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- Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 082 - 9 June
Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 082 – 9 June
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.
7000 ACRES Freehold, Crown Grant, 24 miles from Napier
23,000 acres Leasehold, 18 years to run, low rent with
9,000 Sheep, 40 head Cattle, Horses, Bullocks, &c. Good home improvements, and 2000 acres fenced into paddocks: the whole will take grass seed readily, is well watered, and easy access from town.
3,920 acres Freehold, rich pastoral land, Wairoa, with
800 Sheep, and 100 head Cattle
900 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa
4,677 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa, with
3,000 Sheep, and other necessary working improvements
3,000 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,220 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
400 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
2,500 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, with
2,000 Sheep and 250 head Cattle
4,200 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Poverty Bay
11,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, Poverty Bay, with
3000 Sheep and few Cattle
1,600 acres Leasehold, half interest, Poverty Bay
14,000 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa [ Tolaga ] Bay, with
8,800 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa Bay, with
3,000 Sheep and good improvements
1,100 acres Freehold, rich land, Opotiki, with
1,000 Sheep, and all necessary improvements
33,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 26 miles from Napier
150,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 30 miles from Napier with
10,000 Sheep, exclusive of Lambs
55,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 70 miles from Napier, with
5,000 Sheep, and 50 head Cattle
9,000 acres Freehold, Agricultural and Pastoral, Seabord [Seaboard], with
14,000 acres Leasehold, valuable improvements, and
15,000 Sheep, few Cattle, Horses, &c.
1,639 acres Freehold, near Greytown, with
1,040 acres Leasehold, all fenced and subdivided, and
5,000 longwool Sheep, 120 Cattle, few horses, and every improvement necessary. The coach road passes through the property.
Stock and Station Agent.
MR. GRANT, the purchaser of the Pakowhai Estate, has instructed the undersigned to Lease for a term the very substantial and commodious Dwelling-House, lately occupied by Mr. McHardy, with the well-stocked Garden, Orchard, Shrubbery, and a small paddock adjoining; with part of the offices, a Coach-house, Stable, &c. This is situated within easy drive of Town and the Farndon Railway station. To a good tenant the rent will be very moderate.
MR. EVAN’S Draught Stallion, “LORD NELSON,” by “Sir Colin Campbell,” dam “Blossom,” etc.
Liberal terms.
For further particulars apply to
On Deferred Payments.
For particulars, apply to
The Undersigned is instructed by Mr. Robert Evans, of Homewood, Kaikora, to offer for Sale, as a whole or in convenient lots,
1,000 ACRES RICH AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL LAND. This property has frontages to the Waipawa River, from the bridge downward, a ring fence around the remainder.
This property is divided into two large divisions, one of these portions containing three small paddocks, about 30 acres, under artificial grass, two whares, sheep-yards, &c, with or without 1500 sheep now depasturing thereon.
Price moderate, and a considerable portion of the purchase money remaining on mortgage.
50,000 LBS COCKSFOOT from Pigeon Bay
1500 bushels Rye Grass provincial and Canterbury
Guaranteed imported of 1876.
White Clover
Cow Grass
Heyke Clover
Meadow Fescue
Meadow Foxtail
Sheep Fescue
Crested Dogtail
Poa Nemoralis
Florin Grass (agrostis stolonifera)
&c., &c., &c.
To arrive per “Plieone,”
1400 Coils No. 6, No. 8, &c.
Bran, &c., of the best quality.
Napier and Port Ahuriri.
Encourage Local Industry!
AS the planting season has arrived again, we beg to draw the attention of the public to our large stock of Nursery Produce. Our collection comprises all the well-known varieties of Conifers, Forest, Fruit, and hardy Ornamental Trees and Scrubs, and consists of –
23,000 Conifers, as Pines, Cypress &c.
11,000 Forest and Ornamental Trees and Shrubs
7,000 Fruit Trees of the choicest varieties
2,000 Roses in great and choice variety
100 Choice Standard Roses
270,000 White Thorn, 1, 2, and 3, year old
6,000 Sweet Briar for hedges
2,000 Arbor Vitae for hedges
4,000 Cherokee Roses, Privets, and Pittis-porums [Pittosporums]
20,000 Osage Orange, &c.
We also have a large stock of Greenhouse and Stove Plants, Florist Flowers, Vegetable, and Flower Seeds of the best and choicest varieties. We can warrant all our trees, scrubs, and seeds, healthy, sound, and true to name. We therefore, beg to trust us trustfully with your esteemed orders, which shall have our best attention.
Orders addressed to us at the Nurseries, or left at our Seed Store, Emerson-street, Napier, will meet with prompt attention.
Our prices will be found as low and reasonable as any respectable house in the Colony. Where large quantities are ordered, a most liberal reduction in price will be made.
Hawke’s Bay Nurseries,
West Clive, near Napier.
WANTED KNOWN – That the Cheapest and Neatest BILL HEADS may be had at the TELEGRAPH Office.
Will sell by public auction, on the above date,
Consisting of –
Apples, Pears, Plums
Peaches, Nectarines, Gooseberries
Currants, and Strawberry Plants
3 tons Potatoes
Set Single Buggy Harness, silver plated (new)
Pair Buggy Shafts
Chairs, Knives, and Forks
Plateware, Pictures
Tea, and Sundries
Several useful Hacks.
Sale at 2 p.m.
MONDAY, JUNE 11, 1877.
Has received instructions from Mr. J. Sowry (who is leaving the district) to sell by public auction on the above date, at his residence (near the 40-mile post),
Consisting of –
Timber, House Blocks, Shingles
Posts, Strainers, Benches
Iron Spouting, Sashes, Tap and Dies
Rope and Blocks, Vice, Spades
Grindstone, Tools and Sundries
3 Double Bedsteads, Table
Arm, Camp and other Chairs
Washstand Service, Book Cases
2 Clocks, Sausage Machine
Washing Trays and Tubs
Forms, Stools, Jars
Baskets, Pictures, Books
10 Bee Hives, with Glass Fronts
Churn, Firewood, Chaff-cutting Machine
3 First-class Cows, quiet and good milkers
Sale at 2 p.m.
3,000 ACRES Rich Pastoral LAND, portion of the Tautane Block.
Terms easy.
Land and Estate Agent,
No. 3, containing 40 acres of land, with Cottage,
Further particulars, apply to
The undersigned have for sale, 166 acres of land on the above Estate, situated between Waipawa and Kaikora Railway Stations. Thirty-five acres are fenced, improved, and leased to good tenants at a rental of 15s per acre.
TENDERS for the supply of FORAGE to the Armed Constabulary at (I) Napier, (II) Taradale, (III) Havelock, (IV) Waipawa, (V) Danevirk [Dannevirke], (VI) Wairoa, (VII) Gisborne, Poverty Bay, (VIII) Ormond, Poverty Bay, will be received at this office up to 12 o’clock noon, on TUESDAY, the 14th day of June 1877.
Form of tender and all requisite information can be obtained at this office.
Tenders to be addressed to the Officer commanding the Hawke’s Bay District, Napier, and marked “Tender for Forage”.
The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Inspector A.C.F.,
Commanding H.B. District,
District Office,
May 18, 1877.
In London, Wolverhampton, and Glasgow.
Indents executed on favourable terms.
General Drapery, Hosiery, Household Furnishings, Blankets, Fancy Colored Rugs, Carpets, Hearth Rugs, Oil Cloths, Men’s, Youths’, and Boys’ Clothing, Boots, Shoes, and Slippers,
Wines and Spirits, Ales and Stout, Patent Medicines, Builders’ and General Ironmongery, Holloware, Tinware, Electro Platedware, Lamps, Lampware, and Kerosine Oils, Brushware, Combs, &c.,
Stationery and Account Books, Cutlery, Earthenware and Glassware, Saddles and Saddlery.
From the leading Manufacturers, and Warehousemen.
N.L. & Co., having full stocks in each department are prepared to execute all orders that may be entrusted to them with the utmost promptitude.
Depot Stores Carlyle-street.

June 1.
The Council meeting was held yesterday. The bye-laws were all passed. The TELEGRAPH is still to be the advertising medium for the Wairoa County. The fees payable for auctioneers’ licences have been included in a bye-law at £10.
I am tired of reporting the bad state of the bar.
There is to be a great native meeting this afternoon at Waihiriri, the subject being religion again. The native mind is exercised at the reports in papers re Mere Karaka’s visit to Te Kooti. This subject will be brought on the board.
June 4.
W. Black’s hotel and store at Mahia where burned to the ground yesterday morning during Mr. Black’s absence in Wairoa. The cause is unknown. An inquest will probably be held by Dr. Ormond.
June 5.
The Licensing Court sat to-day. All the renewals were granted. H. Flint, Clyde Hotel, had his license extended till midnight. C. Gray, of the Border Hotel, Te Kapu, and Steed, of the Maru Maru Hotel, were warned to provide better accommodation by the next licensing day. A bush license was refused to J. Hamshaw, Waihua.
There is a very heavy surf on the bar.

June 5.
The Licensing Court sat to-day.
Baker’s license for the Empire Hotel was refused renewal on the ground that there is no water closet within the house.
McDonalds’ Manawatu Gorge Hotel was refused on the grounds of it being badly conducted.
The Council sat to-day at noon.
Present: All the members.
The principal matter was rescinding the resolution by which all the roads became County roads.
The Chairman pointed out that the only work done by the Council since its formation was to undo all it had done.
The discussion is still going on, but clearly there is a majority to rescind the resolution, although the solicitor’s opinion is that the council cannot do it without the consent of the Road Boards. The majority, apparently, care no more for legal opinion than they do for the Act, and are quite as willing to rush at pulling down as they were to build up. They act in haste, and repent just as quickly.
The only work done to-day was to affirm the desirability of establishing pounds at Makaretu and Porangahau.
May 31.
The mail coach from Tauranga to Napier broke down between Tauranga and Ohinemutu in consequence of the bad state of the roads, and the mail arrived here one day late. It left for Napier at 3 p.m. to-day.
The weather is very unsettled.
The lake has risen three feet, and is still rising.
Before R. Stuart, Esq., J. Rhodes, Esq., and J.A. Smith, Esq., Licensing Commissioners.
Considerable interest was shown by the publicans and the outside public to know the result of an application made by Mr H. Ford, late of the Criterion Hotel, for a license for a new hotel at the Spit, to be called the Occidental Hotel.
Mr Sheehan, for the applicant, handed in two memorials, one signed by the masters and officers of vessels trading to the port, and the other from fourteen commercial travellers.
Mr Sainsbury, for the objectors handed in a memorial signed by Messrs Watt, Kinross, Sutton, Balharry, and others.
Mr. Sheehan, in a lengthy and able argument, contended that an [a] hotel such as the one proposed, costing as it would fully £2,000, and built for the accommodation of the travelling public and others visiting the district, was urgently and greatly needed. He ridiculed somewhat forcibly the ground of objection taken, namely, bankruptcy of the applicant, and finally admitted that, should anything of a fraudulent nature turn up on the bankruptcy examination of the applicant, he would not obtain the hotel. In fact, said the learned counsel, the head and front of the opposition is led by the growing interest of Mr Swan, of the White Swan Brewery.
Mr. Sainsbury, contended that Mr Ford through his bankruptcy was ineligible to take out a license for an [a] hotel. Where was the money to come from? The applicant might not pass his examination for a year, but he informed their Worship’s that if Mr Swan was the guiding spirit of the opposition, Messrs Robjohns and Ellis, were the real applicants for the license. At this period it turned out that Mr Watt on whose objection Mr Sainsbury much relied, also signed the memorial for the applicant.
Inspector Scully, in reply to the Bench stated that there was ample hotel accommodation at the Spit at present, but he could not say that there was any hotel offering accommodation for the upper classes, such as the one proposed.
On the Court resuming at 2 o’clock, the Chairman stated that the Bench declined to entertain Ford’s application.
The yard being reported to be in a filthy condition, the application was adjourned until the 28th instant, when, if not in a clean condition, the license would be forfeited.
A similar report having been made regarding the filthy condition of the back yard, the application was also adjourned until the 28th.
The application was adjourned for three months, owing to the house being in a leaky condition. If not remedied by the 28th, the license would be forfeited.
The license for this house was adjourned for six months, so as to have a six-stall stable erected by that time.
The license for this house would be granted provided Mr Edwards would guarantee to put it in repair, and have it handed over to a suitable tenant.
The application for a license by Mr O’Brien at Tunanui [Tuna Nui] would be considered at next meeting.
All other applications in the district were granted.

We have to acknowledge the receipt of £1 from Messrs. Gow and Scrimgeour for the benefit of Mrs. Goddard.
The inside of the Mole, on the Western Spit, has now been faced on its inner slope, and the pile driving on the outer end is progressing satisfactorily, although the ground is extremely hard.
The railway line at the Spit is now in course of being raised to the level of Lever-street which is being formed from the Ferry landing towards Battery-road, passing the side of Mr Young’s Hotel. No steps are being taken as yet to raise the Breastwork Quay, which is fully two feet below the level of the railway. The consequence is, that the quay is, in wet weather a perfect quagmire, and every day it is getting in worse condition.
Messrs Upham and Inglis, we notice, have dissolved partnership as general commission agents. The business will be continued by Mr Upham.
We are glad to hear that all the partridges were not destroyed by the heavy floods last spring. Five coveys, numbering about forty birds have been seen this season on Mr. Lowry’s property at Okawa. Two years ago, a few coveys were to be seen in the neighborhood of Meanee [Meeanee], and elsewhere on the Ahuriri Plains, but we have not heard that any birds have been seen since the floods.
Flour, we were told on Friday by a Napier baker, cannot be purchased here under £24 per ton. From a Wellington telegram it will be seen that good flour is procurable there at £17 10s. Why there should be such a vast difference in the price of flour in Wellington and Napier must puzzle the outside public.
An article which appears from another column in the Canterbury Press, under the heading “Public Servants Interference with Private Pratice [Practice],” will doubtless commend itself to many of our readers, and will probably be keenly discussed in several official circles in Napier.
The following paragraph will be instructive at the present time to heads of families in Napier: – “A co-operative bakery has been established in Hokitika, and has caused the reduction in the price of bread.
Three more sheep were destroyed by a train passing over them on Friday morning. The railway is, apparently, doing the most flourishing butchering business in the province, and it has been suggested that the Superintending Engineer for Constructed Railways should be compelled to take out a slaughtering license.
In consequence of the threat on the part of the Immigration Officer to take out summonses against immigrants whose passage monies have not yet been paid, several have redeemed their promissory notes, and it is to be hoped that the remainder of the outstanding debts to the Government in this respect will be paid without much further delay.
Some changes have taken place in the Constitution of the Patangata Road Board Mr White has been appointed Chairman in the room of Mr James Tod, resigned, and Mr S. Greevy has accepted the appointment of Warden.
Some individual has poisoned at Taradale four valuable sheep dogs. Mr Macdonald offers a reward of £10 to any person giving information of the culprits. The act was a wanton one, and it is to be hoped that Mr Macdonald will be placed in a position to bring the offenders to justice.
In reply to a letter from His Worship the Mayor, the Colonial Secretary has forwarded a telegram stating that a proclamation is now in course of preparation to abolish the old Napier pound; that as soon as the proclamation has been signed by his Excellency the Governor, the Mayor can establish a pound under the Municipal Corporations Act.
The Officers and Brethren of the Scinde and Victoria Masonic Lodges purpose celebrating St. John’s day, June 26, by a ball, and we are requested to intimate to brethren intending to attend, the desirability of taking tickets at their earliest convenience, in order to permit of the necessary arrangements being carried out by the Committee.
We hear that towards the middle of this month it is the intention of the Rev. J. Townsend to proceed to Lyttelton to relieve the Rev. Mr. Lloyd, who goes home on twelve months’ leave of absence. Mr. Townsend will perform Mr. Lloyd’s duties during that period, after which he will return to Napier. It is not yet decided who will take Mr. Townsend’s place.
Before taking his departure from Napier, the Bishop of Auckland strongly recommended the appointment of the Rev. M. Stuart to the Bishoprie of Waiapu. It is understood, that both the Bishop of Auckland and the Bishop of Wellington, decline to have annexed to their dioceses any portion of the diocese of Waiapu.
To the Editor, Sir: – There cannot be a doubt that there is a combination amongst those bakers who signed the advertisement notifying the rise in the bread, as I was informed by one of the parties that were he to sell bread cheaper than agreed upon, he would make himself amenable to a fine. Now, Sir, I would suggest to the public that they should not deal with one of these bakers, until they come to their senses, and drop their extortionate prices. – I am &c NAPIER.
The Supreme Court will sit at Napier on the 11th instant. The following prisoners will be tried:- Cartwright and Peters, for obtaining money under false pretences; Hayman, for house breaking; McEachan, for larceny; Ingle, for forgery; O’Dowd, and others, for forcible entry. The following civil cases are, up to the present time, set down for hearing:-Neal and Close v, Keith and Hunter, for specific performance of contract; John and Arthur Harrison v, J. Palmer; J.D. Canning v, Henare Martua.
At a meeting of the creditors of Mr. John M Leod [ McLeod ] held on Friday in Mr. Sheehan’s office, an offer was made to pay 20s in the pound, in bills at four, eight, and twelve months. The proposition was accepted. The amount was guaranteed by Mr, [.] S.G. Brandon and Mr. H. Williams, who hold Mr. McLeod’s property as security for the payment.
The entertainment given by the Clive Christy Ministrels [ Minstrels ] on Thursday evening, in the Clive School-house, for the benefit of Mrs. Snowsell, passed off most successfully. The total amount received, was £16 17s 6d. The expenses were £2 11s 6d. The balance £14 6s, was on Saturday handed over to Mrs. Lascelles.
A man named William Hammerton, charged with horse-stealing at Waverley, near Wanganui, was arrested at Waipawa on Friday with the horse in his possession. He will be remanded to Wanganui.
Mr Rochefort, we are informed, is engaged by Captain Newman to survey the property he purposes cutting up into small blocks for settlement.
At a little before eleven o’clock on Monday, the ringing of the fire-bell brought everybody within hearing of it, into Hastings Street. In a space of time that reflects the highest credit on the Fire Brigade, the two engines were dragged out; the steam engine was run down to the salt water well at the rear of Messrs. Newton, Irvine, &Co’s stores, and the manual engine was rapidly drawn to the scene of the supposed fire, at the back of Mr. Corbett, the Photographers shop, Hastings-street. On arrival there, it was found that the shingles of the roof of a semi detached portion of the building had been set a-light by a spark from the chimney, the accident, however, had been discovered in time to permit of the fire being extinguished by the help of a bucket of water. No damage was done, and a feeling of relief was experienced at the retirement of the engines to the shed.
A goods delivery cart, with horse attached, belonging to Mr. Knowles, passed through Hastings-street on Saturday evening last at a pace not in keeping with the safety of pedestrians. The horse must have been startled by something while the driver was delivering goods. Fortunately not the slightest harm was done.

In the Odd Fellows’ Hall on Monday, Mr. Corbin Lamb gave readings and recitations from some of the best authors. The Hall was not crowded. We have listened to many excellent readers and elocutionists, and now we have heard Mr. Lamb. We will however spare ourselves from another nfliction [infliction].
The Napier Pound difficulty will now soon be settled. We notice in the New Zealand Gazette of the 31st ult., that His Excellency the Governor has, by proclamation, abolished the old Pound appointed by the Superintendent, so that nothing stands in the way of His Worship the Mayor re-appointing it under the Municipal Corporations Act.
Herbert William Brabant Esq., has been appointed Resident Magistrate of Maketu. This office has been held for some years by F.E. Hamlin Esq., who, being now relieved may be shortly expected at Napier, to occupy the post of Native Interpreter to the Resident Magistrate’s Court.
Mr Justice Richmond will take the next sittings of the Supreme Court, at Napier, on the 11th June. Chief Justice Pendergast takes the Blenheim sittings on the same date.
The steam fire-engine was christened last Thursday evening, when there was a grand demonstration by the members of the Fire Brigade, Artillery Volunteers, and Cadet Corps, who, accompanied by the Artillery Band, formed a torchlight procession through the town.
His Honor Mr. Justice Richmond was a passenger to Napier by the Rangatira, on Wednesday, and has taken up his abode at the Criterion Hotel.
A meeting of gentlemen interested in getting up a dramatic performance for the benefit of the Cricket Club, Napier, was held on Monday, at the Clarendon Hotel, W. Routledge Esq., in the chair. A letter was read from the Hon. Sec of the Napier Cricket Club, addressed to the General Manager of the Dramatic Club, asking whether it were possible to assist the Cricket Club funds by giving a performance in conjunction with the cricketers. A resolution was passed expressing of willingness to do so, and a committee was appointed to carry out the proposal. The following gentlemen where chosen as a committee:-Messrs Swan, Bell, Britten, Routledge, Jacobs, Bear, and Garner. The Cricket Club committee to act in conjunction with the above are: – Messrs Sainsbury, Mayo, Caulton, and Campbell. A committee meeting will be held on Wednesday night, at the Clarendon Hotel. Before the meeting separated, the following gentlemen signified their willingness to assist at the entertainment, Messrs Morgan, DeLisle, and Winter. It was resolved that the performance should be given on Friday, the 29th instant. A vote of thanks to the chairman brought the meeting to a close, after a vote of thanks had been passed to Mr E. Ashton for the use of the Oddfellows Hall gratis.
A Gazette was published at Wellington on Monday, summoning Parliament to meet on Thursday, July 19, for the despatch of business.
We have received several letters asking why only one salt water well has been sunk for the use of the steam engine. One correspondent writes:-“If the fire that occurred yesterday morning had occurred during the night, nothing could have saved the block of buildings in Hastings-street, it being doubtful whether the hose would have reached the scene of the fire. The Corporation can readily vote away our rates to pay for entertaining governors, but when it is asked for votes for wells or assist in preserving our property, what is given is done in a most begrudging spirit, and although we have a good steam engine it is rendered useless except for one particular portion of the town.”
In the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Monday, a man named Blake was sent to gaal [gaol] for fourteen days for being illegally on the premises of Mr Johnson at Port Ahuriri.
Our attention has been called to an Order in Council having reference to Inspectors of Weights and Measures, from which it appears that that official cannot recognise any complaint unless on a requisition of five persons. In Wellington we notice the bakers evaded the law by pleading that they sold then loaves at 5d each, and did not profess to give any specified weight. Under these circumstances the sooner an alteration in the law is made so as to convict those who attempt to defraud their customers the better.
Mr. G. Trimmer announces his intention to sell the 2lb loaf for 4½d for cash.
There is no chimney sweeper in Napier, so at least we are given to understand, and that is the reason why so many chimneys lately have caught fire. The Corporation should see to this matter, and call for tenders for cleaning flues, when there can be no excuse for foul chimneys.
We call the attention of the public to Mr. Mark Rolls advertisement in connection with the price of bread.
Mr. Black’s hotel and stable at Mahia, which was burned down on Sunday, were insured in the South British Office for £400.
A young female was assaulted by a man at the corner of Coote Road, and the Marine parade, on Saturday evening. Fortunately Mr. Thompson, attracted by the cries of the girl came to her rescue, when the scoundrel decamped, leaving his hat which fell off in the struggle on the ground. It is to be hoped that the man will be found out and arrested. We have heard of several of these cases lately, and if one delinquent was caught, and severally punished it would serve possibly as a lesson to others. It is a crying shame that a young female cannot pass along the roads unmolested.
There was an alarm of fire on Tuesday, about 5 o’clock. The Brigade got out their engines with very great rapidity, and proceeded up the White road. It was afterwards found out that it was but a fire in the Meanee Swamp, and the Brigade therefore turned and put back their engines. The members of the Brigade have, however, shown that they are always on the alert, and prepared for any emergency.
Since our last, the following civil cases have been set down for hearing, in the Supreme Court: -Thomas Kennedy Newton v. W.W. Carlile, and others, Alexander Kennedy, v, W.W. Carlile, and others, and Edward William Knowles v. W. W. Carlile and others, for libel. These cases will be heard before special juries.
Professor Taylor and his wife, the Champion Skaters, arrived in Napier overland, and will give three performances in the Oddfellows Hall, commencing this (Saturday) evening. The Wanganui Chronicle, in noticing their performance in that town says;-The advent of the famous Rinking Champion, Professor Taylor, and the charming Lillie, Queen of Skates, last night attracted a large gathering of ladies and gentlemen to witness the unique performance of these incomparable rinkers. There were also present a considerable number of the members of the Club, who regularly frequent the Hall to indulge in this new and fascinating amusement. Both Lillie and the Professor wore medals and other distinctions which had been conferred upon them by their patrons and friends in the various metropolitan centres, conspicuous upon the breast of the lady being two gold medals – one being presented to her, on behalf of her friends in Christchurch, by Sir Cracroft Wilson, C.B., and the other by Mr. Krull, the German Consul in Wellington. We do not propose to describe the performance, save to say that it exhibited the perfection to which rinking can be brought, and proved what marvellous evolutions can be gone through on roller skates.
On Tuesday, in response to the advertisement, calling a meeting to consider the advisability of starting a Co-operative Bakery, between 250 and 300 people assembled in the billiard-room of the Provincial Hotel, the Protestant Hall, in which the meeting was first announced to take place, not being available. J. Sheehan Esq., M.G.A. was unanimously voted to the chair. The Chairman after reading the advertisement convening the meeting, called on Mr. Steel to state the object for which they were assembled. Mr Steel said the meeting had been convened in consequence of the bakers having risen the 2lb loaf to 6d, and to see what was the opinion of the public in the matter. Since the meeting had been announced, one baker had advertised to sell bread at 5d, and tonight another had come down to 4½d, and he believed by co-operation, they could have the 2lb loaf for 4d. Since the proposition had been mooted two bakeries had been offered, which the Company, if formed, could either rent or purchase altogether. The capital required would be £2,000 in £1 shares, thus enabling the working classes to take a share. All classes had promised to give their support to the movement, and he believed the shares would be readily taken up. He would move:-“That it is desirable, in consequence of the action taken by the bakers of Napier, that a co-operative bakery be established.” Mr. John Begg then at the request of the proposer addressed the meeting, and gave an amusing account of how he came to grief in managing a Co-operative Bakery. He had no faith in a people who supported such a man as Sir Julius Vogel and his crew. (Cheers and laughter.) He was afraid they would not stick together, and when the bakers would be forced to lower the price of bread, the people would go to the nearest shop. What they should do, was to support the baker who lowered the price of bread, and deal only with him. This would teach the others a lesson, but as he said before he had no faith in a people who voted to support such a Government as we had. Mr James Watt seconded Mr Steel’s motion, which was carried unanimously. The following committee was then appointed to report upon the matter, and to prepare a prospectus and estimates, to be laid before another meeting; Messrs Watt, Grinlinton, Steel, Carter, and Hamlin. It was resolved, on the motion of Mr Steel, seconded by Mr Begg, that the meeting be adjourned to a day to be notified by public advertisement. A vote of thanks to the Chairman closed the proceedings.
Our attention was called on Wednesday by a storekeeper in town – who is a large consumer of butter – to the disgraceful state to which some dairymen in the country send to town for sale their butter. It was wrapped up in dirty linen cloths, and its make-up was a caution. In no other part of New Zealand should better butter be produced than in Hawke’s Bay; yet owing to the carelessness of some dairymen this products bears anything but a good name.
The s.s. Ringarooma, with the Suez mails, arrived in Wellington on Wednesday morning. The letter portion for Hawke,s [Hawke’s] Bay will arrived overland by yesterday evenings train.
A public library has been started at Maraekakaho, the nucleus of which was formed by private donations from Napier, amounting to three hundred volumes.
In the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Thursday, there was only one case on the charge list, that beieg [being] against one John Henderson for drunkenness, who having been let out on bail, forgot to make his appearance, and his bail money £1 was ordered to be forfeited. The Scandanavians [Scandinavians] having settled their assault case among themselves, the case was withdrawn.
The Napier Police have just completed a census of the town of Napier. From this it appears there are 911 inhabited houses, the total population being 5135. The house containing the largest family is the Goal, where, on the day of the census there were forty inmates.
The dog-tax for the Borough of Napier is now being collected. We understand the Police are going to enforce this tax more rigorously than before. The tax must be paid at the office of the Inspector of Police, Government Buildings.
Inspector Scully, gratefully acknowledges the receipt of £10 10s from “Anonymous” for the destitute poor.
It is said that three of the railway engines are to be re-christened. The “Eel” is to be renamed “The Cleaver,” and the other two are to be termed respectively, “Sausage Machine,” and “Butcher.”
The many friends of the Rev Father Forest, who has been all the week suffering from a severe illness, will be glad to learn that the reverend gentleman is much improved in health.
Old Spence, who has often been up before the Napier Resident Magistrate, has been up to his games again. It was this notable individual whose heart-rending tale caused so much commiseration for him when found in a lone hut at Kaikora on Monday morning, and to whom Mr Pritchard exhibited so much kindness. He is always in inmate of either the Hospital or Gaol, and is now under the watchful care of Constable McGuire at Waipawa.
Our attention has been called to the state of the lower end of Milton-road. Some persons have been quarrying there, and left large boulders in such a position as to make it positively unsafe for persons to drive vehicles along these dark evenings. We hope our calling attention to the matter will be the means of having it rectified.
In reference to our Waipawa telegram in to-day’s issue, we learn that as the 7.55 a.m. down train yesterday was between Te Aute and Kaikora, a bullock standing by the side of the line at the time the train was passing, took it into his head to rush the carriages. The beast struck one of the trucks that was loaded with iron rails, and the force of the concussion, together with the animal being run over, threw three trucks off the line. The train was delayed two hours and a-half in consequence, but no mischief was done, beyond killing the bullock.
Mr H. Severn, who is now making a tour through New Zealand, giving scientific experimental lectures, arrived with his agent Mr Davy in Napier on Wednesday, by the s.s. Rangatira. He purposes giving his first lecture in Napier in the Protestant Hall this evening, the subject being the “Earth and its Satellite.”
The joint committee of the Dramatic and Cricket Club’s entertainment, met on Wednesday at the Clarendon Hotel, and arranged a programme. It has been decided to produce the sparkling one-act comedy of “Faint heart never won fair Lady,” and Mr Langbridge’s pretty burlesque of “Fair Rosamond,” with a musical interlude between the two pieces.
Mass will be celebrated by the Rev. E. Reigner next Sunday, in the School-room, Havelock, at 11 a.m.
The Waipukurau Riding, in the Waipawa County, seems doomed never to enjoy the benefit of a representative. The last election held on the May 22 has been appealed against by Mr. S. Johnston, on the ground, mainly, that the Returning Officers should have allowed plural voting. The petition was filed on Tuesday last.
June 6, noon,
The train is off the line at Kaikora. The metal is all torn up.
A bullock jumped off a high embankment between the trucks,
June 6,
The Revision Court on the County Electoral Rolls sat to-day. There were no objections, but one application, J. Aislabie to be included.
The bar was never in a worse state. There is a heavy sea. The out-flow of the river is over half a mile of shingle No tide, however high, can come in.
SIR, – In Monday’s TELEGRAPH I am glad to see that the matter of short weight in bread has been brought before the public by “One who wants to know;” and he asks if there is an Inspector of Weights and Measures in Napier? Allow me to add my testimony to his, that when loaves purchased for my family have been weighed, the result has been from two to four ounces short, and in loaves which the bakers are pleased to call fancy bread, from two to five ounces short. True, we have an Inspector of Weights and Measures, but even allowing that he occasionally pays the bakers a visit, and tests their weights and measures, will that remedy the evil? What I want to know is this; Are not the bakers bound by law to sell their bread the correct weight, and also to weigh it to a customer when asked to do so? If so, the public have the remedy in their own hands, by compelling the bakers to weigh the loaves when delivered, and no doubt Mr Scully will see that the scales and weights are in proper order. The present system of short weight I look upon as a most monstrous piece of dishonesty, and with the high price combined, must tell very severely upon poor people who, in many cases, have a hard struggle to keep body and soul together; and thus have, as it were, the very bread taken out of their mouths, – I am &c.,
Napier, June 6, 1877.
SIR, – I am glad to see the Harbor Board purposes to bring about some improvement in the ferry arrangements across the harbor. The existing arrangement is simply ridiculous, and would not be tolerated, I am sure, in any other civilised community but Napier.
I do not wish to find any fault with the present ferryman; he is about the most civil and obliging man who has been there for a long time past, I simply complain of the ferry itself-the modus operandi of concern, which is utterly bad, and unfit for the traffic.
By inserting the above in your valuable paper you will oblige.
Napier, June 5, 1877.
(Before R. Stuart, Esq., R.M)
One James Blake, for this offence, was fined and paid five shillings.
Daniel Cotton on the information of Edward Cook, Wharfinger, was charged with taking his hackney carriage plying for hire on part of a planked jetty. He was convicted and fined £1, with costs and expenses amounting to £1 10s.
The same defendant was further charged with bringing goods for shipment on the West Quay, a wharf under control of the Napier Harbor Board, without the production of the Wharfinger’s receipt for the wharf dues. He offered no defence, and was fined £1, and costs and expenses amounting to a further sum of 16s 6d.
William Warrand Carlile, Peter Dinwiddie, and Thomas Morrison, where charged on the information of the Deputy Commissioner of Stamps with having about the 7th December, 1876 unlawfully written or caused to be written a receipt for the sum of £2 10s, to one Joseph Jessop, without the said receipt being duly stamped. They pleaded not guilty. The evidence of the Deputy Commissioner and Joseph Jessop was taken for the prosecution, and of Mr. St Clair and Messrs Dinwiddle [ Dinwiddie ] for the defence. His worship considered the charged was not sustained, and dismissed the information with costs.
Some eight or nine civil cases had been settled out of Court, two against natives were confessed, and two others adjourned for a month. The following were heard: –
Bowman v, Taylor. – Claim £9 12s for groceries &c., supplied from the shop known as Mr. Topping’s at Port Ahuriri. An account had been previously rendered to the defendant for the same goods, in which he was made Topping’s debtor; now he was sued by Bowman. Nonsuited.
Pyne v, Smith.- £9 7s 6d, for board and lodging. Judgment by default for the amount claimed, and 3s costs.
W. Thompson, F. McCarthy, and Henry Davis, all charged with drunkenness were convicted and fined each five shillings, or twenty-four hours imprisonment. Owing to the prevailing tightness in the money market, the whole trio went unanimously for the twenty-four hours.
James Griffen was sent to gaol for one month, for hard labour, for habitual drunkenness
Mr. Lee applied for a protection order for a Mrs Williams, whose husband, after deserting her for eight years, arrived in Napier on Saturday, and made a claim to what property she had in her possession. After hearing the learned counsel, His Worship acceded to the request.
Thomas Hudson, for this offence, was fined and paid five shillings.
William Smith preferred a twenty-four hours alternative.
William Sparrow, who had been remanded until to-day for medical examination as a suspected lunatic, was brought up and discharged, the medical testimony not warranting his further detention.
John Morgan, not being in funds to the amount of five shillings to pay the fine imposed for having imbibed too freely, went to prison for 24 hours.
George Hammond, who had this time been brought all the way from Waipawa, was charged with being a lunatic, and not under proper care and control. He made some incoherent remarks, and produced his handkerchief, which he laid down in front of him for some inexplicable reason, muttering some unintelligible words at the same time. He was remanded until Saturday morning for medical examination and report.
A case of this kind, in which all the parties concerned are Scandinavians, was adjourned until to-morrow.
Thomas Hall, charged on the information of Sergeant Robinson with leaving a horse and vehicle, of which he was the driver, unattended, admitted the offence, and was fined £2, with 6s 6d costs of Court.
Shipping Intelligence.
4 – Mary Wadley, three-masted schooner, from Newcastle, N.S.W. No passengers,
4 – Rotorua, s.s. from the South. Passengers – Mrs. Luckie, Misses Luckie, Kilman, and Baker, Messrs Cotterill, Rundle, Jobson, Chambers, and 55 for the North
6 – Rangatira, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Judge Richmond and Secretary, Mrs Cook, and 7 children, Mrs Bowerman, Messrs. Boon, Suffield, Simmons, McGibbyn, Levern, (2), and Davey.
7 – Fairy, s.s. from Mangakuri
31 – Wanaka, s.s. for Auckland via Gisborne and Tauranga. Passengers – Right Rev. Bishop of Auckland, Archdeacon Williams, Rev. J.C. Eccles, Rev. J.M. Fraser, Messrs Mann, Patterson, Liddle, Chapman, Meyers, and six original
1 – Albatross, schooner, for Whangapoua
2 – Jane Douglas, s.s., for Port Chalmers. Passengers – Messrs King, and Brown.
4 – Rotorua, s.s., for Auckland. Passengers – Mrs Campbell, Miss Francis, Messrs D. Fleming, F.H. Meinertzhagen, Beetham, Smith, H. Williams, and son, two others, and 55 original
4 – Columbia, schooner, for Kennedy’s Bay.
6 – Falcon, barquentine, for Newcastle, N.S.W.
The s.s. Wanaka did not leave the anchorage till 10.30 p.m. on Thursday, having been detained in loading the Bella. The ketch Why Not did not bring a full cargo from the Wanaka, owing to not being able to lay alongssde [alongside].
The s.s. Sir Donald had a good run down to Wellington, where she was immediately taken on the slip, and has had a thorough overhaul.
The s.s. Jane Douglas left on Saturday at 8.15, with a full cargo of tallow for transhipment at Port Chalmers for London, per the Fernglen.
We hear Mr Warner has got the contract for lightering the waterworks plant ex Andrew Reid, which vessel left Wellington for this port on Saturday.
The s.s. Rotorua, Captain Macfarlane, arrived at the anchorage at 8.45 a.m. on Monday. She was immediately tendered by the steam launch Bella. The mail steamer only remained here one hour. Mr. Pringle, the Purser, furnishes us with the following: – Left Port Chalmers on the 1st June, at 1.45 p.m.; arrived at Lyttleton on the 2nd, at 7.30 a.m.; proceeded at 7 p.m. same day, and arrived at Wellington at 10 a.m. on Sunday; left at noon for here, arriving as above stated. Experienced light variable winds and hazy weather throughout the passage.
The Wairoa Free Press has the following: – “The bar being bad precludes the arrival of either of the steamers now lying loaded for this port in Napier. ___the d___ bar.”
The Napier shareholders in the A.S.P. Company will be glad to learn that the steamers belonging to that Company are put down in the last annual report as being worth £36,500.
The three-masted schooner, Mary Wadley, Captain Cronin, has been 18 days on the passage from Newcastle, N.S.W. She comes consigned to her owner, Mr Vautier, and has a cargo of 230 tons of coal.
A schooner called the Saucy Kate, is supposed to be on her way to Napier from Dunedin. Several consignees have received Bills of Lading of goods in her.
The following appears in the minutes of the annual meeting of A.S.P. Company, held in Auckland on the 28th May: – “Mr. L.D. Nathan moved that this meeting of shareholders empower the Directors to sell all boats and property of the Company, whenever they can obtain fair prices for the same, with a view to wind up the Company as soon as possible.” This was carried, only one gentleman, Mr. D.H. McKenzie, voting against it.
The schooner Kate McGregor, which went ashore at Port Waikato, has been floated off and is being repaired.
A Press Agency telegram states that Capt. Fairchild has on board the Hinemoa fragments of an old vessel wrecked in Facile Harbor, Dusky Sound, including part of a rudder bearing the name “Saville London.” The vessel was a large size, probably 80ft. long. It is supposed they are portions of the same wreck seen 26 years ago by the Acheron survey party. The captain also discovered a large iron case lying in the fore part of the vessel. A further attempt is to be made to raise the iron case.
The ship Hermione, from London, with 1800 tons cargo and 39 passengers, arrived at Port Chalmers on Monday; 103 days out. Sighted no ice; spoke no vessels.
The s.s. Rangatira, Capt., Evans, left Wellington wharf at 11 a.m. on Tuesday morning, and arrived at the anchorage at 10.15 a.m. on Wednesday, having made a good passage of 23¾ hours. The Rangatira experienced a fresh head wind and beam sea as far as Cape Palliser, then till arrival a light S.E.
Three days after the Mary Wadley left this port for Newcastle on her last trip, she encountered a very heavy gale, and in the tossing about her ballast shifted, causing her to go on her beam ends. Capt. Cronin then dropped his best bower anchor over the quarter, with a good scope of rope, and also a hen coop attached, which caused her head to pay off before the wind, and fortunately she righted. On her last trip from Newcastle, she again suffered from bad weather, having been struck by a heavy sea, which carried away a portion of her bulwarks and smashed about seven stanchions.
The barque Andrew Reid was at anchor in the fairway when the Rangatira left Wellington. She had taken on board about 600 tons of ballast, and will leave for here the first favourable opportunity.
The schooner Isabella Pratt, a constant trader to this port, is at present in Wellington, having just arrived there with a cargo of breadstuffs from Oamaru.
The barquentine Falcon took her departure for Newcastle on Wednesday. The following are the names of the passengers: – Messrs Willis, Buchanan (2), and Robertson.
The s.s. Jane Douglas, hence on Saturday last, arrived at Port Chalmers on Tuesday, at 4 p.m.
The ketch Mary Ann Hudson has been successfully launched, and is now in the Mohaka very little the worse for her beaching.
A Press Agency report states that the wreck of the Feronia enquiry has resulted in the suspension of Captain White’s certificate for three months, and the mates’, David Young, for one month.
The s.s. Fairy, Capt. Campbell, returned to port on Thursday, having been unsuccessful in landing the whole of her cargo at Messrs. Coleman and McHardy’s station. Capt. Campbell managed to get two boat loads on shore on Tuesday, but towards evening a strong southerly wind springing compelled him to seek the shelter of the Kidnappers, where he remained till on Thursday, as there was no appearance of the weather improving, the captain deemed it advisable to return to port.
The s.s. Ladybird, Capt. Griffiths, is now taking the place of the s.s. Taranaki, pending some slight repairs to the latter steamer.
The s.s. Hinemoa arrived from Kaipara yesterday at 1 p.m. after a very smart run of 27 hours. She landed the steam launch known as the “perfect failure” at Kaipara, and it is stated that it will be about as useful there as it was at Wellington. We hope, at any rate, that it will not have to visit the slip as often as it had to here, for in fact while in this port it was quite amphibious in its habits. – N.Z., Times.
The Customs revenue collected at Port Napier, during the month of May last, was made up as follows: –
£ s. d.
Spirits 1597 7 11
Cigars 38 13 9
Tobacco 729 0 0
Wine 156 12 4
Ale 24 0 0
Tea 124 11 0
Coffee 7 13 6
Sugar 369 10 9
Goods by weight 50 12 3
Goods, ad valorem 369 10 0
Other duties 27 7 0
Total £3527 18 6
MAY – HILLS – At the residence of William McBeath Esq., Eglinton-road, Mornington, Dunedin, on the 31st May, by the Rev. Dr. Stuart, Mr William May, of Dunedin, to Jessie Emma Gertrude second daughter of Mr Edwin Hills, of Napier. – Auckland papers please copy.
NORMAN – QUEREE. – At her uncle’s residence, Springfield, Puketapu, on June 6, by the Rev. P.C. Anderson, Lizzie Queree to John Norman, both of St. Heliers, Jersey.
HENDERSON – On 30th May at his father’s residence, Woolcombe-street, Wellington, Harcourt Herbert Henderson, youngest son of John Henderson, Esq., C.E., aged 1 year and 9 months.
PATON – At Napier, on June 5th, Joseph, fifth son of Mr T. Paton, aged 17 years and 6 months.
NILSSON – At the Napier Hospital, on the 6th June, Gustaf Nilsson, aged 27 years.
For Auckland, s.s. Southern Cross, on Saturday, at 11 a.m.
For the undermentioned places every Monday, and Thursday, at 5.30 a.m. – Clive, Hastings, Havelock, Te Aute, Kaikora, Waipawa, Waipukurau, Danevirk [Dannevirke], Norsewood, Tahaorite, Woodville, Foxton, Palmerston, Wanganui, Taranaki, Wellington and Southern Provinces &c., Wallingford, Porangahau, Wanui, and Castle Point.
On other days of the week, mails close as usual, at 6.30 a.m.
Chief Postmaster.
Government Notifications.
District proclaimed under “The Hawke’s Bay Rivers Act, 1876.”
(L.S.) NORMANBY, Governor.
WHEREAS a petition from the owners or occupiers of more than two-thirds of the acreage of the district comprising the part of the Provincial District of Hawke’s Bay defined in the Schedule hereto has been presented to His Excellency the Governor, praying him to declare that “The Hawke’s Bay Rivers Act, 1976,” shall come into operation within such district;
Now, therefore, I, George Augustus Constantine, Marquis of Normanby, Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested in me by the said Act and by “The Abolition of Provinces Act, 1875” do hereby proclaim and declare that the said “Hawke’s Bay Rivers Act, 1876” shall, and from and after the date hereof, come into operation in that part of the Provincial District of Hawke’s Bay the boundaries whereof are defined in the Schedule hereto; and do also proclaim and declare the same to be a district under the said “Hawke’s Bay Rivers Act, 1976,” and the name such district shall be known is the “Taradale District;” and do further proclaim and determine that the number of Conservators who are to constitute a Board shall be five.
Bounded on the south by the Tutaekuri River; on the East by a straight line running north and south from the Tutaekuri River to the head of Purumu Creek, down Purumu Creek to where it joins the Tutaekuri River thence following the Tutaekuri River to the Ahuriri Harbor; on the north by highwater mark of the south side of the said harbor to the foot of the first hills; on the West by the foot of the said hills to the Redclyffe cutting.
Given under the hand of His Excellency the Most Honorable George Augustus Constantine, Marquis of Normanby, Earl of Mulgrave, Viscount Normanby, and Baron Mulgrave of Mulgrave, all in the County of York, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom; and Baron Mulgrave, of New Ross, in the County of Wexford, in the Peerage of Ireland; a Member of her Majesty’s Most Honorable Privy Council; Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George; Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over Her Majesty’s Colony of New Zealand and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same; and issued under the Seal of the said Colony, at the Government House, at Wellington, this seventeenth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight-hundred and seventy seven.
Crown Lands Office,
Napier, 19th May 1877.
NOTICE is hereby given that the following selections of land in the MAKARETU RESERVE having been forfeited, will under Section 13 of the above Act, be sold for Cash, by Public Auction at the Crown Lands Office, at Noon on MONDAY, the 30th July 1877.
Applications Contents Upset price
A.R.P £ s. d.
13 100 0 0 50 0 0
15 100 0 0 50 0 0
17 200 0 0 100 0 0
49 100 0 0 50 0 0
50 60 0 0 30 0 0
54 100 0 0 50 0 0
86 40 0 0 20 0 0
110 50 0 0 25 0 0
111 50 0 0 25 0 0
*The above areas are exclusive of 5 per cent allowance for Roads.
Commissioner of Crown Lands.
Crown Lands Office,
Napier, 19th May, 1877.
I HEREBY give Notice that the right to depasture Stock for a period of 5 years over 1500 acres more or less land in the Arapawanui and Moeangiangi District, now at the disposal of the Government, and which was lately comprised in License No. 123, will be offered for competition by Public Auction at this office, at Noon, on SATURDAY, the 30th June next, subject to the terms of “The Hawke’s Bay Renewal of Licenses Act, 1870.”
Conditions may be obtained at this office.
Commissioner of Crown Lands.
Office of Waste Lands Board,
Napier, 8th December, 1876.
TO HUGH MCCORMICK, formerly of the 65th Regiment or his representatives.
You are hereby required, within six months from this date, to prove to the satisfaction of the Waste Lands Board that you have complied with the conditions required to entitle you to 60 acres of land in the Wakarara District, selected under a Military Settlers Land Order, and if you fail to prove your claim within the specified time, your title to the land will be forfeited and the land be dealt with as the Board may direct.
Chief Commissioner.
The Cheapest House in the Trade.
Stock, Land Estate, and General Commission Agent, Waipukurau.
Goods Stored and Forwarded.
Offices and Stores: Near the Railway Station.
The Weekly Mercury
THE question that just at present most nearly concerns this Colony in general, and Hawke’s Bay in particular – always provided that England remains neutral – is, how long is the Russo-Turkish war going to last? It is evident that the period of exceptional prosperity we have been enjoying for the past five years is fast drawing to a close, if it has not already come to an end. It is equally clear that anything which disturbs the manufacturing industry of Europe is immediately felt here in the depression in the value of colonial produce. This colony is solely dependent on the state of the European markets, and the prosperity of Hawke’s Bay depends upon but one of these. If the London wool market is depressed, trade here languishes, property of all descriptions depreciates in value, and there is no money for the employment of labor. Such was the condition of this province ten years ago, and as our settlers have developed no new industry since then, we cannot but expect a similar state of things to occur again. Hence, it is of the utmost importance to us as a community, to consider the position in which we are placed by the commotions in Europe. Before the war began, trade was depressed, money was scarce; Germany, despite the enormous sums of money she received from France, was in a state of impecuniosity; and the shadow of a coming war clouded the manufacturing industry of the French. This gloomy condition of affairs has been still further darkened by Russia’s attack on Turkey, and as long as the war lasts we can scarcely hope for any material improvement of trade. In 1854 Russia entered upon a similar war, unaided, and though she had to contend against England, France, and Turkey, and was menaced by Austria, she proceeded in prolonging the struggle till 1856; the war lasting exactly two years. Should the present hostilities be continued for two years, we shall then be entering upon a period that cannot but have a serious effect upon the wool market. In 1880, the French President’s term office expires, the Septennate comes to an end, and France will have to make up her mind as
to what form of Government she will have. The past history of France affords no hope that this question will be settled in such a way as not to seriously disturb the industry of the country. The French manufacturers are the largest foreign buyers of Australian wools in the London market, and should a revolution in France follow closely on the heels of the Russo-Turkish war – a by no means improbable contingent – then we may anticipate a period of depression here compared to which that of 1868 may be considered prosperity. Taking these possibilities into consideration, would it not then be as well to “set our house in order,” and in some measure to be prepared for the worst? We have said that this question affects Hawke’s Bay particularly for the reason that, at present, we have absolutely no industry but that of wool growing, nothing whatever to fall back upon. The subject we have thus raised, and only slightly glanced at, is of the deepest interest to the bulk of the inhabitants of this province, and it is one which concerns the welfare and prosperity, to more or lest extent, of every one earning his living in the colony.
THE estimates of the receipts and expenditure for the year ending June 30, 1877, of the Cook County Council, have been published, and are deserving of notice. The total income is estimated at £7055 17s 1d, but, as since this was made the town of Gisborne has been created a borough, it will probably be reduced to £5715. The expenditure is put down at £5715, a sum which includes the cost of maintenance of the Gisborne streets, an expense the County will not now have to bear. The most noteworthy items in the expenditure are “salaries and office furniture, £450,” and “contingent expenses, £100.” It will thus be seen that the total cost of the administration of the County is estimated at about £550. This economy is the more remarkable as it is contemplated to levy a five percent rate, a procedure that involves the expenses of valuation and collection. Besides this, we believe, there are no Highway districts to assist in keeping local roads in repair. Let us now compare these estimates with those of the Hawke’s Bay County Council. In these latter, the total income is put down as £2,775, an amount which is calculated to be spent with the exception of £147. But although only £2,628, are to be expended, it will cost the County no less than £995 to spend it, that is to say, that amount is put down to cover salaries, honorariums, valuations, and other contingent expenses. And these expenses only bring us down to 31st December next. Now, it is evident, the Cook County Council must have mistaken the cost of its administration of its affairs, or else that the Council for Hawke’s Bay is ruinously extravagant. But, in the event of the Cook Council having under estimated its expenses, it will have a balance of over £500 to fall back upon. The position of the two Counties, however, is incomparably superior to that of many in the Middle Island. The revenue of the Inaugahua [ Inangahua ] Council, for instance, is £7,000, while its estimated expenditure is £14,310, a financial condition that provokes the following from the Nelson Times: – “There are only two ways to avoid future financial difficulties for County Councils, and unfortunately both are alike undesirable. The first is additional taxation; the second is to make expenditure and revenue meet by allowing the chief public works to fall into disrepair; whatever of these two evils is chosen, the result will be the same so far as the progress and prosperity of the colony is concerned; but as a remedial measure we certainly incline towards the second course, inasmuch as it will be more efficient bringing about a much needed reform in the whole system. The General Government will be perfectly satisfied to let things remain as they are if the people will submit to additional taxation to support the sei disant local Government or if County Councillors can be found unscrupulous enough to borrow money at ruinous rates of interest – for only on terms approaching to usury can money be obtained at present upon the security the counties can offer – then no alteration need be anticipated. But if a system of reprisals be initiated then a change for the better may be confidently looked forward to at no distant date. For instance, the whole system may be rationally regarded as an attempt made by the central Government to throw upon the inferior powers a burden that they are unable to bear, and it is only by a distinct refusal to submit to the injustice that any real redress can be hoped for.”
IN our report of the proceedings of the Municipal Council held on Monday will be found a letter from the Inspector of Police to His Worship the Mayor calling the attention of the Municipal authorities not only to the destitution which exists among a certain part of the population of the borough, but also to the fact that in order to assist destitute persons the Inspector has out of his own private pocket expended nearly £60 in alleviating distress and assisting the poor. The Inspector before expending any more of his own monies naturally seeks to be reimbursed for this outlay. A plea has been made to the General Government, but it turns a deaf ear. Inspector Scully asks the Municipal Council, but with that spirit of procrastination which distinguishes that body, under the belief that it should not bear the burden, the matter is allowed to lie over, notwithstanding that the Council had before them a communication from the Christchurch City Council which clearly showed that no help was to be expected from the General Government, they having used every means to get an adjustment of accounts having reference to Hospital and Charitable Aid. We venture to predict that the Napier Council will meet with the same rebuff from the General Government as that of Christchurch, and the sooner, to put it in Mr. Lee’s words, “we look the matter straight in the face the better.” No doubt when the General Assembly meets the Government will be forced to act with justice, and will not be allowed to evade those payments which by the abolishment of the Provinces fairly fall on its shoulders, but in the meantime it is a disgrace to the Municipality that the Inspector of Police should be called upon to pay out of his private purse monies, for charitable objects, or if he refuses to do so, that those needing assistance and help cannot obtain it.
HAWKE’S BAY, having been declared by its early settlers to be a pastoral country, has continued to produce nothing but wool. The character thus given to this provincial district, the local government and legislature, in the past, were by no means backward in encouraging the idea that this portion of the colony was better fitted for sheep than for human beings. The consequence has been that, although we may be justly proud of our provincial flocks and herds, the country has fallen into the hands of the few, and our exports fall infinitely short in value to what they should do from the soil and climate we enjoy. In periods of commercial depression, the effect of limiting our industry to one line was most marked, and in the future will be still more so. We shall find that while the other provinces in the colony are developing to their utmost their natural and industrial resources, Hawke’s Bay is standing still. Let us for one moment glance at the present condition of Canterbury, and ask ourselves why it is that that province has completely outstripped Hawke’s Bay in riches, population and commerce. Neither the soil nor the climate of Canterbury can be compared with ours; the country was naturally less attractive to immigrants than this should have been; and land, though abundant, was four times as dear as it was here. But with these comparative disadvantages, capital and labor flowed into the country, because its rulers were wise enough to perceive that there was enough room for both the agriculturist and the grazier. The rulers in Hawke’s Bay, on the other hand, pursued a different course; they knew that the country could support sheep, and, being sheep farmers themselves they so framed the land laws that the agriculturalist was practically shut out. Not until every inch of open country had been converted into a sheep run was it deemed advisable to let the man of small means participate in the ownership of the soil. The mischief done in the early days of this settlement will take very many years to remedy; at the present time it is felt in this way, that to procure open land for agricultural purposes, it must be acquired second hand, and such a value is put upon it as to render its purchase a very doubtful speculation.
We have said that Hawke’s Bay is a pastoral country, let us look then at the result of having turned it into a sheep-walk. We have a population of about 12,500, of whom 581 occupy land either as freeholders or leaseholders. Out of about 900,000 acres of land sold by the Crown, within the provincial district, only 2552 acres are under crop, of which 143 acres are in wheat, and 1527 in oats. We have 23,000 head of cattle, and one million four hundred thousand sheep. The value of our exports represents our producing power as a pastoral community; that value is a miserable total, the production of 900,000 acres of land, of less than half a million of money. This is the estimate of the value of all we shall receive from wool, tallow, and hides, exported for the year ending April 30, last.
We will now turn to the picture Canterbury presents as described by the Lyttelton Times: – “Farmers are numerous, their small holdings everywhere to be seen dotting the landscape, their land carries a large population, comparatively; a great manufacturing wade has arisen for the supply of their wants. They make the employment of capital lucrative, and the products of their industry has assumed very respectable proportions. This class has not always the same reason to fear the results of war that the pastoral interest may justly entertain.” Our southern contemporary then compares the value of their respective productions of the agriculturalists and the wool growers. The value of the wool exported this year is estimated at £675,000. Against this, our contemporary says, “estimating for the purposes of a rough comparison, wheat as worth to the farmer four shillings per bushel, oats at two, barley at four, and the potatoes at forty shillings the ton, we obtain the following figures: –
2,700,000 bushels wheat £540,000
2,100,000 bushels oats 210,000
500,000 bushels barley 100,000
20,000 tons potatoes 40,000
To this has to be added –
Butter and cheese 110,000
Grass seed, hams and bacon 100,000
Total value of agricultural produce £1,100,000
These figures are probably under rather than over the real state of things; but they are sufficient for showing approximately the values of the agricultural and pastoral products of Canterbury.
A LETTER has been received by his Worship the Mayor, from the Christchurch Corporation, on the subject of the deductions from the subsidies made by the Government for the maintenance of charitable institutions. The Christchurch City Council proposes that delegates from all the Boroughs should meet at Wellington, before the next meeting of the General Assembly, for the purpose of taking joint action to remedy the injustice, and of suggesting to the Government a better means of management and maintenance of charitable institutions, so that the burden of their cost should fall fairly on both town and country districts. The proposition is a good one, and we trust the Napier Corporation will act with that of Christchurch and other Boroughs, to bring about a more satisfactory state of things.
THE Waipawa County Council is remarkable for its eccentricities. It appears never satisfied with what is does, and has, hitherto, found it necessary to undo anything of importance that it has done. Perhaps, from the peculiar circumstances of the County, and from the unsatisfactory state of the law with regard to outlying districts, no more absurd course could have been pursued than that adopted under the resolution passed in April last, by which all highways were declared County roads, with the object of killing the Road Boards. The Road Board districts are very poor, and, for the most part, being very newly formed, and situated in forest lands, they require a comparatively large expenditure for the formation and maintenance of their roads. The outlying districts, on the other hand, contain the bulk of the richest farming lands within the boundaries of the old province of Hawke’s Bay. These lands have been vastly improved in value by the main roads formed under the Provincial Government, and by the railway, yet they have contributed nothing to the revenue. To make them pay a just contribution to the public purse, a County rate is desired, by the far seeing in the Waipawa Council, and this would certainly be struck when the proper time arrives (July) if the far seeing could have their way. But it is to be feared that one object sought to be gained by throwing the roads back again upon the Road Boards, was to test the strength of the two parties in the council, and, if possible, to relieve the outlying districts of all fear of taxation. If, however, no such object is at the bottom of the movement, we are quite of opinion that the Road Boards should be left with their full functions undisturbed. The double rating to which they would be subjected by a County rate, they can well bear, and the money so raised will be no more than sufficient to cover the cost of their requirements. The Waipawa Council should have been taught a lesson from its past proceedings, and have learnt the folly of jumping at hasty conclusions. At the present time, it is quite on the cards that, at the next meeting, notice of motion will have to be given to rescind the resolution carried by Colonel Herrick. The council has relieved the Road Boards of their responsibility, and as their consent has to be obtained before that responsibility can be again thrust upon them, some may justly decline to be saddled with the trouble and expense.
THE Napier Licensing Commissioners have decided that what is sauce for the goose is not sauce for the gander; the Waipawa Commissioners have also arrived at the same very equitable decision. The former, in the matter of the license for the Victoria Hotel, Napier, applied for by Mr. J. M. Parker, required the proprietor to erect a six stalled stable in connection with his house, otherwise the license would be cancelled at the next quarterly meeting. Now, it would strike most people, that, if a six stalled stable were an essential requirement to the Victoria Hotel, it would be also a necessary qualification for the licensing of all hotels and public houses situated in Napier. But then most people differ from Licensing Commissioners. No stable is wanted for the Criterion or Masonic Hotels, and other public houses might possibly be mentioned where there are no stables on the premises. Why Mr. Parker’s customers should be expected to want the use of stables any more than persons frequenting the Criterion or the Masonic Hotels, is a question we must leave to the Commissioners in their sense of justice to decide. The Waipawa Licensing Commissioners, however, beat those of Napier hollow. These gentlemen have resolved that certain hotels, where “the quality” do mostly stay on their travels, shall have peculiar conveniences attached to them, which, hitherto, in neither private nor public houses could rarely be found. The rise in the value of land is supposed to have something to do with this desire for unaccustomed luxuries. Be this as it may, when the Empire Hotel at Waipawa, was being improved and enlarged, and made one of the best hostelries in the province, the proprietor, Mr Baker, received warning that unless he provided the convenience above hinted at, his license would be cancelled. Mr Baker replied, that water was not laid on to his premises; that there was no drainage; that the stud of his building was not high enough to permit that of what was demanded of him; that unless the whole of the arrangements were perfect, the “convenience” would not only be a nuisance, but unhealthy, tending to damage his house, but that he would provide every requirement the most fastidious could expect. The licensing day came round, and on the Commissioners learning that their request had not been complied with they refused the license. Now, if the Empire Hotel had been a disgracefully kept country inn, where no respectable person would dream of staying for a night, no such demand would have been made to Mr. Baker. That which was asked for is only to be found in one house – the Criterion Hotel – in Napier, and if it were made compulsory by the Napier Commissioners that all public – houses should be provided with the same, we rather think it would not be long before the Inspector of Nuisances interfered. The decision of the Waipawa Commissioners, we consider, arbitrary, and unjust. Their action, unless reversed, will shut up the most convenient hotel in Waipawa, and force travellers to houses whose accommodation cannot be compared in any respect to the Empire Hotel.
OUR morning contemporary learns, “with reference to the decisions of the Licensing Commissioners requiring stables to be erected in connection with Mr. Parker’s hotel, that the reason that neither the Criterion nor the Masonic have been required to have stables in connection with their hotels, is that the requirement is supplied by Palmer’s stables being in the immediate vicinity of those hotels.” We must presume from the above, that the Licensing Commissioners have favored the Herald with their reasons for giving a decision that strikes every sensible man as one requiring to be immediately reversed. The explanation only makes what is bad, very much worse. No excuse that can be offered will alter public opinion on the matter, which is, that arbitrary conditions are imposed on some publicans, and others are allowed to jog along just as they please. We now learn that the Criterion and Masonic Hotels are not required to have stables on their premises, as being in the immediate vicinity of Mr. Palmer’s livery establishment. Do the Licensing Commissioners consider it any part of their duty to protect private enterprise? If so, why are not publicans compelled by the Commissioners to deal with certain butchers, and bakers? Let us not be misunderstood in this matter. We do not consider there is any more necessity for the Criterion Hotel to have stables than for the Victoria Hotel to be forced to erect them. In towns like Napier, livery stable keeping is a private undertaking, with which the public houses should not enter into competition. More than that, there should be a Municipal bye-law [bylaw] to prevent stables being erected within certain distances of dwelling houses. It may fairly be considered that the Commissioners, by their absurd decision, have added to the risk of fire within the town. It is simply ridiculous to compel a publican to crowd buildings on to a small section of land, and to virtually tell him that unless he lives in constant dread of having his premises destroyed by fire, the investment of his capital in his business shall be so much money thrown away. We have seen above the reasons given for having stables built at the Victoria hotel; it only remains to be discovered why the Terminus, the London, and Shakespeare Hotels, which are situated further away from Palmer’s stables than is the Victoria, are not also compelled to provide accommodation for horses. A dirty ill-kept drinking shop, without accommodation of any sort for man or beast; obtains a licence without difficulty; a decent house, a credit to the town, and of convenience to the public, is saddled with conditions that can only be regarded as arbitrary, and, so far as its customers are concerned, absolutely unnecessary. It is high time some change in the method of licensing houses was brought about. The examples of the working of the existing system, afforded by the Licensing Commissioners of Napier, and Waipawa, should be sufficient to show that nothing can be worse.
The Waipawa County Council met on Tuesday, in the Court House, Waipawa, at noon.
Present – Messrs Mackersey (Chairman), Levy, Herrick, Rathbone, Russell, Lawrence, and Monteith.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The correspondence was read.
The Road Overseer’s report on all roads within the County, upon which provincial government money has been expended, was read. The total cost of these roads was put down at £42.0.
Mr James McMillan’s tender for the collection of the dog tax at 20 per cent on the receipts, was accepted.
An application from Mr Adolf Brew for the appointment of Poundkeeper at Sherwood (Makaretu) raised the question as to the power of the Council, to establish pounds, and appoint poundkeepers.
Mr. H.R. Russell drew the attention of the Council to the Act, and moved that a Pound be established at Sherwood, or other most convenient position within the district of Makaretu.
Mr. Rathbone seconded the motion, which was carried.
An application from Te Kuru to Mr. S. Locke, to have the native stock-yard at Porangahau, declared a public pound, having been referred to the Waipawa Council, Mr. Russell moved that a Pound be established at Porangahau, the site to be chosen by the settlers.
Mr. Monteith seconded the motion.
Mr. Rathbone called attention to the bad management of the existing Pounds, to the fact of impounded Cattle escaping, and of the claim of poundkeepers to non-responsibility.
The motion was carried.
The Chairman pointed out that permission to the council to use the Court House as offices, and as a meeting place, was only granted temporarily; that at that moment the Court-room then occupied by members, was wanted by the Licensing Commissioners. He thought the Council should take steps to provide the County with permanent offices.
After some discussion, Mr. Levy moved, and Mr. Lawrence seconded, that application be made to the Colonial Secretary for permanent use of the Court House.
Mr. Russell moved as an amendment, which was seconded by Mr. Monteith, “That in view of alterations in the existing legislation bearing on local government, the matter of offices be left till after the next session of Parliament.”
The amendment was carried.
The consideration of letters of Mr. Glenny, and from Mr. Bridge, in reference to opening up roads in their respective localities, was deferred pending the decision of the Council with respect to taking over the County roads.
The Chairman said the next business before the meeting was the consideration of Colonel Herrick’s motion to rescind a former resolution, passed by the council, by which all highways within the County had been declared County roads. At the last meeting of the Council the question had arisen as to whether it was competent for the Council to rescind that resolution without the consent of the Road Boards. It had been agreed to refer the matter to Mr. Cotterill, for a legal opinion, and the reply received was that “there can be no doubt the resolution cannot be rescinded without the consent of the Road Boards.” The consent of the Road Boards had not been obtained. He did not know to what extent the outside public had been watching the proceedings of that Council, but it must have been apparent that the only work done since its formation had been to pull down at one meeting what had been done at a previous meeting. The Chairman then referred in strong terms to the systematic manner in which the Council had all along stultified itself. He then said, if Colonel Herrick’s motion were carried, the same majority that carried it would be united enough, he feared, to prevent any County rate from being levied; the out lying districts would escape taxation altogether, though it was in them that the largest expenditure of public money was required. There were at present nine Road Boards in working order, but their revenues were altogether inadequate to meet their wants. Putting the rates they levied at 6d in the pound, the following statement showed their pecuniary position, – the total valuation of the nine Road Boards was £58,178, the rates on that sum would bring in £1486 11s 6d, which with the Government subsidy, of £2973 2s. The total valuation of the outlying districts, was £41,725 8s 3d, which, had they been liable to be rated, would have brought in a revenue with the Government subsidies, of £2036 5s 6d, which of course is now lost to the County. The five Road Boards, of Norsewood, West Woodville, Ormondville, East Woodville, and Makaretu, had but a united income of £166 18s 5s, and that required twenty-five Wardens to expend. On the other hand, if the Road Boards would merge themselves into the County, the revenue of the Council might be estimated as: –
Rates, at 1s in £ 5059
Government subsidy 5059
Publicans’ fees 350
Wholesale licences 30
Dog Tax, say 80
Auctioneers’ licences 80
Against this, if Colonel Herrick’s motion were carried, the available revenue of the County would only be £2,026 13s 6d. He (the Chairman) considered it of the highest importance to strike the highest rate the law allowed, in order to obtain the largest possible subsidy. They could not expect these subsidies to be continued, and they should take advantage of them while they could get them. It was further of moment that the County should be in a position to carry on needful public works; the contractors who had been engaged on Government works were now out of employment, and they, having all necessary plant on hand, were in a position to undertake work at a rate cheaper than others. Moreover, while they were thus engaged, they would probably settle down as permanent settlers. Speaking for himself, as a wool grower, he did not want roads; sheep farmers who did not intend disposing of their estates wanted neither population nor roads, but as members of that Council it was their duty to sink private interests, and seek the welfare of the country.
Mr Monteith said there was no guarantee that the Council would strike such a rate as would bring in a revenue sufficient to keep all the roads in repair, and carry on the work of the Road Boards.
Mr. Rathbone did not think the statement of the Chairman put the matter in a fair light. The Road Boards had done good work in the past, and he hoped Parliament would further strengthen their hands next session. He thought the Counties Act should be amended so as to give power to the Council to levy rates in outlying districts. The report of the Road Overseer had shown that it would take over £4000 to keep the main roads in repair, the by-roads had not been considered, and he thought the local bodies in far better position to look after them than that Council could be.
The Chairman remarked that although only the principal roads had been reported upon, it was seen that a much larger amount was required for their maintenance than the Road Boards could find. Some of the roads had been reported as passable which, he knew, were in a state that obstructed the traffic.
Col. Herrick said the report referred only to outlying roads, showing that the Road Boards had done their work well. He anticipated that Road Boards’ powers would be greatly increased after next session.
Mr Russell said they were wandering from the immediate question, and moved that a special meeting be appointed to consider Colonel Herrick’s motion. He sympathised with the Road Boards, but he considered the subject of such importance as to demand more consideration that had been given to it by members. He thought that if more deliberation had been shown by the Council before taking action, they would not have had to undo so much of the work they had performed.
Mr Lawrence seconded the motion.
Mr Monteith moved, as an amendment, and Mr Levy seconded, that Colonel Herrick’s motion be disposed of a once.
Then followed a long discussion of no importance, each member speaking four or five times on the question. Finally Colonel Herricks’s motion was carried, that the resolution, past of the 19th April, with respect to all roads being taken over by the County Council be rescinded, subject to the approval of the Road Boards.
Messrs Lawrence and Rathbone were appointed a Finance Committee.
A special meeting of the Council was appointed to be held on Tuesday, 19th inst., for the consideration of the report on the roads.
The Council then adjourned.
An awkward mishap, says the Masterton News, befel the Napier coach on its outward journey the other day. Arriving at the Mangatainoka, the river was so high that the ford could not be taken. The day was far to advanced to think of returning to Eketahuna, so that nothing was left for the hapless passengers but to make the best shift they could for the night. The coach contained, beside the driver, a lady, and four gentlemen; Professor Taylor and his coadjutrix, “Lillie, Queen of Skates,” being amongst the number. To make matters worse the weather was wretchedly bad, with rain falling in perfect torrents. Fortunately, a roadman’s party was camped in the vicinity, from whom Mr Taylor and the lady received shelter for the night. Some idea of the shelter afforded may be gathered from the fact that they were stowed away in a tent 6 x 8 along with another woman, two men, and four children. The other two passengers, along with the driver, had to do the best they could inside the coach. The only thing in the shape of edibles to be procured was a piece of “damper” moistened with a few mouthfuls of tea, so that altogether it will be seen that while the party were not well housed, neither did they fare very sumptuously on the occasion. The Mangatainoka is one of the rivers on this road upon which punts were lately placed. These, however, have not been brought into use, in consequence of the wire ropes having not been suspended. The ropes have been lying on the ground for five or six weeks past, but in consequence of the blunder of some one having charge thereof, the punts are, practically speaking useless. Now that attention has been thus pointedly drawn to the matter, surely the completion of the work will not be longer delayed.
THE Education Board met this morning at eleven o’clock.
Present: – Messrs Rhodes, (Chairman), Newton, Lee, and Chambers.
A letter was read from the Rev Mr Simcox, re the Wainui school, informing the Board of the election of a School Committee, and of the amount of the sum subscribed (£161 18s); also asking whether the Government would augment the sum of money locally raised, by a grant to enable a schoolhouse to be built to accommodate eight or ten weekly boarders.
The Secretary was instructed to refer Mr Simcox to the Act, and that when the amount subscribed had been deposited in conformity with the same, the Board would advance one-half the amount up to £100; the plans of the building to be submitted to the Board.
An application from the Waipukurau School Committee, for a further grant in aid towards the costs of the schoolmaster’s residence, was read.
The application was approved of, and £100 granted in aid.
An application from Mr. Anning for the favourable consideration of the Board to aid him in his endeavours to carry on a private school at the Western Spit, was refused, on the grounds that it was a private school.
The sum of £50 was granted to the Kaikora school for its enlargement, and the sum of £25 to the Hastings school.
The resignation of the Hon. R. Stokes, from the trusteeship of the Waipawa school, was received and accepted.
A letter was received from Mr. E. Fannin, written on behalf of the settlers of Mohaka, requesting to be informed as to the amount required to be subscribed in order to obtain a grant in aid of £100 towards the erection of a school house and master’s dwelling.
The secretary was instructed to forward the required information.
The accounts were then passed, and the Board adjourned until next sitting day.
WHEN we say that the concert, given on Friday by Mrs. Neill, was the most successful of the agreeable series that lady has offered to lovers of music since her residence in Napier, we mean it be understood that it was the best amateur performance of its kind that we have had here for very many years. At her former concerts, Mrs. Neill has had the pianoforte only, but last night she had brought together an exceedingly effective band of instrumentalists.
The programme commenced with the Sadowa March, which, after a little shakiness at first, was played very well, and in excellent time, Miss Martin presiding at the piano, and Mr. Crawford playing the first violin. This was followed by the “Mermaid’s Song,” and chorus. Mrs Neill took the solo, which she rendered most artistically, Miss Martin playing the pianoforte, and Mr. Jones the cornet accompaniments. At the right moment, the stage scenery was drawn back, and the chorus singers, forming a bank of young ladies, were disclosed. The effect was extremely pretty. Mr. Jones gave afterwards Wallace’s beautiful song, “There is a flower that bloometh,” which was deservedly encored, to which he responded, by singing “In Happy Moments.” The duet that followed “Sainted Mother,” by Mrs Neill and Miss Le Couteur was admirably sung, and received a well merited encore. Mrs Powell’s “Love’s Request” was also encored, being very sweetly rendered. “Softly falls the shades of Evening” was given as a quartette by Mrs. Neill, Miss Le Couteur, Messrs. Jones and Martin. The lively “Rain Chorus,” from “Chilperic,” was given with excellent spirit and time, and was loudly applauded, and encored. Miss Martin’s accompainent [accompaniment] on the piano was excellent. The first part of the programme was brought to a close by “Miserere” from “Il Travatore,” Mrs. Neill took the part of Leonora, and Mr. Jones that of Manrico. This which only could be done by good artistes, was really well sung, and provoked much applause. The invisible chorus was most effective.
The second part of the programme opened with a lively galop by the band, which was followed by the Gypsy Maiden’s chorus and then by “Ring on sweet Angelus,” by Mrs. Powell. A duet, “The Sailor Sighs,” by Miss Le Couteur and Mr. Morgon was encored. Then came a charming song “Waiting,” by Mrs Neill, accompanied on the piano by Miss Reardon. In response to an encore Mrs Neill gave “She wore a wreath of roses.” This was most sweetly and feelingly rendered, and was decidedly the gem of the evening. Messrs Jones and Martin sung “Love and War,” a very spirited duet, that was very well given. Miss Le Couteur’s “Shy Robin” elicited immense applause and an encore. The trio “I’m not the Queen” by Mrs Neill, Miss Le Couteur, and Mr Morgon was admirably given, and deservedly encored. “Hark the Drum,” was sung by Mr Morgon, accompanied on the piano by Mr Crawford, and on the cornet by Jones. In this Mr Morgon has seldom been heard to better advantage. The “Market Chorus,” brought the concert to a conclusion, after a most enjoyable musical entertainment.
SIR, – I see the bakers in Napier have combine to rise [raise] the price of the 2lb loaf here to sixpence. I enclose to you a paragraph from the Wellington Argus, which at the present time is more applicable to Napier than to any other part of the colony. On behalf of heads of families here I hope you will use your pen in trying to upset this scandalous arrangement. – I am &c.,
White Road, Napier, June 1, 1877.
The following is the paragraph forwarded by our correspondent: –
Twenty Auckland bakers have combined to raise the price of a 2lb loaf to 5d. The Auckland people feel very sore at this, and the Star, in a leading article, goes into figures to show that although the price of colonial flour has risen £2 since the beginning of the year, the rise in the “staff of life” is equal to a rise of £6 in flour. It urges on the public “to smash up” the combination and says: – “What misery and hardship this penny a loaf on bread mean to hundreds of struggling families in Auckland? We declare war on the death against this and every similar combination, and the subject shall not rest till every honest man cries “shame on it.” If reason and remonstrance fail, the combination shall be met by “co-operation.” The article thus concludes: – “We now offer to publish an advertisement gratis for every baker who breaks through the ring, and sends us his name as being prepared to sell bread at a reasonable price. But if none are willing to do so let the people look to themselves, the remedy is in their own hands, and there shall not be wanting opportunity to apply it vigorously and well.“ The Star’s remarks might also apply to Wellington, as here the price is 4½d the 2lb loaf, while the quality is often bad; the bread half raw, and in many cases underweight.
SIR, – I notice in your last night’s edition a letter from Mr. S. Johnston, in which he denies the report re the closing of the road through Colonel Lambert’s property. He is evidently misinformed on the subject, as it is a well-known fact that about a fortnight before he was last elected, that the road desired by a large majority of the Makaretu settlers was opened for their use, they all supporting Mr. Johnston in consequence. The day after he was elected the gates on that road were locked by Mr. H. Lambert, and the road was not again opened till the late election took place, when an offer to open the gates during the polling day (only) was made, but not availed of. The section of the voters interested knowing they had been sold voted against, instead of for Mr. Johnston. The road that Colonel Lambert proposes to open is not the one spoken of, nor desired by nine-tenths of the Makaretu settlers. Of that fact Mr. Johnston should be perfectly aware. – I am &c.,
Waipukurau, May 31, 1877.
SIR, – A short time since, it was rumoured that some of the wool growers of this colony, fearing that a reduction in the price of wool was imminent, were endeavouring to open up a trade with China, and, though I am far from censuring the promoters of the project, must still express an opinion that they would exhibit a better judgment by pursuing a different course of action.
If the time has arrived when we can no longer find a market in Europe for the whole of the wool which the colonies produce; if the time has come when wool growers must expend money in an attempt to create a market at a considerable distance from these shores; if energy must be directed to secure a commerce that may hereafter prove to be a unprofitable venture, then, assuredly, the establishment of numerous woollen manufactories throughout the colony would be a source of profit to the wool growers, and improvement and stability to the districts in which they may be located.
A trade with China is to be placed in the category of uncertainties; there is nothing of a definite character in connection with it to justify the most ardent of wool growers in anything but a hope that it may be successful; and when this is so, why is it that they do not turn their attention to some other means of getting rid of their wool, and, at the same time, ingratiating themselves with the public, who at present look upon them as a selfish class who, to a great extent, keep the country from progressing by retarding the settlement of the people on small homesteads?
Why is it that these wool growers do not recognise that they have been fortunate in having secured the lands of the colony? They are under some obligation to assist in its progress, and to take the initiative in movements which are essentially necessary to give it stability.
Why is it they make no effort to give to others of sharing in the property of which they themselves enjoy from whence their profits are drawn?
The answer to these questions would probably be because the labor [labour]in the colony is too dear to work woollen mills at a profit. Whether this is a fact or not is a question which I doubt; but even assuming for a moment that it is true, does it follow that large landholders are justified on that account in refraining from establishing local industries which cause the expenditure of large sums of money among the poorer classes, give confidence to men of property, tend to the advancement of a district as a whole, and, ultimately, by increase of population, and increased business activity, must become good paying speculations to the promoters of them.
Even though the profits from a woollen mill might at first not be so large as the gains derived from the disposal of the wool in the other way, still, in consideration of what the country would gain from its establishment, one would think that men actuated by any other than selfish motives would be only too willing to assist in its establishment, more especially as their possessions of large tracts of land preclude the settlement of a numerous class of small farmers who are always to be considered the back bone of a country.
The farmers would not consider these views as embodying sound principals of political economy, albeit the time will come when they will have to make greater sacrifices; so we may turn to the consideration of labor.
That the labor in the colony previous to the construction of the public works was not sufficient for the purpose may readily be admitted, but now that there has been such as influx of labouring persons, that the market has been flooded, and the public works almost completed, can we doubt that there is in the country at the present time more industrious persons than can find employment, and, therefore, hand enough to work any number of mills that capitalists would establish. There are at the present time in all the large towns in the colony, numbers of men, women, and children out of employment, and the number will be ever increasing, so that we now have labor [labour] enough to develop the resources of the colony if there be a judicious expenditure of capital.
That the remuneration for the labor would have to be greater than that given in China is beyond doubt, but let the cost of transit, insurance, agents, and other expenses be considered, and what will the difference be. Again let the wool-growers consider the number of persons who would receive employment at these mills, and consequently become a number of well-to-do taxpayers, who would thereby lessen the necessity for a colonial land and export wool tax, and thus indirectly benefit themselves by creating a class, who could bear some of the burdens which otherwise they would have to bear largely.
It is evident that as an article of export the wool is depreciating in value, while on the other hand, the price which we have to pay for so called woollen goods manufactured out of American cotton is as high as ever, and hence a powerful reason why the wool should be manufactured into clothing in the colony.
A better clad population would grow up around us, as almost everyone would find it within the compass of his means to purchase local made clothes, and thus two advantages would be secured, profits to the owners and contentment among the people.
An ill-fed and ill-clad democracy is a dangerous element in a State, and those who have much to lose, would act wisely by looking into the future.
Some persons have stated that a gentleman now in England is likely to start a woollen manufactory at Hastings, but even if true, that is no reason why a second should not be started; and I am of opinion that an excellent site for a manufactory would be the vacant piece of land on the opposite side of the line from the railway station at Napier. The ground available there is at present almost worthless for any other purpose, and I have no doubt could be purchased at a small figure.
A mill started would have this advantage, that there would always be a plentiful supply of labor, and doubtless a cheaper one than that which could be obtained in the country, for no matter how poor persons may be they like to live in towns. A water supply is also easly [easily] obtainable, and as water in artesian wells will rise to a considerable height, some man of engineering talents might be able to utilise the surplus of a couple of artesian wells, by making it turn a water wheel.
Water falling a height of twenty or thirty feet through a three-inch pipe would doubtless be of some benefit, but whether it would or not, I think a mill could be profitably worked in Napier, and those who are largely concerned in the growth of wool would I think find it to their own interest to utilise some of the surplus labor of the colony in manufacturing their wool, and when they then have a surplus, send it to China.
Some of the Hawke’s Bay landowners have conferred advantages on the public; and I know of no man whose actions deserve more commendation than does that of Mr. Tiffen, whose disposal of the Homewood estate on deferred payments at low rates of interest, has been the means of giving many industrious settlers at Kaikora and Waipawa, an opportunity of acquiring a life independence, and probably the same gentleman would give the scheme of a woollen factory in Napier, some consideration in conjunction with other interested persons.
Viewing the matter politically, there can be no doubt that the true policy of the capitalists is to establish numerous industries, by which a large portion of the population will become dependent on them for support, and thus divide the interests of the democratic party, for assuredly should they by a suicidal policy leave that party wholly independent of them, and thus united by a common interest against wealthy non-employers of labor, they will have cause to regret the short-sightedness of their present action; the fruits of which will be that they will have to bear a heavy burden of taxation, or be forced to dispose of their estates, – the people must either be provided with employment or become settled upon the land. – I am &c.,
Monday, June 4, 1877.
SIR, – As we children are never allowed to read the morning paper until our lessons are over, and until papa has seen that there is nothing in it of an objectionable character, we did not know that the bakers had combined to raise the price of bread, until just before tea time. We do not get the TELEGRAPH till after six o’clock. Well, at tea-time, all sorts of funny odd scraps of bread were put on the table that had been stored up for puddings, and so sixpense the 2 lb. loaf was brought practically to our understandings.
At breakfast time, the next morning, we had porridge, but papa, who was watching us narrowly, discovered that we devoured more sugar, more milk, and butter with the mess than would pay for two loaves. This morning we had hot potatoes and bacon; no bread, no porridge, and no butter.
Do, MR. EDITOR, try to bring the bakers to reason, and get us back our toast. I am sure though, if nobblers went up to ninepence each, papa would not drink one less. – I am &c.,
Napier, June 4th, 1877.
SIR, – Can you inform me if there is an Inspector of Weights and Measures in Napier, as I sent on Saturday for two loaves, and for which I paid the sum of 10d, each of the loaves not weighing more than 1¾lb. By giving me the required information you will greatly oblige –
Napier, June 4, 1877.
(Major Scully is, we believe, the Inspector of Weights and Measures, – ED, D.T.)
SIR, – Allow me still further to acknowledge, per favor of yourself, the sum of £1, being subscription from Messrs Gow and Scrimgeour, and also £3 15s, being proceeds from raffle of watch, kindly given by Mr. Morrison, watch-maker, Hastings-street, on behalf of Mrs. Goddard, and to convey her thanks to these gentlemen. I may still further state that I shall be glad to receive more aid for herself and family either in clothing or in other ways, as they are greatly in need of same. – I am &c.,
Napier, June 4, 1877.
THE Council held its usual fortnightly meeting on Monday.
There were present all the Councillors, with the exception of Mr. H. Williams.
The minutes of the previous meeting, having been read and confirmed, the town clerk read the
Your committee having met pursuant to notice, beg to recommend the Municipal Council to give effect to the following, viz:
1. That the tender of Mr John Garry to supply and fix certain 1¼ inch iron gas piping for the sum of £28 10s, be accepted.
2. That none of the tenders for the erection of the wooden fence in Shakespere [Shakespeare]-road be accepted.
3. That the drains at the foot of the Shakespere-road, near Mr. Kennedy’s, be repaired.
4. That the tender of Mr B. Warnes, for lighterage of the waterworks plant, ex Andrew Reid, for 7s per ton net, be accepted.
5. With reference to the letter from the Town Clerk, Christchurch, the committee beg to submit the same for the consideration of the Council.
6. That Mr R. Burley be appointed to superintend the landing of the waterworks plant, and subsequently the laying of the pipes, at a salary of £10 10s per month.
7. That with reference to Mr E.W. Knowle’s application for pecuniary assistance to defray the outstanding liabilities of the Fire Engine Fund Committee, the sum of £100 be voted by the council for this purpose.
8. Drafts of an Act and petition to His Excellency the Governor, relative to the land adjoining the Town Hall reserve, are submitted for the approval of
the Council.
9. That the vouchers for the expenditure of the borough fund, waterworks and swamp reclamation accounts for May be passed, and ordered to be paid.
All the first four clauses were agreed to without discussion.
On clause 5 being read; a letter from the Town Clerk of Christchurch was read, proposing that as it was found impossible to obtain an equitable adjustment, with respect to subsidies, from the General Government, that a convention of delegates from the several Municipalities throughout the colony should be held at Wellington, with a view of bringing the matter before the General Assembly.
His Worship said that the Napier Borough having kept religiously to the rules laid down they were not in the same position as many other boroughs. The General Government however had deducted £192, and he was attempting to get that money refunded, but as yet without success.
Councillor Lee spoke in strong terms of the manner in which local bodies were being treated by the Government, and thought the boroughs should be represented at the proposed convention.
After a few remarks from Councillor Neal and other members, the subject dropped.
The following letter was read from Inspector Scully: –
To His Worship the Mayor.
SIR, – It is with very great regret I have to bring to your Worship’s notice the large amount of absolute destitution existing within the Borough of Napier; and towards which, I am, and have been for sometime powerless though want of necessary funds.
In the absence of any notification to the contrary, I have continued as heretofore to issue rations, and small pecuniary grants to the most needful applicants, as well as giving orders for the burial of destitute persons; and up to the present date disbursed small amounts amounting to about £19, together with holding myself responsible for rations and funeral expenses exceeding £40 more.
It is now with very great pain, (feeling as I do, heartfelt pity for the destitute poor) that I inform your Worship that I will from this date discontinue to dispense charitable aid out of my private funds, but trust that means may be arrived at by which the poor may not entirely suffer from the present state of affairs, – I am &c.,
Inspector Armed Constabulary.
A long discussion ensued, during with Councillor Lee stated that the time had come when they would have to look the matter in the face and make provisions for the poor of the town. He had been told frequently by medical men who had seen these destitute persons that what they needed was not medicines, but absolutely the necessaries of life. He
thought the time would soon come when a medical man should be appointed, and the Municipality have a Board of Relief.
Councillor Swan stated that Inspector Scully had written to Wellington on the matter, but had got no satisfaction.
Councillor Neal suggested that as it appeared the Corporation had made no demand for aid to the Government from the Hospital and Charitable aid fund, that such a step should now be taken, and arrangements made with Inspector Scully to continue distributing charitable aid until a reply was received.
This was agreed upon.
A letter was read from Mr. E.W. Knowles asking for a contribution from the Corporation funds to assist in meeting the £321 now owing.
A long discussion ensued, in which nearly all the members took part.
Councillor Lee proposed that instead of £100 being granted, the sum of £200 be given. This proposition was supported by Councillors Tuxford and Neal, and opposed by Councillors Swan, Lyndon, Holder and Vautier.
The vote for £100 only was carried on a show of hands.
It was agreed that the Bill, to be introduced into the Assembly, with regard to including into the borough some land adjoining the Town Hall Reserve be entrusted to Mr. Sutton.
A letter was read from Mr Sainsbury asking for a vote of £10, he being willing to give a similar sum for the repair of the road leading to his residence, which he stated was almost impassable. The request was deferred to the Public Works Committee.
The engineer reported that during the month he purposed to construct a close culvert across the foot of the Milton-road, near Clive Square, in order to convey the water away from Tennyson-street. So soon as the requisite metal was in hand he would re-metal Hastings-street, Carlyle-street, Dickens-street, and Dalton-street. In the meantime the stone rubble purchased from Messrs. Mills and Oxenham would suffice for that end of the borough, inclusive of the Spit, Battery-road, &c.
The report was adopted.
After an explanation from His Worship the Mayor, it was agreed that the place formerly used as a public pound should be the pound for the Municipality.
The appointment of a poundkeeper was adjourned until next meeting.
A letter was read from the Fire Inspector as to the foul state of several chimneys within the borough.
It was agreed that a regulation to meet the case should be framed [formed] and passed.
The vouchers for the past month were passed without comment.
Councillor Swan moved the resolution standing in his name: – “That His Worship the Mayor be requested to communicate with the Government in Wellington in regard to secure prison labor for the formation of a sea wall and road along the beach up to Sale-street.”
The motion was seconded by Councillor Tuxford and carried.
The Council then adjourned.
Government Notifications.
Date. Mode of Sale. NAME. PARTICULARS. AREA OF LAND SOLD. Town. Suburban. Country. CASH. Town. Suburban. County. Rents and Assessments. REMARKS.
A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.
2 Application Edward Lyndon Rural Section 6, Whakakurutapu 50 1 0 50 5 0
2 Application Charles Dixon Town Section 79 and 80 Porangahau 0 2 0 4 10 0
2 Application William Speedy Town Section 82 and 88 Porangahau 0 2 0 5 0 0
2 Application S.W.P. Peddie Rural Land, Patoka District 24 0 0 12 0 0
5 Application Charles and John Huddins[?] Rural Section 179, Woodville 60 0 0 60 0 0
5 Application A.A. and J. Watt Six months rent, Lots 2 And 3 Wairoa 36 10 0
10 Application William Speedy Rural Land Tautane District 68 0 0 44 0 0
11 Application Lars Anderson Land Makaretu Reserve 80 0 0 24 0 0 Balance
14 Application C .E. Tennant Town Section 86[?], Porangahau 0 1 0 2 14 0
14 Application Alfred Jarman Rural Section 172[?], Woodville 40 0 0 60 0 0
26 Application Henrik Larsen Suburban Section 49[?], Danevirk [Dannevirke] 20 0 0 20 0 0
26 Application Towgood and Richardson One year’s rent, Lot 3, Nuhaka 18 15 0
28 Application Martin Jensen Suburban Section 65, Danevirk 20 0 0 20 0 0
28 Application Thomas Christensen Suburban Section 64, Danevirk, 20 0 0 20 0
TOTAL 1 1 0 40 0 0 322 1 0 22 4 0 60 0 0 250 5 0 55 5 0
£ s. d.
Land Sales 222 9 0
Rents and Assessments 55 5 0
277 14 0
Crown Lands Office, Napier, June 1st, 1877
J.T. TYLEE, Commissioner of Crown lands.
DIVIDEND WARRANTS are now in the hands of Agents for distribution. Shareholders can have same forwarded to them on sending their address to the nearest Agent of the company.
F. H. DROWER, Waipukurau
J.J. TYE, Waipawa
J.C. SPEEDY, Meanee [Meeanee]
E. BISSELL, Havelock
S.G. THORNTON, West Clive
J. H. SMYTH, Wairoa
Offices, Tennyson-street.
Education Board Office,
Napier, June 4, 1877.
NOTICE is hereby given that the following Education Reserve will be offered for Lease (21 years) by Public Auction at the late Provincial Council
Chamber, on TUESDAY, September 4, 1877: – Section 289 B, Town of Napier, 1 rood.
Upset price £20 per annum.
Chairman, Education Board.
SECTIONS 9 and 20, sub-divisions of Subnrban [Suburban} Section 33, Woodville, containing ½ acre
SECTIONS, 47 48, 49, and 50, sub-divisions of Suburban Section 34, Woodville, containing 1 acre
RURAL SECTION No. 63, Woodville, containing 43 acres
RURAL SECTION No. 20, Woodville, containing 40 acres
RURAL SECTION No. 65, Woodville, containing 63 acres
TOWN SECTION No. 86, Kaikora, with 4-roomed house erected thereon.
Commission Agent, Waipukurau.
OATS, Chaff, Grass Seed, Fencing Posts, Firewood, &c., &c.
PERSONS desirous of Nominating relatives or friends in Great Britain, for passages to New Zealand, are informed that the Monthly List will be closed on the 18th June, 1877.
Nominated Immigrants, on arrival in the Colony, may join their Friends immediately after inspection, and will not be required to go into Depot.
Full particulars and Forms can be obtained from the Immigration Office, Napier.
Immigration Officer.
AT GENUINE Auckland Prices.
HAS received from the best factory in Auckland a supply of Boots, which has been made to order, and will be sold at the LOWEST PRICES, guaranteeing the quality.
The following will give an idea that this is no puff: –
Men’s Elastic-sides, 14s, special make
Men’s Bluchers, 9s 6d, good fitting
Men’s Bluchers, Nailed, 10s, good fitting
Men’s Army Bluchers, extra quality, 11s
Men’s Watertights, top quality, 14s
Men’s Lace Shooting Boots, medium, 16s 6d
Men’s Lace Shooting Boots, heavy, 16s 6d
Men’s Oxonians, lace, 7s
Men’s Oxonians, canvas, 6s
Other kinds equally low.
Is an absolutely original preparation.
ITS owner claims for it no relative or comparative merits, but that it is se plus ultra, and the large and increasing demand for it in this colony is a proof that the people understand its virtues, and will continue to use it.
The most Reliable and Safe Drink during hot weather
The best stimulant for the coming season.
The very purest beverage distilled.
A. Manoy & Co., agents for Napier; N.J. Isaacs, sole wholesale agent for New Zealand.
£900 TO LEND in one or more sums on good Freehold security.
A.M.* A.M. + A.M. P.M. P.M.
Spit, depart 7.40 11.0 3.40
Napier arrive 7.50 11.10 3.50
Napier depart 6.45 7.55 11.30 4.10 2.30
Farndon depart 7.10 8.20 11.55 4.35 2.55
Hastings, depart 7.35 8.45 12.20 5.0 3.20
Paki Paki arrive 9.5 5.18
Paki Paki depart 7.53 9.13 5.20
Te Aute arrive 8.32
Te Aute depart 8.35 9.55 6.5
Kaikora depart 9.15 10.35 6.45
Waipawa, depart 9.35 10.55 7.25
Waipukurau arrive 9.55 11.15
Waipukurau depart 10.0 11.30
Takapau, arrive 10.50 12.20
* On Monday and Thursday only.
+ On Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.
A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
Takapau, depart 2.20
Waipukurau, dep. 7.10 3.15
Waipawa, depart 7.30 3.35
Kaikora, depart 7.50 3.55
Te Aute arrive 8.31
Te Aute depart 8.33 4.35
Paki Paki, arrive 9.10 5.15
Paki Paki, depart 9.12 5.22
Hastings, depart 9.32 1.0 5.42 5.20
Farndon, depart 9.57 1.25 6.7 5.45
Napier arrive 10.22 1.50 6.32 6.10
Napier depart 7.20 10.25 3.0
Spit, arrive 7.30 10.35 3.10
*Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday only.
Passengers are requested not to enter or leave the carriages while in motion.
Season tickets issued to and from all Station. Apply to the Manager.
To ensure despatch, Parcels should be booked fifteen minutes before the starting of the Train.
General Manager,
Napier, March 8, 1877.
NOTICE is hereby given that the temporary office of the Waipawa County Council, is at the Court House, Waipawa; and that the days on which it will open for transaction of business will be on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and FRIDAYS.
It is further notified for public information that the office hours are from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m., on the days above specified.
Clerk Waipawa County Council.
Waipawa, May 14, 1877.
Waipawa County Council Office.
Waipukurau, May 4, 1877.
IN accordance with a resolution passed by the Waipawa County Council, on THURSDAY, April 19, 1877, and in accordance with Section 88, of “The Public Works Act, 1876,” NOTICE is hereby given that all the roads in the County of Waipawa, have been taken over by the Council of that County, and are hereby declared County roads.
Clerk Waipawa County Council.
An assortment of
With galvanised Sheaves and Brass Rollers
Also, three-fold (10 ton)
The above Blocks are for sale or hire.
WHITE LEAD, Red Lead, Green Ship Paint, Chalk, Emery Cloth, Glue, Glass Paper, Putty in bladders, Stockholm Pitch, Amber Resin, Raw Linseed Oil, Boiled Linseed Oil, Lamp Black, Bright Ship Varnish, Black Ship Varnish, Canvas, Europe Bolt, Manilla and N.Z. Ropes. Common and Patent Blocks, from 10 inches downwards, Tents, Tarpaulins, Oilskins, Horse Covers, &c., Herring Nets, Ash Oars, from 20ft downwards, Bunting Flags, &c., (Flags made to order). Connecting Links and Shackles, Oakum, Pitch, Spunyarn, Sail Needles, long-handled Tar Brushes, Galvanised Rowlocks, and Rowlock Plates, Copper Nails, Tocks, and Roughs (assorted sizes) Fire Buckets, and Water Coolers, Stockholm and Coal Tar, Net Twine, Cabin Lamps, Stable Lanterns, and Copper Rivets for Belting.
DESIGNS prepared from rough sketches.
Plans colored or etched in first style
Architect and Building Surveyor,
HOLLOWAY‘S PILLS AND OINTMENT. I most respectfully take leave to call the attention of the inhabitants of Australasia to the fact that Messrs. Henry Curran and Co., Wholesale Druggists, of New York, have agencies in various parts, and that their Travellers are going all over the country vending spurious Imitations of my Pills and Ointment, which they make in New York, and which bear in some instances their trade mark thus
Whilst on other labels of this trash it is omitted , the better to deceive you, but the words ‘New York’ are retained. Much of this fictitious stuff is sold in the Auction Rooms of Sydney and elsewhere, and readily finds its way into the back settlements. These are vile frauds, as I do not allow my medicines even to be sold in any part of the United States; they are only made by me at 533, Oxford Street, London.
The same people are circulating a report that my business is about to be formed into a Company which is UTTERLY FALSE.
I most earnestly appeal to that sense of British justice which I feel sure I may venture upon asking my kind countrymen and countrywomen in their distant homes, to assist me, as far as may lay in their power, in denouncing this shameful American Fraud, by cautioning their friends lest they he duped into buying villainous compounds styled “Holloways Pills and Ointment” with any New York label thereon.
Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, with the words “HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT, LONDON.” engraved thereon. On the labels is the address, 533 Oxford street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
LONDON, Feb. 15, 1796
SAMSON FENCE WIRE. – This is an entirely new article, and is fast superseding the old style. Five Wires weigh Ten cwt. per mile, and costs in Melbourne £12 10s, versus Seventeen cwt. ordinary wire costing £14 10s (the relative cost will be the same at the principal ports of Australasia) with the advantage of having Seven cwt. less to pay carriage for. Over 1,000 TONS sold by one firm last year, giving unbounded satisfaction. Send for full descriptive circular with innumerable testimonials from leading colonists, and judge for yourselves. McLEAN BROS., and RIGG, Importers, and General Ironmongers, Melbourne.
“By a through knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” – See in the Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk.
Sold only in pockets (tins for abroad), labelled: –
Watches! Watches! Watches !
DRAWS special attention to his Magnificent Stock of WATCHES, just received direct from English and American Manufacturers, and made Specially to Order, which, for Excellence and Cheapness, are unequalled in the colony.
All Watches sold at this establishment are thoroughly regulated and put in working condition before leaving the premises, and Guaranteed.
WOOL SCOURING by Petrie’s Patent Wool Washing Machine will be done at the following rates, viz,: –
Locks and Pieces 1d per lb.
Fleece Wool 1½d per lb.
Wool forwarded to Boiling Down siding will be attended to.
Clive, November 1, 1876.
Persons suffering from weak or debilitated constitutions will discover that by the use of this wonderful medicine there is “Health for all.” The blood is the fountain of life, and its purity can be maintained by the use of these pills.
in his work entitled “The Nile Tributaries in Abbyssinia,” says, “I ordered the dragoman Mahomet to inform the Fakey that I was a Doctor, and that I had the best medicines at the service of the sick, with advice gratis. In a short time I had many applicants, to whom I served out a quantity of Holloway’s Pills. These are most useful to an explorer, as possessing unmistakable purgative properties they create an undeniable effect upon the patient, which satisfies him of their value.”
Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment. I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse feed poured in upon us until at last a teaspoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
On the Label in the address, 533, Oxford-street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
With a “New York” Label.
Spital Hill, Sheffield, direct the attention of Flock Owners and Shearers to their Improved New Pattern, No. 69 Shear, which for quality, style, finish, and adaptability to the requirements of the Australian and New Zealand markets, cannot be surpassed. The main features are – great extra width of steel in the blades, accurately ground, long shanks with narrow grip. Procurable at the leading Ironmongers’ Warehouses throughout Australasia.
Look for this Trade Mark in blade.
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
Standing Advertisements for Three, Six or Twelve Months can be arranged for at a Liberal Discount.
Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original order) must be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager.
W. DENHOLM, Port Ahuriri
£ s
Per Quarter, if paid in advance 0 6
Per Quarter, if booked 0 7
Per Annum, if paid in advance. 1 6
Per Annum, if booked 1 10
Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
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