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- Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 074 - 14 April
Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 074 – 14 April
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.
7000 ACRES Freehold, Crown Grant, 24 miles from Napier
23,000 acres Leasehold, 18 years to run, low rent, with
9,000 Sheep, 40 head Cattle, Horses, Bullocks, &c. Good home improvements, and
2000 acres fenced into paddocks: the whole will take grass seed readily, is well watered, and easy access from town.
11,000 acres Freehold, Crown Grant, with
2000 acres Leasehold, excellent pastoral lands, 40 miles from Napier, well bounded, over 30 miles fencing, 25 paddocks, good houses, woolshed, and all necessary improvements, with
10,000 Sheep, few Cattle and Horses
3,920 acres Freehold, rich pastoral land, Wairoa with
800 Sheep, and 100 head Cattle
900 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa
4,677 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa, with
3,000 Sheep, and other necessary working improvements
3,000 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,220 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
400 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
2,500 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved, with
2,000 Sheep and 250 head Cattle
4,200 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land , Poverty Bay
11,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, Poverty Bay, with
3000 Sheep and few Cattle
1,600 acres Leasehold, half interest, Poverty Bay
14,000 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa Bay
8,800 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa Bay, with
3,000 Sheep and good improvements
1,100 acres Freehold, rich land, Opotiki, with
1,000 Sheep, and all necessary improvements
33,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 26 miles from Napier
150,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 30 miles from Napier with
10,000 Sheep, exclusive of Lambs
55,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 70 miles from Napier, with
5,000 Sheep and 50 head Cattle
9,000 acres Freehold, Agricultural and Pastoral, Seaboard, with
14,000 acres Leasehold, valuable improvements, and
15,000 Sheep, few Cattle, Horses, &c.
1,639 acres Freehold, near Greytown, with
1,040 acres Leasehold, all fenced and subdivided, and
5,000 long wool Sheep, 120 Cattle, few horses, and every improvement necessary. The coach road passes through the property.
Stock and Station Agent.
Small stud flock Lincolns, bred by H. Sladen, Esq.- 100 Ewes, weaners, 125 two-tooth, 150 four-tooth, 100 six-tooth, 525 eight-tooth, 50 two-tooth Rams, and 2 eight-tooth imported pure Lincolns
26 pure Lincoln two-tooth Rams, bred by Major Jackson, Auckland
26 pure Lincoln Rams, six-tooth bred by Joseph May, Esq., Auckland
233 two and four-tooth Rams, bred by Sir Donald McLean, got by J. Currie’s Victoria Rams
40 Merino Rams, bred by the Hon. R. Stokes, got by Larmouth Rams
70 Merino Rams (Mr Saxby), bred by Mr Gollan and Messrs Stokes
2400 Merino Ewes, full-mouth, sound
1000 Merino Ewes, mixed ages
2000 Merino Wedders, 8 tooth
500 Merino Wedders, 6 and 8-tooth
800 Cross-bred Ewes, mixed ages
700 Cross-bred Ewes, 8-tooth
800 cross-bred Ewes, mixed ages
600 cross-bred Ewes, culls
1200 cross-bred Ewes, culls
400 cross-bred Ewes, culls
300 cross-bred Ewes, with lambs
MR. EVAN’S Draught Stallion “LORD NELSON,” by “Sir Colin Campbell,” dam “Blossom,” etc.
Liberal terms.
For further particulars apply to
COMFORTABLE DWELLING-HOUSE. The undersigned is desirous of selling his present Dwelling-house, 7 rooms and bathroom, washhouse and stables, in Cameron-road, with half an acre land, or will sell separately house and quarter acre, and an excellent building site, on quarter acre fronting South Cameron-road. Entry about 1st July. Easy terms will be given.
MR. GRANT, the purchaser of the Pakowhai Estate, has instructed the undersigned to Lease for a term the very substantial and commodious Dwelling-House, lately occupied by Mr. McHardy, with the well-stocked Garden, Orchard, Shrubbery, and a small paddock adjoining; with part of the offices, a Coach House, Stable, &c. This is situated within easy drive from Town or the Farndon Railway station. To a good tenant the rent will be very moderate.
THE undersigned suitable sections FOR SALE on Liberal Terms: –
A. R. A.
No. 129. – 40 3 No. 132. – 111
No. 130. – 40 0 No. 133. – 104
No. 131. – 46 2 No. 134. – 104
No. 135. – 133 No. 153. – 80
No. 154. – 105 No. 199. – 73
of various extent, and
Stocked and Unstocked, in the Provinces of Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington, Canterbury, and Otago.
For particulars, apply at the office, Browning-street, Napier.
All First-class Flocks.
STORE SHEEP. – Various Lots of Store Merinos Ewes and Wedders for Sale.
DESIGNS prepared from rough sketches. Plans colored or etched in first style
Architect and Building Surveyor,
Are instructed by J. W. Witty, Esq., (who purposes residing on his property at Wairoa) to sell by Public Auction on the Premises.
HIS DWELLING HOUSE AND GROUNDS, Lighthouse-Road, Napier. The situation commands one of the most charming views on Scinde Island. The Grounds (about 2½ acres), have been laid out with taste and care, and at considerable cost, they are planted with the choicest fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, all well established in growth. After which will be sold all his Household FURNITURE (quite new). Catalogues of which can be obtained at the offices of the Auctioneers.
ROUTLEDGE, KENNEDY & CO. Have received instructions to sell by Public Auction, at an early date, all the
FREEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD interest of MR. RICHARD PLANTAGANET GIFFARD of 795 acres or thereabouts, portion of the Waikahu Block, now in the occupation of Mr. Giffard; also, all the unsold portions of Suburban Sections 25 and 26 West Clive.
Full particulars and date in future advertisement.
1 Mare good in saddle and harness.
Apply to
THE Meanee [Meeanee] Bridge Tannery, in complete working order. Six-roomed Cottage, Artesian well, &c, &c.
For further particulars, apply to
4000 MERINO WETHERS, 8-tooth; in lots to suit purchasers
1400 Fat Cross-bred Wethers, 4, 6 and 8 tooth
300 Merino Ewes, 8-tooth
500 cross-bred Ewes, 8-tooth
150 Merino Rams, 2-tooth and upwards, by Dowling and Currie Rams, out of pure pedigreed Ewes
50 Lincoln Rams, 2-tooth and upwards, by imported Rams, out of bred Ewes
8 Cotswold Rams, 2-tooth and upwards
10 Young Bulls of this season, bred by Hon. H. R. Russell, the produce of his celebrated bull Crown Prince, out of seven-eight bred Abbot cows
2 Bulls, by Knight Templar and Duke.
J. J. TYE,
Stock and Station Agent,
A Three Horse-power Thrashing Machine
Apply to
Repository, Waipawa.
I THE Undersigned, having This Day taken into partnership, Mr. HENRY MOORE BRATHWAITE, late Accountant to M. R. Miller, Esq., of this town. The business hitherto carried on by me as Auctioneer, Stock and Station Agent, and Surveyor, will in future be continued, under the name of Turley and Brathwaite, Napier and Waipawa.
Napier, April 9, 1877.
TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1877.
MARGOLIOUTH AND BANNER, Are instructed to sell on the above date, the following very valuable consignments of Wines and Spirits, ex Chaudiere, Schiehallion, Helen Denny, and Fernglen IN BOND –
92 – 80 cases Jameson’s Whisky
93 – 80 cases Jamaica Rum
250 – 30 cases Coran’s Brandy
251 – 40 cases Claret(St. Julien, pints and quarts)
252 – 40 cases Sillery
177 – 6 qr.-casks Brandy (Bagot)
254 – 6 qr. -casks Brandy (Planet)
258 – 4 qr. -casks Brandy (Martell)
256 – 8 qr.-casks Sherry
258 – 4 qr.-casks Port (Graham’s Special)
227 – 5 hogsheads Rum
228 – 5 qr.-casks Rum
254 – I00 dozen very old Port (Sandeman), 10 years in bond in Liverpool.
253 – 100 dozen Sherry (Gonzalez)
40 cases Old Brandy
40 cases Irish Whisky
20 cases Brown Sherry
30 cases Australian Wines, assorted
The attention of Private Families, Hotelkeepers, and Storekeepers, is called to the importance of this genuine bona fide sale by the Auctioneers, who have been instructed to submit the whole of the above stocks to public competition, in order that the returns may be forwarded by the next mail. The quality of both wines and spirits are unexceptionally good, and are probably the best that have been imported to Napier for some years.
N.B. – Catalogues and samples of the above may be had either at the auction room or the Port Ahuriri stores, on and after WEDNESDAY NEXT.
Terms unusually liberal.
Luncheon at 1 o’clock.
JUST landed, ex Chandiere [ Chaudier ?], from London –
1 Handsome Oak 10-stop Harmonium, with knee swell, and all latest improvements, by James Smith and Son, Liverpool
1 Handsome Walnut 7-stop Harmonium, by same maker
2 Oak 5-octave Harmonium, by Alexandre Pere and Fils, Paris
2 SPLENDID WALNUT TRICHORD PIANOFORTES, with fretwork front, truss legs, &c., by James Smith and Son
Daily expected per Electra, from London, via Auckland –
4 Very superior Rosewood Trichord Pianofortes, by Collard and Collard. Very Cheap.
April 6.
The Wanaka arrived at 10 a.m, and left for Napier at 11 a.m., with the following passengers:– Messrs Ferris, Locke, Grant, and Cattell (2), Mr and Mrs Ferguson, Mrs Ferguson, senior, Misses Mogridge and Williams.
The new Government buildings are now roofed in.
The American flag was hoisted over them yesterday for want of a British ensign. To-day a pocket handkerchief of the Union Jack pattern was sent up to replace the Stars and Stripes.
April 10.
The Rosina steamer had a terribly narrow escape from being swallowed and broken to pieces on the bar yesterday afternoon. It had been blowing a terrific southeast gale, which sent the sea rolling home, and caused it to break upon the bar with awful fury. The Rosina had been overtaken by the gale after leaving Tologa [ Tolaga ] Bay. It was unsafe to run back, and equally unsafe to remain outside. Captain Kennedy turned the steamer’s head towards the entrance, and crossed the bar. The vessel was completely hidden for some minutes by the foam, spray, and breakers. The people viewed the scene from the beach awestruck. The Rosina did not receive any damage. Captain Kennedy has received high praise for his courage by some, while there are others who think the venture too hazardous.
A drunken Maori was thrown from his horse with terrific force yesterday afternoon. His head struck against the wooden kerbing opposite the Standard Office, and the sound was heard across the wide roadway. The wooden kerbing was considerably damaged, but the Maori was unhurt.
The Jane Douglas left for Napier on Sunday morning, but had to run in under Young Nick’s Head. She left during the night, but she must have put in for shelter somewhere else during the gale, as her arrival at Napier is not reported.
April 7.
The Manaia left at noon for Napier with a favorable wind. Passengers – Messrs Burton, Cable, Witty, Ingleton, and Watson.
Nine hundred and ninety sheep in fine order crossed yesterday for Mr Parson’s station, Poverty Bay.
The weather is fine, grass being abundant, and stock of all descriptions are in splendid condition.
April 9.
A tremendous sea is running. The bar is bad.
April 10.
The bar is a good deal better. There is too much sea on for a steamer to venture.
April 6.
Sailed – Kiwi, for Napier, at 4 p.m. Passengers – Mr. and Mrs. Torre and family, and Mr. Thorpe.
SIR, – The Herald informs its readers in this morning’s issue that “a person employed as Clerk in a Solicitor’s Office was arrested yesterday afternoon,” &c., and proceeds to give the details of the charge, adding that the case will be heard this morning in the R. M. Court. I think the reporter of the Herald would have displayed better taste had he simply given the Clerk’s name instead of vaguely stating that out of the dozen or more Clerks in this place, one had been arrested. If the intention was to withhold the name of the person the reporter was singularly shortsighted, as a moment’s reflection would have shown him that the proceedings in Court would be published in the papers, or if withheld from extreme caution with regard to future legal proceedings, why should the matter have been mentioned at all? I trust that reporter wil [will] be more explicit in future.
I am, &c.,
Napier, April 7, 1677 [1877]
SIR, – A writer in this morning’s Herald is grieved that the County Council did not appoint Mr MacDonald poundkeeper in preference to Mr C Butler, junr., and questions the signatures attached to Mr Butler’s application. “Taradale” can satisfy himself on that point by applying to Mr Fannin, the Clerk of County Council; and, as one who signed Mr Butler’s application, I can vouch for the genuineness of the names – the most of them being settlers of old standing and largely interested in the district. Who is Mr MacDonald, and where is his interest? He has been only a few weeks in the place. Mr. C. Butler is known; his parents are old settlers and of undoubted respectability; and the ground on which the pound yards are built is his own freehold. I think the Council showed great wisdom in this matter. I wish the Council would do as much for the roads here. As “Taradale” appears to believe this a new pound, I beg to inform him that the pound has existed on the present site for the last seven years, in fact, the only public institution in the place. He also states that Mr MacDonald is erecting sale yards to accommodate the inhabitants. Possibly the other new boniface. Mr. McCartney, might think it desirable to do the same, and erect others on his side of the road. Mr. McCartney’s would certainly be the best place of the two, as the one in course of erection is simply in a mud-hold, the bed of the old Taipo Creek. – I am, &c.,
April 7, 1877.
SIR, – To the person who was “Once a Solicitor’s Clerk” seems quite convinced that the letter signed “A Solicitor’s Clerk,”, which appeared in your Saturday’s issue, is not bona fide, but was concocted in the TELEGRAPH Office. He would not even mind betting on the subject, and – losing – for lose he certainly would, as my letter is genuine, whatever its merits or otherwise, I will do him the justice to say that I believe his letter was his own composition, but if I doubted it should scarcely on mere suspicion suggest that the staff of any paper would ‘concoct’ a letter in which they could have no possible interest. I agree with him that it is advisable to suppress names of persons accused of an act for which they may never be tried; but in such cases I think the word “person” should be used, and not a term stigmatising any particular class. – I am &c.,
Napier, April 9, 1876 [1877]
SIR, – I see in your issue of the 4th or 5th instant that Mr. G. Scarfe has intimated his intention of again reducing the price of bread. Why cannot this be done in Taradale? Here we have two bakers, but they do not seem inclined to reduce the price, or run a cutting trade. Possibly if Mr. Scarfe made a trip out here (which if he did I feel sure he would be well patronised), his presence might have the desired effect. At any rate, it is time that the residents here combined together to stand against such an unjust imposition, and I trust the bakers will take a hint from this and immediately reduce the price of bread, or that Mr. Scarfe will just take a trip out and thus oblige the community at large. – I am &c.,
Taradale, April 7, 1877.
SIR, – I was sorry to miss your reporter, from his seat in the Magistrate’s Court t-day; for knowing your appreciation of a joke, I feel assured that no pressure of business would have prevented his attendance, had he known what was in store for him. An impounding case was heard, in which a man named Greenaway thought another man named Cosgrove had, when he impounded beasts for trespass, put on excessive damages. Cosgrove claimed £5 on five cows, and Greenaway thought 5s enough, and offered 30s. So, under the Cattle Trespass Act, Greenaway, having paid £5 to the poundkeeper under protest, appealed to the Court against the claim. He then learned two valuable lessons, that unpaid justice is remarkably dear, and that it is sometimes better, even when you are right, to pay any demand with a good grace, rather than go to Court to be righted. The land of Cosgrove’s was admitted to be unfenced, and beasts could stray from the road upon any part of it. The Cattle Trespass Act fixes one shilling per head as the damages to be paid in such case on the beasts being impounded. Yet by some new multiplication table, no doubt, the bench discovered that a shilling multiplied by five made two pounds, and therefore assessed the damage at £2. Then, to show how advantageous it was to have the luxury of law and winning one’s case, the bench made the winner, that is, Greenaway, pay costs 31s (including lawyer’s fee) to Cosgrove. Thus the winner, after paying his lawyer and four or five witnesses and counting his own time, finds that he would have been a great deal better off if he had let Cosgrove have the £5 at first and said nothing more about it. But in that case we should have lost the opportunity, as would Greenaway also, of learning the new multiplication table, and the new theory of adjusting difficulties. J.P.’s might remember that their oath of office binds them to execute the law to the best of their ability; that they are not to make the law but to administer it, and that they are not entitled to form a haphazard conclusion, simply because – to use the Chairman’s own words – the case has taken up too much time already! J.P.’s should be as painstaking and patient as paid magistrates, and if their honorary duties interfere with their private business, they should either let their business wait patiently for them or resign their commissions. – I am &c.,
Napier, April 9, 1877.
April 6, 1877.
EVERYTHING here is in a state of progression and improvement. Here buildings are springing up with a rapidity that is truly astonishing, and business people say that for a number of years trade has not been as flourishing as it is at the present.
I believe a new hotel is shortly to be started, and Mr. Charles Stewart is to be the proprietor, and from the way he has hitherto conducted hotel-keeping there cannot be a doubt that this new venture will prove a great success.
The sheep-farmers in the immediate neighborhood are busy burning off fern, preparatory to sowing grass seed. Mr. Chambers and Mr. McLean are particularly active in this direction, and will before long afford employment to a number of men.
The whole of the district not only looks thoroughly prosperous, but indications of the small settlers point to a degree of comfort that is not to be found elsewhere.
In my next I intend stating the number of acres that have been brought into cultivation, together with the various crops, and the yield per acre.
The Hawke’s Bay County Council at its afternoon sitting on Thursday passed its bye-laws as recommended by the Committee. Something then approaching to “a scene” took place on the question of protecting the bank of the Ngaruroro river at Hamlin’s corner. Colonel Whitmore and Mr. Bennett had a slight passage of arms on the subject, which ended by the gallant Colonel leaving the Council on the ground that many of his proposals for the public good were invariably met by opposition. The Council adjourned to the 14th May.
There are times and occasions when editors have not to bless but curse inwardly at the neglect of printer’s devils. On Thursday in inserting a letter signed “Diogenes,” when the proof came up for reading the words “would be” before architect were struck out, but the “devil” would have his way and neglected our command. There can be no doubt that the remark in question was a reflection on the architect of the plans in question, and was wholly undeserved and uncalled for.
We understand that the Hon. H. R. Russell will lodge an appeal against the manner in which the late election was conducted, tomorrow. It is not at all improbable after all – should the appeal be sustained – that the hon. gentleman will succeed in representing the Waipukurau Riding in the Waipawa County by about half-a-dozen votes.
There was a large attendance at the sale held on Friday by Messrs. Routledge, Kennedy and Co., of the 120 brace of Californian quail, imported by the Acclimatisation Society. They were sold in lots of ten brace each, and competition was spirited. The birds realised on an average 7s 6d per brace, the purchasers being Colonels Whitmore and Herrick, Messrs. Chambers, A. McLean, and Meinerizhagen.
The Herald’s own Wairoa correspondent is apparently under the impression that the township of Clyde is a very large city. From his letter, published in the columns of our contemporary on Friday, it appears that there are “thousands of acres of good land in the centre of the township,” which are permitted by the owners to lie idle. We are glad to learn, however that this evil is about to be “partially” remedied by the County Council of Wairoa. Absentee owners are to “be compelled to occupy their land, however small it may be, to advantage, or sell it to those who will.” The Herald’s correspondent must have some extraordinary notions respecting the powers of County Councils, and the rights of property.
An individual in Napier has reported to the police a loss of £146. He cannot fully account for the manner in which he has been despoiled of his money, and the police are using every exertion to trace the culprit or culprits. It would appear that on Tuesday evening he was in possession of the sum stated to be lost. The night was a cold and wintry one, and foolishly, while in a rather inebriated state, he flashed his notes around. Afterwards he fell into a deep slumber, and on recovering his senses, found his money gone. Not aware of the numbers of the notes, there is some difficulty in tracing the matter.
We learn with extreme regret that, owing to the continued ill-health of both the host and hostess of the Criterion Hotel – Mr. and Mrs Ford – they have determined to retire (we hope only for a short period), from hotel life. The Criterion is now in the market and will not be long without a purchaser. In the meantime, Mr. Becker, who is well-known in Napier, will be placed in charge, and from his long experience in hotel business will command a fair proportion of the trade. The present host and hostess, during their career in Napier, have won the respect and esteem of all with whom they have been connected with.
Mr. Lingard, prior to leaving New Zealand, is reported to have sold his right over “Our Boys,” to Miss Scott Siddons, who is about to visit Napier. This piece according to latest advices was still running in London, and bade fair to complete the term of two years.
A spirited melee between whites and Maoris took place on Thursday afternoon at Waipawa. The causus belli was the appropriation of a European’s horse by a native. A fight between two, soon developed into a general scrimmage, in which about thirty Maoris and the same number of Europeans took part. After an hour’s struggle, the natives were fairly driven out of the township. There have been many fights at Waipawa, between the two races—friendly contests like – in which the Maoris have generally been victorious, sometimes taking possession of the town, but yesterday the whites came off the victors, the natives hurriedly retreating to their pa across the river.
The Wanaka, from Auckland, with the English mail, arrived in the roadstead at about eight o’clock on Friday. The mails were at once landed and reached the Chief Post Office a little after ten o’clock. All the letters and newspapers were sorted into the private boxes before midnight, and there being accessible, the owners of them had ample time to peruse and reply to their home correspondence. The country letters and papers were dispatched by the first train on Saturday. The total mail consisted of 4,939 newspapers and 1,631 letters. Much credit is due to Mr Grubb, the Chief Postmaster, and to the staff over which he presides, for the ready and obliging manner in which the mails were so quickly distributed, thus obviating an incalculable amount of inconvenience, and possibly loss to business men in particular, and the public in general.
We hear that the Meanee settlers are seriously contemplating the advisability of petitioning the Council of the Hawke’s Bay County to abolish their Road Board District under the provisions of the Counties Act clause 37.
For some time past we have been under the impression that the Napier branch of the New Zealand Philosophic Society was dead, buried, and forgotten. This is not the case. Circulars have been forwarded to the members calling upon them for subscriptions to pay the cost of the scientific works that will shortly arrive for distribution amongst them.
We learn that ere long Farndon is to have a telegraph Station. The present station master at Farndon will likely proceed to Waipawa, while the gentleman now-stationed at Waipawa will take the Farndon Station. The duties of station master and telegraphist at Farndon will then be combined in one office.
Sergeant Fox, who has for many years so creditably filled the position as Storekeeper, &c., of the Militia and Volunteers in Napier, has been struck off the roll of the Armed Constabulary. This is one of the fruits of the wonderful parsimony of the Government. How much better it would have been to have made a good sweep by abolishing the office of Storekeeper itself, and with it Gorton and £800 per year. This does not appear to have struck the authorities.
The lad Woolston, who sustained a fracture of the arm by falling from a horse about six weeks ago, is now quite recovered. The excellent and rapid cure fully establishes Dr. de Lisle’s skill as a surgeon, who was his medical attendant.
Two Councillors from a neighboring county paid a visit to Napier the other day. There is no hair-dressing saloon where they come from, and of course, they had to call at Mr. Hooper’s establishment in Hastings-street. The operation for which they went into the shop, being completed, the customary payment was expected, when to the amusement of the proprietor he was told by the worthy Councillors that the two shillings due to him “just squared his rates.” They don’t sue for rates in Wairoa, it seems; the Councillors themselves pay the rates of absentees, and then come to Napier and “take it out.” This appears an excellent idea, and suits all parties. In Wairoa the plan has answered admirably; it was only the other day that a shilling rate was struck, and at once the rates were all paid. The Council started without a sixpence, and it has now a handsome credit balance in the Bank.
Dr. Skae, Inspector of Lunatic Asylums, arrived at Napier by the Rotorua on Sunday.
The advisability of establishing pillar postboxes in Napier has for some time past been advocated, and their want is now so much felt that their supply cannot long be delayed. We would suggest that the best stands for these post boxes would be at the top of the Shakespeare road, at Swan’s brewery, and in Clive Square.
The report circulated in the Herald on Tuesday that Mr. Graham had sold out his interest in the Heretaunga Block and netted thereby £40 by the transaction, is wholly incorrect. Mr. Graham is still a member of the association, and hopes, as the country progresses, that his land will become still more valuable than that mentioned.
A very narrow escape from drowning in the Ngaruroro river occurred on Monday. As the midday train was approaching Merritt’s corner, where the road, which runs parallel with the railway line, was half washed away by successive floods, the Farndon conveyance, containing as passengers a Maori woman and her child, was passing that dangerous place, the horses attached to the trap took fright, galloped a short distance, and then rushed, dragging the trap and its occupants over the steep bank, into the river. The driver managed to scramble upon the bank, but the vehicle and horses were completely submerged. The driver and guard of the train, seeing the accident, stopped the train, and with others went to the assistance of and pulled out the Maori woman, who had by that time got clear of the trap, but was in great peril, owing to her being encumbered with her offspring, which, with a mother’s fondness, she never let go of. The horses getting loose from the trap swam across to the other side. The trap remains in the water still.
We have had the pleasure of inspecting samples of the hops grown by Mr. Witty at Wairoa. Mr. Witty shows three different samples, consisting of the produce from sets procured from Auckland, Nelson, and Wairoa. The “burr” appears remarkably well grown in each case, but the samples grown from the Nelson sets, although planted six weeks later than the others, is the strongest flavor. Naturally, the garden having only been established six months, the crop cannot be picked with advantage to the plants, and it will not be until next year that hop picking will become an industry of Wairoa. By that time Mr. Witty will have erected a drying kiln, or “host,” as it is termed in Kent, and then we trust Napier will not have to import hops from beyond the limits of the provincial district. Mr. Witty’s garden is now four acres in extent, but he is having seven other acres put into cultivation for the planting of 20,000 sets ordered from Tasmania.
Mr. Frank Broughton, who until lately has been filling the position of an extra clerk in the Napier Municipal office, was arrested on Monday about ten o’clock, on a charge of embezzlement at Wellington from his former employers, Donald and Pascoe, on three different charges. He was brought before the Resident Magistrate on Monday, and remanded on the application of the Police Inspector to Wellington. He was sent by the Kiwi on Tuesday. The prisoner at one time we believe, held a commission in Her Majesty’s service.
Mr. H. E. Webb, it is said, has purchased the Coromandel Mail plant to start the Wairoa Free Press. This plant has hitherto been most unfortunate, having been twice through the Bankruptcy Court, and ruined several other newspaper speculators. In its present hands, however, and removed to a district where newspaper subscriptions are always paid with the greatest promptness, another fate possibly awaits it.
In consequence of the want of accommodation in the Wesleyan Church, the Rev. Mr. Berry announced yesterday that that place of worship would be at once enlarged by the erection of galleries. Large as the Wesleyan congregation is now, it will be greatly increased when more sittings are provided.
Mr S. Caulton’s horse Tregeagle, which was reported to have been sold to a Southern sportsman, arrived by the Rotorua on Sunday and was landed in Napier. The horse has not changed hands, and is, we believe, bound for his owner’s stables at Poverty Bay.
We notice by advertisement that Mr. Joseph Turley, auctioneer, &c. of Waipawa, has entered into partnership with Mr. H. M. Brathwaite, late accountant to M. R. Miller, Esq, as auctioneers, stock and station agents, &c. Both of these gentlemen have had considerable experience in business matters in Hawke’s Bay, and combined should command a steady trade both in town and country.
We beg to remind our subscribers that the valuation for the Oero District is now open for inspection at Mr F. J. Tiffen’s woolshed, Elms Hill. All objections must be lodged by Wednesday, the 11th instant, at the same place. The Assessment Court for the hearing of the cases will be held on Monday, the 16th instant. The valuation has been made by Mr J. Turley, surveyor, of Napier.
The Wairoa County Council looks sharply after its rights. It appears the ferry at Clyde, failing to find a lease at the rent demanded, is carried on by the Council. A drover, desiring to cross a mob of sheep that he roughly estimated to number 2,300 made term with the Chairman of the Council. The Chairman was in bed, and the ferry charge agreed upon £1 10s per thousand sheep, the usual price being 1d a head. The sheep were duly put across the river, fifteen punt loads, and the drover paid the ferryman £3. This came to the knowledge of the Chairman who felt that he “had been done,” and what most cut him to the heart was, that he had been got the better of by a fellow-countryman. It was a case of Scotchman cut Scotchman. The Chairman – who is a J.P. – made out summonses, and mounting his horse “went” for the drover in company with two constables. The sheep were stopped ten miles from Wairoa, counted and found to number 2,400 and the drover, under fear of certain pains and penalties, was made to pay the full charge of 1d a head – £7, in addition to what he had already paid. As a good many sheep are now being driven from Hawke’s Bay to Poverty Bay, through Wairoa, it would be as well if drovers recollected the old adage of honesty being the best policy, and also remembered the moral of this story – Beware of trying to be smarter than the Wairoa County Chairman.
The traffic returns, Napier-Waipukurau railway, for the four weeks ending March 10, are as follows: – Passengers, number 17,782, £861 17s 10d; parcels, £23 18s 10d; season tickets, £10 14s; goods, £841 7s 7d. Total, £1,737 18s 3d.
A correspondent from Taradale wishes to know which is the public pound, whether it is the enclosure, always used since appointed some years ago for that purpose, or is it on the piece of land, sub-division E., which was appointed a public pound some weeks since? [We understand that at present there are really two pounds at Taradale, but there is only one poundkeeper, we should advise our correspondent to ask that official which one he will use for the purpose.]
The Chairman of the Clive Road Board, F. Sutton, Esq., has called a meeting of the ratepayers of his district, to be held on the 23rd instant, for the purpose of electing wardens for the current year. Under the legislation of last year the financial year terminates on March 31, and it is therefore necessary that a fresh Board should be elected before a rate can be struck.
Within the past few days, a shepherd employed on Mr Tanner’s station brought in to the Secretary of the Hawke’s Bay Acclimatisation Society no less than 120 pairs of hawks’ feet, all caught within one month. The shepherd received £6 for his month’s sport, a welcome addition no doubt to his salary. The hawks were caught in spring traps.
Mr. F. Sutton, M.H.R., for Napier, has called the attention of the Government to the recent Order in Council relative to shooting game, that an oversight has been committed by which the killing of hen pheasants and partridges has been legalised. The Government have replied to Mr. Sutton, and we understand that a fresh proclamation will be shortly issued protecting hen pheasants, partridges, and quail from the sportsman’s gun.
A Taradale correspondent says the settlers are waiting anxiously for tenders to be called for cutting the drains to take off the surplus water from artesian wells. This needed work cannot be initiated until the Board meets, and there does not appear to be any hurry on the part of the Chairman to call the members together. People are beginning to think that the district is not deriving much benefit from the existence of the Road Board, and that it would be as well if it were allowed to merge in the County Council, as soon as the rates are collected and spent. Judging from appearances, the amount of labor the Board has to superintend would not greatly increase that of the Council, if it were to take the district over.
The town was crowded with natives on Wednesday, the attraction being, it was understood, the payment to the Maoris of the £17,500 lately obtained from Messrs. Watt Bros. for the settlement of the title of the Longlands estate.
Mr John McKinnon has called a meeting of the ratepayers of Mohaka for May 24, to take into consideration the advisability of annexing that district to the County of Hawke’s Bay. Mr McKinnon represents Mohaka in the Wairoa Council, and, we are informed, was at one time offered the opportunity by that Council to cut his district off from the County. The offer was refused, and it is not likely to be renewed. No district can sever its connection with a County without the consent of its Council together with that of the Council of the County to which it may desire to be annexed.
The Hawke’s Bay County Council seal, it may be of interest to other Councils to know, cost just about twenty-five shillings, and consists of an Indian-rubber stamp with the title of the Council plainly printed in an oval form. The Stamp was bought from Messrs Margoliouth and Banner, the Napier agents for the American Rubber-stamp patent.
We notice in the New Zealand Gazette, from time to time, the agricultural returns of the several provincial districts, but those of Hawke’s Bay are conspicuous by their absence. What is the cause of this? The Hawke’s Bay provincial district is neither so large nor so populous as to make it of exceptional difficulty to collect the returns. We should have thought that the returns from this district would have been amongst the first to be published, whereas, they will be the last.
A Waipawa correspondent writes: – Although the members of the Rose of Sharon Tent, Independent Order of Rechabites, did not hold any public demonstration on Easter Monday in accordance with the usual custom of late years, they are not without doing good in other directions. They have three members on the sick list at present. At the last Tent meeting it was resolved to act up to the suggestion of the Tent Surgeon, Dr. Todd, and send two of them to the hot springs. So, on Monday morning, Bros. H. Wilson and J. Harding (the former suffering from paralysis, and the other with chronic rheumatics) left by train for Napier on their way to Taupo, well provided with overcoats and warm clothes, as a safe guard against the cold in the high latitude of the district, by no means forgetting the rough towels, so that they may be able to undergo the scrubbing process that is said to be so indispensable towards success after the bath is taken; however, they are away with buoyant hopes of getting better, and fully expect to come back new men. Such a circumstance is probably unprecedented in the history of any Friendly or Benefit Society in New Zealand, and is therefore worthy of note.
To the Editor: Sir, – Can you inform me why the Corporation has gone to such an expenditure in erecting near the artesian wells that obelisk looking building, when a plainer and cheaper erection would have served the same purpose.? Goodness knows our burdens are heavy enough to bear in the shape of taxation without having to pay for ornamental architecture. However beautiful to the eye, it is costly and too costly for a small Municipality like Napier. I would also ask you whether the reservoir on top of the hill is yet considered safe for the purpose for which it was built? I fear the ratepayers are about to find out that they are paying, if not dear for their whistle, dear for their water supply, and the sooner they wake up to the fact, that unless they urge economy in all Municipal departments they will find taxation light at present compared to what is before them: that their monies will be expended in increased salaries, in beautiful architecture, instead of being laid out in the improvements of our streets, and doing that work which we expected when we asked for a Municipality. – I am. &c.,
We notice that Dr. Stokes, the Chairman of the North Ruataniwha Road District, has called a meeting of the ratepayers of the district for the 23rd instant, for the purpose of fixing the rate for the current year. The current year commenced on April 1, when the Rating Act of 1875 came into force. If the Chairman of the North Ruataniwha Road District will read the Rating Act of last year, he will perceive that the Board, and not the ratepayers determine the rate to be fixed.
Dr. Schwarzbach, the celebrated oculist, who was announced to arrive in Napier shortly, has, we learn, written to a gentleman in Napier expressing his regret that, owing to other pressing engagements, he is obliged to defer his promised visit here. The doctor expects to visit New Zealand again in the course of twelve months, when he promises to give Hawke’s Bay a call.
The Hon. J. D. Ormond will shortly pay a visit to Napier, coming from Wellington overland, through the forty-mile bush settlements.
We are requested to state that, in consequence of the inclemency of the weather, Mr. Miller’s sale of race horses, to have taken place on Thursday, has been postponed till 12.30 on Monday, at Hastings.
Active steps are at length being taken for the repair of the roads near Taradale, which have so long been such a standing disgrace to the authorities. The road is being raised, but we are of opinion that unless a culvert is placed across the road, the money will be wasted, as the next floods will undoubtedly again sweep away that portion of the road, and will make this its last state worse than the first.
We hear that the Te Aute Lakes afford excellent sport. On Thursday it appeared almost literally covered with wild ducks.
In selecting Mr. S. Johnston as its representative in the Waipawa County Council, Waipukurau can scarcely be congratulated. At the meeting of the Council on Wednesday the Chairman desired authority to secure the services of an engineer to report on the public works required to be undertaken. Mr Johnston objected to this expenditure on the ground that the Council should first ascertain what were country roads, and he moved that the opinion of the Solicitor be obtained on the subject. In strange contradiction to this, shortly afterwards, Mr. Johnston gave notice of motion that, at the next meeting, he would move that all the roads within the County be declared County roads. If the object is to waste time, and to thwart the Chairman, we have, of course, nothing further to say.
The cask making establishment of Mr. Carter’s in Dickens-street, is now in full operation and well deserving of inspection. The simplicity of the machinery without being seen is beyond conception, and the rapidity with which it accomplishes its work is truly astonishing. He has just completed an extensive order for Mr. R. P. Williams, as well as two hundred and fifty for Messrs. Nairne of Pourere [Pourerere], and several other orders for various settlers, while continual applications for his machine made casks are being made, clearly establishing the fact, that the sheep farmers, are becoming sensible to the value of the new industry, and that machinery can make casks equal to the best hand made casks, and at a far cheaper rate, and that when it becomes better known, there cannot be a doubt, that it will be more extensively patronised. Mr. Carter is certainly deserving the thanks of those interested in boiling down for the opening up of this new branch of industry.
We understand that Sergeant Moffitt, of the Napier police, is about to leave the force, and will take his departure therefrom at the end of the present month. Sergeant Moffitt has earned for himself the goodwill and respect of we may say every person with whom he has come in contact since he joined the force, and the announcement of his resignation will be received with very much regret, not only by the public, but also by those who have had the pleasure of serving under him. Ever courteous and obliging, and while exhibiting a desire always to do his duty he was never to be found making “cases” in order to win for himself a name among his superiors at the expense of some victim or other, as is too often the case among the heads of the police in other parts of the colony. Sergeant Moffitt, we learn, does not intend to leave the Hawke’s Bay district, but purposes turning his policeman’s truncheon into a farming implement, in which line of business we wish him every success. If we are correctly informed, Corporal Robinson, of Waipawa, is to be promoted, and will step into Sergeant Moffitt’s shoes.
The sitting of the Native Lands Court at Waipawa was adjourned from Thursday till Monday next, Judge Symonds being still detained in Gisborne.
A man named Peter Pedersen was committed for trial at the next session of the Supreme Court by the Resident Magistrate at Waipawa, on Wednesday for an assault with intent on a Mrs. Burslem, of Makeretu [ Makaretu ]. There were several civil cases heard, but none of much public importance.
At Messrs. Routledge, Kennedy and Co’s sale the good-will of the lease (three and a half years) at a rental of £2 per week fetched £52 10s. Apples from Poverty Bay, 4d per lb; quinces, 2d. Tobacco, in bond, 14d to 15d, per lb., grape-leaf brand.
April 11.
Inspector Scully, who has for so many years been at the head of the Hawke’s Bay police is gazetted Inspector of the Armed Constabulary Force. This will give him full powers over the whole district allotted him.
April 11.
The natives hold a meeting at Mohaka to-day to settle the disputed title to the Mohaka flat, the Government survey of which was recently stopped.
The schooner recently ran ashore at Mahia, and purchased by Mr Bendall, broke completely up last Monday.
The bar here is still bad, and there is a heavy surf.
April 12.
The pilot has the bad bar signal up still. The sea very likely will be sufficiently down by to-morrow for a steamer to cross.
Repairs have been commenced to the Scamperdown Bridge. The danger is more imminent than at first supposed of a collapse from the north side. The bridge is closed for public traffic.
Shipping Intelligence.
6 – Telegraph, schooner, from Auckland
6 – Wanaka, s.s., from Auckland via Tauranga and Gisborne. Passengers – Mesdames Caulton, Swan, Ferguson (2), Misses Stuart, Mogridge, and Williams, Messrs Collis, Cottell (2), Ferris, Locke, Grant, Ferguson, and 30 for the South
6 – Fairy, s.s., from Mahia. Passengers – Mesdames Watt and Macfarlane, Messrs Watt and Richardson
7 – Sir Donald. s,s., from Moeangiangi
7 – Manaia p.s. from Wairoa. Passengers – Messrs Cable, Burton, Witty, Ingleton and 6 natives.
8 – Star of the South s.s. from Auckland. Passengers – Mesdames Candron, Snelley, and 4 children, Messrs Candron, Long, Baker, Skepton, and Webb.
8 – Kiwi s.s. from Wellington via Ureti and Castle Point. Passengers – Mr and Mrs Torre and child, Messrs Deck, Campbell, Rodgers, Glass, and Miller.
8 – Rotorua, s.s. from Wellington. Passengers – Mesdames Lascelles, and McHardy, Misses Goudy, Lee, Halkin, and Morton, Messrs Lascelles, Snowdon, Beetham, Davis, Snee, Moss, and 75 for the North.
8 – Falcon, barquentine, from Newcastle, N.S.W. No passengers.
8 – Minnie Hare, schooner, from Auckland.
11 – Jane Douglas, s.s., from Auckland via Gisborne. Passengers – Messrs H. Chapman, Northe, Webster, Jennings, and 2 steerage.
5 – Rangatira, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Miss Higgins, Rev. Mr. Harper, Dr. Cooper, Messrs Moorcroft, Taylor, Meloy, Williams, Coates, Parker, Harding, Marten, 6 in the steerage, and 4 original from Gisborne
5 – Manaia, p.s., for Wairoa. Passengers – Mrs Taylor, Mrs Anderson, Messrs McMurray, Gibbs, and several natives
6 – Mary Wadley, three-masted schooner, for Newcastle, N.S.W.
6 – Fernglen, ship, for the Bluff
6 – Sir Donald, s.s., for Moeangiangi
7 – Wanaka, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Mrs Proctor, Misses Rich and Davis, Messrs Rich, Moorhouse, Nasmith, Rich, Nesbitt, Proctor, James, Knox, and 30 original
8 – Orpheus, schooner, for Mercury Bay.
8 – Opotiki, schooner, for Poverty Bay.
8 – Rotorua, s.s., for Auckland. Passengers – Mrs George, Mrs Runner and 5 children, Mr and Mrs Usher and child, Miss Goudy, Messrs Kinross, Chardon, Porrett, White, Smith, Cavley, Cavanagh, Short, and 75 from the South.
10 – Kiwi, s.s., for Wellington via the Coast. Passengers – Mrs Hastings, Mrs Cross, Messrs Elder, Bennett, McKenzie. Dickson, and Rnndle [ Rundle ]
11 – Star of the South, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Messrs Robertson, James, Johnson, and 4 steerage.
12 – Telegraph, schooner, for Auckland.
The schooner Telegraph has a cargo of sawn timber, doors and sashes, for Mr. Le Quesne.
The friends of Captain Griffiths, late of the Rangatira, will be glad to learn that he is again in command of a steamer, having been appointed to the Beautiful Star. When Captain Griffiths joined the Union Company, he was appointed chief officer of the Whakatipu, trading between Sydney and New Zealand.
The captain of the p.s. Manaia having had a favorable report of the bar at Wairoa, left for there on Thursday. She had a fair complement of passengers and cargo.
The schooner Mary Wadley got under weigh about 3 p.m. on Friday, and with the breeze that was blowing, soon beat out of the Bay. She was in good ballast trim.
The ship Fernglen, Captain Fraser, was unshackled from the moorings about 11 o’clock on Friday and at midnight the Pilot had her well clear of the Bluff. When he left her, she was very quickly out sight, and we anticipate she will make a good run down the coast.
The s.s. Wanaka, Captain Malcolm, arrived at the anchorage at 8.30 on Friday. She made an excellent run from Poverty Bay. She was tendered by the Bella, and passengers and mails landed. The Three Brothers lightered her. We noticed amongst her passengers Captain Braddick, who commanded the Countess of Kintore at this port, and who lately brought the Wanaka out from England. The Wanaka left again about noon on Saturday.
The s.s. Sir Donald returned from Moeangiangi at an early hour on Saturday, having landed the balance of her cargo.
The s.s. Fairy returned from Mahia on Friday. She brings no cargo, having been this time on a pleasure trip specially chartered.
The s.s. Star of the South, Capt. Carey, arrived in the Bay on Sunday morning at half-past 8, having left Poverty Bay at noon the day before. Capt. Cary reports fine weather as far as Poverty Bay, but heavy head sea and wind from there to Portland Island.
The s.s. Kiwi, Capt. Campbell, left Wellington on the 6th, at 5 p.m., and had fine weather as far as Uriti, arriving there at 7 o’clock on Saturday morning; after leaving there had heavy sea, accompanied with rain and squalls to Castlepoint, where a few passengers were landed, and had bad weather the remainder of the voyage almost to the anchorage.
The s.s. Rotorua, Capt. Macfarlane, arrived at the anchorage at 4 p.m. on Sunday. She encountered a very heavy S.E. gale off Cape Pallisser [ Palliser ] , accompanied with heavy sea and rain squalls, the sea breaking on board several times. She was waited upon by the Bella as soon as anchored, and the passengers landed. Discharged cargo into the lighter Three Brothers, and having embarked passengers, left for Auckland about 7 p.m.
The barquentine Falcon, Capt. Hare, arrived form Newcastle, N.S.W., on Sunday, at 5 p.m. having made the passage in 13 days. Capt. Hare experienced very heavy weather for the first four days of the passage. For the next eight days had moderately fine weather as far as Cook’s Straits. When off Cape Pallisser on Saturday last, she encountered a very heavy S.E. gale, accompanied with heavy sea, which continually broke on board, one of them smashing the long boat (a new one) to pieces. She was in company with the s.s. Rotorua most of the passage from Pallisser to Kidnappers. The Falcon has a cargo of coals consigned to Messrs. Watt Brothers.
The s.s. Rotorua arrived at Auckland early on Tuesday, having made the passage in a little over 36 hours. Our outward mails left Auckland on Wednesday in the Zealandia.
The p.s. Luna has been sold by the Government to a West Coast firm, who are going to put her on the coast trade, with Wellington as her head-quarters.
The s.s. Kiwi left on Tuesday, with a fair complement of passengers, and a full cargo of wool and tallow for transhipment at Wellington for London.
The Union Company’s s.s. Wanaka had rather a protracted passage from Napier to Wellington, only arriving there on Tuesday at 4.30 p.m., having been 76 hours on the voyage. It is presumed she encountered the full force of the late southerly gale.
The s.s. Star of the South, Capt. Carey left on Wednesday for Wellington. She had a full cargo of tallow and wool for transhipment to the ship Rakaia for London. The Star will return to Napier, and then go on to Auckland with stock.
The s.s. Jane Douglas, Capt. Fraser, left Poverty Bay on Sunday last, and had twice to seek the friendly shelter of Happy Jack’s at Whangawhei [ Whangawehi ]. Capt. Fraser reports a very heavy sea and head wind all the way from Gisborne. The schooner Advance of Lyttelton was in company with the Jane Douglas at Happy Jack’s. Capt. Fraser reports that on Sunday night last the schooner Clyde, which was stranded at the Mahia, completely broke up in the late gale, and Mr Northe, who had been down to repair her, returned in the steamer.
The barquentine Falcon, Capt. Hare, was successfully brought inside on Wednesday and moored to the Breastwork, where the discharge of her coals is being rapidly proceeded with.
[ ]
McKNIGHT. – At Hastings, on the 6 7th April, the wife of Mr. J. McKnight, of twin daughters (all well.)
MOORE. – On Sunday, the 8th April, at the old Bank House, Mrs. E Moore of a daughter.
O’SHANNASSY. – At Napier, on the 10th April, the wife of Mr. J. O’Shannassy, of a daughter.
WATKINS. – At Carlyle-street, on April 10th, the wife of Mr. Rees Watkins, of twins (son and daughter.)
LORY. – JACOBS – At Napier, on the 7th April, by the Rev. Mr. Berry, Hannibal Line Lory, to Mary, relict of the late Mr. Jacobs.
GUILLIARD. – At Napier, on the 6th April, Ethel Mary, infant daughter of Henry and Eliza Guilliard.
DRIBERG. – At Napier, on the 6th April, William Simla, infant son of William Driberg
SIMON. – At Port Ahuriri, on April 8th, Charles Simon, aged nineteen and ten months.
PALMER. – At Napier, on the 11th April, after a short illness, Clara, second daughter of Mr. Charles Palmer, aged 3 years and 6 months.
Government Notifications
Office of Waste Lands Board.
Napier, 8th December, 1876.
TO HUGH MCCORMICK, formerly of the 65th Regiment or his representatives.
You are hereby required, within six months from this date, to prove to the satisfaction of the Waste Lands Board that you have complied with the conditions required to entitle you to 60 acres of land in the Wakarara District, selected under a Military Settlers Land Order, and if you fail to prove your claim within the specified time, your title to the land will be forfeited and the land be dealt with as the Board may direct.
Chief Commissioner.
£900 TO LEND next month on good Freehold security.
Stock, Land Estate, and General Commission Agent, Waipukurau.
Goods Stored and Forwarded.
Offices and Stores: Near the Railway Station.
The Cheapest House in the Trade.
The harbor improvement experiment is now attracting considerable interest, and as the works proceed more and more towards completion, that interest will naturally be redoubled. Up to the present time, the effect of the works on the entrance is not very appreciable; the depth of the water has not increased on the bar itself, but the “western channel” has to all appearance disappeared. The channel has straightened, and within the bar there is a greater depth of water. This is all. The eastern breastwork, now being proceeded with, opposite the Pilot station, affects the beach in the same way as the test groins did; that is to say, the beach makes almost as fast as the piles are driven, and during Monday’s heavy sea, the shingle was driven above the level of the breastwork where formerly there was deep water. On the western side the mole-works have been pushed out to about a chain in length from where the piling is to begin, but in order to commence piling as quickly as possible, the contractors did not form the mole to the height and width specified. The consequence was that the heavy easterly weather carried away a considerable length of the top of the mole together with the tramway, for more than half the distance of its formation. This will delay the issue of any opinion concerning the ultimate effect of the works on the entrance. For this reason, that had the piling been carried out in continuation of the mole, the channel would necessarily have been directed on to the bar, and the mole itself protected. As it has happened that the unfinished mole was damaged by Monday’s sea, the contractors, we believe, have now determined to complete the mole throughout, which, when finished will be, on an average, three feet above its present level. This work will take some time to perform, and, until piling is carried out beyond, to near its specified extent, it would be hazardous to express an opinion on the utility of the works. So far at least they have not satisfied expectations, and we await with some anxiety the ultimate result of the experiment.
THE annoyance to intending passengers by the Napier Takapau railway caused by the very inconvenient arrangements for the sale of tickets seriously demands being remedied. Nearly every day it occurs that through the time occupied in obtaining tickets, very many persons would lose their passage if the trains started punctually. The pushing and jostling necessary for an intending passenger to undergo in order to get to the ticket window, put it out of the reach of a lady to secure a passport for the train. There should either be two or more windows, or an enlarged one, at which extra clerks could work. Than the present arrangement nothing could be worse, and any improvement would be hailed with satisfaction. While on this subject, we would suggest to the proper authorities the advisability of adopting the plan employed by the London Omnibus Company, whose tickets can be bought at most of the respectable shops. Why should not certain tradesmen here be licensed to sell railway tickets, in the same way as they are licensed to sell stamps? The adoption of this plan would obviate an immense amount of annoyance at the railway station, would affect a saving of time, and be a vast improvement on the antiquated system now in force.
THE Waipawa County Council is still at “sixes and sevens” on the matter of its place of meeting. Offices within the Waipukurau Town Hall having been offered to the Council, at its sitting on Wednesday, at £50 a year, the terms were declined, Mr Lawrence giving notice of motion “that all sittings of the Council be held at the Waipawa Court-house,” and Col. Herrick giving notice of motion “that future meetings be held at Mr Ferguson’s Hotel, Takapau.” The quarrel over the meeting-place may to some of the Councillors appear to be good fun, and to others, as the outcome of a difference of opinion on a question involving a vital principle, but to spectators, a more miserable exhibition of puerility could scarcely be desired to show how incapable the Council is of understanding that its duties are something higher than the representation of the jealousies existing between two petty villages. A County Council is supposed to be a superior administrative body to a Road Board: the Waipawa Councils seems to be trying to show its inferiority.
THE valuation of the outlying districts within the County of Hawke’s Bay has been completed. We have not learned the amount of the exact valuation, but believe that it is about £22,000. One of the outlying districts is named Awatoto, and extends from the Waitangi or Farndon, to Mr Rudman’s house on the White Road, Napier. The settlers along this road will have no rates to pay, provided the Council determines to strike no County rate. Another district is the Pukahu, that includes all that rich country lying, roughly speaking, from the Louisa Creek, Havelock[Havelock north], along the Te Aute Road to Paki Paki, from there to the Gorge, middle road, along that road to Louisa Creek, including Mr Tanner’s Mount Eden run and other very valuable properties. Both the Awatoto, and Pukaku districts are intersected by first-class roads, yet the settlers will not be called upon to pay a sixpence towards their maintenance. We imagine that a twelve months’ experience of the working of the Counties Act will fully satisfy the colony.
THE Herald on Saturday made a very feeble and lame attempt to reply to our remarks in connection with its attack on Mr. Sealy. The writer attempts to draw a red herring across the scent in alluding alone to the matter of the libel action. But what the public want to know is, how is it that now our lands have been sold and passed into the hands of a few the Herald did not then raise its voice against that system which permitted such a state of affairs? It was silent in those days when the united action of the TELEGRAPH and Herald might have brought about a better system. But in those days the TELEGRAPH was left to fight the battle alone, and unaided brought such pressure to bear that the land regulations were altered.
(Before R. Beetham Esq., R. M., and J. A. Smith, Esq, J.P.
George Stuart, charged with the above offence, was dismissed with a caution.
Pocock v. Colebrook, an adjourned case, further adjourned until the 13th April.
Flynn v. Cullen. – Claim £11 for use and occupation of house and premises in Shakespeare Road for eleven weeks from 1st January last. Mr. G. E. Lee for plaintiff; Mr. Cornford for defendant. The defence to this action was that the claim was excessive, in that the plaintiff usurped control and dominion over the premises before the determination of the tenancy, and by his action rendered the same for some weeks uninhabitable. The case occupied the Court nearly an hour. Judgment for £5, and costs of Court 19s, with allowance to one witness 8s.
(Before J. A. Smith, Esq., J.P.)
One individual, who had imbibed somewhat freely, forgot to make his appearance, and his bail money, 20s, was declared forfeited.
The man who yesterday appeared under the name of Stuart on a charge of drunkenness was to-day again before the Court on a similar charge. Having forgotten the name given by him to the Court yesterday, he claimed to belong today to the numerous tribe of Smith. He had come from Mr. Nairn’s station, and on the way apparently forgot the name he assumed there. After a caution, he was fined 10s, or 48 hours imprisonment.
Richard Winter, a clerk in the employ of one of our Solicitors in town, appeared in answer to a charge made by Mr. Schultz of Emerson-street, with having on Wednesday last, feloniously stolen, and taken away from the complainant, the sum of £146, and appropriating the same to his own use.
Mr. G. E. Lee appeared on behalf of the prisoner. Inspector Scully asked for a remand of the case until Wednesday, so as to enable the police to gather further evidence.
The prisoner’s council stated he had no objection to the remand, but would ask that bail be allowed the prisoner.
The Magistrate stated he was willing to allow bail, the prisoner in the sum of £200, and two sureties in the sum of £100 each.
Messrs. W. Rearden and Ben Smith agreed to give the required security.
This was all the business.
Before J. A. Smith and A. Kennedy, Esqs., J.P’s.)
William Jones, who had imbibed rather freely yesterday, and was let out on bail for one note, preferred forfeiting the amount of his bail money to making a public appearance before the Court
John Anderson, an apparently respectable man, made his appearance in the dock, charged with having stolen from the stores of Messrs. Neal and Close an Ulster overcoat valued at £2 5s, and from the shop of Mr. Harkis a sac coat valued at 19s 6d. The prisoner, who appeared ashamed of his conduct, pleaded guilty to both offences, amidst a great shedding of tears. In reply to the Bench, the Inspector of Police stated that he had never seen the prisoner before this morning, and he appeared to be a man suffering for his evil doings. While the inspector was speaking, the prisoner appeared in tribulation.
Their Worships sentenced the prisoner to three months imprisonment with hard labour.
This was all the business.
(Before T. K. Newton, Esq., J.P.)
The case of robbery against Richard Winter from Mr. W. H. Schultz of £146, was at the request of Mr. Cornford adjourned until 11 a.m. on Saturday next. Mr. Cornford stated that Mr. Sheehan, who had undertaken the case on behalf of the prosecution was unavoidably absent, and the matter of adjournment was desired by all parties.
An individual who had given his name to the police as A. Brown, when in the lock-up on a charge of drunkenness, and had been let out on bail did not make his appearance, and his bail money was ordered to be forfeited. His other alias did not transpire.
Richard Aldridge and John Murray were charged with being illegally on the premises of Robert Graham, situate on the White Road, between the hours of eleven and twelve last evening.
Both prisoners pleaded guilty to the offence charged against them.
In reply to the Bench, Mr. Graham stated that last evening, having been informed that some persons were in a house which he had in his charge, he proceeded there and found both prisoners within. They appeared to have used every effort to make themselves comfortable. They had a fire lit on top of which was a bucket, and a fowl was being stewed within the bucket. In reply to queries put by him, they replied “they were doing no harm, only cooking a beautiful young fowl.” The house had been newly renovated and papered. The prisoners to obtain any entrance had broken a pane of glass, and undone the fastenings and opened the window. They had broken several panes of glass, and injured the papering. He sent for the police who took prisoners both in custody.
Constable Motley stated that when he was sent for, he was in immediate attendance and arrested both prisoners. His evidence as to the state of the house when he arrested the prisoners fully corroborate Mr Graham’s statement.
In defence, Aldridge stated that he had just arrived from Wellington, and on coming out of the Scandinavian Hotel he found neither he nor his fellow prisoner had the wherewithal to pay for a bed. Perceiving the house empty they entered within its portals, and, it being cold, took a few shingles off the house to cook a young cock they had found running without an owner, and made themselves as comfortable as circumstances would warrant. It was the first time either of them had made their appearance before the Court and trusted they would be leniently dealt with.
Mr. Newton said that the prisoners did not appear to be aware of the gravity of the offence they had committed. It was one which could not be let off with a fine. The Act distinctly stated that they were liable to a year’s imprisonment, and he therefore had no alternative but to send them to prison. He would make the sentence as light as possible, and he therefore ordered both delinquents to be imprisoned for seven days with hard labor.
SIR, – I notice in the Herald’s report of the proceedings of the Waipawa County Council, that that highly deliberative body having asked Mr Jarman, of Napier, to design a county seal, accepted his drawing as its insignia, with a letter of thanks. There is no mention made of a cheque. Perhaps, it was thought that anyone could have drawn a steam engine, and written the words “Waipawa County Council” around it. But although the design may not be very original, it apparently was more like what was wanted that what the united originality of the members of the Council could devise; otherwise, why employ Mr Jarman? Had the commission been given to me, I should have drawn two old boys – gamins – pelting each other with mud across a river.
Might I hazard the opinion that the seal, designed by Mr Jarman, would have been improved had he placed at the rear of the steam engine a railway truck loaded up with bales labelled “common sense,” the engine going full speed a-head away from Waipawa. – I am, &c.,
Napier, April 12, 1777 [1877]
SIR, – In the issue of the Hawke’s Bay Herald, March 14th last, I read the following statement; – “We hear that the Rev. Samuel Robinson’s certified copy of ‘priest’s orders’ about which some doubts have prevailed in certain quarters, arrived in Napier by the last mail, and have been forwarded by Mr. Robinson to the Primate at Christchurch.”
In reference to this statement, may I ask you to give publicity to the following telegrams: –
“Napier, April 11th, 1877.
“His Lordship the Primate of New Zealand, Christchurch.
“To decide an argument would your Lordship kindly inform me if you have seen the Rev. Samuel Robinson’s priest’s orders. Reply paid.
“Christchurch, April 12TH, 1877.
“Henry C. Wilson, Napier.
“I have seen nothing of Mr. Robinson or his letters of orders.
I have been led to take this step in consequence of statements made by Mr. Tabuteau to myself and others in a conversation I had with him yesterday. He (Mr. T.) told me that Mr Robinson called upon him at his office with a letter addressed to the Primate, in which he stated his priest’s orders were enclosed. I asked Mr. T. if the letter was open. His reply was “No.” I then enquired if he saw it posted. His reply was again in the negative, and he added further that he was sure it must have been posted, otherwise Mr. Robinson would be a liar and an imposter, which he felt certain he was not. It is evident, Mr. Editor, from the Primate’s telegram, either that there is great irregularity continually going on in the Post Office, or that there is a “lying spirit aboard.” – I am, &c.,
Napier, April 12, 1877
A SOCIAL gathering and farewell tea meeting took place at the Rechabite and Templar Hall on Wednesday evening the 11th April, 1877, given by the members of the Napier Pioneer Lodge No. 26, I.O.G.T., to Bros. B. V. Harding, H. Smith, and Sisters Smith, Harding, and E. Smith, and Bro. F. Smith, on the occasion of their departure for the Ormondville district. The Hall was beautifully and tastefully decorated by some of the fair sisters of the Lodge, and everything was made as comfortable as possible for the reception of the guests of the evening. Tea was on the table at 7 p.m. sharp, when those assembled sat down and partook of the sumptuous repast placed before them. After tea, the tables having been removed, the members and friends of whom there was a fair sprinkling sat round the room, when various songs, readings, and recitations, were given. It may be mentioned that the singing of some of the ladies deserve high commendation. The evening enjoyments were brought to a close by several of the Brothers, who delivered short and appropriate addresses in bidding adieu to the Brothers and Sisters, who were about to leave for their future destination. Bros. Harding and H. Smith responded on behalf of themselves, their wives, &c., for the kindness shown them on all occasions, and for the good and kind brotherly feeling existing amongst the whole Lodge. The whole of was then brought to a conclusion, by singing the National Anthem, and giving three hearty cheers for the guests – and every one retired to their homes at 11.30 p.m. It must not be forgotten to be mentioned that the catering was not to be surpassed in this town, and that great credit is due to Bro. Geo. Trimmer for the able manner in which the tables were supplied.
Rangiora (Canterbury) Standard,
March 27.
Last week in Hawke’s Bay, some rather singular proceedings found light in the Resident Magistrate’s Court at Waipawa. The local County Returning Officer appeared to answer a criminal charge made against him by the Hon. H. R. Russell for having contravened the Regulation of Elections Act during the last elections in the district, “by absenting himself from the polling booth for a long space of time during the polling day.” The extreme penalty for the offence, is assessed in the Act as £50. The case with the legal assistance of Mr. Rees M.H.R., went against the defendant, who in fact, ultimately pleaded guilty, and the bench fined him in the sum of “one farthing” while saddling the prosecution with all the costs. The Returning officer it was proved, had closed the poll during the day, thus rendering the election void, and placing upon Government additional expense, besides submitting a number of people to considerable trouble and monetary loss, yet in the face of so gross a dereliction of duty “one farthing without “costs” was the punishment awarded. Mr. Rees with truth remarked, that by such a decision the Bench virtually encouraged the breaking of the law; and when the Magistrate delivered himself of the unnecessary opinion “that not one man out of a thousand would have prosecuted in such a case,” the lawyer met him at once by sayiny [saying] that under the 5th section of the Act, had no one else prosecuted, it would have been the duty of the Magistrate himself, as principal Returning Officer, to lay the information. Yet no expenses were allowed, and the farthing even – which small coin of the realm could not be procured in that bucolic community – failed to make its appearance in the Treasury. Verily strange things are done in this happy, law-overridden Britain of the South.
April 6, 1877.
I don’t often go to the R.M. Court for various reasons; it’s a doosid [deuced?] long way; there is not an overwhelming display of foresic [forensic?] eloquence when you get there; and the proceedings generally have always been represented to me as being of the slowest, slow. Still, breaking through this excellent habit, I found myself wending down that way yesterday in company with the majority of our residents as a great field-day was expected, and a strict regard for truth compels me to say I was greatly edified. I saw two men fined for running an opposition ferry on their own account to the one duly established by law; I saw several Maoris proceeded against for debt; I saw one big, burly native sitting on the bench, who lazily granted acquiescence whenever any other native was fined, or remanded, or adjourned, or whatever else he or she might be done to: and then mutatis mutandis, happy retribution, I saw that same big, burly humbug have to get off his perch, stand at the bar, and be proceeded against just like any ordinary mortal, and my heart waxed exceeding glad thereat. I don’t think he cut a particularly dignified figure, and I would not have sat there at all that day if I had been him. I saw a very large case entered into about the damage done to a mare while being broken into plough; heard some very contradictory evidence on the same subject. What was considered remarkably severe usage by one set of witnesses appeared to be extremely kind treatment by another set. I thought indeed at one time that from the number of witnesses to be examined, and the food for information they poured on the subject, the case would have to be continued in our next, happily there is an end to all things mortal, so there was even an end to this horse case. During it, I heard it admitted that the mare did not get three feeds of oats regularly a day when not working, and I rather admire the truthfulness in frail human nature displayed by the plaintiff in ever imagining she would. Do people feed horses, other than their own, to that extent? (I don’t.) I came to the conclusion that if I had a vicious horse that kicked and bit much, and that I could do nothing with, I would lend him to a friend to break, and then pull him for damaging my property when broken. Mind you, I don’t say this case hinged upon anything like that, it evidently did not, but still some such idea floated up in my mind as being an extremely good thing to do under very bad circumstances. Then there was a great chimney case rising out of the late Clyde fire, the chimney being all that remained from the fire was sold for what it would fetch by the New Zealand Insurance Company. The purchaser took it down and away, and was prosecuted by the lessee of the original building for tresspass and damages. Here I learnt for the first time that a second hand colonial oven, after being well burnt, is worth more than it first cost, at least the amount claimed in Court for it exceeded its original value. I heard also that an oven, although bricked into a chimney, is not a fixture – the constable said it wasn’t, and he ought to know – I don’t, but I wonder what my landlord will say if I proceed on that principle?. I carefully refrain from expressing an opinion on either of these cases as they are both sub judice. Judgment will be given before this appears in print, so I can’t be had up for contempt for this much. In conclusion, I cannot refrain from stating that a fund of information can be gleaned from attending these Courts, but whether it was considered a breach of the Ferry Act for what’s his name’s horse to get a sore shoulder from pulling down a brick chimney belonging to A, that B sold C, or whether a native assessor is a fixture on the bench, and what a colonial oven has to do with small debts; but there, my brain has got so much confused with trying to follow all the cases in their due rotation – having lost my note-book, and tried something out of a bottle recommended by a friend to clear the cobwebs out of my brain. Excuse me, old hoss! – shalubrioushly yours,
THE following has been forwarded to us for publication:-
We the undersigned, electors of the Waipukurau Riding in the County of Waipawa, hereby declare that we verily believe that at the election to the office of County Councillor for the said Riding, holden at Waipukurau, and Ashley Clinton, on Tuesday, 24th day of March, 1877, at which Sydney Johnston, Esq., was duly elected for the said office, the said election of the said Sydney Johnston is void upon the following grounds, namely
Firstly – That irregularities occurred in the proceedings which tended to defeat the fairness of the election inasmuch as the Roll furnished to the Returning Officer by the Chairman of the Ruataniwha, Highway District, and purporting to be the rate roll or list of ratepayers this and Highway district, and adopted by said Returning Officer, was not a bona fide or legal roll, as was well-known to the Returning Officer; and further that the said Returning Officer only allowed single votes to those persons whose names were on the roll so furnished, who tendered their votes to him at Waipukurau, his deputy at Ashley Clinton, by instructions, allowed cumulative voting to persons tendering their votes at the latter places.
Secondly – That the votes for the Makaretu Highway District were not allowed to persons liable to rates in such district, but only to persons whose names were on the Assembly roll; and that votes tendered to persons not on such Assembly roll, but who were liable to the payment of rates in the said Makaretu Highway District, were refused.
Thirdly – That persons voted who were not entitled to vote or gave more votes than they were entitled to give at the said election: and we pray that an enquiry be made into the said election under the provision of “The Regulation of Local Election’s Act 1876,” and that the said election may be declared to be void.
Given under our hands this day of April 1877.
An Elector and one of the Candidates at the election above mentioned.
IN our issue of last week we announced the landing of one of Shand, Mason, and Co.’s patent prize steam fire engines. On Friday it was tried and found in excellent working order, a pressure of sixty pounds of steam having been got up in ten minutes. It is now encumbent on the public who have not yet subscribed to the Fire Brigade fund to come forward and give their assistance towards the payment of the debt incurred by the Committee. It is with much pleasure we are enabled to refer to the ready manner in which the agents for the Napier branches of the New Zealand and National Insurance companies each gave £50 in aid of the object sought to be obtained by the formation of a Committee and the organisation of a Fire Brigade. The other Insurance Companies have not up to the present time exhibited so much liberality, but we trust that in holding back from this public movement they have no desire to throw obstacles in the way of the only real endeavor that has yet been made to lessen fire risks within the Borough. More than nine months ago, both the New Zealand and Union Banks did their part willingly towards the promotion of the prevention of fire, and we regret that of the other banking institutions here we cannot speak so favorably. Nevertheless now that the engines have arrived, we cannot but hope that all the local corporative bodies will unite in bringing to a successful issue a means so admirably adapted to insure the public security against the risk of fire. We may say that it was owing to the liberal promises made by merchants, traders, the Insurance and Banking Companies, and other public bodies, that a committee was formed, by whose orders the steam fire engine was purchased in London, a manual engine bought in the colony, and an engine station built. The committee has made itself responsible for liabilities thus incurred, and it now remains for the public generally to come forward to assist in covering the cost of a good work that has been so well and energetically commenced. – Daily Telegraph, April 6.
A CASE was brought before the Resident Magistrate of Wairoa recently, that, beyond being alluded to in one of our correspondents’ letters, appears to have failed to attract the attention it deserves. It may easily be supposed that, in remote settlements, a rough and ready method of dispensing justice frequently prevails. It is seldom we believe that this justice is otherwise than equitable, though it may not be altogether in strict accordance with the law. But it may be imagined that there are instances in which a long course of immunity from public criticism is apt to create a disregard for those properties which should at all times characterise a judicial bench. It would appear that the matter to which we are about to refer as occurring at Wairoa, furnishes a case in point. Briefly stated, the case is as follows, – The Resident Magistrate of Wairoa, in his capacity of a private settler thought fit to close the newly established road leading from Wairoa to Mahia across the Awatere creek. This road had been about one year ago, surveyed, laid off, and constructed at considerable expense, by the Armed Constabulary. For a portion of its distance, between Wairoa and the Awatere creek, the road passes between enclosed lands of the Resident Magistrate, and in blocking the highway, that gentleman hooked up some wires, stretching them from fence to fence. For some little time the obstruction was treated with indifference; the road was travelled over as formerly, the wires being thrown down. It then appears that a watch was set to discover the “trespassers,” and the first man caught treating the barrier with contempt happened to be a half-caste native. It then appears that the name of the delinquent being given to the Resident Magistrate, a warrant was issued for his arrest. The man was put in gaol, where he remained for about thirty hours. The Resident Magistrate who, under the circumstances was the prosecutor or plaintiff in the case, took his seat on the Bench and tried the prisoner. The nature of the charge we are at loss to imagine. The prisoner was severely reprimanded and discharged. We shall make no comments upon this case, because we do not know what right the Resident Magistrate had to close a public road: because we do not know under what authority a person using that road, as he and all others had been accustomed to do for sometime, could be cast into prison; and because we fail to appreciate the propriety of a Magistrate adjudicating upon a case in which he is the prosecutor. The matter certainly should not be allowed to rest where it does now, and having called attention to it, we are of opinion that it ought to be further enquired into by the proper authorities. – Daily Telegraph, April 9.
WE published on last week the Estimates of Receipts and Expenditure of the Hawke’s Bay County for the present year. Although we are aware that the difficulties to be met on the initiation of any new system are by no means light, we think the Finance Committee might easily have made a more reliable estimate. Referring first to the expenditure side of the sheet, we find that it is proposed to spend £730 for the maintenance of main roads. On the County roads we believe there are at least four men regularly employed, and as the County has to maintain both roads to Taradale, and the main road as far as Te Aute; it will probably be found that the balance available for the supply of material for roads and bridges (about £300) will be very far below the sum required. In reference to the estimated receipts, we do not find that any sum has been estimated on account of land revenue. This surely must have been an oversight. The Financial Arrangements Act provides that the land fund, which is made up of lands sold, depasturing licenses, rents and duties under the Native Lands Act (which last item must be a very large one this year), shall be divided among the Counties in the Provincial District after certain deductions are made therefrom, these being surveys and administrative portion of the subsidies to Road Boards, sums paid on account of primary education, charitable institutions and hospitals, as well as a proportion of the costs of the Native Lands Court, and the interest and sinking fund of the permanent debt of the Provincial District. With all these deductions there should be a considerable sum to be divided among the three Counties. We would suggest also that some reference should have been made at the last meeting of the Council to another matter. It was generally understood that the County did not intend to carry on the repairs of the main roads, but to arrange with the Road Boards to keep them in order; but we notice this has been altered, although it has not, so far as we know, been debated in the Council. We find that the Council has asked for tenders for the supply of metal along the main roads, instead of arranging with the Road Boards to pay them an agreed sum, and getting them to keep the road within their boundaries. – Daily Telegraph, April 9.
IN about a fortnight’s time further evidence will be given of the incomplete manner in which the Legislature did its work last year in its feeble effort to make this colony a united country. Towards the end of the month, auctioneers will have to renew their licenses, and the question will at once arise, over what area will those licenses extend? In the days of provincial government, a license permitted an auctioneer to follow his avocation within the boundaries of the province in which he resided or carried on business, but for the future, this liberty will be restricted to the limits of the county or borough in respect to which he may have taken out his license. In clause 23 of the Financial Arrangement Act this is distinctly enough laid down; it provides that revenues accruing from fees or other similar payments in respect of licenses for carrying on the business of auctioneer, hawker, or any other business, shall be paid to the county or borough if the license is in respect of premises, or, if the license is in respect of a person, to the county or borough within which such person has his usual place of business. It follows therefore, that an auctioneer, who formerly could practice his business from one end of the province to the other, must now, to obtain the same liberty, take out four licenses, one for each of the counties, and one for the borough. The county of Wairoa has fixed, we believe, auctioneer’s license fee at £10, and if the other two Counties and the Borough exercise the same moderation no injustice will be done. But there is nothing in the Act to prevent a County or a Borough fixing licensing fees at such a rate as practically to establish a protective policy. The £40 license fee paid to the provincial treasuries had the effect of confining auctioneers to the province in which they were licensed, and a high scale of fee imposed by a County or a Borough would have a similar tendency. As with auctioneers’ licenses, so with the dog tax, and miners’ rights. Every County and Borough through which a drover may be compelled to travel is entitled to levy a tax on his dog, in the same way as the abolished provinces had the right to do so. Neither has abolition conferred any benefit to the miner, his “right,” now as formerly, extends only over the district in which he obtained it. So far from abolition consolidating the colony, the evils of provincialism are intensified, and in the place of nine provinces with independent taxing powers, we have now sixty odd independent corporations whose existence is assured by their ability to place burdens on the people. – Daily Telegraph, April 10.
The following paragraph extracted from a Wellington paper will be read with interest by the very many Hawke’s Bay friends of Mr Brandon:–“Among the names of passengers by the Suez mail steamer, now, we suppose, in quarantine in Melbourne, we notice the name of Mr A. De B Brandon, a son of our well-known citizen, Mr Brandon, M.H.R. The brilliant promise which this young gentleman gave by his scholastic career here has, we believe, been fully realised by him at one of the English universities, where he took an excellent degree. He has also, we learn, been called to the English bar, and will therefore probably on his return join his father in the legal business.”
The following is the telegraph report in this case as forwarded by the special correspondent of the Lyttelton Times. The case is of some interest in Napier, as Sherrin was formerly editor of our Maori contemporary, the Wananga:-
Sherrin was brought up on remand from Timaru to-day, at the Magistrate’s Court, before Mr. Woolcombe, R.M.
R. C. W. Cuming gave evidence against defendant, stating that he asked him to put the alleged libellous article in as a leader, but he refused. The article was subsequently altered into a letter, and the heading in the copy changed from “The Rev. G. Mc.Reid” to “The Rev Editor.” The signature was altered in the proof by Sherrin, who objected to its appearing, and substituted “Auckland.”
G. McCullough Reed, editor and one of the proprietors of the Otago Guardian, said that he had received a special copy of the Tribune of March 14 by post, at Dunedin. He identified Sherrin’s handwriting in the manuscript of the article shown as a document. He stated that he was a minister of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland. He had never been unfrocked, as stated in the article nor had he ever been subjected to any church discipline whatever; nor had ever a charge been laid against him. He referred to the charge of seduction. Had such a charge been made, it would not have had a shadow of foundation. He had resigned from the Queensland Church to go into the Queensland Parliament, had been elected, and had taken his seat. When he came to New Zealand he was admitted into the New Zealand Presbyterian Church at once. He started the Auckland Star, and became acquainted with Sherrin there. Accused was employed by them as special correspondent at Wellington, but was discharged, after five or six week’s service, in consequence of having sent up a most immoral telegram. Sherrin afterwards came to him in a state of great distress. He gave him £5, for which he thanked him with much emotion. He said that he had been employed by the Echo newspaper especially to blackguard him (Reed).
Sergeant O’Connor’s evidence closed the case.
Prisoner, who stated that he had nothing to say, was then committed for trial at the Supreme Court, Timaru. Bail was allowed, himself in £200, and two sureties in £100 each.
Mr. O’Meagher requested the Press reporters present to give a denial to the statement made by the Oamaru Mail, where Mr. Sherrin is described as “Richard Sherrin alias Arundel.”
Watches! Watches! Watches !
DRAWS special attention to his Magnificent Stock of WATCHES, just received direct from English and American Manufacturers, and made Specially to Order, which, for Excellence and Cheapness, are unequalled in the colony.
All Watches sold at this establishment are thoroughly regulated and put in working condition before leaving the premises, and Guaranteed.
HOLLOWAY‘S PILLS AND OINTMENT. I most respectfully take leave to call the attention of the inhabitants of Australasia to the fact that Messrs Henry Curran and Co., Wholesale Druggists, of New York, have Agencies in various parts, and that their Travellers are going all over the country vending spurious Imitations of my Pills and Ointment, which they make in New York, and which bear in some instances their trade mark thus
Whilst on other labels of this trash it is omitted , the better to deceive you, but the words ‘New York’ are retained. Much of this fictitious stuff is sold in the Auction Rooms of Sydney and elsewhere, and readily finds its way into the back settlements. These are vile frauds, as I do not allow My medicines even to be sold in any part of the United States; they are only made by me at 533, Oxford Street, London.
The same people are circulating a report that my business is about to be formed into a Company which is UTTERLY FALSE.
I most earnestly appeal to that sense of British justice which I feel sure I may venture upon asking my kind countrymen and countrywomen in their distant homes, to assist me, as far as may lay in their power, in denouncing this shameful American Fraud, by cautioning their friends lest they he duped into buying villainous compounds styled “Holloway’s Pills and Ointment” with any New York label thereon.
Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, with the words “HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT, LONDON.” engraved thereon. On the labels is the address, 533 Oxford street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
LONDON, Feb. 15, 1796
Spital Hill, Sheffield, direct the attention of Flock Owners and Shearers to their Improved New Pattern, No. 69 Shear, which for quality, style, finish, and adaptability to the requirements of the Australian and New Zealand markets, cannot be surpassed. The main features are – great extra width of steel in the blades, accurately ground, long shanks with narrow grip. Procurable at the leading Ironmongers’ Warehouses throughout Australasia.
Look for this Trade Mark in blade.
“By a through knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” – See in the Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk.
Sold only in packets (tins for abroad), labelled: –
and at
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted in English, Continental, and American Newspapers, Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines, Books, and Stationery supplied with accuracy and punctuality, and at the lowest prices.
Proprietors of Newspapers furnished with Paper, Ink, and every requisite connected with the printing business.
Indents through the Sydney and Melbourne houses, and Commissions executed quickly and economically generally.
PERSONS suffering from weak or debilitated constitutions will discover that by the use of this wonderful medicine there is “Health for all.” The blood is the fountain of life, and its purity can be maintained by the use of these Pills.
in his work entitled “The Nile Tributaries in Abyssinia,” says, “I ordered the dragoman Mahomet to inform the Fakey that I was a Doctor, and that I had the best medicines at the service of the sick, with advice gratis. In a short time I had many applicants, to whom I served out a quantity of Holloway’s Pills. These are most useful to an explorer, as possessing unmistakable purgative properties they create an undeniable effect upon the patient, which satisfies him of their value.”
Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment. I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse-feed poured in upon us, until at last a teaspoon-ful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
On the Label in the address, 533, Oxford-street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
With a “New York” Label.
This is an entirely new and superior description, and shows an immense saving as compared with old sorts, a mile of five wires weighing only 10 cwt., versus 17 cwt. No. 8 ordinary Wire. Purchasers particularly note that the SAMSON WIRE is slightly oval in shape, to distinguish it. Each coil has a brass padlock tally and a tin tally stamped “Patent Oval Samson Wire.”
Manufactured by the Whitecross Wire Co., Warrington, and may be procured through any Merchant, Ironmonger, or Storekeeper.
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
Standing Advertisements for Three, Six or Twelve Months can be arranged for at a Liberal Discount.
Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original order) must be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager.
T. MEEHAN, Port Ahuriri
£ s d.
Per Quarter, if paid in advance 0 6 6
Per Quarter, if booked 0 7 6
Per Annum, if paid in advance 1 6 0
Per Annum, if booked 1 10 0
Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
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Names –
Richard Aldridge, Mrs Anderson, John Anderson, Baker, Banner, J Barry, J Beck Becker, Beetham, John Benbagen, Bendall, Bennett, Rev Mr Berry, E Bibby, Captain Braddick, Brandon, A De B Brandon, Henry Moore Brathwaite, Frank Broughton, A Brown, J J Buchanan, Mrs Burslem, Burton, C Butler, Cable, Campbell, Capt. Campbell, Candron, Mrs Candron, Carter, Capt. Carey, Cattell, Mrs Caulton, Cavanagh, Cavley, Chambers, H Chapman, Chardon, Close, Coates, Colebrook, Collis, Colledge , Dr Cooper, Cornford, Cosgrove, Cottell, Craig, Mrs Cross, Cullen, R C W Cuming, Davis, Miss Davis, Deck, Dr de Lisle, Dickson, William Simla Driberg, William Driberg, Elder, Evan, Fannin, Mr & Mrs Ferguson, Mrs Ferguson, , Ferris, Flynn, Mr & Mrs Ford, Sergeant Fox, Captain Fraser, Mrs George, Gibbs, Richard Plantaganet Giffard, Glass, Gollan, Gorton, Miss Goudy, Graham, Robert Graham, Grant, Greenaway, Captain Griffiths, Edward Henderson Grigg, Grubb, Henry Guilliard, Mrs Eliza Guilliard., Ethel Mary Guilliard, Miss Halkin, J Harding, Mr & Mrs B V Harding, Capt. Hare, Harkis, Rev Mr Harper, Mrs Hastings, Colonel Herrick, Miss Higgins, Hooper, Ingleton, Major Jackson, Jacobs, Miss Mary Jacobs, James, Jarman, Jennings, Johnson, Sydney Johnston, William Jones, Kennedy, Captain Kennedy, A Kennedy, Kinross, Knox, Mrs Lascelles, Lascelles, Lawrence, G E Lee, Miss Lee, Lingard, Dr de Lisle, Locke, Long, Hannibal Line Lory, MacDonald, Capt. Macfarlane, Mrs Macfarlane, Captain Malcolm, Margoliouth, Marten, McCartney, Joseph May, Hugh McCormick, Mrs McHardy, John McKinnon, Sir Donald McLean, Rev G McReid, McHardy, McKenzie, Mr & Mrs J McKnight, McLean, A McLean, McMurray, T Meehan, Meinertzhagen , Meloy, M R Miller Miller, Sergeant Moffitt, Miss Mogridge, H Monteith, Mr & Mrs E Moore, Moorcroft, Moorhouse, Miss Morton, Moss, Constable Motley, John Murray, John McVay, Nairne, Nairn, Nasmith, Neal, Nesbitt, Newton, Northe, O’Meagher, Hon J D Ormond, Mr & Mrs J O’Shannassy, Clara Palmer, Charles Palmer, Parker, Parson, Peter Pedersen, Pocock, Porrett, Proctor, Mrs Proctor, le Quesne, W Rearden, Rees, Rich, Miss Rich, Richardson, John Robertson , Robertson, Corporal Robinson, Rev Samuel Robinson, Rodgers, Routledge, Rudman, Rundle, Mrs Runner, H R Russell, Saxby, C Scarfe, Dr Schwarzbach, W H Schultz, Alex , Scrimgeour, Inspector Scully, Sealy, Sheehan, Richard Sherrin, Short, Miss Scott Siddons, Sherrin, Charles Simon , Skepton, H Sladen, Mr & Mrs H Smith, Ben Smith, E Smith, F Smith, J A Smith, Snee, Mrs Snelley, Snowdon, J Sparrow, J C Speedy, Charles Stewart, Stokes, Dr Stokes, S Stone, Miss Stuart, George Stuart, F Sutton, Mrs Swan, Judge Symonds, Tabuteau, Tanner, Taylor, Mrs Taylor, Thorpe, F J Tiffen, Dr Todd, Mr & Mrs. Torre, Geo Trimmer, Joseph Turley, J J Tye, J T Tylee, Mr & Mrs. Usher, Mr & Mrs. Rees Watkins, Watson, Watt, Mrs Watt, Webb, H E Webb, Webster, White, Colonel Whitmore, Richard Winter, Williams, R P Williams, Miss Williams, Henry C Wilson, Witty, J W Witty, Woolcombe, Woolston.
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