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- Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 083 - 16 June
Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 083 – 16 June
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.
Vol. II. – No. 83. NAPIER, SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1877. PRICE SIXPENCE Properties for Sale
7000 ACRES Freehold, Crown Grant, 24 miles from Napier
23,000 acres Leasehold, 18 acres to run, low rent with
9,000 Sheep, 40 head Cattle, Horses, Bullocks, &c. Good home improvements, and 2000 acres fenced into paddocks: the whole will take grass seed readily, is well watered, and easy access from town.
3,920 acres Freehold, rich pastoral land, Wairoa, with
800 Sheep, and 100 head Cattle
900 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa
4,677 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa, with
3,000 Sheep, and other necessary working improvements
3,000 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,220 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
400 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
2,500 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, with
2,000 Sheep and 250 head Cattle
4,200 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Poverty Bay
11,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, Poverty Bay, with
3000 Sheep and few Cattle
1,600 acres Leasehold, half interest, Poverty Bay
8,800 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa [ Tolaga ] Bay, with
3,000 Sheep and good improvements
1,100 acres Freehold, rich land, Opotiki, with
1,000 Sheep, and all necessary improvements
33,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 26 miles from Napier
150,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 30 miles from Napier with
10,000 Sheep, exclusive of Lambs
55,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 70 miles from Napier, with
5,000 Sheep, and 50 head Cattle
9,000 acres Freehold, Agricultural and Pastoral, Seabord [Seaboard], with
14,000 acres Leasehold, valuable improvements, and
15,000 Sheep, few Cattle, Horses, &c.
1,649 acres Freehold, near Greytown, with
1,040 acres Leasehold, all fenced and subdivided, and
5,000 longwool Sheep, 120 Cattle, few horses, and every improvement necessary. The coach road passes through the property.
Stock and Station Agent.
of various extent, and
Stocked and Unstocked, in the Provinces of Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington. Canterbury, and Otago.
For particulars, apply at the office, Browning-street, Napier.
All First-class Flocks.
STORE SHEEP. – Various Lots of Store Merinos Ewes and Wedders for Sale.
MR. EVAN’S Draught Stallion, “LORD NELSON,” by “Sir Colin Campbell,” dam “Blossom,” etc.
Liberal terms.
For further particulars apply to
On Deferred Payments.
For particulars, apply to
IN accordance with the provisions of the “Regulation of Local Elections Act 1876”, and in the matter of a petition filed in the Resident Magistrate’s Court, at Napier, by SYDNEY JOHNSTON, and Two Electors of the Waipukurau Riding, in the County of Waipawa, praying that the election for the Riding of Waipukurau may be declared to be void. I hereby give Public Notice that I will hold an inquiry in the matter alleged in such Petition, on Tuesday, the 19th day of June, 1877, at eleven o’clock a.m., at the Court House, at Waipawa.
Resident Magistrate.
A PUBLIC MEETING of the Ratepayers of this District will take place in the schoolhouse, Kaikora, on SATURDAY, the 23rd instant, at 2 p.m., to take into consideration whether it would be advisable to merge the Road Board into the County or remain intact.
Chairman Patangata Road Board.
Kaikora, June 9, 1877.
Waipawa County Council Offices,
Waipawa, June 8th, 1877.
NOTICE is hereby given that Mr.
has been appointed DOG TAX COLLECTOR for the County of Waipawa.
By order,
Clerk, Waipawa County Council.
DIVIDEND WARRANTS are now in the hands of Agents for distribution. Shareholders can have same forwarded to them on sending their address to the nearest Agent of the Company.
F.J. DROWER, Waipukurau
J.J. TYE, Waipawa
J.C. SPEEDY, Meanee [Meeanee]
E. BISSELL, Havelock
S.G. THORNTON, West Clive
J.H. SMYTH, Wairoa
Offices, Tennyson-street.
KINROSS & CO., Agents.
NOTICE is hereby given that the temporary office of the Waipawa County Council is at the Court House, Waipawa; and that the days on which it will be open for transaction of business will be on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and FRIDAYS.
It is further notified for public information that the office hours are from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m., on the days above specified.
Clerk, Waipawa County Council.
Waipawa, May 14, 1877.
LIST OF PERSONS who have taken out Game Licenses within the Province of Hawke’s Bay, for the shooting season, 1877: –
J.N. Williams, F. Sutton, J.K. Goudy, Kenrick Hill, H.W.P. Smith, W.A. Neale, J. Joshua. Charles B. Winter, Jasper L. Herrick, J.D. Canning, George Pilcher, Evan Morgan, J. Warrilow, Thos. Bishop, R. Brathwaite, R.P. Williams, Jnr. Bennett, Alfred Danvers, Robert Wellwood, W.U. Burke, H. Russell, F. Roper, J. Price, T. Parsons, R. Stuart, Col. Whitmore, C. Agnew Brown, W.J. Birch, Henry J. Baker, G. Giblin, G.P. Donnelly, L. Knight, F.E. Simcox, Jas L. Adams, Alex. F. Hamilton, H. Lambert, F.H. Meinertzhagen, T.R. Moore, C. Waldron, H.A. Hill.
Custom House,
Napier, 28th April, 1877.
This list will be added to every Saturday.
WILL be held at Taradale on the 28th June, 1877, in the Paddock kindly lent by Mrs J. Hammond, situate at Taradale, when the following Prizes will be given to the best Ploughman in the following Classes – open to all comers. The amount of the different prizes will appear in a future advertisement.
Class A –
Swing Ploug [ Plough] – 1sth [1st] –
Swing Plough, 2nd Prize
Class B –
Wheel Plough – 1st and 2nd Prize –
Class C –
Swing Ploughs, 1st Prize –
Swing Ploughs, 2nd Prize
Wheel Ploughs, 2nd Prize
A special Prize will be given to the best Ploughman in this Class.
Class D –
Double Furrowed Plough, 1st & 2nd Prize.
Class E –
Any Plough, 1st and 2nd Prize. –
Entrance fee in the above Classes: – Men, 7s.6d; Boys, 5s.
Best pair Draught Horses, £ –
Best matched pair Horses, £ –
Best kept set of Harness, £ –
TWO or more Ploughs to enter for each Class or no public money will be given.
Ploughing to commence at 10 a.m.
Entries will be received by Mr A. Macdonald, Taradale Hotel, up to 9 a.m. on the 28th instant.
PERSONS desirous of Nominating relatives or friends in Great Britain for passages to New Zealand, are informed that the Monthly List will be closed on the 18th June, 1877.
Nominated Immigrants, on arrival in the Colony, may join their Friends immediately after inspection, and will not be required to go into Depot.
Full particulars and Forms can be obtained from the Immigration Office, Napier.
Immigration Officer.
Government Notifications.
Crown Lands Office,
Napier, 19th May 1877.
Notice is hereby given that the following selections of land in the MAKARETU RESERVE having been forfeited, will under Section 13 of the above Act, be sold for Cash, by Public Auction at the Crown Lands Office, at Noon on MONDAY, the 30th July 1877.
Applications Contents Upset price
A.R.P £ s. d.
13 100 0 0 50 0 0
15 100 0 0 50 0 0
17 200 0 0 100 0 0
49 100 0 0 50 0 0
50 60 0 0 30 0 0
54 100 0 0 50 0 0
86 40 0 0 20 0 0
110 50 0 0 25 0 0
111 50 0 0 25 0 0
*The above areas are exclusive of 5 per cent allowance for Roads.
Commissioner of Crown Lands.
Crown Lands Office,
Napier, 19th May, 1877.
I HEREBY give Notice that the right to depasture Stock for a period of 5 years over 1500 acres more or less land in the Arapawanui and Moeangiangi District, now at the disposal of the Government, and which was lately comprised in License No. 123, will be offered for competition by Public Auction at this office, at Noon, on SATURDAY, the 30th June next, subject to the terms of “The Hawke’s Bay Renewal of Licenses Act, 1870.”
Conditions may be obtained at this office.
Commissioner of Crown Lands.
AT GENUINE Auckland Prices.
HAS received from the best factory in Auckland a supply of Boots, which has been made to order, and will be sold at the LOWEST PRICES, guaranteeing the quality.
The following will give an idea that this is no puff: –
Men’s Elastic-sides, 14s, special make
Men’s Bluchers, 9s 6d, good fitting
Men’s Bluchers, Nailed, 10s, good fitting
Men’s Army Bluchers, extra quality, 11s
Men’s Watertights, top quality, 14s
Men’s Lace Shooting Boots, medium, 16s 6d
Men’s Lace Shooting Boots, heavy, 16s 6d
Men’s Oxonians, lace, 7s
Men’s Oxonians, canvas, 6s
Other kinds equally low.
T. CARRUTHERS takes this opportunity of returning thanks to his friends and Customers in and around Waipawa for their kind patronage bestowed upon him during his short time in business, and begs to inform them that he is still selling Bread at 6d. the 2lb Loaf.
All accounts over one month, at the rate of 6½d per 2lb Loaf.
Baker, Waipawa.
BEGS to inform Builders and Contractors – inhabitants of Napier and surrounding Districts, that he is now prepared to supply them with really good first-class rusticated Lining and Flooring Boards, thoroughly seasoned. All being filleted as it comes through the Mill, at lowest market rates.

June 9.
The Manaia is outside, and will land a portion of her cargo this afternoon.
There is not much sea on.
John Finucane of the A.C. who died at Te Kapu yesterday, is to be buried to-day. This is the third death in the small body of A.C. at Te Kapu, in a short space of time.
River very high.
A Public Meeting is called for Thursday, to consider the Bar question.
Mr Frost, Mesmeric Lecturer and Electro Biologist, gives a lecture to-night in the School-room.
June 11.
Much alarm is felt here owing to a rumor that Te Kooti is intending to come here for another massacre. The town is quite unprotected. There are no Volunteer corps, and only some half-a-dozen Mounted Constabulary. A public meeting is to be held to-night. Some of the Poverty Bay natives are known to be in communication with Te Kooti.
June 12.
At the public meeting last night it was decided to form a volunteer force. It is thought very unlikely Te Kooti will dare show his face. The Government is blamed for withdrawing the reward for his apprehension or for shooting him. A cavalry corps is to be formed for the country.

SIR, – The bread question at the present time being so much a matter of public interest, I have been induced to offer some explanation (with kind permission of space in your columns) of the position it now occupies in a monetary sense.
It is almost unnecessary to state, that for the purpose of securing good bread, nothing but the best flour can be employed – the question of cost therefore in preparing bread made with inferior or flour from grown wheat, is apart from the purpose – although the profit from such, would be far greater, it could give but poor satisfaction to any tradesman, whose object is to supply that most necessary article of food, of a quality that should be of the very best.
The present price asked by merchants at the Spit, for best brands New Zealand, is £21; Inferior, £15 and upwards; Adelaide, £25 per ton respectively, and it is a fact tolerably well known, that Adelaide flour must be used by bakers of good bread, on account of its strength.
The proportion used in my bread is one half best Adelaide, one half best New Zealand flour, therefore the cost of 200lb sack with cartage, comes to £2 3s 6d. This quantity is reckoned to turn out 140 plain and fancy loaves together, the dough weighing before putting into oven, about 2lb 2ozs to 2lb to 3oz. The plain bread on first coming out, will perhaps weigh a little over 2lb, and the fancy bread on account of larger body exposed to heat, thereby losing more by evaporation a little less than 2lb, and of course the longer kept, the less it weighs. Taking the 140 loaves as costing for flour alone £2 3s 6d, and selling the same at 4d per loaf gives a profit of 15s 2d out of which wages, firing, yeast, &c., also, light, rent, wear and tear have to be paid, and if to that man, horse and cart, for delivery, be taken into account, we will suppose they deliver 200 loaves a day – which may be considered a good day’s work – 4d per loaf only gives 12s 6d cost, an amount I think, most people will say, cannot cover outlay.
When I commenced baking, it was with the idea of convenience to those customers, who favored me with the supplying their wants, and possible profit to myself, and by selling at a low rate for cash at the store, the money expended in cost of delivery is saved to them, as well as extra profit to allow for bad debts. My aim is to co-operate with the public where they will allow me, in bringing about cash transactions, for, wherever instituted, it must be a saving both of time and money, and avoiding errors and disputes in accounts, which so often occur, especially where eatables are concerned.
I should not, perhaps, have written upon the bread question, but that lately letters have appeared in your columns respecting weight of bread; and, as I believe I was the only party selling bread at the price mentioned, viz., 5d at the date, I beg to state that, from the commencement, my instructions have been to weigh plain bread whenever requested, in fact, on starting the trade, it was invariably done without request, until my customers expressed themselves as perfectly satisfied without weighing, I have known it repeatedly refused taking the small piece that might be required to make up weight of three or four loaves a day old, I shall be perfectly satisfied to see a thorough system of selling bread by weight carried out but let it be thorough, I fancy, however, few would like to receive their bread made up of pieces; or if a new loaf, weighing more than it should, to have a slice taken off, and by the time it reached home to lose another slice before it was presentable at table.
In conclusion, I shall endeavor to sell best bread, of fair weight, at my store, for cash, as cheap as the price of good flour will allow; but until some thorough system of regulating the sale of good and pure bread by weight be adopted, the general public are the surest judges of where to get the best value for money. – I am, &c.,
Napier, Jane 9, 1877.
P.S. – I think your correspondent, in making a public charge, need not have withheld his name. – G.S.
Sir, – At the last meeting of the Wairoa County Council, I heard one of that body, whilst discussing the merits of the arrangement made with you, re advertising, suggest repudiation, provided it could be done honorably. Now, let me tell the honorable member that no man or body of men can do dishonorable or dirty tricks honorably, or be dishonest honestly. Further, I would suggest to this council chatband a discontinuance of preaching, and leave to others the disquisition of such trifles as honor and honesty, or, in other words, to men that understand their meaning. – I am, &c.,
Wairoa, June, 4, 1877.
In reference to the letter, signed W. Mayo, in this morning’s Herald, I beg to state that the gentleman has made an utterly unfounded statement, in saying I used insulting language towards him. The facts of the matter are these: This gentleman, in company with two others came to the door and offered a shilling to go into the rink, I told him the shilling place was in the gallery, when he became rather insulting, and said, “I did not keep to the terms of my advertisement, which stated the admission to be one shilling.” I told him to read it again, and he would find it said “reserved seats, two shillings” and as all the floor is reserved for skating, I can only put a limited number of skates into the rink which I am obliged to reserve, or I should not have sufficient money in the house to pay expenses. After patiently explaining this to him he said “he could not pay more than the shilling, and therefore would go to the lecture.” He however came back, paid the man at the door a shilling, and then refused to go upstairs, but stood blocking up the doorway. I went and asked him to go upstairs and he began to chaff me until I found he was determined to remain where he was and left him there. He remained where he was standing in front of the gentlemen who had paid two shillings until the end of the entertainment, when he went away without any interference on my part.
During the twenty-five years I have been in the profession, this is the first time I have been charged with insulting behaviour, and I have always held an important position in the profession which I can prove by my critiques in the leading British and American papers. I pride myself on my unfailing courtesy to all, and I think it rather hard that such a charge should be made against me. Assuring Mr. Mayo, that he has made a mistake, and repeating what I told him last night, should he not wish to pay my price of admission, he is at perfect liberty to stay away. – I am, &c.,
J.E. Taylor
Champion Skater
June, 12, 1877.
THE announcement that Mr Severn would give a scientific lecture, on Saturday night, was sufficient to fill the Protestant Hall with a most attentive audience. The subject of the lecture was “The Earth and its Satellite”. In a simple and unassuming manner, Mr Severn rapidly touched upon the form of the Earth, its motion and tides, illustrating the lesson by rotatory diagrams shown on a screen by means of the oxyhydrogen light. The velocity of the earth’s rotation about its axis was illustrated by a pendulum, the action of which was minutely described, having at its lower extremity a needle, which cut through two thin walls of flour, so placed as to be struck at each oscillation of the instrument. In the course of a few minutes the velocity of the earth on its axis (over 1000 miles an hour at the equator) was shown by the flour being cut away by the action of the pendulum needle. The audience were then treated to an exhibition of a series of most beautiful photographs of the moon, shown on the screen and magnified by means of the oxyhydrogen light. Nothing could exceed the interest of this part of the lecture. Finally, various views of places of interest in different parts of the world were exhibited; also animalculae in water, the formation of crystals, and the kaleidoscope. We should not have presumed to criticise Mr Severn’s lecture had he not at its commencement stated that he was lecturing throughout New Zealand with the object of acquiring experience in the art of affording information to the general public on scientific subjects in a popular manner. Mr Severn quoted Professor Faraday, who said it was easy enough to give a scientific lecture that very few could understand, but it was extremely difficult to bring a lecture within the understandings of the million. This is obvious enough, and it is due to Mr Severn to say that he has thoroughly overcome the difficulty. If fault could be found with his lecture, it would be on account of it being too discursive, and, perhaps, too elementary for the character of the audience. In showing the action of the tides for instance, no explanation was given of the corresponding tide at the antipodes of that under the immediate attraction of the moon. We should also have liked to have heard something more of the radiometer; why one surface of the arms of the “mill” was polished, and the other dimmed; whether it would act under the influence of heat without light, and whether it did not prove that light and heat were not synonymous terms as regards motive power.
It was an old but a good thing said by a French photographer lately, to the effect that he hates a girl when she is trying to be a woman and a woman when she is trying to be a girl.
Mr Severn gave a lecture on Monday on Spectrum Analysis with experiments illustrative of the production of the spectrum and some of the striking effects of the light and thermal phenomena attendant thereto. The lecture briefly described the Emission theory set forth by Newton, and held by Brewster, and stated how it had been set aside by Dr Young’s undulatory or wave theory, that now was universally accepted by physicists. A large model showing the experiment of Newton in retracting a beam of light and forming the spectrum was exhibited and explained. The sifting of a beam of light was next exhibited first the beam was projected through a solution of alum with bisulphide of carbon and the heat rays were cut off. Next the light rays were intercepted by means of a solution of iodine which whilst stopping the light rays permitted those of heat to pass through. The beams were in each instance received on a parabolic reflector in the focus of which stood a cup and there the incident rays fell, the effect being made apparent by, in the instance of the heat rays, the ignition of a piece of phosphorus held in the cup, while with the light rays alone the phosphorus remained in its ordinary state.
The spectrum was then thrown upon the screen by means of the bisulphide of carbon prism. At this stage the lecturer illustrated the decomposition of light, and by means of a second prism, its recomposition.
Experiments were then made with that highly sensitive instrument – the thermoelectric pile, the effects being rendered apparent by a reflecting static needle, arranged upon the principle of Thomson’s reflecting galvanometer. In this part of the lecture we should like to have seen the effects upon the faces of the pile of temperatures below that of the instrument itself, or, in other words, of cold. Photographs were taken by means of the magnesium light, and afterwards in the ultra violet, or chemical rays, of the spectrum. Mr Severn then described the application of the spectroscope to the Bessemer steel manufacturing process. Air is blown into the converting vessel containing molten cast-iron which in this stage of operations contains an excess of carbon; the oxygen of the air burns out the carbon, which ascends the flue as carbonic oxide gas. So long as the carbon is under combustion, certain characteristic lines appear in the spectrum; but the instant these disappear, it is necessary the air blast should be shut off, otherwise the operation is spoiled. The exact time for cutting off the blast was formerly performed empirically by the practiced eye of skilled workmen, with, as the lecturer remarked, much uncertainty. Now with the spectroscope, the proper moment for stopping the blast is determined with precision, and the saving thereby in the cost of manufacture is something astonishing.
Some photographic transparencies were then exhibited on the screen, also microscopic objects, and some beautiful designs by means of Darker’s adaptation to the lantern of Sir D. Brewster’s kaleidoscope. The lecturer then held in the light beam the radiometer, explaining the construction of the latter, and also describing the theory of its action when held in the path of a beam of light containing heat. We must accord Mr Severn our hearty thanks for an excellent lecture on a most difficult branch of physics; and we hope that it is only introductory to others in the same domain of scientific demonstration. We were pleased to hear of his intention to further illustrate spectrum analysis, by shewing us the metallic and other spectra, with the aid of his electric apparatus.
It was gratifying to see the lecture so well attended. The high educational value of scientific expositions, such as the series of lectures to which we are now being treated, cannot be overrated, especially in the case of the youths of our community, many of whom will no doubt imbibe from lectures such as these a taste for science, which otherwise might have lain dormant and undeveloped.

At the sitting of the Waste Lands Board on Thursday, the payment by Svend Johansen was accepted of the overdue second instalment of the purchase money of his section in the Makaretu settlement. Mr Glenny’s application was approved for the land forfeited by Hugh McCormick, under clause 78 of the Auckland Waste Lands Act 1858. This was all the business of public importance.
The exhibition of photographic views of the Lake Scenery, and of White Island, by means of the oxyhydrogen light, in the Oddfellows’ Hall, though desired to be seen by a large number of persons, was only poorly attended owing to so many being drawn away by the Fire Brigade demonstrations and other engagements. The exhibition was remarkably interesting and we are glad to hear that it will be repeated, when we have not the slightest doubt, Mr Collie will be well repaid for the trouble he has taken to place views of the natural wonders of this country in such a pleasing manner before the residents of Napier.
Any one feeling interested in pig breeding may witness some of the finest and largest specimens that have been seen in the Province of Hawke’s Bay, at Mr E. Conroy’s butchers’ shop in Hastings-street. The animals were bred by Mr M. Baldwin, at his establishment at Waitangi; some of the pigs having taken the first prize at the Cattle Show of 1875-76. We are glad to see that this industry is attaining such perfection in this province, most of the pigs weighing 500? lbs. There is not the least doubt that if this industry was more generally attended to, that the importation of bacon and lard from other provinces would cease. Mr Baldwin who takes great interest in this branch of his business must find it profitable, and we think beneficial to the province.
Mr Leonard arrived from Auckland by the Southern Cross on Thursday, bringing with him sixty cases of goods, which he purposes to dispose of in the shop lately occupied by McDowell and Co., in Shakespeare Road. His sale commences on Monday next.
We learn that the Government has paid the subsidy for the year 1876-76 over to the Meanee [Meeanee] Road Board, amounting to £120. A claim still exists for this year’s rate.
The intelligent Wairoa correspondent of the Herald telegraphed the following, as an item of news to that journal on Friday: – “Popular feeling is against the Telegraph for not giving up the Council advertisements in favour of the local paper.” Such refreshing innocence is positively amusing. The Telegraph obtains a contract and actually declines to give it to a rival, and therefore popular feeling is against this journal at Wairoa. The “popular feeling” we imagine is confined to the Wairoa Free Press Office, for every mail we receive fresh evidence of the growing popularity of the Telegraph in that district, by additions to our subscription list. On Monday we shall probably hear from this verdant correspondent, that “popular feeling” is against the Telegraph at Wairoa, because it declines to hand over its subscribers to the proprietor of the local paper.
A fearful accident occurred on Thursday afternoon, about three o’clock, to a son of Dr Hitchings (a Napier doctor), aged 12 years. It appears that the youth was riding in one of the trucks on the reclamation works, and attempted to pass from the one he was in to another. In doing so, he fell between the trucks, three of which loaded, passed over both his legs which were fearfully crushed and mutilated. He was conveyed to his father’s house, where we need hardly say every attention is being paid to the sufferer. Fears are entertained for his recovery.
The members of the Napier Gymnasium Club gave their entertainment, in the Oddfellows’ Hall on Friday, when we were glad to see a good audience. The whole of the gymnastic performances were gone through with much neatness, many of them requiring considerable nerve to execute. The proceedings were enlivened by the fantastic behaviour of the Clown, Mr Rendle, whose eccentricities repeatedly brought down the house. Besides being an excellent clown, Mr Rendle is also a practised gymnast. The singing of Messrs Gilpin, Waltho, and Scott, was completely marred by the manner in which the pianoforte accompaniments were played. The orchestral performances, in fact, were simply execrable. We think the Gymnasium Club, in future, would do better to rely on their own powers to amuse, than to go outside the Club for assistance.
Poverty Bay papers to hand give an account of the Agricultural Show held on the 2nd instant in Mr Poynter’s paddocks. The exhibits were not numerous; the prizes ranged from 5s. to 30s. The Standard’s reporter, alluding to the wonders and curiosities of the Show, says: “There was a donkey also among the exhibits, the first I had seen in New Zealand. It reminded me of my childhood’s days and of two or three of my friends. I should have felt happy if I could have got the pumpkins off my mind, but I couldn’t. Turn which way I might, huge pumpkins met me everywhere and stared me in the face. They were so many and in such multitudinous places that they were not to be got rid of. They got mixed in with the potatoes. They edged round the poultry. The donkey run into a pile. The Maoris made stools of them to sit upon. Some appeared as if they had taken root in the ground and were beginning to swell. It looked to me as if we dwelt in the land of pumpkins and had little else to live upon. There was a cask of Crawford’s beer on the ground. The beer took the prize and the people took the beer, which perhaps equalised the thing.”
It is gazetted that the presenter of a telegram marked “urgent” by paying double rates, can have priority of transmission over all others on and after the 1st of July.
Inspector Scully acknowledges with thanks the receipt of £1 from a lady, per Mrs Flynn, for the destitute poor.
The s.s. Southern Cross is advertised for sale by the Auckland Steam Packet Company.
The Hawke’s Bay County Council held a special meeting on Monday, when the resolution passed at a special meeting on April 27, adopting the bye-laws was confirmed. The Council then held its ordinary meeting. Present all the members. Reports on the bridges, prepared by Mr E.H. Bold, were laid on the table, with estimates of the cost of repair. It was agreed that the police should act as dog-tax collectors. A petition was presented from a number of Taradale ratepayers, representing to the Council the disgraceful state of the Taipo Creek. The Council adjourned at 1 p.m.
One effect of the swamp reclamation in Napier, as far as it has got, is to kill the eels. The undisturbed swamp waters are visited daily by swarms of sea birds that feed sumptuously on the sickened eels wriggling on the surface of the water. It is supposed that the lime stone of which a large proportion of the reclamation material is composed, disagrees with the eels. As the Napier boys share with the sea-gulls the profits of the harvest thus provided, it is evident that the eels are none the worse as human food for the infusion of lime in their bodies.
The Oddfellows’ Hall was opened on Saturday evening as a skating rink by Professor Taylor and Lillie. There was a very fair attendance. During the early part of the evening several amateurs tried the rollers, and to the no small amusement of those present, made an acquaintance with the floor. Shortly after 8 o’clock Professor Taylor and Lillie commenced their entertainment by going through some graceful movements; then they had a song and dance on skates, followed by dancing the varsoviana [varsouviana] – Mr Flood presiding at the piano. A race on skates was then got up, the winner to obtain as a prize a small silver cup. For this there were five entries, the winner being a Napier youth, who went round the course in twelve seconds less than any of the other competitors. The Professor and his lady gave further exhibitions of their skill on the rollers, and went through a series of feats which must be seen to be appreciated.
We must go abroad for news. The dramatic reporter for the New Zealand Times, states in that journal that all the shares in the Napier Theatre Company have been taken up, and that the building is to be erected at once. We are under the impression that we can give an almost unqualified contradiction to the above.

Many of our readers may not be aware that Mr Oatley, of the City Dining Rooms, has fitted up at the back of his establishment, a commodious bath room, where persons can get either cold or hot baths, as they may desire at any hour of the day of evening. The arrangements are very complete, the cold water being supplied from the artesian well, and the hot water being obtained from a pipe leading from a large tank erected in the kitchen.
The friends of Dr Hitchings will be gratified to learn that his son, who met with an accident at the reclamation works, is progressing favourably, he being now considered out of danger.
Dr Ormond, we understand is about to relinquish medical practice at Wairoa. If this be true, there is a good opening for a doctor in that district.
The shareholders in the Napier Theatre Company met on Tuesday at the Criterion Hotel. Dr Gibbes in the chair. The Secretary Mr Upham, informed the meeting that 100 shares had been taken up, and that the following sites for the theatre had been offered to the company: A site in Shakespeare-road for £2,000; one in Shakespeare-quarry, 90 feet by 180 feet, £600; one adjoining the Herald office, 60 by 125 feet, £1,000; and one 66 feet by 165 feet, with frontages to Emerson-street and Tennyson-street, £750. A committee was appointed to inspect the best sites available and report at a future meeting.
To the Editor – Sir, – It was at one time mooted to raise a monument to our late member Sir Donald McLean. Are you aware whether any steps have been taken in the matter? Or has the proposition fallen through? There are many – very many – in this district who owe their present independent position to Sir Donald McLean, and I think the least they might do is to assist in erecting a memorial to his honor. – I am, &c., M.D.
We notice the Municipal workmen are engaged making an open culvert from Milton-road and across part of Clive Square. A work that was much needed and required. On Tuesday to prevent an accident, a fence was erected on one side of the works, but the other was left open. May we suggest to the authorities the advisability of placing a light where the works are going on, as it might be the means of saving a considerable amount of trouble to some members of the medical profession.
Telegraphic communication between Wellington and Napier was interrupted during the course of Wednesday, but it was restored before two o’clock in the afternoon.
“The Sun, and modern Solar discoveries,” were the subjects of Mr Severn’s lecture on Tuesday at the Protestant Hall, and which attracted a large audience. We regret that our space will not allow us to give an extended notice of the lecture, suffice is it to say, that Mr Severn handled his subject in such a way as to place clearly before his hearers much that was extremely interesting. Another lecture will be given to-night, the subject chosen being the “Solar System”.
His Worship the Mayor, in his capacity of Resident Magistrate, is not likely to be accused of undue severity to offenders. On Thursday, a man of the name James Kelly remanded from last Monday, was charged with stealing a pair of boots from the shop of Mr T. Williams. The prisoner did not attempt to deny the charge, but pleaded ignorance of the theft, inasmuch as he was drunk at the time. The stolen boots had been found in the prisoner’s possession, and had been taken from him. Kelly, previously had been convicted under the Vagrancy Act, and has also been punished for drunkenness. His Worship, apparently, forgetting that it has been laid down, over and over again by Judges of the higher Courts, that drunkenness is no excuse for crime, dismissed the prisoner with a caution.
Mr W.L. Rees, M.H.R. (Member of House of Representatives) has kindly consented to give a lecture, in the course of a few days, for the benefit of the Athenaeum.
Heads of families will be glad to learn that the price of flour has fallen in Sydney, ten shillings in the ton. We hope soon to hear that a like fall has taken place in the New Zealand market.
The Meanee bridge, on the new Taradale Road, is expected to be finished in about a fortnight.
Some ten years ago, the well-known Wairoa chief, Hamana Tiakiwai, presented, in trust we infer, eight sections in the township of Clyde, as an endowment for a school for Native and European children. The first school at Wairoa was built on this land, but, on the building falling into decay, another school was erected in a more central part of the town. Hamana now wants to know the reason why his gift has not been taken advantage of? Why no native children are taught at the English school? These questions should be answered, and the position of the trust enquired into. Hamana thinks that if his donation is not worth having, or making use of, he may as well have the land back again.
The Harbor Board met on Tuesday. Present: – Messrs Kinross (Chairman), Kennedy, Vautier, Chambers, Smith and Newman. The Engineer’s report referred to Mr Rathbone’s timber contract being in arrears. The Board resolved that the lighthouse reserve should be leased for twelve months as from June 30 next. A letter from the Commissioner of Customs was read, stating that the lighthouse would be maintained by the Government. A letter was read from the harbour works contractor’s representative stating that he would hold the Board responsible for the deviation of the western mole. This was all the business of public importance.
His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint S. Locke Esq., of Napier, to be a Trust Commissioner for the Hawke’s Bay District, under the Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act.
We draw particular attention to Mr H. A. Severn’s second course of lectures. The Dunedin, Nelson, and Wellington papers speak highly of the experiments, especially the Electric lamp, effusion of metals which are of an exceedingly interesting character. We hope that the citizens of Napier will crowd to the Oddfellows’ Hall to see these beautiful experiments. The first lecture will commence on Saturday evening at 8 o’clock, and will comprise spectrum analysis with a large galvanic battery and the electric light.
The town went to bed on Monday laughing at the idea of twelve men being locked up for not coming to a decision respecting the guilt or innocence of John Hayman. The jury on the trial retired to consider their verdict at a little after one o’clock in the afternoon, and at ten o’clock His Honor the Judge sent for them and enquired whether there was any likelihood of an unanimous decision by midnight. The foreman having replied in the negative, His Honor directed the jury to be locked up for the night, and he then adjourned the Court till 10 o’clock on Tuesday. His Honor’s action seems to have been quite unexpected by the jury, who in about three minutes sent a message that they were agreed. His Honor, however, was obliged to inform the suddenly converted Jurors that their verdict must be returned in open Court, and that he had no power to receive it till this morning. The Jurors accordingly withdrew looking extremely crestfallen, and the unsympathetic public, like the Yankee at Mugby Junction, “larfed”. The whole of the Jury presented a wretched appearance coming into Court on Tuesday.
Colonel Whitmore, in the Hawke’s Bay Council, on Monday, suggested, characteristically enough, that to the recommendations for the amendment of the Counties Act should be added a recommendation for the exemption of county councillors from service on juries. The suggestion met with general favour. No doubt it did. Town Councillors, members of Road Boards, Bank managers, everybody in fact, would be only too glad to be exempted from any public duty that confers no particular honor, patronage, or emolument.
Among the jurymen in the Supreme Court on Monday to try the case of Hayman for stealing a watch, was to be seen one who was himself a prisoner charged with forcible entry – we mean Mr James Neagle. Had his own case been called on, we can imagine to the fix the Court would have been in. Should he be called on as a juryman, to try his own case, we advise him not to seek exemption.
The Hawke’s Bay County Council has appointed a committee, consisting of Messrs Tiffen, Williams, and Colonel Whitmore, to draw up and transmit to the Colonial Secretary, suggestions for the amendment of the Counties Act, in accordance with the desire of the Government.
The following telegram from the Napier correspondent of The Post, appears in that journal of Monday. – “It is said Mr Sheehan has joined the Good Templar Society.” The correspondent must have drawn on his imagination. Mr Sheehan is not we believe a Templar, but merely refrains by agreement, with some other individuals, from imbibing intoxicating liquors.
It will be seen by our telegrams that Mr and Mrs John Harding, of Mount Vernon, Waipukurau, have arrived at Wellington, after a lengthened tour through America, and Great Britain.
A Chinese gardener, residing at Meanee has green peas for sale. This is a rare treat at this season of the year. A dish of them was served at the Volunteer Fire Brigade dinner by Mr Oatley, and speedily vanished.
Garrett Bros are advertising a further reduction in the prices of their boots and shoes, a large stock of which they have imported from their Auckland manufactory. It is consoling to know that if the staff of life has risen in prices, our understanding can now be covered as cheap, if not cheaper, that in any other part of the colony. – ADVT.
The Standard says that the wire across the Manawatu river at the Gorge is broken; traffic by the punt was therefore suspended. When the Napier coach arrived there on Tuesday last, a coach had to be hired on the other side to convey passengers thence to Palmerston and back. The wire has been only stretched across a few weeks. The punt must certainly have been built by someone who knew nothing of the construction of such things. Instead of a flap of sufficient length to enable a coach to get on it, the flap is so short that it leaves a great depth between it and the shore. On the 25th May, the mail coach was detained forty minutes, while ten minutes would have been ample if things had been right. On a previous occasion it was stated the coach had to be hauled on board with a block and tackle. This want of ingenuity in erecting punts too short, with ridiculously short flaps, does not apply to this river only. The same complaint will apply to the one now being put on the river in the Forty-Mile Bush – the third river from Eketahuna.
Mr Tabuteau, the Collector of Customs, who has been on six weeks’ leave of absence, returned in the Rangatira on Wednesday.
The great Waka Maori libel case (says the Post of Monday) in which the Hon. H.R. Russell sues the editor of that periodical for the printing and publishing of a libel against him, will come on for trial in August. It is not yet certain whether the case will be heard in Napier or Wellington, but that point will be definitely settled in a day or two. Dr Buller and Mr Gordon Allan appear for the defence. The case will excite interest in certain quarters.
Horace Baker Esq., has been appointed Deputy Inspector of Surveys for the provincial district of Hawke’s Bay.
Messrs. E. Lyndon and W.J. Johnson, both of Napier, have been appointed certificated accountants in bankruptcy for the Wellington Judicial District.
Sydney Johnston Esq., has been appointed a member of the Licensing Court for the District of Waipawa, vice J.M. Stokes Esq., resigned.
Professor Taylor, and Lillie, drew a large number of spectators to the Oddfellows Hall on Monday, to witness the elegant movements of the champion skaters. In the earlier part of the evening several amateurs amused themselves rinking; at 8 o’clock, the floor was cleared, and Mr and Mrs Taylor performed a series of difficult and most graceful evolutions, including valsing, step-dancing, &c., in which they were loudly applauded.
In the Police Court on Tuesday, there were two persons named on the list charged with drunkenness. T.K. Newton Esq. presided. William Jeffs, who made his bow for the first time before the Court, was fined 5s, and the other who took the name of the great Scotch poet Robert Burns, declined to make his appearance and his bail money of £1 was therefore ordered to be estreated.
MR J.P. Hamlin returned to Napier from Wairoa on Saturday night. During his absence he has successfully completed the purchase of the Rotokakarangu block (19,641 acres) in the Mohaka district, also the Makahea (500 acres) being a portion of the Tukurangi block. The purchase of the Whaka-onga-onga and Hangaroamatawhai blocks (22,000 acres) in the Te Reinga district, is very nearly completed; before such can be said to be finally arranged a visit to Gisborne will be necessary. Mr Hamlin, we understand, proceeds thither from Napier to settle the sub-divisions of the claims in this property, some of which are very conflicting. Negotiations have also been entered into for the purchase of the Tawharatoie block (56,000 acres), nearly all the signature of the grantees having been obtained there are oly [only] some dozen left out of nearly one hundred and sixty, so that it may almost be looked upon as concluded. Mr Hamlin will shortly return to the Wairoa with the object of paying about £3,000, due to the Ngatikowhatu, and other hapus.
(Before His Honor Mr Justice Richmond.)
Hans Peder Pedersen was placed in the dock, charged with having, on the 6th April, unlawfully set fire to a dwelling-house, with intent to injure one Topaia Burslem.
The prisoner who was defended by Mr Lee, pleaded not guilty.
Mr Cotterill stated the case on behalf of the Crown.
Topaia Burslem, sworn: I am the wife of George Burslem; we live at Mr Bridge’s place about four miles from Waipawa; my husband is in Mr Bridge’s employ. I know the prisoner; he came to my house one Saturday in April last – about two months ago. My husband was out. Soon after he had gone, about mid-day, I went out and saw the prisoner coming. He asked if I had seen his horse; I told him no. he asked for some water which I gave him. He gave me back the pannikin. (Witness here narrated some further conversation, after which she was assaulted by the prisoner, from whom she made her escape.) He called after her, “I will burn the house”, to which she replied, “It is not my house, it is Mr Bridge’s”. After repeating the threat, he lighted a match and set fire to the house. Turning round soon after, she saw prisoner going away, towards Newman’s place. Witness went in the direction of Waipukurau, but missing her way turned back and meeting her husband told him what had happened. She saw the fire from the whole time it was lighted until the house was burned.
The witness was cross-examined by Mr Lee, as to certain discrepancies in the witness’s present statement, as compared with her depositions in the Court at Waipawa.
Mr J.N. Wilson deposed: that he was solicitor for Mr Henry Bridge, and that there was a mortgage on the property in favour of Mr Tollemache.
The evidence of George Burslem, Frank Russell, James Newman, Joseph Bamford, George England and Alexander Jones was then taken, after which Mr Cotterill on behalf of the prosecution, and Mr Lee for the defence, addressed the Jury.
His Honor then summed up going carefully over the evidence.
The Jury without retiring, returned a verdict of “not guilty”.
Hans Petersen [Pedersen] was then charged with unlawfully assaulting Topaia Burslem on the 7th of April.
The prisoner pleaded not guilty.
Mr Cotterill decided not to offer any evidence, and the Jury returned a verdict “not guilty” against the prisoner, by direction of the Judge.
His Honor took his seat at 10 a.m.
The prisoner Charles Henry Ingle was placed in the box for sentence.
His Honor addressed him, to the following effect: – Prisoner at the bar, I have resolved to treat the two charges against you as constituting a single offence. You have been guilty of two offences at law, each of which subjects you to a separate penalty. I cannot understand what could have induced you to have been guilty of such an act of folly as well as crime. Detection in such cases is certain; yet I have had experience of many similar instances. On both indictments I shall inflict the same sentence – two years’ imprisonment with hard labor, the sentences to be concurrent.
Charles P. O’Dowd, James Neagle, James Daly, and Richard Jeffares, were charged with having entered with force and arms &c, into premises in lawful occupation of Thomas Macffarlane.
The four accused pleaded not guilty and were accommodated with seats outside the dock.
Mr. Lee appeared for Mr James Neagle, and Mr Lascelles for Messrs O’Dowd, Daly, and Jeffares.
Mr. Rees opened the case for the prosecution, briefly remarking the particulars of the offence with which the prisoners were charged.
James Reid, sworn, deposed that he was in company with Mr Macffarlane and Mr Gordon when the former took possession of Mr Neagle’s premises under a bill of sale to Messrs McArthur of Auckland. Possession was relinquished by Neagle, and Mr Macffarlane, having closed the doors and windows, proceeded to take stock and go through the books. They worked till late in the evening, when a noise was heard outside of people knocking at the doors and demanding admission, which Mr Macffarlane refused. The back door was locked, but Gordon, for additional security, nailed it up. Immediately afterwards the door was burst open, and about nine or ten persons entered. Neagle was there, and asked why the door had not been opened before. The constable came in, and also Mr Lee, who demanded Mr Macffarlane’s authority. Mr Macffarlane refused to show it until the store was cleared. On this being done Mr Macffarlane showed the bill of sale (produced). Mr Lee asked for a piece of paper, and wrote a protest against the seizure (produced). Mr Lee told Mr Neagle he had a good case at law, and had better come away and do it properly. Mr. Neagle then took his friends away and treated them to spirits. They then prepared to leave, but Mr. Neagle said they had come to enjoy themselves, and had better stay. They then had some singing and dancing. I left to communicate with the Inspector of Police, and as I came away I saw the lights disappear, and heard a stamping noise. When lights were again obtained the ledger was missed. It was found a week or ten days afterwards on a public house table. When Neagle was there he took some candles and tumblers from the shop. After the lights had been relit, a large mat was found lying on the desk where Macffarlane had been writing.
His Honor: There seems to have been a kind of dark seance then.
The witness was cross-examined at considerable length by Mr Lee and Mr. Lascelles.
Hugh Gordon was then sworn, and examined by Mr. Rees. His evidence was corroborative of that given by the previous witness. He was also cross-examined at considerable length.
Patrick Coghlan, the constable referred to by the preceding witnesses, was then placed in the box and examined. He was closely cross-examined by Mr. Lee and Mr. Lascelles, and admitted that he had been drinking on the day in question.
No evidence was called for the defence, and Mr Rees summed up his case.
Mr Lee addressed the Court on behalf of Mr Neagle, and Mr Lascelles for the other three defendants.
His Honor went carefully through the whole evidence, and concluded with the remark that he need scarcely, after his experience of the present assize, direct the jury to give the prisoners the benefit of any reasonable doubt.
The jury retired to consider their verdict at 3.45 p.m.
On their return at 4.30 they returned a verdict of “Guilty” against James Neagle, and “Not Guilty” against the other prisoners. The three associates of Mr Neagle were then discharged.
The remaining prisoner then made a statement denying that he broke into the house, and alleging that the action he took was by advice, in support of what he considered to be his right.
His Honor, in passing sentence, said that the question was not whether the action was in support of a supposed right, but as to the illegal nature of the act itself, which might have been attended with very serious consequences. The sentence of the Court was that the prisoner forfeit and pay to Her Majesty the sum of £100, or in default undergo three months simple imprisonment in the gaol at Napier. The fine was at once paid.
Prior to the rising of the Court, Mr Sainsbury applied to have the special jury case of Canning v Henare Matua postponed from the day appointed for the trial until next Thursday. Mr Sainsbury said he made the application because the solicitor on the other side was raising obstacles in the matter of the jury. His Honor asked whether Mr Sainsbury thought that the course he mentioned was being pursued for the purpose of delay. Mr Sainsbury replied that he believed so. His Honor said that if it was done for the mere purpose of delay it was discreditable to the party by whom the means were used, and still more discreditable to the solicitor who made himself the instrument, and so long as he had the honor of a seat on the bench he would not countenance quibbling, and strongly reprobated conduct of the kind. It looked bad on the face of it, but he would rather believe that there was a mistake, and that there was some substantial obstacle of which Mr Sainsbury was unaware. Mr Sainsbury would be good enough to renew his application before the sitting of the Court the following morning.
Mr. Sainsbury wished to renew an application he had made the previous evening for the adjournment of this case to Thursday the 21st.
Mr. Rees said he should like to be heard first on the subject.
His Honor asked for the grounds of this application. He required to know why this special Jury case which had been appointed for Monday should not then be heard.
From the explanation which followed, it appeared that a dispute had occurred as to the legality of the method by which the special jury had been struck. The ordinary procedure is for the sheriff to draw by lot 48 names from the panel, which are reduced to 24 by the solicitors on both sides. There being only 73 names on the panel, the Sheriff, to save time, had drawn and laid aside 25, taking the remaining 48 as having been drawn. Exception had been taken by Mr. Rees, and this proceeding which it appeared had been the usual system in Napier, had never before been called in question.
His Honor said there could be no doubt as to the irregularity of the proceeding; and however honestly it had been done, it was not according to the statute. Time was doubtless of value, but it was a pity to save the time of drawing 24 names – or about 24 seconds – so irregular a course should have been pursued.
Mr. Sainsbury said that special juries here had always been drawn in that way.
His Honor: The Sheriff will never do it again, that is certain. As the Court, by its officer, is mixed up in this case, I shall give you the day you apply for.
Mr. Rees said that last night he had heard from the Bench some very severe remarks, as to his action in objecting to the irregularity complained of – remarks which had already been published and circulated through the Colony, very much to his disadvantage.
His Honor said those remarks were made on certain assumptions, which had not yet been shown to be unfounded. The learned gentleman should not ask him to retract those remarks, lest he should repeat them more emphatically. They did not refer to persons, but to modes of proceeding which it was his duty to condemn.
Mr. Rees said that he had been referred to by name.
His Honor: (Speaking with some warmth) Not by me. I was not aware to whom my remarks might be taken to imply – they were strictly impersonal. In condemning in the most unqualified manner a proceeding which appeared to have been taken for the purpose of delaying the course of justice – and would therefore be contrary to justice – I acted only in accordance with my oath.
Mr. Rees made a further explanation, to show that his action was taken to prevent an irregularity, and not for the purpose of delaying.
His Honor said his remarks had not conveyed a charge against any one, and he had not intended them to be so taken.
Regarding the practice he had condemned, he would remark that if members of an honourable profession made use of their knowledge to defeat just claims, or delay their settlement, they were unworthy to be styled members of an honourable profession.
Case fixed for Thursday the 21st.
This was a claim of £500 damages for false imprisonment.
Mr Cornford (owing to the illness of Mr Lee) appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr Rees for defendant.
Richard Winter, the plaintiff, gave evidence as to the charge of robbery made against him by the defendant at the Resident Magistrate’s Court.
This case occupied the Court all day. A verdict was given for defendant on all the issues.
(Before R Stuart Esq., R.M.)
James McGregor, John Gilbert, Richard King, and Sig Johnsen were introduced each by a separate constable, charged with drunkenness. The first three were fined and paid each 5s. Johnsen, whose case was of rather an aggravated nature, was fined 10s, or forty-eight hours imprisonment. He didn’t pay the fine.
Hutton v Hutton, an information under the “Destitute Persons Relief Ordnance” was to have been heard today, but as the summons had not been served as yet on defendant, whose whereabouts is uncertain, the case was adjourned sine die.
Pyne v Smith – £10 7s on a judgment of this Court obtained by plaintiff on the 1st instant. Evidence having been taken on both sides, an order was made that the defendant pay the amount and costs (in all £10 14s) by instalments of £1 per month, first instalment to be paid on 13th July. In default of any single payment, one month’s imprisonment.
(Before Robert Stuart, Esq., R.M.)
John Golding and John Brown were each fined, and paid five shillings, a penalty for the above offence. Another man was charged with drunkenness at the Spit yesterday evening, but denied the offence, and called witness to support his denial. There appeared to be a reasonable doubt as to whether it was really a case of drunkenness, and defendant was discharged.
James Kelly was charged with feloniously stealing a pair of boots of the value of 12s, the property of Thomas Williams. Defendant did not deny the taking of the boots, but excused himself by saying he was drunk, and didn’t know what he was about. He was dismissed with a caution.
Shipping Intelligence.
7 – Southern Cross, s.s. from Auckland via Whangawhei. Passengers – Messrs Leonard, Owen, Morley, Williams, Sutcliffe, Alford, Cammock, Stafford, Jennings. From Mahia: Messrs Walker and Burton.
10 – Fairy, s.s. from Wharepapa and Mangakuri
10 – Wanaka, s.s. from Auckland, Tauranga and Poverty Bay. Passengers – Mesdames Hamson, Webb, Butt, Fraser Hill, Wrigg, Hindmarsh, Murray, Richmond and child, Hamlin and 6 children, Messrs Davis and Fraser, Rev Mr Fraser, Messrs Harrison (2), Hooper, Goldsmith (2), Cuff, McDonald, Clark, Baker, Wilson, Barry, Shave, Russell, Moore, Slater, Richmond, Hindmarsh, Pattenson, 5 steerage and 5 for South.
12 – Arcadia, schooner, from Mercury Bay.
12 – Andrew Reid, barque, from Wellington.
12 – Result, s.s.s. from Mohaka
11 – Kiwi, s.s. from Wellington via Castle Point. Passengers – Mrs Keith and child, Mrs Smith and child, Mrs McCormack and child, Mrs Hobbs. Messrs Blair (2), Blackadder, Copwood, Baillie, Billis, and 6 steerage.
13 – Rangatira, s.s. from Wellington. Passengers – Mrs Goodison, Messrs Tabuteau, Axup, Griffiths, Beck, Brindell, and 6 steerage.
7 – Rangatira, s.s. for Wellington. Passengers – Mrs Kenneth and 4 children, Mrs Ward, Messrs Harrison, Lamb, Crawford and Hill.
9 – Wanaka, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Mrs Fannin, Miss Buckland, Messrs Davis, D. McLean, Bailleman Joyce, Mr and Mrs Stuart and child, and two natives.
9 – Southern Cross, s.s., for the Thames and Auckland. Passengers – Mrs Long, Messrs Coleman and Edwards.
10 – Manaia, p.s., for Wairoa. Passengers – Messrs Sargent, Davis, and about 10 natives.
11 – Opotiki, schooner, from Poverty Bay. Passengers – Mr and Mrs Beckhall, Mr, Mrs and Master Hangley, Mrs Kerruish and 3 children, Miss Toppia, and Mr Barsdell.
12 – Result, s.s., for Mohaka and Wairoa. Four passengers.
14 – Mary Wadley, schooner, for Hobart Town.
The s.s. Result, filled up with general cargo for Mohaka and Wairoa, steamed away on Tuesday. She will have to land cargo at both places on the beach.
The vessel we thought on Monday was the Saucy Kate turned out to be the Opotiki from Poverty Bay, which place she left on Saturday last, with a full cargo of timber and a fair complement of passengers.
The steamers Rotorua and Arawata both arrived at Sydney on Monday from New Zealand.
The s.s. Kiwi Capt. Campbell, left Wellington at 5.30 p.m. on Friday last, and arrived at Castle Point at 7 a.m. on Saturday. Commenced to discharge cargo but had to discontinue on account of a very heavy westerly gale springing up; gale abated at 1 p.m. on Sunday; recommenced discharging and left at 5 p.m., arriving in the Bay at 6 o’clock on Monday, and, as the tide was favourable, was brought alongside the breastwork. Great credit is due to the pilot for his prompt attendance to the steamer at that early hour. During her stay in Wellington, the Kiwi has been on the Slip and thoroughly cleaned and painted.
The s.s. Southern Cross, Capt. Holmes, left Auckland on Monday last, at 5.30 p.m., and had fine weather to the East Cape, after that to Whangawhei head wind, which compelled her to seek shelter at Happy Jack’s; left there at 5 o’clock on Thursday morning, and had a S.W. wind to contend against rounding Portland Island.
The s.s. Rangatira left on Thursday with a moderate quantity of passengers and cargo, the latter being principally tallow for trans-shipment at Wellington for London.
From a private telegram we learn the s.s. Southern Cross, is to leave Auckland at 4 p.m. on Thursday for Napier direct.
The three-masted schooner Mary Wadley was towed out by the s.s. Result on Thursday, bound to Hobart Town, where she will load timber, fruit &c., for here.
Mr. Donald the purser, has favoured us with the following report: – The s.s. Rangatira Captain Evans, left Wellington wharf at 4.30 p.m. on Tuesday last, and arrived at the anchorage here at 10 p.m. on Wednesday. The Rangatira has once more proved what a capital sea boat she is in rough weather; one of the strongest N.N.W. gales that has been met with for some time on this coast having been experienced on this passage. Left Wellington with a strong N.W. breeze and heavy seas running, which on approaching Cape Palliser increased to a strong gale from N.N.W. which lasted til abreast of Flat Point, where it blew strong from the northward dead ahead, with a heavy beam sea, and continued thus to Castle Point, when it again changed to the N.N.W. blowing very strong, with heavy sea. After passing Cape Turnagain, the gale moderated slightly, and the fore-and-aft canvas was set, the wind going gradually down till passing Blackhead, where it blew a fresh breeze from the S.E. which lasted till arrival, as above stated. The Rangatira has a full general cargo, unfortunately the present wet weather prevents the landing of it.
The p.s. Manaia left early on Thursday for Wairoa. She will only be able to land her passengers on the beach, as the river is all but blocked up. There are about 15 passengers waiting to return by her.
The s.s. Wanaka, Capt. McGillivray, has had a splendid run down from Auckland, calling at Tauranga and Poverty Bay. She had a little cargo and a large number of passengers for this port; the latter were landed early on Saturday by the Bella, and the cargo is being put on board the Three Brothers. Her outward cargo is principally wool; there are also about three tons of copper in sheets and bolts from the wreck of the Cocq du Village.
The p.s. Manaia returned from Wairoa on Saturday; she was unsuccessful in getting in the river, but landed her passengers and cargo on the beach. Captain Smith reports the bar as very bad and shallow.
The s.s. Fairy returned to Port on Sunday having been fortunate enough to land the whole of her cargo on Saturday and on Sunday at Wharepapa, and Mangakuri, leaving the latter place at noon yesterday, and arriving in the harbour at 5 p.m. Captain Campbell reports seeing a barque on Sunday well to the eastward, and which he supposed was the Andrew Reid from Wellington.
For the United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, &c, via Suez and Brindisi, by every opportunity to Wellington, where the mails close on the 29th inst. Correspondence for this route should leave Napier not later than the 25th instant.
For Fiji, Sandwich Islands, West Indies, America, United Kingdom, Continent of Europe &c, via San Francisco, on Saturday, the 30th instant, at 9 p.m., per Rotorua.
Money orders and registered letters will close at 5 p.m. newspapers and book packets at 8 p.m. on Saturday the 30th instant.
For the undermentioned places every Monday, and Thursday, at 5.30 a.m. – Clive, Hastings, Havelock, Te Aute, Kaikora, Waipawa, Waipukurau, Danevirk [ Dannevirke ], Norsewood, Tahoarite [ Tahoraiti ], Woodville, Foxton, Palmerston, Wanganui, Taranaki, Wellington and Southern Provinces, &c, Wallingford, Porangahau, Wanui [ Wainui ], and Castle Point.
On the other days of the week, mails close as usual, at 6.30 a.m.
Chief Postmaster.
REDWARD – At Port Ahuriri, on the 11th June, the wife of Mr Leicester Redward, of a daughter.
STUART – At Napier, on the 9th June, the wife of Mr John Stuart of a son.
Special Advertisements.
Stock, Land Estate, and General Commission Agent, Waipukurau.
Goods Stored and Forwarded.
Offices and Stores: Near the Railway Station.
The Cheapest House in the Trade.
Advertisements intended for insertion in the Country Edition of the WEEKLY MERCURY should be sent in not later than TWO o’clock, on Thursday afternoon, and for the Town Edition not later than TWO o’clock on Friday afternoon.
The Weekly Mercury
SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1877.
ON Saturday evening Messrs Locke and Sheehan returned by train from Takapau, after having interviewed a large body of native owners of the land known as the Seventy-Mile Bush. The object of their visit was to see if some fair settlement could not be arrived at in respect of the outstanding interests of several grantees in the blocks agreed to be sold to the Government. There are three blocks in which one grantee only is outstanding in each, and one block in which four grantees still remain to be dealt with. After a long korero, extending over eight hours, it became evident that the natives were willing to come to terms. It was agreed that a meeting of all parties concerned should be convened for some day towards the end of the present month to finally close all outstanding interests. Karaitiana Takamoana, and Henare Matua rendered very valuable assistance in inducing the natives to come to terms. It is a matter for congratulation that the Seventy-Mile Bush titles are in a fair way to be made complete. It will at once enable the Waste Lands Board to deal with the lands comprised in the various grants, and open up a large area of country for settlement.
After the Government business was over, the natives proceeded to consider a proposal made to them by Mr Sheehan, to subdivide a portion of the land now held by them near the Takapau and Kopua Railway Stations. The land round these stations belongs to the natives. Mr Sheehan’s proposal to them was to lay out a few town sections at each station, and to cut several thousand acres into farms; some of which are to be sold and others to be reserved for the benefit of the native owners. After the proposal had been fully discussed and explained, it was unanimously agreed to; and it was agreed that the land should be put through the Court, and vested in Karaitiana and Henare Matua as trustees for the owners, to carry out the subdivision and sale.
We beg to congratulate the Takapau natives on the conclusion to which they have come in respect to utilizing their lands, the soil being of good quality, abounding in timber, and close to terminal points on the railway line.
AS the session approaches, the provision of the several Bills to be introduced by the Government, with a view to consolidate the various Provincial Acts, are exciting the curiosity of the country. Beyond the telegraphic intelligence, published some little time back, that the new Native Lands Bill would be shortly printed for public distribution, the Ministry have given no intimation of their intention to disclose their designs with regard to the legislation of next session. The Premier, when addressing his constituents at Taranaki, last month, announced that the object of the Government was to complete the system of local administration, so crudely entered upon at the prorogation of the General Assembly, and, amongst other measures, to establish an educational system for the whole colony. That which he proposed, or rather what was intended to be proposed by the Government, at the next sitting of Parliament, was the secular system of education, and it is noteworthy that, in reference to it, the Premier made use of the words “must be secular”. It is clear from this the Government do not see their way to any middle course, one which would have the support of all religious bodies in the country. Whether the Ministry are united on this subject, it is impossible to say, but we do know that the Hon. J.D. Ormond has more than once expressed his satisfaction with the working, and with the results of the Hawke’s Bay educational system, a system that, at all events suggests the possibility of framing an Act, applicable to the whole colony, embodying its principal features. We are, however, left completely in the dark as to whether the proposed Bill provides for free and compulsory, as well as secular education. It appears, says the Thames Advertiser, “that the matter has been left in the hands of the Hon. C.C. Bowen, but we have nothing upon which to base an opinion as to the principle it is proposed to carry out in framing the new Bill. The inference is that with so many claims upon the land fund and the consolidated revenue it will scarcely be considered possible to make it free, however desirable such a course may be in the estimation of the hard-working and under-paid class. No doubt there is something to be urged on both sides, but with the heavy pressure on the finances of the colony, we have very little doubt Ministers will be compelled to look at the necessity for levying contributions in aid rather than introducing a free system. The Premier told us at Taranaki that it would still be conducted through Education Boards and Local Committees, and although he is known personally to be in favour of the free system, he did not say that such a system was intended. Major Atkinson said last year that “the Government desire to see education, so far as it is not maintained by endowment, provided for from the consolidated revenue”, but his more recent utterances lead us to the conclusion that he cannot see his way to make the system dependent upon this so long as our railways remain unproductive.”
THE Government have made a concession to the wealthy classes, that we cannot but think it totally uncalled for. A telegraphic message marked “urgent” is now to take priority of all others, provided the sender pays double rates. Poor people, accepting employment by telegram, may lose situations through messages being delayed by a wealthy man sending his “urgent” telegrams to his agent to buy or sell in a certain market, by which to add to his riches. A poor woman dependent for her living on her husband, working miles away, may be prevented from hearing of an accident to him until too late to proceed to his death-bed. Medical assistance, in similar cases, may also be delayed till it is no longer wanted. If the despatch of a message cannot be secured without extra payment, the sooner private enterprise steps in to compete with Government monopolies the better.
SIR, – I perceive that an attempt is to be made next session of the General Assembly not only to make Road Boards subservient to the County authorities, but also the Municipal bodies. Under these circumstances, it will be necessary for the burgesses to be watchful, and protest against any such measure. So far as the public can see, the County Councils, not only in the Hawke’s Bay district but throughout the colony, have proved the most useless and expensive bodies that have ever been brought into existence. It is notorious of the Waipawa County Council that the business transacted at its meetings is almost wholly confined to repealing what was passed at its previous meeting. The Hawkes Bay County Council has so blundered and mismanaged matters that its Chairman cannot point to one useful object it has accomplished, unless it be providing a billet or two for those requiring it. If the ratepayers of Taradale require a creek cleaned out or a bridge erected, and petition for such work, the document is handed in and allowed to be on the table, and no more is heard of it. The Wairoa County Council is the only one which has set to work, but like the Hawke’s Bay County Council, its chief business appears as yet to have been to pass bye-laws for the better Government of the County, half of which are as necessary as the County Act itself. I was never a warm admirer of the Provincial form of Government, but there is no doubt that by its abolishment we have jumped from the frying-pan into the fire.
As a Townsman, although I may have differed with many of the Municipal Council as to their actions, nevertheless I think we should be placed in a most awkward position, if our funds had to be filtered through such a body as the Hawke’s Bay County Council, and it is to be hoped we shall be saved from such a catastrophe. At the next meeting of the Municipal Council the subject will be probably debated as to whether the Napier Municipality should be represented at the Conference proposed by the Christchurch Council; and it is to be hoped our representatives will see the necessity of sending a delegate, if his only business be to protest against our being handed over to those bastard bodies – the County Councils. – I am, &c.,
Napier, June 14, 1877.
(To the Editor of the DAILY TELEGRAPH.)
SIR, – The Rev. D. Sidey, last Sunday, was good enough to make certain comments on the conduct of the local press, which are deserving of some notice from his hearers. The Incumbent of St Paul’s was pleased to think that the Press had supported, to a greater or less extent, the irreligious tone of the day, and he was discriminating enough to assert that, in this direction, one of the local papers was more ably edited than the other. I do not suppose for one minute, that you, Sir, will be inclined to dispute the claim of your contemporary to the honor of this distinction thus conferred upon it by the reverend gentleman. But I think you will agree with me when I say, that Mr Sidey’s remarks displayed, on the occasion to which I allude, far more boldness than wisdom. The injunction to be as wise as a serpent, yet as harmless as a dove, was evidently forgotten at that moment. The object was to make a local hit, on the principle, perhaps, that a dull comedy is often made tolerable by the lucky “gag” of an accomplished actor.
In drawing comparisons between two rival newspapers, circulating in a small town, to which each journal has its own particular partisans, Mr Sidey has, most probably, opened the door to the criticism of pulpit utterances, and to comparisons between his own sermons and those of other ministers.
The Herald, I notice, has taken Mr Sidey’s remarks in a spirit of humble meekness, but as a casual attendant at St Paul’s, I may be permitted to observe that I did not go to church to hear the merits or demerits of the Telegraph and the Herald.
If the reverend gentleman thinks he can edit a newspaper let him try the experiment. He would then find that if the work did not require any stupendous ability, it demanded of the editor broader views than are exhibited in the statement, that people are becoming irreligious, because they may prefer, say, the preaching of the Revd. Mr Berry to that of the Revd. Mr Sidey, or vice versa. He would discover that, to make a paper pay, the editor must regard every son of Adam as a brother in the dust, and not as one bound to perdition for holding other than Calvinistic doctrines.
The time is coming fast, is perhaps now upon us, when to fill a church – to make a pulpit pay – a clergyman must entertain as broad Christian views as are indispensably held by an editor of a newspaper that, circulating amongst a mixed community, caters for all of whatsoever religion. – I am, &c.,
AUREA MEDIOCRITAS (The Moderate Course).
Napier, June 11, 1877.
[Our correspondent cannot be accused of ignorance of one at least of the qualifications of an editor, but, perhaps the best reply to the Revd. Mr Sidey’s remarks would be, that a newspaper reflects the prevailing opinions of the day. – Ed. W.M.]
June 14.
The report of Te Kooti coming is now generally disbelieved. Volunteer corps are to be formed at four places from Gisborne to Ormond. The Government are much censured for not permitting the 400 stand of arms to be placed in the hands of the townspeople and settlers of the district. Several Maories [Maoris] with their wives, have moved nearer to Gisborne. The Government have not replied to the telegram asking the whereabouts of Te Kooti. The 400 stand of arms are still lying unprotected in the Customs shed, and no guard nor watch is placed over them. Any six men could carry them away in the night. Te Kooti wants his wife to go to him. She refuses, hence his desire to come for her. Te Kooti, should he put in an appearance, will be shot down immediately.
A MEETING of the above Board has held in the Town Hall on the 13th instant.
Present: Hon H.R. Russell (Chairman), Messrs W.L. Newman, P. Gow, S. Johnston, and W.C. Smith.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.
The Board authorised the necessary expenditure for metalling that portion of the Wallingford Road lately formed beyond the Waipukurau Parsonage.
A long discussion then took place in reference to opening (under the Public Works Act) a direct road from Takapau Railway Station to the Makaretu.
The Chairman laid before the Board a report and tracing from the Road Overseer, showing that a good and almost direct line of road from Takapau to Ashley Clinton could be got, and that it would cost very little to make it fit for dray traffic; also that if a short branch road was made from it to the crossing of the Tukipo River, it would suit the whole of the Makaretu settlers. The overseer also reported that the alternative line suggested by Colonel Lambert was impracticable, as it would be impossible to make a road there, except at a very heavy expenditure. The lowest estimate for making a passable road there would be £600.
A petition signed by a large number of the Makaretu settlers was laid before the Board asking that the line of road leading direct from Ashley Clinton to Takapau be the one opened.
It was proposed by Mr Smith and seconded by Mr Gow, that the direct road through Colonel Lambert’s and Mr Grant’s runs from Takapau to near Loye’s, Ashley Clinton, be opened, and that the portion leading in a direct line from the Mangatewai to the Tukipo River, at the junction of the Great North Road, be also opened, the Chairman being instructed to ask the County Council for a grant in aid towards the expense.
Mr Johnston moved, as an amendment, seconded by Mr Newman, that the consideration of opening that portion of the line between Loye’s and the Mangatewai stream be postponed, pending the Chairman’s application to the Council, but that the portion of the proposed road between Takapau and the Tukipo River be opened at once.
The amendment was negatived, the original motion being carried, the Chairman, and Messrs Gow and Smith voting against it.
The Chairman was instructed to communicate with Mr Grant and Colonel Lambert on the subject of opening the roads, and to ascertain if they would come to an arrangement with the Board on the subject, and if so, on what terms.
The Board instructed the Chairman to call the annual meeting of ratepayers for Tuesday, the 3rd of July.
TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1877.
(Before R. Stuart, Esq., R.M.)
Samuel Ross, charged with being drunk, pleaded guilty, and fined 5s.
James Kerigan, also charged with drunkenness and assaulting the police in the execution of their duty was fined 5s for being drunk, and £2 for the assault.
Rathbone v. Brears. – Ordered to pay £8 6s.3d. within one month, or in default to be committed for one month.
Pritchard and Olley v. Hebden. – ordered to pay £16 12s. on or before the 19th of June, in default, one month’s imprisonment.
Spiller v. Ower. – Ordered to pay £3 2s.5d. on or before 19th June, in default, one month’s imprisonment.
Rathbone v. Tight. – Claim of £15 1s.8d. for goods supplied &c. Judgment for amount, and costs 19s.
J.L. Sebley v. Houguey. – Claim of £3 10s.10d in part account delivered. Judgment for amount, and costs 9s.
Same v. Hebden – Judgment by default for £20 17s.7d amount claimed, and costs 21s.
Same v. Lindsay. – Claim £16 4s.10d. Adjourned to 10th July next, defendant having telegraphed that he was empanelled on a jury for the Supreme Court at Napier.
Terry v. H.R. Russell. – Claim £4.15s for wages. Defendant paid into Court £3 9s.2d in full satisfaction, having tendered that amount to plaintiff in discharge. Judgment for defendant.
Houguey v. Meredith. – Claim £8 5s.10d for goods supplied. Adjourned to 10th July next for further hearing.
The ceremony of christening the Steam Fire Engine took place on Thursday at the Engine Shed. Shortly before eight o’clock, the Artillery Volunteers and Cadets under the command of Captain Routledge and Lieutenant Garner, marched up to the shed, when shortly afterwards a signal was given by the ringing of the fire-bells, and the lighting up of the Brigade Building with fireworks that the ceremony was about to commence. The engine was brought out to the front of the building, attended by the members of the brigade bearing flaming torches. F. Sutton Esq., M.G.A. then mounted the platform and said: – “We have met on this important occasion to christen the Fire Engine. We have now here an engine and appliances of which Napier may be proud”. It was the only steam fire engine in the North Island, there being another in the South at Christchurch. (HBKB – Possibly a Shand Mason horse drawn steam fire engine?) He then called on Miss Miller to christen the engine. A bottle of champagne was then opened and poured into a goblet and handed to the lady, who, in throwing it over the engine, said: “I name thee the Victor, and mayest thou ever prove worthy of the name bestowed on you.” Three hearty cheers were then given by the large assemblage, the band playing the National Anthem. Mr Sutton afterwards said the engine had already proved itself worthy of the name of “Victor” at the late fire in Emerson Street, but although they had the engine, unless they had willing hands to work it, it would be of little use. He then called for three cheers for the Fire Brigade, which were heartily given, which were followed by three cheers for Miss Miller, and three more for the Superintendent of the Brigade, Mr W. Miller.
The procession was then formed in the following order, the Superintendent walking at its head, with members of the Brigade on each side of him, bearing torches: –
Four firemen bearing torches.
The band.
Detachment of artillery.
Gun on carriage drawn by one horse.
Detachment of artillery.
Four firemen bearing torches.
The steam fire engine.
Two firemen bearing torches.
Hose reel.
Detachment of artillery.
Gun on carriage drawn by one horse.
Four firemen bearing torches.
The manual engine.
Four firemen bearing torches.
Carriage containing the members of the Fire Engine Fund Committee and Mr F. Sutton, M.H.R.
Firemen bearing torches. Cadets. Firemen bearing torches.
The procession proceeded along the beach road towards the Court-house, down Browning-street, down Tennyson-street, across the eastern end of Clive-square, up Dickens-street and along Hastings-street back to the engine-house.
The streets through which the procession passed were crowded by spectators. It was acknowledged to be the grandest sight ever witnessed in Napier, the night being intensely dark, and calm.
At nine o’clock about 40 gentlemen sat down to a splendid cold collation, provided by Mr F. Oatley of the City Dining Rooms, for which he deserves every credit, all things being provided that the most fastidious could desire, while at the same time every attention was paid to the wants of those present. F. Sutton Esq, M.G.A. occupied the chair, supported on his right by the Superintendent of the Brigade, and Captain Routledge, and on his left by two of the Committee of the Fire Engine Fund, E.W. Knowles, and J. Close, Esqs.
A letter during the course of the evening was read from the Mayor R. Stuart Esq., in which his Worship regretted that, owing to his Magisterial duties in the country, he could not accept the invitation to be present.
After dinner, the Chairman called on the company to drink the health of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, which was heartily responded to.
The Chairman then gave the toast of “The Army and Navy”, coupling with it the “New Zealand Volunteers, and the names of Capt. Routledge and Lieut. Garner”. He felt sure that if such a contingency were to arise as England going to war with a foreign power that Capt. Routledge, with his men and big guns, would do their best to defend the lives and property of the settlers. (Cheers).
Capt. Routledge, in responding, said he hoped such a contingency would not arise, but if the Volunteers were called on, those of Hawke’s Bay would, as in the past, be able to give a good account of themselves. The corps he had the honor of commanding had recently received from the hands of the Napier public an amount of support and kindness for which he felt gratified, for nothing would assist Volunteers more than to be aware that their services were appreciated. He alluded to the liberal response given by the people in prizes for the corps. All the prizes had been fairly and honestly won. The Volunteers of New Zealand had proved themselves worthy of the name of Volunteers both in this district and Poverty Bay, and he was confident, if again called on, they would be found doing their duty equally as well as before. (Cheers).
Captain Routledge said it had fallen to his lot to propose the next toast, viz., that of the “Mayor and Corporation”. The speaker then referred to the attention shown to the wants of the town. He, however, regretted their last action in refusing to vote £200 instead of £100 required by the Engine Fund Committee.
The Chairman said the next toast was one of more importance than any which had preceded it, and he was sure would be drunk with bumpers. It was that of the “Fire Engine Committee, coupled with the name of Mr Close”. It was well known that when any public work required taking in hand someone must have been at work, and they had evidence that someone had been working for them. The building they were now in, the engines and appliances to arrest fire, proved this. He had been a resident of Napier 21 years, and had always advocated a steam fire engine for the town. When he heard that Napier was going to get such an engine, he felt sure that it was the best move ever made here, as the engine would soon amply repay itself. If it had not been for the interest taken by the Fire Engine Committee, they would not have been there to drink the health of the “Victor”. (Hear hear). It must be a great satisfaction to Mr Close to see that the Brigade worked so successfully. When the £200 debt was paid off, Napier would have a Brigade and appliances of which she might well be proud.
The toast was drunk with musical honours.
Mr. Close who was received with cheers, said, he begged to thank them for their cordial reception of the toast. It gave him pleasure not only as a member of the Engine Fund, but also as a citizen, to be present at the christening of the infant. He would ask them to look back and contrast their present position, with what it was now. At the last fire in Hastings-street, they had no appliances, no Brigade, no engine, yet he believed that fire did good for Napier, as it had shown them their defenceless position, and had caused a few of them to set to work til the engines, building and appliances were obtained.
If we go to the engine room what do we now see? On one side a manual engine, next a hose, 150 feet in length – and on the other we see the steam fire engine – our newly-baptised engine – the Victor; and before us gentlemen we look and see a Fire Brigade, consisting of 35 chosen and picked men of Napier (Loud cheers). With our united efforts we have gained this proud position. The result at the last fire proved they were ready for any emergency. And why? Because they had worked unitedly – obeyed the commands of their officers – and cheerfully did their duty. He had no doubt the “Victor” would prove true to her name, and that our defenders would prove true also.
Mr. E.W. Knowles said it had fallen to his lot to propose a toast which he felt sure would be as equally well received as the previous one. It was the “Superintendent of the Fire Brigade”. (Cheers). As soon as he mentioned the name of Mr. Miller he knew how it would be received. No one could take so much credit to himself, and there was no one that deserved so much from the public as that gentleman. He was the leader, the life and soul of everything in connection with the Committee. No one knew better than himself what Mr. Miller had done. He had obtained subscriptions where others had failed, and placed his time and ability at the disposal of the Brigade. He thought the success which attended the procession that evening must be a source of great satisfaction to their Superintendent. He was a man of indomitable energy, and he was sure no one was more fitted for the position he occupied as their Superintendent. The fire in Emerson-street also proved that he ought to be proud of his men – there was not a dissentient voice, but all worked with good feeling and for the benefit of the Corps. There were some people who had withheld their support from the Brigade, but there were not many. He thought the ratepayers should not begrudge the vote of £100 given by the Corporation. Those members who had supported the £200 vote were deserving of thanks, and those who had not supported it, he believed, had since regretted their action. He begged to propose the health of the Superintendent, coupling with it that of the Brigade. The toast was drunk with great enthusiasm.
Captain Routledge also wished to add his testimony to Mr Miller’s fitness for the position he occupied, and to the great services he had rendered to the Brigade.
Mr W. Miller, in rising to respond, was received with deafening applause. He said he was much pleased and gratified at the hearty reception the toast of his health had met with. He had always a liking for the work. When he first came to Napier, the thing that struck him was the defenceless state in case of fire, and sixteen years ago he formed a Brigade, but it failed. He thought very great credit was due to the Fire Engine Fund Committee. After the last fire in Hastings-street it was suggested that a public meeting should be held to take measures to protect themselves from fire. He however, suggested that a committee be formed, and the town canvassed for subscriptions, as he believed that it was useless to call a meeting on the subject. The committee met with success. Although praises had been awarded him, yet he felt that to others it was due. (No). He had belonged to several brigades, but never to one with so many good fellows as were in the Napier Brigade. The great success of the Brigade was to be attributed to the men who composed it. (Hear hear). They had no selfish object in the matter, but gave their services for the public benefit. He thought that if a serous fire took place the Brigade would be equal to any in New Zealand, and he had endeavoured to impress upon the men that, by keeping cool and obeying their officers, they would always be able to master a fire. He thought more credit should be given to his officers, for the way they had worked, and the time they had given to it. It was indeed a pleasure to work with them. Mr Knowles had referred to his (Mr Miller’s) canvass; he looked upon it as an indirect tax upon everyone. Their object in starting a brigade was to assist their fellow-citizens, and he might remind them that the best hotelkeeper in Napier had died broken-hearted through a fire. When he accepted the position of Superintendent of the Brigade it was only for six months, as he thought by that time, if they had got what they were promised, they would be in a good position. He thought the officers of the Brigade should be younger men than himself (No no). He had done his best for the Corps, but if credit was due to the Brigade, it was due to the members and the officers. Mr Kemsley had worked for it night and day, and he did not see how they could do without him. He again returned them his sincere thanks for responding so heartily to the toast of his health, and he also begged to thank Capt. Routledge and his company for the great assistance they had rendered in the procession. (Cheers).
Mr. Miller then proposed the health of Mr Sutton, and referred to him in complimentary terms. He had known him ever since his arrival in Napier, and had always found him straightforward and honourable. When Mr Sutton commenced business he was his first customer, and when he retired he was his last, and he was glad to see him at the head of the table that evening presiding over them. He was a most useful man, and when he went to the House of Representatives he would make a name for himself, for whatever he undertook he would carry it through. (Cheers).
Song – “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow”.
Mr. Sutton, who was received with loud cheers, said that when Mr Miller asked him to preside on this occasion, he had accepted the position with very great pleasure. He would always be happy to give the Brigade any assistance in his power. Mr Miller had been present at every fire in Napier, and had always taken an active and intelligent part at them, even when he was without an engine or a brigade, and was largely instrumental in saving property. In reference to his (Mr S) present position, he might say that he had been in public life for a good many years, that on his first election to the Provincial Council it was Mr Miller who had asked him to stand, and had carried him through. The people of Napier had always been pleased with his actions in the Council; if he could only succeed in a like manner in the General Assembly, no doubt they would return him again. He knew something of the wants of the colony and of this province, and if he could be of any use to the constituency he would use his utmost endeavours to serve them. He again thanked them, and said he had occupied the position of chairman with very great pleasure. (Cheers).
Mr Warner, then, in a modest speech, proposed “The Ladies”, coupling with it the name of Miss Miller.
Nr [Mr] Christie blushingly responded, hoping that on the occasion of the next anniversary, they would be favoured with the company of ladies.
The Chairman then proposed the health of Sub-Superintendent Kemsley, speaking in high terms of his qualifications as an officer of the Brigade. A good deal of the success of the Brigade was due to the second officer, and his services were deserving of some recognition at their hands (Cheers).
Mr Kemsley begged to thank them heartily, and said that Messrs Neal and Close and Mr Miller had stood by the Brigade from the first. He hoped the men would obey their officers, as it was the only way they could succeed. Hitherto they had all worked well together, and he hoped they would continue to do so (Hear, hear).
Mr Garner then proposed the health of Mr Yuill, saying that Messrs Kemsley and Yuill had worked day and night for the good of the Brigade.
Mr Yuill in responding said that he deserved no thanks, he had merely done his duty in the past, and was prepared to do it in the future.
The chairman then gave the toast of the “Press”. He said the Brigade had been well supported by both the Napier papers, and they had to thank the press for advocating the cause of the Brigade (Hear, hear).
Mr Morrison and Mr Grigg briefly responded.
Mr Knowles then proposed the “Officers of the Brigade” and in doing so alluded to how well the Brigade turned out to practice and the efficient manner in which it was drilled.
The Superintendent, Mr Miller, returned thanks.
The following toasts were then drunk; “Honorary Members of the Brigade” responded to by Mr Carnell, who offered to take the portraits of the members of the Brigade to decorate their reading-room. The “Host, Mr Oatley”, proposed by Mr Massey who spoke highly of the manner in which Mr Oatley had catered for them. Mr Oatley returned thanks, expressing his pleasure that his efforts had been appreciated. “Engineers” was also proposed and drunk enthusiastically.
The company then sang “Auld Lang Syne” and the majority departed for their homes, after spending a most pleasant and enjoyable evening. From the first to the last everything went off most successfully, and reflected credit on each and every one concerned in the management of the proceedings.
The Hawke’s Bay portion of the Suez mail arrived in Napier overland on Friday. Below will be found a summary of items culled from the latest papers. The war news was anticipated by the ‘Frisco mail.
[… ]
MONDAY, JUNE 11, 1877.
(Before His Honor Mr Justice Richmond.)
His Honor took his seat at 10 a.m.
The following Grand Jury was empanelled: – J. Rhodes (foreman), T.M. Chapman, J. Chambers, E. Sutton, J.J. Torre, G.T. Seale, K.J. Hill, J. Rochfort, W. Orr, J. Giblin, R.A.W. Brathwaite, M.R. Miller, S. Begg, H. G. Troutbeck, R. Farmer, W. Douglas, M. Hutchinson, R.P. Williams, A. Kennedy, J. Bennett, S.W. Elmes, A.F. Hamilton, and W. Ellison.
His Honor then addressed the Grand Jury. The business before them on this occasion, he said, was not such as would give them much trouble, the cases being for the most part of an ordinary kind. The calendar comprised charges of petty thefts and fraud, obtaining money under false pretences, and a petty charge of forgery. There was also a charge of arson, which, however, did not appear to be a particularly aggravated or important case. On the whole, the district might be congratulated on the comparatively trifling nature of the offences disclosed. There was one case only which called for one or two remarks – a charge of forcible entry. Such cases were not uncommon in this Colony. He had more than once notice an apparent tendency to revert to “the good old rule, the simple plan” – as though proximity to the native race had induced an inclination in some quarters to adopt the Maoris’ rough and ready way of asserting a claim. The offence was one against the common laws, but was also defined by an old statute of the reign of Richard II. The offence consisted in entering upon property in the peaceable possession of another, with the strong arm or with a multitude of people. If such a force was brought as tended to overawe resistance, it was called by the law a forcible entry. In a charge of this kind, it might sometimes be of importance, for some purposes, to enquire whether the entry had been made with title; but they need not concern themselves with that question in the present instance – in fact there was no material in the depositions for such an enquiry, and if there were, he would not recommend them to go into it. It would be enough for them to find a true bill if it appeared that the prosecutor was in peaceable possession, and the persons charged entered forcibly and in considerable numbers upon the property. The law required that a title should be asserted by peaceable means, and not in such a manner as would tend to provoke a breach of the peace. He need not detain them with any further remarks.
The Grand Jury then retired, and the Petty Jurors were called up and sworn. Two sought to be excused from serving. The first of these claimed exemption on the ground that he was an efficient volunteer; but was informed that the Act on which he relied had been repealed. The other pleaded that he was so deaf as to be unable to hear the evidence. He was totally deaf on one side. As, however he was able to hear and answer His Honor, who spoke in a low tone, the Court declined to excuse him. Two jurors (from Havelock) who came late, pleaded that the train in which they came, was behind time. They were excused, and His Honor expressed gratification that among the jurors summoned there was not a single defaulter.
The Grand Jury found a true bill against Archibald McEachan, on several charges of
Archibald McEachen was then placed in the dock, charged with a number of larcenies, comprising a considerable quantity of tobacco and cigars, also pipes, scent, scissors &c, from Stephen Hooper. There were two indictments, on each of which the prisoner pleaded guilty.
Mr Rees said the prisoner having placed himself upon the mercy of the Court, he would mention the circumstances attending the commission of the offences, in the hope of mitigating the sentence that would otherwise be passed. The prisoner had a young wife and small family. His wife had been for a considerable time ill, and it was with the object of obtaining for her certain comforts not otherwise procurable, that he had been led step by step into the commission of the offences to which he had pleaded guilty.
His Honor said that it was not a single offence of which the prisoner had been guilty; it was rather a continuous series. In fact, it appeared from the depositions that the prisoner had offered to bring for sale regular supplies of the goods in question. He would again read the depositions, and defer sentence until tomorrow.
The prisoner was then removed.
The Grand Jury having found a true bill against John Hayman for felony, he was placed in the box, and charged with stealing on the 23rd February, a watch and chain, the property of James Knowles.
Prisoner pleaded not guilty.
The following Jury was empanelled: – T. Morrison, James Cooper, W.C. Hunt, John Beattie, James Neagle, Joseph Wall, W. Tuckwell, W. Hughes, John Smith, P. Hall, W.T. Newton, G. Merrett.
Mr Cotterill opened the case.
James Knowles, sworn, deposed: I am a seaman, residing at Port Ahuriri. I am employed on the steamer Fairy, and had a watch and chain on board. I made a mistake in laying information, and believe it was about the 7th or 10th February when I missed the watch. I had left it in my bunk; the chain was then attached. I next saw the chain about the 28th March, in Frederick’s possession. (Chain produced and identified). I know the prisoner; I have seen him about the Spit. I saw him four or five days after I missed the chain. He had come on board several times and lent me a hand with the cargo, before I lost the watch. I never saw him in any part of the vessel except backwards and forwards on deck. I never gave or sold him the watch and chain, nor gave him any authority to deal with it. My bunk was below in the cabin. The cook was on board in charge on the night I lost my watch. The hatch is generally locked when no one is on board. The man in charge ought to be in the cabin. I believe the cook is away at sea in the Fairy at present. I have never seen my watch since.
Cross-examined by Mr Lascelles: I made a mistake in the date when I laid the information, because I was married that day (laughter). That put it out of my recollection, and the 23rd was the nearest date I could get to it. I told Mr Scully the same evening that I had mistaken the date. I had put it down on a piece of paper but had mislaid it. I gave information of the loss of the watch to Harvey the policeman on the 18th, the day I missed it. I gave him all particulars. I have never seen the prisoner in the cabin. I left the cook on board on Saturday the 10th. The cabin had been generally locked when no one stayed on board.
By the Court: I had seen the watch and chain on the Thursday before I missed it.
By Mr. Lascelles: I do not recollect having seen the prisoner on board between the Thursday and Saturday.
Mary Ann Stone, sworn: I am the wife of Joseph Stone, carrier living at the Spit. I know the prisoner. He was boarding at my house, and left in February on the 16th or 17th. After he left I found a chain and tobacco-pouch in a case in my front room, where prisoner had slept. (Produced and identified). I knew the pouch as having been in the prisoner’s possession, but had not seen the chain before. I put them back where I found them. I saw John Fredericks who used to be boarding with the prisoner, the same day and gave him the chain and pouch to give to him. I did not see the articles again till they were brought to my house by Inspector Scully and Constable Harvey. I found the chain in the pouch. I had never before seen it in prisoner’s possession.
Cross-examined by Mr. Lascelles: I believe it was about the end of February when I found the things. I told Fredericks to ask the prisoner to whom it belonged. I spoke to Fredericks on the Friday, and he called for the things, with some clean clothes of the prisoner’s on the Saturday. The pouch was in a packing case where I kept odds and ends. They had both been boarding at my house, and Fredericks had left about a month before. The prisoner left my house when he was arrested. Frederick was not in the house from the time he left till he called for the chain. A man named Hammond used to come and see the prisoner sometimes. I never kept the front-room door locked except at night, and was often in and out.
John Fredericks, sworn: I am a carter residing at the Spit. I know the prisoner. I know the last witness, I remember her giving me a pouch and chain about the end of February last. (Produced and identified). I had not seen either of them before. I took them to the prisoner on the same day, he was then in jail. I offered him the pouch and chain, and he told me to keep them. I did not show him the chain; but I told him of it. I said, “I have the pouch and chain”, and he said, “All right, you can keep them.” I did not tell him where I
got them: he knew. Nothing more passed at this time. About a week after, when I took him his clothes again, I told him that I had found the owner of the chain, and that there had been a watch attached to it; and I asked him if he knew where the watch was. He told me no at the time. He did not tell me where he had got the chain. I did not ask him on any occasion where he had got it; I only asked him again about the watch. He told me then that he had given it to Mr Hammond. I gave the watch to the owner, Mr Knowles. Prisoner did not account to me in any way for this chain being in his possession.
Cross-examined by Mr Lascelles: I saw the prisoner twice in the jail. Mr Bygum, an officer of the jail, was present on both occasions. Mr Miller, the governor of the jail was not present on the second occasion. It was then late in the evening. I did not describe the chain to him in any way. I told him that I had his pouch, and asked him if he knew what was in it. He said “Yes”. I did not know myself at that time; I had not got it with me; Mrs Stone had told me to ask him. I went up to see prisoner on the same day that Mrs Stone first spoke to me of it. The prisoner then asked me to bring him a change of clothes. I saw him next on the Saturday or Sunday. I did not take much notice, and I cannot say whether I saw him twice or three times. I am perfectly sure that Mrs Stone did not tell me what was in the pouch.
Mrs. Stone recalled: I told Fredericks to take the pouch to the prisoner. He was to tell him of the chain, and ask him what it meant, as I did not know it. I believe it was the same day I showed him the chain the day I found it, and gave him both the pouch and chain the next day.
Cross-examination of Fredericks continued: I am not certain whether it was twice or three times that I saw prisoner. It might have been another officer and not Bygum who was with me. Mr Miller was not present on the last occasion – late on Sunday night; he may have been present on the occasion. Mr Scully went with me. When I told prisoner that an owner had been found for the chain I said it was Mr Knowles. It was about a week after I got the chain that Knowles asked me about it and got it, and I went up with Mr Scully the same day. This was not on a Sunday; it was the middle of the week. It was on the same occasion that I spoke to him about the watch. The prisoner did not deliberately admit that he had taken the watch and given it to Mr Hammond. I said “This will get you into trouble, and you had better tell me before there’s any row about it.” I was about half-an-hour or three-quarters inducing him to tell me what he had done with the watch. The owner said that if he found the watch and chain there would be no row at all about it. I do not know the place where the box was found; I had left for three months. I used to sleep in the same room as prisoner; but never used to take much notice of things there.
Mr. Cotterill then addressed the Jury. There was no difficulty as regarded the evidence of the last witness; but all the material facts remain uncontradicted.
His Honor: There is one point, Mr Cotterill, I am rather in doubt, whether this admission if made, amounts to confession. I am sorry that the rule exists, but it is so, that if any kind of inducement is held out to the prisoner to confess, his admissions are not to be taken as evidence. It may be my duty to tell the Jury to disregard that part of the evidence.
The question of admissibility of the prisoner’s admission was then argued by counsel on both sides, and his Honor, after hearing the argument, ruled that it could not be accepted. He then directed the Jury, in coming to a conclusion, to dismiss this portion of the evidence from their minds. The English was very particular – too particular it might be – to exclude admissions which had been obtained by any kind of inducement.
Mr Cotterill for the Crown and Mr Lascelles for the prisoner, having addressed the Jury, His Honor summed up, charging the Jury if they saw any very fair and reasonable doubt in the case, to give the prisoner the benefit of it.
The Grand Jury having found true bills in all cases brought before them, were discharged with the thanks of Her Majesty and the colony.
John Hayman was again placed in the dock charged with having stolen on the 14th Feb., certain monies amounting to £5 from George Wilson.
Prisoner plead not guilty, and the following Jury was empanelled: – James Gray (foreman), A McRoberts, T. Murphy, J. Morgan, T. Enright, C. Lamb, John Harris, Isaac Trask, J. Marshall, G.E. Toop, T.H. Sale, C. Saunders.
The prisoner was defended by Mr Lascelles.
Mr. Cotterill opened the case and called George Wilson bootmaker of Port Ahuriri, who deposed as to the loss of the money, and his reasons for suspecting the prisoner of having being the thief.
Other evidence was also called to connect the prisoner with the offence, but as it was fully reported when the case was before the Police Court, there is no necessity for our reproducing it.
Mr Lascelles said he would call no evidence.
His Honor said he could not see that there was any case to go to the jury, neither the man nor the property had been identified. After his experience he had been profoundly impressed with the danger of assuming identification from mere similarity of appearance. He felt bound to instruct the jury that there was no case for them. The jury were ordinarily judges of fact, but it was for the judge to say where there was actually no evidence.
The jury then left the box.
The foreman of the jury in the first charge against the same prisoner here reported that there seemed no probability of the jury coming to a decision, though only one was now “sticking out”. His Honor said that under the humane law of last session a jury was allowed refreshment. He could not dismiss them, but would order the sheriff to see that reasonable refreshments were supplied to the jurymen.
Mr Inspector Scully applied for an order to restore a considerable portion of stolen property now in the possession of the police, to Mr S. Hooper. His Honor, in granting the order remarked that, judging from the depositions there appeared to have been culpable carelessness, if nothing worse, on the part of some of those who had purchased articles from the prisoner McEachan, and that it was perhaps as well for some of them that action had not been taken against them as well as the prisoner.
His Honor took his seat at 10 a.m.
The Jury in this case, who had been locked up all night, entered, and gave a verdict of not guilty.
His Honor: Prisoner John Hayman, it is my duty to discharge you. In my view of the question, you are a very lucky man. You can go.
The prisoner at once left the Court.
Archibald McEachan, who had pleaded guilty to various charges of larceny, was placed in the dock.
His Honor: Prisoner at the bar, I have carefully considered your case, with the view of passing upon you the shortest sentence I can consistently with my public duty. Your offence has been of a very grave character; and you have abused the confidence of your employer in a scandalous manner. It is a very bad case. On the other hand, I take your plea of guilty as indicating contrition; and your counsel has referred to the fact that there are those dependent on you who must acutely feel the position in which you are placed. The latter is a matter that I cannot take into consideration – it is my duty to look at your crime as affecting society, not those who are unfortunate enough to be dependent upon you. On the first indictment you are sentenced to twelve months hard labor in the Napier Gaol. On the second indictment, I shall inflict a light sentence, not concurrent with the other – a further term of twelve month’s imprisonment with hard labor, commencing at the expiration of the former sentence.
The prisoner was then removed.
John Cartright and James Peters were indicted with having obtained from C.D. Berry and J.H. Anderson the sum of £28 for a certain mare which they falsely pretended to be their property.
Prisoners pleaded not guilty, and were defended by Mr Rees.
Mr. Cotterill opened the case for the prosecution, and called the evidence of Messrs Berry and Anderson, who testified to the circumstance under which the money was obtained. The prisoners giving a certain mare as security for an advance of money and a previous debt amounting altogether to £28; which mare it was shown by other evidence, had already been sold to another person, by whom possession was soon afterwards taken. All the witnesses were closely cross-examined by Mr Rees who in summing up his case agreed in the first case that there was no partnership between the prisoners; that Peters neither had nor professed any claim to the animal; and further that no false pretence was made by either party.
His Honor summed up the case very carefully and at great length, giving through the whole of the evidence. The Jury then (2 p.m.) retired.
The Jury, at 2.30 p.m, returned a verdict of not guilty in the case of both prisoners, who were at once discharged.
Charles H. Ingle, charged with forgery, pleaded guilty. His Honor reserved sentence till tomorrow.
(Before R. Stuart Esq., R.M.)
John Glover was charged on the information of Sergeant Robinson with having stolen a pair of boots of the value of 12s 6d, the property of one William Tuckwell. On the application of the prosecuting officer, defendant was remanded until to-morrow at 11 o’clock.
Twenty one civil summonses had been issued for hearing to-day, of which number five had been settled out of Court, and two had not been served. In three other cases the date of hearing was extended on the application of the parties concerned. The following cases came before the Court and were deposed of as under:-
Simon v Humphry. – Debt £2 12s.6d Judgment was given by default for the amount, and costs 10s.
Binks Trustees v R.C. Hastie. – Debt £15 14s.10d. Judgment was given for plaintiff, and costs £1.
Moore v Hensen. – £3 2.8d. Judgment by default for plaintiff, and costs 9s.
LeQuesne v. Krause. – Debt £34 2s.5d. Judgment for plaintiff for amount, and costs £15.
R. Stuart v. Carter. – Claim £5 for five weeks wages at 25s per week. As there was no proof that the plaintiff had been employed by Mr Carter, judgment was given for the defendant.
John Stuart v. Carter. – Claim £9 14s.10d. made by the brother of R. Stuart as the balance due to him by defendant. After His Worship heard the evidence and examined the several items, he gave judgment for Mr Carter with costs £1 18s to be paid by plaintiff.
Two cases brought by Canning against Wells for £18 16s.10d. and £21 7s. were adjourned until the 29th instant.
Hall v. Thornhill. – this was a judgment summons for £6 2s. the Court ordered that defendant pay 30s per month, or in default of payment to be imprisoned for one month.
Regina v Arnold. – Claim £65. Judgment for plaintiff and costs £2 18s.1d. This included solicitor’s fee.
Regina v. Lillywhite. – Claim £24. Judgment for the amount, and £2 6s costs.
Regina v. Cameron. – Claim £29 10s. Judgment for amount, and costs, £2 6s.
Regina v. T.P. Fuller. – Claim £32. Judgment for amount, and costs £2 6s.
Thomas Sullivan, for an aggravated offence of the above nature, was fine 20s, or in default 48 hours imprisonment. He elected to do the 48 hours.
George Hammond, on suspicion of being a lunatic, was again brought before the Court, and again the information was dismissed, the medical report not warranting his committal to the Asylum.
John Glover, charged with stealing a pair of boots of the value of 12s 6d. from the shop of W. Tuckwell, shoemaker, said that “he did not know anything about it; he had been drinking, and he had a sunstroke”. The evidence showed that Glover walked deliberately into the shop and took the boots and went off with them, and was taken with them in his possession. The evidence was most conclusive against him. Defendant hoped the Court would be lenient. He was sentenced to one month’s imprisonment with hard labor.
Mary Ann McNamara, alias McDonald, was charged on the information of Police-Sergeant Robinson, with having stolen, on the 31st day of May last, one shawl of the value of one pound – the property of one John Fisher of Port Ahuriri. She admitted taking the shawl, but said she thought it was her own. The evidence went to show that prisoner had taken the shawl from a little girl, the daughter of Fisher, whilst she was attending a place of public Worship, and had consequently converted it to her own use. She had told the police she had taken it, and was sorry. A previous conviction was proved against her. She was sentenced to one month’s imprisonment with hard labor.
James Kelly charged with stealing a pair of boots valued at twelve shillings the property of one Thomas Williams on Saturday last, was on the application of Sergeant of Police remanded until Thursday the 14th instant.
IN the long past, so long that most of those then living have gone to their last home, a young European stood on an elevated mound surrounded by a number of natives, who out of curiosity had accompanied him to this position. “Listen!” he said, “you wish me to live amongst you; you are ready to lease me all the land there is to be seen from here, and much beyond. I tell you I am not rich; I am young and strong; I know I am hopeful; so be it. We will be friends, and, with God’s help, I will do the work allotted me, fulfil the responsibilities I undertake, and, should the day come when I shall have mastered the difficulties and troubles there will be to meet, I find myself a free and independent man, I pledge myself to build a church on this spot as a token of gratitude for achieved success.” And thus it comes that on this, the 3rd June 1877, many a year after, a church stands where the past had seen but dense scrub and wild vegetation; and its bell tolls so lustily and cheerily as this is the first occasion Divine service is to be held within its walls.
But why so unusual a commotion, such a gathering of friends, such whisperings amongst the young, such pleased looks? Of a truth an event of no small moment has taken place. There has been a birth, there is now to be a christening; a son has been given to Mr J. Nairn, Junr and its baptism takes place today. The morning service is performed by the Rev Mr Simcox, resident clergyman, who taking his text from the 1st Epistle of St John, 7th and 8th verses, gave us a most impressive sermon. Then came the churching of Mrs J. Nairn, followed by the baptism of her first-born, Charles Edward Nairn, in as pretty and charming a small church as anyone would wish to see. It stands on a tolerably high mound, about half-a-mile from the sea which it overlooks, and it seems to shelter, as it were, with its holy spirit, the surrounding dwellings and their inmates. Its style is of the Gothic; its size capable of holding a congregation of some sixty, costing about £500; it has a good nave, is well supplied with lights and is substantially built of totara and red pine, having a couple of vestry rooms. Its interior is strikingly pleasing, and much praise is due to Mr H. Nairn for displacing a heavy attempt at a pulpit, and replacing it by a very prettily made reading desk and a couple of chairs of his own make; nor can his wife be exempted, for the altar cloth, the work of her hands is very handsome. Well may he and his brothers, owners of this valuable property, congratulate themselves at having such a building on their estate; and their father the respected and esteemed octogenarian Mr J. Nairn, Sen, of 85 winters, has cause to be thankful for the realization of a long desired wish.
In the evening, another service was held by the rev. clergyman, who taking his text from 19th psalm, 10th verse, was most happy in the subject of his sermon; and as we left the building we could not but feel that the light from its spiral windows was as the harbinger of the spiritual light, which would in time shed its beams of a Christianised world. When it is taken into consideration that the site upon which this Church stands, represents an old fortified Maori pa, where years gone by savage yells were heard, and still more wild and savage feelings influenced the occupants, truly may it be said, to the uttermost ends of the earth shall the gospel of Christ be carried, that gospel which teaches peace, good will, and brotherly love to all mankind. – (Communicated.)
June 7, 1877.
The scene of yesterday’s railway accident was in the cutting about a mile and a half on the Napier side of Kaikora. I think these accidents, occurring almost day after day, should at last awake the Government to the fact that it is absolutely necessary to fence in the line for the protection of life. It was by a happy chance that some trucks carrying rails for the line were next the engine, for had the bullock jumped among the passenger cars it is more than probable that the affair would have assumed a more serious aspect. As it was, there was no further damage done than the tearing up of a short length of line, killing the beast, and the inconvenience to the passengers, who were sent on in an open truck procured from the Kaikora station. But of course, with the usual consideration and attention, our mails were left behind to come by the train, which did not arrive until late in the afternoon.
Our worthy Licensing Commissioners have been creating a commotion here; but still we are almost obliged to them for giving us a little excitement. The Empire Hotel is one of the best conducted houses in Hawke’s Bay, containing every comfort and convenience the travelling public can desire – saving a water-closet inside the house. And because the host refuses to turn his clean and healthy house into a fever nest, the aforesaid Commissioners threaten to cancel his licence. Forsooth, we shall see!
I see by the DAILY TELEGRAPH that one or two of the Napier publicans have been cautioned as to the state of their back yards. Waipawa certainly wants an Inspector of Nuisances; an unfortunate horse which met with an accident and was killed the other day was chained behind a cart, dragged to the river-bed, and left under the railway bridge to fumigate the township. One would also think from certain odours which assail the olfactory nerves at every corner, that the pig trade was in a very flourishing state. I hope it is, for everything else is very quiet and slack.
The price of bread here is sevenpence the two pound loaf.
P.S. – I have just seen your local today, in reference to my telegram of yesterday. Of course the railway authorities desire to keep the fact of these numerous accidents happening in the dark. The Herald of this morning contains no mention of it at all. I can only repeat that I obtained my information that the line was torn up, and that new rails were taken from the trucks and laid down before the train could be brought up, on good authority. The train arrived here between half-past two and three in the afternoon, instead of at 10.55 a.m.
Watches! Watches! Watches !
DRAWS special attention to his Magnificent Stock of WATCHES, just received direct from English and American Manufacturers, and made Specially to Order, which, for Excellence and Cheapness, are unequalled in the colony.
All Watches sold at this establishment are thoroughly regulated and put in working condition before leaving the premises, and Guaranteed.
SAMSON FENCE WIRE. – This is an entirely new article, and is fast superseding the old style. Five Wires weigh Ten cwt. per mile, and costs in Melbourne £12 10s, versus Seventeen cwt. ordinary wire costing £14 10s (the relative cost will be the same at the principal ports of Australasia) with the advantage of having Seven cwt. less to pay carriage for. Over 1,000 TONS sold by one firm last year, giving unbounded satisfaction. Send for full descriptive circular with innumerable testimonials from leading colonists, and judge for yourselves. McLEAN BROS., and RIGG, Importers, and General Ironmongers, Melbourne.
“By a through knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” – See in the Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk.
Sold only in pockets (tins for abroad), labelled: –
IN thanking the public of Hawke’s Bay for the liberal support they have given him hitherto, wishes to inform them that he has removed to KAIKORA, where he hopes by strict attention to business to merit a fair share of their patronage.
Plans and Specifications taken out at usual rates.
At their Nursery, Taradale.
They would draw special attention to their fine stock of Apple Trees.
A.M.* A.M. + A.M. P.M. P.M.
Spit, depart 7.40 11.0 3.40
Napier arrive 7.50 11.10 3.50
Napier depart 6.45 7.55 11.30 4.10 2.30
Farndon depart 7.10 8.20 11.55 4.35 2.55
Hastings, depart 7.35 8.45 12.20 5.0 3.20
Pak Paki arrive 9.5 5.18
Paki Paki depart 7.53 9.13 5.20
Te Aute arrive 8.32
Te Aute depart 8.35 9.55 6.5
Kaikora depart 9.15 10.35 6.45
Waipawa, depart 9.35 10.55 7.25
Waipukurau arrive 9.55 11.15 7.25
Waipukurau depart 10.0 11.30
Takapau, arrive 10.50 12.20
* On Monday and Thursday only.
+ On Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.
A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
Takapau, depart 2.20
Waipukurau, dep. 7.10 3.15
Waipawa, depart 7.30 3.35
Kaikora, depart 7.50 3.55
Te Aute arrive 8.31
Te Aute depart 8.33 4.35
Paki Paki, arrive 9.10 5.15
Paki Paki, depart 9.12 5.22
Hastings, depart 9.32 1.0 5.42 5.20
Farndon, depart 9.57 1.25 6.7 5.45
Napier arrive 10.22 1.50 6.32 6.10
Napier depart 7.20 10.25 3.0
Spit, arrive 7.30 10.35 3.10
*Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday only.
Passengers are requested not to enter or leave the carriages while in motion.
Season tickets issued to and from all Stations. Apply to the Manager.
To ensure despatch, Parcels should be booked fifteen minutes before the starting of the Train.
General Manager,
Napier, March 8, 1877.
HOLLOWAY‘S PILLS AND OINTMENT. I most respectfully take leave to call the attention of the inhabitants of Australasia to the fact that Messrs. Henry Curran and Co., Wholesale Druggists, of New York, have agencies in various parts, and that their Travellers are going all over the country vending spurious Imitations of my Pills and Ointment, which they make in New York, and which bear in some instances their trade mark thus
Whilst on other labels of this trash it is omitted , the better to deceive you, but the words ‘New York’ are retained. Much of this fictitious stuff is sold in the Auction Rooms of Sydney and elsewhere, and readily finds its way into the back settlements. These are vile frauds, as I do not allow my medicines even to be sold in any part of the United States; they are only made by me at 533, Oxford Street, London.
The same people are circulating a report that my business is about to be formed into a Company which is UTTERLY FALSE.
I most earnestly appeal to that sense of British justice which I feel sure I may venture upon asking my kind countrymen and countrywomen in their distant homes, to assist me, as far as may lay in their power, in denouncing this shameful American Fraud, by cautioning their friends lest they he duped into buying villainous compounds styled “Holloways Pills and Ointment” with any New York label thereon.
Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, with the words “HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT, LONDON.” engraved thereon. On the labels is the address, 533 Oxford street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
LONDON, Feb. 15, 1796
and at
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted in English, Continental, and American Newspapers, Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines, Books, and Stationery supplied with accuracy and punctuality, and at the lowest prices.
Proprietors of Newspapers furnished with Paper, Ink, and every requisite connected with the printing business.
Indents through the Sydney and Melbourne houses, and Commissions executed quickly and economically generally.
Persons suffering from weak or debilitated constitutions will discover that by the use of this wonderful medicine there is “Health for all.” The blood is the fountain of life, and its purity can be maintained by the use of these pills.
in his work entitled “The Nile Tributaries in Abbyssinia,” says, “I ordered the dragoman Mahomet to inform the Fakey that I was a Doctor, and that I had the best medicines at the service of the sick, with advice gratis. In a short time I had many applicants, to whom I served out a quantity of Holloway’s Pills. These are most useful to an explorer, as possessing unmistakable purgative properties they create an undeniable effect upon the patient, which satisfies him of their value.”
Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment. I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse feed poured in upon us until at last a teaspoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
On the Label in the address, 533, Oxford-street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
With a “New York” Label.
Spital Hill, Sheffield, direct the attention of Flock Owners and Shearers to their Improved New Pattern, No. 69 Shear, which for quality, style, finish, and adaptability to the requirements of the Australian and New Zealand markets, cannot be surpassed. The main features are – great extra width of steel in the blades, accurately ground, long shanks with narrow grip. Procurable at the leading Ironmongers’ Warehouses throughout Australasia.
Look for this Trade Mark in blade.
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser
Standing Advertisements for Three, Six or Twelve Months can be arranged for at a Liberal Discount.
Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original order) must be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager.
W. DENHOLM, Port Ahuriri
£ s
Per Quarter, if paid in advance 0 6
Per Quarter, if booked 0 7
Per Annum, if paid in advance. 1 6
Per Annum, if booked 1 10
Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1877.
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