Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 068 – 3 March

Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,

A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.


At 2 o’clock.

Will sell by Public Auction,
10 PURE BRED BERKSHIRE WEANERS, mixed sexes, bred by J.D. Canning, Esq.
Saddles and Bridles
Potatoes, Bacon
Drapery, Clothing
Fancy Goods, &c., &c.

4000 MERINO WETHERS, 8-tooth; in lots to suit purchasers
1600 Merino Wethers, 6 and 8-tooth, about equal quantities of each.
1000 Crossbred Ewes, 8-tooth
1200 Fat cross-bred (dry) Ewes, 8-tooth
800 Merino Ewes, 8-tooth
600 Merino Wethers, 8-tooth
600 Merino Ewes, 6 and 8-tooth
590 Cross-bred Ewes, 6 and 8 tooth, immediately
170 Merino Hoggets and Lambs
760 Fat cross-bred Wethers
160 Merino Rams, 2-tooth and upwards by Dowling and Currie Rams, out of pure pedigreed Ewes
50 Lincoln Rams, 2-tooth and upwards by imported Rams, out of bred Ewes
8 Cotswold Rams, 2-tooth and upwards
10 Young Bulls of this season, bred by Hon. H. R. Russell, the produce of his celebrated bull Crown Prince, out of seven-eight bred Abbott cows
2 Bulls, by Knight Templar and Duke.
Stock and Station Agent,

The Lease (8½ years to run) of 60 acres rich Agricultural Land, situate on the Homewood Estate, about 2 miles from Waipawa.
The above is well fenced, and laid down in English Grass, and there is a substantial 3-roomed House and Outbuildings thereon. Rent £50 per annum.
The Lease (6 years to run) of 50 acres, adjoining the above; there are thirty-five (35) acres under crop, consisting of Oats, Barley, Potatoes, &c. Rent £50 per annum.
Together with the above Sections there will be stock now running thereon, consisting of Horses, Sheep and Cattle
Drays and Farming Implementts.
For further particulars, apply to
Land and Estate Agent.

30 ACRES GOOD AGRICULTURAL LAND, with frontage to the great North Road, and within a mile of the Kaikora Railway Station, together with four-roomed House thereon.
Land and Estate Agent,

A Three Horse-power Thrashing Machine
Apply to
Repository, Waipawa.

Public Works Office,
Napier, February, 22, 1877
WRITTEN TENDERS will be received at this office up to NOON on TUESDAY, the 13th day of March for the following works at Takapau, viz :-
1.  Erection of Goods Shed  20ft x 30ft
2.  Erection of Solid Loading Platform, 20ft. x 10ft.
3.  Lifting and Removing 48 chains of Siding.
They must be addressed to the undersigned, endorsed, and marked outside “Tender for Takapau Good Shed”.
Plans and specifications to be seen at the Public Works Offices, Napier and Waipukurau.
The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
By command.
District Engineer.7

Marine Office,
Wellington, 13th February, 1873.
WRITTEN TENDERS will be received at this office until NOON of WEDNESDAY, the 14th March, for the above. They must be addressed to the Honorable the Commissioner of Customs, Wellington, and be marked outside “Tender for Removal of Rocks.” Gisborne.7
The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.
By command,
Marine Engineer.

Education Board Office,
Napier, February 20.
IT is hereby notified that all application for the enlargement of Schoolhouses will have to be made by the respective Trustees to the Education Board on or before noon, the 5th day of March 1876
Secretary of Education Board.

Education Board Office,
Napier, Feb. 13, 1877
NOTICE is hereby given that the Education Reserves will be offered for Lease (21years), by Public Auction at the Provincial Council Chamber, on TUESDAY, May 15, 1877.
Section 70, Town of Napier 1 rood, upset price £10 per annum.
Section 298 B, Town of Napier, 1 rood, upset price, £20 per annum.
Suburban Section 90, lot 5, Town of Napier, 1 rood, upset price £15 per annum.
Chairman of Education Board.

ARE instructed to sell privately a DWELLING HOUSE, situated immediately opposite the Hawke’s Bay Club, being Town Section No. 549, containing 1 Rood and 5 Perches, with a Seven Roomed House and well stocked Garden and Orchard.
Terms easy.
For convenience of situation the property is undeniably the most desirable at present in the market.

The Vocabulary of Philosophy, by Professor Fleming.
Charley Ross – The Story of his Abduction
The Catacombs of Rome – Withrow
Notes of Travel in Egypt and Nubia
Daft Davie, and other sketches of Scottish life and character
Familiar letters on some mysteries of Nature – Dr. Phipson
The Chairman’s and Speakers Guide
Country Life in Syria
Rowland Hill by V.A. Charlesworth
The Maid of Stralsund, by J.B. de Liefde
The Vision of God and other sermons, by Dr. Allon
Modern History, by Dr. Fredet
Our Food, by Dr. Lankester
Cooley’s Cyclopedia of Practical Receipts
Haydn’s Dictionary of Dates, Fifteenth edition, revised to Autumn of 1876
Jamieson’s Scottish Dictionary, new edition edited by Dr Langmuir
Leisure Hour, for 1876
Sunday at Home, 1876
Cassell’s Magazine, 1876
Illustrated History of India, Vol.1, by James Grant
Shorter English Poems, selected, edited and arranged by Henry Morley
The Sisters of Glencoe, by Eva Wynn
The Curate in Charge, by Mrs. Oliphant
A York and A Lancaster Rose, by Annie Keary
Maid of Killeena, by William Black
The Harbor Bar
Wilson’s Tales of the Borders, 12 volumes half calf
Waverley Novels, 13 volumes, complete
The Complete Works of Burns and Scott, 2 volumes, illustrated
The Races of Mankind, 4 volumes, by Dr Brown
Chips from a German Workshop, 4 volumes, Max. Muller
Clater’s Cattle Doctor, by Armatage
Lardner’s Museum of Science and Art, 6 volumes, half morocco

Against Fire and Marine Losses secured to Policyholders in the
Representing One Million Sterling of Capital, with unlimited liability of Shareholders.
Liberal Terms and Prompt Settlement of Losses characteristic features of the Company.
Forms of Proposal and all information may be obtained from
SMITH & CO., Waipukurau;
W. RATHBONE, Waipawa;
W.G. CRAWFORD, Kaikora;
GEORGE BEE, Havelock;
ELDRED BECK, West Clive;
JOHN BARRY, Taradale;
W.F. SHAW, Wairoa;
or from
Agent for Hawke’s Bay.
Office – Beach end of Emerson street

WANTED KNOWN – That in all Orders for GENERAL PRINTING executed at the DAILY TELEGRAPH Office, FULL NUMBERS are guaranteed.

10 TONS GALVANISED CORRUGATED IRON, from 6 to 10 feet 36 doz Real Patent Rim Locks, 6 to 10 inch
7000 feet Galvanised and Black Iron Water Pipes, from ½ to 2 inch
6 casks do Fittings-Bends, Tees, Cocks, Flanges, &c.
2 Cases Brass Taps, comprising Ranger Bib, Bottling, Racking, and Stop Cocks, Steam Cocks and Fittings
25 Cases Sporting Powder “<> Grane”, “Canister”, “FFF”, Curtis and Harvey’s and Pigou and Wilks’ “Alliance” Gunpowder
25 cwt. Patent Shot, assorted, B to 6
5 cwt Patent Swan Shot
100,000 Eley’s best sporting and Double Waterproof Caps, and for CF Cartridge Cases
1 case Pin Fire and Centre Fire Cartridge Cases, gastight and blue
1 case Wads in grey cotton, waterproof card, and best white felt, assorted guages [gauges]
3 cases R. Sorby’s manufacture, comprising Bill Hooks, Hand, Panel, Ripping, Compass and Tenon Saws, and Web’s CSX-Cut and Pit Saws, Circular Saws, 20 to 42inch, &c., &c.
A large assortment of all kinds of Steel
1000 Sash Weights, assorted sizes
40 Grindstones, assorted sizes
Cheap Hardware House.

Ex “Chandiere”, “Rakaia,” “Leicester,” “Fernglen,” and “Thurland Castle,”
A VERY LARGE and General Stock of Furnishing and Builders Ironmongery.
A large assortment of breech and muzzle loading Guns, breech loading Carbines and Revolvers, Terry’s breech loading Cartridges, Centre and Pin Fire breech loading Cartridges, Gun Fittings of all descriptions.
N.B. – The undersigned having engaged a first-class Gunsmith, and made considerable alterations in premises, is now prepared to execute every kind of repairing or alterations to guns, Revolvers, &c., and will guarantee moderate charges.
Sewing and other Machines, repaired in a workmanlike manner.
Licensed Dealer in Guns, Ammunition, &c.

A LARGE STOCK of Garton and King’s celebrated Cooking Stoves
Leamington and other Ranges, Registered Grates, Colonial Ovens, Camp Ovens, &c., and a well assorted stock of Ironmongery, Carpenters’ Tools &c.
Patent Mail, Car, and Buggy Axles and Springs.
Cheap Hardware House,

A STACK containing 10 TONS prime MEADOW HAY, or if required in small lots of ½ ton and upwards.
About 10 TONS POTATOES,  grown from Hobart Town Seed

THE SHOP lately occupied by F. Wheeler, at Port Ahuriri, adjoining the stores of the undersigned,
The SHOP lately occupied by C.M. Robertson, corner of Milton-road.



February 23.
Smyth’s store was insured for £560. Nearly all his goods were saved.
An inquest will be held this afternoon on the late fire. The cause is at present unknown.
McKenzies, with a mob of 2,500 sheep, passed this morning en route for Poverty Bay.
February 24.
An [At] the inquest on the fire yesterday, an open verdict was returned: – “That while the fire evidently originated in the store upstairs, there was no evidence before the jury to show how it originated”
February 26.
The Assessment Court, held to hear objections to the valuation lists, was held to-day. In several minor cases corections in the lists were allowed; but in the majority, the valuation[s] were confirmed.




We are requested to state that in consequence of the Rev. Mr. Townsend withholding his consent, pending his communicating with the Primate, for the Rev. Mr. Robinson to hold Divine Service in one of the Public Halls on Sunday next, Mr. Robinson will not conduct service until such consent is obtained.

George Edward Gordon Richardson, Esq., has been appointed Receiver of Land Revenue for the Provincial District of Hawke’s Bay during the absence of J.T. Tylee, Esq.

“The Napier people”, says the Argus, “must be a strange race according to the Press Agency’s representative there. At the poll they gave Mr. Buchanan a majority, and then they rejoiced greatly when they learned that his opponent was returned by the votes of the country districts. We fear the agent must be rather blinded by party zeal”. We rather think he is!


There was a capital audience at the Oddfellow’s Hall on Thursday, to witness Mr. Bachelder’s Diorama. As on the last occasion several valuable prizes were given away – one gentleman alone obtaining about £10 worth. The silver watch was won by a Carlyle street storekeeper, who could hardly be made to understand how lucky he had been.

The charge sheet at the Resident Magistrate’s Court both Thursday and Friday was blank. Considering these are holiday times it speaks well for the sobriety of the people of Napier.


We learn from Waipawa that a fire occurred on Friday on the premises of Mr. Smith, brickmaker, near the railway station. The fire occurred about half-past ten. It appears that a man named Sutherland had, after he had gone to bed, left his light burning and somehow ignited his clothes. The whare was seen to be on fire by some of the neighbors, who went to assist. By their endeavors they rescued the man from the flames, and succeeded in confining the fire to the whare. It was feared at one time that Mr Smith’s building which has stood there twenty-four years would have been consumed, but with the exertions of those present, this was averted.


The Pakowhai estate of 1469 acres was offered for sale on Monday by M. R. Miller, in three lots. For the first lot fifteen guineas per acre were offered, and for the second lot ten guineas per acre. Both lots were withdrawn. The whole estate was then put up, the upset price being £22,170, of which £16,000 could remain on mortgage; there being no buyers, the property was withdrawn from sale.


The cricket match at Taradale on Saturday last between a town and country eleven, resulted in an easy victory for the country. The highest scoring on the part of the town was made by Messrs Whitaker and Hallet, the former scoring altogether 33, and the latter 22. Messrs McIntosh, Brathwaite, and Shaw made the highest scores on the country side, Mr McIntosh scoring 24, Mr Shaw 20, and Brathwaite 15. The latter gentleman made his score in the first innings, his services not being further required in the second.

The Hegarty Troupe with their Arabian Mystery Box, arrived in town from Gisborne on Saturday. The Oddfellows’ Hall being at present engaged, they were unable to give an entertainment. They will show probably in some of the country districts previous to their departure for the South.


A Waipawa correspondent writes: – “Hegarty’s Globe Combination of variety artists are here at present. They held a performance in the Oddfellows’ Hall on Saturday evening. We observe a change in the artists since their last visit. Miss Harrison is in good voice, and appears to improve, and the Professor, (although labouring under the effects of a fall off the coach when crossing the Rangituma), goes about the hocus pocus part of the business in a cool and systematic way. At the finish Miss Stella left a very favourable impression on the audience by her cleverness in the new Arabian Box Trick”. The Company announce additional items in the programme to-night.



The body of the man Gregson, who was unfortunately drowned on Thursday last, has not yet been recovered. It is supposed to have been swept out to sea.

The report circulated by the Herald concerning Mr. Rhodes canvassing at Hastings, in view of the registration of Captain Russell, is entirely untrue. Mr. Rhodes went to Hastings to buy grass-seed. There may be some connection between grass-seed sellers and candidates for election, but in this instance, we believe, there was none whatever. We may inform the Herald that the price of grass-seed has risen since the election by fully sixpence, so not a very bad bargain was made by the candidate then who bought under the mistaken notion he was purchasing from a voter. The fact is, the moon is getting towards the full, and the Herald may consequently be expected to be verging more and more towards lunacy.


Tenders will be called, we surmise, at as early a date as possible, for repairing the Tutaekuri bridge on the Taradale road, and the Ngaruroro bridge. The latter requires some fresh piling, but the damages to the former necessitate considerable work and expense.

All the “learned men of the people”, of the native tribes of New Zealand, are invited to meet at Pakowhai in the first week in March, in default of agreeing to assemble at Whakataane [Whakatane]. The invitation is issued by Tareha, Karaitiana, Henare Tomoana, Hapuku, Renata, Henare Matua, Puhare, and Paora Kawhata. The object of the meeting is not stated, but we presume Karaitiana will take the opportunity then of addressing his constituents.

There was a large attendance at the Oddfellows’ Hall on Monday. The leading prizes given away fell chiefly to the lot of persons in the body of the Hall, and consisted of a gold watch, silver tea and coffee service, and some other almost equally valuable gifts. The entertainment concluded with a wonderfull performance on the slack rope by the twin automaton trapeze performers, being two large dolls, and so well did they go through all the feats of the most accomplished trapezists, that it was hard to believe they were not human. They are a splendid piece of mechanism, and should of themselves attract an audience.

The erection of an independent Church for the Rev. S. Robinson, is now being seriously talked of in Napier. Should this be resolved upon, we gather that more than four hundred members of the Church of England, who formerly attended St. Johns, but who, since the “troubles”, have abstained from public worship, or gone over to the Presbyterians and Wesleyans, will join the new Church for the very good reason to get what they pay for. The position of the Church of England in the colonies is most unsatisfactory, the result, apparently, of a compromise between the old fashion notions  of a supreme clergy, and the ideas of an independent people who refuse to be priest-ridden. In such a position, is it likely the Church of England can compete with independent persuasions?

We understand that there is no truth in the statement made in the Herald as to Mr Sheehan’s party having held a meeting on Monday, with a view of taking steps to contest Captain Russell’s seat, should that gentleman resign. We are further told “That the electioneering agitation, on the strength of Captain Russell’s anticipated retirement is becoming quite exciting”. The excitement must be in the writer’s brain, for we look in vain for it at present among the electors of Napier.


We observe by Mr. Miller’s property list that the Rissington Estate has been withdrawn from sale. This will be a disappointment to several parties, intending investors, who were under the impression that from twenty to thirty thousand acres of that property would be cut up into moderate seized [sized] lots, and sold at an early date. We hear the Mr. Miller has sold privately 400 acres of Mr. Tod’s Homewood land at £7 per acre, to Captain Howard.

No time has been lost by the Chairman of the County of Hawke’s Bay in transmitting a request to the Chairman of several Road Boards to furnish valuation rolls of their respective districts. As the County Council will be put to considerable inconvenience if these returns are not forwarded, and as it is anxious to arrive at an assumed financial position, we trust the Chairman of Road Boards will see the necessity of complying with the request before the 5th of March.


A committee meeting of the Hawke’s Bay Acclimatisation Society will be held on Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock in the Council Chamber, Napier.

The Hon H.R. Russell has presented a site at Waipukurau for a Presbyterian Church, and a liberal grant of money in aid of the building fund.

We have to acknowledge the receipt of £1 for the benefit of Mrs. Gregson, in reply to the appeal we made to the charitable in Tuesday’s issue. We may state that the £1, acknowledged above, was subscribed by the children of one family in Napier.

We learn that the Taupo road has been re-opened from the Napier side as far as the Mohaka bridge. The heaviest part of the work is now done, and by the end of the week we hope to report that the road will be sufficiently restored to enable the coaches to resume their weekly trips. From the Taupo side, the Constabulary under Major Roberts are proceeding rapidly with the repairing of the road, so that the whole length from Napier to Taupo will be reopened at the same time.


Mr. J. Turley reports having sold at Waipawa on Tuesday, quarter-acre sections, 133, 134, 135, with house and outbuildings erected thereon for the sum of £245. Dr. Todd was the purchaser. The Sedgewick sections, advertised for sale, were withdrawn.

Mr. Cooper, of Poverty Bay, has purchased from Mr. Canning several sheep of the Cotswold breed, which he intends introducing among his herds. For one ram he has paid alone £100. And we certainly hope that his speculation will prove a successful one.

A Waipawa correspondent tells us a tale of how four of his fellow-townsmen invested their money on the race course at roulette, and lost £20 between them. The next day they determined to be wise in their generation, and agreed to stake on different colours; but they had no better luck, their united losses amounting to £16. They are now convinced that all is vanity except “a shilling in and the winner to shout”

The Rev. J.S. Smalley, who, during the past three years, has earned the affection and esteem of his large congregation, as well as those who did not belong to the Wesleyan body, took his departure from Napier on Wednesday. On Tuesday a valedictory meeting of his numerous friends took place in Trinity Church, when he was presented with the following address: – To the Rev. Joseph Smoult Smalley. Dear Sir, – “On behalf of the members, congregation, and friends of Trinity Wesleyan Church, Clive Square, we respectfully ask you to accept this testimonial of our affection and esteem. We acknowledge with heartfelt sincerity the many act of kindness received from you during a period of three years as our pastor, spiritual adviser, and friend. Your name will be ever associated with the origin of our church in Napier; ever remembered by your congregation for the liberality, zeal, and piety. which characterised your religious teaching; and ever cherished by the many who have experienced your urbanity, uniform good nature, and generosity. Your career in this district has left in us the fullest sense of your integrity and sterling worth, both as a Christian minister, and as a man. In the face of unusual difficulties, the erection of our handsome and commodious sanctuary, and the present general efficiency of the various departments of the church are alike mainly due to your untiring exertions. We desire also to record our high appreciation of the labor of Mrs. Smalley in the Sunday-school and the choir, as well as of her co-operation with yourself in the pastoral work of the church. In making the acknowledgement of our regard, we beg you will receive the accompanying present, permitting us to add an earnest hope that your future and that of Mrs Smalley may be prosperous and happy, and that your labours in the cause of Christ may be at last rewarded by an abundant entrance into the life Immortal”.
Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand, Feb. 17, 1877.

The Canterbury Times, in reference to the adoption of the Counties Act by the Hawke’s Bay Council, having expressed the thought that the said Council did not seem to contain many men who could think for themselves, goes on to say that “the floods having carried away the bridges and damaged the roads, and there being nobody to attend to them, the Councillors thought it high time to assume the extended functions provided by the acceptance of the whole Act. The General Government evidently counted for nothing with the Hawke’s Bay Council, and perhaps the Council was right. The County system had to thank the weather for its adoption in Hawke’s Bay, and will be about the only thing in the Colony that will be glad of the late rains”


The bazaar, in the Protestant Hall, in aid of the Clive Church Building Fund, did not do as much business on Tuesday as might have been expected. The cause of the rather poor attendance of buyers, however, was due to the counter-attractions at Trinity Church, and the Oddfellows’ Hall. The bazaar was again opened on Wednesday.

Messrs. G and W. Heslop are offering for private sale 2000 wethers and 300 head of cattle. The disposal of this stock has been rendered necessary from the damage done to the pasture land of their estate by the late flood. Messrs. Heslop, along with many others, have suffered heavy losses through the destruction of their pastures by the deposits left on their lands by the flooded rivers, and it will be some months before the grass can recover itself. In the meantime, the stock must be disposed of, and every one can sympathise with those who are forced to sell under such circumstances.


Napier will have a treat next week in the performances of a dramatic company, now on its way here from Auckland, under the management of Mr De Lias. In the company is Mr. J. K. Emmet, a gentleman who, in his greut [great] character of “Fritz”, has earned wide world renown. The other members of the company are well known artists of considerable reputation, amongst them being Mr. Power, whose talents as a comedian have already been appreciated in Napier. Speaking of Mr. Emmet, in the performance of “Fritz”, which ran 200 nights in London, the Times said: – “Saturday last will be set down as a memorable date in the annals of the Adelphi, for it made the London public acquainted with one of the most original and genial actors that ever Swas seen. So hearty was the delight by the actor, that the spectators, absorbed in the contemplation of an individual performance, often forgot that they were looking at a play at all.”




A serious accident occurred last week at Waipukurau. A contractor named Barrett fell off the roof of a two storey building now being erected in the main street, from a height of 25 feet. When picked up it was found that Barrett had his chest bone broken. He was attended by Dr. Frood who at first held out little hopes of his life, but we were glad to learn the Mr. Barrett is fast recovering from the effects of his fall.

The only case set down for hearing in the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Thursday, was one of assault, being a sort of sequel to some cross civil actions lately disposed of in the Court here. At the request of the solicitors for the parties concerned, it was adjourned until next day, at 11 o’clock.

We understand that a telegram was received at Waipukurau on Wednesday from the Under-Secretary, Mr. Cooper, by a gentleman interested in the County Council election to the effect that Mr. Cooper had just returned from Hokitika, and immediate steps would be taken to cause the election for the Waipukurau vacancy to come off as soon as possible.

From Norsewood we learn that bush fires are at present prevalent in that locality. Two houses inhabited by Scandinavian families were burnt down on Tuesday, and when our informant left, it was feared that through the ravages of the fire other families would be rendered homeless.

There were seventy-seven appeals set down for hearing in the Assessment Court, which commenced its sittings on Wednesday, in Napier. Only a few of the cases were disposed of and the Court adjourned till 2.30 p.m. to-day. The following were the principal decisions given: – Michael Troy, valuation £85, reduced to £64; R. Craig, valuation £33, reduced to £27.10s; J.M. Tabuteau, £100, reduced to £88; T.K. Newton, £60, reduced to £52, the same, £57.10s reduced to £50; Bishop Williams, £135, reduced to £108; Archdeacon Williams, £100, reduced to £64; Mr. Guy, £50, reduced to £41.12s; Father Forest £80, reduced to £60; Convent buildings £222, reduced to £160.

The annual general meeting of the Napier Gas Company was to have been held at 11a.m. on Thursday, in the Criterion Hotel. The Board of Directors and the Secretary were present, but owing to the number of shareholders in attendance not amounting to a quorum, by rule 35, the meeting was adjourned till next day, at the same hour and place.


The following is a statement of the estimated value of property in Road Board districts throughout the colony: –
Estimated Annual Value.
Wellington   19 Boards   £240,034
Auckland   130 Boards   285,066
Taranaki   28 Boards   29,223
Hawke’s Bay   23 Boards   167,079
Marlborough   9 Boards   41,571
Nelson   14 Boards   116,696
Westland   5 Boards   18,702
Canterbury   40 Boards   579,527
Otago   46 Boards   435,185


February 28.
At the County Council meeting, only the Chairman and Messrs. Levy and Monteith were present. The Chairman took the opportunity of reading the whole of the correspondence between himself, Mr. Arrow and the Government, having reference to the election, and commented in severe terms on the conduct of Mr. Arrow as Returning Officer. He also pointed out the loss to the district consequent on the action of the other representatives in not attending the Council meeting. He was afraid, consequently, that, owing to not being able to get the Government subsidy, the heaviest rate possible under the Act would have to be imposed.
Your correspondent conversed with the Waipawa representatives and learned that what causes the present feeling is not as regards where the sittings of the Council shall be held, but they believe that the Waipukurauites would expend the rates raised in their portion of the county.
The Hon. H.R. Russell has commenced an action against Messrs. Drower and Arrow, the Returning Officers, for the Waipukurau Riding election, and he claims £50 damages from each for bungling the County Council elections.



Shipping Intelligence.urbanity

22 – Columbia, schooner from Kennedy’s Bay
23 – Southern Cross, s.s., from Auckland, Passengers – Mrs Churton and child. Messrs Parker, Byrne, Clarke, Evans and Hegarty Troupe.
24 – Wanaka, s.s., from Auckland via Gisborne. Passengers – Mesdames Walsh, Wilkinson and three children, Messrs Brown, Baker, McKerrow, Samuels, Baines, Holder, Zanden, Sweetapple, and 26 for the South.
24 – Albatross, schooner, from Whangapoua.urbanity
27 – Go-Ahead, s.s., from Auckland via Gisborne. Passengers – Messrs Wilson, Brathwaite, and Harris.
25 – Rangatira, s.s., from Wellington – Passengers – Mesdames Bendall, Berry, Worthington, Parkin, and Levy, Misses Levy (2), Rev. Mr. Berry, Messrs. L. Levy, Sullivan, Climo, D. McLean, Willis, Stubbs, Evans, Parker, Brown, M. Dougall, Bricherton, P. Kelley, Levin, 5 in the steerage and 7 for Poverty Bay:
1 – Kiwi, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Mr. Cameron and a few others.
1 – Rotorua, s.s., from Sydney, via Auckland. Passengers – Messrs Rose, Hamilton (2), Helps, Lowe, Man, Harris, Kelley, Davis, and 31 for the South.

22 – Acadia, schooner, for Mercury Bay
24 – Rangatira, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Mesdames Bowden, Bull and Harrison, Messrs Holmes, Sothern, Butler, Harrison and Jones (5).
24 – Star of the South, s.s., for Wellington.
24 – Wanaka, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Mrs Digby, Messrs Digby, Horsfall, Robertson, Mulholland, Pollock, Yuill, Collins, Harris, Butler, one steerage, and 26 original.
25 – Jane Douglas, s.s., for Gisborne. Passengers – Messrs Kelly, Horsfall, Barrie, Campbell, Pirani, Burnand, Thomas, Locke, Fordyce, and several natives.
27 – Fairy, s.s., for Blackhead.
27 – Cleopatra, schooner, for Lyttelton
28 – Albatross, schooner, for Whangapoua
28 – Manaia, p.s., for Wairoa. Passengers Medames Atward, Davis, and Aislabie, Messrs Mayo, Aislabie, Carroll, Parker, Bee, Sutherland, Davis, Witty, and a few natives.
28 – Rangatira, s.s., for Gisborne. Passengers – Miss McCormick, Messrs Kelly, Balharry, Pharazyn, Elgar, Stubbs, Caulton, 3 others and 7 original
28 – Go-Ahead, s.s., for Gisborne. Passengers- Messrs Alexander, Chicken, Cayle, and Evans.
1 – Columbia, schooner, for Kennedy’s Bay.

The s.s. Rangatira, in coming to take up a berth alongside the Breastwork, got foul of the Fairy, laying outside the schooner Cleopatra. The collision caused the chainplate bolts to dent the Fairy, which caused her to leak very badly. The crew, with the assistance of the pilot’s crew and others, had just time to get her into the Iron Pot, her coals having been discharged, her repairs will be speedily gone on with. We hear that no blame is attached to any one, but we presume that there will be an enquiry held.
The schooner Columbia arrived from Kennedy’s Bay.
The schooner Acadia sailed on Thursday for Mercury Bay.
The Rangatira under the command of Captain Evans has during the last five trips from Wellington made excellent passages; averaging 24 hours. When she gets her compound engines, it is expected that she will prove one of the quickest and most comfortable coasting boats in the trade.
The s.s, Star of the South, Captain Carey, left at 11.30 a.m. on Saturday for Wellington, with a full cargo of wool for transhipment per Ocean Mail to London.
The s.s., Rangatira left at 1p.m. on Saturday for Wellington.
The s.s., Wanaka arrived from Auckland, Tauranga, and Poverty Bay on Saturday, bringing a large number of passengers.
The schooner Albatross arrived from Whangapoua on Saturday.
The brig Maggie was brought inside and moored to the Breastwork on Monday. On discharge of her cargo, she will proceed to Sydney direct, to be handed over to her new owners, where Captain Balle will take charge of Mr. Vautier’s new purchase, a three-masted schooner named the Silver Cloud.
The s.s., Go-Ahead arrived in the Bay at half-past 10 on Tuesday from Auckland via Poverty Bay. Captain McGillvray reports having had fine weather all the passage down.
Three steamers left this port on Saturday last for Wellington, viz, The Rangatira, Captain Evans; Star of the South, Captain Carey; and Wanaka, Captain Malcolm. The first named was 25 hours on the passage, the second was 28 hours, and the last named was 21 hours.
The s.s. Jane Douglas left at 3 o’clock on Sunday morning, will a full complement of passengers, and about six horses, some of the competitors at the late meeting.
On the arrival of the s.s. Go-Ahead on Tuesday, it was ascertained that something was wrong with one of her propellers; consequently her stern was laid as high as possible last night on the bank near the Breastwork, and the necessary repairs effected, but in going out this morning she broke down again, and had to be brought back to the Breastwork.
The p.s. Manaia left for Mohaka and Wairoa at 7 o’clock on Wednesday, with a good number of passengers and cargo, including a quantity of grass seed.
The schooner Cleopatra was towed out by Sir Donald on Tuesday.
The Union Steam Company’s s.s. Rotorua, Captain Macfarlane, arrived in the Bay at 6 o’clock on Thursday. She was the bearer of our ‘Frisco mail. She has also a large quantity of cargo from Sydney for this port, which is being lightered by the Sir Donald and Three Brothers. Captain Macfarlane reports: – “Left Sydney on 21st at 6 p.m.; encountered strong easterly winds throughout the passage; passed the North Cape at 1 a.m., 26th; Bay of Islands, 9 a.m.; arrived in Auckland  same evening at 7. Sailed on 6p.m. of the 27th. Strong head winds and sea during the passage, and arrived here as above.”
The s.s. Rangatira made a good run of 23 ½ hours from Wellington. On arrival she was immediately tendered by the Bells, and her passengers landed. She embarked a fresh lot for Gisborue [Gisborne] and steamed hence at 6.30p.m. Captain Evans reports having had fair weather all the passage; reports passing the New Zealand Shipping Company’s ship Rakaia in the Straits, also saw the Fairy at anchor at Blackhead.
The s.s. Kiwi, Captain Campbell, arrived on Thursday from Wellington, via Castle Point. On the passage up, Captain Campbell landed in Palliser Bay the necessary materials for launching the schooner Otaki, stranded on the beach in the Bay.
The schooner Columbia left on Thursday in ballast.
From a Wellington paper we learn that, last week, the arrivals there, including steamers from Australia and other ports of New Zealand, also sailing vessels from the United Kingdom, the gross tonnage amounted to 5,113 tons.
The necessary repairs having been done to the s.s. Go-Ahead, she left on Wednesday at 6 p.m. She had a few passengers, but no cargo from here, except the racehorse Don.


At Mr. M.R. Miller’s sale of thorough-bred horse stock at Hastings, on Saturday, there was a large attendance of spectators, but the greater part of these seemed to have been more attracted by a desire to see the very handsome animals submitted, than to buy. The sale commenced with Messrs, Watt and Farmer’s  stock; before offering the thoroughbreds, a few of their hacks were knocked down to various purchasers at £10, £13.10s, £16, £17, and £31 respectively, but the bidding for the thoroughbreds was without spirit, and they were passed in at a low reserve, till Parawhenua was brought into the ring; for him the highest offer was £220, but he was passed in at £250, at which price he was being treated for privately when our reporter left the ground. On Mr. Donnelly’s stock coming to the hammer, the first lot offered was Otupai. Native buyers here entered into competition with other local men, and after a somewhat keen contest, he was knocked down to Mr. John Karena at £700. Tawera was also well contested for, and knocked down to the same buyer at £500. Tamatia, as well as three other colts of the same stud, after some competition were passed in, the prices offered not coming up to the reserve. Valett, the only mare offered, was knocked down to Mr. James Lyons at £100 – with the exception of the two colts named (sold with their engagements), the sale has not been encouraging to breeders of thoroughbred stock. We anticipate seeing at the next annual sale of this description of stock, a larger attendance of buyers, especially from leading stables of the South, which were on this occasion altogether unrepresented.

Messrs Routledge, Kennedy and Co report that at a sale of thoroughbred horses on Saturday last, at Hastings, there was a fair attendance, but the bidding lacked spirit. Mr. Caulton’s horses Gillie Callum and Tregeagle were offered, but there were no bids for them. Robinson Crusoe, the winner of the selling Stakes was bought in at 45 guineas. Pretender, the winner of the Consolation Stakes, was withdrawn at 50 guineas. A few useful hacks were sold at prices ranging from £21 to £31.

For the United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, &c, via Suez and Brindisi, by every opportunity to Wellington, where the mails close on the 11th March.
For Fiji, Sandwich Islands, America, West Indies, United Kingdom, and Continent of Europe, &c., via San Francisco, on Wednesday, 7th March, at 2.30 p.m.
Money Orders for United Kingdom, will close at 11 a.m. on 7th March.
Registered Letters and newspapers will close at 1 p.m.
Chief Postmaster.

HARDING. – At Mount Vernon, Waipukurau, on the 26th February, the wife of R. Harding, Esq., of a son.
HOADLEY. – At Napier, on the 26th February, the wife of Mr. C.B Hoadley, of a son.

SLUCE – O’CONNELL. – At St. Mark’s Church, West Clive, on the 21st February, by the Rev. W. Marshall, George Edgar Sluce, to Mary, eldest daughter of Patrick O’Connell, West Clive.
MOGRIDGE – BROWN. – At Gisborne, on the 21st February, by the Rev. W.H Root, John, eldest son of Mr. Charles Mogridge, Napier, to Emma Phoebe, youngest daughter of Mr. John Brown, Wellington. – Wellington papers please copy.
KNOWLES – O’GORMAN. – At Napier, on February 22, by the Rev. J.S. Smalley, James Knowles to Mary O’Gorman, both of this town.
BEATSON – HARVEY. – At Napier, on the 23rd February, by the Rev. J. Parkin, Mr John Beatson, of Meanee [ Meeanee ], to Mary Jane Harvey, daughter of Mr John Harvey, of this town.
NICHOLSON – COOPER.-  At Trinity Church, Napier, on February 28th, by the Rev J.S. Smalley, George Nicholson to Rosa Emeline Cooper, only daughter of Joseph Henry Cooper, of this town.

JENNINGS. – At Meanee, on February 24. Albert Thomas, infant son of William and Martha Jennings, aged 11 months.
MACDONALD. – At her parents’ residence, Taradale, on February 25, after a long illness, Jessie, the eldest daughter of Alexander Macdonald, of Taradale.

Government Notifications.
Office of Waste Lands Board.
Napier, 8th December, 1876
TO HUGH McCORMICK, formerly of the 65th Regiment or his representatives.
You are hereby required, within  six months of this date, to prove to the satisfaction of the Waste Lands Board that you have complied with the conditions required to entitle you to 60 acres of land in the Wakarara District, selected under a Military Settlers Land Order, and if you fail to prove your claim within the specified time, your title to the land will be forfeited and the land be dealt with as the Board may direct.
Chief Commissioner.

Pretty girls are like confectionery in more ways than one. They are sweet, they are expensive, and they are conducive to heartburn.

2,000 WETHERS in good condition.
consisting of: –
Fat Steers
Cows and Heifers
Well Bred.
For further information, apply to

THE Shop and Premises lately occupied by Edwin Carter, Clyde, Wairoa.
The above offers a rare opportunity for a person to combine the wholesale with the retail department. General business. Rent Moderate.
Apply to
Or to
Clyde Wairoa.

Stock, Land Estate, and General Commission Agent, Waipukurau.
Goods Stored and Forwarded.
Offices and Stores : Near the Railway Station.

DESIGNS prepared from rough sketches. Plans colored or etched in first style.
Architect and Building Surveyor,

The Cheapest House in the Trade.

The Weekly Mercury

The system that has been adopted by the Council of Hawke’s Bay County with respect to tenders is hardly one calculated to give satisfaction to the public. At the meeting before last, the Council, we think without much consideration, passed a resolution that practically appointed the Chairman and Mr. Kinross a standing select committee to open and deal with all tenders. Without impugning in the slightest degree the integrity of the gentlemen so appointed, we desire to remind both the Council and the general public that the system of appointing select committees to do work that should be performed by the whole body of Councillors, has been over and over again productive of mischief, and it was the source from whence sprung those gigantic swindles in America that struck the whole world with astonishment. The system is absolutely and utterly bad, for it places a power in the hands of a few that was intended to be divided amongst the many, and some, if not all of the chief functions of a local governing body are taken from it, and usurped by its most energetic members. By the resolution of the County Council, the members freed themselves of all further trouble in the matters of tenders or contracts, and in the hands of Messrs. Tiffen and Kinross was left one of the most important duties that can devolve on a local board- the acceptance of contracts. Although the Council may feel satisfied, we imagine that tenderers will be little inclined to share in that satisfaction. Before the Council has become accustomed to an essentially bad system, we trust it will rescind its former resolution, and insist upon every tender being laid on the table. A select committee should only have power to recommend to the Council, and it is then left to the Council to accept or reject such recommendations. Unless this be done, every contract entered into by the County Council will be liable to be misconstrued by rejected tenderers, and, indeed, the calling for tenders at all may not improbably be regarded as a mere matter of form.

We notice the Herald has succeeded in obtaining the contract for advertising for the Hawke’s Bay County Council at 6d


per inch, or 250 per cent, below its regular advertising scale. The Herald fairly obtained the contract and we have nothing to complain of.


It will be seen, by advertisement, that Colonel Herrick, and Messrs. Rathbone and Lawrence, have invited the electors of Waipawa County to meet in the Oddfellows’ Hall, Waipawa, on March 6 next, to consider the advisability of dividing the County. There can be little doubt but that the question of separation arose from the Council resolving, by a narrow majority, to hold its meetings in Waipukurau, instead of at Waipawa. The jealousy existing between those two townships is of as long-standing as their existence, and we do think the electors outside the boundaries of those villages should set their faces against the separation of the County, and additional expense, on such miserably paltry grounds. If Waipawa must have pre-eminence over Waipukurau, why do not the inhabitants petition to be brought under the Municipal Corporations Act, instead of dragging the small country settlers into the wretched quarrel? The Waipawa County is doing its best to show the colony how premature was the abolition of provincialism, how unprepared were the people for local government.

As might have been expected, there is some little grumbling amongst the special settlers of the Seventy-Mile Bush, since the official inspection of their improvements has disclosed that the terms of settlement have not in all cases been fulfilled. The settlements to which we allude are those of immigrants from the north of Europe, who are commonly, and often incorrectly designated Scandinavians. Some of these people think, and probably believe, that they have been hardly treated and harshly dealt with, but a little consideration of the circumstances of their case will show that they have enjoyed advantages that have been denied to thousands who have come out here under the Public Works and Immigration scheme. In the first place, these people, as soon as they landed, were conveyed at public expense and placed down on land set apart for them; they were found employment at road making, and the timber on their sections enabled them to take contracts for the supply of railway sleepers. To the industrious and steady settler, the want of capital was compensated for the regular employment found him, and the natural wealth of the forest in which he was located. As a proof of these advantages were of exceptional value, we can point to the foreign settlements, as a whole, where are to be seen hundreds of families in the enjoyment of independence and with fair prospects before them, who, on landing here some five years ago, possessed neither the one nor the other. Considering that these people were  indiscriminately selected by the immigration agents, who received a commission on the numbers they forwarded here, and that so far as was  known, they were inexperienced in the work to which they would be put, the Scandinavian and Danish settlements are highly creditable to their settlers. From the circumstances under which these settlements were formed the success which has attended them could scarcely have been anticipated; that there should be so few settlers in them who have not complied with the terms of tenure of the land is little less surprising. Those terms were originally, occupation of the land, the erection of a dwelling, of a certain value, within two years, and the clearing and cultivation of five acres of ground within the same period. Last year, by an order in Council, the period was extended to four years. These foreign settlements of which we have been speaking, have now been occupied nearly four years and a half, and we hardly thank any valid excuse can be offered for the non-fulfilment [fulfillment] of the terms of occupation. If five acres of ground cannot be brought in cultivation by a settler within four years, very conclusive evidence is afforded that he is not the right man in the right place, and the sooner he makes room for another the better it will be for the country. There is the more reason to be offered why in no case should and exception be made in favour of a special settler who has not fulfilled his terms of tenure, inasmuch as there is just at present an increasing desire amongst all classes to encourage the formation of special settlements. If breaches of agreement be overlooked in one case, they must be overlooked in all, and the result would be that persons, entirely unfitted to advantageously occupy land, would be induced to enter upon terms of occupation they could never fulfill. Special settlements, to be successful, to carry out the object of their formation, require the settlers to be specially adapted for the work they have to perform. We have no desire to see these settlements in the course of a few years, “mopped up” by land speculators and capitalists. They are designed, in some measure, as compensation for the vast tracts of country that, under a bad system, have been almost given away to the sheep farmer and grazier. In order therefore, that they should maintain their distinctive character as small-farm settlements, they must be occupied by the right class of men, and not by such as will barely exist through the short period of his tenure, and then sell out to the speculator. We trust the Government will make no concessions to those who have failed to carry out the terms of occupation, and then we may hope that all the special settlements will be the homes of large and increasing number of industrious settlers.


THE Wananga, in its last issue, contained an hysterical article on the subject of “repudiation.” The article in question is almost too good to have its blushes hidden within the folds of a paper that is rarely seen by Europeans, and so we shall make extracts from it, in order to show our readers the sort of stuff that is dished up for the delectation of the natives. “The Repudiation party,” says our contemporary, “consists of several natives, one or two European gentlemen who are not content to see the natives stripped and robbed by unscrupulous men, and Mr. Sheehan, the solicitor for the Maoris. Some years ago the natives were owners of many magnificent blocks of land in Hawke’s Bay. A few reckless and unprincipled set to work to defraud the ignorant Maoris and to obtain possession of their princely estates. To attain an end so criminal, they used the most disgraceful means. They pretended to be friendly to the natives and lent them small sums of money, knowing that the money so lent would be at once spent most likely with themselves. They supplied blankets and clothing and food at exorbitant prices on credit. They plied their victims with drink, and at last taking care that the natives should have no lawyer to defend their interests or friends to advise them, little by little they obtained, first leases, then mortgages, then absolute conveyances for a song. Very often the natives did not know that they were parting with their property at all. These operations were repeated ad nauseam successfully, till thousands and tens of thousands of acres of fertile soil, worth hundreds of thousands of pounds, had slipped away like shifting sand from beneath the Maori to his pakeha plunderer.” Now comes the most comical part of the article: – “Here, then, there rose one Mr. Henry Robert Russell who heard the complaints of his Maori fellow subjects and took up the cudgels on their behalf. A species of party organization [organisation] was thus brought into existence and Mr. Russell became the head of the so-called “Repudiation” party. The sole object of that party is to see fair and equal justice done to both parties – black and white. Where any transactions between the natives and Europeans are fair – no steps are taken to disturb existing relations, although lands may have been sold at a tenth of their value. But, in other cases, cases where the hand of plunder has moved against the young – the ignorant and the foolish – cases where every law and every principal of equity has been grossly outraged – where the laws of God and man have been equally defied there the Repudiation party lays its hand upon the throat of the wrongdoer, and says “Disgorge”. We presume the article was written with an object; possibly the “Repudiation” party requires occasionally to be sustained, but if the twaddle we have extracted from our contemporary is of a character to take in the natives, it contains nothing that will for a moment deceive a European.

MR. STEVENS, in addressing his constituents the other day at Christchurch, spoke of the present Ministry as follows: – “The question is this – can you get a Government containing better administrative talent than the one now in power? The Colonial Treasurer, Major Atkinson, has deservedly achieved a high reputation, and I have no hesitation in saying is of great value to the country. You can always depend upon what he says, which is plain and straightforward. If he makes a mistake, he will tell you next day that he has done so. There is no public man that I know – and I have had some little experience- who is more straightforward or clear in his statements; and though he does not mix up figures in an elaborate manner, he has a good and solid knowledge of the finance of the colony, which is what is wanted. Mr. Ormond who is in charge of the Public Works Department, is a man of considerable administrative talent, and one who deservedly commands high respect. Mr. Donald Reid, who has recently joined the Ministry, is a man who has made his mark, and who will be a great acquisition to the councils of the colony.  I say therefore that we should pause before getting rid of a Government such as this, unless they commit graver faults than they have done, or it is likely they will do” As showing, however, that different opinions prevail concerning the administrative talent of the Government, we quote the following from the Wellington Argus:- “The country generally, like the Napier Electorate, is getting rather tired of seeing things drifting as they are, and is anxious to see a Ministry in power able to put matters a little ship-shape, and to render the chaotic legislation of last session intelligible and workable. The confusion which pervades the Counties Act is also sufficient to show incapacity of the present Ministry, how unfit they are to be entrusted with the government of the country and how careless they are of the nature of the legislation which takes place in Parliament. Although the Ministry have managed to avoid the loss of a vote at Napier, we expect that next session this single vote will not do much good against the numbers who will gladly enlist under an opposition banner, if only a suitable chief and leader can be found. We have little doubt that the Hour will bring forth the Man.”

The adjourned meeting of the above County Council was held yesterday in Mr. Monteiths’ office Waipukurau. There were but two Councillors present, exclusive of the chairman (Mr. Mackersey), viz., Messrs Monteith and Levy.
The Chairman stated that there being no business before the meeting, in consequence of there being no quorum, he desired to give a history of the action taken by himself to fill up the vacancy caused by the judgment given by Mr. Beetham. It would be remembered by the members that as soon as he learnt that there was a vacancy, he had brought the matter before the members of the Council, and they had appointed Mr. Arrow as Returning Officer. He at once sent the following communication to that gentleman, to which he received a reply. The Chairman then read the following correspondence: –

Government Buildings, Waipukurau,
February 2, 1877
To the Chairman Waipawa County Council.
No. 244. – As to writ for Waipukurau Riding, duties rest with the Council, vide sections 45, 46, and 56, Counties Act.
Acting Under Secretary.

County of Waipawa.
Returning Officer’s Office, Waipawa.
To James Mackersey, Esq., J.P., Chairman of Waipawa County Council.
SIR, –
Waipukurau Riding Election.
Take notice that I require to be supplied with a copy of the Electoral Roll of the County of Waipawa, pursuant to “The Counties Act, 1876,” clause 40, &c., and the “Rating Act, 1876”, clause 32, & c., for the purpose of determining the votes to be taken for the election of a Councillor for the Waipukurau Riding. And I have to request that you will provide the same forthwith.
I have the honor to be, Sir,
Your most obedient servant.
Returning Officer for Waipawa County.
Mr. Monteith’s Office,

Waipawa, February 17, 1877.
SIR, – I have the honor to forward you the accompanying notice pro forma. I am aware that you cannot comply, at present, with the requirements of the Acts (Counties Act, 1876, clause 40, &c., and Rating Act, 1876 clause 32), but I consider it a part of my duty as Returning Officer to make the application. Any further proceedings as to the election of a County Councillor for Waipukurau must remain in abeyance until I am furnished with an electoral roll by the clerk or local officer acting on his behalf, from which to take a list of voters qualified to vote at such election.
The members of the Council being cognizant that they are not constituted a Council under clause 59 of the Counties Act, any further action previous to the


election of a candidate to fill the vacancy, will be invalidated.
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient servant,
Returning Officer for Waipawa County.
J. Mackersey, Esq., J.P.,
Chairman of Waipawa County Council.

Waipukurau, February 17, 1877.
SIR, – I am in receipt of your letter asking to be furnished with a copy of the Electoral Roll of the County of Waipawa, for the purpose of determining the votes to be taken for the Waipukurau Riding. In reply, I beg to say you appear to have entirely misapprehended the nature of your duties on this particular election. Accompanying the notice of your appointment of Returning Officer for the Waipukurau Riding, I enclosed you a telegram from the Colonial Secretary’s Office giving definite instructions how you were to proceed. You have neglected those instructions, and the required time within which the election should have been held had elapsed.
I am now communicating the facts of the case to the Colonial Secretary, and requesting him to extend the time for holding such election, and, at the same time, to furnish you, if necessary, with further definite instructions for your guidance.
I am, Sir,
Your most obedient servant,
Chairman, Waipawa County Council,
Henry Arrow, Esq.,
Returning Officer, Waipawa.

Napier, February 19.
To the Hon, the Colonial Secretary, Wellington.
Returning Officer, Waipukurau Riding, failed to hold election to fill extraordinary vacancy within required time. Pending election, cannot procure quorum of Council. Please extend time for holding such election, and instruct Returning Officer to proceed at once.
Chairman, W.C.C.

Government Buildings,
To J. Mackersey, Esq., Chairman Waipawa County Council, Napier.
Proposed way is to treat failure as extraordinary vacancy, and proceed under section 46, Local Elections Act. What is quorum wanted for? Returning Officer does not need appointment. But, if he did, or if you propose to remove him, four members are a quorum of your Council, and surely you can collect those, Another blunder is hardly likely, if any person of common sense will read Sections 10 to 14 to Returning Officer.
For Colonial Secretary

Napier, February 21, 1877
SIR, – Referring to my letter to you, under date 17th inst., informing you I was communicating with the Colonial Secretary on the subject of the lapsed election for a member of the Waipukurau Riding, I now beg to hand you herewith a copy of a telegram just received from the Colonial Secretary’s Office, for your information and guidance.
I am, Sir, your &c.,
Chairman Waipawa C.C.
Henry Arrow Esq.,
Returning Officer, Waipawa.

Returning Officer’s Office,
Waipawa, February 22, 1877.
SIR, – I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence of the 21st inst., together with Mr. Cooper’s telegram. I am quite in accord with that gentleman in his remarks; but the telegram does not afford anything applicable to my position as Returning Officer. It rather affects the Chairman of the Council.
I have the honor, to be, Sir, &c.,
Returning Officer, Waipawa County.
J. Mackersey, Esq.,
Chairman of Waipawa County Council, Waipukurau.

(Copy of Telegraphic Message)
To the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington.
Waipawa County Council Returning Officer refuses to proceed with election to fill extraordinary vacancy for Waipukurau Riding, on ground that Council has not furnished him with elector’s roll, pursuant to Section 40 of Counties Act. No roll will be in force until 1st of July (Section 49.) Meanwhile half councillors absent themselves from meetings; therefore no quorum can be obtained. Consequently all business is at a standstill, and no roll can be obtained. Cannot Government, under Section 211, provide necessary machinery for carrying out election?
Chairman Waipawa County Council.

– As would be seen from the correspondence read it would be perceived that he as Chairman of the Council had used every exertion to have the vacancy filled up in accordance with law, but his action has been frustrated by the Returning Officer. He had been in communication with the Government, and it would be seen from the correspondence laid in the table that the Government did not thoroughly understand the fix they were placed in. What he desired to show was that he had used every legitimate means to get the Council placed in a proper position. He desired to make some remarks on the conduct of the Returning Officer. He regretted to do so, but it appeared that Mr. Arrow had thoroughly misunderstood his duties. He had thought Mr. Arrow had been labouring under a mistake, but his letter to the Herald showed that he was a partizan, and this took the ground from under his feet. That letter totally condemned him, and was a proof as it were against himself. He considered the letter a most unwise one, coming as it did from one whose duty it was to hold an impartial position. The result of the action taken by members, through their absenting themselves from the meeting, would be that they would not be able this year to obtain the Government subsidy, and he feared that the result would be that they would have to impose the heaviest rate possible under the Act, in order to carry out the business of the County. If the Council had been permitted to transact its business properly a small rate, assisted by the Government subsidy, would have sufficed, but being bound to keep the roads handed over to them that day in proper repair, it was necessary that moneys should be obtained for that purpose. To all who took an interest in the progress of the County, it must be a matter of regret that little jealousies should interfere to prevent the Council performing its duties. The Council would stand adjourned until that day week.

(Before Richmond Beetham, Esq., R.M.)

There were three charges of drunkenness heard this morning.
William Monks who had been let out on bail, forgot to make his appearance, and his bail money of £1 was forfeited.
George Duncan, in reply to the Court, said he had just been out for a week yesterday evening, when the power of the sun had overcome him, and falling powerless he was provided by Constable Harvey with lodgings until this morning. Being a first offence, he was fined 5s.
Peter Anderson was charged by Constable Strudwick with drunkenness. He pleaded guilty, and was fined 5s, or the usual alternative of 24 hours imprisonment.

A youth named William Bishop was brought up, charged with furious riding on Sunday, the 18th instant, In Carlyle- street. From evidence taken it appeared that the defendant was riding on a horse and driving three others before him. He was galloping, and nearly ran over two children who were playing in the street.
On being remonstrated with, he used most obscene language, and continued to drive on. His Worship, after cautioning the lad as to his future conduct, fined him 10s, and 6s 6d expenses of Court.

H.O. Caulton, landlord of the Masonic Hotel, was charged that he kept his house open, on the morning of Wednesday, between the hours of 12 and 1, in contravention of the law.
Mr. Cornford appeared for Mr. Caulton.
Constable Strudwick deposed that he was on duty on the morning of the 21st inst., between the hours of 12 and 4. He noticed, in the Masonic Hotel, lights in the billiard-room, bar-parlor, and bar, and heard glasses rattling and conversation in the lower bar. This was between 12 and 1. In company with Sergeant Moffit, when at the Forester’s Hotel, they heard shouting, and on proceeding to the Masonic Hotel, found that it had come from upstairs. Sergeant Moffit told him to see what time the house closed. At 3 o’clock he saw the side door opened, and three drunken men came out, who asked him to assist them to Mr. Mayo’s. He refused, and told them to clear out. He saw people coming out of the front door. The lights were all put out, and quietness and peace reigned within the walls of the Masonic after three o’clock.
Cross-examined by Mr. Cornford; He did not demand an entrance into the Hotel, nor did he try the doors to see whether they were locked.
Sergeant R. Moffit deposed that on the morning of the 21st he was walking in street with the last witness. They heard a noise in the Masonic Hotel, which was caused by laughter and as if amusement was going on. He tried the doors and found them locked. The billiard-room and lower bar were lit up. He saw five of seven people come out the front door at one o’clock.
Cross-examined by Mr. Cornford: – There was no disturbance. The people inside appeared hilarious. When walking in the street two people said to him “It was a shame to see the Masonic Hotel open, and the Criterion closed”. He could hear the laughter distinctly at the Criterion Hotel.
Mr. Cornford submitted to the Bench that the case must be dismissed. There had been no attempt made to prove that liquor had been sold after 12. It was the duty of the prosecution to have proved that liquor had been sold, and money has passed, and to have done this the police should have demanded and obtained an entrance, and thus proved their case.
His Worship said that clause 26 of the Licensing Act empowered a constable to demand admission into a public-house, this should have been done, and then probably the case would have borne a different complexion. He must dismiss the case, as the information had not been proved.
Mr. Cornford applied for professional costs, which were refused.
Mr. Cornford: When the police bring such cases before the Court they should come better prepared.
Inspector Scully: You may depend on it the police will work up such cases more carefully in future.


William Brown for the above offence, was fined in the minimum penalty of 5s.
Mary Ryan, being a second offence, contributed 10s towards the Colonial revenue.

Cole v. Willbrandt (Wellington)- Claim £5 5s for labour and material. Judgment by default for amount claimed, and 14s costs.
Merritt V Hebden. – Claim of £11 5s 9d for goods supplied. Judgment, by default, for plaintiff, with costs, 19s
Taylor v Johnston – Claim, £2 0s 5d amount of grocery account. Judgment for plaintiff, with costs, 9s
Powdrell v. Goldsmith Brothers, Poverty Bay. – Claim £25, amount of dishonored promissory note. No appearance of defendants. Mr Carlile for plaintiff. Judgment, by default, for amount claimed and costs, £4 1s.
Merritt v. Doherty, – Claim £13 2s 10d, butchers’ account. Judgment (by default) for plaintiff, with 19s costs.
Morrison v. Hastings. – Claim £4 for a dress ring. No appearance of defendant. Judgment for plaintiff for amount claimed, and costs 9s.
A number of other Civil Cases were down for hearing, and several others had been settled out of Court.
Court left sitting.


Three informations for threatening language, by the same complainant, and praying that the defendants might be bound over to keep the peace, had been set down for hearing to-day, but in two of the cases the defendants were stated to have left the district, and in the other complainant withdrew the information, with the consent of the Court.

Cook (wharfinegr) v. Gordon. – Driving a cart on to plank jetty. Fined 1s and costs 6s 6d.
Same v. same. – Removing goods from wharf without authority. Dismissed.
Same v. Palmer. – This was a similar offence to the last which was proved. Fined 1s and 9s costs.
Same v. Pierson. – Driving hackney carriage on to plank jetty. Fined 1s and 6s 6d costs.
The Assessment Court opened at noon and was still sitting when we went to press.

“It is well to leave something for those who come after us,” as man said who threw a barrel in the way of a constable who was chasing him.


SIR, – Mr. Henry Arrow’s effusion in the of Herald to-day, if taken on its merits as a letter, would hardly call for a reply- although his early reminiscences of Waipawa and Waipukurau are not quite equal in diction to Macaulay’s writings, probably the patriarch of Waipawa thinks so himself. In one essential point he differs from the historian, inasmuch as he has not apparently that knowledge of the English language which is requisite to convey sense. What does he mean by the “pet lamb being incumbent in the bosom of its lord?” In common fairness the Editor of the Herald might so far assist his uneducated correspondents by a correction of gross errors in their composition. After the exhibition kindly offered to us at the last meeting of the County Council, held at Waipukurau, I think the well-merited rebuke delivered to some of its members, if taken in the proper spirit and acted upon, would hasten the probability of the County Council becoming the pattern of prosperity. If through the action of the Returning Officer the legality of the Council is destroyed, it is to be hoped that that gentleman is also deprived of the emoluments which may accrue from the office; and, if it is in the power of the Council, let them have the appointment cancelled, and let a perfectly unbiased man be substituted. Supposing an omnipotent, and united majority had represented Waipawa and carried the day at the first meeting, what would have been the result? The present Returning Officer would have been pitch-forked into the billet of County Clerk, which would have deprived us of the gushing effusion I have just read, and also of the most valuable legal opinion which through your contemporary’s colums [columns] he has given to the public on the election, an opinion which I venture to think will not go down in Wellington  as well as it might in Waipawa, where the writer does not hide his bright and shining light under a bushel. Reverse the position of the two districts and let Waipawa have the majority of votes, what would their constituents have said against a Waipukurau obstructive minority adducing only petty reasons for their obstructiveness? Waipawa, when first established, might possibly have been considered the leading township in Hawke’s Bay; but it would take an enormous stretch of the imagination, even in the face of a statement made by one gentleman of the Waipawa village holding the very onerous position Clerk of the Court, and a J.P. or two who sit in the magisterial chair, to keep up its prestige as the principal township. Thank goodness the Government have not had occasion to recognise the necessity of having a policeman, a lock-up, and a Court-house at Waipukurau. These things may unhappily be an identity in Waipawa, but we are loath to identify ourselves with useful and respectable establishments when we do not require them; at the same time, when upon this subject, we ought to be thankful to the writer for his valuable information that the “Police Station and Immigration Barracks are other buildings.” Three churches or chapels certainly accommodate the religious denominations, but that accommodation sinks into insignificance before the accommodation provided by the intemperate. Does this convey the meaning of the Herald correspondent, when he solemnly dilates on the chronic state of self-destruction in Waipawa? What a sad thing it is to learn from one who ought to know, that all efforts at improvement have signally failed in Waipawa; and here, again, occurs one of his favourite big words (possibly an emanation from the R.M’s Court, but which certainly does not convey any sensible construction) – “emaciated bantlings” The population in Waipawa may be, and is, no doubt increasing, but, Alas, the intelligence is rapidly on the decrease, and certainly is not represented by the Herald’s correspondent. I do give him credit, however, for his honesty in acknowledging the blows Waipawa has received, and the blessings which have been bestowed on Waipukurau by the action taken by one of our best settlers. Waipukurau is not only a “beauty spot” on the face of his estate, but is a beauty spot on the face of Hawke’s Bay. Waipawa may be free, if we lay aside the influence of the banks, and I should imagine that the seven ages of man, referred to by the venerable writer, must have been reached long ago by him, and would suggest that instead of trying to stir up dirty water, he ought to be making his peace (elsewhere!)   Mr. Mackersey –


putting on one side all private differences – having had large experience in County Council matters, was, therefore, the most fit and proper man to initiate the new scheme of local government. I feel assured that the appointment has given nearly universal satisfaction, and will not be set aside by an obstructive clique. The Waipukurau members were prepared to meet the Waipawa representatives in a spirit of good feeling, and with a courtesy which was sadly wanting on the other side. The juvenile element, which Mr. A. sneers at, is a very necessary element in our Councils, and I think is shows a total want of good taste and gentlemanly feeling when a defeated man attempts to cast a slur on men who have been elected by the public voice to conduct the affairs of the County. Who appointed the gentleman who aspires to sit in judgment on the merits of those elected to a task he is quite unequal to? Take the late Sir D. McLean, take Sir J. Vogel, and take Mr. H.A., and, if he is an educated man, who shows best in the run for honors; the two former have made a name for themselves, the latter remains, and is likely to remain for the remaining term of his natural life, “in statu quo”, and who wished to supplement his present income by another appointment? As to the humble position from which the two young men mentioned have been “raised to a pinnacle,” I have only to say that they have raised themselves by their own exertions, and are not indebted to outside influence for their bread and butter, and it is most ungenerous for any one to allow his bias to lead him to make personal remarks of an objectionable nature. If Mr. H.A. had been appointed clerk to the Council, he might have had something to say about the room in which it has been decided to hold the meetings, but now he has touched upon matters which are quite foreign to his position. The grapes are no doubt very acid, and he does not like them. Mr. Monteith’s room is, no doubt, a private one, but he has given the use of it to councillors, ratepayers, and the public when required, and the remarks on the subject are offensively untrue, and stamp the letter as the production of a disappointed man in the run for a billet. The only other portion of the letter which I will notice is the illusion to more experienced men being misled by the sophistry brought to bear upon them in “diplomatic dodges”. This is about the poorest compliment he could offer to his supporters. – I am, &c.,
Waipukurau, February 26, 1877.

SIR, – May I be permitted to ask whether the architect who drew the plan for the Fire engine shed has made it so as to have a place for the fire bell to be fixed on the top of it, which place, I believe, would be the most suitable? – I am, &c.,
Napier, February 27, 1877.

SIR, – In reply to your correspondence “Ratepayer”, I was not born on Wednesday; and please say to him, “You’re a gentleman!” – I am, &c.,
P.S. – For further information on doubtful points, I refer him to the Herald’s printers’ devil.
February 28, 1877

– The editor of a country paper wrote one evening: “To-day is the anniversary of the death of Louis-Philippe.” When the printer’s proof came up, the name read “Sam Phillips” The editor wrote on margin: “Who the deuce is Sam Phillips?” Next morning the article read: “To-day is the anniversary of the death of Sam Phillips. Who the deuce is Sam Phillips?”


Apply to
Or to



Hawke’s Bay Jockey Club Races.

President: James Watt.
Stewards: J.A. Coleman, Robert Farmer, Sydney Johnston, J.N. Williams, and E.G. Richardson.
Judge: Robert Stuart.
Starter: Gavin Peacock
Clerk of the Scales: R. Brathwaite.
Hon. Treasurer: Ulick Burke.
At eleven o’clock on Thursday, nearly the whole of the shops in town were closed, and at noon the whole town bore quite a deserted appearance, everybody had gone to Clive to witness the races. A few people who had omitted beforehand to engage a vehicle or horse found it impossible this morning to do so, as all had a week previously been engaged. Traps and horses lined the road to Clive at noon, and the railway was well patronised. Unfortunately there was a strong wind blowing, which raised clouds of dust, and made travelling by the road rather unpleasant.
Owing to the public spirit and kindness of S. Johnston, Esq., the Hawke’s Bay Jockey Club was enabled to hold its Autumn Meeting in the splendid paddock belonging to that gentleman at Clive, where the Spring Races took place. Within an easy drive from Napier, and a walk from the Farndon station, no better site could be selected for the principal race meeting of the district. And in this case, an immense concourse of people assembled on the course. For a considerable distance on each side of the “straight” there was a string of carriages, and crowds of holiday-seekers on foot, taking the liveliest interest in the proceedings, which presented the best picture of a race meeting we have had for some time in Hawke’s Bay. The stewards had taken every measure to meet the wants of the visitors and others connected with the races. There was an extensive saddling paddock, with tents, &c., erected, while the purchasers of the booth rights had provided every convenience for the public. The regulation that excluded horses from the race-course, and prevented carriage horses from being tethered, to the inconvenience and possible danger of people on foot, was one that was duly appreciated by all.
Kaokaoroa and Treason were scratched for all engagements.
The first race was the Maiden Plate, for which there were eleven entries, but Kaokaoroa being scratched, left a field of  ten. A good start was effected; the first time round the course Merlin led, followed by The Worm. At three-quarters of a mile Tawera and Champagne Charley took the lead and raced to the finish.

MAIDEN PLATE of 75 sovs, ; for all horses that have never won an advertised race exceeding 25 sovs, in value; 1 ½ miles; weight for age; entrance, £4.
Tawera   1
Champagne Charley   2
Wairarapa   3
Race very close.

RAILWAY STAKES of 25 sovs; ¾ mile; weight for age; entrance, £2.
Tare   1
Parawhenua   2
This was a close race. Tare jumped off with the lead, and maintained it throughout. Parawhenua was a good second.

NAPIER HANDICAP of 150 sov., with a sweepstake of 5 sovs each added; second horse to receive 20 sovs from the stakes; distance, 1 ¾ miles; entrance, 2 sovs; acceptance, 3 sovs to the funds. The winner of any handicap of the value of 200 sovs after the declaration of the weights to carry 7lbs extra; of the value of 100 sov, 5lbs extra: penalties not accumulative.
Maori Weed   1
Otupai   2
Ariel   3
Gillie Callum   4
Maori Weed started off with the lead, and kept it all the way, and came in an easy winner; Otupai a good second.

SELLING RACE of 40 sovs; entrance £2; 1 ¼ miles; weight for age; winner to be sold for £50; if entered to be sold for £40, allowed 7lb; if for £30, allowed 14lb; if for £20, allowed 21lbs ; if for £10, allowed 28lbs ; any surplus to go to the fund.
Five horses started. Champagne Charley started as first favorite. A good start was effected, and a capital race was run between Champagne Charley and Pretender. At the three-quarters of a mile post Robinson Crusoe rushed to the head and raced with Pretender for the first place, winning by a length; Pretender a good second.
Eight horses started for the Hack Race which was won by Wanganui.

The fracas on the course was occasioned by a man named Limbrick. From enquiries made it appears that shortly after six o’clock on Thursday when the public were nearly all off the course, Limbrick wanted to bring a trap into the paddock. The gate-keeper objected. Limbrick then called on the natives to help him to break through. A fight ensued. Mr. J. Johnston’s overseer, Thompson, then came up, and supported the gate-keeper. He was knocked down, Mr. Thompson then ran into his whare, and showed an unloaded gun. The Maoris knocked him down, took away the gun, and smashed in his windows.

This day is beautifully fine. More people are on the Course to-day than yesterday.
Watt’s Ariel is scratched for all the events of the day.
J.N. Williams is acting Judge to-day, and Mr. Sutton Clerk of Scales.

HANDICAP HURDLE RACE of 40 sovs. With a sweep of 3 sovs. for starters, distance 2 miles; over seven flight of hurdles; entrance 2 sovs.
Robinson Crusoe was scratched. A good start was effected. All the horses went over together the first hurdle, Shark and Fairy Queen leading. Fairy Queen bolted at the second hurdle. They passed the stand in the following order – Wairarapa first, followed by Whitefoot and Don.
Wairarapa   1
Shark   2
Whitefoot   3
Don   0.
A protest has been entered against Wairarapa.

HAWKE’S BAY STAKES – 75 sovs.; distance 2 miles; weight for age. Winners of weight for age races since August, 1876, in one event of 100 sovs., to carry 7lbs extra; of 200 sovs., 10lbs; 300 sovs., 14lbs extra. Penalties not accumulative; Maidens at starting allowed for three-year-olds, 5 lbs; 4 years, 10lbs; 5 years and upwards, 14 lbs. Entrance, 4 sovs.
Three horses started, Otupai, Tregeagle and Peer. Tregeagle was nowhere. It was a splendid race between Otupai and Peer. They ran side by side all the way, but at the finish it was as follows: –
Otupai    1
Peer   2
Tregeagle   3

HAWKE’S BAY PRODUCE STAKES of 75 sovs., for all horses bred in the province that have never won an advertised race at time of entry; winner of the Maiden Plate to carry 7lbs penalty; distance 1 mile; entrance £4; weight for age.
Mr. J Watt’s c g Longlands (Jeffares)   1
Mr. G.P. Donnelly’s b c  Tamatia (Edwards)   1
Mr. H.A. Hill’s g g the Worm (Kelly)   3
Mr. W.J Birch’s b g West End    0
Mr. J.B. Hollis’ g f Minnie Athol    0
After a false start, all the horses got away well together. West End leading at the half mile Tamatia pushed to the front, but did not keep it long before Longlands passed him. The race was then between the two, and an exciting run to the post ensued, resulting in a dead heat.

TRADESMAN’S HANDICAP of 75 sovs with a sweep of 5 sovs each; distance 1¼ miles ; entrance 2 sovs ; and acceptance, 2 sovs to the funds.
Mr J. Watt’s Parawhenua (Brimmer)   1
Mr G. P. Donnelly’s br c Tawera ( J. Munn)   2
Mr H. Durbridge’s b g The Peer (Potter)   0
Mr Watene’s b g Tare   0
Mr Watene’s blk g Maori Weed   0
Mr H Durbridge’s br g Moa   0
Mr M. Edgar’s b g The Don   0
Mr R. Kelly’s b g Robinson Crusoe   0
Mr S. Johnston’s br m. Brusher   0
Mr S.C. Caulton’s b h Gillie Callum   0
Mr W.J. Birch’s br g Alonzo   0
A good start was effected, Gillie Callum and Tawera soon took the lead and kept it till the stand was passed, when the position was Gillie Callum, Tawera, Maori Weed, Tare, and Parawhenua. Tawera then passed Gilllie Callum, who dropped gradually to the rear, and the Weed showed signs of being beaten. Parawhenua, Tawera, Tare and The Peer then had the race between them, and they came to the post as above.

CONSOLATION HANDICAP of 30 sovs for all beaten horse at the meeting; 1 mile; entrance £2.
Pretender, 8st 11lb (Edwards)   1
Shark, 9st (Brimmer)   2
Gillie Callum, 8st (Jeffaries)   3
Minnie Athol, 7 st   0
Pretender from the start had it all his own way.
The last race was the run off for the dead-heat between Longlands and Tamatia, which was won by the former.

THE Council met at 11 a.m.
Present: – Mr. Tiffen (Chairman), Col Whitmore, Messrs Brathwaite, Williams, Kinross, Bennett and Torr.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The Chairman read a telegram from Mr. Ormond saying that nothing definite had yet been decided upon with respect to the Taupo road, but that Mr. Bold had been instructed to take necessary steps to repair the damages upon it.
A letter was read from the overseer of the roads stating that one of the approaches to the Meanee bridge was in an unsafe condition.
Mr. Torr called the attention of the Council to the state of the Petane bridge.
In reply to a question, Mr. Bennett said nothing had been done with respect to the culvert on the Taupo road.
Mr. Kinross moved that the Chairman be authorised to incur the necessary expenses to repair the Meanee and Petane bridges.
Mr. Bennett seconded the motion, and in doing so suggested certain methods for the performance of the work.
Col. Whitmore moved that the butchers of Clive be permitted to slaughter sheep, pigs, and cattle on the same terms as are allowed at Hastings, and that they be empowered to use the Government reserve at the mouth of the Muddy Creek for that purpose.
Mr Bennett seconded the motion.
Mr Kinross said it should be understood the butchers should be liable to the expense of inspection.
Mr Williams thought the wants of every district within the county should be considered in this respect.
Colonel Whitmore added to his motion the words, “Provided always that such slaughter-house shall be liable to such by-laws as the Council shall from time to time find necessary”.
Mr Williams moved that the Chairman communicate with the Minister of Public Works in respect to the encroachments of the Ngaruroro river at Merritt’s corner, with a view to protective works being undertaken.
Colonel Whitmore desired to supplement the motion by requesting that inspection be also made of the opposite side of the river. He thought the next heavy fresh would cut a channel through the south road, and flood the whole of Clive.
Mr Bennett and Mr Kinross supported Mr Williams’ motion as it stood, on the ground that the railway was in danger, at the same time, they thought that both banks should be inspected.
Motion put, and carried.
Colonel Whitmore moved that the Chairman be authorised to obtain professional advice on the condition of the right bank of the Ngaruroro river, from Messrs. Turner and Galbraith’s paddock. He though a little fascine work would save the South-road.
Mr. Kinross seconded the motion which was carried.
Colonel Whitmore moved that a set of by-laws had better be framed for the Council, so that members might then consider them. He thought a draft of the by-laws should be drawn out by a legal gentleman, and that a solicitor should be appointed. He moved, therefore, that Messrs. Wilson and Cotterill be appointed the County Solicitors, and be requested to draft a set of by-laws for the consideration of the Council at its next meeting.
Mr Williams seconded the motion.
Colonel Whitmore asked whether the Chairman was in receipt onf the assessment rolls of the several Road Boards.
The Chairman replied that only four were received.
Mr Williams said, as Chairman of a Road Board, he would have sent in a roll; but he  was in ignorance as to which one was wanted. He said one roll had already been sent to the Colonial Treasurer in December last, in accordance with the Financial Arrangements Act.
Colonel Whitmore said the roll wanted was the one required to make up the County Roll – the roll for this present year. The County would have to prepare its roll by the first April, and there was no time to be lost.
Mr Williams said as far as his district was concerned there was no new roll to send in, because it had not yet been passed through the Assessment Court. He maintained that the Road Boards had been asked to send in what they had not got. The rolls were valueless until objections tno the assessments had been heard and disposed of.
Some discussion ensued on the subject when Mr Bennett moved that the Chairman be requested to communicate with the Chairman of Road Boards that have not yet forwarded their valuation rolls asking them to do so before the 5th March.
The Chairman, in reply to Mr Bennett, stated that he was in communication with Mr Ormond with respect to the occupation of the Council Chamber as offices.
Tenders for printing and advertising, the Chairman said, had been received, and that those from the Herald office had been accepted.
The Chairman called the attention of the Council to the condition of the Ngaruroro bridge, and thought he should be authorised to carry out the repairs.
Mr Brathwaite moved that the Chairman be authorised to carry out the repairs of the Ngaruroro bridge in accordance with Mr Bold’s suggestions.
Motion put and carried.
The Council then adjourned till that that day week at 11 a.m.



Fearful Assault.
A woman named Anne Searle, otherwise known as McDonald, was conveyed to the Napier Hospital on Saturday, having been brought from Waipawa, where she has for some time been living with a man named Sutherland. From what we can learn, it appears that on Thursday evening, the 15th inst., the man and women quarrelled, and the former struck her on with a tomahawk, inflicting a fearful wound. The women has been lying at Waipawa in a most precarious state since the evening of the assault, but finding that she was becoming worse, it was deemed expedient to remove her to the Hospital. Doubts are expressed as to her recovery.

The official inquiry into the above fire was held at the Riverside Hotel, on the 23rd instant, before F.F. Ormond, Esq, R.M., and the following jury: – Messrs Williams (foreman), Hood, Davis, Gilligan, Smith, Flint, Dyer, Cattley, Lambert, McLean, Bodle, McRoberts and Corke.
Henry Laryent, being sworn, stated: On the evening of the 21st instant, about 6 p.m., my attention was directed to the fact of smoke issuing out of Mr Smith’s [Smyth’s] store – from the roof near the eastern end. We left the bar and rushed across to help put out the fire. William Davis was the first to draw my attention to the fire. Efforts were made to extinguish the fire by throwing buckets of water on the roof, but they were unavailing.
J.H. Smyth, being sworn, stated: The building consisted of six rooms on the ground floor; the upstairs was partially floored and used as a store. There were very few goods up-stairs, some empty packing cases – one nearly full of straw – seven or eight gross of matches, one or two boxes of tea, brooms, cases of syrup, empty sacks, rope, &c. Last time I was up there was about 11a.m. No one else, to my knowledge, had been up since. The stock and furniture was insured for £500, viz., £350 in the National, and £150 in the London and Lancashire. I had considerably more than that amount in the premises at the time. The greater part of the stock was downstairs, and the greater part of that was saved. There are plenty of rats and mice in the store, I do not smoke.
By Mr. Shaw, watching the case for the New Zealand Insurance Company: Would the nature of your insurance warrant your keeping such a quantity of matches and straw in store?
Mr. Smyth: All such cases were sent up there and were unpacked as required; the straw came from one containing lamp glasses; and with regard to the matches, they were damaged when put up, but dried since. No spirits were kept in the loft. The children play up thaere occasionally, but they are sufficiently grown up to mind the shop. I myself represent the interest of the National Insurance Company as sub-agent.
William Davis saw smoke appearing from the eastern end of the roof. I ran up, and several people at the same time began calling out “fire”. Began at that time to remove the things. The flames appeared a very few minutes after the smoke appeared. The great bulk of the property in the downstairs store was saved. I think there was someone upstairs throwing thing out, but I do not know who it was.
Rapiata, being sworn, stated the same as last witness.
William Moloney deposed: I own the building that was burned the day before yesterday. It was a six roomed house, and was insured for £250 in the New Zealand Insurance office. It was insured about three or four years ago. The upstairs was partially lined and floored.
By Mr. Shaw: At the time you effected an insurance with the New Zealand office, did you provide for its being used as a spirit store?
Mr. Moloney: I simply insured it as a general store.
By Mr. Shaw: At the time it was first used as a spirit store, did you give notice to the company?
Mr. Moloney: No.
By Mr. Shaw: At the time you leased the store to Mr. Smyth, were you not under the impression the Mr. Smyth would use it as a spirit store?
Mr. Moloney: I was under that impression; but there was merely verbal agreement to that effect between us.
By Mr. Shaw: On any occasion of your receiving the policy, did you give notice to the company that the business had been extended to a spirit license?
Mr. Moloney: No. I am under the impression that the building was a spirit store from the time I first insured it.
Alfred Banks, sworn, stated: I was present when the house was burning. I looked into the loft. The fire had so much way that I saw it was useless to attempt to put it out. I got down and told them to get out the goods downstairs. No one ventured into the loft. The fire seemed to me to have caught the roof. I did not notice any smoke from the chimney. I had been in Mr. Smyth’s company for about an hour previous to the fire breaking out. I was Smyth’s storeman when the matches were placed up there. They were unsaleable, and placed there to dry.  All the goods were removed out of the spirit store, and most of the stock got out of the front store.
Mr. Shaw stated: I am a sub agent for the New Zealand Insurance Company. I saw smoke arising from the roof all along the ridge pole. I looked particularly at the chimney, there was no smoke at all coming from it. Mr. Moloney pointed this out to me.
Mr. Moloney being recalled: I remember looking up at the chimney the time the house caught fire, there was no appearance of any smoke. I also looked at the fireplaces, there was only smouldering embers in the back fire place.
Mr. McGoran being sworn, states: I was in Smyth’s about 10 or 15 minutes before the fire broke out. He was there when I went, and stopped all the time in the room. No one went up stairs while I was there.
Mr. Carr: From the time I first saw smoke come out of the building, it was about three minutes before the flames burst through – the ladder was placed just before. At first I thought it was a cloud of steam rising out of the house – it was white – not like smoke. (This appearance was corroborated by a juror.)
Mr. Waterhouse being sworn: I was Mr. Smyth’s book-keeper, but have no idea of the value of his stock, as a number of goods have been removed during the past month.
The jury after careful consultation, returned the following verdict: – “That this jury are of opinion that from the evidence adduced, the fire evidently originated in the loft above the store, but that how that fire originated there is no evidence before the jury to shew.”




The first Act of the Wairoa County Council has been to impose a tax of 10s per head upon every dog in the County. The first step taken by the Buller County Councillors was to see what pay will attach in their officers…Rangiora Standard.




SIR, – A very objectionable practice is being indulged in by some butchers in this town, namely, that of depositing by the cartload on the beach their refuse meat. The stench which arises from the putrid flesh cannot be excelled in fragrance even by our delightful swamps. People who live anywhere near the railway crossing on the White-road have to close their doors and windows every time the wind blows from the sea, and it is really a happy change to sniffle the perfume from the swamps on the other side when the wind changes. While we are content to suffer the effects of the lesser evil, would it not be as well for the inspector of nuisances to come up our way and remove the other? Yesterday, in the broad daylight, I myself saw a butcher upset a cartload of meat in a state of putrifaction [putrefaction] within fifty yards of the main thoroughfare. But, as yesterday was an exceptional day – a race day – perhaps it was only done to give the excursionists to and from the races a treat. In any case, we suffer quite enough from the poisonous odours arising from the swamps – an evil which we can’t remove, without having recourse to a second and worse one, forced upon us by butchers who are too lazy to bury their refuse meat.
Trusting the practise will be discontinued, – I am &c.,
Napier, February 24.

SIR, – “The St. John’s Church troubles”, are again agitating Napier, and at a time too when everyone hoped that the most effective measures had been taken to bury the past. The division of the parish had been agreed upon, and sufficient money had been subscribed to erect another church, into which it was intended to induct the Rev Mr Robertson. But a church cannot be built in less than eight months, and in the meantime Mr Robertson must live. It was proposed that, pending the erection of his church, he should hold services in the Protestant or Oddfellows’ Halls and thus obtain a livelihood; but to this a technical point was raised. The Incumbent’s permission would have first to be secured, failing which Mr Robinson could not preach under pain of losing his license. It need hardly be said that the Incumbent’s consent could not be obtained, and from what had gone before, it does not appear at all unlikely that when the new church is erected some difficulty or other will be raised that will keep Mr Robinson out of it. The subscribers to the new church should see to this . What is wanted by most people in the parish is an independent church, free from the Synodical control, free from the influence of the William’s family, but under the power of those who built it, and support it. – I am, &c.,
Napier, February 26, 1877.


(Before Colonel Herrick, J.P (Chairman). J Lawrence, Esq., J.P., and B.C. Friberg, Esq., J.P.)
Williams v. Fraser. – Claim of £3 5s 4d, balance of account for bush-work. Judgment for £2. 0s 4d, and costs. 24s.
Williams v. Floyd. –  Claim for £1 5s 8d, balance of partnership account. Judgment by default, with 10s expenses.
Brears v. Huntly. – £1 8s 6d, claimed for balance of dishonoured cheque. Judgment by default, with costs and expenses. £1 12s.
Two other cases were settled, by consent, and two other cases out of Court.


70,000 ACRES Freehold Crown Grant, and
20,000 acres Leasehold, with
50,000 Sheep, 250 Cattle, 45 Horses
The Homestead of this property is about 20 miles from Napier; 25,000 acres have been already surface sown, the soil is rich, limestone formation, hills and downs, well watered, rapidly increasing in carrying capacity, and the whole divided into eight great divisions by 107 miles of fencing, and 75 miles good natural boundaries, rivers and creeks, numerous paddocks, and yards, two woolsheds and every improvement for working the Station, about 55,000 acres fit for Agriculture, suitable for cutting up into small properties. This Estate is to be disposed of solely on account of dissolution of partnership.
7,000 acres Freehold, Crown Grant, 24 miles from Napier
23,000, acres Leasehold, 18 years to run, low rent, with
9,000 Sheep, 40 head Cattle, Horses, Bullocks, &c., Good home improvements, and 2000 acres fenced into paddocks; the whole will take grass seed readily, is well watered, and easy access from town.
440 acres Rich Land, highly improved 8 miles from Napier
416 acres Rich Land, richly grassed, 8 miles from Napier
613 acres Rich Land, richly grassed, 8 miles from Napier
11,000 acres Freehold, Crown Grant, with
2,000 acres Leasehold, excellent pastoral lands, 40 miles from Napier, well bounded, over 30 miles fencing, 25 paddocks, good houses, woolshed, and all necessary improvements with
10,000 Sheep, few Cattle and Horses
3,920 acres Freehold, rich pastoral land, Wairoa with
800 Sheep, and 100 head Cattle
900 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa
4,677 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa, with
3,000 Sheep, and other necessary working improvements
3,000 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,220 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
400 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
2,500 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved, with
2,000 Sheep and 250 head Cattle
4,200 acres Freehold, Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Poverty Bay
11,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, Poverty Bay, with
3,000 Sheep and few Cattle
1,600 acres Leasehold, half interest, Poverty Bay
14,000 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa [Tolaga] Bay
8,800 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa Bay, with
3,000 Sheep and good improvements
1,100 acres Freehold, rich land, Opotiki, with
1,000 Sheep, and all necessary improvements
33,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 26 miles from Napier
150,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 30 miles from Napier with
10,000 Sheep, exclusive of Lambs
55,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 70 miles from Napier, with
5,000 Sheep and 50 head Cattle
9,000 acres Freehold, Agricultural and Pastoral, Seaboard, with
14,000 acres Leasehold, valuable improvements, and
15,000 Sheep, few Cattle, Horses, &c.
1,639 acres Freehold near Greytown, with
1,040 acres Leasehold, all fenced and subdivided, and
5,000 longwool Sheep, 120 Cattle, few horses, and every improvement necessary. The coach road passes through the property.
Stock and Station Agent.

A SPLENDID assortment of Colonial and English-grown Grass Seed, Cocksfoot, Rye, Timothy, Permanent Pasture Grasses, and Clovers.
Also to arrive shortly, per “Plieone,” about 70 tons Fencing Wire, Nos, 6 and 8.
For sale by
Port Ahuriri.

20 TONS 200lb. Silk dressed Dunedin Flour.
20 bags, 50 lb, Silk dressed Dunedin Flour.
5 sacks Oatmeal, Dunedin, new.
204 bags Bran, Dunedin, new.
484 bags Feed and Seed Oats.
Apply to

(Property of R. Wellwood, Esq.)
PURE BRED SHORTHORN King of Hearts, roan, 10 month by Royal Gwynne (32390), Dam Queen of Hearts, by Count of Oxford (25845)
Lord Barnard, dark red, 10 months, by Royal Gwynne, dam Lady Barnard by Comet (25570)
Lord Caverhill, white, 9 months, by Royal Gwynne, dam Lady by, Lord John
Don Pedro, rich red, 11 months, dam Grace by Don Giovani.

Small stud flock Lincolns, bred by H. Sladen. Esq. – 100 Ewes, weaners, 125 two-tooth, 150 four-tooth, 100 six-tooth, 525 eight-tooth, 50 two-tooth Rams, and 2 eight tooth imported pure Lincolns.
26 pure Lincoln two-tooth Rams, bred by Major Jackson, Auckland
35 pure Lincoln Rams, six-tooth, bred by Joseph May, Esq., Auckland
20 pure Lincoln two-tooth Rams bred by Thos. Sutton, Esq.
50 pure Lincoln six-tooth Ewes, bred by Thos Sutton, Esq.
1 imported pure Lincoln, bred by Turner, Lincolnshire
8 pure Lincoln, by Sutton’s prize Ram

233 two and four-tooth Rams, bred by Sir Donald Mclean, got by J. Currie’s Victoria Rams
40 Merino Rams, bred by the Hon. R. Stokes, got by Larmouth Rams
70 Merino Rams (Mr Saxby), bred by Mr. Gollan and Messrs Stokes

1000 Merino Wedders, 6 and 8-tooth, delivery immediate
500 Merino Wedders, 2, 6, and 8-tooth, delivery immediate
2000 Merino Wedders, full mouth, delivery immediate
2500 Merino Wedders, full mouth, delivery immediate
1400 Merino Wedders, full mouth delivery immediate
1000 Merino Wedders, fresh 8-tooth, delivery March
500 Merino Wedders, fresh 8-tooth, delivery February
500 Merino Ewes, fresh 8-tooth, delivery February
1000 Merino Ewes, fresh 8-tooth delivery March
800 Merino Ewes, fresh 8-tooth delivery March
4000 cross-bred Ewes, mixed ages, delivery February
1500 cross-bred Ewes, mixed ages, delivery February
1400 cross-bred Ewes, full mouth, delivery February
1200 cross-bred Ewes, full mouth, delivery immediate
2000 cross-bred Ewes, full mouth, delivery March
300 cross-bred Ewes, full mouth, delivery February
1000 cross-bred Ewes, 2,4, and 6-tooth, delivery February
2000 cross-bred Wedders, full mouth, delivery immediate
1500 cross-bred Wedders 6 and 8-tooth, delivery February
3000 cross-bred Wedders, 2 and 4-tooth, delivery February
300 cross-bred Lambs, equal sexes, delivery February
500 cross-bred Lambs, Ewes, delivery February
1500 cross-bred Lambs, Wedders, delivery February

20,500 ACRES LEASEHOLD, Title good, 24 miles from Napier. Rent L150, with 4,000 Sheep. Few improvements. Price very moderate, and terms easy.
Further particulars at the office of the undersigned,

THE undersigned sections FOR SALE on liberal terms: –
A.  R.   A.
No. 129. – 40 3   No. 132. – 111
No. 130. – 40 0   No. 133. – 104
No. 131. – 46 2   No. 134. – 104
No. 135. – 133   No. 153. – 80
No. 154. – 105   No. 199. – 73

The improved Bred Draught Stallion

of various extent, and
Stocked and Unstocked, in the Provinces of Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington, Canterbury, and Otago.
For particulars, apply at the office, Browning-street Napier.

All First-class Flocks.
STORE SHEEP. – Various Lots of Store Merinos Ewes and Wedders for Sale.

Watches! Watches! Watches !
DRAWS special attention to his Magnificent Stock of WATCHES, just received direct from English and American Manufacturers, and made Specially to Order, which, for Excellence and Cheapness, are unequalled in the colony.
All Watches sold at this establishment are thoroughly regulated and put in working condition before leaving the premises, and Guaranteed.

This is an entirely new and superior description, and shows an immense saving as compared with old sorts, a mile of five wires weighing only 10 cwt., versus 17 cwt. No. 8 ordinary Wire. Purchasers particularly note that the SAMSON WIRE is slightly oval in shape, to distinguish it. Each coil has a brass padlock tally and a tin tally stamped “Patent Oval Samson Wire.”
Manufactured by the Whitecross Wire Co., Warrington, and may be procured through any Merchant, Ironmonger, or Storekeeper.

“By a through knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet, that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” – See in the Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk.
Sold only in pockets (tins for abroad), labelled: –

HOLLOWAY‘S PILLS AND OINTMENT. I most respectfully take leave to call the attention of the inhabitants of Australasia to the fact that Messrs. Henry Curran and Co., Wholesale Druggists, of New York, have Agencies in various parts, and that their Travellers are going all over the country vending spurious Imitations of my Pills and Ointment, which they make in New York, and which bear in some instances their trade mark thus
Whilst on other labels of this trash it is omitted, the better to deceive you, but the words ‘New York’ are retained. Much of this fictitious stuff is sold in the Auction Rooms of Sydney and elsewhere, and readily finds its way into the back settlements. These are vile frauds, as I do not allow my Medicines even to be sold in any part of the United States; they are only made by me at 533, Oxford Street, London.
The same people are circulating a report that my business is about to be formed into a Company which is UTTERLY FALSE.
I most earnestly appeal to that sense of British justice which I feel sure I may venture upon asking my kind countrymen and countrywomen in their distant homes, to assist me, as far as may lay in their power, in denouncing this shameful American Fraud, by cautioning their friends lest they he duped into buying villainous compounds styled “Holloways Pills and Ointment” with any New York label thereon.
Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, with the words “HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT, LONDON.” engraved thereon. On the labels is the address, 533 Oxford street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
LONDON, Feb. 15, 1796

Persons suffering from weak or debilitated constitutions will discover that by the use of this wonderful medicine there is “Health for all.” The blood is the fountain of life, and its purity can be maintained by the use of these pills.
in his work entitled “The Nile Tributaries in Abbyssinia,” says, “I ordered the dragoman Mahomet to inform the Fakey that I was a Doctor, and that I had the best medicines at the service of the sick, with advice gratis. In a short time I had many applicants, to whom I served out a quantity of Holloway’s Pills. These are most useful to an explorer, as possessing unmistakable purgative properties they create an undeniable effect upon the patient, which satisfies him of their value.”
Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment.  I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse-feed poured in upon us, until at last a teaspoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
On the Label is the address, 533, Oxford-street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
With a “New York” Label.

and at
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted in English, Continental, and American Newspapers, Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines, Books, and Stationery supplied with accuracy and punctuality, and at the lowest prices.
Proprietors of Newspapers furnished with Paper, Ink, and every requisite connected with the printing business.
Indents through the Sydney and Melbourne houses, and Commissions executed quickly and economically generally.

Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,

Standing Advertisements for Three, Six or Twelve Months can be arranged for at a Liberal Discount.
Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original order) must be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager.

T. MEEHAN, Port Ahuriri

£   s   d.
Per Quarter, if paid in advance   0 6 6
Per Quarter, if booked   0 7 6
Per Annum, if paid in advance.   1 6 0
Per Annum, if booked   1 10 0

Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.

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Date published

3 March 1877

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