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- Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 073 - 7 April
Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 073 – 7 April
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.
Has received instructions from Wm Lingard, Esq., of Wanganui, to sell by Public Auction, on an early date, the following well known
FOLLY – Grey horse, aged, and well known as one of the best horses in Wanganui District.
BRIGHAM YOUNG – This entire horse is by “Traducer” and was the winner of the Grand National in Wanganui last year, he is a fast flat racer, and a
wonderful jumper.
VOLUNTEER – Entire, aged, bred by Mr. Harrison out of “Anne” (see Stud Book) he is half- brother to “Warrengate”, ‘the hurdle horse “Titoko Waru,” &c., &c.; a capital tempered horse.
CORALIE – Chestnut Mare, (see Stud Book), this well-bred Mare is acknowledged to be the fastest animal in Wanganui, having beaten several horses there.
The Auctioneer has satisfaction in calling every attention to the above animals; they are now to be seen at Mr. Stewart’s Havelock.
Small stud flock Lincolns, bred by H. Sladen, Esq.- 100 Ewes, weaners, 125 two-tooth, 150 four-tooth, 100 six-tooth, 525 eight-tooth, 50 two-tooth Rams, and 2 eight-tooth imported pure Lincolns
26 pure Lincoln two-tooth Rams, bred by Major Jackson, Auckland
35 pure Lincoln Rams, six-tooth, bred by Joseph May, Esq., Auckland
233 two and four-tooth Rams, bred by Sir Donald McLean, got by J. Currie’s Victoria Rams
40 Merino Rams, bred by the Hon. R. Stokes, got by Larmouth Rams
70 Merino Rams (Mr Saxby), bred by Mr Gollan and Messrs Stokes
600 MERINO EWES, 2, 4, and 6-tooth
1,500 Merino Ewes, culls
2,000 Merino Wedders, 8-tooth
900 cross-bred Ewes, mixed ages
2500 cross-bred Ewes, mixed ages
600 cross-bred Ewes, culls
1200 cross-bred Ewes, mixed ages
400 cross-bred Ewes, mixed ages
300 cross-bred Ewes, mixed ages with lambs
MR EVAN’S Draught Stallion “LORD NELSON, by “Sir Colin Campbell,” dam “Blossom” etc.
Liberal terms.
For further particulars apply to
MR. GRANT, the purchaser of the Pakowhai Estate, has instructed the undersigned to Lease for a term the very substantial and commodious Dwelling-House, lately occupied by Mr. McHardy, with the well-stocked Garden, Orchard, Shrubbery, and a small paddock adjoining; with part of the offices, a Coach-house, Stable &c. This is situated within easy drive of Town or the Farndon Railway Station. To a good tenant the rent will be moderate.
7000 ACRES Freehold, Crown Grant, 24 miles from Napier
23,000 acres Leasehold, 18 years to run, low, rent, with
9,000 Sheep, 40 head Cattle, Horses, Bullocks, &c. Good home improvements, and 2000 acres fenced into paddocks; the whole will take grass seed readily, is well watered, and easy access from town.
11,000 acres Freehold, Crown Grant, with 2,000 acres Leasehold, excellent pastoral land, 40 miles from Napier, well bounded, over 30 miles fencing, 25 paddocks, good houses, woolshed, and all necessary improvements, with
10,000 sheep, few Cattle and Horses
3,920, acres Freehold, rich pastoral land, Wairoa, with
800 Sheep, and 100 head Cattle
900 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa,
4677 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa, with
3,000 Sheep, and other necessary working improvements
3,000 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,220 acres Freehold, southern Seaboard, improved
400 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved,
2,500 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved with
2,000 Sheep and 250 head Cattle
4,200 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral, Poverty Bay,
11,000 acres Leasehold Pastoral, Poverty Bay, with
3000 Sheep and few Cattle
1,600 acres Leasehold, half interest, Poverty Bay
14,000 acres Leasehold, excellent country Tologa [ Tolaga ] Bay
8,800 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa Bay, with
3,000 Sheep and good improvements
1,100 acres Freehold, rich land, Opotiki, with,
1,000 Sheep, and all necessary improvements
33,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 26 miles from Napier
150,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 30 miles from Napier with
10,000 Sheep, exclusive of Lambs
55,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 70 miles from Napier, with
5,000 Sheep and 50 head Cattle
9,000 acres Freehold, Agricultural and Pastoral, Seaboard, with
14,000 acres, Leasehold, valuable improvements, and
15,000 Sheep, few Cattle, Horses &c.
1639 acres Freehold, near Greytown, with
1,040 acres Leasehold, all fenced and subdivided, and
5,000 longwool Sheep, 120 Cattle, few horses, and every improvement necessary. The coach road passes through the property.
Stock and Station Agent .
COMFORTABLE DWELLING-HOUSE. The undersigned is desirous of selling his present Dwellinghouse, 7 rooms and bathroom, washhouse and stables, in Cameron-road, with half an acre land, or will sell separately house and quarter acre, and an excellent building site, on quarter acre fronting South Cameron road. Entry about 1st July. Easy terms will be given
The undersigned suitable sections FOR SALE on Liberal Terms: –
A. R. A.
No. 129. – 40 3 No. 132. – 111
No. 130. – 40 0 No. 133. – 104
No. 131. – 46 2 No. 134. – 104
No. 135. – 133 No. 153. – 80
No. 154. – 105 No. 199. – 73
2,000 MERINO EWES, full mouthed, sound
2400 Merino Ewes, full mouth, sound
1500 Merino Wedders, 6 and 8-tooth
800 Cross-bred Ewes, mixed ages
600 Cross-bred Ewes, 2, 4, and 6-tooth
700 Cross-bred Ewes, 8-tooth
300 Cross-bred Wedders, 2-tooth
of various extent, and
Stocked and Unstocked, in the Provinces of Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington, Canterbury, and Otago.
For particulars, apply at the office, Browning-street, Napier.
All first class Flocks.
STORE SHEEP. – Various Lots of Store Merinos Ewes and Wedders for Sale
4000 MERINO WETHERS, 8-tooth; in lots to suit purchasers
300 15-16 bred Lincoln Ewe, 4, 6, and 8 tooth
1400 Fat Cross-bred Wethers, 4, 6, and 8 tooth
150 Merino Rams, 2-tooth and upwards, by Dowling and Currie Rams, out of pure pedigreed Ewes
50 Lincoln Rams, 2-tooth and upwards, by imported Rams, out of bred Ewes
8 Cotswold Rams, 2-tooth and upwards
10 Young Bulls of this season, bred by Hon. H. R. Russell, the produce of his celebrated bull Crown Prince, out of seven-eight bred Abbot cows
2 Bulls, by Knight Templar and Duke
Stock and Station Agent,
30 ACRES GOOD AGRICULTURAL LAND, with frontage to the great North Road, and within a mile of the Kaikora Railway Station, together with four-roomed House thereon.
Land and Estate Agent,
A Three Horse-power Thrashing Machine
Apply to
Repository, Waipawa.
MR. SYMONDS has returned from a professional tour, and is again prepared to undertake and fulfil all business entrusted to him.
His patrons may rely on their expressed instructions being strictly carried out.
Orders left at Mr. Jacobs’ Hastings-street, will be punctually attended to in town or country.
At Noon.
Will dispose of the Premises lately in Occupation of Mr. K Nasmith, Spit, Napier, Including Plant, Machinery, Tools and all requisites for carrying on an extensive business, by public auction, on the above date. The Plant embraces –
Steam Engine and Boiler,.8-h.p.
27 foot Lathe
13 foot Lathe
Planing Machine
Plate Bending Machine
Screwing Machine
Punching and Cutting Machine
Drilling Machine
3 Forges
Pattterns [Patterns]
Driving Gear
&c., &c., &c.
With the Premises and Plant will be conveyed[?] the unexpired term of the Lease (eleven years) at £1 per week.
If not sold as a whole the Plant will be disposed of in lots to suit purchasers.
Sale will take place on the premises.
Terms at sale. If sold as a whole will be liberal.
Napier, 8th March, 1877.
At 11 a.m.
ROUTLEDGE, KENNEDY & CO. Are instructed by J.W. Witty, Esq., (who purposes residing on his property at Wairoa) to sell by Public Auction on the Premises.
HIS DWELLINGS HOUSE AND GROUNDS, Lighthouse-Road, Napier. The situation commands one of the most charming views of Scinde Island. The Grounds (about 2 ½ acres), have been laid out with taste and care, and at considerable cost, they are planted with the choicest fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, all well established in growth. After which will be sold all his Household FURNITURE (quite new). Catalogues of which can be obtained at the offices of the Auctioneers.
1 Mare good in saddle and harness.
Apply to
The Meanee [ Meeanee ] Bridge Tannery, in complete working order. Six roomed Cottage, Artesian well, &c, &c.
For further particulars, apply to
Public Works Office,
(Colonial Architect’s Branch.)
Wellington, 26th March, 1877.
TENDERS are invited for the erection of a Post and Telegraph Office at Mohaka.
General conditions, specifications, and drawings may be seen at Offices of the Colonial Architect, Wellington, and at the office of Mr. E.H. Bold, District Engineer, Napier
Tenders addressed to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works, and marked outside “Tenders for Mohaka Post and Telegraph Office,” will be received at the office of the undersigned up to noon of THURSDAY, the 26th day of April, 1877.
Telegraphic tenders will be received provided the original tender and deposit are lodged with the nearest District Engineer at the time above specified.
The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Colonial Architect.

April 4.
The native who was imprisoned for trespass on the new road got off yesterday with a reprimand.
The Government subsidy to this County will be £534.
The plant for a newspaper is shortly expected here.
April 4.
Yesterday afternoon, a man named Burke, was killed at Rathbone and Craven’s saw mill, Hampden. While jacking up a log, the jack slipped, and the lock rolled on him. An inquest will be held to-day at 2 p.m.
April 4,
Porangahau v Waipukurau: – The game was finished at eleven o’clock the morning. Waipukurau won by fifty-four runs
March 31.
The Rangatira sails for Napier at mid-night. Passengers – Miss Carter, Mrs Jacobs, and three in the steerage.

SIR – I had thought after the exhibition of temper, and the clean “bowl out” the projectors of the McLean-Smith theatre non-Liability Company received last Wednesday, they would not have the (I was nearly writing audacity) temerity to again publically moot the matter, but it would appear from your paragraph of last evening (as I perceive you insert it “by request”) that another attempt is to be made to float this Theatre Company. First, let me say, I am not opposed to the erection of a Theatre, nor even three theatres – one at Port Ahuriri, another in the heart of the town, and the converting of the present Hall into another, – that is, if the people here are fools enough to enter into such silly mad speculations. What I do object to is to being asked to place my money in a Company in which I am told that I am to have no voice as to the site on which it is to be built, and further that the plans must also be accepted. Was there ever such a Company got up in such dictatorial style? We must have McLean and the Repository; Ben Smith and his model plans, or no Theatre Company. Well, I strongly advise the public at present to accept the latter alternative, not that I would presume to suppose or to hint in the slightest possible manner that both Messrs. McLean and Smith are not actuated by the highest, noblest, and purist motives. As citizens of Napier, I have ever found both those gentlemen to be always to the front when schemes for its progress and advancement are put on foot. There may be an appearance of self in this last movement, but this could easily be got over by their withdrawing their present prospectus and allowing shareholders the privilege of choosing the site and getting the plans advertised for, on the condition that those approved should be adopted. Otherwise, I fear that the shareholders tonight will be again told to “clear out”, and the result will then be that the general public will look on the project in a rather strange and peculiar light. Howbeit, I hope that the day will not be far distant when a building will be erected a credit to the people of the Borough. – I am, &c.,
April 4, 1877.
SIR, – Unless better arrangements are made at the ferry heads, the Herald does not think there will be many lady spectators at the next contest of oarsman on the waters of the inner harbour. The reporter of the Herald is no judge of the spirit of a lady, or he would not think that she cares about a little squeezing, like herrings in a barrel, as he elegantly puts it, would deter her from encouraging by her presence those she cares for. Has an Englishwoman ever shrunk from a little inconvenience for the sake of those to whom she is devoted? No, Sir, it will take more than a “cramming” on board a ferry steamer to keep a lady from the winning post of a regatta to smile on those who have shown in a friendly contest the courage she admires in those who exhibit it in the battle of life. The youth who faints from exertion in the one will spend his heart’s blood in defending as a man has hearth and home. These are they whom woman love, and will go to see, ferry or no ferry, for where there is a will there is a way. – I am, &c,
Napier, April 4, 1877.
As promised in my last, I will now conclude my notes with a few remarks on the Junior Fours, they will be few, as I have had little opportunity of seeing them at practice, in fact, with the exception of the Telegraph, who seem always on the water, I doubt whether they practice. The Union I have not seen at all, and the Napier very little. Of the crews (Telegraph and Napier) not much can be said as to form, for the former is a new club and have had little time to get into shape, but they seem game, and will turn out well if coached; their opponents should have plenty of power, if size has much to do with it, but I fear it has not, in this case, at any rate. I hear the Napier had a spurt some short time back with a boys’ crew from the Telegraph Club, and that, if anything, the wires had the best of it, they carrying a heavy cox; if this be so, I do not think the Napier has much show against the Telegraph crew. The boys’ crew I can say nothing of, as I have not seen them; but from all accounts the winner will be the Telegraph.
My tips are as under, provided the day is fine: –
Representative Race, – Napier and Union close; Ahuriri, out of it,
Senior Fours – Union and Napier, close.
Junior Fours – Telegraph, 1; Napier, 2; Union, 3.
Boys’ Race – Telegraph, 1; Napier, 2
Senior Pairs – Union.
Junior Pairs – Union.
Clinker Gig – Napier, 1; Union, 2.
A bad debt. – The owing of a grudge.
A romantic Brooklyn girl says of her handsome pastor – “I know he is a good man, because as I sit in church and listen to his words and watch his beautiful smile, I can think of nothing but heaven and the angels.”
AT a Court of Petty Sessions held at Waipawa on Thursday, 29th March, 1877, before Lieut.-Col. Herrick, J.P. (Chairman) and H.H. Bridge, Esq., J.P., cases were heard as follows: –
Peter McFarlane and Edward Pope were charged by Sergeant Robinson with being drunk. Neither of the parties appearing on being called, the bail of £1 for each of them was forfeited by the Bench.
Francis McCartney pleaded guilty to being illegally in the Waipawa railway station on the night of Tuesday last. The station master (Mr Pritchard) had found him sleeping in the waiting shed, and as this was a common occurrence, he had been instructed to give all offenders in charge of the police. As the prisoner had been in the lock-up for two days, he was dismissed with a caution.
Firth v. Woolston. – Plaintive claimed £17 9s for goods supplied. The case was adjourned to the 26th April for the attendance of a Scandinavian interpreter.
Firth v. Pellow. – Claim for £9 16s for store account. Defendant admitted £9 4s 10d. Judgment accordingly, with costs 13s.
Sim v. Brears. – £15 4s 8d for work done. No appearance. Case dismissed.
Collins v. Bryson. – Claim £15. No appearance. Case dismissed.
Rathbone v. Blackmore. – £12 18s 11d for stores, &c., supplied. Judgment by default, with costs 19s.
Hallassy v. McLean. – Adjourned, with costs to plaintiff, on application of defendant’s agent, the defendant being in Mohaka. Case to be heard on
Thursday, 26th April next.
The other cases set down for hearing were withdrawn.
THE fifth anniversary in connection with the Emerson Street Methodist Free Church Sabbath School was celebrated on Friday by a tea meeting in the schoolroom. A large number of the friends sat down to a most excellent tea, provided by Mr. J. Johnson. After a short interval a public meeting was held in the chapel adjoining, the Rev. J. Parkin in the chair. The proceedings were commenced by the choir and children singing a hymn, after which the Rev. Joseph Berry engaged in a prayer. The Rev. J. Parkin delivered a very effective address, directed more especially to parents, urging upon them the necessity of sending their children to the Sabbath School, and earnestly hoped they would give their co-operation to the teachers of the school in every possible manner. He then called upon the secretary (Mr. Poole) to read the annual report, which showed that very satisfactory progress had been made during the year. They expected to have after the tea a balance in hand of £9, and were also forming a new library. He also stated that these were deserving reasons for hoping that the spiritual ingathering had not been unprofitable.
Mr. Hambling, sub-superintendent of the school, briefly reviewed the work of the past year, and related some of the trials and difficulties that beset the path of Sabbath school teachers. He greatly deplored to see so many children breaking the Sabbath, and would wish to see more attend the Sabbath schools.
The Rev. Joseph Berry, of Trinity Church, addressed the children, who were highly pleased with the humorous and appropriate anecdotes he related in connection with Sabbath schools. He gave some useful and practical hints to the teachers, which he hoped would materially assist them in their labors, and bring forth good fruit.
Messrs. Hawkins and T. Moore made a few brief remarks, after which votes of thanks were unanimously accorded to the Rev. J. Berry, and to Mr. Hyde, who had presided at the harmonium, and the Chairman pronounced the Benediction. During the evening the children sang some beautiful hymns, especially selected for the purpose, and displayed the pains that had been bestowed upon them by their instructor, Mr Thomas Moore, superintendents of the school.
The thing we call “public opinion” is based upon the sweet consciousness that the majority of us are a clever set of chaps, and that the other fellows who don’t think so are pretty generally fools.
They say the prominent Woman’s Rights women are getting so desperately masculine that they give up their seats in horse-cars to pale-looking men. It will be well to encourage them.

At three o’clock on Saturday the ballot box in which claims to vote were being placed was nearly full. We have ourselves given gratis to persons claiming to vote, over three hundred forms. We learn that 22 persons have sent in claims from the Petane district alone, and if Mohaka and Wairoa settlers have placed a proportionate number on the roll, the western part of the district will be enabled to claim a representative for itself, and be no longer tacked on to Napier.
There are several rumors abroad respecting newspapers which are to be started at Wairoa, Petane, Woodville and Waipukurau. The several proprietors of these contemplated journals, we learn, propose getting a portion of their copies printed at the Wananga office leaving one side blank to be filled up at the local offices. The whole of these new journals will doubtless become valuable properties in a few years to come.
A correspondent asks us whether the contractors for the Harbor Works are permitted by the Harbor Board to lay the foundations of the works in bags of sand, instead of stone. Our correspondent adds, “that as soon as the bags rot, which they will do in 6 months, the whole of the works will sink, and so much more public money will be thrown away. [The sandbags are not placed so as to form the foundation of the mole. The harbour works have wonderfully increased the force of the current, so much so, as to necessitate the sinking of the sand bags as a protection to the stone rubble until the works are finished. The current would wash the rubble away as fast as it was tipped into the stream, if sand bags were not sunk to keep the stuff in its place.
A Telegraph Station was opened at Fielding, in the Manawatu County, on Saturday.
The Lakes and rivers are this year swarming with game of all kinds. Near Tareha’s Bridge on Friday the water was covered with black swans and wild ducks. Execution among the wild ducks commences on Monday morning, and sportsmen are in active preparation.
Taupo is now attracting a large number of visitors. The weather at the Lake has been splendid, and the hotel accommodation being now of a very superior character, the hot springs form a favorite and an increasingly popular place of resort for tourists and invalids. Mr G. Becker, who has recently returned from there, has brought to town some beautiful specimens of rock crystal and powder sulphur from Rotokawa, about ten miles from Tapuaeharuru. At Rotokawa there are two lakes known as the Alum and Sulphur Lakes, at the latter of which the purest sulphur is to be found in any quantity. The road between Napier and Runanga is now in very good condition, but the track across the plain is in want of repair.
The Sacred Concert given in the Oddfellows’ Hall on Friday by the Chicago Minstrels attracted a fair attendance. The programme announced was performed in a manner that rather took the audience by surprise, as so much proficiency was hardly expected from the members of the Company. The concert opened with an anthem, composed by Mr Towle, entitled “Salvation unto our God,” which consists of an opening chorus, recitative sung admirably by Mr Cary, and a very pleasing duet “They shall hunger no more, very tastefully rendered by Messrs Hawkins and Towle. The items which pleased the audience most were Mr Hawkins’ air from St Paul, “But the Lord is mindful of His own,” Mr Cary’s song “Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep,” and Mr Towle’s air, “But thou didst not leave,” from the Messiah. All the above members were encored, and Mr Marshall also received considerable applause for his rendering of ‘The Last Man,” and “Lord God of Abraham.” Mr Jones gave in his usual correct style the favourite airs from Elijah, “If with all your hearts” and “Then shall the righteous shine,” and Mr Morgan sang very pleasingly “Good Night, and Heaven bless thee,” a song with invisible chorus, composed by Gounod. This number brought to a close one of the best Sacred Concerts we have heard in Napier, and Mr Towle is to be complimented on having made such a tasteful selection of music, considering the small number of performers, and the absence of lady singers.
The Herald on Friday stated it was understood that “Mr George Beetham, of the Wairarapa, a brother of our Resident Magistrate, has concluded negotiations for a lease of Te Apiti and Kanakau Blocks, adjoining Mr Meinertzhagen’s Waimarama run on the coast. Mr Fitzroy, M.H.R., is said to be a partner with Mr Beetham in the speculation.” We think our contemporary must be in error. Some few days ago, we heard that Mr John Sheehan, on behalf of Henare Matua and Te Kuru, trustees of the land, accepted on March 22, the sum of £20 from Mr Elliot of Otago, as earnest money for the completion of a lease of the same blocks of land. Mr Elliot who is in Napier, is waiting for the fulfilment of the bargain. If the Herald should happen to be correct, there is likely to be something more heard of the matter in the Supreme Court.
The New South Wales Government have ordered four locomotives from New York for use on their railways.
The return cricket match between the Herald and TELEGRAPH offices took place on Friday, on the ground of the Napier Cricket Club, Taradale, which had been kindly lent for the occasion. Both teams went out in Mr. Rymer’s coaches, arriving on the ground before noon. It was at one time feared that the sport would be spoiled by rain, but the heavy clouds hanging over at the time cleared away and the day became beautifully fine. After wickets were pitched, Captains Dinwiddie and Murphy tossed, the latter winning, and sent the Herald to the wickets. After some capital play on both sides, the Heraldites innings closed with a score of 60. The TELEGRAPHITES then handled the willow, and at the close of the innings, came out with a similar score. At half past one both teams adjourned to the marquee erected for the occasion by the new proprietor of the Greenmeadow’s Hotel, Mr. McCartney, where an excellent luncheon was provided by him. The cricketers on both sides expressed themselves as highly pleased with the good things provided, and the praise accorded Mr McCartney was highly deserved. After luncheon, the Herald team went again to the wickets, and made a splendid stand. Mr James Dinwiddie and Lumsden both made capital scores, and the former making 39, and the latter 27. Unfortunately, for the TELEGRAPH men they had but two who could bowl, Messrs. Murphy and Murray; and as their opponents would not permit the emergency men to render assistance, they got tired, and left the game completely in the hands of the Heraldites, who made under the circumstances the excellent score of 146. The TELEGRAPH men in their second innings made the very poor score of 39, leaving the Herald the winners by 107. There can be no doubt the Herald team comprised the best cricketers, they being able to choose from a larger staff than that of their opponents, the only wonder being that in the first innings the running was made even a tie. The utmost good feeling was manifested throughout the whole game. It was mooted that a ‘Press Club” should be formed comprising the printers in Napier, and next year a challenge should be sent to the Napier Cricket Club. Should the proposal be carried out, an excellent team would be obtained, and a capital game would result.
We understand that upwards of 300 Maori claims to vote have been sent in by the Repudiation party. Should ever a large proportion of these claims be rendered legal they cannot but exercise a great influence on the elections in this part of the colony. We have ever maintained that while the natives have direct representation they should not be permitted to have a voice in European elections, but as the law now stands, if they make good their claims, they can not only have their own member, but also swamp the European vote for theirs.
There was no meeting of the County Council of Waipawa on Friday, the elected of that County having come to the opinion that it being Good Friday, their proceedings might be deemed illegal. We understand that the Council will meet next week, when business of importance will be transacted.
At the sale of regatta privileges, held last Thursday evening, Mr. Benjamain, of Hastings-street, bought the right of selling the correct cards for 30s and the booth for £11 10s; Mr. Cohen gave £1 for the fruit stall.
At an official enquiry held at Port Ahuriri, on Saturday, before J. M. Tabuteau, Esq., Collector of Customs, as to the cause of the death of James Field, off Mangakuri, on Tuesday last, the Captain and crew of the s.s. Sir Donald were exonerated from all blame in connection therewith.
Tenders are called by the Public Works Department for the painting of a truss bridges on the Napier-Takapau line of railway. Tenders must be in to Mr. Bold by noon on Tuesday, the 12th instant
In a proclamation in the Gazette, it is notified that it shall be lawful to hunt, shoot, take, or kill any native game in the Provincial District of Hawke’s Bay during the months of April, May, June, and July, 1877, viz, wild duck of any species, bittern, pied stilt plover, wild geese, dotterel, tui, native pigeon, teal, black stilt plover’ curlew, quail.
In our advertising columns will be found the programme for the Steeplechase meeting which is to be held at Kaikora on Queen’s Birthday. We have already remarked on the suitability of the land chosen as a course, and can now only urge all interested to make this coming meeting a thorough success.
A proclamation appears in the last Gazette authorising E. H. Bold Esq., to take and lay down a road in the Heretaunga block, as specified in Crown grant, No. 28s, containing 19,385 acres, more or less, situate at Heretaunga, in the District of Ahuriri, in the Provincial District of Hawke’s Bay
A fire broke out early on Saturday morning in the spirit room of the Riverside Hotel kept by Mr. Harry Sargeant. It was fortunately extinguished before much damage was done. At an inquest held the same day a verdict was returned that there was no evidence to show how the fire originated. The property was insured for £750, but was valued by the owner, Mr W. Moloney. At £1.000
On Saturday the cricket match between the Napier and Waipukurau elevens resulted in the latter being beaten in one innings by Napier, with eleven runs to spare. The highest scores on the Napier side, were Mayo 28, and Bennett, 23.
The following game can be shot, taken or killed in the months of May, June and July: Pheasants, partridges, grouse, black game, ptarmigan, quails, snipe, plover, swans, hares, antelope, deer imported wild duck of any species.
Judge Johnston and a special jury of fifteen are engaged in trying an issue as to whether William Arthur Gray, an alleged lunatic, is of unsound mind and incapable of managing his affairs. The case will last some time. The petitioners are the Hon. Earnest Gray and Arthur Francis Gray, brothers of the alleged lunatic.

At the meeting of the Hospital Board on Wednesday, it was resolved to ask the clergymen of Napier, and the surrounding Districts, to set apart Sunday, the 15th instant, for special services on behalf of the Napier Hospital. “Hospital Sundays” have been eminently successful in all the colonies, as well as in England, for the promotion of the charitable end to which they have been devoted, and, we trust, that here the same means will be attended by the same success.
We hear that the Repudiation party have taken out nearly a dozen writs, being divided amongst Messrs. John Gibson Kinross, Thomas Kennedy Newton, and Frederick Sutton, disputing the titles to several pieces of land. The cases will come on for hearing at the next session of the Supreme Court which will be held in Napier in June next.
The Chicago Minstrels gave their farewell performances on Tuesday in the Oddfellows Hall. There was a very fair house, but it being for the benefit of Mr Towle, we should like to have seen a larger audience. The programme was, with a few exceptions, similar to the one given on the previous evening, but the Minstrels were in far better voice and altogether deserved the plaudits their several performances received. The concert solo of Mr Tancred was excellent, and it is to be regretted that during the Company’s stay here, his name did not figure more prominently on the programme. After the performance, the company left in the steamer Rangatira for Gisborne, where they will perform, and will afterwards proceed to the Thames and Auckland, where we hope their talents will receive from the public that acknowledgement which they deserve.
We desire to call the particular attention of all parties interested to the notices of R. Beetham, Esq., having reference to the sitting of several assessment courts throughout the district. These notices are of particular importance to those settlers who maybe under the impression that their properties have been too highly rated.
We have received a copy of the forty second annual reports of the Committee of Management of the Royal Association for Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland, which contain many interesting particulars as showing the progress which this old and valuable institution has made in the cultivation and fostering of genuine art. The subscription list of last year contained the names of over 5,000 members residing in various countries. In New Zealand there were 359 subscribers – Auckland, 26; Milton, 30; Christchurch, 21; Greymouth, 23; Invergargil, [Invercargill] 45; Napier, 32; Dunedin, 66; Timaru, 24; Wanganui, 20; Wellington, 72. The amount subscribed exceeded £5,493 being an increase on the average amount obtained in previous years.
It is expected that Mr Evans, the agent of the Davenport brothers, will arrive in Napier by the first opportunity to make arrangements of the troupe here.
At Messrs. Routledge, Kennedy and Co.’s sale on Saturday, apples realised 4 ½ d per lb., and oranges, 13s or 14s per case.
A correspondent writes to a Northern contemporary: – “The brokers are charging 2 ½ per cent. commission on all sales, whatever amount. This is exorbitant. Could you not recommend, now that prices are ruling so high, a return to the old prices of ‘Caledonian’ days, i.e., 1 ¼ on all sums of £100 and upwards.
The Chicago Minstrels’ entertainment on Saturday night attracted a large audience, and an excellent performance was gone through to the evident satisfaction of those present
The test groins are at last being utilised The contractor for the harbor works has arranged with the authorities to take them over to the western side of the works, and sink them full of stones. This is in consequence of the tide affecting the placing the loose rubble from the trucks. The steam launch Bella was employed on Monday in towing one of them into position.
The Chicago Minstrels gave an excellent ontertainment [entertainment] on Monday and as was expected a large number of visitors availed themselves of the opportunity afforded by the special late train of seeing them. The programme was an excellent one, the palm in the first part being borne away as usual by Mr Hawkins who sang “Killarney” admirably. The song is admirably suited to that gentleman’s voice, his rich upper notes being very effectively employed. Mr. Towle also sang very successfully in ‘Let the Angels in” a plaintiff song into which he infused great feeling. The remaining items were excellently rendered, the first part concluding with “A Trip round the World,” a sketch which introduces the Marseillaise, the Watch by the Rhine, and Rule Britannia, all effectively rendered. The second part served to introduce two new farces, “Obeying Orders” and “Jumbo Jums College,” which excited continual laughter, Mr C. Wallace was very successful in his song and dance “All among the Roses,” securing the honor of a double encore.
At Messrs. Routledge, Kennedy and Co.’s sale on Wednesday of the surplus stores ex Fernglen, there was a large attendance of buyers, and the prices realised were extremely satisfactory.
Henare Ngapu, the Maori who was fined for an assault on Mr Palmer in Napier recently, was charged before the Resident Magistrate at Masterton on Tuesday with horse stealing.
From enquires made, we learn that about eight hundred persons have put in claims to be placed on the Electoral Rolls of Napier and Clive for 1877-78. A large number of these compose Natives votes in the Electoral District of Clive.
Our West Clive correspondent writes: – Our Easter holidays passed off very quietly, the only amusement being a quadrille party last evening, at Mr Toop’s Farndon Hotel; this was well patronised by the crème de la crème of the district. – Mr Orr is keeping his flour mill constantly going, and giving employment to a number of men. – A great amount of tallow still continues to be forwarded by train, and doubtless will for the next three months at least. – Quantities of fish are taken daily, for which a ready sale is easily obtained, much of it being forwarded to Havelock [Havelock Nth] and Waipawa, at payable prices – Various works are progressing satisfactorily, affording employment to a good number of hands; some of these works will last well into winter. – I am informed the timber for the new slaughterhouse is ordered, and, I say, the sooner it is erected the better. – I visited Mr Gifford’s grounds the other day and was really well pleased to find them so tastefully and artistically laid out. Speaking of Mr Gifford, the Government are not treating him fair by withholding the compensation that everyone thinks him entitled to; however it will shortly be brought into a Court of law.
We were victimised this morning. Last evening a gentleman inserted an advertisement, with the object of purchasing a rat dog. This morning in reply to the advertisement, a party brought to the TELEGRAPH office three rat terriers. The advertiser requested us to keep the dog offered until he called. We felt some anxiety in complying with the request, and find now how impossible it is to fulfil all such promises. These little terriers on being let loose took a run around the office and in a few minutes, two of them brought out by the neck a young cat each, which our machinist has had carefully in his training to prevent rats from getting at his ink rollers. We do not object to receive advertisements of such a nature in future, but our machinist decidedly objects to persons desirous of selling, giving an exhibition of the dog’s powers around this establishment.
The verdict of the jury in the case of Mr Arthur Gray, mentioned in our columns, was, “That he was of unsound mind and incapable of managing his own affairs.”
At the meeting of the Harbor Board on Tuesday, there were present Messrs. Vautier, Chambers, Smith, Stuart, Sutton, Rhodes and Kennedy. Mr Weber’s report on lighting the lighthouse with gas was read; it was to the effect that the Marine Board was taking the whole question into consideration. Mr Vautier moved, “That the Harbor board refuse to maintain in future the lighthouse, and that all monies that have been paid by the Board for its maintenance be refunded.” This was seconded by Mr. Smith, and carried. Vouchers of accounts were passed. And the Board adjourned.
The Wanaka with the Hawke’s Bay portion of the European and American mails by the City of Sydney left Auckland on Wednesday, and arrived Tauranga at half past four on Thursday. She will call at Poverty Bay, and after landing the mails at that port, will come onto Napier. Mails for Europe and America, per Rotorua, will close at the Napier Post Office on Saturday afternoon, it having been arranged that this steamer should leave here in time to catch the mail steamer at Auckland, Unfortunately for our country friends, they will have little or no opportunity of replying to their home correspondence this month, but merchants in town will have a chance of replying to urgent letters.
The Napier Fire Brigade’s steam engine was landed on Thursday from the ship Fernglen, and was at once brought to town under the superintendence of Mr. W. Miller, the Captain of the Brigade. The engine, one of Shand and Mason’s of London is fitted with all the latest improvements, having been built last year, it will throw 300 gallons a minute. We are glad to report it has been landed in most excellent condition. A trial of it will be made next Saturday afternoon, if the weather be favourable, on Clive Square. The engine will be placed opposite the Odd Fellows’ Hall and fed by means of the 1000 feet hose, from the salt water well at the back of Messrs. Newton and Co.’s stores. We may here mention that the Engine House is now nearly completed, the tower finished, and the bell erected. It is not only a commodious building, and capitally designed, but thoroughly well built by the contractor Mr. Smith. The house contains on the ground floor an engine room 26 by 24 feet, and a kitchen. The upper story, reached by an easy staircase, contains a committee or sitting room, 14 feet by 24 feet, and two bed rooms, each 14 feet by 12 feet. The bell tower is 40 feet in height. The total cost of the building, engine, and plant may be set down at £1350.
The Hon. Colonel Whitmore, in moving the adoption of the report of the Finance Committee in the Hawke’s Bay County Council on Thursday, referring to the dog tax, stated that in the district of Clive, within a distance of 700 yards along the main road, there were owned 87 dogs, only five of which were registered. He urged a stringent collection of the tax for the purpose of getting rid of a host of useless curs.
Mr J. Collins, of Patangata, has, we hear, become the purchaser of Colonel Whitmore’s prize Lincoln ram that was exhibited at the last show of the Agricultural and Pastoral Society at Hastings. Mr. Collins has paid a long figure for this valuable sheep.
Captain Fairchild left Napier on Thursday overland to Wellington to re-take command of the Government steamer Hinemoa. Cap. Fairchild during his stay here has been under the medical advice of Dr. Spencer, to whose skill as an occulist his rapid recovery is doubtless due.
The adjourned meeting in connection with the erection of a Theatre in Napier was held on Wednesday evening, in the office of Mr. W. K. McLean. The attendance was very meagre. Mr James Gray was voted to the chair, and in opening the proceedings, after referring to what had passed at the previous meeting, said that in his opinion the matter had not been properly gone about by the promoters. What should have been done, was that those who took an interest in the erection of a Theatre should have banded themselves together, put their names down for shares, and then induced the public to take the matter up. Mr. McLean explained to the meeting the circumstances under which he called the meeting. He had sufficient support guaranteed without calling a meeting, and it was only at the request of several intending shareholders that he had adopted that course. He regretted having lost his temper at the previous meeting. Mr. Upham, in a lengthy speech, urged that the best site for a Theatre would be in the Shakespeare road, where the Foresters’ Arms Hotel is now situated. A long desultory conversation ensued, and as it appeared the object of the promoters would be best served in adopting another line of action, Mr. E. H. Grigg proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman, and the meeting separated.
A Taradale correspondent writes: – “Active measures are on the wing for the erection of a Wesleyan Chapel. Several have intimated their intention of contributing good round sums and there is no doubt but the amount will be easily raised and the Chapel well supported – On Dit that one Mr. Black at present residing in Napier, has claimed the Taradale Hotel on the ground that he bought the land on which the Hotel is erected at public auction some years ago. – Some settlers here remember, I believe, his either bidding or purchasing, but do not seem clear relative to his claim on it now. However, I believe the matter is placed in the hands of an energetic lawyer, who no doubt will see his way to unravel the mystery. Should he (Mr. Black) substantiate his claim, there will be a large field of labour for the lawyers – The new overseer Mr. Tracy, is paying off some of the hands employed on the road, the general feeling amongst them who earn their livelihood thus, is that he has great regard for his own countrymen.”
We understand that the Davenport Brothers, an account of whose performance in the South we have published in full, have made arrangements to make their first appearance in the Oddfellows Hall’ on Wednesday next, the 11th instant.
The Wairoa Free Press is shortly to make its appearance under the management of Mr H. E. Webb, of the Poverty Bay Standard Mr Webb has now had some experience in journalistic life, and we doubt not that in this his last speculation, he will succeed in making the “Free Press” as great a financial success as the “Standard”.
Several correspondents have called our attention to a letter published in the Herald on Thursday signed “Emerson-street” in which a complaint is made against our local police for negligence in not putting a stop to larrikinism in Hastings-street. From what we learn the author of the letter in question is not quite correct as to his facts. The breaking of the window complained of was accidentally committed by a young man and not “deliberately,” and further the police did not condone the offence by taking money to get the evil remedied in preference to executing their duty. We are aware that at times there is a little laxity shown by the police, but this was not the case in this instance. The police of Napier, as a rule, are to be ever found at their post of duty, and we are sure were they to flinch from it, were the case reported to the Inspector, the complainant would soon find if his case was a fair one, he would not be long in obtaining redress.
We hear that at a summoned meeting of the members of the Loyal Napier Lodge, held on Wednesday, it was finally agreed to adopt the plan submitted for the improvement and enlargement of the Hall, to which we have previously referred. A Building Committee was appointed, and the work is to be set about immediately. From an advertisement published elsewhere it will be seen that the time for the receiving of the tenders has been extended to the 18th instant. The plans, &c., are on view at the offices of the architect, Mr. Thos. Cooper, where intending contractors can obtain every information. The alterations in the Hall when completed, will afford every accommodation required here for the theatrical companies for many years to come.
The Waipawa County Council appears not to have met on Good Friday, the day to which it last adjourned. The next meeting is advertised to be held next Wednesday, at 11.30 am.
The Rev. J. Parkin will preach at Hastings on Sabbath next, at 3 p.m
April 5.
TWO men were fined at the Resident Magistrate’s Court this morning for a breach of the Ferry Act in taking passengers from the ferry landing. The County Council authorities prosecuted.
SIR, – Permit me through the medium of your valuable columns to ask whether the person who placed the plans for the new theatre before the public meeting has not used the said plans for a similar purpose in other places, and each time he has done so they have been treated with derision? Without speaking disparagingly of the possessor of these plans. I would ask, would it not be better that the public if they really want a place of amusement larger than the Oddfellows Hall will be when the alterations now contemplated are completed and which will give sitting accommodation to close upon one thousand persons, that they should call for competitive designs, and not allow themselves to be used by any would be architect conjointly with the possessor of any bit of ground? There are several sites in the city, – one in particular, which is almost opposite the Herald Office – in my humble opinion would be very adequate for the purpose; but while expressing this opinion, I cannot refrain from thinking that the Oddfellows Hall, when altered as proposed, will afford sufficient accommodation for all the theatrical-going people at least for the next twenty years. – I am, &c.,
April 5, 1877.
SIR, – I would call the attention of our local constable to this, with a view of his endeavouring to prevent it. It is a wonder that no fatal accidents occur where there are so many children going to and fro. It is a customary thing for the natives to urge their horses to the utmost when coming from the Puketapu Hill to the township, at which place they are scarcely able to pull them up. – I am, &c.
Taradale, April 3, 1877.
(Before R. Beetham Esq., R.M.)
Mary Ann Ryan was charged by Constable Smith with having been drunk and incapable on Thursday last. She admitted having been a little overcome, “was very sorry,” &c., &c. Having been in the lock-up two nights and a day, she was discharged with caution.
Thomas Phillips, for drunkenness at Port Ahuriri on the 29th instant, was fined 10s, or in default 48 hours’ imprisonment. He elected to pay the fine.
The same defendant (Philips) was further charged by Constable Gruner with unlawfully assaulting and beating him whilst in the execution of his duty as a constable. He was convicted, and fined in the sum of 20s, with cost 4s; in default, imprisonment for 48 hours. This was also paid forthwith.
Wilson v. Mackay, an adjourned case, claim £51, being for the amount of a dishonoured promissory note £50, and £1 for interest thereon. Mr Sheehan for plaintiff; defendant did not appear. Plaintiff having proved his claim, judgment was given (by default) for the amount claimed, and costs expenses, £6 2s.
O’Connell v. Tangata Ke – Claim, £2 18s for farrier’s work. Defendant did not appear. Judgment (by default) for the amount claimed and costs.
Barry v. Groom – Claim, £4 4s 6d for goods supplied. No appearance for either party. Case struck out.
Hugo v. Davis – Claim for board, &c., £3 15 6d. Defendant had paid into court £2 5s. Judgment for the amount paid into Court.
Pocock v. Colebrook – Claim £71 14s 3d, labor and material. Defendant had paid into Court the sum of £26 19s. On the application of Mr. Cornford, the hearing was adjourned to 6th April.
Five or six other civil cases had been settled out of Court, and in another case against a Maori, the summons had not been served.
H. Pritchard plaintiff, and Fredrick Harford defendant. On a judgment for £3 3s obtained in the Resident Magistrate’s Court on the 2nd of March. Evidence as to defendant’s means &c., having been heard, it was ordered that defendant pay by instalments of 10s per week, first payment to be made on Monday, 9th April, and in default of any single payment imprisonment for 14 days.
Thomas Conroy, for absorbing too much at the Spit yesterday, was fined and paid five shillings.
Winifred Doberty was charged, on the information of one Bridget Doberty, with having, on the 27th March, used abusive and obscene language in Hastings-street, being a public thoroughfare. The evidence of a couple of lady witnesses was taken, but although it appeared that a little choice Billingsgate had been enunciated and some aspersions cast on the character of someone, it was nevertheless a case which had far better never have been brought before the Court. The information was dismissed.
Jorgensen v. Connor – An information praying that the defendant might be required to find sureties to keep the peace was, by leave of the Court, withdrawn.
A. Collier v. H. O. Caulton. – Claim £1, for a week’s wages as waiter. Defendant was present, but as plaintiff did not put in an appearance, the case was struck out.
Lindsay v. Newman, Same v. Same, Smith v. Nairn, Berry v. Thomas, and Gray v. Vaughan – All these cases were adjourned till April 13.
The ordinary fortnightly meeting was held this day.
Present – The Commissioner of Crown Lands, Colonels Whitmore and Lambert, and Messrs. Newton and Kennedy.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
An application from F. J. Trescott, to be allowed to erect a building for fish-curing purposes, on a reserve at West Clive, was read, and it was decided not to grant the application.
An application from Samuel Franklin, for 60 acres of rural land in Tautane District. was approved.
A letter from Mr. S. D. Powdrell requesting possession of the land purchased by him in the Mohaka District was read, and it was considered that his application could not be complied with till the survey of the block was completed.
It was resolved that the Commissioners should inform the Secretary for Crown Lands, that the duties of the Board have been impeded through certain applications in the Mohaka Block not having been surveyed, and to request that the powers of the Board relative to issuing instructions to the Survey Department may be defined.
It was decided in the case of those applicants for land in the Makaretu Reserve who have already complied with the necessary conditions as to improvements, that their third instalments should be deemed to be due on the 4th of January next.
This concluding the business, the Board rose.
The County Council met today at 11 o’clock.
Present – Mr M. H. S. Tiffen (Chairman), Col. Whitmore, Messrs. Bennett, Torr, Brathwaite, J. N. Williams, and Kinross.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Col. Whitmore presented a petition from Charles Butler, praying that he might be appointed to the post formerly held by Mr. Peddie as pound keeper for Taradale.
The petition was read. It set forth that as the petitioner had bought Mr. Peddie’s property, and had been nominated deputy pound keeper, that Mr. Butler be appointed pound keeper. Petition signed by 40 settlers.
An application for the same appointment was also read from Alex. McDonald. Application endorsed by 21 signatures.
Col. Whitmore moved that Mr C Butler be appointed pound keeper in the place of Mr. Peddie resigned.
Mr Brathwaite seconded the motion, which was agreed to.
Col. Whitmore brought up the report of the Finance Committee, together with the estimates of ways and means. Report read as follows:
“Your Committee have the honor to report that they have given their best attention to the subject of the finances of the County referred to them and have the honor to report as follows:- Owing to the fact that this is the first year of the new local institutions they have had no previous accounts to examine to guide them, and therefore they feel that their estimates may vary either way from the results of the experience of the year. The information relative to the subsidies is also very defective, but having given all the attention possible and made full enquires from the Treasury they believe the sums estimated will be realised. As it appears that notwithstanding the heavy charges caused by the late flood that the funds at the disposal of the County will be sufficient to meet its requirements within that period if due attention is paid to economy, your committee therefore leave it for your consideration whether any rate should be imposed for the current year.
“The Estimates laid before the County Council is for the period 1st January to 31st December, 1877, because there are many heavy charges which should be spread over a longer period than what is called the financial year. If the Council next June finds it desirable to makes its financial year correspond with that of the General Government, any portion of these exceptional charges not already covered could be carried forward as liabilities from the preceding half-year. Meanwhile it is evident that if the estimated receipts are realised, all liabilities at present existing will be cleared off before 31st December.
“It seems that the total County Valuation amounts to about £125,000 a year
“H. S. Tiffen, Chairman.
“G. S. Whitmore,
“J. G. Kinross,
“March 28th, 1877.”
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Indemnity expenditure late floods 204 7 11
Petane culvert 20 0 0
Repairing Meanee and Petane bridges 40 0 0
Meanee drain 10 0 0
Taradale bridge contract 520 0 0
Maps of County (3) 7 17 6
802 5 5
Salary to County Clerk 189 10 0
Salary to slaughterhouse keeper, 10 months 20 16 8
Salary to Road Overseer, 10 months 125 0 0
335 6 8
Honorarium to Engineer 250 0 0
Honorarium to Law Officers 50 0 0
300 0 0
Bonus to Constabulary 15 0 0
Inspecting slaughterhouses 15 0 0
Valuation of outlying districts 105 0 0
Cost of elections 195 0 0
Estimated cost stationery, advertisements, County seal, &c. 100 0 0
Telegrams, light, fuel, sundries 50 0 0
Estimated cost repairs, Meanee road 50 0 0
Estimated cost repairing Ngarururo bank 50 0 0
250 0 0
Estimated amount for maintenance main road 730 0 0
To balance 147 7 11
£2,775 0 0
Toll-gates, present half-year 500 0 0
Toll-gates, next half-year 650 0 0
1150 0 0
Subsidies present half-year, aide telegram 325 0 0
Subsidies next half-year 450 0 0
775 0 0
Dog-tax, net 100 0 0
Slaughterhouses 250 0 0
Public-house licenses 500 0 0
Fines 0 0 0
850 0 0
£2,775 0 0
Col. Whitmore moved that the report be adopted.
Mr Kinross seconded the motion.
The Council then went into Committee for the consideration of bye-laws.
April 4.
Steps are about to be taken for draining the swamp, and I understand that the services of Mr Peppercorne have been called into requisition for the purpose of carrying out this much desired object. The inhabitants are desirous of having it accomplished, and I have no doubt before long the swamp will become a thing of the past.
Business is rather improving, and a new business place is about being started by Mr. Kelly, late hotel keeper at Paki Paki, who I have no doubt will come in for a fair share of the trade. Mr Somerville has hitherto done the principal business, and he was justly entitled to it, from his svarity of manner; but as competition benefits all communities, Hastings no doubt will be benefited by the opening of this new establishment.
The new building of Mr Foreman, butcher, of Napier and this place, is quite an ornament to the town, and reflects credit upon the architect and the owner.
I am glad to say that the church is rapidly drawing towards completion in spite of the opposition of certain individuals to the reverend gentleman who has so perseveringly struggled for its erection, and other places of worship in various townships.
The weather during the day is particularly fine, but at night excessively cold, frost having already maThomasde its appearance, which, I presume, will be intensified as we approach nearer the winter.
Messrs Knight Brothers are a doing a very flourishing business in the timber trade, But I think they have for the present relinquished the idea of erecting the store they some short time back contemplated building.
The value of property is rapidly increasing and doubtless before long this will become a place of importance, second to none out of Napier.
Shipping Intelligence.
30 – Southern Cross, s.s., from Tologa Bay.
30 – Orpheus, schooner, from, Mercury Bay
30 – Mary Wadley, three-masted schooner, from Newcastle, N.S.W., via Nelson
31 – Opotiki, schooner, from Poverty Bay
31 – Mary Ann Hudson, ketch, from Mohaka
31 – Fairy, s.s., from Waikari. Passenger – Mr Brandon
31 – Kiwi, s.s., from Wellington via Blackhead. Passengers – Messrs McGregor, Weir, Glover, Wood, Barry, and four in the steerage
1 – Pretty Jane s.s., from Auckland via Poverty Bay. Passengers – Misses McLennan and Brausch, Messrs Baxter, Bourke, King, Ingram, Snidden, Page, Sieveking, Bibbington, Hart, McLennan Nasmith, Mounds and four natives.
1 – Rangatira, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Miss Carter, Messrs Cowie, Common, Hunter, Roskruge, Salmon, and Lennie
3 – Go-Ahead, s.s., from Auckland, vis Gisborne and Mahia. Passengers – Messrs Stubbs and Burnand
3 – Manaia, p.s., from Wairoa. Passengers -Mesdames Taylor, Gauy, and Lopdell, Messrs. Lopdell, McLean, Pocock, Couper, Huddie, Wyatt, Langley, Webster, and 2 natives
5 – Rangatira,s.s., from Gisborne. Passengers – Messrs Scully, Moorhouse, Mason, Rundle, and Thomson
29 – Wanaka, s.s., for Poverty Bay, Tauranga, and Auckland. Passengers – Mrs King and 1 children, Misses Johnston (2), Messers. Cross, Bewter, Bousk, Caldwell, Hutchinson, McKaig, Floyd, Street, Macfarlane, Rees, M,H.R, and 16 original
29 – Star of the South, s.s., for Auckland. Passengers – Mr and Mrs Cowan and 3 children, Mrs and Miss Atlanti, Messrs Thomas, Cartright, Moss, and 3 in the steerage.
30 – Fairy, s.s., for Waikari. Passenger – Mr Brandon
31 – Manaia, p.s., for Wairoa. Passengers Messrs Nairn, Lopdell, Fraser, Smith, James, Johnson, and two natives
2 – Pretty Jane, s.s., for Auckland via Gisborne
3 – Kiwi, s.s., for Wellington via Ureti and Castle Point. Passengers – Messrs. Goodeson, Thomas, and 15 natives
3 – Fairy, s.s., for Mahia. Passengers – Mesdames Watt and MacFarlane, Messrs. Watt and Richardson
3 – Rangatira, s.s., for Gisborne. Passengers – Messrs. Scully, Mahon, Moorhouse, Mason, Nasmith, and the Chicago Minstrels (9)
4 – Go-Ahead, s.s. for Auckland, via Mahia and Gisborne
5 – Rangatira, s.s., for Wellington.
The s.s Southern Cross took from Lyttelton a cargo of sheep, which she discharged at Tologa Bay, and then came in here.
The three-masted schooner Mary Wadley, Capt. Cronin, arrived in the Bay on Friday, and the tide being favourable she was brought straight in and moored to the Breastwork. During her stay at Nelson, since her mishap she has been thoroughly overhauled and repaired; all her upper yards and masts are new, as well as the sails. She has had several new stanchions fitted in, as well as new top sides and a gallery; in fact, we are assured no expense has been spared to make her as good as new. We have not had time to examine the workmanship, but from what we have heard it is very creditably done.
The Fernglen is turning out her cargo in excellent condition. Capt. Fraser expects about three more lighter loads will relieve him of his Napier cargo. She will then proceed to the Bluff.
The s.s. Southern Cross, Capt. Holmes, passed a double topsail brigantine off Poverty Bay on Thursday evening.
The schooner Orpheus is laden with sawn kauri timber, and the Opitiki has a cargo of sawn white pine timber and shingles.
The s.s. Rangatira, Captain Evans, left Wellington at 12.30 a.m. on Sunday morning, and arrived at Napier at 11.35 p.m. on Sunday night. Experienced a strong south-east gale and very heavy head sea to Cape Palliser, thence till arrival fresh southerly wind and heavy sea.
The s.s. Pretty Jane encountered, in rounding Portland Island, a very heavy S.E. gale, otherwise the voyage was a very pleasant one.
The s.s. Kiwi was two days on the passage, having called at two places on the coast to land cargo.
The brigantine Enterprise is again in the Bay taking shelter from the southerly weather on the coast. She has discharged her cargo of timber.
Captain McGillivray, late commander of the s.s. Go-Ahead, has resigned the charge of that vessel, and accepted the post of chief officer of the Wanaka.
The s.s. Rangatira discharged her cargo on Monday, and took in a quantity of lime stone on Tuesday, morning, and anchored in the Bay. She will leave at midnight for Gisborne. She is being kept to enable the Chicago Minstrels to perform to-night before proceeding in er. [her].
The s.s. Kiwi, Captain Cambpell [ Campbell ], started at 9 a.m., but had not proceeded very far when something gave way in the engine room, which necessitated her returning to the wharf. As soon as the steam was shut off, and an examination made, it was found that one of the bolts in the cylinder of the low press had come out, which caused an escape of steam. The engineer, Mr. A. Keith, soon repaired the damage, and the Kiwi resumed her voyage at 10 a.m. She will call at either Castle Point or Ureti to land some natives.
Monday was observed as a general holiday on the Spit. All the places of business being closed to enable employes, [employees] &c., to visit the regatta. There were at one time over 1000 persons present. The steam launch Bella conveyed about 700, and there were over 300 went in boats, besides a number of visitors in traps, and on horse-back from Petane. We did not hear of a single accident or mishap. Monday plainly proved that the western side of the Spit is the best place for a regatta, both for pulling and sculling matches.
The Union Company’s s.s. Rotorua will, we learn, come by the East Coast to Auckland, arriving here about Saturday next, and will take the outward San
Francisco mail.
The Southern Cross, hence for Lyttelton, was lying under Cape Kidnappers on Monday but had left before daylight on Tuesday.
The s.s. Go-Ahead arrived in the Bay late on Tuesday. She is from Auckland, via Awanui, Gisborne, and Mahia. At the former place she landed a quantity of boiling down plant, and at the last named place she took in 15 tons of flour and two tons bacon, ex the wrecked schooner Clyde. She left again at high tide on Wednesday. The Go-Ahead is now commanded by Captain Cooper, for some time chief officer on board the Luna.
The p.s. Manaia arrived from Wairoa on Tuesday. The bar is very bad. A sea struck her in crossing, which slewed her round, and she came out stern first. An island of shingle has formed in the channel. The sea broke nearly over the bridge, everything was battened down, and no accident happened. The Manaia could not communicate with Mohaka on account of the heavy sea.
A barque called the Nouveau St. Michel, arrived in Wellington the other day from Western Australia, with a cargo of jarrah timber. The vessel belongs to France, hailing from Bordeaux, and not a man on board from the Captain downwards, could speak a word of English. The consequence was the pilot and his crew had to work the vessel up the harbor, as the crew could not understand the words of command.
The s.s. Rangatira returned from Poverty Bay od [on] Thursday, after having had a pleasant trip up and down the coast. She left again at 11.30 a.m. for Wellington direct.
The s.s. Wanaka left Auckland on Wednesday for Napier calling at Tauranga and Poverty Bay. She is the bearer of our English mail. She also brings the following passengers – Mesdames Caulton, Swan, Miss Stuart, and Messrs. Shipton and Collis.
We beg to remind our readers that the Rotorua will leave here for Auckland on Sunday morning. She will take our outward mails to catch the Australia, leaving the latter port on Wednesday next.
MARCH, 1877.
A large amount of business has been effected during the past month in every description of store stock. In sheep, as young ages were not readily procurable, the more aged found buyers; indeed, very few lots of any description remain on book for sale. However, business in ewes will be breught [brought] to a close by the middle of April, as flock owners will generally have their arrangements made for this season. Feed continues abundant, and reports from all quarters speak of lambs thriving well. Last lambing added close on 391,000 to our stock. Many of our sheepfarmers are now surface sowing a further considerable instalment of their lands. Our fat sheep are being converted into tallow, th [the] several boiling-down establishments being busy at work. Cattle, fat, are plentiful, and for stores the market continues much the same as last month. For young ages, especially female stock, there is good demand at prices undernoted.
Cattle. – Fat, 22s 6d to 25s per 100lb.; stores, mixed ages and sexes, £4 5s to £4 15s; steers, for individual ages, 1,2,3,and 4 years respectively, £3, £5, £6 5s and £7 5s; female stock, same ages, range from £2 10s to £6 10s; dairy cows, £7 to £12.
Sheep – Fat Merino wedders, prime, 6s 6d to 7s, demand very limited; store do., aged, 4s; 6 and 8-tooth, 5s. At these rates I have placed 7400 during this month. Cross-bred, wedders, fat, 10s 6d to 13s, according to weights; stores, the market bare; 2, 4, and 6-tooth have been much in demand, and over 13,000 placed at prices ranging from 8s 6d to 9s 9d. In ewes, merino, 2,4, and 6-tooth, none in market; sound, 8-tooth, 5s, few offering; culls, 2s 6d to 3s; cross-bred ewes, 2 and 4 tooth, 10s to 11s; 6 and 8-tooth, 8s to 9s; culls, 4s 6d to 7s. At these rates I have sold largely; rams, merino, I have sold draft of Maraekakaho, at £3, to Messrs McLellan and Chandler, and 40 of Mr Saxby’s at 35s each; full-mouth, to Mr Cox; also several small local lots of second and third-class Lincoln rams at £4 to £2 each. During the past month I have had several enquiries from other provinces for Romney Marsh rams, but we have none to spare from this market.
Horse Stock. – Draught continue dull of sale, medium may be quoted at £30 to £35; heavy do., £50 to £60. Good weight-carrying hacks, £25 to £30; light serviceable hacks, £10 to £15. I beg to call attention to my sale of Mr Lingard’s thoroughbreds at Farndon next week.
Station Properties. – Although enquires for station property continue numerous, I have only to report as closed, as already reported early in the month. Mr McHardy’s Pakowhai estate – the homestead, with 856 acres, to Mr Alexander Grant, for £15,470 and the northern lot, 613 acres, to Mr Gavin Peacock, for £6700; total, £22,170, average £15 10s per acre. I also sold the Tutira Lake Station, a leasehold of Mr E Towgood’s, containing 20,500 acres, rent £150, 17 years to run, with 4000 sheep, to Messrs Stuart and Merritt for £4000, and a small block 242 acres on Puketitiri reserve, for £355, with a 1000 cross bred sheep at 8s 6d each.
Wool. – The February wool sales closed on the 28th March. From telegrams received, it appears the advance of the November sales has been almost entirely lost, except in he[the] case of superior fine wools, which have nearly maintained the November rates. Political complications in Europe render the future of the market most uncertain until the Eastern question receives a satisfactory solution, it will be impossible to speak of the future of the wool trade with any degree of confidence. The imports from South America show an increase for the year 1876, of about 32,000 bales of 8 cwt., equivalent to about 13 per cent. This, if kept up, will probably have a serious influence on the price of coarse and inferior bred wools. At the same time the consumption progresses steadily, it is thought there are fair grounds for expecting present values being fairly sustained. I expect the exports from this province for the season will be nearly 23,000 bales, or fully 3000 bales increase on last year. My next month’s report will give correct statistics on these matters.
Stock and Station Agent,
Napier, N.Z
March 31, 1877.
For the undermentioned places every Monday, and Thursday, at 5.30 a.m. – Clive, Hastings, Havelock, Te Aute, Kaikora, Waipawa, Waipukurau, Danevirk [Dannevirke], Norsewood, Tahaorite, Woodville, Foxton, Palmerston, Wanganui, Taranaki, Wellington and Southern Provinces &c., Wallingford, Porangahau, Wanui, and Castle Point.
On other days of the week, mails close as usual, at 6.30 a.m.
Chief Postmaster.
L.S. – You cannot claim Easter Monday as a public holiday, and your employer could take an action against you under the Masters’ and Servants’ Act.
MOULDER. – At Milbourne Valley, Kaikora, on the 6th March, the wife of Mr. James Moulder, of a daughter.
BALDWIN. – At Waitangi, on March 12th, the wife of Mr. M. Baldwin, of a daughter.
OLLEY. – At Waipawa, on March 16, the wife of Mr Olley, butcher, of a daughter.
MCKENZIE. – At Port Ahuriri, on March 17, the wife of J.A. McKenzie, of a daughter.
WHITE. – At Kaikora, on March 20, Mrs W. White, of a son
PALLOT. – At Shakespeare Road, Napier, on the 20th March, the wife of Mr Alfred Pallot, of a daughter.
HILL. – At Kaikora, on the 22nd March, the wife of Mr. H. A. Hill, of a son.
MYHILL. – At Clive Square, Napier, on the 22nd March, the wife of Mr R. G. Myhill, of a son
DENNAN. – On March 22nd, at Barrack Hill, Napier, the wife of Mr J. J. Dennan, of a daughter.
BENDALL – At Napier, on 23rd March, Mrs W. Bendall, of a son.
GUILLARD. – At Dalton-street, Napier, on March 24, the wife of Mr, Henry Guillard, of a daughter.
COSGROVE. – At Milton-road, Napier, on the 25th March, the wife of Mr. J. Cosgrove, of a son.
MCCARTNEY – HARE – On Sunday, the 18th March, in St. Mark’s Church, West Clive, by the Rev. William Marshall, Arthur McCartney to Annie, second daughter of John Hare, Esq.
CASS – CURTIS. – At Kaikora, on the 21st March, by the Rev. Joseph White, Thomas N. Cass to Miss M. A. J. Curtis.
McCRAE – MUIR. – At Napier, on the 31st March, by the Rev. D. Sidey, Duncan McCrae to Janet Muir, both of Napier.
FELGATE. – At the Napier Hospital, on March 14. John Charles Felgate, aged 60 years.
BETHELL. – At the Napier Hospital, on the 23rd March, Henry Bethell, aged 23 years.
ASHFORTH. – At Clive Square, Napier, on March 24, after a long and painful illness, Henry William Ashforth, Manager at Te Aute saw mill, aged 52
years. Auckland papers please copy.
CROSS. – At Napier, on March 24th, George Hedley Cross, only son of G. T. Cross, aged 2years and 2 months.
DENNAN. – At Barrack Hill, Napier, on March 26, the eldest son of Mr. J. J. Dennan, aged 14 years.
WILLIAMS. – At Tuohu, Wairoa, on the 30th March, Lionel Dalzell, beloved son of Herbert and Elizabeth Williams, aged 17 months.
JOHNSTON. – At the Napier Hospital, on 30th March, John Johnston, aged 46 years.
The Cheapest House in the Trade.
Also, 2 good Pig Dogs.
The above may be seen by applying to Mr. SPEEDY,
Stock, Land Estate, and General Commission Agent, Waipukurau.
Goods Stored and Forwarded.
Offices and Stores: Near the Railway Station.
Government Notifications.
Napier, April 3, 1877
THE following Proclamation which appears in the NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE of the 19th March, 1877, is republished for general information.
By order,
(L.S.) Normanby, Governor.
WHEREAS by section ten of “The Protection of Animals Act, 1873,” it is enacted that no game (in the said Act defined as including the birds and animals particularized in the First Schedule hereto, and such other imported animals and birds as should from time to time be proclaimed to come within the operation of this Act,) shall be hunted, shot, taken, or killed in any province until the same shall have been proclaimed as open for that purpose by a Proclamation in that behalf to be made and puplished [published] in the Gazette; ahd [and] that no game shall be hunted, shot, taken, or killed, except within a consecutive period not exceeding three months of any year to be fixed by the Superintendent by Proclamation as aforesaid, between the first day of May and the thirty-first day of July, both inclusive, in any year, and only between the hours of sunrise and sunset: And whereas by the eleventh section of the said Act, it is enacted, that no native game (therein defined as including the birds and animals in the Fifth Schedule hereto, and any other native animals and birds, which should from time to time be proclaimed to come within the provisions relating to a native game,) shall be hunted, shot, taken, or killed in any part of the Province except during such months as may from time to time be proclaimed by the Superintendent, not exceeding four consecutive months in respect of each bird: And wheras [whereas] by “the Abolition of Provinces Act, 1875,” it is enacted , that all powers, duties, and functions which immediately before the date of the abolition thereunder of any Province were vested in or to be exercised or performed by the Superintendent of such abolished province, should, on the day of the date of the abolition of such province and for the purposes of the district included within such abolished province, vest in and performed by the Governor.
Now, therefore, I, George Augustus, Constantine, Marquis of Normanby, Governor of New Zealand, in exercise of the powers and authorities conferred on me by the said recited Act, and in exercise of any other power enabling me in that behalf, do hereby proclaim and declare that game shall be open to be hunted, shot, taken, or killed within the Provincial District of Hawke’s Bay, between the first day of May, 1877, and the 31st day of July in the same year, both inclusive, but only between the hours of sunrise and sunset; and I do further proclaim and declare that it shall be lawful to hunt, shoot, take, or kill any native game in the Provincial District of Hawke’s Bay during the months of April, May, June, and July, 1877.
Office of Waste Lands Board,
Napier, 8th December, 1876.
TO HUGH MCCORMICK, formerly of the 65th Regiment or his representatives.
You are hereby required, within six months from this date, to prove to the satisfaction of the Waste Lands Board that you have complied with the conditions required to entitle you to 60 acres of land in the Wakarara District, selected under a Military Settlers Land Order, and if you fail to prove your claim within the specified time, your title to the land will be forfeited and the land be dealt with as the Board may direct.
Chief Commissioner.
I HEREBY appoint MONDAY, the 9th April instant, for the completion and public inspection of the Valuation List of the Oero Highway District, at the Woolshed of F. J. Tiffen, Esq., at Oero. The List will be open to inspection until the 11th April.
Objections to the said List must be addressed to the Resident Magistrate’s Office, at Napier, and be lodged on or before Thursday, the 12th April.
The Assessment Court for the hearing of such objections will sit at Mr. Tiffen’s Woolshed, on MONDAY, the 16th April, at Noon.
Judge of Assessment Court.
AN Assessment Court for the Highway District of Waipawa, will sit at Waipawa, at the Court House, at Noon, on the 18th of April instant.
Judge of Assessment Court.
I HEREBY appoint WEDNESDAY, the 11th April instant, for the completion and public inspection on the Valuation List for the Highway District of Porangahau, at the Duke of Edinburgh Hotel, at Porangahau. The List will be open to inspection until the 15th April.
Objections to the said List must be addressed to the Resident Magistrate’s Office, at Napier, and be lodged on or before Friday, the 20th April instant.
An Assessment Court for the hearing of such objections will be held at the Duke of Edinburgh Hotel, at Porangahau, on MONDAY, 23rd April at Noon.
Jadge [Judge] Assessment Court.
I HEREBY appoint WEDNESDAY, the 11th April instant, for the completion and inspection of the Valuation List for the Highway district of Eparaima, at the Bridge Hotel, Wallingford. The list will be open for inspection until the 15th April
Objections to the said list must be addressed to the Resident Magistrate’s Office, at Napier, and be lodged on or before Friday, 20th April instant.
An Assessment court for the hearing of such objections will be held at the Bridge Hotel, Wallingford on TUESDAY, 24th April, at Noon.
Judge Assessment Court.
I HEREBY Appoint WEDNESDAY, the 11th April instant, for the completion and public inspection of the Valuation List for the Highway District of Tamumu, at the Homestead of Sydney Johnston, Esq. The List will be open for inspection until the 15th April.
Objections to the said List must be addressed to the Resident Magistrate’s Office, at Napier, and be lodged on or before Friday, 2oth April instant.
An Assessment Court for the hearing of such objections will be held at the Homestead of Sydney Johnston, Esq., at Tamumu, on WEDNESDAY, 25th April, at Noon
Judge Assessment Court.
I HEREBY appoint WEDNESDAY, the 11th April instant, for the completion and public inspection of the Valuation List for Makaretu Highway District, at the Schoolhouse, at Ashley Clinton. The List will be open for inspection until the 15th April.
Objections to the said List must be addressed to the Resident Magistrate’s Office, at Napier, and lodged on or before Friday, 20th April instant.
An Assessment Court for the hearing of such objections will be held at the Schoolhouse, at Ashley Clinton, on THURSDAY, the 26th April, at Noon.
Judge Assessment Court.
I HEREBY appoint WEDNESDAY, the 11th April, for the completion and public inspection of the Valuation List for the Centre Ruataniwha Highway District, at the Public Room at Onga Onga. The List will be open for inspection until the 15th April,
Objections to the said List must be addressed to the Resident Magistrate’s Office, at Napier, and be lodged on or before Friday, April 20th.
An Assessment Court for the hearing of such objections will be held on FRIDAY, 27th April, at Noon, at the Public Room at Onga Onga.
Judge Assessment Court.
AT the Poll duly notified for the election of a Councillor for the Waipukurau riding, held on TUESDAY, the 27th March instant, the number of votes received by each candidate was as follows:-
I therefore declare the said Sydney Johnston duly elected as Councillor for the Waipukurau Riding, in the County of Waipawa.
Given under my hand at Waipawa, this 29th day of March, 1877.
Returning officer for the County of Waipawa.
Education Board Office,
Napier, Feb. 13, 1877.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Education Reserves will be offered for Lease (21 years), by Public auction at the Provincial Council Chamber, on TUESDAY, May 15, 1877.
Section 70, Town of Napier 1 rood, upset price, £10 per annum.
Section 298 B, Town of Napier, 1 rood, upset price, £20 per annum.
Suburban section 90, lot 5, Town of Napier, 1 rood, upset price, £15 per annum.
Chairman of Education Board.
IN terms of a resolution passed at a Public Meeting, held on the 22nd inst., I do hereby call another General Meeting of the Subscribers to the Hospital Fund, and of all persons favorable to the Project, to be held in the Town Hall, Waipukurau, on TUESDAY, 24th April, at 2 p.m. precisely, when full information in regard to the cost and management of Hospitals in similar localities throughout the Colony, will be submitted by the Sub-Committee, with the view of immediate steps being taken to establish an Inland Hospital at Waipukurau.
A full attendance is earnestly requested.
ANY Settler having any available land anywhere between Taradale and Havelock, suitable for holding the Society’s PLOUGHING MATCH on 24th May, will oblige by communicating with the Under-signed, within one week from date.
Hon. Sec.
Comprising all the Novelties of the Season: –
Ladies’ Paletots and Jackets in Matalasse, Beaver, Astracan, Imitation Ermine, and Black Silk Velvet.
Children’s Fur and Cloth Jackets, Costumes and Overalls.
Ladies’ Maids, and Children’s Waterproof Cloaks and Ulsters, Wrap Shawls, Hyde Parks, and a large variety of Fancy Woollen Goods.
We have secured a parcel of Black Silks, bought before the last rise in Silk Goods, at 20 per cent less than present value, which will be opened in a day or two.
Our Millinery for the present season will compare favorably with what we have shown in former seasons, and no effort will be spared to maintain the high reputation of our House in this department.
We have received sample cases of imported Trimmed Bonnets and Hats, in the newest shapes and styles. Felt hats will be much worn this winter, and of these we have a nice Assortment of new shapes; also, all the new shapes in Straws. Having received a full assortment of all new shades in Bonnet Velvet and Satins; also Flowers, Feathers, and Ornaments, orders for any shape and style can be immediately executed, and at the most REASONABLE PRICES.
Our new Fancy Bonnet Ribbons and gloves will be opened in a few days.
Novelties in Ladies’ Ties, Collars, and Cuffs, and Lace Goods, are now opened, and further assortments will arrive monthly.
Late importations of Cotton and Woollen Goods are considerable lower in price than they have been for some time, and having sold the greater portion on our old stock, we are in a position to take advantage of the present state of the markets, and are able to execute orders for
Such as Calicoes, Sheetings, Blankets, Flannels, and all other articles of House-hold requirement
N.B. – Patterns of any Goods sent free by Post, on application, and a liberal Discount allowed on Cash Purchases.
Our stock in this department is well assorted, and new Goods are daily coming to hand. We have a nice lot of
The Weekly Mercury
We are reluctantly obliged to apologise to our numerous readers for the non-appearance in this issue of the new story by Mrs Harriett Lewis, – Lady Trevor’s Secret. The slips with the first portion on the tale arrived only this morning in the Wanaka and we have not had time to get it into print. Next week, however, instead of printing two chapters, we shall publish an extra quantity.
One of the best speeches yet delivered on the politics of the day since the House rose, was that of Mr Wason, the member for Coleridge, to his constituents recently. Mr Wason, last session, took an independent stand, and was one of the few members who stood apart from the party combinations. Speaking of the working of the
Counties Act, Mr Wason said he was convinced the direct aim of the measure was the absorption of the Road Boards into Counties, to show which he quoted the words of Sir Julius Vogel, when the late Premier introduced the Bill, – “The great object will be to secure the merging of Road Boards into Counties; the two should not continue to be co-existent.” Mr Wason does not believe in any scheme that would compel the powerful and useful Road Boards in the provincial districts of Canterbury, to submit “ to be ruled over, to be thwarted, to be checked at every turn by a measure the offspring of a statesman who, having got the country into a position where the wisest are unable to find their bearings, and foreseeing every danger imminent, slips off by himself to a secure haven? What would be the fate of a captain who, having brought his ship into a position from which it could only be rescued by energy and promptitude seized the only boat procurable, and left his helpless crew to shift for themselves? What would be the verdict of the Court Martial appointed to try him? Sir Julius Vogel had yet to be tried by the court-martial of public opinion. But let us leave Sir Julius Vogel, who, in matters pertaining to Counties or Road Boards, is not to be mentioned with one of his colleagues, Mr Ormond, a gentleman of an eminently practical turn of mind, of great colonial experience, and, moreover, possessed of a very considerable stake in the county; and Mr Ormond, we find from his speech to his Napier constituents, is very decidedly opposed to bringing the Act into force in those districts which possess the requisite Road Boards machinery.. I have proved to you that Road Boards and Counties were never intended to work together; I am convinced they never can work together; I am convinced that the day which sees the Counties Act brought into force in the Ashburton County, will sound the knell of every Road Board within its borders; and I am equally convinced that those Road Boards will only perish to re-appear – the old boundaries intact, or perhaps slightly improved – re-baptised as Counties.”
MR. H. B. SEALY, the late Waste Lands Commissioner for Hawke’s Bay, has very properly taken our morning contemporary to task for imputing actions to him of which he was not guilty, and for which he could not have been held responsible. We ourselves have had our differences with Mr. Sealy, and we fought the matter out fairly with him, but since he retired from public life we have allowed the past to bury the past. The Herald has chosen to follow a very different course; having supported Mr Sealy during his tenure of office, throughout the years when he had patronage to dispense, it now turns round upon him and when his power is gone, and his back is turned. Perhaps the Herald would not have been even as bold as this if it had thought that Mr Sealy was not in England. That gentleman, however, had not gone further that Melbourne, and from there he has written a reply to the unjust imputations cast upon him, that the Herald will not hurriedly forget. In spite of the provocation he has received Mr. Sealy is lenient; he might have added to the castigation he had administered by reminding the Herald that if in the past, the waste lands of the province were squandered, that the journal was in existence, and that it had a sacred duty to perform in the protection of the public interests; that that journal was editorially conducted then as now by a gentleman who then maintained a most culpable silence, but who now applauds the shutting of the stable door after the horse is stolen. When the TELEGRAPH made a decided stand against the sale of the Pourerere lands, and, exposing the manner in which they had been surveyed, succeeded in postponing their final disposal from December to February, what action did the Herald take that it should now impute blame to Mr Sealy in the matter? Our contemporary never took the slightest notice of the question we had raised until it gloated over the spectacle of our presence in the Supreme Court to answer a charge of libel. And now, apparently, to curry favor with the powers that be it writes in this style, “Had the management of the waste land been six or seven years ago in the hands of a Waste Lands Board, it is probable that the province would have a very different tale to tell today, in regard to the manner in which they have been disposed of. We can hardly believe, had that been the case, that a block such as the Pourerere Block for which £1 an acre was offered on behalf of a numerous body of intending settlers, would have been allowed to go at 5s to one settler, to be disposed of by him in 6 months subsequently at £2 per acre. The absence of publicity only rendered such a transaction possible.” The absence of publicity forsooth! The sale was advertised in the Herald, it is true, which might not have afforded it much publicity, but then it was also notified in the columns of this journal, and our comments had attracted the attention of all the principal papers in the colony. More than that, we know that a gentleman in Australia was in communication with a friend in Hawke’s Bay with respect to the purchase of the land in question. Probably no Crown land sale in Hawke’s Bay had received more publicity than did that one on the Pourerere run. No wonder Mr Sealy tells the Herald that its statements are “full of errors.” If our contemporary desires to re-open the question, we will discuss the matter over the dead carcase of a squandered estate that should now have been dotted over with a thousand homesteads but which serves only to feed sheep now for the boiling-down pot.
THE proceedings of the Harbor Board on Tuesday were of more general interest than they usually are. For the first time since Mr Ormond almost forced the Board to accept Mr Carruthers’ harbor improvement plans, a member has ventured to hint that their acceptance was a mistake. We have been convinced of this all along. Mr J. A. Smith, who has recently visited Oamaru, reported to the Board on the breakwater at that port, thus furnishing additional evidence of the grave error that was committed when it was determined to abandon the artificial harbor scheme for the improvement of the bar. Oamaru is spending its loan in a permanent work of undoubted utility. The Napier Board cannot say as much; our harbor improvements are not of a permanent character, and their practical utility has yet to be discovered. From Mr Smith’s report we gather that the Oamaru breakwater was commenced six years ago and has been carried out 750 feet; vessels drawing sixteen feet can lay alongside the outer section. The present cost of the work has been £60,000. Mr Smith concludes his report by observing, that, the breakwater at Oamaru is open to the sea from N.N.E. to S.S.E. – 12 points of the compass. Napier is open from E.N.E. to E.S.E. only 4 points of the compass, thus showing how much more Napier is naturally protected from the sea than Oamaru. This clearly proves that if we had undertaken a permanent work, similar to the Oamaru breakwater, we should have a good and safe harbor for all time – better in fact, for we should have had from 3 to 5 fathoms of water, whereas they will only have 20 feet, and for nearly the same money that we have a wooden structure, always wanting repairs, that may possibly last twenty years.
THE question as to the right Corporation to repair and maintain the roads on the reclaimed land, Port Ahuriri, was again discussed in the Municipal Council last night. The general opinion of the Councillors was, that as the Harbor Board collects wharfage dues from vessels discharging at the new breastwork, the road in front of Messrs. Murray Common & Co.’s stores, and of Messrs. Harris and Johnson’s timber yards, was to all intents and purposes a wharf. Whether it is a wharf, or whether it is a general road is of less consequence to the general public, than that it should be kept in proper repair. Its present condition is a disgrace to the port. In wet weather it as a slough and almost impassable, and in dry weather it is dangerous, especially at night. When the road is not deserted from its impassable condition, it is blocked up with obstructions. The sooner the breastwork road is declared either a wharf of a Corporation highway the better.
April 2.
North Clyde seems determined to distinguish itself, or rather extinguish itself in the fire line of business. On Friday a fire was discovered in the storeroom of Mr Sargeant’s Hotel. Fortunately it was put out before much damage was done by the strenuous exertions of Messrs. Sargeant and Blake. An inquest was held on the cause on the Saturday following, the verdict returned being an open one. The foreman of the jury seemed to think that the local agent of the insurance company with which the building was insured might not be allowed to take any part in the inquiry, with a happy forgetfulness on his own part that, at the last enquiry of a similar description, he demanded and obtained permission to watch proceedings on behalf of one of the companies interested. “Sauce for the goose, &c.”
Who says the Maoris are not civilised? I heard the other day – I don’t say if it is true or not – that a certain rangatira living somewhere between here and Poverty Bay managed to obtain about £2000 of goods from trustworthy store-keepers, both in Poverty Bay and Te Kapu. All the goods for his “hapu” were obtained in his name, and now the worthy chieftain offers his creditors 2s in the £, or else will file his schedule.
We shall soon know whether or not the new road to Mohaka will be opened or not, as a Maori is now in durance vile for being a little ahead of the times, that is to say, for having ridden along the road and over the wires. He is not the first, nor the only one to my certain knowledge, but then you see he is only a Maori, and can be easily jumped upon; if a white man got imprisoned for that sort of thing, there might be an ugly bit of business in the false imprisonment and damages line; but only a Maori, you know, it’s pretty safe to make a scapegoat of him.
THE Council met at 7.30 p.m.
Present – His Worship the Mayor, Councillors Swan, Tuxford, Neal, Lyndon, Vautier, and Holder.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The following report of the Public Works Committee was read: 1. That the formation of a road along the beach, from the corner of Emerson-street to the corner of Raffles-street, be proceeded with, provided the total cost of the same does not exceed £250, and that the inhabitants contribute one half of the said expenditure. 2. That the municipal engineer’s scheme for lighting the town with gas be adopted (the committee beg to forward to the Council the report, plan, and designs of the above), and that he be instructed to call for tenders for the supply and fixing of the thirty-six wooden lamp pillars, with lamps, &c., complete, in accordance with his plan. 3. That the sum of £50 be voted for the relief of indigent persons, and the same handed over to the Inspector of Police as before. 4. That no expenditure be made on Lucy Road beyond that necessary to put the drains and waterways in good order. 5. That the boundary fence of the Botanical Reserve remain as at present in accordance with the engineer’s recommendation thereon.”
Clauses 2 and 5 were referred back to the Committee.
His Worship the Mayor moved, “That a general rate of one shilling in the pound be made on all rateable property within the borough; such rate to be for the period commencing on the 4th of April, 1877, payable in two instalments on the 4th of April, 1877, and on the 4th of October, 1877.”
His Worship pointed out, as notice has been given of an amendment, that if the rate were reduced to ninepence, the revenue of the Borough would suffer a loss of £1400 in rates and colonial subsidy.
Cr Vautier seconded the motion.
Cr Tuxford moved the amendment, that the rate be ninepence in the pound. He thought the Borough revenue would be ample to cover all requirements.
The amendment was not seconded, and the motion was carried.
A letter from Messrs Routledge, Kennedy and Co., in reference to the terms under which they would conduct the sales of the reserves, was referred to the Public Works Committee.
Cr Swan moved, “That the engineer be instructed to keep a cart with metal employed in filling up and making good the holes in the principal streets.”
Cr Tuxford seconded the motion, which was carried.
In reply to Cr Swan, His Worship suggested that the question as to whether the Harbor Board or the Corporation should keep the roads on the reclaimed land in repair should be left to the Public Works Committee.
This was resolved upon, and the Council adjourned.
THE Napier regatta came off on Monday, and was in every way a success. The unanimous verdict of both spectators and crews must now be expected as finally settling the vexed question of the fitness of the inner harbor for regatta purposes. Not one of the predictions of those who wanted the races to come off on the Ngaruroro was fulfilled. There was neither difficulty nor danger, in the ferry arrangements; the spectators did not grumble at being cast on a shelterless shingle bank; it did not blow great guns; and no boats got capsized. But the morning was very unpromising; the prophets of evil calmly smiled as they buttoned up their coats before a cutting south-wester, and some went so far as to suggest the propriety of putting the regatta off till the water would allow the light boats to live. By eleven o’clock, however, the wind dropped considerably, and the steam launch Bella began a profitable business in the ferry trade. The arrangements of taking a very large number of persons across the entrance of the harbor were exceedingly good, and the utmost satisfaction was expressed with regard to them, the much dreaded ferry proving no obstacle whatever to those who took any interest in the regatta proceedings. From Mr. Johnston’s Hotel, at the Western Spit, it was only a short walk to Long-point where the finish of the races had been fixed, but for those who preferred being driven, there was a commodious four-horse coach that was kept constantly plying. At Long-point, Mr Benjamin had a refreshment booth, and the two or three other tents, erected for various purposes, with plenty of bunting fluttering in the breeze, served to mark the point of attraction. Here, before noon, some four or five hundred people must have assembled, and if the number was not so great as it would have been, had the regatta been held on the Ngaruroro, it must be remembered that many had been deterred from crossing the Spit by the ugly accounts given of the place, and others had been attracted to the country by cheap railway fares and fine weather.
The first event on the programme was the sailing race, which was announced to come off at 11 o’clock, but at that hour the two yachts that had been entered for it were gaily cruising in the opposite directions. This was rather a pity, as there was a stiff breeze in the morning, and it was thought a much more exciting trial of sailing qualities would have resulted had the two boats had come up to time. As it happened the match did not come off till 2 p.m., and was easily won by Mr Johnson’s Waterwitch.
SAILING RACE. – Course from Flag Ship around the Watchman Island, round a buoy moored off the Petane River, back inside the island to the flag ship, keeping all marks on the starboard side. Deck centre-board boats allow 14 minutes; deck boats, 10 minutes; open centreboard boats, 5 minutes to all open boats. Entrance, £2; post entries, 5s extra; second boat to save stakes.
Mr Ben Johnson’s Waterwitch 1
Mr D. Fernay’s Maggie 2
OPEN FOUR-OARED BOAT RACE – Distance 1 mile. Entrance, £1; Post entry. There were no entries.
The Inter-Club Race for four-oared carvel gigs. Distance 2 miles, entrance £5, was the race of the day, each of the three clubs sending a representative crew. The entries were: –
Union Rowing Club’s Arawata: Sweetapple, 10st 2lb; R. Northe, 9st 10lbs; W. Northe, 9st 10lbs; J. Northe, stroke, 11st 9lb; J Northe, junr cox, 5st. Colors – White and red Jersey; red cap.
Ahuriri Rowing Club’s Formosa: Scarfe, 11st 9lb; Fulford, 12st 6lb; Cross, 13st; Guthridge, stroke, 11st 8lb; Hunt, cox 6st. Colors – White and blue Maltese cross.
Napier Rowing Club’s Nymph: J. A. MacKenzie, 11st 2lb; Gilberd, 10st 10lb; R. G. Gibbons, 10st 10lb; Liddle, 10 st 11lb; A. Rich, cox, 6st. Colors – All white.
The betting from the first should have been two to one on the Union Club’s boat but a good many people had been induced to back the Napier crew by the idea that “form” would tell in a long race against “muscle”. It did not, and they lost their money. It was fully expected, however, that it would be a very close race between the two oldest clubs, and what gave additional interest to the event was that the crews were the same as pulled against each other last year. The two were pretty equally weighted, the Union averaging 10st 4lb, the Napier 10st 12lb. The Ahuriri Club was, apparently, by universal consent, put on one side, as being in neither form nor condition to have “a show”. There’s was a crew, however, that was not to be despised; powerful muscular young men, averaging 12st 2lb, with plenty of pluck, and a fair knowledge of rowing, even without the aid of a coach, can usually give an account of themselves and this the Ahuriri Club men did. The three boats paddled up to the starting point well up to time, and took their places, the Union outside, and Ahuriri in the middle. A dead level start was made, but the Ahuriri failed to catch their water as the others did, and in this exhibited a great want of practice. The Union took the lead, followed closely by Napier, and for half a mile there was a good race between them. It then became evident that the stroke of the Napier was not fast enough; it was extremely pretty but far from effective. The Union was pulling at least four strokes to the Napier’s three, and pulling strongly. The Ahuriri then crept gradually on to Napier, and a struggle of “form” against “strength” took place that grew exiting towards the finish. Strength won the day, the Ahuriri coming in second half a length ahead of Napier, the Union paddling in at their leisure easy winners.
FOUR-OARED INRIGGED CARVAL GIGS (Junior). Distance, 1 mile. Entrance, £2 10s.
The entries were as follows: –
Napier Rowing Club’s Nymph; Von Tempskey [ Tempsky ], 10st 9lb; C. W. MacKenzie, 11st 5 lb; M. C. Winter, 11st 5lb; C. A. Tabuteau, stroke, 10st 12 lb; A. Rich, cox 6st. Colors – All white
Electric Telegraph Rowing Club’s Electra: Hester, 9st 2lb; Bates 10st 11lb: Hill, 10st 2lb; D. S. Millar, stroke, 10st 6lb; E. Bourke, cox 5st. Colors – White and Oxford blue Jerseys; ditto cap with white star.
Union Rowing Club’s Arawata: J. Ashton, 9st 6lb; Boyd, 10st 5lb; K. Stewart, 8st 8lb; B Johnson, stroke, 8st 8lb; J. Northe, cox, 5st. Colors -red and white Jersey; red cap.
At the starting point, the three boats hugged each other, but being in line, and no reply being made to the usual “Are you ready?” the word was given, and the three went off together, but before half a dozen strokes had been given the Napier boat which was in the middle was cramped by the other two, and mutual fouling was the result. The Union got the worst of the mess, and, catching some crabs fell so much out of the race as to cease pulling. The other two went at it to the utmost of their power, and after a slashing contest the Napier won by a length. It says something for the genuine pluck of these two junior crews when both the strokes had to be carried out of their boats. In such hands the honor of the Clubs can be safely left. The Union lodged a protest, but very properly it was not entertained.
INTER-CLUB FOUR-OARED CLINKER RACING GIGS. Distance, 1 mile. Entrance, £5.
For this there were two entries, the Union and Napier, both clubs sending in the same men as competed for the Inter-Club event. This was another easy victory for the Union.
7th. – FOUR OARED CARVAL GIGS, (Senior). Distance, 1 mile. Entrance, £2 10s.
Union Rowing Club’s Arawata: T. Stewart, 10st 10lb: Gifford, 10st 10lb; Elmes, 11st; Williams, stroke, 10st 6lb; J. Northe, jun., cox 5st. Colors – Red and white jersey, red cap.
Napier Rowing Club’s Nymph: Bogle, 10st 6lb: H. Gibbons, 10st 8lb; Brooking, 10st 13lb; Coward, stroke, 11st 5lb; Bourke, cox, 5st.
Again the superior strength of the Union men proved too much for the beauty of style of the Napierites. The Union came in first, but for most of the distance they had to pull their best.
8th. – PAIR-OARED RACE, (Junior.) Distance 1 mile. Entrance, 30s.
There were two entries –
Union Rowing Club’s North Star: Gifford, 10st 10lb; Williams, stroke, 10st 6lb; J. Northe, jun., cox 5st.
Napier Rowing Club’s Rose: C.A. Tabuteau, 10st 10lb; M.C. Winter, stroke, 11st 5lb; A. Rich, cox, 6st
The starter gave half-an-hour’s grace to the Napier boat, but it not then putting in an appearance the Union was given a walk over.
10th, -PAIR-OARED RACE (Senior). Distance 1 mile. Entrance, £1 10s
Napier Rowing Club’s Lily: Gilberd, 10st 10lb; Liddle, stroke, 10st 11lb; A. Rich, cox. 6st.
Union Rowing Club’s North Star: R. Northe, 9st 10lb; J. Northe, stroke 11st 5lb; J. Northe, jun, cox, 5st.
This was rowed by the Napier in an outrigger, and by the Union in an in-rigged gig. It was a very exciting race, and was won by the Napier.
9th. – BOYS’ FOUR-OARED CARVAL RACE. Electric Telegraph Rowing Club’s Electra: Sarjeant, 9st 3lb; Mogridge, 9st 7lb; Poole 9st 3lb; W. H. Duncan, stroke, 9st 5lb; A. Rich, cox, 6st. Colors – White and Oxford blue jerseys, ditto cap with white star.
Napier Rowing Club’s Nymph: F Duncan, 9st 1lb; Tabuteau, 9st; H.A. Lambert, 9st 6lb; C. Kennedy, stroke, 9st 8lb; –F. Kennedy, cox, 8st 3lb. Colors – All white.
This was another good race from start to finish, the Telegraph boys bringing their boat in a winner by only a length and a half.
The day’ proceedings were brought to a close by a “Duck Hunt,” and a swimming race. Mr. J. Stone was the “duck,” and the redoubtable Mr H. Connor was the hunter. The duck was caught.
SWIMMING MATCH. Distance, 150 yards; entrance, 5s, post entry on course, 1s extra.
Three competitors entered – Messrs. Luke, Ritchie, and McCarthy. Mr McCarthy pulled up half way. Mr Luke came in about 15 yards ahead of Mr. Ritchie.
As we have already said, the regatta was a decided success, and with the exception, perhaps, of the Junior four-oared gig race everything passed off most satisfactorily. Much credit is due to Mr. Ben Johnson, the Hon. Sec. of the Regatta Committee, for the trouble he took to ensure the success of the proceedings: without his exertions, it is difficult to say whether the inner-harbor would have gained the golden-opinion it obtained. For the best part of the day His Worship the Mayor acted as Judge; his duties were not difficult, but rowing men were glad to see him at the stand. Mr. W. Routledge performed the arduous and tiring duties of umpire most satisfactorily, doing his work as he always does, thoroughly and efficiently.
March 1,
I have been requested to correct an erroneous impression that has been current to the non-opening of the Mohaka road. Dr Ormond did not refuse to open it; he has never been asked to do so officially. I believe he wants the Council to take it over, and give him leave to block up the old one. This the Council won’t do as they consider they have no authority to close roads, besides they consider the road was taken over by the Public Works Department when the Constabulary were placed at work upon it, otherwise they have been merely working to improve private land. The Council considered the road should have been opened voluntary. The matter has, I am told, been referred to the Public Works Department.
On the opposite side of the main road to Te Kapu the natives intend opening a continuation of the road to their own settlements up the river; they will also close their track along the river bank. If the road along the river bank be closed in both directions, and it seems more than probable they will, this will have the effect of diverting a great amount of trade from the North Clyde direction, and will, I should think, be most highly unpalatable to the shopkeepers there.
The blocking up of the river has had the effect of directing public attention to “something” that ought to be done to it. I wonder what would be the cost of a small steam dredge, and the probable amount required per annum to keep it going? In fine weather like this a good deal could be done by means of dredging. I am unfortunately however one of those luckless individuals who are not practical men. So I can’t say whether the idea is feasible or not. I fancy it is about the cheapest yet started.
A GOOD trainful of excursionists left Napier at 9 o’clock yesterday morning, the majority having taken tickets for Takapau. After an extremely pleasant run of three hours and a half, the present terminus of the Hawke’s Bay line was reached.
On leaving the train the visitor finds himself standing on a dead level plain; a large public house, with no surroundings, appears in solitary grandeur a few yards from where the railway station is to be; to the left a line of dark forest stretches to the foot of the Ruahine mountains, and marks the commencement of an extent of bush, unbroken for seventy miles save by occasional clearings. On the edge of the bush, and about half a mile from the hotel, there is a Maori pa, and the arrival of the train afforded its inhabitants an object of interest. Beyond the terminus, the permanent way for the railway is partially formed, and is continued through the bush to Kopua. The forest is cleared on each side of this roadway for a considerable distance, and a good deal of money has evidently been spent on this public work, long before there was any necessity for the expenditure.
The soil on the plain is poor, and very shingly, but by the edge of, and in, the bush, it appears good, and capable of growing anything. The timber on the outskirts of the forest is chiefly white pine and matai, and there are some large trees to be found; there is also a little totara, quiet [quite] sufficient for fencing purposes in the event of the establishment of a settlement here. The country belongs to the natives, and it is stated that they contemplate having it surveyed and laid off in blocks from fifty to five hundred acres, and offering them for sale on the deferred payment system. Should the scheme be carried out, there can be no doubt that the land will realise a high price, and that there will be keen competition for the acquisition of the best blocks.
The excursionists, on being deposited at their destination, broke up into parties, and several proceeded to find the most eligible spots for pic-nics. These were numerous enough and a most enjoyable day was spent by those who preferred taking their meals on the grass to eating off a table. The more matter-of-fact of the visitors went straight off to the hotel, and had no reason whatever to envy their fellow travellers. Every preparation had been made for the reception and accommodation of a large number of visitors, and the obliging host and hostess, and their civil and ready attendants, left nothing to be desired. The hotel is a handsome, well-finished building, and when it is the centre of a large and flourishing district, as from its situation it cannot fail to become, the host will reap the benefit of his enterprise, and gather the reward of attention to business and of civility to customers.
The train left Takapau at 4 p.m., and reached Napier at 7.45. We have much pleasure in recommending this trip to holiday makers.
A.M.* A.M. + A.M. P.M. P.M.
Spit, depart 7.40 11.0 3.40
Napier arrive 7.50 11.10 3.50
Napier depart 6.45 7.55 11.30 4.10 2.30
Farndon depart 7.10 8.20 11.55 4.35 2.55
Hastings, depart 7.35 8.45 12.20 5.0 3.20
Paki Paki arrive 9.5 5.18
Paki Paki depart 7.53 9.13 5.20
Te Aute arrive 8.32
Te Aute depart 8.35 9.55 6.5
Kaikora depart 9.15 10.35 6.45
Waipawa, depart 9.35 10.55 7.25
Waipukurau arrive 9.55 11.15 7.25
Waipukurau depart 10.0 11.30
Takapau, arrive 10.50 12.20
* On Monday and Thursday only.
+ On Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.
A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
Takapau, depart 2.20
Waipukurau, dep. 7.10 3.15
Waipawa, depart 7.30 3.35
Kaikora, depart 7.50 3.55
Te Aute arrive 8.31
Te Aute depart 8.33 4.35
Paki Paki, arrive 9.10 5.15
Paki Paki, depart 9.12 5.22
Hastings, depart 9.32 1.0 5.42 5.20
Farndon, depart 9.57 1.25 6.7 5.45
Napier arrive 10.22 1.50 6.32 6.10
Napier depart 7.20 10.25 3.0
Spit, arrive 7.30 10.35 3.10
*Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday only.
Passengers are requested not to enter or leave the carriages while in motion.
Season tickets issued to and from all Stations. Apply to the Manager.
To ensure despatch, Parcels should be booked fifteen minutes before the starting of the Train.
General Manager,
Napier, March 8, 1877.
ALL Parcels left at Mr Cohen’s Fancy Repository, Hastings-street, before three o’clock; or Mr Topping’s General Store, Spit, before two o’clock, for any of the abovenamed districts will be forwarded by the evening train to Hastings.
Parcels for Maraekakahu [Maraekakaho] or Kereru will be left at Mr Somerville’s Store, Hastings.
Good up to 5 cwt. received.
Business people having goods to send through this Agency too heavy to carry to the Office, by leaving instructions, they will be called for free of charge.
The advantage to the public by sending goods through this Agency is an insurance of a careful delivery, and a considerable saving in freight, more especially on parcels under 1 cwt.
All parcels and goods must be addressed “G. Grant Hastings, for Mr. ___, Hastings, Maraekakaho, &c.”
N.B. – All parcels for Maraekakahu and Kereru to be prepaid.
LEAVE Havelock for Hastings Railway Station in connection with the Train as follows: –
Depart Arrive Retrn
Havelock 9 a.m., Hastings 9.30 9.35
Havelock 11.45 a.m. Hastings 12.15 12.25
Havelock 4.30 p.m. Hastings 5 p.m. 5.5
An Open Express Waggon will leave Havelock once or twice a day, of which time of departure will be given when it is ascertained by which train the Goods are despatched from Napier.
On and after October 1 the Sunday Coach between Hastings and Havelock will be withdrawn, there not being sufficient inducement as the train runs at present.
As there is not sufficient time allowed in the Railway Time-table for one Coach to meet every train, Coaches can be hired to attend any train that is not met in the ordinary time-table for 3s for one or three passengers; above that number the ordinary fare of 1s for each passenger.
Is an absolutely original preparation.
ITS owner claims for it no relative or comparative merits, but that it is ne plus ultra, and the large and increasing demand for it in this colony is a proof that the people understand its virtues, and will continue to use it.
The most Reliable and Safe Drink during hot weather.
The best stimulant for the coming season.
The very purest beverage distilled.
A Manoy & Co., agents for Napier; N. J. Isaacs, sole wholesale agent for New Zealand.
50,000 LBS COCKSFOOT from Pigeon Bay
1500 bushels Rye Grass provincial and Canterbury
Guaranteed imported of 1876,
White Clover
Cow Grass
Heyke Clover
Meadow Fescue
Meadow Foxtail
Sheep Fescue
Crested Dogstail
Poa Nemoralis
Florin Grass(agrostis stolonifera)
&c., &c., &c.
To arrive per “Plieone,”
1400 Coils No. 6, No. 8, &c.
Bran, &c., of the best quality.
Napier and Port Ahuriri.
NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership hitherto existing between Charles Edward Nash, and William Edward Davies carrying on business in Waipukurau and Palmerston, under the style of Nash and Davies, Painters, Paperhangers, &c., has this day been dissolved by mutual consent and that all accounts owing to the firm, are payable to Charles Henry Nash, by whom all liabilities will be discharged.
Beg to announce to their friends and public generally that they
With a new and well selected Sock of
Families waited on for Orders.
THE undersigned begs to intimate to his numerous friends and customers that he has purchased the Stock-in-Trade of Mr. D. MUNDELL, General Storekeeper, adjoining the Kaikora Railway Station, and will continue the same as a branch of his present business
&C., &C., &C.
In returning thanks to the public of Napier, and settlers in Hawke’s Bay for the liberal patronage he has received during the time he has been in business, desires to draw attention to the fact, that he is holding a bona fide
previous to leaving Napier.
The Stock must therefore be Cleared Out
at Prices
J.P. requests all Accounts to be settled without delay.
Family Reader, new Vol.
Whitaker Almanac, 1877
Cornhill Magazine, Vol. 34
The Prime Minister, by A. Trollope
Pausanias the Spartan, by Lord Lytton
Miss Sewell’s Works
Day of Rest, new Vol.
The Boys’ and Girls’ Annual
Old New Zealand, by a Pakeha Maori
Cassell’s Popular Educator
Book of Scottish Story
Childrens Picture Books, in great variety
Graham’s Domestic Medicine
Youatt on Sheep and Cattle
Manchester Science Lectures
Loan, by Rhoda Broughten
Life of General Lee
Kennedy’s Colonial Travels
Lord Brougham’s Works
Ouida’s in a Winter City
Home Photography
Chemical Cabinets
Jewel Cases
Chessboard Tables
Work Boxes
Copying Ink Pencels [Pencils]
And a large number of Novelties imported direct from the Manufacturers
THE undersigned are prepared to buy for cash Wool or other Station Produce, and to make liberal advances against the growing clip.
Napier and Port Ahuriri
Apply to
Or to
Against Fire and Marine Losses secured to Policyholders in the
Representing One Million Sterling, of Capital, with unlimited liability of Shareholders.
Liberal Term and Prompt Settlement of Losses characteristic features of the Company.
Forms of Proposal and all information may be obtained from
SMITH AND CO., Waipukurau;
W. RATHBONE, Waipawa;
W. G. CRAWFORD, Kaikora;
GEORGE BEE, Havelock;
ELDRED BECK, West Clive;
JOHN BARRY, Taradale;
W.F. SHAW, Wairoa;
or from
Agent for Hawke’s Bay
Office – Beach end of Emerson street
J. GOLDEN Proprietor.
THE above Hotel which has now for many years been under the superintendence of Mr Greer has been purchased by the undersigned. Having a thorough knowledge of the requirements of the locality, the advertiser promises to use every effort to make this Commodious Hotel one of the best in this part of the province.
Table d’Hote every day between 12 and 1 o’clock.
Commodious stables and excellent Paddocks
The use of one of Alcock’s splendid Billiard Tables always to be obtained.
The comfort, Accommodation, and Convenience of Travellers will continue to be the FIRST study of the Advertiser,
BEGS to inform the public that he has now entered into possession of the above Hotel, and can assure those who patronise him that no effort will be spared on his part in making the Hotel one of the most comfortable in Hawke’s Bay.
Wines, Spirits, and Malt Liquors of the best brands.
Every accommodation for Visitors and Travellers.
First Class Billiard Room and Table.
THE undersigned begs to inform his friends and the public that he has just opened the above splendid, new, and commodious Hotel, at Port Ahuriri, near the Railway Station. This Hotel is replete with every accommodation and convenience, and every effort will be made to meet the requirements of customers.
Splendid Ales, Beers, Wines, and Spirits always on hand.
A Table D’Hote daily.
Splendid Accommodation for Travellers and Families
TRAVELLERS and others are informed that Mr. Mullender has now obtained a license for the above Hotel. Mr. Mullender has for many years had considerable experience as a Publican, and is therefore prepared to meet all requirements.
Ales, Wines, and Spirits of the very best brands, are always obtainable.
Good Paddocks, and Stabling.
The above Hotel is newly opened, and situated close to the Railway Station; it is replete with every COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE
No expense has been spared by the Proprietor to make this Hotel Comfortable and deserving of Public Support.
Excursionists by the Trains will find every Convenience.
Good Paddocks and Stabling for Travelling Stock.
WINES, SPIRITS, AND MALT LIQUORS of the Best Brands kept.
Three minutes walk from the Wharf
Travellers will find this Hotel replete with every comfort and convenience.
Plunge and Shower Baths supplied by Artesian Wells.
have lately been added to the establishment.
Private Baths for Ladies.
Good Stabling and well grassed Paddocks
Horses taken to graze on reasonable terms.
Well arranged Public Sale Yards
Good Storage for Produce sent to Auction.
THE above Hotel is beautifully situated on the banks of the Ngaruroro River, facing the main line of Road, and has lately been GREATLY ENLARGED and thoroughly Renovated. It is now a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL,
and affords every comfort for Travellers and Visitors.
Attached is a Two-roomed Cottage fitted up with every comfort, which can be engaged by Parties or Families travelling along the road.
Good Paddocks for Horses.
Nothing but the Best Quality of
A. McC. has much pleasure in informing his numerous friends in town and country, that he has taken the above well-known Hotel. The House is replete with every comfort and convenience, and is equal to any in the Country.
The Proprietor will earnestly endeavour to give every satisfaction to those who may kindly favour him with their patronage, and they may depend upon being supplied with every article of consumption of the very best quality.
A splendid Paddock for the convenience of visitors from the country.
Good Stabling.
Charges strictly Moderate.
(Late of Picton and Blenheim.)
THIS splendid new Hotel adjoins the Railway Station, and is most conveniently situated for Country Visitors. It has been fitted with every care and attention to comfort and convenience. It contains commodious and well-ventilated Bedrooms and Dining Rooms; suites of Rooms for Private Families; Commercial and Sample Rooms, for commercial travellers.
Breakfast will be provided for Travellers in time for the First Trains from Napier.
This new Hotel adjoins the Railway Station, and affords first-class accommodation for Visitors and Travellers.
Meals to suit the convenience of travellers by each train.
Wines and Spirits of the finest brands.
Private Suites for Families.
Where Home and Colonial papers can be seen.
Large and Well-grassed Paddocks, adjoin the Hotel.
Extensive Stabling.
Stock and Station Yards, affording first-class Accommodation.
EXTENSIVE Improvements and Additions having recently been made this Hotel now offers every
At Moderate Charges.
Travellers, Visitors, and Boarders.
Always of the Best Quality.
BEGS to inform his friends and the Public generally that he has opened the above-named and Well-known Hotel, and hopes, by strict attention to the wants of his customers, to merit a fair share of public patronage.
Travellers and Visitors to this Province will find this Well-known Hotel centrally situated, being opposite the OddFellow’s Hall and Railway Station.
Private rooms for Ladies and Families
THE Undersigned having now entered into possession of the above Hotel, would desire to call the attention of travellers and visitors to the excellent accommodation he is enabled to afford.
Wines, Ales, and Spirits, of the very best brands always on hand.
Splendid accommodation for Travellers and others.
ON and after TUESDAY, 5th December, Four-horse Coaches will leave Napier weekly for Taupo, Rotorua, and Tauranga, leaving Napier every TUESDAY MORNING, arriving at Tauranga on FRIDAY; leaving Tauranga every TUESDAY, arriving Napier on FRIDAYS.
Taupo £2 10s
Tauranga £5 0s
Booking office at Mr Cohen’s Fancy Repository, Hastings-street.
Leave Taradale Leave Napier
¼ to 9 o’clock ½ past 9 o’clock
11 o’clock 11 o’clock
¼ to 2 o’clock ½ past 2 o’clock
4 o’clock 4 o’clock
Fares One Shilling each way.
The Puketapu Coach leaves Napier on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturday morning’s, and leaves Puketapu the same day at one o’clock.
Special Coaches and other conveyance can be had at any time.
Horses for sale or hire.
Passengers called for in time for outgoing steamers.
D.C. has continually Busses running between Port Ahuriri and Napier.
Ex “Chaudiere” and “Fernglen,” from London,
5 tons of Genuine White Lead
1 ton of White Zinc Paint
1 ton of Putty
Boiled and Raw Oils’
Coachbuilders’ and Painters’ Varnishes
Blue, Red, Light and Dark Green, Umber, Purple, Brown, Patent Dryers, and Black Paints
Brushware, Diamonds, Dry colors
Lamp Black, Brunswick Black, Plaster Paris, and Ceiling Roses
72 boxes Window Glass, from 10×8 to 60×40
Ex ”Fernglen,”
As per Advertisement.
Licensed Dealer in Guns, Ammunition &c.
36 doz Real Patent Rim Locks, 6 to 10 inch
7000 feet Galvanised and Black Iron Water Pipes, from ½ to 2 inch
6 casks do Fittings – Bends, Tees, Cocks, Flanges &c.
2 cases Brass Taps, comprising Ranger Bib, Bottling, Racking, and Stop Cocks, Steam Cocks and Fittings
25 cases Sporting Powder “ Grane,” “Canister,” “FFF,” Curtis and Harvey’s and Pigou and Wilks’ “Alliance” Gunpowder
25 cwt. Patent Shot, assorted B to 6
5 cwt Patent Swan Shot
100,000 Eley’s best sporting and Double Waterproof Caps, and for CF Cartridge Cases
1 case Pin Fire and Centre Fire Cartridge Cases, gastight and blue
1 case Wads in grey cotton, waterproof card, and best white felt, assorted gauges
3 cases R. Sorby’s manufacture, comprising Bill Hooks, Hand, Panel, Ripping, Compass, and Tenon Saws, and Web’s CSX-Cut and Pit Saws, Circular Saws, 20 to 42 inch, &c., &c.
1 case Ward and Payne celebrated Chisels, Firmer and socket and Gouges, Draw Knives, Cut Knives, Plane Irons, &c.
A large assortment of all kinds Steel
1000 Sash Weights, assorted sizes
40 Grindstones, assorted sizes
Cheap Hardware House,
Ex “Chandiere,” “Rakaia,” “Leicester, “Fernglen,” and “Thurland Castle.”
A VERY LARGE and General Stock of Furnishing and Builders Ironmongery
A large assortment of breech and muzzle loading Guns, breech loading Carbines and Revolvers, Terry’s breech loading Cartridges, Centre and Pin Fire breech loading Cartridges, Gun Fittings of all descriptions.
N.B. – The undersigned having engaged a first-class Gunsmith, and made considerable alterations in premises, is now prepared to execute every kind of repairing or alterations to Guns, Revolvers, &c., and will guarantee moderate charges.
Sewing and other machines, repaired in a workmanlike manner.
Licensed Dealer in Guns, Ammunition, &c.
A LARGE STOCK OF Garton and King’s celebrated Cooking Stoves
Leamington and other Ranges, Registered Grates, Colonial Ovens, Camp Ovens, &c., and a well assorted stock of Ironmongery Carpenters’ Tools, &c.
Patent Mail, Cart, and Buggy Axles and Springs.
Cheap Hardware House,
WANTED KNOWN – That the Cheapest and Neatest BILL-HEADS may be had at the TELEGRAPH Office.
Kaikora Annual Steeplechase Meeting.
MAIDEN PLATE of 20 sovs. Distance, 1¼ mile; weight for age. For all horses that have never won a stake exceeding £10. Entrance, £2.
KAIKORA HANDICAP STEEPLECHASE of 30 sovs. Twice round the Steeplechase course, about 2½ miles. Nomination, £2; acceptance, £1.
WAIPAWA HANDICAP FLAT RACE of 30 sovs. Distance, 1½ miles. Nomination, £2; acceptance, £1.
BIRTHDAY HANDICAP STEEPLECHASE of 20 sovs. Distance, about 1 ½ miles. Nomination, £1 10s; acceptance, £1.
HACK FLAT RACE of 10 sovs. Entrance, £1. Post entry.
HACK STEEPLE CHASE of 10 sovs. Entrance, £1. Post entry.
First Race to start at Noon.
The Hawke’s Bay Jockey Club’s rules will be strictly adhered to.
No entries will be received for any race except upon this condition: – “That all disputes, objections, claims, and complaints shall be disposed of, and decided by a majority of the stewards whose decision on all matters concerned, shall be final.
Three horses to start for each race, or only the half public money will be given.
No person allowed to nominate a horse unless a subscriber of £1 to the race fund.
Nominations for all Handicaps will be received by the Secretary, Kaikora Hotel, up to 1 p.m. on FRIDAY, MAY 11th; and entries for the Maiden Race to be sent in not later than 7 p.m. on THURSDAY, May 17th. Weights for Handicaps will be declared on FRIDAY, May 18th.
All entries to be received and addressed as before stated, with full particulars, entrance money, &c., enclosed.
Hon. Sec.
Hastwell, Macara & Co., Proprietors.
A great Reduction of Fares by the above Line.
IN future a Four-Horse Coach will leave the Railway Station, Takapau, for Wellington and Wanganui every MONDAY and THURSDAY MORNING, returning on TUESDAY and FRIDAY EVENING.
£ s d
Takapau to Tahoraite 0 15 0
Woodville 1 2 6
Gorge 1 5 0
Lower Ferry 1 7 6
Palmerston 1 12 6
£ s d
Takapau to Woodville 1 2 6
Masterton 2 7 6
Upper Hutt 3 6 0
£ s d
Train 1st Class 0 4 6
2nd 0 2 9
Train and Coach Fare £1 19s 3d
Passengers allowed 14 lbs luggage free.
Agent, Hastings-street.
TENDERS are invited for Painting the Truss Bridges on the Napier-Takapau Railway.
Specifications may be seen at this office where tenders will be received till NOON on 12th instant.
The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
By command,
District Engineer.
Public Works Office,
Napier, April 2nd, 1877.
Comprising all the Novelties of the Season: –
Ladies’ Paletots and Jackets in Matalasse, Beaver, Astracan, Imitation Ermine, and Black Silk Velvet.
Children’s Fur and Cloth Jackets, Costumes and Overalls.
Ladies’ Maids, and Children’s Waterproof Cloaks and Ulsters, Wrap Shawls, Hyde Parks, and a large variety of Fancy Woollen Goods.
We have secured a parcel of Black Silks, bought before the last rise in Silk Goods, at 20 per cent less than present value, which will be opened in a day or two.
Our Millinery for the present season will compare favorably with what we have shown in former seasons, and no effort will be spared to maintain the high reputation of our House in this department.
We have received sample cases of imported Trimmed Bonnets and Hats, in the newest shapes and styles. Felt hats will be much worn this winter, and of these we have a nice Assortment of new shapes; also, all the new shapes in Straws. Having received a full assortment of all new shades in Bonnet Velvet and Satins; also Flowers, Feathers, and Ornaments, orders for any shape and style can be immediately executed, and at the most REASONABLE PRICES.
Our new Fancy Bonnet Ribbons and gloves will be opened in a few days.
Novelties in Ladies’ Ties, Collars, and Cuffs, and Lace Goods, are now opened, and further assortments will arrive monthly.
Late importations of Cotton and Woollen Goods are considerable lower in price than they have been for some time, and having sold the greater portion of our old stock, we are in a position to take advantage of the present state of the markets, and are able to execute orders for
Such as Calicoes, Sheetings, Blankets, Flannels, and all other articles of House-hold requirement
N.B. – Patterns of any Goods sent free by Post, on application, and a liberal Discount allowed on Cash Purchases.
Our stock in this department is well assorted, and new Goods are daily coming to hand. We have a nice lot of
Are now being made at
There is an
And almost every conceivable article in the trade, which must be
Every description of Harness made to order
Opposite the Post Office, Napier
Watches! Watches! Watches !
DRAWS special attention to his Magnificent Stock of WATCHES, just received direct from English and American Manufacturers, and made Specially to Order, which, for Excellence and Cheapness, are unequalled in the colony.
All Watches sold at this establishment are thoroughly regulated and put in working condition before leaving the premises, and Guaranteed.
and at
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted in English, Continental, and American Newspapers, Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines, Books, and Stationery supplied with accuracy and punctuality, and at the lowest prices.
Proprietors of Newspapers furnished with Paper, Ink, and every requisite connected with the printing business.
Indents through the Sydney and Melbourne houses, and Commissions executed quickly and economically generally.
HOLLOWAY‘S PILLS AND OINTMENT. I most respectfully take leave to call the attention of the inhabitants of Australasia to the fact that Messrs. Henry Curran and Co., Wholesale Druggists, of New York, have agencies in various parts, and that their Travellers are going all over the country vending spurious Imitations of my Pills and Ointment, which they make in New York, and which bear in some instances their trade mark thus
Whilst on other labels of this trash it is omitted , the better to deceive you, but the words ‘New York’ are retained. Much of this fictitious stuff is sold in the Auction Rooms of Sydney and elsewhere, and readily finds its way into the back settlements. These are vile frauds, as I do not allow my medicines even to be sold in any part of the United States; they are only made by me at 533, Oxford Street, London.
The same people are circulating a report that my business is about to be formed into a Company which is UTTERLY FALSE.
I most earnestly appeal to that sense of British justice which I feel sure I may venture upon asking my kind countrymen and countrywomen in their distant homes, to assist me, as far as may lay in their power, in denouncing this shameful American Fraud, by cautioning their friends lest they he duped into buying villainous compounds styled “Holloways Pills and Ointment” with any New York label thereon.
Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, with the words “HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT, LONDON.” engraved thereon. On the labels is the address, 533 Oxford street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
LONDON, Feb. 15, 1796
Spital Hill, Sheffield, direct the attention of Flock Owners and Shearers to their Improved New Pattern, No. 69 Shear, which for quality, style, finish, and adaptability to the requirements of the Australian and New Zealand markets, cannot be surpassed. The main features are – great extra width of steel in the blades, accurately ground, long shanks with narrow grip. Procurable at the leading Ironmongers’ Warehouses throughout Australasia.
Look for this Trade Mark in blade.
“By a through knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” – See in the Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk.
Sold only in pockets (tins for abroad), labelled: –
DESIGNS prepared from rough sketches.
Plans colored or etched in first style
Architect and Building Surveyor,
Persons suffering from weak or debilitated constitutions will discover that by the use of this wonderful medicine there is “Health for all.” The blood is the fountain of life, and its purity can be maintained by the use of these pills.
in his work entitled “The Nile Tributaries in Abbyssinia,” says, “I ordered the dragoman Mahomet to inform the Fakey that I was a Doctor, and that I had the best medicines at the service of the sick, with advice gratis. In a short time I had many applicants, to whom I served out a quantity of Holloway’s Pills. These are most useful to an explorer, as possessing unmistakable purgative properties they create an undeniable effect upon the patient, which satisfies him of their value.”
Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment. I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse feed poured in upon us until at last a teaspoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
On the Label in the address, 533, Oxford-street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
With a “New York” Label.
This is an entirely new and superior description, and shows an immense saving as compared with old sorts, a mile of five wires weighing only 10 cwt., versus 17 cwt. No. 8 ordinary Wire. Purchasers particularly note that the SAMSON WIRE is slightly oval in shape, to distinguish it. Each coil has a brass padlock tally and a tin tally stamped “Patent Oval Samson Wire.”
Manufactured by the Whitecross Wire Co., Warrington, and may be procured through any Merchant, Ironmonger, or Storekeeper.
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
Standing Advertisements for Three, Six or Twelve Months can be arranged for at a Liberal Discount.
Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original order) must be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager.
T. MEEHAN, Port Ahuriri
£ s d.
Per Quarter, if paid in advance 0 6 6
Per Quarter, if booked 0 7 6
Per Annum, if paid in advance. 1 6 0
Per Annum, if booked 1 10 0
Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
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Names –
Alcock, Henry Arrow, Henry William Ashforth, John Ashton, E. Ashton, Miss Atlanti, Mrs Atlanti, Mr & Mrs M Baldwin, John Barry, Bates, Baxter, , Eldred Beck, J Beck, G Becker, George Bee, Mr & Mrs W Bendall, George Beetham, Richmond Beetham, Benjamain, Benjamin, John Bennett, Rev Joseph Berry, Henry Bethell, Bewter, Bibbington, E Bibby, Billingsgate, Black, Blackmore, Blake, Bogle, Edward H Bold, E Bourke, Bowes, Boyd, Bousk, Brandon, Brathwaite, Miss Brausch, Brears, H H Bridge, Brooking, Bryson, Burnand, Burke, Charles Butler, Caldwell, Captain Campbell, A Leslie Campbell, Carruthers, Thomas N Cass, Miss Carter, CartWright, Cary, H O Caulton, WJ Caulton, Mrs Caulton, Chambers, Chandler, W H Clayton, HP Cohen, Colebrook, Colledge, A Collier, J Collins, Collis, Common, Connor, H Connor, Thomas Conroy, Thos Cooper, Captain Cooper, Cornford, Mr and Mrs J Cosgrove, D Cotton, Coward, Couper, Mr & Mrs Cowan, Cowie, Cox, Craig, Craven, W G Crawford, CaptAIN Cronin, G T Cross, Master George Hedley Cross, J Currie, Miss M A J Curtis, Davenport, Davis, William Edward Davies, Mr and Mrs J J Dennan, James Dinwiddie , Winifred Doberty, Bridget Doberty, W H Duncan, F Duncan, Elliot, Elmes, Evans, Captain Evans. Captain Fairchild, G T Fannin, D Fernay, John Charles Felgate, James Field, Firth, Fitzroy, H. Fletcher, Floyd, Foreman, Samuel Franklin, Fraser, Captain Fraser, Fulford, Mrs Gauy, R G Gibbons, H Gibbons, Gifford, Gilberd, Glover, J Golden, Gollan, Goodeson, Grant, Alexander Grant, G Grant, William Arthur Gray, Hon Earnest Gray, Arthur Francis Gray, James Gray, Greer, Edward Henderson Grigg, Groom, J Grubb, Constable Gruner, Mr and Mrs Henry Guillard, Guthridge, Hallassy, Hambling, Hardy, Miss Annie Hare, John Hare, Fredrick Harford , Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hawkins, Lieut Col Herrick, Hester, Hill, H R Holder, Captain Holmes, Robert Holt, Hugo, Hunter, Huddie, Hunt, Hutchinson, Hyde, Ingram, Irvine, N J Isaacs, Major Jackson, Jacobs, Mrs Jacobs, Geo James, Ben Johnson, John Johnston, Sydney Johnston, Miss Johnston, Jones, Jorgensen, Julia, A Keith, Kelly, Kennedy, C Kennedy, F Kennedy, Mrs King, John Gibson Kinross, Knight, Colonel Lambert, H A Lambert, Langley, Lennie, Mrs Harriett Lewis, Liddle, Lindsay, Lingard, Mr & Mrs Lopdell, Luke, Lumsden, Lyndon, Mr & Mrs MacFarlane, Mackay, C W MacKenzie, MacKenzie, C W Mahon, A Manoy, Marshall, Rev William Marshall, Mason, Henare Matua, Joseph May, Mayo, McCarthy, Arthur McCartney, Francis McCartney, Hugh McCormick, Duncan McCrae, Alex McDonald, Peter McFarlane, McGregor, Captain McGillivray, McHardy, McKaig, Mr & Mrs J A McKenzie, Donald McLean, , McLean, W K McLean, W K McLellan, Miss McLennan, McLennan, John McVay, T Meehan, Meinertzhagen, Merritt, D S Millar, M R Miller, W J Miller, Mogridge, W Moloney, H Monteith, Thomas Moore, Moorhouse, Morgan Moss, Mr & Mrs James Moulder, Mounds, Miss Janet Muir, G Mullender, Duncan Mundell, Murphy, Andrew Murray, Mr and Mrs R G Myhill, Nairn, Charles Edward Nash, Charles Henry Nash, K Nasmith, Neal, Newman, Newton, John Nicholson, R Northe, J Northe, J Northe (junior), W Northe , Thomas Kennedy Newton O’Connell, Mr & Mrs Olley, Dr Ormond, Orr, O’Shanassy, Page, Mr and Mrs Alfred Pallot, Pater, J Pattinson, Rev J Parkin, Gavin Peacock, Peddie, Pellow, Peppercorne, A Peters, Thomas Phillips[Philips], Pocock, Poole, Edward Pope, S D Powdrell, Pritchard, H Pritchard, Rathbone, W Rathbone, Rees, Sergeant Robinson, J Rhodes, A Rich, Richardson, Ritchie, Robjohns, Roskruge, W Routledge, Rundle, Hon Henry Robert Russell, Mary Ann Ryan, G Rymer, Salmon, Harry Sargeant, Sarjeant, Saxby, Scarfe, Scully, H B Sealy, W F Shaw, John Sheehan, Shipton, Rev D Sidey, Sieveking, Sim, H Sladen, Ben Smith, J A Smith, Constable, Smith, Snidden, Somerville, J Sparrow, J C Speedy, Dr Spencer, Stewart, K Stewart, T Stewart, Hon R Stokes, J Stone, Street, Stuart, Miss Stuart, Stubbs, Frederick Sutton, Swan, Mrs Swan, Sweetapple, Symonds, J M Tabuteau, C A Tabuteau, Tancred, Tangata Ke, Mrs Taylor, Te Kuru, Thomas, Thomson, F J Tiffen, M H S Tiffen, G E Toop, Topping, Torr, E Towgood, Towle, Tracy, F J Trescott, Tuxford, Joseph J Tye, J T Tylee, Upham, Vaughan, Vautier, Von Tempsky, C Wallace, Wason, Mrs Watt, H E Webb, Weber, Webster, Weir, Rev Joseph White, Mr & Mrs W White, Herbert & Elizabeth Williams, Lionel Dalzell Williams , J N Williams, Henry Williams, Henry Willis, M C Winter, Wilson, Hon Colonel Whitmore, G S Whitmore, J W Witty, Wood, Woolston, Wyatt, John Young.
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