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- Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 066 - 17 February
Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 066 – 17 February
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.
At Noon.
Has been instructed by R. Farmer, Esq., of Longlands, to submit for public sale, at Hastings, on the above date, the under-noted Thoroughbred Horse Stock,
2 ch m, by “St. Patrick”
3 ch m, by “Duchess”
4 ch m, by “Marchioness”
5 ch m, by “Lady Bird”
6 ch m, by “Mina Mina”
7 ch m, by “Lady Elizabeth”
8 ch m, by “Merlin”
The property of Mr. Watt, in training, Ch c “Merlin” and b g “Parawhenua.”
The Auctioneer feels that the well-known Stud Stock of those gentlemen require no comment.
Catalogues, with terms and full particulars can be obtained at the office of the undersigned,
Has been favoured with instructions from Mr. G. P. Donnelly to dispose of, by Public Auction, on the above date, at Hastings, the whole of his
comprising the well-known chesnut [chestnut] Colt “Otupai,” 4 years, got by Pacific, dam Valletta, and winner of the Napier and Havelock Handicap, 1876.
“Tawera,” br colt, 4 years old, got by Pacific, dam Magic, and winner of the Maiden Plate last November.
“Tamatia,” 3 years, bay colt, got by Pacific, dam Valletta.
The above are nominated for the Wanganui J. C. Handicap.
1 Brown Colt, 2 years, full brother to Otupai.
1 yearling Colt by Pacific, dam Magic.
Valletta, got by Young Plover, dam Ada, by Æther, stinted to Papapa.
Magic, got by Bishop, dam Matilda, imported from Sydney to Auckland by Messrs. Crunnin and Williamson, and winner of the Maiden Plate, 1875. Stinted to Mute.
The Auctioneer wishes to draw special attention to the above Thoroughbred Stock which are for positive sale. The Young Stock are got by the well-known imported
horse Pacific, out of Mares chosen by Mr. Donnelly.
MONDAY, 26th FEBRUARY, 1877,
At Napier.
Has received instructions from R. D. Maney, Esq., to sell by public auction, on the above date, at Napier,
The following SECTIONS in the Wairoa District: –
No. 39 – 50 acres No. 65 – 60 acres
No. 37 – 60 acres No. 66 – 60 acres
Liberal terms
Plans may be had at the office of the auctioneer.
WANTED KNOWN – That in all Orders for GENERAL PRINTING executed at the DAILY TELEGRAPH Office, FULL NUMBERS are guaranteed.
445 ACRES, 416 ACRES, 613 ACRES.
At Noon.
Has received positive instructions from the owner of the above properties, Alex. McHardy, Esq., to dispose of all his freehold lands at Pakowhai, in three separate, compact blocks, each complete and workable in itself – and present improvements, except buildings, rendering each block capable of re-division if afterwards found desirable by the purchaser. The whole of the lands are under English grasses, watered by seven artesian wells, and are divided into numerous paddocks, each having all requisite surface drainage provided for. The fences are most substantial, a number of them double with live quick hedges. These, with small plantations dotted over the property, afford ample shelter. This estate, now well known as the best fattening country in New Zealand, is carrying fat, an average of AT LEAST SEVEN SHEEP PER ACRE. It is handy to Market and Port, the nearest point being only about six miles from Napier. On the 440 acre Block there are a substantial Dwelling House and Offices, Stables, Looseboxes, Cowsheds, numerous yards, and a dip. The Woolshed and Yards are within 2¼ miles of the Farndon Railway Station.
As the owner requires not only all his available capital, but also to bestow the whole of his attention on a larger and more distant property, he finds it ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY TO EFFECT A SALE of this. To ensure this result the reserve is really nominal, having NOW BEEN REDUCED to a sum far below value. The terms will be easy, as about TWO-THIRDS remain on mortgage at SEVEN PER CENT for EIGHT YEARS.
As the property must be quitted, intending buyers will do well to pay an early visit. Plans may be seen and further particulars obtained at the offices of the auctioneer,
Napier, 8th January , 1877.
Has received instructions from Mr. Wm. Smith, at Havelock, (who has purchased another property, and relinquishing this business) to sell by Public Auction on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26,
THE WHOLE OF HIS INTEREST PROPERTY, AND WORKING PLANT, &c., being a large and commodious Butcher Shop with Dwelling-House attached, situated at the junction of the Hastings, Te Aute, and Te Mata roads, opposite the Exchange Hotel. Together with the Goodwill of his first-rate Business not only in Havelock, but also in surrounding districts. On the half acre on which the Shop and House are erected, there are also detached Sausage-room, with one of Stacey’s large Sausage Machines; Men’s-room, Outhouse, 3 stall Stable, Cow-shed, and Yards, and two large Coppers built in good working order; Also, the unexpired term of lease ( 3 years) of 127 acres well-grassed and watered land, adjoining with Slaughter yards, and gear therein.
On a date after to be fixed will be sold at Havelock, 41 well-bred Pigs, 3 young Boars 1 a two-year old, 3 Horses, 3 Springcarts, and 3 sets Harness.
To a purchaser of the Buildings and Goodwill, liberal terms will be given. Occupation 21 days after the Sale, till which date only a deposit will be required. Terms for Stock and Moveable Plant, Cash.
Are instructed by R. P. Giffard, Esq., to sell by Public Auction at their Rooms, Napier, on
At 2 p. m.
SUBURBAN SECTION No. 25, and a portion of Suburban Section No. 26, West Clive, containing exclusive of roads, about 15 Acres. Subdivided into convenient Building Allotments of from a quarter acre to one acre.
The above offers a splendid opportunity for persons desirous of acquiring a Freehold in this convenient and healthy locality.
The land is of the first quality, and safe from floods.
Plans of the Property will be published.
Terms liberal.
Will offer for sale by Public Auction on Friday, 16th instant, at Mr. W. Waite’s Yards, Port Ahuriri,
1 Marshall Lincoln Rams
1 Casswell Lincoln Rams
Recently imported by Melville Smith.
The above Rams will be sold in their wool, and one day before being released from Quarantine.
Napier, February 3, 1877.
At 11 o’clock sharp.
Will sell by Public Auction, at their Rooms Tennyson-street, without the slightest reserve, a consignment of Goods as above, including
DRAWING Papers, Winsor and Newton’s Water Colours, loose and in boxes, Drawing Pencils, Books, Sketch Blocks, Camel Hair Brushes, Exercise and Copy Books, Overland and Linear Note Paper, Foolscap, Inkstands, Pocket and Metallic Memorandum Books, Blotting Books and Cases, Envelopes, L.S.D. Memorandum Books, Puzzles, Common Prayers, Church Services, Juvenile and Toy Books, Dictionaries, Cheap Novels, &c., &c.
Have received instructions from Mr. S. C. Caulton to sell by Public Auction on the above date, immediately after the Races, the two following Thoroughbred Horses
TREGEAGLE II, brown horse, four years old, bred in South Australia. By Tregeagle I (imported from England) out of Mignonette, by Egrement out of Grey Bess, by Peter Finn (imported) out of an Arab mare, Tregeagle by Wild Dayrell, &c.
Gillie Callum, brown horse, bred by Mr. John Tait, of New South Wales. By the Barb out of Rubina, by Warwick (imported from England) out of St. John’s Queen by St. John (imported from England) out of Queen Victoria, by Gratis (imported from England) out of Lady Emily (imported from England), The Barb by Sir Hercules, &c.
Napier, February 5, 1877.
from Messrs Lane, Campbell & Co., of Dunedin, a consignment of
100 CASES of their well-known Cordials, consisting of Ginger Wine, Raspberry Vinegar, Rum Punch, Cherry Brandy, Champaigne [Champagne], Cider, Lime Juice, Cordials, Aromatic Sherry Bitters, &c., &c., &c.
The quality of the above is strongly recommended to Hotel keepers and others, as being equal to any imported from England, while the prices are much lower.
THE AA1 Iron Barque
602 tons Register.
This ship is a regular and favourite trader to this port, and will be followed by other first-class ships.
In consequence of the reduction of freights at the Southern Ports the above vessel will load at ½d per lb for greasy, and 3/8d per lb for washed wool, shippers paying lighterage.
For Freight or Passage , apply to
Agents for N.Z. Shipping Co.
Or to
Agents for Shaw, Savill & Co.
WOOL SEASON, 1876-77.
THE favourite A1 Clipper Ship
962 tons Register,
Is now on the berth at Wellington loading for London, and will receive quick despatch.
She is one of the safest and fastest vessels trading to New Zealand, and belongs to Patrick Henderson’s celebrated line of clipper ships.
First-class accommodation for passengers.
Freight and passage at current rates.
Napier and Wellington.
LEASES for the term of 21 years of the following Napier Harbour Board Reserves will be put up to Public Auction, at the late Provincial Chambers, on SATURDAY, the 24th February, 1877, at noon: –
No. of Section A. R. P.
544 0 1 16 More or less. Next to Watt’s store, Spit
1 2 0 More or less. Western Spit
463 0 1 0 More or less. Waghorn-st [ Waghorne-st ]
464 0 1 0 More or less. Waghorn-st
465 0 1 0 More or less. Waghorn-st
470 0 1 0 More or less. Waghorn-st
471 0 1 0 More or less. Waghorn-st
605 0 1 0 More or less. Reclaimed land
608 0 1 0 More or less. Reclaimed land
611 0 1 0 More or less. Reclaimed land
612 0 1 0 More or less. Reclaimed land.
For further particulars apply to
Secretary to Napier Harbour Board.
Or the Auctioneer,
HAVING secured the sole right to use in the Province of Hawke’s Bay, Barret and Elers patent Soda-water Bottle and Syrup Pump, we hereby caution any person against using or trading with the same within the Hawke’s Bay Province without our authority.
Dickens-street, Napier.
January 16th, 1877.
ARE instructed to sell privately a DWELLING HOUSE, situated immediately opposite the Hawke’s Bay Club, being Town Section No. 549, containing 1 Rood and 5 Perches, with a Seven-Roomed House and well stocked Garden and Orchard.
Terms easy.
For convenience of situation the property is undeniably the most desirable at present in the market.

February 10.
There is a very heavy storm. The wind is blowing from the S.E., and there is a fearful downpour. Floods are expected.
February 13.
The mailman left this morning, having been detained by the floods.
Considerable damage has been done to the roads in the County, and the Scamperdown bridge is very shaky.
A Maori named Timothy was drowned up the Waiau river while endeavouring to cross the creek.
The County Council had a meeting last night to see how the damages done by the floods could be repaired, and it was proposed to borrow £500 on the first year’s rate for that and other purposes.
Men are already at work on the Kapu road opening dray communication.
Mr. Buchanan will command the majority of the Wairoa electors. His supporters gain ground daily.

(Daily Telegraph, February 10.)
This morning Mr. Miller, Railway Manager, proceeded at an early hour to take precautionary measures for the protection of the bridges at the railway crossings. We learn that the Ngaruroro river at Merritt’s corner, at 9 a.m., was within two feet of the top of the bank, and was then rapidly rising. The tide at that time was ebbing, but by this afternoon, should the river continue to rise, it is possible the railway line may suffer damage from an overflow. We are glad to learn that necessary steps have been taken by Mr. Weber for the clearing of the drift wood and debris which may accumulate at the several bridges under his charge. The Tuki Tuki river at Waipukurau at 11 a.m. had a heavy flood in it, and it was still rising, but the water was then two feet below the highest level attained during the last flood. [Just as we are going to press we learn that the Ngaruroro River covers that portion of the railway line known as Merritt’s corner, and the waters are still Rising.]
From the first railway crossing to Tareha’s Bridge all the lower road is under water. At the toll-gate the water is four feet deep, and the lower floor of Mr. Murray’s Hotel is five inches under water. Between the Shamrock Hotel and Tareha’s bridge there is a strong stream of water five feet deep. After crossing the bridge there is a perfect sea, the high waves breaking on the chest of our reporter’s horse as he was forcing his way towards Meanee [ Meeanee ]. There is not a single spot of dry ground in the road from Tareha’s bridge to the Meanee bridge. The roadway of the latter not being above eighteen inches from the level of the Tutaekuri. Our reporter was unable to proceed further than Meanee owing to the uncertain state of the culverts. There has been no communication between Meanee and Taradale all day. Nearly all the settlers of Meanee are flooded out of their homes and are now quartered at Mr. Vaughan’s and Mr. Speedy’s houses. Several other settlers and their families are expected to come in before the night. From Vaughan’s Hotel to Father Reignier’s as far as the eye can reach there is one unbroken sheet of water; cattle are to be seen breasting their way through the flood endeavouring to reach dry land, and it is feared several sheep are drowned. The river opposite the old racecourse has overflowed both banks, and beyond Mr. Beatson’s residence there is great danger of the road being washed away altogether. Persons travelling before the subsidence of the flood should be particularly careful how they pass that spot. The second bridge from the Shamrock Hotel, going towards Meanee is partially washed away. Reports from Taradale state that there is a large body of water running through the township from Alley’s corner towards the head of the salt water creek. The stopbank from Mr. Powdrell’s to Meanee Hotel has stood so far, but there is a strong stream running through the Mission Station above the bank. From 11.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. the flood had risen more than six inches. Taradale being completely shut off from communication with town, and there being no doubt that several settlers must be in serious danger and distress, it is incumbent on those capable of doing so that a boat’s crew should leave Napier in the morning, and proceed to where their assistance may be required. There will be no difficulty in getting volunteers, and it has been suggested that persons willing to render their aid should meet at the Spit tomorrow morning at Mr. Gordon’s Crown Hotel at 10 o’clock.
Since the above was in type, we learn that the Chairman of the County Council, and the Chairman of the Harbour Board, have arranged to despatch a boat from the Spit tonight, to render what assistance may be required by the flooded-out settlers.
(Daily Telegraph, February 13.)
The railway authorities are busily engaged in repairing the damage to the line caused by the floods. On Sunday morning, the railway manager, Mr. Miller, discovered that the high embankment, leading from the Waitangi Bridge towards Farndon, was being undermined, and a train of trucks loaded with stone was despatched to that place. In the night, however, the embankment caved in above where the stone had been deposited, and about 5 chains in length of the railway was damaged, fully two chains of the line itself being left almost in a state of suspension, from the formation having been washed away. This break in the line was caused by the Ngaruroro river, which, flooding over the bank at Merritt’s corner, swept over the swampy land between there and Farndon, and found an outlet in the ditch along the railway that drains itself into the Waitangi Creek. The embankment is now being rapidly repaired; the line has been “pulled back” as much as possible on to the sound portion of the bank, the damaged side of which is being re-formed. From the energetic measures taken by the manager, trains will be able to run as usual over this spot by tonight. Through Mr. R. P. Williams’ paddock the line suffered an immense amount of damage, about seventeen lengths of formation having been washed away, together with a large culvert. This, however, has been made passable, which speaks highly for the promptitude of the authorities. At Merritt’s corner there has been eleven chains of the line swept clean away, leaving no evidence of there ever having been a railway along there. This is being repaired from the Hastings side, and, in all probability, will be completed by to-morrow.
We regret to hear that severe losses have been occasioned by the flood. Mr. Hague, of East Clive, has lost about two hundred sheep, and Mr. R. P. Williams’ losses must have been heavy, judging from the number of dead sheep to be seen lying in his paddocks. But the drenching rain following so closely upon the completion of shearing, could not fail to have a serious effect on the flocks, and, probably, not until the next mustering will the full extent of the losses be made known.
The Race-course at Clive, placed at the service of the Jockey Club by Mr. S. Johnston, was not flooded, and will be in excellent condition for the next meeting. Unfortunately, the Waitangi road bridge will hardly be repaired by the time the races come off, which will seriously interfere with the pleasure of those who would prefer driving to the course to going out by train.
Owing to the mouths of both the Ngaruroro and Tuki-tuki rivers being opened, there was far less damage done to the districts of East and West Clive than it was first feared would be the case. The Ngaruroro river has not been so high since the flood nine years ago, and it was solely due to the mouth being opened that more serious losses did not occur. The river burst its banks a little above Mr. Hamlin’s paddock – now Mr. Galbraith’s – and poured a stream of water across the road, it is said, five feet deep and fifty yards wide, which took a course towards the head of Muddy Creek, through which it found its outlet in the Tuki-tuki. The Ngaruroro bridge at West Clive has been slightly damaged, some few of the centre piles having been undermined.
The bridge across the Tutaekuri river, on the new Taradale-road, has again come to grief. It was just passable yesterday, but this morning, the centre piles having given way, the bridge heeled over, and it is now secured by ropes, and is in a similar condition to what it was after the flood of last year.
Boat Expedition to Taradale.
Mr. Kraeft, with a crew of four, left the Spit on Saturday afternoon in the pilot boat, and pulled up the Tutaekuri river to the toll-gate on the New Taradale road, and then rowed over the flats in a straight course to Taradale. The first house that was called at was a cottage occupied by a man, his wife, and two children. These people were put into the boat, and taken to Mr. Richard’s house which was high and dry. From there the boat proceeded to Mr. Johnstone’s where the house was flooded, about a foot of water being over the floor. The family consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Johnstone and five grown daughters; these were also taken to Mr. Richard’s. Mr. Kraeft then steered his boat to Mr. Dwyer’s house, but found it deserted, Mr. Burton having conveyed the family to his own house by a punt. That dwelling was the most damaged of any, the chimney having fallen and knocked down the side of the house, and furniture, &c., had been swept away by the rush of water. From there Mr. Kraeft went to Mr. Burton’s and took Mr. and Mrs. Dwyer from there, and then proceeded to Mr. O’Reilly’s. This house was submerged three feet. The family, consisting of the father and mother and six children, were perched on the bed together with the fowls and household goods. One of the girls was suffering from illness, and had been under medical attendance for some time. After taking these on board, Mr. McCarthy’s boat was met, and a transhipment of passengers took place. Both boats then attempted to make for the Taradale township, but in consequence of the force of the current rushing across the main road, it was impossible to reach there. Mr. McCarthy’s boat was swept through a gap in the hedge, and brought up in the middle of a paddock adjoining Mrs. Wood’s property. Mr Kraeft’s boat was also swept in the same direction, but was brought up against a fence, which had to be cut away to enable the boat to get through. Mr. Kraeft then attempted to cross the flooded paddock towards Taradale, but was again prevented by the force of the stream. The boat was made fast to a willow tree for the night, about fifty yards from Mr. Robertson’s. Mr. McCarthy’s boat shortly afterwards came up and made fast under the same clump of trees. A most miserable night was spent. Mr Kraeft’s boat had a sail in it, which was converted into an awning under which all the women and children of the two boats were placed. At break of day Mr Ed. Chase waded to the boats, the water during the night having fallen about two feet. With his assistance all the families were placed in Mr. Peddie’s house, where every comfort was quickly provided. The boats’ crews found ample hospitality at Mr. McDonald’s Taradale Hotel. The boats started back at 6.30 a.m. on Sunday and arrived at the Spit at 8 o’clock. Mr. McCarthy left the Spit under instructions from the Chairman of the County Council, about three quarters of an hour after Mr. Kraeft, and finding it impossible to pull up the Tutaekuri river, followed the same course as had been taken by Mr. Kraeft. Having to pull against both the tide and flood combined, it was almost dusk when the first habitation was reached. The people within refused to leave the house saying that if it came to the worst they would take to the trees. An attempt was then made to get towards Mr. Tuke’s house, but the stream prevented it. Several cottages were then called at, but it was found that either Mr. Kraeft had taken the people away, or that they refused to leave their dwellings. Called at a small cottage and found two boys, there was about a foot of water in the house. The boys having managed to keep a good fire in the stove, refused to leave, but requested Mr. McCarthy to call at their uncle’s, Mr. O’Reilly’s. The boat proceded there, and then came across Mr. Kraeft’s boat as related above.

At the Government Meteorological station Port Ahuriri, there was recorded a measured rainfall of no less than six inches, equal to 651 tons weight of water to the square acre, on Friday.
We are glad to hear that before the rain came on, the Maoris of Omahu had garnered their harvest. This is the more gratifying as last year the whole of their crops were destroyed by rain.
Mr. W. H. Flood has in publication a set of waltzes, called the “Hawke’s Bay Waltzes.” These waltzes have been played from memory by Mr. Flood at different entertainments, and evoked the commendation of dancers as flowing in air, and marked in time. They will no doubt become very popular, and should command a ready sale.
The levels and drainage of the town we should say exhibit a state of completeness that reflects immense credit on all concerned. The condition of Browning-street, from Mr. Lyndon’s office door to Messrs. Campbell’s corner, is only comparable to a lake. Hasting-street being at a higher level than Browning-street at the junction, and Browning-street being at a slope from the beach, it naturally follows that a lake should be formed after heavy rain. This appears to have been the object of the design, and it has been abundantly successful.
It was rumored in town on Friday that at noon there was a rush at the Town Clerk’s Office of ratepayers desirous of paying in their water-rates, consequent on the scarcity of that great necessity throughout the Borough. The Collector’s face was anything but pleasant, but he told the ratepayers that it was only “interest,”, not principal, that was wanted.
On Thursday, during the darkness, a man named Thomas Hargreaves fell over the approach to Gough Island bridge in consequence of not being able to see the road. If the Harbour Board in their combined wisdom see fit to make sailing vessels, lighters, and steamers carry a light, surely there ought to be one on the bridge. Hargreaves was rescued by the two resident policemen on the Spit.
The establishment of County Councils, Harbour, and Hospital Boards, will give an impetus to heraldic industry. Each county council must have its coat of arms, or great seal, and so with all other local boards. A merely plain seal, with the designation of the Council in bold Roman characters, will scarcely satisfy any Englishman’s love of heraldry. There must be a device on a blazoned shield, with chief, fess, and base. The County Council of Waipawa, we notice is about to request Mr. Jarman, of the Lands Office, to furnish a design for its seal. Why Mr. Jarman? Why not have called for competitive designs, and then the following might have been suggested – shield vert, chevron gules; dexter chief, ovis aries (merino breed) argent; sinister chief, canis familiaris (Scotch colley,) sable; base, bale of wool. Motto – Argent recu le bras rompu, which fully interpreted means, you may just as well have a broken arm, as be unable to repay borrowed money.
At the regular quarterly meeting of the Napier Pioneer Lodge, No. 26, I.O.G.T, on Tuesday, 6th February, 1877, the following officers were installed for the ensuing quarter, by Bro. J. Parkin, L.D., as G.W.C.T., assisted by Bro. Hawken (Vanguard Lodge) as G.W.M., and Bro. Troy, M.J.P., as G.W.S.: – Bro. H. Smith, P.W.C.T., Bro. Erimmer, W.C.T.; Sister Buckingham, W.V.T.; Sister Carter, W.C.; Sister Brobson, W.T.; Bro. Buckingham, W.S.; Bro. Hunt, W.F.S.; Bro. Carter, W.M.; Bro. Hegh, W.T.G.; Bro. Gardiner, W.C.G.; Sister S. A. G. Buckingham, W.A.S.; Bro. Mitchel, W.D.M.; Sister A. Robinson, W.R.H.S.; Sister E. Warren, W.L.H.S.
At Messrs. Margoliouth and Banner’s sale on Friday, apples realised 3d per pound.
Mr. Holder was the purchaser of the building formerly in the occupation of the National Bank, which was sold by auction on Friday by Messrs. Routledge, Kennedy and Co., for the sum of £38.
No less than 4¼ inches of rainfall were registered at the meteorological station, Port Ahuriri, on Saturday, making a total of 10¼ inches in 48 hours.
Mr. Dyke’s cart not being available, the Corporation did not make the rounds of the public thoroughfares of the Borough on Saturday. A considerable gathering of the burgesses took place at the Provincial Hotel to witness the start, at the hour appointed by Mr. Ashton, but the Municipal barge (Dyke’s cart) not appearing on the scene, no little disappointment was caused. Prompt measures, however, were taken by Mr. Ashton to prevent any revolutionary demonstration, and the presence of a number of the Artillery Company exhibited a military force of sufficient strength to quell disturbance. The rain stopped the pleasure boating excursion round Clive Square that was announced to come off at 11 o’clock.
In another column we reprint from the columns of the Wananga of on Saturday, its leading article, criticising the various candidates. We do this the more readily owing to the fact that the small party in Napier, which supports the Grey-Macandrew Clique, has no recognised European organ in this Province. The article we place before our readers evidently emanates from Sir G. Grey’s lieutenant, and exhibits a most remarkable weakness so far as argument is concerned. The only portion of the article we have excised is a personal remark respecting Mr. Dutton, and one which we believe the writer would in cooler moments regret having penned. If all that is to be said against Mr. Sutton’s candidature by the Sheehan party is to be found in their Maori organ, we ourselves feel that it still more than ever behoves the electors to vote for one whom the Auckland party themselves admit is, next their own candidate, Mr. Buchanan, the ablest politician seeking their votes at the present election – and one whom they are evidently afraid of – else they would not exhibit such a decided repugnance to his candidature.
The cricket match between Wairoa and Napier has been fixed to be held at Taradale this day. We have applied to Mr. Secretary Campbell for the names of those who will take part in the contest, but he exhibited a disinclination to comply with our request. It does not much matter, however, as doubtless our Napier cricketers being dons at the game, prefer that their names should be kept dark from their Wairoa competitors. This possibly is the reason.
There was a very heavy flood in the Tutaekuri river, and immense quantities of posts and other timber are being washed out to sea. As might have been expected, all quarrying and other labour in connection with the harbour works had to be suspended.
Our Tamumu correspondent, under date February 8, forwards us the following: – “A public meeting was held at the Schoolroom last night to take into consideration the subject of the salary of an assistant to our respected minister, Mr. Fraser. The meeting was unanimously in favor of supporting the matter, and a subscription list opened, showed a good round sum in favour of having our Church matters placed on a more satisfactory footing than they have been hitherto. The weather here is something frightful, rain and thunder almost every day.”
Several Taradale settlers desire to express through our columns their grateful thanks to Messrs. Payne, Chase, Collins and Pritchard who, at great risk, rescued some seven or eight families in a boat and conveyed them to Mr. McDonald’s hotel. We hear of numerous hair-breadth escapes, but fortunately no lives were lost, through the exertions of the settlers. We regret to hear that Mr. Richards has not been able to find 26 head of cattle which were grazing on his property, but it is hoped that they have succeeded in getting on to the hills. This settler has lost the whole of his hay, and his paddocks, which were green with pasture last week, are now covered, like those of many other settlers, with sediment.
The effects of the flood on the Taupo road have been disastrous. The road has been almost destroyed from Tarawera to Petane, and it is thought that it will take fully three weeks’ work before coaches can again run. The Petane river has never been known to be higher than it was on Saturday. From our northern telegrams we learn that the storm has now reached the Thames. Grahamstown is flooded, and some loss of life, we regret to hear, has occurred.
The railway line beyond Farndon was so far damaged by the floods as to stop traffic beyond that station. Workmen were employed all Sunday in strengthening the piling of the Waitangi bridge, and also in repairing the line at Merritt’s corner.
Another correspondent following the remarks made by “Observer” last week, writes to say that, since then, “the corner window of the Electric Telegraph Office has been closed, but that the clerks in their anxiety to watch that which is going on in the neighbourhood, have worn away the frosting of the glass by the action of their eyelashes, and that now two peep-holes are plainly discernable from footpath under Messrs. Campbell’s verandah.” We can scarcely believe it.
We understand that Mr. Bachelder with his diorama of America, &c., will arrive in Napier by the next trip of the Rangatira. The Company has been doing a capital business down south, and is spoken highly of by the Wellington press. Mr. Emmett, will possibly open in Napier on the 5th of March. Mrs. Scott Siddons also promises to visit Napier shortly. There will therefore be no lack of amusement shortly.
Now is the time when the electors should wear their right hands in a sling to prevent their wrists being dislocated by the candidates in the fervency of their affection.
The fissure in the retaining wall of the Corporation reservoir, on the hill above Mr. Tiffen’s house, has widened during the last day or two. The rent is about four inches wide, and extends from the top to the bottom of the wall. The cause of the crack is obvious enough. Between the reservoir concrete wall, and the retaining wall, there is a space which has been filled up with rammed earth. The heavy rainfall of the last few days, soaking between the walls has swelled the earth which acting as a wedge has bulged the outer or retaining wall out at the angle. There has been no appreciable subsidence of the wall, a fact that speaks very well for the foundation on which it has been built.
We are glad to learn that there has been little or no loss of stock during the recent flood. The higher lying ground in the neighbourhood of Mr. McHardy’s and Mr. Russell’s stations were free from water, as was also the land around Karaitiana’s pah. The lower portion of Mr. James Williams’ property was, nearest the river, considerably under water, but the stock was removed before the flood came down. Messrs. Heslop’s country, Chesterhope, was for the most part submerged, but the stock was placed on high ground within the estate which saved all the sheep and cattle.
Mr J. Gardner, agent for Hegarty’s Globe Combination, arrived here by the Rangatira, but we are sorry to hear that his talented little company do not appear in Napier. Mr. Gardner informs us that he is en route for Poverty Bay, and will return to Napier for an overland trip to Wanganui, and from thence to Taranaki. He also informs us that, in addition to his Company, he has the celebrated Arabian box mystery, which caused so much excitement in Sydney and Melbourne, and which is of a most novel character. It is a common box, open for the inspection of the public at any time. It is just locked, and the key kept by any person in the audience; then strongly lashed with ropes; covered with a canvas cover, and securely buckled, and again over the cover are placed ropes, and the knots sealed; in the space of about two minutes the performer will get into the box without either the ropes, or cover, or anything connected therewith being disturbed. If this be the case, as Mr. Gardner describes, we sincerely hope he will give the Napier public an opportunity of seeing it for a night or two at the Oddfellows Hall previous to his departure, where we are sure he will be liberally patronised, for a more energetic agent we have not seen visit Napier.
In reply to queries put, the Attorney-General has replied to the effect that in elections for the “extraordinary vacancies” – such as that of the Waipukurau Riding – that, as far as voting is concerned, the 51st section of the Counties Act, relating to “first elections” will be the one which must be acted upon.

Corporal Sellars and Gunner Mogridge, N.A.V., left in the Rangatira on Monday for Wellington, en route for Hokitika, to take part in the forthcoming Prize firing. They have our hearty good wishes.
The bridge over the Tutaekuri river on the New Taradale road being in a very precarious position, the Chairman of the Hawke’s Bay County Council notifies suspension of traffic on the road until, we presume, the bridge is again in a fit state for the public to travel upon.
It was reported on Tuesday that the public houses had received orders to supply beer gratis to all free and thirsty electors. On hearing the rumour, our reporter’s face grew radiant, and he at once discovered that there were several locals to be picked up outside the office. In due time he came back without any intelligence, further than the dismal news that he had had to pay for his drinks. It is not fair to the newspaper offices for Mr. Buchanan’s party to spread such demoralising reports.
Messrs Stock and Vincen [Vincent] coach-builders, of Napier, have shown us as a specimen of local industry, a pretty little dog-cart, turned out for Mr. Golden of Napier, at their manufactory. Without being desirous of what is generally known as “puffing,” we are bound to admit that the workmanship exhibited is of a most superior kind, and worthy of inspection, more especially of those who labour under the idea that to obtain a good and cheap article it is necessary to send out of Napier.
Messer. Bennett and Johnson announce that in connection with their other business they will act as agents under the Land Transfer Act.
To the Editor: Sir, – In your issue of the 12th, you desire to express your thanks to the settlers of Taradale for their exertions during the floods, and again “Cato” has made an addition; but Cato has forgotten a number of settlers who were as prominent as those mentioned, viz., Mr. F. Williams and Mr. J. W. O’Brien, who at great risk rescued twenty horses, the property of Mr. S. Thorpe; also, their daring attempt to reach the pilot boat when it was quite dark. I am sorry to say Mr Thorpe did not even express his thanks to these men who risked their lives in rescuing his property. – I am, &c., MUD LARK, Taradale, 14th February, 1877.
The right of erecting booths, cards, &c., for the forthcoming races, were disposed of by public auction on Thursday by Mr. Routledge, the whole realising £123. The following are the names of the purchasers, and prices given: – Booth No 1, £45, C. Stewart; Booth No 2, £42 10s, C. Stewart; Fruit Stand, £7, G. Benjamin; Confectioneer’s Stand, £7, C, Stewart; fancy goods, £5, Cohen; cards of races, £16 10s, E. Ashton.
To the Editor: Sir, – The Wananga Extraordinary chose the other day to affirm that the salary of the Chief Gaoler would be questioned in the House next session. I think it would be more to the point if, at the next meeting of the Municipal Council, the question were to be brought up as to whether it was desirable for the rate collector and inspector of nuisances, &c., to spend his time canvassing for Mr. Buchanan. If he were not canvassing all this morning while driving about with Mr. Knight, what was he doing? Are people dunned for their rates according to the election promises they may make? Will canvassing be his excuse in reply to enquiry for any non-performance of his duties, and the apparent tardiness of defaulters? – I am &c., AN EXTRAORDINARY ELECTOR. February 14, 1877
We are requested to state that the offices of the Wairoa County Council will be situated in the building known as the Volunteer Drill Shed, Wairoa.
Members of the Napier Rowing Club, desirous of taking part in the forthcoming Regatta, are requested to send in their names to the Captain of the Club, Mr. J. Liddle, without delay.
The literary efforts of the opponents of Mr Sutton in the Wananga extra, reminds us of an anecdote we saw a few years ago in an Auckland newspaper to the effect that once upon a time a citizen, whose life had been somewhat of a mixed character, having departed for another and better world, presented himself at the gate kept by Peter, and applied for admittance to Paradise. But Peter objected politely and with great firmness, declined to open the gate. The citizen commenced to describe his many virtuous acts and good qualities he had possessed, but Peter was not to be won by that recital . On the other hand he took up the task of remembrances and called the citizen’s mind many matters that had a tendency to eclipse the virtuous acts. The case of the citizen looked very bad indeed, until a happy thought occurred to him that there was a little affair of the past that Peter might not have brought too prominently forward, so he stepped back, bent his elbows to make his arms resemble wing bows, and after clapping them to his ribs two or three times gave vent to a very good and vigorous cock-a-doodle doo. “Oh!” said Peter, “If you are going to rake up old yarns like that you had better go in and be hanged to you.” Does the Wananga think Mr Sutton will play “Peter” to Mr. Buchanan’s “Citizen?” We do not. (Contributed.)
The Horticultural Society’s Show will be held on the 21st instant, in the Protestant Hall. The back yard will be closed in, and made available for exhibition purposes.
Church of England Service will be held (D.V) on Sunday next , the 18th instant at Havelock, at 11 a.m.; at Hastings, at half-past 3; and at Clive, at 7 p.m.
AUCKLAND, February 14.
The Australia arrived from Sydney today. She leaves with the Frisco mails this afternoon. She left Sydney on February 9.
February 14.
Arrived – Minnie Hare and Nymph, schooners from Napier.
Mr. Tye’s initiatory sale of stock in Waipukurau, which has been advertised for some time, came off with a most satisfactory result on Wednesday, and must have proved to both up and down country settlers the manifest advantage of this bi-yearly sale, and that Mr. Tye has exhibited great pluck in instituting this arrangement. Although the weather was most unpropitious, a very large and most influential meeting responded to Mr. Tye’s call, Napier, Porangahau, Wainui, and Te Aute being represented either as sellers or buyers. A number of strangers who are interested in stock of all kinds came up by the 11 o’clock train, and swelled the attendance at the sale. As you will see by the list below, the prices realized were most satisfactory. I may particularize the amounts realized for cattle. I think, I may safely prophesy that each half-yearly sale which Mr. Tye intends holding, will prove one of our most popular local institutions, that the results will be most satisfactory, both to vendor and vender. Most of the stock offered was of a first-class description, and nothing was wanted on the part of the auctioneer which could insure a good sale. Messrs Tye and Monteith’s yards are all that could be desired, both for convenience and safe keeping of stock, and with their office as stock and station agents, (which, by the way, is an ornament to the township,) a great want is supplied, which has hitherto been much felt, and which has taken a great amount of legitimate trade to the second rate township of Waipawa. The ubiquitous “T. C.” was all about, and assisted the Waipawa Giant’, in bringing Mr. Tye’s sale to a most successful termination. In conclusion, I trust that Mr Tye has had that success which his energy deserves, and that he may find it sufficiently profitable to induce him to adhere to his intention to hold his periodical sales here. The unfortunate down pour of rain which took place to a certain extent militated against the public sale, but I am credibly informed that the greater portion of stock was disposed of privately by Mr Tye. On account of the continued unfavourable weather, the sale of horses has been postponed till Saturday week, the 17th inst., when it will take place at the Waipawa sale yards. The total amount of sale realized £3,500.
The following is a list of the stock sold, and the prices realised: – 60 steers, 2 to 3 years, £6 15s to £8 5s; 9 steers, 2 to 3 years, £6 5s to £9 7s 6d; 7 calves and yearlings, £1 12s 6d to £2 10s; 8 heifers £6 2s 6d to £9 7s 6d; 4 cows and calves, £4 10s to £7; 10 working bullocks, dray, &c., £132; 4 bull calves, by “Crown Prince,” £15 each; 30 Lincoln rams, 2 tooth, bred by the Hon H. R. Russell, £3 10s to £7 10s; 15 Lincoln rams, 4, 6, and 8-tooth, bred by the Hon H. R. Russell £4 5s to £7 10s; 65 merino rams, 2-tooth, bred by the Hon H. R. Russell, £3 to £3 10s; 30 Lincoln ram lambs, bred by the Hon H. R. Russell, £3 10s to £4 5s; 3 Cotswold rams, 4 -tooth, bred by J. D. Canning, Esq., £5; 30 merino rams, 2-tooth, bred by S. Johnston, Esq., £2; 1000 merino ewes, 2, 4, 6, and 8 tooth, bred by the Hon H. R. Russell, 8s 6d; 1000 cross-bred wethers, 4-tooth, 8s 6d; 1500 merino ewes, 2, 4, 6, and 8 tooth, bred by A. St. Hill, Esq., 8s 6d; 900 Lincoln ewes, 2, 4, 6, and 8 tooth, bred by Mr J. Walker, 9s. – [Own correspondent.]
(Before Richmond Beetham, Esq.,R.M.)
Kelsall v. Hastings. – Claim £4 10s 1½d for half share of cost of fencing. Judgment for defendant, with witnesses’ costs allowed.
Peddie v. Allen. – Claim £80 and Allen v. Peddie. – Claim £58 15s. These were cross-actions. The hearing was adjourned until Tuesday, the 13th instant.
Myhill v. Meadows. – Claim, £6 1s for groceries, &c., Judgment, by default, for amount claimed, and 13s costs.
Boylan’s Trustees v. Hobbs. – Claim £1 13s 6d. Adjourned at the request of plaintiffs until 13th instant.
Margoliouth and Banner v. Wheeler. – Claim £5 5s 7d, for oats, bacon, &c., Judgment (by default) for plaintiffs for amount claimed, and costs 13s.
Robertson v. Thornbill (Wellington). -£21 16s 3d. heard ex parte. Order made that defendant shall pay £2 each fortnight until the debt be extinguished, first payment to be made on February 23. In default of any single payment, two months’ imprisonment in the gaol at Wellington.
Smith v. Sinden. – £9 18s 6d. Evidence having been taken as to defendant’s earnings and ability to pay, an order was made for the payment of 15s per week, first instalment to be made on 16th Feb., and in default of any single payment one month’s imprisonment.
A few other civil cases had been settled since the issue of the summonses.
Thomas Hardgrave, for having been drunk yesterday at the Spit, was fined 5s or in default 24 hours imprisonment.
George Sinclair was sent to gaol for 3 months (with hard labour) as an habitual drunkard.
Robert Sporle for the above offence against the Municipal Bye-laws, was fined 20s, and 9s costs. This case was held ex parte.
John McKenzie, discharged from custody on Thursday, was again brought up as a lunatic not under proper care and control. He was remanded until Tuesday next.
An information for the above, under the “Destitute Persons Relief Ordinance,” was adjourned for a month at the request of the police, the husband not having been served with the summons to appear.
(Before E. Lyndon Esq., J.P.)
John Cartwright and James Peters were charged with the above offence. Both of the prisoners had been arrested at Carterton, when on their way to Wellington.
John H. Anderson, who was the principal witness, deposed as to the two prisoners obtaining from Mr Berry, his partner, the sum of £14 on the understanding that they were to give them a mare as security, whereas it turned out that the mare was not the property of the prisoners. Mr Rees defended the two prisoners, and searchingly cross-examined each witness.
Both prisoners were committed for trial at the next sitting of the Supreme Court at Napier.
Bail was allowed for both prisoners, in £100 each, and two sureties of £50 each. Messrs James Bayley and Grinlinton came forward as sureties.
His Worship took his seat on the bench at 2.30, but two cases set down for hearing were adjourned until a future date, owing to the parties interested being unable to reach town on account of the floods.
(Before R. Beetham, Esq., R.M.)
Thomas Williams, a fine of 10s, or 48 hours imprisonment.
James Lambert was fined 20s.
Joseph McCabe was fined 5s, or 24 hours.
Thomas Warren, a fine of 5s for drunkenness, and for
a further fine of 20s, or 24 hours imprisonment.
In the cases of John McKenzie and Robert Wilford, medical certificates of insanity were lodged with the Court, which will deal with them this afternoon.
Jessie Johnston who has been before the Court a couple of times under the Vagrant Act, was remanded as a suspected lunatic until tomorrow.
John Norstrum and R.K. Peters, two of the seamen of the barque Schiehallion, were charged, on the information of John Levack, the master, with “wilful disobedience of lawful commands.” The evidence adduced was very lame, and failed to sustain the charge. Both cases were dismissed.
Powdrell v. Flanagan. – Claim £3 2s 6d for hay. Judgement for plaintiff, and 9s costs.
Boylan v. Sellars. – Claim £3 6s for goods. Judgement for amount claimed, and costs 9s.
Broughton v. L. Higgins. – Claim £35 16s 8d, for services as land agent. Plaintiff being a half-caste with a knowledge of the native language, and the land in respect of negotiation for which the claim was made being the Tuhirangi Block owned by natives, plaintiff was non-suited with costs to plaintiff £3 2s. A large number of other civil cases were on the cause list. The Court was left sitting.
Thomas Brown, for having been in a state of intoxication at the Spit last evening, was fined and paid 5s.
John McKenzie, Robert Wilford, and Jessie Johnson were all committed as lunatics to the Napier Lunatic Asylum.
The incorrigible Patrick Lynch was again brought before the Court, charged with having been found last night without lawful excuse upon the premises of the Napier Club; and was further charged with vagrancy, as having no lawful visible means of support. He was convicted on both charges, and sentenced to three months’ imprisonment with hard labour for each offence, the sentences being accumulative.
MR. BUCHANAN committed a great political error yesterday at the conclusion of his speech when he stated that the day would soon arrive when Mr. John Sheehan the present member for Rodney “would hold the electorate of Napier in his hands.” We do not wish for one moment to detract from Mr. Sheehan’s acknowledged ability both as a platform orator or as an administrator. As a platform speaker Mr. Sheehan has distinguished himself at the many meetings throughout the districts held in support of Mr. Buchanan; as an administrator, his career as Provincial Secretary in the Province of Auckland speaks for itself. But Mr. Sheehan, before he “holds the electorate of Napier in his hands,” will have to occupy a far different position than he does at present. Unfortunately for Mr. Buchanan, and perhaps for Mr. Sheehan, Mr. Buchanan, throughout his whole political career in this province, has proved a false prophet, and speaks evidently without inspiration. When Mr. Buchanan retires from public life, which, if he carries out his promise yesterday, he will do at the close of this contest, (for he has now but a small chance of being elected), he may attempt to place his political mantle on Mr. Sheehan’s shoulders as a disappointed man and utterly untrustworthy politician, but neither he nor Mr. Sheehan can go further. Mr. Sheehan to “hold the electorate of Napier in his hands,” has like Mr. Buchanan, commenced his political career at the wrong end. Instead of attempting as Mr. Sheehan has done to place almost every person of influence in Hawke’s Bay at enmity with himself, he should have chosen a different line, and commenced by winning their confidence, and that of the general public. At present it is true Mr. Sheehan is but the paid employee of the natives to upset European titles to land. That he will wholly succeed no one believes. He may, as he has done for the past few years, prevent capitalists coming to Hawke’s Bay by keeping up the present Repudiation agitation, but that any person commencing his political career in a district like Hawke’s Bay after this fashion should ever imagine he could “hold this electorate in his hands” is almost too absurd. – Telegraph, Feb. 9.
Shipping Intelligence.
9 – Southern Cross, s.s., from Auckland via Gisborne. Passengers – Messrs J. P. Hamlin, Rees, Black, Hudson, and Parker
9 – Fairy, s.s., from Mahia and Wairoa. Six passengers
9 – Rangatira, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Mrs McLennan, Dr and Mrs De Lisle, Messrs Thomson, McGrath, and several others
10 – Kiwi, s.s., from Wellington.
10 – Sarah and Mary, ketch, from Lyttelton.
14 – Wanaka, s.s., from Southern Ports, Passengers – Mr Birch, Miss Rich, Capt. Petherbridge, Messrs R. Rhodes, Hassall, Snow, Crawford, Sheen, Parker, Philips, two in the steerage, and nine for the North.
14 – Jane Douglas, s.s., from Poverty Bay. One passenger.
15 – Fairy, s.s., from Wangewehi. Passengers – Mr G. Walker.
8 – Jane Douglas, s.s., for Gisborne. Passengers – Mrs Anthony, Miss Parkins, Messrs Hutchinson, Turner, Thompson, Walker, Samuels, Lever, and 24 natives
12 – Rangatira, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Mr and Mrs Perkins, Mr and Mrs Spiller and child, Misses Dowd and Perkins, Messrs Seed, Sturrick, Thomas, Stubbs, Newton, senior, and junior, Motley, Clayton, Mogridge, Sellars, Chinese Giant and attendant
12 – Southern Cross, s.s., for Wellington. Mr and Mrs Unson, Messrs Fisher, Hansen, and Benson
13 – Manaia, p.s., for Wairoa. Passengers – Messrs Duff, Walker, Steele, Turton, and a few others
13 – Kate Macgregor, schooner, for Mercury Bay
13 – Kiwi, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers Mrs Murray and 6 children, Mr and Mrs Hastings, Miss Best, Messrs Kenrick and Howie
13 – Christina, schooner, for Auckland
13 – Fairy, s.s., for Wangawehi.
15 – Sarah and Mary, ketch, for Lyttelton. Passengers – Master Russell.
15 – Wanaka, s.s., for Northern Ports.
The steamers Rangatira and Kiwi both anchored in the Bay, the former at 7 p.m. on Friday, and the latter at 8 a.m. on Saturday.
The s.s. Southern Cross arrived in the roadstead at an early hour on Friday from Auckland via Poverty Bay. She took in a cargo of store sheep at the Tamaki, leaving Poverty Bay on Thursday, and arriving here as above.
The s.s. Jane Douglas left on Thursday for Gisborne, with a little cargo, and a large number of passengers.
We notice by advertisement, that the Union Company’s new steamer Wanaka is going to run on this coast. She is under the command of Captain Malcolm, who had the s.s. Storm Bird and Maori on this coast.
The schooner Lady Don, which loaded wool here from the Jessie Readman at Wellington, was caught in severe gale and blown down to Lyttelton, considerably damaged. Her cargo, which consisted of 230 bales of wool, was all more or less damaged by saltwater. Fortunately for the owners it was covered by insurance.
The schooner Orpheus, hence on January 31, arrived at Auckland on Thursday.
The s.s. Rangatira, Cap. Evans, after discharging about 40 tons of inward cargo at the Breastwork on Monday, took in a full load of wool for Wellington to be transhipped to the Ocean Mail for London, and left at 4 p.m.
The s.s. Southern Cross, Capt. Holmes left the outer wharf soon after the Rangatira, bound also to Wellington where she will be placed on the slip for a thorough overhaul.
The p.s. Manaia, Cap. Smith, left for Wairoa at an early hour on Monday with a little cargo and several passengers.
We were unable to give our readers the names of the passengers per the steamers Rangatira and Kiwi in Saturday, as their reports were not ashore when we went to press. We now append them: Per Rangatira: His Worship the Mayor, Dr. and Mrs Delisle, child, and servant, Mesdames Wigan, Hallett, Cole, Faulknor and 2 children, Misses Cole, Allan, and Merritt, Messrs Cole, Biddell, Trindell, Stone, Morvin, Cotterill, Garry, Dawson, Braidy, Matheson, Seymour, several in the steerage, and two prisoners. Per Kiwi: Messrs McLaggan, Williams, Bartlett, Birch, Herbert, and 7 in the steerage. The Rangatira was steered in by the semaphore on Saturday afternoon, but in consequence of the continued wet weather neither steamer discharged any cargo. They were both full. The latter steamer was unable to call on the coast coming up, consequently she has all her coast passengers and cargo on board.
In consequence of the continued fresh in the Tutaekuri, there has been no perceptible flood tide since Friday last.
The sea is quite smooth in the Bay, so much so that the s.s. Sir Donald was enabled to lay alongside the Schiehallion to take in the balance of her English cargo.
The Mission schooner Southern Cross is at present on her way to Wellington from Auckland. Her crew consists of 25 boys from the training school at Auckland.
The s.s. Nemesis, a steamer of 2885 tons, will leave Sydney for London via the Cape of Good Hope on the 24th instant. Turnbull and Co. are her agents in Wellington, from whom all particulars can be obtained.
On February 5 the C.G. s.s. Hinemoa, Captain Fairchild, left Wellington for a trip round the Middle Island. She will call at Preservation Inlet to land some ironwork to be used in the construction of a new lighthouse. Captain Fairchild expects to be away about ten days.
The s.s. Rangatira, hence on Monday at 4 p.m. arrived at Wellington at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, and the s.s. Southern Cross, which left half-an-hour after the Rangatira, arrived at Wellington at 5.30 p.m.
The s.s. Fairy left for Wangawehi on Tuesday for a load of wool for the Schiehallion.
The s.s. Wanaka arrived in the Bay at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, she was immediately tendered by the steam launch Bella, and the passengers landed. The Bella made a second trip to land 32 Longwool Rams. The Wanaka was lightened by the Three Brothers and Sir Donald, and her cargo which was principally grass seed, discharged this morning. The Wanaka proceeded to Poverty Bay, Tauranga, and Auckland, at 12 o’clock noon.
The s.s. Jane Douglas returned from Poverty Bay on Wednesday. She has a full cargo of dumped wool, which she is putting on board the Schiehallion this morning.
The s.s. Fairy returned from Wangewehie [Wangawehi] early on Thursday, with a load of dumped wool for the Schiehallion.
The Schiehallion on Thursday was taken to the northwards of the Bay to throw overboard her surplus ballast. She was towed back to her original mooring by the Jane Douglas on Thursday.
The ketch Sarah and Mary sailed for Lyttelton on Thursday in ballast.
For the United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, &c., via Suez and Brindisi, by every opportunity to Wellington, where the mails close on the 11th March.
For Fiji, Sandwich Islands, America, West Indies, United Kingdom and Continent of Europe, &c., via San Francisco, on Wednesday, 7th March, at 2.30 p.m.
Money Orders for United Kingdom, will close at 11 a.m. on 7th March.
Registered Letters and newspapers will close at 1 p.m.
Chief Postmaster.
GRAHAM. – At Havelock, on the 11th February, the wife of Mr F. Graham, of a daughter.
JOHNSON – OAKLEY. – At Sandon, on February 8, by the Rev. A. Towgood, J.T. Johnson, of Napier, to Amelia Mary Oakley, second daughter of J. Oakley, Esq., Sandon, Rangitikei.
DROWER. – At Waipukurau, on the 12th February, Maude Harriet Drower, aged 3 months.
We are in receipt of several letters from immigrants complaining of the manner in which they have been treated in Hawke’s Bay. To publish the whole of the correspondence would more than fill our columns. Last week we denounced the present system of Free Immigration.
The Cheapest House in the Trade.
DESIGNS prepared from rough sketches.
Plans colored or etched in first style
Architect and Building Surveyor,
Stock, Land Estate, and General Commission Agent, Waipukurau.
Goods Stored and Forwarded.
Offices and Stores: Near the Railway Station.
Government Notifications.
TAKE NOTICE that MONDAY, the 26th day of February 1877, is the day appointed on which, and the Court House Clyde, Wairoa, the place at which a Sitting of the above Court will be held at 11 o’clock a.m.
Judge of Assessment Court.
Wairoa, February 8, 1977.
Office of Waste Lands Board,
Napier, 8th December, 1876.
TO HUGH MCCORMICK, formerly of the 65th Regiment or his representatives.
You are hereby required, within six months from this date, to prove to the satisfaction of the Waste Lands Board that you have complied with the conditions required to entitle you to 60 acres of land in the Wakarara District, selected under a Military Settlers Land Order, and if you fail to prove your claim within the specified time, your title to the land will be forfeited and the land be dealt with as the Board may direct.
Chief Commissioner.
THE Shop and Premises lately occupied by Edwin Carter, Clyde, Wairoa.
The above offers a rare opportunity for a person to combine the wholesale with the retail department. General business. Rent Moderate.
Apply to
Or to
Clyde, Wairoa.
This is an entirely new and superior description, and shows an immense saving as compared with old sorts, a mile of five wires weighing only 10 cwt., versus 17 cwt. No. 8 ordinary Wire. Purchasers particularly note that the SAMSON WIRE is slightly oval in shape, to distinguish it. Each coil has a brass padlock tally and a tin tally stamped “Patent Oval Samson Wire.”
Manufactured by the Whitecross Wire Co., Warrington, and may be procured through any Merchant, Ironmonger, or Storekeeper.
The Weekly Mercury
Complete State of the Poll.
Majority for Sutton, 23.
Buchanan Sutton Tiffen Colenso
Napier 233 219 82 6
Wairoa 28 16 0 0
Hastings 18 31 0 0
Petane 6 4 0 0
Meanee 4 15 3 2
Taradale 7 19 35 2
Puketapu 0 15 3 2
296 319 153 12
THE Hawke’s Bay County Council has not adopted the full powers of the Counties Act a day too soon. The special meeting on Friday was the result of a very short experience of the working of the Act in its limited form. The Council was powerless; in fact, all that portion of the Act mentioned in its third schedule not being in force, local government had ceased to exist within the county. The Council, under the dictatorship of Colonel Whitmore, had been in such a terrible hurry to affirm its resolve not to bring the whole Act into operation, that it did not wait for the main roads to be handed over by the late Provincial Engineer. The bug-bear – expense and taxation – the Hon. Colonel had conjured up in the minds of the councillors had, apparently, created a panic, and the Council quickly determined to leave local government in the hands of the Wellington authorities. The march of events, however, has conclusively shown the absolute necessity existing for local bodies to administer local affairs. Without the full powers of the Act being in force neither the main roads, nor the bridges were under the supervision of anyone, nor was there any authority by which provision could be made for their preservation in time of floods. Nothing could be more unsatisfactory than was the condition of affairs as left by the Council, and there were no counter-balancing advantages. The only reasons that had weight with the Council in adopting the restricted Act were that it entirely prevented the imposition of a county rate, and the appointment of county officers. It was never thought that the same councillors who were resolute enough to delegate their authority to the Colonial Government rather than leave it in their own power to tax themselves, would not be likely if they had the power to impose any burdens on their landed estates. But Colonel Whitmore’s dread was that in playing with edged tools they might accidentally cut themselves, and therefore he advised they should have nothing to do with them. The result we have seen. The Council has found it necessary to carry out its functions, and we trust no more nonsense will be talked concerning the inability of its members to manage county affairs with ability and economy.
THE question of immigration has for some time past forced itself on public attention, and never more so than at the present time. A short paragraph in our columns a few weeks ago has evoked a considerable amount of correspondence, every letter being confirmatory of our statement that immigration is overdone in this province. But the cry is, “still they come.” Let us take the list of immigrants for Napier by the ship Fernglen, which may be shortly expected here. In this we find no less than thirty-four families, having between them seventy-four children. Some of the families, we notice, have six children, and one married couple have eight. What is to become of these people we cannot say, and their destiny must be left in the hands of that Government under whose auspices they have been brought out here. By the same ship are now on their way sixty-six single men, and twenty-five single women, one hundred and ninety-nine souls in all. The single men and women may be left to take care of themselves; probably they will find employment; but we protest against the introduction of married people with large families, as not only cruel to themselves, but unjust to the charitably disposed on whose support they must eventually fall. An amount of hardship is now being suffered by many an industriously disposed family, the extent of which it is impossible to gauge, and we fear the distress that will be apparent during the coming winter will tax to the uttermost the resources of the charitable.
HOWEVER disposed we might be to attempt the conversion of Mr. R. Coupland Harding, we are too well aware of the fixity of his opinions on the temperance question to hazard an undertaking that could only result in failure. But Mr. Harding having taken us to task for alluding to his stock query to all candidates for the representation of Napier, as absurd, it becomes necessary to again rake up the well worn subject of the Permissive Bill. We should say that Mr. Harding is not a humorist; although he is not of that people of whom it has been said that they have to undergo a surgical operation before they can appreciate a joke, we are inclined to think he would require a severe course of medicine before he could perceive the difference between fun and that which is serious. Mr. Harding cannot see that there is anything absurd in his mounting the stage at every election meeting, and in a peculiar monotone putting the self same question to each candidate, “in the event of your being returned, will you pledge yourself to support a Permissive Bill, should one be introduced into the General Assembly?” Mr. Harding’s constant appearance never fails to provoke the heartiest laughter, and the word “absurd” is properly applied to a scene that invariably causes amusement from the very poor satisfaction the questioner receives. There is another feature about Mr. Harding’s persistency in this respect. He puts the question as though on the satisfactory reply of the candidate hung his chances of being elected. There would be less absurdity about it if the teetotal vote in this town were worth courting. It was in this sense that we spoke of Mr. Harding’s action in this respect as absurd, and in no way did we wish it to be inferred that the principles for which he contends are worthy of ridicule. With regard to those principles we should advise Mr. Harding to study Mr John Stuart Mill’s essay on “Liberty.” An attentive study of that little work
will, perhaps, convince Mr. Harding that the best Permissive legislation we can have is that which, while it ensures the liberty of the individual against the tyranny of a bigoted society, permits every man to abstain from or indulge in the use of alcoholic beverages as his taste or his health may dictate.
Mr. Buchanan’s Meeting.
On Wednesday the Oddfellows’ Hall was crowded by electors and boys to listen to the views of Mr. Buchanan.
Mr. G.E. Lee was voted to the Chair, and introduced Mr. John Buchanan, who was received with hisses and applause.
Mr Buchanan, in a long speech, referred to the attacks that had been made on his political character during the contest by the press. He intended, he said, to fight this political contest fairly, and should he be defeated, he solemnly promised, without any reservation whatever, that he would never again contest another election in this Province. This statement was received with rounds of applause. He denied that he was a puppet of the Grey-Macandrew party, and appealed to the electors present to say whether in his past career he had ever been a puppet in the hands of any man or party. (Ironical laughter.) He then defended Sir George Grey from the accusations that had been levelled against him, but denied that, if elected, he would be found supporting that party of which Sir George Grey was the head. (Mr Sheehan: Hear, hear.) Mr. Sheehan would in future be the man who would rule this electorate if he (Mr Buchanan) was defeated. (Cheers and counter-cheers.) The past land transactions of Hawke’s Bay were a sealed book, but he (Mr Buchanan) would endeavour to unravel the mysteries contained in that work. (Cheers.) There were many present who would remember how in 1868 he supported the Stafford Ministry, which was then in opposition to the late Sir D. McLean and Mr Ormond. (Groans.) Yes, he did support that Ministry – (cheers and counter-cheers) – and the result showed that, although the people did not have confidence in the policy then pursued, recent events showed that he was right (Great Laughter). Mr Stafford was then the saviour of the country. It was true Mr Stafford was a large land owner, but nevertheless his interests were identical with those of the working man (Mr Rearden: Hear, hear.) Mr Buchanan concluded an able and fervid address by appealing to the electors to vote for one who had consistently supported Mr Stafford, and who he believed was the first statesman in the colony. (Mr Buchanan resumed his seat amidst loud cheers.)
Mr John Sheehan then ascended the platform amidst loud applause and hisses. He said he would not have come forward were it not at the request of the electors. Mr Sheehan in a long and frothy address begged of the electors to return Mr Buchanan at the head of the poll. (Great laughter.) It was true that shortly after the decease of the late Sir Donald McLean, Mr Buchanan had consulted with him regarding the present election, and he then promised him (Mr Buchanan) to use his utmost efforts to get him returned, and he would use every effort to carry out that promise. Although to-day he did not hold the electorate of Napier in his hands, he was confident the day was not far distant when he would do so. (Great laughter.) Mr Buchanan, like himself, was an opponent of the present Government, and he hoped the electors would place Mr Buchanan at the head of the poll. (Cheers.) At the close of this election he hoped all political feelings would be buried, and those who were opposed politically to-day would work in concord with him. (Laughter.)
Mr. J.N. Wilson then addressed the electors, and amidst much cheering showed that the Auckland party were working the election for their own purposes.
Mr. Rees in a long-winded speech claimed that Sir George Grey having out of his own pocket purchased for the public a large estate should receive their support. (Cheers.) He hoped the electors would place Mr. Buchanan at the head of the poll, because if elected he would support the interests of the Auckland party. (Mr. Rearden: Hear, hear.)
Mr Campbell amidst loud cheers contended that in electing Mr Buchanan the electors would be untrue to themselves, and in electing Mr Buchanan they would entirely place themselves in the hands of Sir G. Grey’s Central Committee. He put the question fairly before the electors that in the present contest the real test was whether the people of Hawke’s Bay would support the present Government or a factious opposition. (Cheers.)
Mr McMurray, amidst much laughter, proposed a vote of thanks to Mr Buchanan for the able speech he had delivered.
This proposition, having been seconded, was carried, amidst laughter and applause. A vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded the proceedings.
February 9.
Upon reflecting in calmer moments upon the result of Mr Buchanan’s election meeting of last Saturday, it will be at least admitted that Mr Sheehan has succeeded in clearing up a good many misapprehensions that had been afloat previously concerning him. As he himself admitted he started with the feeling that the Wairoa body politic was opposed to him; by the clear enunciation of his views with respect to natives we found out that his views were almost identical with our own. There is a significance in this determination, from a native district from one where the coddling and restricted actions of the Native Lands Act were in full swing, from a district too where Government officials have great moral power, and finally from a community by whom Sir Donald McLean was worshipped, if possibly more than in Napier itself, this note comes as a warning note, place the Maori on an equal footing with the white man, no more petting, no more protection for them than for anyone else, and finally free trade in land. There was the secret of Mr. Sheehan’s success. Free trade in land, reduction of the native department, Maoris to be made to bear their share towards the erection of dividing fences and to pay their quota to the rates. Go a step farther, make them pay Dog taxes, and everything else Europeans do. I would suggest to the electors as a body that they hold a meeting before the election and give a block vote to the most suitable candidate to the place. The election will be a very close one, and the Wairoa votes might win the day after all. Mr Buchanan is, I believe, the favourite one now, altho’ but one short week back Mr Sutton appeared to be the chosen one of the locality.
In botching up the hurried business of last session, it would be as well if the General Government were to take over the issue of many of the licences, the fees of which are now payable to the Boroughs and Councils. The publicans’ and wine and spirit merchants’ can remain as they are, they, the publicans and wine and spirit merchants are stationary, afford a good source of revenue to the corporate bodies, and no public advantage would be derived by depriving the local authorities of their revenue. But auctioneers’ and hawkers’ licenses, together with the dog tax, stand on a far different footing. In some Counties it would not pay to charge a heavy fee (£40 or £50 per annum for instance) for an auctioneers’ license, simply because it would not pay an auctioneer to start in the place at such a handicap. Neither could one come for any special job from neighbouring County or Borough, but his license would not hold good and the local body would want to collar the fee over again. Let the General Government fix one good fee and let that run all over the colony. Let there be no geographical distinctions at all for such licenses. Melbourne auctioneers sell at Deniliquin; Sydney men at Bathurst. Why then should there be in New Zealand over a hundred different bodies each empowered to grant licenses in their own districts, while at the same time those licenses have no effect beyond some imaginary and arbitrary line? The same with hawkers! Is it to be contended that a man paying his license to one County will have to pay and pay again as he journeys? His first payment is for “hawking.” Can you imagine a stationary hawker. The terms are not synonymous. The same argument holds good for the “Dog Tax.” Are drovers to keep on paying as they pass imaginary lines of demarcation? Forbid it Jupiter! The General Government could well take over the whole of these sums and make some small concessions to the Municipalities and Councils for this breach of contract on their part if they do so.
In my opinion the strict enforcement of many of the provisions and small sources of revenue that these bodies enjoy under the “Counties Act” and it’s equally confusing confreres, will entail more trouble and expense than they are worth. Another thing, why are the old Provincial boundaries, laws and fees still kept up? What advantage has been derived from the Abolition of Provinces, while the same old Provincial districts are kept up?
It is rumored that there will be a great many objections to the valuation roll at the first sitting of the Assessment Court for this County (26th February.) It would be as well for intending objectors to bear in mind that those rolls were very hurriedly compiled on purpose to be in time to get the first year’s Government subsidy – it is far more than probable that next year will see the Councils getting no subsidy whatever – the land fund and consolidated revenue are both falling off so seriously. Secondly that the valuation has been placed at a very moderate amount in order to cover the many errors and omissions that must have crept in the first time, those rolls being prepared without time being allowed from the Government to search the Registry Offices, and have an accurate map prepared – if every occupier whose property has been wrongly described, or who fancies his neighbour’s property has been wrongly described, brings his case into Court and wins it, he may possibly save a shilling or so of rates, but he will most infallibly help to put the county funds into such a low condition that very little will be left in the exchequer to meet the necessary road expenditure as all the costs come out of county funds, at least so I am told and well believe it. The Wairoa ferry is to be sold on the 14th instant, and the bridge (greatly needed) over the Awatere creek to be started as soon as possible. This work, when completed, will be a great boon to travellers from Mahia and the Bay.
In election matters, Mr Buchanan, appears to be, at present the winning horse, Mr Sutton, and he will possibly make close running, but I fancy the former will be ahead here, the rest nowhere. Mr Sheehan’s plucky manner of feeding the lion in his den (Wairoa bulls he called us) has had the effect of making most people imagine he is not so bad, repudiatively, as he was made to be. Can I impress on the residents throughout the whole county who are not yet on the electoral roll that they ought to get registered at once. Register! register! register! and do you, Mr Editor, try and get some of the needful for us. Send each of your subscribers one at least.
I hear that a re-inforcement of A.C. are now on their way to replace those lately discharged, this district is still looked upon as one in which garrisons are required. It is out of my province to suggest that if any where required here it is at Onepoto, a good garrison should be kept there at all events, it really is of use as the Urwera [ Urewera ] got very bumptious when it was reduced. A few men there doing bona fide garrison duty, would impress the native mind far more than being scattered about here and there playing at roadmaking or else cooling their heels at headquarters. Somehow Onepoto never was a very favourite residence for the officers, and yet somehow I fancy some of the “past” officers would take up their residence there for a very long residence indeed – if possible.
The weather is something frightful, tremendous downpour of rain, and blowing hard from the S.E. I rather envy the mailman his trip to-morrow. It is too infernally (excuse the profanity of the remark) wet to go out and look for any more work. So, Mr Editor, I will conclude by, in local phraseology, “looking towards you.”
The adjourned meeting of the above Council was held at Wairoa on the 12th February.
Present: Councillors Burton (Chairman), Cable, Flint, Parker, and Smyth.
Correspondence was laid on the table – 1st. From Cr. McKinnon stating that for the Tongoio [ Tangoio ] Ferry a bonus of £20 was given last year, and recommending that Mr Haultain’s offer of placing a man there for 5s per diem when the lagoon has broken out be accepted. 2. From the Colonial Secretary stating that the fees for auctioneers’ license are paid in accordance with the provisions under which they were issued prior to the Abolition of Provinces, and that the Council had neither the power to issue the licenses nor to fix the rates thereof. 2. From Mr Hamshaw, accepting Waihua Ferry without a bonus, providing a punt be placed there by the Council.
On the motion of Cr. Cable, correspondence as read was received.
Cr. Cable moved and Cr. Smyth seconded, that for the present, and until further enquiries be made, the Tongoio Ferry be held over.
Amendment moved by Cr Flint, and seconded by Cr Parker, that £5 be placed on the estimates for the Tongoio Lagoon Ferry, and same arrangements be entered into to provide the necessary punt.
Amendment carried.
Proposed by Cr Smyth, seconded by Cr Parker, that the chairman be empowered to expend a sum or sums not exceeding £50 for the purpose of repairing the damage done to the roads by the late floods.
It was then proposed by Cr Cable, seconded by Cr Smith, and carried unanimously, that with regard to all private drains in the township carrying drainage water into the river, the owners or occupiers benefitting thereby, be required, within 14 days from receipt of due notice, to construct and afterwards maintain at their own cost in good repair to the satisfaction of the Council, efficient watercourses leading to the river or else such drains will be closed. The Council at the same time retaining the right of closing the drains if found injurious to public property. And that public notification be given to the effect that no drains or any other interference with the river bank will be permitted without the express sanction of the Council.
Proposed by Cr Cable, seconded by Cr Flint, that the Bank of New Zealand be applied to increase the present overdraft to £700, taking as security the revenue of the Council for the current year. – Carried.
The meeting then adjourned until the 19th instant.
SIR, – The tutelar saint of the day, in his passage through our town, must have let fall by accident a number of the tendermissives with which he was laden. I have picked up a small parcel of these
documents, and thinking it a pity that they should have miscarried, I send them to you for publication, in the sincere hope that they may meet the anxious eyes of those to whom they are addressed. I have taken the trouble to re-arrange them, reversing the order in which they appeared to have been originally placed.
Colenso! all in vain thy arts
To charm the hard electoral hearts –
The polling day will leave to thee
Thy Lexicon and liberty!!
Intrepid Rhodes! thy first defeat
It now shall be thy lot to meet!
Though wealth and common-sense be thine,
They will not make thee Valentine!
Tiffen! beneath the yew-tree’s shade
Thy budding hopes shall soon be laid.
With weeping-willow let us twine
Thy tender floral Valentine!
O Sutton, Sutton! had thy hands
Been still unsoiled by native lands,
The victor’s wreath might now be thine –
But thou wilt not be Valentine!
Buchanan! thou with giant might
Can for the People’s interests fight.
Against thee though a host combine
Thou art the chosen Valentine!
If the parties interested are inclined to bestow any Reward upon the humble individual to whom they are indebted for the recovery of these papers (which, being of a strictly personal nature were unfortunately of no value to the finder), they will kindly leave the same at the office of your paper, and it will be very gratefully received by
Napier, February 14, 1877.
SIR, – “Cato,” by his letter in your issue of this evening, seems to entirely misunderstand the purport of your paragraph in your issue of the 12th instant. In it many wished to express their thanks to those named in your paragraph for their unbounded exertions on behalf of the settlers generally. On the other hand the risk and kindness were simply for the personal benefit of one. Had the man to whom “Cato” refers any thought, he would “as those settlers did who received manifold kindness from Messrs Payne, Chase, Collins, and Pritchard, have thanked those who at the risk of their own lives saved his,” have publicly thanked them through the papers. “It is not even too late” now, but it would have been more to the point had he done so before. “Cato” did it for him. – I am, &c.,
Taradale, February 13, 1877.
SIR, – The question has been asked and, perhaps, you may be able to answer it, is it not likely that Mr. W. Colenso desires to enter the House to advocate his claims to a fat Inspectorship of Schools – a billet under the General Government at something like £400 a year? The House in the past has proved a very Fortunatus’ purse to Mr. Colenso, and, in the lapse of years, he may think the claim has not been entirely worked out. Knowing Mr. Colenso, I should not be surprised, if he fails in this election, if he does not ask the Education Board for an increase of screw to soothe his wounded feelings. – I am, &c.,
Napier, February 13, 1877.
SIR, – I was much pleased to see Mr. J. Sheehan’s letter in your columns of last Monday, advocating the calling of a meeting by His Worship the Mayor, for the purpose of opening subscriptions to assist the distressed by the late floods. In addition to this, I would suggest, in order that all might contribute their mite that, as was the case two years ago, for “The Sick Fund,” entertainments might be given and committees appointed in various parts, to report to a central committee those who had suffered greatly and needed assistance. – I am, &c.,
Taradale, February 14, 1877.
SIR, – From “Big May’s” letter in your issue of tonight, I fear he is not a resident here; he may be an occasional visitor, but he does not know the residents here to a T. If he did, he would not have been misinformed in his ideas as regards their efforts to protect themselves during the past months. The river embankment is a sore bone of contention here, and while it has to be done voluntarily out of private sources, it never will be. Somebody has an objection because Mr So and So does not contribute so much, and will, in support of his objection say, “See what a stake he has in the fence!” And so it is first one and then another, and thus nothing is done. There is no doubt that a meeting will, as before has been the case, be called, and the result will be, ten chances to one, the same nothing will be done, and many will deliberately (of our industrious settlers) refuse to contribute, having lost their produce; and before the Act can be brought into force and the rate levied, they will have moved away to the land they have taken up on the deferred payment system, where they can certainly live in peace of mind. There is no doubt that the flood, or rather the effects, will drive many more away from amongst us. Scarcely had the flood abated, than rumour had it that Mr. H.S. Tiffen was going to provide £500, whether public or private money rumour did not say, for the purpose of embanking a part, and making a wing-dam, which latter word is, by the by, quite a by-word here, for protecting Taradale. That something must be done it is certain, and the sooner they move in a proper direction the better. – I am, &c.,
Taradale, February 13, 1877.
SIR, – Under the above heading in your issue of yesterday I notice that (Wairoa) instead of trying to give the unemployed a helping hand, is, by his suggestions and false representations, trying to throw all blame on me and working men. As regards working for lower wages I find that don’t keep a man employed, or I would not be idle now, for I may inform him that I have been working for 2s a day less than the current rates; and as for his stating that we will not be at the trouble of seeking it, unless at the old rate, is entirely false; for having a family depending on me for support, I have offered to work for any wages if I can get an honest crust for my labour it would be far acceptable to charitable aid. Even if the unemployed do accept of aid I consider that the Government do no more than their duty; it is they who are entirely to blame for fetching families to a place like this, and if they cannot employ us, send us home again. When a man has to pay 10s and 11s a week for a place to live in, and 1s for a loaf, I think he requires a little more wages than in the old country. In it, even in London, I have had far superior accommodation for 2s 6d a week; in fact, with all the boasted cheapness of meat, I could live better at home on one third the money, I sincerely trust that Wairoa will advertise for good labourers, stating the wages he can afford to give. I know nothing of agricultural labour myself, being a mechanic, but if he will give me sufficient to keep myself and family, I will be glad to do what I can. When I wrote on Saturday I little expected to see “Working Man’s” letter; as soon as I began to read it I knew who the writer was, and know that all his statements are true. We have both got a good way through life’s journey, and I have in times gone by found it darkest before daybreak. Hoping its better on before. – I am, &c.,
Napier, February 14, 1877.
SIR,- Under the above heading a Wairoa correspondent attacks you for your articles in your recent paper upon immigration; he also attacks the writers of those letters that by your kindness you allowed to appear in last Saturday’s paper. Will you kindly allow me to say a few words in reply to him? “Wairoa” says, first, he would suggest that men should, rather than starve, work for lower wages; well, how much lower would he like them? I, for one, am a carpenter, as I told you last Saturday, yet I have not been particular what I did so long as I could get a living. I have worked for 35s per week under the promise of twelve months’ work; and if that is too high, I have even offered to work for 30s a week, finding myself and family everything but meat, namely, mutton on a station. Is that low enough for “Wairoa,” or does he, when he refers to the old country remuneration, mean near Gloucester, where I have seen the agricultural labourer living on 8s per week find himself? If he does, then, I reply, it were better to have left them there, for when they get sick, old, or infirm they had the workhouse, which they have not here, though I should advise to build one soon, or the gaol to be enlarged, as I feel sure, under present circumstances, it will soon be required. Your correspondent also uses the following words – “That, unless work is brought to them without seeking for it at the old rate, they are dissatisfied and feel themselves injured.” To whom do these words refer? Does he mean to the writers of Saturday’s letters? If so, do not be so fast, Mr “Wairoa,” or you may get in trouble. I said in my letter that I had made repeated applications for even one day’s work, and could not get it – an assertion I can prove to the satisfaction of any person who likes to leave a line or two at the TELEGRAPH office, where they can find all information as to who I am. I have never spoken to you, Mr. Editor, nor had any communication with you, except in last Saturday’s paper, but I take this liberty seeing you are well-inclined towards the poorer class as to insert their letters. Finally, Mr “Wairoa,” you also say you can find work for a reasonable number of agricultural labourers. What is your reasonable number, or are you like a good many more who farm four or five miles of land with one paltry farm servant and wife as cook? Or do you intend, old country style, so that by your liberality you will find work for many of the unemployed and get others to do the same? I feel sure if you are do inclined that, if you put an advertisement in the paper and offer reasonable wages and constant employment, you will soon need no lack of hands. You say you can remunerate them at wages far beyond the old country; I say to you, if you are large enough to employ one not an agriculturalist but a carpenter – who is also handy at anything – that, if you will give me even the old country’s wages and find me food, clothes, and rent at the old country prices, I will come to you at once. However, I send you my best compliments for the great amount of sympathy you had for the writer of one of the letters, who would have been without food, his children also, from last Saturday till now, but for your kindness towards them by sending them empty suggestions! – I am, &c.,
Napier, February 15, 1877.
SIR, – At election times it is usual to throw out feelers in order to catch as many voters as possible. Where there are so many candidates it would be as well if the electors caught the candidates previously. What I mean is, let us, up in the North, send our votes in block to the man we think will best protect Northern interests. Our votes en bloc should have a decided effect at an occasion like this when there are such conflicting elements at work. Will you allow me to ask Mr Buchanan through your columns the following questions: –
1. Will you, if elected, vote for free trade in native lands?
2. Will you pledge yourself to razing down the Native Office and doing away with that pernicious protective policy to the natives? Meaning, will you place both Maori and European on the same footing in point of law?
3. Will you pledge yourself to obtain a larger share of subsidies to outlying corporate bodies than those payable to towns and richer bodies?
4. Will you advocate the introduction of an elected element into the present nominated Waste Lands Board, say for instance, allow the chairman of councils to be, ex officio, members while chairmen?
5. Will you, after buying us, as it were, with these promises, sell us afterwards by not adhering to them?
6. Will you also try and get the fag-end of the East Coast electoral district at present in the Wairoa County bought into the Napier electoral district, so that the county boundary will be also the electoral boundary. – I am, &c.,
February 7, 1877.
IF we are not mistaken, it was at Hastings that Mr. Buchanan in his speech twitted Mr. Sutton with coming forward as a candidate ticketed by Mr. Ormond. Mr. Buchanan on his part does not attempt to deny that he comes ticketed by Mr. John Sheehan, Sir George Grey’s Lieutenant, and the paid advocate of that portion of the native race, who are attempting to wring more money for their land purchases than they at first agreed upon. It is therefore of the utmost importance to the constituency which has now to choose a representative to see whether the present action of Mr. Sheehan’s party is such as to merit its confidence, and whether Mr. Buchanan as the nominee of that party should be placed by the voters of the people in such a position as to be able to further the ends Mr. Sheehan has in view. Mr. Sheehan takes credit to himself that through his aid the district of Napier had an additional representation given it. As we have already stated, Mr. Sheehan did by his vote assist the Government in carrying their original proposition in opposition to Mr. Kelly. Unfortunately, however for Mr. Sheehan, the further action taken by him last year in attempting to place a large number of natives on the roll in order to swamp the European votes shows that his object in giving that vote, was not a disinterested one and intended for the benefit of the European settlers of Napier, but it was given in the evident belief that by placing a number of native votes on the roll, he would hold this Electoral District in his hands and be able to dictate to the Europeans who should or should not be their representative. Fortunately Mr Sealy, the then Registration Officer refused to register the claims made by Mr. Sheehan’s natives on legal grounds, else in this present election, the truth of Mr. Buchanan’s words as to Mr Sheehan holding the electorate of Napier in his hands would now possibly be verified! Yet, have we been asked by Mr. Buchanan to give him our confidence and our votes when he comes ticketed to us by a gentleman who has in the past and is now doing his utmost to place on the roll a people who would be driven to the poll in a body, and vote for whoever Mr Sheehan willed. We hope the electors will be careful and watch the proceedings of these gentlemen. It is no secret that Mr Buchanan’s party already boast that they have forty good and true Maoris who are bound to vote as Mr Sheehan dictates, and that owing to the votes being divided amongst so many candidates, the native votes will carry the day. We have placed the electors on their Guard. If the candidates who it is known have no chance, viz., Messrs. Tiffen, Rhodes, and Colenso will not retire, let not the electors be led away by any childish or weak sentiments of friendship for these gentlemen, but on Thursday vote straight for Mr Sutton, whether they fully agree with him or not in all matters of a political nature. Sink minor differences and jealousies and show to those who are attempting to make the Napier district a Maori pocket borough – for if Mr Sheehan and Mr Buchanan have their way it will become nothing else – that their action has not the sanction of the electors, and they are united in resisting the wily political schemes planned for their injury by Sir George Grey’s Queen street Central Committee, and which are now attempted to be carried out by its able representative here – Mr John Sheehan, – Telegraph, February 10.
ALL five candidates presented themselves before the public, yesterday, and severally addressed the electors from the hustings. Mr. Tiffen, who may be said to represent the large landed interests, spoke first. He had very little to say further than that he knew nothing of the Friendly Societies Bill of last session. It is extremely difficult to discover why this gentleman has been induced to offer himself as the successor of Sir Donald McLean. We can only imagine his candidature is a political move to put Mr. Buchanan at the head of the poll. It is every day more and more evident that the contest is solely between Mr. Sutton and Mr. Buchanan, and every vote that is given, and some will be given innocently enough, to Mr. Tiffen, will assist the party that recognises Sir George Grey as its chief. It is absurd to shut our eyes to what is plain to everyone that the able lieutenant of the Grey-Macandrew party, Mr. Sheehan, would not be busying himself on behalf of Mr. Buchanan without a deep-laid political object. That object now is the same as that which he and his party had in view throughout the last two sessions – to exalt the two extremities of the colony, Otago to the south, and Auckland to the north, at the expense of the centre. It is perfectly true that Mr. Sheehan did assist in obtaining a third member for Hawke’s Bay, but should he succeed in securing the return of a colleague in the person of Mr Buchanan, the representation of this part of the colony is reduced to one, and the Grey party strengthened proportionately. It is notorious that the influence which Hawke’s Bay and Taranaki have been enabled to exert in the House was solely due to the unity of their representation. A house divided against itself cannot stand, and it would be suicidal in the extreme for Hawke’s Bay to return a member whose line of action no one can be sure of for a minute. To all outward appearance during this election, Mr. Buchanan has placed himself unreservedly
in the hands of one of the fiercest Opponents Mr Ormond and the late Sir Donald McLean had to deal with in the General Assembly. We maintain that such being the case, there can be no guarantee that Mr Buchanan will not be found a submissive colleague of Mr Sheehan in the House. Mr Tiffen then, having no chance of being elected, can only be used as a foil to Mr Sutton, in the same way as Mr Rhodes’ nomination was effected by Mr Buchanan’s party, for precisely a similar object. We warn the electors against this attempt to smother Hawke’s Bay influence in the General Assembly, and we are surprised that Mr Tiffen’s supporters should have lent themselves to such a purpose. Mr Tiffen knows now why we have consistently opposed him since he offered himself as a candidate. As for Mr Colenso, perhaps, the less said of him the better. The number of votes he will receive can do little harm to any of the other candidates, and his coming forward can best be compared to the persistency shown by a certain young person in Napier, who invariably asks at every election some absurd question relative to the Permissive Bill. – Telegraph, February 9.
THE Auckland Party in Napier, headed by Mr. Sheehan, has adopted a new mode of political warfare. Beaten at all points, they are now issuing every evening a broad-sheet, which is termed the “Wananga Extraordinary,” and certainly it is a most “extraordinary production.” The Wananga is Mr. Sheehan, and Mr. Sheehan is the Wananga, and if ever a candidate has to cry “save me from my friends” Mr. Buchanan after perusing last evening’s production, might well make this exclamation. First we have a letter produced signed Mr. Hamlin, in which that gentleman makes certain charges against Mr. Sutton. Mr. Sheehan evidently targets or omits to mention that the whole of the charges there made were clearly refuted by Mr. Sutton before Mr. Justice Richmond, Judge Manning, and two Native Assessors, a few years ago, when Mr. Sheehan himself, at great expense to the country, attempted to blacken the characters of Mr. Sutton, Sir Donald McLean and other gentlemen. That attempt was as futile then as it will prove in the present instance. In this “extraordinary” production we have also a letter reprinted, signed by Mr. Sutton, in which that gentleman defended himself from allegations made against him having reference to certain land transactions he had with the late Sir Donald McLean. Mr. Sutton has throughout his whole career never been found to bend the knee or receive rebuffs from those in power without giving a quid pro quo, and it is for this, among many other reasons, we now support his candidature. We feel confident that Mr. Sutton will ever be found in the future, as in the past, without distinction of party or of persons, prepared to support to the utmost of his ability that which he may think to benefit the many, so long as he considers justice and fair play are on his side. In the case before us, no doubt, Mr. Sutton thought he had been wronged, and in vindication of his own character, placed his view of the matter fairly and fully before the public, so that it might give its judgement between the contending parties. Could anything be more honest or fair? Anything more reasonable? Mr. Sheehan, or rather the Wananga, states that it has been the uncompromising enemy of Sir Donald McLean during his life. In this the Wananga speaks the truth, and as the organ of the party which has nominated Mr. Buchanan, it has also chosen a gentleman to contest this election, who is able to make the same proud boast. “A fellow feeling makes them wondrous kind.” But are the electors of Napier to choose a man to fill the late Sir Donald McLean’s seat on this recommendation? Is such a slur as this to be put on the memory of a man of whom this constituency has been so justly proud? Are we to elect the nominee of the late Sir Donald McLean’s most “uncompromising enemy?” The electors will be asked to reply to these questions on Thursday, and we much mistake their character, if they answer it in the affirmative. – Telegraph, February 13.
PRESENT: – Messrs. Tiffen (chairman), Kinross, Williams, and Brathwaite.
The Chairman said the meeting had been called under clause 12 of the Counties Act. He had found in carrying out his duties insuperable difficulties, and that if they adhered to their resolution of the last meeting they were powerless. Since the last meeting the late Provincial Engineer had informed him that he would shortly have to hand over the main roads to the county. Under the limited Act they could not take over those roads or hand them over to the Road Boards. There was also no authority under the restricted clauses of the Act to provide for the preservation of the bridges. He did not think the public desired the Council to take over authority now enjoyed by the Road Boards, but under the full powers [of] the Council they need do no more than exercise a general supervision. There was no power now over slaughter-houses, or charitable institutions. In fact, the Council was powerless. In trying to carry out the wishes of the Council that there should be some proper inspection of the bridges, he found under the restricted Act that it was impossible; if they waited till the 22nd March, it might be too late. He was in favor at first of taking the limited clauses of the Act, but he had since seen the desirability of accepting the full powers it contained. By clause 8 it was necessary before adopting the whole Act that every member of the Council should be served with seven day’s notice of the intention of the Council to take such course.
In reply to Cr. Kinross, the Clerk said that notice had been given to each Councillor, with the exception of Col. Whitmore, who was in the Bay of Plenty district.
Cr. Kinross moved that this Council comes under the full powers of the Act, and that it rescinds its former resolution.
Cr. Williams seconded the motion having felt sure from the first that the restricted Act would be found unworkable. Floods were now coming down the rivers, and there was no provision made for the protection of the bridges.
Motion put and carried unanimously.
Cr. Williams said that though out of order he desired to call the attention of the Council to the fact of floods coming down the rivers and that there was no one to look after the bridges.
The Chairman said the difficulty might be got over if he were to take the responsibility upon himself and he did not doubt but what the Council would bear him out in any action he might take for the preservation of the bridges.
Some conversation then took place as to the best means to be taken to watch the floods and their effect on the bridges, and arrangements were made for the general superintendence of the work that might have to be undertaken for the preservation of the bridges.
The Council then adjourned on the motion of Cr. Williams till the 17th inst.
(From the Wananga.)
ON Thursday last the first official proceedings in connection with the election took place. The nomination, of which we give particulars in another column, has thrown considerable light upon the position of parties, and the chances of candidates. It is now possible to make a tolerable accurate guess at the final result.
The “People’s William” came out in good form yesterday, and made a stump speech full of fun, of the kind which always amuses a hustings audience. Unfortunately, an amusing speech is not always a convincing one. Mr Colenso said of the other candidates, “Let the boys play.” We say of him, “Let the old man stop at home.” The electors know what is good for him better than he does himself, and despite his own positive assurances to the contrary the voting on Thursday will secure for him that leisure to which he is so well entitled, and leave him free to proceed with the compilation of the Maori Lexion [Lexicon]. The electors as a whole do not favour geology as a study, and a fossil politician stands no chance.
We confess to feeling the liveliest commiseration for Messrs. Rhodes and Tiffen. The episode in the election of which they form the central figures is about the most touching that we have come across since first we shed tears over the story of the “Babes in the Wood.” What singular infatuation hath possessed these two quiet, respectable, well-to-do, and harmless old gentlemen we cannot conceive. Mr Tiffen evidently has dismal forebodings, for we observe that he has been presenting the inhabitants of Taradale with four acres of land for a cemetery. In ancient Sparta an unsuccessful candidate or law-giver was immediately hanged. Fortunately for Mr Tiffen that awkward law has no force in Hawke’s Bay, or else it is certain that he would be the first person to avail himself of the Taradale burial ground.
A coolness seems now to have sprung up between Mr Rhodes and John Wesley, – at any rate Mr Rhodes did not attempt yesterday to travel on the strength of his father’s acquaintance with the great English divine. So far as we could make him out, Mr Rhodes now bases his claim to be returned upon the fact that when some twenty or twenty-five years ago a number of Wellington settlers, alarmed at a big earthquake, attempted to leave the colony, he was not amongst them. Earthquakes are not of much account at elections, especially of earthquakes of such hoary antiquity as the one to which Mr Rhodes refers.
It is evident that the real fight will be between Messrs Buchanan and Sutton. Of all the candidates, the one who comes nearest to Mr Buchanan in ability is Mr Sutton, but as his friend the Hawke’s Bay Herald says of him, “It is a serious drawback to him that his native transactions have been such as they were.” Our aged morning contemporary follows up this slap in the face by the profound remark, “We cannot have everything, however.” Character may be wanting, but it has never been looked upon by the Herald as a necessary qualification. Mr Sutton’s speech at the nomination amused us by its deliberate audacity. The Boss Tweed of Napier says that all he wants is justice. We have been of that opinion for a long time – no man requires it more, and no man is more likely to get it. The blind goddess has certainly moved with somewhat tardy footsteps, but she will not forget to knock at Mr Sutton’s door in good time. Mr Sutton says that he has won all his cases. He knows better – and would give a Jew’s eye to be released from the grip which the “Repudiation Party” have upon him at the present time. Mr Sutton also referred to Omarunui, and feigned to look upon himself as an injured man. He knows in his heart of hearts that he has no claim to the sympathy of the people, that nine out of ten even of his own personal friends admit that they cannot defend his action about the Omarunui Block.
Mr Buchanan disappointed his opponents by not exploding as they expected. He may have the temper and courage of a lion, but he appears to be able to “roar to you as gently as a sucking dove.” His speech was excellent both in style and manner, and no one could have left the meeting without being convinced both of his ability and sincerity. We earnestly hope for the credit of Napier that he will be successful in the approaching contest, and we feel assured that the interests of the electorate could not be entrusted to any abler or honester man.
AMONG the passengers to Napier by the Southern Cross on Friday was Mr. W. L. Rees, the well-known Auckland barrister, and member for Auckland City East in the House of Representatives. The North Otago Times, in its sketches of new members of Parliament, thus refers to that gentleman: – “Mr. William Lee Rees, the member for Auckland City East, is certainly a remarkable man. Well read in law and divinity, he also desires to be considered a politician and a financier. To talk is no trouble to him whatever, on any subject at the moment, and he is alike regardless of accuracy or the feelings of others. His voice is harsh and unpleasing, but his mode of delivery impressive. When he first came into the House he was intolerable, but towards the end of the session he improved considerably. He became less course [coarse] in his imagery, and less virulent in his invectives. He commenced with the apparent conviction that abuse would be more effective in the House than argument. It is seldom Mr. Rees goes into a question in a logical manner. He prefers frothy declamation. Yet when a legal inquiry arises he is as keen as any of his brethren of the long robe. When the famous question of the invalidity of nine European members holding office arose, it was Mr. Rees who persisted, despite all sneering and opposition, in maintaining that the Ministry had no right to act as Ministers, and his view was afterwards sustained by the passing of the Executive Councillors Indemnity Bill. He wrote some two years since a pamphlet on the financial position of the Colony of New Zealand, which attracted a considerable amount of attention, as no person could understand what the writer intended to prove, or where he obtained his data. His personal antipathy to Sir Julius Vogel colours all his statements, and distorts what facts may be given to him by others. His financial ability is on a par with that of the Hon. Mr. Waterhouse: in fact the critiques made on our financial position by those two gentlemen would, to a stranger, seem to have emanated from the same source. It is difficult to understand what purpose Mr. Rees can serve in the House, besides that of being a lieutenant to Sir George Grey. He was useful, of course, in the stone-wall debate, and there his usefulness to his party ended save when they wanted him to insult the Canterbury members, or utter tirades against the Ministry. And yet he can speak with a great deal of humour, and keep the House convulsed with laughter. When the Hon. George McLean brought down an array of figures showing the reductions of expenditure that would accrue from the abolition of Provincialism, Mr. Rees was particularly happy, and put the matter so grotesquely before the House that both sides wrung with the mirth evoked; while his badgered antagonist sat at the Ministerial table in aught but an enviable frame of mind. When the Premier pounces down on the financial ravings of the members for Auckland City East and analyses what has been stated, Mr. Rees sits and listens with a puzzled, good humoured air, and, shaking his head, strives with all his financial understanding to find out what the Premier means; but tries in vain. He is ultimately obliged to give the question up and when opportunity occurs makes the same rebutted statements over and over again.”
SIR, – The Waipawa County Council have appointed a solicitor, not before they wanted one. If they have already, under section 11 Counties Act, passed a resolution to adopt the Act in its restricted form, then to annul such resolution and bring the whole Act into force, a special meeting should be held for such purpose, and a clear majority in number of the whole Council must pass it. If on the other hand the resolution named in section 11 has not been passed, then the whole act is already in force in that County, and their resolution is waste paper. But at the rate the County Councils are going on with Chairmen, clerks, lawyers, and now solicitors, it will be well if we have not jumped from the frying pan into the fire, and like the frogs in the fable, changed King Fox for King Stork. – I am, &c,.
February 9, 1877.
Sir, – You have gone somewhat out of your way in yesterday’s leader to refer to the “ absurd question” put to the candidates relative to the “Permissive Bill;” and the personal reference contained in that allusion is scarcely in good taste.
As you did take the trouble to refer to the question, you might have been more clear. The question will almost certainly arise during the next session of the Assembly ; and, such being the case, it was not unreasonable on the part of any elector to endeavor to ascertain beforehand a candidate’s views upon it. Had the question emanated from a publican or a brewer, or any other person evidently interested in the subject, you might not, perhaps, have thought it “absurd.” Perhaps, however, the term is intended to apply to the measure itself, if so, you are at issue with the late member for this district, of whom you always were a supporter. In reply to a question on the subject, in December 1875, Sir Donald McLean replied that although he could not speak of the question as one of Government policy, yet privately he had always sympathised with it. He had voted for Mr Fox’s Bill, and should do so again. Moreover, he would endeavor to have every facility afforded for carrying it into effect, as he thought the measure a good one.
This reply did not cost Sir Donald his seat. On the contrary, he stood at the head of the poll.
Possibly, you object, as some do, to the permissive principle in toto, whether applied to the liquor traffic, or any other matter of social importance. If so, your objection is futile, as the principle is gradually becoming more accepted, and its importance daily more and more recognised. It is of comparative recent growth, and, originally regarded with suspicion, as a dangerous outgrowth of advanced liberalism, it is now adopted and largely used by the Conservative Government of which the Earl of Beaconfield is the head. It is now about two years since Mr Disraeli was attacked on this point by a pamphleteer, who in pompous language condemned the principle as being “ in conflict with the fundamental canons of English jurisprudence.” This was quoted in the House of Commons by Sir T. Acland, who in addition (using a similar expression to your own), stigmatized it as ‘utterly absurd.’ I will ask you to note Mr Disraeli’s reply: –
“Mr. Disraeli said it was difficult to decide what was ‘utterly absurd,’ and some might think the views and conduct of the hon. baronet were so. ‘The House had decided against his views, and he thought the country was opposed to them. Of course it was known that the items in these clauses did not apply with equal relevancy to all parts of the country; what was aimed at was, to give a general guide to the country on the subject. It could not be pretended that it was possible to draw precise clauses which would apply to all parts of the country. The Bill could not be described in the magniloquent terms in which the hon. baronet wished to describe our legislation. It was a permissive bill, which for the first time treated of a subject of infinite magnitude and infinite difficulty, and one which the Government thought of infinite necessity, and upon which the country wanted and wished to be guided. Under these circumstances it was brought forward ; in that temper it was supported
and he did not think the sort of opposition which was carried on by the hon. baronet would be successful.” Nor was it.
It may be necessary here to explain that Mr Disraeli was not speaking of “The Permissive Bill” of Sir Wilfrid Lawson, admirably as his remarks apply to that measure. His references were to the
“Agricultural Holdings Bill,” which, as well as the “Artizans’ Dwellings Bill,” and a number of equally important measures of the same session, embodied the permissive principle.
After all, the innumerable “absurdities” which have clustered round the Permissive Bill arise either from ignorance or misrepresentation of its provisions. It has been recently defined somewhere as the political pons asinorum, which, though easily crossed, few people take the trouble to get over. Very few candidates are acquainted with its provisions, and very few electors either. Even the views of the temperance party on the subject, in this colony at all events, are somewhat hazy. You, Mr Editor, are quite ignorant of its nature, or you would not several times have defined it as “a Bill to place the licensing power in the hands of the ratepayers.” It aims at nothing of the kind – it does not seek to remove the licensing power to any other hands than those in which it has hitherto been placed – and you are not justified in attaching the epithet of “ absurd” to a measure of the effect of which you know absolutely nothing.
The power of granting licenses at present is vested in licensing boards, and this power necessarily implies that of refusal. A license is strictly an annual contrast, and is no more a “ vested interest” than your own contract for the Corporation advertisements. Now the Permissive Bill does not propose to give the ratepayers the power of granting licenses, nor of refusing them in particular and special cases. The sole power it proposes to give is this. Where a large majority are opposed to the sale of liquor they shall have the right of total and absolute veto over the issue of any license whatever. Unless they are prepared to go this length, things remain as before. It simply proposes to prevent three or four magistrates forcing upon a community a traffic which is looked upon by an overwhelming majority as an unmitigated nuisance.
The difference between a system of this kind, and the plan of “placing the licensing power in the hands of the ratepayers,” is surely so essential and so obvious, that to be recognised it only requires to be pointed out.
Finally, Mr. Editor, it is of no use for you to sneer at or ridicule the principle of the Permissive Bill. You are only bringing it into greater prominence, and thus unconsciously helping on a movement the ultimate success of which is assured, and at no very distant date – though the DAILY TELEGRAPH may not live to see it. If it does, you will no doubt be wise enough to congratulate the public on the great victory they (with your assistance) have achieved; you will in glowing terms point out the vast possibilities of moral and social reform which a beneficent legislation has placed in their hands; and you will not forget to remind your readers that your predictions have at last been verified—that when the great principle had to contend against opposition and scorn you were ever its consistent advocate, at the risk of popularity and substantial support; and that in its final triumph you have been amply rewarded for your self-sacrificing labors in the past. – I am, &c.,
Napier, February 10, 1877.
SIR, – Will you kindly insert these few lines in your valuable paper upon the fruits of immigration and its results: – I am one of those who landed in the Bebington, in November, 1874, but I suppose I must not say much about being brought over myself, as some of those that landed then have done pretty well, there being not half the number of people here then as there are now; but fortune does not favour everyone immediately, and I think it is very hard that being kept down by the loss of the mother, and left in a strange land with three children to support, I was obliged to go up-country after being only four months landed, but I found the place so overcrowded, and being half my time idle, and could no longer find employment, I was compelled to come to town again; and though I have made repeated applications for work the last fortnight, yea, even begged for one day’s work. I could not get it to do; my children are this day without food, and where to get it from I do not know. If it is not time now to stop immigration, when will it be? But they say the wrong class are landing. Truly the Government are an honest class to admit this, for they thereby own their error in not having brought out the right class. Do they want carpenters? There are plenty walking about already, myself one of them. They bring labourers of all classes, and I see hundreds of them up the country and in town with their hands in their pockets idle. I have made application for employment for any work at trade. In the bush I can do anything; I worked a long time for Mr. McKirdy, on the railway, Te Aute, and only left when dismissed. Now, is there anything else to offer me, and I shall be thankful. I have had to sell many of my tools to get the children bread, and now they are on the border of starvation. I only know of one job I have not applied for, namely, at the quarry, where they wear N.G. on their backs, and have a gun kept over their heads all day. God keep me from this. – I am. &c,.
Napier, February 10, 1877.
SIR, – In your issue of yesterday, remarks have been made regarding immigration, but it is high time that some provision was made for the honest people who have been so cruelly deceived by being brought from homes where they might at least have been able to get bread. There are now a great many of all classes in great want – living on credit, without the least prospect of payment, the little they have liable at any moment to be seized by hard landlords. Surely, if the Government have money to pay the passages of more coming, they ought at least to find shelter for those that they already deceived. To bring people here to starve ought to be telegraphed throughout the globe. If they cannot find them such employment as will enable them to get the common necessaries of life, why don’t they at once send them back to their homes? I for one had a few pounds when I landed here nearly 2½ years ago, but now, although I am able and willing to do anything for a living, I cannot get one. I may safely say that I have for some time had the five outs, that is out of money, out of clothes, out at the heels and out at the toes, out of credit, and in debt. I am not the only one, many good mechanics that came out with me are in similar circumstances. What are we to do? To whom are we to look for deliverance from the pangs of hunger, or where are we to find shelter from this stormy weather? Surely some one with a heart that can feel for another will consider our sufferings, and give us advice as to what we ought to do; we are apt to judge wrongfully, but still I cannot help thinking that, as the Government brought us here, they ought either to find us work, or provide food and shelter until we can get it, if not send us back; we may as well die of starvation in the land of our birth as in a strange land. – I am, &c.,
Shakespeare Road, Feb. 10, 1877
SIR, – Permit me to offer you my acknowledgements for the use of an entire column in your Saturday’s issue, in which to explain some of the provisions of the above somewhat misunderstood measure. As you have devoted a portion of your editorial columns last evening to a reply, you will perhaps give me space for a rejoinder.
As before, your remarks are principally of that personal kind which, as they do not bear upon the question, require no answer. I am sorry to find, however, that I have no sense of humour. I fear it is now too late to set about remedying the deficiency, and I have my doubts whether the course of study you have kindly suggested for me would tend to promote that object.
I freely admit that in reading those remarks to which I took exception, I quite omitted to make allowance for the facetious spirit in which it appears they were written. I was obtuse enough to suppose that you were serious! Now that you have opened my eyes so far, I think I have found the key to a matter which has puzzled several people – namely, that in the present hotly-contested election you should have taken exactly the same side as your morning contemporary. Should the poll on Thursday result in the return of Mr Buchanan, it would not now be surprising to find out that you have all along been his warm supporter, and that in your professed advocacy of the claims of his principal opponent, you have merely been indulging in a stupendous joke.
The late lamented “A. Ward” was occasionally in the habit of inserting the explanatory note – “N.B. – This is a goak,” or “(The above is a sarkasum)” in his writings. Such a course may not unreasonably be commended to the consideration of such transcendental jokers as yourself.
You have, doubtless for good reasons, avoided the main question except in the magic word “liberty,” and appeal to the authority of the late Mr John Stuart Mill. Carefully considering your article as a whole, I feel strongly tempted to refer you to the same gentleman’s essay on Logic.
Liberty is capable of many varied definitions. It may be carried too far, as for instance, when debating a purely abstract question, a writer “takes the liberty” of ridiculing the personal peculiarities or characteristics of his opponent. It is a feature of civilisation that it curtails individual liberty to an extent that would be intolerable in a more primitive state of society; and ordinary observation shows that the highest and truest freedom is compatible with a good deal of personal restraint – the only necessary condition being that such restraint should be voluntarily borne. “There is,” says the Right Hon. Lord Claud Hamilton, “a dignity attaching to self-imposed restriction that befits a free nation.” And the great power of the proposed Permissive Bill – a power that makes it more dreaded by its opponents than the most stringent coercive measure that could be devised in its place – is this: that it can never come into effect until there is a public sentiment in favour strong enough to ensure its being carried out. It is nothing more than the logical outcome of local self-government; and, in the light of the civilization of the present day, the Permissive Bill may be justly regarded as an excellent embodiment of the principle of the liberty of the subject.
You have referred to Mr Mill’s essay on liberty. I am aware of that writer’s views on legislation as applied to the liquor traffic. Perhaps, however, you will allow me to conclude with a brief extract covering the same subject, from a living leader of thought – Thomas Carlyle. He is certainly under the disadvantage of being “of that people of whom it has been said that they have to undergo a surgical operation,” &c., &c.; but he has the counterbalancing advantage of being mightily in earnest. Hear him: –
“No man oppresses thee, O free and independent franchiser! but does not this stupid pewter pot oppress thee? No son of Adam can bid thee come or go, but this absurd pot of heavy wet can and does! Thou art the thrall not of Cedric the Saxon, but of thy own brutal appetites, and this accursed dish of liquor! And thou pratest of thy ‘liberty,’ thou entire blackhead!” – I am, &c.,
Napier, 13th February, 1877.
SIR, – Apropos of your remarks in a late issue, and the letters appearing in Saturday’s paper, I would suggest that rather than starve men should condescend to work for somewhat less than the hitherto current rate of wages, which frequently debars outside settlers from making the improvements that they would otherwise be willing to do. Your observations concerning this district would, under ordinary circumstances, show considerable apathy among the inhabitants; but, before launching into an extravagant outlay, they naturally look for a return on the money laid out. The rate of wages has hitherto proved a bar, and if this were lowered, improvements would be likely to go on in this and other districts upon a more extensive scale, and there would then be no excuse for men complaining that they were starving for want of work. For instance, myself, I can give any reasonable number of good agricultural hands work at a remuneration far beyond what they would obtain in the old country, and I believe there are many others in this district who would do the same; but, unless they can get work without the trouble of seeking it at the old rate, it appears they consider themselves ill-used, and prefer starving. Demand and supply is the great criterion of labour as of other commodities, and the cheaper the labour, the more improvements take place, and hence the prosperity of the colony. You are at liberty to make use of my name if you think proper. – I am, &c.,
Wairoa, February 12, 1877.
SIR, – In your last night’s issue you desire to express the grateful thanks of the Taradale settlers to Messrs Payne, Chase, Collins, and Pritchard, “who, at great risk, rescued some seven or eight families,” &c. &c. I don’t mean to detract from anything due to the above-named gentlemen of course; but I mean to supply your journal with further particulars of the conduct of some more of our settlers during that time. Your reporter failed to supply you with the information – that, when a man on horseback was seen making his way from the only bit of dry ground between here and Meanee, and watched by scores of people entering the cross-current some three or four hundred yards below Mr Robertson’s, and when his horse was seen drifting down (I think) Rymer’s paddock without the rider; and, mind you, when it was a service of imminent danger to venture a few yards below the blacksmith’s, our foremost settlers then were three brothers, Mr John Jeffares, Mr Joseph Jeffares, and Mr Richard Jeffares; they were the first to cry “let us go.” They were followed by Mr Drummond, of Messrs. Robertson and Drummond, and I think, a Mr Tulford. The younger Jeffares cut into the paddock, just by the end of Mr Rowley Hill’s store, the other two brothers along with Drummond and Tulford, took the road as far as the drooping willow, when they were all washed into the paddock, where the man and horse came to grief. They there found the rider (I’m sorry I don’t remember his name) clinging to a wire of a fence that runs at right angles with the main road. They at no little hazard rescued him and “brought him safe to shore.”
This, Sir, is the omission I complain of from your leading local to-day. The action I have related was pre-eminently the gallant thing during the flood.
Pritchard was most assiduous in his attentions; he seemed to be everywhere giving comfort with his jolly laugh, and if he could not console the inmates in their own dwellings, why, he would (as I heard him say) carry them to the best house in the country (viz., the Taradale Hotel). Payne I don’t know; he must be all right being in such good society. Chase, Ned Chase, everybody knows he’s a brick; and Collins, why, Peter’s all there.
I was a spectator of all that I relate, but that did not necessitate my going fifty yards from the Taradale Hotel.
Trusting you will, in the love of fair play, insert the above. – I am, &c.
Taradale, February 13, 1877
SIR, – When I wrote the account of an imaginary flood to you last November, I had no idea that we should have had one in reality so soon, and of nearly the magnitude I described. Nor did I think that the settlers of Taradale and Greenmeadows would have let the summer go by without having got the new Rivers Act, 1876, in force, and the river banked from Redclyffe to the Maori reserve at least, which would not have cost as many tens of pounds as they have now lost hundreds. It is quite plain that a bank three feet in height would have saved Taradale and Greenmeadows from the flood waters of the Tutaekuri which have caused such an amount of loss both to individuals and to the community.
But sir, it is “Never too late to mend” and I am sure that if a meeting were called, and a requisition got up to put the district under the Act, that something could yet be done before winter to protect us from further damage. Perhaps the chairman of the Road Board, as a public man, would call a meeting. I am sure that if he did, the call would be responded to by all the settlers and owners of land in Taradale, and in the adjacent districts.
It is only a question of pulling together, each putting his shoulder to the wheel, and then perhaps, Taradale might yet be that which from its position and soil it ought to be, the richest and most thriving district in Hawke’s Bay.
Hoping that something will soon be done. – I am, &c.,
Taradale, February 13, 1877.
(Property of R. Wellwood, Esq.)
PURE BRED SHORTHORN King of Hearts, roan, 10 months by Royal Gwynne (32390), Dam Queen of Hearts, by Count of Oxford (25845)
Lord Barnard, dark red, 10 months, by Royal Gwynne, dam Lady Barnard, by Comet, (25570)
Lord Caverhill, white, 9 months, by Royal Gwynne, dam Lady, by Lord John.
Don Pedro, rich red, 11 months, dam Grace, by Don Giovani
Small stud flock Lincolns, bred by H. Sladen, Esq. – 100 Ewes, weaners, 125 two-tooth, 150 four-tooth, 100 six-tooth, 525 eight-tooth, 50 two-tooth Rams, and 2 eight-tooth imported pure Lincolns
26 pure Lincoln two-tooth Rams, bred by Major Jackson, Auckland
35 pure Lincoln Rams, six-tooth, bred by Joseph May, Esq., Auckland
20 pure Lincoln two-tooth Rams, bred by Thos. Sutton, Esq.
50 pure Lincoln six-tooth Ewes, bred by Thos, Sutton, Esq.
1 imported pure Lincoln, bred by Turner, Lincolnshire
8 pure Lincoln, by Sutton’s prize Ram
233 two and four-tooth Rams, bred by Sir Donald McLean, got by J. Currie’s Victoria Rams
40 Merino Rams, bred by the Hon. R. Stokes, got by Larmouth Rams
70 Merino Rams (Mr Saxby), bred by Mr Gollan and Messrs Stokes
1000 Merino Wedders, 6 and 8-tooth, delivery immediate
500 Merino Wedders, 2, 6, and 8-tooth, delivery immediate
2000 Merino Wedders, full mouth, delivery immediate
2500 Merino Wedders, full mouth, delivery immediate
1400 Merino Wedders, full mouth delivery immediate
1000 Merino Wedders, fresh 8-tooth, delivery March
500 Merino Wedders, fresh 8-tooth, delivery February
500 Merino Ewes, fresh 8-tooth, delivery February
1000 Merino Ewes, fresh 8-tooth, delivery March
800 Merino Ewes, fresh 8-tooth, delivery March
4000 cross-bred Ewes, mixed ages, delivery February
1500 cross-bred Ewes, mixed ages, delivery February
1400 cross-bred Ewes, full mouth, delivery February
1200 cross-bred Ewes, full mouth, delivery immediate
2000 cross-bred Ewes, full mouth, delivery March
300 cross-bred Ewes, full mouth, delivery February
1000 cross-bred Ewes, 2, 4, and 6-tooth, delivery February
2000 cross-bred Wedders, full mouth, delivery immediately
1500 cross-bred Wedders, 6 and 8 tooth, delivery February
3000 cross-bred Wedders, 2 and 4 tooth, delivery February
300 cross-bred Lambs, equal sexes, delivery February
500 cross-bred Lambs, Ewes, delivery February
1500 cross-bred Lambs, Wedders, delivery February
20,500 ACRES LEASEHOLD, Title good, 24 miles from Napier. Rent L150, with
4,000 Sheep. Few improvements.. Price very moderate and terms easy.
Further particulars at the office of the Undersigned.
THE undersigned suitable sections FOR SALE on Liberal Terms: –
A. R. A.
No. 129. – 40 3 No. 132. – 111
No. 130. – 40 0 No. 133. – 104
No. 131. – 46 2 No. 134. – 104
No. 135. – 133 No. 153. – 80
No. 154. – 105 No. 199. – 73
70,000 ACRES Freehold Crown Grant, and
20,000 acres Leasehold, with
50,000 Sheep, 250 Cattle, 45 Horses
The Homestead of this property is about 20 miles from Napier; 25,000 acres have been already surface sown, the soil is rich, limestone formation, hills and downs, well watered, rapidly increasing in carrying capacity, and the whole divided into eight great divisions by 107 miles of fencing, and 75 miles good natural boundaries, rivers and creeks, numerous paddocks, and yards, two woolsheds and every improvement for working the Station, about 55,000 acres fit for Agriculture, suitable for cutting up into small properties. This estate is to be disposed of solely on account of dissolution of partnership.
7,000 acres Freehold, Crown Grant, 24 miles from Napier
23,000 acres Leasehold, 18 years to run, low rent, with
9,000 Sheep, 40 head Cattle, Horses, Bullocks, &c. Good home improvements, and 2000 acres fenced into paddocks; the whole will take grass seed readily, is well watered, and easy access from town.
440 acres Rich Land, highly improved 8 miles from Napier
416 acres Rich Land, richly grassed, 8 miles from Napier
613 acres Rich Land, richly grassed, 8 miles from Napier
11,000 acres Freehold, Crown Grant, with
2,000 acres Leasehold, excellent pastoral lands, 40 miles from Napier, well bounded, over 30 miles fencing, 25 paddocks, good houses, woolshed, and all necessary improvements, with
10,000 Sheep, few Cattle and Horses
3,920 acres Freehold, rich pastoral land, Wairoa, with
800 Sheep, and 100 head Cattle
900 acres Freehold, Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa
4,677 acres Freehold, Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa, with
3,000 Sheep, and other necessary working improvements
3,000 acres, Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,220 acres, Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
400 acres, Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
2,500 acres, Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved, with
2,000 Sheep and 250 head Cattle
4,200 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Poverty Bay
220 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Poverty Bay
30,000 acres Leasehold Pastoral Land, Poverty Bay, with
800 Sheep and 200 head Cattle
11,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, Poverty Bay, with
3,000 Sheep and few Cattle
1,600 acres Leasehold, half interest, Poverty Bay
14,000 acres, Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa [Tolaga] Bay
8,800 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa Bay, with
3,000 Sheep and good improvements
1,100 acres, Freehold, rich land, Opotiki, with
1,000 Sheep, and all necessary improvements
33,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 26 miles from Napier
150,900 acres, Leasehold, Pastoral, 30 miles from Napier with
10,000 Sheep, exclusive of Lambs
55,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 70 miles from Napier,
with 5,000 Sheep and 50 head Cattle
9,000 acres Freehold, Agricultural and Pastoral, Seaboard, with
14,000 acres Leasehold, valuable improvements, and
15,000 Sheep, few Cattle, Horses, &c.
1,639 acres Freehold, near Greytown, with
1,040 acres Leasehold, all fenced and subdivided, and
5,000 longwool Sheep, 120 Cattle, few horses, and every improvement necessary. The coach road passes through the property.
Stock and Station Agent.
4,000 MERINO WETHERS, 8-tooth; delivery immediately
2,000 Merino Ewes, 8-tooth; delivery immediately
600 Marino Wethers, 8-tooth; delivery immediately
600 Merino Ewes, 6 and 8-tooth; delivery January
900 ⅞ Lincoln Ewes, 2, 4, 6, and 8-tooth; delivery February
500 Cross-bred Ewes, 6 and 8-tooth; delivery January
170 Merino Hoggetts and Lambs; delivery February
700 Fat Cross-bred Wethers
THE Lease (8½ years to run) of 60 acres rich Agricultural Land, situate on the Homewood Estate, about 2 miles from Waipawa.
The above is well-fenced and laid down in English Grass, and there is a substantial 3-roomed House and Outbuildings thereon. Rent £50 per annum.
The Lease (6 years to run) of 50 acres, adjoining the above; there are thirty-five (35) acres under crop, consisting of Oats, Barley, Potatoes, &c. Rent £50 per annum.
Together with the above Sections there will be stock now running thereon, consisting of Horses, Sheep, and Cattle.
Drays and Farming Implementts [Implements].
For further particulars, apply to
Land and Estate Agent,
30 ACRES GOOD AGRICULTURAL LAND, with frontage to the great North Road, and within a mile of the Kaikora Railway Station, together with four-roomed House thereon.
Land and Estate Agent,
20 TONS 200lb. Silk dressed Dunedin Flour.
20 bags, 50lb, Silk dressed Dunedin Flour.
5 sacks Oatmeal, Dunedin, new.
204 bags Bran, Dunedin, new.
484 bags Feed and Seed Oats.|
Apply to
Watches! Watches! Watches!
DRAWS special attention to his Magnificent Stock of WATCHES, just received direct from English and American Manufacturers, and made Specially to Order, which, for Excellence and Cheapness, are unequalled in the colony.
All Watches sold at this establishment are thoroughly regulated and put in working condition before leaving the premises, and Guaranteed.
“By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” – See in the Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk.
Sold only in pockets (tins for abroad), labelled: –
HOLLOWAY‘S PILLS AND OINTMENT. I most respectfully take leave to call the attention of the inhabitants of Australasia to the fact that Messrs. Henry Curran and Co., Wholesale Druggists, of New York, have agencies in various parts, and that their Travellers are going all over the country vending spurious Imitations of my Pills and Ointment, which they make in New York, and which bear in some instances their trade mark thus
Whilst on other labels of this trash it is omitted , the better to deceive you, but the words ‘New York’ are retained. Much of this fictitious stuff is sold in the Auction Rooms of Sydney and elsewhere, and readily finds its way into the back settlements. These are vile frauds, as I do not allow my medicines even to be sold in any part of the United States; they are only made by me at 533, Oxford Street, London.
The same people are circulating a report that my business is about to be formed into a Company which is UTTERLY FALSE.
I most earnestly appeal to that sense of British justice which I feel sure I may venture upon asking my kind countrymen and countrywomen in their distant homes, to assist me, as far as may lay in their power, in denouncing this shameful American Fraud, by cautioning their friends lest they he duped into buying villainous compounds styled “Holloways Pills and Ointment” with any New York label thereon.
Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, with the words “HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT, LONDON.” engraved thereon. On the labels is the address, 533 Oxford street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
LONDON, Feb. 15, 1796
Persons suffering from weak or debilitated constitutions will discover that by the use of this wonderful medicine there is “Health for all.” The blood is the fountain of life, and its purity can be maintained by the use of these pills.
in his work entitled “The Nile Tributaries in Abbyssinia,” says, “I ordered the dragoman Mahomet to inform the Fakey that I was a Doctor, and that I had the best medicines at the service of the sick, with advice gratis. In a short time I had many applicants, to whom I served out a quantity of Holloway’s Pills. These are most useful to an explorer, as possessing unmistakable purgative properties they create an undeniable effect upon the patient, which satisfies him of their value.”
Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment. I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse feed poured in upon us until at last a teaspoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
On the Label in the address, 533, Oxford-street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
With a “New York” Label.
and at
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted in English, Continental, and American Newspapers, Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines, Books, and Stationery supplied with accuracy and punctuality, and at the lowest prices.
Proprietors of Newspapers furnished with Paper, Ink, and every requisite connected with the printing business.
Indents through the Sydney and Melbourne houses, and Commissions executed quickly and economically generally.
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
Standing Advertisements for Three, Six or Twelve Months can be arranged for at a Liberal Discount.
Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original order) must be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager.
T. MEEHAN, Port Ahuriri
£ s d.
Per Quarter, if paid in advance 0 6 6
Per Quarter, if booked 0 7 6
Per Annum, if paid in advance. 1 6 0
Per Annum, if booked 1 10 0
Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
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