepresented. Mr. Rochefort’s services, if elected, would doubtless be of great value to the whole community.
A meeting was held in All Saints’ School-room, Taradale, on Monday, of the intending settlers on a block of land of 2,300 acres recently set apart for special settlement by the Waste Lands Board in favour of Mr. Neil Thomson and others. Mr. P. McCormick occupied the chair. All the intending settlers except one were present. The object of the meeting was to adopt rules, &c. The name given to the settlement by the meeting was “Bush Mills.” Great credit is due to the settlers for taking care to provide for the education of the young, for they considerately laid aside a block of 50 acres for church and school purposes. Mr. Neil Thomson was appointed Secretary and manager, and Mr. P. McCormick treasurer. The rules of the Woodville Association were adopted by the meeting. A committee of the following was also appointed: – Messrs. McCormick, Clegg, Thomson, McDonall, Cunningham, Davidson, and Wishart.
The Municipal Council met on Tuesday in the old Council Chamber. Present: – His Worship the Mayor, Councillors Swan, Williams, Tuxford, Neal, Vautier and Lyndon. The rate lists for the year were laid on the table, and adopted. On the motion of Cr. Swan, seconded by Cr. Tuxford, the Town Clerk was appointed treasurer to the Municipality. On the motion of Cr. Williams, seconded by Cr. Swan, Cr. Neal was added to Cr Lyndon as the councillor to sign checks. On the motion of Cr. Lyndon, seconded by Cr. Neal, Crs. Vautier and Tuxford were appointed to sign contracts. On the motion of Cr. Swan, seconded by Cr. Tuxford, it was ordered that tenders be invited for the supply of stationery to the Corporation for one year.
A well attended meeting of the members of the Agricultural and Pastoral Society took place in the Criterion Hotel on Tuesday afternoon. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The secretary stated that Mr. Hamilton Russell, who was daily expected from England, was bringing out the prize medals. Mr. M. R. Miller read a statement of the receipts and expenditure for the past year, which showed a credit balance of about £100. It was resolved that a fortnight’s notice should be given before publishing the names of subscribers who had not paid their donations to date. The accounts of the Ploughing Match showed receipts over and above expenditure £52 16s 6d. It was resolved that a Show of draught foals should be held at the annual Show of the Society. A long discussion then ensued in connection with the fees to be charged for the use of the yards, auctioneers’ fees, &c., at the forthcoming Ram Fair. It was finally resolved on the motion of Mr. W. Routledge – “That the following charges be paid to the society for the use of the yards, viz.: 6d per head for all sold up to £5 each; 1s per head for all sold up to £10 each; 2s 6d per head for all sold over £10 each; 6d ahead on all withdrawn.” A vote of thanks to the Chairman terminated the proceedings.
The case against Mr. L. Higgins and his employees is postponed until Monday. The charge made is for killing two sheep the property of Mr. Maney. Mr. Lascelles will appear for Mr. Maney, and Messrs. Sheehan and Lee for Mr. Higgins, and his party. The case will likely be a very long one.
The Lingards played on Tuesday to a fairly good House. In the comedy of “David Garrick,” performed for the first time in Napier, Mr. Lingard by his dignified and careful portrayal of the great actor, and Mrs. Lingard by her charmingly natural delineation of Ada Ingot fully sustained their fame. The acting of Messrs. Rede and St. Lawrence also merits praise. The concluding piece “Elizabeth” is a modern version of Katherine and Petruchio. The decided favour with which it was received was owing entirely to the brilliant piquancy of Mrs. Lingard’s rendering of the title role.
The new Church to be built for the Rev. S. Robinson, we understand, is to accommodate four hundred worshippers. The original intention when first resolved to erect a second Church was to build one containing about two hundred sittings. Recent events, however, now suggest the advisability of increasing the accommodation.
Waipukurau has been gazetted a district for which a Public Vaccinator has been appointed, and the school-house there where vaccination is to be performed. Every Monday at 3.30 p.m., are the day and the hour fixed for the performance of the operation.
“Our Boys” was repeated on Wednesday by the Lingard Company to a tolerably large audience. The piece was again remarkably successful.
“Ægles,” in the Australasian of the 6th instant, writes :- In a prosperous New Zealand town there are two rival journals – the DAILY TELEGRAPH, published in the evening, and the Hawke’s Bay Herald, a morning paper. A short time ago the evening journal, in its shipping list, reported the arrival of a coasting steamer from Wairoa, and gave the names of the passengers. Now that evening the editor of the morning paper was lazy, or in a hurry, or his shipping reporter had missed his way to the office. However, he sent into the printer his manuscript thus : “Arrived, M – from Wairoa. – passengers. Copy D. T.’ (meaning of course to copy DAILY TELEGRAPH list). The printer was of a literal turn of mind, and next morning the arrival was in the paper with “Passenger, Mr. D. T. Copy !” Just imagine the delight of the other newspaper at the opportunity of performing a literary was dance over the prostrate form of its rival.
A fine haul of fish was made by the seamen aboard the Rangatira on Thursday. Six large kingfish and eighteen kawhai [Kahawhai] were captured, the former weighing about 30lbs. each.
The two pair-oar outriggers for the Napier Rowing Club, replacing those that were smashed on board the Arawata on the voyage from Melbourne, arrived on Thursday by the Rangatira. They are well-built gigs, and will prove a most useful addition to the Club’s boats.
The following regarding the late Sir Donald McLean is taken from the Auckland Star, and is presumed to have been penned by a gentleman who accompanied Sir Donald as a reporter on his last visit to the Maori King :- He was an assiduous reader of the newspapers, and received them regularly from all parts of the colony. He was peculiarly sensitive to attacks in the Press, and was angry at the misstatements which sometimes appeared. He was accustomed to have every paragraph relating to his department culled from the papers and pasted in a scrap-book, and a few years ago some unfavourable comment was excited by the appearance on the estimates of an item of £50 for a “culler of native items from newspapers.” This sum was paid as a bonus to a clerk who was supposed to do the work after the regular office hours. Towards the end of his official career, Sir Donald exhibited a remarkable indifference to the attacks made upon his department in Parliament and the Press. During last session when urged by some of his friends to reply to some bitter strictures by a young and not very sapient member of the House, he spoke in terms of contempt of the attack, and said he did not consider it worthy of a reply, that his character was too well known to need vindication, and that he could afford to treat hostile comments from that quarter with contemptuous indifference.
Shipping Intelligence.
12 – Kiwi, s.s., from Wellington via Castle Point. Passengers – Mr Allen
12 – Lady Don, brigantine, from Lyttelton.
13 – Result, s.s., from Wairoa. Four passengers.
13 – Manaia, p.s., from Wairoa. Passengers – Miss Britten, Miss Gray, Miss Currey (2), Miss Higgins, Mr. & Mrs. Partridge, Messrs. Newbold and Bishop
14 – Southern Cross, s.s., from Mahia. Passengers – Messrs. Watt and Wardrop
17 – Rangatira – s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Mr and Mrs Shields, Mrs Salmond, Miss Armstrong, Miss Brown, Miss Smith, Misses Allison, Miss Lee, Mrs Lawrence and children, Mr. Threlkeld and son, Messrs Cross, Johnston, Upham, McKay, Wilson, Harrison, and Carrington.
17 – Fairy, s.s., from Wairoa. Passengers – Rev. Father Regnier, Mr. Morris, and about 20 natives.
18 – Manaia, p.s., from Wairoa. Passengers – Mr Sutton and others.
11 – Southern Cross, s.s., for Mahia. Passengers – Messrs Watt and Wadrop (Wardrop)
11 – Columbia, schooner, for Auckand
12 – Rangatira, s.s., for Wellington. – Passengers – Mesdames Tuxford, Greer, and Ellison, Parsons, and Shirley, Messrs. Manoy, Solomon, Irvine, Greer, Mansfield, Thomson, Larkin, Masen, Manning, and six in the steerage.
13 – Fairy, s.s., for Wairoa and Mahia. Passengers – Rev. Father Regnier, Messrs. Cato, Morris, and Adams.
16 – Southern Cross, s.s., for Auckland. Passengers – Mrs and Miss McVay, Mrs and Miss McManus, Miss McSweeney, Messrs Plante, Moloney, Colebrook, Clark, Brown, Robertson, Millan, wife, and 3 children.
16 – Manaaia, p.s., from Wairoa. Passengers – Messrs Sutton, Moore, Turner, and two in the steerage.
The s.s. Kiwi arrived in the Bay early on Friday from Wellington via Castle Point. She has a considerable quantity of cargo for Napier, principally transhipped ex Ocean Mail from London, and Suffolk from Melbourne.
The s.s. Southern Cross left on Thursday day for the Mahia.
The s.s. Rangatira took her departure on Friday, at 3 p.m., with a full cargo of colonial produce, and a fair complement of passengers.
The s.s. Result, Captain Baxter, returned to port on Saturday from Wairoa, having left there at daylight. The bar at Wairoa is not good just now. The p.s. Manaia was in the river when the Result left.
The brigantine Lady Don has had a run of five days from Lyttelton. She is full of flour and grain, nearly the whole of which comes to the order of Messrs. Watt Brothers, to whom also the vessel is consigned.
The barque Lochnagar is fast filling up, and will be ready for sea at her advertised date.
The s.s. Rangatira, Captain Evans, arrived in Wellington at 10.30 p.m. on Saturday, having had rather a protracted passage.
The s.s. Southern Cross, Captain Holmes, returned from Mahia on Sunday, having only been able to ship 26 bales of wool, in consequence of the heavy N.E. sea.
The s.s. Fairy, Captain Campbell, left for Wairoa on Saturday night. She proceeded on Sunday to Mahia, taking excursionists to the races being held there.
The s.s. Ringarooma, with the Suez mail, arrived at Port Chalmers on Sunday.
The p.s. Manaia returned from Wairoa on Saturday night. Her contemplated trip to Mahia on Monday was abandoned.
The s.s. Southern Cross, Capt. Holmes, steamed for Auckland on Tuesday evening. She had a few passengers, but unfortunately, not a full cargo of stock. The Auckland market is too low at present for our exporter to send stock.
The schooner Minnie Hare left on Wednesday for Nungaruru for another cargo of piles for the Harbor works.
Capt. Baxter being obliged to go to Wellington on important business, he has laid up the s.s. Result for a few days.
The p.s. Manaia left about 8 o’clock on Tuesday for the Wairoa.
The s.s. Rangatira, Captain Evans, left Wellington at 5 p.m. on Tuesday evening, and arrived at the anchorage at 11 p.m. on Wednesday night. Experienced light variable winds as far as Cape Turnagain, thence to Bare Island a fresh S.W. wind and head swell, and from thence till arrival a fresh W. Breeze.
The s.s. Fairy brings a cargo of wool from Wairoa, and a large number of passengers.
The p.s. Manaia crossed the Wairoa bar at 7 o’clock on Thursday and arrived in port about noon.
Owing to the wool &c., coming in so freely, the New Zealand Shipping Company have had to commence loading the Ocean Mail before her cargo is discharged. Yesterday she took in some wool, and the previous day a quantity of tallow and whale oil was placed on board. – N.Z. Times, Jan. 12.
The ketch Otaki, from Otaki, arrived in the Wellington harbor the other day in tow of the s.s. Kiwi, having been picked up by that vessel at an anchorage at the Heads, flying signals of distress. From the account given by the master, Mr. Bilby, we find that the Otaki left Otaki for this port with a cargo of wool on the 3rd instant, but meeting with unfavourable winds had to run into Porirua harbor on the 5th; there she remained until eight o’clock on Monday last, when another start was made for that port. A heavy N.W. gale was met with, but all went well till off Sinclair head, when a heavy squall came down off the hills, striking the little craft, and careening her so that although she was under close reefed canvas her sails almost lay flat in the water. The deck was swept clean of all unsecured articles, including the cask containing the fresh water. She then beat into an anchorage at the Heads, where the s.s. Kiwi saw her signals for assistance, and brought her into port. Captain Bilby says that when the squall struck the vessel, which very near upset her, he would have abandoned her, as he did not believe she would have been able to right herself; but he had no boat, and he further informs us that the Otaki has not been in possession of one for some time. We wonder the Customs authorities, who exercise such vigilance in some matters could have allowed this vessel to proceed to sea without a boat. Indeed, in our opinion, the Otaki should never have been allowed to go to sea, as her size, build, &c., are such that she is unable to combat with the heavy weather which is frequently to be met with on this coast. It will be remembered that about two months ago one of the mail steamers had to tow her in Wellington harbor, having found her drifting out to sea without any sails, the only suit which she had having been blown away.
Government Notifications.
Crown Lands Office,
Napier, 13th January, 1877.
The undermentioned Deeds of Grant having been duly executed are now ready for delivery at this office, under the authority of “The Crown Grants Act, 1866.”
A fee of Sixpence is chargeable on each Crown Grant for every month during which it shall remain in this office, after the expiration of three months from the date of this notice.
No. Grantee. Locality. A. R. P.
2401 James Hallett Patoka 399 0 0
2602 Stephen Shelton Ruataniwha 105 0 0
2603 Hugh Dobbin Ruataniwha 42 0 0
2604 William Bowler Ruataniwha 672 0 0
2605 Charles James Gully Ruataniwha 94 2 0
2606 Charles James Gully Ruataniwha 63 0 0
2607 Samuel Fletcher Ruataniwha 126 0 0
2608 Ebenezer Harwood Ruataniwha 57 2 0
2609 Edward Tucker Ruataniwha 63 0 0
2610 Richard Collins Porangahau 1050 0 0
2611 Major Slingsby Bell Tautaue [Tautane] 84 0 0
2612 Philip Dolbel Mohaka 42 0 0
2613 Charles Dolbel 42 0 0
2614 Samuel Locke Clyde 5 2 0
2615 John Dutton Powdrell Turiroa 47 1 0
2616 Joseph Powdrell 113 2 0
2617 Samuel Dutton Powdrell 182 0 0
2618 James Watt Whangawehi 308 0 0
Commissioner of Crown Lands.
Until further notice the new building next the Clyde Hotel will be the Temporary Office of the Wairoa County Council, and the clerk will be in attendance on Saturdays from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. for the transaction of public business.
Chairman Wairoa County Council.
County Council Chambers,
Clyde, Wairoa, January 8, 1877.
TAKE NOTICE, the Valuation List for the Wairoa County for the year 1877, is now open for inspection at the temporary Council Chamber (next to the Clyde Hotel) Clyde, Wairoa. All objections thereto must be left at the Resident Magistrate’s Court, Clyde, Wairoa, on or before the 15th day of February, and addressed to the Assessment Court, and a copy of every such objection must be left at the Wairoa County Council Chambers not less than seven days before the next sitting of the said Court.
Clerk Wairoa County Council.
County Council Chambers,
Clyde, Wairoa, 10th January, 1877.
The Valuation Rolls for the Wairoa County are now open for inspection at the temporary Council Chambers (next to Flint’s Hotel, on the following dates :- MONDAY, 15th instant, and on each THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY, until further orders.
Chairman Wairoa County Council.
County Council Chambers,
Clyde, Wairoa, 15th January, 1877.
Napier, January 16, 1877
By virtue of powers vested in me, I do hereby notify that the names of the Board of Wardens, and Chairman, elected under the provisions of the Highway Act, 1871, of the Patangata Road Board –
Chairman : James Tod
Wardens : James Lawrence
William Rathbone
William White
Alfred Dillon
James Tod
Office of Waste Lands Board.
Napier, 8th December, 1876.
TO HUGH McCORMICK, formerly of the 65th Regiment or his representatives.
You are hereby required, within six months from this date, to prove to the satisfaction of the Waste Lands Board that you have complied with the conditions required to entitle you to 60 acres of land in the Wakarara District, selected under a Military Settlers Land Order, and if you fail to prove your claim within the specified time, your title to the land will be forfeited and the land be dealt with as the Board may direct.
Chief Commissioner.
The Cheapest House in the Trade.
Pharmaceutical Preparations
PRATT’S PODOPHYLLIN PILLS – An excellent Liver medicine.
PRATT’S TONIC WORM POWDERS – A safe and effective remedy.
PRATT’S STOMACHING POWDERS – For Children aperients and alternative.
QUININE AND IRON WINE – An agreeable and invigorating tonic.
HEPATIC ELIXIR AND PILLS – Composed of Dandelion, Camomile, and Hops, the best remedy for torpid or sluggish liver, indigestion, &c.
DR. LOCOCK’S LOTION – For strengthening the hair and promoting its growth.
AROMATIC TINCTURE OR MYRRH AND BORAX – An excellent wash for the teeth and gums.
PRATT’S LINCTUS – For coughs, colds, &c.
On and after Saturday, the 30th Dec., overland mails for Wellington, Wanganui, Taranaki, intermediate places, Southern Provinces, and Australian Colonies, will close at this office on Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 3 p.m.
Chief Postmaster.
WAITE – ROBOTTOM. – On the 10th January, at the Manse, Napier, by the Rev. D. Sidey, William Waite, Port Ahuriri, to Julia, second daughter of John Robottom, late of Napier.
SELLAR – At Napier, on the 18th January, John McGlashow, twin child of Mr. James Sellar, aged three months and three weeks.
The Weekly Mercury
The County Council of Hawke’s Bay has resolved to adopt the Counties Act in its restricted form, a resolution we cannot but think was arrived at without sufficient consideration. We draw this conclusion from Colonel Whitmore’s own statement, that the information possessed by the Council concerning the accounts of the Road Board districts was very far from reliable. The members of the Council, however, appeared only too anxious to relieve themselves of further trouble, and willingly resigned their duties into the hands of a Committee of three. Upon Colonel Whitmore, Messrs Tiffen and Kinross, some heavy and responsible work devolves which should certainly have been shared by the Council. Both the report of the Committee, and Colonel Whitmore’s speech, point out how difficult it will be to grapple successfully with the omissions in the Act, and, at the same time, to work the new institutions satisfactorily. If we understood the Colonel aright, it is clear that, as the law stands at present, it will be next to impossible to put the various districts of the County on an equitable footing, by the adoption of the restricted form of the Act. Under the restricted clauses, the whole of the County work is thrown on the various Road Boards, and no authority can be exercised over them by the Council to ensure the faithful performance of their duties. This is a more important point than at first appears evident, for the Colonial Government receiving all monies that under the whole Act would be paid into the County fund, and generally supervising all expenditure, has the power to withhold subsidies as punishment for the non-performance of their functions by the Roads Boards. A tightness in the money market would probably produce a corresponding desire to visit neglect of duties with a withdrawal of subsidy. To a certain extent the whole County would thus suffer for the sins of one of its members. The decision that the Council has arrived at is curiously in opposition to the intentions of the Act with respect to working under its restricted form. For instance, we notice that one of the local banks has been appointed County Bankers, and an overdraft has been arranged for of £500. Adopting the limited portion of the Act, no overdraft is permitted, no monies are receivable, and so no banking account is necessary. By clause 106, it is provided that Councils not adopting the whole of the Act, all monies – the total revenue – is paid into a Public Account, and is operated upon by the Colonial Government. We have, therefore, the spectacle of an agreed-on overdraft to a body that is not entitled to draw a cheque, or give any security. By so hastily adopting the limited Act, the main roads, and bridges are under the maintenance or supervision of no one; and not until the next meeting in March can any provision be made for these public works. Let us hope that the clerk of the weather and railway authorities will take these matters into their serious consideration, and temper the floods and traffic to the shorn lamb. The more closely the Act is looked into the more crudely does it appear to have been framed, and it is apparent from the difficulties that stand in the way of putting it into operation, that it will have to be vastly amended next session of the General Assembly.
It will be remembered that one of the Ministerial statements last session of the General Assembly had reference to the dismissal of all Government native land commissioners. It was recognised that the time had come when it was necessary to introduce some important reforms in the methods employed in the alienation of the native title, and it was deemed
advisable to withdraw Government competition with private individuals in the acquisition of Maori lands. Beyond the completion of purchases then under negotiation it was understood that from henceforward the Government would take no steps to acquire the waste lands of the natives. It is true this concession was not made to Maori and European opinion until negotiations had been entered into for the purchase of enormous tracts of country, but the announcement of such an alteration being intended in the policy pursued with regard to the natives was acknowledged to be a step in the right direction. To satisfy the wants of the country something more, however, is required than the bare Ministerial statement to allow for the future free trade in native lands. To give to it any practical effect it is necessary to simplify the cumbrous machinery that has hedged around and preserved the native lands from purchase by private persons. So long as the Act of 1873 remains in force it is almost impossible to acquire an indisputable title to lands bought from the Maoris, and it is to this matter that the attention of the General Assembly should be directed next session. The question, however, to a very great extent rests with the natives themselves. If they are sincere in their desire to possess the rights and privileges British subjects enjoy over property they must individualise their titles. It is obvious that until this is done the difficulties in the way of free-trade in land must remain as great as ever. It is impossible to suppose that many colonists will go to the trouble and expense of obtaining the signatures of may be one or two hundred Maoris who, having established in the Court their claims to a block of land, are desirous of disposing of the property. Although the natives are fully aware of the advantages they derive from the alienation of their waste country to Europeans, they are curiously averse to undertake the trouble of settling their respective shares in lands they are willing to sell. In the face of such passive opposition to a system of free-trade the Legislature is almost helpless to increase the facilities for acquiring Maori lands.
SIR JULIUS VOGEL set a notable example to all future Ministries of New Zealand, by which it was seen with what perfect impunity the General Assembly could be treated with defiance. The present Government has not been slow to copy the model set by its predecessors. That to which we refer is only a small matter, but if allowed to pass unchallenged, it might lead to the supposition that it was competent for the Ministry to ignore the acts and intentions of the General Assembly in larger and more important concerns. It will be remembered that last session, the vote for the Waka Maori was struck off the estimates, and it was understood that from henceforward if that paper was published at all it would be a private venture. But the small amount of money placed on the estimates was regarded as necessary to the continued existence of the Waka, and it was stated that the act of striking the sum off the estimates would assuredly lead to its demise. As a matter of fact the Waka did die, but in its last number it expressed a hope or resurrection free from all Government patronage, by which it would be enabled to take its place as a political journal. By a recent mail from Wellington we received a copy of the revived Waka, bearing as of yore the Royal arms, and the Government imprint. We therefore are under the impression that it is being continued at the public expense, the authorities trusting to a subscription list to carry on the publication without having to ask the House for a subsidy.
The Clive Riding inquiry, that was held on Monday before the Resident Magistrate, is interesting to a far wider circle than that which bounds the County of Hawke’s Bay. It is not only of special interest to every defeated candidate for the representation of a riding in a County Council, but while it should serve as a lesson, it should also convey a censure, to the Government for having in such a slovenly manner left the inauguration of a new system of local administration to the devices of irresponsible persons. It was notorious that no legal opinion could be obtained by Returning Officers from the Government, and they were in consequence compelled to put their own interpretation on the several Acts which they were called upon suddenly to put into operation. The result was a wide diversity of opinion, and, until the judgment of the Resident Magistrate is obtained, that diversity will continue. It only requires now for the Government to be as reticent in its legal advice to Resident Magistrates as it has been to Returning Officers to exhibit as charming a variety of judgments in election inquiries as was observable in the methods of voting at the late County elections.
A CASE of considerable importance to country settlers arising out of the Fencing Acts in force in this province, was decided by the Resident Magistrate at Waipawa, on Tuesday last. It is well known that the fencing laws of nearly all the provinces are, in many respects, ultra vires, and could not be enforced if the person proceeded against were determined to carry his case to the Supreme Courts. To remedy this state of things, an Act was passed by the General Assembly, in 1874, called “The Provincial Fencing Laws Empowering Act, 1874.” This Act was purely permissive. Any Provincial Council might adopt the Act, and by altering its own law on the subject so as to make it work in with the legislation of the Assembly, could remove all the objections based on the overture of ultra vires, and give new and enlarged powers to the magistrates before whom fencing disputes are taken for settlement. In 1875, the Provincial Council of Hawke’s Bay passed an Act for the purpose of adopting the Assembly Act in this province. They failed, however, to amend their own fencing law by providing machinery to enable the adopted Act to be worked. The Provincial Lands Empowering Act is therefore a dead letter so far as Hawke’s Bay is concerned; and it was on this ground that the Resident Magistrate dismissed the case brought under its provisions at Waipawa. We do not know who is responsible, but the blunder is both serious and discreditable. It cannot be remedied until next session of the Assembly. Some representation on the subject ought to be made to the Government by the County authorities so as to ensure the necessary legislation in good time.
THE Hawke’s Bay Herald does not know which way the election is likely to go, but it wants to be on the winning side. The other day, our contemporary was confident that Mr. Stuart would be placed at the head of the poll; it now thinks that Mr. Sutton will be the successful man, and that there is not a ghost of a chance of either Mr. Tiffen or Mr. Rhodes getting in. Of Mr. Buchanan, the Herald maintains a discreet silence. We will give our contemporary “a tip.” There are five candidates, and about 1,180 electors. Of the latter, about 250 are dead or absent, and between two and three hundred more will not take the trouble to go to the poll. Therefore about 650 votes will be divided amongst the candidates, and the man who can confidently reckon on receiving 180, may sleep in peace, and dream of taking a sherry and bitters at Bellamy’s.
Mr. RHODES has issued his address to the electors of Napier, and publishes it in our advertising columns. Mr. Rhodes is confident he can be of some use to the electorate if he be placed in the seat made vacant by the death of Sir Donald McLean. He claims the votes of the electors on the grounds of having spent thirty-four years of his life in New Zealand, and of his past services as a public man in Napier. Mr Rhodes’ address is worth reading on account of it containing a bold expression of opinion, free from all clap-trap, and electioneering nonsense.
ELEVEN months ago there was a meeting held at Meanee [Meeanee] for the purpose of adopting measures for the preservation of the district from the encroachment of the Tutae-kure [Tutaekuri] river. His Honour the then Superintendant was present, as was also Capt. W. R. Russell, and besides these there were all the principal settlers of the country around. A disastrous flood had but recently devastated the districts and judging – not from previous experience – from the tone of the meeting, everyone present was resolved to assist in bringing into operation some Act whereby protection could be found against future over-flowings of the river. The first resolution was moved by Mr. H. Sladen, who expressed his gratifications at meeting so many of his fellow settlers all animated by the same desire to combat a common enemy. He moved, “That in order to prevent this district from further damages by the overflow of the Tutae-kuri river it should at once be brought under an Act of Parliament, wherein the necessary powers shall be given to levy a rate sufficient to provide the funds necessary for carrying out such works for its protection as competent engineers may decide upon.” The above resolution was carried without a dissentient voice. The result of that resolution was the Hawke’s Bay Rivers Act of last session, introduced by Mr. Ormond, which has been allowed to remain as inoperative as the Hawke’s Bay and Marlborough Conservation of Rivers Act of 1868. Mr. Ormond at the meeting almost predicted that such would be the case. He observed at the time that the Act of 1868 had been drafted with very great care, and had entirely embodied the wishes of the settlers. The Act gave full powers to a Board of Conservators to deal in any way the settlers might determine, and it defined the way in which the land should be rated. Although the Act was drawn in conformity with the wishes of the settlers, no action was taken upon it. In 1870, an Amendment Act was passed, which altered the provisions relating to rating, and provided that it should not come into force without the Superintendant moving the Governor to bring it into operation. There the matter ended until last year, when another measure was enacted, and which, like those that went before it, remains entirely in operative. The fact of the matter appears to be that the settlers of Meanee and Taradale are occasionally agitated by the fear of floods but as soon as the water subsides so soon does their anxiety cease. Taradale is now in far more peril than it ever was before, but as long as the river remains low, we need not expect to hear of any alarm being felt on the subject.
MR. R. STUART has retired from the contest for the representation of Napier in the General Assembly. In coming to this determination we think Mr. Stuart has made a considerable sacrifice for the good of the Borough. Had he been successful over the other candidates, he would have been compelled to have been absent from his Municipal duties for three or four months during the session, a consideration Mr. Stuart thinks should outweigh any personal desire to have represented Napier in the General Assembly that he might have entertained. Mr. Stuart has ever shown a sincere wish to serve the interests of the Borough, and in the course he has adopted, it is apparent that he is still actuated by the same motive.
THE Coroner’s Jury that sat on the body of the unfortunate woman Susan McMahon, who lost her life by being run over by a train, did not allow the verdict to pass without the addition of a rider. It would have been an extra-ordinary oversight indeed had the jury neglected to censure the railway authorities for allowing the line passing through the town to remain unfenced. The following was the rider attached to the verdict :- “This jury are of the opinion that the railway authorities deserve the severest censure that could be put on them for not fencing in that portion of the line between the White-road and the Royal Hotel.” But we go further than this, and say that the gross disregard for the lives and limbs of our fellow townsmen shown by the Public Works Department in leaving the line unprotected from the Spit to the end of White-road, is as disgraceful as it is cruel. In no other part of the colony do we believe is such a state of things to be found as an unfenced railway through the heart of a town. No one can see the number of children making use of the railway line as a playground without being surprised that fatal accidents are not of weekly occurrence. Nor is the risk of accident less great from the Royal Hotel to the Spit station, between which points a public road runs closely alongside the line, in many places allowing of no possible escape in the event of a train meeting a vehicle drawn by a timid horse. Now that one fatal accident has occurred perhaps the attention of the Public Works Department will be attracted to this subject.
JUDGE RICHMOND having returned to the colony, and having been assigned the central district, we may infer that His Honor’s health has been greatly improved by his visit to the old country. We trust at all events that he has come back with increased strength to devote his great abilities to the service of the colony. Napier being within the district assigned him, Judge Richmond’s return suggests the advisability of holding additional sessions here. Although neither the criminal nor civil business brought before the Napier sessions of the Supreme Court is ever very heavy, it would yet be advantageous for the prompt despatch of justice to hold more than two sittings in the twelve months. In the case of persons committed for trial, it may occur that a man has to suffer five months imprisonment on a charge that is proved afterwards wholly groundless. In civil cases the doubt and uncertainty arising from an unsettled dispute are often of serious consequence to litigants.
The Tangi for Sir Donald McLean.
The outward expression of grief for the death of an old friend, the national custom of the native race, known by the name tangi, took place on Thursday in the grounds surrounding the residence of the late Sir Donald McLean. About seven hundred Maoris, men, women, and children, from all parts of the province, had come into town on Tuesday last, to take part in the proceedings, which were to have taken place on Wednesday, but owing to the rain, had been postponed. On Thursday the Maoris who for the most part had discarded their European clothing, and appeared in costume seldom assumed outside their own kaingas, marched from their several encampments to the residence of the late Sir Donald. Here they were received by the Hon. J. D. Ormond, who welcomed them in a short address. In reply one of the chiefs said they did not purpose to weep outwardly; they had wept in their hearts, and now intended to give five volleys as the expression of their weeping.
A band of one hundred and fifty armed natives then stepped forward, the rest of the Maoris squatting down in a large circle, of which the house formed a segment. Five volleys of blank cartridge were then fired.
By noon the banks, and all the places of business were closed in town, and immense numbers of people proceeded to the tangi.
Tareha, Paora Kaiwhata, Wi Te Ota, Morena Hawea, Katene, Renata, Hamana, Waka Kawatini, Henare Matua, and Paora Ropeha, were the principle chiefs who spoke, each one in turn expressing his grief in feeling language. The burden of the speeches was “O! McLean, your work is done; you have gone, gone to your home.”
Mr. Ormond, Mr. Locke, and Mr. Douglas McLean then shortly addressed the natives.
When the speeches were concluded, enormous quantities of food were distributed amongst the natives, a table being spread on the lawn for the chiefs. There were provided eight hundred weight of meat and poultry, 200 loaves, five hundred weight of potatoes, three hundred weight of biscuits, and one hundred weight of cheese, besides fruit, and cartloads of lemonade.
At two o’clock a heavy rain storm drove most of the people home, and brought the proceedings, which were of an exceedingly interesting nature to a somewhat abrupt close.
A largely-attended meeting of the electors was held on Wednesday evening. G. Burton, Esq., in the chair.
The Chairman stated the object of the meeting to be the consideration of the question of a member in the House of Representatives, and to hear from one of the candidates, Mr. Sutton, his opinion upon public matters.
Mr. Sutton then addressed the meeting, giving some of his reasons for supporting the present Ministry; the principle reason being that the Ministry personally was a good one; that retrenchment had been initiated with no sparing hand; and that they had encouraged the settlement of the country by special settlements and otherwise. He referred to the addresses of the other candidates, and showed the electors what he considered their weak points. Mr. Tiffen’s he said, showed that he had no opinions of his own, but would vote as ordered. Mr. Rhodes, he noticed, had been thirty-four years in New Zealand; had been round the world; had held for many years a seat in the Executive, and held office as Deputy Superintendant; but it was only now we heard that he favoured the settlement of a yeoman class. He asked the electors to consider whether this new line of conduct was put on to meet the electors. Mr. Buchanan, not having issued his address, his speech at Waipawa, last year, was largely quoted from to show that, if returned, he would be on all important points in opposition to Mr. Ormond. He informed the meeting that he considered Mr. Buchanan’s return would be prejudicial to the best interests of the constituency.
The Chairman and several other electors having asked Mr. Dutton’s opinion upon several matters.
Mr. Cable moved, and Mr. Carter seconded, a vote of thanks to Mr. Sutton for having called the meeting and addressed them upon the question.
Mr. Sutton, in reply, thanked the meeting for their attendance, and for the large support he had received in the Wairoa District.
On Thursday afternoon Messrs Rhodes and Sutton addressed the Petane electors at Mr. Villers’ hotel. Mr. Torr was voted to the chair. At the conclusion of their speeches, a vote of thanks was given to both candidates. We must defer our full report until our next issue.
SIR, – In the absence of any political issues before the country, and in default of any material difference of opinion held by the several candidates for the representation of Napier on local or colonial questions, the forthcoming election is narrowed down so far as voters are concerned, to personal preference for the four gentlemen who are now before the people. Mr. Tiffen, of whom it may be said is in possession of no views on political matters whatever, having interested himself in the Little Pedlington questions of the day affecting church affairs, will probably get clerical support. Mr. Rhodes will get the votes of all he can influence by clap-trap tall-talk about yeomanry classes – classes which he never encouraged on his own extensive freeholds. Mr. Buchanan relies on his past career – a career remarkable for opposing anything and everything that emanated from all powers for the time being. Mr. Sutton’s strength is to be found in the honesty of his intentions, and the integrity of his actions. Let us see whether the electors will indorse the old adage – “Honesty is the best policy.” – I am, &c.,
Napier, January 18, 1877.
SIR, – In the Hawke’s Bay Herald of the 15th, there appears a letter signed “Old Identity,” for which, I am sure, a majority of the settlers will thank him. In the same paper there is a leading article referring to “Old Identity’s” letter. It strikes me the Herald has lost its pilot and guide lately, or it would not put forward Mr. Sutton as the member par excellence for Napier, to contest Mr. Sheehan’s influence in the House of Assembly. I ask the people of the province if they can realize the figure Mr. Sutton would appear opposed to Mr. Sheehan on native or any other matter; and Mr. Ormond, not having time to attend to native affairs, putting forward Mr. Sutton as an efficient ally to fight Mr. Sheehan and the repudiators. Sir, there are many, very many, of the most respectable people in the province who do not approve of all the acts of the repudiating party; and there are many who disapprove of the action taken by the party who succeeded in obtaining from the natives, with Mr. Sutton’s help, those valuable and beautiful plains, intended by nature and nature’s creator to be the granary of this province, and the home of thousands of industrious beings. The inhabitants of Napier and surrounding districts have cause to remember the time when Mr. Sutton went over to the Apostles and assisted them to obtain from the natives, the possession of those beautiful plains which should have been set aside for small farms. It may be in the recollection of many, that about the time Mr. Sutton went over to the Apostles, there was in the hands of the late Captain Carter a thousand pounds to be invested for the chief Tareha’s benefit. It was said it was not invested, but went to pay a debt due for goods supplied, consisting of such articles as the Maories at that time indulged in. Now Mr. Sutton before this time, did not stand in high estimation with the Apostles, and certainly not with the House of Assembly. Indeed, through the action taken towards the natives by a section of the inhabitants of Hawke’s Bay, they were spoken of as a people pauperising the natives by not very creditable means. To conclude, I will just imagine Mr. Sutton effectually counteracting Mr. Sheehan’s influence in the House on native matters by explaining the position he has placed the Government and the Supreme Court in by his purchase of the Omaranui Block, the possession of which the natives are defending by arms. I can believe Mr. Sheehan would like no better fun than to have Mr. Sutton before the House, and the editor to help him. Mr. Sutton effectually supporting Mr. Ormond is really very absurd. Will not Mr. Ormond, should he see the article in the Herald, say “save me from my friends.” – I am, &c.
January 16, 1877.
P.S. – I would ask is Mr. Sutton the Government candidate?
SIR – Towards none of the candidates such a bitter hatred is exhibited by the “Repudiation party” as is shown towards Mr. Sutton. No other man’s cause can that party espouse but that of Mr. Buchanan. It is he who is relied upon to back up Mr. Sheehan’s statements in the House concerning the land-ring transactions of Hawke’s Bay to which the Wananga is never weary of referring. Mr. Sutton is the bête noir of the Repudiationists, simply because he knows too much for them. Mr. Sheehan’s party is prepared to go considerable lengths to keep such a dangerous enemy out of the House. But, Sir, Hawke’s Bay knows that what brings down upon it the hostility of the Repudiationists is that which usually merits the support and confidence of the settlers. – I am, &c.,
Havelock, January 17, 1877.
SIR, – Would you call the attention of teachers and others to the fact that the Woodville School Committee are not at present in want of a teacher for the proposed school. We have had a number of teachers applying for the appointment, so that it seems that some one thinks that Woodville will shortly be a good place to live in. I believe that one teacher is going to set up on his own account, as he cannot get the Committee to work with him. Subscriptions are being promised freely, and I hope that the Woodville landowners living in Napier will not forget that Mr Charles Hamblin, of Napier, will be glad to receive the names to help us in this good work. I hope we shall shortly be able to commence to erect the school buildings as so many families will go up in March after the burn, that the school will be much needed. – I am, &c.
Secretary Woodville School Committee.
Waipawa, January 17, 1877.
SIR, – Mr Tiffen having been placed in the County Council by the voters of the Taradale and Meanee settlers, I think it would be but becoming on the part of that gentleman if he would favour his constituents with an expression of what he is pleased to term “his views.” We have never heard these views yet, and we are anxious to know what they are. It is generally thought here that he cannot tell us much we are not already acquainted with, but he may, perhaps, have something beneath his hat which it would be advantageous to have placed before us. I may add, that, unless he is prepared to expound his opinions on all the various Acts of the last session bearing on local government, he stands little chance of getting any other votes except those from electors who are under obligations to him. His best plan is to call a public meeting at Taradale. I am, &c.,
Meanee, January 18, 1877.
January 16, 1877.
The valuation lists for the current year for the various ridings in the Wairoa County are now lying open for inspection. I have taken the trouble to total the amounts up, with the following result: –
Mohaka Riding £2,721
Wairoa Town £1,931
Waikare Moana £6,414
Total £11,066
Of course, it must be understood that these amounts are liable to correction in the Assessment Court, and that there will be some rates, such as absentees, that can’t be got at for some time, so that we might look upon £10,000 as the annual rateable value. Most people seem to think the valuations are very low, and, I suppose, being the first time, they have been purposely made so. Mr. Carter deserves great kudos for doing what he has, in one week, without any official data to start on. He has prepared valuation rolls for a very large extent of country, viz. – from Tongoio [Tangoio] –to Mahia. As to giving universal satisfaction, it is an impossibility, and people will do well to bear in mind the difficulties that stood in the way of getting the affair done at all in the specified time.
From what I can gather re the forthcoming election for the seat rendered vacant by Sir Donald McLean’s death, Mr. Sutton appears to be the favourite hereabouts, but the County work has absorbed most of the superfluous electoral energy in this district. Any intending candidates would benefit themselves in the view of local electors if they would pay us a visit and explain their views. We would like to have a look at one, for that is all the benefit we are ever likely to derive from them. – verb. sap.
(Before Richmond Beetham, Esq., R.M.)
After we went to press yesterday, a charge made against Patrick Moroney for assaulting William John Hayte was heard. After some evidence had been taken on the part of the complainant, His Worship dismissed the case with costs, remarking that is[it]was evident that the case was a made up one.
John Smith, charged by Constable Smith with the above offence, having been locked up for twenty-four hours, and it being a first offence, was cautioned and dismissed.
George Hammond, a suspected lunatic, was remanded until tomorrow.
Bowes v. Arihi te Nahu. Claim £13 3s amount of a saddlery account. Mr. Lascelles, on behalf of defendant applied for an adjournment, which was granted until Friday, 19th instant, defendant paying plaintiff’s costs of the day, viz. 13s, and 3s Court fee for the adjournment.
Six other civil cases had been “settled out of Court.”
George Hammond, on remand for medical examination, was committed to the Lunatic Asylum, certificates of his lunacy having been furnished by Drs. Hitchings and Spencer.
John Murray, of Port Ahuriri, was brought up on information, charging him with unlawfully cutting and wounding himself with a razor, with intent, &c. No evidence offering in support of the charge, he was dismissed.
William Wilson, charged with obtaining four pounds five shillings in money, and goods of the value of £1 4s 4d, from Mrs. Limbrick, wife of W.T. Limbrick, by false pretences, with intent to cheat and defraud him of the same, was remanded until Thursday next.
(Before J. A. Smith, Esq., J.P.)
John Stanley was charged by Constable Harvey with having been drunk at Port Ahuriri yesterday, he admitted the fact, and it being a first offence, with no aggravating surroundings, he was let off with a caution.
An information by the police against one Henry Goldsmith for unlawfully deserting four children, was withdrawn.
Margoliouth v. Wilson (Poverty Bay.) – Claim of £55 5s 3d for commission, &c. Notice had been received that defendant had applied to have his evidence taken at Gisborne (under the provisions of “The Resident Magistrate’s Evidence Act, 1870.” The case was consequently adjourned.
John Myers was charged with having imbibed too much alcohol yesterday, and was fined 10s, with the usual alternative.
Wm. Bourke, an old man, was charged with being drunk at Port Ahuriri, and also with indecency. The apprehending constable having given his evidence, and stated that this was his second offence on a similar charge, His Worship fined the delinquent 10s, for being drunk, and seven days imprisonment for the other charge. He was then marched off.
This was a claim for £20 made by Mr. Hassell against Mr. Jessop, who had both formerly been in partnership as bottlers in Napier. Mr. Lee appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Lascelles for the defendant. The evidence showed that on the 28th of December the partnership was dissolved by mutual consent, the defendant giving a written guarantee that he would give the plaintiff £20 which he had placed in the business, and a share in the profits up to 1st of December,1876. The defendant had failed to pay the £20 as agreed, hence the action.
The Bench gave judgment for the plaintiff, with costs £3 11s.
This was all the business.
Richard Murphy, for the above offence, was fined 5s, with the usual alternative. The fine was paid.
William Wilson, alias Ford, against whom there are several charges of obtaining moneys and goods by false pretences, was brought up and further remanded until Monday, the 22nd inst.
Church of England Service will be held (D.V.) on Sunday next, the 21st instant, at St. Luke’s Church, Havelock, at 11 a.m.; at Hastings at half-past 3, and at St. Mark’s, Clive at 7 p.m.
January 12, 1877.
The valuator assisted by the Council staff is very busy in getting the valuation roll for the whole county completed by the 15th instant. In truth the hurry is extreme, but as the Act says it must be finished by that date, it seems that there is a necessity for it. Why a longer time was not allowed in the first place, seems hard to determine. To hold a first meeting on the 4th instant, appoint staff and have a roll made, and valuation struck in ten days time is too quick to be certain work. This is especially the case in a County like this, where there are no Road Board rolls or any other data available to start from. Our whole Council seems however to be throwing themselves into the work con amore, so that what they lose by inexperience they more than make up by energy. While on this subject, I would mention that, in reply to an application from this Council, the Government has allowed the Registry offices to be searched FREE by the Councils for the purpose of completing valuation rolls. On the subject of licences, some difference appears to exist between the promises of the General Government to the local bodies before the abolition of provinces came into force and their deeds afterwards. I allude more particularly to publicans’ licences for the sale of fermented or spirituous liquors – by “The Abolition of Provinces Act, 1875,” clause 14, such fees belong to the local bodies; by “The Financial Arrangements Act, 1875,” clause 23, such fees also belong to the Councils and Boroughs, and, at the same time, the General Government are collecting the same, and intend doing so. The Counties and Boroughs should take united action and secure this most important and lucrative portion of their revenue from being wrongly diverted from their funds. They will find that they want every fraction coming to them.
Two steamers, Manaia and Result, are lying here waiting for the surf to subside sufficiently to get out. The Fairy is expected on Saturday. Next Sunday there are excursions promised by the Fairy and Manaia to Mahia for the Regatta and Sports.
Last night there was a spelling-bee at the schoolhouse, but the bad weather precluded a large attendance.
The following amusing denial of the statement in the Herald respecting the influence brought to bear by the Repudiation office to prevent the Maoris attending Sir Donald McLean’s funeral appears in the last issue of the Wananga :-
A very important conversation upon the above matter took place between an old lady, from Pourerere, and the “Sairey Gamp” of the Herald on Tuesday last. We do not know whether the talk took place over a cup of the beverage “that cheers but not inebriates,” or whether, during the friendly discussion of small scandal, they drank their gin out of a teapot. In the latter case it would be interesting to know whether the Editor of the Herald was so far able to conquer his natural instinct as to drink fair. Judging from the maudlin tone of “Our Home Letter,” in the same number we should think not. To return however to the talk. One of the old ladies, with many significant nods and winks and shrugging of shoulders, told (in a whisper almost) to the Herald Editor how, on Sunday last “as ever was,” he had been told at Pourerere by a Maori who had heard it from another Maori that another Maori (No. 2) had arrived there from Patangata where he (Maori No. 3) had been told by another Maori (No. 4), who had heard it from another Maori (No. 5) that, it was said that the “Repudiation Party” had sent messengers to the inland Natives to warn them against coming in to Sir Donald McLean’s funeral.
The breathless attention with which the Herald’s “Sairey” listened to this “’orrible tale,” and the surprise with which she heard its thrilling conclusion, can be better imagined than described. As she herself remarks, “such facts speak for themselves; we make no comment.” We will, however. And first a word to the general public. The statement that any attempt was made to stop the Natives coming to Sir Donald McLean’s funeral is absolutely untrue. On the contrary, they were advised and encouraged to do so.
SIR, – Mr. Buchanan, who we are told is certain to go to the poll, has not yet issued his address. As he is known to be the only one of the five candidates before the constituency who is in distinctive opposition to the Government, or who alone entertains marked views upon any special subjects, it is singular that he has given the electors as yet no opportunity to pronounce upon his ideas. Catholic and other voters may fairly ask the views of candidates upon the Education question, Good Templars upon licensing and alcoholic questions generally. Other special interests and parties, (the working classes for instance), in the electoral district, are entitled to know something more about public affairs than is afforded by the electoral addresses at present before them, all of a remarkable sameness. As for the objection taken this morning by a “Napier Tradesman,” in the Herald that Mr. Buchanan, if elected, would not row in harmony with the other Napier representatives, one can only point out that it entirely begs the question whether it is desirable that the third representative (whosoever he be) should do so. – I am, &c.,
SIR – The time, thank God, has arrived that Napier shall be properly represented in Parliament. It is in our own power to do so. The opportunity is at hand. If we neglect it, the sin be on our own heads. We have able, energetic, and able men in Napier. Let us choose one from amongst them, and not allow ourselves to be bamboozled by every Tom, Jack, and Harry from a distance, who thinks himself qualified to foist himself upon us, and afterwards, for his own purposes leave us unrepresented. I will (D.V.) with your permission, Mr. Editor, return to this important subject. – I am, &c.,
Sir, – I have to-day heard doubts expressed as to whether His Worship the Mayor intends contesting the vacant seat for the House of Representatives. That he has as yet made no show in that direction leads me to believe that he will not offer his services. Mr. Stuart is a more valuable man in his present position, and this very fact, to my own knowledge, lost him not a few votes at the last election. I am inclined to think Mr. Stuart would best consult his own dignity and peace of mind by not entering upon the conflict. – I am, &c.,
January 12, 1877.
SIR, – There are now known to be five candidates in the field for the representation of this constituency in the General Assembly. The people of the Northern part of the district have hitherto almost voted to a man for every candidate nominated by the clique which has so long ruled Hawke’s Bay, in the full belief that the promises held out to them would be fulfilled. We were promised that steps should be taken to build a bridge across the harbour; we were promised that the state of our roads should receive attention; that bridges should be erected, &c. Yet not one single step has been taken to redeem those promises, but, on the other hand, our complaints have been treated with indifference, nay almost with contempt. We served their ends, and were like sucked oranges thrown aside. Another contest is approaching, and doubtless we shall have those promises renewed if we only vote for some Government candidate. But we have had our eyes opened, and we shall only be proved traitors to our own interests if we place any reliance or faith in them. Last election we voted for Captain Russell, in opposition to Mr. Stuart. How Captain Russell has sold and betrayed his trust is too well known for me to repeat here. Let us therefore turn over another leaf, and see whether by returning Mr. Buchanan, who is the only real Opposition candidate, whether we cannot have our wants attended to. He proved himself in the Provincial Council one who was not only thoroughly independent, but also one who ever looked carefully after and watched over the interests of those who elected him. He was always at his post of duty – was able to enunciate his own views and those of his constituents in clear and forcible language, and is therefore just the man we want at present. Besides, it must be remembered, that he has a stake in the Northland at Mahia – which he has over and over again refused to part with, and it would be to his interests to see the North progress equally with the South. I hope the electors will, therefore, give him their full support, and thereby show that they will no longer be gulled by the glittering baits and false promises of the old Government clique. – I am, &c.,
Petane, January 10, 1877.
SIR, – Allow me space to assure my old friends at Waipawa, how happy I would be to preach the evening sermon at their new Church to-morrow evening, if a previous engagement had not called me elsewhere.
The very kind letter of my friend Mr. Eccles, in which he urges me to preach for him one of the opening sermons, came too late. I have however, undertaken to preach for him at his new Church to-morrow week (Jan. 21st). – I am, &c.
Napier, 11, 1877.
SIR, – Both the Foresters and Oddfellows in their annual sports engage the services of a band. The consequence, of course, is that their festivities are a success. I see no reason why the Jockey Club should not do likewise. If they did so, I believe the annual meetings of the race club would be a greater success than they have been. If music have such powerful charms to soothe the savage breast, how much more must it have in wooing the presence of the lads and lasses of the surrounding district of the plains of Hawke’s Bay. Trusting that the Jockey Club will take the suggestion into favourable consideration. – I am, &c.
SIR, – The candidates and the electors appear to have taken time by the forelock, and are pushing canvassing business ahead before the writ has been issued for the election. Sundays and weekdays candidates seek the vote and interest of electors, and from present appearances the contest will be the keenest that has ever occurred in Napier. Candidates, however, need not set much store on promises held out to them at this early stage of the proceedings, nor, indeed, is much value at any time to be placed on the promise of a vote in these days of the ballot-box. To get rid of an importunate candidate it is easier to say, “Oh yes, I think you shall have my support,” than to leave the way open for further button-holding by giving a more indirect reply.
It is observable that two at least of the candidates rely on their long residence in Napier to secure support, and both Mr. Tiffen and Mr. Rhodes unhesitatingly in canvassing come up to an elector with a smile, and say, “We have known each other for so many years, I think I may reckon on your vote.” In most cases they reckon without their hosts. The longer those two gentlemen are known the less they are likely to receive political support. Mr. Rhodes, it is generally thought, is the Government man, and will doubtless secure the whole of Messrs. Watt Bros.’ interest. Mr. Tiffen is looked upon as Mr. Kinross’ nominee, and the chances of these two candidates being narrowed down to a competition between rival merchants puts the idea of success for either out of the question. To make it more absurd, it is only necessary for Messrs. Murray, Common, and Co. to put a man forward, or for Mr. W. Colenso to come out under the distinguished patronage of Messrs. Neal and Close.
Mr Buchanan appears to be practising the tactics of an old stager at electioneering; and through the persuasive eloquence of able agents, has secured support, or its promise, from quarters where outsiders would least expect it would come. Mr Buchanan’s chances are decidedly good, and none the less so through the virulence of the opposition shown him at previous elections. A man is not to be despised if he be thought worthy of every influence being exerted to keep him out of the General Assembly.
Mr. Sutton will probably, and most certainly should receive the Wairoa and Mohaka votes to a man. The northern settlers are under a debt of gratitude to him for the manner in which he advocated their interests against the opposition of Mr. Ormond, Messrs. Tiffen, Rhodes and Colenso. Mr. Sutton is also an essentially town man, and it is even now regretted that his retirement from business led him to decline the office of Mayor of Napier. Mr. Sutton will get all the votes that last year was secured by Mr. Stuart in town, and, probably, he will have to thank the electors on the polling day for having placed him at the head of the list.
As Mr. Stuart will most likely have the good sense to retire from the field, and so save himself the mortification of being beaten in the race by worse men, nothing need be said of him, or of his chances. – I am, &c.,
Napier, January 15 1877.
SIR – Allow me to inform “Napier Tradesman,” “Cockatoo,” and a “A Moderate Man,” of the Herald, (for all the letters are written by the same pen), that the settlers of the North have more reason to believe in the “indiscriminate pledges of Mr. Buchanan,” than they have in the party which he has so long supported, touted, and written for in his journal. Mr. Buchanan has never broken his election pledges. Can he say the same for those of the Government clique whom we have been foolish enough in former years to pin our political faith to and elect? – I am, &c.,
SIR, – I notice a paragraph in this morning’s Herald with reference to myself which is wholly incorrect. The following is the true version of the story: – About five months ago I leased a block of land known as the Tuhirangi, Moteo. At that time I paid twelve months rent in advance, and the natives drove Mr. Maney’s sheep then depasturing off, and gave me possession, which I held peaceably until Saturday last. On Saturday at 4.30 p.m., I saw some sheep being driven on the run by Mr. Maney’s shepherds. Having received no notice that sheep were going to be driven through my run, I asked the shepherds where they were taking them. Not being answered satisfactorily with the assistance of the natives from whom I leased my land, the sheep were driven off. On Sunday some natives came to place the sheep on again, but were prevented from doing so. On Monday morning, another attempt was made by about eighty natives and Mr. Maney’s shepherds. They were not influenced, as reported, by Renata Kawepo to take this action, but by money and liquor given to them by Europeans interested. Desirous of not creating a disturbance, I told the Moteo natives to remain quiet. My gates being locked and fences secure, I warned the approaching party not to break the gate. They, however, forced the gate off the hinges, and in doing so injured my hands. A body of natives armed with sticks and whips then rushed through the entrance, and forced us back, and drove the sheep on to my land.
The Herald states that Mr. Maney has taken out summonses against me in the Resident Magistrate’s Court; I trust this is correct. The public will then be able to judge as to who is right or wrong in the matter. – I am, &c.,
Napier, January 16, 1877.
Stock, Land Estate and General Commission Agent, Waipukurau.
Goods Stored and Forwarded.
Offices and Stores : Near the Railway Station.
The shop and Premises lately occupied by Edwin Carter, Clyde, Wairoa .
The above offers a rare opportunity for a person to combine the wholesale with the retail department. General business. Rent moderate.
Apply to : KINROSS & CO.
Or to E. CARTER,
Clyde, Wairoa.
Designs prepared from rough sketches. Plans colored or etched in first style.
Architect and Building Surveyor,
THE NEW BUFFALO HIDE FLOORCLOTH. – Durable, Tenacious, Flexible
Warm to the Feet, Impermeable to Damp, and Noiseless.
Our New Patterns in Tapestry and Brussel’s Carpets.
ROUTLEDGE, KENNEDY, & Co, will sell by auction at the Annual Ram Fair, to be held at the Society’s Grounds, Hastings, on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1st, 1877.
By order of Colonel Whitmore, The Grange. Particulars in a day or two.
By order of Messrs F. and W. Nelson – 60 2-tooth Lincoln Rams, by imported Rams.
10 4-tooth Lincoln Rams by imported Rams. The well known quality of the Messrs Nelson’s flock require no comment.
By order of Thomas Tanner, Esq., Riversden – 120 pure Lincoln two-tooth Rams, bred from his celebrated flock. One Pen pure Lincoln Rams, aged, bred by T. P. Russell, Esq., and formerly used in Mr. Tanner’s flock. One Pen pure Lincoln Ram Lambs, selected from Mr. Tanner’s flock.
By order of James Collins, Esq., Patangata – 80 2-tooth Lincoln Rams, by Kirkham Rams, imported by M. Smith, Esq., out of carefully selected ewes by Kirkam Rams imported by M. Hill, Esq.
By order of J. N. Williams, Esq., Frimley – Particulars in a few days.
By order of John Bennett, Esq. – 40 2-tooth Lincoln Rams by imported Ram;
1 Imported Ram, Kirkham; 1 Imported Ewe.
By Order of Hugh Duff, Esq. – 40 2-tooth Rams, by one of New Zealand Company’s Prize Rams
By order of A. Shrimpton, Esq., – 80 Lincoln Rams, bred by the Australian and N.Z. Land Company.
By order of Messrs J. And W. Parsons, 40 2-tooth Lincoln Rams.
OWING to the many Race Meetings held at the present season of the year, the Committee authorised to get up the Annual Races at Patangata, has agreed to POSTPONE the Races until MONDAY (St. Patrick’s Day), the 17th of March. Further particulars will appear in a future advertisement.
TAKE NOTICE, the Valuation List for the above district is now open for inspection at Mr. R. McKnight’s, Waipukurau. All objections thereto must be left at the Schoolhouse, Norsewood, on or before the 15th day of February, addressed to the Assessment Court; and a copy of every such objection must be left at Mr. McKnight’s, not less than seven days before the next sitting of the said Court.
The Valuation List is now open for inspection at the Schoolhouse, Hastings. All objections thereto must be left at the Resident Magistrate’s Court, Napier, on or before the 15th day of February, addressed to the Assessment Court, and a copy of such objection must be left at the residence of Mr. J. McLeod, Schoolmaster, Hastings, not less than seven days before the next sitting of the said Court.
IT is hereby notified that Mr. L.B. Horrocks has been appointed Collector to the Board, and all rates are now due and payable to him at his Store, Woodville.
Chairman Highway Board.
TAKE NOTICE, the Valuation List for the West Woodville Highway District for the year 1877, is now open for inspection at Monteith and Fountaine’s Store, Woodville. All objections thereto must be left on or before the 15th day of February, addressed to the Assessment Court, and a copy of every such objection must be left at Monteith and Fountaine’s Store, Woodville, not less than seven days before the sitting of the next Court.
Chairman West Woodville Highway Board.
THE Valuation List is now to be seen at Mr. Vaughan’s Hotel, Meanee. All objections thereto must be left at the Resident Magistrate’s Court, Napier, on or before 15th day of February, addressed to the Assessment Court; and a copy of every such objection must be left at Mr. Vaughan’s addressed to the Chairman of the Road Board, not less than seven days before the next sitting of the said Court.
TAKE NOTICE the Valuation List for Te Mata District, for the year 1877, is now open for inspection at Te Mata. All objections thereto must be left on or before the 15th day of February, 1877, addressed to the Assessment Court, and a copy of the said objection must be left at my house, Te Mata, not less than seven days before the next sitting of the said Court, addressed to the Road Board, Te Mata District.
THE Valuation List is now open for inspection at Mr. Caulton’s Hotel, West Clive. All objections thereto must be left at the Resident’s Magistrate’s Court, Napier, on or before the 15th day of February, addressed to the Assessment Court; and a copy of every such objection must be left at my house, not less than seven days before the next sitting of the said Court.
TAKE NOTICE, the Valuation List for the Waipukurau Road Board for the year 1877 is now open for inspection at Henry Monteith’s Office, Waipukurau. All objections thereto must be left at the R.M. Court, Waipawa, on or before the 15th day of February, addressed to the Assessment Court, and a copy of every such objection must be left at the Collector’s (H. Monteith’s Office) not less than seven days before the next sitting of the said Court.
Collector and Valuer.
70,000 ACRES Freehold Crown Grant, and 20,000 acres Leasehold, with 50,000 Sheep, 250 Cattle, 45 Horses. The Homestead of this property is about 20 miles from Napier; 25,000 acres have been already surface sown, the soil is rich, limestone formation, hills and downs, well watered, rapidly increasing in carrying capacity, and the whole divided into eight great divisions by 107 miles of fencing, and 75 miles good natural boundaries, rivers and creeks, numerous paddocks, and yards, two woolsheds and every improvement for working the Station, about 55,000 acres fit for Agriculture, suitable for cutting up into small properties. This Estate is to be disposed of solely on account of dissolution of partnership.
7,000 acres Freehold, Crown Grant, 24 miles from Napier.
23,000 acres Leasehold, 18 years to run, low rent, with 9,000 sheep, 40 head Cattle, Horses, Bullocks, &c. Good home improvements, and 2,000 acres fenced into paddocks: the whole will take grass seed readily, is well watered, and easy access from town.
140 acres Rich Land, highly improved, 8 miles from Napier.
416 acres Rich Land, richly grassed, 8 miles from Napier.
613 acres Rich Land, richly grassed, 8 miles from Napier.
11,000 acres Freehold, Crown Grant , with 2,000 acres Leasehold, excellent pastoral lands, 40 miles from Napier, well bounded, over 30 miles fencing, 25 paddocks, good houses, woolshed, and all necessary improvements, with 10,000 sheep, few Cattle and Horses.
3,920 acres Freehold, rich pastoral land, Wairoa, with 800 Sheep, and 100 head Cattle.
900 acres Freehold, Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa.
3,000 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved.
1,220 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved.
400 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved.
2,500 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved, with 2,000 sheep and 250 head Cattle.
376 acres Freehold, with 9,740 acres Leasehold, Crown, and 800 sheep, few improvements, 50 miles from Napier; cheap.
4,200 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Poverty Bay.
220 acres Freehold, Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Poverty Bay.
30,000 acres Leasehold Pastoral Land, Poverty Bay, with 800 sheep and 200 head Cattle.
11,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, Poverty Bay, with 3,000 sheep and few Cattle.
1,600 acres Leasehold, half interest, Poverty Bay.
14,000 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa [Tolaga] Bay.
8,800 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa Bay, with 3,000 sheep and good improvements.
1,100 acres Freehold, rich land, Opotiki, with 1,000 Sheep, and all necessary improvements.
33,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 26 miles from Napier.
150,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 30 miles from Napier with 10,000 sheep, exclusive of Lambs.
55,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 70 miles from Napier, with 5,000 Sheep and 50 head Cattle.
9,000 acres Freehold, Agricultural and Pastoral, Seaboard, with 14,000 acres Leasehold, valuable improvements and 15,000 Sheep, few Cattle, Horses, &c.
1,639 acres Freehold, near Greytown, with 1,040 acres Leasehold, all fenced and subdivided, and 5,000 longwool Sheep, 120 Cattle, few horses and every improvement necessary. The coach road passes through the property.
273 acres Freehold Farm, near Sandon, fenced and well grassed.
Stock and Station Agent.
MESRRS. MURRAY, COMMON & Co., are prepared to buy for Cash, or make advances against the same if consigned to them for sale and returns to London or other foreign market.
January 10, 1877.
6,000 2, 4, AND 6 tooth Merino Ewes, in lots of not less than 1500
3,000 Fresh 8 tooth Merino Ewes.
Has instructed to sell by auction, at the Ram Fair to be held at Hastings on Thursday, February 1, the undermentioned Stock: –
50 Pure Lincoln Two-tooth Rams
50 Pure Lincoln Four-tooth Rams
50 Pure Lincoln Two-tooth Ewes
(Bred by Joseph May, Esq., Auckland.
50 Pure Lincoln Two-tooth Rams (bred by Major Jackson and Thomas Russell, Auckland)
30 Pure Lincoln Two and Four-tooth Rams (bred by P. C. Thekeld, Esq., Canterbury).
30 Pure Lincoln Two-tooth (bred by Messrs. Sutton, Southland.)
10 Pure Lincoln Six and Eight-tooth (bred by Messrs. F. And W. Nelson.)
2 Pure Lincoln Six-tooth (bred by Mr. John Turner, Lincolnshire.)
4 Pure Lincoln Six and Eight-tooth (imported by Melville Smith Esq.)
And several other lots, detailed particulars not to hand.
5 Pure Merino Two-tooth Rams, as sample bred by Hon. R. Stokes, Milbourne.
3 Rams, bred by Philip Smith Esq., Ross, two of their dams prize-takers at Richmond, 1875; by brother of Sir Thomas (mother’s side); bred by James Gibson, Esq.
4 Rams by ditto, out of picked ewes, bred by R. J. Kermode, Esq.
3 Rams, out of ewes bred by G. Pulley, Esq., dams by Kermode’s rams, out of Austrian ewes, imported by R. T. Allwright, Esq.
The whole of the above are 18 months old.
NOTE – Breeders intending to consign their stock to be sold by the Undersigned at the Fair, will kindly forward particulars early for catalogue.
Stock and Station Agent, Auctioneer.
FOR SALE, the Goodwill of Lease (about 10 years to run) of 12 acres of Land immediately adjoining the Railway Station, Farndon, divided into three Paddocks richly grassed, and a well stocked garden and orchard, artesian well, &c. ; together with a neat and comfortable Dwelling-house, detached Kitchen, Stable, Coach-shed, &c., the property of Duncan McDougall, Esq., who is about to leave this district. Possession can be given end of January.
Mr. McDougall has spared no expense in internal arrangements of the house to make it comfortable. The whole of the furniture may be taken at a valuation, and two quiet milk cows now in use, a thoroughly staunch, well-broken harness mare and double buggy, can also be sold along with the property. Also, a small standing crop of Oats.
This very desirable residence presents an opportunity for a family wishing to reside near town, and yet to have the convenience of the country, rarely offered. The price very moderate.
For further particulars, apply to M. R. MILLER.
5,000 ACRES excellent Pastoral Land, 18 miles from Napier on the Sea Board. The Country is well grassed and watered, capable of carrying now 5,000 sheep; good yards and paddocks, &c. Low Rental.
2,000 Sheep will be delivered with the run.
Price Moderate – Terms easy.
For further particulars apply to
20 TONS 200lb. Silk dressed Dunedin Flour.
20 bags, 50lb, Silk dressed Dunedin Flour.
5 sacks Oatmeal, Dunedin, new.
204 bags Bran, Dunedin, new.
484 bags Feed and Seed Oats.
Apply to
Watches! Watches! Watches!
DRAWS special attention to his Magnificent Stock of WATCHES, just received direct from English and American Manufacturers, and made Specially to Order, which, for Excellence and Cheapness are unequalled in the colony.
All Watches sold at this establishment are thoroughly regulated and put in working condition before leaving the premises, and Guaranteed.
“By a through knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” – See in the Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk.
Sold only in pockets (tins for abroad), labelled: –
HOLLOWAY‘S PILLS AND OINTMENT. I most respectfully take leave to call the attention of the inhabitants of Australasia to the fact that Messrs. Henry Curran and Co., Wholesale Druggists, of New York, have agencies in various parts, and that their Travellers are going all over the country vending spurious Imitations of my Pills and Ointment, which they make in New York, and which bear in some instances their trade mark thus
Whilst on other labels of this trash it is omitted , the better to deceive you, but the words ‘New York’ are retained. Much of this fictitious stuff is sold in the Auction Rooms of Sydney and elsewhere, and readily finds its way into the back settlements. These are vile frauds, as I do not allow my medicines even to be sold in any part of the United States; they are only made by me at 533, Oxford Street, London.
The same people are circulating a report that my business is about to be formed into a Company which is UTTERLY FALSE.
I most earnestly appeal to that sense of British justice which I feel sure I may venture upon asking my kind countrymen and countrywomen in their distant homes, to assist me, as far as may lay in their power, in denouncing this shameful American Fraud, by cautioning their friends lest they he duped into buying villainous compounds styled “Holloways Pills and Ointment” with any New York label thereon.
Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, with the words “HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT, LONDON.” engraved thereon. On the labels is the address, 533 Oxford street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
LONDON, Feb. 15, 1796
This is an entirely new and superior description, and shows an immense saving as compared with old sorts, a mile of five wires weighing only 10 cwt., versus 17 cwt. No. 8 ordinary Wire. Purchasers particularly note that the SAMSON WIRE is slightly oval in shape, to distinguish it. Each coil has a brass padlock tally and a tin tally stamped “Patent Oval Samson Wire.”
Manufactured by the Whitecross Wire Co., Warrington, and may be procured through any Merchant, Ironmonger, or Storekeeper.
Multitudes of people are hopelessly suffering from Debility, Nervous and Liver Complaints, Depression of Spirits, Hypochondria,Timidity, Indigestion, Failure of Hearing, Sight, and Memory, Lassitude, Want of Power, &c., whose cases admit of a permanent cure by the new remedy PHOSPHODYNE (Oxonic Oxygen), which at once allays all irritation and excitement, imparts new energy and life to the enfeebled constitution, and rapidly cures every stage of these hitherto incurable and distressing maladies. Sold by all Chemists and Druggists throughout the Globe.
CAUTION – The large and increasing demand for Dr Bright’s Phosphodene has led to several imitations under somewhat similar names; purchasers of this medicine should therefore be careful to observe that each case bears the Government Stamp, with the words Dr. Bright‘s Phosphodyne engraved thereon, and that the same words are also blown in the bottle.
Persons suffering from weak or debilitated constitutions will discover that by the use of this wonderful medicine there is “Health for all.” The blood is the fountain of life, and its purity can be maintained by the use of these pills.
in his work entitled “The Nile Tributaries in Abbyssinia,” says, “I ordered the dragoman Mahomet to inform the Fakey that I was a Doctor, and that I had the best medicines at the service of the sick, with advice gratis. In a short time I had many applicants, to whom I served out a quantity of Holloway’s Pills. These are most useful to an explorer, as possessing unmistakable purgative properties they create an undeniable effect upon the patient, which satisfies him of their value.”
Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment. I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse feed poured in upon us until at last a teaspoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
On the Label in the address, 533, Oxford-street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
With a “New York” Label.
and at
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted in English, Continental, and American Newspapers, Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines, Books, and Stationery supplied with accuracy and punctuality, and at the lowest prices.
Proprietors of Newspapers furnished with Paper, Ink, and every requisite connected with the printing business.
Indents through the Sydney and Melbourne houses, and Commissions executed quickly and economically generally.
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser
Standing Advertisements for Three, Six or Twelve Months can be arranged for at a Liberal discount.
Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original order) must be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager.
T. MEEHAN, Port Ahuriri
£ s d.
Per Quarter, if paid in advance 0 6 6
Per Quarter, if booked 0 7 6
Per Annum, if paid in advance. 1 6 0
Per Annum, if booked 1 10 0
Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
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