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- Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 085 - 30 June
Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 085 – 30 June
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.
3,920 ACRES Freehold, rich pastoral land, Wairoa, with
800 Sheep, and 100 head Cattle
900 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa
4,677 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa, with
3,000 Sheep, and other necessary working improvements
3,000 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,220 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
400 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
2,500 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved, with
2,000 Sheep and 250 head Cattle
4,200 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Poverty Bay
11,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, Poverty Bay, with
3000 Sheep and few Cattle
1,600 acres Leasehold, half interest, Poverty Bay
8,800 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa [ Tolaga ] Bay, with
3,000 Sheep and good improvements
1,100 acres Freehold, rich land, Opotiki, with
1,000 Sheep, and all necessary improvements
33,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 26 miles from Napier
55,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 70 miles from Napier with
5,000 sheep and 50 head Cattle
9,000 acres Freehold, Agricultural and Pastoral, Seaboard, with
14,000 acres Leasehold, valuable improvements, and
15,000 Sheep, few Cattle, Horses, &c.
1,639 acres Freehold, near Greytown, with
1,040 acres Leasehold, all fenced and subdivided, and
5,000 longwool Sheep, 120 Cattle, few horses, and every improvement necessary. The coach road passes through the property.
Stock and Station Agent.
MR. EVAN’S Draught Stallion “LORD NELSON,” by “Sir Colin Campbell,” dam “Blossom,” etc.
Liberal terms.
For further particulars apply to
On Deferred Payments.
For particulars, apply to
of various extent, and
Stocked and Unstocked, in the Provinces of Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington, Canterbury, and Otago.
For particulars, apply at the office, Browning-street, Napier.
All First-class Flocks.
STORE SHEEP. – Various Lots of Store Merinos Ewes and Wedders for Sale.
WANTED KNOWN – That in all Orders for GENERAL PRINTING executed at the DAILY TELEGRAPH Office, FULL NUMBERS are guaranteed.
Government Notifications.
Crown Lands Office,
Napier, 19th May, 1877.
NOTICE is hereby given that the following selections of land in the MAKARETU RESERVE having been forfeited, will under Section 13 of the above Act, be sold for Cash, by Public Auction at the Crown Lands Office, at Noon on MONDAY, the 30th July, 1877.
Application Contents Upset price
A.R.P £ s. d.
13 100 0 0 50 0 0
15 100 0 0 50 0 0
17 200 0 0 100 0 0
49 100 0 0 50 0 0
50 60 0 0 30 0 0
54 100 0 0 50 0 0
86 40 0 0 20 0 0
110 50 0 0 25 0 0
111 50 0 0 25 0 0
*The above areas are exclusive of 5 per cent allowance for Roads.
Commissioner of Crown Lands.
Crown Lands Office,
Napier, 19th May, 1877.
I HEREBY give Notice that the right to depasture Stock for a period of 5 years over 1500 acres more or less land in the Arapawanui and Moeangiangi District, now at the disposal of the Government, and which was lately comprised in License No. 123, will be offered for competition by Public Auction at this office, at Noon, on SATURDAY, the 30th June next, subject to the terms of “The Hawke’s Bay Renewal of Licenses Act, 1870.”
Conditions may be obtained at this office.
Commissioner of Crown Lands.
THE Annual Meeting of the Ratepayers of the Waipukurau Road Board District, for the purpose of electing Wardens, &c., will be held in the Waipukurau Town Hall, on TUESDAY, July 3rd, at 1p.m.
Chairman of the Board.
The Annual Meeting of Ratepayers will be held at Mr. Caulton’s West Clive Hotel, on MONDAY, 9th July, at 2p.m.
Business – Election of Wardens.
F. SUTTON, Chairman
Royston, 21 June, 1877.
Against Fire and Marine Losses secured to Policyholders in the
Representing One Million Sterling of Capital, with unlimited liability of Shareholders.
Liberal Term and Prompt Settlement of Losses characteristic features of the Company.
Forms of Proposal and all information may be obtained from
SMITH & CO., Waipukurau;
W. RATHBONE, Waipawa;
W. G. CRAWFORD, Kaikora;
GEORGE BEE, Havelock;
ELDRED BECK, West Clive;
JOHN BARRY, Taradale;
W.F. SHAW, Wairoa;
or from
Agent for Hawke’s Bay
Office – Beach end of Emerson street
Harbor Board Office,
Napier, 16th June, 1877.
THE above Reserve, containing 11 acres more or less, all well grassed and now being fenced in, will be Leased by Public Auction, on SATURDAY, the 30th June, at noon, in the old Provincial Chamber, for a term of Twelve Months, at the upset price of £30. Subject to conditions which can be ascertained at my office.
Harbor Board Office,
Napier, 16th June, 1877.
THE Unsold portion of the above block, better known as Torr’s late paddock, will be leased by Public Auction, on SATURDAY, the 30th June, at noon, in the old Provincial Chamber, for a term of twelve months at the upset price of £100. Subject to conditions which can be ascertained at my office.
Education Board Office,
Napier, June 4, 1877.
NOTICE is hereby given that the following Education Reserve will be offered for Lease (21 years) by Public Auction at the late Provincial Council Chamber, on TUESDAY, September 4, 1877 :-
Section 289 B, Town of Napier, 1 rood. Upset price £20 per annum.
Chairman Education Board.
TENDERS will be received up till FRIDAY, June 29th for Road Works in the vicinity of Waipawa Bush.
Specifications can be seen at Mr. Rathbone’s Store, Waipawa.
Chairman Patangata Road Board.
Kaikora, June 18, 1877.
JULY, 1877
For Gisborne, Tauranga and Auckland:
Wanaka, s.s. Thursday, July 5.
Wellington, s.s. Thursday, July 19
Taupo, s.s. Thursday, August 2
For Auckland and Sydney:
(Carrying outward ‘Frisco Mail)
Rotorua, s.s. Sunday, July 1
Rotorua, s.s. Sunday, July 29
For Wellington and Southern Ports:
Wanaka, s.s. Saturday, June 30
Wanaka, s.s. Saturday, July 14
Rotorua, s.s. Thursday, July 19
Wellington, s.s. Saturday, July 28
Passengers receive Free Pass for Steam Launch, at the Agent’s office.
6 ROOMED Cottage and Section, upwards of half-an-acre, Coote-road, house well finished.
6 Roomed Cottage and Section, ½ acre, Milton road. Grounds planted with fruit and other trees.
5 Roomed Cottage and Section, ¼ acre, overlooking Milton road. Grounds laid out. House nearly new.
4 Roomed Cottage and Section, adjoining Maori Club, facing the sea.
4 Roomed Cottage and Section, 24 x 80, Chaucer-road. Price £95.
4 Roomed Cottage and Section, White-road, near the Maori Club. Price £160.
4 Roomed Cottage and Section, one-eight of an acre, Milton-road.
2 Four-Roomed Cottages and Sections, Milton-road, near the Oddfellows’ Hall.
2 Four-Roomed Cottages and Sections, Dickens-street, corner of Dalton and Dickens-streets.
4 Roomed Cottage and Section on the Beach, near the Napier Hotel.
3 Roomed Cottage and Section, 115 x 27, Port Ahuriri.
3 Roomed Cottage and Section, one-eight of an acre, Shakespeare Road. Garden planted with fruit trees in full bearing. Within two minutes walk of the Post Office.
2 Two-Roomed Cottages and Section. 170 x 200, Onepoto Gully. Well on Section.
2 Two-Roomed Cottages and Sections, White-road, near the Maori Club. Price £90 each.
2 Roomed Cottage and Section, 21 x 66, Port Ahuriri.
2 Roomed Cottage with 1 acre land laid out as an orchard, at Puketapu.
2 Roomed Cottage and Section in Awatoto township.
SUBURBAN SECTION 75 in part, two sub-divisions, near Catholic Chapel.
Suburban Section 89 in part, sub-division 5, Marine Parade.
Suburban Section 82 in part, one or two sub-divisions.
Suburban Section 87 in part, one sub-division, Shakespeare-road.
Suburban Section 45 in part, one sub-division, near the residence of G. Scarfe, Esq.
Suburban Section 23 in part, four sub-divisions, near the residence of G.T. Fannin, Esq.
Suburban Section 78 in part, ¼ acre, fenced and planted.
Suburban Section 79 in part, 1¼ acre.
Town Section 296 in part, White-road
Town Section 308 in part, White-road
Town Section 312 in part, White-road
Town Section 311 in part, White-road
Town Section 302 in part, White-road
Town Section 41 in part, Hyderabad-rd.
Town Section 353 in part, Dickens-street
Town Section 377 in part, Munroe-street near Railway
Town Section 382 in part, Munroe-street
Town Section 223 in part, Thackeray-st.
Sections in Hastings, Woodville, Hampden, and Waipawa.
Price 2s 6d each.
WANTED KNOWN – That Printing is executed at the DAILY TELEGRAPH office below Wellington Prices.

June 22.
Both steamers got in safely to-day.
Mathew, a chief of the Ngatikuripakau, died this morning, and the natives are holding a tangi over him.
June 22.
The amount paid for the Otago Daily Times is said to be £27,000, equal to about £74 per share. Messrs. Reynolds and Driver are said to be the purchasers, report says on behalf of the squatting party.
June 23.
Mr. Clayton, the Colonial Architect, is engaged making a valuation of all the Government buildings in this district. He is being assisted by Capt. Wales.
At Clinton, on Tuesday, as Judge Ward descended from the coach on his way to Invercargill, he ordered into custody a drunkard named Hall, who was using abusive language, and there and then sentenced him to a term of 14 days hard labor, while the transaction only occupied the time the horses were being changed.
Messrs Macandrew, Stout, Reynolds, and Brown, M.H.R.’s, attended the Chamber of Commerce Conference re railways. The chairman read a correspondence which showed that Messrs Proudfoot and McKay were offering to construct the gaps on the main lines for 15 per cent. above Brogden’s price for the million contract, taking 6 per cent. debentures at par, or cash in payment, and pledging to finish the southern section in ten, and the northern section in nine months from the acceptance of their tender. The Government reply that they see no reason for letting works otherwise than by public tender. On the subject of branch railways Mr Macandrew did not think that any would be made for a long day. If Otago had been left to develope her own resources, every main road would have been turned into a railroad. Mr Reynolds said he would not vote for any branch line unless it was clearly shewn that it would pay something above working expenses, and only some lines in Canterbury and Otago do that. He urged the Chamber to study the inequalities of representation and make a move in that direction. The Government, when it decided on taking over the line, promised to give the constructors something above prime cost; also the counties being endowed with the land for the purposes of making lines within their own boundaries.
Mr J.C. Brown caused much laughter by saying he mainly succeeded in getting the Tuapeka line through making a bargain with the Taranaki members to vote for the Waitara line, and so getting their support.
There was a warm passage-at-arms between Messrs Driver and Macandrew. The former persistently charged the city members with remissness last session, saying it would have been better for his constituents’ interest if they dealt less with sentiment and more with practical business. Mr Macandrew replied that the charges were without foundation. Otago would never get her railways until she got her own again, and hoped this session would produce such a revolution in the political wheel as would result in that. He would not sell his vote for a railway at the request of any member of the Chamber.
At Oamaru, circumstances have come to light showing that Mrs Quarrie’s sudden death on Thursday was the result of violence. Shortly after her death her eldest son, aged 20, disappeared during the progress of the inquiry. Yesterday afternoon the Coroner received a telegram stating that he had given himself up to the police at Waimate on a charge of killing his mother. It is said the deceased was given to drink, and her son thrashed her.
June 25.
An accident of a very serious character occurred on Saturday morning at the biscuit factory of Bycroft and Company, Onehunga. Flour and other goods are lifted from the lower part of the mill to the upper storey by means of a chain and pulley worked by steam. A man named George Hassard was employed on Saturday morning in the upper storey receiving bags, which another man below attached to the pulleys. Several bags had ben lifted in this way, and the pulley returned to the bottom again, when by some accident, as it was being lowered it caught on the engine shaft, and got a round turn round it. In an instant the stout flooring of the mill was torn up, and big blocks were torn from their fastenings and fell to the ground, striking George Hassard on the head, and inflicting a frightful wound on the back part of the scalp. Steam at once was shut off, and several of the workman ran to the unfortunate man, who presented a ghastly sight. It was at first thought that he was killed.
June 26.
At the Gisborne Mayoral election yesterday, Crawford polled 95 and Wilson 38, thus giving Crawford a majority of 57. The burgesses are delighted at the result, Wilson being so unpopular.
June 26.
It was reported yesterday, on apparently good authority, at Mr J.F. Passmore, Superintendent Engineer of Construction Railways, had received notice from the Government, through Mr Ormond, that his services will be dispensed with at an early date. In reference to this, the Post says:-“Without any desire to say hard things of Mr Passmore, we cannot help expressing our approval of this step, and our opinion that the news of the intended change will be recieved with general satisfaction, not from any prejudice against Mr passmore personally, but simply from the conviction that his railway management has been unwise and illjudged throughout, and that his continuance in charge would have been disastrous to the future financial prospects of our railways.”
David Lyster, a constable at the Hutt, was charged with having, on the 13th instant, whilst giving evidence in the Licensing Court at the Lower Hutt, on the occasion of an application for a publican’s license for the Criterion Hotel by Mrs Dugard, falsely, wickedly, and corruptly sworn to the following effect:- “That the landlady, if she is Mrs Dugard, kisses men for drinks. I was in the Criterion Hotel with Constable Carroll and Constable Smart and others on the day they came to the Upper Hutt and she kissed Constable Carroll. He put his arms round her neck, and she kissed him.” The evidence was exceedingly comical, and ultimately the charge was dismissed.
The following letter from a Maori bankrupt was published in last night’s Post:- “Friend, print my words in your newspaper. Listen all my pakeha friends. I have become a bankrupt, and my notice has appeared in the newspapers. My liabilities amount to £250, and my assets are represented by one tame pig, besides a small interest in two native leases; but I don’t want my pakeha friends to think that I am a debtor with a thievish heart. No, the reason is this, that in spite of my bareness, the pakeha’s are out in all directions with their summonses and warrants. For a whole year I have been concealed by my people, and kept at home lest a pakeha constable should seize me and take me to prison. I am weary of being shut up in my own kainga, so I betake myself to the Supreme Court for protection. But the real cause of my misfortune was this : a pakeha, who is an officer of the Government, asked me to place my money in his hands to be invested on mortgage. He took my money, and I never saw it again. My loss through the deception of that pakaha is £200. I ask my friends not to be too hard upon me for becoming a bankrupt. How else am I to find my way into daylight again? How else am I to escape the clutches of the constables who are hunting for me in all directions? From your distressed friend, HOANI MAKA.”
Mrs. Seager, the matron of Mount View Lunatic Asylum, has received a week’s notice of dismissal, the reason assigned being that the apartments occupied by herself and family are required for the use of the new keeper and his wife. This summary dismissal is accompanied by a promise of compensation to the full extent that the law will permit. This is regarded as a very harsh and arbitrary proceeding, as although there have been great complaints lately as to the treatment of patients at the Asylum, Mrs. Seager was not in any degree implicated.

ON Sunday the Rev. J. Berry delivered a sermon on Future Punishments, in Trinity Church, Napier, to a very large congregation. The reverend gentleman took for his text the 25th chapter of St. Mathew and part of the last verse;- “These shall go away into everlasting punishment; but the righteous into life eternal.” The following is an abstract of Mr. Berry’s remarks.- It would be easily believed that he had not chosen this topic from pure love of it. In common with a majority of Christian teachers he had for a long time been silent on the question, and now only broke silence from a strong sense of duty. Latterly a great change had come over those churches who preached on this solemn question. It was not treated with that former ferocity which distinguished it. Thank God! Except here and there it was not spoken of in its old-fashioned tone and spirit. There has recently sprung up two theories on this question. There was that of the Rev. Baldwin Brown, called Universal Restoration, which recognised the belief that every soul would be saved and blessed. But could they find such a theory in the Bible? There were other teachers who preached the theory of Annihilation – Edward White and R.W. Dale – and who believed that only those would be saved who had faith in Christ. The great body of Christian ministers were silent on the subject, but the reason of that silence was generally understood. At the Dunedin Theatre a few Sunday evenings ago, a Free Thought lecturer in speaking on the subject, gave an illustration of a young, beautiful, modest, and virtuous woman, and asked was it reasonable to believe that for one single sin that pure and beautiful woman should burn for ever? No Christian teacher from Invercargill to the Bay of Islands ever preached such a doctrine as this. The subject was not a pleasant one to refer to, and if preachers were to teach such doctrines, the pulpit would lose its hold of the public mind. Those before him held different dogmas, and beliefs, but they all recognised the authority of Christ. Let them all therefore approach the question in a teachable spirit, and see what the words of the text meant without distorting or placing any tint on their interpretation. Poetry and painting had done much in forming opinions on the subject, and such works as Dante’s Inferno, Milton’s Paradise Lost, and Pollock’s Course of Thought, have told on public feeling. The people had been driven to church in fear of hell and purgatory. For ages there had been a bitter and angry controversy, forgetting that the Gospel was love and not logic. The greater part of teachers, but a short time ago, used to frighten their hearers by picturing the torments of hell, and working on their fears. No doubt, they intended well, and would ask: Has not the end justified the means? Have not people by these preachings been brought to a knowledge of Christ? But he would ask, how many have been disgusted and soured for ever from the church, and said , “If that be God, I hate him.” Many could remember in their childhood days how the Gospel was presented to them by popular teachers in this form-“ And they shall go into everlasting punishment.” Now, for whom are these punishments reserved? For one class only comparatively. It is never meant to send those million spirits to perdition who have not accepted Christ, when they have not heard him preached. The Gospel does not teach us this. Let us look at the heathen world. Who can realise the millions of earth’s population, the 1000 millions who have inhabited the world during the last six thousand years, who never heard of salvation. Can it be supposed they would be sent to perdition? Go back to the time of the prophets. They only preached in Palestine – a strip of the Mediteranean [Mediterranean] Sea and for a short time on the shores of the Red Sea. – China, which is one-third of the world, never heard the Gospel. The American Continent with its millions of red men had not then been discovered by Columbus. India and Japan with their millions of people were not taught. There are also parts of Africa now being discovered, where the people have had no opportunity of hearing Christ. Even now in London, the home of Missionary and Bible Societies, not five per cent of the lower classes are ever found in a house of worship. There are tens of thousands of people in that City who never hear God’s name except in blasphemy. Yet “God so loved” – not the better classes of the Anglo Saxon race -“but the world, that all who believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
A NUMEROUS and influential meeting was held in the Town Hall, Waipukurau on Wednesday the 20th instant, at 2’oclock, for the purpose of considering the project of forming a Horticultural Society. The following gentlemen were present, namely – Messrs Rechab Harding, Arthur Harding, G.M. Butt, Dr. Frood. Rev. R. Fraser, Rev. Joseph Sherman, H. Monteith, Richard Trestrail, John Palmer, H.H. Bridge, P. Fourneau, W.L. Newman, Phillip Russell, Benjamin Kemp, J. Poole, W. Frood. H.R. Russell, &c.
The Hon. H.R. Russell having been called to the chair, briefly explained that being strongly impressed with the many benefits which, from his own observation, Horticultural Societies conferred on the communities where they existed, he had taken the initiative of addressing a circular to persons in the southern parts of the provincial district who, he thought were likely to take an interest in the subject, asking them to attend the meeting that day. It was extremely gratifying he said to see the numerous and influential attendance which had been the result. He also mentioned that Mr. Mackersy, Lieut., Colonel Herrick, and Mr. David Hunter- had all expressed their warm approval of the project, and their desire to become members of the Society. It was not proposed to make the Society one purely local to Waipukurau and immediate neighborhood, but the circular had been sent to all the surrounding districts, including Waipawa, and it appeared most desirable to unite the whole of these districts in one strong Society on a wide foundation.
Several gentlemen then addressed the meeting, and it was suggested among other things that the Society should be an Agricultural and Horticultural Society. The meeting however decided that it was not advisable to do so, but that it should include competitive exhibitions of poultry, in order to encourage its improvement.
The following resolutions were then carried unanimously: –
Moved by Mr. R. Harding, seconded by Rev. R. Fraser, “That the meeting considers it desirable to institute a Horticultural Society, to be called the Southern Districts of Hawke’s Bay Horticultural Society.”
Moved by Mr. R. Harding, seconded by Mr. Bridge “That the rules of the Hawke’s Bay Horticultural Society adopted [be] by this Society, with the exception of No 1 and 11.”
Moved by Mr. Harding, seconded by Mr. Smith, “That the public exhibitions shall be held at such times and place as the Committee to be appointed shall deem advisable, and shall, in addition to the usual exhibits, include poultry.”
Moved by Rev. R. Fraser, seconded by Rev. Mr. Shearman, “That the Hon. H.R. Russell be the President of the Society, and Mr. Rechab Harding the Vice-President.”
Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Jones, “That Mr. H. Monteith be Secretary and Treasurer to the Society.”
Moved by Dr. Frood, seconded by Mr. Smith, “That the following gentlemen be the Committee of Management, with power to add to their number, and to elect a Working Committee, seven to be a quorum, namely, Messrs. H.S Tiffen, G. Saxby, J. Wood, W. Rathbone, H.H. Bridge, Lieut.-Colonel Herrick, Hamilton Ferguson, William White, John Nicholson, Rev. Mr. Simcox, J.D. Canning, Saunders (gardener to Mr. Harding), Fourneau (gardener to H.R. Russell), Arthur Harding, John Harding, Richard Trestrail, Benjamin Kemp, Scotter, Scott (gardener to Mr. Rathbone), J. Mackersey, Charles Mackie, W.L. Newman, Hutchin (gardener to Mr. Hunter, Porangahau), Alexander Jones, Sydney Johnston, G.M. Butt, Dr. Frood, Rev. R. Fraser, Rev. Joseph Shearman, W.C. Smith, F. Sturm.”
Moved by Rev. Mr. Fraser, seconded by Mr. Trestrail, “That subscription lists be sent round the southern districts.”
The meeting then broke up, after passing a vote of thanks to the chairman.
DURING the Court sitting, on Tuesday R. Stuart, Esq., R.M., gave his decision in the matter of the petition of S. Johnston and others against the return of the Hon. H.R. Russell for the Waipukurau Riding, in the Waipawa County Council. His Worship said that as the allegations had been gone into before the Court, there was no necessity for him to make many remarks. It was very clearly laid down in the Act that persons qualified to vote at Road Board elections were entitled to vote at the first elections for County members, and he saw no reason for him to differ from his predecessor, Mr Beetham, as to granting cumulative voting. That gentleman had decided in favor of such voting. Evidence had been adduced proving that electors had tendered cumulative votes, but that such voting had not been received by the Returning Officer, and consequently the election was upset. One of the other allegations in the petition, as to certain persons claiming to vote, and not being permitted, broke down. On the grounds that cumulative had not been permitted, he declared the election null and void – each party to pay their own costs.
The following message is just received by the Government, from the Agent-General, dated London, June 31st:- “The Russian left wing has gained a victory at Delibeta , in Armenia. The Turkish killed is reported at 1000, and 450 prisoners taken. The Russians are about to cross the Danube. An important battle is hourly expected.

Mr Rees lectured on the “Lost Ten Tribes of Israel” on Thursday to a large audience in Trinity Church, for the benefit of the Wesleyan Sunday School library. Mr. Rees treated the subject in a most interesting manner, although he adopted the exploded idea of the Anglo-Saxon race being the representatives of the chosen people. The learned lecturer absolutely failed to prove his case, but he supported by much legendary lore that could not but secure the attention of his hearers. Some believe the Gipsies are the descendants of the lost tribes, while others fancy they are to be found amongst the North American Indians. It has been suggested that the Maoris are related to the hidden people, and the idea is no more improbable than that the Anglo-Saxon race will inherit the promises of the restoration. Mr Rees received a unanimous vote of thanks for his lecture.
On dit Major Withers has resigned the conductorship of the Napier Musical Society.
Mr M.R. Miller reports the sale of the goodwill of part of Mr. Alfred Cox’s leasehold property – the Tarawera block, containing 90,000 acres and Tatura-a-Kina block containing 63,500 acres, without stock, to Mr. Hugh McLellan, of Pohui, at a price withheld.
The fire Brigade had a very satisfactory practice on Thursday. At the committee meeting held afterwards, the tenders for the supply of boots to the Brigade were opened. The lowest tenderers being Garrett Brothers, at 21s per pair, that tender was accepted. The highest tender out of ten was 45s per pair.
The general committee of the Agricultural and Pastoral Society, have elected Mr J.N. Williams as their chairman, and the following members were chosen as a Committee of Management. – Messrs. J.N. Williams, J.Giblin, W. Shrimpton, J. Bennett, R. Brathwaite, R. Wellwood, J.H. Coleman, F. Sutton, R. Farmer, and G. Peacock. The following were elected a Ploughing Match Committee: – Messrs. F. Sutton, R. Wellwood, J. Heslop, H. Campbell, and J. Bennett. Certain rules have been revised which will be submitted for approval at a general meeting to be called for the 4th July. It has been proposed that a Ram Fair be held on the day following the annual show. Messrs. Williams, Coleman, and Wellwood have been elected the Finance Committee.
Our attention has again been called to the disgraceful state of the Meanee [ Meeanee ] road. If the Hawke’s Bay County Council consisted of a body desirous of showing to the public the benefit to be gained by the new institutions, it would not leave the road in such a wretched state. If only a portion of the money contributed by the Meanee settlers for tolls were laid out in putting the road in repair, it could be made at any rate passable. As it is, the Council authorities get the settlers’ money, fold their hands, look on complacently, omitting, however to pay salaries, while taxpayers jog along a road composed of slush and filth.
At Mr Miller’s sale of imported Lincoln rams on Friday, the following prices were realised: – 5 at £15 each, 1 at £36, 1 at £37 10s, 1 at £35, and 1 at £39, buyer Mr G. Hunter; 1 at £40, and 1 at £52 10s, buyer Mr Allan McLean; 1 at £43, buyer Mr Wm. Douglas.
Among the list of passengers by the Zealandia to Auckland, from San Francisco, appears the name of Mr Charles Wheatleigh the “Shaughraun.” He proceeded to Sydney by the same vessel where he has an engagement, and will not return to New Zealand until he has made a tour through our sister colonies.
The lecture announced to be delivered by Mr. J. Ffrost, a commercial traveller, and who is stated to be an “able exponent of phrenology and powerful mesmerist,” did not eventuate last evening. The hall was lit up till half-past eight, but at to that time, there were only half-a-dozen people present, and not being desirous of exhibiting his powers and skill before so few, Mr. Ffrost ordered the moneytaker to return the few people their money, and the lights were put out.
Mr H.A. Duff, has brought with him a number of Californian mountain quail which he purposes taking on his run. The birds are in splendid condition.
New Zealand war medals are now lying at the Militia and Volunteer office, Auckland, for the undermentioned persons, who on proving their claims will receive the above:- J. Campbell, 3rd Waikato Regiment; H.F. Harrison, Armed Constabulary; M. Flannagan, Taranaki Military Settlers; A. Johnson, Armed Constabulary; W. Solomon, Armed Constabulary; J. Crotty, 1st Waikato Regiment; P. Meagher, 1st Waikato Regiment; Joseph Shirley, Napier Militia; Samuel Charles, Maukau Forest Rangers; George Spencer, Wanganui N.C.
The Sultan has nominated David Caan, Effendi, Israelite, a Senator of the Empire.
Mr. Samuel Harris, of the Cafe de Paris Hotel, Hokitika, successor to Mr Ben. Osborne, announces a grand sweep on the ensuing Melbourne Cup for £2000. The prizes are to be distributed in exactly the same way as last year. Mr. Keller, in the same: town, announces a £1500 sweep.
On Wednesday afternoon, April 11, the House of Commons was the scene of a very scandalous sort of excitement. Mr. Waddy brought forward a Bill the object of which was to enable persons who have been libelled in newspapers more readily and more certainly to bring their libellers to justice, and not to find themselves proceeding against “men of straw,’’ in the shape of printers or publishers, instead of against the substantial and responsible culprit. Mr. Cowen proposed as an amendment that newspaper proprietors should not be criminally liable for the offences of their employes against the law of libel, and upon these two issues the debate took place. The exciting element was introduced when Dr. Kenealy, who chose to think that Mr. Waddy’s Bill was chiefly directed against the Englishman, began to speak. To him succeeded Mr. Sullivan, who delivered a very telling bit of invective against Dr. Kenealy, plainly in-insinuating that that gentleman was a coward and a liar. A division was then taken, the result of which was that Mr. Cowen’s amendment was preferred to Mr. Waddy’s Bill by a majority of eighty votes.
A very different class of prisoner now forms our hard labor gang to that which formerly recruited the gaol population. In the olden days, runaway seamen, deserters from the army, and bold horse stealers, composed the bone and sinew of the long sentenced prisoners. Now, however, it is the lazy vagrant who finds quarters in gaol in preference to honestly earning a living. Of the thirty odd prisoners in the Napier Gaol, the greater portion belong to the vagaboud [vagabond] class, mostly imported here under the indiscriminating immigration policy, that took all comers, to the comfort and relief of many an English Poor Law Guardian. As hard labor men, the vagrant class is not to be compared to the comparatively honest deserter, or runaway seaman.
The second “at home” of the Napier Rowing Club came off on Friday, at the Odd Fellow’s Hall, and was even more successful than the first. The entertainment commenced with the “Soldiers Chorus,” from II Trovatore, which was rendered with capital effect by the members of the Club. Some solos followed, and the programme concluded with the “Conspirators Chorus,” from La Fille de Madame Angot, which was sung in character, and was, without any flattery, a most creditable performance. Dancing began at about nine o’clock, and was kept up with spirit till a little before midnight.
The wool sale returns received by Mr. W. Douglas, of Ngawhakatatara, show in a marked degree the advantage of possessing an even flock. Mr. Douglas has had news by cablegram, that 227 bales of wool from his run realised 1s 1d per lb. This is, perhaps, the largest quantity of wool that has ever left one station in Hawke’s Bay, which has secured such an uniform price.
The wreck of the Ocean Mail, it is reported, has proved a gain, rather than a loss, to woolgrowers who had shipped their produce in that ill-fated vessel. Most of the wool by her was insured off the sheep’s back, at a time when the London market was firm. Since the shearing season prices have fallen, the difference between present rates and those ruling at the time the insurances were effected representing a handsome profit. In addition to this profit, the wreck of the vessel saved sale and commission charges, as well as interest.
The timetable for July, for the Union Steam Shipping Company’s steamers, trading on the East Coast, appears in the TELEGRAPH’S columns, from which it will be seen that a fortnightly service will be established next month, in addition to the Dunedin-Sydney service, via Napier, by the steamer Rotorua. The fine vessels Taupo, Wellington, and Wanaka, will now be regular traders, calling here in their fortnightly trips between Auckland and Dunedin.
In the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Saturday, the only case heard was that of Dinwiddie, Morrison, and Co. v. Jessop. The plaintiffs made an application for a judgment summons against defendant for £4. Mr Sainsbury for plaintiffs and Mr Lascelles for defendant. Defendant, through his counsel, expressed his willingness to pay the amount due as soon as he had satisfied other judgment summonses, but further stated, if the firm had not treated him shamefully they would have been paid long ago. Evidence was brought by the plaintiffs to show that the defendant was in a position to pay the claim. The defendant was ordered to pay within fourteen days, or one month’s imprisonment.
During the hearing of the civil case of Canning v. Henare Matus, His Honor Mr Justice Richmond, said that the practice of giving promissory notes as collateral security in addition to a mortgage appeared to be of Australian origin. It was an exceedingly improper practice – one which would not be tolerated at home, and which could only have arisen through gross ignorance on the part of practitioners. He hoped the practice was not known in this colony, though he believed it to be of daily occurrence in the Australian colonies. No person should sign a negociable [negotiable] instrument in addition to a deed of mortgage, as it opened the way to endless difficulties and dangers. Unless the note was endorsed with some reference to the mortgage, so as to cripple its effect as a negotiable instrument – to clip its wings, as it were – there was no security that in case of a transfer the mortgage would be transferred along with it.
With reference to matters clerical in connection with St. John’s Church, we are requested to state that, during the absence of the Rev. Mr. Townsend, the Rev, Mr. Johnstone is to carry on the duties of the Parish as Curate in charge under license from the Primate, and also fulfil the office of Surrogate. These arrangements hold for twelve months, or until other permanent arrangements are made. It is also understood that the executive authorities of the Parish who have been consulted concur with what has been done.
The fees for the registration of dogs are coming in slowly. Napier is swarming with useless curs, the bulk belonging to well-to-do people, who take more pleasure in keeping pets than in registering the animals. We are glad to hear the police are to take active steps to compel registration, and if these steps should lead to the destruction of two thirds of the canine nuisances, a great benefit will be conferred on the community.
Our Kaikora correspondent writes, under date Saturday last, as follows: – “At a meeting of ratepayers held this day at the Kaikora school-house, it was resolved to merge the Patangata Road Board into the County Council. – The framework of the new Presbyterian church has just been erected. From the plans, this place of worship, when completed, will be an ornament to the township.- Some more Napier folks are about to settle amongst us. Mr. Scott, formerly of the Napier Bowling Saloon, and latterly the lessee of the Criterion Billiard-room, is about to replace Mr. Hill in the proprietorship of the Kaikora Hotel.
Mahia news, received through the medium of the Wairoa Free Press, states that it is reported the “Nuhaka natives are shortly going to make a proposal to the Government to get their land surveyed under certain conditions, viz., that the Government advance the money for the survey of the whole block, about 60,000 acres, and cut up the flat (about 1,800 acres) into small farms, from 50 to 150 acres each; to be sold by public auction, and the remainder of the block to be made unalienable for 21 years; no one man is to be allowed to hold more than 200 acres of the farm sections ; he will have to reside on it – or anyone he may appoint – and fence it in.” The land is said to be of very superior quality, and would offer a splendid opportunity for small capitalists.

The whole colony will rejoice to hear that the connection between the Government and Mr. Passmore, the Superintendent of Constructed Railways, has been severed. A more unpopular public officer than Mr Passmore could not be found anywhere, and for a long time, ever since indeed there has been a constructed railway in the North Island, that gentleman has been regarded by many as far more ornamental than useful. With local traffic managers, district engineers, and a Colonial Engineer-in-Chief, it is difficult to discover the duties that could devolve on a Superintendent of Constructed Railways, other than to mess and muddle with local arrangements, on the desirability or otherwise of which he must necessarily have been profoundly by ignorant. We trust such a ridiculous and costly appointment will not again be revived either in the person of a Government supporter’s friend, or of a relative to a member of the Cabinet.
A man named John Matthews was brought before His Worship on Tuesday on a charge of lunacy. The unfortunate man has been for some time in the employ of Paora of Moteo as a ploughman, and during the last fortnight has shown signs of aberration of intellect. On Monday, in one of his wild paroxysms, he killed a cow belonging to Paora, and severely injured a foal belonging to the same chief. Having made attempts to injure himself, the services of Constable Shaw had to be called into requisition who had him conveyed to town. Matthews is a married man, and his wife has resided with him at the native settlement. He was remanded for medical examination.
The Parliament of New Zealand will meet in about three weeks time. With a view of giving our readers reliable and early intelligence of the proceedings, we have been fortunate enough to engage the services of a special correspondent at Wellington, who has a thorough acquaintance with not only colonial matters, but also of subjects specially affecting the interests of the people of the Hawke’s Bay district.
About twelve months ago we reprinted in the MERCURY a story from a West Coast paper regarding Judge Weston, and his interview with the Court Crier. The paragraph has since appeared in the home papers, and is now being reproduced in this Colony with a slight alteration, it now being made to refer to His Honor Mr Justice Johnston. Thus news travels. The Herald on Tuesday reprints it as from the N.Z. Herald.
Much dissatisfaction is from time to time expressed by common jurymen at the rate of the remuneration awarded to them for attendance at assizes and sessions, and there can be no doubt that they have a substantial grievance of which to complain. During a discussion raised at the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, Lord Justice Amphlett, who was present as a magistrate for that county, expressed (reports the Law Times) a decided opinion in favour of paying common jurors for loss of time in discharging their duties at assizes. He thought it a great hardship that while special jurors, who could better afford the expense and loss resulting from attendance at assizes were paid, those who could less bear the loss were not paid. The matter is really one of importance to a large body of persons whose services are indispensable to the country. The class from which they are taken is, as the Lord Justice remarked, less able to bear the expense of attendance than that from which special jurors are selected. Not only do we agree with the suggestion that common jurors should be paid for their loss of time and expenses incurred, in attending at assizes, but we go further, and say that no distinction should be made in this respect between jurymen at assizes and jurymen at sessions. It might, too, be fairly asked whether any individual who is called upon to serve as a juryman is not entitled to a fair remuneration, or any rate, to a payment of the expenses necessarily incurred by him in performing the duties to which he is summoned.
The N Z. Herald, which at first hailed the Native Lands Bill as a good measure, now says it has provided for the speculator, but has omitted to make any provision for the settler. Coming from the source it does, this is the strongest condemnation yet passed on the Bill.
The dangerous pastime of children using bows and arrows (says the Waikato Times) has found another victim in Miss Minnie Floyd, the daughter of Mr Floyd, a settler near Te Awamutu. Her little brother was playing with a bow and arrow when the latter accidentally struck one of the eyes of his sister a fine little girl of thirteen. The nail on the point of the arrow had fortunately been broken, or the consequences might have been fatal. As it was, the blunt point of the arrow entered the right angle of the eye, piercing through the white of the eyeball, and giving exit to the aqueous matter with which the eye is filled. Miss Floyd is perfectly blind of the injured eye, and Dr Waddington, who attended her, expresses very great doubt, we believe, whether the sight will ever be restored, although the pupil of the eye itself was not injured.
Snyder writes as follows on the shortest day:- “Yesterday, as stated in an Almanac was the shortest day in Gisborne. What it may be out of Gisborne I do not know, nor do I feel that it is necessary I should concern myself. Why should I and what for? On looking again at the first cover of the Almanac I find it was one for 1874. So that after all it may not have been the shortest day. There are so many changes in this world we should not be, as too many of us often are, so bumptiously presumptious. [presumptuous]. After all the shortest day is only so from an astronomical reckoning. We have only a lot of astronomers words for it, and how do we know they are not interested in keeping us in the dark. They keep themselves in the dark enough and are probably envious. I should like to know whether yesterday was looked upon as the shortest day to the man who woke up with a red hot roaring toothache, and went to bed with his jaw rolled in hot flannels. Perhaps he thought it was the very longest day he had lived to get through. It was no doubt the shortest day with the man who had got to go out and hunt up money to meet a bill, while it would be felt as the longest day by the man who was waiting for the said bill to be paid. Can astronomers regulate these things? If they can why don’t they do it? If they can’t what’s the use of em.”
A book entitled “History of the Barmaid Industry,” which is talked of as likely to be published by an enterprising firm next November, will be looked forward to with much interest. It seems there are upwards of 300,000 barmaids in Great Britain, and that their average earnings are upwards of 3s a week each more than are obtained by the members of any other profession, except that of “companion,” to which women can belong. As it is now known, the barmaid industry has extended into Scotland, and very recently two of the employes [employees] of Messrs Spiers and Pond in Edinburgh have been married – the one to a Dumfriesshire landed proprietor, the other to the son of one of the most popular clergymen in the Scottish metropolis.
A return of traffic for the four weeks ending June 2, Napier- Waipukurau railway, shows total receipts of £1677 2s 9d.
Claude W.H. Hitchings, the son of Dr. Hitchings, who met with an accident on the reclamation works about three weeks ago, died on Tuesday from the effects of the injuries he received.
The Christian World informs us that Borwick’s baking powder, of which 500,000 packets are sold weekly, requiring the constant employment of 250 men and women, is now adopted in the army, navy, and mercantile marine as an excellent substitute for yeast. The preparation has won three gold medals, besides the commendation of Dr. Hassall and the Queen’s baker.
The Counties Act is driving all the small up-country, townships under the provisions of the Municipal Corporations Act. The flourishing settlement of Masterton is about to have a Mayor and Corporation. We hear that it is not improbable that Mr. G.M. Girdlestone, formerly of Napier, but now of the firm of Wyllie and Girdlestone, auctioneers and commission agents, will be the first Mayor of the newly constituted Borough.
We notice the Wairoa local journal complains of Napier newspapers, not being sent by the overland mail. No doubt the Postal authorities will render an explanation. A Te Kapu subscriber writes to us complaining that he never receives this journal until three weeks old, and that “he receives it about as regularly, as his subscription remittances are forwarded to ourselves.”
The Maori Chief, Henare Matua, warns European packmen against carrying goods to the native settlements for sale. His notification, in the Wananga, affords a curious commentary on the vaunted civilisation of the Maoris. Henare Matua says : – “If you persist to take goods to the Maori settlement after the publication of this my notice to you, and if you are outwitted by the Maori children, or if your goods are stolen, and if you make a charge against such children, they will not be in the wrong, but you will be wrong, because you have seen this notice, and afterwards you took your goods to the native settlements. Friend, European, cease to take your goods to the native settlements. Build a shop or store for yourself in some town to which the Maori and European may go to purchase goods from you. My Maori friends, do not let such European come to your settlements. Send them away, and let them go on the road with their goods. If you wish for goods go to the town and buy them, where you can buy goods at lower prices than you can obtain them from packman, and where you can get the exact goods you are in want of.”
A Kaikora correspondent writing under date, June 23rd, forwards us the following: – Some doubt as to the safety of two gentlemen residents of Kaikora who went out duck shooting on Friday night existed here. It seems they had to cross a lake in a canoe, and before crossing they tied their horses to a post, and crossed to the other side. In the meantime the wind rose, and they, having only a small piece of board to answer for a paddle, were unable to row the canoe, and had to remain on the island all night – a rather unpleasant situation on such a night. They not returning on Saturday morning, their friends became uneasy about them, and went in search. Their horses were found tied as they had left them, but no signs of the missing persons. This caused their friends to think they were drowned, and such a report was circulating this evening when the train arrived at the Kaikora station at 7pm. A number of settlers later in the evening were thinking of forming a search party, when the news arrived that the missing persons, three in all, had arrived at home in safety, they explaining the cause of their delay, which was, that they were unable to get the canoe across the lake on account of the high wind.
We regret to hear that an accident has happened to the s.s. Rangatira. We have not received full particulars, but we are informed that she is at present anchored at Castle Point, with her propeller unshipped. If she could clear the bight of Castle Point Bay, she could sail to Napier, but that would not be of much service, as the repairs to her propeller could not be effected here. In all probability the N.Z. S.S. Company will send a Manuwatu to tow her down to Wellington, unless the Company charter the Kiwi to take her down. The Rangatira was to have been laid up after the next trip for alterations and repairs to her engines.
By the Abolition Act, the Governor was empowered to appoint officers to perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Superintendents of the several provinces, in order to carry on the local government of the country until the new institutions came into force. These appointments were duly made, the holders of them being termed Chief Executive Officer for the provincial district to which they were appointed. By a recent proclamation all these appointments have been revoked, with the exception of that for the Auckland province.
The festival of St. John’s was celebrated, on Tuesday, by the Freemasons of Napier by a ball that was held in the Odd Fellows’ Hall. The Hall was tastefully decorated for the occasion, the stage being occupied by refreshment tables. About eighty couples were present. The orchestral arrangements were presided over by Bro. W.H. Flood in a masterly manner, and dancing was kept up with spirit till 4a.m. The ball was, in every respect, a thorough success.
Wesleyan Service will be held at Hastings on Sunday evening, at 7 o’clock.
The St. John’s Church “troubles” are not yet over. It appears that, through the non-observance of some Church ordinance, the Primate refuses to license the Rev. Mr Johnston as Curate in charge of St. John’s parish. The consequence is, we imagine, that Mr Johnston can act in no other way here than as a lay-reader. The Revd. D’Arcy Irvine, we hear, has undertaken the Waipukurau duties of the Revd. Mr Fraser, during his absence at Auckland, so that there is a chance of there being no regular Church of England services in Napier next Sunday. The parishioners, not without reason, think it is high time the Primate took steps to declare this Incumbency vacant.
The statement made in the Herald on Wednesday as to the unfortunate accident to Dr. Hitching’s son is incorrect. The accident occurred on the swamp reclamation works, near the Town Hall Reserve. The unfortunate lad, as we stated before, fell between two tip-waggons [wagons] belonging to the contractors, Messrs Anderson and Berry. The accident had no connection whatever with the railway line.
The clock presented by the late Sir Donald McLean to the town of Napier arrived by the Andrew Reid, and [and] was landed the other day at the Spit. The clock is a handsome piece of mechanism, by one of the best makers of the day ; it has a semi-transparent dial, so as to be illuminated, and when erected on a turret for which it has been manufactured, it will be one of the finest town clocks in the colony, besides being a great acquisition to the place.
E.H. Bold Esq., District Engineer for the Provincial District of Hawke’s Bay, has been empowered to take and lay down roads over certain native lands that, in their specification, occupy nearly a column and a half of the New Zealand Gazette.
A special meeting of the Waipawa County Council was held yesterday to consider the Road Overseer’s report on the County highways. The report showed that the cost of the maintenance of the principal roads would be £4250. On the motion of the Hon. H.R. Russell it was agreed to postpone the further consideration of the report until the opinion of a competent engineer could be obtained; and that in the meantime the Council should only undertake such repairs that might be found of pressing necessity. The Hon. H.R. Russell then moved that Mr. E. H. Bold be asked to make the report as indicated in the foregoing resolution, in order that a County rate might be struck as soon as possible ; also that a communication be opened with the Hawke’s Bay Council to ascertain whether the two Counties could not jointly secure the permanent services of Mr. Bold. This motion was also carried. After some observations from the Chairman, Mr. Mackersey, and from Mr. Russell, with respect to the advisability of passing bye-laws prohibiting the planting of furze, or briers on lines of road, the importation of rabbits, &c., the Council adjourned till Tuesday next, July 3.
His Excellency the Governor has appointed Constable Shaw, Mitchell, and Graham, to be Registrars under the Dog Nuisance Act within the County of Hawke’s Bay.
Mr. Vesey Stewart informs the Wellington Post that he proceeds home by the July mail steamer, to bring out another batch of immigrants for the Katikati special settlement. Satisfactory arrangements at length have been made with the Government, the only point still remaining at issue being the date at which the immigrants are to be settled on the land, Mr. Stewart stipulating for the 31st December, 1878, and the Government standing out for two months shorter time. Mr. Stewart reports the settlements as prosperous and progressing.
The Wairarapa News Letter, of the 16th instant, contains a paragraph which states that two men had been encamped in a miserable hut, in a small bush near Pairau, for the preceding three weeks, and that as they could not get work, and had no money they were obliged to live on potatoes. The police made enquiries into the matter, and found that the two men had been working for Mr. Oakes, on the forty-mile contract, and had gone to Masterton for a “spree” and spent all their money. They were stuck up near Pairau by the floods, but could have obtained employment if they liked.
At the adjourned meeting of the Licensing Bench on Thursday, the whole of the licenses held over at the last sitting were granted, with the exception of the Shakespeare Hotel owned by Mr Edwards, the Bench not seeing fit to renew his license. The Inspector of Police having reported there was no necessity for stables at the Victoria Hotel, the Bench granted the license, without imposing on the owner the duty of building stables.
We (Post) learn by the San Francisco mail just arrived that the great book on New Zealand scenery on which Mr C.D. Barraud of this City has been engaged for two or three years past, was just published when the mail left, and from the flattering encomiums passed on the specimen pages by the Press generally appeared to give every prospect of proving a brilliant success – financial as well as artistic. The book is dedicated, by special permission, to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales and the New Zealand Government is a subscriber to the extent of fifty copies. The title of the work is “New Zealand, Graphic and Descriptive,” and it consists mainly of illustrations of New Zealand scenery from the accomplished pencil of Mr Barraud, with letterpress descriptions by Mr W.T.L. Travers, F.L.S. The copies for New Zealand subscribers are expected to reach this colony in about two months time. Mr Barraud who went Home about two years ago to superintend personally the production of his book, returns to Wellington with his family by the ship Zealandia which sails from London during the present month.
We are requested to state that the Church of England services will be conducted as usual at St. John’s Church, next Sunday. The Rev. Mr Johnstone will be asked by the vestry to officiate, which, as a clergyman, and as one licensed under the Marriages Act, he is entitled to do.
In the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Thursday, Thomas Miller, charged with drunkenness not making his appearance, and being out on bail, his bail money was ordered to be forfeited. An assault case, in which a female figures as plaintiff, was adjourned until to-morrow morning.
A correspondent, who was present at the recent Masonic Ball, and who signs his letter “Quadrille,” calls attention to the “wretched accommodation” provided by the Oddfellows’ Hall for a public ball. “Quadrille” says, “the Hall is quite inadequate to meet the wants of the public either as a theatre or as a ball room. The Hall is little better than a common barn, and the sooner a respectable theatre, with a convertible floor, is erected the better.”
The lecture given by Mr Rees on Wednesday in the Athenaeum was well attended. Mr M.R. Miller, who occupied the chair, introduced Mr Rees to the audience. Mr Rees then lectured on Macaulay and Gladstone, and his remarks were listened to with interest.
At the usual summoned half-yearly meeting of the Loyal Napier Lodge, M.U., held on Wednesday, the following officers were elected for the next half year: – E. Cooper, Noble Grand; N. Jacobs, Vice-Grand; J.B. Fielder, Elective Secretary; J. Ingleton, Lecture Master, and F. Bee, Permanent Secretary.
Judge Johnston, in the course of his recent charge at Timaru, said – “ It was a notorious thing that prosperity brought crime with it as well as comfort. The sorts of crime more particularly rife here were often encouraged by sudden affluence. Industrious men, who have been working in the country and earned a considerable amount of money, would come into town and spend it recklessly; or else fall into the hands of unscrupulous persons, who would clear them out of it all. This not only demoralised the man himself, but tended to create crime in others. Therefore it was especially desirable that statesmen and philanthropists should use their utmost endeavours to discover some means of checking this kind of evil. He was not in a position to know anything about the banks in the district; but he thought, perhaps, that if instead of paying men all their wages in cash, part of it could be paid by giving them interest in savings banks or some such institutions, it would go a long way towards preventing the money being spent recklessly. If there was any value in such a suggestion he hoped public opinion would take it up.”
June 27.
There is a heavy southerly gale blowing, and a heavy sea on. The entrance is, however, still good.
June 28.
There is a heavy sea on the bar. It will probably subside to-morrow. The wind is N.N.W.
June 28.
The criminal calendar is unusually light. The only serious case is one of rape by three men on a woman over seventy years old; two cases of horse stealing; one of breaking and entering; and one inflicting grievous bodily harm, make up the list.
June 28.
Mrs. Burns has resigned the lady principality of the Girls’ High School.
At Tapanuia, a Chinaman, after making three attempts, which were frustrated by his mates, eluded their vigilance and hanged himself to a rafter in his hut.
Mr. Macandrew invited the Education Board to express an opinion re the introduction of the Penny Savings’ Bank into schools. Mr. Gillies opposed compelling masters to undertake it. Professor Shand considered teachers had enough to do already. The subject then dropped.
The state of the Municipal Roll for the city creates consternation. Instead of over 3500 voters, as before, there are only 1800.
June 28.
An accident occurred on the Hutt railway yesterday afternoon, causing serious and it is feared fatal injury to a fireman named Robert McLachlan. The mid-day train from the Hutt due at Wellington left the Lower Hutt station at the proper time, drawn by a large double Fairlie engine, which was driven and fired on each side. The engine was running at the usual speed of about 15 miles an hour. About or before leaving Ngahauranga, McLachlan was seen to stoop to put coal in the furnace, and immediately afterwards something was heard to fall off the engine. It was supposed to be a lump of coal, and no notice was at first taken, but almost immediately afterwards the driver, having occasion to call over to McLachlan, found that he was missed. The train was brought to a stand-still within 300 yards from the place where the fall was heard. Nothing was seen of McLachlan, and the train was backed until at length he was caught sight of lying on his back among some weeds and thistles by the side of the line. He was brought on to town and conveyed to the hospital. On examination he was found suffering from a severe concussion of the brain. Blood oozes from the ears, and the case is altogether a bad one. McLachlan is about 40 years of age, unmarried, and a very steady man. He has been in the railway service about eighteen months. The only way the accident can be accounted for is on the supposition that when stooping for coals he was seized with giddiness, and fell backwards from the engine. No blame is attached to anyone.
The police received information yesterday from Porirua that a man named Joseph Bartlett had been found dead in bed that morning, with his throat cut from ear to ear. The deceased is stated to have been a very steady man, unmarried, and from the fact of having £8 in his pocket when found, the act was not committed through want. There is also a sum of money to his credit in the bank. His father is said to reside in Foxton.
A telegram was received in town from Castle Point, from Capt. Evans, of the Rangatira, yesterday, to the effect that the propeller got unshipped on the passage down from Napier. She is now sailing down. The Stormbird was sent out last evening to meet her and tow her into harbor.
The Right Rev. Bishop Redwood returned to Wellington yesterday from Christchurch by the Arawata.
June 27.
In the Supreme Court to-day, in the case of the Clive Highway District Board, ex parte Lascelles, in which certain persons were called upon to show cause why they should retain their seats as members of the district board referred to, Mr Edwards, who appeared for the members of the board, raised a preliminary objection that an error had been made in one of the affidavits, and the Court held that the objection was good. Mr Lascelles was ordered to pay costs, and the proceedings will have to be commenced de novo.
Shipping Intelligence.
21 – Orpheus, schooner, from Mercury Bay. Passengers – Mr Dunn and family.
21 – Stella – C.G.S.S., from Wellington via Portland Island. Passenger – Mr Wilson.
22 – Rotorua, s.s., from Sydney via Auckland. Passengers – Misses Hindmarsh (3). Messrs Johnson, H.A. Duff, Gribble, Crawford, Walker, Beaver, Master Hindmarsh, and 24 for southern ports.
22 – Columbia, schooner, from Kennedy’s Bay.
23 – Jessie, schooner, from Whangaroa.
23 – Result, s.s., from Wairoa.
23 – Manaia, p.s. from Wairoa, Passengers – Mesdames Gosnell, Finlayson, Henderson and child, Messrs Price and Denoir.
24 – Silver Cloud, three-masted schooner, from Newcastle, N.S.W.
24 – Maud Graham, schooner, from Lyttelton.
24 – Rangatira, s.s., from Gisborne. Passengers – Miss Bourke, Messrs Skelly, Cameron, Blackadder, Hill, and Common.
27 – Kiwi, from Wellington via Castle Point.
21 – Wanaka,s.s., for Gisborne, Tauranga, and Auckland. Passengers – Mesdames Hill, Taylor, Watkins, and Johnston, Messrs Severn (2), Davey, Hall, Price, Randall, Johnston, Skelly, Zelman, Sieson, Silver, McKay, Common, Davis, Hughes, Williams, J.N. Wilson, Col. Whitmore, Col. Herrick, and Professor Taylor.
22 – Manaia, p.s., for Wairoa. Passengers – Mrs Richards, Messrs Goring, Fraser, McMurray, Kent, Beauchamp, and 6 natives.
22 – Result, s.s., for Wairoa. Passengers – One European, and four natives.
22 – Rotorua s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Rev. Mr and Mrs Townsend, Judge Richmond, Messrs Cable, Smith, Burton, Gully, Franklin, Fraser, Thomas, Thompson, Webb, Lorrigan, Capt. Kennedy, and 24 original.
22 – Rangatira, s.s., for Poverty Bay. Passengers – Mrs Luke, and Mr Henley.
22 – Stella, C.G.S.S., for Chatham Islands. Passengers – Messrs Wilson and Shepherd.
23 – Mary Ann Hudson, ketch, for Mohaka.
25 – Rangatira, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Mrs Smith, and family (3), Mrs Keith, Miss Jackson, Messrs Pollock, Beaver, Beck, and Donelly.
26 – Orpheus, schooner, for Mercury Bay.
27 – Albatross, schooner, for Whangapoua.
The s.s. Rotorua arrived in the Bay at daylight on Friday. We are indebted to Mr Pringle, the purser, for the following report:- Cleared Sydney Heads at 3p.m. on the 14th instant; arrived at Auckland 10.30a.m. on the 19th, making the passage in the unprecedented time of 4 days 17 hours; left Auckland again on the 20th, at 5p.m., and anchored in Hawke’s Bay at 6.30a.m. to-day. Had strong Westerly gale and high sea throughout the passage from Sydney; light winds and fine weather down the coast. The Rotorua discharged about 50 tons cargo, and left about noon, taking away a good number of passengers.
The Result and Manaia both left for Wairoa about three o’clock on Friday, a favorable report having been received of the state of the bar.
The s.s. Wanaka left about midnight on Thursday, having discharged about 150 tons of general cargo.
The C.G.s.s. Stella, Capt. Bendall, arrived in the Bay about 7.30p.m. on Thursday. She is from Portland Island, where she discharged about 40 tons of Lighthouse material. Capt. Bendall reports seeing two schooners outside Portland Island, supposed to be the Columbia and Albatross. Mr Wilson, Inspector of Lighthouses, is a passenger.
The schooner Orpheus is from Mercury Bay with a cargo of sawn timber.
The steamer Wellington had a narrow escape from being wrecked last Sunday on the Manukau bar. The pilot had signalled for the vessel to take the bar at ebb tide. When the vessel was over the bar, a sea struck her and did considerable damage – carrying away a boat and smashing two others, stoving in the stern-ports, and filling the saloon. Capt. Lloyd, who at the time was alongside one of the boats, had a narrow escape from being carried overboard, and was only saved through the erertions [exertions] of a seaman Andrews, who drew him away from his perilous position. Capt. Lloyd displayed great coolness, and managed to get the Wellington out to sea again, where she rode out a gale for three days. The vessel is said to have behaved admirably.
The C.G.S.S. Stella, Captain Bendall, was ordered to the Chatham Islands on Friday. Mr. Wilson, the Inspector of Lighthouses, was a passenger by her. She will return to Wellington.
The schooner Columbia arrived on Friday from Kennedy’s Bay, with a cargo of timber, on discharge of which she will proceed to Lyttelton, for a cargo of grain and other produce.
The two Wairoa steamers, the Result and Manaia, returned from Wairoa on Saturday last. Both encountered a strong southerly wind, which gradually decreased as they approached the Spit. They were both laden with produce, chiefly maize.
The three-masted schooner Silver Cloud, Capt. Balle, has just made an excellent run from Newcastle of eight days and a-half. She brings 446 tons of coal consigned to Mr Vautier, who is to be congratulated on having such a smart vessel. Unfortunately for the owner, she will have to be considerably lightened before she can come to the breastwork.
The schooner Maud Graham has had a good run of three days from Lyttelton. She is laden with produce chiefly. Messrs Watt Brothers are her agents.
The s.s. Rangatira returned from Poverty Bay on Sunday late in the day, having encountered a strong southerly gale outside Portland Island, which compelled Capt. Evans to take shelter. The passengers were landed in the Bella.
The s.s. Rangatira remained at the Western anchorage till 8p.m. on Monday, and then left for Wellington.
The s.s. Jane Douglas, Capt. Fraser, has been chartered to run a quantity of fat cattle and sheep between Poverty Bay and Auckland. She will not return to Napier for some weeks.
The Andrew Reid has about 150 more tons of cargo to discharge, on completion of which she will go to Batavia to load for London.
The s.s. Kiwi has on this trip been in charge of Mr Decker, her chief officer, Capt. Campbell having been obliged to remain in Napier to attend as a witness in a late civil case tried at the last sessions. Mr Decker informs us he has had a very rough passage from Wellington. Remained at Castle Point about five hours, and arrived at the anchorage here at half-past one on Wednesday.
The Post of Saturday, says: – “The s.s. Rangatira will make only one more regular trip to Napier, on her return from which she will be laid up for about two months, to receive the new compound engines which for some time past have been in course of construction for her at Mr E.W. Mills’s Lion Foundry. The new engines will be of 65-horse power nominal, and are expected to drive her very fast, her present engines being only 50 horse power. She also will be fitted with a much larger screw than her present one. While she is laid up, the Stormbird will take her place in the East Coast trade.”
We (Wellington Post) are glad to find that the NZ.S.S. Co. lately has been only resting on its oars, and that it intends once more to come boldly to the fore in the steam coasting trade of Wellington. As a first step the directors have purchased the favorite steamer Stormbird from Messrs W. and G. Turnbull and Co., who take part payment in the company’s shares, and become otherwise largely interested in the concern. The N.Z.S.S. Co. intend at once to increase their capital, and to take vigorous steps to develope the Wellington coastal trade by extending and improving their fleet. We understand that the Stormbird will undergo considerable alterations shortly, to render her still more suitable for the rapidly increasing trade between Wellington and Wanganui, while for the present, the p.s. Manawatu will run alternately to the latter port and Foxton. We rejoice to see the old company, which has always been such a credit and benefit to this city and port, once more going ahead with the times.
The s.s. Wanaka left Auckland for Gisborne and Napier on Wednesday, at four o’clock with the following passengers: – Messrs Kennedy, Bradley, Regan, Wilson, Brebner, Hosenberg, Smith, Hennessy, Nicholson, Mesdames George, Butterworth, Ambrose, Welsman and family, O’Beirne, Mr and Mrs Mann.
For Fiji, Sandwich Islands, West Indies, America, United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, &c., via San Francisco, on Saturday, the 30th instant, at 9 p.m., per Roturua.
Money orders and registered letters will close at 5 p.m. Newspapers and book packets at 8p.m. on Saturday the 30th instant.
For the undermentioned places every Monday, and Thursday, at 5.30a.m. – Clive, Hastings, Havelock, Te Aute, Kaikora, Waipawa, Waipukurau, Danevirke [ Dannevirke ], Norsewood, Tahoarite [ Tahoraiti ], Woodville, Foxton, Palmerston, Wanganui, Taranaki, Wellington and Southern Provinces, &c., Wallingford, Porangahau, Wanui [ Wainui ], and Castle Point.
On the other days of the week, mails close as usual, at 6.30 a.m.
Chief Postmaster.
Referring to the Native Lands Bill the Wairarapa News Letter says: – “The Bill should be thrown out without any attempt at amending it, for its principles are bad from beginning to end.”
Beg to announce that they have
They are now engaged
And for the following six weeks only,
In many cases HALF COST, to effect a Speedy Clearance, and make room for the Spring Shipment of New and Fashionable Goods ordered by the late Firm, to arrive at the end of August, also bought at a DISCOUNT by
Hours of Business during the Sale: –
From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday excepted.
One Price only will be the rule of this Establishment.
Country orders specially attented to at Sale Prices.
Terms for the Sale will be Cash, or Cash on completion of Sale, and a Discount will be allowed in all purchases of £10 and upwards.
Government Notifications.
Colonial Secretary’s Office,
Wellington, 16th June, 1877.
HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleaded to appoint
Constable DAVID SHAW,
to be Registrars under “The Dog Nuisance Act, 1871,” within the County of Hawke’s Bay; and has also been pleased to appoint
to be Registrar under “The Dog Nuisance Act, 1871,” within the Borough of Napier.
Colonial Secretary’s Office,
Wellington, 18th June, 1877.
HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint
to be Registrar under “The Dog Nuisance Act, 1871,” within the County of Waipawa.
The Cheapest House in the Trade.
Stock, Land Estate, and General Commission Agent, Waipukurau.
Goods Stored and Forwarded.
Offices and Stores: Near the Railway Station.
Mr M.R. Miller reports the sale of Mr G. Joshua’s Keremu freehold estate, about 1500 acres, and Whana leasehold estate (rental £190), 19,000 acres, together with 27,000 sheep, and all station plant, for £37,000 sterling, to Mr Henry Ford, of Canterbury.
STUART – At Napier, on the 9th June, the wife of Mr John Stuart of a son.
REDWARD. – At Port Ahuriri, on the 11th June, the wife of Mr. Leicester Redward, of a daughter.
McDONELL – At Meanee, on June 14th, the wife of D.R. McDonell, of a daughter.
MASSEY – At Tennyson-street, Napier, on the 17th June, the wife of Mr John Massey, of a daughter.
BEAR – At her residence, Tennyson-street, Napier, on June 19th, the wife of Mr Percival Bear, of a son.
BUCHANAN. – At Hampden, on June 21st, the wife of J.J. Buchanan, of a daughter.
CAULTON. – At Napier, on the 25th June, the wife of Mr. H. O. Caulton, of a daughter.
GARNHAM – At Waipawa, on the 26th June, the wife of W. R. Garnham, of a daughter.
WILKIE. – At Port Ahuriri, on the 26th June, the wife of Mr W. Wilkie, of a daughter.
MAY – HILLS – At the residence of William McBeath, Esq, Eglinton-road, Mornington, Dunedin, on the 31st May, by the Rev. Dr. Stuart, Mr William May, of Dunedin, to Jessie Emma Gertrudel second daughter of Mr Edwin Hills, of Napier – Auckland papers please copy.
NORMAN – QUEREE. – At her uncle’s residence, Springfield, Puketapu, on June 6, by the Rev. P.C. Anderson, Lizzie Queree to John Norman, both of St. Heliers, Jersey.
FRASER – BROOK. – At St. Andrew’s Church Auckland, on the 6th June, by the, Rev. D. Bruce, assisted by the Rev. R.F. Macnicol, the Rev. J.M. Fraser, of Waipawa, Hawke’s Bay, to Ada Elizabeth, only daughter of J. Brook, Parnell.
PARSONS – LE COUTEUR. – At St. Mark’s Church, Clive, on June 2, by the Rev. W. Marshall, Thomas Parsons, of Puketapu, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand, to Eliza LeCouteur, of St. Helliers, Jersey.
MCLEAN – COLLINS – In the Presbyterian Church, Havelock, on the 20th June, 1877, by the Rev. Alex. Shepherd, Mr Peter McLean, farmer, Pukahau, to Eliza, sixth daughter of Mr. S. Collins, Pukahu.
HENDERSON. – On 30th May, at his father’s residence, Woolcombe-street, Wellington, Harcourt Herbert Henderson, youngest son of John Henderson, Esq., C.E., aged 1 year and 9 months.
PATON – at Napier, on June 5th, Joseph, fifth son of Mr T. Paton aged 17 years and 6 months.
NILSSON – At the Napier Hospital, on the 6th June, Gustaf Nilsson, aged 27 years.
HITCHINGS – At Napier, on the 26th June, from tetanus, Claude Walter Hampton, son of Thomas Hitchings, aged 13 years.
MCINTYRE – At West Clive, on June 26. Mary Ann McIntyre, the eldest daughter of David and Agnes McIntyre, aged 4 years and 8 months.
The Weekly Mercury
SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1877.
The Wanganui Herald is laboring under the delusion that the new Native Land Bill is a concession to the Auckland and Hawke’s Bay land rings; that it is the result of a deep rooted conspiracy on the part of the large landed proprietary, whose members have succeded [succeeded] in Governing the country through their friends, the Ministry. “It would form,” says our Wanganui contemporary “an interesting art study to see this measure, this alleged charter of the rights of colonisation, at the font, with its godfathers and friends standing round. There would be seen one or two great land rings, and a number of smaller ones circling round about them. Prominent in the foreground there would stand three or four monstrous and huge land-sharks, and behind them and in the back-ground ones also of very respectable dimensions in the full vigor of growth; while the inevitable pilot-fish would be scudding hither and thither. In the picture there would not be found a friend of bona fide settlement except probably some demented person who had been charmed by the glowing representations of the very public-spirited land-shark. We believe this sketch to represent the real state of the case. The land rings of Hawke’s Bay and Auckland have asked for the Bill, and it has been granted at their request.” The Wanganui Herald does not spare the knife ; it cuts down the tares with the wheat, and amusingly thinks it is doing good service. It proceeds as follows: – “Now is it not pitiable to see the miserable plight the Premier is in ? Forgetting his dignity, and what he owed to his position, as if he had been raised to a pinnacle which he thought too high for his merits, he waived the precedence which we maintain belonged to the office and not the individual, and now carries out the part to the letter by complete submission to the will of the Attorney-General. The Premier was great on settlement in 1875, and only recently at New Plymouth he indulged in the cruel mockery of telling that community that the first object of the Government was to settle a yeomanry class on the land. The first object of the Government would seem to be to increase the fortunes of a class. Nor is Mr Whitaker the only designer. We have it on authority which admits of hardly any doubt, that Mr Ormond has said that nothing would have induced him to accept of office but to assist in passing a new Native Lands Bill. It would appear that Mr Ormond has had really more to do with the Bill than even Mr Whitaker. The latter, it will be remembered, got credit for the hanging-up clauses of the Counties Bill until Mr Ormond confessed the origin in a banquet speech at Napier. Last session it was freely said that Mr Hall accepted office only with the object of securing the Canterbury run-holders a renewal of their leases. Has it then come to that deplorable result that the party of abolition is governed and largely composed of the members and friends of land rings?
AT the last sitting of the Supreme Court at Napier, Mr J.N. Wilson, who was defending the proprietors of the Herald in an action for libel, was pleased to say that “ it was an extraordinary thing that these so called gentlemen of the Press never could observe the ordinary courtesies attended to in other professions.” We have been patiently waiting for an opportunity to reply to this deliberate insult gratuitously cast upon members of a profession who for the most part, at all events, are quite as respectable, and are held quite as highly in public estimation as the so-called barristers practising in this colony. For the benefit of Mr. Wilson, who, apparently, has no idea of the depth of vulgarity to which members of his own profession can naturally descend, we shall extract every now and then reports of proceedings in Courts of Justice which may tend to enlighten him. In the Magistrate’s Court, Dunedin, the other day, a case was heard in which Messrs A. Bathgate and Denniston were engaged, the former gentleman remarked on his learned friend’s jumping up every minute like a “Jack-in-Box.”
Mr. Denniston: I ask the Court to protect men from this impertinence. It is the Court’s place to interfere if I interrupt unfairly. If one solicitor is allowed to call another names in Court it will lead to recrimination.
His Worship: What do you complain of?
Mr. Denniston: The phrase which I complained of is “a Jack-in-the Box.” If this conduct is to be allowed I flatter myself that I could retaliate quite as well as my learned friend, but I prefer to appeal to your Worship.
His Worship: I quite disapprove of such language –
Mr. A. Bathgate: I did not use the expression in a personal sense, but merely as an apt simile – that was all.
Mr. Denniston: I protest against Mr Bathgate to conduct- he accentuates what your Worship characterises as an improper phrase instead of withdrawing it.
Mr. A. Bathgate: I will bow to the decision if the Court, though I did not use the phrase in an offensive sense. This is another illustration of the excitable manner in which my friend is prone to jump up.
His Worship: I should like to see a higher tone prevail in the conduct of debates in this Court.
(Before R. Stuart, Esq., R.M.)
Thomas Boyle was charged by Constable Motley with having imbibed too much alcohol last evening. In reply to the charge, Boyle said, “he expected it was right.” He was fined 5s or in default 24 hours imprisonment. Having no funds, he went for board and lodgings at the country’s expense.
A charge against Patrick Loughran for stealing a cheque for £3 from Mr. Golden, of Port Ahuriri, was next on the list.
Mr Lee, who appeared for Loughran, stated that owing to injuries his client had received, he would be unable to appear for six weeks.
Dr De Lisle stated that he had examined Loughran in the lock-up, and found the small bone of his right leg broken. He had bruises on other parts of his body and a contusion on his right side. In his opinion Loughran would be unable to make his appearance for six weeks.
Mr Lee desired to hear the evidence of the prosecutor, as he believed there was no case.
Joseph Golden deposed that on Monday evening Loughran was in his hotel and gave him a cheque for £3, which he gave him three notes for. On the following morning Loughran asked to see the cheque, and while the witness was holding it over the counter, Loughran snatched it away, and tore it up. He asked him the same evening for the money but Loughran refused to give it.
Mr Lee contended it was only a civil action.
Cross-examined by Mr Lee: – When Loughran gave him the cheque it was ten o’clock on Monday night. Loughran was not drunk. Witness filled up the cheque and Loughran signed it. At three o’clock in the morning owing to words which passed between witness and Loughran he would not permit him to stay in his house. The cheque was one belonging to the Union Bank, and he (witness) altered it to Colonial Bank.
Mr Lee said that Loughran was a contractor and employed a good deal of labor. He kept a cheque book at home, and as he knew that the cheque in its then shape would not be cashed, he tore it up, offering to give one to the prosecutor from his own book which was at Malcon’s.
His Worship dismissed the case.
SIR, – I was glad to see that, in your yesterday’s issue, you expressed the wishes of the parishioners of St. John’s with respect to the incumbency. That it should be declared vacant is the sincere wish of every one who has the interests of the Church of England at Napier at Heart. It is clear that until the parishioners, through the proper authorities, are given the right to nominate a new Incumbent, our church affairs must continue to proceed from bad to worse. The high-handed course taken, and the cool indifference to the feelings of the people shown, by our local church authorities, have tended to estrange the parishioners, not from the Church to which they belong, but from the Incumbent and his advisers. It is these latter who have done as much mischief as the extraordinary proceedings that have characterised the behaviour of the Incumbent towards his vestry, and the congregation.
It has been said that the parishioners are to blame for not having exhibited deep humility for their general conduct in supporting the Rev. Mr Robinson when that gentleman was discovered to be not that which he professed. If humility was deemed desirable under the circumstances, I contend that it should have been shown by the clergymen of the parish for having expended parish funds in the importation and induction as curate of one of whom they knew nothing. It was creditable to the parishioners that they supported a gentleman who had come to labor for their spiritual good under such auspices. It was the duty of the Church, not of the people, to discover whether Mr Robinson was or was not a fit and proper person to be Curate of St. John’s. Mr Robinson having been appointed to that office, it was due to him that he should be supported in his position until found to be unworthy of it. This discovery was not made until after he had left Napier, though his treatment by his brother clergymen was such as he could only have deserved had he been found to have been an imposter during his stay amongst us.
The people of the Church of England are now, and have been for some months, treated as though they were unworthy to have a Church of their own. Indeed, it is reported of one rather prominent minister of the Church of England here, that he said if he had his own way, he would burn down the Church and the Parsonage too! This language is but the expression of a sentiment, apparently entertained by all clergymen of the Church of England who have meddled with our parish affairs. If the CHURCH, whatever the Popish phrase may mean, cannot have everything its own way, and make the people bend to the yoke priestly ambition, pride, and jealousy, may impose, the people may go to perdition.
Things have come to a pretty pass when we are asked to believe that the people were made for the Church and the Church for the parsons. It is high time the lesson was taught, in as sharp and in as practicable a manner as possible, that the parsons were made for the people, and that the people formed the Church. – I am, &c.
Napier, June 27, 1877.
THE following letter picked up in Napier addressed to a female from an ardent lover, residing not 100 miles from a well-known farm in Waipukurau, has been handed to us. We have, from a feeling of delicacy suppressed the full names: –
April 2nd, 1877.
DEAR TOPSY, – I have much pleasure in writing to you this letter to bring before your Notice a most important subject respecting which I mean to express myself in plain language. From what I have seen, I think that Married Couples do better in the country than single people, and I think that best thing we can do is to get Married, and you may take my word, that I shall stand to you most Faithfully, more especially as you are like myself without friends in this country. But you may say, that I have got Mary R___ I must say that I liked her much, but now I believe that she has little or no regard for me, as a proof of which, she did not even leave me her Address, and even spoke lightly of me to other people, therefore I do Believe that she had but little respect for me. Now I hope you will consider well what I have said, for I know you are a very Sensible Young Woman, and one I am very fond of. Of course we can wait until we get some Money so that we can go about this affair respectably. Now my advice to you is be Civil to your employers, do your work well and don’t mind the False insinuations of young men, who take no real or lasting interest in you. Mrs B. with her family is living down here. Mind, if you will but be True to me, I shall never Forsake you. So accept my kind Love and Best Wishes, and may this find you quite well as it leaves me at present thank God.- Believe me to remain your True and Faithful Friend, Joseph B.__ ***
The Board held its usual fortnightly meeting to-day.
Present: – Messrs Kinross, (Chairman) Vautier, Smith, Rhodes, Kennedy, Sutton, and Newman.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Mr. Parker’s tender for metalling the quay at the western breastwork, at £89 19s was accepted.
Messrs Margoliouth and Banner’s tender for undertaking the auction sales of reserves for the Board was accepted, the price being £1 11s 6d per diem.
A letter to the Engineer to the Board was read intimating the resignation of Mr R. Bell as Inspector of Works, the Contractor having offered Mr Bell a higher salary. The Engineer recommended the appointment of Mr. Henry Renouf.
The Board agreed to the recommendation accepting Mr Bell’s resignation, and appointing Mr H. Renouf in his place.
Mr. Vautier proposed and Mr. Sutton seconded, “That the ferry from the Eastern to the Western Spits be leased for a term of five years, with the undermentioned conditions, viz., the lessee to provide a steam launch to carry not less than 20 passengers. The ferryman to be in attendance from 6a.m. to 8pm. daily (Sunday included); the launch to run every half hour if required. The lessee to provide a suitable punt capable of taking over a team of bullocks and dray, the launch to have sufficient power to tow the punt across when required. The whole of the above to be subject to the approval of the Harbor [Harbour] Board, or their Engineer. Tenders to be called for after the passing of this resolution, and receivable up to August 1st next”.
In accordance with the Act the Chairman’s term of office having expired, Mr. Sutton nominated Mr. Kinross; Mr. Smith nominated Mr. Rhodes. The latter gentleman declining to accept office, Mr. Smith withdrew his proposal, and therefore Mr. Kinross will be elected at the next meeting unopposed.
Vouchers for payments were passed and ordered to be paid, and the Board then adjourned.
The steamer Hauraki arrived in Manukau harbor in Monday from Sydney.
SIR, – In a paragraph to-day you say – “We have lately heard that some rabbits have been let loose on the Ruataniwha Plains.” The rabbits have been plentiful on the north side of the plains for the last ten years, but have been prevented by that most useful bird the hawk from multiplying so fast as to become an evil. If a certain society would let what they are ignorant about alone, anything so monstrous as the polecat, weasel, and black snake to keep the rabbits under, would never by heard of; but when such murderous doings are tolerated, where it will end no rabbit can tell. – I am &c.,
Ruataniwha Plains, June 21, 1867.
SIR, – I notice a paragraph in the Herald denying the accuracy of Mr Harding’s report of Mr Justice Richmond’s remarks on the libel case. Permit me to say as one who was close to the judge when he used the epithet of “hasty scribbler,”, to fully bear out what Mr Harding has furnished to you. I cannot understand why the “hasty scribbler” should be so exercised when his own lawyer during the case termed his letter “hasty, turgid, ambiguous, and stupid.” – I am, &c.,
Napier, June 22, 1877.
Mr. Ffrost gave a lecture on electro-biology and mesmerism in the Oddfellows Hall on Saturday evening. The attendance was very meagre. As a lecturer on these subjects, there is no comparion [comparison] between Dr Carr and Mr. Ffrost.
(Before R. Stuart, Esq., R.M.)
S. Grigsby was charged with drunkenness, and fined 5s, or in default, the usual alternative of 24 hours imprisonment.
McCrae v Tracy. – This was a claim for 15 weeks wages and money lent. Defendant denied his liability, pleading that she had only stopped at his tent as a friend of his wife’s, and the sum of £7 lent he kept for board. Judgment was given for £7 and costs.
Vickers and Tye v. Henare Tomoana. – Claim £19 18s 9d. There was no appearance for plaintiff, and judgment was given for the amount claimed and costs £1 17s.
E. Lyndon v. D. Lindsay – Claim £7 2s 10d. The amount of £4 7s 6d had been paid into Court, the balance been disputed. From the evidence of Mr Lyndon it appeared that some negotiation had been entered into between himself and defendant for exchange of some land. Mr Lyndon had the land he was to have got in exchange fenced in now that the negotiations had fallen through, claimed the cost of erecting the fence on the land. The defendant denied that he was a party to any such negotiations. Judgment was given for the amount paid into Court, costs being paid by the plaintiff.
Dinwiddie v. Jessop. – This was an application for a judgment summons. The case was adjourned until to-morrow, owing to the absence of a witness.
Several other cases were settled out of Court.
Thos Phillips and John Kelton were charged by Constable Motley with being drunk. The cases being proved, they were both fined 5s or in default of payment 24 hours imprisonment. Philips paid his fine, but Kelton, having spent all his money, was locked-up.
Richard King, who had been out on bail, neglected to make his appearance, and his bail money of 20s forfeited.
William Smith, attracted by the smell from the club culinary, made his way there without lawful permission last evening, and His Worship, for this offence, sent him to the goal culinary for 14 days, where he could regale himself with prison fare.
Patrick Loughran, who was found by Constable Irvine in a state of drunkenness last evening, and had been let out on bail, preferred forfeiting his bail money £1, to making a public appearance in Court.
A man named John Matthews was brought up on a charge of lunacy. Inspector Scully stated that the man lived at Moteo among the natives with his wife, and he recently exhibited symptoms of insanity. He had not been drinking. Matthews was remanded for medical examination.
Lindsay v. Newman. – Mr. Sheehan stated that these cases had been referred to arbitration, and settled, with the exception of costs. He would ask the case to be adjourned until Friday next, in order that he might confer with the solicitor on the other side (Mr. Sainsbury.) His Worship acceded to the request.
Mitchell and Beatson v. De Gruchy. – Claim £4 13s 10d. There was no appearance of defendant, and judgment was given for the amount claimed, and costs 9s.
Mitchell and Beatson v. Annabel Lory. – Claim £5 3s 7d. Defendant not appearing, judgment was given for amount, and costs 15s.
This concluded the business.
It will be seen by the report of the Harbor Board proceedings in to-day’s MERCURY, that tenders will be immediately called for the lease of the Spit ferry. The old and unsafe rowing boat is to be done away with, and a steam ferry service substituted in its place.
(From the Poverty Bay Standard June, 20.)
CAPTAIN PORTER, having returned from the East Coast after the two public meetings had been held at the Court House, and being informed what had passed, undertook to enquire into and trace the reports which had been circulated. For this purpose, Captain Porter sent for Te Tihi, A youth about 18, as also for others, Rakiora included.
Te Tihi belongs to the Tauranga tribes. A number of his people are residing at the Kuiti. Another native named Te Hapi, of the Wairoa, had a dream, and felt a desire to go to Te Kooti to get an interpretation of it. Te Tihi, hearing of this, expressed a desire to accompany Te Hapi that he might see his relations, as also the country. The two went together. On arriving at the Kuiti, they saw a number of natives using horses for thrashing out wheat. They shook hands with many of them, among whom was Te Kooti, who, however, was unknown to the two natives. Te Tihi afterwards recognised Te Kooti by his being deficient of a finger, lost at Taupo. Te Tihi retired to his friends on one side of a creek on the opposite side of which resided Te Kooti. Just before leaving to return to the Wairoa, Te Kooti sent for him, saying he wanted to speak to him. Te Tihi went, when Te Kooti asked him whether he knew a woman named Matha. Te Kooti said, because if he did he wanted him to take a message to her. He was to tell her that his love for her was very great. That she was his rightful wife, and that the others he had no regard for. If she loved him still she was to rejoin him in Waikato, either by the way of Taupo or by steamer to the Thames and so on to Ohinemuri where if she did not like to come he would meet her. Te Tihi said he would deliver the message and he did so. His companion Te Hapi was the bearer of many messages from the Wairoa natives who had lately seen Te Kooti. Te Tihi did not himself hear Te Kooti deliver the messages to Te Hapi. Te Hapi told him of the message as he was returning on this way to Wairoa. Te Hapi when he returned to the Wairoa delivered messages to this effect: “ Tell the natives that if any of them wish to tangi (condole) with me let them come: but not in the same way that Arate and others had come before, as he was not a god and able to cure and make men whole. He said Rakaroa must not visit me. If he does the guns will return (meaning that he would shoot him.) But if Paratene wishes to fetch away his sister he can do so. Tell the people to be steadfast in their worship of the Gospel, and industrious in planting food, or use means by which they may live long.”
Te Kooti during one of his interviews with Te Hapi presented him with two Bibles which contained the particular heads of the additions to his belief. But he did not in particular refer to this (his peculiar) worship when he was speaking in the message he sent to the natives of the Wairoa recommending them to be steadfast in the worship of the Gospel.
This was the substance of what Te Tihi communicated to Captain Porter but there were additions by others – as in these instances, and to the effect, that if Rakaroa stayed at his kainga (at Reinga) he (Te Kooti) would come to him and that would be the last of Rakaroa’s days.
Also that if Martha did not join him in Waikato he would with his own hand get possession of her.
Martha says she never received such a message from Te Tihi.
In reply to a direct question to Te Tihi by Capt. Porter, whether Te Kooti had expressed his intention to resume hostilities.
Te Tihi said that Te Kooti was living under sufferance at the King’s place and never took part or spoke in assemblies of Kingites further than to welcome the guests. A large meeting of the Thames and Mataora natives was held at the King’s place while Te Tihi was there. Matters relating to the welfare of the natives were referred to but Te Kooti took no part.
And this is the whole of the substance pertaining to the Te Kooti scare. And we hope as Captain Porter leads us to believe this will be the last of it.
The scare on the part of the Maoris in the district, and on the East Coast is due to the belief on the part of the natives that the Europeans were better informed than themselves.
DESIGNS prepared from rough sketches.
Plans colored or etched in first style
Architect and Building Surveyor,
Watches! Watches! Watches !
DRAWS special attention to his Magnificent Stock of WATCHES, just received direct from English and American Manufacturers, and made Specially to Order, which, for Excellence and Cheapness, are unequalled in the colony.
All Watches sold at this establishment are thoroughly regulated and put in working condition before leaving the premises, and Guaranteed.
A.M.* A.M. + A.M. P.M. P.M.
Spit, depart 7.40 11.0 3.40
Napier arrive 7.50 11.10 3.50
Napier depart 6.45 7.55 11.30 4.10 2.30
Farndon depart 7.10 8.20 11.55 4.35 2.55
Hastings, depart 7.35 8.45 12.20 5.0
Paki Paki arrive 9.5 5.18
Paki Paki depart 7.53 9.13 5.20
Te Aute arrive 8.32
Te Aute depart 8.35 9.55 6.5
Kaikora depart 9.15 10.35 6.45
Waipawa, depart 9.35 10.35 7.25
Waipukurau arrive 9.55 11.15 7.25
Waipukurau depart 10.0 11.30
Takapau, arrive 10.50 12.20
* On Monday and Thursday only.
+ On Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.
A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
Takapau, depart 2.20
Waipukurau, dep. 7.10 3.15
Waipawa, depart 7.30 3.35
Kaikora, depart 7.50 3.55
Te Aute arrive 8.31
Te Aute depart 8.33 4.35
Paki Paki, arrive 9.10 5.15
Paki Paki, depart 9.12 5.22
Hastings, depart 9.32 1.0 5.42 5.20
Farndon, depart 9.57 1.25 6.7 5.45
Napier arrive 10.22 1.50 6.32 6.10
Napier depart 7.20 10.25 3.0
Spit, arrive 7.30 10.35 3.10
*Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday only.
Passengers are requested not to enter or leave the carriages while in motion.
Season Tickets issued to and from all Stations. Apply to the Manager.
To ensure despatch, Parcels should be booked fifteen minutes before the starting of the Train.
General Manager,
Napier, March 8, 1877.
SAMSON FENCE WIRE. – This is an entirely new article, and is fast superseding the old style. Five Wires weigh Ten cwt. per mile, and costs in Melbourne £12 10s, versus Seventeen cwt. ordinary wire costing £14 10s, (the relative cost will be the same at the principal ports of Australasia) with the advantage of having Seven cwt. less to pay carriage for. Over 1,000 TONS sold by one firm last year, giving unbounded satisfaction. Send for full descriptive circular with innumerable testimonials from leading colonists, and judge for yourselves. McLEAN BROS., and RIGG, Importers, and General Ironmongers, Melbourne.
“By a through knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” – See in the Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk.
Sold only in pockets (tins for abroad), labelled: –
and at
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted in English, Continental, and American Newspapers, Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines, Books, and Stationery supplied with accuracy and punctuality, and at the lowest prices.
Proprietors of Newspapers furnished with Paper, Ink, and every requisite connected with the printing business.
Indents through the Sydney and Melbourne houses, and Commissions executed quickly and economically generally.
Persons suffering from weak or debilitated constitutions will discover that by the use of this wonderful medicine there is “Health for all.” The blood is the fountain of life, and its purity can be maintained by the use of these pills.
in his work entitled “The Nile Tributaries in Abbyssinia,” says, “I ordered the dragoman Mahomet to inform the Fakey that I was a Doctor, and that I had the best medicines at the service of the sick, with advice gratis. In a short time I had many applicants, to whom I served out a quantity of Holloway’s Pills. These are most useful to an explorer, as possessing unmistakable purgative properties they create an undeniable effect upon the patient, which satisfies him of their value.”
Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment. I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse feed poured in upon us until at last a teaspoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
On the Label in the address, 533, Oxford-street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
With a “New York” Label.
Spital Hill, Sheffield, direct the attention of Flock Owners and Shearers to their Improved New Pattern, No. 69 Shear, which for quality, style, finish, and adaptability to the requirements of the Australian and New Zealand markets, cannot be surpassed. The main features are – great extra width of steel in the blades, accurately ground, long shanks with narrow grip. Procurable at the leading Ironmongers’ Warehouses throughout Australasia.
Look for this Trade Mark in blade.
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
Standing Advertisements for Three, Six or Twelve Months can be arranged for at a Liberal Discount.
Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original order) must be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager.
W. DENHOLM, Port Ahuriri
£ s
Per Quarter, if paid in advance 0 6
Per Quarter, if booked 0 7
Per Annum, if paid in advance 1 6
Per Annum, if booked 1 10
Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1877.
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