Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 086 – 7 July

Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,

A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.


Government Notifications.

Crown Lands Office,
Napier, 19th May 1877.
Notice is hereby given that the following selections of land in the MAKARETU RESERVE having been forfeited, will under Section 13 of the above Act, be sold for Cash, by Public Auction at the Crown Lands Office, at Noon on MONDAY, the 30th July 1877.
Application   Contents   Upset price
A.R.P   £ s. d.
13   100 0 0   50 0 0
15   100 0 0   50 0 0
17   200 0 0   100 0 0
49   100 0 0   50 0 0
50   60 0 0   30 0 0
54   100 0 0   50 0 0
86   40 0 0   20 0 0
110   50 0 0   25 0 0
111   50 0 0   25 0 0
*The above areas are exclusive of 5 per cent allowance for Roads.
Commissioner of Crown Lands.

3,920 ACRES Freehold, rich pastoral land, Wairoa, with
800 Sheep, and 100 head Cattle
900 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa
4,677 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa, with
3,000 Sheep, and other necessary working improvements
3,000 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,220 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
400 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
2,500 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved, with
2,000 Sheep and 250 head Cattle
4,200 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Poverty Bay
11,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, Poverty Bay, with
3000 Sheep and few Cattle
1,600 acres Leasehold, half interest, Poverty Bay
8,800 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa [Tolaga] Bay, with
3,000 Sheep and good improvements
1,100 acres Freehold, rich land, Opotiki, with
1,000 Sheep, and all necessary improvements
33,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 26 miles from Napier
55,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, 70 miles from Napier with
5,000 sheep and 50 head Cattle
9,000 acres Freehold, Agricultural and Pastoral, Seaboard, with
14,000 acres Leasehold, valuable improvements, and
15,000 Sheep, few Cattle, Horses, &c.
1,639 acres Freehold, near Greytown, with
1,040 acres Leasehold, all fenced and subdivided, and
5,000 longwool Sheep, 120 Cattle, few horses, and every improvement necessary. The coach road passes through the property.
Stock and Station Agent.

THE first-class Draught Entire “PRESIDENT” Sire Old President, bred by the late J. Nimino [ Nimmo ?], Esq., of Otago. “President” is 5 years old, and has taken two First Prizes.
For pedigree and terms, apply to

THE Troughbred [Thoroughbred] Stallion “YOUNG CAMDEN,” 7 years old, rich brown. Sire Bay Camden.
“MARQUIS LORNE,” rich dapple Bay Clydesdale, 6 years old, 16½ hands, sire imported Stallion “Lofty,” dam celebrated Mare “Diamond.”
“THE BAY” 2 years old, colt sire “Marquis Lorne,” dam “Blink Bonny.”
For particulars and terms, apply to

MR. EVAN’S Draught Stallion, “LORD NELSON,” by “Sir Colin Campbell,” dam “Blossom,” etc.
Liberal terms.
For further particulars apply to

On Deferred Payments.
For particulars, apply to

of various extent, and
Stocked and Unstocked, in the Provinces of Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington. Canterbury, and Otago.
For particulars, apply at the office, Browning-street, Napier.
All First-class Flocks.
STORE SHEEP. – Various Lots of Store Merinos Ewes and Wedders for Sale.

THE FEES (5s for each dog) payable for the Registration in the above County are now due, and can be paid daily to the undersigned from whom badges can be obtained.
By order,
County Clerk.NZ
County Clerk’s Office,
Wairoa, 1st July, 1877.

MUST be thoroughly acquainted with the management of Cattle, and will have to do the work in the yard, such as breaking in Heifers, milking, &c. Will also have to assist in the repair of Fences.
None need apply unless they can produce unexceptionable references as to perfect sobriety, competence, experience, and activity.
Mount Herbert, June 29, 1877.

100,000 QUICKS, Two-years growth, in lots to suit purchasers.


TENDERS are invited from those desirous of Leasing the Ferry from the Eastern to the Western Spit for a term of five years.
The lessee will have to provide a steam launch to carry not less than 20 passengers.
The ferryman will have to be in attendance from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily (Sundays included.) Launch to run every half hour if required.
The lessee to provide a suitable punt, capable of carrying over a team of bullocks and dray.
The launch to have sufficient power to tow punt across when required.
Specifications to be seen at the office of the Board’s Engineer, of whom full particulars can be obtained.
The whole of the above to be subject to the approval of the Harbor Board or their Engineer.
Tenders must be sent in not later than 11 a.m. on August the 7th, 1877, addressed to the Chairman of the Napier Harbor Board, and marked “Tender for Ferry.”

Education Board Office,
Napier, June 4, 1877.
NOTICE  is hereby given that the following Education Reserve will be offered for Lease (21 years) by Public Auction at the late Provincial Council Chamber, on TUESDAY, September 4, 1877 :-
Section 289 B, Town of Napier, 1 rood. Upset price £20 per annum.
Chairman Education Board.

Men’s Elastic sides, at 14s
Men’s Bluchers, at 9s 6d
Men’s Army Bluchers, at 11s
Men’s Watertights, 14s
Men’s Shooters, light, at 16s 6d
Men’s Shooters, heavy, 16s 6d
Men’s Oxonian, at 7s
Men’s Canvas Shoes, at 6s.

Price 2s 6d each.

A.M.*   A.M. +   A.M.   P.M.   P.M.
Spit, depart   7.40   11.0   3.40
Napier arrive   7.50   11.10   3.50
Napier depart   6.45   7.55   11.30   4.10   2.30
Farndon depart   7.10   8.20   11.55   4.35   2.55
Hastings, depart   7.35   8.45   12.20   5.0
Paki Paki arrive   9.5   5.18
Paki Paki depart   7.53   9.13   5.20
Te Aute arrive   8.32
Te Aute depart   8.35   9.55   6.5
Kaikora depart   9.15   10.35   6.45
Waipawa, depart   9.35   11.15   7.25
Waipukurau arrive   9.55   11.15
Waipukurau depart   10.0   11.30
Takapau, arrive   10.50   12.20
* On Monday and Thursday only.
+ On Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.
A.M.   A.M.   P.M.   P.M.   P.M.
Takapau, depart   2.20
Waipukurau, dep.   7.10   3.15
Waipawa, depart   7.30   3.35
Kaikora, depart   7.50   3.55
Te Aute arrive   8.31
Te Aute depart   8.33   4.35
Paki Paki, arrive   9.10   5.15
Paki Paki, depart   9.12   5.22
Hastings, depart   9.32   1.0   5.42   5.20
Farndon, depart   9.57   1.25   6.7   5.45
Napier arrive   10.22   1.50   6.32   6.10
Napier depart   7.20   10.25   3.0
Spit, arrive   7.30   10.35   3.10
*Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday only.
Passengers are requested not to enter or leave the carriages while in motion.
Season tickets issued to and from all Stations. Apply to the Manager.
To ensure despatch, Parcels should be booked fifteen minutes before the starting of the Train.
General Manager,
Napier, March 8, 1877.

SAMSON FENCE WIRE. – This is an entirely new article, and is fast superseding the old style. Five Wires weigh Ten cwt. per mile, and costs in Melbourne £12 10s, versus Seventeen cwt. ordinary wire costing £14 10s (the relative cost will be the same at the principal ports of Australasia) with the advantage of having Seven cwt. less to pay carriage for. Over 1,000 TONS sold by one firm last year, giving unbounded satisfaction. Send for full descriptive circular with innumerable testimonials from leading colonists, and judge for yourselves. McLEAN BROS., and RIGG, Importers, and General Ironmongers, Melbourne.

WANTED KNOWN – That the Cheapest and Neatest BILLHEADS may be had at the TELEGRAPH Office.

WANTED KNOWN – That in all Orders for GENERAL PRINTING executed at the DAILY TELEGRAPH Office, FULL NUMBERS are guaranteed.



June 29.
The public are indignant at no plan of the Wairoa confiscated block for sale being visible nearer than Auckland. It looks like log rolling.
There was a heavy frost this morning, the ice being half-an-inch thick.
July 2.
The Mary Ann Hudson got into the Mohaka on Saturday.
July 3.
The Manaia is detained until tomorrow through stress of weather. It is blowing a souther, accompanied with heavy rain. The Manaia has 900 bushels of maize on board.


July 3.
The Council met to-day. Present – Councillor Mackersey in the Chair, Councillors Levy, Monteith, Lawrence, and Rathbone. Mr. Bold writes accepting the appointment as Engineer of both Counties if the Hawke’s Bay Council will co-operate.
A resolution was passed that tenders be call for twelve months’ maintenance of roads, Tamaki to the Gorge, embracing the road from Woodville to Manawatu on the Masterton road, and from Waipukurau to Motuotaraia, and Motuotaraia to Porangahau.
The accounts were passed and ordered to be paid.
Adjourned to Tuesday, August 7.




Among the Bangalore’s passengers for New Zealand are Captain Russell, M.H.R., for Napier, Mrs. Russell and family.


July 3, 1877.
OUR park is being laid out, but perhaps not with that rapidity that many could desire, still I have no doubt the trustees are pushing it forward as quickly as the funds at their disposal will admit of, and in a few years there cannot be a question as to its being the favorite  resort of the people of Napier. I have heard some persons express regret that it is not of greater extent, and suggest the desirability of purchasing the adjoining paddock, the property of Mr. Giffard. If this could be done, there cannot be a doubt that it would form a remarkably desirous acquisition; still in the meantime I presume we must remain satisfied with what we have, and ornament and beautify it as the funds will allow.
I notice that several persons are planting willows along the river bank as a protection to their properties from floods. Doubtless this is a wise precaution, still I cannot help thinking that if at the same time they were to plant the blackberry bush, it would form the most efficacious safeguard to the river banks, and there would be little danger of the bushes or banks being washed away.
The works at Merritt’s corner are all but completed, and if they stand, they will to a great extent secure the safety of that portion of the railway which passes in close proximity to this much dreaded corner, but what the effects will be on the other side of the river remains to be seen.
I with many others was glad to notice in your columns that the Government intend fencing the whole of the railway line. This is certainly a step in the right direction, and the sooner it is commenced the better, as it will prevent the liability to accident that now exists.
The Indian minahs are very numerous about Farndon, and appear to have become thoroughly acclimatised.
Business as in most other places is particularly dull. This doubtless is in consequence of the boiling-down establishments having closed operations for the season.
Mr. McPherson commenced his contract this morning at the “stop bank” near to Mr. Grant’s, and anticipates having it completed within five or six weeks, and from his well-known punctuality there is every reason to believe that his anticipations will be realised.




We are glad to report that the ploughing match at Taradale, on Thursday, was a great success. The prizes were awarded as follows: – Class A. – Swing Plough: 1st prize, Gavin Tod (Mr. Graham’s team), £5; 2nd prize, Thomas Miller, (own team), £3; 3rd prize, Joseph Bicknell, (own team), £1; 4th prize, Mr. Stuart, (Col. Whitmore’s team), pair of boots, given by Mr. Barry.
Class B. – Wheel Plough: 1st prize, William Pulford, (Mr. Ormond’s team), £5, also champion prize for the best ploughing on the ground, £2; 2nd prize, W. Lincoln, (Mr. John Heslop’s team), £3; 3rd prize, William Macey, (Mr. Bicknell’s team), £1.
Class C. – Double Farrow Plough: 1st prize, M. Coster, (Mr. Ormond’s team), £5. There were no other entries. The committee, however, recommended that the prize should be awarded as if there had been competition.
Class D. – Youths under 17 years of age: 1st prize, Edward Hughes, (Mr. Jones’ team), £3; 2nd prize, Robert Hughes, (Mr. Jones’ team), £1 10s. Class E.- For natives only, 1st prize, Tiwi, (Karaitiana’s team), £5; 2nd prize, Panapa, (Karaitiana’s team), £3; 3rd prize, Tiwi, of Puketapu, (Mr. Jone’s team), £1. The judges of horses &c., were Messrs Pringle Cunningham, and McIntyre. Best Pair of Horses: John Heslop £1 and pair of swingle-trees. The latter were presented by Messrs Stock and Vinsen, of Napier. Best Matched Pair of Horses: 1st prize, Panapa, £1. Best Kept Harness: Thomas Miller, pair of silver-mounted winkers, presented by Mr. Bradley, saddler, of Taradale. A dinner was given in the evening at Mr. McDonald’s Hotel, Taradale, Mr. Jeffares in the chair, at which a large number was present. The usual toasts and speeches incidental to such gatherings were given and responded to, and after a most successful meeting the party broke up, well pleased with the results of the ploughing match.

The entertainment given by the Dramatic Club for the benefit of the Cricket Club was most successful in its pecuniary results. If fault could be found with the management it was in the length of the programme, that forced many of the audience to leave the Hall before it was brought to a conclusion. The first piece produced “Used Up,” brought on the stage Messrs Bell and Swan, whose reappearance met with a gratifying reception from the audience, that evidently remembered most favourably the many excellent representations given here by those amateur comedians. Mr Bell as Sir Charles Coldstream, and Mr Swan as Ironbrace, appeared to advantage, nor must we forget to mention that the club has found a great acquisition in Mr T.W. Bear, who, as Farmer Wurzel, showed he was no novice on the stage. Mrs T.W. Bear was assigned the character of Mary Wurzel, and its representation gave evidence that with further training she would make an actress of no mean ability. The part of Lady Clutterbuck was not successfully taken. The club would do well in remembering how difficult it is to obtain the services of a lady, and it would be better to give female parts to young gentlemen rather than spoil the piece by giving the representation of a character to an amateur lady who has no conception of stage business. Messrs. Winter, Dewes, Scott, and Ingpen, filled up the minor parts very creditably, the first named gentleman being remarkably good as Sir Adonis Leech. The musical interlude, that followed “Used Up,” might well have been cut out of the programme. The trio sung by Messrs. Bell, Jones, and Morgon, was the most meritorious performance in this part of the entertainment. It is always a treat to hear Mr Jones, whose entire freedom from affectation combined with his thorough musical knowledge, and exquisite voice, place him far and away from the ordinary ranks of amateurs. The dark seance, after Professor Fay, by Mr Kraeft, was a clever performance, and little inferior to the original. The “Fakir O-Spito” merely needs to acquire the professional clap-trap patter to travel successfully as a spiritualistic medium. The sparkling operetta, “Fair Rosamond’s Bower,” brought the entertainment to a close. Mr Bell took the part of King Henry, Mr Britten, the Queen, and Mrs T.W. Bear, that of Rosamond. Mrs Bear, in this character, appeared to great advantage; Mr Britten’s acting was extremely humorous, and Mr Bell, as in every dramatic part he undertakes, was admirable. Mr W. H. Flood, presided over the orchestra, and accompanied throughout the performances in his usual brilliant manner.

The prize silver cup awarded by the Hawke’s Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Society to Mr. W. Pulford, as champion ploughman, is now on view at Mr John Robertson’s Hastings-street. The cup is a very handsome trophy, and was well earned. We trust its award will encourage a healthful spirit of emulation among the ploughmen of the county.


The salt-water well at the rear of the Union Bank of Australia was tested on Thursday by the Fire Brigade, and found to be practically inexhaustible. Mr Swan is having a well sunk at his brewery, which will be of vast benefit to that neighbourhood in the event of fire. The Corporation should certainly provide wells in every part of the town, so that in case of a conflagration breaking out, the efforts of the Fire Brigade should not be rendered abortive for want of water.

After much correspondence, the Corporation of Napier has succeeded in obtaining from the General Government the repayment of £100 expended for charitable purposes by the Borough.

Thomas Floyd, a well known laborer here, man ged [managed] on Friday at Port Ahuriri to get his right foot too close to one of Oxenhams loaded drays. The effect was that the wheel passed over Floyd’s foot, crushing it in a fearful manner. Mr Oxenham had the man taken to town for medical advice.


The Rev. D’Arcy Irvine has shown us a telegram that he has received from the Primate requesting Mr Irvine to conduct Devine service at St John’s Church, until further arrangements can be made. Church matters here have got into such a state of muddle, that in default of further information we are tempted to ask by what right the Primate has usurped the functions of the Vestry?


There was some little excitement among the residents of Coote Road on Saturday, caused by a runaway horse attached to a delivery cart travelling along the road. The horse and cart belonged to Mr Myhill, grocer, and was in charge of W. Hall. The man left his charge in front of Mr East’s premises to deliver some goods, and during his absence the horse went off down the hill, through Coote Road, and on to the Marine Parade. When close to the Police Station, he went on to the beach, when the cart capsized, and the horse was caught. Fortunately the only damage was the breaking of both shafts of the cart.

A meeting of shareholders in connection with the Co-operative Baking Company was held in the Protestant Hall on Friday. Mr. Hambling being voted to the chair, he explained the object of the meeting, and called on the secretary to read the rules suggested for adoption, after which a large number of shares were taken up. It was then proposed that a number of shareholders be added to the Committee to canvas and further the objects of the society. The following shareholders were appointed to receive the names and monies of intending shareholders: – Messrs C. Hambling, Grinlinton, Steel, Watt, Renouf, Consett, P. Palmer, Begg, and W. Irwin. It was also proposed to advertise twice per week in each newspaper the names of the above committee to whom all desirous of obtaining shares should make application. A vote of thanks to the Chairman terminated the proceedings.

In pursuance of a notification which appeared, a meeting was held in the Taradale school-room on Friday, for the purpose of electing five Conservators for the Taradale district.
Mr. McDonald was in the chair. The Chairman read the advertisement calling the meeting, and then called on Mr. S.F. Anderson, the secretary, to report on what had been done, who stated, that although it was ever since last February that this business had been started, the delay had not been on the part of those who had taken the work in hand, nor, he thought, on that of the Government either, as all communications had been promptly attended to; but it was owing to chiefly the change in the form of government, all communications having to go to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary in place of the Superintendent, hence great part of the delay. In accordance with the 8th clause of the Hawke’s Bay Rivers Act, a list of the owners and occupiers of property had been hung up at the Taradale Hotel, and within fourteen days of doing so this meeting had to be called to elect five Conservators, which was now the business before them. The Chairman said that, having got the matter so far through, he hoped they would be unanimous in electing five good men, and save as much time as possible, as any disagreement would require them to go to the poll. The following gentlemen were then chosen: – Messrs L.A. Tiffen, H.S. Tiffen, Thomas Jeffares, C.P. O’Dowd, and A. McDonald. After a vote of thanks to the Chairman the meeting closed. – [Taradale correspondent.]


We understand that the whole of the Police Force in the Hawke’s Bay District were re-sworn on Saturday, and are now members of the Armed Constabulary of New Zealand.

In the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Saturday, John Page, a driver in the employ of Mr. Cotton, was fined 10s and costs 6s 6d, for a breach of the Municipal By-laws, by driving on the footpath in front of the Oddfellow’s Hall on the evening of the Masonic Ball.
His Worship the Mayor presided.

Mr W. Shrimpton has brought into town, from his run at Mataipiro [Matapiro], a splendid pair of antlers, that are now to be seen at Mr. Palmer’s stables. These antlers have been shed by a red stag that has been straying in the neighborhood of Mr Shrimpton’s station for the past two years. The noble beast comes down from the hills regularly every morning at daylight, and, hopping over a ten wire fence, partakes of a substantial breakfast of English grass. On being disturbed he speedily clears off, but only very severe weather keeps him from breakfasting off the rich artificial pasture in Mr Shrimpton’s paddocks. The antlers show the stag to be six years of age, and therefore they cannot be from the same animal that has been seen off and on for the last ten years between Waikare and Mohaka.


The twelve months’ leases of two of the Harbor Board reserves were sold on Saturday by Messrs. Margoliouth and Banner. The Lighthouse reserve of 14 acres, of which 11 are available, the remainder now forming a portion of the cliff, was put up at the upset rental of £30, and was knocked down to Mr Lennie, for £65. The Whare-o-Maraenui reserve of 1784 acres, realised the upset rental only of £100, the lessee’s being Messrs. Mitchell and Beatson. This reserve was let at £130 last year.



We are glad to hear that a counter petition to the one presented to the Hawke’s Bay County Council praying that the Meanee [Meeanee] Road Board may be merged into the Council, is now being taken round Meanee for signature. The majority of those who signed the first petition are signing the counter one. It is never too late to mend.


The inaugural entertainment by our Taradale Mutual Improvement Society came off on Monday. The Rev. P.C. Anderson took the chair, as President of the Society, and in opening the meeting, stated in a few words that it was the desire of the Society to provide an entertainment that, if not as perfect as they might wish would draw the people together in friendly intercourse, and give them a hearty laugh; and as they had gone to much more expense than the takings of the first entertainment would cover, the funds would therefore in this case require to go to the Society, but it was their intention on future occasions of this kind, to devote them to some charitable purpose. The first piece was the song “Larbord Watch ahoy!” given by two members of the Society, and was very fairly rendered. The Rev Chairman gave a reading from “Mahoe Leaves”; but under very difficult circumstances, as he was suffering from a severe cold, and had to curtail it on that account. But the piece of the evening was a recitation given by Miss Jennie McDonald, called “Mary, Queen of Scots.” The exceedingly nice distinctness with which this was done speaks well for her teacher’s care. Although a very long piece the animation was sustained in a manner that many elder ones might copy. The remainder of the first part went off very well. After an interval of fifteen minutes, a farce called “Mrs Green’s Snug Little Business” wound up the meeting. About this last performance I will not say much, although it was highly amusing. It was their first attempt at anything of the kind, so we may look forward to something superior next time. Mr. Flood presided at the piano, and accompanied the amateurs in his usual clever style. Another entertainment is spoken of to come off in a month’s time.

On Sunday evening the Rev. D’Arcy Irvine preached at St. John’s Church, taking his text from Romans viii., 6. The reverend gentleman dwelt fully on the punishment to be meted out hereafter to those who had lived and died carnally minded. Touching the materiality of Hell, Mr. Irvine said he had searched every page of the Scriptures diligently to discover whether there was any escape from an eternal Hell, but had found nothing to give rise to such a belief. The condemned soul, reunited to the body, would enter into everlasting punishment, the material fire of which would have in its action a preserving as well as a consuming effect. This paradox was explained as being quite within the power of the Almighty. Anyone, said Mr. Irvine, would love a God who would overlook sin, and provide no punishment for the wicked, but it required a gift of the divine grace to love and serve a God of justice. Mr. W.H. Flood, organist, played as voluntaries “O Mighty Pen” from the Creation,” and “Great Dagon has subdued our Foe,” from “Sampson.”


Mrs. Wright who was charged with the murder of her child at Napier some time back, and being found not guilty on the ground of insanity, and was confined in the Lunatic Asylum at Christchurch, during Her Majesty’s pleasure, was released on the 21st ult.  Her husband who is settled at Temuka, took her home to her family.

We hear that Master F.A. Rich, eldest son of E.F. Rich Esq., of Napier, has passed both Senior and Junior Examinations for the New Zealand Civil Service. Master Rich was educated at the Napier Grammar School, under the Revd. G.M. D’Arcy Irvine.

The members of Court Captain Cook met on Tuesday night, for the election of officers for the ensuing six months, when the following brethren were elected: – Chief Ranger, Bro. W.T. Limbrick; sub-Chief Ranger Bro. Muiette; Secretary, Bro. Spence, (re-elected); Treasurer, Bro. Moore, (re-elected); L.W., Bro. Erickson; J.W., Bro. Blackwell; L.B., Bro. Chappell; J.B., Bro. Anderson; Court Surgeon, Dr. De Lisle.

Traffic has been resumed on the New Taradale road. Mr Jeffares is the lessee of the toll-gate.


The following paragraph, published in the Herald some weeks ago, is going the rounds of the Colonial Press: – “We learn that Mr McRae, late storekeeper at Havelock, by the death of a relative, has inherited a legacy of £12,000, and also a considerable quantity of landed property. About nine months ago Mr McRae found it necessary to enter into a composition with his creditors by which they got 10s in the pound. However Mr McRae now honorably intends making up the balance.” The creditors in the estate, who were joyful over the intelligence, are still waiting anxiously and patiently for the “balance.”


There are quite enough genuine claims made in Napier on the charitably disposed, without benevolent people being made the victims of imposters. A woman has been lately going round on the plea that her husband is sick, and that her large family is in absolute want both of food and clothing. The woman has succeeded in getting money and clothes from various householders, and being a foreigner, her pretended distress receives the more consideration. The woman’s husband supports himself by fishing, and employ’s a man to sell the produce of his labor; he has moreover landed property in Napier, and his family consists of only one child. The police, we understand are looking after these people, and if any further attempt is made to exhort money from charitable persons, more will be heard of it in the Magistrate’s Court.

We notice in the Wellington journals that Mr John Harding, of Waipukurau, who arrived in Napier on Sunday last from a visit to America and Europe, gave during his stay at Wellington a lecture, relating his experience in the results of prohibition of liquor in the various parts he visited. It is suggested that Mr Harding be invited to give a similar lecture in Napier.

The number of applications for nominated assisted passages to New Zealand, sent home last mail by the Immigration Officer, for Hawke’s Bay, was twenty-four.

The letter portion of the Suez mail arrived by the overland mail on Tuesday, and was ready for delivery at the Post office an hour after arrival.

We understand that Mr John Barry, of Taradale, has been the successful contractor for supplying forage for the Constabulary for the districts of Napier, Taradale, Danevirk
[ Dannevirke ].


To the Editor: Sir – The Herald’s shipping reporter writes as follows: – “Captain Doile was acquainted with this port before it could lay claim to that name, when the only accommodation provided for the shipping was that interesting locality known as the Iron Pot. Thanks to the stirring nature of the Hawke’s Bay settlers, we can now boast of a port of some significance, and we trust that when Mr Curruther’s scheme is completely carried out the Napier Bar will have become a thing of the past.” Let me inform the young man, who penned the above, that the object of Mr Curruthers’ scheme is to provide shipping accommodation equal to that our harbor offered when vessels could come into the Iron Pot. It is a bold assertion to make that the harbor scheme will do away with the bar; nothing is more problematical.- I am &c., OLD RESIDENT.   Port Ahuriri, July 4, 1877.

The time for sending in designs for the new Napier Hospital, expires on Monday next. We would suggest before the Board accepts any design, that all should be publicly exhibited, not only to satisfy laudable curiosity, but that the exhibition may evoke public opinion, which might not be without a favorable effect. The Auckland Hospital authorities made a great mistake in this respect. There was no exhibition of the designs, and, eventually, the very worst that was sent in was chosen.

Since the Municipality has had the pound in its keeping, stray horses and cattle in the streets are not so plentiful as heretofore. One Government official who, when the pound was under provincial management was permitted to have the grass on the hills for his cows free, has during the past week had to pay about 30s in poundage fees. Of course he objects, and protests; but being only now a County official and not the Government, his protests are not listened to, and he has to pay, “like any other man.”

The fourth election for a member to represent the Waipukurau Riding will shortly take place. The same two candidates, the Hon. H.R. Russell, and Mr S. Johnston, will again compete, and the defeated candidate will we presume, find some flaw in the mode of election to have it once more upset.


The General Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Society met on Wednesday at Mr Banks’ office, to adopt certain revisions of the by-laws. Some alterations were agreed to, and then a Committee of Management was held. The names of the judges were submitted to the meeting, and it was resolved that they should be invited to accept the position. It was agreed to hold a Champion Ploughing Match, and that two champion medals be awarded in future, one for senior and the other for junior classes. That prizes should be awarded for provincial grown wheat and other cereals.




We understand that the Directors of the Napier Savings Bank are endeavouring to obtain a grant of a portion of the Government lawn as a site for a Bank Building. If this lawn, that is now an ornament to the town, is to be given away as building sites for public institutions, we do not see why the Corporation should not go in for a slice for a Town Hall.

The Telegraph messenger boys receive a salary at Napier of £36 a year, but in all other principal centres in New Zealand they get from £40 to £45 a year. Why should this distinction be made? Wages for both men and boys, as a rule, are higher here than in any other town of the colony, and living is dearer. The Telegraph messengers here have a large and straggling town to go over, and they should certainly be placed on the same footing, as regards pay, as the messengers in the Department in other parts of the colony.

It is officially notified that the new Taradale Road will open for traffic on and after Thursday next. This will be a boon to the Tarabale [Taradale] settlers.

We are requested to call the attention of the County authorities to the state of the approaches to the Meanee Bridge. Unless steps are taken at once to have them repaired, a stop will be placed to traffic through the approaches being washed away by the first fresh. We are told that “a stitch in time saves nine.” A little outlay on the bridge at present would save a considerable sum of money hereafter.

A meeting of Mr R D Maney’s creditors was held on Thursday, when a composition of 5s in the pound with the unsecured creditors was agreed to. The unsecured debts amount to £6000, which are to be met as above by three, six, nine, and twelve month’s bills.

The commencement of the election campaign for the Waipukurau Riding has commenced in earnest. Mr. S. Johnston, one of the candidates, has invited the electors to meet him at the Ashley-Clinton School-house, at 2 p.m. on Monday, and at Mr Brewer’s store, Sherwood, on Tuesday, at the same hour. We have not heard whether the Hon H.R. Russell is going to stump the district.

In the R.M’s Court on Thursday, before J.A. Smith Esq., J.P., a man named F. Strong, was muleted in the sum of five shillings for being weak enough to imbibe strong liquors to such an extent as to deprive him of the use of his understanding.


Mass will be celebrated by the Rev E. Reigner next Sunday, 8th instant, in Havelock school-room, at 11 a.m.

Church of England Services will be held (D.V.) on Sunday next, the 8th instant, at Hastings at 11 a.m., at Havelock at 3 p.m., and Clive at 7 p.m.



July 5.
The Manaia left at mid-day.
There is no news. There is utter stagnation everywhere.

July 4.
At an extraordinary meeting of the South British Insurance Company, the following resolutions were carried unanimously: – “That the capital of the company be increased by the creation of 12,500 additional shares of £20 each.”
Mr. Currie asked what would be the value of the new shares?
The Chairman said the shares would cost the shareholders £3 10s. There would be more for sale outside the Company.
Mr. Boardman said a circular was being got into shape, and would be sent round to the shareholders to the following effect: – “Payment for new shares may be made to the manager at Auckland, or to the agents of the company at Wellington, Nelson, Christchurch, Dunedin, Napier, New Plymouth, Hokitika, and Wanganui. No shares of the new issue will be transferred in the books of the Company until the full amount of 70s per share is paid; that number No. 95 of the Articles of Association be altered by the omission of the words ‘and no dividend exceeding 10 per cent. per annum shall be at any time declared, unless under special resolution of the Company.’ The rule will then read ‘no dividend shall be payable except out of the profits arising from the business of the Company.’ ”


The Wanaka sails for Napier, and Poverty Bay, Tauranga, and Auckland, at 2 p.m. Passengers: – Capt. Russell and family, Messrs Goldinham and Edwards.


July 4.
Sailed – Yesterday, Acadia, for Napier.


SIR, – In the Herald of this morning, I notice a letter signed “The Bar,” which I consider no sensible person could have written, except such a person as the Editor of the Herald. Allow me to say that the bar cannot be in a worse state except the port be closed altogether. The Isabella Pratt arrived yesterday from Oamaru; she had to be lightered of some 20 tons before crossing the bar. Should the present state continue, the port will shortly have to be closed; nothing but small steamers that can plough themselves through the shingle will be able to enter our port. This state of things will suit “The Bar” so to see the whole of our trade go to Wellington, which, in my firm belief,


was the intention of some members of the Harbor Board who supported the present scheme of harbor improvement. Sir, I only see one way to improve our position, and that is to stop the present work, and to use the balance of our loan to something reproductive in future. I trust when the Board meet the matter will be brought forward by some of those members who have sense to see the coming result. – I am, &c.,
July 4, 1877.

SIR, – The proposed Native Lands Act 1877, appears to have created quite a tempest in a teapot. The Southern papers as well as those published in Wanganui [Whanganui] and other places, are all of opinion that the Act if passed, will be altogether in favor of large speculators, and it will lead to the mopping up of the country to the exclusion of the small farmer. This, no doubt, is a very serious matter, and one that we should not lose sight of. If it is the fact that small men and those of somewhat larger means are to be quietly put on one side, then the sooner the Act goes to the waste paper basket the better it will be for the country.
But before we condemn the measure, let us see what grounds there are for believing that its operation will be as represented. The Act is a thorough going one in the interests of free trade in land, it will be open to any one should it become law to buy a block of native land, there is no protection whatever for the capitalist, unless it may be the same protection that he has in other matters, if it suits him to give more than a smaller man can give he will probably become the purchaser, but it is not probable that he would give anything like so high a price as the man who wanted to use it. The Act if passed in its present shape, will give the native a chance of selling his land to much better advantage than he has had hitherto, and will assist very much in the spread of settlement in the country. The operation of the Native Lands Act at present in existence has not been beneficial, chiefly because the power which is so much dreaded has been predominant. There are many large tracts of country that can only be worked profitably by large capitalists, and I do not think that any objection should be made to large holders in those cases, but where land from its situation or soil is fitted for settlement, by all means let it go, if possible, into the hands of those who would use it best. The proposed Act strikes at the root of all monopoly, clears away at one sweep all protection previously existing around the large capitalist, and allows any man to enter the market with as good a chance of succeeding as his richer neighbour. This is a state of things that the small settler has never before enjoyed, and whatever may be the law at the end of the coming session, I take it that should the proposed Act pass pretty much as it is printed, it will be a very valuable measure in the interests of settlement, and very beneficial in breaking down the monopoly that has so long existed. – I am, &c.,
Napier, July 4, 1877.

July 3, 1877.
The annual meeting of the ratepayers of the Waipukurau Road Board District was held in the Town Hall at 1 p.m., to-day. There was a good attendance, and great interest was shown in the proceedings.
Mr W.C. Smith was elected chairman.
The accounts for the past year, duly audited, were laid before the meeting, showing an expenditure of £470, which had been equally distributed through the whole district; every liability had been met, and the balance on hand was £33 1s with which to commence the new year.
Mr Russell, the chairman of the Board, made a statement to the meeting showing what had been done during the past year, and the heavy loss to the district of subsidy through the rate payers agreeing to such a low rate at the last meeting. He said that if the large landed proprietors wished to escape a heavy land tax and the bursting up of their estates, as was now being done in Victoria, they must be more liberal towards the small settlers and allow a higher rate to be struck, so that roads could be made for the outlying districts so that the settlers in those districts may have easy access to the nearest railway station.
The following gentlemen were then elected by a large majority Wardens for the ensuing year: – Messrs W.L. Newman, W.C. Smith, P. Gow, H.R. Russell, and D. McLeod.
An amendment was moved that Mr D. McLeod’s name be struck out, and Mr H. H. Bridge be inserted instead. The amendment was put to the meeting and negatived.
At a meeting of the new Board afterwards, the Hon. H.R. Russell was unanimously elected chairperson.
The Board then adjourned till Tuesday next, at 2 p.m., when the rate for the ensuing year will be fixed.

June 28, 1877.
Since my last we have had a visit from the Revs. Mr White, and Mr Parkin, of Napier, and the Rev. Mr Macfarlane, of Christchurch. The Rev. Mr Macfarlane preached; and on the next evening there was a general meeting of persons interested in the formation of a church here in connection with the United Methodist Free Church. It was resolved, that the time has arrived for the formation of a church here, which was carried unanimously. A committee was then appointed to raise subscriptions and purchase a section to build on at some future time. The rev. gentlemen expressed themselves as highly pleased with the district; they had heard good news about it before they came, but they were surprised to see the progress that had been made, and were convinced that it had a good future before it.

On Wednesday, 27th June, the Woodville Farm Association held their yearly meeting at the residence of the Secretary, J. Sowry, of Rose Farm. Mr Hughes was appointed chairman, and after the minutes had been confirmed, the secretary read the yearly report, showing that the sum of £397 3s 9¾d had been received from all sources, and that £355 12s 4d had been paid to the Government on account of land, and £17 17s 9d had been paid for expenses, leaving in his hands the sum of £23 13s 8¾d. The report was adopted, and the following officers were then elected: – J. Lloyd, treasurer; D. Hughes, secretary; and a managing committee of five persons,- Messrs Groves, Kingdom, J. Smith, Thomas, and J. Pinfold. After sundry accounts had been passed and ordered to be paid, the meeting requested the committee to provide tea for the next yearly gathering, and a vote of thanks to the chairman brought a very agreeable meeting to a close.

The association settlers have made good progress with their improvements, and there is no doubt there is more than the required ten per cent. of improvements done already, on the whole, but the settlers all find out that it will not do to clear the land up to the requirements of the law only, viz., ten inches, as it will not burn. I should strongly advise the settlers of other associations not to try and follow up the law, but to fell everything and lop well, then they may get a burn. The members of Sowry’s Association who last year felled up to one foot, have this year been felling all the rest on to it, as it would not burn. Where all was down the burn was good considering the small pieces that were clear. Of course the more down the more wind will get at it, and better burn. There are already sixteen of the settlers on the land out of the thirty-four, and, as I write, I hear that one more has arrived, and that more will be here on Monday, to prepare homes to put their families in. All the settlers but two have cleared more or less. The present settlers have all built houses of much more value than required by the law, noticeable, is Mr Thomas, who had built a house worth about £300. Mr Hughes and Mr Pebbles have good houses; the latter is at present building a large stable and shed to supply his need for the carrying business. Mr Harding will shortly have a good four-roomed weather-boarded house; at present he has a rough house till the timber can be got out. Mr Sowry has a small house, but is building a larger one with cellar for dairy purposes; he has also planted his orchard with a large and choice selection of fruit trees and evergreens; and to look at his vegetables, and the young seeds, you would think it was spring time again. On testing his land, by sinking a well, he finds that he has got about seven feet of splendid soil, so one would think it would grow anything.

The whole of the settlers who felled last year have got grass coming up splendidly, so that before long there will be plenty for the milch cows and young stock which is so much desired. There are several small lots of cattle here already, and there are more to arrive in a few days. Bush felling is the order of the day in this settlement, and I propose shortly to give you an account of what has been already felled, and what is yet to fell.

The Woodville Small Farm Association was the first of its kind in this province. It was arranged between Mr. Ormond, the late Superintendent, and Mr. Sowry in March and April of 1876, but the rules were not gazetted until 1st August of the same year, so when you think of the short time and the great amount of work done, you cannot help coming to the conclusion that the proper class of men have got their land, and it cannot be doubted that it is a great success. There are three pair of sawyers in the settlement, hard at work, but they are not able to keep up with the requirements of the place. Rumor says that we are shortly to have a saw mill in the place with water power, and a tramway down to the main road, so it is likely we shall get good timber for about nine or ten shillings per 100 feet, and keep the money in the place, instead of paying 14s 6d as at present, which it costs getting it from the Grahamstown saw mills.
We have showers every day and night for the last two months, until the present week, when we have got our first hard frosts, which rather surprises the good folks here, for they are not use to much heavy frost.
We have had a visit from Mr. Owen, the Waipawa watchmaker, and I believe he has done a large trade while he was here. I understand that he has been working at all the settlements on the way.

The roads from the main roads are not passable to drays, but the settlers have to sledge in their things. The main road between Danevirke and Norsewood is very bad. The drays carting sleepers, sometime back cut them up much, and as you look at the roads there you wonder what ever kind of metal was used for road purposes. To judge by appearances it looks as if two yards of earth to one of gravel was put on. At any rate something must be done with the road, for it is dreadful work for the coach and other horses, and it makes a long journey of it going from one place to the other. The election of the Road Board takes place next month in Woodville. It is to be hoped that the new Board will see its way to do something to the roads, if only to drain off the water – which is the thing most wanted, and that would make many of the roads usable, for it is the water standing on them which makes them so bad.

We have had a visit from Mr. Crawford, schoolmaster, and as the settlers here want him to come here and open a school, I am glad to see that he has consented to do so, and I believe that in the end he will do well. He has 50 acres of land in Sowry’s settlement. I am sure himself and family, with his amiable wife, will be a very valuable addition to this district.

On the south side of Woodville I see the settlers are pushing away. On the land formerly (Mr. Sealy’s), it has been just changed by its present owners, Messrs. Dooney, Patterson, McDonald, Holder, and Mr. Collins, from a bush to good farm land. The whole of the gentlemen above named except Mr. Holder, will shortly reside on their land; most of them were here already. There is not much change in the town, though we expect additions there shortly. Messrs. Ollando and Thompson are further improving their premises in making it more comfortable for boarders and travellers who may visit in large numbers – to that well-known house.
I find the WEEKLY MURCURY is largely sought after here; in fact if you don’t go to the Agent, Mr Fountain [ Fountaine ], just as the mail arrives, you cannot get a copy, which shows clearly that that paper is well liked here.

I told you in a former letter that we had service here every Sunday afternoon, at three, in a large room kindly lent by Messrs. Ollando and Thompson; but since that young gentleman who so well and successfully conducted the service there, has offended the would-be heads of the proposed Church, and they rudely closed the service without notice to most of the settlers, and have opened services at the two extremes of Sowry’s settlement. The upshot of the whole will be a division of interest, (which was not to be desired in so small place), and we shall have services not belonging to the United Free Methodist Church.

Bread has risen in price, 1s and 2d is the price for the four-pound loaf, so Woodville is in this respect following the larger towns. It will come hard on the settlers with large families – who are laying out all they have got on the land – and whose income is almost nill. The price of flour we don’t know, as I understand there is none here, except at the bakehouse, which they want to use. When we get flour, I have no doubt the good wives of this settlement will be trying their hand at baking to save themselves from the good rise. One good thing is that firewood costs nothing.
I have just heard that we are going to have one more store, and this time through a Hawke’s Bay merchant, so some one thinks the place will go ahead.

The usual fortnightly meeting of the Waste Lands Board took place as above.
The members present were the Commissioner of Crown Lands, and Messrs. Kennedy, Lambert, and Newton.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed, after which an application by Mr John Glenny for sixty acres of land in Wakarara District, previously applied for by one Henry Copely in 1866 (under a Naval and Military Settlers Land Order), and to which he had not proved his claim, was refused, as the Board required Mr Glenny to prove that Copely had not resided in the district for the time prescribed under the order.
An application by Messrs J.F. Choat and H.A. Lambert for 200 acres of unsurveyed rural land in the Tautane District was approved.
It was decided to recommend for the assent of His Excellency the Governor that Town Sections 8, 19, 29, 40, 44, 58, 70, and 79, and Rural Sections 37, 78, 106, and 126, Woodville be reserved for purposes of public utility: that Suburban Section 46 in the same district be a Hospital Reserve, and that Suburban Sections 28 and 43, and Rural Sections 53 and 168 also in the same district be reserved for the purpose of obtaining gravel, &c., therefrom.
This concluding the business, the Board adjourned till next sitting day.



Shipping Intelligence.

22 – Southern Cross, s.s., from Auckland. Passengers – Messrs Shrewsbury, Brown, Bee, Hunt, Trasks, Masters, Holmes, (3), and 4 in the steerage
29 – Sir Donald, s.s., from Wellington
30 – Wanaka, s.s., from Auckland, Tauranga, and Gisborne. Passengers – Mesdames Baker, George and child, Welshman, 3 children, and servant, Butterworth, and Mann, Misses Gordon, Caldwell, Morris, Morton, and Warburton, Messrs. Mann, Welshman, Kelly, Campbell, Rundle, Mackenzie, Webb, Phillips, Cuff, Baker, Sturm, Captains Hassenberg and Reid, and 21 for South.
1 – Rotorua, s.s. from Wellington and Southern Ports. Passengers – Saloon: Mrs Hilliange and child, Miss MacIntosh. Col. Langley, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. St. Hill and family, Dr. Hector Mr. J. Harding, and 25 for the North. Steerage; Mr. Furness and 18 for the North.
1 – Rangatira, s.s. from Wellington. Passengers – Mrs McKay, Mrs Parsons, Miss Coleman, Mr and Mrs Boniface, Messrs. Roach, Sothern, Wright, Phillips, Rogers, Bonar, Saunders, Pallot, Bennett, Craig, Hollywood, and Vincent.
3 – Isabella Pratt, schooner, from Oamaru
5 – Kiwi, s.s., from Wellington
5 – Stormbird, s.s., from Wellington

29 – Kiwi, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Messrs Blackadder and Blair (2)
30 – Southern Cross, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers –  Mrs Beyers, Masters Sutton, Holmes (3), and one original.
30 – Jessie, schooner, for Whangaora
30 – Wanaka, s.s., for Southern ports. Passengers – Hon. J.D. Ormond, Mesdames Pritchard, Henderson, and Harris, Mr and Mrs Duncan, Misses Dickenson, Cotterill, Chandler, and Ford, Messrs Ffrost, Hill, Hall, Levin, Cameron, Blackadder, Warmoll, Pritchard, and several others.
30 – Columbia, schooner, for Lyttelton.
30 – Manaia, p.s., for Wairoa. Passengers – Mrs Gosnell, Mrs Ingram, Mrs Finlayson, Messrs Fraser, McMurray, Witty, and several others.
1 – Rotorua, s.s., for Auckland and Sydney. Passengers. Mrs Grey, Captain Hassenback, Messrs Russell, Jacobs, Abrahams, Joshua, Richardson, Gould, Rees, Burns, and several others; and 43 original.
1 – Maud Graham, schooner, for Pelorus Sound
4 – Rangatira, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Mrs Harmin, Messrs Skelly, Axup, Wright, Fox, Harmin, and Schultz (2) and 6 others
4 – Fairy, s.s., for Mahia and Poverty Bay. Passengers – Mrs Gruner and 3 children, Messrs Walker, De Pelichet, and Shepherd.

The s.s. Southern Cross arrived at the anchorage at 2 p.m. on Thursday, but was not brought inside till 8 a.m. Friday. She left Auckland at 5 p.m. on Monday last, and anchored at Happy Jack’s on Wednesday, at 5 p.m. in consequence of encountering a heavy southerly gale at Table Cape; left at 5 a.m. on Thursday morning.
The schooner Acadia has been chartered in Lyttelton to bring up a cargo of produce, principally flour and oats to Napier. She will load back again with tallow, wool &c., for the Fernglen, now loading in Lyttelton.
During the Sir Donald’s stay in Wellington, she has been overhauled. She was stripped, recoppered, and all seams recauked. Her funnel has been enlarged, which causes a greater draft, and less use of the blast. Her boiler was lifted and recovered, her engines taken to pieces and thoroughly repaired where necessary; in fact, she is just like a new boat. The Sir Donald made the passage in 48 hours to a minute, having had a head wind the whole way. Passed the s.s. Rangatira in tow of the Storm Bird near to Flat Point. The Sir Donald had 120 kegs of blasting powder.
The schooner Jessie was towed out by the Result on Saturday, when she immediately left for Whangaroa.
In contradiction of the report of the effect of “harbor improvements” have had on the entrance to the inner harbor, published in Saturday’s Herald, we may state that before the improvements were commenced, the bar never kept in such bad condition for so long a period as it does now. The s.s. Southern Cross in going out, although only in ballast trim, bumped dreadfully, and the Kiwi, only drawing 8 ft. 10 in. literally screwed her way over the bar, ploughing through the shingle. These facts are absolutely at variance with what the Herald states, viz., that before the improvements were begun “the bar was seldom good for a week together, while now we have a bar remaining good for whole months; in fact a bad bar, when it does come, is the topic of conversation, and reasonably so.”
The Wanaka arrived in harbor from Auckland on Saturday via the coast. She left Auckland on the 27th at 5 p.m., and arrived at Tauranga at 8 o’clock next morning. Left Tauranga at 9 a.m., and steamed for White Island, where on arrival several of the passengers went ashore and enjoyed themselves for two hours, and for this privilege accorded Capt. McGillivray a cordial vote of thanks. She arrived at Poverty Bay at 8 a.m. on the 29th, and left for Napier at 6 p.m. where she arrived after a 12 hours passage.
The schooner Maud Graham was towed out by the s.s. Sir Donald at 11.30 on Monday, and took her departure for Pelorus Sound, where she will load timber for Lyttellton.
The s.s. Rangatira, Capt. Evans, left Wellington wharf at 7 p.m. on Saturday evening and arrived at the anchorage at 6.30 p.m. on Sunday. Experienced a fresh head wind across Palliser Bay, then to arrival a fresh S.E. breeze with heavy sea. Reports having passed a steamer, out at sea, at 3 a.m. off Flat Point, also a steamer at anchor off the Kidnappers. The Rangatira brings the largest general cargo she has ever carried since her alterations, also a fair complement of passengers. The following is an account of her passage down from the N.Z. Times, during which, as will be seen, she encountered very heavy weather and met with a slight accident with her machinery. – “The s.s. Rangitira, Captain Evans, was towed into Wellington on Friday in a disabled condition by the s.s. Stormbird. The following is a report of her passage: – Left Gisborne at 5 p.m. on Saturday 23rd, with a strong S.W. wind and heavy sea, which increased to a strong gale at 7 p.m. Captain Evans at once made for Happy Jack’s where the Rangitira anchored at 9 p.m. The gale moderating towards daylight, a start was made for Napier at 7 a.m.; rounding Portland Island the wind increased with heavy head sea, and the steamer had to make several tacks under foreandaft canvas to enable her to get round, a tremendous head sea running all the while. Napier was reached at 7 p.m.: the steamer was at once tendered and, passengers for Wellington came on board, but Captain Evans thought it was blowing too hard to start that night. Monday came and still the storm raged, it being thus useless to start. Towards evening the wind decreased, and at 7.30 p.m. the anchor was weighed. Passed the Kidnappers at 9 p.m. and Bare Island at 11 p.m. At this point the gale increased, and a very heavy head sea running. The engines were put at half speed so as to keep steerage way on her, and Castle Point was made for. This place was however not reached until 4 a.m. on Wednesday morning. On going astern the pin of the propeller gave way, thus causing the engines to be useless. The anchor was let down and every attempt was made to get the propeller in its proper place, which after a great deal of trouble was done, but only to find it was of no use, as the feather was gone. Telegrams were immediately sent to Wellington for assistance. Captain Evans fearing a strong N.E. wind would set in and drive the vessel ashore, loosed the sails, and with a light S.W. wind but heavy sea, sailed to sea out of all danger. At 7 a.m. yesterday the s.s Stormbird appeared and took the disabled steamer in tow for Wellington. Experienced a fresh N.E. breeze as far as Cape Palliser, thence till arrival, at 1.30 this morning, light land breeze and fair weather. Every credit is due to Captain Evans and his officers and crew for the able manner in which everything was carried out under his command.
The p.s. Manaia took her departure for Wairoa on Saturday evening, with a full complement of passengers and cargo.
The fine steamer Rotorua arrived from Wellington on Sunday at 10.30 a..m. after a passage of 19½ hours. She stayed two hours in the roadstead and then steamed for Auckland, carrying the outward San Francisco mails.
The total Customs receipts collected at Port Ahuriri during the month of June was as follows:
£. s. d.
Spirits   1239 0 8
Cigars   32 10 8
Tobacco   393 14 0
Wine   143 13 6
Ale   19 3 9
Tea   119 16 0
Coffee   17 18 6
Sugar   276 17 2
Goods, by weight   44 11 6
Good, ad valorem   396 16 0
Other duties   4 5 0
Total   £2688 6 11
The schooner Isabella Pratt left Oamaru last Thursday, and has had a tolerably fair run up. She is laden with colonial produce, principally flour. The s.s. Result lightered her of a few tons, then towed her to the Breastwork. There being only nine feet of water on the Bar, the Pilot did not deem it advisable to bring her inside till she drew a little less water.
The s.s. Fairy steamed for Poverty Bay at 9 p.m. on Wednesday. She calls on her way up at Portland Island and at the Mahia Peninsular [Peninsula].
The s.s. Kiwi, from Wellington via Castle Point, arrived in the roadstead at 11 p.m. on Wednesday, and was brought inside at 10 a.m. on Thursday. She left Wellington wharf at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, and arrived off Castle Point at 7 a.m. the next morning. Found the sea smooth, and discharged cargo, leaving for Napier at 1 p.m., and arriving as above. She had about forty tons of cargo, which she discharged on Thursday.
The s.s. Stormbird arrived in the harbor at 11 a.m. on Thursday. She left Wellington at 10.30 a.m. on Wednesday, and has thus made an average passage.
News was received at the port on Wednesday, from Wellington, to the effect that the Wanaka has been obliged to put back to the latter port, having broken two blades of her propeller in Cook’s Strait. She left Wellington again at 11 a.m. on Thursday for this port, having had a new propeller fitted.

Messrs. Margoliouth and Banner report that their monthly sale at Taradale was fairly attended, the bidding however was not as spirited as at previous sales, owing to the continued drought and consequent scarcity of feed. About 50 head of cattle, 20 horses, and a few pigs were passed under the hammer. The following were the prices realised: – Dairy cows, from £6 6s, to £9 9s; Heifers, £2 7s 6d to £5; steers, £2 10s to £4; pigs, 17s 6d to £2; horses, draught, £24 to £30; hacks £5 to £12. A few lots of c mmon [common] fowls were also sold from 1s 10d to 2s 7d each. Maize was bought in at 4s 4d.

For Auckland, per Southern Cross, on Saturday, at 11 a.m.
For the undermentioned places every Monday, and Thursday, at 5.30 a.m. –  Clive, Hastings, Havelock, Te Aute, Kaikora, Waipawa, Waipukurau, Danevirke, Norsewood, Tahoarite [ Tahoraiti ], Woodville, Foxton, Palmerston, Wanganui, Taranaki, Wellington &c., Southern Provinces, &c., Wallingford, Porangahau, Wanui [Wainui], and Castle Point.
On the other days of the week, mails close as usual at 6.30 a.m.
Chief Postmaster.

BARRY. – At Taradale on the 29th June, the wife of Mr. John Barry, of a son.
RIGGIR. – At Olrig, Maraekakaho, on the 2nd July, the wife of Mr. John Riggir, of a daughter.

CAREY – GARBUTT – On the 23rd June, at the residence of Mr. George Ross, Wellington, by the Rev. J. Moir, George Nicholas, eldest son of the late Captain Carey, to Martha Jane, youngest daughter of the late Captain Barbutt, of Liverpool.

BRETT. – At the residence of Mr. George Clampitt, Dickens-street, Napier, Catherine Brett, adopted daughter of Mr. G. Clampitt, aged 10 years.
INGLIS. – At Napier, on July 3, of croup, A. St. Clair, youngest son of A. St. Clair Inglis, Esq., aged 8 months.

I HEREBY appoint TUESDAY, the 17 day of July, at noon, as the day upon which, and the School-house, Waipukurau, the place at which the nomination of a Candidate or Candidates for the office of Councillor for the Waipukurau Riding, in the Waipawa County, will take place.
The polling, if necessary, will take place on SATURDAY, the 21st day of July instant, at the following places: – The School-house, Waipukurau; the School-house, Ashley Clinton; and the Public Room, Onga Onga.
Given under my hand this 5th day of July, 1877, at Waipawa.
Returning Officer for the Waipawa County.

AT the request of many of the settlers, I invite the electors of the Waipukurau Riding to meet me at Ashley Clinton School-house, at 2 p.m. on MONDAY NEXT, and at Mr. Brewer’s Store, Sherwood, on TUESDAY, at the same hour, to discuss the approaching election for the Riding.

WANTED to Fall 20 acres of Bush on Section No. 12, in the Heretaunga Small Farm Association. Apply personally to G.W. LEVIES, on the ground, FRIDAY, July 13th.

WANTED KNOWN – That our Low Prices for Auckland-made BOOTS are unaltered, and are of the best quality in town.

The Cheapest House in the Trade.

The Weekly Mercury

AT the last sitting of the Licensing Court, Waipawa, we drew attention to the decision of the Commissioners with respect to the cancelling of the license held by Mr. Baker for the Empire Hotel. The reason given by the Court for refusing a renewal of that license will be fresh in the memory of most of our readers, but to enable an impartial opinion to be formed on the question, it would be as well to briefly recapitulate the circumstances of the case. When Mr. Baker, some time ago, entered into possession of the premises known as the Empire Hotel, Waipawa, the house was in no way superior to the ordinary description of up-country public house. It was, however, to some extent, slightly superior to others in the township, but, both in its conduct, and accommodation it offered travellers of the more respectable class it fell far short of what it should have been. On becoming the proprietor of this house, Mr. Baker recognised the importance of providing for the wants of a superior description of business, and was anxious to convert his public house into premises worthy of the name of a hotel. He, therefore, greatly enlarged the building, refurbished it, and made it the best hotel in the province of Hawke’s Bay outside the town of Napier. While these alterations and additions were being made, Mr. Baker received notice from the Licensing Commissioners that they expected him to provide a closet within the house, and they intimated that without this the license would not be renewed. We can only imagine this request was made on the principle that, as long as the house remained little better than a drinking shop, such accommodation was not required, but as soon as the premises were rendered fit for respectable people to stay in it became a necessity. Be this as it may, the Commissioners insisted upon this accommodation being provided, and Mr. Baker resolutely declined to accede to the demand; first, because it would create a nuisance within his house; secondly, because there was neither water supply, nor drainage, neither would the building permit of such an arrangement. The next licensing day came round, and the licensed victuallers of the district assembled at Waipawa to apply for the renewal of their licences. Why this gathering took place we are at a loss to conceive, unless, indeed, the Commissioners and the publicans were alike ignorant of the law, and that the former were we shall proceed shortly to show. Mr. Baker was asked by the Commissioners whether a closet had been constructed in his house, and he answering in the negative, the renewal of his license was summarily refused.
We shall now turn to the Act and see to what extent this action was legal. Section 28 of the licensing Act, 1874, provides, in its first sub-section, as follows: – “The Chief Officer of Police in every district shall obtain and furnish to the Clerk of the Licensing Court, in each licensing district, at least 10 days before such quarterly meeting, a report of every licensed house in such district, and as to applications for new houses or new applications for old ones, as soon after the application as possible; such a report to contain a description of the conditions of the house, premises, and furniture, the manner in which the house has been conducted during the past 12 months, the character of the persons frequently the house, &c.” We do not know if this report was furnished or not, but in the absence of information we must presume that it was. Clause 18 provides that, “No licensed person, having given such notice as by this Act prescribed, shall be required to attend any licensing meeting for the purpose for procuring the renewal of his license, unless notice of opposition to the renewal of such license, stating the grounds thereof, shall be given to the Clerk of the Court, to which the application


for renewal shall be made, who shall forthwith forward a notice of objection to the person interested.” Sub clause 3 of section 13 reads: – “The clerks to the Licensing Courts shall give notice to applicants applying for a renewal of their licenses when such licenses have been objected to, and in such notices clerks to the Licensing Clerks [Courts] shall state the matter of the objections;” and sub-section 13 says: – “No objection in respect of the character of any applicant shall be entertained, unless notice has been given to the applicant, * * No objection from any officer of police shall be entertained, unless the nature of the objection shall have been stated in the report of the chief officer of police; and no objection of any kind shall be entertained, unless notice thereof shall have been given in terms of the said Act, and this Act.”
The above clauses are important as providing that no man’s means of living shall be virtually taken from him without just cause, and without due notice being given him. Now Mr. Baker received no legal notice from the Clerk of the Court that opposition would be raised to the renewal of his license. The Act, however, allows the Court to take notice of any matter which in its opinion would be an objection to the renewal of his license. But we would call particular attention to the proviso attending this permission. The clause is as follows: – “Notwithstanding anything in the said Act or in this Act contained, any Licensing Court may of its own motion take notice of any matter or thing which, in the opinion of the Court would be an objection to the grant or issue of a certificate of license; or for the renewal, transfer, or removal of a license, although no notice of objection has been given, as by the said Act and this Act provided: and in any such case the Court shall inform the applicant, and the Court shall adjourn for any period not exceeding fourteen days, in order that the person affected by any such matter of objection may have an opportunity of replying to the same. Provided also that the Court shall forthwith, after such adjournment, cause full notice in writing of the matter or thing which, in the opinion of the Court, would be such an objection as aforesaid, to be given to the person or persons affected thereby, or if he or they cannot be found, to be left at his or their last known place of abode, in the place where such application shall be made. Such notice shall also specify the day on which the adjourned application shall be heard.” The objection to the renewal of Mr. Baker’s license was raised by the Court, and the Commissioners having stated their objection at once cancelled the license and closed their sitting without adjournment.
The Empire Hotel ceased to be licensed on the 1st of this month, and Waipawa residents, as well as travellers, are now suffering from the effects from an arbitrary and utterly illegal action of the Licensing Commissioners. On previous occasions we have called attention to the very large powers allowed to the Licensing Courts, but as long as these powers are exercised with discretion, and no attempt is made by Commissioners to go outside the law in their administration, no serious objection can be raised to them being placed in the hands of judicious persons. We think, however, that in the matter of Mr. Baker’s case the Commissioners not only insisted on a foolish request being complied with, but that in the punishment they awarded for noncompliance they showed they were as ignorant of the law as they were unfitted to be entrusted with its administration.

LABORING men are beginning to avail themselves of the law which allows them, at a trifling expense, to declare their inability to pay their debts. In Napier, recently, there have been three or more declarations of bankruptcy made by persons whose means of support are by the work of their hands, and the fact deserves some notice. The rate of wages not having been reduced, and there being no extraordinary lack of employment, the question naturally arises what is the cause of this apparent evidence of distress? Again, what is the amount of the liability which brings these people into a state of insolvency? With regard to the first of these two questions, it may be asserted generally, that one cause that brings a working man into a state of bankruptcy is the credit allowed him by tradespeople. Misfortune, owing to sickness, to the habits on an extravagant wife, inability to find an engagement immediately on losing employment, would all tend to bring a man into financial difficulty who has but limited weekly wages to depend on. But, on the other hand, the apparent facility with which a person, through the operation of the Bankruptcy Act, can clear himself of his debts, may induce working men to try an experiment that, to all appearance, proves such a successful operation to those who have been engaged in trade. When it is known that tradesmen have been “white-washed” no less than three times in four years, and are seemingly neither richer nor poorer in consequence, but can start in business again as well off as ever, the example offers a temptation to go off and do likewise. We should, however, be the last to think that any working man in Napier has declared his insolvency from dishonest motives; and this brings us to the second question-the amount of the liability which would bring a laborer [labourer] to the Bankruptcy Court? The assets, as rule, are nil, what are the debts? In town, laborers can earn at full time, from six shillings to seven shillings a day. This wage has to provide for the necessities of a family; the weather may prevent a man making full time, or he may only be able to secure an odd job now and again. It is difficult for any tradesman to deny him credit when circumstances prevent him from meeting his weekly account. By degrees, a little bill gradually assumes pretty large proportions, a doctor’s account might have had to be met, and house rent must be paid at all hazards to keep the roof over the family. Finally the laborer [labourer] finds himself hopelessly in debt, and files his schedule. This act costs him from £15 to £20, and without this amount of money in pocket no lawyer would take his case in hand. The chances are that the bankrupt’s debt do not amount to £40 altogether, yet he deliberately throws half as much more away to obtain a position that could be quite as honorably secured by making a compromise of 10s in the pound with his creditors. We have heard of a case in which a working man applied to a lawyer to pass him through the Bankruptcy Court. On investigation it was found that the man only owed £13, he could pay £15 for law expenses, but as he could not “file” owing less than £20, he went out of the lawyer’s office a wiser man, expressing the thought that he had better get £7 more in debt before seeking protection from the Court. The above case was most probably one of ignorance and dishonesty combined, and, we trust, one to which there has been no parallel in Napier.




THE question now agitating the minds of the settlers at Meanee, Taradale, and surrounding districts, is that relating to the preservation of their property from the disastrous overflowing of the Tutaekuri river. The Hawke’s Bay Rivers Act, that at the special request of the Meanee settlers, was introduced into Parliament and passed, has not been taken advantage of, and no effort worthy of the name has been made to protect the district from floods. Meanee and Taradale now present a most melancholy appearance, for although several months have elapsed since the last visitation the feeling of insecurity is such as to paralyze [paralyse] the energies of the settlers. For some years past the inhabitants of those unfortunate districts, by fits and starts, wake up to the fact that self-reservation is the first law of nature, and a few will set to work to create a stop-bank. But these disjointed and convulsive efforts have proved of little real service, while some of the works undertaken have proved positively mischievous in their effects by turning the swollen river in directions not prepared for such an unwelcome visit. Through all the districts threatened by the overflowing of the Tutae-kuri [ Tutaekuri ] the value of property has seriously declined, so much so that properties once worth £40 an acre are now almost unsaleable. During the last floods the river appeared inclined to make a direct cut for itself through Taradale to the sea, a course that would have completed the ruin that has already more than commenced. This danger had the effect of bringing the Rivers Act to remembrance, and steps were taken to bring that measure into operation. But instead of the settlers of all the threatened districts uniting for the common object of organising a comprehensive scheme for the mutual benefit of all, the operation of the Act was limited to as small an area as possible. The Act is now in force in such a little district that it must prove powerless for good. Whether the object of bringing the law into force in this way was as far as possible “to hang the Act up,” we do not know, but it is obvious that all the rates that can be levied in such a small area would be useless for any substantially beneficial purpose. If it be determined to erect a bank, so as to keep flood waters from encroaching on Taradale, Papakura must suffer, and Meanee of course would be swamped. The district, under the control of the Board of Conservators, could never raise the money to turn the river into its natural channel at the foot of the hills from the Redclyffe cutting to the inner harbor [harbour] at Parke’s Island. And unless the course of the river is diverged from its present rapidly silting up bed, nothing can eventually save Meanee, Taradale, and Papakura, from becoming uninhabitable wastes. Recently, the old idea has for the twentieth time been mooted of turning the river at Puketapu, and sending the water through the Wharerangi Valley to the head of the harbor [harbour] at Poriate. It has been repeatedly shown by competent authorities that this scheme is quite feasible, but it has never been carried out in consequence of a belief that the cost would be enormous. We have not heard that any attempt has been made to estimate the expense of such an undertaking, but we are assured of this, the districts liable to the flooded are naturally rich enough to be well able to bear the cost.

A VERY silly and stupid article appears in the Herald on Thursday, having reference to the popularity in this district of the Hon Mr. Ormond and Captain Russell. The writer would have the people outside Hawke’s Bay to imagine that Mr. Ormond’s influence is on the wane, because, forsooth, the members in the three Counties of Hawke’s Bay District did not act on the suggestion of Mr. Ormond, given at the banquet, to hang the Counties Act up, and not bring it into operation. Because, therefore the people thought and acted according to their best judgment, and did not accept this suggestion (for it was only a suggestion), according to the light of the Herald, Mr. Ormond’s opinion has less weight than it had heretofore in the district. The Herald and those few who support it, have been so used in the past to humble, bow, and cringe to Mr. Ormond’s slightest will, that it is hard for them to understand how any man or body of men can act independently, or dare to oppose his opinion in any shape, manner, or form, and when such does happen, we are told in tearful, and pitiful tones that Mr. Ormond’s influence is departing away from him. The large holders are told not to quarrel any longer about the Hastings Church and the Ploughing Match, for fear they would not pull together against a democratic party which the Herald writer supposes to exist, but which in reality exists only in the writers imagination. Captain Russell, the member for Napier, will not have to rely on any such reed. What is required from him is a bold and open explanation of his past conduct in the Assembly, and his reason for leaving his duties at the time he did, before the conclusion of the sessions, and prior to the passing of the Financial Arrangements and Counties Bills. We have reason to believe that Captain Russell will be enabled to satisfy the public on those points, and in that event he will find himself equally as popular with the public as when he was first elected. He will, however, in connection with Mr. Ormond, have to advise the Herald not to publish such trashy arguments as appeared this morning, for a few articles in the same spirit would do our representatives more harm, not only in the district, but in the House, than can be well imagined. The people do not require to be scolded after the fashion of an usher in a school-room. If Captain Russell or Mr. Ormond do their duty to their constituents they will continue to hold public favour [favour] irrespective of Ploughing Matches, or Hastings Churches.

OUR attention has been called to the several notices issued by Chairmen of Road Boards in this district, appointing a time for the annual meetings of ratepayers. As many of these notices are not in accordance with law, it would probably be well if some alteration were made. The Provincial Highways Act, 1871, provides that the meeting for election of Wardens shall be held in July, and that the meeting is to be advertised at least fourteen days before it is held. We also direct particular attention to clauses 35 to 45 of the Rating Act, by which it will be seen that some misapprehension exists respecting rating powers. It is not now the duty of the ratepayers to levy a rate; that duty now devolves upon the Board, and cannot be exercised at the annual meeting. It will be the duty of the Wardens, probably, shortly after election, to consider the question, and having arrived at a decision, they must give twelve days notice of their intention to levy a rate, and when it is payable (section 40). It would be well that the necessary forms should be gone through, or an opening might be left for a writ of quo warranto; or, on the other hand, it might be a good defence for a defaulting ratepayer if he could show that the Board was improperly elected, or had levied a rate without complying with the forms of the Act.

THE Waipawa Council has adopted the very sensible course of engaging the services of Mr. E.H. Bold, that gentleman agreeing to accept the appointment of County Engineer provided the Hawke’s Bay Council will fall in with the arrangement. The worst feature to be found in our new system of county administration is its expense, it costing in this provincial district for the three counties, fully double what the management of what our public affairs did under provincial government. Any action therefore, on the part of the counties that tends to lessen the cost of administration will be received with satisfaction. The highest salaried officer is necessarily the Engineer, and as the services of one were found amply sufficient under the old system of provincialism, for the district comprised within the three counties, they should be able to meet all requirements under the new order of things.

FROM a special telegram forwarded to us from Greytown, we learn that Mr. G. Beetham, has been elected as a colleague of Mr. Henry Bunny, to represent the district of Wairarapa in the House of Representatives. Mr. Beetham is a son of Mr. W. Betham, of the Hutt, who is known as an artist of high merit. The newly-elected member for Wairarapa was quite a youth when he arrived with his parents in the colony in 1856, and by his own ability, energy, and perseverance has become one of the wealthiest and influential amongst those resident in the Wairarapa district. He is the younger brother of Mr. R. Beetham, the Napier Resident Magistrate. We do not expect that the new member will shine forth as an orator, but there will be few men in the House who will command more respecct [respect] for their independence and sound judgment.

OUR readers will remember that, a few weeks since, we referred to certain proceedings in the Supreme Court with respect to the last Clive Road Board elections. The action that was taken was upon an application made by Mr. Lascelles, solicitor of Napier, that those elections might be declared void, and that the person named in the affidavit should be decreed to have usurped the office of warden of the said Board, and pay the costs of the application. Yesterday information was received that the rule, obtained upon the affidavit filed in support of the application, calling upon the Wardens to show cause, has been dismissed with costs, which Mr. Lascelles has to pay. If the Supreme Court had decided in support of the application there might, probably, have been some difficulty in getting persons to act as Wardens of a Road Board. It is not a comforting reflection that, in accepting such a position, the risk is run of having to defend an action in the Supreme Court, and suffer the annoyance and expense attending it. Whether the election was legal or not, has not been decided by the Court; it has simply declined to grant the application made by Mr. Lascelles. We are not concerned with the reasons for that refusal. We understand that at the meeting of the Clive Road Board held in April, the Chairman stated that he had some doubts upon the question as to the date on which the election of Wardens should take place. Mr. Sutton (the Chairman) then said that it would be advisable to take legal advice before acting upon the appointment. The result has been that the Chairman, acting on the legal advice obtained, has called a meeting of ratepayers in July next, for the election of Wardens for the year.

(Before R. Stuart, Esq., R.M.)

John Mathews, remanded from Monday last, for medical examination as to his sanity, was to-day, on the certificates of Drs Spencer and Gibbes, committed as a lunatic to the Napier Lunatic Asylum.

An information against one William Brimmer, of Taradale, for the above offence, being a breach of the Police Act, was dismissed.

A number of summonses had been issued for hearing to-day on the complaint of the Receiver of Land Revenue, against land owners for fees due, and payable in respect of Crown grants. In eight cases the amounts, together with costs, had been paid into Court. Four other cases were partially gone into, and decision adjourned until Friday, 13th, instant.







ON Sunday evening, at Trinity Church, the Rev. J. Berry preached his second sermon on future punishment, taking his text, as before, from Mathew XXV, – “And these shall go away into everlasting punishment.” The rev. gentleman reminded his hearers that, on the previous Sunday evining [evening], after looking into the question of eternal punishment, they found that some grave difficulties which had been felt to attend the subject did not of necessity belong to it, but were the result of imperfect human conception and faulty human teaching. Especially was this the case as to who were to go away into everlasting punishment. On searching the New Testament they found that the popular conception was very far away from truth, and that, whatever might be the nature of future punishment, it was a question which only concerned a comparatively small part of the world’s population – those who wilfully rejected Christ. Either on earth or in Hades every creature would have the gospel preached to him, and this belief brought to his heart, at least, not a little relief and comfort. A strange gladness came to him, and that it was not to him alone he knew from the many references to it he had heard during the week. But some had asked why this view was now brought forward for the first time? His reply was that it was not new. This was the substance of the belief of the Jews, and it was also the teaching of the Church during the first ages of Christianity, but in the dark ages it had been corrupted into the belief in purgatory, and by the side of that grew up the error of absolution – that forgiveness of sins could be priced, and that the Church held the key to it. They were all now beginning to see that the Reformation was a reaction, and the law of reaction was that we bound from one extreme to the other. In plucking out the tares of error some ears of truth were destroyed at the same time. Mr Berry then went on to state that the subject of his discourse that night would be-“What is hell?” Here the difficulty was again largely increased by imperfect human teaching, and the gross popular conception of a material hell and a material fire. This common belief arose in this way: Near Jerusalem was the Valley of Hinnon, a chosen place for the practice of idolatry, and where children were made to pass through the fire as a dedication to the fire-god. This valley was also called Tophet. The Greek equivalent was Gehenna, and in the English version of the Bible it had been translated as hell. To show their horror of this idolatrous worship the Jews made this valley a place of special desecration, and there deposited the refuse and filth of the whole city, so that the name became a synonym for the place of the refuse, and all that was bad. Surely those to whom Christ spoke never mistook His meaning, and believed that men were to be cast into real fire, when he used the name of this valley as a symbol to convey certain truths? Very few congregations would believe a preacher if he told them that in Heaven there were material streets of gold, and gates of gold. This was merely symbolic, but if the preacher said precisely the same of Hell, that the chains, and fire, and worms, were merely figurative – some people would say that he was in danger of complete heresy, if not past that stage. He had recently heard of a preacher who said that if Huxley and Tyndal had lived some centuries ago they would have been burned at the stake; but, thank God! they would even be burned in hell fire!  It was thus that men, by their own ignorance and bigotry, sought to measure the love of God! One such specimen of teaching did more harm, and made more infidels, than any dozen of sceptics who ever trod the earth. They were merely to consider the references in the New Testament to Hell as conveying some truth which lay beyond. Nobody supposed that the devil was a material body, and what effect could fire have on a spirit? He had only time to give a rapid epitome of the subject, but he would first take those words, “Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire?” Here the fire was in the punishment-“Depart from me”- and in this separation from Christ did the hell consist. Then as to the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. Of course that parable was given to them in a material form for the very simple reason that if the literal language spoken in the other world had been given the hearers would not have been able to understand it. They were to understand the rich man as praying for some gleam of hope, for some ray of light to shoot across the dark horizon by which he was encompassed. Recollection was the fire here. To all eternity he had nothing to do but think – no occupation to relieve the monotony of thought. And in the parable of the talents, the punishment of the servant who had but one talent and hid it, consists in that talent being taken away from him. His opportunities of using it were taken away from him, and the representation of fire could not be considered as an exaggeration – for the punishment was eternal. Was not the dark outlet of this prospect dark enough? No preacher could exaggerate this truth in its native simplicity, for it was one from which a man could not help shrinking.  The darkest things ever said about Hell were said by Christ himself, and one of the strangest anomalies of the Christian life was that those men who professed to believe in Christ as their teacher and Saviour, would yet joke with the most flippant readiness of what Christ spoke with streaming tears and breaking heart. There was truly mystery in the subject, but there was not more mystery in the punishment of sin than in the existence of sin itself. Let them, for a moment, accept the statement of scientific men, that there were other worlds inhabited by beings like ourselves, but let them suppose that sin was unknown there. If anyone could go from this world of sin to one of those sinless worlds, and tell of the suffering, and pain, and broken hearts, and sin here. The answer would be that it was not possible that these things could exist in a universe in which God reigned. One man might object to future punishment on the ground that it made God appear vindictive. If he referred to what was taught by men’s lips he (the preacher) would agree with him; but not if he referred to the New Testament teachings. The New Testament gospel did not make hell, it only revealed it. When the roads were broken up, and a deep hole was made, a lantern was placed there at night, that no accident might occur. The lamp did not make the chasm; it only revealed it. When they looked into the question of future punishment they found that it was the result of sin, not penal, but natural. If a father warned his child not to put his hand into the fire, and the child yet did so, and was burned, would the father be blamed for? Hell was not prepared for man. Christ when he said “Depart ye cursed into everlasting fire” added that the fire was prepared “for the devil and his angels.” On the other hand he said “go, ye blessed of my father, * * * into the place prepared for you.” God never yet cursed a soul. The heart that ached most at the doom of a self-cursed soul was that of the Great Judge himself. Some asked why man should not have a second period of probation. Now, was this conceivable in the very nature of things? What motive could a man then have to resist temptation in this life, if they felt that there would be another chance of salvation after this life? And if a second, why not a third and fourth period of probation? If a farmer neglected to do the proper work in spring, would he expect a second spring? Though they might pity him, all would declare his loss to be his own fault. No, the Bible had declared that whatsoever a man sowed, that should he reap. Other objectors asked if eternal punishment was not out of proportion for sin committed in one short life. No law in the world would acknowledge such a plea. If a man were suddenly seized with a desire to shoot another man, and obeyed the impulse immediately, would the law made [make] any difference on account of the brief time it had taken to think of and carry out the deed? But who could put a ring-fence round the result of one man’s sin? Its effects passed from generation to generation for all time – sin was as eternal as its punishment. There were others, again, who asked if God might not in mercy annihilate the souls of the wicked, and so save them all this torment, especially as there was no hope of reformation in a future state? He did not know whether God might not do it; but he did know that the Bible everywhere taught that he would not do it. Mr. Berry concluded his sermon by remarking that he had not spoken of these things simply to cause discussion, but that all who heard him might examine and enquire into those solemn truths referring to a future state; and an earnest appeal to all to so regulate their lives that they might not have this eternal misery of remorse.




SIR, – There is an Erastian Communistic sort of epistle in your paper of last evening, to almost every sentence of which I take serious exception. The writer signs himself “Parishioner,” and it is principally as a parishioner that now address you, for I suppose one parishioner has as great a right as another to entertain conscientious and independent views upon any matter connected with the parish in which he happens to be resident. It would be altogether autocratic and tyrannical for any man or body of men to exert their exclusive right to control the opinions and sentiments of a people. It would be dictatorial and despotic in the extreme for any man to tell me that I must take his view of looking at a matter, and that if I do not I must look out. Sir, I would scorn with supreme indignation and threat of the kind, however “sharp” or “practicable” it might be.
There is a very unhealthy tone in this letter of “Parishioner’s,” calculated to unlink and disjoin two interests which should ever work in harmony together. The Church of England, either in this colony or in any other, will never fulfil its high and holy mission as long as the people disengage themselves from the clergy, or the clergy cease to co-operate with their people. Both interests must be in unison, or disintegration must inevitably follow. The parsons are not the Church, nor are the people the Church, but parsons and people together make up that congregation of faithful men which go to form the visible Church. That either interest should dream of acting in the Church of England out here independently of the other is very sad. It must jeopardise the Church and expose her very existence to danger.
The direct object of “Parishioner’s” letter is to attack me, and this is done anonymously. Truly we have brave men even amongst our parishioners. “Parishioner” charges the clergy with having treated Mr Robinson in such a manner “as he could only have deserved, had he been found to have been an imposter during his time amongst us.” I say this is the falsest statement that was ever penned. I shall speak only for myself. No man could have behaved more kindly or more brotherly thnn [than] I did in every respect to Mr Robinson, up to the time of my finding him out. But I had not many interviews with him before I discovered what a liar he was, and that he was one of the most ignorant and illiterate men that I ever knew. He was sharp enough however to see that I was up to him, as the saying is, and he accordingly shunned and avoided me as much as possible, and the falsehoods he told about me, and indeed about all the clergy were of the most depraved and designing kind. But what most shocked and distressed me was his falseness and treachery to the Church which had admitted him, not withstanding his inefficiency and comparative ignorance, to the Diaconate. He was pledged by all that was most sacred and solemn to preach and teach her views of truth – her Doctrines, Creeds, Articles, and formularies, and instead of this he ripped her open. Her Creeds he despised, her Doctrines he spurned – her Articles he ignored – he gave us from time to time sermons copied from such men as Voysey, Haweis, and that whole infidel yet clerical crew who glory in their shame – a perjured herd of infidels who have no more right to remain in the Church of England, than Satan had to remain in that Kingdom of Glory, from which he had been hurled for his rebellion, apostasy and treason. Sir, my blood boils when I think of the mongrel Churchism, and Brummagem Christianity with which that young deacon’s sermons were interlarded. He was a full blown Socinian – a deist of the direst type. He was a man who did not believe in any of the distinctive doctrines of Christianity, and therefore I did not wonder when a Minister of Christ in this place told me that Mr. Robinson had informed him two days before he left Napier, that he had scruples about the truth of Christianity, and that he would most likely renounce his Orders in Sydney. Thank God he hadn’t much to renounce. Was it for this that a Polycarp in Smyrua, and a Ridley in Oxford laid down their lives and died? Was it for this that the Holy Army of Martyrs resigned all that was dear to them in life and exposed themselves to unparalleled torture and suffering?
Sir, I respect a conscientious sceptic, and can in a degree sympathise with him; but I have no sympathy or respect for a liar and a traitor, for a man whilst he is reaping the rewards of the Church, of which he is an accredited Minister, is all the while doing as much as in him lies to subject her to ignominy and shame. I have no respect for the Christian Minister who will pander to the infidel lusts – be subservient to the infidel passions, and lay the flattering unction to the souls of any people.
Sir, it was I who said that sooner than see the pulpit of St. John’s prostituted again, and degraded as it has been, I would burn the church down and the parsonage too. And I now repeat what I then said, and with deeper emphasis. I would sooner see every Church in Christendom razed to the ground, than that from within its walls, those doctrines and truths in defence of which so many Martyrs and Confessors bled and died, should be mutilated, muzzled, or caricatured by a recreant, lying and perjured Ministry.-I am, Sir, &c.,
Head Master of the Napier Grammar School,
Napier, June 29, 1877.

SIR, – In order apparently, to carry out the principles of his professions – that of a muscular Christian – and being debarred by the law from assaulting his fellowman with a horse whip, it was not surprising that Mr. Irvine’s letter, in so-called reply to that of mine, was full of abuse. I shall, however, refer to that bye-and-bye.
Mr. Irvine very properly observes that “the Church of England, either in this colony or any other, will never fulfil its high and holy mission as long as the people disengage themselves from the clergy, or the clergy cease to co-operate with the people.” It was exactly because this deplorable state of affairs had operated to prevent the Church of England fulfilling its mission in this parish that called forth my letter of the 27th inst. As Mr. Irvine has thought it wiser to say nothing of the cause which produced this unfortunate result, I may state, that in my opinion, it was in consequence of the utter recklessness exhibited by the Church authorities in permitting a “liar,” a “deist,” a full blown “Socinion,” and an “imposter,” to take office as Curate.
Mr IrvIne says, nothing could have exceeded his brotherly kindness to Mr Robinson up to the time of discovering his character. Might I ask how long it took Mr Irvine to find out that Mr Robinson was all that he says he is? Judging from the preparations Mr Irvine had made to ensure the thunders of the Church on Mr Robinson’s devoted head during the sitting of the enquiry by Archdeacon Wilson, the true character of our young Curate had then been discovered by the acute clergy of the diocese. One of these keen scented gentry had trumped up almost a case of heresy against Mr Robinson, so it must have been then, or about that time, when Mr. Irvine found out that his brotherly love had been misplaced. This was many months after Mr Robinson had come here. But just as the pious were looking out for a fagot-and-stake sort of judgment from the Primate’s Commissary, Mr Irvine withdrew all charges against Mr Robinson, and, soon afterwards, the Rev. P.C. Anderson publically apologised for putting his finger in a pie that did not belong to him. Was this charge [change] of tactics due to any impression that Mr Robinson might be right, and the Incumbent wrong; that the heresy charge was humbug, and that a storm had been raised in a teapot? Certain it is, that, on the termination of the enquiry, nothing was proved against Mr Robinson, and the right hand of Christian brotherhood was freely held out to him once more by his brother clergy. Did this imitation-milk of human kindness; this mock charity and forgiveness, deceive any one? No; not even Mr Robinson. That gentleman had been guilty of filling the Church, of becoming popular, and then – I speak subject to correction – was it not that his brother clergy held out not one hand of brotherhood towards him, and with the other bade farewell to Mr Thomas Tanner, who had been deputed to worm out, when in England, the antecedents of the young man, for, peradventure, he might yet be found an imposter?
Sir, rather than be a hypocrite I would be a Pyrrhonist, or, better still, a Mahommedan! A declared enemy a man can meet in the open and fight, but the midnight assassin no one can guard against. It is very brave of Mr Irvine to hurl slander on slander upon Mr Robinson now he is away, but it would have been more to the purpose had he, and his brother clergy, satisfied themselves as soon as Mr Robinson came here to preach, that he was not a liar, a deist, a full-blown Socinian, or an imposter. It is no credit to the clergy to find out now all Mr Robinson’s failings, and to lay the flattering unction to their souls that if he had been a full blown Priest in Holy Orders, they would not have treated him as they did. They have only to thank Mr Tanner for the high ground they can take, not themselves. – I am &c.,
June 30th, 1877.

SIR, – The Churchwardens of St. John’s have received a letter from the Primate explaining his reasons for placing Mr D’Arcy Irvine in temporary charge of the church, and stating further that as soon as other arrangements can be made his services will be discontinued.
In acknowledging receipt of His Lordship’s letter, the Churchwardens have taken the opportunity of urging the necessity, for the peace of the parish and the good of the Church, of making Mr. Irvine’s tenure of St. John’s pulpit as brief as possible. – I am &c.,
Napier, July 2, 1877.

SIR, – I see by one of your recent issues the Hon. W. Fox has again turned “Jim Crow,” and is now found supporting the principles of a measure, similar to those he denounced at one time in the most bitter and sarcastic tones. I can well remember in the 1862 Dommett-Bell Ministry, (at the instigation of the Whitaker-Russell party) was getting the first Native Lands Bill through the House, Mr. Fox rising in his place and proposing that the title of the Bill should be altered to the “Land Shark Monopoly Bill.” The same party are again at work and attempting to get their hands on the lands of the natives of the North, and it now suits Mr Fox to throw dust in the eyes of the public and attempt to make it believe that the Government have no intention to play into the hand of the land sharks and speculators!
But, Sir, I do not wonder at Mr Fox’s change of front. In 1870, he told the people of Dunedin that he hoped the credit of New Zealand would become so bad that she would be unable to raise more money by loans. Yet when the Assembly met, Mr Fox, the then Premier, told the House he had been converted by Mr Vogel, and advocated the borrowing of money for the prosecution of public works! At heart, however, Mr Fox has always been a friend of the land monopolist. It was he who, as Commissioner for Crown Lands for Wellington, permitted the cream of the lands being “spotted” and thrown into the hands of the land shark and speculator for 5s per acre; nevertheless to this “clear-headed statesman” (Heaven save the mark!) we are asked to look as a counsellor to guide us as to whether the new Native Lands Bill is one framed for the settlement of the hundreds of people who are seeking to settle in the North Island, and make it not a few vast sheep runs, but a country where the small as well as the large farmer should become a possessor of land.
We are told “there is no good cometh out of Nazareth.” That may or not be true, but I think it is idle for the people to expect any land measure being brought into existence by the Auckland land sharks and speculators having for its object anything but for their own benefit. It is to be hoped that the majority of the members of the Lower House will be found who will strangle this measure ere it has a chance of becoming law. – I am &c.,
July 3, 1877.

SIR, – I observe there is a meeting of the members of the Hawke’s Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Society to-morrow. I would like to inquire through your columns why this body assume the title of “Agricultural” and give it such prominence nominally, when it is a well known fact that they pay little if any attention to this important branch. Even when ploughing matches are mentioned, if not treated with indifference by the committee, any reference to them is hurried over in the briefest manner possible. Special prizes to a large amount are canvassed for sheep, cattle, and horses, but prizes for grain, roots, or ploughing are rarely referred to. Now, this should not be if this Society wishes to do the good it is said to aim at; it should foster the corn-producing capabilities of the soil – capabilities that have been so frequently demonstrated though by only isolated experience that they cannot be denied. Yet our principal landowners seem to devote the whole of their attention to pastoral pursuits – being less bother and less immediate outlay – forgetful that the continual grazing of sheep on the same land for many years has been the cause of calamitous disease in flocks in adjoining colonies. Let the Society show an active interest in this matter by awarding prizes worth competing for, for ploughing, for the growth of wheat and other cereals, let the larger holders of land, members of the Society by example and influence do their duty in this manner, a duty they owe to the country, yet the fulfilment of which will eventually richly repay themselves. The small farmers will be induced to join the Society, by this practical exhibition of interest, and to enable them more freely so to do, let the subscription of members be reduced to say one guinea per annum. The Society would be the gainer in the end even in £ s. d.
I have trespassed too much on your space, but I trust these matters will be ventilated and if possible promptly acted on. I would suggest, a champion ploughing match, either this month, or very early in August. A show of grain with substantial prizes about the time of the ram fair, or at the horticultural show in February, and every inducement held out to manufacturers or importers of agricultural implements, at the October exhibition.
If the H.B. Society wish to deserve the title assumed, then they will bestow some attention on these and kindred matters to-morrow.
– I am, &c.,
July 3, 1877.

SIR, – I was one of the twenty or thirty persons who formed the congregation at St. John’s Church on Sunday evening last, and in reply to “Vindex,” in this morning’s Herald, I can vouch for the truth of your short report of Mr Irvines’s sermon. The Rev. Mr. Irvine has, on several occasions in his sermons, impressed upon his hearers that hell fire consists of material flames. I do not know whether Mr. Irvine is better informed on this subject than others, but I do know that his avowed opinions on the matter have occasioned much ridicule, and tended to drive people away to where they can hear the God of Love preached.- I am, &c.,
Napier, July 3, 1877.

SIR, – A writer in the Herald, signing himself “Vindex,” desires to explain that, in his description of future punishment, Mr Irvine, last Sunday at St. John’s Church, described hell fire as a “spiritual fire” – a fire which would have the property not of destroying, but of preserving the perpetuity of destruction. The difference is slightly in favour of the spiritual fire, but I do not see that the explanation contradicts the veracity of your report of the sermon. What I understood Mr. Irvine to mean was, that there must be no mistake about the reality of hell’s flames. But why spiritual flames? The soul being a spirit cannot be destroyed, ergo, material flames would have no effect upon it. The property of preserving the perpetuity of destruction would not be required in an element acting on a spirit. Such an expression would be so much nonsense, and therefore could not be what Mr Irvine said. – I am, &c.,
July 3, 1877.

(Before R. Stuart, Esq., R.M.)

Edward Robinson, charged with drunkenness, who had been let out on bail not appearing when his name was called, was ordered to forfeit the 20s. He shortly aftewards made his bow to the Court, but was ordered to “stand down as he was too late.”

George Scoates was charged with having obtained wilfully and fraudulently the sum of £31 3s from Mr Woolston, at Waipawa.
An adjournment was asked for on the grounds that Mr Sheehan, who was acting on behalf of the prosecution, was not prepared to proceed, the man only having been arrested yesterday.
The case was remanded until Monday.

J.B. Fielder v. Joshua Cuff. – This was a case in which the plaintiff as Deputy-


Commissioner of Stamps sued the defendant for a breach of the Stamp Act. Mr Cuff had sent a telegram to the Clerk of the Court requesting an adjournment on the grounds that he would arrive in Napier by the Wanaka. The plaintiff acceding, the case was adjourned until Monday.

Trustees of W. McCrea v. N. Trafford. – No appearance of either party.
Levoi v. Madden. – Claim £13 8s 3d. From the evidence it appeared that the defendant had signed a promissory note for the amount claimed, and refused to meet it on the ground that the goods sent were not worth more than £5. The defendant denied that he had made an offer to Mr Lascelles to give £7 and pay the remainder when convenient. He signed the note two days before he received the goods at Levoi’s request. His Worship, in giving judgment for the amount claimed and costs, hoped it would be a caution as to the manner in which he signed promissory notes in the future.
H. Bagley v. F. Parker. – The particulars of this case were not entered upon as the plaintiff had not the needful to pay the Clerk of the Court for hearing when the case was called.
Boylan and Co. v. Gardner. – Claim £4 3s 8d. Plaintiff admitted the debt, but said he had not the wherewithal to pay. The debt was only owing two months and he was promised time to pay it. This was denied by plaintiffs. Judgment was given for amount and costs.
Lascelles v. C. Retter. – Claim £7 16s 8d for legal services. Judgment was given for ex parte for amount and costs 19s.
Cunningham and Gifford v. Wells. – Claim £21 7s., balance of carpentering work performed. From the evidence it appeared that the defendant, who is a blacksmith, undertook to build a house, but could not get the materials to weld together as he could iron. He therefore engaged the plaintiffs, who were carpenters, to finish the work. They had to finish the whole structure, and for their time made this claim. After hearing the evidence, judgment was given for the amount claimed and £6 12s costs.
There were several other cases settled out of Court and adjourned. An application for a judgment summons by a Wanganui tradesman was not granted.

MONDAY, JULY 2, 1877.
Sydney Sutton was charged by Mr Andrews, railway guard, with having when a passenger in the train at Paki Paki committed a nuisance. Sutton pleaded guilty, and was fined £1, and costs 11s 4d.

Mr J. B. Fielder informed the Court that the case against Joshua Cuff for a breach of the Stamp Act had been withdrawn.

Mr Sheehan, who appeared for a man named Rine in an assault case, in which a man named Smith, is plaintiff, asked the Court to grant a warrant for Rine, he not having appeared in answer to the summons, and there also being no proof that Rine had a knowledge of it. The warrant was granted.

George Sceats was charged on the information of Thomas Wooster, with having at various times obtained sums of money, amounting to £31 3s under false pretences.
Mr Lee appeared for the prosecution, and after stating the case called
Thomas Wooster, who deposed: I am a driver, and live at Waipawa. I know prisoner. I saw him first at the Farndon Hotel, on the 13th May. Prisoner introduced himself to me as George Sceats, brother of Mr John Sceats of the British Hotel in Auckland. I knew John Sceats well. Prisoner told me he had just come from Auckland overland, that he had been on the spree at Ohinemutu, and that he had lost everything there at a Maori public house. He asked me to pay for his breakfast, bed, dinner, and tea, at Toop’s Hotel. I took prisoner with me on the train to Waipawa on Monday morning, paying his passage up. I took him home the same day and fed and clothed him. The same day he told me he was possessed of money, which was in the hands of Mr Joy, solicitor, in Auckland, to the amount of £550, and that it I would allow him to stop with me, he would pay my charges when he got his money. His money he said would be due in Auckland on the 29th of May last, and that his box would be down about the same date from his brother. I wanted him to shift a house for me, but prisoner replied that it was not worth his while as he had this money coming down to him. I left for town on the 22nd of May, and gave prisoner charge of the house, and everything in it, and also gave him £1 on the strength of his statement that he had this money. Prisoner was ill and I got him a doctor, and for this attendance was responsible for 26s. Prisoner asked me to do so, and he would repay me when he got his money. This was on the 30th of May. On the 10th of June, we both came to Napier to get the money. We went together to the Post Office and the bank of New Zealand to find out if the money had come. Prisoner said that on account of the Supreme Court sitting in Auckland, perhaps Mr Joy had not time to attend to his business. On another occasion prisoner would not come to Napier himself as he said he had agreed to buy Mr McRae’s place for £200. He wanted to see the business settled. I paid all the expenses, such as railway fares and hotel expenses. I also gave the prisoner £1 cash on the 4th of June. When I found the money had not come, he asked me to stop a few days in Napier. I proposed we should stop at the Farndon Hotel. McCrea, prisoner, and myself, stopped at the hotel for a week. Mr Toop’s account amounted to £7 3s 6d, for which I (witness) was responsible. We all came to town every day for the money during the week, but no money came. On the Saturday I came to town by myself, and then returned to Waipawa, and left prisoner at Farndon. I saw him again on the 12th. We came into town, and finding nothing had arrived, prisoner went to Waipawa. I gave him £1 in cash, paid the train 6s, and paid £1 for expenses. The understanding was that as soon as the money arrived from Auckland he would refund it to me. On the 14th May, Mr McRae and myself went to Waipawa to pay, at prisoners request, McRae’s expenses. On the 15th I gave prisoner 10s cash. On the 16th he told me he had a letter from Mr Sheehan stating that his money had arrived and was in his hands. Mr Sheehan was waiting to complete Mr McRae’s business, and wanted him in Napier. I then gave him 14s 6s to pay for the telegrams, &c., to Mr Sheehan. On Monday, the 18th, McRae, prisoner, and myself came to Napier. I gave prisoner another £2. I paid on the same day, McRae’s expenses, 18s. At the time I paid these monies I believed I would get it from Mr Sheehan. I borrowed the money required. In addition to this, at prisoners request, I paid £2 16s 6 for McRae. Prisoner told me to stop it out from the £260 for McRae’s house. When I came to town and found there was no money in Mr Sheehan’s hands, I told the prisoner, and he said, “It was all right.” I never saw the prisoner again until I saw him this day in the dock.
Mr Sheehan was next called, and deposed as to the prisoner giving him instructions to obtain £550 from Mr Joy, solicitor, of Auckland. Mr Sheehan telegraphed to Mr Joy on the matter, and in reply, learnt that Mr Joy knew nothing of either the applicant (Sceats) or about his money. Mr Sheehan then wrote to the prisoner expressing his surprise. He also wrote a letter to the prosecutor warning him. He saw prisoner in town afterwards for about a minute. He never led prisoner to believe that he (Mr Sheehan) had received money from Mr Joy on his behalf.
This closed the evidence for the prosecution.
His Worship said that he saw no necessity for remanding the case further, as in his opinion the evidence was conclusive.
The prisoner was then warned in the usual manner, and after saying that he had nothing to say in his defence, he was fully committed to take his trial at the next sittings of the Supreme Court.

There were no cases on the police sheet.

Tracy v Lascelles. – Claim £25. Mr Lee appeared for defendant. This was a claim for the amount of the balance paid into Mr. Lascelles hands for the plaintiff by a Mr. Tocker for the purchase of land, which in all amounted to £70. The plaintiff stated that he had given authority to Mr. Lascelles to pay certain sums, which would reduce the amount in Mr. Lascelles hands to that claimed. The defendant stated that the plaintiff had authorised him to pay an account of (£4 8s 5d) Mr. Gillespie for which a judgment summons was about to be taken out, and that he after deducting his own account, had remitted the balance, by cheque to the plaintiff at Meanee, which defendant denied that he had received. After some contradictory evidence had been given by both sides, His Eorship gave judgment for £19 4s paid into Court by defendant, the defendant having to pay costs of £1 5s.
A debt case brought by Mr. Merritt against F. Parker, was withdrawn as the defendant had filed his schedule.

Merritt v Joseph Dougherty. – Claim £14 10s 7d. for butccer’s [butcher’s] meat. Defendant stated he had been out of work for three months since judgment had been given against him, and any money he earned he required for the support of himself and family.
His Worship ordered him to pay £1 per month, or in default one month’s imprisonment, payment to commence 1st August.
Merritt v. Clareburt. – Claim £13 17s 6d. The defendant stated he had not received proper accounts, and was  not present when judgment was given against him. His Worship ordered defendant to pay £1 per month or in default one month’s imprisonment, the first payment to be made on the 1st August.
Myhill v. B Franklin. – Claim £8 3s 3d. Defendant was not present. Plaintiff stated that since judgment was given, defendant had given him £2 8s in fruit, but had latterly made no effort to pay off the amount. Mr Lascelles informed the Court that the defendant was paying off a judgment summons. An order was made for the defendant to pay £1 per month, or in default one month’s imprisonment, first payment to be made on 1st August.
Mrs McRae v. Tracy. – Claim £7. Ordered to be paid forthwith, with Solicitors fee £1 1s.
A number of cases on the list were settled out of Court.

THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1877.
(Before Justices Lawrence, Harding, Grant, and Bridge.)
David Glasson was charged by the police with being drunk on the evening of the 27th. Bail of £1 forfeited for non appearance.
Mary Jane O’Brian sought to have her husband, James O’Brian, bound over to keep the peace towards her, as he had threatened her. The bench ordered him to enter into his own recognizance of £50, and to pay £2 12s 6d costs.
Mrs. Franklin did not appear to an information laid by her against Mrs. Pratley for an assault. Charge dismissed.
Rathbone v Brears. – The defendant was ordered to pay £1 per week on a judgment summons, or in default to be committed to prison for one month.
Burslem v Hayes. – The defendant had offered a reward of 30s for information respecting some horses lost or strayed. The plaintiff alleged that a boy in his employ had found them in company with the defendant. Defendant stated that he had discovered them himself without any information from the boy. The case was dismissed, the Court ordering the defendant to give the boy 15s for his lost time.

The Municipal Council met on Monday evening, when all the members were present.
The progress report of the Engineer, for the month of June, and the report of the works proposed to be performed during July, were read and adopted. The latter was as follows:
“I purpose during the ensuing month to proceed with the raising of the lower part of Carlyle-street, and to form the footway, protecting the same with a rough stone curbing.
“I also propose to form the upper part of Tennyson-street, which abuts on Clive Square, and which has not hitherto been attended to. This will necessitate some cutting away of the high bank at the upper end, using the material for filling in the lower part of the street.
“The footpath on the right hand side will also require to be formed as far as the Milton Road, in accordance with the request of some of the residents of this locality.
“The road leading from Mr Rhode’s entrance gate, at the back of Mr Vautier’s residence, is in a very bad state, nothing having been done to it for some years. It now requires to be re-formed and metalled for a distance about 20 chains, and this work I propose to have done during the month ensuing.
“It will be necessary also to attend to the water tables of many of the streets and roads in the borough, as it will be advisable to have them cleaned and opened out, if possible, before the rains set in.”
A letter was read from the Under Secretary for the Colony, stating that the Treasury had been instructed to refund to the Borough the sum of £100 expendable in charitable aid.
A proposal was made by the Mayor, that a petition should be forwarded to His Excellency the Governor, praying that the Municipality might be endowed with a grant of land not exceeding in extent 2000 acres. His Worship had consulted the Engineer on the subject from whom the following recommendation had been received with respect to the land to be applied for as endowments: –
1.   500 acres (more or less) situated in the Mauawatu, [Manawatu] No 7 Block, (Rakaiatai), comprising certain measured portions lying south of Ormondville and adjacent to the proposed railway line.
“2.   500 acres, more or less, situated on part of Te Ohu Block, of 2036 acres. Bounded on the south by certain measured lands, situated on Mataman [Matamau] and Whakarutapu Creeks.
“3.   1000 acres, more or less situated in Manawatu, No 1 Block. Bounded on the south by certain measured portions, adjacent to Danevirk (Danish Settlement.)”
The matter was referred to a select committee, to report to an adjourned meeting of the Council, to be eld [held] on Thursday next.
It was resolved “That a committee be appointed, consisting of His Worship the Mayor, Councillors Lyndon, Holder, Lee, Tuxford, Swan, and Neal, to draw up recommendations of amendments to the Municipal Corporations Act, 1876, with reference to the charitable institutions and hospitals to be supported by boroughs, and the General Government subsidies in respect thereof.”
Vouchers of accounts were passed for payment and the Council adjourned.


The Education Board met on Monday. After the minutes of the last meeting had been read and confirmed, the correspondence received since last meeting was read. After the transaction of other business, the Inspectors of Schools Annual Report was read and ordered to be printed.



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DRAWS special attention to his Magnificent Stock of WATCHES, just received direct from English and American Manufacturers, and made Specially to Order, which, for Excellence and Cheapness, are unequalled in the colony.
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In many cases HALF COST, to effect a Speedy Clearance, and make room for the Spring Shipment of New and Fashionable Goods ordered by the late Firm, to arrive at the end of August, also bought at a DISCOUNT by
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Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment.  I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse feed poured in upon us until at last a teaspoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
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Look for this Trade Mark in blade.

Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,

Standing Advertisements for Three, Six or Twelve Months can be arranged for at a Liberal Discount.
Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original order) must be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager.

W. DENHOLM, Port Ahuriri

£ s
Per Quarter, if paid in advance   0 6
Per Quarter, if booked   0 7
Per Annum, if paid in advance.   1 6
Per Annum, if booked   1 10

Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.

Original digital file


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Some sections of this newspaper not relating to Hawke’s Bay have not been transcribed – these are indicated by […]


Format of the original


Date published

7 July 1877

Accession number


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