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- Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 087 - 14 July
Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 087 – 14 July
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.
9,000 ACRES Freehold, Agricultural and Pastoral, Seaboard, with
14,000 acres Leasehold, valuable improvements, and
18,000 Sheep, few Cattle, Horses, &c.
3,920 acres Freehold, rich pastoral land, Wairoa, with
800 Sheep, and 100 head Cattle
900 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa
4,677 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa, with
3,000 Sheep, and other necessary working improvements
25,000 acres Leasehold, Poverty Bay, and
112 acres Freehold, close to town, with
20,000 Sheep, and improvements
4,200 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Poverty Bay
11,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, Poverty Bay with
3000 Sheep and few Cattle
1,600 acres Leasehold, half interest, Poverty Bay
28,750 acres, Poverty Bay, situate about 20 miles from Tologa [Tolaga] Bay, title under Native Lands Court
1657 acres rich Pastoral Land, good title, Poverty Bay
1385 acres rich Pastoral Land, good title, Poverty Bay
8,800 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa Bay, with
3,000 Sheep and good improvements
3,000 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,220 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
400 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,200 acres Freehold, Rich Pastoral Land, improved, Opotiki
225 acres Freehold, excellent Land, Omaranui, with
1,600 Sheep,
30 head Cattle, and a few Horses, with improvements
Stock and Station Agent.
THE Troughbred [Thoroughbred] Stallion “YOUNG CAMDEN,” 7 years old, rich brown. Sire Bay Camden.
“MARQUIS LORNE,” rich dapple Bay Clydesdale, 6 years old, 16½ hands, sire imported Stallion “Lofty,” dam celebrate Mare “Diamond.”
“THE BAY” 2 years old, colt sire “Marquis Lorne,” dam “Blink Bonny.”
For particulars and terms, apply to
of various extent, and
Stocked and Unstocked, in the Provinces of Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington, Canterbury, and Otago.
For particulars, apply at the office, Browning-street, Napier.
All First-class Flocks.
STORE SHEEP. – Various Lots of Store Merinos Ewes and Wedders for Sale.
On Deferred Payments.
For particulars, apply to
THE GOODWILL OF LEASE (about 10 years to run) of 12 acres of Land immediately adjoining the Railway Station, Farndon, divided into three Paddocks richly grassed, and a well-stocked garden and orchard, artesian well, &c., together with a neat and comfortable Dwellinghouse, detached Kitchens, Stable, Coach-shed, &c., the property of Duncan McDougall, Esq. Possession can be given immediately.
This very desirable residence presents an opportunity for a family wishing to reside near town, and yet to have the convenience of the country, rarely offered. The price very moderate.
For further particulars, apply to
THE first-class Draught Entire “PRESIDENT” Sire Old President, bred by the late J. Nimino [ Nimmo ?], Esq., of Otago. “President” is 5 years old, and has taken two First Prizes.
For pedigree and terms, apply to
MR. EVAN’S Draught Stallion, “LORD NELSON,” by “Sir Colin Campbell,” dam “Blossom,” etc.
Liberal terms.
For further particulars apply to
SEALED TENDERS are invited for the SUPPLY OF FORAGE to the Armed Constabulary in the Taupo District, for the 12 months commencing 2nd August, 1877, to be delivered as follows, viz.: –
(I) at Napier only, (II) at posts between Petane and Tarawera (inclusive), and (III) at posts between Tarawera and Tapuaeharuru. All the requisite information can be obtained at the Armed Constabulary offices at Napier and Tapuaeharuru.
Tenders (the lowest or any not necessarily accepted) will be received at the A.C. office, Tapuaeharuru, up to 6 p.m. on WEDNESDAY, the 12th instant.
Inspector Commanding Taupo District,
Division Office,
Taupo, 4th July, 1877.
Melbourne Cup, to be Run on November 6.
1st Horse, £100; 2nd Horse, £50; 3rd Horse, £20; Starters, £65; Non-Starters, £65; Total, £300.
SHOULD sufficient inducement offer, more members will be added, and the amount of money larger.
The Drawing will take place at the Masonic Hotel on or about Tuesday, October 30.
The prizes will be paid on the arrival of the Australasian, less 5 per cent. commission. Should the sweep not fill, the prizes will be paid at per rate.
100.000 QUICKS, Two-years growth, in lots to suit purchasers.
Government Notifications.
Date Mode of Sale Name Particulars Area of Land Sold Cash Rents and Assessments Remarks
Town Suburban Country Town Suburban Country
1877 June A.R.P. A.R.P. A.R.P. £.s.d. £.s.d. £.s.d. £.s.d.
2 Application Svend Johansen Land Makaretu Reserve 40 0 0 4 0 0
2nd Instalment.
11 Application C.M. Christiansen Rural Section 9 Whakaruatapu 40 2 0 40 10 0
15 Application John Glenny Rural land Wakarara District 60 0 0 30 0 0
16 Application John Hindmarsh Rural Section 1, Taupo Road 253 2 0 250 10 0
28 Application A.A. and J. Watt Six months rent, Lots 2 and 3, Wairoa 36 10 0
Total 325 0 0 36 10
£. s. d.
Land Sales 325 0 0
Rents and Assessments 36 10 0
£361 10 0
Commissioner of Crown Lands.
Crown Lands Office,
Napier, July 4th, 1877.
The Annual Meeting of Ratepayers will be held at Norsewood Schoolhouse, on MONDAY, the 16th July next, at noon.
Business – Election of Wardens.
O. O. NORDBY, Chairman.
The Annual Meeting of Ratepayers will be held in the School-room, Hastings, at 11 a.m., on SATURDAY, the 21st July, 1877.
J. N. WILLIAMS, Chairman.
Hastings, July 5, 1877.
A Meeting of the Ratepayers of this District will take place on WEDNESDAY, the 25th instant, at noon, in Mr. Mundell’s Hotel, Kaikora, to elect Wardens for the ensuing year.
Kaikora, July 7th, 1877.
THOSE Persons who have paid in excess of a Nine Months’ Rate can have the surplus returned on application to me.

July 7.
From Mahia I learn that the Mary Ann Hudson was lying at Long Point on the 5th instant, waiting for a favourable wind to beat up to Mohaka.
July 10.
A most absurd charge of forgery and uttering was heard at the Resident Magistrate’s Court yesterday, against G.B. Flint, on the information of Reti, a native policeman. Reti swore that an order Flint presented in Reti’s name was not signed by him. Reti in Court also denied several other signatures known to be his. Upon examination Reti’s signature to the sworn information tallied with that on the disputed order. Of course Flint was discharged without a stain on his character.
This morning, Mr Flint laid an information against Reti for perjury, but the case was dismissed by the Resident Magistrate. Everybody hopes that Reti will at least be discharged, as the action of the prosecution proceeding on such a slight foundation is generally condemned.
The weather is splendid, and the bar good.
July 10.
Captain Porter, head of native affairs here, places me in possession of the following information: – “A native, named Paora, at Wakatane [Whakatane], Bay of Plenty, has visited the tribes at the Big River here. He told them that Te Kooti said he was coming to Wairoa to tangi that is to weep for Apatu, a warrior chief, and that he should then come on to Poverty Bay. The same native also said that Te Kooti’s followers had assembled at Taupo. This communication caused the natives here much alarm. Captain Porter advised a telegram to be sent to Major Te Wheoro, at the Waikato, to enquire, when the following reply was received: – ‘We have received your telegram. It is wrong about Te Kooti coming. He is still living at Te Kuiti, and is not likely to leave.’”
July 9.
The following instructions regarding immigration arrangements for the current year have been sent to the Agent-General. He is to send out 5000 immigrants altogether, the distribution to be as follows: – Auckland, 400; Taranaki, 100; Wellington, 400; Napier 400; Otago, 1,700; including about 350 for Invercargill; Canterbury, 1,700; Nelson, 100; Blenheim, 100; and Westland, 100. In each case there is to be as large a proportion as possible of single women, the balance being ploughmen, farm laborers, shepherds, bricklayers and carpenters. He is not to send any large families of young children, unless they are nominated. The first ship should arrive in October, and none after February. Nominated immigrants to be preferred. A portion of the above will be sent from the Clyde as formerly, but the total number for the year is not to exceed the 5,000.

SIR, – I perceive my remarks on the Native Lands Bill has evoked a reply from one of your correspondents, who writes under the signature of “Settler”, and who designates the outcry made against the Bill as a “tempest in a teapot.” Strange to say, the same name was given to the agitation made by the Hawke’s Bay settlers in 1857-8 by the Hon. W. Fox prior to their obtaining separation from the Province of Wellington, and I can only hope, for the benefit of those colonists of New Zealand, and those who come after them, that this “tempest in a teapot” may in like manner result in upsetting the little schemes of the party who hope by this Bill to gain their own selfish ends to the injury of the small capitalist who would desire to become a freeholder.
The “Act”, we are told by “Settler,” (by the way, I was previously under the impression that until a measure was passed it was termed a “Bill”) is, to quote his own words, a “thorough-going one in the interests of free-trade in land.” Now, Sir, any person who has read the debates of 1873 will see that the Act passed during that session, was framed with the object of enabling the Government to acquire a landed estate in this island – an estate in which blocks of land might be set apart for such associations as have founded the flourishing townships in the Wairarapa, Manawatu, Kati Kati, Woodville, and many other parts of the colony – where the man of small capital might get his land on deferred payments, and, as he progressed, pay for it.
Will the working-man, should the present Bill become law, have such an opportunity of acquiring a home of his own? Take but a glance at its provisions, and it is easy to perceive that the Bill is so drawn that all future land transactions are to be directly between the native owners and whoever is in a position to buy. How can the small capitalist compete with the large capitalist? Look at native land purchases in Hawke’s Bay in the past! Many of us can remember the meetings that were held to form an association of working-men to purchase the Heretaunga Plains, but the large capitalists were found to be so “thorough-going” that the scheme fell through, not because they [there] were not enough people to settle on the land, but because an Association of small capitalists found they could not compete with their rich fellow-settlers, who could mortgage, or so entangle the natives as to oblige them to sell. This was the result of the “thorough-going” system, and if an Association of small capitalists are thus unable to compete with the large capitalist, how less likely is one small capitalist to compete in the purchase of land with one who has the means at his command to obtain what land he desires?
Under the Act at present in operation the Government has the power to acquire and set aside land for the purposes of settlement. This “Settler” terms a “monopoly”. I term it a “protection” to the small capitalist, and a protection if taken away which will throw the lands of the colony into the hands of speculators and greedy land-sharks rule men who will purchase it with the object of squeezing what they can afterwards; who will either not improve it, or turn it, like the Heretaunga Plains, into vast sheep-walks. Already we are aware that there are large land rings in Auckland formed with the object of acquiring lands, should the Bill become law in the Waikato, and that it is to further the ends of these rings that the present Bill has been drawn and unprepared. Therefore I hope that my fellow-settlers will, ere it is too late, give such an expression of opinion to their representatives in this district as will prevent them using their influence and votes in the support of this iniquitous measure which would be the death-knell to the forming of those Associations for the obtaining of land for which the people of this colony are so desirous. – I am, &c.,
July 7, 1877.
SIR, – It is within the province of medical men to look after the interests of health, and, in any disposition of lands and grounds in our centres of population, to recommend that apportionment which will be most conducive to the general sanitary well-being of the community. Non est vivere, sed valera vita. What are the lungs of our great cities and towns both at home and abroad? Are they not our parks, and squares, and large greens, and shady pleasure-grounds? I protest against the Government lawn being alienated from its present purpose. We have very few of these lawns in Napier; indeed, it is the only central spot that can be called an outlet from our glaring, dusty roads. And as a promenade on a summer’s evening, while the band is playing, it is an agreeable and welcome resort. If there is the least chance of this lawn being built upon, I would recommend that the inhabitants memorialise the Government, and plainly represent the wrong that would thus be done to the people. – I am, &c.,
July 5, 1877.
SIR, – The very practical measures that are being taken by the Hawke’s Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Society for the promotion and encouragement of ploughing matches, will cause much satisfaction to a very deserving number of men, who rightly regard the turning of the sod as the most important operation in agriculture. “Speed the plough” is the proper motto for every country, but more especially in one that has been but recently settled, and, soil and climate being suitable, the plough is looked upon as the emblem of a country’s wealth.
But Sir, in this utilitarian age, we are bound to look beneath the surface, and not to be satisfied with what may, on investigation, prove merely claptrap, or humbug. Now, while the Agricultural Society is publishing a list of the subscribers to the fund being raised to encourage ploughmen to compete at ploughing matches, let us ask ourselves this question: “Is the movement genuine, or is it a sprat to catch a herring”? In times past, when the swing plough, heavy and clumsily made, was the only implement of its kind, ploughing might be classed as skilled labor. Can the same thing be said of it at the present day? I think not. When I was a boy, the ploughman was the best paid man on the farm, who took pride in his work, for in the guidance of his horses, the depth and breadth of the furrow, the eye as well as the hand had to be trained. With modern improvements the old fashioned ploughman gradually disappeared. A boy could do what a man had been required for, and so entirely mechanical has the work become, that six-furrow ploughs can be drawn across a field by the aid of a wire rope and an engine, and the earth turned up in a style that defies competition.
There is, however, another aspect this subject bears, and it is this. Are our large landed proprietors, who are in reality the head and front of the Agricultural and Pastoral Society, genuine in their apparent desire to encourage agriculture? It is true the wool market is flat, but how long will it be so?
When the Devil was sick,
The Devil a Saint would be;
When the Devil was well,
The devil a Saint was he!
The large land owners, judging from the past, only want the plough to turn up the ground that will not bear a sward by surface growing. The small holder finds wool growing, if not highly remunerative, at least profitable, demanding small outlay for labor, and little anxiety. We have heard a good deal lately about agriculture, especially at after dinner speeches on the conclusion of a ploughing match. But what does it all amount to? Mere claptrap, moon-shine and humbug. Ride through Hastings, Meanee [ Meeanee ], Taradale, Kaikora, anywhere you like in Hawke’s Bay, and how much evidence of a disposition to grow grain will you find? Precious little.
You may depend on it, Sir, that let the profits of agriculture be what they may, the Hawke’s Bay settler will not for many a long year overcome the sloth engendered by the enervating pursuit of sheepfarming. If the land owner can get ten or fifteen shillings an acre off his land by growing mutton or wool, he will be perfectly satisfied. The large run holder, as a rule, does not look upon New Zealand as his abiding place. Why then should he spend money in an operation that involves trouble, anxiety, and uncertainty of profit, when he is simply hanging on to his property till he can sell it at a price that will enable him to return to the old country? That this is so, look at the number of unimproved runs, and absentee land owners. – I am, &c.,
July 9, 1877.

We learn that the Wairoa Free Press has changed hands, Mr H. E. Webb, of the Poverty Bay Standard, having parted with it to Mr John Davis, an old Wairoa settler. There will be little, or no change in the literary staff of our youthful contemporary.
For the information of gas consumers, we extract the following clause from the “Napier Gas Company’s Act, 1875”: – “When any consumer leaves the premises where gas has been supplied to him without paying the Company the gas rent due from him, the Company shall be entitled to require from the next tenant payment of the arrears accruing since the meter shall have been last taken by the Company, and left unpaid by the former tenant, if such next tenant shall consume any gas of the Company, without having first given to the Company twenty-four hours’ notice of his intention to do so, and if such notice shall be given, such incoming tenant shall not be liable for such arrears as aforesaid.”
The prospectus of a new Fire and Marine Insurance Company, under the title of the Union Fire and Marine Insurance Company of New Zealand, was to have been published on Friday at Christchurch. The capital is to be two millions sterling, in 100,000 shares of £20 each. It is arranged to call up one pound per share in instalments extending over two years. The list of the provisional directors includes the names of a large number of the leading merchants and business men of Canterbury, forming one of the strongest companies in the colony. It is stated that a large business support has been promised. Arrangements are to be made as speedily as possible to receive applications for shares. An agency will be opened at Napier, without delay.
John Sheehan, Esq. M. G. A. left in the Wanaka on Friday for Auckland, where it is possible he will interview his Rodney constituents.
The Herald found another mare’s nest on Friday. The writer of the paragraph having reference to the illegality of the Waipukurau Road Board election will find, by referring to the files of the DAILY TELEGRAPH, that the Chairman gave fifteen clear day’s notice of the annual meeting, so in that respect there can be no flaw in the election of the members of the new Board.
We call the attention of the authorities to the state of the side drain, from the Post Office to Messrs Newton & Company’s corner. We would suggest that two birds might be killed with one stone, by cleaning the drains out with water from the main, by which the drainage would be cleared off, and the water in the main kept sweet.
The annual meeting of the ratepayers of the Havelock Road Board was held on Wednesday last. The total receipts for the year amounted to £69 4s 6d, and the expenditure to £62 16s 2d, leaving a balance in hand of £6 8s 4d. The following ratepayers were selected for the new Board: – Messrs. Boyle (Chairman), Bader, Bee, Gilpin, and Stone. The rate for the present year was fixed at 4d in the £ on annual rental value of all properties in the district. Messrs. Bethell and Bissell were elected auditors.
Mr J. Turley has been appointed by the Napier Municipal Corporation, to select the 2,000 acres in the Puketoi Block, No. 1, that are to be applied for as a Borough endowment. Mr Turley is to furnish a report and a sketch plan of the land to the Corporation. The appointment of Mr Turley for this duty, from that gentleman’s long residence here and professional experience, we consider a most judicious one.
We are glad to report that the members of the band of the Napier Artillery Volunteers are assiduously practising to make themselves worthy in every way of the fine and efficient company into which they have been enrolled. Mr. Lounds is taking the greatest pains with the band, and much credit is due to the members of it, who, during these cold evenings, spend a couple of hours playing in the gun-shed.
The harbour improvements works have not yet exhibited any practical value. The bar is not better than it was before the works were begun, and indeed, owing to the continued dry weather lessening the volume of the outflowing water, there is less depth over the bar now than there has been at former times at this period of the year. At high tide on Friday, there were but 8 feet 9 inches of water on the bar, and the Southern Cross steamer, in ballast, had to drag right through the shingle in coming in.
Mr. Vinsen turned out of his Carriage Factory this morning an elegant buggy, for Mr. Cox of Patea. The workmanship and the style in which the vehicle was built were the subject of praise by the many who visited the works.

The open drain from the post office along Hastings-Street has been in its present disgraceful state for the past week. The drainage, slowly trickling along tilt it reaches the corner of Tennyson-street, emits a horrible effluvium; at the corner the liquid is stagnant, proclaiming the fact that the recommendation of the Public Works Committee, and the resolution of the Council, are of no effect. On behalf of the ratepayers, we protest against the supineness of the Council that quietly submit to its orders being ignored. (Since the above was in type the drain has been cleaned out).
We are glad to see that the railway authorities are at last beginning to see the danger of leaving the railway line unfenced, and are tardily proceeding with the enclosing of that portion now quite open to public trespass, between the Spit and Napier stations. It cannot be said that warnings of the danger run to both trains and the public are wanting from the line being open to the ordinary road; only on Monday a dray containing four Maori women was upset and smashed to pieces – luckily without hurting the occupants – through being backed by a frightened horse into a passing train. This occurrence took place on the Hyderabad-road between Spit and Napier. The broken vehicle remains on the scene of the accident a warning to drivers of traps to turn their horses heads towards an approaching danger, and not from it, as the frightened animal in the latter case generally backs right into the train.
Mr. Chas. Butler, the proprietor of the Commercial Hotel, Port Ahuriri, having entered into the bonds of Matrimony gave a grand spread to about sixty of his friends on Monday evening, who all enjoyed themselves immensely. Prior to breaking up the health of the bride and bridegroom was proposed and drunk in bumpers of champagne.
In the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday, a man named Glover, whose name is not unfamiliar to the police, was brought up on a charge of drunkenness. He was fined 10s, or in default imprisonment. He preferred cheap lodging. T. K. Newton, Esq., J.P., presided.
As Mr T. Peddie was coming home early on Tuesday in a buggy from a visit to Meanee in turning the road at Messr Newton and Irvine’s corner, Mr Peddie, who was driving, kept too close, the effec [effect] being that Mr Peddie was thrown out, fotunately escaping with a sprained ancle [ankle] which will lay him up for a week or so.
With reference to a paragraph that appeared in Monday’s TELEGRAPH in relation to a gentleman who had found a difficulty in obtaining a marriage license, we may state when Mr. Townsend left he put into the hands of the Rev. Mr Johnstone as his locum tenens forms of license duly signed by the Bishop and Surrogate. Mr. Johnstone issued one of these licenses to the party in question, and there are others ready to be issued to any who may desire to have such an instrument. It is however known to most of our readers that a marriage license from a Surrogate is not required by law. Any party desirous of being married according to the rites and ceremonies of the English Church can be so married by presenting to the clergymen the Registrar’s certificate, which in point of law is the only document required.
We notice that Mr T. Carruthers, the Waipawa local baker, has lowered the price of bread from 6d to 5d the 2lb loaf.
The young girl Agnes Jane Inglis, who was accidently burnt to death on Saturday at Hampden was aged but seven years.
On Saturday evening the TELEGRAPH sold so quickly that at six o’clock, we had not a copy on hand. During the past three months, the circulation of the TELEGRAPH has risen at the rate of a quire or 25 sheets every week, so that now, we can without fear of contradiction boast, that, having regard to population, the TELEGRAPH has the largest circulation of any of the daily papers in the colony. We may mention that during the past nine months our country circulation has more than doubled.
In the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Monday, before His Worship the Mayor, two men were charged by Mounted Constable Mitchell with being drunk and disorderly at Havelock on the Sabbath. They were named respectively John Young and James Davidson, and were both tramps. The latter individual was also charged with indecent exposure. The charges made were fully proved. Young was fined 5s or 24 hours imprisonment, and Davidson was fined 5s for drunkenness, and 14 days imprisonment with hard labor for indecency. Neither had money, and both were sent to free lodgings.
A gentleman from the country informs us that he is placed in a curious fix through the action of the Anglican Church authorities. He had asked a young lady on whom he had set his affection to name the “happy day,” and one day this week was fixed on. The would be bridegroom arrived in Napier and being a member of the Anglican Church, was desirous of having the “knot” tied by a clergyman of his own persuasion. He finds however, after investigation, that there is no clergyman in the parish authorised to license, and as both himself and intended object to be married by the Registrar, or by a minister of any other church, the “happy day” has to be postponed until the trouble in St John’s Parish ceases, and the present state of affairs is rectified.
Mr Thomas Russell and Mr Hunt, known better as Shotover Hunt, left Auckland for England by the last mail steamer.
According to the Free Press, the medical man wanted for the Wairoa district must be young, active, sober, and industrious. To one with these qualifications in his favour, and who would not be afraid of bad roads, nor deterred by bad weather, a good practice is assured.
We have received a letter from a correspondent signing himself “Argus,” in which he asks, “What has become of the £5000 voted for the erection of a bridge over Port Ahuriri Harbor?” and desires information on the subject. We have none to give him, but perhaps some of our numerous correspondents might enlighten the public on the matter. For ourselves, we have not yet seen published the statement of accounts between the late Province of Hawke’s Bay and the General Government, which was promised to be published some time ago.
Wairoa expects to export this year 12,000 bushels of maize. In former times, when the natives were industriously inclined, Wairoa was the largest producing district in Hawke’s Bay.
Messrs Bee have presented a site for a school building in Mohaka. The Free Press hears that subscriptions are coming in freely: a working committee, treasurer, and trustees, have also been appointed.
The Hawke’s Bay County Council’s monthly meeting fell through on Monday for the want of a sufficient attendance of members to form a quorum. The Hon. Colonel Whitmore is absent from the province, and Mr. J. Bennett had signified his inability to attend in town on Monday. Messrs. Tiffen, Williams, and Brathwaite were punctually present, but Mr Torr was nowhere to be found by the Clerk, who was in some excitement fearing that the minutes of the previous meeting would have to be passed over in silence. At 11.20 o’clock, Mr Williams went off hurriedly to catch the train for Hastings. Mr Tiffen and Mr Brathwaite then endeavored to console themselves over the fire, and while engaged in lamentations over the stoppage of public business, Mr Torr stepped in at his leisure, apparently prepared for any amount of county work. We shall draw a veil over the scene that ensued; suffice it to say that Mr Brathwaite, as became the most active of the trio, rushed out of the building to bring Mr Williams back, but being warned that that gentleman was by that time at the railway station, he wildly looked around for some swift means of locomotion. There was a placid looking horse tied to the fence. To look at the animal, and judge of his powers to carry a messenger to the railway station in the twinkling of an eye, was but the work of a moment. “Whose horse is that?” gasped Mr Brathwaite, “I wonder whether it is safe to borrow it?” Our reporter, who was standing by, in dulcet tones, observed that the horse belonged to a large and powerfully built man. Ejaculating “then it’s a case!” Mr Brathwaite reported progress to the Chairman, who looked very solemn, Mr Torr smiled a smole [smile], the reporters rushed off to a more profitable field for copy, and the Clerk, while packing up his papers, silently removed the traces of his grief.
Madame Simonsen has made a hit in Melbourne with the pretty little opera of The Hermit’s Bell. There was a large audience to witness its first representation, and very favourable opinions were bestowed, and deservedly, upon it. The cast has been a good deal altered since the opera was played in Napier, as will be seen by the following list: – Sylvan, Mr Charles Florence; Bellamy, Mr H. Hodgson; Thibaut, Mr H. Steinbach: a dragoon, Mr F. Darbyshire; lieutenant, Mr R. Weber; a village pastor, Mr B. Levison; Georgette (Thibaut’s wife), Miss Minna Fischer; Rose Moineau, Mdm. Fanny Simonsen. The Argus said of the opera: – “Upon its own merits it shows a lively and refined imagination on the part of the composer, and that in some instances, hereafter to be mentioned, it displays touches which surely belong to the hand of a genius.”
In the TELEGRAPH’S columns will be found a notice to publicans cautioning them against permitting gambling in their houses, sweeps in races, and raffling. We believe vigorous measures will be taken by the police through-out the colony, to enforce public morality in respect to gambling of all descriptions. In large cities the evils arising from the facilities offered in public houses for gambling can scarcely be over-rated, and we are not surprised at the effort now being made to put a check to them. Gambling, however, in some form or shape will last as the earth contains two human beings with an object to serve between them. When mankind is reduced to that limited number, the two are sure to toss up to determine who is to get out of bed first to light the morning fire. As it was in the beginning, when people cast lots for division of spoil, so it ever will be while a game of chance can decide as to who is elected to cover the expense of quenching the thirst of his companions.
We copy the following important information from Wednesday’s Herald: – “The new National Bank is almost completed and presents a very handsome appearance. The stuff was obtained from Messrs Guthrie and Larnach’s establishment in Dunedin, which is also about to supply it for the new hotel at Havelock.” The italics are ours.
A London publisher is now issuing Shakespeare’s plays at a halfpenny each. They are printed in small but clear type, and each play is issued in a wrapper.
From advertisement it will be seen, that the Bell Brewery, Masterton, is for sale. Masterton being the grand centre of the Wairarapa district, and also being the junction of the various lines of road between Wanganui, Napier, and Wellington, will of necessity be a place of very considerable importance in a short time. Masterton and surrounding districts, represent a large number of hotels, and there being only one brewery, it should surely be a good investment for any one desirous of entering into that line of business. The present proprietor’s residence being in Wanganui, will account for the above being offered for sale, as he is unable to devote as much of his time to his Masterton business as he would wish.
Mr Sinclair, who it will be remembered had his leg amputated at the Provincial Hospital some months ago, and who has since resided at Waipawa, met with an accident on Monday evening, by being upset out of Mr Garnham’s trap when between Kaikora and Waipawa, at the horse-shoe bend. Owing to the effects of the fall, the old wound to Mr Sinclair broke out afresh, and he now requires the greatest attention.
F. Sutton, Esq., M.H.R., [Member of the House of Representatives] our newly elected representative, left Napier for the seat of Government overland on Tuesday morning. Mr Sutton during his trip purposes visiting the Small Farm Settlements on the way, noting their progress, and seeing for himself their requirements. The Legislature as our readers are aware meets for public business on Thursday, the 19th instant.
The Hospital Committee met on Wednesday at 2.30 o’clock, for the inspection of the plans and drawings that have been received as designs for the new hospital. Up to the present time ten have been sent in, and this afternoon the members of the medical profession here were invited to meet the Committee and report on the merits of the designs. The drawings have been affixed to the walls of the late Council Chamber.
Mr. Waterworth, who met with an accident on Monday last at the Harbor Works, is, we learn, progressing fast, and will be about again in a few days.
The annual meeting of the parishioners of St. Luke’s Church, Havelock, was held on Tuesday, the Rev. W. Marshall, Incumbent, in the chair. Mr R. Brathwaite read the report, which showed a difference of £10. Mr Brathwaite was elected Clergyman’s Churchwarden, and Mr Gilpin, Parish Churchwarden. The following gentlemen were elected Vestrymen: – Messrs Stone, Bee, Taylor, R. P. Williams, Danvers, Burnett, J. N. Williams, Vickers, Wellwood, and Capt. A. H. Russell. Mr Brathwaite drew the attention of the meeting to the fact that the lease of the present parsonage would soon be up, and pointed out the necessity of making other provision. After some discussion, during which Mr Stone expressed his surprise that in such a large district the clergyman only had a stipend of £150 per annum yet £10 was deficient, it was agreed to open subscription lists to raise the requisite funds for erecting a parsonage, and the following gentlemen were appointed a committee to canvass: – Messrs Stone, Burnett, and Wellwood. A vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded the proceedings.
Mr Shepperson and the members of the Lydia Howarde troupe returned from the West Coast to Wellington last week after a very successful tour through the various townships there.
Mr G. Rymer’s new time-table has been published. No one can have reason to complain of want of travelling accommodation between Taradale, Meanee, and Napier, as coaches will run between those places five times a day. We really hope Mr. Rymer’s enterprise will be rewarded, for there are few men in the district more deserving of success. Regardless of weather and difficulties of no ordinary nature, he has always done his utmost to meet the wishes of travellers to and from the country districts, when others running on the roads have been either unable or unwilling to accommodate the public.
At a meeting held last Tuesday of the Wanganui Exhibition Committee, a letter was read from Mr. W.A. Shanly, manufacturing jeweller, of Napier, to the effect that, not having heard from the Secretary to the Committee until some time after his original application for information, he had not commenced to prepare anything for exhibition, but that he would willingly accept the terms of the Secretary’s letter of the 18th ultimo, and do his best to make something worthy [of] the space offered, which would be quite sufficient for his purpose. The probable exhibits from Mr W.A. Shanly were mentioned as a set of silver jewellery, a volunteer prize medal, silver with gold mounting, a gold band bracelet, a gold initial ring, a gold brooch, earrings, &c.
The new firm of Combs and Co., which has purchased the stock-in-trade of Plante and Co., publish their preliminary announcement to-day. Mr Combs is well-known in Napier, and during his stay here in several positions of trust he has made a wide circle of friends. In his and his partner’s hands the business should be a prosperous one.
The General Annual Meeting of Subscribers to the Napier Athenaeum is fixed, we believe, for the 27th of July next. If we are correctly informed the position of this Institute during the past twelve months has not made any improvement, and it is expected that a proposition will be tabled to increase the amount of annual subscription, so as to permit the Committee to add to the stock of books in the library, and thus make it more attractive to the public.
The Dramatic Club’s performance on Tuesday was, as a stage representation, even more successful than when a similar programme was first carried out by our local amateurs. As Sir Charles Coldstream, Mr Bell was remarkably good, and although his conception of the character is quite at variance with that of Charles Matthews, it has the merit of originality. Mr Swan, as Ironbrace, was almost faultless, and Mr Britten’s “gentleman’s gentleman” was inimitable. The subordinate parts were well sustained. The musical interlude served to bring out Mr Morgon to excellent advantage; he was in capital voice, and received an encore which would have no refusal. The Fakir-o-Spito was more than even spiritualistic in his dark séance. The burlesque of Fair Rosomond’s Bower was really well performed, Mrs T. W. Bear proving herself to be a comedienne of no mean ability.
If the Bruce (Otago) County Council has received over £400 from the dog tax, what ought the Napier Municipality to obtain?
It is stated that the Wanganui wharves have been let to Mr. Balance, the member for Rangitikei, for £1600 a year.
Mr A. Monro, who is well known in the Wairarapa and Hawke’s Bay districts as an engineer in connection with public works, has been appointed engineer to the Inangahua County Council.
To the Editor: Sir, – With respect to the maintenance of order at the Oddfellows’ Hall, a matter of general complaint at every entertainment and ball held in that building, allow me to suggest that a row of iron spikes on the fence top would keep larrikins from jumping over, and a policeman at the gate would do the rest. It is simply abominable that three guineas should have to be paid for the use of the Hall, and that its occupation cannot be held in peace through the noisy skylarking of a mob of young scamps who make any place a play ground that is lighted up with gas. – I am, &c., I. J. S., Napier, July 10, 1877.
At a committee meeting of the Hawke’s Bay Acclimatisation Society, held on Tuesday at which Mr Sutton was chairman, it was stated that the Society would have a credit balance of about £400, after the settlement of all outstanding accounts. Within the last three months the sum of £105 had been paid for the destruction of hawks. The Chairman expressed grave doubts as to the wisdom of offering rewards for the killing of kingfishers and shags. After some conversation, it was agreed that these rewards should be discontinued after the 31st July. The Chairman was instructed to obtain through Mr Rich, of Otago, a supply of trout ova. It was resolved that a sum of money, not exceeding £100, should be expended in sinking an artesian well, on Mr R.P. Williams’ property, West Clive, for the purpose of filling in an old water-course, as a breeding pond.
Mass will be celebrated by the Rev. E. Reignier, next Sunday, 15th instant, in the St. Patrick Church Waipawa, at 11 a.m.
Sir George Grey will be a passenger to Napier by the Wanaka, he being on his way to the seat of Government.
The Electoral Rolls of both Napier and Clive contain the names of many persons who have not become naturalised British subjects. Their registration as electors was illegal, and as their names will be certainly struck off the rolls next year, we advise them, in the meantime, if they desire to exercise the privileges of Englishmen, to apply for letters of naturalisation under the provisions of the “Aliens Act, 1866.”
In reference to the annual meeting of the parishioners of St. John’s Church, the Herald hopes that “some satisfactory arrangements may be made for carrying on the Church services in a fitting manner.” The expression of this wish is not only uncalled for, but is most insulting to the clergymen who have conducted the services at St. John’s. It is a libel alike on the Rev. J. Townsend, the Rev. Mr. Johnstone, and the Rev. D’Arcy Irvine; it is an impertinent reflection on the congregation. At no period of the St. John’s troubles have the English Church services been otherwise than carried on “in a fitting manner.” The differences between the Incumbent and the parishioners never interfered with the proper conduct of divine service. All that is now wanted for the good of the Church at Napier is an Incumbent to perform those parish duties that are outside those appertaining to morning and evening services.
A sum of over £186 has been received by the Ploughing Match Committee of Hawke’s Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Society for distribution in prizes. It is desired to increase the amount to £300, when the following prizes will be offered: – Champion cup for wheat, £50, and money prizes – 1st £15; second, £10; third, £5. Cup for oats, £25, with money prizes – 1st, £10; 2nd, £7 10s; 3rd, £5. Cups and prizes for barley and for agricultural implements is to be the same as for oats. Root crops: 1st prize, £10; 2nd, £7 10s; 3rd, £5. Ploughing match: Champion cup of £15 15s, and a second prize of £5 5s (open to all comers with any plough). Other prizes as follows: – Class A, single furrow, men; class B, double furrow, men; class C, boys under 18 years of age; in each class first prize £7, second £5, and third, £3. The implements are to be exhibited at the annual show in October; root crops and cereals at the ram fair in February; and the ploughing match to take place early in June.
Well behaved girls, industriously inclined, and who have a liking for domestic work, are in great request at Gisborne. Says the Poverty Bay Standard: – “We may mention, by the way, to young girls that the climate of Gisborne is salubrious; that “missuses” are not, we believe, too exacting; but on the contrary very indulgent, even to the extent of admitting of Sundays out, and the loan of any little bit of ornamental wearing apparel upon need. We may further mention that the scarcity of domestic assistants is, in a great measure due to the many eligible offers which are constantly presenting themselves, by which such helps almost in no time, in the twinkling of an eye or the sound of the trump, so to speak, cease to become helps by being converted into “missuses.”
Church of England Service will be held (D.V.) on Sunday next, the 15th instant, at St. Mark’s, Clive, at 11 a.m.; at Hastings at half-past 3; and at St. Luke’s Havelock, at 7 p.m.
July 11.
The Manaia arrived this morning too late for the tide. She will be in this afternoon.
The Council meet to-day to pass bye-laws, &c.
July 11.
A silver cup, presented by William Aitken for competition between the Chess Clubs in New Zealand, was won by James Morton, Auckland, and presented to that gentleman on Monday night. Mr. Sheehan was present, and during his speech he regretted that the prosperity of Auckland was on the wane. He referred particularly to the advertisement in the newspapers calling tenders for the purchase of the Auckland Steam Packet Company’s steamers. During his stay in Napier he had been grieved to see Auckland allow the South to grasp the trade. In the place where he had been sojourning, the people looked down upon Auckland with the greatest contempt, though Auckland enriched those people by drawing supplies of beef, etc., from establishments at Napier. The Mayor said Auckland had made great progress within the last year, but was now suffering from a depression in trade.
Price 2s 6d each.
Shipping Intelligence.
5 – Acadia, schooner, from Lyttelton.
5 – Southern Cross, s.s., from Wellington.
5 – Manaia, s.s., from Wairoa. Passengers – Mrs Taylor, Messrs Fraser, McMurray, Maloney, Gray, and Reay.
6 – Wanaka, s.s., from Wellington, and Southern ports. Passengers – Messrs Edwards, Goldingham, Forbes, Capt. Russell, 4 steerage and 1 for the North.
7 – Columbia, schooner, put back
9 – Mary Ann Hudson, ketch, from Long Point
11 – Rangatira, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Messrs Stacey, Webb, Porter, Jorns, Christisson Elrig, Samuel Scully, Carroll, Ellis, Mackay, Townsend, Macdonald, Hawkins, 2 natives, and 9 steerage.
11 – Kiwi, s.s., from Wellington via Castle Point. Passengers – Messrs Bell, Carter, and another.
12 – Fairy, s.s., from Poverty Bay via Whangwheri [Whangahehi, near Mahia – HBKB]. One passenger.
6. Stormbird, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Miss McAnaran, Miss Carruthers, Miss Waters, Messrs Axup [Arup], and McDonald.
6 – Kiwi, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Messrs Bennett, and Greenwood.
6 – Wanaka, s.s., for Poverty Bay, Tauranga, and Auckland. Passengers – Miss McCormick, Captains Read and Campbell, Messrs J.G. Kinross, Morice (2), Herbert, Reay, Cuff, Walker, Nicholson, Sheehan M.H.R., Zelman, S. Locke, J.P. Hamlin, Hepata Maiti and 2 children, Wi Haronga, Hoera, Anaru, and 1 original.
7 – Southern Cross, s.s., for Thames and Auckland. Passengers – Mr Dickenson.
9 – Silver Cloud, three-masted schooner, for Newcastle, N.S.W.
10 – Acadia, schooner, for Lyttelton
10 – Manaia, p.s., for Wairoa. Passengers – Messrs Davis, Harkis, McMurray, Roach, Fraser, Witty, Anderson, Maloney, and several others; 8 natives
11 – Isabella Pratt, schooner, for Oamaru
11 – Result, s.s., for Wairoa. Four passengers
11 – Andrew Reid, barque, for Valparaiso
The s.s. Southern Cross, Captain Holmes, arrived at 2 p.m. on Thursday from Wellington in ballast. While in Wellington she went on the slip, and had a thorough cleaning. She left Wellington on 3.15 p.m. on Wednesday, and had fine weather with fresh southerly breeze, throughout the passage.
The s.s. Wanaka, Captain McGillivray, arrived in the Bay at 9 a.m. on Friday, from Southern Ports, after a fine weather passage of 22 hours from Wellington. She brought a few passengers, and a quantity of cargo for this port, and steams again this evening for Auckland via Poverty Bay and Tauranga.
The steamers Stormbird and Kiwi both left for Wellington on Friday, the former at 12, and the latter an hour later.
The Wanaka steamed for Gisborne and northern ports on Friday evening, at 6 o’clock.
The ketch Mary Ann Hudson arrived in port on Monday from Long Point, where she had been compelled to take shelter. She was unable to get into the Mohaka, and has consequently brought her cargo back with her. On Thursday last, having parted one cable, she slipped the other, and put to sea, encountering very heavy weather till arrival.
The s.s. Southern Cross, Captain Holmes, left at 1 p.m. on Saturday for Thames and Auckland, with a load of cattle and sheep. In coming in on Friday, she dragged through the bar, on which there were barely nine feet of water, and in going out on Saturday she did the same. Her cargo consisted of 60 head of cattle and 300 sheep. She arrived at the Thames at 11 a.m. on Monday, so that she has made a good passage North.
The Stormbird came into collision upon her arrival at Wellington with the schooner Isabel. The steamer’s starboard rigging was carried away, and the jibboom of the schooner injured.
The mate of the Excelsior was found drowned at Wellington on Saturday.
The schooner Columbia which left this port for Lyttelton on Friday the 29th ult., returned on Saturday morning having thrashed down as far as Cape Palliser. Southerly weather still continuing, her master decided to run back. The schooner left again on Sunday morning at 7.30, and brought up under Cape Kidnapper till the wind is favourable.
There were four vessels wind bound under Cape Kidnappers on Sunday, two of which have been there for about a week. One is no doubt the Maud Graham, and another the Columbia.
The schooner Silver Cloud was towed out on Monday by the Sir Donald, on the strong part of the tide. She had some difficulty in making head way until a rope was run ashore, and several volunteers pulled her through the worst of the tide.
The four sailing vessels which were lying at the Kidnappers for shelter, weighed anchor on Tuesday.
The p.s. Manaia left on Tuesday evening for Wairoa, and the Result on Wednesday.
The s.s. Sir Donald towed out on Tuesday evening the Acadia for Lyttelton [Lyttelton], and on Wednesday morning, the Isabella Pratt for Oamaru.
The s.s. Rangatira, Captain Evans, left Wellington on Monday last, at 5 p.m., but in consequence of some part of her machinery breaking she put back for repairs, arriving at the wharf again at midnight. Having completed repairs, she left again on Tuesday, at 3 p.m., and arrived at the anchorage at Napier at 5.30 p.m. on Wednesday, and was brought to the Breastwork on Thursday. She met with a fresh head wind but fine weather throughout the passage. The Rangatira brings a full general cargo, and a number of passengers for this port. This is her last trip preparatory to going on the slip for alteration and repairs. We thank Mr. Donald, the purser, for report and files.
The s.s. Kiwi, Captain Campbell, left Wellington at 6.30 p.m. on Tuesday, and arrived at Castle Point at 8 a.m. on Wednesday. Encountered a violent gale from the westward, consequently could not communicate with the shore, and therefore bore up for Napier, and arrived at 10 p.m. on Wednesday.
The s.s. Fairy returned from Gisborne at 2 o’clock on Thursday, having called at Whangahehi [Mahia] to land a passenger. She also successfully landed some lighthouse material at Portland Island.
The s.s. Southern Cross left Auckland on Wednesday at 7 p.m. for Napier.
The s.s. Wanaka left Auckland for this port on Wednesday. She has the following passengers – For Gisborne: Mrs Best, Messrs Bruford, Dawson, Dudon, Archdeacon Williams, Eyre, Williams. For Napier: Rev. Mr Eccles, Mesdames Lee, Sterndale, Mr and Mrs Naylor, Messrs McInness, Stait, Oxley, Battley, Naylor.
For Wellington, Southern Provinces, and Australian Colonies, per Wanaka, on Saturday, at 10 a.m.
For the United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, &c., via Suez and Brindisi, by every opportunity to Wellington, where the mails close on the 27th instant. Correspondence for this route should leave Napier on 23rd instant, per overland.
For Fiji, Sandwich Islands, West Indies, America, United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, &c., via San Francisco, per s.s. Rotorua, on Saturday, 28th instant, at 9 p.m.
Money Orders and Registered Letters will close at 5 p.m. Book Packets and Newspapers, at 8 p.m., 28th instant.
For the undermentioned places every Monday, and Thursday, at 5.30 a.m.- Clive, Hastings, Havelock, Te Aute, Kaikora, Waipawa, Waipukurau, Danevirk [Dannevirke], Norsewood, Tahoarite [Tahoraiti], Woodville, Foxton, Palmerston, Wanganui, Taranaki, Wellington and Southern Provinces, &c., Wallingford, Porangahau, Wainui, and Castle Point.
On the other days of the week, mails close as usual, at 6.30 a.m.
Chief Postmaster.
The Cheapest House in the Trade.
IT is hereby notified for the information of the Ratepayers that Mr H. MONTEITH has been This Day appointed to be Collector and Clerk of the Board.
THE undersigned hereby call a Meeting to be held at the Schoolhouse, Tamumu, on SATURDAY, the 28th July, at 12 o’clock, noon, for the purpose of forming a Road Board and electing Wardens for the Tamumu District.
Stock, Land Estate, and General Commission Agent, Waipukurau.
Goods Stored and Forwarded.
Offices and Stores: Near the Railway Station.
NASMITH – At Port Ahuriri, on the 5th July, the wife of Mr James Nasmith, of a son.
JOHNSTON. – At Oruawharo, on the 7th July, the wife of Sydney Johnston, Esq., of a son.
HIRTZEL. – At Porangahau, on the 8th July, the wife of Charles A. M. Hirtzel, of a daughter.
NIGHTINGALE. – At Napier, on the 11th July, the wife of W. F. Nightingale, of a son.
WILLIAMS. – At Napier, on the 10th July after a long and painful illness, Annie Maria, the beloved daughter of John and S. Williams, aged 20 years. – Auckland and Wellington papers please copy.
The Weekly Mercury
SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1877.
MR SHEEHAN’S statement at the Auckland Chess Club dinner the other evening, that the feeling entertained in Hawke’s Bay for Auckland was one of contempt, cannot be accepted here as true. It is certainly not true in the sense in which it has been conveyed by the telegram, that implies we have no sympathy with the commercial prosperity or otherwise of Auckland. So much is this not the case, that the trade depression in the northern capital is a source of considerable anxiety to Napier, the business relations between the two towns in several branches of commerce, being closely connected. Mr. Sheehan was surely joking when he referred to Auckland enriching Napier by drawing her meat supplies from Hawke’s Bay. If Auckland could go elsewhere and find a better and cheaper market in which to buy beef and mutton, the cattle trade between us would soon cease. What Auckland pays Napier for meat is more than returned in the purchase of timber and drapery. In a political sense, however, Mr Sheehan was probably not far wrong when he said that Hawke’s Bay entertained a feeling of contempt for Auckland. The public utterance of those political missionaries Messrs Rees and Sheehan, did not in the least degree tend to improve that feeling. Those energetic, and personally popular lieutenants of Sir George Grey, in their championship of Mr. Buchanan, absolutely damaged his chances of election. The thought that Auckland was endeavouring to further her selfish ends by intriguing in the Napier election, produced a stronger feeling of contempt for her politicians. Considering that Auckland and Dunedin had been trying their utmost to separate the colony for no other object than to enrich the tradesmen of those cities, and that if the scheme had proved successful, Hawke’s Bay would have been infinitely worse off than before separation from Wellington, it was hardly likely the Queen-street ring would have much influence here. The policy of Auckland is purely selfish, and that policy is dictated, not by the country, nor by the wants of an industrious producing population, but by a trade ring, the hungry cries of which have mournfully vibrated over the colony since the city lost the troops and the seat of Government.
ON Wednesday Capt. Russell, the senior M.H.R. for Napier, met his constituents in the Oddfellows’ Hall. The room was crowded in every part by an audience which, while it was not afraid to assert its independence, was evidently determined to give Capt. Russell a fair and impartial hearing.
T.K. Newton, Esq., having been called to the chair, read the advertisement convening the meeting, and then in a few words, expressed his opinion that Capt. Russell had done well in thus meeting his constituents as soon as possible after his return from England. It was not his intention to inflict a speech upon them, but he would ask them to reserve their judgment until they had heard what Capt. Russell had to say. He hoped that the meeting would result in a closer unison between the gallant Captain and those he represented. (Applause.)
Capt. Russell, before entering upon an account of his action during the sitting of the late House of Representatives, expressed a hope that no one had suffered any inconvenience through his inadvertently having at first fixed Tuesday evening for the meeting, when the hall was occupied by the Dramatic Club. It was not his intention to place the “amusement” he might offer against the entertainment provided by the Club; indeed, he had nothing in the shape of a dark séance to set before them. In his speech he proposed to deal first with the part he had taken, and the votes he had given, in the Assembly; then to explain the circumstances under which he left the colony before the close of the session; and after that to take a few Bills which
would be brought before the Assembly in the coming session. But first he should like to say a few words, though they might not be so eulogistic as they might well be, with respect to that gentleman with whom he had the honor, during the last Assembly, of sharing the representation of Napier – of that friend whom they all deeply lamented –
It was by the advice of their late friend that he (the speaker) first sought admission into the Provincial Council, and subsequently into a larger field of usefulness in the General Assembly, and he felt very grateful for the assistance and kindly advice Sir Donald gave him, as to his conduct until he had acquired a certain knowledge of the mode in which business was carried on, and which, he might say, was much more difficult to understand than those who simply read the debates might imagine. He need not say much, as Sir Donald McLean was well-known to all of them, but he felt that both he and the gentleman with whom he was associated had before them an example of devotion to public work, which might well inspire them to serve the public well and faithfully. Sir Donald devoted the whole of his time and his great energy to the good, not only of his constituency of Napier, but of the whole colony of New Zealand. (Applause.) Those who had reaped the benefit of his policy could scarcely realize the state of danger and discomfort in which the colonists of Hawke’s Bay previously lived, when they were harassed by militia duties, and savages were perpetrating ruthless murders; and very much of the amelioration of that condition of things was due to the labours of Sir Donald McLean. (Applause.) If he (the speaker) were ever so fortunate as to earn one-half of that respect and gratitude which was the due of Sir Donald McLean, he should feel that he had deserved well of his country. He would now proceed to a slight – though it would necessarily be very slight – outline of the proceedings of last session. When he went down to the House a few days after its assembling it was busily in a question which was called by some
Though at first sight the matter might not appear to be one concerning the colony, it was raised to importance as a question which concerned the personal character, truth, honour, and probity, of those who controlled public affairs. It raised one of the most important debates during the session, and in the end he felt it his duty to support the ministry. It appeared to him that the plain facts were these: – Some 80,000 acres of swamp land in the Province of Auckland was sold to certain capitalists; and it was urged that this transaction was detrimental to the interests of Auckland and the colony, and unduly advantageous to the purchasers. This land was confiscated in the wars of 1861 and 1862, and for a great many years it had been offered for sale, but on one thought it worth while to purchase it. In the end it was sold to an association of capitalists, the Government agreeing to allow from the purchase money a sum of 2s 6d an acre on condition that a road was made through the centre, connecting the district of Waikato with the Upper Thames. After a lengthy debate, repeatedly adjourned, it appeared to him that the Government had made the best bargain they could, and had not infringed the law, so he gave them his vote. (Applause.) The next matter he would allude to was
which he himself introduced to the House, and which after some opposition was passed. It was a modification of a previous Act, which had been passed by the honourable member for Clive, Mr. Ormond, and which contained various clauses which made its adoption inadvisable in the district it was intended to benefit. With the assistance of Mr Ormond the Act was re-modelled, and passed in its present form. The opposition to the Bill mainly arose from the fact that there was a Rating Bill about to be introduced into the House, by which it was provided that all rates were to be levied upon the annual value of property; while one of the clauses of his Bill provided that the rating basis should be acreage, and not annual value. Speaking from memory, he believed the land most liable to be damaged by floods paid the highest acreage rate; intermediate lands a smaller rate; and land in the district which, while not itself liable to be flooded, would yet benefit by the increase in value of surrounding property, a rate equal to one-quarter of that of the highest. The next question of importance which came before the House was that of the
of the island into two colonies. He did not propose to inflict an epitome of all that was said in the House, for he was sure that there could not be many electors in this district who could see any advantage to be obtained by dividing what he believed would grow into a magnificent united colony into two petty provinces. It was brought in by the Otago and Auckland members; mainly, he believed, that they might have seats of Government in Auckland and Dunedin. These gentlemen were ready to assure them that if they would only divide the colony they would reduce the cost of the Government. He knew that finance was a wonderful thing, and that to a Gladstone many things which might seem impossible to the ordinary layman were possible; but he failed to see how dividing a single Government in two, with a central one over them, making three in all, would conduce to economical administration. As this argument of economy was the only one worth listening to, he gave his vote against separation, and he hoped that in doing so he had acted strictly in accordance with the wishes of those whom he represented. (Applause.) He next proposed to make a few remarks with reference to the principle of a
as one was about to be introduced to the House by the late Premier, Mr Fox. Last session a Local Option Bill was brought in by one of the honourable members for Dunedin City, Mr Stout. He thought there were a great many reasons to be urged in favour of the permissive principle. He was not one of those who believed that men could be made sober by Act of Parliament; but at the same time the permissive principle of ruling by the majority was one which might fairly be considered, and accordingly be [he] voted for the second reading of the Bill. He confessed, frankly and honestly, that he did not expect that the Bill would be passed; and he would go further, and say that he did not believe Mr Stout himself expected to succeed. All admitted that drunkenness was an enormous evil, and one which effected a very great proportion of the country. His own feelings were certainly in favour of more stringent licensing laws than those in force at the present moment. It would be absurd to attempt to shut up all public-houses, and he did not wish to do so. As at present constituted, the licensing benches were only too frequently guided by the opinion of the district constable as to whether a license should be renewed or not. He would make it absolutely compulsory to remove the license of any public-house against which a well-founded complaint was made, for the public had a right to demand the closing of any disreputable house, and he was sure that the better class of hotel-keepers would agree with him in saying that the keeper of a bad house ought to have his license absolutely forfeited. (Applause.) He considered that the best way to deal with the evil of drunkenness would be to introduce a stricter system of licensing, at the same time that some effort was made to ameliorate the condition of the labouring classes. He believed that that would do more to suppress intemperance than any Bill, or any Band of Hope or other organisation. [A Voice: That’s a question.] One of the first things was to spread Athenaeums, Mechanic’s Institutes, and similar institutions. (Applause.) The Working Men’s Club established in Dunedin had proved a great success, and in Wellington they were about to introduce one. He asked them if it would not be wise to try and establish one in Napier? (Applause.) He, for one, would do anything in his power to help forward any movement with that object in view. (Applause.) The rich man had his club, and why should not the poor man? The upper classes had unlimited means for obtaining wines and spirits, but instead of temptations to intemperance, they had temptations on the other side. It was considered disreputable to get drunk, and by raising the tone of the working classes, and so causing intemperance to be regarded in the light of a social offence, more would be accomplished than by any restrictive laws. (Applause.) Captain Russell then referred to the recent
saying that while they had to deplore a great loss, they had at the same time been most fortunate in securing the services of such a man as Mr Ormond as Minister of Public Works. They had another change in Mr Donald Reid, who came in as Minister for Lands. During the last Session Mr Reid had opposed the Government as it was then constituted, and many people had blamed him for deserting his party, but he (the speaker) thought Mr Reid did wisely in choosing to represent Otago in the Ministry, instead of holding aloof. They would also meet a new Premier in Major Atkinson, one of the most clear-headed men in the colony. He might (h)as well at once say that he intended to give his support to the ministry – Captain Russell next made a few most acceptable remarks with respect to the
He stated plainly that he thought it a great mistake to increase the honorarium to £200 a year. (Applause.) He would tell them how it came about. There was a desire among a certain section of the House – he himself believed that if a vote had been taken they would have proved a minority – who wished to increase the 150 guineas then paid to £300. This section had very wisely chosen as their mouthpiece the member for Dunedin, who, as one of the wealthiest men in the colony, could not be suspected of mercenary motives in his proposition, for he doubtless lost £300 a month by absenting himself from business to attend the House. The Ministry were in favour of keeping the honorarium at 150 guineas, but they were afraid – as he had said, he considered that fear groundless – that if the matter went to a division they would be defeated, so they agreed to make it £200, as a compromise. He repeated that he thought it a great mistake. And in connection with this subject he was sorry to say that he had been charged with getting all he could out of the country, and “bolting” to England with his £200. Now, no man had a right to say he “grabbed” at anything. He had never taken a penny of public money to which he had not a right, and last session he drew, if he remembered rightly only £143 – certainly it was under £150. He did not believe in the principle of paying men for public service. However, as long as the honorarium remained at 150 guineas it was not sufficient to induce men to become professional politicians, for it was merely enough to cover their expenses in Wellington, but when it was inceased [increased] it became a sort of pay. If any man of ability and capacity for public work were chosen to represent a constituency, and yet was too poor to be able to neglect his business to stay in Wellington, he (the speaker) would be glad to subscribe something towards the expense of sending him there. (Applause.)
he regarded as another move in the direction of payment of members, and on that ground he opposed it, and not once had he used his own. (Applause.) He would employ his best endeavors to have the passes withdrawn. (Applause.) The Government really tried to be economical, but was the good of knocking a paltry £50 a year off a poor clerk’s salary when their efforts for economy were almost nullified by the members spending the money on themselves? (Applause.)
When on the hustings he had said that one of the first duties of those who represented the colony [was] to keep down and reduce taxation. A great discussion was going on as to the best way to impose taxation; but he thought it would be better to diminish the expenditure than to increase taxation. (Applause.) Though he could not speak with absolute certainty, he yet had every reason to believe that in the coming session no new taxation would be proposed (Loud applause.) Ministers had not of course disclosed their budget, but he believed that there would be a slight reduction in the Customs revenue, but, on the other hand, there was an increase in the post-office. He was extremely glad to say that the revenue for railways showed a considerable increase upon the estimates. Speaking from memory, he believed that it was expected that there would be a balance of £70,000 after paying the working expenses and providing for wear and tear; but he believed there would be a considerable sum over and above this, which would go towards paying off the money spent on the construction of the lines. (Applause.) It must be satisfactory to all of them to know that the Napier and Takapau railway was paying remarkably well. He hoped it would soon go further into the bush, and he had every confidence in saying that it would never do anything else than pay, at the same time that it would be a continual source of wealth and prosperity to all living in Hawke’s Bay. (Applause.) The next point he would take was to explain
before the conclusion of the session. It would of course, be affectation in him if he ignored the fact that his departure had caused a feeling of considerable irritation amongst his constituents. He wished to express his great regret that such a feeling should have arisen, and confessed frankly that, had he known that the session would have lasted as long as it did, he should have stayed behind at great personal inconvenience. As he had written to the local papers when in England, he did not leave the colony without taking very considerable pains that no harm should result to the interests of his constituents before he left. He consulted his colleague, Sir Donald McLean, as well as Mr Ormond, Major Atkinson, several other Ministers, and the Government whip, and all told him that no harm could result if he paired. Everybody believed that the end of the session was close at hand, as Monday was made a sitting day. He thought so with the rest, and as, had he missed the mail-steamer then sailing, he must have waited another month for the next, he went. He had arranged with the Government whip to pair on every question of importance with the honourable member for Franklin, Mr Lusk, who had been absent for some time, and was not expected to return. There was some little mistake, as Mr Lusk returned and voted once or twice, but it was an oversight on the part of the government whip, and not a fault on his (the speaker’s) part that he was not paired with Mr Lusk. And now for the reason why he went Home. His wife had been suffering from ill-health for a year or two previously, and he sent her home to England, but the letters which came to him told him that the improvement he had hoped for had not taken place. It was dangerous for her to remain in England, and she could not, in her then state of health, have returned with her family of five children. So he had to go to England to bring her back. Was there any man present who would not have done the same thing? (No, no, and applause.) Lord Palmerston, when giving advice to a constituency, told them to choose a man whose domestic affections were strong, and who loved his wife and children, for he was sure to be a good citizen. If they could not get such a man, they were to look for a bachelor fond of his native town, for then he would be sure to love his country also; but, failing him, they were to chose [choose] a man with a general love for his country. So in selecting him (the speaker) they selected a man whom Lord Palmerston would have recommended. (Applause and Laughter.) He confessed his affections were strong, and he was extremely fond of his wife and children (Applause.) He now approached the third part of his speech – the Bills that were to come before the Assembly. First he would refer to
When in Wellington he was unable to get a copy of the Bill to be introduced this session, so he would have to define his own views. He believed that education should be universal and compulsory. (Applause.) When he used the word compulsory, he recognised that there were grave difficulties in the way of making it absolutely so. In an old country where people lived within a stone’s throw of the parish church, close to which was nearly the village school, it was comparatively easy; but here, in New Zealand, they had a large scattered population, and he would not interfere with the liberty or comfort of any family. Although there was still some discussion on the subject, the School Boards in England were now generally admitted to be doing great good. But he did not look on School Boards as the be-all and end-all of an educational system. They were mainly useful in compelling parents to send their children to some school – not necessarily a Board School. He should not advocate the abandonment of those schools already instituted in the country, and he thought that even denominational schools should receive support from the Government, but of course they would be compelled to attain the same standard of education as the Board Schools, and would have to submit their children to the same examinations, and show the same average. But he did not see why religious instruction according to the tenets of any body Christians should not be given, always provided that such should not be in the regular school hours. [A voice: It won’t do.] He wished the voice would come a little nearer. But he should not confine himself simply to elementary schools, but would provide means of higher education, which might be placed within the reach of all by scholarships. A training-college for certificated and pupil teachers would also be necessary, if they did not wish to see the youth of the colony outgrow the capacity of the colony for teaching. There was a certain section opposed to the education of the labouring classes, on the ground that education made them discontented with their position. Well, it
was this discontent, which in the statesman was called ambition, and in the businessman “push” which had made the Anglo-Saxon nation what it was. Was it not discontent which had caused the majority of those present to across the ocean to New Zealand? He did not profess to be a democrat, but he thought it the duty of those who had gained a footing on the ladder to lend a helping-hand to the poor man who was still at the bottom. (Applause.) He believed that education would tend to abolish drunkenness, and to raise the tone of the working-classes. About the
he had little to say. Of course the Act of last session was to be regarded as only of a tentative nature. They then knew very little of the state of things which would ensue upon the abolition of the Provincial form of Government. That the change was for the better would be evident to anyone who recalled the wide-spread dissatisfaction at the working of the old Provincial Governments. Hawke’s Bay might fairly be said to be one of the best administered, yet there was very grave discontent in Wairoa and the north of the province, which was something more than a cry between town and country. Under the Counties’ Act they at least had this great advantage – that the rates which were levied in any district were spent there. There was also a general feeling that the large estates of the country should be cut up, and the taxation by the counties would lead men to consider whether it would not be better to sell part of their land, and with the capital so obtained improve the remainder. (Applause.) Another matter attracting attention, was that of
Last session Mr Tairoa introduced a Bill to increase the native representatives from four to seven. He the (speaker) opposed it, and the feeling of the House was decidedly against it. In 1867 an act was passed to temporarily provide for direct native representation both in the Assembly and the Legislative Council, and subsequently a continuance act was passed, and the same occurred last session. He opposed further direct representation because every Maori could individualise his land, and place himself upon the ordinary electoral roll, and this, with the four members returned by their universal sufferage [suffrage], gave them quite sufficient representation. In fact, in a very few years they would be able to control the election of the European members for this district. He had been told that a certain individual who came here only six months ago, went about boasting that he held in his hand the seat for Clive. He (the speaker) very much doubted it, but it was not the less true that the Europeans must remain united to carry an election. The natives voted in a solid body, just as they were bidden, and if the Europeans were disunited the Maoris could send in any man they chose with their 150 votes, and yet these men who held such a power did not contribute anything to the rates. (Applause.) This was not imaginary. In the Rating Bill introduced last session the native land was not rated, and yet these irresponsible men held in their hands, to a very great extent, the power to say who should represent and govern the Europeans. (Loud applause.) But he warned those who handled this formidable weapon that it was a two-edges[d] sword. No; it was worse than that, for a good honest rapier had a handle to protect him who wielded it; this power was rather like Aaron’s rod, which turned into a serpent and bit those who used it, and he would be very glad of such a consummation. (Cheers and laughter.) He would raise his voice against such an iniquitous Act, which deprived Englishmen of their dearest privilege of chosing [choosing] their own representatives, and placed that power in the hands of 150 savages. (Cheers.) He did not see why the natives should be made the subjects of such favourable and exceptional legislation. They should be taxed and rated like Europeans, or else elect their own representatives only; and even Mr Nahe himself agreed with this.
Captain Russell concluded by expressing a hope that after his explanation any feeling of irritation which might have been caused by his leaving for England had subsided. He hoped he still received the confidence of those whom he represented, for such confidence would greatly strengthen his hands. He had never tried to grasp the brilliant bubble of popularity, he earnestly hoped that those who had chosen him as their representative had not withdrawn the confidence they reposed in him at his election. (Applause.)
Someone in the body of the hall wished to know “the Captain’s opinion of the jury question.” It turned out that he wanted common jurymen to be paid for their loss of time. – Capt. Russell said he most certainly did not agree with paying either special or common jurymen, for he thought no man should receive remuneration for public services. (Applause.)
Mr Swan asked Capt. Russell’s opinion on the new Native Lands Bill. – Capt. Russell said he had not had sufficient time, since his return to Napier, to devote the necessary study to an Act of 136 clauses. He had read it half through once, and so far as he could see it was, on the whole, a good Bill. He was in favour of the principle of free-trade in land, and inasmuch as this Bill allowed the natives to sell their land direct to Europeans he thought it worthy of support. One clause – he thought it was 35 – by which, if the grantee wished it, the land could be divided into any number of small holdings, he thought conferred a great boon on the small capitalist.
In reply to a question by Mr Rearden, Captain Russell stated that he was opposed to taxation upon the necessaries of life – for instance, he would vote for the abolition of the £2, per ton protective duty on the importation of Adelaide flour. (Applause.)
Mr. John Begg wished to know if Captain Russell had anything to tell them about the bridge over the Ahuriri Heads? Captain Russell said that his sympathies were in the direction indicated by Mr Begg, but during the session he had an interview with Mr. Towgood upon the subject, and they felt that the jealousy of Sir George Grey and Mr Rees would prevent any such work being undertaken in Hawke’s Bay.
In reply to another question from Mr Begg, Captain Russell said he had not fully considered the question of the Agent-Generalship, but he thought it might be possible to have the duties performed by the Crown Agents. He asked the meeting to remember that the appointment of Sir Julius Vogel was only temporary, and was made for twelve months only; and in connection with this subject he might say that whatever might be his opinion of Sir Julius Vogel, he was quite astonished at the capacity for work exhibited by the late Premier. No man in the country could get through so much work.
Mr. Tuke proposed a vote of confidence, which was seconded by Mr. John Begg, carried with loud cheers unanimously, and briefly acknowledged by Captain Russell; and then the meeting separated, after according the usual complimentary thanks to the Chairman.
(Before R. Stuart, Esq., R.M.)
Newton, Irvine and Co. v. McLean – Claim £12 2s 2d, goods supplied from the Havelock branch store. Judgment for plaintiffs for amount claimed, and costs 22s.
Same v. Parker – Claim £5 8s 2d. This defendant having filed a declaration of insolvency, plaintiffs withdrew the plaint.
Same v. Proctor – £9 9s 10d. Plaint withdrawn.
Several other civil cases had been settled out of Court.
Ackland v. Thos. Hawkins. – On a judgment for £10 10s, obtained in November, 1876. Evidence as to defendant’s means and ability to pay having been heard, – it was ordered that the amount and the further costs, amounting in all to £11 8s 3d, be paid forthwith, or an order of commitment to issue for one month’s imprisonment of defendant in the Napier Gaol.
John Scott, John O’Neal, and John Johnstone, were all charged by Constable Harvey with being drunk at Port Ahuriri yesterday. They all pleaded guilty to the offence. The two latter were fined 5s each, or in default, 24 hours’ imprisonment. Scott who had been before the Court on a previous occasion on a similar charge, and had also been imprisoned for 14 days for assaulting the police, was fined £1, or in default, 48 hours’ imprisonment. None of the delinquents having the necessary cash, they were all sent to durance vile.
John Reedy charged by Constable Black with an offence of the above nature, was convicted and fined 10s, or in default forty-eight hours imprisonment. The fine was paid.
North v. Graham. – On information against the defendant for using abusive language towards complainant in Dalton-street, on the 9th instant, whereby a breach of the peace was occasioned, was withdrawn.
Graham v. North. – An information for assault and battery. The evidence of complainant and a witness was taken, when, on the application of defendant, the further hearing was adjourned until to-morrow, at eleven o’clock.
McLeod v. Jessop. – An information for assault and battery. Some amicable arrangement having been come to outside the Court, complainant withdrew the information, and the case was consequently dismissed.
John McDonald and Robert Flood were each fined 5s or the alternative of 12 hours imprisonment.
John Neagle, whose face was painted in a crimson color, was charged by Constable Harvey with being drunk at Port Ahuriri last evening and being illegally on the premises of Mr Scarfe. Constable Harvey related the circumstances of the case. Prisoner stated he was drunk, and fell down, bruising his face. When he arrived at Mr Scarfe’s cottage he thought it was his own house, and was under that impression until awoke from his refreshing slumber by the constable.
His Worship fined the prisoner 5s, or in default, 24 hours imprisonment for drunkenness, and for sleeping in the wrong house, he was given 14 evenings’ free lodgings in the Napier Gaol, and during the day time, he would be required to assist in obtaining road metal for the Government works.
George Davie was charged with being drunk and assaulting Constable Black last evening while in the execution of his duty. The constable stated he met the prisoner, who was drunk, outside the Provincial Hotel, and when he attempted to arrest him the prironer [prisoner] struck him in the face, and he had to tussle with him for about an hour before he would march to the Marine Parade. The policemen exhibited the uniform he wore at the time to the Court. The prisoner denying the charge, other evidence was brought forward, which fully proved Constable Black’s statement.
His Worship fined Davie £5 for the assault, or one month’s imprisonment. He was also to pay £2 for damage to the policeman’s clothes and costs of Court.
James North was charged with assaulting Mr Robert Graham. From the evidence it appeared that North was a tenant of the plaintiff. Complainant applied for his rent, when warm words ensued, after which the assault complained of was committed. North was fined £2, and costs 14s, to be paid forthwith. This was all the business.
THE undersigned are prepared to buy for cash Wool or other Station Produce, and to make liberal advances against the growing clip.
Napier and Port Ahuriri
A Girl Burnt to Death.
Information was received by the Inspector of Police late on Saturday afternoon of the accidental burning at Hampden, on Friday last, of the daughter of Mr James Inglis. A Coroner’s inquest was held on the body before A. Todd, Esq., Coroner, and a jury of which Mr James Craven was foreman, when the following evidence was adduced: –
Jessie Inglis, being sworn, stated: The deceased is my sister. She and her brother left the house in the morning about 10 a.m. I did not see her again till about 11.30 a.m. My brother came running down to the house and told us that his sister’s clothes had caught fire. I immediately ran up and found my sister Agnes Jane lying on her hands and knees at a distance of about 300 yards from the house. Her clothes were all burnt off, with the exception of a few pieces round her waist. She showed symptoms of life when I found her – she lifted her head up and down two or three times.
James Inglis, being sworn, said: The deceased is my daughter. She was sent to mind the cows about 10 a.m. yesterday in company with her brother, a little boy five years old. The morning being cold and frosty, I gave her some matches to kindle a fire with some chips which were lying about where she had to stop. I had given her matches on several occasions for the same purpose. About 11.30 a.m. the boy that went with her came running to the house and told us that his sister’s clothes had caught fire. The previous witness and myself ran off to the place pointed out by the boy. We found the deceased about 300 yards from the house. My daughter, Jessie Inglis, arrived about half-a-minute before me. There was no sign of life in the body on my arrival. We then removed the body to the house, and forwarded notice of the occurrence to the police at Waipawa.
After the Coroner had made a few remarks on the evidence, the jury returned a verdict of “Accidental Death by Burning”.
The Board met this morning.
Present – Messrs Sutton (Chairman), Kennedy, Chambers, Williams, and Robjohns.
In the absence of the Chairman, Mr Sutton was voted to the chair.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The progress report of the Engineer was read in which satisfaction was expressed at the results of the works as relating to the condition of the bar, both present and prospective.
The specifications for the Spit steam ferry were submitted by the Engineer, and approved by the Board. It was resolved to call for tenders not only in the local papers but also in those circulating in Auckland and Wellington.
Salaries were voted to the officers of the Board for the ensuing year, and vouchers of accounts were submitted and ordered to be paid.
A letter was read from the Engineer relative to some proposed alterations to the harbor works, and was ordered to be referred to the Engineer, Solicitor, and contractor, their report to be considered at a special meeting to be called for the 17th instant.
A petition was presented by Mr Kennedy from shippers of stock praying that extra accommodation for the yarding of stock should be provided.
This was ordered to be referred to the Engineer for his report at the next ordinary meeting of the board.
July 10, 1877.
YESTERDAY afternoon about thirty rate-payers met at Mr Caulton’s hotel at Clive, with the intention of electing wardens for the Road Board for the current year. But as soon as the Chairman (Mr. Sutton) had explained to the persons present the object of the meeting, Mr Lascelles pointed out that any election taking place that day would be illegal, inasmuch as the notice had not been advertised for fourteen days, which was necessary according to the Act.
After a few remarks from Mr Bennett, the Chairman said that Mr Lascelles had been throwing cheap law at them. He had done so on another occasion, and had failed at Wellington, and he had no doubt it would be the same in this case; he held that the meeting had received the necessary publicity.
Mr Moss was about to address the meeting but the Chairman ruled that he, not being a ratepayer, was not entitled to do so, consequently that gentleman gave way to Mr Gifford, who held that it was simply a question as to the legality of the advertisement; if that was illegal, any action they took that day must fall to the ground.
Mr Hollis was desirous of knowing who was to pay the legal expenses of Wardens if they were elected that day and the elections were afterwards upset. He contended that Mr Lascelles had acted unfairly to the Board and his constituents in the action he had taken against the members of the Board, he (Mr Lascelles) having attended the meeting when it was carried that the late election took place, and he never opened his mouth; but as soon as the election was over issued writs against the members.
A Voice: But he got licked and let in for costs!
Mr Clifton was under the impression that the Road Boards should be abolished rather than the rates should be spent in law.
After an amount of desultory conversation in which Mr Lascelles took a prominent part, Mr Bennett moved, and Mr R.P. Williams seconded, that the Chairman call a fresh meeting of ratepayers, to take place on Wednesday, the 25th inst., the same to be advertised at least fourteen days. This resolution having been carried, the meeting broke up, much to the disgust of many of the ratepayers. I may mention that there were three constables in attendance – something truly unusual for Clive.
I understand that Mr Bennett, in order to protect the river bank at Hamlin’s corner, suggests that the owners of land in Clive, and who are likely to suffer from the overflow of water at that place, should raise an amount of money themselves, and he entertains no doubt that the Government would supplement it for the purpose of forming a barrier sufficiently strong to resist the encroachments of the river. This is decidedly a suggestion in the right direction.
AN adjourned meeting of the Municipal Council was held on Thursday, to consider the report of the committee appointed to recommend suitable blocks of land as an endowment to the Borough. It will be remembered that, at the last meeting of the Council, his Worship pointed out the desirability of losing no time in taking advantage of the Act that allowed the endowment of Municipal Corporations. To that end he had consulted the Engineer to the Corporation, and that officer had recommended that application be made for certain blocks in the Seventy Mile bush. Some doubt arose in the minds of the Councillors as to whether those lands were the most suitable that could be obtained, and, instead of adopting his Worship’s recommendation, a Committee was appointed to inquire into the value of the proposed application. The advantage to the Borough of the enquiry that was then made may be judged by the report of the Committee that was brought up and adopted at last night’s meeting. The report is as follows: – “That this committee having fully investigated and inquired into the nature of said land, beg to make the following observations: – 1. 500 acres, Manawata [Manawatu] Block, No. 7. Native title not extinguished. 2. 500 acres, Te Ohu Block. The best of this land having all been purchased, the remainder is of little or no value. 3. 1000 acres, Manawatu, No. 1 Block. Native title not extinguised [extinguished]. In place of the foregoing we strongly recommend that application be made for 2000 acres of Block Puketoe, No. 1, situated between the river Manawatu and Teraumea [Tiraumea] Creek.” It will, therefore, be seen that had the original application been made, it would have had to have been refused, and the time might have elapsed before a fresh application could have been put in. The block of 2000 acres that is now to be applied for is a part of 35,000 acres, situated to the south of Woodville, and is described as of good soil. The Council can certainly take credit to itself for the judgment it has displayed in this matter. We understand that a surveyor will be at once employed to mark out 2000 acres, and to define the boundaries of the block, when an application will be made to the General Government for its grant to the Corporation as an endowment.
THE rates of fire insurance have been a long standing complaint in Napier, but no reduction has been obtained notwithstanding that of late the risk has been greatly lessened. No objection to the scale of rates could with reason be urged when no provision whatever had been made either to prevent the spread of a conflagration, or to put out a fire. But in those days, although the risk was enormous, the insurance offices were wonderfully fortunate, and their profits must have been most gratifying to shareholders. The offices have reaped a golden harvest here, which no one will begrudge them, but the time has now arrived when a grateful acknowledgement of past success might safely be made in a reduction of rates, commensurate with the decrease of risk secured by a water supply, fire engines, and a brigade. If the rates charged were deemed high enough to cover the risk before there were any appliances for the extinguishment of fire, no excuse can be offered for their maintenance now that the town possesses very efficient means for the prevention of a conflagration. In Auckland, lately, some agitation has been made to obtain a reduction of the rates, but without success, the Insurance offices pleading past losses as a valid reason for maintaining a scale of charges established when the northern capital was notorious for its numerous fires. This excuse has been well combated by a correspondent writing to an Auckland contemporary, who conclusively shows that whatever the losses sustained by the various Insurance Companies, the shareholders have made large profits, exhibiting the fact that the rates have been excessive. The remarks of this writer are as applicable to Napier as to Auckland, and may be quoted in extenso – “The idea of the companies to continue the old rates until the deficit caused by the large fires which occurred some years ago is made up, is a good one for them. But what will the public say now they are heavily taxed for a water supply? As well might a merchant argue because he had lost heavily by importing tea that the price of that article should remain above its proper value until his losses were made good. Competition would very properly step in and reduce the price of tea to a fairly paying rate at the time. Other merchants, who had not lost, would fail to see the force of their unfortunate brother’s argument. In insurance there is virtually no competition, as the various offices are confederated, and bound by tariff rates, but if a new office were to step in and act an independent part, a reduction would soon take place. The profits of New Zealand offices are simply excessive, as their balance sheets shew. They are nearly all doing equally well. Take one which was started a few years ago. £1 per share is the amount shareholders have actually paid up. For three years past 6s 8d per share has been added annually, out of profits, to be paid up capital; so that each share now represents £2 paid up capital. Besides this a like sum has been invested, also out of profits, as a reserve fund. All this is an addition to the regular dividend of 10 per cent per annum. The result is that original shareholders who paid £1 per share, are now getting 10 per cent per annum on £2, or equal to 20 per cent per annum on their original £1. If they prefer to realise, there are plenty of buyers at £5 per share, or five times their prime cost. This result is only a sample of what the New Zealand offices are doing. It is doubtless very satisfactory to the investing public to receive such substantial proof of the care and skill with which their property is managed. But to those who have to pay, viz., the general public, it seems to show that they are paying more than a fair margin of profit.
WE are requested to draw attention to the following section (No. 108) of the Public Health Act, bearing on vaccination: – “Every parent or person having the custody of any child, who shall neglect to take such child or cause it to be taken to be vaccinated, or after vaccination to be inspected, according to the provisions of this Act respectively contained; or who shall refuse to permit the Public Vaccinator to remove or retain a reasonable quantity of vaccine lymph from the arm of such child according to the provisions of this part of this Act, and shall not in any of the said cases render a reasonable excuse for such neglect, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a penalty not exceeding forty shillings.” Dr. Gibbes is the Public Vaccinator for this district, and is in attendance on Fridays, at eleven o’clock. When the vaccination is performed by a medical practitioner – not the Public Vaccinator – the parent or guardian in such case should obtain and send to the Registrar, a certificate of the successful vaccination. Attention to these matters will prevent inconvenience.
Beg to announce that they have
They are now engaged
And for the following six weeks only,
In many cases HALF COST, to effect a Speedy Clearance, and make room for the Spring Shipment of New and Fashionable Goods ordered by the late Firm, to arrive at the end of August, also bought at a DISCOUNT by
Hours of Business during the Sale: –
From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday excepted.
One Price only will be the rule of this Establishment.
Country orders specially attented to at Sale Prices.
Terms for the Sale will be Cash, or Cash on completion of Sale, and a Discount will be allowed in all purchases of £10 and upwards.
A.M.* A.M. + A.M. P.M. P.M.
Spit, depart 7.40 11.0 3.40
Napier arrive 7.50 11.10 3.50
Napier depart 6.45 7.55 11.30 4.10 2.30
Farndon depart 7.10 8.20 11.55 4.35 2.55
Hastings, depart 7.35 8.45 12.20 5.0
Paki Paki arrive 9.5 5.18
Paki Paki depart 7.53 9.13 5.20
Te Aute arrive 8.32
Te Aute depart 8.35 9.55 6.5
Kaikora depart 9.15 10.35 6.45
Waipawa, depart 9.35 10.55 7.5
Waipukurau arrive 9.55 11.15 7.25
Waipukurau depart 10.0 11.30
Takapau, arrive 10.50 12.20
* On Monday and Thursday only.
+ On Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.
A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
Takapau, depart 2.20
Waipukurau, dep. 7.10 3.15
Waipawa, depart 7.30 3.35
Kaikora, depart 7.50 3.55
Te Aute arrive 8.31
Te Aute depart 8.33 4.35
Paki Paki, arrive 9.10 5.15
Paki Paki, depart 9.12 5.22
Hastings, depart 9.32 1.0 5.42 5.20
Farndon, depart 9.57 1.25 6.7 5.45
Napier arrive 10.22 1.50 6.32 6.10
Napier depart 7.20 10.25 3.0
Spit, arrive 7.30 10.35 3.10
*Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday only.
Passengers are requested not to enter or leave the carriages while in motion.
Season Tickets issued to and from all Station. Apply to the Manager.
To ensure despatch, Parcels should be booked fifteen minutes before the starting of the Train.
General Manager,
Napier, March 8, 1877.
Watches! Watches! Watches !
DRAWS special attention to his Magnificent Stock of WATCHES, just received direct from English and American Manufacturers, and made Specially to Order, which, for Excellence and Cheapness, are unequalled in the colony.
All Watches sold at this establishment are thoroughly regulated and put in working condition before leaving the premises, and Guaranteed.
SAMSON FENCE WIRE. – This is an entirely new article, and is fast superseding the old style. Five Wires weigh Ten cwt. per mile, and costs in Melbourne £12 10s, versus Seventeen cwt. ordinary wire costing £14 10s (the relative cost will be the same at the principal ports of Australasia) with the advantage of having Seven cwt. less to pay carriage for. Over 1,000 TONS sold by one firm last year, giving unbounded satisfaction. Send for full descriptive circular with innumerable testimonials from leading colonists, and judge for yourselves. McLEAN BROS., and RIGG, Importers, and General Ironmongers, Melbourne.
“By a through [thorough] knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” – See in the Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk.
Sold only in packets (tins for abroad), labelled: –
and at
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted in English, Continental, and American Newspapers, Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines, Books, and Stationery supplied with accuracy and punctuality, and at the lowest prices.
Proprietors of Newspapers furnished with Paper, Ink, and every requisite connected with the printing business.
Indents through the Sydney and Melbourne houses, and Commissions executed quickly and economically generally
Persons suffering from weak or debilitated constitutions will discover that by the use of this wonderful medicine there is “Health for all.” The blood is the fountain of life, and its purity can be maintained by the use of these pills.
in his work entitled “The Nile Tributaries in Abbyssinia,” says, “I ordered the dragoman Mahomet to inform the Fakey that I was a Doctor, and that I had the best medicines at the service of the sick, with advice gratis. In a short time I had many applicants, to whom I served out a quantity of Holloway’s Pills. These are most useful to an explorer, as possessing unmistakable purgative properties they create an undeniable effect upon the patient, which satisfies him of their value.”
Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment. I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse feed poured in upon us until at last a teaspoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
On the Label in the address, 533, Oxford-street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
With a “New York” Label.
Spital Hill, Sheffield, direct the attention of Flock Owners and Shearers to their Improved New Pattern, No. 69 Shear, which for quality, style, finish, and adaptability to the requirements of the Australian and New Zealand markets, cannot be surpassed. The main features are – great extra width of steel in the blades, accurately ground, long shanks with narrow grip. Procurable at the leading Ironmongers’ Warehouses throughout Australasia.
Look for this Trade Mark in blade.
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
Standing Advertisements for Three, Six or Twelve Months can be arranged for at a Liberal Discount.
Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original order) must be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager.
W. DENHOLM, Port Ahuriri
£ s d.
Per Quarter, if paid in advance 0 6 6
Per Quarter, if booked 0 7 6
Per Annum, if paid in advance. 1 6 6
Per Annum, if booked 1 10 6
Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1877.
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