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- Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 075 - 21 April
Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 075 – 21 April
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, And Literature.
The Undersigned is instructed by Mr. Robert Evans, of Homewood, Kaikora, to offer for Sale, as a whole or in convenient lots.
1,000 ACRES RICH AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL LAND. This property has frontages to the Waipawa River, from the bridge downward, a ring fence round the remainder.
This property is divided into two large divisions, one of these portions containing three small paddocks, about 30 acres, under artificial grass, two whares, sheep yards. &c., with or without 1500 sheep now depasturing thereon.
Price moderate, and a considerable portion of the purchase money remaining on mortgage.
7000 ACRES Freehold, Crown Grant, 24 miles from Napier
23,000 acres Leasehold, 18 years to run, low rent, with
9,000 Sheep, 40 head Cattle, Horses, Bullocks, &c. Good home improvements, and 2000 acres, fenced into paddocks: the whole will take grass seed readily, is well watered, and easy access from town.
11,000 acres Freehold, Crown Grant, with 2,000 acres Leasehold, excellent pastoral lands, 40 miles from Napier, well bounded, over 30 miles fencing, 25 paddocks, good houses, woolshed, and all necessary improvements, with
10,000 Sheep, few Cattle and Horses
3,920 acres Freehold, rich pastoral land, Wairoa, with
800 Sheep, and 100 head Cattle
900 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa.
4,677 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa, with
3,000 Sheep, and other necessary working improvements
3,000 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,220 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
400 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
2,500 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved, with
2,000 Sheep and 250 head Cattle
4,200 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Poverty Bay
11,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, Poverty Bay, with
3000 Sheep and few Cattle
1,600 acres Leasehold, half interest, Poverty Bay
14,000 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa [Tolaga] Bay
8,800 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa Bay, with
3,000 Sheep and good improvements
1,100 acres Freehold, rich land, Opotiki, with
1,000 Sheep, and all necessary improvements
33,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 26 miles from Napier
150,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 30 miles from Napier with
55,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 70 miles from Napier, with
5,000 Sheep and 50 head Cattle
9,000 acres Freehold, Agricultural and Pastoral, Seaboard, with
14,000 acres Leasehold, valuable improvements, and
15,000 Sheep, and few Cattle, Horses, &c.
1,639 acres Freehold, near Greytown, with
1,040 acres Leasehold, all fenced and subdivided, and
5,000 longwool Sheep, 120 Cattle, few horses, and every improvement necessary. The coach road passes through the property.
Stock and Station Agent.
Small stud flock Lincolns, bred by H. Sladen, Esq, – 100 Ewes, weaners, 125 two-tooth, 150 four-tooth, 100 six-tooth, 525 eight-tooth, 50 two-tooth Rams, and 2 eight-tooth imported pure Lincolns
26 pure Lincoln two-tooth Rams, bred by Major Jackson, Auckland
35 pure Lincoln Rams, six-tooth, bred by Joseph May, Esq., Auckland
233 two and four-tooth Rams, bred by Sir Donald McLean, got by J. Currie’s Victoria Rams
40 Merino Rams, bred by the Hon. R. Stokes, got by Larmouth Rams
70 Merino Rams (Mr Saxby), bred by Mr Gollan and Messrs Stokes
On Deferred Payments.
For particulars, apply to
MR. EVAN’S Draught Stallion “LORD NELSON,” by “Sir Colin Campbell,” dam “Blossom,” etc.
Liberal terms
For further particulars apply to
2400 Merino Ewes, full-mouth, sound
1000 Merino Ewes, mixed ages
2000 do Wedders, 8 tooth
500 do Wedders, 6 and 8-tooth
800 Cross-bred Ewes, mixed ages
700 Cross-bred Ewes 8-tooth
800 cross-bred Ewes, mixed ages
600 do do culls
1200 do do do
400 do do do
300 do do with lambs
MR. GRANT, the purchaser of the Pakowhai Estate, has instructed the undersigned to Lease for a term the very substantial and commodious Dwelling-House, lately occupied by Mr. McHardy, with the well-stocked Garden, Orchard, Shrubbery, and a small paddock adjoining; with part of the offices, a Coach-house, Stable, &c. This is situated within easy drive of Town or the Farndon Railway station. To a good tenant the rent will be very moderate,
COMFORTABLE DWELLING-HOUSE. The undersigned is desirous of selling his present Dwelling-house, 7 rooms and bathroom, washhouse and stables, in Cameron-road, with half an acre land, or will sell separately house and quarter acre, and an excellent building site, on quarter acre fronting South Cameron-road. Entry about 1st July. Easy terms will be given.
Education Board Office,
Napier, Feb. 13, 1877.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Education Reserves will be offered for Lease (21 years), by Public Auction at the Provincial Council Chamber, on TUESDAY, May 15, 1877.
Section 70, Town of Napier 1 rood, upset price, £10 per annum.
Section 298 B., Town of Napier, 1 rood, upset price, £20 per annum.
Suburban Section 90. lot 5, Town of Napier, 1 rood, upset price, £15 per annum
Chairman of Education Board.
THE Thoroughbred Clydesdale Draught Stallion “YOUNG LORD GLASGOW.” This Draught Stallion, stands about 16½ hands high, and is perfectly staunch in harness. Young Lord Glasgow took the first prize at the Hawke’s Bay Agricultural Show held in 1874; also a Draught Colt Foal, out of a mare the property of R. Wellwood, Esq., got by Young Lord Glasgow, obtained the second best prize at the H. B. Agricultural Society’s Show of May, 1876.
Young Lord Glasgow is out of Mr Hore’s prize mare Young Lilly, bred by Gibson Brothers, Tasmania. Sire, the imported horse Lord Glasgow, bred by Weir of Cameruth, Lanarkshire, and imported to Melbourne by Mr. David Nesbit, and sold to Mr. William Morley (warehouseman) for 600 guineas. Young Lilley is out of Old Lilly. Sire, Benledi, who was imported for the purity of his blood. His Sire, Ben Lomond, was never beaten in Scotland, and is brother to the celebrated horses The Major, the Colonel, and the General, who were the greatest prize-takers for a number of years. Old Lilly is dam of Lilly Cromwell, and Bodock Glos; Lily Cromwell, dam of Heather Jock, whose muscular powers, symmetry and endurance has never been surpassed.
Apply to
FRIDAY, APRIL 27TH, 1877, AT 1 o’clock, p.m.
MARGOLIOUTH AND BANNER, Will sell by public Auction, at Taradale, on the above date.
Draught Stock
&c., &c.,
Entries for stock will be received up to date of sale at Taradale or Napier.
N.B. – For the convenience of owners of stock in the districts of Taradale, Papakura, Puketapu, and surroundings, the Auctioneers have made arrangements for the erection of convenient sale yards at Taradale, and propose to hold regular monthly sales when the yards are finished.
4000 MERINO WETHERS, 8-tooth; in lots to suit purchasers
1400 Fat Cross-bred Wethers, 4, 6, and 8 tooth
300 Merino Ewes, 8-tooth
500 cross-bred Ewes, 8-tooth
150 Merino Rams, 2-tooth and upwards, by Dowling and Currie Rams, out of pure pedigreed Ewes
50 Lincoln rams, 2-tooth and upwards, by imported Rams, out of bred Ewes
8 Cotswold Rams, 2-tooth and upwards
10 Young Bulls of this season, bred by Hon. H. R. Russell, the produce of his celebrated bull Crown Prince, out of seven-eight bred Abbot cows.
2 Bulls, by Knight Templar and Duke.
Stock and Station Agent,
WANTED KNOWN – That the Cheapest and Neatest BILLHEADS may be had at the TELEGRAPH Office.
The Valuation List of the Highway District of Centre Ruataniwha, Makareto, Tamumu, Eparaima, and Porangahau, not having been completed, I hereby give notice that the time for the completion of such lists is extended to the 17 May proximo.
The Lists will be open for inspection until SATURDAY, the 26th May, at the various places where the Assessment Courts are held. Objections must be addressed to the Resident Magistrate’s office, Napier, and lodged on or before SATURDAY, the 26th May.
The Assessment Courts for each Highway District will stand adjourned to the following dates and places: –
CENTRE RUATANIWHA – On Monday, 28 May, as Noon, at the Public Room, Onga Onga.
MAKARETU – On Tuesday, 29 May, at Noon, at the Schoolhouse, at Ashley Clinton.
TAMAMU [ TAMUMU ] – On Wednesday, 30 May, at Noon, at the Homestead of Sydney Johnston, Esq.
EPARAIMA – On Thursday, 31 May, at Noon, at the Bridge Hotel, Wallingford
PORANGAHAU – On Friday, 1st June, at Noon, at the Duke of Edinburgh Hotel, at Porangahau.
Judge of Assessment Courts.
Are instructed by J. W. Witty, Esq., (who purposes residing on his property at Wairoa) to sell by Public Auction on the Premises.
HIS DWELLING HOUSE AND GROUNDS, Lighthouse-Road, Napier. The situation commands one of the most charming views on Scinde Island. The Grounds (about 2½ acres), have been laid out with taste and care, and at considerable cost, they are planted with the choicest fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, all well established in growth. After which will be sold all his Household FURNITURE (quite new). Catalogues of which can be obtained at the offices of the Auctioneers.
JUST landed, ex Chandiere, from London –
1 Handsome Oak 10-stop Harmonium, with knee swell, and all latest improvements, by James Smith and Son. Liverpool
1 Handsome Walnut 7-stop Harmonium, by same maker
2 Oak 5-Octave Harmonium, by Alexandre Pere and Fils, Paris
2 SPLENDID WALNUT TRICHORD PIANOFORTES, with fretwork front, truss legs, &c., by James Smith and Son
Daily expected per Electra, from London, via Auckland –
4 Very superior Rosewood Trichord Pianofortes, by Collard and Collard. Very Cheap.
1 Mare good in saddle and harness.
Apply to
A GOOD SIX-ROOMED HOUSE, situated in the Shakespeare Road near the Catholic School.
Very cheap. Apply to

April 14.
Nothing definite was arrived at the native meeting at Mohaka. The obstructionists still threaten to stop the surveys.
April 17.
The Manaia is not able to get out. owing to the heavy sea. She goes up the river snagging today, and leaves for Napier on Thursday.
Some of the test groins were washed up here yesterday, but were washed out again to-day.
April 16.
About 8 o’clock last night the men’s whare at Messrs. Stokes’ station, The Brow, was discovered on fire and burnt down. It is supposed to have been set on fire maliciously. A police enquiry will be held to-morrow.
April 17.
The Court opened at 11 a.m. Great interest is taken in the proceedings. Hapuku and other chiefs are present, The evidence taken relative to Wi Matua not being in the grant, and applying to be admitted, is now being considered. The Court adjourned till 2p.m. If no legal points crop up, the case will go on.
April 14.
Sailed – Kiwi, for Napier, at one p.m.
Passengers: – Messrs. Reeves, Cook, Smith, and Wilkie.
April 16.
Frank Broughton, late of Wellington, but recently brought down from Napier, was charged with embezzlement from Donald and Pascoe, brewers. A great deal of evidence was taken. The prisoner reserved his defence, and was committed for trial at the next sitting of the Supreme Court.
SIR. – Herewith I forward you for publication in your well esteemed columns the correspondence between myself and F. Sutton, Esq., M.H.R., relative to the imposition of toll on Rymer’s Mail Coaches. – I am, &c.,
Taradale, April 11, 1877.
Taradale, April 5, 1877.
F. Sutton, Esq. M.H.R, Royston, Clive.
Dear Sir, – At the time the Abolition Act came into force it was generally understood that the General Government would enter into, and carry out all existing contracts under the late provincial government; but this, apparently, is not the case, for, as you are aware, I presume the provincial government, on account of Rymer carrying Her Majesty’s mail, allowed him the free use of the road without toll for the coach that conveyed the mail, but not for extra coaches. Now, Sir, a change has taken place; instead of the Government carrying out the agreement of the late provincial government, they have imposed a toll on his mail coach. This appears most unjust, for not only is he (Mr Rymer) a sufferer, but the public generally, as will necessitate the raising of the fare between Taradale and Napier. – I am, Sir,
Yours faithfully
P.S. – I shall be glad to hear from you relative to this matter, in order that I may make this public injustice as public as possible. – H.G.

Royston, April 5, 1877.
Mr. H. Gordon.
Dear Sir, – I have your favor of the 2nd instant respecting Rymer’s coaches.
If it is a fact, as I have heard, that a contract was taken for three years, one of the terms of which was that the coach conveying the mail should go free of toll, I think it should be carried out. Any contracts in existence at the time of the Abolition Act are to be carried on by the General Government.
I am much obliged to you for calling my attention to it, and when I am in Wellington I will look into the matter. I shall always be glad to hear of anything that wants looking after. – I am, Dear Sir,
Yours truly,
Taradale, April 12, 1877.
F. Sutton, Esq., Clive.
Dear Sir, – I beg to acknowledge the receipt of yours of the 5th instant in reply to mine, but I trust you will, without delay, investigate the matter, or otherwise the public will be suffering a loss from delay that cannot be rectified. – I am, Dear Sir,
Yours truly,
P.S. – It would simply require to be notified to the Government Agent here that such is one of the terms of the contract, ad that it is to be carried out, to set the matter right. – H.G.
SIR, – Permit me to ask Mr. H.C. Wilson whether, in the publication of his letter in your journal last night, he desired to resuscitate the worn-out St John’s Church troubles, or whether he merely wished to prove a gambling debt? Had Mr. Wilson been one who had taken an interest in the welfare of the Church in the past, I could well have understood his present action, but as I look upon him merely as the “Jim Crow” of interested parties, I would like to ask him what his correspondence proves. We are all aware the Mr. Robinson was a man of a high and noble character, and one who would not stoop to falsehood. It may be correct that his priest’s orders were not seen by people in Napier. But are we to suppose for one moment that the Archdeacon and the constituted authorities of the Church in Napier would have permitted Mr. Robinson to have held the position he did here unless he was a duly authorised clergyman? Would even Mr. Townsend have allowed him to have officiated unless he was fully aware that he was no imposter, but a properly licensed clergyman? Would the Rev. Mr. Bridge have (at the request of the Synod) recommended to us an imposter? Were his utterances in St John’s that of a man who had “a lying spirit within?” I say we should cry shame and disgrace on men who, when a clergyman’s back is turned would attempt to injure and blacken his character, a man indeed whose shoes latchets they were even unworthy to unclose. Scandal is the forte of some people; others who are but tools of these scandalisers rush into print, and say what they dare not if the man they abuse were but present. Such conduct is like that of a paltroon [poltroon]. Like hundreds of Episcopalians in Napier I can only say their present conduct is thoroughly in consonance with their past, and as it cannot but injure themselves they will find this persecution of a gentleman, far above them as a Christian, will but retaliate upon themselves. May I say that is well known that the Rev. Mr. Robinson did receive here a copy of his priest’s orders, that he took them with him to England, knowing full well that there was no necessity to forward them to the Primate as he (Mr. Robinson) was leaving the Colony. – I am, &c.
April 13, 1877.
SIR. – “Heaven preserve me from my friends” was my ejaculation on reading the letter signed “Argus” in your journal last evening. It is generally admitted that assertion is no proof and abuse no argument, and I would inform “Argus” that, unless he is a very young man, he must have gone through life blind in ninety-nine of his eyes and unable to see out of the hundredth, not to be fully aware that assertion without something more to support it carries its own refutation, and that it is a well-known and almost threadbare saying amongst gentlemen of the robe, “when you have a bad case abuse the plaintiff’s attorney.”
Now let us look at “Argus’s” letter seriatim, –
1. Gentlemen do not generally consider it necessary or expedient to write to a newspaper to prove a gambling debt.
2. In the old country men have been licensed to curacies, and have officiated for a time as priests of the Church of England without ever having been ordained as such, and only been discovered after the lapse of time. Could not the same be done here. I do not assert that it has been done in this or any other case, but merely wish to show “Argus’s” reasoning fallacious.
3. I cannot find that anywhere in Mr. Wilson’s letter occurs the words “a lying spirit within,” and would feel deeply indebted to “Argus” if he would “lighten my darkness.”
4. For an anonymous writer to impeach Mr. Wilson as a poltroon for his conduct in this matter is a little too absurd. N.B. – Those who live is glass houses should not throw stones.
5. Mr. Robinson’s “utterances in St. John’s Church” prove nothing for or against him, for bad preachers are often good practisers and vice versa.
6. The ipse dixit of an anonymous correspondent that Mr. Robinson did receive here a copy of his priest’s orders will fail to convince sceptics; but as it is “well known” that he did receive them, it must be easy to name gentlemen who have seen them.
Apologising for having taken up your space, I will conclude by just assuring you and your readers that I am not actuated in writing by friendly or unfriendly feeling either to Mr Robinson or Mr. Wilson, but have merely taken “Argus” letter on its merits, and am certain that such a letter as his can only injure the cause he has at heart, in the minds of the thinking public. – I am, &c., JUNIPER.
Napier, April 14, 1877.
SIR, – Mr. Henry C. Wilson’s sudden conversion to ecclesiasticism is one of the most brilliant on record, and deserves honorable mention at Exeter Hall next month.
One consideration however is calculated to tarnish the lustre of the conversion, and that is the wording of his telegram to the Primate. He says, “To decide argument,” whereas it would have been more candid, and would have saved the telegraphist some trouble, besides affording the Primate an opportunity of giving his opinion on the ring, if he had said straightforwardly, – “To decide a bet” There is one other point which I can scarcely believe; but Mr. Wilson ought to have the opportunity of denying it, and that is – did he, after having received positive information that the Primate had not seen the orders in question, make a bet on what he knew to be certainty? This, if true, is not quite the thing for a young and devout convert to do.
That Mr. Robinson’s orders of priesthood will arrive at Napier in due time, I and many others fully believe. When they do, and are hung up for public inspection, I would beg to suggest to Mr. Henry C. Wilson the propriety of hanging by them, the diploma in virtue of which he assumes to himself, the title of “Dental Surgeon.”
April 13th, 1877.
SIR, – I hope you will kindly give me space in your columns to reply to some of “Argus” assertions in his letter of yesterday.
In the first place, I beg to assure him that I do not, by any means, wish to rake up old grievances, or to stir up the mud (of which, by the bye, there was plenty) with regard to the late clerical squabbles, but simply to show that certain statements which had been circulated in connection with the credentials of the Rev. Mr Robinson were, up to the present time, at any rate, untrue. I am charged with laxity in church matters, and I confess that I have not hitherto taken that interest in them that I perhaps should have done, and so when I found myself possessed of information which tended greatly to vindicate the character of one who had been unjustly aspersed, I felt it to be my duty to publish it. How I obtained that information is patent to all who read the correspondence; why, I obtained it is a matter I conceive of a purely private nature, and of no consequence to any one; but, as “Argus” had thought fit to brand me “Gambler” and “Betting Man,” I beg to inform him that the person with whom I made the bet is a “Pillar of the Church” and a Churchwarden to boot and equally as sinful with myself in this matter. That functionary, however, has since purged himself of this sin by repudiating the bet in the most approved Christian and churchman-like manner. I should have made no reference to the above had it not been for the impertinent tone of the letter which informed me of the “repudiation,” and which I beg to enclose and request you will publish together with my reply. “Argus,” in his letter, says, “May I say that the Rev. Mr Robinson did receive a copy of his priest’s orders, that he took them to England, knowing full well that there was no necessity to forward them to the Primate as he (Mr Robinson) was leaving the colony.” “Argus” is certainly at liberty to say so, but that does not make it fact, and I challenge “Argus” or any one to prove that either they themselves or any other person in Hawke’s Bay have ever seen the documents or even certified copies of them. As I am not gifted (or perhaps should say cursed) with an “itch for writing,” I shall abstain from all further correspondence on this subject, and shall not reply to any attacks which may be made upon me, even should they go to the extent of charging me with laxity in church matters – unless I have to acknowledge my error to the fortunate individuals who may have witnessed these much talked of documents.
Apologising for encroaching so much upon your space. – I am &c.,
Napier, April 14, 1877.
P.S. – Since writing the above, I have seen Mr. Fielder, and learn from him that Mr. Robinson distinctly stated to him, not that he was going to send his priest’s orders to the Primate, but that he had actually sent them.
If Mr. R’s statement was correct, the circumstance naturally reflects upon the Post Office authorities, and the sooner enquiries are made and the matter cleared up the better.
Mr Tabiteau presents his compliments to Mr Wilson, and begs to state that as Mr Wilson made the bet of £5 on a certainty that Mr Tabuteau considers it no bet. Mr Wilson having previously stated to Dr. Spencer that he knew on Thursday last, the 5th instant, that the Primate had not seen Robinson’s priest’s orders, this statement was made by Mr Wilson, at his residence, to Dr. Spencer between 11 and 12 o’clock yesterday, and previous to making the bet on the Spit.
Thursday, 12th April, 1877.
April 12th, 1877.
With reference to your note just received in which you accuse me of making an unfair bet, may I draw your attention to the following remarks I have to make thereon.
1st. Did I not tell you most distinctly that I knew up to last Thursday the Primate had received no communication whatever from Mr Robinson?
2nd. Did you not tell me that you knew from your brother-in-law (a clergyman at home) that Mr Robinson was all he represented himself to be?
3rd. Did you not inform me that you had seen the letter in which Mr R. stated were his priest’s orders, and that you were positive they were sent, and if not Mr R. would prove a liar and an imposter which you knew he was not?
Finally. Did I not say to you “In spite of all you have told me, I don’t believe he has them and if you like I am prepared to bet you £5 that he (Mr R.) does not produce them to the Primate of New Zealand before 6 months?”
If it be a certainty that I am betting on how much more must your bet be one, for you have decided intelligence from home, whereas I have only hearsay that they had not arrived up to last Thursday which of course does not prevent the production of them (if in existence) by the period stated, viz., 6 months.
As to the truth of all I have stated above I beg to refer you to Mr Carter, Mr Rich, and Mr Routledge, who were present at the time, and by whose decision I shall be happy to abide. In the meantime I cannot but hold you to the terms of your bet, which if I win I intend giving to some charity.
I am,
Faithfully yours,
SIR, – When the fire engine was tried last Saturday afternoon, it was commonly remarked that the sparks from the chimney were highly dangerous. It being however, daylight when the engine was being worked, the sparks were not so noticeable as they were last night, when the engine was again tried. Last night there was perfect shower of sparks emitted from the chimney, and in such profusion were they poured out, that I am confident there was more danger to the neighbouring houses than safety from the presence of the engine. There should certainly be a spark-catcher attached to the chimney which is evidently made for one to be fitted on it, or else a different fuel should be used. Unless such precaution is taken, some night the fire engine, like a railway, will produce work for itself. – I am &c.,
Napier, April 13, 1877.
SIR, – I see in the report of the late sitting of the Meanee [Meeanee] Road Board that Mr Barry taxed the Chairman with having a private interest in carrying this drain round Guppy’s corner. I would ask Mr Barry has he not a private interest in it, and also all those who have artesian wells? For whose benefit is it, except for those who are troubled with the surplus water of these wells on their properties. Are the ratepayers here to be gulled? Are they going to pay rates for the purpose of them being expended especially for the accommodation of private individuals—and they a vast minority? What good will the drain be as a public drain to act, to carry away storm water? Nothing! Then, Sir, when the ratepayers see the Board willfully expending money in this way, why do they not show their indignation by a public meeting, and, if this had not the desired effect, take such steps as will cause them to resign. In fact, abolish the Board! – I am, &c.,
Taradale, April 16, 1877.
SIR, – The land fund, by clause 4 of the Financial Arrangements Act, is charged with many burdens in the first five sub-sections, I think, however, that three of the charges will suffice to swamp any receipts in this provincial district during the current year. These three are –
1st. 2 per cent on the cost of constructing our railway, not less than £300,000, I should think, therefore say £6,000.
2nd. The interest and sinking fund of our Provincial permanent debt, say £6,678, the same as last year.
3rd. The aggregate County and Road Board subsidies for the year, say £2,000.
There are further charges, but these are the leading and largest ones, and if you can see your way to showing the Finance Committee how to get over the difficulty that the charges seem greater than the probable receipts, I as one of them will be very much obliged to you.
I have not had opportunities lately of meeting our Chairman or other Councillors, but it is probable they could explain the alteration of plan to which you refer and of which I was ignorant. – I am, &c.
April 16, 1877.
[With regard to the charges on the Land Fund seeming greater than the probable receipts, we may remind our correspondent that the “difficulty” is got over by clause 14 of the Financial Arrangements Act, by which advances may be made by the Colonial Treasurer, from time to time, to supply a deficient Land Fund. The alteration of the “plan” to which we referred, and of which our correspondent was ignorant, was that by which the Council departed from a course which, we believe, was proposed by the representative of Clive, that arrangements should be made by the Council with Road Boards to maintain the County roads running through their respective districts. We are still of opinion that the report of the Finance Committee should have contained some reference to the Land Fund, and to the charges thereon. It was easier, perhaps, to ignore it altogether, on the supposition that the charges on the Land Fund would more than swallow the receipts, but if that principle were invariably followed in making out estimates of income and expenditure, the balance would be all that would be necessary to show. – ED. W.M]

The Corporation of Napier has received its subsidy from the General Government due on the rates collected from March 31, 1875, to March 31, 1876. The subsidy amounted to £479 5s.1d, from which was deducted £192, as the Borough’s pro rata contribution towards the maintenance of the hospital and charitable institutions.
The plant for the completion of the Napier waterworks scheme was shipped on board the Andrew Reid, that sailed from London for Wellington on January 15. The plant consists of 295 tons.
The Corporation of Napier has been in communication with the General Government since February last with regard to the tenure of its offices in the Provincial Government buildings. The only answer that has been received was obtained from the Hon. the Minister of Public Works the other day, when it transpired that the February letter from the Corporation had been mislaid, and that further communications on the subject must be addressed to the Colonial Secretary.
We learn from native sources that the division of the £17,500 paid by Messrs Watt Bros. to the “Repudiation Office,” was approximately as follows: –
To Hirini Harawira £1000
To Pukepuke 1400
To Karaitiana 3000
To Henare Tomoana 3000
To Meihana 1000
To Henry Russell 4000
To Otene Wirahana 600
To Rora, (daughter of Paora Nonoi 600
To Hohepa te Ringanohu 600
To Nikora 300
– These sums amount to £15,500, leaving £2000 to be accounted for, which our informants were not able to do, further than to state that various small sums were to be divided amongst the other natives with whose names they were not acquainted. Some of our informants stated that Mr Henry Russell received £6000 others £4000. The legal expenses amounted to £2000.
A correspondent writing from Taradale says: – “Last week in your paragraph with reference to the works being carried on at Taradale, you mention that the authorities should place a culvert across the road instead of filling it in the way they are doing. Are you aware that the Chairman of the Council has men employed taking stones and erecting an embankment to prevent the water going on his property, and therefore were a culvert placed (which under the circumstances would be desirable) across the road no good object would be gained, as the Chairman’s embankment would prevent the water flowing off. We have, or will have to pay taxes for this expenditure, which wil- as you point out be no benefit to the district. I hope some member of the County Council will take the matter up, and got it rectified.”
It will be seen by advertisement that his Worship the Resident Magistrate will hold an enquiry into the matter of the appeal against the Waipukurau Riding Election on Saturday, April 21st, at Waipawa.
We hear that a new hotel is about to be erected on the Spit on the section adjoining that occupied by the stores of Messrs. Robjohns and Co. The proprietor of the new hotel, if the license is granted, will be Mr. Parker, late of the Albion Hotel. Further accommodation is urgently required on the Spit, as is well known by all who have to wait there at night for the departure of a steamer.
A Mutual Improvement Society has been formed in Taradale, and holds its meetings, I believe, in the schoolroom, twice a week. I understand they intend to form themselves into a local amateur theatrical company to give entertainments during the winter, together with other social amusements for the benefit of the people during the winter months. This is a good idea, and I would suggest that in connection with it they establish a reading room, together with which they might introduce chess, &c. If the Rechabites were in being they might have amalgamated, but I understand they have virtually collapsed. It is rumored the first performance will be a Christy minstrel, with a good collection of nigger songs, some of the members being most adept. – Taradale correspondent.
The usual monthly inspection of the Napier Artillery Volunteers was held at Capt. Routledge’s store on Friday. Major Withers was the inspecting officer. There was a very good muster of the corps. After the inspection the newly-elected Hon. Assistant Surgeon, Dr De Lisle, was introduced to the Battery by Captain Routledge. It was then unanimously resolved the captain be requested to ask Colonel Whitmore to become the Honorary Colonel for the corps. The members were then marched to the Sergeant-Major Gray’s, where they formed themselves into a general meeting for the purpose of electing a Lieutenant and Sub Lieutenant. On the suggestion of Capt. Routledge, it was decided to leave the vacancy of Sub Lieutenant open for a time. The following non-commissioned officers were then nominated for the office of Lieutenant, namely, Sergeant Frank Garner and Sergeant-Major James Gray. The candidates, having retired from the meeting, the ballot was proceeded with, and resulted in Sergeant Garner being declared elected Lieutenant. A Committee was then formed to consult with the Napier Town Band to consider the advisability of the band joining the Battery. A Committee was also elected for the purpose of forming a Dramatic Club in connection with the Battery.
Mr. John Howell a laborer at Taradale, regrets that he is unable to meet his liabilities, and has therefore filed his schedule in the Honorable Court at Napier.
The return match between the Star and Commercial Cricket Clubs took place last Saturday afternoon, on Clive Square, and resulted in an easy victory for the former team, winning by 25 runs. Some very good catches were made during the match, notably by C. Mogridge who made the best catch of the day. The Star eleven scored 47 to their opponents 22.
The Ngatiawa, Ngatipukeko, and Arawa tribes, at Ohiwa, have consented to give up spirit- drinking. They have also resolved to give no stimulants to visitors, or to use them at meetings, or tangis. This information is conveyed in a letter to the Wananga, at the foot of which the editor of that journal makes the following pious remarks: – “ We feel a joy that language cannot express in reading the above letter. We say that many years have been spent in teaching the Maori, and not till now have the Ngatiawa Ngatipukeko, and Te Arawa learnt the lesson which makes men gentlemen. We say be strong, be steadfast in your promises, and you will find in a short time that in happiness, industry, and in prosperity you will far outstrip those tribes who will drink spirits.” And yet it is a curious circumstance that since the establishment of the Wananga, the Maoris attracted to Napier have drunk much more that they formerly did.
We have received three more letters relative to the question raised by Mr. H. C Wilson in connection with the Rev. S. Robinson, but as we think our readers must by this time be heartily tired of the whole subject, we have decided not to publish them. The writers can have them inserted only by paying for them as advertisements
The Belfast News Letter rates Mr Vesey Stewart for having “impoverished Ulster” by taking away people who were “as much wanted and more welcome in Ulster than they could be anywhere else.” The article proceeds to advise those farmers who may be thinking of going out to the Vesey-Stewart settlement to “ask themselves if they would not be better at home with their capital, than with hordes of savages on their borders.” The News-Letter proceeds to state, “on reliable authority, that the country generally is not in a prosperous condition;” in support of which it quotes from the Timaru Herald a proposed reduction of shearers’ wages, and from the Napier DAILY TELEGRAPH is a compaint [complaint] by a correspondent who says he is “one of the many who will leave on the first chance he can get.” The News Letter concludes by saying: – “There are thousands in the colony of the same notion, and we would advise those who do even reasonably well at home to stay at home.”
The Davenport, Fay, and Davies Combination Troupe gave their second performance on Saturday evening in the Oddfellows Hall before a large audience. Messrs Routledge and Pulford filled the position of supervisors, but they failed to be able to give the spectators an explanation of the manner in which the tricks were executed. Mr Davies’ ventriloquism created much merriment; his local hits and witticisms being evidently highly appreciated.

We (Evening Post) regret to learn that Mr. J. R. Davies, junior (son of Mr. Davies, C. E., of Coleridge and Davies), who a few months ago fractured his kneecap by slipping and falling in Willis-street just opposite St John’s Church, met with almost an exact duplicate of this accident last evening. Mr. Davies was walking along Willis-street, and was just about to enter Mr. Barlow’s fruit-shop, when he slipped and fell, evidently sustaining a severe injury, for he fainted and had to be carried into a neighboring house, where his right knee and leg were found to be frightfully swollen. He was removed to his father’s residence in Willis street, and was attended by Dr. Driver, but up to the present time the excessive swelling of the limb has rendered abortive any attempt to ascertain the precise nature of the injury, or to reduce the fracture which it is feared exists. Mr. Davies was just about to leave for Napier to superintend some work there.
An adjourned meeting of the Education Board was held on Tuesday, there being present Messrs. Lee, Newton, Chambers, and Rhodes. Permission was granted to the County Council of Hawke’s Bay, to occupy a site on the Spit – educational reserve – for the purpose of storing timber. The capitation allowances for the various schools within the jurisdiction of the Board were passed. The tender of the DAILY TELEGRAPH for printing and advertising accepted.
We understand that Mrs. Neil finding that her proposed concert in the Waipukurau Hall would clash with the engagements of the Davenport, Fay and Davies Company, has kindly intimated to Mr. Davies (at his request) her intention to postpone the concert for a week.
The amount of jams imported from the other colonies, more especially from Tasmania, is something wonderful, considering that of all colonies, few if any, are able to contend with New Zealand in the growth of fruit. We are therefore glad to notice that Messrs. Bowes and O’Shannassy, who have recently opened a store in Shakespeare road, have, in connection with their other business, taken to the manufacture of Hawke’s Bay fruit into jams. We are enabled to express a decided opinion with respect to their plum and other preserves, and assure our readers they are far superior to the imported article.
At the Coroner’s Inquest, held on Monday at the London Hotel, on the body of William Baldwin, who was found hanging in his bedroom in the morning, the jury returned a verdict that the deceased hung himself during a fit of temporary insanity.
We have heard several complaints from settlers who have to travel at night in the Milton-road, and are requested to urge on the Municipal authorities the necessity of placing a light in that portion of the road near Mr McLean’s private gate. Very recently, we understand, some scoundrel taking advantage of the darkness of that portion of the road, insulted a young lady who was journeying to her home, and she was only saved from further insult through her cries for assistance being heard by persons living in the vicinity. A light in that dark portion of the road would be a protection against such insults.
We learn from our Woodville correspondent that those settlers who have already taken up their residence in the settlement are highly pleased with the prospects before them and are hopeful that with such a splendid agricultural land before them that ere long it will become one of the most flourishing districts in the colony. Several of the settlers, however, complain that the arrangements in the Local Post Office are not quite to their liking, although they have no fault to find with the Postmaster personally. At present persons posting letters have to hand their letters over the counter, and those desirous of sending letters away when the shop is closed cannot do so. Our correspondent suggests that a letter box should be placed in such a position as to obviate this.
A painful accident occurred on Tuesday to a young man, a carpenter, named Leonard Knight in the employ of Mr Holt. He was engaged making a coffin at Mr Holt’s manufactory for the late Mr Baldwin, and requiring some sawdust, he placed his right hand in the pit in which a saw was working. His hand came in contact with the saw, and the result was that his four fingers were severely cut, the forefinger being almost taken off. The man was taken to Dr Spencer, who attended to the wounds and bound the injured hand up.
A most painful accident says the Post of the 12th instant occurred at Mr. Tonks, hay and corn store, Manners-street, this morning to a man named Phillip Fauvel. It appears that it was Fauvel’s duty to hoist bales of hay, &., from the basement of the first floor by means of a rope and pulleys. He was assisted in this work by a steam engine, round one of the shafts of which the rope was fixed. While he was in the act of hoisting a truss of hay about 11 o’clock this morning, the rope got twisted by some means, and Fauvel seemed to lose presence of mind, for instead of letting the rope go he held on, and the consequence was that he whirled round and round several times. He was unable, after he had been taken round once, to get free from the rope, which twisted round his arms. One of his fellow workman who witnessed the occurrence stopped the engine as quickly as possible, but before that was done Fauvel had sustained some very serious injuries. Dr. Harding was immediately sent for, and on his arrival he found that the unfortunate man’s forearm was broken and otherwise mutilated, and his left arm broken and crushed above the elbow. Two of his fingers of his left hand were torn off at the first joint, and his breast was injured. Dr Harding having attended to the immediate wants of the man, advised that he should be sent to the hospital. Fauvel was conveyed to that institution in an express.
R. Beetham, Esq., will hold an official enquiry into the matter of the Waipukurau Riding election at the Court House, at Waipawa, at 11 a.m. on Saturday next.
The Wairoa correspondent of the Herald is a smart and original writer, and what he jots down for publication he thinks is so good as to bear repetition. A sample of this ‘journalist’s” genius appears in Wednesday’s issue of the Herald in the shape of a letter which is almost word for word with a former communication published on the 6th inst. We can only account for this absurdity by supposing that the correspondent is an extremely young person – perhaps of the female sex – who, in sending a something for publication writes out fair and rough copies and that having forwarded the one a fortnight ago, he or she has now sent the other. “No news is better than bad news,” and stale news will never earn for the sender the respect of the newspaper readers.
On Tuesday the train that should have arrived at Napier at 6.10 o’clock, did not come in till a quarter to eight, and some anxiety was caused through the unwonted detention. Happily the delay was not due to any serious accident, but merely to the engine getting off the line at Takapau when, detached from the train, it was employed in shunting some trucks. The engine, it seems, was jerked off the rails owing to a fault in the points, and much time was lost through the breaking of one of the screw jacks that was used in lifting the locomotive on to the line, necessitating the employment of hand levers.
We are glad to state that Henry Johns, the carpenter who had such a severe fall from the platform in the house now being erected for Mr. Watt, is out of danger, and hopes are entertained for his speedy recovery.
The Hawke’s Bay Education Board has granted the sum of £28 for the improvement of the accommodation at the Wairoa School. The Wairoa school is one of the largest attended in this provincial district, and it it[is] presided over by a lady. A town and districs [districts] that can send nearly one hundred daily pupils to school, should have something better than merely an elementary educational establishment.
The reserve at Farndon is to be levelled, and planted with trees, and formed into a public recreation ground. Its extent is fifteen acres.
The Herald on Wednesday says: – “If Lieut.-Col. Whitmore is right as to the position of the county finances; if it is true that its receipts from license fees, &c., will all be swallowed up by the charges for interest on railways and provincial debts, then it is clear the county must impose rates.” We may inform our contemporary that Colonel Whitmore never even thought of any such absurdity as the receipts from license fees being swallowed up bycharges [by charges] for interest on railways and provincial debts. We wonder when the Herald will make itself acquainted with some of the Acts bearing on local government matters.
As a resolution passed at the general meeting of the shareholders of the Napier grammar school held on Tuesday, might create an impression that it was intended to advertise for tenders at the expiration of the present Master’s lease, we are authorised to state that no such intention actuated either the proposer of the seconder of the resolution, and that the general wish appeared to be that the Rev. Mr. Irvine should renew his tenure upon slightly altered conditions, and remain Head Master of the school.
We were shown on Wednesday by Mr. Burton, a beautiful large apple, grown at his farm at Meanee. He proposes, should it “keep,” to have it on exhibition at the next show. We tried to induce Mr Burton to leave the specimen in our office for “keeping purposes.” He declined, and we returned to our editorial table with our mouth watering, and sorrow depicted on our countenance.
Francis Emmanuel Saunders, a civil engineer, issues a civil invitation to his creditors to meet him next Monday, at the Supreme Court House, at 2 o’clock, when he will lay before them a statement of his monetary engagements.
The Davenport, Fay, and Davies’ Troupe gave another of the extraordinary performances on Tuesday in the Oddfellows’ Hall. H.S. Tiffen and J.W. Carlile, Esqs., acted as supervisors, but, as with the other gentlemen who preceded them, they were unable to account for the wonderful illusions exhibited. The ventriloquism of Mr. Davies created much applause, and the dark seance with which the performance concluded drew forth from the audience great manifestations of applause. There may under the surface of all this performance be what is termed “hum-bug,’ but nevertheless those who term it so should attempt to give an explanation of how it is performed.
Mr. Oatley has opened opposite Mr. Holt’s Steam Saw Mill a Café and Accommodation House. The building is a new one, and the proprietor (who is a thoroughly practical man) purposes sparing no expense to make it not only a place in which every accommodation can be obtained, but also in providing for the wants of that portion of the community unable (owing to business engagements) to go to their homes during the middle of the day for their gastronomic requirements. Mr. Oatley is now erecting bath houses for the convenience of the public, under his own supervision where persons will be enabled to obtain cold, hot or shower baths. This is a want long required in Napier, and we are confident will amply repay the proprietor.
The Hon. Mr. Ormond in company with Mr. Carruthers, left Wellington for Napier on Wednesday. The latter gentleman will after inspecting the Harbor Works proceed to Auckland.
We notice that the Chairman of the Council has pointedly referred to the Clive Road Board not having furnished him with a certain return. In another column will be found a letter for Mr Sutton, as Chairman of the Board, to the Chairman of the County Council, wherein it is pointed out pretty plainly that the Council have requested returns that they are not authorised to ask for. The wording of the 32nd clause of the financial Arrangements Act admits of no mistake. The clause is particularly clear, but it does not appear to be sufficiently so for the Chairman of the Council to understand it. The work devolving upon Chairman of Road Boards has very much increased of late, and they cannot be expected to furnish returns which are not necessary under the legislation of last session. We have little doubt that Mr Sutton’s view of the matter will turn out correct, and that it will be found that the County authorities have made another blunder.
Mr. John Hill, the husband of the De Murska although suffering from consumption, is not dead as reported.
We are in receipt of several letters, which for obvious reasons we decline to publish, in which the writers complain that they are unable to get their vouchers passed for work performed through the Education and Hawke’s Bay County Council. Without publishing the letters, the mere fact of public attention being called to the matter will possibly have the effect desired by our correspondents.
Church of England service will be held (D.V.) on Sunday next, the 22nd instant, at Hastings at 11 a.m., at Havelock at 3 p.m., and at Clive at 7.
There was one single case of drunkenness of the charge sheet on Thursday. A man named Charles Brown, who had over-indulged yesterday at the Spit, not caring to pay the fine of five shillings, went “up the hill” for twenty-four hours, to get rid of his headache.
April 19.
Present – All the members.
Amongst the correspondence read was a letter from Mr. A. Levy, Chairman of the Woodville Road Board, to the Council asking the council not to impose a County valuation in that district, as it would bring up the rates to 4s per acre.
As the council could not do anything exceptional for Woodville, the application fell through.
Mr. Johnson moved, in a very sensible speech, that all roads within the County be declared County roads. He pointed out that there were several outlying districts roads which would have to be maintained by the County, and that the roads in more than half the County were, by virtue of the Act, already County roads, but to maintain them it would be necessary to impose a general rate, which would fall unfairly on those districts that had already taxed themselves to repair their own roads. He contended that the only way to get at the outlying settlers would be by imposing a general rate. When that was done the Road Boards would cease to tax and leaving the work to the Council, would be merged in the County.
The motion was seconded by Mr Lawrence and carried.
The next motion for which notice was given was that of Mr Lawrence’s for the removal of the place of meeting of the Council.
The Chairman said that he had taken the opinion of the solicitor, which was that the Act had not been complied with in giving notice of motion.
A long discussion ensued.
Mr Johnston said it appeared that the solicitor had not read clause 78. He was quite of a different opinion.
Mr Lawrence said the legal opinion was springing a mine under their feet.
Mr Levy thought the clause was not English. He thought it absurd, and what he had never found in Parliamentary practice.
Colonel Herrick did not think any lawyer infallible. – (Hear, hear) They could get as many opinions almost as lawyers.
The Chairman said his duty was to point out the position. He was quite prepared to take the motion.
Subsequently Mr Lawrence gave a fresh notice of motion, leave for which was granted by a majority, in accordance with the 12th clause.
April 19.
One of the Armed Constabulary was fined £2 at the Resident Magistrate’s Court today, for furious riding.
The Manaia is still detained, owing to a strong southerly breeze and heavy sea.
April 18.
The Rangatira sailed for Napier at noon. Passengers – Messrs. Skelly, Gibson, Bishop, Mrs Clunal, and two in the steerage.
SIR, – It is of course, as you are aware in poor parishes, desirable, if possible, to get all the voluntary assistance that is to be got in connection with church services, and here it is essentially necessary. To what I am alluding more especially is playing the organ here not only at the regular divine services on Sunday, but at other appointed times – Choir practices, extra church-days, &c. This voluntary assistance, by whomsoever rendered, naturally confines the person rendering it very much. Such assistance should be acknowledged by the community for whose pleasure it is rendered. I therefore trust the members of the church here (Church of England) will see the force of what I have stated by showing their appreciation not by words only of the services rendered by an energetic organist. The Vestry themselves might move in the matter. – I am &c.,
Taradale, April 15, 1877.
SIR. – Will you allow me through the medium of your columns to thank those kind friends who have so generously contributed to the testimonial I have received, and especially those ladies who have taken so much trouble to collect the same? The amounts collected are as follows: Mrs O’Dowd, £33 9s; Mrs Jeffares. £17 0s 6d; Mrs Lopdell and Mrs Robinson, £8; total £58 9s 6d. By doing so you will greatly oblige. – I am, &c.,
Meanee Mission Station,
April 17, 1877.
SIR, – I am informed on good authority that the Wairoa “Rag” will soon make its first appearance. I wish the undertaking every success, and if the spirited proprietor will allow me I beg to offer free gratis for nothing, a few suggestions for his future guidance.
Imprimis. Make the “Wanted” column very large, very large indeed, for there are many more wants in the district that there are means to supply them.
To exemplify this, let me mention a few: –
Wanted – Some more money in the place! Ask any storekeeper, ask any one in business (and a good many out of business too), see if they won’t corroborate this.
Wanted – A church and parsonage! Comment hereon is completely unnecessary.
Wanted – A Lawyer! (N.B. A bush or sea-lawyer preferred.) Search the annals of the R.M. Court, and then agree with me that a splendid opening is now offered.
Wanted – A Tent! None but Rechabites, I.O.G.T.’s. Sons of Temperance, or members of the Band of Hope need apply.
Secondly. I should lay in a large stock of soft soap – you can’t lay it on too thick as a rule. While to keep on good terms with the community at large, the editorials will have to be written in milk and water, the editor himself being kept on a very low diet.
Thirdly. You may have or you may not have some little difficulty in getting your subscriptions in with regularity so pleasing to the evenly balanced mind. However, this you will find out for yourself as you go on.
Fourthly. Oh, young man, “If sinners entice thee, consent thou not,” that is, shew the hospitality that will be proffered thee, called – Whisky!
These words of true wisdom are from one who has, unhappily, ere this,
(Before Judge Symonds and Hon. Kukutai, native assessor.)
This case referred to in another column was finished on Wednesday. The whole of the evidence was taken, and at the close, the Court said that they had decided to dismiss the application for a sub-division by Atanta Taupe. They were satisfied that the name of Wi Matua was omitted from the grant by mistake. They would recommend that the present grant be cancelled and a new grant issued with the name of Wi Matua inserted therein. That being done the parties might again come before the Court for a sub-division of the block.
April 19, 1877.
The wool washing season at the establishment has nearly drawn to a close, in consequence of which a number of men have been thrown out of employment. I understand that a very large proportion of the scoured wool this season has been done at this establishment, probably inasmuch as the most of last season scoured at the same works realised very handsome prices. A new boiler and vat for the boiling down department of this establishment has arrived, and doubtless will shortly be placed in position which, when completed, will enable the proprietor to boil close upon 500 sheep daily. The casks used were all from the establishment of Mr Carter, Dickens-street, and appear to give every satisfaction.
Some little excitement is caused by the annual election of wardens for the Road Board which is to take place next Monday. Several fresh candidates are spoken of as likely to come forward therefore a lively contest if anticipated, but my own impression is that the majority of the old members will be re-elected, still, there are many others who hold a contrary opinion, and say that an infusion of new blood is necessary essential for the welfare of the district, whether this opinion is correct or not the ballot will prove on Monday next.
No steps have as yet been taken to prevent the overflow of the river at Hamlin’s paddock. This is one of the most dangerous places along the river, and if something is not done to protect it, it must ultimately prove the destruction of both East and West Clive. The same apathy exists in regard to Merritt’s Corner, an absolutely dangerous place, and which if not remedied will allow the river to submerge the whole country from Farndon in the direction of Meanee. Therefore I say it is a duty the members of the County Council owe to their constituents to see that something is done forthwith to remedy those two evils.
Our Park. Within another month from this date, initiatory, steps will be taken to plant and beautify this piece of ground which in time must become the favorite resort of the residents of your city and other places.
Mr Giffard will give his second picnic of the season on Monday next. I am informed that numerous invitations are issued, and that it in all probability will be as well patronised as the previous one. The locality selected is Takapo, where pigeons and other rare birds love to congregate.
Shipping Intelligence.
12 – Rangatira, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Mesdames Davenport, Davies, and Nairn, Miss Carlyon, Professor Fay, Messrs. Davenport Brothers, Davis, Axup, Solomon, and Townes
13 – Albatross, schooner, from Whangapoua.
13 – Hinemoa, schooner, from Hokianga.
14 – Pretty Jane, s.s., from Auckland, via Poverty Bay. Passengers – Captain Symonds, Messrs. Moon, Carr, Inney, Collins, Johnson, and 2 natives.
15 – Kiwi, s.s., from Wellington, via Blackhead. Passengers – Miss Higgins, Messrs. Wilkie, Higgins, Cook, and Smith.
15 – Fairy, s.s., from Pourerere
16 – Tauranga, schooner, from Dunedin, via Oamaru
16 – Go-Ahead, s.s., From Auckland, via Awanui and Gisborne. Passengers – Mrs Webster, Messrs. Townley, Turpin, Jones, and 26 natives (Ngatipore)
17 – Star of the South, s.s., from Wellington. One saloon passenger.
18 – Fannie, cutter, from Whangapoua.
18 – Waiwera, schooner, from Mercury Bay
19 – Rangatira, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Messrs. S. Kelly, Gibson, Bishop, Mrs Clunal, and two in the steerage.
13 – Rangatira, s.s., for Wellington. . Passengers – Mesdames Donnelly and Well, Dr Carroll, Messrs Carrington (2), Moorhouse, Shipton, Raskinge, Wratten, Thomas, White, Hunter, and several steerage.
13 – Jane Douglas, s.s., for East Cape via Gisborne, Passengers – Mrs and Miss McRen, Mr Symonds, Henare Tomoana, and 4 natives in the steerage.
14 – Minnie Hare, schooner, for Auckland.
14 – Manaia, p.s., for Wairoa. Passengers Messrs Cable, Webb, – and several steerage.
16 – Pretty Jane, s.s., for Poverty Bay. Passengers – Messrs. Aitken, Stubbs, Irvine, Williams, and Sieveking
17 – Go Ahead, s.s., for Gisborne and Auckland. Passengers – Miss Hill, and Mr Kelly.
17 – Kiwi, s.s., for Wellington via the Coast. Passenger – Mr H. Smith.
17 – Star of the South, s.s., for Auckland. Passenger – Mr M?ne?zhagen [Meinerzhagen], Junr.
18 – Albatross, schooner, for Whangapoua.
19 – Falcon, barquentine, for Newcastle, N.S.W. Passenger – Messrs Nasmith and Pickering
The s.s. Rangatira, Capt. Evans, had a smooth passage all up the coast, having made the passage in 24 hours. She has been on the patent slip during her last trip to Wellington. Passed the s.s. Kiwi of Cape Pallisser [Palliser] late on Wednesday night.
The price given by Messrs. W. and G. Turnbull and Co., on behalf of the Brunner Coal Company, West Coast, for the Government p.s., Luna, was £4,000. Her new owners intend testing her power in her present condition before making any alterations in her. Arrangements have also been made with Mr O’Malley for using one of the recently reclaimed acres as a coal depot. Some wonder is expressed in Wellington that the Luna was not sold by auction, or by tender, as several gentlemen were prepared to give a higher price for the vessel.
The s.s., Rangatira, Capt. Evans, left at 4 o’clock in Friday. She had a fair compliment of passengers, and a load of tallow and wool for transhipment[transshipment] at Wellington.
The schooner Albatross has a load of sawn kauri from the Whangapoua saw mills, to the order of Mr B Johnson.
The schooner Hinemoa has a cargo of piles for the harbor[harbour] works. She was off Portland Island last Sunday, and was blown to the north again during the late southerly gale. She has been in company with the Fannie, Columbia, and Acadia, all bound to this port.
The s.s. Kiwi, Capt. Campbell arrived at the anchorage at midnight on Sunday, having had moderately fine weather on the passage. She called at Blackhead and landed eight passengers, and some young bulls, but could not land any cargo on account of the sea getting up. Amongst her cargo we noticed a quantity of casks and cases for the Napier Gas Company transshipped ex Wild Deer from London.
The s.s. Fairy landed all her cargo of grass seed at Pourerere, and returned on Sunday.
The p.s. Manaia left on Saturday night for Wairoa. Amongst her cargo we noticed the plant for a newspaper to be started in Wairoa, a quantity of 40-feet piles for the Wairoa County Council.
We notice in the Wellington papers that the barquentine May is again on the berth for Hong Kong, and will meet with quick dispatch, as most of her cargo is ready for shipment.
We are glad to inform the friends of Captain Andrew that he had not been so harshly dealt with as we have been led to believe. He has been suspended for three months, and reduced to chief officer’s pay. This is according to the Company’s rules when cases of this kind occur. It is not expected he will be called to act as chief officer unless it is urgently required. At the end of three months it is expected he will be reinstated to the command again. In the meantime, our old friend, Capt. Griffiths, is in charge of the Taranaki.
The s.s. Go-Ahead, Capt. Cooper arrived at the anchorage late on Monday. The captain reports a fine weather passage; called at Awanui and embarked 26 natives, who are en route for Wairarapa. The Go-Ahead had about 80 tons cargo for Napier. Passed the Pretty Jane off Portland Island.
The s.s. Pretty Jane, Capt Helander, took on board 760 store sheep on Monday for Poverty Bay, shipped by Mr Sieveking, and left at 4 p.m.
The schooner Tauranga arrived on Monday from Dunedin via Oamaru, having been a little over a week on the passage. Her cargo is principally colonial produce, consisting of flour, oats, and grass seed.
The s.s. Star of the South, Captain Carey, had rather a protracted passage from Wellington. She only remained in the roadstead about an hour and a half, and then steamed direct for Auckland at about 10 o’clock.
The cutter Fannie has a cargo of sawn timber from the Whangapoua saw-mills, consigned to Mr Johnson.
The s.s. Kiwi, Captain Campbell, steamed out of the Bay on Tuesday, and would be at Blackhead at daylight on Wednesday. Having then about 20 tons cargo and a lot of grass seed to discharge, being unable to do t [it] coming up.
The s.s. Go-a-head, after discharging about 80 tons of cargo on Tuesday, left for Poverty Bay the same night.
The Albatross, schooner, left on Wednesday for Whangapoua for a cargo of timber.
The barquentine Falcon sailed direct from the Breastwork on Thursday. She had a fair wind, although a strong flood tide to stem. She was soon out of sight. Captain Hare anticipates making a good passage, as she is in excellent trim. The owners of this vessel contemplate filling her with a steam donkey winch to hoist out the cargo.
The schooner Waiwera is loaded with sawn timber.
The bar at Wairoa is still bad, and a heavy sea prevents the Manaia coming out.
The s.s. Result is laid on the berth for Wairoa, and was to leave yesterday.
During the time this useful little steamer had been laid up, she had undergone a thorough overhaul, and several improvements have been made.
For the United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, &c., via Suez and Brindisi, by every opportunity to Wellington, where the mails close on the 4th May.
For Fiji, Sandwich Islands, America, West Indies, United Kingdom, and Continent of Europe, &c., via San Francisco, per overland to Wellington, at 5 a.m. on Thursday, the 3rd May.
Money orders and registered letters will close at 5 p.m. Newspapers and book packets will close at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, the 2nd May.
For the undermentioned places every Monday, and Thursday, at 5.30 a.m. – Clive, Hastings, Havelock, Te Aute, Kaikora, Waipawa, Waipukurau, Danevirk,[Dannevirke] Norsewood, Tahoarite [ Tahoraiti ], Woodville, Foxton, Palmerston, Wanganui, Taranaki, Wellington and Southern Provinces, &c., Wallingford, Porangahau, Wanui, and Castle Point.
On the other days if the week, mails close as usual, at 6.30 a.m.
Chief Postmaster.
MORICE. – At the Manse, Hokitika, on the 5th April, the wife of the Rev. George Morice, formerly of St Paul’s Church, Napier, of a son.
SCRIVENER – At the White-road, Napier, on April 15, the wife of Thos. Scrivener, of a son
BURKE – On the 17th April, at Napier, New Zealand, the wife of W. Ulick Burke, Esq, of a son.
PELHAM – SHIRLEY. – On 18th March, at St Peter’s Church, Wellington by the Ven. Archdeacon Stock, Thomas, only son of Mr Thomas Pelham, of Wellington, to Ellen, youngest daughter of Mr James Shirley, of Napier.
WEBB – At Gisborne, on the 13th April, Frederick Charles, infant son of Mr H.E. Webb, aged six months.
BROUGHTON. – At Napier, on the 15th April, Francis Henry Joseph, only son of Mr Frank Broughton, aged 4 years. Wellington papers please copy.
PALMER. – At Te Aute Hotel, on the 18th April, Louisa, eldest daughter of Charles and Mary Ann Palmer, aged 7 years and 10 months.
Government Notifications.
Office of Waste Lands Board.
Napier, 8th December, 1876.
TO HUGH McCORMICK. Formerly of the 65th Regiment or his representatives.
You are hereby required, within six months from this date, to prove to the satisfaction of the Waste Lands Board that you have complied with the conditions required to entitle you to 60 acres of land in the Wakarara District, selected under a Military Settlers Land Order, and if you fail to prove your claim within the specified time, your title to the land will be forfeited and the land be dealt with as the Board may direct.
Chief Commissioner.
The Cheapest House in the Trade.
A PLOUGHING MATCH Committee Meeting will be held at the Criterion Hotel on WEDNESDAY NIGHT, the 25th inst., at 2 p.m.
Hon. Sec.
£900 TO LEND next month on good Freehold security.
Stock, Land Estate, and General Commission Agent, Waipukurau.
Goods Stored and Forwarded.
Offices and Stores: Near the Railway Station.
The Weekly Mercury
WE publish in this week’s issue a list of the subscriptions received and promised up to the 11th instant, in aid of the
fire engine fund. The total amount received is less than that which was promised by £58, and falls short of the liability incurred by the Committee by £443. These figures would not redound to the credit of any borough, still less do they to that of Napier. The members of the Committee did a praise-worthy action in taking the lead in a movement that had its origin in the discovery that the town had had a very narrow escape from destruction by fire. We repeat it is not creditable to this community that the members of the Committee have been so inadequately supported as to leave them virtually responsible for a debt incurred for the sole good of the town. The money that has already been subscribed has been paid ungrudgingly, and with the heartiest good will, and those who gave, probably, gave as much as they could afford for a purely public object. Many of our principal citizens have subscribed most liberally, and if all who would be heavy sufferers in the event of fire had done the same, no further appeal would be necessary to clear off the debt on the engine. There is one point, however, which should not be lost sight of in considering the means that have been taken to protect the town from fire, which is the apparent indifference of the Municipal Council to the steps taken to supplement the water-works scheme. In the opinion of many, this water-works scheme bears much the same relation to the borough as the harbor improvement scheme does to the Port – admirable in theory, no doubt, but its real value has yet to be tested. There is no question as to its cost, but in the event of a conflagration, without engines the water supply – such as it will be – might prove of little avail. We hold it to be as much the duty of a Corporation to provide engines and support a Fire-brigade as it is to secure a water supply; more especially should this be so in a town situated as is Napier, in which the most perfect water supply that could be devised unaided by engines or a Fire-brigade, would not be able to cope successfully with a raging conflagration in the heart of a block of wooden buildings. And here we would mete out praise to those who, animated solely by public spirit, have formed themselves into a Brigade for no other object but to save life and property should a fire occur. It is little encouragement the Brigade has received from the Corporation, and still less has the Fire-engine Committee. We have not referred to this aspect of the subject before as we confidently anticipated that the Corporation would have taken the matter in hand, and paid off the liabilities incurred in the purchase of the engines and plant, and in the erection of the shed. When, however, meeting after meeting of the Council takes place, without a word being uttered as to the duty owed to the ratepayers in this respect, it behoves us to speak plainly.
We learn that both the men who met with the accident at Mr. Watt’s house on Monday, are progressing favorably. In connection with this matter we may mention that with respect to Henry Johns, independently of the fact that having friends at the Provincial Hotel he was confident of getting well attended there, he also was averse to being taken to the hospital because he was impressed with a conviction that the treatment there (we do not mean the medical treatment) was anything but what could be desired for a sick man. There certainly seems to be a necessity for inquiring into the management of this institution. – Hawke’s Bay Herald, April 18.
SELDOM have we noticed a more cowardly or more unwarrantable attack upon a public officer than is contained in the above paragraph. We are informed here that Mr. Johns was averse to being taken to the Napier Hospital, because forsooth he was impressed with “a conviction that the treatment there (not the medical treatment) was anything but what could be desired by a sick man.” We have no desire to make any remarks with respect to Mr. Johns “impressed” convictions as to the management in the Hospital. It is possible that Mr. Johns in asking to be removed to the Provincial Hotel, when he became the victim of an accident thought “There was no Place Like Home.” What we however desire to point out, is the deliberate slur attempted by the writer in the Herald to be thrown on Mr. and Mrs. Raven, the Master and Matron of the Hospital, for from the wording of the paragraph there can be no doubt as to whom the writer aims at. Dr. Hitchings is absolved from all blame (and rightly so), and as the next persons in charge are the Master and Matron, they are responsible that the sick received into that institution should have fair and proper treatment.
As a proof that the accusation made against Mr and Mrs Raven is absolutely false and untrue we have much pleasure in giving insertion to the following letter forwarded to us for publication and signed by those who are at present inmates of the Hospital. It speaks for itself: –
“SIR, – We, the undersigned, who are at present inmates of the Napier Hospital, were utterly astonished at the imputations cast at the officials of that establishment in the Hawke’s Bay Herald of this morning, and in contradiction we wish to testify to the public that the kindness received by us at the hands of Mrs and Mr Raven, also the Hospital assistant, is in fact almost more than we could expect. As for the punctuality in attending and carrying out the doctor’s orders, nothing could be more so. As regards the food, it is good and plentiful, and is varied as the patient or the disease my require. –
We are, Sir,
Napier Hospital, April 18.
SIR, – In reference to the above, I beg to say that the statement made and certified by their signatures was not forced upon them, but was spontaneous, and unanimously expressed to James Anderson, Esq., one of the Hospital Committee. – I am, &c.,
Master Napier Hospital.”
We now ask the Herald to make some distinct charge against the Master and Matron of the Hospital so that the matter may be fairly and honestly inquired into, and if such charges can be proved, then we should have much pleasure in assisting the Herald, and in the interests of the public demand that their places should be filled by more competent persons.
Let us however not be misunderstood. While denouncing the course taken by the Herald in this matter, we are aware that patients in the Napier Hospital do not receive the same attention as those who are inmates of such Asylums erected for a similar purpose in other parts of New Zealand and Australia, but this is not the fault of those in charge, or of the Hospital Committee, but arises simply for want of proper and sufficient accommodation. That further accommodation and more appliances are needed in the Napier Hospital to render it a comfortable place for inmates is patent to every person who has had reason to visit that establishment, but neither the Master of the Hospital or the Matron can of themselves remedy this state of affairs, nay, in fact, cruel to throw upon them the onus of want of “proper treatment.”
Dr SKAE, Inspector of Lunatic Asylums, during his stay here, visited the Napier Asylum, on the 9th and 10th instant, and we are glad to learn that he expressed himself as well satisfied with the establishment and its management. The following recorded opinion of Dr. Skae will be of interest to our readers: – “This Asylum has been inspected by me on this and the preceding day, It is very clean and in good order, but extremely bare. The patients are all very quiet, and none are under restraint, or in seclusion. They appear to be as well cared for as the nature of the accommodation and the means of treatment and command permit of. The Register of Admission and the Inspector’s Book are the only statutory books kept. It is a frequent practice, apparently with a view of saving expense, for the medical Officer of the Asylum to grant one of the certificates, on which a patient is admitted. This has been done in the cases of the last eight patients received. I have called attention to this fact, as this is contrary to the 17th Section of the Lunacy Act. –
The re-hearing of Atareta Taupe’s claim to the Mangaorapa Block, before the Native Lands Court at Waipawa, is of peculiar interest. Atareta is one of the grantees of the land in question, which is situated on Mr Canning’s run, Porangahau, and, at the last sitting of the Court, she succeeded in establishing her sole right to the ownership of a small portion of the block, thereby individualising her title. Her claim is opposed by Henare Matua. The interest attaching to the case is the evidence it affords of the desire now being exhibited by the most enlightened amongst the Maoris to individualise their titles. This desire, however, is by no means shared by very many chiefs, some of whom owe their influence to bounce, and oratorical ability, rather than to any solid possessions. We have no doubt but that if the grantees of every block were made to individualise their titles, some amongst them would have very little to show for the honor of having their names on a grant. Atareta’s claim is admittedly a large one, and, we understand, if she again succeeds in establishing it, that she purposes individualising the shares she holds in other blocks.
The fifth annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Napier Grammar School Company (limited), took place on Tuesday afternoon.
Present – Messrs Rhodes (chairman), Chambers, Brandon, Lee, Holder, Lyndon, Neal, Tylee, Carlile, N. Williams, Sidey, Kennedy, H Williams, Weber, Holt, Miller, Sutton, Meinerzhagen.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The Hon. Secretary, Mr Holder, then read the financial statement and the following report: – “In presenting this, the fifth annual report of the Napier Grammar School Company, the directors have merely to state that the revenue and expenditure are very nearly balanced. The premises, as you are aware, are leased to the Rev. Mr Irvine until June, 1878, at a yearly rental of £160, and this is the only source from which the Company at present derives any funds. The annual expenditure unavoidable is £157 leaving only £3 for advertising and petty cash payments. The apparent excess of receipts over expenditure being accounted for by overdue calls and school-fees received during the past year.”
Mr Kennedy moved, and the Rev. D. Sidey seconded, That the report be adopted. The motion was carried.
Mr Lee proposed a vote of thanks to the directors, hon. sec. and auditors, and moved, that the retiring directors, the Bishop of Waiapu, Messrs Ormond, Tylee, Rhodes, Newton, Chambers and Holder be re elected for the current year, and that Mr Holder be re-elected hon. secretary and treasurer.
Mr Neal seconded the motion, which was carried nem.com.
Mr Kennedy proposed, and Mr Chambers seconded “That a special general meeting be called for Friday, 28th September next, at 2 p.m., to consider what stops should be taken with the school property at the expiry of the Rev. D’Arcy Irvine’s lease.” – Carried.
Mr Lee proposed, and Mr N. Williams seconded. “That the directors before next meeting endeavor to obtain an extension of the lease from the Church Trustees, and that the directors report to the next meeting as to the terms on which an extension will be granted.” Carried.
A vote of thanks to the Chairman brought the proceedings to a close.
Present: – Mr. Tylee (Chief Commissioner), Colonel Lambert, Messrs. Newton and Kennedy.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Colonel Lambert desired to call the attention of the Board to the report in the Hawke’s Bay Herald of the last proceedings. What was reported was a private conversation with reference to railway passes. Although he held to what he stated, nevertheless he thought that private conversation should be respected. If such things were continued he would move that reporters should be excluded. He thought that the reporter in this instance had shown want of good breeding
and taste. At the same time, he believed that the proceedings of the Board ought to be reported honestly and fairly in the public press, but what passed in private conversation amongst the members should be respected.
Mr. Newton had noticed the report, and conceived it was a mistake on the part of the reporter.
Mr. Kennedy coincided with the previous speakers remarks.
An application made from Messrs Rhodes and Co. for 180 acres of land was referred back for amendment so as to include the land between the precipice and the Pohu Bush sections.
After the transection of business of minor importance the Board adjourned.
THE Board met according to advertisement on Thursday, at the Greenmeadow’s Hotel, Taradale.
Present: Messrs. Peddie (Chairman), Speedy, Barry, and Hallet.
Before the business of the meeting commenced, Mr. Speedy wished to pass a few remarks. It had been stated in a public print that the members of the Board wished their meeting to be kept private. He took the present opportunity, as he observed a member of the Press present, and on behalf of the wardens, to deny any such statement, which was positively untrue. He was only too glad to see that their meetings were reported.
In reference to the non-attendance of the wardens at the last meeting, it was understood that there should not be a meeting unless Mr. Hallett’s specifications were ready, Messrs. Hallet and Barry quite concurred in what had been stated by Mr. Speedy.
Mr. Hallett stated that he had endeavored to see the Chairman, but could not find him.
The Chairman said it was useless to waste their time over the matter. He then read from the minutes the motion convening the meeting alluded to.
Mr. Barry said, before proceeding any further, they should endeavor to get another member of the Board to attend the meeting.
The Chairman said, if it was the wish of the Board, he would leave the Chair at once, and let one of the other members preside over the meetings.
Mr. Speedy said they were not reflecting on the Chairman, and had no fault to find with him. They only wished to set themselves right with the public.
The Chairman read the collector’s report, also a communication from Mr. Lee that summonses would be issued against defaulting ratepayers of 1875-76. He also read Mr. Hallett’s report on drains and road works.
The Chairman informed the Board that no answers had been received from the Chairman of the County Council to letters dated 10th and 15th March last. They would see from Mr. Hallett’s report that the estimated cost of making the Meanee drain is £38, and the County Council have only allowed £10 in their estimates towards that work. With regard to the Taradale drain, they would see from Mr. Hallett’s report that he gives three different lines, and he agreed with the suggestion that the line along the main road to Guppy’s corner would be most preferable, as not interfering with private property, and for other reasons as stated by Mr. H. With regard to formation and metalling the roads as surveyed by Mr. Hallett, he thought it would be advisable to call for tenders for the whole work in say four sections, as laid off by Mr. Hallett. There would be no necessity to undertake all the work, but he thought the cost would be much less than estimated, and it would be advisable for the Board to know what it could be done for. They could then determine what portion of the work is most urgently required, and go on according to their means.
Mr Speedy proposed that the old drain at Meanee be cleaned out. Carried.
Mr Barry then commented on Mr Hallet’s plan for the surface drainage at Taradale. He thought the line through Mr McDonald’s the best and most direct line.
The Chairman gave it as his opinion that if the drain along the main road to Guppy’s was cleaned out, there would be no necessity for any other drain. At this point of the proceedings –
Mr Barry got up and accused the Chairman of being personally interested, which Mr Peddie denied.
Mr Barry proposed that the consideration of the Taradale drain be left over until next meeting.
Mr Speedy, in seconding the motion, said that as the Taradale members had left the question of the Meanee drain in the hands of the Meanee members, he did not wish to interfere in the present instance.
The motion was carried.
Mr Speedy moved, “That tenders be called for the information and metalling of all the roads mentioned in Mr Hallett’s estimate.”
Mr Barry seconded the motion, which was carried.
Mr Barry moved, “That the Chairman communicate with the Chairman of the Hawkes’s Bay County Council, requesting the Council to erect a culvert on that portion of the Great North Road now under repair.”
Mr Speedy seconded the motion, which was carried.
The Board then adjourned. The next meeting will take place at Mr Vaughan’s Meanee Hotel, on Monday, the 23rd instant.
Napier, April 9, 1877.
SIR, – In compliance with your request I have taken the levels of the proposed drains and road works, and have the pleasure herewith to furnish you with plans and specifications together with an estimate of the probable cost of such works.
In reference to the proposed drain at Taradale, I would call your attention to the road improvements, projected by the County Council which if carried out would probably make it cheaper for the Board to make the drain along the road side from Mr Guppy’s to the Taradale road. The works projected by the Council is the raising of the road between Taradale and Guppy’s, and to get the stuff for that purpose, I anticipate that drains will be made, which, if not sufficiently large to carry water from Taradale could easily be made so at a comparatively small cost, and the construction of the drain from Guppy’s would be carried out with the formation of the road, the stuff removed being used for the formation of the road.
This would obviate the difficulty of taking the drain through private property and would also be more convenient for keeping open, but there may be some little risk of them being enlarged to such an extent as to damage the roads in times of floods by the overflow waters of the Tutaekuri river, but this would also apply to the one I have surveyed as it runs for a considerable distance by the side of the new Taradale-road. You will observe by the plans that I have shewn two drains at Taradale, the one running entirely through Mr McDowell’s property, and the other through Messrs. Butler’s, Peddie’s, and McDowell’s properties. The latter as you will perceive is a little longer than the former, and would require a greater depth of cutting throughout, but it would be somewhat less liable to be filled in by floods being on a higher level. Should the Board decide on adopting either of these routes I would recommend that shown in section No. 1 as the cheapest and most direct.
Re the Meanee drain I have no hesitation in recommending the proposed deviation as the most effective, cheapest, and direct route to carry off the water from the township of Meanee.
The total fall from Meanee is very little, but for the first 20 chains from the road there is a fall of about 6 feet, which would quickly carry off the water to the lower levels of Mr Sladen’s paddocks, which would meet the object of the residents of Meanee.
Re the roads. Should the Board not have sufficient funds at their disposal to carry out all the works proposed according to plans and specifications, I would recommend that the road from Guppy’s to the Taradale-road be made first as being of the most public utility, and the road from the Mission Station towards Chary’s as being in a worse state of repair than any of the others, next, the road leading to Mr Powdrell’s, and lastly, that from Guppy’s towards Mrs Hawkins’s.
I am, Sir,
Yours faithfully,
The Chairman of the Meanee Road Board, Meanee.
The reputation of the Davenport Brother’s was made years ago, when their astonishing feats were attributed by the vulgar to the agency of spirits. Their first appearance in Napier on Friday, in combination with Mr. Fay, (whose dark seance is much more weird than the mysterious cabinet of the brothers,) and with Mr. Davies, a renowned ventriloquist, drew, as might have been anticipated a crowded house. After Mr. Davenport had opened the programme by giving a few selections on the pianoforte, Mr. Fay introduced the brothers, and a large cabinet erected on the stage. His Worship the Mayor, and Mr. A. Kennedy, as two trust-worthy and well-known citizens, were then invited on to the stage to inspect this cabinet, to assure themselves and the audience, that is contained no hiding places, secret springs, or other appliances by which assistance could be obtained from without by anyone locked up within. The inspection concluded, the Messrs. Davenport took their places inside the cabinet sitting opposite each other; their hands and legs were firmly tied by the Mayor and by Mr. Kennedy, and otherwise made absolutely as secure as ropes and knots could make them. Before the doors were finally closed, Mr. Fay requested Mr. Kennedy to take one last look at the Brothers to see that they were quite fast. Mr. Kennedy peeped in and at once got a blow on the head from a tambourine. As this was rather puzzling under the circumstances, the Mayor was asked to make a further inspection, and putting his head in to do so was immediately fitted with a hat! The doors were then locked, and from the cabinet issued a series of varied sounds emitted from musical instruments; hands were seen flourishing at a hole above the centre door; bells were violently rung, and finally a banjo was pitched clean out of the hole, the doors where [were] thrown open, and the brothers were disclosed sitting as demurely as possible, and as firmly tied as before. The mystery was afterwards varied and redoubled by Mr. Gully taking his place in the cabinet, and keeping his eye on all that took place, and he failed to detect any movement on the part of the brothers throughout the apparently vigorous proceedings that were taking place inside. The cabinet seance concluded by the brothers being firmly secured and flour placed in their hands, so that if they were opened for the purpose of untying knots or ringing bells evidence of the fact would be furnished. In a minute or two, after all sorts of sounds had been heard, Messrs Davenport stepped out free, the roped coiled up at the bottom of the cabinet, and the flour safe in their hands, not a speck being shown on their black cloth clothes. To say the least it was very mysterious, and provoked loud applause.
Mr. Davies then, after an interval, kept the audience in roars of laughter by his astonishing ventriloquial powers, which were cleverly displayed in songs, and conversation between two lay-figures, Tom, and Joe. Mr. Davies’ clear and rapid vocalization, when throwing his voice into the mouth of Joe, was the finest effort of ventriloquism we have heard.
Mr Fay’s uncanny dark séance brought this capital entertainment to a conclusion. The dark seance commenced by Messrs Fay and Davenport being securely tied to the chairs on which they were sitting, and which were placed on either side of a small table. On the table there were placed a variety of musical instruments. Again were the Mayor and Mr. Kennedy invited to see “fair play.” The latter gentleman was placed partly in front and on one side of the performers, and the Mayor was given a seat on the opposite side and to the rear of the table, so that any one passing along the stage would be detected by one or other. The gas was then turned off, and the Hall was left in total darkness, when immediately, from the sounds emitted, the musical instruments were thrown about the walls, roof, and floor. The lights were turned on, and Messrs. Fay and Davenport were found in the position in which they had been tied. The instruments were then phosphorised, and in the dark their rapid flights through the air could be watched. The Hall being again darkened, Mr. Fay called to the spirits (shall we say)? to take his coat off, and in the twinkling of an eye the coat was flung off, and Mr. Fay’s arms still tied behind him. The knots in the rope which bound his wrists to the chair were then sealed and stamped, the Mayor took off his coat and put it on the table, the Hall again darkened, and in an incredibly short time His Worship’s coat was on the back of Mr. Fay, and his arms through the sleeves, but the ropes were just as tight as ever and his wrists as firmly tied. This was a wonderfully clever trick. Finally, several gentlemen from the audience formed a ring round the table, the Mayor and Mr. Kennedy firmly held the performers, the Hall was again darkened, and again did the musical instruments start on their mad career. Nobody of course discovered how it was done; everybody was puzzled and highly amused, and we have not the slightest doubt, another crowded house will witness to-night the admirable entertainment provided by this Combination Company.
Painful Case of Suicide.
A painful sensation was created in town by the news, which spread rapidly, that Mr William Baldwin, who has for many years been in the employ of Mr G. Faulknor as a journeyman blacksmith, had committed suicide by hanging himself. The reported suicide was made known to Constable Ryan about a quarter to 9 o’clock. Constable Ryan at once proceeded to the residence of Baldwin, which was a cottage belonging to deceased, on Port Ahuriri Beach, and found him suspended by the neck from a rafter, with a sashline doubled, his toes touching the ground. Ryan, with the assistance of one of Baldwin’s neighbours, cut him down, but found life to be quite extinct. The deceased, who is an old Napier settler, and hitherto much respected, has been for some time suffering from melancholia, and his constant talk has been of sudden deaths and suicides. He lived by himself in a detached cottage, and this morning not making his appearance at breakfast as usual, Mrs Byer, his sister, who lived close by, sent one of his nieces to see the reason of his absence. To the horror and astonishment of the child on entering her uncle’s room she perceived her uncle suspended, and ran to her mother with the intelligence, who immediately sent for the constable as narrated. Baldwin was a steady man, and if we are correctly informed had saved up a large sum of money. He has left no will. An inquest on the body was to have been held this afternoon at the London Hotel. – Daily Telegraph, April 16.
Serious Accident.
ON Monday between nine and ten o’clock if was rumored that three men had fell from the scaffolding in the tower of the house, being erected on the hill for J. Watt, Esq., and that they had received serious injury. From what we can learn, it appears that Henry Johns, Michael Leahy, and another carpenter, whose name we have been unable to learn, were all engaged on a scaffolding at the tower placing some boards on, when the board on which they stood suddenly broke, Johns and Leahy were both precipitated to the ground, but the other carpenter, with great presence of mind, made a grasp at one of the uprights, and held on until rescued. The fall from the scaffold to the ground was about 20 feet, and when Johns and Leahy were picked up they were both insensible; stretchers were immediately improvised, and Johns was carried to the Provincial Hotel, where he is residing, and Leahy to the Provincial Hospital. Medical attendance was quickly found for the sufferers. Johns is, we regret to learn, most seriously injured, although he bears up wonderfully. Leahy is not so much hurt, although the shock of the fall had rendered him almost totally helpless.
THE council met at 7.30 p.m.
Present – His Worship the Mayor (in the chair), and Councillors Lee, Tuxford, Lyndon, Vautier, Holder, Neal, Williams, and Swan.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The following report from the Committee was read:-
“The Public Works Committee having met, pursuant to notice, on Thursday the 12th April, 1877, beg to recommend the Council to give effect to the following:-
“1 That the tender of Messrs Madden and Parker for forming Beach Road for the sum of £140 be accepted so soon as the required sum of £70 has been subscribed by the inhabitants.
“2. That the wall in the Shakespeare-road be taken down and rebuilt to a height of 3 ft. 6 in. and the top part laid in cement, and that tenders be called for the work.
“3. That with regard to the scheme for lighting the town with gas your committee beg to recommend as follows:-
(1.) That the town be lit with gas, and that 36 lamp-posts be placed as shown on the plan of the engineer. (2.) That the 36 lamp-posts be of totara. (3.) That the tenders be called for supplying and fixing the above 36 lamp-posts complete. (4.) That the offer of the Gas Company to supply the gas, and light and clean the lamps at £10 10s. per lamp per annum be accepted, provided that it be distinctly understood as to the definition of moonlight nights, and that work be performed to the satisfaction of an officer appointed by the Council; the company to connect the posts with the gas pipes. (5.) That the Gas Company be requested to lay pipes from their mains in Clive Square for the purpose of supplying two lamps to be placed at the corner of Railway and Munroe-streets, at a distance of about 5 chains.
“4. That the Town Clerk be directed to write to all the auctioneers requesting them to state the terms on which they will sell the leases of the Corporation reserves on the 3rd May next.
“5. That the boundaries of the Botanical reserve he re-surveyed and pegged out.
“6 That the offers of Messrs. Hills and Oxenham to sell to the Corporation certain road metal and rubble at 2s 9d per yard be declined.
“7. That no further permission be given to any person to take material from the Town Hill reserve till the present contracts are completed.
“8. That the railway authorities be requested to cause a crossing to be made in Lever-street, and that the engineer be requested to report on the cost of forming the roadway.
“9. That tenders be called for lightering and carting the Waterworks plant, ex “Andrew Reid.”
On the motion of Cr Lyndon, seconded by Cr Williams, it was resolved that the lamp-posts should be of iron.
The sites for the lamp-posts were left to the Public Works Committee to decide.
His Worship the Mayor called the attention of the Council to the unsatisfactory mode the Colonial Government had contrived for the collection of borough license fees. All such fees had to be received by the Collector of Customs, but that officer had no power to enforce their payment. His Worship added that he (the Mayor) had communicated with the Colonial Treasurer on the subject, in February last, but having received no reply, he had addressed himself to the Hon J. D. Ormond from whom he had received a telegram stating that his letter had been mislaid.
A letter was read, addressed to the Mayor, from the Manager of the Union Bank of Australia in connection with the water-works loan.
After some short discussion on the subject the maintenance of the streets, the Council adjourned.
The usual fortnightly meeting of the Harbour Board took place to-day.
Present – Messrs. Smith, Chambers, Sutton, Kennedy, Newman, and Hoadley (secretary).
In the absence of Mr Kinross, Mr Sutton was voted to the chair.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The Secretary read the following letter – From the Customs Department, Wellington, re erecting lights on the harbour works now in course of construction; an application from T Marshall to lease section in Burnes-road, accompanied by a memo from the Board’s Engineer.
The Secretary read the copy of a letter sent to Wellington to the Customs Department, stating the Board’s intention to cease maintaining the Napier light-house.
A report of the Engineer, with estimate of cost of reclaiming the swamp on eastern side of the causeway from foot of Shakespeare road to the Spit, was read, and upon the motion of Mr Kennedy, seconded by Captain Newman, was treated as notice of motion to be considered at the next meeting.
The Board then adjourned.
(A long way after Longfellow.)
Tell us not, in mournful numbers,
That our Harbor’s but a scheme;
Rouse us not from pleasant slumbers;
Let things be just as they seem,
The contractors are in earnest;
See them striving towards their goal!
“Mud thou art, to mud returnest,”
Was not said of yonder Mole.
Yet the Bar still, to our sorrow,
Stands obstructive in the Bay;
And we fear lest each to-morrow
Find it bigger than to-day.
Tides are strong, and works are fleeting,
And our walls beside the wave
Still are crumbling, breakers beating
Funeral marches to their grave.
(Perchance in time, in pleasant prattle
Our small grandchildren will say
To the stranger, “See, sir, that’ll
Shew you how they spoilt the Bay.”)
Trust no plans, however pleasant;
Save your breath to sigh and groan;
Be your motto for the present
“Let’s make haste and spend the Loan!”
Lives of Engineers remind us
We can make their pay sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us
Lessons for all future time.
Lessons, that perchance another
City by the stormy main,
A harborless and untaxed brother,
Reading, shall not read in vain.
Let us then sit down my brothers,
And for the tax-gather wait;
He’ll come soon. There! By Carruthers!
There’s the beggar at the gate!
W. McC.
(Before R. Beetham Esq., R.M.)
Pattinson v. Saunders. – Claim for drapery, &c., £3 5s. Judgment for plaintiff for amount claimed, and costs 9s.
Pattinson v. Smith. – Claim £3 10 6d, drapery account. Judgement for plaintiff with 9s costs.
Boylan’s Trustees v. Anderson. £3 0s 9d. Settled out of Court.
Gibbs v. Newton. – £2 19s 6d. Plaint withdrawn.
Lindsay v. Newman. – £19 15s; and Same v. Same, £87 11s 2d. The hearing of these two cases was adjourned (by request) until Friday, 20th instant.
Thomas v. Anderson and Berry. – Claim £40.
Anderson and Berry v. Thomas. – claim £13 4s 6d. Both these plaints were withdrawn.
Hone Moananui v. Mohi te Ahikoia. – Claim of £50. viz., £45 for repairing buggy (plaintiff’s property), broken in March, 1873, by the defendant, and £5 for loss sustained in consequence of being deprived of the use of the same. Mr. Lascelles conducted plaintiff’s case, and Mr. Lee was for the defence. Plaintiff and defendant, and the majority of the witnesses in this case being natives, it occupied the Court for a considerable portion of the day. Although of very little interest to any one outside the parties immediately concerned, the case was evidently looked upon as an important one by these native litigants – defendant having under the provisions of the “R.M’s. Evidence Act, 1870,” procured the evidence at Gisborne of Mr. Alexander Steele, wheelwright, who was in Napier at the time of the accident which was said to have caused all the damage, and had seen the buggy and had also been in treaty with the natives about doing the repairs, &c. The evidence throughout went to show the want of care and exposure in all kinds of weather had been equally, if not more injurious to the vehicle than the “smash.” Judgment was given for plaintiff for the sum of £15, and £2 4s 6d costs of Court.
Pocock v. Colebrook, – In this case which had been adjourned from time to time until this day, the plaint was withdrawn.
Gebbie v. Goddard. – Claim £3. The summons in this case not having been served, the date of hearing was extended for a week.
Smith v. Nairn. – Claim £100, balance of an account for architect’s work, travelling expenses, commission, &c, &c. A receipt was produced on behalf of the defence signed by plaintiff as in full, and plaintiff admitted the signature as his own, but said he only considered it a part payment. The latter portion of this statement was contradicted by Mr Cotterill in evidence, who stated that he himself had told Mr Smith that the payment was in full settlement of the claim. Judgement for defendant, with costs solicitors fee allowed, £3 3s.
Newton Irvine & Co. v. Gruner, – Claim £11 18s 2d. balance of a store account. Defendant had paid £7 3s 2d. into Court in full of plaintiff’s claim, including costs. Plaintiff’s failing to prove to the satisfaction of the Court that defendant was further indebted to them, judgement was given for the amount paid into Court only.
Gray v. Vaughan. – Claim £20. This case was adjourned by consent until Friday, 20th inst.
J. Joll, plaintiff; G. Peebles, defendant. On a judgment given in August, 1873, for £52 11s 6d, and £7 12s costs, of which amount defendant had only paid the sum of £4. Evidence having been taken as to defendant’s means, ability, &c., it was ordered that defendant pay the amount and costs by instalments of 30s every month, the first payment to be made on the 16th April instant, and that he be imprisoned in Napier gaol for two months in default of any single payment.
Thomas Paton, an old offender, appeared to a charge of using abusive and disgusting language. He was fined 40s or seven days imprisonment, with hard labor. The prisoner is at the head of a large family, who are conducting and supporting themselves in a most respectable manner, and it is only to be regretted that His Worship gave him the option of a fine.
Richard Winter surrendered to his bail on a charge of having stolen the sum of £146 from Mr Schultz, of Emerson-street.
Mr Sheehan, who appeared on behalf of the prosecution, stated to the Bench that he found the evidence placed before him insufficient to prove a conviction, and therefore he found himself unable to go on with the case. The police had obtained adjournments in order to have more light thrown on the matter, but their efforts had been futile, and he therefore declined to offer evidence on behalf of the prosecution, being fully aware that such evidence as he had to adduce to the Court could not result in a conviction.
His Worship said, under such circumstances, that he had no other course to pursue but to discharge the prisoner, which was accordingly done.
One inebriate forfeited his bail of 20s in preference to making his bow before his Worship.
Allanach v. Whiteman – Claim £10 13 6d, amount of a bread account. No appearance of defendant. Judgement (by default) for amount claimed, and costs, £2 14s 6d.
Topping v. Douglas. – Claim £11 1s 9d for goods supplied to natives. Adjourned at plaintiff’s request until May 1st. Defendant allowed 14s 6d for this day’s expenses.
Robertson v. Kirkpatrick. – Claim 12s 6d. Judgement for plaintiff, with 9s costs.
Myhill v. Saunders. – Claim £8 5s 4d, goods supplied. Nonsuited, with no costs.
Pattinson v. M. Hebden – Claim £1 12s 4d for drapery. No appearance of defendant. Judgement (by default), with costs 9s.
Pattinson v. Goldsmith – Claim 12s for goods supplied. Defendant did not appear. Judgement (by default) for amount of claim, and costs 9s.
Of ten other civil cases set down for hearing to-day, seven were withdrawn by the plaintiffs; in two others the amounts had been paid into Court, and in one judgement had been confessed.
£. S. D.
New Zealand Insurance Co. 50 0 0
National Insurance Co. 50 0 0
Watt Bros 40 0 0
Neal and Close 30 0 0
Newton, Irvine and Co. 30 0 0
Bank of New Zealand 25 0 0
Union Bank Australia 25 0 0
F. Tuxford 20 0 0
Campbell and Co. 20 0 0
E.W. Knowles 20 0 0
E. Lyndon 20 0 0
Dinwiddie, Morrison and Co. 20 0 0
H. Ford 20 0 0
H. Williams 20 0 0
H. C. Robjohns 20 0 0
G.H. Swan 20 0 0
H. R. Holder 20 0 0
J. McVay 10 0 0
A. W. Abraham 10 0 0
A. Manoy and Co. 10 0 0
J. Gray 10 0 0
Large and Townley 10 0 0
Routledge, Kennedy and Co. 10 0 0
N. Jacobs 10 0 0
A. Bryson 10 0 0
Colledge and Craig 10 0 0
G. C. Ellis 10 0 0
Blythe and Co. 10 0 0
Margoliouth and Banner 10 0 0
Boylan and Co. 10 0 0
G. Bowman 10 0 0
J. Robertson 10 0 0
Wilson and Cotterill 10 0 0
J.W. Carlile 10 0 0
H. S. Tiffen 10 0 0
S. Carnell 5 0 0
W. Reardon 5 0 0
M.R. Miller 5 0 0
J.T. Johnson 5 0 0
N. Williams 5 0 0
J. Sims 5 0 0
G. Faulknor 5 0 0
Barraud and Bowerman 5 0 0
H.P. Cohen 5 0 0
W. Britten 5 0 0
J. Parker 5 0 0
W.Y. Dennett 5 0 0
E. Ashton 5 0 0
Dr. Spencer 5 0 0
R. Stuart 5 0 0
G.E. Sainsbury 5 0 0
G. Benjamin 5 0 0
H.O. Caulton 5 0 0
C. Palmer 5 0 0
Langley and Newman 5.0.0
H. Wall and Co. 5 0 0
?. Scarfe 5 0 0
? Higgins 5 0 0
H.B. Sealy 5 5 0
R. Holt 5 0 0
Bank Australasia 5 5 0
National Bank 5 5 0
J. Rhodes 5 0 0
F. Sutton 5 0 0
J.H. Vautier 5 0 0
Plante and Co. 5 5 0
S. Hooper 3 3 0
D. Woods 3 3 0
P. Gilliespie [Gillespie?] 3 0 0
T. Morrison 2 2 0
H. Fletcher 2 2 0
Gilberd and Co. 2 2 0
Beagley and Steevens 2 2 0
J. Martin 1 1 0
H. C. Wilson 1 1 0
E. Conroy 1 1 0
Total £807 7 0
Of the above sum there has been collected to April 11 749 4 0
Showing a balance due of £58 3 0
The cost of the engines, appliances and station building is £1250, showing a deficit of £443, for which the Committee are in a measure responsible, having been led to incur the liability from the liberal promises made to them when soliciting subscriptions.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Electoral Rolls for the various Ridings in the above County are open for the Public Inspection at the County Clerk’s office, Wairoa, from the 20th April until the 15th May 1877; also –
At Messrs Sims and Stevens’ Stores, Mohaka
FOR THE WAIKAREMOANA RIDING, At the Post Office, Te Kapu, Messrs. Fraser & Co.’s store.
Any person who considers himself aggrieved by his own name or that of any other person being entered on or omitted from the Roll of the Riding, or by the number of votes allotted to him or to any other person thereon being more or fewer than that to which he or such other person is entitled under “The Counties Act, 1876,” may, on or before the last day of May, apply for relief to the Resident Magistrate’s Court, Wairoa.
By order,
County Clerk.
County Clerk’s Office, Wairoa, 16th April, 1877.
TENDERS, receivable up to the 26th instant, are invited for sawing 12,000 feet of totara for bridge purposes on the Napier-Taupo Road, between Opepe and Pohu.
Address to the undersigned, from whom further information can be obtained.
The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
District Engineer.
Public Works Office,
Napier, April 17, 1877.
IN pursuance of Clause 40 of the “Rating Act,” I hereby notify that a meeting of the West Woodville Highway Board will be held at Mr. Murphy’s Hotel, Woodville, on SATURDAY, the 28th April at 3 o’clock p.m., for the purpose of striking a rate for the current year.
A meeting of Ratepayers will be held at the same place, at 1 o’clock p.m. on the 28 April.
Chairman West Woodville Highway Board.
GRANT’S MAIL COACHES LEAVE Havelock for Hastings Railway Station in connection with the Train as follows: –
Depart Arrive Retrn
Havelock 9 a.m. Hastings 9.30 9.35
Havelock 11.45 a.m. Hastings 12 15 12 25
Havelock 4.30 p.m. Hastings 5p.m. 5.5
An open Express Waggon leaves Havelock daily for goods as required.
Coach can be hired to meet any train that is not met in the ordinary time table for 3s for one or three passengers, above three, the ordinary fare of 1s each.
Fare 1s each way.
General goods, 8s per ton.
Timber, 1s per hundred feet.
Shingles, 1s per thousand.
Ladies’ and Gents’ saddle horses, 7s 6d per day.
Single seated Buggies, 15s per day.
Double Ditto 20s per day.
Horses broken to single and double harness.
Horses bought or sold on commission.
Saddle horse, Buggies, or Coaches can be had to meet any train at Hastings by telegraphing to G. Grant, Hastings.
Family Reader, new Vol.
Whitaker Almanac, 1877
Cornhill Magazine, Vol. 34
The Prime Minister, by A. Trollope
Pausanias the Spartan, by Lord Lytton
Miss Sewell’s Works
Day of Rest, new Vol.
The Boys’ and Girls’ Annual
Old New Zealand, by a Pakeha Maori
Cassell’s Popular Educator
Book of Scottish Story
Childrens Picture Books, in great variety
Graham’s Domestic Medicine
Youatt on Sheep and Cattle
Manchester Science Lectures
Loan, by Rhoda Broughten
Life of General Lee
Kennedy’s Colonial Travels
Lord Brougham’s Works
Ouida’s In a Winter City
Home Photography
Chemical Cabinets
Jewel Cases
Chessboard Tables
Work Boxes
Copying Ink Pencels [Pencils[
And a large number of Novelties imported direct from the Manufacturers
Apply to JOHN BARRY, Taradale
Or to
Watches! Watches! Watches!
DRAWS special attention to his Magnificent Stock of WATCHES just received direct from English and American Manufacturers, and made Specially to Order, which, for Excellence and Cheapness, are unequalled in the colony.
All Watches sold at this establishment are thoroughly regulated and put in working condition before leaving the premises, and Guaranteed.
HOLLOWAY‘S PILLS AND OINTMENT. I most respectfully take leave to call the attention of the inhabitants of Australasia to the fact that Messrs. Henry Curran and Co., Wholesale Druggists, of New York, have agencies in various parts, and that their Travellers are going all over the country vending spurious Imitations of my Pills and Ointment, which they make in New York, and which bear in some instances their trade mark thus
Whilst on other labels of this trash it is omitted , the better to deceive you, but the words ‘New York’ are retained. Much of this fictitious stuff is sold in the Auction Rooms of Sydney and elsewhere, and readily finds its way into the back settlements. These are vile frauds, as I do not allow my medicines even to be sold in any part of the United States; they are only made by me at 533, Oxford Street, London.
The same people are circulating a report that my business is about to be formed into a Company which is UTTERLY FALSE.
I most earnestly appeal to that sense of British justice which I feel sure I may venture upon asking my kind countrymen and countrywomen in their distant homes, to assist me, as far as may lay in their power, in denouncing this shameful American Fraud, by cautioning their friends lest they he duped into buying villainous compounds styled “Holloways Pills and Ointment” with any New York label thereon.
Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, with the words “HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT, LONDON.” engraved thereon. On the labels is the address, 533 Oxford street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
LONDON, Feb. 15, 1796
Spital Hill, Sheffield, direct the attention of Flock Owners and Shearers to their Improved New Pattern, No. 69 Shear, which for quality, style, finish, and adaptability to the requirements of the Australian and New Zealand markets, cannot be surpassed. The main features are – great extra width of steel in the blades, accurately ground, long shanks with narrow grip. Procurable at the leading Ironmongers’ Warehouses throughout Australasia.
Look for this Trade Mark in blade.
“By a through knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” – See in the Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk.
Sold only in pockets (tins for abroad), labelled: –
and at
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted in English, Continental, and American Newspapers, Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines, Books, and Stationery supplied with accuracy and punctuality, and at the lowest prices.
Proprietors of Newspapers furnished with Paper, Ink, and every requisite connected with the printing business.
Indents through the Sydney and Melbourne houses, and Commissions executed quickly and economically generally.
DESIGNS prepared from rough sketches. Plans colored or etched in first style
Architect and Building Surveyor,
WANTED KNOWN – That in all Orders for GENERAL PRINTING executed at the DAILY TELEGRAPH OFFICE, FULL NUMBERS are guaranteed.
Persons suffering from weak or debilitated constitutions will discover that by the use of this wonderful medicine there is “Health for all.” The blood is the fountain of life, and its purity can be maintained by the use of these pills.
in his work entitled “The Nile Tributaries in Abbyssinia,” says, “I ordered the dragoman Mahomet to inform the Fakey that I was a Doctor, and that I had the best medicines at the service of the sick, with advice gratis. In a short time I had many applicants, to whom I served out a quantity of Holloway’s Pills. These are most useful to an explorer, as possessing unmistakable purgative properties they create an undeniable effect upon the patient, which satisfies him of their value.”
Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment. I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse feed poured in upon us until at last a teaspoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
On the Label in the address, 533, Oxford-street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
With a “New York” Label.
This is an entirely new and superior description, and shows an immense saving as compared with old sorts, a mile of five wires weighing only 10 cwt., versus 17 cwt. No. 8 ordinary Wire. Purchasers particularly note that the SAMSON WIRE is slightly oval in shape, to distinguish it. Each coil has a brass padlock tally and a tin tally stamped “Patent Oval Samson Wire.”
Manufactured by the Whitecross Wire Co., Warrington, and may be procured through any Merchant, Ironmonger, or Storekeeper.
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser
Standing Advertisements for Three, Six or Twelve Months can be arranged for at a Liberal discount.
Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original order) must be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager.
T. MEEHAN, Port Ahuriri
£ s d.
Per Quarter, if paid in advance 0 6 6
Per Quarter, if booked 0 7 6
Per Annum, if paid in advance 1 6 0
Per Annum, if booked 1 10 0
Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
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Names –
A W Abraham, Mohi te Ahikoia, Mr Aitken, Allanach, James Anderson, Captain Andrew, E Ashton, Axup, William Baldwin, Banner, Barraud, John Barry, Beagley, J Beck, Richard Beetham, G Benjamin, John Bennett, Berry, E Bibby, John Bicknell, Bishop, Blythe, EH Bold, Bowerman, Bowes, G Bowman, Boylan, Brandon, James Charles Briden, Rev Mr Bridge, W Britten, Francis Henry Joseph Broughton, A Bryson, JJ Buchanan, W Urlick Burke, Burton, Butler, Byer, Cable, Captain Campbell, Canning, JW Carlile, Carlyon, S Carnell, Carrington, Dr Carroll, Carter, Carr, Carruthers, HO Caulton, Chambers, Close, Mrs Clunal, HP Cohen, Colebrook, Colledge, Collins, E Conroy, Cook, Captain Cooper, Mr Cotterill, Craig, J Currie, Davenport, JR Davies, Davis, De Murska, WY Dennett, Dinwiddie, Mrs Donnelly, Douglas, Dr Driver, Charles Frederick Eggert, Robert Evans, Captain Evans, G Faulknor, Phillip Fauvel, Professor Fay, Fielder, H Fletcher, Fraser, H Ford, Sergeant Frank Garner, Gebbie, Gibbs, Gibson, Giffard, Gilberd, P Gilliespie, Goddard, Goldsmith, Gollan, Henderson Gordon, Geo Grant, Sergeant-Major James Gray, Gruner, Gully, Guppy, Walter Hallett, Hirini Harawira, Martin Hardiman, Dr Harding, Captain Hare, Hawkins, Hebden, Captain Helander, Sarah Henderson, Colonel Herrick, Higgins, John Hill, Miss Hill, Dr Hitchings, Hoadley, HR Holder, Robert Holt, S Hooper, Hore, John Howell, Mr Hunt, Inney, Rev Mr D’Arcy Irvine, N Jacobs, William X Jarvis, Mrs Jeffares, Henry Johns, JT Johnson, Sydney Johnston, Johnston, Mr B Johnson, J Joll, Jones, Sister Mary Joseph, Karaitiana, S Kelly, Kennedy, Kinross, Kirkpatrick, Leonard Knight, EW Knowles, Hin Kukutai, Colonel Lambert, Langley, Large, Lascelles, Lawrence, Michael Leahy, Lee, A Levy, Lindsay, Dr De Lisle, Mrs Lopdell, E Lyndon, Hugh McCormick, McDonald, McDowell, McHardy, Sir Donald McLean, McLean, McRen, J McVay, Madden, Manoy, Margoliouth, T Marshall, J Martin, Henare Matua, T Meehan, Meihana, Meinerzhagen, MR Miller, Miller, Hone Moananui, C Mogridge, H Monteith, Moon, Moorhouse, Rev George Morice, William Morley, T Morrison, Murphy, Myhill, Nairn, Nasmith, Neal, Neil, David Nesbit, Newman, Newton, Nikora, Rora Nonoi, Oatley, O’Malley, O’Dowd, Honourable Mr Ormond, O’Shannassy, Oxenham, Charles Palmer, Mary Ann Palmer, Miss Louisa B Palmer, J Parker, Pattinson, G Peebles, Peddie, Pickering, Plante, Pocock, Powdrell, Pukepuke, Pulford, Raskinge, James Raven, W Reardon, Reeves, Andrew Reid, J Rhodes, Rich , Hohepa te Ringanohu, John Robertson, Robinson, Rev S Robinson, HC Robjohns, Captain Routledge, Henry R Russell, Constable Ryan, Rymer, GE Sainsbury, Francis Emmanuel Saunders, Saxby, Scarfe, Schultz, Thos Scrivener, HB Sealy, Sheehan, James Shirley, Miss Ellen Shirley, Shipton, Rev D Sidey, Sieveking, J Sims, Dr Fred Skae, Skelly, H Sladen, Smith, H Smith, Solomon, J Sparrow, JC Speedy, Dr Spencer, Henry Spencer, Alexander Steele, Steevens, Stevens, Vesey Stewart, Mrs Stokes, S Stone, R Stuart, Stubbs, F Sutton, GH Swan, Judge Symonds, Captain Symonds, Mr Tabuteau, Atareta Taupe, Thomas, HS Tiffen, Henare Tomoana, Tonks, Topping, Townes, Townley, Townsend, Turpin, F Tuxford, JT Tylee, Vaughan, JH Vautier, H Wall, J Watt, Webb, Weber, Webster, Well, R Wellwood, White, Whiteman, GS Whitmore, Colonel Whitmore, Robert Wiggins, Wilkie, N Williams, Herbert Williams, H Williams, Henry C Wilson, Richard Winter, Otene Wirahana, Major Withers, JW Witty, D Woods, Mr Wratten
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