Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 079 – 19 May

Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,

A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.

Vol. II. – No. 79.   NAPIER, SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1877.   PRICE SIXPENCE

The Undersigned is instructed by Mr. Robert Evans, of Homewood, Kaikora, to offer for Sale, or in convenient lots,
1,000 ACRES RICH AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL LAND. This property has frontages to the Waipawa River, from the bridge downward, a ring fence around the remainder.
This property is divided into two large divisions, one of these portions containing three small paddocks, about 30 acres, under artificial grass, two whares, sheep-yards, &c, with or without 1500 sheep now depasturing thereon.
Price moderate, and a considerable portion of the purchase money remaining on mortgage.

7000 ACRES Freehold, Crown Grant, 24 miles from Napier
23,000 acres Leasehold, 18 years to run, low rent with
9,000 Sheep, 40 head Cattle, Horses, Bullocks, &c. Good home improvements, and 2000 acres fenced into paddocks: the whole will take grass seed readily, is well watered, and easy access from town.
11,000 acres Freehold, Crown Grant, with
2,000 acres Leasehold, excellent pastoral lands, 40 miles from Napier, well bounded, over 30 miles fencing, 25 paddocks, good houses, woolshed, and all necessary improvements, with
10,000 Sheep, few Cattle and Horses
3,920 acres Freehold, rich pastoral land, Wairoa, with
800 Sheep, and 100 head Cattle
900 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa
4,677 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa, with
3,000 Sheep, and other necessary working improvements
3,000 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,220 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
400 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
2,500 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, with
2,000 Sheep and 250 head Cattle
4,200 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Poverty Bay
11,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, Poverty Bay, with
3000 Sheep and few Cattle
1,600 acres Leasehold, half interest, Poverty Bay
14,000 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa [ Tolaga ] Bay, with
8,800 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa Bay, with
3,000 Sheep and good improvements
1,100 acres Freehold, rich land, Opotiki, with
1,000 Sheep, and all necessary improvements
33,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 26 miles from Napier
150,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 30 miles from Napier with
10,000 Sheep, exclusive of Lambs
55,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 70 miles from Napier, with
5,000 Sheep, and 50 head Cattle
9,000 acres Freehold, Agricultural and Pastoral, Seaboard, with
14,000 acres Leasehold, valuable improvements, and
15,000 Sheep, few Cattle, Horses, &c.
1,649 acres Freehold, near Greytown, with
1,040 acres Leasehold, all fenced and subdivided, and
5,000 longwool Sheep, 120 Cattle, few horses, and every improvement necessary. The coach road passes through the property.
Stock and Station Agent.

2,500 CROSS-BRED EWES mixed ages
200 cross-bred Ewes, 8-tooth
700 6 and 8-tooth cross-bred Wedders
60 Merino Rams, bred by Sir Donald M’Lean.

MR. GRANT, the purchaser of the Pakowhai Estate, has instructed the undersigned to Lease for a term the very substantial and commodious Dwelling-House, lately occupied by Mr. McHardy, with the well-stocked Garden, Orchard, Shrubbery, and a small paddock adjoining; with part of the offices, a Coach-house, Stable, &c. This is situated within easy drive of Town and the Farndon Railway station. To a good tenant the rent will be very moderate.

On Deferred Payments.
For particulars, apply to

MR. EVAN’S Draught Stallion, “LORD NELSON,” by “Sir Colin Campbell,” dam “Blossom,” etc.
Liberal terms.
For further particulars apply to

WILL be held on THURSDAY, the 24th May, 1877, in Mr. Wellwood’s Paddock, near Hastings, when the following prizes will be awarded, viz: –
FOR SINGLE FURROW PLOUGH CLASS – Including both Wheel and Swing Ploughs:
£   s.   d.
1st Prize   8 0 0
2nd Prize   5 0 0
3rd Prize   3 0 0
4th Prize   2 0 0
5th Prize   1 0 0
£   s.   d.
1st Prize   5 0 0
2nd Prize   3 0 0
For Best Start   1 0 0
For Best Finish   1 0 0
Champion Cup for the Best Ploughing, value   7 7 0
For Best pair of Horses used in the Match both to be the property of one owner, Prize   3 0 0
2nd Best, property of one owner, Prize   2 0 0
1st Prize, Society’s Silver Medal
2nd Prize, Society’s Certificate
1st Prize, Society’s Silver Medal
2nd Prize, Society’s Certificate.
Ploughing to commence at 10 a.m. sharp. Entries to be left at Mr Wellwood’s the night previous to the Match. Foals to be on the ground at 10.30 a.m.
Pair new Horse Collars given by Mr McVay for the best kept Harness used in the Match.
Mr. J. Bignall gives a special prize of £5 for the best Foal by Young Lord Glasgow.
Any other Special Prizes will be added to the list when particulars are received by the undersigned, or left at the office of this paper.
Hon. Sec.

Kaikora Annual Steeplechase Meeting.
Neil Campbell   A Bowden
J. Nicholson   J J. Tye
H.J. Baker   H. Hickey
D. Mund
H.J. Baker.
J. Walker.
A. Danvers and J. Walker.
A. Pritchard.
MAIDEN PLATE of 20 sovs. Distance, 1¼ mile; weight for age  For all horses that have never won a stake exceeding £10. Entrance, £2.
KAIKORA HANDICAP STEEPLECHASE of 30 sovs. Twice round the Steeplechase course, about 2½ miles Nomination,£2; acceptance, £1.
WAIPAWA HANDICAP FLAT RACE of 30 sovs Distance, 1½ mile.  Nomination, £2; acceptance, £1.
BIRTHDAY HANDICAP STEEPLECHASE of 20 sovs. Distance, about 1½ mile.  Nomination, £1 10s; acceptance, £1.
HACK FLAT RACE of 10 sovs Entrance, £1. Post entry.
HACK STEEPLECHASE of 10 sovs. Entrance, £1. Post entry.
First Race to start at Noon.
The Hawke’s Bay Jockey Club’s rules will be strictly adhered to.
No entries will be received for any race except upon this condition:- “That all disputes, objections, claims, and complaints shall be disposed of, and decided by a majority of the stewards whose decision on all matters concerned, shall be final.
Three horses to start for each race, or only the half public money will be given.
No person allowed to nominate a horse unless a subscriber of £1 to the race fund.
Nominations for all Handicaps will be received by the Secretary, Kaikora Hotel, up to 1 p m. on FRIDAY, May 11th; and entries for the Maiden Race to be
sent in not later than 7 p m. on THURSDAY, May 17th. Weights for Handicaps will be declared on FRIDAY, May 18th.
All entries to be received and addressed as before stated, with full particulars, entrance money, &c enclosed.
Hon. Sec.

THE Annual General Meeting will be held at the Criterion Hotel on WEDNESDAY, the 30th May, 1877, at 11 o’clock, a.m., for the purpose of passing accounts, and the election of Officers for the current year, and other important business
Hon. Sec.

The undersigned are prepared to buy for cash Wool or other Station Produce, and to make liberal advances against the growing clip.
Napier and Port Ahuriri.


A DAIRY FARM AT TARADALE, about 2 miles from Town, consisting of 95 acres of well-grassed land and Artesian Well. With purchasing clause.
109 acres land known as “Park Island,” lease 14 years to run.
30 Milking Cows
Horses, Carts, and
Dairying Utensils.
The business is capable of giving a large return, and is at present yielding £1000 per annum.
7 good Draught Horses: price from £15 to £35, and several weight-carrying hacks.
The Auctioneers have made arrangements for the erection of suitable yards, in connection with Mr McCartney’s, Taradale Hotel.
First sale will take place about the end of the month.
For further particulars, apply to

THE undersigned have for sale, 166 acres of land on the above Estate, situate between Waipawa and Kaikora Railway Stations. Thirty five acres are fenced, improved, and leased to good tenants at a rental of 15s per acre.
Auctioneers, Napier.

COMPETITIVE DESIGNS are invited for an HOSPITAL to be built on land adjourning the Immigration Barracks, on the hill, at Napier. The cost say £3,000. Each design to have a motto, and to be accompanied with a sealed envelope containing the name of author, and to comprise Ground Plan, Section, and two Elevations.
The Land is comprised as follows: – Total 3½ acres. 2½ acres of which is tolerably level land, and one acre steep on the side of a Gully.
The Boundaries are as follows: – 700 links facing the N.W., 740 links facing the N.E., and 270 links facing the S.W.
The Building to accommodate say 30 Patients, and planned so that it can be extended from time to time as required.
Also accommodation for a Surgeon and Staff.
The Buildings to be erected of wood with concrete foundations.
A Premium of £50 will be given for the best design which will become the property of the Building Committee. Should the successful Competitor be chosen to carry out the work, the premium to merge in the Commission.
All rejected designs will be returned to the authors.
Designs to be transmitted to the undersigned on or before the 9th July, 1877.
Napier, N Z., May 9, 1877.

A PUBLIC BALL will be held in the above Hall on THURSDAY, May 24.
Dancing to commence at 8.30 p.m.
Single Ticket, 10s 6d.
To admit Lady and Gentleman, 15s.
Tickets may be obtained from Messrs. Gow and Scrimgeour, Waipukurau, or
Messrs Duncan and Co., Waipawa.

MURRAY, COMMON & CO. are now prepared to receive all descriptions of Goods for Warehousing in their large and commodious Premises at the Spit.
Goods covered against Fire, under open policies if required.
Charges at lowest possible rates.



May 11.

There was a great tidal disturbance all through the night. This morning, at three-quarter ebb tide, a tidal wave came over the Bay and rose eight feet above the top of the hull of the Go-Ahead. The men had to fly to the rigging to save their lives. The wave was partially broken when it struck the bar, but nevertheless it caused a sudden rise in the river of from three to four feet, overflowing the banks on the low lying portions. At 9.30 a second heavy wave ran up the river, causing great alarm. At 9.45 there was another and almost immediately afterwards a fourth. The weather was fine, with only a fresh breeze blowing. The water in the Bay is much agitated. It is presumed to be a submarine upheaval, but the people are anxious to know if other places have been like affected.
The enquiry into the cause of the grounding of the Go-Ahead lasted the whole of yesterday. The evidence was somewhat conflicting. There were some eight or nine witnesses examined. The depositions will be forwarded on to Wellington.
The Wanaka has just arrived off the port from Napier and Wellington.
At 12.30 the eighth tidal wave came up the river, with greatly increased body, although only quarter flood tide. The river is much higher than at ordinary high tides. The water came across the bar, and is now running up the river at an estimated rate of ten miles an hour.
All operations to move the Go-Ahead are suspended in consequence.
Many boats in the river are adrift from their fastenings, owing to the force of the water.
May 12.
Captain Helander and two seamen belonging to the Pretty Jane, while crossing the break, were capsized in the boat. The boat turned keel up, when the three men held on, and were for some time in imminent danger of being drowned. The accident being observed from the beach, the life- boat put off to their assistance and rescued them in a greatly exhausted state.
A fire broke out at one o’clock this morning in Mr. Daly’s premises. The whole of the building was destroyed, and the inmates narrowly escaped with their lives, being asleep when the fire had taken hold of the walls. The furniture and building were destroyed. The latter is insured for £150.
A meeting was held last night in the Court House, when it was decided to erect a tower forty feet high, on which tanks are to be placed holding 6000 gallons of water, to be kept filled in case of fire by the brewery engine.
The Pretty Jane, from Auckland, is still outside the bar. It is expected that she will get in on the afternoon’s tide. The Go-Ahead stops the navigation of the port unless the break is quite smooth.
Since telegraphing the boat accident this morning, I have learnt that a man named Peter Anderson was drowned. The boat struck him as it turned over, and he could not recover himself in the confused water on the bar. The man was one of the crew. His body has not been recovered.
The tidal disturbance continued all last night, and a rush of  water at about every forty-five minutes comes across the bay and up the river. In consequence nothing can be done with heaving off the Go-Ahead, which it is now found stands in mid-channel, and prevents the Pretty Jane coming in.

May 14.
The weather is fine, but the bar is blocked up altogether.
The tidal wave yesterday in Whakaki frightened the natives there considerably.
The Free Press appeared this morning, and is locally hoped to be a success.
There is a good beach for landing outside, but the bar is very bad, and looks as if it had blocked up for the winter.
Mere Karaka, the lady who recently visited Te Kooti, and given him presents, is a Government pensioner. She prefers using her hor pension to subsidise Te Kooti, rather than pay her debts with it.
May 15.
A peculiar case was heard at the Resident Magistrate’s Court this morning. A native committee have ordered all Sabbath breaking to cease. Last Sunday a lad in Mr. Reay’s employ was stopped riding past the pah, horse and saddle impounded, and fined five shillings. The head of the movement being an old murderer, named Ropata Kohiri. He was fined 10s and costs, and the Sabbatarian movement was ordered to cease.




May 12
Mr. Travers obtained a rule nisi calling upon certain members of the Clive Highway Board to show by what authority they constituted themselves members of the said Board. The allegation was that their election was illegal, in as much as it took place before the proper date.

THE following are the entries for the above races, which are to take place on Queen’s Birth Day. There are more entries than were at first expected, therefore lovers of the turf may anticipate, should the weather prove fine, enjoying a splendid day’s sport: –
Mr. G. Heslop’s Disappointment, aged
Mr. Eria Ropiha’s Prospect, aged
Mr. W. Douglas’ Galway, aged
Mr. W. Douglas’ Baron, aged
Mr. H. Hicke’s Fairy Queen, aged
Mr. H. A. Hill’s Worm, 5 yrs.
Mr. Devery’s Henena, aged
Mr. Watene’s Parawhenua, aged
Mr. Huntley’s Commission, 3 yrs.
Mr. Bene’s Champagne Charley, aged
Mr. Devery’s Henena, aged
Mr. G. Heslop’s Disappointment, aged
Mr. E. Ropiha’s Prospect, aged
Mr. W. Douglas’ Baron, aged
Mr. H. Hickey’s Black Pat, aged




It is to be hoped that the tidal wave that this morning visited the eastern shores of New Zealand is not an evidence of another destructive earthquake that destroyed the city of Quito in 1868. A tidal wave rushing across the Pacific Ocean, laved the coast of this country after that terrible upheaval, and the freaks of the tide on Friday unmistakably point to the occurrence of a heavy earth quake in the volcanic regions of South America.

The Sir Donald was obliged to anchor in the Bay on Thursday, being unable to steam against the current. Owing to the harbor improvements, lighter boats will experience great difficulty in entering the inner harbour except at slack water.

A slight shock of earthquake was felt in Napier on Friday, a little before eight o’clock.

The person who called at this office the other day, with an advertisement relative to a Taradale hairdresser, can have his money returned to him on application. Advertisements forwarded us with the object of ridiculing harmless individuals in their private characters will find no place in our columns.

At the monthly meeting of the Fire Brigade on Thursday, after practise, Mr. Massey was appointed assistant-engineer, Mr. C. Palmer was elected second foreman, and Messrs. Hartley, Robson, and Spence, branchmen.

The Napier Cricket Club purpose giving a pubic entertainment shortly, with the object of paying off the liabilities incurred by the formation of a practice ground in Clive Square.

It is satisfactory to obtain repeated assurance from all parts of the colony of the careful training boys receive who have had the advantage of being educated at the Napier Grammar School, under the immediate supervision of the head master, the Revd G.M. D’Arcy Irvine. The Hon J.D Ormond, writing to the Revd. Mr. Irvine the other day, says of his son George, now at the College, Wellington, that in the column in the quarterly returns for remarks, Mr. K. Wilson, the Principal has written – “His work generally has been very well done, and shows careful training. His French is especially good”. Mr. Ormond continues, “I send yon this, as I feel sure you will be gratified to find the pains you take in training your boys are again recognised in the case of George.”

The Rev. Mr. Isaacs the Hebrew Minister stationed at Nelson, arrived on Thursday by the Wanaka. He has come on a special mission connected with the Synagogue rites of the Jewish persuasion, and was a guest of Mr. P.H. Cohen,

We have received two letters both signed “Ratepayer” pointing out that the culvert recently placed at the corner of Messrs. Newton and Irvine’s store is a mere man trap, and if steps are not taken to cover it in, it is not impossible that the TELEGRAPH will soon have to chronicle a broken leg in connection therewith.

In the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Thursday, before R. Beetham, Esq. R.M., there were two civil cases heard. The first was L. Corne v. Cole, claim £3. A set- off was filed for £4 for breakage of an ornamental glass font at the Wesleyan Chapel. The set-off was not allowed, and judgment was given for the amount claimed, and costs, 9s. Mr. Lee appeared as solicitor for the defendant. The other case heard was that of Newton, Irvine, and Co against John Evans, Carpenter, of Te Aute. The firm claimed £9 0s 9d for goods delivered. There was no appearance of the defendant, and judgment was given for the amount claimed with costs £1 6s. There were several other cases set down for hearing, but were previously settled out of Court.

A gentleman named Gooddy has successfully imitated the feat of the Davenport Brothers in Dunedin. He was tied to a seat in a cabinet, on the stage of the Queen’s Theatre, and successfully freed his hands without any trouble, immediately. He also repeated Professor Fay’s coat trick.

Dr. Hodgkinson has denied having told his constituents in an address that “Mr. Rees was the coming man”. He regards Mr. Rees as able and honest, but not a likely leader.

The first specimen pages of Mr. C.D. Barraud’s work, illustrative of New Zealand scenery, have reached the colony. The work will be finished this month The Government  take 50 copies.

The N.Z. Herald of Monday says: – Mr. John Sheehan, M.H.R. for Rodney, who is at present in Napier, telegraphed to a friend of his here, on Saturday, informing him that, he expected to be in Auckland about the end of the present week.


The Managers of the Napier cemetery have resolved to setapart a portion of the ground for the interment of persons dying in the faith of the Isralites.

Walker, the Spiritualistic lecturer, was a great failure. He was openly denounced as an imposter by Mr. Luckie, editor of the Herald. Judge Gillies, who was present at one of his seances, hinted that he would be brought before him at another place.

Mr Carnells photographic studio will be re-opened on Monday. During the few days that it has been closed, Mr Carnell has had it lighted with Mr Vauderweyde’s patent window. The invention of this window is quite of recent date, and consists of so placing each pane of glass that the direct rays of light, passing through it to the point occupied by the sitter or object to be photographed, traverse the glass as nearly as possible at right angles to the plane thereof. The advantage of the invention is to reduce the time necessary for exposure, and to give to the image obtained greater roundness, vigor, delicacy of modelling, and point.

The contractor (Mr Smith) for the galleries in the Wesleyan Trinity Church has so pushed on the works that one was ready for occupation on Sunday.

The public works committee at the Hawke’s Bay County Council, met on Saturday. We heard that the committee resolved to recommend the reformation and metalling of the road from the old race course to Meanee [ Meeanee ] bridge.

News reached town on Saturday that Mr Drower’s saw mill at Takapau was the scene of a fire yesterday. We have heard no particulars, further than very little damage was done.

We were placed in receipt of a letter by the Star of the South, from Mr. De Lias, of Auckland, informing us that the famous original Georgia Minstrels, composed of 20 genuine negroes, who are now drawing crowded houses in Auckland, will make their first appearance in Napier on Saturday 19th instant.


The Union Bank of Australia has opened a branch agency at the Spit, in premises adjoining the stores of Mr. J.H. Vautier. The want of a bank at the port has long been felt, and the great inconvenience and loss of time sustained by business men in consequence will now happily be obviated. The Union Bank having taken the initiative, it is probable some of the other banks will follow suit.

The petition of the ratepayers of the Meanee Highway District to the Hawke’s Bay County Council, asking to abolish the said district, is now published. Eighty-nine ratepayers have appended their signature to the document, whose properties are valued at £5031. Those opposed to the movement should now be up and doing.

The piece of ground granted by the trustees of the Napier General Cemetery to the members of the Jewish persuasion was consecrated on Sunday by the Rev D.M. Isaacs.


To The Editor: Sir, – I read in this morning’s Herald that, the other day, Mr. Kinross shot a cock pheasant on his run at Raukawa, and took the crop of the deceased bird to the Herald office, to show the editor its content, which were found to be grasshoppers, beetles, and other insects. This adds to the evidence already obtained of the value of pheasants as destroyers of insects, but the story, if true, also goes to show that, in defiance of the law made and provided, Mr. Kinross shot a cock pheasant without having taken out a licence. Mr. Kinross’s name does not appear in the list of persons who, up till Saturday last, have taken out game licenses for this present shooting season. – I am. &c., A WIDOWED HEN PHEASANT. Napier, May14.

One of the gentlemen with which Nature has provided us in the form of an aboriginal New Zealander, was lying helplessly drunk on the pavement in the Shakespeare road on Monday at eleven o’clock. He was conveyed to the lock-up in a cab.


A lad named Brown was severely struck in the eye by a stone thrown from a catapult by another lad. It was a miracle that Brown’s eye was not cut out. There should be a stop to youths using these “praythings” [playthings], ere some serious accident from their use occurs.

It was announced in St. Mary’s Church on Sunday that Dr. Redwood, the Catholic Bishop of this diocese, would visit Napier in August next.


We learn that persons interested in the formation of the road from the New Zealand Insurance office to the top end of Raffles street, along the beach, have not yet subscribed the £70 required as their half contribution towards this highly necessary work. It is just possible, that if the Corporation had decided upon a road that would have protected house property against sea encroachments, and suggest a special rate for that purpose, the owners of property not only along the beach, but also in Hastings street, would have agreed to the proposition. It is manifestly absurd to form a narrow roadway of twenty feet only, that might be destroyed any day by tide and gale, such as we experienced a fortnight ago. What is really wanted is a substantial sea wall, built out about thirty feet from frontages of properties fronting the beach. Such a work would cost fully £2,000, and the question is whether the owners of the properties most interested in the matter would consent to be rated to an extent that would cover the interest and sinking fund of the cost of the work. There can be no doubt that the result of such a work would be a great improvement to the value of property on the beach, and a better class of houses would be built. The beach frontage is the healthiest part of town, and might be made the most pleasant to reside it, and quite apart from the enhanced value that a good parade would give to property there, the advantage to the town as a whole would be very great indeed.


There is a hole, in the road close to the entrance gates of the cemetery, that threatens the springs of any vehicle passing that way. Hearses entering the cemetery are especially liable to be damaged through the state of disrepair into which the road has fallen.

The Inspector of Police returned from Takapau on Monday, whither he had proceeded to inspect the scene of the fire at Mr. Drower’s Saw Mills. From what we are informed, it is clear the fire was the work of an incendiary. Mr. Grant the manager saw everything safe at 11 o’clock on Friday night, but at one o’clock in the morning the saw saw shed was in a blaze. The men employed on the works were quickly roused, and by their exertions the fire was extinguished before much damage was done.

By the overland mail we were placed in receipt of the first copy of the Wairoa Free Press, which is in future to be published bi-weekly. Aware of the difficulties to be encountered in the publication of a first number, it would be unfair on our part to criticise our youthful contemporary’s first issue too keenly. The paper as yet contains but few advertisements, but as Wairoa progresses, so will the press receive more support. We wish our contemporary success.

On Monday, there was a large attendance at the Oddfellow’s Hall, to witness the entertainment provided by Messrs. Baker and Farron, the celebrated American artistes. The  piece placed on the stage was entitled “The Governor” a piece written  expressly for Messrs. Baker and Farron, and the plot of which we gave the particulars in an another column. Mr. Baker, as the butler and Governor’s substitute, acted his part most admirably, his songs and dancing eliciting loud applause. Mr. Farron, as “Corporal Mulcahy”, and his personification of the Governor’s title were both really excellent. His rich Irish brogue and quaint manner kept the house in one complete roar of laughter.  The other performers went through their parts exceedingly well, more especially one lady (Mrs.Baker), who made a first appearance on a public stage, having been obliged to take part, owing to the indisposition of the lady who was cast for the piece. Mrs. Baker acquitted herself well, Mr. Rees as the first lieutenant, and Miss Molly (Mrs. Reed) with spirit and vivacity, and with the remaining members of the Company came in for a share of the applause.

We regret to have to record the death at Wellington on Saturday of Mr. W.K. Davies, son of the late Archdeacon Davies, and a nephew of Bishop Williams. During his sojourn in Hawke’s Bay he was much esteemed by all acquainted with him. He was formerly in Mr. M.R. Miller’s office in Napier, and left a short time ago for Wellington, where he was employed by Messrs. Murray, Common & Co. Mr. Davies was in the flower of his youth, being only 25 years of age. His early death is attributed to the results of an accident experienced by him when a lad.


The only new application received in Napier for a license was from Mr. Horace Ford, late of the Criterion Hotel, for a house at the Spit, to be called the Occidental Hotel.

There was a capital attendance at the Oddfellow’s Hall on Saturday night to witness the second performance of Conrad and Lisette. On Monday the “ Governor was placed on the stage. The plot of the drama turns upon the adventures of a young lady, Louisa Holbeck (Miss Niti Gerald), who has been ordered by the Governor of TrinIdad (Mr. Hasker), to be sent out in H.M.S. Firefly. On the voyage Frederick Goodhap the first lieutenant, falls desperately in love with Louisa, and being an ingenious young man, he, with the aid of Corporal Mulcahy ( Mr. Farron), induces Kraknitz Krippenhauser (Mr. Baker) to personate the Governor, who is away at the time, and disgust Louisa. At the same time a double game is played for a fictitious bride, Mr. Farron is presented as the real one to the Governor, who is horrified at the selection made for him. The end is the lieut. succeeds in his ingenious scheme, and eventually marries the girl of his heart. There is any quantity of bye-play, a number of songs and dances, and choruses, and all sorts of people are introduced at all sorts of times and places. A double song and dance, “St. Patrick’s Day Parade”, by Barker and Farron, is  most amusing, as is also a burlesque-drill, “The Awkward Squad,” by the same gentleman; Mr Farron’s song “The Kangaroo”, and “Out by the beer garden” and Mr. Baker’s song, “I’m the Governor”. Of the play itself, it may be said that it displays evidences of more constructive ability than “Lisa Keeles” or “Conrad and Lizette” but the necessity for tacking on the particular “bits and pieces” in which Messrs. Baker and Farron shine renders the work of constructing a coherent play for them very difficult.

We hear that another faulty title has been squared under the auspices of the “Repudiation Officer”. Messrs. Heslop’s Chesterhope estate has been shorn of 500 acres , and those gentlemen have paid in addition a good round sum, to be clear forever of claimants.

There was another very good house on Tuesday at the Oddfellow’s Hall to witness the second performance of the “Governor” by the Baker and Farron Combination Troupe.

The Secretary to the Acclimatisation Society has recently paid the sum of £18 to two men employed on Mr. Tanner’s station for capturing hawks. The amount paid represents the destruction of 360 birds.

At the sale of the Education Reserves on Tuesday, the section at the corner of Hitching’s Gully was brought in by the Board as a site for a school.

The term of office of Messrs. C.B. Hoadley and Mr W.K. McLean, the auditors for the Borough of Napier, expiring by effluxion of time on the first day of June proximo, an election will be held on that day of two auditors to fill the vacancies thus occurring, who will hold office for the ensuing twelve months.

We are requested to state that a meeting of the creditors in the estate of Mr. H. Ford will take place on Monday, in the Supreme Court, at 2p.m.

In the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday, before Robert Stuart, Esq., J.P., application was made for the reinstatement of the case of Willan v Gordon, a judgment summons. The application was granted and the hearing ordered for Tuesday the 22nd instant. – The adjournment case of Cunningham and Gifford v Wells, was called, and on the application of the solicitors for the parties concerned was further adjourned until Friday the 18th. – The police sheet was blank this morning.


The Ploughing Match Committee met on Thursday at the Criterion Hotel at 11 o’clock. There were present Messrs Bennett (Chairman) Wellwood, and Giblin. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. A conversation then ensued as to the prizes given for double furrow ploughing. It was explained that the prize for double furrow ploughing would have been higher were it not that those for the wheel and swing ploughs were placed amongst the higher prizes. A wish was expressed that next year an alteration be made, but it was hoped that those interested in double-furrow ploughing would make this year a good exhibit. Owing to Mr. Bishop having other engagements on Queen’s Birthday, it was unanimously agreed that Mr. Archibald McLean be appointed judge of foals. It was agreed that Mr. Wellwood should make arrangements with either Mr. Goodwin or some other party to arrange for luncheon on the grounds. The luncheon it was agreed should take place after 3p.m. It is expected should the weather prove fine that there will be a large assembly at Hastings next Thursday to witness the plough match.

We learn that an attempt is being made by Mr. Upham, of the firm of Upham and Inglis to float a Theatre Company. The capital required is £7,000 to be obtained from 700 shareholders, the shares being valued at £10 each, 10s is required to be paid on each share on application, and a similar sum is required on allotment, subsequent calls are not to exceed £2 per month on each share. The site on which the proposed Theatre is to be built is that on which the Foresters’ Arms is now situated. Mr. Upham informs us that he has already disposed of 300 shares, and he has every reason to believe that the remaining shares will soon be taken up.


The Georgia Minstrels left Auckland on Wednesday, for Gisborne and Napier. They will make their first appearance in the Odd Fellow’s Hall this (Saturday) evening when the public will have an opportunity of witnessing the performances of real niggers.

The Municipal Council met on Wednesday, all the members being present. The Public Works Committee’s report recommended that a two-railed wooden fence be erected on the side of the pathway on the Shakespeare Road, in the place of a stone wall: that tenders be called for laying down an inch gas pipe to connect the mains with the two proposed lamps at the corner of Munroe and Railway Streets; that the Engineer be directed to alter the kerbing and foot-path in front of Messrs. Boylan and Co’s premises. That Mr. Guy’s offer to dedicate land for a street, conditionally on the Council filling-in his section No 352, be declined. That the Municipal Solicitor be directed to draft a short Bill and a petition to His Excellency the Governor, the former to make certain land adjoining the Town Hall reserve a part and parcel of the said reserve, and the latter to include the said land within the boundaries of the borough. That the requisite amount of money (£70) not having been subscribed, Mr. F. Parker, the successful tenderer for the formation and making of the Beach-road, be informed thereof, and his tender allowed to lapse. That the Engineer and Mr Rochfort survey Milton Terrace and define its limits. That the tender of J. Reedy for the supply of metal at 2s.10d per yard be accepted. That the tender of Messrs Mills and Oxenham for the formation of Lever-road be accepted. That the voucher for £224. 3s 6d in full payment for reservoir be ordered to be paid. That the pump in Millar-street be repaired, and a standpipe at the end of the main in Clive-square be erected. The recommendations of the Committee were agreed to. A letter was read from Dr. Gibbs, calling attention to the condition of the sick poor, and suggested the appointment of a Heath Officer. A request from the Fire Brigade for aid to the extent of getting the alarm bell hung, was agreed to, but the application to have the Fire Brigade station fenced in was referred to the Public Works Committee. This was the whole of the business.

The remarks made on Wednesday by Mr. Swan re the Fire Brigade, has naturally given rise to a letter from one of its members. Mr. Swan no doubt treats as one body the Fire Brigade, and the Committee deputed by the subscribers to send for the steam fire engine. This is not so, and as the subscribers to the engine fund have been principally the Banks, Insurance companies, merchants, and trades people, we cannot see that the Corporation would be doing an injustice to the ratepayers generally, if they assisted in raising funds and supporting a Fire brigade, whose services are gratuitous and for saving property throughout the borough.

Before the Municipal Council rose on Wednesday, Cr. Swan gave notice of motion that, prison aid be applied for the construction of a sea wall and beach road. What is Cr. Swan thinking about? Are working men so scarce in this town that their numbers must be supplemented by prisoners from the Goal? We trust the motion when it comes on for discussion will fail to find a seconder.




May 17.
The river is open at last. At the next tide there will be a good mouth. The sea is calm.
Messrs. Hamlin, Maney and party, reached Mohaka last night. They will be here this evening.


SIR, – In the Herald’s Wellington telegrams published on Thursday, the following sentence occurs:- “The New South Wales Government have proposed to the contractors for the San Francisco mail service, on their own behalf and that of New Zealand, to commence the modified service with the outgoing steamer, the contractors to be relieved from calling at Kandavau and New Zealand, the Government undertaking the coastal service at the reduced subsidy of £72,500; to be payable – £40,000 by New South Wales, and £32,500 by New Zealand.   The contractors, through their agents, have accepted these terms, and the outgoing steamer commences the temporary arrangement”.
Are we, sir, to understand that the mail steamers are not to call again at New Zealand, although we are called upon to pay £32,500 ? Will you please
explain ? –  I am, &c.,  TRAVELLER.
NAPIER, May 10, 1877.
[There is undoubtedly an error in the wording of the telegram our correspondent refers to. According to the new contract, the mail steamers are bound, as at present to call at Auckland, and the incoming mail boat will be due at that port on Saturday, the 26th instant, but the coastal service is now done away with altogether. – Ed. W.M.]

SIR,- As a quiet man, I would prefer that fewer liberties were taken with my name by the Press. One editor credits me with shooting pheasants, and I have not had a gun in my hand this season. Another is afraid I have incurred a penalty under the game laws. I recommend the latter to read the Act, and he


will find that his fears on my account are unfounded. – I am, &c.,
Napier, May 14, 7877 [1877]
[The widow of the late lamented cock pheasant, whose letter we published yesterday, will no doubt experience some little comfort in knowing that her bereavement was not caused by our esteemed correspondent. – Ed. W.M.]

SIR, – As a member of the Napier Fire Brigade, I cannot refrain from protesting against Mr Swan’s remarks reported in this morning’s Herald. He says “the Brigade had received a good deal in subscriptions from the inhabitants of the town.” Now it will be as well to inform Mr. Swan and the inhabitants that the Brigade has not up to this date received a penny of the subscriptions or any benefit therefrom, but instead of that, the members of the Brigade (besides giving their service gratis) pay a sum out of their own pockets to its own support. Mr. Swan is no doubt mixing up the “Fire Brigade” with the “Fire Engine Fund Committee.” If the Corporation did subsidize the Brigade out of the rates, it would not in my opinion be so great a sin, as subsidizing or applying for prison labour to make a road to give extra frontage to private property. – I am, &c.,
May 17, 1877.

SIR, – Councillor Swan is reported in this morning’s Herald to have said  at  last night’s Council meeting that the Brigade had received a good deal in subscriptions from the inhabitants of the town. If so, the Brigade have not had the handling of the cash as yet, and none of us know anything about the matter. Councillor Swan is certainly wrong. All subscriptions that have been received up to the present time, have been for the benefit of the Fire Engine Fund. For his information, I may state, that the members of the Brigade have spent both money and a considerable amount of time for the benefit of the town at large, they are at present time maintaining the plant, for what?  Nothing. The only expense the brigade have been to as yet, is for clothing, which is the property of the Fire Engine Fund Committee. The only outside monies received by the members of the Brigade, have been subscriptions of hon. members, which with the monthly subscriptions of the members, is paid into a fund for the purpose of providing against sickness or accident. Perhaps Councillor Swan would like us to pay for the plant and find ourselves. – I am, &c.,
Napier, May 17, 1877.

(Before E. Lyndon, Esq., J.P.)

Thomas Jones was charged by Constable Motley with the above offence, it being his first appearance, and no aggravating circumstance connected with the “loss of equilibrium,” &c., he was discharged with a caution not to indulge in the future.

Henry Ingle was charged that he did feloniously and knowingly offer, with intent to defraud, a certain order drawn on Scarfe and Co. For £3 10s.
The evidence of Messrs, Scarfe, Rochefort, Butler, and Von Tempskey was taken.
The case was fully proved, and the prisoner was committed to take his trial at the ensuing session of the Supreme Court.
The prisoner did not deny the charge and reserved his defence.


The Hawke’s Bay Waste Lands Board met on Thursday.
Present; The Commissioner of Crown Lands, Col Lambert, and Messrs Kennedy and Tiffen.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Application No. 2,480 by Mr. W. Speedy for 88 acres rural land at Tautane was received and approved.
A letter from Mr. John Glenny relative to the non-payment of Johansen’s 2nd instalment of purchase money on application No 92, within three months
grace allowed was read.
The Chairman explained that Johansen has forwarded the money after the time for its receipt had expired, and it had been returned with a notice that in consequence of him  having failed to pay the amount due within the time allowed by the Act, the land is now forfeited. Notice to pay had been given on 16th January last.
Col. Lambert proposed that as the Board had no power to deal under the Hawke’s Bay Special Settlements Act. 1872 the letter should be forwarded to the Secretary for Crown Lands with a recommendation that it should be favourably considered.
A letter from Mr. Eustace Fannin enclosing money, offering to pay 10s. an acre for certain land applied for by him as 5s land in Mohaka block was read.
The Commissioner explained that the application for the land to go to auction at 5s. had been refused by the Board on the 3rd February, and on the same date the Board withheld from sale all land in the block, not then sold or applied for.
The Board thereupon decided that the application could not be complied with.
A letter was read from Messrs. R and H. Ross asking permission to take up a small piece of land in the Tautane block for the purpose of depasturing cattle. The application was refused on the grounds that the land had been set apart for a quarantine.
The Board decided that the land formerly held under lease by Mr. Taylor should go to auction.
The Board declared the following sections in the Makaretu block forfeited: – Applications 13, 15, 17, 49. 50. 51, 86, 109, 110, 111, and that they should be sold by auction after two months notice at an upset price of 10s. an acre.
A memo. from the Secretary of Crown Lands forwarding copies of rules for the management of small farm associations was laid before the Board. The memo stated that the rules would be recommended for the approval of the Governor whenever the Maharara block is capable of being dealt with under them, or whenever the Board recommends their adoption for any of the associations referred to in the Commissioner of Crown Lands letters of the 11th and 23rd April.
The Board then adjourned.



Shipping Intelligence.

11 – Rangatira, s.s, from Wellington. Passengers – Mr. and Mrs. Alexander, Mr and Mrs. Rede, Mr. and Mrs Chuck, Mrs Digby, Capt. Porter, Messrs Engel Jeffs, Williams, Smythe, Sweeney and Crighton.
12 – Star of the South, s.s., from Auckland. Passengers – Miss Hutchinson, Messrs Leonard, Mahoney, Stewart, Cassen, Ohlson, Glenney, Collie and Master Lye.
14 – Rangatira, s.s. from Poverty Bay. Passengers – Messrs Williams, Pearson, Seaman, Priestly, Cheetham, and 2 in the steerage.
14 – Pretty Jane, s.s. from Poverty Bay. Two lady passengers
13 – Sir Donald, s.s. from Mangakuri
14 – Jane Douglas, s.s. From Nuhaka and Whangawhei
15 – Silver Cloud, schooner, from Newcastle, NSW.
15 – Fairy, s.s., from Blackhead and Pourerere.
15 – Kiwi, s.s. from Wellington via the Coast.

11 – Wanaka, s.s. for Auckland via Poverty Bay and Tauranga. Passengers – Rev. S. and Mrs Williams, Mr and Mrs Dyer, Messrs Mills, Thompson, and 10 original.
12 – Rangatira, s.s., for Poverty Bay. Passengers Constable Madigan, and three from the South.
12 – Spray, schooner, for Lyttelton via Wellington.
12 – Albatross, schooner, for Whangapoua
14 – Rangatira, s.s., or Wellington. Passengers – Mrs. Bell, Misses Dunbar and Clark, Messrs. Wilson, Bell, Peddie, Griffin, Illingworth, Bitts, Ferguson,
Williams, Davies, and 6 original from Poverty Bay.
17 – Star of the South, s.s., for Auckland via the Coast. Passengers – Mr and Mrs Brown, Mrs Fortune, Miss Williams. Messrs Augustus, Thomas, Ludlow, Hankin, Chiffen, and Loisel.
17 – Pretty Jane, s.s., for Gisborne, Passengers – Messrs Ascher , Priestly, Kirkpatrick, and Wilson.

The s.s. Wanaka discharged about 180 tons of cargo on Thursday into the steamer Sir Donald and ketch Three Brothers. She left about 2 o’clock on Friday. Captain MacFarlane, who has been on a visit to the Hot Springs at Ohinemutu, will resume command on her arrival at Tauranga.
A very heavy tidal wave was experienced at the Spit on Friday at 7.30 a.m. The water rose in the Iron Pot about three feet in ten minutes. A similar wave has been felt at the other parts of the colony.
The s.s. Rangatira, Capt. Evans, left Wellington wharf at 1.30 p.m. on Thursday, and arrived at Napier, at noon on Friday, after a quick passage of 22 ½ hours. Experienced a fresh S.W. breeze and heavy cross seas as far as Cape Palliser, thence, till arrival, fresh variable southerly weather. Passed the s.s. Kiwi, at 10 p.m. on the 10th, off Flat Point.
The s.s. Star of the South left Auckland on Sunday, May 6, at 10 a.m; 8 p.m. same day anchored in Cabbage Bay, blowing a gale from the E; left at 9 a.m. on Monday, weather then moderate, and anchored in Mercury Bay at 4 p.m., blowing strong from N.E. ; left again at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, with strong N.W. Winds, and rounded East Cape at midnight, same day. Wednesday, 2 p.m., off Portland; hove up, and anchored under Table Cape, blowing a gale at S.W. Left again at 5 a.m. on Thursday but hoved from Portland and anchored at Happ [Happy] Jack’s. Mahia, and found the Jane Douglas laying there. At 4 a.m. on Friday, left again, but bore up when off Portland, still blowing a gale at S.W.; the s.s. Wanaka passed bound North. Left at 7 p.m. the same evening, and arrived here at 10 a.m on Saturday. She has 100 tons of railway iron, about 60 tons general cargo, also a large boiler, and a portable engine.
The Columbus, from Napier, arrived at Gravesend on March 5.
The tidal wave has been running again at the Spit, but not so nearly as bad as on Friday. At Oamaru we hear there has been a very heavy sea running, so much so as to break the mooring of a barque called William Clifford. She put to sea, and has reached Dunedin very much strained and leaking badly.
The s.s. Result towed out two schooners on Saturday last, viz, the Albatross for Whangapoua, and the Spray for Lyttelton via Wellington.
The s.s. Rangatira had fine weather in Poverty Bay this trip. Then succeeded in landing the whole of her cargo, and left there on Sunday at noon; rounded Portland Island at 6pm. ; Captain Evans then slowed the engine, and she brought up in the roadstead at 2 on Monday. She left at 11.30 for Wellington.
The s.s. Pretty Jane anchored in the Bay at 9 o’clock on Monday. She has brought the principal portion of the Go-Ahead’s cargo for Napier. She arrived at Poverty Bay on Wednesday last, but could not go inside on account of the Go-Ahead being so much across the river. She discharged her cargo into lighters. The Cargo ex the Go-Ahead is not much damaged as was at first anticipated.
The s.s. Star of the South discharged on Saturday a large Cornish boiler for Mr R. Holt; its weight is 6½ tons. She has also a smaller boiler on board for Mr. Rathbone, and a quantity of machinery, besides about 60 tons of railway iron.
The s.s. Fairy returned to port on Tuesday having been unable to land the whole of her cargo at the various stations on the coast.
The barquentine Falcon left Newcastle last Thursday for Napier. She is expected to make a good trip.
The Bella and Why Not have been lightering the Silver Cloud.
The schooner Saucy Kate may be looked for daily, from Dunedin, as she was loading for Napier at last advices.
The three-masted brigantine Silver Cloud arrived in the bay early on Tuesday morning 9 ½ days from Newcastle, N.S.W. with a cargo of coal.
The s.s. Kiwi left Wellington at 5 p.m. on Monday, and arrived at 7 p.m. on Tuesday.
The s.s. Pretty Jane arrived yesterday from Poverty Bay and Auckland.
The s.s. Rangatira, Captain Evans, was posted up as having only arrived at Wellington on Thursday, at 4 o’clock. She left here at noon Monday.
The A.S.P. Co’s steamers Star of the South and Pretty Jane, both loaded with sheep for Mr. Loisel, left  on Thursday for that gentleman’s station in Tologa Bay.
In our report yesterday we stated that the Andrew Reid was out 114 days from London to Napier. This was an error. The Andrew Reid was first bound to Wellington, where she arrived on the 13th, and on discharge of the Wellington portion of her cargo she comes on here, and for this port she has about 510 tons. She comes consigned to Messrs Watt Brothers.  – Daily Telegraph, May 17.
The s.s. Wanaka, for Southern Ports, left Auckland on Wednesday. She has  the following passengers for Gisborne and Napier; Messrs Smith, Thompson, Green, Broadgate, Mr and Mrs Livingstone, Mrs Wilson, Fraser, Harkind, Teasdale, Bishop Cowie, Mr and Mrs Watt, Mrs Makishan, Mrs Daring, Mrs Browing, Messrs Williams, Gorton, Reid, Bradle and Georgia Minstrels.
Between 11 and 12 o’clock yesterday (says the N.Z. Times of the 9th inst.) a vessel was signalled at Mount Victoria as being in distress. A telegram received by Captain Halliday, Harbor-master from Pilot Holmes, stated the schooner Canterbury was an anchor abreast of Barrett’s Reef with the ensign hoisted upside down. He was unable to render her any assistance owing to the heavy gale blowing. The Canterbury was riding very heavily with one anchor down, the other being lost. He asked Captain Halliday if possible to send out a steamer to the vessel’s assistance. On receipt of this telegram steam was got up on the s.s. Rangatira for the purpose of sending her out to the Heads, and Captain Halliday again telegraphed to Pilot Holmes to know whether there was any danger to the crew, so as to ask the insurance office to send to the assistance of the distressed vessel a steamer. The answer received to this last telegram was that there was no apparent danger to the crew, but that the vessel was riding very heavily, and dipping bow under. Those on board were afraid of being driven out to sea. Shortly after the receipt of this telegram, the gale had considerably decreased, and quickly moderated to a fresh breeze, so that there was no need for the steamer’s services.


We understand that Captain Bonner, of the steamer Tui, has been suspended by his employers until an official investigation takes place re the collision with the Napier. The mate of the Tui, Mr. Wells, took her South last evening. – New Zealand Times, 9th instant.


Messrs, Margoliouth and Banner report that at their sale at Taradale on Friday, about 40 head of cattle and 20 horses, and several small lots of pigs, fowls, &c., were entered. They quote as follows;- 2 year old steers, from £4 2s 6d to £5 2s 6d; heifers from £4 15s to £5 5s; dairy cows from £5 5s to £10 10s. There was a considerable demand for fat bullocks; but the supply was very limited, about £8 8s to £10 10s being the price ruling; the supply of horse stock rather exceeded the demand; good useful hacks from £3. 10s to £17 ; draught horses no enquiries; pigs (weaners) about 15s each; fowls from 1s 6d to 2s each. A lot of young apple trees realised from 1s to 1s 9d each.

For the United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, &c., via Suez and Brindisi, by every opportunity to Wellington, where the mails close on the 1st June. Correspondence for this route should leave Napier no later than the 28th instant by overland to Wellington.
For Fiji, Sandwich Islands, America, West Indies, United Kingdom, and Continent of Europe, &c., via San Francisco, on Thursday, 31st instant, at 5 a.m. per overland to Wellington.
Money orders and registered letters will close at 5 p.m. Newspapers and book packets will close at 8 p.m, on Wednesday, the 30th instant.
For the undermentioned places every Monday, and Thursday, at 5.30 a.m. – Clive, Hastings, Havelock, Te Aute, Kaikora, Waipawa, Waipukurau, Danevirk [Dannevirke], Norsewood, Tahaorite, Woodville, Foxton, Palmerston, Wanganui, Taranaki, Wellington and Southern Provinces &c., Wallingford, Porangahau, Wanui, and Castle Point.
On other days of the week, mails close as usual, at 6.30 a.m.
Chief Postmaster.

NAIRN – At Pourerere, on May 9, the wife of John Nairn, Esq, of a son.
MAYO – At Napier, on the 11th May, the wife of Mr. William Mayo, of a son.
PARKER – At the Victoria Hotel, Napier no the 14th May, the wife of Mr. J M Parker, of a son.
ROBINSON – At Emerson -street, Napier, on May 15, the wife of Henry Robinson, Marine Engineer, of a daughter.
WORDSWORTH – On the 16th May, at the residence of T Gore Graham Esq., the wife of C.F. Wordsworth. Esq., of a daughter.

COTTERILL – STUART. – On the 17th May, 1877 at St. John’s Church, Napier, by the Rev. J. Townsend, Arthur James Cotterill to Julie Moore, eldest daughter of Robert Stuart, Esq.

NESBITT – At Lucknow, India, on the 3rd March, 1877. James Nesbitt, of the Band of H.M.’s 65th regiment, aged 37 years. – A “Royal Tiger”, from the cradle to the grave, his loss has been deeply and deservedly regretted. – Wellington papers please copy.
LYSNAR – At the residence of his brother, Omahu, on May 11, Charles Lysnar aged 47 years.
HOLLAND – At Emerson-street, Napier, on the 12th May, James Edward Holland, late of Brighton, Sussex, England, aged 31 years – Sussex papers
please copy.
DAVIES – At Wellington, on May 12, W.E. Davies, fourth son of the late Rev C.P. Davies, ages 24 years.
TANNIEN – At Barrack Hill, Goldsmith Road, on the 13th May, Mr. John Tannien, aged 51 years.

Government Notifications.

Office of Waste Lands Board,
Napier, 8th December, 1876.
TO HUGH MCCORMICK, formerly of the 65th Regiment or his representatives.
You are hereby required, within six months from this date, to prove to the satisfaction of the Waste Lands Board that you have complied with the conditions required to entitle you to 60 acres of land in the Wakarara District, selected under a Military Settlers Land Order, and if you fail to prove your claim within the specified time, your title to the land will be forfeited and the land be dealt with as the Board may direct.
Chief Commissioner.

Hawke’s Bay County Council Office,
Napier, May 16 1877.
NOTICE is hereby given that G.E. Toop has been by Resolution of the County Council, passed on the 14th instant, appointed Poundkeeper for the Farndon Pound.
Clerk C.C. Hawke’s Bay.

The Cheapest House in the Trade.

Stock, Land Estate, and General Commission Agent, Waipukurau.
Goods Stored and Forwarded.
Offices and Stores: Near the Railway Station.

The Weekly Mercury
SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1877.




SEVERAL Taradale settlers waited on us on Tuesday to express their regret at being lured into signing the document, asking the Hawke’s Bay County Council to abolish the Meanee Road Board. From their own statement they appeared to have “signed in haste, and are now repenting at leisure.” When signing the petition in question, having been misled, they did so in the belief, that they would escape double taxation, but now they perceive by abolishing the Road Board, they would not be considering their best interests. There is no doubt that there is a feeling growing up throughout this Provincial District that the County system of government is a “little fraud”, and until the General Assembly meets it would be insane on the part of the Road Board Districts to throw themselves completely in the hands of the County powers. We ourselves are strongly of opinion that the people instead of attempting to abolish the Road Boards, should endeavor by every means in their power to get their powers enlarged, and instead of having a County Council constituted as at present, the Chairman of the several Road Boards should meet at the end of every three months, and amongst themselves agree as to what would be the best for the district as a whole. At the best, the present County system  as carried out throughout the colony is far more expensive, and gives less satisfaction by far than the old provincial system of government, and unless the General Assembly this session passes a measure, giving further powers to local boards, and abolishing the present County system of government, we shall find as in Victoria, that at the next elections such a reaction will take place, that only those will be returned to the House who will pledge themselves to give us reality in the shape of local-self government, instead of the sham we have at present.


As showing the necessity for an inland Hospital, we have had our attention called to two cases which have recently happened. An accident occurred on Saturday last to a man at Wallingford. From some cause or other while ploughing, the individual in question had his leg broken. He was conveyed by train to Napier on Monday, and so had to wait from Saturday to Monday before he could get the fractured limb set in the Napier Hospital. The other case is the man at Mangakuri, on Monday morning, who had his leg broken. The local doctor at Waipawa, aware that the man was being taken to the Napier Hospital, declined to have anything to do with the case. The man had to ride in the greatest of agony, a distance of 14 miles, previous to catching the train, and we are told that, in consequence of his being unable to obtain medical attendance earlier, it was not improbable that he will have to undergo amputation. We notice from our Wairarapa exchanges that the people in that part of the colony have obtained a Hospital at Greytown. The runholders in that district subscribed liberally towards that Institution, and have made it a success. We hope that our country settlers will “go and do likewise”, and spare no effort to obtain in the most central place a Hospital which will be creditable to themselves and the district.


THE petition of the ratepayers of the Meanee Road Board for the merging of that district in the County has been published. The petition has not been drawn up in accordance with the Counties Act. We especially refer those interested in the success of the movement to clause 16 of the Counties Act. It will be seen, on reference to that cause, that the signatures to any such petition must be attested by some one, and without such attestation the paper is worthless. The mere fact of certain names being affixed


to such a document is not sufficient for the purpose. Whatever may be the ultimate result of the movement, it would be as well, in the interest of both sides of the question, that whatever is done is strictly in accordance with law.


The Valuation List for East Woodville Highway District is now completed and open for public inspection at the Woodville Hotel, until the 22nd instant. Objections to the said List must be addressed to the undersigned, and be lodged at Danevirk Police Station on or before WEDNESDAY, the 23rd instant.
An Assessment Court for the hearing of such objections will  be held at Woodville Hotel on SATURDAY, the 26th instant, at Noon.
Judge of Assessment Court.
Norsewood, May 12, 1877.

The Valuation List for Danevirke Highway District is now completed and open for public inspection at Tamaki Hotel until the 22 instant. Objection to the said List must be addressed to the undersigned, and be lodged at the Danevirke Police Station, on or before WEDNESDAY, the 23rd instant.
An Assessment Court for the hearing of such objections will be held at the Tamaki Hotel, on Monday, the 28th instant, at 11o’clock a.m.
Judge of Assessment Court.
Norsewood, May 12, 1877.

TENDERS will be received by the Harbor Board until noon, TUESDAY, 29th instant, for the erection of about 54 chains of Wire fencing, at the Lighthouse, Bluff, Napier. Material and labor.
Specifications at the office of the undersigned. The lowest or any tender not necessarily to be accepted.
Engineer Harbor Board.

An assortment of
With galvanised Sheaves and Brass Rollers
Also, three-fold (10 ton)
The above Blocks are for sale or hire.
WHITE LEAD, Red Lead, Green Ship Paint, Chalk, Emery Cloth, Glue, Glass Paper, Putty in bladders, Stockholm Pitch, Amber Resin, Raw Linseed Oil, Boiled Linseed Oil, Lamp Black, Bright Ship Varnish, Black Ship Varnish, Canvas, Europe Bolt, Manilla and N.Z. Ropes. Common and Patent Blocks, from 10 inches downwards, Tents, Tarpaulins, Oilskins, Horse Covers, &c., Herring Nets, Ash Oars, from 20ft downwards, Bunting Flags, &c., (Flags made to order). Connecting Links and Shackles, Oakum, Pitch, Spunyarn, Sail Needles, long-handled Tar Brushes, Galvanised Rowlocks, and Rowlock Plates, Copper Nails, Tocks, and Roughs (assorted sizes) Fire Buckets, and Water Coolers, Stockholm and Coal Tar, Net Twine, Cabin Lamps, Stable Lanterns, and Copper Rivets for Belting.

TO meet the growing wants of the up-country settlers, I have decided to start a Four-horse Waggon once a week, leaving Takapau Railway station every MONDAY MORNING, after the arrival of the down train from Napier and returning to Takapau on each following Friday. To enable settlers to have their goods forwarded with dispatch, it will be necessary that advice be sent to me as early as possible before the day appointed for the departure of the waggon.
H. BERTIE REED, Railway Hotel, Takapau.

THE first of the Series will be delivered in the Town Hall on TUESDAY EVENING, May 29, by the Rev. D. Sidey. Subject of Lecture “ The influences of RACE GIFTS in the development of nations”.
The Hon. H.R. Russell, Chairman.
Doors open at 6.45 p.m. Music at 7. Lecture to commence at 7.30.
Admission – Front seats 2s; Back seats, 1s ; Children half price.
Proceeds to be applied to warming and improving the Schoolroom.






The council met this morning at 11 o’clock.
Present: Messrs, Tiffen (Chairman) Brathwaite, Torr, Bennett, Williams and Col. Whitmore.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Official correspondence was laid on the table.
Mr. Williams presented a petition from the Meanee ratepayers praying that their district might be merged in the County.
The Council could not consider it inasmuch as the petition had not been advertised for one month.
Mr. Bennett laid on the table two plans for a drain at Taradale to the head of the salt water creek, and he moved that plan No. 1 be adopted.
Col Whitmore had no objection the plans being laid on the table, but would oppose their adoption.
Mr. Bennett explained that the drains would not involve any expenditure of County funds; the plans emanated from the Road Board which merely wanted the approval of the Council for the Board to carry out.
The Chairman said notice of motion would be necessary.
Mr. Bennett therefore gave the required notice of motion.
Col Whitmore moved that G.E. Toop, be appointed Pound-keeper of Farndon.
Mr. Brathwaite presented a petition from Mr. Scanlan of Havelock, praying that his salary might be increased to the rate he enjoyed under the Provincial Government.
Col. Whitmore thought the matter should be referred to the Road Overseer.
Mr. Williams thought the case a hard one.
The matter was ordered to be referred to the overseer of roads.
Mr. Williams moved to the effect that an engineer’s report be obtained on the condition of the Omahu bridge.
Col. Whitmore seconded the motion which was carried.
Col. Whitmore moved that the works recommended by the acting engineer for the protection of the great south road near Clive, be carried out, and that the sum of £50 be expended for that purpose.
Mr Williams seconded the motion pro forma. He thought that the £50 if spent, would be thrown away, unless the banks of the river were protected as a whole. He pointed out that in consequence of the stop bank at Ray’s Hill being strengthened, the flood waters of the river came down to Pakowhai twelve hours sooner than they used; that the bed is not deep enough to contain those waters, which must overflow in times of flood. He thought something much more extensive was required, for the Council should not forget that the river had two banks.
Mr Bennett would support the motion if it were amended so that protective works only would be undertaken where the river abutted on to the road. He did not see the propriety of protecting private property.
Col Whitmore said it was only necessary to plant willow trees where the river threatened to break through, and it would be cheaper to do that now than wait till the river actually encroached on the road.
Motion put, and on a division, was carried. Col. Herrick, Messrs Williams and Brathwaite voting with the ayes. Messes. Bennett, and Torr voting against.
The Council then went into committee to consider the report of the Public Works Committee.
On the motion of Mr. Bennett, seconded by Mr. Williams, the recommendation of the Public Works Committee were ordered to be carried out.
Mr. Brathwaite moved that the Chairman apply to the General Government for the sum of £150 for a charitable aid fund, and that the Chairman, the Clerk to the Council, and the Inspector of Police be appointed to distribute it.
Mr. Brathwaite moved that the Chairman instruct the Road Overseer to inspect the creek running through the police ground at Havelock, and to report on the advisability and probable cost of widening and straightening the same from the outlet to the main road. Carried.
The council then adjourned.

The builder of a church now in course of construction, when the toast of his health was given, rather enigmatically replied that he was “more fitted for the scaffold than for public speaking.”

It is said on one occasion a somewhat eccentric Scotch divine concluded his public devotions in the Edinburgh church by earnestly praying “the Lord might have mercy upon all idiots and fools, and particularly, on the provost and magistrates in Edinburgh”. At the present moment a similar request might very appropriately be offered up in behalf of some of our County Councils, and that of Waipawa in particular. There has just been another meeting of the sapient body, and the public have been favored with another act in the childish burlesque which has for so many months, been running its weary length at their boards. The farce is becoming painfully ludicrous. It is open to question whether the party of action or inaction is most to be commiserated. To be honestly and earnestly striving to do their duty as has been the case with the Chairman and one of two more, and to be thwarted and hindered at every turn, is tantalising enough; but to be made a “ spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men,” as has been the case with the re-calcitrant members, is humiliating in the extreme. All along these worthies have displayed such a childishness and pettishness of conduct, and utter incompetency for the duties and responsibilities undertaken by them, and entrusted to them, as to lay themselves open to public ridicule, if not general contempt. Possibly they may not be aware of this. Unfortunately men do not always possess the gift of seeing themselves as others see them. And there can be no doubt that, had the Waipawa triumvirate possessed this gift, their course of action in the Council would have savoured less of littleness, narrow-mindedness, and selfishness, and more of a desire to make local interests and personal antipathies subservient to the general interest of the County. With them, however, Waipawa is all in all. They gave got it on the brain, and can think and speak of nothing else. This petty hamlet occupies so much of their mental horizon, that they have eyes, and ears, and tongues, for nothing besides. For its sake, all personal consideration for the comforts and conveniences of their fellow-members must be ignored, reason and common sense placed in abeyance, and the County interests sacrificed.
The removal of the Council Chambers to Waipawa is no great cause for regret. On the contrary it will be a decided gain, if this bring back the do-nothing members to their senses, and enable them to act and think like men “clothed in their right mind”. Nevertheless, the choice forcibly reminds us that there is no accounting for tastes, as the old woman said when she kissed her cow. We certainly sympathise with the Chairman in his indignant and well-timed protest, and we can assure him that he has the sympathies of all whom passion and interest has not blinded. He should have remembered, however, that water can never rise higher than its source, and that it was too much to expect anything like breadth of sentiment or action on the part of men whose purblind judgment has all along been so warped by purely local surroundings, associations, and interests, that they could never look higher than their own dung-hill. But, though Waipawa has for the present become the favored seat of the County meetings, how long will it continue so? From the peripatetic proclivities of the Council, and the ominous hints of one of its members, Waipawa may soon have to cease its rejoicings, and once more “put on sackcloth and ashes”. But should the Council not imitate the patriarchs of old, and move up and down without a fixed place of abode, and Waipawa then become the permanent seat of the Council meeting, we fear that, despite the fond attachment and fostering care of its godfathers, it will continue an “emaciated bantling” still.
In many respects, the selection of the Courthouse is par excellence the most appropriate place. This outward, visible symbol of the majesty of the law, and the convenient nearness of its cells may have a soberly effect, and prevent members from becoming obstreperous. This assuredly would be the case should the Council in their wisdom, only go one step further, and invest the Chairman with the power of pot and gallows. The grim humor and irony of this change is quite original, and should entitle its proposer and supporters to some reward. To show its estimate of their fine taste the County should get struck a tin medal of the third degree, and have it publically presented to them.
We don’t know what unlucky planet was in the ascendant when the Waipawa Council was generated, but judging from the eccentric doings of certain members it must have been a very erratic one. Whilst more than one have earned some little claim to a certain kind of notoriety, the Norsewood member has of late proved himself quite an original in this respect. He appears to belong to neither the party of action or inaction, but is held in suspense between them like Mahomet’s coffin, which hung between heaven and earth and belonged to neither. Like some unfortunate ghost, or “wandering Jew”, disowned alike by the upper and neither worlds, he keeps oscillating from one side to the other, and the consequence is, that the resolutions which have his support today are sure to have his opposition to-morrow. We have heard of a Highland chief who, in the days of feudalism had condemned one of his retainers to be hung. Donald accompanied by his faithful Janet, reached the gallows, but nothing would induce him to mount the fatal tree. To every person he silently shrugged his shoulders, and refused to move. At length his wife, clapping him on the back exclaimed, – “Hoot awa, Donald, gang up noo, just like a man, and please the laird,” This appeal to obedience was irresistible, and Donald sprang up the ladder to meet the reward of his loyalty. This incident finds its living personation in the Norsewood member. Like the Celt who, “to please the laird”, sacrificed his own neck. Mr. Levy is of such an obliging disposition, that in his desire to please, he is willing to become “ all things to all men” and is consequently driven from pillar to post and post to pillar. We don’t know whether it is that he has no mind of his own, or does not know his own mind. Whilst he would seem to do most of this thinking by proxy, it is very probable that he wishes to play the part of a “free-lance” whose heaven-appointed mission is to demonstrate to his fellows- councillors the old truth that they are not to “trust in princes or men’s sons”.
To conclude: Now the Waipawa members are back to their beloved and much longed for Court-house, we trust they will at once settle down to work. They have given the public incontestable evidence that they know thoroughly how not to do their duty. Their constituents and the public generally now ask for some slight proof that they know something of the way to do it.




The Harbor Board met this morning in the old Council Chamber, at 11 o’clock.
Present: – Messrs. Kinross (Chairman) Sutton, Smith, Kennedy, Robjohns and Vautier.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Mr. Sutton moved “That tenders be called for the fencing in of the Lighthouse Reserve in accordance with the recommendations of the Engineer.
Seconded by Mr. Kennedy and carried.
Mr. Kennedy moved, and Mr. Sutton seconded, “That a further supply of oil should be obtained from the Marine Board Stores for the purpose of maintaining the light of the Lighthouse as at present.”
Mr. Weber’s request that an assistant inspector of works be appointed was granted.
A letter was read from Mr. Davies, C.E. representative of the contractor, relative to the alteration of the line of the western mole.
The letter was ordered to be referred to the Board’s Engineer, to be reported upon next meeting.
In reply to a letter Mr. E.H. Bold, District Engineer, asking permission to quarry material at Battery Point for the purpose of procuring stone for the protection of the railway at Merritt’s corner, Ngaruroro, the Board instructed Mr. Bold to get the contractor’s consent in writing to his requisition when the Board would offer no objection.
An opinion was read from the Municipal Solicitor relative to the Board’s responsibility for the maintenance of the Railway, and West Quays on the reclaimed land.
At the request of the Board the Chairman undertook to obtain the opinion of Mr. J.N. Wilson on the subject.
Eleven tenders were opened for the reclamation of the inner lagoon at the foot of the Shakespeare-road. The Tenders ranged from £700 to £1100; John Hayden’s being the former was accepted.
The Board then adjourned.

We condense the following from the Bay of Plenty Times: – Mr. Collie photographic artist, of Napier, was a passenger by the s.s. Pretty Jane on Monday, after having spent a month on White Island, where he has been taking photographic views. Mr. Collie, accompanied by a youth was landed on this desolate spot about a month ago by the s.s. Pretty Jane on her way from Napier, and took all his provisions and also fresh water with him, as there is none to be found on the Island. He pitched his tent at the Southern end, and through the sulphurous vapour which occasionally clouded the air was rather unpleasant, it was not found necessary at any time to shift the camp. The burning masses of sulphur are at the west end of the lake situated on the west side of the island, and looking across the lake at night the fires and steam are plainly visible. Taking the views was found to be a difficult undertaking, owing to the motion of the steam, which, driven by the wind in one direction or another, was continually obscuring the atmosphere, but after three weeks patient labour, several good results were produced. Mr. Collie is endeavouring to take views of all the scenery in New Zealand presenting any extraordinary natural characteristics as exist at the Rotorua and Rotomahana Lake District, and at the Sulphur Island. These pictures Mr. Collie believes will in time become historical records, his impression being that the present distinctive features of these wonderful spots will gradually disappear.




May 10, 1877.
Very general dissatisfaction exists as to the postal arrangements made here on the arrival of steamers at the mouth of the river. Yesterday the Result landed her passengers, mail and a portion of cargo. The passengers were up in town early; the cargo landed came up by carts in the middle of the day, but it was well on in the evening before the mail came up. I am told it’s nobody’s fault, but really such an uncertain state of things ought not to be allowed.
While on the postal system in vogue, let me add that the overland mail should bring more papers than it does. Some papers are detained in Napier a whole month. Napier papers of the 14th and 16th April come on the 9th May.
May 12.
What a comfort it must be to the local correspondent of the Herald that Mr. Witty has a hop ground here. How he rings the changes on the hop ground? How he harks back to it at periodical intervals, averaging about five weeks each time! We are told the land has been ploughed; then cross-ploughed; then harrowed; then sets planted; then poles stuck in; and then finally the opinions of the man from Kent, who is in charge, are given in extensor. Happy correspondent! Worthy man from Kent! But why wherefore such a fuss about a few acres in cultivation? I am sure Mr. Witty does not require it.
By the way, a gentleman writing in the Herald under the name of “Traveller”’ suggest that the Wairoa correspondents for both papers should travel round the country and report on the roads. Thoughtful suggestion, Mr. Commercial, but who is to pay the travelling expenses?
A circular was shown to me the other day from a Fidelity Assurance Guarantee office, and I was greatly edified thereat. I found that a bank clerk had to pay one-half the sum that an officer of a corporation had to pay for a fidelity guarantee; therefore corporation officers must be looked upon as doubly dishonest as bank clerks. With the newspaper accounts from time to time of the doings of the bank clerks, what extremely dishonest people the corporation officials must be!
The Free Press appeared this morning. It is neatly got up, and reflects great credit on the enterprising publisher. I need hardly say that it is a great favourite already with the local people, and bids fair to complete its success. We all here wish the undertaking good luck.


(Before R. Beetham, Esq., R.M.)

For the offence of drunkenness at Port Ahuriri yesterday, one William Dransfield, whose personal safety had been attended to by Constable Harvey, was muleted in the minimum penalty of five shillings, with a 24 hours alternative. He elected to pay the money.

George Williams was charged with having imbibed a glass to much at Port Ahuriri on Saturday. Williams was out on bail, and forgetting to make his appearance, his bail of £1 was ordered to be forfeited.

C.H. Ingle was charged on the information of Mr. G. Scarfe, that he did at Napier on or about the 29th day of April, 1877, feloniously, with the intent to defraud forge a certain order for the payment of £2 15s contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and declared.
Sergeant Robinson on behalf of the Police asked the Court to remand the case until Monday in order to obtain further evidence.
His Worship asked the prisoner whether he could procure bail.
Prisoner replied that he could not say until he had received a reply to a telegram he had sent away.
The prisoner was then remanded until Thursday next.

His Worship then gave judgment in the cases heard by him on Tuesday last, having reference to the legality of the rates imposed by the Patangata Road Board. His Worship stated that Road Boards had power to levy rates from the 1st of July. The Board was justified in the action it took, and he would give judgment in each case for three-fourths of the rate, or for nine months, up to the 31st March.

(Before Robert Stuart, Esq., R.M.)

Kaiwai Kino (a Maori) who had been liberated on bail, not answering his name, forfeited the amount thereof viz., 20s.
William Dransfield was fined and paid five shillings
Joseph McCabe for a rather aggravated case of drunkenness was ordered to pay a fine of 20s., and in default 48 hours imprisonment. A second charge of indecent exposure against the same individual was dismissed.

There were twenty civil cases on the cause list this morning, about half a dozen of which had been settled out of Court. The following came before Court.
Lindsay v. Newman, same v same, and Newman v Lindsay ; further adjourned for a fortnight.
Smith v. Grindell. – £9 8s Adjourned for a month to allow of evidence being taken in Wellington
North v. Ross – Claim 8s. No appearance; struck out.
Colenso v. McKay. – Claim of £60 for rent. Defendant not appearing, judgment went by default for amount claimed and £4 5s costs.
Dinwiddie, Morrison, and Co. v. Merritt. – Claim £19 6s for advertising, printing, &c. No appearance of defendant. Judgment for plaintiff for £19 6d and 22s costs.
Langley and Newman v. Butcher. – Claim 18s, balance of account. Judgment (by default) for 18s and 9s costs.
Mitchell and Beatson v. Taylor. – Claim £4 2s for milk and butter. Judgment by default for amount claimed, and 9s costs.
Cunningham and Gifford v. Wells, – Claim £40 3s 10d for builders work. Adjourned until the 16th instant.
Renata Tauihu v. Jensen, – Claim of £10. An action of detinue-  defendant holding the watch belonging to the plaintiff. Mr. Lee for plaintiff. Defendant was not assisted by council. Judgemnt for plaintiff for the sum of £7, or restitution of a watch, with £1 14s costs.
Pyne v. Shaw. – Claim of £5 13s for board and lodging. Judgment by default for plaintiff for amount of claim, and 13s costs of Court.
Tuke v. Lentz, – Claim £4 18s for seven weeks rent of cottage. Judgment for plaintiff for amount of claim, and 9s Court fees.

Willan v. Gordon. – On a judgment twelve months ago, for £6 11s. On this case being called, there was no appearance of either party; it was consequently struck out.



Watches! Watches! Watches !
DRAWS special attention to his Magnificent Stock of WATCHES, just received direct from English and American Manufacturers, and made Specially to Order, which, for Excellence and Cheapness, are unequalled in the colony.
All Watches sold at this establishment are thoroughly regulated and put in working condition before leaving the premises, and Guaranteed.

DESIGNS prepared from rough sketches.
Plans colored or etched in first style
Architect and Building Surveyor,

£900 TO LEND in one or more sums on good Freehold security.


A.M.*   A.M. +   A.M.   P.M.   P.M.
Spit, depart   7.40   11.0   3.40
Napier arrive   7.50   11.10   3.50
Napier depart   6.45   7.55   11.30   4.10   2.30
Farndon depart   7.10   8.20   11.55   4.35   2.55
Hastings, depart   7.35   8.45   12.20   5.0   3.20
Paki Paki arrive   9.5   5.18
Paki Paki depart   7.53   9.13   5.20
Te Aute arrive   8.32
Te Aute depart   8.35   9.55   6.5
Kaikora depart   9.15   10.35   6.45
Waipawa, depart   9.35   10.55   7.25
Waipukurau arrive   9.55   11.15
Waipukurau depart   10.0   11.30
Takapau, arrive   10.50   12.20
* On Monday and Thursday only.
+ On Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.

A.M.   A.M.   P.M.   P.M.   P.M.
Takapau, depart   2.20
Waipukurau, dep.   7.10   3.15
Waipawa, depart   7.30   3.35
Kaikora, depart   7.50   3.55
Te Aute arrive   8.31
Te Aute depart   8.33   4.35
Paki Paki, arrive   9.10   5.15
Paki Paki, depart   9.12   5.22
Hastings, depart   9.32   1.0   5.42   5.20
Farndon, depart   9.57   1.25   6.7   5.45
Napier arrive   10.22   1.50   6.32   6.10
Napier depart   7.20   10.25   3.0
Spit, arrive   7.30   10.35   3.10
*Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday only.

Passengers are requested not to enter or leave the carriages while in motion.
Season tickets issued to and from all Stations. Apply to the Manager.
To ensure despatch, Parcels should be booked fifteen minutes before the starting of the Train.
General Manager,
Napier, March 8, 1877.

HOLLOWAY‘S PILLS AND OINTMENT. I most respectfully take leave to call the attention of the inhabitants of Australasia to the fact that Messrs. Henry Curran and Co., Wholesale Druggists, of New York, have agencies in various parts, and that their Travellers are going all over the country vending spurious Imitations of my Pills and Ointment, which they make in New York, and which bear in some instances their trade mark thus
Whilst on other labels of this trash it is omitted , the better to deceive you, but the words ‘New York’ are retained. Much of this fictitious stuff is sold in the Auction Rooms of Sydney and elsewhere, and readily finds its way into the back settlements. These are vile frauds, as I do not allow my medicines even to be sold in any part of the United States; they are only made by me at 533, Oxford Street, London.
The same people are circulating a report that my business is about to be formed into a Company which is UTTERLY FALSE.
I most earnestly appeal to that sense of British justice which I feel sure I may venture upon asking my kind countrymen and countrywomen in their distant homes, to assist me, as far as may lay in their power, in denouncing this shameful American Fraud, by cautioning their friends lest they he duped into buying villainous compounds styled “Holloways Pills and Ointment” with any New York label thereon.
Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, with the words “HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT, LONDON.” engraved thereon. On the labels is the address, 533 Oxford street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
LONDON, Feb. 15, 1796

“By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” – See in the Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk.
Sold only in pockets (tins for abroad), labelled: –

and at
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted in English, Continental, and American Newspapers, Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines, Books, and Stationery supplied with accuracy and punctuality, and at the lowest prices.
Proprietors of Newspapers furnished with Paper, Ink, and every requisite connected with the printing business.
Indents through the Sydney and Melbourne houses, and Commissions executed quickly and economically generally.

Persons suffering from weak or debilitated constitutions will discover that by the use of this wonderful medicine there is “Health for all.” The blood is the fountain of life, and its purity can be maintained by the use of these pills.
in his work entitled “The Nile Tributaries in Abbyssinia,” says, “I ordered the dragoman Mahomet to inform the Fakey that I was a Doctor, and that I had the best medicines at the service of the sick, with advice gratis. In a short time I had many applicants, to whom I served out a quantity of Holloway’s Pills. These are most useful to an explorer, as possessing unmistakable purgative properties they create an undeniable effect upon the patient, which satisfies him of their value.”
Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment.  I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse feed poured in upon us until at last a teaspoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
On the Label in the address, 533, Oxford-street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
With a “New York” Label.

Spital Hill, Sheffield, direct the attention of Flock Owners and Shearers to their Improved New Pattern, No. 69 Shear, which for quality, style, finish, and adaptability to the requirements of the Australian and New Zealand markets, cannot be surpassed. The main features are – great extra width of steel in the blades, accurately ground, long shanks with narrow grip. Procurable at the leading Ironmongers’ Warehouses throughout Australasia.
Look for this Trade Mark in blade.

Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,

Standing Advertisements for Three, Six or Twelve Months can be arranged for at a Liberal Discount.
Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original order) must be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager.

T. MEEHAN, Port Ahuriri

£   s   d.
Per Quarter, if paid in advance   0 6 6
Per Quarter, if booked   0 7 6
Per Annum, if paid in advance.   1 6 0
Per Annum, if booked   1 10 0

Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1877.

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