Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 081 – 2 June

Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,

A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.


7000 ACRES Freehold, Crown Grant, 24 miles from Napier
23,000 acres Leasehold, 18 acres to run, low rent with
9,000 Sheep, 40 head Cattle, Horses, Bullocks, &c. Good home improvements, and 2000 acres fenced into paddocks: the whole will take grass seed readily, is well watered, and easy access from town.
11,000 acres Freehold, Crown Grant, with
2,000 acres Leasehold, excellent pastoral lands, 40 miles from Napier, well bounded, over 30 miles fencing, 25 paddocks, good houses, woolshed, and all necessary improvements, with
10,000 Sheep, few Cattle and Horses
3,920 acres Freehold, rich pastoral land, Wairoa, with
800 Sheep, and 100 head Cattle
900 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa
4,677 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa, with
3,000 Sheep, and other necessary working improvements
3,000 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,220 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
400 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
2,500 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, with
2,000 Sheep and 250 head Cattle
4,200 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Poverty Bay
11,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, Poverty Bay, with
3000 Sheep and few Cattle
1,600 acres Leasehold, half interest, Poverty Bay
14,000 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa [Tolaga] Bay, with
8,800 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa Bay, with
3,000 Sheep and good improvements
1,100 acres Freehold, rich land, Opotiki, with
1,000 Sheep, and all necessary improvements
33,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 26 miles from Napier
150,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 30 miles from Napier with
10,000 Sheep, exclusive of Lambs
55,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 70 miles from Napier, with
5,000 Sheep, and 50 head Cattle
9,000 acres Freehold, Agricultural and Pastoral, Seaboard, with
14,000 acres Leasehold, valuable improvements, and
15,000 Sheep, few Cattle, Horses, &c.
1,639 acres Freehold, near Greytown, with
1,040 acres Leasehold, all fenced and subdivided, and
5,000 longwool Sheep, 120 Cattle, few horses, and every improvement necessary. The coach road passes through the property.
Stock and Station Agent.

MR. GRANT, the purchaser of the Pakowhai Estate, has instructed the undersigned to Lease for a term the very substantial and commodious Dwelling-House, lately occupied by Mr. McHardy, with the well-stocked Garden, Orchard, Shrubbery, and a small paddock adjoining; with part of the offices, a Coach-house, Stable, &c. This is situated within easy drive of Town and the Farndon Railway station. To a good tenant the rent will be very moderate.

MR. EVAN’S Draught Stallion, “LORD NELSON,” by “Sir Colin Campbell,” dam “Blossom,” etc.
Liberal terms.
For further particulars apply to

The Undersigned is instructed by Mr. Robert Evans, of Homewood, Kaikora, to offer for Sale, or in convenient lots,
1,000 ACRES RICH AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL LAND. This property has frontages to the Waipawa River, from the bridge downward, a ring fence around the remainder.
This property is divided into two large divisions, one of these portions containing three small paddocks, about 30 acres, under artificial grass, two whares, sheep-yards, &c, with or without 1500 sheep now depasturing thereon.
Price moderate, and a considerable portion of the purchase money remaining on mortgage.

On Deferred Payments.
For particulars, apply to

2500 CROSS-BRED EWES, mixed ages
200 cross-bred Ewes, 8-tooth
700 6 and 8-tooth cross-bred Wedders
60 Merino Rams, bred by Sir Donald McLean

50,000 lbs Cocksfoot from Pigeon Bay
1,500 bushels Rye Grass provincial and Canterbury
Guaranteed imported of 1876.
White Clover
Cow Grass
Heyke Clover
Meadow Fescue
Meadow Foxtail
Sheep Fescue
Crested Dogtail
Poa Nemoralis
Florin Grass (agrostis stolonifera)
&c.,   &c.,  &c.
To arrive per “Plieone,”
1400 Coils No. 6, No. 8, &c.
Bran, &c., of the best quality.
Napier and Port Ahuriri.

AT the Poll duly notified for the election of a Councillor for the Waipukurau Riding, held on Tuesday, the 24th May instant, the number of votes recorded for each Candidate was as follows: –
I therefore declare the said HENRY ROBERT RUSSELL duly elected a Councillor for the Waipukurau Riding in the County of Waipawa.
Given under my hand at Waipawa, this 25th day, of May, 1877.
Returning Officer for the County of Waipawa.

THE Meanee [Meeanee] Bridge Tannery, in complete working order, six-roomed cottage, Artesian well &c &c.
For further particulars, apply to

THE building known as the Masonic Hall, with part of town section No. 124.
For further particulars, apply to

3,000 Acres Rich Pastoral Land, portion of the Tautane Block.
Terms easy.
Land and Estate Agent,

7 GOOD DRAUGHT HORSES, price from £15 to £35, and several weight-carrying hacks.
The Auctioneers have made arrangements for the erection of suitable yards, in connection with Mr McCartney’s Greenmeadows Hotel.
First sale will take place about the end of the month.
For further particulars, apply to

The undersigned have for sale, 166 acres of land on the above Estate, situate between Waipawa and Kaikora Railway Stations. Thirty-five acres are fenced, improved, and leased to good tenants at a rental of 15s per acre.

THE Undersigned desires to intimate that Saturday sales will be resumed at the above establishment on SATURDAY, the 2nd day of June, 1877, under the management of Mr J.A. Lennie, who has rented the premises, and taken over the goodwill of the business.

IN reference to the above, J.A. Lennie begs to inform Country Settler, Dealers, and the public of Hawke’s Bay generally, that he intends carrying on the business as heretofore, and to assure them that no effort will be wanting on his part to make the establishment both attractive and profitable to all who may favour him with their support.
Auction sales of Stock, Vehicles, Produce &c, will be held every Saturday, and on such other days as circumstances may require, of which due notice will be given.
All produce sent by rail will be conveyed to the Repository free of charge.
Hay, oats, maize, chaff, bran, potatoes and other produce kept in Stock for sale privately or by Public Auction.
Horses taken into Livery day and night, First-class Hacks, Buggies and quiet Trap Horses always on hire and for sale.
Mr W.K. McLean is engaged as Auctioneer.
Commission Agent, &c.

At Their Nursery, Taradale.
They would draw special attention to their fine stock of Apple Trees.

The Quarterly Licensing Courts for the District of Waipawa will be held at the Court House, Waipawa, and for the District of Porangahau, at the Bridge Hotel, Wallingford, respectively, on TUESDAY, the 5th day of June, 1877, at noon.
Notice of application for the renewal or transfer of Licenses must be lodged with the Clerk of the Court at least 21 days before the meeting of the Courts.
Given under my hand, at Waipawa, this 5th day of May, 1877.
HENRY ARROW, Clerk to the Courts.

The Quarterly Licensing Court for the Ngaruroro District will be held in the Resident Magistrate’s Court, Havelock, on TUESDAY, the 5th day of June, 1877, at noon.
Notice of application for the renewal or transfer of Licenses must be lodged with the Clerk of the Court, at least 21 days before the meeting of the Court.
Given under my hand at Havelock this 5th day of May, 1877.
Clerk of the Court.

The Quarterly Licensing Court for the District of Wairoa will be held at the Court House, Wairoa, on TUESDAY, the 5th day of June, 1877, at noon.
Notice of application for the renewal or transfer of Licenses must be lodged with the Clerk of the Court, at least 21 days before the meeting of the Court.
Given under my hand at Wairoa, this 3rd day of May, 1877.
Chairman of Licensing Bench.

THE Quarterly Licensing Meeting for the above Districts will be held in the Resident Magistrate’s Court at Napier, on TUESDAY, the 5th day of June, 1877, at Noon.
Notices of applications for Licenses or transfers must be forwarded to the under-signed, in duplicate, at least 21 days before the holding of the Courts.
Clerk of Licensing Courts,
Napier and Petane.
Resident Magistrate’s Office,
Napier, May 4, 1877.

Building Materials of every description Always on Hand.
Estimates given for Works.




May 25.
A special meeting of the County Council is called for the 30th instant, to consider the bye-laws.
The bar is improving.




May 28.
At a meeting of the Jockey Club on Friday night, it was resolved that this Club will in future only recognise the following New Zealand clubs, namely, the Dunedin, Wellington, Hawke’s Bay, and Auckland, and will take no cognizance of any complaint or disqualification made by any other Club, unless the complaint has been first referred to and confirmed by the Club of the Provincial District within which such Club complaining holds its meeting.




May 26.


The Rangatira left for Napier at 1 p.m. today. Passengers – Messrs Davies, Somerville, Haycock, and 6 in the steerage.


The Board met this morning at 11 o’clock.
Present: Messrs Kinross (Chairman), Smith, Williams, Vautier and Kennedy.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
A letter from the Engineer to the Board stated that the reclamation at the foot of Shakespeare Road had been commenced.
A report from the Engineer concerning the harbour works contractor’s complaint re short payment of work performed &c, was read, and a copy ordered
to be sent to the contractor.
A letter was read from the Engineer asking that the diver may be employed systematically in picking up all rubble from the bottom of the harbour, from the end of the breastwork to the ferry landing. The Board sanctioned the expense.
A letter was read from the Engineer re the leasing of the ferry, and asking for information concerning the position of the Board in connection therewith.
The Chairman undertook to ascertain the best method of dealing with the matter, and to report thereon at the next meeting.
A number of accounts were laid on the table and ordered to be paid.
Tenders were opened for fencing in the lighthouse reserve, and H.D. Thompson’s being the lowest (25s per chain) was accepted.
The Board then adjourned.




At the inquest on the cause of the late fire in Emerson-street, no evidence was adduced tending to throw any light on the origin of the conflagration. Mrs Wilson, the proprietress of the establishment, was examined, as were also James Wishart, who gave evidence as to the kitchen stove, and John Pierce, the lodger. Mr White, occupying the adjoining house to that destroyed, deposed to the former condition of the chimneys when he was agent for the property. The jury, after mature deliberation found that there was not sufficient evidence elicited to show how or where the fire originated, but that much carelessness has been shown in the manner in which the cooking range had been fixed.

The Georgian Minstrels concluded their season here on Tuesday night, and left for Wellington on Friday morning in the Rotorua. Mr De Lias, previous to his departure, informed us that he had engaged Mr Charles Wheatleigh, the celebrated actor, and with that gentleman a company would visit Napier next or the following month.

We understand that Professor and Mrs Taylor the Champion Skaters, have engaged the Oddfellows Hall, and will make their first appearance in Napier on Monday, the 11th June. Both Mr and Mrs Taylor are at present in Wellington doing an excellent business.

An inquest was held on Thursday at the Victoria Hotel on the body of James Robert Goddard, who lost his life on Wednesday afternoon, through being thrown from his cart and run over. The enquiry was made before T. Hitchings, Esq, Coroner, and a jury of which Mr H. Steed was the foreman. The evidence of James Goddard, son of the deceased, was taken, who deposed that, as he and his father were coming into town in a spring cart, the two horses bolted, being frightened at the train, the back band of the shaft horse broke, and the shafts dropped to the ground. The witness reached the ground safely, but the deceased fell in front of the cart and was passed over by the wheel. A.G. Oldfield witnessed the accident, and gave evidence corroborative of the above. The wheel of the cart passed over the deceased’s body near to the region of the heart. The jury returned a verdict of accidental death.


The Musical Society gave a concert in the Protestant Hall, on Thursday, at which there was a very fair attendance. The most noticeable features of the intertainment were the instrumental pieces, which, owing to the increased strength of the Society, were very effectively rendered.


Messrs Margoliouth and Banner report that at their sale held at Taradale on Friday there was a fair attendance. Young steers brought £3, heifers £2 to £5, milch cows £7 to £10, a lot of cross-bred wethers realised 11s 6d a head, horses sold from £3 10s to £8s.


Our Hastings correspondent writes as follows: – “The church at Hastings, which is now in conrse [course] of erection, is gradually developing its architectural beauties. The double tower, containing almost as much timber as that portion of the building which is to be devoted to the worshippers, gives to this structure quite a cathedral appearance. The towers, however, are more ornamental than useful. The entrance doors seem to be absurdly small, putting one in mind of pigeon holes; through these doors the visitor enters the tower, and then passing under a lofty gothic arch, steps into the body of the church, of the barn order of architecture.”

Colonel the Hon. George Stoddard Whitmore, C.M.G., has been appointed Colonel of the Napier Artillery Volunteers, and Mr F.W. Garner, Lieutenant of the same company.

Mr H.H. Carr has been appointed clerk of the Resident Magistrate’s and Licensing Courts, Wairoa.

Door keys must be at a premium this week. On Wednesday, a cab driver brought to the DAILY TELEGRAPH office a door key which he had found. The owner was advertised for, and it was claimed the following day. since then we have had about twelve persons inquiring for that key, the applicants having lost a similar article. This pretty fairly shows the benefit of advertising.

We have to request subscribers travelling by rail not to open parcels directed to our agents in the country, as it not only leads to confusion, but causes complaint. We would wish them to remember the Biblical passage “To do unto others as they would wish others to do unto them.” Loose papers can always be obtained from our runners at the railway platform.

Mrs Wilson, whose premises were destroyed by fire on Sunday last, has been reduced by that misfortune from a state of competency to one of destitution. At the fire she lost everything, and the clothes she now wears had to be given her. Mrs Wilson is a widow, and since her husband’s death has been enabled to support herself by keeping a lodging house for working men, and the want of such an establishment, will be much felt. We shall be glad to receive subscriptions on Mrs Wilson’s behalf.

We learn from Clive that Mr Pilcher, an old resident of that place, and also a man of Kent, consequently thoroughly acquainted with the culture and growth of hops, is about to leave the district for the purpose of starting a hop garden at Poverty Bay. The garden will be about ten acres in extent, and from its position, soil, and shelter, Mr Pilcher is under the impression that his venture will prove successful. Should it be so, there cannot be a doubt it will prove highly beneficial to other districts as well as Poverty Bay, and must be advantageous to the brewers of Hawke’s Bay.

Mr Johnson’s prize cake, won by Mr Boggs at the Artillery match, is now on view at Mr Johnson’s shop in Hastings-street. The cake is mounted with an Armstrong gun made of confectionery (we cannot tell the calibre) surrounded by volunteers at drill. It looks exceedingly well, and we believe its owner purposes keeping his trophy under a glass case, made specially for the purpose.


Mr McGill, the second engineer of the Wanaka, met with an unfortunate accident on the down trip of that vessel, between Gisborne and Napier. He managed to have the tips of two of the fingers of his left hand caught in the cogwheels of some part of the machinery and smashed. On arriving at Napier medical aid was procured, and the two upper joints were amputated. Mr McGill remains at Wellington for surgical attendance.


It will be gratifying to the householders on the upper side of Clive Square to learn that the improvements now being made at the corner of the Oddfellows Hall, will have the effect of sending the rain drainage from Milton-Road in front of their residences, to form a larger lake in wet weather than hitherto has blocked the thoroughfare of foot passengers. The cricket ground is to be protected, but the interests of ratepayers and property holders are to be overlooked.


We are glad to find that the paragraph which appeared in our issue of Saturday, relative to Mrs Wilson, has had the desired effect, and that Mr Myhill has taken the matter in hand. He purposes raising a subscription in order to place Mrs Wilson beyond the unfortunate state of dependence she is now placed in by the late calamitous fire. It is to be hoped that it will be responded to with that sympathy which it deserves.

In the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Monday, the charge laid against four Taradale settlers for the stealing of a ledger from the premises lately occupied by Mr Neagle was not pressed at the request of the prosecution. The ledger required had found its way mysteriously into the Edinburgh Hotel, and a note expressive of regret as to what had occurred was found with it. The note was signed anonymously.

The rite of confirmation was administered on Saturday to eleven young persons in St Mark’s Church, Clive, by the Right Reverend Bishop Cowie. After an appropriated lesson, which was read by the Rev W. Marshall, the Venerable Archdeacon Williams read the prefatory address in the Confirmation service. The Bishop then made an eloquent address, using for his text the words “Lord, what will thou have me do”. The service altogether was a most impressive one.


Constable John Madigan, of Havelock, has been appointed Gaoler of the Prison at Gisborne.

The name of the Rev H.W. St Hill of Porangahau, formerly Incumbent of St John’s Napier, has been duly registered as that of an officiating minister within the meaning of “The Marriage Act, 1854”.


We regret to learn from Capt. Hair, of the Falcon, of the sudden death of Mr David Vaughan, of the Meanee [Meeanee] Hotel, who died on Sunday, the 22nd instant, on board the Falcon. Mr Vaughan was a passenger to Newcastle in the Falcon, which left Napier on Thursday, the 19th April. On the following Sunday, Capt. Hair heard groans from the berth occupied by Mr Vaughan, and, on going to his assistance, found him dead. He was buried at sea. Mr Vaughan leaves a widow and a grown up family of three.

Persons desirous of getting out their friends under the nominated system of immigration will notice from an advertisement from the Immigration Office that the list will close on the 18th day of June next.

An Ordination service was held at St John’s Church, by the Right Rev. the Bishop of Auckland, on Sunday morning, when the Rev. J.C. Eccles of Waipawa, was admitted to the order of priesthood. The candidate was presented to the Bishop by Archdeacon Williams, after which the service for the ordaining of priests was proceeded with, the Archdeacon, the Rev. J Townsend and the Rev. G.M. D’Arcy Irvine assisting the Bishop. There was a large congregation present.



The only case in the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday was the hearing of a complaint laid under the Destitute Persons Relief Ordinance by one Eliza Harris, wife of Richard Harris, against her husband for deserting her at Gisborne in October last, leaving her without means and support. Defendant, who had been served in Dunedin with a summons to appear and answer the complaint, failed to do so, and the case was heard ex parte. Mr Lascelles acting for complainant, whose evidence having been heard, and her solicitor having addressed the Court, defendant was convicted and a fine of £5 inflicted, and order made for payment of twelve shillings per week to complainant. The case was heard before His Worship the Mayor.

We hear that a deputation of the Clive Square residents waited upon His Worship the Mayor on Thursday last, for the purpose of laying before the Corporation the neglected state of the road leading to their dwellings. For years past the just complaint of these residents has been promised by the authorities to be remedied, but the Corporation being as negligent as the late Provincial Government, it has been determined to lay the case before the Municipal Council, through His Worship the Mayor.


On Monday, the members of the Loyal Napier Lodge M.U.I.O.O.F. celebrated their ninetenth [nineteenth] anniversary by a soiree and ball. At 7.30 about 50 people sat down to an excellent repast, furnished in Mr Johnson’s usual style, in the Lodge-room. After the ladies and gentlemen present had their wants supplied, a few speeches were made including a statement from the Secretary Mr Frank Bee, which showed: “That since last anniversary 23 new members had been initiated, and the number now good on the books is 97. The demands on the lodge for sick pay during that period was £9 15s., and the amount cleared on lodge funds £168, and on hall fund £100.  The total accumulated funds now amount to £13 10s per member, which will compare favourably with any lodge in the colony.” The company then adjourned to the Hall, where dancing was kept up until the wee hours of the morning.


Judge Rogan, Native Lands Court, arrived from the East Coast and Gisborne by the steamer Rangatira on Tuesday.

S. Locke, Esq., has been appointed Judge of Assessment Courts, and Native Lands Frauds Commissioner, during the absence of the Resident Magistrate.

The Bishop of Auckland visited the Napier Grammar School on Tuesday, and examined the pupils in Latin, and English analysis. His Lordship expressed much satisfaction at the manner in which both classes acquitted themselves, and requested the Head Master to give the school a half holiday. Mr Irvine thanked the Bishop for the interest he had shown, and at once complied with his request. There are few places in this diocese where the Bishop of Auckland has received a heartier welcome than that accorded to him this morning at the Grammar School. The boys cheered him most lustily as he went away, and the Masters joined in the general applause.

The timber for the bridge across the Marae-totara stream on the road from Clive to Waimarama, is now on the ground, and we understand that the contractor, Mr J. Orr, will at once proceed with the work as soon as he has completed his present contract for the repair of the new Tutaekuri bridge.


The railway line between the Napier and the Spit stations is, we hear, to be straightened, and anyone walking along the line cannot but come to the conclusion that it was high time the curves were taken out. A more ridiculously serpentine route could hardly have been selected than the one hit upon in laying off the railway between the town and the port, and though it has been altered, we believe, two or three times already, it is now about as crooked as it can be.


It is worthy of note that the sheep exports from Hawke’s Bay, during last year, exceeded those of the combined exports from Canterbury and Otago, and the increase of our provincial flocks has also exceeded that of the combined flocks of Otago and Canterbury. These figures speak for themselves, unmistakably proving the healthy condition of the flocks, and the character of the country for pastoral purposes. Hawke’s Bay exports largely, and boils down extensively, but the yearly improvements made in the pastures, enable the annual increase to be kept in a healthy condition.

A special meeting of the Hawke’s Bay County Council was to have been held on Tuesday for the purpose of confirming certain bylaws. There being, however, no quorum, the meeting stands adjourned until June 11, the usual sitting day.

Good progress is being made with the railway line from Takapau to Kopua. All the works are well in hand, and the contractors are pushing them forward without delay. The coach road from Kopua to Norsewood has been begun. When this road and the railway are finished, a saving in distance of fourteen miles between Takapau and Norsewood will be effected.  Kopua is only about three miles from Norsewood.

It is reported that at the recent Waipukurau Riding election, the Makaretu settlers voted in a body for Mr H.R. Russell. At the former election they were equally unanimous for Mr Johnston, being under the impression that if that gentleman were returned they would secure a right of way through Colonel Lambert’s estate. This privilege it is said, was accorded them before the election came on, but as soon as Mr Johnston was elected, the road was closed. The Makaretu settlers considering themselves sold in the matter, on the election being upset, went in a body for Mr Russell out of spite. We do not vouch for the truth of the story.

A meeting of shareholders and intending shareholders in the Theatre Company was held on Tuesday in the Criterion Hotel. Mr Sheehan was voted to the chair, and after explaining the business to be brought before them, called upon Mr Upham for an explanation as to the progress of the Company. Mr Upham stated that he had canvassed the town, and had been promised a large support. Several influential country settlers had also expressed their intention of becoming shareholders. It was generally acknowledged that the time had arrived for the erection of a Theatre. The Company was not bound as to a site, but it was generally thought that the offer made for the Foresters’ Arms would be acceptable. In reply to questions put, Mr Gray stated that the purchase money for the Foresters’ Arms would be £2000, but that if that site was taken he would take 100 shares. If the Foresters’ Arms were not purchased, he would not take so many shares, but would continue to work for the erection of a Theatre. It was also elicited from Mr Hayden, the present lessee of the Foresters’ Arms, that he would surrender the property for the purposes required provided he received £200 as compensation for the three months, the time occupied for making the necessary alterations. His lease was for five years, and he would be willing to sell out altogether for £1800, or that he be allowed to rent the hotel when erected for £200 per annum. The Secretary stated that, exclusive of Mr Gray’s 100 shares, 37 had been taken up by the public. Eventually the following resolutions were passed: “That the meeting approves of the formation of a company for the purpose and upon the condition mentioned in the prospectus and articles of association, and pledges itself to make the matter a success.”  “That, subject to the decision of the shareholders of the company, the site to be selected be the Foresters’ Arms property.” “That the canvass for the disposal of shares be proceeded with, and that as soon as 100 shares be subscribed for (exclusive of Mr Gray’s shares) a meeting of shareholders be called to formally establish the company, and do all things necessary for carrying out its objects.”  The proceedings then terminated.


We have heard recently of a number of petty thefts in and around Napier. Last week an hotelkeeper placed an overcoat and mackintosh on a clothes line to dry, but when he went to recover them they had dried up altogether. On Tuesday, a lady residing in Emerson-street left on her clothes line a quantity of underlinen, which she expected to find on Wednesday well bleached. On going into the yard on Wednesday, the lady found that some individual or other had saved her the trouble of unpegging the clothes, but unfortunately had pegged off with them.

A deputation of the residents in Clive Square waited upon His Worship the Mayor on Wednesday, and pointed out to him the disadvantages under which they labored in connection with roads and drainage. His Worship promised to consult the Municipal Engineer, who would report on the matter of complaint. The dangerous position of the telegraph pole erected in the main way of thoroughfare was also mentioned, and His Worship promised to bring the matter before the proper authorities.


Telegrams were received on Wednesday from Wairoa stating that the bar is still bad; consequently, the Manaia is again detained at Port Ahuriri until more favourable news is received.

We are informed by the Chief Postmaster that from and after Thursday a receiving letter box will be placed for public convenience at the Mr Thomas Moore’s store in Carlyle street. The box will be cleared everyday at 11 a.m., and 4 p.m.  In a few days a similar box will be fixed at Mr White’s store at the corner of the Shakespeare and Coote Roads. What is now wanted is a receiving box in the White road.




The rites of confirmation were administered on Thursday by the Rev. Bishop Cowie in St John’s Church to a number of young persons of both sexes. His Lordship was to have left for Auckland by the Wanaka today.

We understand that Mr R. Gallagher has obtained the contract for the erection of a sunlight in Trinity Church. Mr Gallagher has placed similar lights in several Churches in Auckland, which have given general satisfaction. The sunlight in Trinity Church will be 4 feet 6 inches in diameter and will have sixteen burners.

In the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Thursday His Worship the Mayor again remanded James Sparrow, against whom there was a charge of lunacy, and who was remanded on Monday last for medical examination.

At the H.B. Agricultural Society’s meeting on Wednesday, after the election of the general committee, it was resolved to hold a committee meeting on 20th June next, at the office of the Secretary for the purpose of electing a committee of management. A resolution was passed, on the motion of Mr Giblin, seconded by Mr Mackersey: – “That the rules and regulations of this society be referred to a committee of management for revision, and after revision, that they be submitted to a general meeting for approval and adoption, or otherwise.” After some discussion it was resolved: “That this meeting recommends the committee to appoint the first Wednesday in October for holding the exhibition of stock in connection with this society.”  On the motion of Mr G. Peacock it was resolved, “that this meeting recommends that the Judges be not resident in the province.”

It is proposed to open in Napier a branch of the Protestant Alliance Society of Australasia, N.S. Wales. From the last General Report submitted to the Annual Grant Session, held in Sydney last March, we learn that the strength of the Order was then as follows: 31 lodges, 2,307 members, with a revenue of over £4,720. There had been during the year 40 deaths, for which funeral donations had been paid during this year, amounting to £805. The sick pay to members had been over £1,000 for the year.


Wesleyan service will be held at Hastings next Sunday evening at 7 o’clock.


May 30.
Mr Hamlin is paying the up-river natives at Te Kapu to-day. There is a great gathering of all concerned, natives and their creditors.
The Nuhaka natives are still kicking up a rumpus. There is a rumor that the obstructionists have burned a house down there to show their opposition.
The County Council met this afternoon.


May 30.
Sailed – Wanaka, for Napier, at 11 o’clock. Passengers – Miss Sinclair, Messrs Richards and Davies.





SIR, – Allow me through the medium of your paper to convey the thanks of Mrs Goddard to those who have so kindly responded to the appeal made on her behalf, and also on behalf of her family by me. I enclose a list of aid already received, and shall still be glad to receive aid on her behalf; and, if any should feel disposed to assist in money or other ways, if left at your office, or with Mr Scott, or myself, it will be thankfully received on her behalf.- I am &c.,

£ s. d.
His Worship the Mayor   1 0 0
H. Tiffen Esq.   1 0 0
Charles Edser   0 10 0
C.T.B.   0 10 0
E. Moore   0 10 0
George James   0 5 0
W. C. Wilson   0 5 0
E.L.   0 5 0
A.R.C.   0 5 0
A Friend   0 5 0
H.C.   0 5 0
A Friend   0 3 6
A Friend   0 3 6

SIR, – I am of those unfortunate individuals who are constantly being troubled and annoyed by cattle and horses, belonging to others, breaking down fences, destroying gardens, and eating grass. It is all very well for Dick, Tom, or Harry to say, “Oh my horse and cow did not do it”. The cat – the usual scape-goat in such matters – could not break a fence.
Having stated my grievance, what I want to know is this – on sending a horse to the Pound, I am informed that there is no pound in Napier, nor pound-keeper! A pretty pass we have come to, that we have no means of protecting our gardens, unless we employ a solicitor and take legal proceedings under some 100 and odd clause of the Municipal Corporations Act, sub-sections 1,2,3 or 4.
Instead of interviewing His Worship about a telegraph pole in the middle of the road, I think it would be of more benefit to a good many residents if His Worship were interviewed, asking him to take the responsibility of requesting the Police to permit people to impound cattle as formerly. – I am, &c.
Napier, May 31, 1877.

SIR, – I see in your paper of Tuesday last a paragraph which contains a report to the effect that at the Waipukurau Riding election, the Makaretu settlers voted in a body for Mr H.R. Russell because they considered themselves sold in the matter of a right of way through Colonel Lambert’s estate.
Permit me to point out to your readers that, as the votes recorded at Makaretu were equally divided between Mr Russell and myself, the electors can hardly be said to have gone in a body for that gentleman; and so far from Colonel Lambert refusing a right of way through his estate to the settlers, he has instead, in a letter which you yourself published a few weeks back, urged the Waipukurau Road Board to give the settlers a legal right to the road in question.  I may add that the Board is taking action in the matter. – I am, &c.,
May 30, 1877.

THE annual general meeting of the above Society was held on Wednesday in the billiard-room of the Criterion Hotel.
Amongst those present we noticed Messrs J. Watt, Mackersey, Farmer, Seale, Winter, Douglas, Bennett, Sutton, M.H.R., Kennedy, Danvers, Donnelly, McHardy, M.R. Miller, Coleman, Tuke, Orr, Moore, Wellwood, H. Campbell, Candie, J.N. Williams, Brathwaite, Chambers, Heslon, A. McLean, Kinross, Peacock, Burnett, Birch, Shrimpton, R.P. Williams, L. Campbell, H. McLean, Dolbell [ Dolbel ], Giblin, Lyon, R. Stuart, Haultain, and Twigg.
Mr. J Mackersey was voted to the chair, in the absence of the President.
The Secretary on being called upon to read the annual report, stated that he had not prepared one. In the place of the report, he read the minutes of the previous annual meeting, which were confirmed.
The minutes of the last quarterly meeting were also read and confirmed.
Mr. Winter, the Treasurer, read a statement of the accounts of the Society, which showed an available balance to the credit of £141 3s.8d.
The Chairman then vacated the chair in favour of Mr. F. Sutton.
On the Chairman asking the meeting to adopt the report, Mr Heslop desired to know something more about the work done for which £40 had been paid for clerical assistance.
Mr Orr wanted to know why the rent of the yards had been reduced to £25s.
Mr Bennett explained that it was the action of the Committee on the application of the tenant.
Mr Wellwood, as a member of the Yard Committee, could not remember the sum of £40 being passed for the payment of clerical assistance. It might have been passed privately, but not at a Committee meeting.
Mr Kennedy moved the adoption of the report.
Mr H Campbell seconded.
For the adoption, 24; against, 4. Carried.
Mr Winter moved that a paid Secretary be appointed, at £100 a year. Seconded by Mr Heslop.
Mr J. Bennett begged to resign his secretaryship, feeling certain that the work could only be done efficiently by someone residing in town.
Mr G. Peacock moved a vote of thanks to the retiring Secretary, seconded by Mr White.
Mr Mackersey did not see why such a vote should be passed. Mr Bennett took the office voluntarily, and he had just told the meeting that he had not done the work properly. The Society had been put to great expense through the inability of Mr Bennett to perform the work of the office.
Mr Bennett was glad of the opportunity to make an explanation, which was received with cheers, and the motion was carried unanimously.
It was moved by Mr Peacock, and seconded by Mr Heslop, that the office bearers should be elected by ballot.
Mr. Williams supported the motion for a well paid secretary. He was certain a really good man would save the Society much money.
Mr. Giblin thought a good man could not be discovered until he had been tried; he thought £50 for the first year would be enough.
Mr. A. McLean: Where is the money to come from?
Mr. M.R. Miller said at the initiation of a society there was necessarily much expense; now the working had got into a groove, and he thought £50 a year would be sufficient.
Mr. Peacock wanted to know if there were are perquisites or commission attached to the office?
Cries of “No”.
The Chairman said there was not enough money to pay as much as £100 a year.
Mr. J.N. Williams was under the impression that a good secretary could have saved to the Society a large proportion of the amount paid away for printing &c.
The amendment moved by Mr. Giblin, that the salary be £50 a year, was carried by 24 to 15.
The following offers were elected openly: James Watt, Esq. President; Captain W.R. Russell, M.H.R. Vice-President, C.B. Winter Esq., Treasurer.
The election for a Secretary was taken by ballot. There were three candidates nominated, viz. – Messrs Banks, Hoadley and Brathwaite. The result of the poll was as follows: –
Mr M. Banks   17
Mr C.R. Hoadley   14
Mr H. Brathwaite   13
Mr Malcolm Banks was accordingly elected.
The ballot papers for the election of a General Committee were then handed in and the meeting adjourned at 1 p.m.  On the meeting reassembling, the following gentlemen were declared elected: – Messrs J. Coleman, J.N. Williams, A. McHardy, J. Giblin, A. McLean, G. Peacock, M.R. Miller, F. Sutton, J. Chambers, Shrimpton, R. Wellwood, R.P. Williams, Douglas, J. Heslop, J. Mackersey, H. Campbell, R. Brathwaite, Seale, Farmer, and J. Bennett.



Shipping intelligence.

24 – Rotorua, s.s., from Sydney via Auckland. Passengers – From Sydney Miss Taylor. From Auckland Messrs Welsman, Cornford, Ellis and 6 for the South. Steerage: Mrs Neal, Mr Chapman, and 6 for the South.
26 – Star of the South, s.s., from Auckland. Passengers – Mrs Beveridge and three children.
26 – Kiwi, s.s., from Wellington via Castle Point. Passengers – Mr and Mrs Miller, Miss Bear, servant, and 2 children and 4 others.
26 – Albatross, schooner, from Whangapoua
26 – Acadia, schooner, from Mercury Bay.
26 – Jane Douglas, s.s., from Poverty Bay. Passengers – Mr Townley.
26 – Manaia, p.s., from Wairoa. Passengers – Mrs Maney, Masters Maney (3), Messrs Davidson, Lambert, Pilcher, Goring, and about 20 natives.
27 – Rangatira, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Mrs Denton, Miss Graham, Messrs Davis (2), Liddle, Corckley, Frost, and three others.
27 – Southern Cross, s.s., from Raglan via Wellington. One passenger.
27 – Falcon, barquentine, from Newcastle, New South Wales.
29 – Rangatira, s.s., from Gisborne. Passengers – Judge Rogan, and three natives.
29 – Result, s.s., from Wairoa. Passenger – Mr H. Sargent.
29 – Columbia, schooner, from Lyttleton.
31 – Wanaka s.s., from the South. Passengers – Mesdames Richards, Rhodes, MacNamara, and Miss Burton, Messrs Moorhouse, Bell, Common, and about 20 others.

24 – Rotorua, s.s., for Wellington and Southern Ports. Passengers – Mr and Mrs de Lias and Georgia Minstrels (18), Hon. R.M. Stokes, Dr Stokes, Messrs Duffield, Porter and Isaacs.
25 – Manaia, p.s., for Wairoa. Passengers – Mr and Mrs Witty and family, and others.
25 – Result, s.s., for Mohaka and Wairoa. Passengers – Mr and Mrs Smith and family for Mohaka, Mr Davies, and 3 natives for Wairoa.
25 – Sir Donald, s.s., for Wellington. No passengers.
26 – Minnie Hare, schooner, for Ngunguru.
27 – Rangatira, s.s., for Gisborne. Passengers – Mr Hastings, and four others.
28 – Kiwi, s.s., for Wellington via the Coast. Three passengers.
29 – Southern Cross, s.s., for the Thames and Auckland. Passengers – Mrs Lassen, Messrs T. Macfarlane, Robertson, Murray and child.
29 – Kenilworth, schooner, for Whangapoua.
30 – Star of the South, s.s., for Auckland via Portland Island and Gisborne. Passengers – Mrs Richohill, Messrs Henny, Laing, Naylor, Arnold, and Richohill.
30 – Silver Cloud, three-masted schooner, for Newcastle, N.S.W.
30 – Orpheus, schooner, for Mercury Bay.
30 – Rangatira, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Messrs Howell (2), Misses Fitzgerald (2), Messrs Howell, Welsh, Williams, Balle, Howard and Colsen.
30 – Acadia, schooner, for Mercury Bay
31 – Opotiki, schooner, for Poverty Bay.

The s.s. Rotorua, James Macfarlane, Commander, cleared Sydney Heads at 8 p.m. on the 16th May, passed North Cape at midnight on the 20th, and arrived in Auckland on the 21st at 7 p.m., sailed on the 22nd at 5 p.m. encountering strong westerly and very head sea throughout the passage from Sydney. At 6 a.m. on the 22nd a strong N. East gale set in, with a dense fog. The engines had to be “slowed down” from 10 a.m. til 1 p.m., at 3 p.m. wind shifted round to W.N.W. The Rotorua, in spite of all these drawbacks, made the passage from Sydney in the very fast time of 4 days 22 hours. Fine weather and light variable winds were experienced down the Coast.
The p.s. Manaia left on Friday for Wairoa, with a full cargo and several passengers.
The s.s. Sir Donald left for Wellington on Friday. The fair wind she left with would not last her long. She has gone down to have a thorough overhaul and to be re-coppered.
The s.s. Rotorua made the passage from here to Wellington in 19½ hours.
The s.s. Result towed in the Silver Cloud on Friday and twice the tow line parted. The steamer went outside at 5 p.m. on Friday and remained at anchor till midnight, when she left for Mohaka and Wairoa, for which place she was full of cargo. We are glad to observe from a telegram that the bar at Wairoa is improving.
The s.s. Kiwi, Captain Campbell, left Wellington on Thursday night, and arrived at Castle Point at noon on Friday, having experienced strong northerly winds and a head sea on the passage. Discharged cargo and passengers, and left at 4 p.m., arriving in the Bay at 10 a.m. on Saturday.  She passed off Akitea a three-masted vessel bound South.
The s.s. Star of the South arrived from Auckland early on Saturday. She has about 75 tons railway iron and 200 casks of cement for the port. She left Auckland on the evening of the 23rd.
The schooner Kenilworth was shifted further up the breastwork on Saturday to allow the Star of the South to get a berth. Captain McDonald, of the Kenilworth, was here in the Success a few years ago.
During the absence of the s.s. Southern Cross, Captain Holmes, she has made five trips from Lyttelton to Raglan, with store sheep, to the order of the Hon. Mr Studholme, and during that time she has carried 6391 head, with the loss of only one sheep. This speaks well for this steamer, as well as the care displayed by the officers and crew.
The s.s. Rangatira, Captain Evans, made the passage from Wellington in about 22 hours; discharged passengers here, and then steamed for Poverty Bay, there being no vacant berth here for her. Captain Evans reports fine weather on the passage.
The p.s. Manaia, Captain Smith, returned from Wairoa on Saturday evening. In coming down the river she passed the s.s. Result going up.  The latter steamer laid here all Saturday discharging cargo at Mohaka.
The barquentine Falcon has made the run across from Newcastle, N.S.W. in 12 days having a succession of variable winds. Her cargo is principally
coals. She has, however, a quantity of hard wood timber for this port.
To give our readers an idea, as to the want of shipping accommodation, we may mention that the breastwork is full, and in two cases the vessels are double-backed, viz., the Opotiki is alongside the Silver Cloud, and the Jane Douglas is alongside the Star of the South. The s.s. Rangatira had to proceed direct to Gisborne without discharging her cargo, there being no berth for her, and the Southern Cross had to remain outside until the s.s. Kiwi left.
The s.s. Kiwi, Captain Campbell, in attempting to go out about 4 p.m. on Monday, could not manage it, even with the assistance of all her sails set. She tried it three times, and at last had to come back alongside the Silver Cloud, and remained till the tide slackened at 7 p.m., when she left.
The s.s. Southern Cross, Captain Holmes, was bought to the outer wharf on Monday, and on Tuesday took in a part cargo of cattle for the Thames; amongst them we noticed some very fine heifers and cows from the herds of the Rev. S. Williams and T. Tanner Esq., shipped by Mr M Banks. There was also in the shipment a prize cow, shipped by Mr McHardy.
The s.s. Star of the South, Capt. Carey, left early on Wednesday. She will call at Portland Island and Gisborne to land cargo, and then proceed to Auckland.
The s.s. Result returned from Wairoa on Tuesday. Capt. Baxter reports the Wairoa bar as improving. This steamer called off Mohaka and took on board 26 bales wool. She towed out the Kenilworth on Tuesday and the Silver Cloud on Wednesday; the latter vessel was soon out of sight. Capt. Balle expects to make a good passage as his vessel is in excellent trim.
The s.s. Wanaka, Captain McGillvray, arrived in the Bay early on Thursday and was immediately tendered by the steam launch Bella, and the passengers, of which there was a large number, were immediately landed. The Why Not and Three Brothers lightered her and the Wanaka steamed northwards at 4 p.m. Captain McGillvray reports strong head winds since leaving Wellington.
The s.s. Result towed to the Breastwork the barquentine Falcon, where she will finish the discharge of her cargo of coals. The Falcon has been lightered by the Result, Bella, and Why Not.
The schooner Opotiki left on Thursday for Poverty Bay. Her detention so long at the port has been owing to having a new rudder fixed.
We (Post, May 29) learn from Captain Welch, of the schooner Cynthia, which arrived here last night from Pelorus Sound, that the cutter Hero was wrecked on Pig Island, Queen Charlotte Sound, last Thursday night. He also states that no particulars had been received by her owners – Messrs Webb Bros., Pelorus Sound – up to the time of his leaving beyond the fact of her wreck and abandonment. The Hero, Captain Davies, was a fine little cutter, of 36 tons, and left here about the 18th inst., for Pelorus Sound, having about £300 worth of machinery for Messrs. Webbs’ sawmill as cargo. About the time she left very heavy weather was prevailing on the coast. The Falcon, which arrived here last Wednesday, reported the Hero as having left Port Underwood the day previous, and no doubt it was while running for shelter to Queen Charlotte Sound from the fierce northerly gale which blew on Thursday night that she was wrecked. The Hero was a regular trader between Wellington and Pelorus Sound, and was recently purchased by Webb Bros. We learn she was insured for £400, but we are unable to ascertain in which office.
The ship Carnatie, which is now loading in Wellington for London, will take a good deal of Hawke’s Bay produce, in the shape of wool and tallow. She had a good quantity of cargo on board shipped at Lyttelton, and as there is now in Wellington more than will fill her, she will have quick despatch.
The C.G. s.s. Hinemoa has just had a new propeller shipped in Wellington, to replace the one broken during her late trip down South.
The alterations that have been made to the p.s. Luna, late the property of the New Zealand Government, rendered it imperative that she should be re-measured to ascertain her tonnage and passenger accommodation. We learn from the New Zealand Times that she measures now 247 tons, as against 196 formerly. Her passenger accommodation is as follows: Cabin, 37ft, fore-cabin, 25ft, or 62ft in all when at sea. When she is within extended river limits, she is allowed to carry 224 passengers, and when within river limits, 384. She is at present engaged in the Greymouth coal trade, under command of Captain Bascand, who had the Waipara at this port some few years ago.
We notice by recent telegram that the New Zealand Shipping Company’s ship Otaki made the passage from Lyttelton home in 66 days, the smartest trip on record. Her average was nearly 200 miles a day throughout the passage.
The Daily Telegraph states that during the voyage of the Swedish barque Erato, from Gothenburg to Melbourne, Captain Hanson reports that he fell in with what he confidently believes was a derelict vessel in a sinking condition in latitude 11deg, 46 min. S, and longitude 32deg, 27min. W.   The vessel was a large black painted barque, and had evidently been in collision, the bowsprit and foretopmast having been carried away. The sails were hanging to the yards, the maintopsail being sheeted home, and in so far as could be ascertained there was no one on board. There was a ship which was much nearer to the disabled vessel than the Erato, and Captain Hanson is under the impression that the crew of the barque had been taken on board this ship. The name or nationality of the barque could not be ascertained.

The three-masted schooner Silver Cloud is a remarkably handsome vessel, and appears to be well found. She has splendid masts and spars, and her standing and running rigging, as well as the sails, are in very good condition. Her cabin is substantially and neatly fitted, having all the convenience of a large ship, including a fireplace. The accommodation for the men is much better than usually found in vessels of the Silver Cloud’s tonnage. She has a very roomy hold, and carries a large cargo for her size. In our opinion, she is almost too good for the trade she is in, viz, carrying coal. She is admirably adapted for the China trade. From her appearance we should imagine she is a fast boat, having nice lines, a fine entrance and a clean run. She was built in Sunderland in 1874, and was classed at Lloyds for 12 years. She will leave for Newcastle, New South Wales, on the 30th.

For Fiji, Sandwich Islands, America, West Indies, United Kingdom, and Continent of Europe &c, via San Francisco, on Monday 4th June, at 8 a.m.
Money orders and registered letters will close at 5 p.m.  Newspapers and book packets will close at 9 p.m. on Saturday, 2nd June.
For the undermentioned places every Monday and Thursday at 5.30 a.m. –
Clive, Hastings, Havelock, Te Aute, Kaikora, Waipawa, Waipukurau, Danevirk [Dannevirke], Norsewood, Tahoarite [ Tahoraiti ], Woodville, Foxton, Palmerston, Wanganui, Taranaki, Wellington and Southern Provinces &c., Wallingford, Porangahau, Wainui and Castle Point.
On the other days of the week, mails close as usual, at 6.30 a.m.
Chief Postmaster.

C.P. O’DOWD (Taradale). – We cannot insert your letter, it being a comment on a case now pending in the Supreme Court.


O’HANLON – At Taradale, on April 26, the wife of J.F. O’Hanlon, of a daughter.
McLEAN – On the 2nd May, at Tuki Tuki Station, the wife of Mr Allan McLean, of a daughter.
HANLON – At Napier, on the 3rd May, the wife of Mr W. Hanlon, of a daughter.
GRAHAM – At Napier, on May 7, the wife of Mr W.J. Graham, of a daughter.
NAIRN – At Pourerere, on May 9, the wife of John Nairn Esq., of a son.
HARRIS – On the 10th of May, at Tonk’s Cottage, Webb-street, Wellington, the wife of J.J. Harris, of a daughter.
MAYO – At Napier, on the 11th May, the wife of Mr William Mayo, of a son.
PARKER – At the Victoria Hotel, Napier, no [on] the 14th May, the wife of Mr J.M. Parker, of a son.
ROBINSON – At Emerson-street, Napier, on May 15, the wife of Henry Robinson, Marine Engineer, of a daughter.
CARTER – At Wairoa, on May 15, the wife of Mr Edwin Carter, of a daughter.
WORDSWORTH – On the 16th May, at the residence of T. Gore Graham Esq., the wife of C.F. Wordsworth Esq. of a daughter.
SCRAGG – At Taradale, on May 19, the wife of Mr Scragg, a daughter.
NORTHE – At Parnell, Auckland, on May 24, the wife of Mr M.F. Northe, of a daughter.
BENNETT – At Omaranui [ Omarunui ], on the 26th May, the wife of Mr John Bennett, of a son.
LOCKE – At Napier, on the 28th of May, the wife of S. Locke Esq., of a son.
GLEN – At Napier, on the 29th instant, the wife of Mr P. Glen, of a daughter.

GIBBONS – WYLLIE – on the 26th April, by the Rev. W.H. Root, at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mangapapa, Gisborne, Robert George Gibbons Junior, of Napier, son of Mr R.G. Gibbons, of Gisborne, Poverty Bay, to Hannah Tungia Ralston, eldest daughter of the late Mr James Wyllie of Poverty Bay.
COTTERILL – STUART – on the 17th May, 1877, at St John’s Church, Napier, by the Rev. J. Townsend, Arthur James Cotterill to Julie Moore, eldest daughter of Robert Stuart, Esq.

NESBITT – At Lucknow, India, on the 3rd March, 1877, James Nesbitt, of the Band of H.M.’s 65th Regiment, aged 37 years. A “Royal Tiger”, from the cradle to the grave, his loss has been deeply and deservedly regretted. Wellington papers please copy.
VAUGHAN – On board the Falcon, at sea, on the 23rd April, David Vaughan, of Napier, aged 39 years.
CARRINGTON – At Taranaki, New Plymouth, on the 7th May, Nelson, eldest son of O. Carrington Esq., of Taranaki and late Assistant Engineer Public Works Department, aged 32 years.
LYSNAR – at the residence of his brother, Omahu, on May 11, Charles Lysnar aged 47 years.
HOLLAND – At Emerson-street, Napier, on the 12th May, James Edward Holland, late of Brighton, Sussex, England, aged 31 years. Sussex papers please copy.
DAVIES – At Wellington, on May 12, W.E. Davies, fourth son of the late Rev C.P. Davies, aged 24 years.
TANNIEN – At Barrack Hill, Goldsmith Road, on the 13th May, Mr John Tannien, aged 51 years.
GODDARD – At Napier, on the 23rd May, Mr James Robert Goddard, aged 53 years.
NORTHE – At Parnell, Auckland, on the 31st May, Christina, the wife of Mr H.F. Northe, late of Napier.

Government Notifications.

Crown Lands Office,
Napier, 19th May 1877.
Notice is hereby given that the following selections of land in the MAKARETU RESERVE having been forfeited, will under Section 13 of the above Act, be sold for Cash, by Public Auction at the Crown Lands Office, at Noon on MONDAY, the 30th July 1877.
Applications   Contents   Upset price
A.R.P   £ s. d.
13   100 0 0   50 0 0
15   100 0 0   50 0 0
17   200 0 0   100 0 0
49   100 0 0   50 0 0
50   60 0 0   30 0 0
54   100 0 0   50 0 0
86   40 0 0   20 0 0
110   50 0 0   25 0 0
111   50 0 0   25 0 0
*The above areas are exclusive of 5 per cent allowance for Roads.
Commissioner of Crown Lands.


Crown Lands Office,
Napier, 19th May, 1877.
I HEREBY give Notice that the right to depasture Stock for a period of 5 years over 1500 acres more or less land in the Arapawanui and Moeangiangi District, now at the disposal of the Government, and which was lately comprised in License No. 123, will be offered for competition by Public Auction at this office, at Noon, on SATURDAY, the 30th June next, subject to the terms of “The Hawke’s Bay Renewal of Licenses Act, 1870.”
Conditions may be obtained at this office.
Commissioner of Crown Lands.

Office of Waste Lands Board,
Napier, 8th December, 1876.
TO HUGH MCCORMICK, formerly of the 65th Regiment or his representatives.
You are hereby required, within six months from this date, to prove to the satisfaction of the Waste Lands Board that you have complied with the conditions required to entitle you to 60 acres of land in the Wakarara District, selected under a Military Settlers Land Order, and if you fail to prove your claim within the specified time, your title to the land will be forfeited and the land be dealt with as the Board may direct.
Chief Commissioner.

Stock, Land Estate, and General Commission Agent, Waipukurau.
Goods Stored and Forwarded.
Offices and Stores: Near the Railway Station.

DESIGNS prepared from rough sketches.
Plans colored or etched in first style
Architect and Building Surveyor,

The Cheapest House in the Trade.

The Weekly Mercury

THE fire on Sunday night last, entailed a certain amount of expenditure, and the question who should pay it has arisen. We venture to say such a question would never have been asked if the Municipal Council, in the matter of fire prevention, had understood and appreciated its duties. A paltry overdraft at the Bank, however, appears to have reared itself up as a wall, and to have completely obscured the vision of Councillors. Having incurred a debt of £10,000 in supplying the town with water, the Corporation is under the impression it has completed the whole circle of its duties. The ratepayers take a different view of the matter. In the first place the waterworks scheme is not finished, and, secondly, when it is, it will require to be supplemented by the active assistance of a Fire-brigade, with engines &c. A Fire-brigade to maintain involves the expenditure of time and money of those enrolled in it, and while the members are no more interested in the prevention of fire than the rest of the community, they are called upon to bear the principal cost of one of the most valuable institutions of which a town can boast. Such at least is the position into which the Napier Brigade has been pushed through the parsimony and want of public spirit of the Borough Council. Every inhabitant of this town, whether a ratepayer or not, is directly interested in the prevention of fire, and should be called upon to indirectly bear the cost of preventive measures undertaken for the mutual protection of all. This can only be done by the Council providing the necessary funds out of the general revenue of the Borough, to which all, or nearly all, contribute in more or less degree. The Municipal Corporations Act provides for Councils taking active measures for the prevention of fires. The Council is compelled by law to fix fire-plugs in the main pipes of the waterworks in the Borough at certain intervals, and at convenient places for extinguishing any fire. The keys of these fire-plugs are obliged to be kept at the station where the fire engine is kept. The Council is permitted to provide engines, machinery, appliances, and buildings, and may agree with a fire Brigade as to providing the necessary plant and extra labor for the purpose of extinguishing fire, and for the payment to any such Brigade, out of the General Account of the Borough Fund, of such remuneration by the way of gratuity as the Council thinks fit. The Napier Borough Council, apparently, does not think fit to give a penny piece either towards the cost of the engines, plant, and building, or the maintenance of the Fire Brigade, which has consequently to be most unfairly borne by comparatively a few public spirited townspeople.


THE Hawke’s Bay Rivers Act, 1876, has been proclaimed by His Excellency the Governor, in force in the Taradale district. The limits of the district within which the Act is in operation are as follows: – Bounded on the South by the Tutaekuri River; on the East by a straight line running north and south from the Tutaekuri River to head of Purumu Creek, down Purumu Creek to where it joins the Tutaekuri River, thence following the Tutaekuri River to the Ahuriri Harbour; on the North by high watermark of the south side of the said harbour to the foot of the first hills; on the West by the foot of the said hills to Redclyffe cutting. The Act provides that within one month after the Proclamation of the Act being in operation, the Superintendent (the Governor) shall cause a list to be made of the owners or occupiers of property within the proclaimed district together with the number of acres owned or occupied by each of them, and every person on that list shall be entitled to vote at the first election of the Board of Conservators. Fourteen days after the list is made the election is to take place. In respect of lands outside the limits of a town where the voter shall be assessed for less than 40 acres he shall have one vote; for 40 acres and less than 200, two votes; for 200 acres and less than 500, three votes; for 500 acres and less than 1000, five votes; and for every additional 1000 acres one additional vote. Owners and occupiers within the limits of a town have a voting power according to the amount of rates they pay, thus – above £2 and under £3 one vote; above £2 and under £5, two votes; above £5 and under £15 three votes; above £15 and under £30 four votes; above £30 and under £50 five votes, and for every additional £50, one additional vote.

THE Free Press in noticing the Wairoa School, says that “there are over 80 scholars on the attendance rolls, the daily average being a little more than 60; the school itself consists of one large room. We should have imagined another class room would have been required, but, upon enquiry ascertained that few scholars attended regularly after about 12 years of age; this is more particularly the case with “our boys”, we presume they are found too useful at home for the parents to care about losing their services.”   That is one way certainly to account for the falling off of scholars when they arrive at the age of 12 years. We are under the impression, however, that another reason might be given. We do not know what assistance the schoolmistress has at her command, but when sixty children are jammed in one room, and taught by a lady, however much she may be gifted, it is not surprising that parents remove their boys on their attaining twelve years of age.  Boys at that age require a sterner controlling authority over them than a schoolmistress. It is a disgrace to Wairoa that its only educational establishment is a Dame’s school. What is the Inspector about that no representation on this head has been made by him to the Board?


THE Beam Rock Lighthouse, that was erected by the Auckland Provincial Government for the purpose of guiding vessels through the Rangitoto Channel to Auckland, is about to be abandoned. Since that panacea for all evils – abolition of provincialism – has been in vogue, a conflict of interests has arisen between local bodies and the General Government with regard to the maintenance of institutions deemed by the late Provincial Governments of public importance.   The maintenance of the Beam Rock Lighthouse has been thrown by the General Government on the Auckland Harbour Board, and as that Board declines to accept either the responsibility or the expense, the light will be extinguished. A somewhat similar conflict lately arose between the Napier Harbour Board and the central authorities with respect to the Napier Lighthouse. The Colonial Government should be taught that by the usurpation of local administration, they have accepted the right to undertake duties formerly performed by local institutions.


IF any opinion can be justly formed of the character of the East Coast district for pastoral purposes, from the sheep Returns now to hand, we should be inclined to think that it was one of the very worst portions of the colony. We know, however, sufficiently of the district to be aware that such an opinion would be erroneous, and it is this knowledge that makes us almost discredit the accuracy of the Sheep Returns lately published. For the last two or three years, there have been imported there from Hawke’s Bay over 30,000 sheep a year on an average, and large areas of country have during that period been taken up and occupied as sheep runs.  The returns before us, however, exhibit the very extraordinary fact, if fact it is, of the flocks on the East Coast and in the County of Cook, failing to increase in number in the last twelve months to the extent even of the importations. For instance, the total number of sheep as returned over six months old, for the year ending May, 1876, was 180,863; the total for May 1877 is but 9,802 above that number. The total number of ewes in that district in 1876 is put down at 83,447, this year at 92,498, so that out of the total increase of the flocks all but 751 are of the female sex. Strangers to the district may naturally infer from these figures that there had been during the past year, a very large exportation or consumption of wethers. But this has not been the case. Allowing  the importations from Hawke’s Bay in the last twelve months to have been 30,000 sheep, of both sexes, a very low estimate, what have become of the twenty odd thousand so imported that they have failed to swell the returns to more than 9800 within the period named? There has been little or no exportation; there can have been but a trifling consumption, nor can we suppose that the numbers of the flocks have been so extraordinarily decreased by boiling down. To say the least, the East Coast Sheep Returns require some sort of explanation, unless it is to go abroad that sheep cannot live on the natural pastures of the country. To make the matter more puzzling, or rather misleading, as to the pastoral character of the East Coast, the returns show that in 1876 the increase was nearly fifty per cent, and in 1877 over forty-five per cent, in lambs upon the number of ewes. The returns do not take into consideration


the sheep belonging to the natives which are about to be boiled down. The number of sheep owners in the district is sixty-seven. The largest flock is that belonging to Messrs Barker and McDonald, viz., 30,470.

THE Road Boards in the Auckland provincial district are complaining that they have not yet received the subsidies due to them on the rates for the quarter ending March 31, last. The Hawke’s Bay Road Boards are no better off, and it would seem that the Colonial Government is endeavouring to stave off the payment of the subsidies to the latest possible moment. It will be remembered, that some weeks ago, the County authorities, in reply to an application from some of the Road Boards, stated that no subsidies would be paid by the Government until certain returns had been furnished by the Board to the Colonial Treasury through the County Councils.  Further enquiries elicited the information that the Boards had supplied the Government with the returns asked for, but that the Government required duplicate returns through the County Councils as a check on those forwarded by the Boards. Some correspondence that has lately passed between the Chairman of the Clive Road Board, and the Colonial Treasurer has been kindly placed at our disposal, which throws some further light on this subject. A letter dated May 25, addressed to the Clive Board Chairman by the Secretary to the Treasury contains the information that “as the County of Hawke’s Bay extends into the provincial districts of Wellington and Auckland, and as one moiety of the subsidies to the Road Board Districts are payable out of the Land Fund, it is necessary before payment can be made to ascertain in what provincial district each Road Board is situated, and the Chairman of the County Council was requested, some time ago, to supply this information. Steps will be taken for payment of the subsidy immediately on receipt of the desired information. As respects the Clive Road District you will, probably, be able to state whether the whole of it is situate in the provincial district of Hawke’s Bay or if it should extend into other provincial districts, what portions of the rates collected by your Board to the 31st March 1876, was received in respect of property situated in other provincial districts.  Should you be able to supply this information, the subsidy due to the District can be paid at once.” It must be allowed that the above is a very extraordinary communication from the headquarters of the principal department of a centralised Government. It might have been thought that a reference to a map would have supplied the Treasury Office with the geographical positions of every Road Board District in the colony. The pretended ignorance concerning the whereabouts of the Clive District can only be regarded as an attempt to obtain time. It is too absurd to suppose that the Government authorities are utterly unacquainted with the local administrative divisions into which the colony has been divided or that if they are, that they could not supply themselves with the necessary information.  The obvious reply to the Colonial Treasurer’s communication, after recalling to his memory the various subterfuges under which the Government has sought to postpone the payment of the subsidies, is to call his attention to the Counties Act and to the Financial Arrangements Act, which provide that certain fixed subsidies shall be paid without regard to the allocation of the Land Fund.  Again, the Colonial Treasurer might be reminded that no Act that has been passed authorises the Government to suspend the payment of the subsidies due to the Road Boards until official ignorance has been removed. If the Government is not in a position to pay the subsidies, it would be better to say so at once. There is no wish on the part of the Road Boards or of the County Councils to drive the Government into a corner, but the country is entitled to know the worst, so as not to be deceived in regard to its true position.


AT last has happened that which we have repeatedly pointed out must occur through the Government neglecting to fence in the railway. There has been a railway accident, close by Kaikora, through the engine running over a cow. Fortunately the accident has been unattended with either loss of life or limb to the passengers or engine drivers, but such escape is far more to be wondered at than that the engine should have been thrown off the line through the culpable negligence of leaving the railroad unprotected from cattle. The accident occurred on that part of the line that runs through an almost dead level country; there was consequently no high embankment for the engine to roll down carrying the carriages with it. As we have said, it was a fortunate escape, for had the accident happened on the steep incline leading to the Te Aute station, the result might have been very different. As soon as the news reached Napier, the Manager proceeded in a special train to Kaikora, and it is a significant fact that in going there, three horses, trespassing on the line, were killed.

Railway Accident.
Soon after the up-train from Waipukurau to Napier had left the Kaikora station, at about four o’clock p.m. on Wednesday, some cattle straying on the line compelled the engine to be slowed. Just as the cattle were clear of the line, however, and speed had been again put on, a beast deliberately stepped in front of the engine, and was at once knocked down, but instead of being thrown off the line, it got under the wheels. The result of this was that the engine was knocked off the rails and slewed across the line, and three out of fourteen leading trucks were also thrown off. Fortunately these trucks were between the engine and the passenger carriages, or the consequences might have been fatal. There being no telegraph station at Kaikora, the news of the accident had to be forwarded to Napier by way of Waipawa. When the intelligence reached town, at about 5 o’clock, Mr Miller, the General Manager, proceeded at once to the spot with a special engine and lifting appliances, but the line was not cleared until 3 a.m. on Thursday. The down train, that left Napier at 4.10 p.m., on Wednesday, went as far as Kaikora only, and returned to town at about a quarter to eleven o’clock.
The up-train on Thursday due at Napier at 10.22 o’clock did not reach town til nearly 1 p.m. The delay was caused by the engine being brought to a sudden stand-still by running into a bullock. The jerk threw some of the trucks, between the engine and the passenger carriages, off the line. The passengers had two hours work to put the train to rights. Three horses, two bullocks, and three sheep killed, and others injured, is pretty good sport in eighteen hours.







The meeting this year was an immense success. The day was beautifully fine, and a large number of persons embraced the chance of a special train leaving town at 9.30 a.m. to visit the rising township of Kaikora and attend the races. Besides, there were between 150 and 200 persons on horseback who had come from various parts of the district. The course was laid out on the properties of Messrs Neil Campbell and Hickey, those gentlemen having kindly placed their paddocks at the disposal of the Club. On an elevated portion of the ground a grand stand had been erected, capable of accommodating 100 people, underneath of which refreshments of every description could be obtained from Host Hill. On the eastern side of the stand a substantial saddling yard and weighing room were placed. In fact there was every accommodation provided – accommodation not to be obtained at our Napier race course, and we think the Napier Jockey Club might do worse in this respect than follow in the footsteps of the Kaikora Club. Although there were about five or six hundred people on the ground, there was not a single quarrel, and there were few, if any, inebriated. Everything went smoothly and as merrily as a “marriage bell”, and reflected credit on the stewards.
Mr. H.J. Baker fulfilled the duties of Judge, and Mr Joseph Price as starter and we need scarcely remark gave general satisfaction.  Mr. J.J. Tye the indefatigable Secretary was to be seen here, there, and everywhere, in attending to his multifarious duties. At one o’clock the bell was run for the first event:
MAIDEN PLATE of 20 sovs; 1¼ miles; weight for age.
Mr H. Harkie’s Commission, 8st7lb (Brimner)   1
Mr Watene’s Pakowhai, 11st1lb (Erai)   2
Mr Pritchard’s Phantom (Gooseman)   3
Time 3 min 16 sec.
There were six entries for this race besides those named above., viz, W. Douglas’ Baron, G. Hunter’s Trial, and Mr G. Heslop’s Queen of the Meadows. From the first, Commission was the favorite, and he proved true to his backers. Trial led off, but it was soon to be perceived that Brimner was holding Commission in, and held the race in his hands. Pakowhai came to the front shortly after passing the Judge’s box, but when half way round, Commission’s Jockey called on his horse, who soon left the ruck and took the lead, and came in the winter in a canter.
KAIKORA HANDICAP STEEPLECHASE of 30 sovs. Twice round the Steeplechase course, about 2½ miles.
Mr Eria Ropiha’s Prospect, aged, 10st 8lb (Edwards)   1
Mr W. Douglas’ Galway, aged, 10s 4lb. (Munn)   2
Mr G. Heslop’s Disappontment, aged, 10st 4lb (Peebles)   3
Mr H. Hickey’s Fairy Queen, aged, 9st 10lb   0
All the horses came to the post, with the exception of Douglas’ Barron. There were eighteen jumps. In starting, Prospect, who was gallantly ridden by Edwards, took the lead, which he never lost, making his leaps in splendid style. At the second hurdle Galway and Disappointment came to grief, the former horse getting his legs entangled in the wire fencing. Prospect, who is a splendid jumper, having Arab blood in his veins, came in an easy winner. The others were nowhere.
WAIPAWA HANDICAP FLAT RACE, of 30 sovs., distance 1½ miles.
Mr Hill’s Worm, 5 yrs, 9st 7lb (Brimner)   1
Mr Bene’s Champagne Charley, aged, 10st (Parkinson)   2
Mr Watene’s Perewhenua, aged, 11st (Rogers)   3
Mr Devery’s Henena, aged, 10st 4lb   0
Commission was scratched. Parewhenua was the favorite. In starting Champagne Charley took the lead, and maintained it until coming into the straight, when Brimner called upon the old horse, and the Worm struggled to the front, which position he gallantly kept to the winning post. Parkinson on Champagne Charley made several ineffectual attempts to wrest the victory from the Worm.
HACK FLAT RACE, of 11 sovs.
Kaikora Kate   1
Lalla Rookh   2
Seven horses started, but Pritchard’s Kaikora Kate, who was first favorite, bore off the honours, Lalla Rookh coming in second.
BIRTHDAY HANDICAP STEEPLECHASE of 20 sovs., distance 1½ miles.
Mr Ropiha’s Prospect, aged, 11st 2lb (Edwards)   1
Mr Hickey’s Black Pat, aged, 10st 8lb.   0
Mr Douglas’s Barron, aged, 12st   0
There were five entries but Henena and Disappointment were both scratched, leaving but three competitors. Prospect as in the previous steeplechase had it all his own way, taking his leaps in splendid style. Poor old Black Pat who looked in anything but racing condition left his rider at the water jump, and Baron was out of the running baulking at the first hurdle.
The Hack Steeplechase concluded the day’s racing. There were six entries, and good running. Black Pat was the victor.
Before concluding we must not omit to mention that the proprietor of the Railway Hotel at Kaikora, Mr G. Mundell, notwithstanding the large number of guests, paid every attention to his visitors, not only according them every accommodation, but providing excellent luncheon and tea which were very acceptable.
The Kaikora steeplechase race meetings will now be looked forward to anxiously by all lovers of sport.

THERE was a very good muster of the members of the above Corps on Thursday at the Tutaekuri range, to fire for the articles so generously given to the Corps for prizes for carbine shooting, thirty members being on the ground. The firing commenced at 7 o’clock, the range being 200 and 400 yards; 5 shots at each range, position, any; bull’s eyes at 200 yards, 8 inches. Gunner J. Ross, with a fine score of 34 points, carried off the first prize. The prize for being the lowest scorer on the range, consisting of a tin plate and huge iron spoon and a round of beef, was well earned by Gunner J. Sturm, who scored 3 points only.  The following are the scores: –
Names   Total at both Ranges   Prizes
Gunner J. Ross   34   1st Prize
Corporal G.J. Sellars   31   2nd Prize
Gunner C.S. Mogridge   30   3rd Prize
Trumpeter M. Cropp   28   4th Prize
Gunner G. Boggs   26   5th Prize
Gunner J. Christie   26   6th Prize
Gunner A. Irvine   24   7th Prize
Corporal J.G. Gilbert   24   8th Prize
Bombardier D.S. Millar   24   9th Prize
Gunner A. Garry   23   10th Prize
Gunner T.K. Gilpin   23   11th Prize
Bandsman W. Sellers   22   12th Prize
Lieut. J.W. Garner   21   13th Prize
Gunner S.J. Freeman   21   14th Prize
Gunner C. Chapman   20   15th Prize
Bombardier A. Campbell   19   16th Prize
Gunner E. Peters, 18   17th Prize
Gunner Josh. Parker   17   18th Prize
Gunner J. Elmes   16   19th Prize
Gunner G. Robson   16   20th Prize
Gunner T. W. Bear   15
Sergt. Major Gray   14
Gunner W.C. McLeod   14
Gunner J. Murphy   14
Gunner W. McKenzie   13
Sergeant W. Wilkie   11
Gunner H.A. Lambert   11
Gunner Robt. Williams   11
Bandman T. Lound   8
Gunner J. Sturm   3 (being lowest score in the Range   21st Prize.
The following is a list of the prizes and the names of the donors: 1. Cask wine, Manoy and Co.; silver Cup, Boylan and Co.; 2. Chinese workbox, Newton Irvine and Co.; silver butter knife, J. Robertson; keg beer, G.H. Swan; 3. Case whisky, Kinross and Co.; toy drum N. Jacobs;  4. Case sherry, Watt Brothers.; 5. Cake, J.T. Johnson.; carving knife and fork, Langley and Newman;  6. Half cart firewood, Scarfe; half dozen plated teaspoons, F. Tuxford;  7. Box tea, Robjohns Irvine and Co.; cigar holder, Levi; 8. Large album, Neal and Close; keg beer, Robjohns Ellis & Co.;  9. Box scent, Bowerman; table lamp, H. Williams; six handkerchiefs, Plante and Co.; 10. Box sundries, G.C. Ellis; book, J.M. Tabuteau; 11.5 cwt coals, J.H. Vautier; plaster centrepiece, N. Williams; 12. Lady’s corset, H. Campbell; pair leather leggings, H.R. Holder;  13. One dozen cartes de visite, S. Carnell; 14. Lady’s companion, Dinwiddie Morrison & Co,; keg beer, Ellis and Robjohns; 15. Riding whip, J. McVay; sack oats, Margoliouth and Banner, 16. Meerschaum pipe, S. Hooper; bread platter and knife, Large and Townley,  17. Silver pencil case, H. Wall, and one quarter’s subscription to DAILY TELEGRAPH,  18. Box cocoa, Dransfield and Co. 19. Magpie and cage, J. Golden.  20. Pair spectacles and mahogany glass, H. Kraeft, 21. Tin plate and iron spoon, P. Gillespie; round beef, E. Conroy. In addition to the above prizes, there are 19 others which will be fired for to-morrow afternoon by the Cadets.

The members of the Artillery and Cadets paraded in good numbers in front of the Herald office under Captain Routledge. After having been put through a few preliminary movements, the Battery and Cadets, headed by the band, were marched to the unoccupied piece of land near the Hawke’s Bay Brewery, where a portion had been marked off with flags for the purpose of the parade. Major Withers, the commanding officer, having formed both corps into line, with a gun detachment and one Armstrong gun on the right, the first gun was fired within a few minutes of 12 o’clock, and between each seven guns the Artillery and Cadets fired a feu de joie. The Corps having presented arms, and given three cheers for Her Majesty, were marched past in review order, and having gone through sundry other movements the Battery and Cadets were marched to Sergt.-Major Gray’s to receive the tradesmen’s prizes. The Artillery Band contributed in no small degree to the day’s proceedings, and are certainly to be complimented for their playing, considering the small amount of practice they have had since joining the Artillery. After the distribution of prizes the corps were dismissed.

The Napier Artillery Cadets fired on Saturday afternoon for the tradesmen’s prizes. There were 19 competitors and 19 prizes. The range was 100 yards five shots. The following is a list of the winners and the prizes awarded – 1. (Grinlington) concertina, Stuart and Co.  2. (Edser), lady’s bag, ex-volunteer.  3. (Starkey) book, Keeble. 4. (Williams) book, Rich.  5. (Bloomfield) ½ ton firewood, LeQuesne.  6. (Murray) 3 pairs children’s boots, Garrett Brothers.  7. (Morley) writing desk Neal and Close.  8. (Kennedy) work box. Cohen.  9. (Woolston) 3 silk handkerchiefs, Harkis.  10. (Oliver) greenstone, Morrison, 11. (Holt), fishing lines, Beukers.  12. (Irvine) box lollies, Scarfe. 13. (Neil) box lollies Benjamin.  14. (Yates) two pictures, Colledge and Craig.  15. (Reardon) book, Bear.  16. (Ingpen) book Harding.  17. (Tiffen) round of beef Higgins.  18. (Knox) book, 5 volumes, Lyndon.  19. (Heagley) book, Jacobs.

May 25.
I SUPPOSE you have already learnt with regret the misfortune we have suffered in the burning down of the Tavistock Stables. About 10 o’clock last night, Mr Gow called upon all hands, who were without any exception most willing to render every assistance in subduing the fire, or at any rate to assist in saving from the destructive element what was possible. A score of willing hands, proprietors, servants, and boarders, did good and useful service; but to those who were first on the scene of the fire, it was quite apparent that there was no chance of arresting its progress, and that the horses were doomed.  The sight was heartrending; I saw some of the poor animals running about in the stable literally roasting, and we were powerless to help them. From 10 o’clock till about 11, the building was one mass of flame, but long before this the sufferings of the animals were over. The whole building was a complete wreck;  11 horses, oats, chaff, saddlery, and traps being swamped in one universal ruin. Every one vied with the other in their efforts to save property, and to prevent the ravages of the fire from spreading further. Amongst those however who did good service were Mr Miller, contractor, Mr King, and others. Mr Gow at imminent risk to himself made every endeavour to save property, and he was ably seconded in his efforts by his partner Mr Scrimgeour and by all.  Great sympathy is felt for Mr Tyne the Porangahau mailman, who lost three horses.  Mr Tyne by his uniform kindness and urbanity is deservedly a very great favourite with all of us here, and I am sure he was also a universal favourite when driving between this place and Paki Paki, before the railway was opened.   A subscription list has been opened here for the purpose of reimbursing him for the loss of his horses, and perhaps more for the purpose of shewing the respect in which he is held. The list is most liberally headed by Mr H.R. Russell and Miss Russell, and I have no doubt the call will be well responded to. Mr Cato was among others a heavy loser, and I only hope that his future trips to Waipukurau, where he is as popular as well-known, may recoup him for his loss. Messrs Gow and Scrimgeour who also lost heavily, have the entire sympathy of our village, whatever may be the opinion of the outside public:  the fact is patent, that a loss of over £300 must be very serious indeed, and where these gentlemen (as they have done since they have occupied the Tavistock) have catered for the public to the best of their ability, there must be a strong feeling of sympathy for them.  Whatever the amount of their loss they have sustained although covered by insurance, cannot recompense them for both their money and loss of business they must meanwhile sustain. However, I understand, that Mr Russell with his usual energy has given instructions to have a new building started at once on the same site, and which will be attended with more convenience for the public and also will add to the architectural beauty of our already pretty village.   My esteemed friend “Corke” I should not have omitted when giving praise for the perfect sang froid he exhibited during the trying time. He was ably assisted by his friend P.B. that is a well known gentleman residing at Tavistock but whose modesty has suggested the absence of his name in full. Mr Hunter is a heavy sufferer, but notwithstanding his loss of two horses of the value of £75, he generously came forward and offered on the most kindly terms to give Mr Tyne a fresh start in his business.
The Ball is just at its height. The stage being occupied by the upper ten who are no doubt criticising the dancing of the lower ten. Some young men of the township who no doubt are under the impression that they are the “correct card” are exhibiting a want of good taste and feeling in not assisting to make the ball a success. By mingling with those for whose pleasure the ball is got up, they do not (whatever they may think, sink their position) as a second rate people. I know that at a non-commissioned officers’ ball in the service all officers attend and do not think it infra dig. Then why do some people try to make themselves a position which they cannot hold?

May 24, 1877.
At the declaration of the poll today for the Waipukurau Riding, in the Waipawa County, the Hon. H.R. Russell was declared duly elected by a majority of 12. The numbers were:
Waipukurau   41   25
Ashley Clinton   11   11
Ruataniwha   6   10
58  46
Mr Russell was greatly congratulated at the result, which has given much satisfaction to all the small settlers in the district. His well known liberal views on taxation, and his strongly expressed opinion in reference to giving the Road Boards extended powers, instead of reducing them, (as his opponent Mr Johnston attempted to do by his motion in the Council) caused him to be so largely supported at the present election. The large runholders were very indignant at receiving single votes instead of accumulative; but they can console themselves with the fact that, in consequent of the Makaretu settlers giving Mr Russell so many more votes than what they did at the previous elections, he would have had a small majority even had the voting been taken accumulatively.

The most disastrous fire that has ever happened in this district took place last night, at a little after 10 o’clock, the large new stable belonging to the Tavistock Hotel having been burnt to the ground. Unfortunately there were eleven valuable trap horses in it at the time, the whole of which were burnt to death. There were also a new coach and buggy belonging to Messrs Gow and Scrimgeour, and a buggy full of valuable samples belonging to Messrs Stuart and Co., Port Ahuriri, in it. Their loss including a pair of trap horses and harness is estimated at £500, Gow and Scrimgeour’s loss amounted to about £350, for besides the coach and buggy four of the horses burnt belonged to them, also 50 sacks of oats, a large quantity of harness &c. Mr D Hunter lost two valuable horses, one he had just paid £35s for. Mr Tyne, coach proprietor, lost three good coach horses, a large quantity of harness, sundries &c.  there is a great sympathy felt for him in the district as he is a great favourite on the Wallingford road, and it is a very heOavy loss for him. There was nothing saved except two or three old saddles partly burned. No one can give the slightest reason for the fire. The loss, including the building, is estimated at about £1500. It was the finest


and largest stable in the province. It was insured in the New Zealand Company by the Hon. H.R. Russell for £200. The harness &c. was also insured by Messrs Gow and Scrimgeour for £100 in the same office. Mr Russell is going to have it rebuilt at once.

(before His Worship the Mayor.)

James Ralsy, who had imbibed too freely on two occasions, was fined 15s.
James Glover, on bail for a similar offence did not appear. Bail forfeited.
The Corporation v Edward Ashton. – in this case the defendant was fined £5 and costs, in consequence of the Oddfellows’ Hall not being in accordance with the Act for the regulation of public places of amusement.

Charles P. O’Dowd, James Neagle, James Daly, and Richard Jeffares were charged with forcibly entering into one tenement situate at Taradale on the 18th May, being then in possession of Thomas McFarlane.
Mr Rees with Mr Cornford appeared for the prosecution. Mr Lee for the defendants.
Mr Rees asked his Worship for permission to proceed with the case of forcible entry as he was scarcely prepared with the other case, which was granted. After Mr Rees explained the case, he called Thomas McFarlane.
At this stage it was asked who was the prosecutor, and it was stated that Inspector Scully was.
Thomas McFarlane was then sworn and stated: I am an accountant and on Saturday last I went to see Mr Neagle at Taradale to take possession of stock and premises under a bill of sale. Under the powers in that bill of sale I took possession of the stock and premises. Neagle proposed that the business should be carried on in my name, he (Neagle) remaining there. I declined, I said, “It’s no good bothering your wife about it just now. If you will go out, I will allow you to take the furniture with you, that is, if you go out by four o’clock.” I also wished him if he remained to write a letter saying, that he stopped by my permission; he first consented, but afterwards declined. I produced the Bill of Sale under which I acted. I ultimately, with the aid of the police, put him out and took possession. Nobody remained on the premises on behalf of Neagle. I allowed them to take the furniture. It was all removed by four o’clock. At this hour and afterwards three remained in the premises, Mr Reid, myself, and Mr Gordon. I was in possession and had the keys. Immediately after four o’clock I fastened down all the windows. The house and ground belonged to the person for whom I act. Mr Gordon and Mr Reid commenced making an inventory of stock, while I was going through the accounts. We continued so doing till late at night. Up to about 8 o’clock all was quiet. I went out for the paper, and while out two horsemen rode up. The horses stopped at the gate at the right hand side of Neagle’s shop door. The moment I saw them I went into the shop. Neagle with a rush tried to force his way in. I turned round and pushed him out, and closed and locked the door. After this, there was a gathering of people outside, I cannot say how many, but I heard a number of voices. Mr Lee’s voice was heard demanding admission. I told him I would not give him admission, and the first man that attempted to enter I would knock down. Mr Lee then asked me by what authority I was in possession, I told him under a Bill of Sale, and if he was not satisfied with that he could see me on Monday. A conversation between Mr Lee and myself went on for three-quarters of an hour. I told Mr Gordon to put a nail in the back door to make it more secure. Almost immediately after the back door was burst open from the outside. Mr James Neagle was the first to enter with a number of other people. Mr Lee came up to me at the door and wanted to see my authority. I declined doing so until every one of the men went out of the store. He insisted on seeing my authority, I again objected on the same ground as before. Neagle then said, “come and let us have some drinks”. The men followed. Neagle went into the back room and had some drinks. After they went to the back room I showed Mr Lee the bill of sale produced and marked A.  Mr Lee read it and said, “it was closely drawn”. By this time Neagle had returned to the store. Mr Lee said that under the bill of sale I had no right to take possession. At the time the door was burst open. It was locked and bolted, and such violence had been used as to carry away the catch. I should say there were about thirteen men entered the store when the door was burst open. While this was going on, Neagle was going in and out behind the counter. He came up to me and attempted to take the ledger I was using. I put my hand upon the book and said, “No, that is mine”. I warned the men who were making a noise that they were there illegally. One of them stood up and said “He was invited by Neagle to come, and he would stay.”  I may state that when Mr Lee gave me a protest, Neagle and some other men came up, and Mr Lee then said, “my opinion is the same regarding Mr McFarlane taking possession, but if you take my advice you will go away now and make Mr McArthur and Co. pay for damages.”  Mr Lee then left. After this the people continued to move about the shop. The constable came to me and said, “Mr McFarlane, you should order Neagle to leave the shop.”  I did so, and he ultimately went. Cross-examined by Mr Lee:  I gave him a written demand for payment.  I have not kept a copy of it. The document was not in my handwriting, it was written by one of them from McArthur and Co. Neagle was behind the counter on the grocery side of the store when I gave the demand to him; Finlayson was near to Neagle when I gave it to him. The same instant I gave the demand I took possession. I wanted Neagle to sign a document that he had no right there. I am aware that Mr Neagle occupied a part of the premises as a private residence. There is a glass door which separated the store from the passage connected with the parlor and kitchen. The room where the men were making a noise was empty, the kitchen was also empty. If I had fastened up the glass door I could have kept possession of the goods in the store. There were no goods whatever in the back part of the store, that is, the kitchen or parlor.  Neagle did not actually refuse to go out but was turned out by the advice of the policeman. My impression was that Neagle had no right to be there supervising my work, while I was taking stock.  I was also under the impression that the bill of sale gave me power to take and keep possession of all the premises, although there were no goods there. When I intimated to Neagle my intention to take possession, I asked Finlayson to assist me in making up the books. After Finlayson had come back from dinner I asked him, What were the terms? He said, “two guineas per week”. I said “very well”, and he would not agree and said it would not suit him. I told him to leave and he did so at once. I remember that yourself and Coghlan came in at the front door, it being opened by one of my men. The evidence of James Reid, and also that of Mr Hugh Gordon and ex-Constable Coghlan was taken. The greater portion of the evidence given by these witnesses being affirmatory of that of Mr McFarlane, and printed in our yesterday’s issue, we do not deem it necessary to reproduce it.
At the conclusion of this evidence, His Worship stated that he would not take upon himself the responsibility of deciding the matter, and would therefore commit the prisoners for trial at the next sittings of the Supreme Court. Bail would be allowed each defendant in £50, and one separate surety for each in £50. The bail required was readily forthcoming.


A lover of alcoholic beverages named Thomas Reardon was fined five shillings for indulging too freely at the Spit in the liquor he loved too well.

James Sparrow was charged with being of unsound mind. Remanded for medical examination.
George Hammond was brought up on a similar charge. Inspector Scully did not wish to press the charge, but suggested that he should pay expenses and be sent to his home. Ordered to pay five shillings.

Thomas Scribner, charged with permitting his chimney to be on fire, was fined £1 and 6s.6d. costs. His Worship expressed his determination to inflict the highest penalty upon the next delinquent who came before him on a similar charge.

Charles P. O’Dowd, James Neagle, James Daly, and Richard Jeffares, were called upon to answer the charge of stealing a ledger, the property of Thos. MacFarlane.
None of the defendants, with the exception of Mr Neagle, were present.
Mr Rees, on behalf of the prosecution, asked permission to withdraw the case.
Leave was granted accordingly.


George Hammond, yesterday suspected of lunacy, today charged with the above offence, contributed the sum of 20s to the revenue of the colony.

Lindsay v. Newman; same v. same and Newman v. Lindsay. These three adjourned cases were advanced another step, by being further adjourned on the application of the Solicitors for the parties concerned, until Tuesday the 26th proximo.
Gilmour v. Wilson (Dunedin) – Claim of £15 11s 8d. for cash lent, tools supplied, and labour performed. The evidence of defendant and his wife had been taken in Dunedin under the provisions of the “Resident Magistrate’s Evidence Act 1870” but there was no appearance here on behalf of the defence. The evidence of the plaintiff’s side having been heard, judgment was given for the amount claimed, and £3 1s. costs.
Powdrell v. Retter – Claim of £1 10s, balance of account. No appearance of either party. Case struck out.
Same v. Leyland – £7 5 s. Judgment confessed.
Grant v. Hatwell – Claim of £9 16s for goods supplied. Judgment for plaintiff for amount sued for, and 13s costs.
Pyne v. Smith – Claim £9 7s.6d, balance of account for board and lodging. Plaintiff not appearing, the case was struck out.
Several other cases had been settled out of Court.





PERSONS desirous of Nominating relatives or friends in Great Britain for passages to New Zealand, are informed that the Monthly List will be closed on the 18th of June 1877.
Nominated Immigrants, on arrival in the colony, may join the Friends immediately after inspection, and will not be required to go into Depot.
Full particulars and Forms can be obtained from the Immigration Office, Napier.
Immigration Officer.

LIST OF PERSONS who have taken out Game Licenses within the Province of Hawke’s Bay, for the shooting season, 1877: –
J.N. Williams, F. Sutton, J.K. Goudy, Kenrick Hill, H.W.P. Smith, W.A. Neale, J. Joshua. Charles B. Winter, Jasper L. Herrick, J.D. Canning, George Pilcher, Evan Morgan, J. Warrilow, Thos. Bishop, R. Brathwaite, R.P. Williams, Jnr. Bennett, Alfred Danvers, Robert Wellwood, W.U. Burke, H. Russell, F. Roper, J. Price, T. Parsons, R. Stuart, Col. Whitmore, C. Agnew Brown, W.J. Birch, Henry J. Baker, G. Giblin, G.P. Donelly, L. Knight, F.E. Simcox, Jas L. Adams, Alex. F. Hamilton, H. Lambert, F.H. Meinertzhagen, T.R. Moore, C. Waldron.
Custom House,
Napier, 28th April 1877.
This list will be added to every Saturday.

NOTICE is hereby given that a Court will be held for Revising the List of Voters for the District of Napier, at the Resident Magistrate’s Court, Napier, on WEDNESDAY, June 6, at 11 o’clock a.m. at which place
The Claims of Persons objected to will be determined
The Names of Persons proved to be dead will be expunged.
The Names of Persons whose Christian Names or Places of Abode, or the nature of whose Qualifications shall be wholly omitted, where by law required to be specified in the List or whose place of abode or the nature or description of whose qualifications are insufficiently described for the purpose of being identified, will be expunged; unless the matter so omitted or insufficiently described be supplied to the satisfaction of the Revising Officer before he shall have completed the Revision of such List of Voters.
Revising Officer,
Napier, May 18, 1877.

NOTICE is hereby given that a Court will be held for Revising the List of Voters for the District of Clive, at the Courtroom, Waipawa, on Tuesday, 19th June, at 11 o’clock a.m. at which place
The claims of Persons objected to will be determined
The Names of Persons proved to be dead will be expunged.
The Names of Persons whose Christian Names or Places of Abode, or the nature of whose Qualifications shall be wholly omitted, where by law required to be specified in the List or whose place of abode or the nature or description of whose qualifications are insufficiently described for the purpose of being identified, will be expunged, unless the matter so omitted or insufficiently described be supplied to the satisfaction of the Revising Officer before he shall have completed the Revision of such List of Voters.
Revising Officer,
Napier, May 18, 1877.

THE undersigned will not be responsible for any Debts contracted between Napier and Tauranga without a written order.

APPLICATIONS for W. Speedy’s PATENT WOOL PRESS to be made at J.C. Speedy. of Meanee, Sole Agent of Hawke’s Bay

Public Works Office
(Colonial Architect’s Branch)
Wellington, May 21, 1877.
TENDERS are invited for ADDITION to the Post and Telegraph Office, at Port Ahuriri.
General conditions, specifications, and drawings may be seen at the Offices of the Colonial Architect, Wellington, and at the Offices of Mr E.H. Bold, District-Engineer, Napier.
TENDERS addressed to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works, and marked outside “Tenders for Addition to Port Ahuriri Post and Telegraph Office,” will be received at the office of the undersigned up to Noon of MONDAY, the 4th day of June, 1877.
Telegraphic tenders will be received provided the original tender and deposit are lodged with the nearest District Engineer at the time above specified.
The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Colonial Architect.

TENDERS for the supply of FORAGE to the Armed Constabulary at (I) Napier, (II) Taradale, (III) Havelock, (IV) Waipawa, (V) Danevirk [Dannevirke], (VI) Wairoa, (VII) Gisborne, Poverty Bay, (VIII) Ormond, Poverty Bay, will be received at this office up to 12 o’clock noon, on TUESDAY, the 14th day of June 1877.
Form of tender and all requisite information can be obtained at this office.
Tenders to be addressed to the Officer commanding the Hawke’s Bay District, Napier, and marked “Tender for Forage”.
The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Inspector A.C.F.,
Commanding H.B. District,
District Office,
May 18, 1877.

Public Works Office,
Wellington, 29th April 1877.
WRITTEN TENDERS will be received at this office up to NOON on WEDNESDAY, the 6th June, 1877, for the Erection of a CART BRIDGE over the River WAIPAOA. They must be addressed to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works and marked outside “Tender Waipaoa Bridge (site No.2)”. Plans and specifications may be seen at this office, and at the Public Works Office, Napier; also at the Survey Office, Gisborne. No telegraphic tenders will be received. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted; and all tenders must be sent in on a proper printed form with a Schedule, which may be had on application at the offices above mentioned.

TENDERS will be received up till Wednesday, June 6, for the erection of a Cottage at Hastings.
Plans, &c., at my office.
The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.

THE Stock-in-Trade and Book debts lately the property of James Neagle of Taradale, Hawke’s Bay. The Stock Sheet, and List of Book debts to be seen every day on the premises. Terms Cash, or approved Bills with interest added.
The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Tenders will be received on the premises, Taradale, up to 18th June next.
By their Attorney,

SAMSON FENCE WIRE. – This is an entirely new article, and is fast superseding the old style. Five Wires weigh Ten cwt. per mile, and costs in Melbourne £12 10s, versus Seventeen cwt. ordinary wire costing £14 10s (the relative cost will be the same at the principal ports of Australasia) with the advantage of having Seven cwt. less to pay carriage for. Over 1,000 TONS sold by one firm last year, giving unbounded satisfaction. Send for full descriptive circular with innumerable testimonials from leading colonists, and judge for yourselves. McLEAN BROS., and RIGG, Importers, and General Ironmongers, Melbourne.

Watches! Watches! Watches !
DRAWS special attention to his Magnificent Stock of WATCHES, just received direct from English and American Manufacturers, and made Specially to Order, which, for Excellence and Cheapness, are unequalled in the colony.
All Watches sold at this establishment are thoroughly regulated and put in working condition before leaving the premises, and Guaranteed.

“By a through knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” – See in the Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk.
Sold only in pockets (tins for abroad), labelled: –

HOLLOWAY‘S PILLS AND OINTMENT. I most respectfully take leave to call the attention of the inhabitants of Australasia to the fact that Messrs. Henry Curran and Co., Wholesale Druggists, of New York, have agencies in various parts, and that their Travellers are going all over the country vending spurious Imitations of my Pills and Ointment, which they make in New York, and which bear in some instances their trade mark thus
Whilst on other labels of this trash it is omitted , the better to deceive you, but the words ‘New York’ are retained. Much of this fictitious stuff is sold in the Auction Rooms of Sydney and elsewhere, and readily finds its way into the back settlements. These are vile frauds, as I do not allow my medicines even to be sold in any part of the United States; they are only made by me at 533, Oxford Street, London.
The same people are circulating a report that my business is about to be formed into a Company which is UTTERLY FALSE.
I most earnestly appeal to that sense of British justice which I feel sure I may venture upon asking my kind countrymen and countrywomen in their distant homes, to assist me, as far as may lay in their power, in denouncing this shameful American Fraud, by cautioning their friends lest they he duped into buying villainous compounds styled “Holloways Pills and Ointment” with any New York label thereon.
Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, with the words “HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT, LONDON.” engraved thereon. On the labels is the address, 533 Oxford street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
LONDON, Feb. 15, 1796


A.M.*   A.M. +   A.M.   P.M.   P.M.
Spit, depart   7.40   11.0   3.40
Napier arrive   7.50   11.10   3.50
Napier depart   6.45   7.55   11.30   4.10   2.30
Farndon depart   7.10   8.20   11.55   4.35   2.55
Hastings, depart   7.35   8.45   12.20   5.0   3.20
Paki Paki arrive   9.5   5.18
Paki Paki depart   7.53   9.13   5.20
Te Aute arrive   8.32
Te Aute depart   8.35   9.55   6.5
Kaikora depart   9.15   10.35   6.45
Waipawa, depart   9.35   11.15   7.25
Waipukurau arrive   9.55   11.15
Waipukurau depart   10.0   11.30
Takapau, arrive   10.50   12.20
* On Monday and Thursday only.
+ On Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.

A.M.   A.M.   P.M.   P.M.   P.M.
Takapau, depart   2.20
Waipukurau, dep.   7.10   3.15
Waipawa, depart   7.30   3.35
Kaikora, depart   7.50   3.55
Te Aute arrive   8.13
Te Aute depart   8.33   4.35
Paki Paki, arrive   9.10   5.15
Paki Paki, depart   9.12   5.22
Hastings, depart   9.32   1.0   5.42   5.20
Farndon, depart   9.57   1.25   6.7   5.45
Napier arrive   10.22   1.50   6.32   6.10
Napier depart   7.20   10.25   3.0
Spit, arrive   7.30   10.35   3.10
*Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday only.

Passengers are requested not to enter or leave the carriages while in motion.
Season tickets issued to and from all Station. Apply to the Manager.
To ensure despatch, Parcels should be booked fifteen minutes before the starting of the Train.
General Manager,
Napier, March 8, 1877.

£900 TO LEND in one or more sums on good Freehold security.

Persons suffering from weak or debilitated constitutions will discover that by the use of this wonderful medicine there is “Health for all.” The blood is the fountain of life, and its purity can be maintained by the use of these pills.
in his work entitled “The Nile Tributaries in Abbyssinia,” says, “I ordered the dragoman Mahomet to inform the Fakey that I was a Doctor, and that I had the best medicines at the service of the sick, with advice gratis. In a short time I had many applicants, to whom I served out a quantity of Holloway’s Pills. These are most useful to an explorer, as possessing unmistakable purgative properties they create an undeniable effect upon the patient, which satisfies him of their value.”
Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment.  I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse feed poured in upon us until at last a teaspoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
On the Label in the address, 533, Oxford-street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
With a “New York” Label.

Spital Hill, Sheffield, direct the attention of Flock Owners and Shearers to their Improved New Pattern, No. 69 Shear, which for quality, style, finish, and adaptability to the requirements of the Australian and New Zealand markets, cannot be surpassed. The main features are – great extra width of steel in the blades, accurately ground, long shanks with narrow grip. Procurable at the leading Ironmongers’ Warehouses throughout Australasia.
Look for this Trade Mark in blade.

Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,

Standing Advertisements for Three, Six or Twelve Months can be arranged for at a Liberal Discount.
Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original order) must be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager.

W. DENHOLM, Port Ahuriri

£ s d.
Per Quarter, if paid in advance   0 6 6
Per Quarter, if booked   0 7 6
Per Annum, if paid in advance.   1 6 0
Per Annum, if booked   1 10 0

Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.

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Date published

2 June 1877

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