say, the whole inhabitants of the county, I have been requested to convey their deep sympathy with you in this your great affliction, as a slight token of the esteem and reverence they bear the memory of one so devoted to the public welfare as the late Sir Donald McLean. – I have, &c., GEORGE BURTON, Chairman, Wairoa County Council. – Douglas McLean, Esq., Napier.”
“Napier, January 24, 1877 Sir, – Other members of the family of the lamented Sir Donald McLean unite with me in desiring that you would convey to the members of the Wairoa County Council and the inhabitants of the county our earnest acknowledgements of their deep sympathy, and of the token of the esteem and reveration in which the memory of my father is held by them, expressed in your letter of the 18th instant. – I have, &c – DOUGLAS McLEAN, – Geo. Burton, Esq., Chairman, Wairoa County Council.”
At an adjourned meeting of the above, held on the 2nd February, the following Councillors were present: – Crs Burton (in the chair), Flint, Parker, and Smyth.
A letter was read from the Clerk stating that, according to instructions, he had provisionally accepted a contract with J. Hawkins for leasing the Mohaka Ferry for five months ending June 30, 1877, for a bonus of £3 payable at the expiration of that term. On the proposition of Cr Smyth, this contract was accepted.
A sum of £12 was placed on the Council estimates for the construction of a punt for Waihira Ferry, conditionally, that the present ferryman agree to work same for the ensuing twelve months without subsidy at the weekly tariff.
On the motion of Cr Smyth, seconded by Cr Flint, the DAILY TELEGRAPH was appointed as the medium for the Council notifications according to terms offered by the Manager, viz., at same rates as Government advertisements.
The subsidy for the Mohaka Ferry for the past month was also passed.
Major Richardson and Mr Ormond having accepted the office of Returning Officers for the Waikaremoana and for the Wairoa Town Ridings, their appointments were, on the motion of Cr Flint, confirmed.
It was then carried that tenders be at once called for the erection of the bridge over the Awatere Creek as a convenience to the travelling public.
Twenty pounds was also placed on the Council estimates for the repairs of small culverts, bridges, &c., and the Chairman received discretionary powers for the expenditure of same.
The conditions and specifications for leasing the Wairoa Ferry having been read to the Council, the same was confirmed, and the Council then adjourned until 7 p.m., on Monday, the 5th February.
RAM FAIR, Mr M. R. Miller’s sales : – Pure Lincoln rams, two and four-tooth, bred by Mr Joseph May, Auckland: 5 Hill, £8 5s; 5 Ramsay, £8 10s; 5 Hill, £10; 5 Ramsay, £10; 5 Hill, £9 10s; 5 Knight, £10; 5 Knight, £9 10s; 5 Knight, £12; 5 Knight, £12; 5 Hill, £10; 5 Hill, £7 10s; 5 Hill, £9 10s; 5 Newman, £9; 5 Newman, £7; 4 Chambers, £9 10s. Pure Lincoln ewes, two- tooth, bred by Mr Joseph May: 10 Collins, £8 10s; 10 Todd, £7 10s; 5 Todd, £5 15s; 5 Averson, £5 10s; 15 Chambers, £5 5s. Pure Lincoln rams, two-tooth, bred by Major Jackson and Mr Thomas Russell, of Auckland: 5 Sydney Johnston, £5 10s; 5 Lawrence, £12 10s; 5 Bridge, £13; 5 Lawrence, £16; 5 Sydney Johnston, £9; 5 Sydney Johnston, £7 10s; 4 Bridge, £10 10s. Pure Lincoln two-tooth rams, bred by Messrs Coleman and McHardy, got by rams selected in England by Mr Coleman: 5 Cable, £2; 25 Cable, £2 5s. Coleman and McHardy’s four-tooth rams: 5 Ramsay, £3 ; 5 Chambers, £3. Pure Lincoln two-tooth rams, bred by Mr P. C. Threlkeld, of Canterbury, from imported rams: 5 Hill, £15; 5 Mackersey, £9; 5 Chambers, £6 10s; 5 Bridge, £8 5s; 5 Rathbone, £7 5s; 5 Rathbone, £11; 5 Averson, £9; 5 Newman, £7 10s. Pure Lincoln two and four-tooth rams, bred by Mr. W. Marcroft, of Canterbury, by imported rams: 5 D. McDonald, £4; 5 Mason, £3 ; 5 Mason, £3; 5 Stokes, £3 3s; 5 Stokes, £4; 4 Mason, £5 5s. Pure Lincoln rams, two-tooth, bred by W. H. Sladen, by imported rams: 5 Chambers, £5; 6 Stokes, £5; 5 Stokes, £4 5s; 5 Chambers, £3 10; 5 Major Bell, £3 10s; 5 Major Bell, £3 5s; 5 J. Orr, £3 5s; 5 Major Bell, £3; 5 Major Bell, £3; 5 Chambers, £3 5s ; 5 Chambers, £3 5s; 4 Chambers, £3. Pure Lincoln ewes, bred by Mr Sladen, specially selected: 5 Chambers, £2 2s; 11 Tuke, £2 5s; 5 Tuke, £2 2s; 10 McKenzie, £2 2s; 10 Cable, £2 5s. Pure Lincoln rams, aged, bred by Mr Threlkeld: 2 Merritt, £2 5s. Pure Lincoln two-tooth rams, bred by Mr P. Dolbel, by imported Dudding rams: 5 Bullock, 35s; 5 Clark, 35s; 10 Boyle, 30s. Pure merino rams, imported from England from the well-known “George 1V.” flock : 1 Allan McLean, £12; 1 Kinross, £14. Merino rams, bred by Mr P. Smith, Ross, by brother of Sir Thomas (mother’s side); 3 Walker, £4 10s. Merino rams, bred by Mr R. J. Kermode; 3 Troutbeck, £3 10s. Merino rams, out of ewes, bred by Mr G. Palley : 3 Troutbeck, £3 10s.
Messrs Routledge, Kennedy, and Co’s Sales : – Stud rams, by order Colonel Whitmore: 6 Chambers, £3 3s; 5 Boyle, £3 5s; 11 Boyle, £3; 3 Cable, £2 15s; 6 Boyle, £3 5s; 7 Boyle, £4. Ram lambs: 10 Boyd, £2 2s; 11 Chambers, £2 2s. Pure Lincoln rams, two-tooth and four-tooth, by order of Messrs F. and W. Nelson: 1 J.N. William [Williams], £7 10s; 1 Newman, £5 15s; 4 Beamish, £6; 4 Shrimpton, £3 5s; 4 Chambers, £3 10; 4 Newman, £3 5s; 4 Chambers, £3 10; 4 Beamish, £3 15s; 4 Newman, £3; 4 Sydney Johnston, £4 15s; 4 Newman, £3; 4 Beamish, £4; 4 Newman, £4. Pure Lincoln rams sold on account of Mr Thomas Tanner: 4 aged, Orr, £1 10s; 5 aged, Walker, £1 7s 6d; 5 two-tooth, Beamish, £6 5s; 2 Sydney Johnson, £12; 2 Sydney Johnston, £10; 6 Sydney Johnston, £4; 10 Sydney Johnston, £4 15; 10 Sydney Johnston, £5 5s; 10 Newman £5 ; 5 ram lambs, Sydney Johnston, £2 10s; 9 H. R. Russell, £2 7s 6d; 10 C. Clark, £2 17s 6d; 10 two-tooth rams, Chambers, £2 10s; 5 Beamish, £2 5s; 14 Twigg, £2 10s; 5 Chambers, £2 10s. Pure Lincoln rams, two-tooth, sold by order of Mr James Collins, Patangata: 2 Herbert, £12; 2 Herbert, £11 10s; 6 Beamish, £6; 5 Chambers, £5 5s; 5 S. Johnston, £4 10s; 16 Saxby, £4; 6 Saxby, £3; 10 Major Bell, £3 5s; 10 A. McLean, £3 5s; 10 Major Bell, £3 10s; 4 Mason, £5 5s; 5 Major Bell, £4. Pure Lincoln rams, two-tooth, sold by order of Hugh Duff: 20 Lyons, £2. Pure Lincoln rams, two-tooth, sold by order of Messrs Rich and Shrimpton: 30 Seed, £2. Pure Lincoln rams, sold by order of T. and W. Parsons; 4 Bulloch, £1 2; 4 D. Fleming, £3 5s; 3 Bulloch, £1. Pure merino rams, two-tooth, sold by order of Messrs Rich and Shrimpton; 30 Hassell £3. Pure Lincoln rams, sold by order of Mr. R. Wellwood; 2 six-tooth, Galbraith, £2; 1 four-tooth, Sutton ram, Elliot, £50; 1 four-tooth Collins ram, £10. Pure-bred cow “ Fairy,” bred in Canterbury by Mr Fantham; Allan McLean, £66. Bull calf, out of “Fairy,” by “Earl of Derby:” Allan McLean, £30.
JANUARY, 1877.
DURING the past month a large amount of business has been effected in store cross-bred wedders, though prices demanded and obtained are high compared with those likely to be realised from the same class when fat. The abundance of feed hitherto, and the assuring news of the wool market has combined to maintain prices, except in merino wedders; buyers are most reluctant to invest in this description at the prices demanded. For all descriptions of ewes the demand is active, and prices for crossbreds, though not ruling so high as last year, are still satisfactory. For merinos, young ages or fresh 8-tooth, enquiries are much in excess of the numbers offered for sale. There is a fair field here for importation of this description of sheep from the South Island, where prices of young ages are quoted at 5s to 7s. A few cargoes of well bred merino would be to the great advantage of the province. Fat sheep remain at former quotations. Boiling down is being largely availed of. There is no great change to report in the cattle market, prices for steers have slightly receded, but good female stock are in demand, and maintain good prices. Quotations for stock are, for,
CATTLE. – Fat, 22s 6d to 25s per 100lbs, plentiful. Stores, mixed ages and sexes, £4 10s to £4 15s; though I sold privately a small station lot of a superior class at £6 10s average. For individual ages steers may be quoted easier at 1, 2, 3, and 4 years old, £3 5s, £5 5s, £6 5s, and £7 5s. Female stock, same, firm at £2 15s to £6 15s. Dairy cows, £9 to £12 each.
SHEEP. – Fat merino wedders, prime, 7s to 8s; plentiful store ditto, very few transactions; for 4 and 6-tooth, 6s 6d to 7s; and fresh 8-tooth, 5s to 5s 6d is demanded. There are no buyers for aged. Crossbred fat, rule from 10s 6d to 13s; the latter for heavy weights. Stores, 2 and 4-tooth firm at 8s to 8s 6d; 6 and 8-tooth, 7s to 8s. In ewes, merino, 2 and 4-tooth, none in market; 4, 6, and 8-tooth I have sold at 8s, fresh 8-tooth are readily available at 5s to 6s each, at which sales I have placed large numbers; sound culls, aged at 3s to 3s 6d; cross-bred, 2-tooth, 10s to 11s; 4, 6, and 8-tooth, 8s to 9s; culls, mixed ages, 5s to 6s 6d; lambs, cross-bred, 18s per pair.
HORSE STOCK. – Medium draught continue saleable at L30 to L35; heavy ditto, L50 to L65; weight carrying hacks, scarce, L25 to L30; serviceable hacks, L10 to L15; light weedy stock too plentiful, prices nominal. I have placed Mr Allan McLean’s thoroughbred sire “Kingfisher” with Mr D. McDougall, now of Wairarapa, for 400 guineas, with right to purchase after two seasons. I have much pleasure in calling attention to the advertised sale of thoroughbred horse stock, particulars annexed, the property of Messrs Watt and Farmer, to be sold at Hastings, on 24th February, being the Saturday immediately following the Races.
STATION PROPERTIES. – I have only closed two small properties during the past month, viz., Mr D.P. Balfour’s “Mohaka” run, 376 acres freehold and 9740 leasehold, with 800 sheep, for L1750, to Mr H. Smith. This run is now capable of carrying 3000 sheep. I have also sold Mr John McKinnon’s Arapawanui [Aropaoanui] leasehold, on the coast, 5000 acres, with 2000 mixed sheep, for L2500 cash, to Mr Edward Towgood, the owner of the adjoining property. There are several other properties in negotiation. On the other side will be found particulars of Mr McHardy’s Pakowhai Estate, which I am instructed to sell by auction in three portions on 26th February. This is undoubtedly the richest fattening country in the colonies. I also offer for sale at same time several sections at Wairoa, and a butchering business and small property at Havelock.
WOOL. – The home market during the past two months has remained fairly steady, and prices show no change. It is just possible that there may be a slightly unfavorable fluctuation at the opening of this month’s auctions, but the state of trade generally seems to warrant the continuance of a steady demand, at prices little below those ruling in November last. The figures then realised, as shown by returns already to hand, prove that the rise during the latter part of 1876 has been fully shared by Hawke’s Bay wools, and it is eminently satisfactory to find that some of the very highest ruling prices have been paid for clips from this province. Should the political atmosphere in Europe remain undisturbed, there is at present no apparent cause to fear any serious depreciation in the article.’
February 1.
Annual Ram Fair held this day has been alike satisfactory to both breeders and buyers, though very few extra class were offered or exchanged hands. The supply of good well-bred stock for general breeding purposes was rather under than over the demand; and with the exception of one or two pens on starting the various lots, the prices were fully up to expectation. There were as usual several inferior lots that buyers had to be content with when the best sheep were gone, but as there were more of this class than wanted, prices ruled accordingly. My sales of Lincoln rams 2-tooth, of Joseph May, Esq., Auckland, were pen of 5, to Mr Hill, at £7 10s; 5, each £8 5s; 10 each, £9 15s; 4 each, £10; to Messrs Russell Bros., 5 each, £8 10s; 5 each, £10; to Mr Knight, 4 each £10; 5 each, L10 10s; 10 each, L12; to Mr Newman, 5 each, L7; 5 each, L9; to Mr Chambers, 5 each, L9 10s. Two-tooth ewes, J, May, Esq.; to Mr Chambers 15, each L5 5s; to Mr Aveson 5, each L5 10s; Mr Todd 5, each L5 15s; 10, each L7 10; Mr Collins 5, each L8 10s. Rams, 2-tooth Jackson and Russell, Auckland; 10 Mr S. Johnson; 5, each L5 10s; 5, each L7 10; and 5, each L9 ; to Mr Bridge 4, each L10 10s; 5, each L13s; to Mr Lawrence 5, each L12 10s; 5, each L16. Rams, 2-tooth instructed by Messrs Coleman and McHardy, bred by Mr Thos. Tanner 25, each £2 5s, to Mr Cable; 20, each £3, to Messrs Russell Bros.; 5, each £3, to Mr Chambers, Rams: 2-tooth, P. C. Threkeld, Esq., Canterbury, 5 each £6 10s, W. Chambers; 5, each £7 5s, and 5, each £11, Mr Rathbone; 6, each £7 10s, Mr Newman; 5, each £8 6s, Mr Bridge ; 5, each £9, Mr Avison ; 5, each £9, Mr Mackersey; 5, each £14 to Mr Hill. Rams, 2 and 4 tooth, Mr Marcroft, Canterbury: 9, each £3, and 4, each £5 5s, Mr Mason; 5, each £3 3s, and 5, each £4, Hon, R. Stokes ; 5, each £4, Mr McDonald. Rams, 2-tooth, H. Sladen, Esq ,: 4, each £3, 10, each L3 5s, 5, each L3 10s and 5, each L5, Mr Chambers ; 10, each L3 5, each L3 5s, and 5, each L3 10s, Major Bell; 5, each L3 5s, J. Orr; 5, each L4 5s, and 6, each L5 5s, Hon. R. Stokes. Lincoln Ewes, H. Sladen, Esq.: 10, each L2 2s, 21, each L2 5s, E. Tuke; 10, each L2 2s, H. McKenzie. Rams, 2-tooth, instructed by P. Dolbel, Esq. : 10, each L1 10s, Mr Boyle; 5, L1 15s, Mr Bullock; 5, each L1 15s, C. Clark. Pure Merino Rams, instructed by Messrs Kinross & Co.; 1 at L12 to A. McLean; 1 at L14, to Kinross and Co, Merino Rams, instructed by Messrs Murray Common & Co.: 3, each L3 10s, 4, each L3 5s, Mr Troutbeck; 3, each L4 10s, Mr Walker. Imported Pure Lincoln Ram, A. E. Hyde, Esq.: 1 at L54, to Mr S. Johnston.
Stock and Station Agent, Auctioneer, &c. Napier, 1st February, 1877.
We have again much pleasure in noticing the arrival of Mr. Melville Smith, with his usual quantity of splendid Lincoln and Cotswold rams and Lincoln ewes.
The two Cotswold rams were selected by Mr. Smith from the celebrated flock of William Lane, Broadfield, Gloustershire [Gloucestershire]. These have been imported to the order of our enterprising fellow-settler, J. D. Canning, Esq., and are admitted to be the best of their sort ever imported to New Zealand. We have been shown a letter from Mr. Alfred Buckland, of Auckland, to J. D. Canning, Esq., from which we extract the following paragraph: – “The Glenlora has brought you out some very choice rams from England. I scarcely remember seeing better shapely and full of wool of a very superior quality and I wish you success with them.” Of the other rams, Mr. Giblin, for Messrs. F. and W. Nelson, secured two in Auckland at a high figure. Colonel Whitmore also bought one at a high figure. After seeing him, we feel that he was justified in going so far as he did. Col. Whitmore’s manager, Mr. R. Wilkie, is perfectly satisfied with him. We hear that Mr. Brathwaite, for Mr. T. Tanner, is likely to purchase one or two of the rams. Mr. James Collins, we have been informed, also wants one or two of the ewes. We may say we never saw a more even lot of their sort, and we congratulate Mr. Giblin in securing them for Messrs. Nelson, and J. N. Williams. This last importation is the fourth one of Mr. Smith’s, and they certainly reflect great credit upon his judgment, and we hope the purchasers of these lots will be successful with them. The rams that are not sold privately will be submitted to public competition in a few days by Messrs Routledge, Kennedy, and Co.; of which due notice will be given by advertisement.
In shearing Messrs F. and W. Nelson’s rams on Monday, recently purchased by them from Mr Melville Smith, we have to record the following result: – One ram, bred by Mr. Pears, Nockton Rise, 25lbs. 3 ozs., eight and a-half months growth of wool; One ram, bred by Mr. Kirkham, eight and a-half months growth of wool, 18lbs; one ram bred by Mr. Dudding, and purchased by Mr. R. Brathwaite, eight and a half months growth of wool, 18 ¾ lbs.; one ram bred by Mr. Dudding, purchased by Colonel Whitmore, eight and a-half months’ growth of wool 15½ lbs.
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