Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 070 – 17 March

Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,

A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.


7,000 Acres Freehold, Crown Grant, 24 miles from Napier
23,000 acres Leasehold, 18 years to run, low rent, with
9,000 Sheep, 40 head Cattle, Horses, Bullocks &c. Good home improvements, and 2000 acres fenced into paddocks; the whole will take grass seed readily, is well watered, and easy access from town.
440 acres Rich Land, highly improved 8 miles from Napier
416 acres Rich Land, richly grassed, 8 miles from Napier
613 acres Rich Land, richly grassed, 8 miles from Napier
11,000 acres Freehold, Crown Grant, with
2,000 acres Leasehold, excellent pastoral lands, 40 miles from Napier, well bounded, over 30 miles fencing, 25 paddocks, good houses, woolshed, and all necessary improvements, with
10,000 Sheep, few Cattle and Horses
3,920 acres Freehold, rich pastoral land, Wairoa with
800 sheep, and 100 head Cattle
900 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa.
4,677 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa, with
3,000 sheep, and other necessary working improvements
3,000 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,220 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
400 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
2,500 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved with
2,000 Sheep and 250 Head Cattle
4,200 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Poverty Bay
11,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, Poverty Bay, with
3,000 Sheep and few Cattle.
1,600 acres Leasehold, half interest, Poverty Bay.
14,000 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa [ Tolaga ] Bay
8,800 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa Bay with
3,000 Sheep and good improvements
1,100 acres Freehold, rich land, Opotiki, with
1,000 Sheep, and all necessary improvements
33,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 26 miles from Napier
150,900 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 30 miles from Napier with
10,000 Sheep, exclusive of Lambs
55,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 70 miles from Napier, with
5,000 Sheep and 50 head Cattle.
9,000 acres Freehold, Agricultural and Pastoral, Seaboard, with
14,000 acres Leasehold, valuable improvements, and
15,000 Sheep, few Cattle, Horses, &c.
1,639 acres Freehold, near Greytown, with
1,040 acres Leasehold, all fenced and subdivided, and
5,000 longwool Sheep, 120 Cattle, few horses, and every improvement necessary. The coach road passes through the property.
Stock and Station Agent.

20,500 ACRES LEASEHOLD, Title good, 24 miles from Napier. Rent L150, with
4,000 sheep. Few improvements. Price very moderate, and terms easy.
Further particulars at the office of the undersigned,

The improved Bred Draught Stallion “LORD NELSON”

(Property of R. Wellwood, Esq.)
PURE BRED SHORTHORN King of Hearts, roan, 10 months by Royal Gwynne (32390), Dam Queen of Hearts, by Count of Oxford (25845)
Lord Barnard, dark red, 10 months, by Royal Gwynne, dam Lady Barnard, by Comet (25570)
Lord Caverhill, white, 9 months, by Royal Gwynne, dam Lady, by Lord John
Don Pedro, rich red, 11 months, dam Grace, by Don Giovani
Small stud flock Lincolns, bred by H. Sladen, Esq. – 100 Ewes, weaners, 125 two-tooth, 150 four-tooth, 100 six-tooth, 525 eight-tooth, 50 two-tooth Rams, and 2 eight-tooth imported pure Lincolns
26 pure Lincoln two-tooth Rams, bred by Major Jackson, Auckland
35 pure Lincoln Rams, six-tooth, bred by Joseph May, Esq., Auckland
20 pure Lincoln two-tooth Rams bred by Thos. Sutton, Esq.
50 pure Lincoln six-tooth Ewes, bred by Thos. Sutton, Esq.
233 two and four-tooth Rams, bred by Sir Donald McLean, got by J. Currie’s Victoria Rams
40 Merino Rams, bred by the Hon. R Stokes, got by Larmouth Rams.
70 Merino Rams (Mr Saxby), bred by Mr Gollan and Messrs Stokes

THE undersigned suitable sections FOR SALE on Liberal Terms: –
A.   R.   A.
No. 129 – 40 3   No. 132 – 111
No. 130 – 40 0   No. 133 – 104
No. 131 – 46 2   No. 134 – 104
No. 135 – 133   No. 153 – 80
No. 154 – 105   No. 199 – 73

of various extent, and
Stocked and Unstocked, in the Provinces of Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington, Canterbury, and Otago.
For particulars, apply at the office, Browning-street Napier.

All First-class Flocks.
STORE SHEEP. – Various Lots of Store Merinos Ewes and Wedders for Sale.

A SPLENDID Assortment of Colonial and English-grown Grass Seed, Cocksfoot, Rye, Timothy, Permanent Pasture Grasses, and Clovers.
Also, to arrive shortly, per “Plieone” about 70 tons Fencing Wire, Nos. 6 and 8.
For Sale by
Port Ahuriri.

A.M. *   A.M. +   A.M.   P.M.   P.M.
Spit, depart   7.40   11.0   3.40
Napier arrive   7.50   11.10   3.50
Napier depart   6.45   7.55   11.30   4.10   2.30
Farndon depart   7.10   8.20   11.55   4.35   2.55
Hastings, depart   7.35   8.45   12.20   5.0   3.20
Paki Paki   arrive   9.5   5.18
depart   7.53   9.13   5.20
Te Aute,   arrive   8.32
depart 8.35   9.55   6.5
Kaikora, depart   9.15   10.35   6.45
Waipawa, depart   9.35   10.55   7.5
Waipukurau arrive   9.55   11.15   7.25
Takapau, arrive 10.50   12.20
* On Monday and Thursday only.
+ On Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
A.M.   A.M.   A.M.   P.M.   P.M.
Takapau, depart   2.20
Waipukurau, dep.   7.10   3.15
Waipawa, depart   7.30   3.35
Kaikora, depart   7.50   3.55
Te Aute arrive   8.31
depart   8.33   4.35
Paki Paki arrive   9.10   5.15
depart   9.12   5.22
Hastings, depart   9.32   1.0   5.42   5.20
Farndon, depart   9.57   1.25   6.7  5.45
Napier arrive   10.22   1.50   6.32   6.10
depart   7.20   10.35   3.0
Spit, arrive 7.30 10.35 3.10
*Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday only.
Passengers are requested not to enter or leave the carriages while in motion.
Season Tickets issued to and from all Stations.  Apply to the Manager.
To ensure despatch, Parcels should be booked fifteen minutes before the starting of the Train.
General Manager,
Napier, March 8, 1877.

A COURT for Ormondville Highway District will be held under the Rating Act, 1871, at Mr. Porter’s, Ormondville, on TUESDAY, 20th March, 1877, at NOON.
Judge of Assessment Court.

4000 MERINO WETHERS, 8-tooth; in lots to suit purchasers
1600 Merino Wethers, 6 and 8-tooth, about equal quantities of each.
800 Merino Ewes, 8-tooth
1400 Fat Cross-bred Wethers, 4, 6, and 8 tooth
3000 Fat Cross-bred Wethers, 6 tooth
150 Merino Rams, 2-tooth and upwards, by Dowling and Currie Rams, out of pure pedigreed Ewes
50 Lincoln Rams, 2-tooth and upwards by imported Rams, out of bred Ewes
8 Cotswold Rams, 2-tooth and upwards.
10 Young Bulls of this season, bred by Hon. H.R. Russell, the produce of his celebrated bull Crown Prince, out of seven-eight bred Abbot cows
2 Bulls by Knight Templar and Duke.
Stock and Station Agent,

DESIGNS prepared from rough sketches.
Plans colored or etched in first style.
Architect and Building Surveyor,

Watches! Watches! Watches !
DRAWS special attention to his Magnificent Stock of WATCHES, just received direct from English and American Manufacturers, and made Specially to Order, which, for Excellence and Cheapness, are unequalled in the colony.
All Watches sold at this establishment are thoroughly regulated and put in working condition before leaving the premises, and Guaranteed.

“By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” – See in the Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk.
Sold only in packets (tins for abroad), labelled: –

HOLLOWAY‘S PILLS AND OINTMENT. I most respectfully take leave to call the attention of the inhabitants of Australasia to the fact that Messrs. Henry, Curran and Co., Wholesale Druggists, of New York, have Agencies in various parts, and that their Travellers are going all over the country vending spurious Imitations of my Pills and Ointment, which they make in New York, and which bear in some instances their trade mark thus
Whilst on other labels of this trash it is omitted , the better to deceive you, but the words ‘New York’ are retained. Much of this fictitious stuff is sold in the Auction Rooms of Sydney and elsewhere, and readily finds its way into the back settlements. These are vile frauds, as I do not allow my Medicines even to be sold in any part of the United States; they are only made by me at 533, Oxford Street, London.
The same people are circulating a report that my business is about to be formed into a Company which is UTTERLY FALSE.
I most earnestly appeal to that sense of British justice which I feel sure I may venture upon asking my kind countrymen and countrywomen in their distant homes, to assist me, as far as may lay in their power, in denouncing this shameful American Fraud, by cautioning their friends lest they be duped into buying villainous compounds styled “Holloway’s Pills and Ointment” with any New York label thereon.
Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, with the words “HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT, LONDON.” engraved thereon. On the labels is the address, 533 Oxford street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
LONDON, Feb. 15, 1796

and at
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted in English, Continental, and American Newspapers. Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines, Books, and Stationery supplied with accuracy and punctuality, and at the lowest prices.
Proprietors of Newspapers furnished with Paper, Ink, and every requisite connected with the printing business.
Indents through the Sydney and Melbourne houses, and Commissions executed quickly and economically generally.




March 9.
The body of a man, naked and decomposed, was washed up on the beach near the mouth of the river this morning. It is supposed to be Gregson.
The County Council gave notice yesterday of the intention of striking a general rate of one shilling in the pound in fourteen days from that date.


March 13.


The departure of the Pretty Jane for Gisborne and Napier, has been postponed until today, on account of the inclemency of the weather.

March 9.
Nine officers of the Provincial Survey Department have been ordered to leave Wellington, and proceed to other parts of the colony. Henry Jackson, the Chief Provincial Surveyor, organised an efficient staff after a great deal of trouble and it is to be regretted that the corps are now to be disbanded. Other parts of the colony may rest assured that they get the best men possible.


March 8.
The New Zealand Shipping Company have received from London telegraphic advice of the arrival of the three first wool ships, viz., Waitangi, from Lyttelton, passage 90 days; Waimate, from Wellington, passage 73 days; Columbus from Napier, 82 days.


March 12.
The Hon. the Native Minister has announced his intention to meet the Queen and King natives here, with Rewi Maniapoto, on the 20th instant. Rewi and Major Mair come together from Waikato, and Dr. Pollen will travel via Tauranga from Auckland. Amongst the important subjects to be brought forward before the Native Minister will be the opening of the trunk line of road through to Cambridge, so long successfully opposed by the King party. Rewi it is said, still bitterly opposes the opening up of this last link in the communication north and south.



SIR, – Will you allow me to make a slight correction in your report of the remarks I made at the separation meeting, at Waipawa, on the 6th instant? I am reported to have said “Had Waipawa got its way, it would have put Col. Herrick in the chair of the County Council; made Mr Arrow clerk. (Tremendous uproar, &c, &c.)” It might have been inferred from this that I would have considered such appointments objectionable. Far from it. Col Herrick would have made a much better chairman than I am; and Mr Arrow as clerk would likely have been a very efficient officer. What I said was, “Had Col Herrick been appointed Chairman of the County Council, Mr Arrow, as Clerk, and Waipawa the county town, the ratepayers would never have heard a word about separation.”- I am, &c.,
March 9, 1877.

SIR, – You appear to have misapprehended the purpose of my motion and remarks in the County Council on Monday last. On that occasion it was intimated to the members of the Council that the services of a competent engineer would cost a sum which I thought disproportionate to the work we were likely to require, in fact, as much as the salary of the engineer for the entire province used to cost, and that if we joined with Waipawa these services would cost £900 a year more. Before entertaining that offer, I proposed to test the commercial value of such services by inviting competition from the other provinces. It is self-evident that a considerable waste of money must arise


through the creation of three staffs to do the work that was fairly performed by one, and that was my main argument for objecting to taking over the full power of all the officers required by a county, the only one whose services can be utilized without inconvenience by more than one county, there will be found sound objections in every case, except that of the Auditor, who is not appointed though paid by the Council.  As regards the Engineer, in this county, at all events, he will be required almost entirely to make good the damages caused by floods, and that would be the exact moment when his services would also be required by any other county which shared the expense of paying for them. We have no longer a Superintendent who can decide which work shall first be proceeded with, and, therefore, there would be a difficulty after each flood in securing the Engineer to repair the damages. We, in this county, have a duty to a large population, which depends on the bridges for its daily requirements, and it would be no answer to an inhabitant of Clive, if the Ngaruroro Bridge was damaged that it could not be attended to, because the County Engineer had been summoned by the Waipawa Council to secure the bridge at Wallingford. Under the present proposals, the main roads will be repaired by the Road Boards, except in the outlying districts. The proposed overseer of roads should be competent to take charge of these latter. Almost the only work left for which a qualified engineer would be indispensable, would be the repair and protection of the bridges. This should occupy but a very small portion of an engineer’s time in the twelvemonth; but it will be necessary to be absolutely certain that we can have his assistance exclusively whenever the occasion arises. I object, therefore, to any partnership in our engineer, unless we have the undisputed right to the first call upon his services. I also object to paying one penny more for such services than they are worth in the open market, and to paying a twelve months’ salary for two months’ work. – I am, &c.
March 12, 1877.

SIR, – In conducting the valuation of a borough there should be some definite regulations issued from the Corporation office, by which the valuator would be guided, and where such instructions are not given, I hold that the gentlemen composing the Council are chiefly to blame for the inaccuracies which necessarily result from the adoption of an erroneous principle.   In a recent issue of your paper I noticed that you commented adversely on the last valuation, and spoke favorably of the first; but the first was not by any means a satisfactory one, and under the attendant circumstances, the number of objections was not a criterion on which to found a judgment respecting it. In deducing a conclusion from a given fact, an error would be likely to arise if we did not look beneath the surface and examine the causes which operated in its establishment. There cannot be a correct comparison of results where there has not been a similarity of circumstances, in their causes; and there has not been a similarity in the case of the two valuations, for in the first no notices were sent to the ratepayers from the Corporation office, whilst in the last case full information was sent round, and those who felt aggrieved from the former rating were determined to prevent a repetition of injustice. So far as I am acquainted with the two valuations I am of opinion that Mr Ellison’s is the more satisfactory one, for I noticed that whilst in the former one no allowance was made for the ordinary wear and tear, insurance, etc., of wooden buildings, in the last there was a deduction of ten per cent, made by the valuator on his own judgment. I took this to be an exhibition of a certain knowledge of the matter though not a thorough one, for it must be patent to the mind of a person who has given the subject much attention, that there should be a considerable difference made between the rental and rateable value of wooden buildings, because the wear and tear will be about ten per cent, and the insurance at least nine per cent, on the rental: at all events where the rates are so high as the Insurance companies think fit to impose in Napier. Stuart Mill’s language is not at all times easily understood, and there may possibly be a few of the ratepayers of any borough who would fail to grasp his meaning on valuation; but I think they would be few indeed, who, after weighing the matter well, could come to the conclusion that the fair rateable value of wooden houses should be more than seventy-five per cent of their rental value. In the first valuation we know that there was no deduction from the rental value; in the second there was an allowance of ten per cent; while by the Municipal authorities there was no a single sixpence abated, either from the first or second valuations, even though justice demanded it in the first case and an Act of Legislature commanded it in the second. It is not generally known among the ratepayers that the Act allows a deduction of twenty per cent from the rental value and their censure must fall upon the Corporation for neglecting to make the deduction. They, and they alone, should have been to it, and, although they have committed an error which the ratepayers from want of acquaintance with the act have been unable to have had rectified, it is fortunately not yet too late to set matters right, and the Councillors can, now that they understand the mistake which has arisen consequent on their neglect, make the deduction 20 per cent all round. There is another matter in which a man who pays taxes has a right to make some comments, and that is, the expenditure of them. I do not intend to charge the Councillors with extravagance because they increase the salaries of their officials, but I certainly think it no harm to say that I do not know any sound reason for the increase in the Town Clerk’s salary. The Town Clerk is a popular man; is always civil and obliging; is no doubt an efficient officer, and would deserve an increase if funds permitted; but there are three other clerks in his office, so that it perhaps it would have been better to have completed some of the works necessary for the convenience of those who contribute to the Corporation revenue. It is now more than two years since we came under Corporation government, and, up to the present time, no effort has been made by the gentlemen who spend our taxes to make a road for those ratepayers whose properties have a frontage to the sea beach. It is very unfair that so large a portion of the rateable property of the rateable portion of the borough should have been so long neglected, and it ought to be one of those things in which the Corporation should take action without being subject to pressure. Many of the ratepayers for beach property are also the owners of property situate in other parts of the town, near which no Corporation money has been, nor is likely to be expended; so that they have strong grounds for claiming the formation of a road along the beach.  It is not satisfactory for residents to have to petition for improvements which ought to follow as a necessary consequence of the imposition of a rate.  The formation of a road along the beach would not be a work of great cost nor difficulty, for the shingle that has been thrown up by the action of the surf, would be required to be shifted but a very short distance, and covered with limestone to make a road suitable for present requirements. It is not a case of a man subscribing two shillings and expecting half-a-crown’s worth of work done for him, as the beach residents require nothing elaborate, but simply, an inexpensive footway even if they can get nothing better, and I think the Council at their next meeting would act wisely by instructing the engineer to prepare an estimate of the cost of a road or footpath. I do not think there is any blame to His Worship the Mayor in this matter, for I believe it will have his most hearty support when introduced into the Council, and I would not wish that any part of this letter should be understood to convey a censure on him, for I consider that the ratepayers are deeply indebted to him for the active interest he has taken at all times in matters concerning their welfare, and I believe the time will yet come when they will, in recognition of his services, send him to labor in a higher sphere of New Zealand politics. – I am, &c.,
Napier, March 12, 1877.

SIR, – After a careful perusal of the many acts relating to County management I have come to the conclusion that whoever drew them up was a very good friend to the newspapers, possibly indeed a part proprietor of one with an eye to business. Everything the Council does or intends to do I find that “public notification” of it is required, and by “public notification” the acts inform me that a notice thereof shall be published in some newspaper circulating the county or else printed placards containing the notice must be obtained and affixed throughout the County, still better for the printing offices and furnishing an opening for a handy man as County bill sticker, possibly however, this would come under the especial functions of the Clerk. Now, sir, while I quite agree that everything the councils do should be done publicly and not in a hole and corner manner, I think it rather lard lines that they should be slated to the extent they will be if they keep within the requirements of these acts. By having all meetings open to the public, by taking care those meetings are held in a room large enough to accommodate that public, and seeing that correct reports of all proceedings are furnished to the newspapers, sufficient publicity on most matters should be ensured. Of course tenders for any important work should be advertised and would be I fancy, act or no act. I am induced to make these remarks, having heard it stated at a recent meeting of this Council that a sort of balance sheet has to be advertised before a rate is struck. On referring to the Acts, (not of the Apostles be it understood) I find it is so. By clause 107 of the “Counties Act, 1876,” 14 days notice has to be given before any rate at all can be struck, by clause 40 of the “Rating Act, 1876,”, it seems that 12 days notice is sufficient, this is only one instance that shows the great care bestowed on the contradictory enactments put forward to guide our young councils. The Wairoa public at any rate are fully alive to the importance of knowing what their Council does, if I may judge from the strong muster generally present at meetings. – I am &c.,
Wairoa, March 9, 1877.


“Can you help me a little?” said a tramp, poking his head into a country shop. “Why don’t you help yourself?” said the proprietor, angrily. “Thank you I will”, said the tramp, as he picked up a bottle of whisky and two loaves of bread, and disappeared like a lightning streak, followed by half-a-dozen lumps of coal.

“Did you ever,” asks a contemporary, “watch the noiseless movements of a pretty girl’s lips as her dress is trodden upon, and marvel at the self-command which enables her to do the situation justice in so quiet a manner?. A dozen fonts of type wouldn’t furnish dashes enough to represent the remarks of the average man under like incitement.”

Except Mr. Whitaker and Dr Pollen, we have now the whole strength of the Ministry here, Mr. McLean having returned from Sydney yesterday. It, however, really does not seem to matter much where Ministers are. After all, they are comparatively insignificant people. They may flatter themselves that they govern the country, and no doubt a popular impression to that effect does prevail, but it is quite a delusion. The real Government of the country consists of some half-dozen heads of departments, of whom Mr. J. E. Fitzgerald may be regarded as Premier, and Mr. Leech as second in command. Ministers are merely puppets in the hands of the permanent officers, and soon become so entangled in red tape that they see the uselessness of struggling, and quietly resign themselves to their fate. This will continue to be the case until some new man or men boldly take the bull by the horns, and before they are brought under the influence and so rendered powerless, simply commence reform by superannuating the departmental heads in question who know too much. Until this is done any reform in the rank and file of the Civil Service, or any diminution in the cost of government, will be impossible. It would well pay the Colony to give half a dozen of its “most experienced and valuable officers” a £1000 a year for the remainder of their lives, on condition of their not going into politics and never entering the door of the Government buildings again. Tens of thousands of pounds might then be saved in the cost of Government, and that huge overgrown monstrosity the Civil Service might be cut down to proper dimensions and made more efficient. An impression, I know, prevails that Wellington lives, moves and breathes in a Civil Service atmosphere, but in reality Wellington people see too much of the service to have any great opinion of it, and few Wellington parents would place their sons in it if any other opening in life could be found for them. Fortunately there are plenty.
As illustrating the haphazard way in which the Government now manages affairs, I may mention that yesterday notice was sent to all the officers of the Provincial Engineer’s Department, stating that their services would not be required after the end of the present month. Amongst these were the Clerks of Works on several large bridges now being built by contract, the Reclamation Works, &c. To-day it was pointed out that the local bodies were not at all prepared to take over the supervision of these works, and that if the contractors were allowed to proceed without supervision, even for a week, serious loss might result. It was then discovered that the Minister of Public Works knew nothing of the dismissal of these officers, that it was the under-Secretary who had sent out the circular. Accordingly, all the clerks of works, five I think in number, had to be telegraphed or sent to, instructing them to return their former circular, and take no notice of it. Such is the administration at present existing. What is done one day, is countermanded, the next and money is wasted and everything unsettled. – Wellington Correspondent, Otago Daily Times.

(Rockland Courier.)
A Union-street girl discovered her young brother out behind the shed, the other day, pulling away at a sweet-fern cigar. “There, young man!” she exclaimed, as the cigar hastily disappeared behind the boy’s back; “I’ll tell father of you – see if I don’t”.
“Yes, you tell ‘im” retorted the brother suddenly recovering himself; “you tell ‘im an’ see how quick that feller o’ yourn’ll skip. I’ll tell father how you an’ ‘im was settin’ on the parlor sofa an’ him huggin’ you like blazes. You jes’ go an’ tell, that’s all I ask”.
The sister very discreetly withdrew, while the young statesman finished his smoke in tranquillity.

Scene, a wedding breakfast. Company all seated about the table. A pause in the general conversation. Happy husband (to his wife’s seven-year-old sister at the other end of the table) “Well Julie, you have a new brother now”. Julie: “Yes; but mother said to papa the other day that she was afraid you would never amount to much, but it seemed to be Ethel’s last chance.”   Intense silence for a moment, followed by a rapid play of knives and forks.



Several settlers who have been connected with native lands purchases and leases, were informed on Thursday, by circulars issued by Mr. Sheehan, that unless arrangements were made at once with him, that proceedings would be taken in the Supreme Court next session to test the validity of their transactions.

The Oddfellows Hall was crowded on Thursday by persons desirous of witnessing Mr. Emmet’s last performance in Napier. The actors one and all went through their parts successfully. After the performance the company left in the Jane Douglas for Gisborne and Auckland.

We learn from Wellington that the Rev Mr. Redstone, late of Napier, has received advices from a gentleman in England named Hicks, in which it is stated that he has forwarded the sum of £500 to Mr. Redstone towards building a United Methodist Chapel in Wellington. A similar sum has been forwarded to Christchurch to be used for a like purpose.

Larrikinism is becoming prevalent in Napier, and it is high time, some of the youths practising it, were taught a lesson by the Magistracy. A clergyman returning to his home last week was set upon by some youths, and an attempt was made by one of these scamps to what is known as “bonnet him”. The clergyman resisted being interfered with, and gave one of his tormentors a sound thrashing. It is to be hoped that the police will by-an-by make an example of one of them.

Mr. George Beetham, brother to our respected Resident Magistrate, purposes visiting the home country. Mr. G. Beetham is one of the leading men in the Wairarapa, and was looked on as a likely candidate for the Rev. J. C. Andrews’ seat in the General Assembly.

The Meanee [ Meeanee ] Road is in a most deplorable state. The worst part is just before reaching Taradale, and here it is a perfect bog. Steps should be at once taken to have this road put in proper repair, and it is to be hoped that the County or Road Board authorities will use some little effort to get the road put in good order with the least possible delay.

The Waipukurau Hospital Committee held a meeting on Thursday, when it was resolved to proceed with the undertaking. It was also resolved to call a public meeting for the 22nd inst. The Committee has about £600 cash in hand.

The Waipawa County Council met on Thursday at Waipukurau, when all the members were present. Mr. Davidson was appointed Clerk, at a salary of £125. Mr. Burgess was appointed Road Overseer, at £200 a-year. The Herald’s tender for printing and advertising was accepted. The Union Bank of Australia’s Waipukurau branch tender for the banking account was accepted. Mr Sainsbury was appointed County Solicitor. The next meeting was fixed for the 19th inst.

In the Resident Magistrate’s Court this morning, when the Municipal cases for rates were being heard, one of the ratepayers, when placed in the box, produced, to the no small consternation of the Collector, a receipt signed for the amount for which he was summoned. Apart from any other matter in this curious case, have the ratepayers to pay for the cost of this summons, or will the amount be mulcted from the salary of the official who made the blunder? We shall see.

At Scott’s American Bowling Saloon, Hastings-street, there is on view a handsome musical box, which is put up for raffle. It is certainly not only the prettiest, but one of the best it has been our lot to see. It has drums, castinetts, and bells, and plays 12 popular airs. The raffle for this handsome instrument will come off to-night, and the winner will obtain a capital prize.

Napier is becoming one of the most sober communities in the colony. In the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Thursday and Friday was there a single case of drunkenness on the police records. The only cases brought forward were those in connection with the Napier borough rates. Those who were wise had paid their rates to the clerk. Those who were foolish, allowed judgment to be recorded against their names.

The Illustrated New Zealand Herald for this month contains, amongst other excellent views, a capital picture of the township of Oamaru.

The members of the County Council of Waimea, Nelson, have voted themselves one shilling per mile for travelling expenses each time it is necessary to attend the council.

The following paragraph, extracted from the Otago Daily Times, will be read with interest by the Rev. Mr. Morice’s Napier friends: “The Rev. Wm. Morice, who officiated at South Clutha for the Rev. Mr. Bannerman during his absence in England, has been presented with the sum of £26 by a few friends in the Clutha district, in recognition of his services. The Rev. Mr. Morice, we understand, is about to take the place of the Rev. Mr. McCosh Smith, of Naseby, who is to be absent from his district for about a year”.

From private telegrams we learn that the Chicago Minstrels will probably arrive in Napier on the return trip of the Rangatira. Mr. F. Towle, who acted as pianist to the Lydia Howard Company, occupies the same position in the Chicago Minstrel Company. Their performances are highly spoken of by the southern press.


By the last mail we were placed in receipt of the New Zealand Volunteer Service Gazette. It is printed at the Guardian office, Dunedin, and edited, we believe, by Captain Chalmers Reid. In the editor’s introductory remarks, he says: “In starting the New Zealand Volunteer Service Gazette, we believe that we are making an effort to establish a paper which will be favorably received and well supported by the Volunteers of New Zealand. Our programme is a very plain one: We devote ourselves entirely to the interests of the force. We shall try to make the Gazette take the place in New Zealand of its English namesake, and to win for it the position of an official organ. Correspondence will be specially invited, but it must be understood that any letters with the faintest flavor of insubordination will not be inserted in our columns. Discipline is the one great thing that the Volunteers have yet to learn, and that cannot be obtained when subordinate members of the force are permitted to attack and censure anonymously through the press. From month to month we shall endeavor to give the fullest possible intelligence of inspections, shooting matches, meetings, &c, and we shall therefore be glad if Volunteers throughout New Zealand will kindly keep us supplied with items of news from their several districts. All appointments and promotions will be duly gazetted in our columns, and the monthly orders of the various corps will be inserted as advertisements at nominal cost. In conclusion we may say that the Gazette is not started as a pecuniary speculation. The promoters will be well satisfied if it meets with just such a measure of support as will suffice to cover the expense of production. They confidently appeal to Volunteers to lend a hand, both with mite and pen to further its success, and the Gazette, for its part will ever be ready to advocate to the very utmost the interests of the force.”


The cricket match between the Herald and TELEGRAPH employees took place at Taradale on Saturday afternoon, and resulted in the TELEGRAPH being beaten by 23 runs – altogether in the two innings. The fielding on the part of the Herald was far superior to that of their opponents, the latter apparently not having had any practice together previous to the match. In the Herald’s first innings, they scored 58, while the TELEGRAPH scored but 23. Believing that the game would be won in one innings by the Herald, the TELEGRAPH men were sent in again to the wickets, and they succeeded this time in scoring 54 runs, thus leaving the opposite side nineteen to score. The innings was played out, the Herald making in all 42, thus coming off winners by 23 runs. Good feeling existed during the contest, and at the conclusion of the game, three lusty cheers were given by each side for the respective captains and their teams.

An occasional correspondent from Waipawa writes: You will regret to learn that, on Sunday last, a man named Murray, in the employment of Mr. W. Rathbone, of this town, when on his way to Woodville, where he has some land, met with an accident. The horse he was riding fell and rolled on him, and broke his leg; he was conveyed to the hotel at Woodville, where he now lies. He has a wife and seven children. Fortunately the man is a Rechabite, so that the accident will not come under the heading of “another accident through drink”.

In the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Monday, before A. Kennedy, Esq., J.P., a man named Bell, who had been let out on a charge of drunkenness at Port Ahuriri on Saturday, omitted to make his appearance at the proper hour, and his bail money was therefore estreated. He afterwards came into the Court in a muddled state, and was taken charge of by the police, and locked up. Henare Ngapu was brought up on a charge of horse stealing, but was remanded for further evidence at the request of the Inspector of Police until Wednesday. Another charge is also likely we learn to be made against this same individual. Bail for his appearance was taken himself in £500, and two sureties in £250 each.

Mr. R. Brathwaite and Mr. J. Ramsay have been elected members of the Heretaunga Road Board in the places of T. Tanner, Esq., and Captain W.R. Russell.

The laying of the pipes for the Gas Company reached on Monday as far as Mr. Golden’s Crown Hotel, so that before long the residents at Port Ahuriri will be enabled to dispense with kerosene for the greater illuminating power.

The second cable between the North and South Islands, has been successfully laid.


His Worship the Mayor proceeded to Wellington overland on Tuesday. He will probably return by the next trip of the Rangatira.

A large attendance of the members of the Mutual Improvement Club took place on Monday, and on the conclusion of the business of the evening an arrangement was made by which the future meetings of the Club will take place in the Good Templar Hall, which is considered by the members to be more appropriate for dramatic rehearsals to which the Club will in future be exclusively devoted. The management will be in the hand of Mr. Percival Bear, whose knowledge of dramatic business and extensive collection of entertaining plays, contribute so largely to the success of the evening’s amusement.

The Assessment Court of the Clive Highway District sat at 2 p.m. on Monday at Mr. Caulton’s Hotel, at West Clive, to hear objections to the Valuation List, for the ensuing year. The only objections of any importance were those of Mr. R.P. Williams and Mr. Lascelles. The first named gentleman objected to the assessment of £700 per annum upon his leasehold part of Mangateretere Block, containing 800 acres, and also to the assessment of £150 per annum on the boiling down premises occupied by him. After considerable discussion the first valuation was reduced to £634 per annum. The second objection was not maintained. In the case of Mr. Lascelles the objection was of the widest possible nature and struck at the validity of the assessment as a whole, on the ground that the Board had illegally appointed themselves valuers for the district. Mr. Lascelles appear to support his objection and Mr. Cornford on behalf of the Board. After hearing the learned counsel on both sides, the Judge held that the board were perfectly justified in acting as valuers, there being nothing in the Rating Act, 1876, to prevent them from so acting, and accordingly dismissed the case. In the course of the case it transpired that Mr. Lascelles, himself a member of the Board, was present at the meeting which decided on the method of valuation and himself seconded resolution by which the board appointed themselves the valuers. The result of the objection hardly supports the old proverb about second thoughts being best.

The Patangata Races will be held on Saturday next, St. Patrick’s day, and being within an easy distance from the Kaikora railway station, no doubt many settlers will take the opportunity of seeing a good day’s sport.

The New Zealand Times concludes an article on the recent arrangement made between Messrs. Watt and what is known here as the Repudiation party as follows: “There can be no doubt whatever that next session we shall hear more of the Hawke’s Bay land question. Mr. Sutton has recently been elected to sit for Napier, and Mr. Sutton is deeply interested in the question. By those who sympathise with him he is regarded as a martyr, who has been a heavy loser by his honest transactions with the natives. On the other hand the natives say quite the reverse of M.r Sutton, and have the same name for him as they have for the devil. Next session, therefore, we shall hear a good deal about these unfortunate land disputes, and should Captain Russell resign his seat and Mr. Buchanan be elected in his place, a not impossible contingency, the repudiation office will form a fertile subject of it is to be feared, angry discussion. Let us hope that the Legislature may see its way to bringing about, if necessary, some compromise, whereby all parties will be satisfied to put an end to further litigation in the matter, a very difficult thing to effect no doubt, but, we trust, not an impossibility.”

In the Sydney papers of the 14th instant the death by chloroform, at Sydney, of William Robertson, auctioneer, from New Zealand, is recorded. Robertson had been at the theatre on the previous night, and on coming out, stumbled and broke his ankle. He was taken to the infirmary, and there put under the influence of chloroform previous to reducing the fracture. The broken limb had scarcely been set when heavy breathing, and his face becoming rapidly livid, told the man’s danger. He died almost instantly, never having recovered consciousness. The doctor at the inquest stated that he had died of sanguineous apoplexy. It was stated that deceased had been, before going to Sydney, fourteen years in New Zealand, and had previously lived in Melbourne. There he had arrived from India. His age was given as sixty-five years, and it was stated that he has left a widow and family in some part of New Zealand. [Mr. Robertson, it will be remembered, was a short time ago an auctioneer in Napier].


Hartley McIntire, Esq., has resigned his appointment of Deputy Sheriff for the district Hawke’s Bay, and has been appointed Examiner of Titles for the district of Marlborough.

The Hon. The Native Minister, Dr. Pollen arrived in Wellington on Monday. He will shortly come to Napier, and will afterwards proceed to Taupo in time to meet Rewi there on the 20th inst.

It is reported (says the Post) that Mr. R.W. Woon, R.M., and Major Nixon, and two other gentlemen have been stopped by a chief named Te Harai, and several other Maoris, while going up the Upper Wanganui river in a boat. It appears they were near Topine’s whare when they were met by two canoes containing the natives referred to. Te Harai informed Mr. Woon that several runangas had been held, and it had been decided that Europeans should not be allowed to go up the river even so far as the boat had reached. He stated that Mr. Woon and Major Nixon might continue on their way, but their companions would have to go back. On Mr. Woon remonstrating with the natives, Te Harai took the boat containing the gentlemen in tow and turned them down the river. The explanation given is, that as a payable goldfield is supposed to exist some distance up the river, the natives had become alarmed lest the Europeans should encroach on their lands.


We observe that in those counties in which district roads have been declared County roads, the Councils have issued proclamations to that effect, in accordance with the 88th clause of the Public Works Act, 1876. In the County of Hawke’s Bay, the Council has resolved that certain highways should be County roads, but no steps have been taken to legalise the resolution by publicly gazetting the same.

In the Resident Magistrate’s Court, Waipawa, on Tuesday, the case of the Hon. H.R. Russell v. F.H. Drower, claim for £50 for non performance of duties as Returning Officer, was heard. Mr. Rees for plaintiff. Judgment was given one farthing damages without costs. The same v. H. Arrow, on similar plaint, was adjourned till Saturday 24th instant.

An offer has lately been made to the Corporation of Napier of the Masonic Hall as a Town Hall, on lease for a long term of years at a rental, we understand, of about £100 per annum. The building is admirably adapted for a town hall, having four commodious offices, large fire proof safe, and a hall for Council and Committee meetings. The rent too, is cheaper than what the Corporation would have to pay in interest if it were decided to build a new hall, while the situation is the best in the town. At present the Corporation is suffered by the Colonial Government to occupy a room and a closet in a corner of the old provincial buildings, and there is no place in which the Council can meet and give accommodation to the public, unless the Mayor obtains permission from the Chairman of the Hawke’s Bay County Council to use the County offices. This is not the position in which the Corporation of Napier should be placed, nor is it likely that the business of the borough can be properly conducted in an apartment in which the Town Clerk, the Collector, Inspector of Nuisances, and Messenger, are all jammed together, each performing his duties amongst a crowd of ratepayers or others who have come on public business. In fact the Corporation offices are a disgrace to the town.

A correspondent informs us that on Wednesday last the stables of Mr. Hugh McLean at Gwavas Station were burnt down. We have been unable to learn particulars other than that the fire first broke out in the loft. The stables were insured for £250 in the New Zealand Office.



There appear to be other literary noodles, besides those who conduct our Napier contemporary. In mentioning that the All England Eleven would not visit Napier, we added, “Our cricketers believe that the All England Eleven are afraid to meet them.” The remark was thoroughly understood in Napier, except by the Herald who cannot see through a joke, and who by the way terms it a libel, and outside the district by all journalists, except the brilliant paragraphists of the Southland Times and Oamaru Mail.

Henare Ngapu, the assailant of Mr. C. Palmer, failed to find the money he was adjudged to pay for his misdemeanour, and was on Thursday working with the hard-labor gang at the quarry.

Surface grass-seed sowing is now being vigorously proceeded with in the country districts. The season being extremely favourable for this method of improving the grazing capacity of the country, a large area of land will this year be permanently laid down in grass.

R. Beetham, Esq., held an Assessment Court on Thursday in connection with the Meanee Road Board, at Mr Vaughan’s Hotel. There were present, beside others, Messrs Bennett, and Dolbel, the valuators of the district. Mr. Peddie, the Chairman of the Board, handed in the Valuation Roll, so as to enable Mr. Beetham to judge the objections. Mr. Speedy appeared for Mr. G. Rymer, who objected to the valuation placed on his property. After consideration, an overcharge of six acres was allowed, and the valuation was decreased to £111. Messrs. H. and J. Powdrell’s objections were disallowed, the objectors not having complied with the provisions of the Act. Mr Peddie asked, owing to certain circumstances, which he stated, that Messrs. Powdrell’s objection be heard. Mr. Beetham declined to accede to the request on the grounds that if he were to step outside the law he would be inundated with similar requests. Mr. R Neagle then handed the Judge of the Assessment Court an objection to the valuation of his property, but the Court informed Mr. Neagle that he could not then receive objections, as it was not in compliance with the law. The Court then rose, and Mr. Beetham proceeded to Papakura. The Court was also to have sat at Redclyffe to hear one case, but as the objector declined to further proceed with his case, Mr. Beetham did not intend to proceed there.

We notice that Mr. Malcolm Banks, so long and favourably known in this district, has commenced business as a Stock and Station Agent in those premises adjoining the Criterion Hotel.

The s.s. Southern Cross arrived on Wednesday from Lyttelton, with 1240 merino ewes for the Hon. W. S. Peter, of Whakaki, Wairoa. The sheep were landed on Thursday, and dipped under the superintendence of Mr. Inspector Peacock, the whole work being performed in four hours. The sheep were turned on the hills for a few hours feed, and were again shipped by the Southern Cross for their destination on Thursday.

An assistant of Mr. Hooper’s, hairdresser, of Hastings-street, was arrested on Thursday, on a charge of robbery of certain articles from his employer.

The Wanganui races have once more proved the staying qualities of the Pacific blood. The two principal winners, Queen of the Vale and Resolution were both bred by Mr. Powdrell, of Hawke’s Bay, and were got by Mr. Donnelly’s well-known horse Pacific. The Touchstone blood in Pacific and through him to his progeny, must always tell in any struggle where pluck and endurance are required. We are glad to hear that Mr. Donnelly has one or two more promising Pacific colts, one of which is Tamatia, that ran Messrs Watt and Farmer’s Longlands so closely for the Produce at the Hawke’s Bay meeting. On that occasion Tamatia was not at all in form, and the manner in which he answered to the call made upon him showed the genuine pluck of a grandson of Touchstone. Otupai and Tawera, both winners at the same meeting, and of the same blood as Tamatia, Resolution, and Queen of the Vale, showed that the speed and endurance exhibited by one of the Pacific get are alike inherited by all his stock.

We understand that the Chicago Minstrels will give their first performance in Napier, on Saturday, the 24th instant. At present, we notice from our last files from Wellington, they are doing a capital business in the Empire City.

No person in the Southern Hemisphere apparently knows what to do with the murderer Sullivan. We (Oamaru Mail) would recommend the Minister of Justice, as he finds a difficulty in retaining a permanent hangman on his staff, to employ this society forsaken man in this capacity, feeling convinced that Mr. Sullivan’s special talents would in this sphere of usefulness find suitable employment.

A boat was regularly tossed into the air the other day in Wellington Harbor through the sudden tautening of the mooring-chain of a hulk over which it was passing. The astonishment of the five passengers, all of whom found themselves in the water, may be imagined.

On Tuesday evening, the members of the Loyal Clive Lodge I.O.O.T., M.U., celebrated their first anniversary. Unfortunately at the hour fixed for the procession it came on to rain heavily, and this portion of the programme had to be omitted. Shortly after the hour appointed, about 28 members, besides their wives and female friends, sat down to a sumptuous tea, provided by Mr G.E. Toop of the Farndon Hotel. After tea, J. Sheehan, Esq., M.G.A. (by request), filled the chair. The usual loyal and patriotic toasts were then given by the Chairman. The toasts of the Order and other Friendly Societies, (including the Mother Lodge of Napier) and the past and present officers of the Wellington district were given, and enthusiastically received. The toast of the late deceased Grant Master was given by the Chairman, who dwelt in eloquent terms on the great qualities this deceased gentleman had shown in the government of the society. This toast was drunk in solemn silence. The toast of the evening, “Prosperity to the Loyal Clive” having been given, the Lodge Secretary, in responding, read the first annual report, which contained the most satisfactory proofs of the rapid progress the Lodge had made since its opening. The Lodge was opened twelve months ago, and then consisted of only 12 members; since then 24 new members have been initiated, and it now numbered 36 members. The financial aspect of affairs was equally satisfactory. Little or no demand had been made during the year on the sick fund. All debts and expenses of the Lodge had been paid, and a handsome balance left to be carried to next year’s account. The reading of the report was received with loud cheers. Other toasts followed, concluding with “The Ladies” and “The Press”. The Chairman, in proposing the last toast, regretted the unavoidable absence of the gentleman who had promised to be present. The health of the “Host and Hostess” was then proposed, and the proposer spoke in high terms of the manner in which they had made provision, and attended to the wants of their guests of the evening – nothing being wanting or unprovided for. The presiding officer of the Lodge then proposed the health of the Chairman, which was drunk amidst great cheering. The Chairman in responding to the toast intimated his intention of joining the Order.  At the conclusion of the banquet the tables were cleared, and dancing commenced, and was kept up till an early hour in the morning, when the party broke up, each and all expressing their gratification at having so well enjoyed themselves.

Church of England services will be held (D.V.) on Sunday next, the 18th instant, at St Mark’s, Clive, at 11 a.m. with the celebration of the Lord’s Supper;  at Hastings, at half-past 8; and at Havelock, at 7 p.m.


March 14.
The subsidy from the Government for this County is to be calculated on the rates received by the 31st March. As the rate will only be confirmed on the 22nd, there will not be much time to get them in, and the subsidy will be rather a delusion, unless the ratepayers are particularly punctual.




March 15.
A great meeting of the Taupo natives will take place at Tapuaeharuru on the 19th to receive the Hon. Dr. Pollen. Captain Mair and the chief Poihipi are making the necessary arrangements. Te Heu Heu and other chiefs from the upper part of the Lake will attend. The Tokana [Tokaanu] natives were anxious to have the meeting there, but this was overruled by Poihipi.


SIR, – You asked me Mr Editor to touch lightly upon the requirements of this County, to give you an outline now and again of what we wanted, and in short show how the district could be advanced, with the way to insure such advancement being permanent. This is much easier said than done.  The question is easily asked, but the answer is extremely difficult. There is indeed one offhand way of answering the query, and that is to say, “Oh, we want the introduction of capital and fresh blood in the place – that’s all.” This has been repeated ad nauseam for years and years past. In the meantime fresh blood, certainly not in very large quantities, and a certain amount of capital have been imported here, but the result is not, at a cursory glance, very apparent. You, yourself, Mr Editor, have fallen into the common error of sneering at the place itself for not going ahead faster. You pay us very occasional visits. Last time I don’t think you went ten yards out of the township, and as you found that unaltered you jumped to the erroneous conclusion that the whole district was the same, and sat in judgment on us accordingly.
Come out to some of the stations, compare them with what they were a few years back. Go up to Turiroa you will see some of the finest grass land to be seen anywhere. Between Te Kapu and Opoiti the whole line of country is being fenced in. There is plenty of ploughed land in the district, and plenty of teams to plough it with if you knew where to look for them – certainly not from off those logs lying under the willow tree in front of the “Clyde” Hotel. I grant you, that sweet briar and toi-toi growing immediately in front of the township, does not look well, but the whole country side is not the same. You tell the public that Mr. Maney has been a sort of Saviour to the district. You don’t exactly specify how, but you state so in an offhand manner as if everyone knew it. Mr Maney has doubtless spent a good deal in the place, but you conveniently manage to forget all mention of how much he took out of it. Without any desire to obtrude that gentleman’s private affairs before the public, I dare say he did very well out of it. We have had a good deal to contend with against any rapid progress being made. Intending settlers cannot buy small blocks of land to settle on. Is not that rather the fault of the Government than our own?  The natives prefer rather to hang about, waiting for government money or aid in some shape or the other to working their hitherto neglected “grant” grounds. Surely, we, as a body, cannot be blamed for this. A more liberal expenditure on roads instead of keeping up the “presents to natives” policy might have caused an alteration, but it is too late now. Unlocking the native estates in times past would have helped. Could we ourselves unlock them? Are you aware that the rents derived from government lands north of Napier have gone to pay the interest on loans spent in improving the country south of Napier? The question is, what can be done now.
If you ask one man he says “Push on the inland road to Poverty Bay and open up the country in that direction,” another says “Make a dray road to Turiroa,” a third suggests “That a really good road should be made to Napier via the Hine-Paka”, while a fourth fancies “If the mouth of the river got something done to it (said something being a very indefinite term) the result would be extremely beneficial to the district.” All excellent suggestions in their way, but where is the money to come from for any one of them? If works like these had been completed while the borrowed money was being flung about, while the government still had plenty of land in the Province for sale, while large amounts were scattered broadcast, with no return, out of the “Defence and other purposes” Loans, then the County, so much the richer, thro’ the effect of these works, might have been in a position to keep them going, and that would be about all. In the name of all that is marvellous how is a county, whose entire valuation only comes to £11,000, going to perform a tithe of these things, and yet some people run away with the impression that the Council should do them, that it will be a great shame if they don’t do them and in point of fact they should be made do them. If they can keep things going for the first year they will do very well, especially if they keep clear from mistakes and don’t attempt too much.
The fact is, the country, especially in districts like this, is not sufficiently advanced to take over county government; yet in a place like this where we had either to take it over altogether or else not at all, the first was by far the lesser of the two evils, for now the money can be spent as the majority dictate, the chief fault being that there is not enough of it to do much good.  In the latter case we should simply have handed over the management of affairs to a few perfectly irresponsible Government officials, who would say again, as they have said before, “The Wairoa is not worth bothering about!”   Is it our fault that this choice was forced upon us by the Abolition Act? By carefully picking out all the absentees’ holdings and assessing them at a double ratio – as they won’t be present to object to their assessment – the valuation might be somewhat increased; but unless the Government meet outlying districts in a more liberal spirit than they have hitherto promised, give us at least £2 for every £1 of rates raised, I can’t see how much can be done to open up the country. If you can offer any suggestions, do so; but don’t run us down for not surmounting difficulties that really are far larger than you have any conception of.
With one portion of your remarks in connection with this place I most entirely concur, that is, in there being a large number of destitute people here; so there are, far more than most people imagine. The Herald’s correspondent flew into a state of virtuous indignation on the subject, of course, the idea of the TELEGRAPH getting up a subscription for a destitute family in the Wairoa overcame him. If I remember rightly – and if I don’t you can correct me – he said there were many charitably disposed people here who would only be too glad to relieve a case of real distress without appeals having to be made to strangers in Napier. Well, Sir, the Herald’s correspondent and his enthusiastic friends have had an opportunity  lately afforded them of showing their unbounded liberality;  there has been another case brought to light, and a far worse case than the one you unearthed, a case, I believe, of starving. After a most energetic canvass, a sum just about as much as you raised was forthcoming, and I believe one-half of this came from Te Kapu, and, would you believe it, the chief inducement held out to subscribers was that the family, by means of this subscription, should be sent away to Napier – sent away to those same strangers. So much for cheap sentiment!
Finally, Mr Editor, you have been giving us one or two raps lately; acknowledge now it is all over, that the chief reason was, we as a body did not vote at the last election as the TELEGRAPH desired, or rather as they pointed out we did not and don’t intend to.
In a spirit of fair play I ask as a favour the insertion of this rather lengthy letter, inscribing myself as –
AUDI ALTERAM PARTEM. [Listen to the Other Side].
Wairoa, March, 1877.

SIR, – Your article in last night’s issue must commend itself to every working man, to every one who, in addition to earning his daily bread, has also to study how to make his weekly wages meet his weekly outlay. Five or six years ago, when, in this town, and, indeed, throughout the province, every one you met was either known to you personally or by reputation, the system of giving long credit was not attended by any serious results to either shopkeepers or customers. In those days there were not hundreds of people employed in the vicinity of each centre of population, on public or private undertakings, whose wives and children resided in the towns, and were dependent on the weekly wages of the head of the family.  So many strangers are now settled in town and country, that the credit system as known formerly could not be applied to them. Labouring men, or their wives, in making their Saturday night purchases must produce cash for everything they buy, and to them a discount of even ten per cent would be a very important saving.
But, as you rightly observed in your suggestive article, no more favour is shown to the ready-money customer that to the “constituent” who claims, almost as a right, a twelve-months’ credit, and then gives a bill for the amount when required to do so by the tradesman. For the privilege enjoyed by one class another is made to suffer. It is impossible that a tradesman, who pays for his own accommodation from eight to twelve per cent, can make a profit by giving a credit bearing no great rate of interest than what he himself is paying. The loss accruing from being kept out of his money, must be made up somehow, and that it is made up by traders is evident from the soundness of trade in this town, and the flourishing condition of business. The uniform price to all comers – the poor cash customer, and the rich debtor – makes things even for the tradesman, and convenient to the wealthy constituent, but very hard for the weekly labourer. It is the uniform price that will allow of an occasional bankrupt’s account being written off as a bad debt, and that will cover losses arising from an absconding debtor. It is the uniform price that also prevents the sick child in the poor man’s cottage having many a little luxury, and that makes more difference in the home of a workman than can be understood by those to whom want is unknown.
Sir, let tradesmen advertise that a liberal discount will be made to cash buyers, and they will find no loss therefrom. Let tradesmen set their faces against a more extended credit than three months, and they would then soon be able to count their profits by their bank balances, and not as now by their book debts. – I am &c.,
Napier, March 16, 1877.

[To the Editor of the DAILY TELEGRAPH.]
SIR, – I would not have troubled you if J.M. had commented fairly on the two valuations, but he has omitted to mention a very material point, that is, the last valuation took nine months to do, while I was restricted to do the first one in sixteen days.
By inserting the above you will oblige,
Napier, March 13th, 1877.



Shipping Intelligence.
11 – Manaia, p.s., from Wairoa. Passengers Messrs McMurray, Sheehan, Rees, Jacobs, Pulford, E. Sutton, M. Smith, the Napier Cricket Team, and four natives.
12 – Rangatira, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers Mr. and Mrs. Governess, servant and family (6), Mr. and Mrs. Morton and family (5), Madame and Miss Atlante, Hon. J Johnston, Messrs Motley, Mogridge, Glyn, Roy, Moore, Haynes, Harris, Neilson, 6 in the steerage, and 5 for Poverty Bay.
14 – Mary Ann Hudson, ketch, from Mohaka. Passengers – Mrs. Jacobs, child and servant, Mr Gemmell.
14 – Spray, schooner from Lyttelton.
14 – Southern Cross, s.s., from Lyttelton.
8 – Wanaka, s.s., for Gisborne, Tauranga, and Auckland. Passengers – Mr. and Mrs. A Watt, Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Nairn, infant, and servant, Miss Rose, Miss Carlyon, Miss Bogle, Mrs. von Tempskey, Miss Von Tempskey, Mrs. Caulton, Mrs. Swan and child, Miss Stuart, Rev. R Burrows, Messrs Dalley, Murray, Rhodes, Meinertzhagen, Brown, Augustus Wood, Rhodes, Cooper, Brown, Baker, Kinross, 1 native and 20 original.
9 – Jane Douglas, s.s., for Poverty Bay and Auckland. Passengers – Emmet Troupe.
9 – Kiwi, s.s., for Wellington
9 – Fairy, s.s., for Poverty Bay
10 – Manaia, p.s., for Wairoa. Passengers – The Napier cricketing team, and others.
11 – Orpheus, schooner, for Mercury Bay
11 – Minnie Hare, schooner, for Auckland
11 – Fannie, cutter, for Whangapoua
12 – Peri, schooner, for Kaipara
14 – Hinemoa, schooner, for Hokianga.
14 – Fiery Cross, schooner, for Hokianga.
14 – Rangatira, s.s., for Poverty Bay. Passengers – Archdeacon Williams, Mrs. Williams and family (4), Mrs. Wilson and child, Messrs Brown, Griffiths, McKenzie, Lemon (2), 2 in the steerage and 5 original.

The s.s. Wanaka, Captain Malcolm, left on Thursday at 7 o’clock p.m., for Auckland via Poverty and Tauranga, with several passengers. She also took 100 bales of wool, shipped by Messrs. Kinross and Co., for transhipment per s.s. City of New York for ‘Frisco.
The s.s. Jane Douglas, Captain Fraser, left at 1 o’clock on Friday for Auckland via Poverty Bay.
The s.s. Kiwi, Capt. Campbell, steamed for Wellington at 12.30 on Friday, taking about 250 bales wool, and a few casks of tallow for transhipment at Wellington to the Adamant.
The s.s. Fairy, Captain Campbell, left at 1 p.m. on Friday for Poverty Bay, taking 206 sheep for Mr. Cooper.
The p.s. Manaia, Captain Smith, steamed hence for Wairoa, at 2 a.m. on Saturday, with a large number of passengers.
The p.s. Manaia returned from Wairoa on Sunday, with a fair complement of passengers, including the Napier Cricketing Team. Before leaving Wairoa the steamer went up the river some distance, to shew the visitors what a magnificent river there is at Wairoa. She crossed the Bar at about 1 p.m., and called off Mohaka, but the passengers that were called for did not put in an appearance, so after waiting an hour Captain Smith came on to Napier, arriving here about 6.30 p.m.
Two schooners and a cutter left the Breastwork on Saturday within half an hour of each other, and had a race out of the Bay. There being a N.E. wind at the time, it was a dead beat out. By sundown the Orpheus, Captain Dunn, was considerably to windward of both the Minnie Hare and the Fannie.
The barque Columbus, the first wool ship from Napier this season, made the passage home in 82 days. She was a chartered ship and sailed under the New Zealand Shipping flag. Others of their ships from Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Wellington, have been making equally good passages, averaging from 73 to 90 days.
The Fernglen, for Napier, is now out from London 98 days, and the Pleione for Wellington is 97 days out. Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Torre, of Napier, are passengers by the latter vessel.
The s.s. Rangatira, Captain Edwards, left Wellington on Sunday at 11 a.m., and arrived at Napier at 9 p.m. on Monday, having experienced strong head winds and heavy head sea throughout the passage. Reports having passed the s.s. Kiwi crossing Pallisser [ Palliser Bay ]. The Rangatira has a fair number of passengers, and a full load of general cargo for this port. We have to thank Mr. Donald, the purser, for prompt delivery of files.
The ketch Mary Ann Hudson arrived at daylight on Wednesday with a cargo of wool.
The s.s. Rangatira left on Wednesday for Poverty Bay.
The P.M.S.S. City of New York left for Auckland on Wednesday, at 10 o’clock for ‘Frisco.
The s.s. Go-Ahead, which left Auckland on Friday last, had not arrived at Gisborne at noon on Thursday.
The cable steamer Agnes is now engaged in finishing the laying of the Cook’s Strait cable, which was brought out in the Adamant. The latter vessel is now loading for London at Wellington.
H.M.S. Sappho, which arrived in Wellington the other day from Sydney, had, as she came up the harbour, the quarantine flag flying. The Health Officer went on board, and the doctor of the ship reported a case of fever of a mild type, and not infectious. The object of the Sappho’s visit to Wellington is to transfer a number of supernumeraries to H.M.S. Sapphire, now in Port Chalmers, and shortly expected in Wellington. The Sappho is going to the South Sea Islands.
The ship Strathdon, on her voyage to Sydney from London, when in 39 deg.S., passed a great quantity of casks and sawn boards banded together, and other wreckage, supposed to have drifted from a wreck about Tristan d’Achuna [Tristan da Cunha].  It is supposed to indicate the loss of an immigrant ship.
With reference to the sinking of the Eli Whitney, the N.Z. Times states that she was built in such a way that if a steamer with a straight bow ran into her, the chief damage would be sustained below the water-line, as her sides fall towards the bottom. The Eli Whitney was an American-built barque of 540 tons, built at Boston in 1830, of pitch-pine. She was purchased by Capt. Williams about six years ago from Messrs Picket Bros. of Melbourne, and was brought down by him to this port, where she has been used as a coal-hulk ever since. She had two powerful steam-winches on board, one forward and the other aft, the two being valued at several hundred pounds. The coals on board were worth upwards of £1,200, and the hulk herself about a like sum; thus, as there was not a penny of insurance on either the hulk or her contents, Captain Williams is a loser to the amount of fully £3,000. Captain Williams states that the hulk was thoroughly overhauled only three days ago by several shipwrights, who pronounced her sound in every part.

For the undermentioned places every Monday, and Thursday, at 5.30 a.m. – Clive, Hastings, Havelock, Te Aute, Kaikora, Waipawa, Waipukurau, Danevirk [Dannevirke], Norsewood, Tahoarite, Woodville, Foxton, Palmerston, Wanganui, Taranaki, Wellington and Southern Provinces, &c., Wallingford, Porangahau, Wanui, and Castle Point.
On other days of the week, mails close as usual, at 6.30 a.m.
Chief Postmaster.

PEDRO. – When the last census was taken, in 1874, in Hawke’s Bay, the proportion of marriageable males to females was two to one in favour of the male sex. Since that date we are of opinion that there has been no material change.

MOULDER. – At Milbourne Valley, Kaikora, on the 6th March, the wife of Mr. James Moulder, of a daughter.
BALDWIN. – At Waitangi, on March 12th, the wife of Mr. M. Baldwin, of a daughter.

FELGATE. – At the Napier Hospital, on March 14. John Charles Felgate, aged 60 years.


The Cheapest House in the Trade.

Stock, Land Estate, and General Commission Agent, Waipukurau.
Goods Stored and Forwarded.
Offices and Stores: Near the Railway Station.

Government Notifications.

Province of Hawke’s Bay,
Napier, March 10, 1877.
It is hereby notified that the following gentlemen, viz: –
Have been duly elected under the “Highways Act, 1871”, Members for the Heretaunga Road Board, in lieu of T. Tanner and W.R. Russell

Napier, March 12, 1877.
I, JOHN DAVID ORMOND, by virtue of powers vested in me, do hereby notify that the names of Board of Wardens and Chairman, elected under the provisions of “The Highways Act, 1871” of the Maraekakaho Highway District, are as under: –
Chairman: – Walter Shrimpton
Wardens: – John J. Kinross
John Joshua
Archibald McLean
Hector P. Smith
Walter Shrimpton
Dated this 12th day of March, 1877.

It is hereby notified that in pursuance of the provisions contained in the 200th Clause of “The Counties Act, 1876” the Council of the County of Hawke’s Bay has established a Public Pound, situated in Hastings, sub-division E, bounded on the North and South by other portions of sub-division E, measuring 499 links, respectively towards the East and West by other portions of sub-division E, 1102 links respectively, within the said County of Hawke’s Bay, by the name of “The Hastings Pound,” as from the First day of March 1877.
Dated this 10th day of March, 1877.
C.C. Hawke’s Bay.
Clerk C.C. Hawke’s Bay,

In pursuance of the provisions of “The Counties Act, 1876,”
Has been appointed Poundkeeper for the Hastings Pound, established as a public Pound at Hastings, in the County of Hawke’s Bay, as from the First day of March, 1877.
Dated this 10th day of March, 1877.
Chairman, C.C.H.B.
Clerk C.C. Hawke’s Bay,

NOTICE is hereby given that it is the intention of this Council to strike a general rate of One Shilling in the Pound on the rateable value of all rateable property in the above County, for the year 1877; said rate to be paid on or before 31st March.
The Rate Book is open for public inspection at the Council Chamber, Wairoa, daily during office hours.
Total rateable value of rateable property on the valuation roll    £11,119 9s.0d
Rate on above at One Shilling in the Pound    £555 19s 0d
Estimated receipt from Licences, Ferries, Dog Tax, and other sources   £450 0s 0d
Total estimated receipts   £1005 19s 0d
NOTE – The Government subsidy is NOT included in this estimate.
The estimated expenditure now authorised by the Council during the period for which the rate is made is £845 7s 4d
Wairoa County Council.
Council Chamber,
Wairoa, 8th March, 1877.

Office of Waste Lands Board.
Napier, 8th December, 1876.
TO HUGH McCORMICK, formerly of the 65th Regiment or his representatives.
You are hereby required, within six months from this date, to prove to the satisfaction of the Waste Lands Board that you have complied with the conditions required to entitle you to 60 acres of land in the Wakarara District, selected under a Military Settlers Land Order, and if you fail to prove your claim within the specified time, your title to the land will be forfeited and the land be dealt with as the Board may direct.
Chief Commissioner.

BY virtue of powers vested in me by the “Highways Act, 1871”, I hereby call a meeting of the Ratepayers of the Danevirk [Dannevirke] Highway District, to be held at Coltman’s Tamika Hotel, on SATURDAY, the 24th instant, at 6 p.m.

The Weekly Mercury

It is reported that the Repudiation Office has launched forth some more thunder-bolts against those whom its organ (the Wananga) terms “evil-doers”. The thunder-bolts are writs, and the “evil-doers” are those who own land purchased from natives. The settlement of the title of Messrs. Watt and Farmer’s estate, by the payment of £17,500 to the disputants, suggests the adoption of similar means for the rectification of errors and omissions in the original native land purchases. If the title to landed property be good, it can be fairly defended in a court of law; if it be bad, and it can be made sound by a money payment, it will be found cheaper not to go to law. For some months to come we shall expect to hear of large sums having been paid to the natives in settlement of land disputes. It will be interesting to watch the effect such accession of wealth will have on the Maoris. The money they received for their lands in years gone by, did not advance them a step on the path of civilisation; it rather caused a retrograde movement. Very many of the chiefs, who seized the lion’s share of the proceeds of every land sale, would revel in debauchery till the money was gone, while the common people would follow the example thus set them, as far as their limited means would allow. As it may be presumed that a whole batch of writs would not have been prepared by the solicitors to the natives without a fair prospect of a rich harvest, the Maoris may have an opportunity of showing to what extent they have profited by past experience. The lands now being settled for, when originally sold by the natives were of little or no value to them; the monies paid for them represented in the majority of cases much more than their worth; a shilling an acre was in those days to a Maori what an iron tomahawk as the price of a tribe’s labour was to his father. It was fair barter; with the article of exchange finding its way into the wrong hands we have nothing to do. But we do think this, that in settlement of an injustice that may have occurred in this respect, it is extremely hard that the more time, labour, and capital, a purchaser may have expended on his land, the more he should be made to pay to secure an indisputable title. The native race have benefited not by the cash they received for their lands, but by the occupation of the country by Europeans. It would have been the height of political wisdom had the Maoris given their waste lands away to have induced their settlement by a people superior to themselves in agriculture, arts, and government. But with all their greed to obtain the luxuries of the white man at the risk of losing their lands as the price of them, the natives retain more land now than they know how to make use of. To assert that they have been stripped of their ancestral estates by unscrupulous pandering to savage tastes, is so utterly absurd that it needs no contradiction. Let us see to what uses the Maoris will put the monies they are now receiving.

WITH the opening of the line to Takapau, the railway works in this provincial district may be said to be completed. The whole length of the line is little short of sixty miles, a distance upon which the province may be congratulated, but which is due to the fact that there were no engineering difficulties in the way of cheap and easy construction. Beyond Takapau, in the direction of its extension to Woodville, the railway would have to follow a route intersected by wide and deep ravines, and the cost of bridges will probably put it out of the power of the Government to continue the line for many years to come. It is very much to be regretted that the features of the country through the Seventy-Mile Bush are of such a nature as to render railway construction so comparatively expensive. It cannot be said that at Takapau the line taps the forest, and the benefits that were hoped to be derived from the railway touching the bush will scarcely be realised. Nevertheless, if the railway is not the means of opening up an extensive timber trade,


it cannot fail to vastly benefit the settlers in the bush townships. We trust it will also have the effect of throwing open for settlement a valuable tract of country in the Takapau district, that is now in the hands of the natives. Some little time back, we heard that the Maori owners of this block of country contemplated dealing with the land in the same manner as was done by the natives of Oroua, on the West Coast. The plan there was to lease the land with a purchasing clause, and in other cases to sell it on the deferred payment system.  The scheme has been abundantly successful, and we have no doubt that if it were tried by the native with respect to all lands they might desire to dispose of, and which were fitted for agricultural settlement, they would not only obtain a better price per acre, but would be conferring a benefit on the colony.

COLONEL WHITMORE, in this letter of Monday’s date, explains the reasons that actuated him at the last sitting of the Council, when he apparently was the advocate of extravagance rather than of economy. A careful perusal of the Colonel’s letter, however, does not tend to shake the opinion that the member for Clive is desirous that the county should experience some of the evils he foreshadowed from the adoption of the full powers conferred by the Counties Act.  We quite admit that Colonel Whitmore was thoroughly sincere when he argued that the creation of three counties in Hawke’s Bay necessitated three separate staffs, and that if each county agreed to decline accepting the whole of the Act, the work would probably be performed by one staff appointed by the Colonial Government.  But a very short experience of the operation of the limited clauses of the Act was sufficient to show that if something were gained on the one hand following the Colonel’s advice, a great deal more was lost on the other. Again, the neighboring counties of Waipawa and Wairoa having adopted the whole Act, the work of this county if performed by the Colonial Government would be more expensive to the ratepayers than if executed by the county itself. It then only remained to proceed as economically as a due regard to efficiency of administration would permit. And, Colonel Whitmore’s letter notwithstanding to the contrary, we fail to see that advertising throughout the colony for the services of an engineer – “to test the commercial value of those services” – would have been consistent with economy. The commercial value of an engineer’s services is dependent on the engineer’s ability, on the time and character of the work demanded of him, on the professional business he would have to resign to enter upon a new engagement. The cost of advertising would have been so much money thrown away, unless the Council were prepared to accept one out of the many offers that would be made, offers which would undoubtedly range from £400 to £800 a year. Nothing is gained by the employment of a cheap engineer, nor would it be profitable to find an opening for a young man just entering the profession, who would perform his duties at a low salary as a set-off to the acquisition of experience at the expense of the county. With regard to the objections Colonel Whitmore raises to the employment of one engineer by two counties, it is hardly fair to suppose that all the bridges between Napier and Porangahau would be washed away at the same time. But even supposing that such a misfortune should occur, it is not the duty of an engineer to act as ganger over the workmen employed in the construction of the works he has designed. In these days of railways and telegraphs a man need not live on the spot to carry out his designs.   After all, however, the work of an engineer is not of such an extensive and varied character in this county, not is it likely to be for many a long year, but that the cheapest course to pursue would be to pay for professional advice when it was required. By that plan the Council would not be running to an engineer whenever a culvert wanted replacing, or whenever a ditch was desired by a Road Board to be cleaned out.


IF the resolutions that have been drafted for the consideration of the natives who are now meeting in the neighbourhood of Napier, fairly represent the Maori mind of the constituency for which Mr. Karaitiana Takamoana has a seat in the General Assembly, then we are of opinion that the natives of Hawke’s Bay are just as greedy, just as mean, just as Maorified, as their detractors could wish they should prove themselves. Twenty resolutions in all have been prepared. The first expresses “loyalty to the Queen and her laws;” the second, satisfaction with the action of Parliament last session, and the third pleasure at the Government having ceased to purchase native lands. The fourth resolution desires “that a new law may be passed which shall be permanent, giving to the Maori people the same number of members, in proportion to the number of the Maori population, as are given to the Europeans, and the present boundaries of the Maori electoral districts may be abolished, and that the tribal boundaries may be taken as the boundaries of the new electoral districts.”   This is an extremely modest proposal when taken in connection with resolution No. 10, “Let all the Maori tribes of the island refrain from voting for members to serve in the County Councils, lest such voting be taken as a reason for taxing the lands of the Maoris for the purposes of the Council”. And so, desirous of being raised to a political equality with the European settler, to have an equal representation in Parliament, and an equal voice in legislating for the colony they are nervously anxious lest they should incur any of the responsibilities that are cheerfully undertaken by all people fit and able to govern themselves. Knowing full well that they are still immeasurably beneath the Pakeha, yet greedy to enjoy equal rights, the Maoris in resolution No. 11 urge the Government to be “more energetic in establishing schools in every part of the island, that the children may learn the language of the Pakehas; by this means they will be in a position of equality with the Pakehas, and will acquire a knowledge of the pursuits and occupations which have raised the Pakehas to their present position.”  This resolution of itself is sufficient to show the absurdity of their previous demands. Resolution 13, is we believe, an audacious falsehood. It expresses gratification that the “disputes relative to Kakirawa and the Awa-a-te-Atua has been settled by the payment of a large sum of money and the return of a portion of the land. The Europeans of these islands will now see that the complaints of the Maoris of Hawke’s Bay against Mr. Sutton and other Europeans are not false. If their proceedings had not been bad this payment of a large sum of money on account of Kakirawa and the Awa-a-te-Atua would not have been made”. The above refers to Messrs Watt Bros. payment of £17,500 for the purchase of three unsettled claims, and which can in no way be connected with so-called complaints against Mr. Sutton and other Europeans. Proposal 14 is a senseless expression of disapproval at the election of Mr. Sutton, and worthily precedes a resolution approving the action of several natives in defying both law and order in resisting Mr. Sutton’s occupation of a piece of ground for which that gentleman has a title as good as Crown Grant can be. We have no doubt that these resolutions as drafted, will be passed by the obscure natives who have been called together to discuss subjects they have not the mental abilities to understand. We have no doubt, also, that this meeting will next session be magnified by certain members of the House into one of importance and dignity. The good sense of Parliament will, however, detect the object sought to be obtained by misrepresentation, and will treat as they deserve to be the rags suspended from such a peg.

IN referring to the opening of the line to Takapau as the completion of the railway works in this provincial district, we should have stated that it is intended to continue them to a place called Kopua, situated about give miles within the bush, and three miles from Norsewood. It is after leaving Kopua that the engineering difficulties commence, the Manawatu river offering the first. The line is surveyed on to Woodville, and we believe through to Palmerston, via the Gorge, but beyond Kopua the railway is not likely to be taken for some years. The crossing of the Manawatu river gulch, near Kopua, and its many feeders from the Ruahine range, are among the chief obstacles, as to carry the railway over them would necessitate the construction of expensive viaducts.


THE Waipukurau riding election difficulty has been got over at last, as the following telegram from the Under Secretary for the Colony to the Hon. H.R. Russell will explain: [Copy] “Wellington, March 8 – Regulations made today, under section 209 Counties Act, declaring that in all cases of extraordinary vacancies, past, present, and future, until the Counties Roll comes into operation (on July 1), the election shall be by the same constituency as provided for first elections under section 51. An Order in Council has also been signed this day under section 211, extending the time for the election for Waipukurau riding to 9th of April next, and will be published in to-day’s Gazette, and sent to you by first mail. These will I think provide sufficient remedies for all defects.”  The regulation with respect to extraordinary vacancies, taken in connection with the Resident Magistrate’s decision on the Clive election, disfranchises all whose names are not upon a legally confirmed Road Board Assessment List, or who, having a property in an outlying district, are not on the Electoral Roll for the House of Representatives.




WE desire to call the attention of the Acclimatisation Society to the establishment of a new industry that may seriously interfere with one of the principal objects the Society has in view. From information received, it appears that some fishermen have recently adopted a system of netting fish in the Ngaruroro river, below the Boiling-down station. The net is stretched from bank to bank, and the meshes being small, to catch young herrings, no fish can escape. The trout and salmon placed in the river at great trouble and expense must inevitably be destroyed if this fish battue [hunt] is allowed to continue. We do not wish to interfere with the living of any man, but in the interests of acclimatisation, the wholesale destruction of fish that ensue from netting from bank to bank, should not be permitted. Instructions to the Ranger of the district would not unlikely have the desired effect.

(Before R. Beetham, Esq., R.M.)

Langley v. Willis – Claim 18s. No appearance, was struck out.
Mohi Te Ahikoia v. Hone Moananui – Claim £50 for damage to a buggy. An adjourned case; further adjourned to 13th April.
Merritt v. F. Parker – Claim £6 13s for goods. No appearance of defendant; judgment by default for amount claimed, and 13s costs.
Hansen v. Gallagher – Claim £4 13s 4d, for labour and material. Plaintiff proceeded with his case to recover the difference, but failed to do so, judgment being given only for the amount paid into Court.
Several other civil cases had been settled out of Court, and two were adjourned to a future date – the whereabouts of a defendant not being known at present.

An order was made under the provisions of the above Act protecting the moneys and property of one Ellen Hamilton against John Hamilton, her husband, and against his creditors, &c.

Thirty-six summonses had been issued. Twenty-eight of the defaulters had settled up before the sitting of the Court. Of the remaining eight, the Collector obtained a judgment for the amount of the rate, and 9s costs, in seven cases, and in one solitary case defendant got the best of it by producing a receipt, it appearing afterwards that some error had been made.


Henare Ngapu, the native who figured in the assault case, an account of which is given in another column, was brought up in custody charged with assaulting yesterday afternoon Mr. Charles Palmer and resisting the police in the execution of their duty.
The prisoner, who is a well-built and respectable looking native, pleaded “Not Guilty”.
Mr. Lee appeared for the native and Mr. Lascelles for Mr. Palmer. Mr. Lee applied for the case to be remanded in order to allow Mr. Sheehan to be present. Mr. Lascelles objected, stating that it was a simple case of assault, and there was no necessity to have the case adjourned.
The Inspector of Police holding a telegram in his hand, informed the Court that he was about to arrest the prisoner for horse stealing.
The prisoner was admitted to bail for £20, and the case was adjourned until Wednesday next.

There was a civil case on the List, Breignan against Egan. Mr. Lee applied for an adjournment, on the ground that an important witness was absent, and the summons had not been served in time. This case was also adjourned until Wednesday next.


Rose Ayers, a young woman, was brought up this morning. It appeared she had been in service in Napier, and yesterday had been sent to her friends at Waipawa. Showing symptoms of insanity last evening, she was brought to town. She was remanded for medical examination.
The Inspector of Police stated that Thos. Floyd, whose name was on the list, was not in a fit state to be brought before the Court.

Henare Ngapu, a Wairarapa native, was charged with assaulting Mr. Charles Palmer on Friday afternoon, last.
Mr. Lascelles appeared for the prosecution, and Mr. Rees for the defence.
Mr. Charles Palmer deposed that he was a livery-stable keeper, residing in Emerson-street. On Friday afternoon about 3 o’clock Ngapu and another native came to his stables and gave their horses in charge to his man. He was not present. About an hour afterwards they both came and each took his own horse.
The defendant commenced striking his animal.  Afterwards they came to where he was standing near the door, and asked what was the charge. He told them 1s each. He demurred and said, “you a stable man; then why you not clean my horse.” I told him “there was a brush there, and if he liked he could clean it himself”. Some words then ensued, in which he told me “to go to h-l”. I repeated the same words to him. He then threw a shilling on the ground, and struck me in the face, knocking me almost insensible. The other Maori gave me a half sovereign, and when Mr. Sheehan came up I have him the change. A crowd had by this time collected, and the defendant said “I struck him, because he no clean my horse, and will do so again”. Both the Maoris then rode away. Sergeant Moffitt then came up, and after I had given him information, we got into a cab, and caught up to the Maoris near the railway crossing. I pointed out to Sergeant Moffitt the man who had assaulted me, and he took him into custody.
Cross-examined by Mr. Rees – I saw the defendant after he was in custody strike the police, and one of the police strike him on the head with his baton.
Mr. Abraham Manoy corroborated that portion of the previous witness’ statement as to what language was used by the defendant after the assault was committed.
Mr. Rees submitted to the Court that the native had already undergone punishment for the assault by being beaten by the police, and also by being imprisoned.

The same native was also charged with assaulting Constable Smith at the time of his arrest.
Constable Smith deposed that when he assisted in arresting the defendant on the White-road, the prisoner struck him frequently in the face with his fist.
Cross-examined by Mr. Rees: The prisoner had then been arrested. He did not see the assault on Mr. Palmer committed.
Constable Motley said that on the 10th instant he accompanied Sergeant Moffitt to arrest the prisoner. After he was arrested he saw the prisoner strike Constable Smith several blows in the face.
By Mr. Rees: I struck the prisoner intentionally with my baton in order to defend myself. I am not aware whether the arrest was legal or illegal. Sergeant Moffitt was present, and I was acting under his orders.
Serjeant Moffit [Moffitt] deposed that on Friday last, hearing there was a disturbance at Mr. Palmer’s, he went there, and learnt from Mr. Palmer that he had been assaulted by a Maori. Mr. Palmer’s face was covered with blood, his tongue cut, and one of his teeth knocked out.  He took a trap, and accompanied by Mr. Palmer and two policemen, followed the prisoner. Mr. Palmer, when we caught up to him, gave him charge, and I arrested him. He was on horseback. Learning he was going to make a bolt, I ordered him to dismount. He not complying, he was made to do so. He then resisted, and I saw him strike both Constable Motley and Smith.
Cross-examined by Mr. Rees: I did not see the assault committed on Mr. Palmer.
Mr. Rees contended that the Court had no other option than to dismiss the charge. The arrest was an illegal one, as could be proved from legal authorities, but also from the regulations issued to the Constabulary. A policeman could not arrest for a misdemeanour unless he saw the assault committed. The doctrine of arrest had been carried to great length, and it was time it was put a stop to.
His Worship said he would take the information of Mr. Palmer first. He did not look on this case as an unprovoked assault. It was no light offence to strike a man without provocation, and when such was proved he always dealt out a heavy punishment. There was a very great distinct and clear difference between a provoked and an unprovoked assault. Only the other day a case had come before him in that Court, where the man, certainly a bad character, applied to a publican to get drink, the publican refused, the man cherishing animosity met the publican two days afterwards and knocked him down. He gave that man two months imprisonment with hard labor. Assaults were committed under different circumstances, those unprovoked were liable to imprisonment, others by fine. He found in the case before him, the native had struck Palmer when both were heated by passion. The native told the plaintiff to go to h-.  Palmer retaliated by telling him to go to the same “uncomfortable place.” That he called heat. He believed the assault was not unprovoked, but unjustifiable. The native however, showed his contumaciousness in continuing to threaten Palmer when haranguing the crowd by saying “he would do it again”. Looking, however, at the assault as a whole he would fine the defendant £5 or 14 days imprisonment. The assault on the constable being in his mind of a doubtful character, he would dismiss it. In doing so he quoted Judge Johnston’s work to shew that the constables could not arrest a man for an assault unless they saw the assault committed.
Mr. Lascelles applied for Court costs, but his Worship declined to grant the request.

The Inspector of Police applied to the Court to remand Henare Ngapu to Greytown on a charge of horse stealing, and produced a number of telegrams in which a description of the prisoner was given, and also stated that a warrant had been issued by the Greytown Bench to arrest the prisoner last Saturday. The warrant was now on its way to Napier.
Mr. Rees, in a lengthy argument, attempted to shew that the police had no power to arrest on the authority on a telegram.
His Worship, however, held a different view, and acceded to the request of the Inspector of Police.
Mr. Lascelles asked whether the Court would see that the fine for the assault be paid, or the imprisonment fulfilled previous to the prisoner being sent away.
His Worship said that was a matter for the police. He had remanded the man to Greytown, but he had not said when he was to go. He presumed when the gaoler got him into his custody, he would see that the judgment of the Court was carried out.







ON Friday evening the inhabitants of Napier, more especially those residing in Hastings-street, were placed in some commotion on learning that an assault of an unprovoked nature had been committed by a native on Mr. Charles Palmer, the well-known proprietor of the livery stables in that portion of the town. From what we can learn, it appears that two natives, brothers, came to Mr. Palmer’s stables on Friday and asked for their horses to be baited. They returned in the course of an hour, and on applying for the horses left in Mr. Palmer’s care were informed that the charge was a shilling for each animal. One Henare Ngapu, complained that his horse had not received proper treatment, and having being replied to by Mr Palmer, drew off and struck Mr. Palmer with his clenched hand twice in the face. Mr. Sheehan then appeared on the scene, and after enquiry promised to produce the Maori who had assaulted Mr. Palmer at the Court if necessary. The Maoris then rode off towards their pa in high glee. In the meantime, the police had been sent for, and Sergeant Moffitt, and Constables Motley and Smith appeared on the spot. Mr. Palmer having informed them of what had occurred, they at once hired a cab, and went in pursuit of the natives accompanied by the complainant. Not aware that any further action would be taken the two natives were riding leisurely along the road, and were caught up near the first railway-crossing. The police at once jumped out of the conveyance and arrested Henare Ngapu. He was taken from his horse, and afterwards resisting, he was struck three times on the forehead by Constable Motley with a baton he had in his possession. Perceiving further resistance then useless, Henare stated he was willing to go wherever he was led, and was therefore transported into a trap and conveyed to the lock-up. Shortly afterwards Messrs. Sheehan and Rees interviewed the Inspector of Police, and demanded the release of the prisoner, on the grounds that he had been not only illegally imprisoned, but also that the imprisoned native had not been fairly treated by the police. The Inspector stood firm, and resisted the lawyers’ entreaty, and the native remained in the Government lodgings until Saturday.

A MEETING of the above Council was held on the 8th March. Present: The Chairman (Cr. Burton), Councillors Bee, Cable, Flint, Parker, and Smyth.
The minutes of the previous meeting having been read, the following was read (1) from Mr. J.W. Witty declining to construct efficient watercourses to drain from his property; (2) from Mr. Banks, requesting that Cr. Cable be made take up the lease of the ferry punt; (3) from Mr. Weber, P.E., recommending existing road employees to the Council, and stating that the roads being handed over to Council on 1st March, he would visit Wairoa to hand same over at an early date, together with all tools, &c., property of late Provincial Government, &c., &c., &c.
The Chairman, having made an explanation regarding the two first letters, to the effect that Mr. Witty’s was in reality a personal attack upon himself for having carried out the wishes of the Council, and that he as Chairman authorised Cr. Cable to buy in the Ferry for the Council, as he was advised at the last moment that contracts were null and void unless sealed with the County seal. It was resolved that both these letters be not received.   With respect to Mr. Weber’s letter, the Chairman said that he had informed Mr. Webber that sooner than put the County to the expense of bringing him here for the little there was to be handed over, he (the Chairman) was willing to take things over as they stood by letter, but at the same time he had forwarded a list showing the few tools there were in the place, and the useless state they were in.
It was then proposed by Cr. Cable and seconded by Cr. Parker that the Chairman, Cr. Smyth, and the mover be appointed Finance Committee. Carried.
It was then proposed by Cr. Cable that the Chairman, Cr. Smyth and the mover be appointed Public Works Committee. Cr. Cable explained that the Chairman and himself having more time on their hands than other Councillors were willing to perform Committee duties of this nature. The Council could not afford the luxury of a paid Inspector of Roads for the few works that would be permanently in operation, and the Chairman had offered to travel over the country and see what was really required. He himself (Cr. Cable) would be very happy to amend his resolution by including any Councillor in the Committee he had named.
Cr. Smyth had no objection to the Committee, but stated that his time would be too much taken up to act at present.
Cr. Flint begged most strenuously to object to any such Committee. In his opinion no such Committee was required. The whole Council should manage such affairs, and an Inspector of roads appointed.
Cr. Cable begged leave to withdraw his motion, finding that his offer of placing his time at the service of the Council, together with defraying his own travelling expenses, did not meet with unanimous approval. He should not repeat that offer.
It was then proposed by Cr. Cable, and seconded by Cr. Burton, that it is the intention of this Council to strike a rate of one shilling in the pound on the rateable value of all property in the county for the current year, and that public notification be given in accordance with clause 107 of “The Counties Act, 1876”. Carried.
Cr. Smyth proposed, and Cr. Flint seconded, that the estimate of expenditure and receipts for the ensuing twelve months, as laid before the Council, be approved. Carried.
Cr. Parker proposed, and Cr. Cable seconded, that a drain be cut to carry off the drainage water from the township end of the Turiroa Road to the corner of Paul Street, with the proviso that the Rev. S. Williams, through whose property the drain would run, be first asked to acquiesce in the arrangement, and that tenders be called as soon as possible for its construction.
After some discussion this motion was also carried.
The meeting then adjourned until that day week.

March 12, 1877.
The question has been more than once asked why it is that the roads and bridges leading to Taradale are so long neglected after a flood, when those leading to Clive, Hastings, &c., are put in order with such expedition, and not without some reason. Surely this place, which has an omnibus communication with Napier of some eight or ten trips a day, not to speak of other carts, &c., which is by no means small, is worthy of more attention. When such prices as were realized at the late land sale can be obtained for ground here, and the host of the Taradale hotel is obliged to build a stable larger than anything of the kind at a similar country house in Hawke’s Bay, to accommodate the increasing number of travellers, we may reasonably consider that our district is progressing, and hope that it is but the meditated change in road affairs that our wants have not been attended to before this.
The new Taradale road is now metalled from end to end, and when the bridge is repaired we shall see it fit to bear traffic in all weathers, and have no doubt, when it is found it can be depended upon, this will be much increased.

THE return game as above, played on the Wairoa ground, resulted in favour of the latter club, as will be seen by the appended scores. From a Wairoa point of view there was nothing better desired, the game was most pleasant, the evening passed was, if possible, more so, and the visitors, one and all, appeared to vie with each other in helping to promote the harmony.  In justice to the Napier team I must state the fact of arriving per steamer, of being turned inside out to a certain degree was decidedly against them, still they were the first to acknowledge that Wairoa played a very strong game and won on their own merits. Play was commended about noon and finished at 5 p.m.  After the match the visiting team was entertained at a dinner held at the Clyde Hotel in Mr. Flint’s best style, about 50 gentlemen were present. The chair was occupied by Mr. Burton, the vice-chair by Major Richardson. The usual loyal toasts were duly honoured, cricketing interests were not forgotten, the healths of the Napier and Waipukurau [Wairoa?] cricket clubs were drunk with all honors. Several humorous speeches were made by Major Richardson, Messrs. Sheehan, Rees, and Sainsbury, and the evening’s enjoyment was further enhanced by songs among which Captain Smith’s was particularly noticeable. Altogether a very enjoyable evening’s amusement was spent, and the visitors appeared well pleased although the game went against them.

First Innings   Second Innings
Scarfe, b Brathwaite   0   not out   1
Ingle, run out   16   b Reed   3
Gillman c and b Brathwaite   10   b Rees   0
Gilberd, b Brathwaite   1   b Rees   0
Sladen, b Rees   3   c Bodle, b Rees   3
Caulton, b Rees   0   b Rees   2
Mayo, b Brathwaite   16   lbw, b Rees   4
Sainsbury, c Williams, b Brathwaite   5   b Reed   4
Brathwaite R., c Bodle b Brathwaite 0   b Reed   0
Knight, c Richardson, b Rees   0   b Reed   5
Brathwaite, H., not out   1   b Reed   0
Byes   0   1
Wides   0   2
49   24

First Innings
Richardson, b Ingle   3
Williams, b Ingle   2
Lewin, run out   5
Aislabie, b Brathwaite   0
Rees, run out   43
Wyatt, run out   11
Brathwaite, b Brathwaite   3
Bodle, b Brathwaite   12
Reed, b Brathwaite   0
Flint, b Brathwaite   9
Carroll, not out   1
Byes   25
Leg byes   4

Wairoa, First Innings.
Runs   Maidens   Wickets
Brathwaite   19   1   6
Bodle   9   0   0
Rees   21   0   3
Second Innings
Rees   16   0   5
Reed   5  2   5
Brathwaite R,    40   2   5
Ingle   30   2   2
Knight   18   0   0



St. John’s Church.
SIR, – The gentlemen who waited on the Rev. John Townsend on the 26th of February, ultimo, have requested me to lay before the public a short statement of the facts connected with Mr. Townsend’s refusal to consent to the use of a public hall for a second service.
The original suggestion was made by the Primate, and came through the Ven. Archdeacon Wilson, who when he came to hold the official enquiry last September not only made the offer, but also stated he had the authority to license any public hall the parishioners would agree upon, for the purpose of Mr. Robinson’s Sunday services. At the time the offer was made we hoped there was still a chance of making peace, and both Mr. Robinson and the parishioners were unwilling to take a step which had even the appearance of defiance towards Mr. Townsend. Subsequently however, when Mr. Townsend had rendered it impossible for Mr. Robinson to continue his relationship of curate, it was decided to adopt the Primate’s suggestion, and the announcement was made that service would be held in the Protestant Hall.
What attempts were made to obtain Mr. Townsend’s consent are fully explained in the accompanying letters. You and your readers will, I am sure, admire the exquisite candour of Mr. Townsend’s promise of a satisfactory answer to the deputation upon receipt of the Primate’s letter. He, knowing full well that he had written a letter to the Primate, which would ensure the withholding his consent to the object sought. With regard to Mr. Townsend’s complaint of the Church being locked against him, the facts of the case are simply these: Two or three days after Mr. Townsend’s flight to Christchurch, my attention was directed by the Verger to the fact that the Church was unlocked, the Vestry door wide open, the book containing the Register of Marriages lying also open on the table, and the parsonage uninhabited, so that any small boy in the street might have run in and destroyed the record of all the marriages performed in St. John’s Church for many years past. I therefore took the book to my house and locked it up. I locked the Church and took the key home, showing Mr. Mogridge where it was kept, so that he could get it any time. A few days after Mr. Townsend’s return, Archdeacon Wilson spoke to me about the key, and I at once gave it to the Archdeacon, who returned it to Mr. Townsend, and explained the whole of the circumstances connected with its removal. Knowing all this, as Mr. Townsend does, for him to turn round and say that he found the Church doors locked against him, is neither more nor less than a prevarication of the truth. – I am, &c.,

On Monday, the 26th February, a deputation, consisting of Messrs. Newton, Lyndon, Tabuteau, Fielder, Ellison, and Tuxford, waited upon the Rev. Mr. Townsend, in reference to the answer he had sent to Mr. Fielder, secretary of Building Committee, withholding his consent for the Rev. Mr. Robinson to hold Divine service in one of the Public Halls in Napier on Sunday the 25th February.
Mr. Newton, having explained the object of the deputation in waiting upon him, the following question was put to him: “In the event of the Primate offering no objection to Mr. Robinson holding Divine service in one of the Halls, will you have any objection?”
Mr. Townsend replied that he should not be asked to answer the question, as he had written to the Primate and would give his answer when he received his reply.
On being pressed for a more definite reply, he stated, that when he received his answer to his letter from the Primate, he would give his answer, which would be satisfactory.
Mr. Townsend was also asked that if the Primate declined to interfere in the matter, but left it to him, would he offer any objection. He would not give any other reply to this question either.
Mr. Townsend asked Mr. Fielder whether he would have written the letter asking his consent if the Primate had not telegraphed to Mr. Robinson on the subject. He replied that he would not have done so, as the Committee considered that as the course proposed to be adopted had been suggested by the Primate, through Archdeacon Wilson while he was in Napier, the asking of Mr. Townsend’s consent was unnecessary.
Mr. Townsend stated he was not aware until then that such a suggestion had been made by the Primate. Mr. Townsend stated that when he saw the announcement in the paper that Mr. Robinson would hold Divine Service on the Sunday, he did not intend to offer any objection, and would not have done so, had he not received Mr. Fielder’s letter. Mr. Townsend also remarked how badly he had been treated on his return from Christchurch at finding the Church doors locked against him, and the keys taken away.

St. John’s, Feb. 5, 1877.
Dear Mr. Fielder, – I received this morning from the Primate a letter, a copy of which I send you.  This, with the whole of the correspondence – which I enclose – will, I presume, be deemed a sufficient reply to your question.
I remain,
Yours faithfully,
Mr J. B. Fielder,
Secretary of the “Committee of the New Church erection Fund.”

St. John’s Napier,
February 24, 1877.
My Lord, – I have received a letter from the Secretary of the “Committee of the new Church Erection Fund,” dated the 21st instant, asking me whether, as Incumbent of the Parish, I had any objection to the Rev. Mr. Robinson holding Divine service in one of the public halls on Sunday next, the 25th instant, and continuing to do so from time to time, pending the erection of the new Church. To this I replied, “that the course proposed by the Committee was certainly an unusual one, and one which, it appeared to me, involved some very delicate questions, and that I should like, therefore, before giving a decided answer, to communicate with the Primate on the subject.”
After the enquiry conducted by Archdeacon Wilson, I supposed that Mr. Robinson intended staying on as Assistant Curate to myself until the new Church was erected. However, on Sunday, December 31, he announced in his sermon that he had determined to relinquish at once his duties in the Parish; this being the first intimation which I received of his intention. On the following Tuesday, January 2, 1877, I received from him a letter (a copy of which is herewith enclosed) declining to take any further duty in the Parish, and expressing his intention of leaving Napier. On the 29th of January, with the concurrence of your Lordship’s Commissary, I personally accepted his resignation. The buildings mention, in one of which the proposed services are to be held, are within a very short distance of the Parish Church, it does not appear to me that two independent services, conducted in the manner proposed, would tend to the welfare or peace of the Parish. Were the Parish properly divided by competent authority the case would be different; but in the case proposed, the result would be the unseemly division of what should be one congregation into two distinct factions.
I shall be very thankful if your Lordship will kindly favour me with your opinion on the question.
I remain,
Your Lordship’s obedient servant,
The Most Rev. the Primate,

March 1st, 1877
My Dear Sir, – I have received your letter of February 24, and a copy of Mr. Robinson’s letter to yourself, on tendering his resignation, dated January 2, and expressing his intention of going home immediately, and a hope that peace would be restored soon to your troubled parish.
The letter is written in so kindly and Christian spirit, that I am the more surprised that he should have contemplated a step, which must inevitably have increased the troubles of the parish, even if you had given your consent to the proposed services, which, under the circumstances, you could hardly have done.
However, I now hope, having received a telegram from Mr. Robinson, stating his intention of going home in a few days, that no further attempt will be made to set on foot these services in Napier, until the parish has been formally divided, when the responsibility of giving or refusing your sanction to services in the separated part, will no longer rest with yourself.
Yours very faithfully,
Rev. J. Townsend,
St. John’s, Napier.

Napier, 2nd January, 1877.
My Dear Mr. Townsend, – As the Archdeacon of Napier accepted my resignation some months ago, and told me also that I might go any time from that date, viz., 19th August 1876, I have therefore come to the conclusion to go now. I have arrived at this determination after a great deal of anxious and solemn consideration, and without any advice from supporters or friends, but on the sole grounds of the good of the Parish, and my own health and peace of mind.
May I ask you to use your influence in order to prevent any display of ill-feeling on this subject towards me, and I will try and do the same for you.
I cannot take part in the services of St. John’s again, as my time will be taken up in preparing for my journey home. But I earnestly hope that peace will be restored to this, alas! troubled parish.
This is the sincere wish and prayer of your late Curate,
P.S. – I am in no way responsible for what others may say or write about this matter, and it will be my endeavour while I am here to try and bring about good feeling – S.R.


THE Council met to-day at 11 o’clock.
Present: – Mr. Tiffen (Chairman), Messrs Bennett, Williams, and Brathwaite.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Letters from Mr. Peddie, the Chairman of the Meanee Road Board, from Mr. A. McDonald applying for the office of poundkeeper, and other communications were laid on the table.
The Chairman said that the tenders for repairing the Tutaekure [ Tutaekuri ] Bridge had been opened and that Mr. Orr’s had been accepted being over £200 lower than all the others.
Mr. Brathwaite moved that William Aldridge be appointed Inspector of Slaughterhouses.
Mr. Bennett seconded the motion which was carried.
Mr. Williams informed the Council that the butchers of Hastings and elsewhere were dissatisfied at the fees they were called upon to pay for the use of the slaughterhouse, there being no corresponding advantages.
Mr. Williams moved that all the drains within the drainage area of the township of Hastings, as shown on the plan, be declared public drains; and that this Council do now make an order placing all such drains under the control of the Heretaunga Road Board in accordance with clauses 170, and 171 of the Public Works Act.
Seconded by Mr. Bennett, and carried.
Mr. Bennett moved that this room be declared the County’s Office, and that notice be published that the office be open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Mr. Williams pointed out that it would be as well if the Clerk should be in the office on Mondays and Saturdays that he be there as County Clerk.
Mr. Brathwaite seconded the motion, and, in doing so, asked whether the Council Chamber had been obtained from the Government as an office.
The Chairman replied that Mr. Ormond’s permission to occupy the chamber temporarily had been obtained.
Motion carried.
Mr. Bennett moved that Mr. Fannin be appointed Treasurer, and that Messrs Kinross and Williams be appointed the Councillors to countersign cheques.
Mr. Williams seconded the motion, which was carried.
Mr. Williams moved that a legal opinion be obtained as to the legality of the appointment of County Valuator.
Mr. Bennett seconded the motion, which was carried.
On the motion of Mr. Williams, the Council went into committee for the consideration of the by-laws.
On the Chairman resuming his seat, Mr. Tracey was appointed overseer of roads, and the Council adjourned till April 5.

The following letters to the Chairman of the Hawke’s Bay County Council from Mr. Peddie, the Chairman of the Meanee Road Board, were laid on the table of the Council on Tuesday: –

Taradale, March 10, 1877.
SIR, – I beg to call your attention to the state of the Great North Road, near Taradale, especially that portion between Mrs. Wood’s property and Mr. Robinson’s blacksmith’s shop. The drains, which have not been touched for years, are completely choked up, and an immense quantity of silt deposited by the late flood has formed a lagoon at this spot, completely stopping foot traffic between Taradale and Meanee. Drays and sheep are being constantly bogged, causing great loss of time and trouble, and but for the timely assistance of Mr. Davison, a child would have been drowned a few day’s since. I may also state that no provincial money has been spent on this portion of the road for the last five or six years, with the exception of the cost of a few loads of metal, although I believe we are entitled to a share of the revenue derived from the toll-gate. An early visit from the County Engineer would no doubt lead to show you the necessity of immediate action, as at present a good deal of traffic is going over private property, greatly to the annoyance of the owners. Begging your earliest attention, – I am, &c.,

Taradale, March 13, 1877.
SIR, – At a meeting of the Meanee Highway Board, held at Vaughan’s Hotel yesterday, a report was brought forward that the Council had voted at its last


meeting a grant of £10, in aid of the Meanee drain. I beg to state that our Board cannot see its way to accept the responsibility seeing that this drain is on private property, and that the drain is required for the purpose of draining the County road. The other drains in the district are much required for the same purpose, for instance at that part of the road mentioned in my letter to the Council of the 10th. I also beg to state that I am bound respectfully to request that the County Engineer be instructed to visit the district, and see what is really necessary, as our Board are willing to render every assistance in their power for the united good of the whole district. – I am, &c.,

The return of traffic on the Napier and Waipukurau railway for the four weeks ending the 10th February 1877 is as follows: –
£ s. d.
Passengers   877 7 3
Parcels, etc   69 16 2
Season Tickets   20 7 0
Freight   814 12 1
Total   £1,782 2 6
Kaipara to Riverhead. – Passengers, £101 5s 10d; freight, £114 7s 10d. Total, £215  13s 8d.
Auckland to Mercer. – Passengers, £1,234 0s 2d; freight, £699 0s 3d. Total, £1,933 0s 5d.
Wellington to Masterton. – Passengers, £851 4s 1d; freight, £195 19s 11d. Total, £1047 4s.
Waitara to New Plymouth. – Passengers, £108 11s 6d; freight, £33 7s 4d. Total, £136 18s 10d.
Foxton to Manawatu. – Passengers, £251 13s 3d; freight, £207 7s 8d. Total £459 0s 11d.
Nelson to Foxhill. – Passengers, £395 5s 2d; freight, £104 14s; Total £499 19s 2d.
Picton to Blenheim. – Passengers, £138 19s 2d; freight, £151 18s 10d. Total £290 18s.
Brunner to Greymouth. – Passengers, £157 12s 2d; freight, £157 7s 10d. Total £314.

From the Masterton News we learn that now the Rumutuka [ Rimutaka ] tunnel has been pierced, the work of bricking it throughout, has been undertaken. The number of bricks required will be upwards of one million. The laying of the permanent way between the Upper Hutt is about to be commenced. Put in to practical shape, this means that with ordinary despatch we may confidently expect the Pakuratahi section open for traffic against the forthcoming winter, and the line right through to Featherston available for traffic within the next twelve months. The route then to be taken by the railway is thus given: – Leaving Featherston the line will follow the western contour of the valley, passing the vicinity of Greytown at a point rather more than two miles distant from that township. This we are told, is the closest point at which it can be made to touch Greytown with any degree of safety to the line and fairness to the country as respects cost of construction. To take it on the eastern side of the township, as has been suggested, would involve an enormous amount for bridging, without securing anything which could be called, according to the most liberal interpretation of the phrase, corresponding advantage.    From thence it will proceed towards Carterton, passing the township at Hooker’s line, as originally intended. Proceeding on, towards Masterton, it will be carried right on through the township at a point not yet named, but which, it is clearly understood, will be central to all parts of Masterton. With respect to the continuation of the line towards the Forty-Mile Bush, en route to Napier, &c., when that work is undertaken, the line will branch off at a given point so that when the through system to Hawke’s Bay and the West Coast comes into operation, the Masterton terminus will be situated at the end of a branch line, about three miles distant from what will then become the main or through line.




Persons suffering from weak or debilitated constitutions will discover that by the use of this wonderful medicine there is “Health for all.” The blood is the fountain of life, and its purity can be maintained by the use of these pills.
in his work entitled “The Nile Tributaries in Abbyssinia,” says, “I ordered the dragoman Mahomet to inform the Fakey that I was a Doctor, and that I had the best medicines at the service of the sick, with advice gratis. In a short time I had many applicants, to whom I served out a quantity of Holloway’s Pills. These are most useful to an explorer, as possessing unmistakable purgative properties they create an undeniable effect upon the patient, which satisfies him of their value.”
Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment.  I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse feed poured in upon us, until at last a teaspoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
On the Label in the address, 533, Oxford-street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
With a “New York” Label.

This is an entirely new and superior description, and shows an immense saving as compared with old sorts, a mile of five wires weighing only 10 cwt., versus 17 cwt. No. 8 ordinary Wire. Purchasers particularly note that the SAMSON WIRE is slightly oval in shape, to distinguish it. Each coil has a brass padlock tally and a tin tally stamped “Patent Oval Samson Wire.”
Manufactured by the Whitecross Wire Co., Warrington, and may be procured through any Merchant, Ironmonger, or Storekeeper.

Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,

Standing Advertisements for Three, Six or Twelve Months can be arranged for at a Liberal Discount.
Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original order) must be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager.

T. MEEHAN, Port Ahuriri

£   s   d.
Per Quarter, if paid in advance   0 6 6
Per Quarter, if booked   0 7 6
Per Annum, if paid in advance.   1 6 0
Per Annum, if booked   1 10 0

Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.

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17 March 1877

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