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- Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 088 - 21 July
Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 088 – 21 July
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.
County Council Office,
Clyde, Wairoa, 12th July, 1877.
NOTICE is hereby given that at a Special Meeting of the Wairoa County Council held on the 11th instant for that purpose; the following By-Laws were confirmed by the said Council, and will come into force on MONDAY, 23rd July, 1877.
Chairman of Meeting,
Wairoa County Council.
County Clerk.
BY-LAW No.1.
BY-LAW of the Council of the County of Wairoa, made under Clause 183 of “The Counties Act, 1876.”
The Wairoa County Council hereby ordain as follows; that is to say: –
1. There shall be a meeting of this Council at 2 p.m., on the first Wednesday in every alternate month.
2. The Finance Committee shall meet at 11 a.m. on the same day, for the purpose of reporting on accounts, said report to be furnished to the Council at the meeting.
3. The Public Works Committee shall meet at 11.30 a.m. on the same day, for the purpose of reporting on all works, said report to be furnished to the Council at the meeting.
4. At every meeting of the Council the first business thereof shall be the reading and confirming the minutes of the proceedings at the preceding meeting, and no discussion shall be permitted thereon, except as to their accuracy as a record of the proceedings, and the minutes shall then be signed by the chairman, and the rough minutes of the proceedings of the Council at any meeting shall be read at the close of such meeting.
5. After the signing of the minutes as aforesaid, the order of the business at an ordinary meeting shall be as follows:
1 Reading of copies of letters sent by authority of the Council.
2. Reading letters received, and considering and ordering thereon.
3. Reception and reading of petitions and memorials.
4. Presentations of reports of committees.
5 Payments.
6. Ordinary business.
7. Extraordinary business, and new rules and regulations.
8. Notices of motion.
And the order of business at a special meeting shall be the order in which such business stands in the notice thereof.
6. Whenever a division shall be demanded by any Councillor, the Councillors voting in the affirmative, shall say “Aye,” and then those voting in the negative shall say “No,” and the result shall be declared by the Chairman.
7. Any Councillor desirous of making a motion or amendment, or taking part in any discussion thereon, shall rise and address the Chairman, and shall not be interrupted unless called to order, when he shall sit down, until the Councillor calling to order shall have heard thereon, and the question of order disposed of, when the Councillor in possession of the chair may proceed with the subject.
8. No motion of amendment shall be withdrawn without the leave of the Council.
9. No motion, or amendment, shall be discussed, or put to the vote, unless it be seconded.
10. A Councillor moving a motion shall be held to have spoken thereon, but a Councillor merely seconding a motion, shall not be held to have spoken on it.
11. If two or more Councillors rise to speak at the same time, the Chairman shall decide which is entitled to priority.
12. The Chairman shall rise in addressing the Council to discuss any question, and shall not leave the chair on such occasions.
13. No Councillor shall speak a second time on the same question unless entitled to reply, or in explanation, when he has been misrepresented or misunderstood.
14. The Chairman when called upon to decide on points of order or practice, shall state the provision rule or practice, which he deems applicable to the case without discussing or commenting on the same, and his decision as to order, or explanation, in each case will be final.
15. Whenever any Councillor shall make use of any expression disorderly or capable of being applied offensively to any other Councillor, the Councillor so offending shall be required by the chairman to withdraw the expression and to make a satisfactory apology to the Council.
16. Any Councillor may of right demand the production of any of the documents of the Council applying to the question under discussion.
17. The Chairman shall, in taking the sense of the Council, put the question in the affirmative, then in the negative, and the result thereof shall be recorded in the minutes.
18. At every meeting of the Council, all original motions shall be reduced into writing signed by the mover, and delivered to the Chairman immediately on their being moved and seconded.
19. No second or subsequent amendment, whether upon an original proposition, or on an amendment, shall be taken into consideration until the previous amendment is disposed of.
20. The mover of every original proposition, but not of any amendment, shall have a right to reply immediately after which the question shall be put from the Chair, but no Councillor shall be allowed to speak more than once on the same question, unless permission be given to explain, or the attention of the Chair be called to a point of order.
21. Every Councillor presenting a petition to the Council shall write his name at the beginning thereof.
22. The County seal shall be kept in a box having two locks, of one of which locks the Chairman shall have a key, and of the other of which locks, the key shall be kept by the County clerk, and the County seal shall not be affixed to any document unless the Chairman and one other member of the council be present, or the Chairman and the Clerk.
23. A fee of five shillings will be charged for the use of the County seal for any documents other than Council papers, such as letters of identification &c.
BY-LAW No. 2.
BY-LAW of the Council of the County of Wairoa, made for determining the fees payable for Auctioneer’s Licenses throughout the County.
The Wairoa County Council hereby ordain as follows: that is to say:
That the fee for an Auctioneer’s License in this County shall be at the rate of ten pounds (£10) per annum, the year to commence on the First day of July, in each year.
BY-LAW No. 3.
BY-LAW of the Council of the County of Wairoa, made for determining the fees payable for the Registration of Dogs throughout the County.
The Wairoa County Council hereby ordain as follows; that is to say:
That all Dogs over the age of six (6) months within this County shall be registered. That five (5) shillings shall be the fee for such registration for one year, said year to commence on the First day of July in each year.
BY-LAW No.4.
BY-LAW of the Council of the County of Wairoa made under clauses 198 and 199 of “The Counties Act 1876,” for the Management of Slaughter Houses.
Whereas by clauses 198 and 199 of “The Counties Act 1876,” the Council may, by Bye-Laws, fix the charges to be paid to the County Fund for Licenses for Slaughter Houses, and may make regulations under which the same may be used:
The Wairoa County Council hereby ordain as follows; that is to say:
1. Within this County, and after one month from the coming into operation of this Bye-Law, no person shall keep a Slaughter House or place for slaughtering cattle intended for sale, barter, shipping, or exportation, except such house or place, be duly licensed for that purpose.
2. If any person shall slaughter or cause to be slaughtered, any cattle as aforesaid, in any house or place within the County which shall not be duly licensed for that purpose, he shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding £5 for every head of cattle so slaughtered.
3. No Slaughter houses shall be allowed within the boundary of the township of Frasertown in the Waikare-moana Riding of this County, nor within the following boundaries in the township of Clyde, Wairoa:
Starting at the corner of Lucknow-street, North of Suburban Section 13, class 2, following that street to its junction with Cabool-street, thence along Cabool-street to its junction with McLean-street, thence along McLean-street to its junction with Napier-street, thence along Napier-street to the river bank, up the river bank to the boundary of the native land, (Te Koutou Block,) and thence to the starting point.
4. Every person desirous of obtaining a license for a place for slaughtering cattle, shall give seven (7) days notice in writing to the County Clerk of his intention to apply for such license, and the County Council at their next meeting shall consider such application; and if they consider that the applicant is a person of good character, and that the place proposed to be licensed as a Slaughter House is in a convenient and desirable situation, they shall grant to such person a License as per Schedule A annexed, and the Chairman, or in his absence the Clerk, may grant a provisional license for such purpose on the deposit of the full fee of £5, and in the event of the Council not granting such license £4 out of such deposit shall be returned.
5. Every such License shall be in force for one year from the date thereof, and the person to whom the same shall be granted, shall pay to the County Clerk for payment to the County Fund, the sum of five pounds (£5) for every such license.
6. It shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace, and for any duly appointed Inspector of Slaughter Houses, and for any constable authorized by writing under the hand of any Justice of the Peace, or the Chairman of the County Council, for the purpose, from time to time, to visit and inspect any place licensed for the slaughtering of cattle, and to give such directions concerning the cleansing of any such slaughter house or place, both within and without, as to him shall seem needful.
7. If any butcher or the owner or occupier of any such slaughter house or place shall obstruct, or molest such Justice, or Inspector, or constable as aforesaid, in the inspection thereof, or shall refuse or neglect to comply with such directions within a reasonable time, every such person, shall, upon conviction, forfeit and pay for every such offence or neglect, any sum not exceeding (£5) five pounds.
8. It shall also be lawful for any Justice of the Peace, Inspector of Police, Inspector of Slaughter Houses, or constable duly authorized in that behalf, to enter at any time of the day or night, any slaughter house or place so licensed as aforesaid, when there shall be good cause to suspect that stolen cattle have been slaughtered and to make such search and enquiry therein as shall seem necessary for the discovery of the offence and of the offender.
9. Every person who shall by any obstruction, or hindrance, prevent any such Justice, or Inspector, or constable from entering any such licensed premises for the purpose of such search and enquiry, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be proceeded against accordingly by Common Law.
10. Every person who shall be appointed an Inspector of Slaughter Houses and of cattle intended for slaughter, shall repair without delay to the place or places within his district in which he shall have information of any cattle having been slaughtered, or of any cattle intended to be slaughtered in his district, and shall take a particular description thereof, with the color, mark, or marks, brand or brands, sex, appearance of age, together with the time and place of slaughter, which particulars he shall carefully enter in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, and which book such Inspector shall produce, when required, before any Bench of Magistrates and for the information of any Justice or Justices whenever he be so required, or for the information of the County Council when required.
11. Every person intending to slaughter any cattle for sale, barter, shipping, or exportation, shall first give six (6) hours notice in writing to the Inspector of Slaughter Houses for the district in which his premises are situated, specifying the time and place where such slaughtering will take place, and giving the number, brands, earmarks, and descriptions of the animals intended for slaughter, under a penalty not exceeding £5 for each and every head of such cattle which shall be so slaughtered without such notice having been given, unless it shall be made to appear to the Justices before whom such fine shall be sought to be recovered that such notice could not have been given, and that owing to some unforeseen accident it was necessary that such cattle should have been immediately slaughtered. And in all cases in which any cattle shall have been so slaughtered without having been previously inspected as aforesaid, notice thereof in writing shall be immediately given to the said Inspector and the skins of such cattle shall be kept or preserved for three (3) days to be produced on demand at the place of slaughter to the Inspector under a penalty not exceeding five pounds (£5) fir every skin so neglected to be preserved of produced.
12. Nothing hereinbefore contained shall extend or apply to any person or persons slaughtering at his, her, or their own residence, or farms, for his, her, or their own use.
13. It shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace to demand the skin of any cattle whatsoever that may have been slaughtered within one month previous to

the date of such demand or a full and satisfactory account to whom such skin has been sold, or in what manner disposed of, and any person who, upon such demand, shall refuse or neglect to produce the skins of any such cattle that may have been slaughtered, or in case the same cannot be produced, to give a full and satisfactory account of how and in what manner the same have been disposed of, shall upon conviction, forfeit and pay for every such offence a sum not exceeding five pounds (£5).
14. And if any person shall cut out, burn, or otherwise destroy or deface any brand which shall have been on any skin, or shall be in possession of, or shall purchase any skin from which the brand shall have been cut, or burnt, or otherwise destroyed or defaced, without being able to give a satisfactory account thereof, shall, upon conviction, forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding five pounds (£5).
15. All fees, fines, and penalties recoverable under this bye-law, shall be so recoverable in a summary manner, and shall be paid to the clerk or other officer deputed by the County Council for that purpose to be placed to the credit of the County fund account.
16. For the purpose of this by-law the word “Cattle” shall be taken to include horned or neat cattle, sheep and swine.
BY virtue of clause 199 of “The Counties Act, 1876,” Mr , of , is hereby authorized to keep a Slaughter House on his premises situated at
And this License is to remain in force from the date hereof until the day of 187 .
Given under my hand, at Wairoa, this day of 187 .
(L.S.) Chairman,
Wairoa County Council.
County Clerk.
BY-LAW No. 5.
BY-LAW of the Council of the County of Wairoa made under the 176th clause of “The Counties Act, 1876.
In pursuance of clause No. 176 of “The counties Act, 1876,” the County Council of Wairoa ordain as follows; that is to say,
1. Any person guilty of any of the following offences, omissions, or neglects, within that portion of the Township of Clyde, Wairoa, mentioned in the 3rd section of the 4th by-law, and the Township of Frasertown, both within the County of Wairoa, shall, on being convicted of any such offence, neglect, or omission, be liable to pay any penalty not exceeding £5.
2. Throwing of sweeping any glass, filth, dirt, rubbish, or any other matters of a similar nature into any street, channel, footway or public place whatsoever.
3. Keeping any goat or goats at large in the above-mentioned townships.
4. Keeping any pig or pigs with in (50) fifty yards of a public road or habitation, by which a nuisance, by offensive smell or otherwise is caused.
5. Neglecting to clean any private yard, way, or passage, by which a nuisance, by offensive smell or otherwise, is caused.
6. Opening any drain or sewer or removing the surface of any footpath or any carriage way without authority from the County Council to do so.
7. Throwing or discharging any stone or other missile to the damage or danger of any person or property.
8. Furiously, or negligently riding or driving through any public place, street, or thoroughfare.
9. Discharging any firearms without permission of the County Council. (This clause, however, does not apply to police or members of Her Majesty’s Forces while on duty.)
10. Any driver of any horse or vehicle injuring any person or property whatever by negligence, or by driving on the wrong side of the road, or being away from his horse or cattle, so as to be unable to have full control over them.
11. Keeping any disreputable house, or house of ill-fame, or having the control, conduct, or management of the same, or being a reputed occupier or an inmate of any such house.
BY-LAW No. 6.
BY-LAW of the Council of the County of Wairoa, made under clause 200 of “The Counties Act, 1876.”
The Wairoa County Council hereby ordain as follows; that is to say:
1. There shall be paid to the County Fund, or to the Poundkeepers appointed by the Council, all fees and charges as are by the “Cattle Trespass and Impounding Act 1867,” of the Province of Hawke’s Bay, and the several Acts amending the same, made payable to the Poundkeepers within this County.
2. All penalties recoverable within this County by virtue of the above mentioned Acts shall be payable to the County Fund.
BY-LAW No. 7.
BY-LAW of the Council of the County of Wairoa, made under clause 193, of “The Counties Act, 1876.”
The Wairoa County Council hereby ordain as follows: that is to say:
1. If any person shall willfully and without the authority of the Council, cut, bark, break, root up, or otherwise destroy or damage the whole, or any part of any tree, or sapling growing in or upon any street or reserve under the management of the Council, although the injury shall not be to the amount of One Shilling, he shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding Five Pounds (£5.)
2. If any person shall, without the authority of the Council, break, displace, or remove, the surface or soil of any land belonging to or under the control or management of the Council, he shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding Five Pounds (£5.)
3. If any person or persons shall let any rabbit or rabbits run at large within this County, such person or persons, shall be fined a sum not exceeding Five Pounds (£5.) for every such rabbit or rabbits set at large.
4. That no Broom, Furze, or Sweetbriar be allowed to be planted, facing a public road in this County under a penalty no exceeding Five Pounds (£5) for any such planting made after the coming into force of this By-Law.
BY-LAW No. 8.
BY-LAW of the Council of the County of Wairoa, made for the better management of the Public Wharves situated on the Wairoa River, at North and South Clyde, respectively:
The Wairoa County Council hereby ordain as follows; that is to say:
1. If any master, or person in charge of any ship shall not, on being required thereto, by the proper officer of the Council, remove his ship from the public wharf, or, if any such master, or person, or the owner of any ship shall cause or suffer such wharf to be damaged by contact of any such ship therewith or otherwise, every such master, owner, or person, shall forfeit a sum not exceeding Five Pounds (£5), and such further sum by way of compensation to the council for any such damage, as the convicting Justices, shall, on hearing, order.
2. If any person or persons, shall fasten any raft or driftwood to the public wharves, except for the purpose of landing such raft or driftwood, which must be done without delay, they shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding Five Pounds, (£5) and such further sum by way of compensation to the Council for any damage that may have occurred through such fastening as the convicting Justices, shall, on hearing, order.
3. The public wharves shall be cleared within six (6) hours after delivery cargo thereat, and in the absence of any consignee to take delivery of any cargo consigned to him it shall be lawful for any officer deputed by the Council for that purpose to remove or store the same at the expense and risk of the consignee.
July 13.
The Orangemen celebrated there anniversary yesterday by a procession to St. Mary’s Church, Parnell. It was the first Orangemen procession in Auckland. Over 500 took part. The quiet and orderly behavior of the men was the subject of general remark, and caused much satisfaction. There were representatives present from Waikato, Onehunga, Thames, Otahuhu, Gisborne, and Napier.
At the Resident Magistrate’s Court yesterday defendant’s evidence was taken in the case of Cantwell v. Macfarlane which is being heard at Napier.
The Jane Douglas arrived on Wednesday night, and leaves again to-day.
The p.s. Te Aroha is to leave for Napier to be employed in the ferry service.
July 14.
The Jane Douglas sailed yesterday for Gisborne and Napier. Passengers – Messrs William and Gentle.
The schooner Albatross sailed for Napier yesterday, with a cargo of timber.
The Pretty Jane arrived yesterday morning.
July 16.
The Pretty Jane sailed on Saturday for Napier. Passenger – Mr Siddon.
The bulk Benjamin Heape, lying in harbor, had a narrow escape on Friday night. She sprung a leak, and had several feet of water in her hold when it was discovered.
An inquiry into the collision between the Southern Cross and Ada ketch near Landspit on Tuesday night, will be held immediately on the arrival of the Southern Cross from Napier.

A very handsomely bound illustrated Bible, which has recently been purchased by the members of the Napier Orange Lodge for presentation to the Rev. J. Eccles, was shown us on Thursday. The presentation was to have taken place on Thursday by Mr Eccles being on board the Wanaka, a passenger from Auckland to Napier, that portion of the programme had to be omitted. On the frontispiece of the Bible, the following words are inscribed: – “Presented to Brother the Rev. J Eccles by the members of the Royal Arch Purple Chapter, No. 5, Loyal Orange Lodge, Napier, as a mark of respect and esteem, and best wishes for his prosperity in the work in which he is engaged – D.E LINDSAY, W.M., G. BOGGS, G.M.J.S.MASTER, Secretary.” The writing is the workmanship of Mr Percival Bear, and is well and beautifully done.
The “staff” of this office is charged by our morning contemporary with having remitted to the evening papers in New Zealand, a portion of a leading article from the Herald. Our printer’s devils are justly indignant at such an accusation being levelled against them, as they say “they never see the Herald except when it comes from the grocers’ shops, where it is sold as waste paper.
Mr Baker, the proprietor of the Empire Hotel, having now, by the action of the Licensing Commissioners, plenty of spare time on his hands, devotes his leisure hours to sporting. The other day, being near Puketapu, perceiving a hawk make a pounce on a small object and battling with it, he shot the hawk and found on coming to his fallen sport that the hawk had been killing a rat. Several of these vermin he found pecked to death around the spot.
It appears to be a hard task for the Government to please all writers of the Press. Prior to Mr Ormond accepting office several journals in the colony were ever pointing out that the colony was not being ruled by responsible Ministers but by officers in the Civil Service, and aware that Mr Ormond was a politician who would have the officials perform only the duty for which they were paid, on his taking the portfolio for Minister of Works it was said that the days of officialdom had ceased. Now that Mr Ormond has reformed the Department, and dismissed the lazy incompetent, and made the officials aware that a master mind was at their head, those journals which were the first to point out the evils resulting from the country being governed by irresponsible officials, complain that the underlings are being harshly treated, and in order to recover their lost position, would only be too glad to see a change of Ministry. They are wise in their generation.
There were seven more designs for the new Napier Hospital received on Monday by the Southern Cross from Auckland.
Mr C.O. Montrose, the representative of the Auckland Star in the Reporter’s Gallery of the General Assembly, was a passenger to Wellington by the Wanaka on Saturday. Among the passengers from Napier to Wellington, there was also the representative of the Wellington Post, Mr Walker, whose recent communications to that journal from Napier has caused so much irritation to the “staff” of the Hawke’s Bay Herald.
A meeting of shareholders in the Theatre Company was held on Friday at the Criterion Hotel. Mr Johnston, of Port Ahuriri, occupied the chair. Offers for five sites were received.
Shopkeepers in Napier were warned on Saturday by the Municipal authorities against exposing their goods on the footppath [footpath], to the danger of the lives and limbs if Her Majesty’s loyal subjects. Several of the tradesmen accepted the warning, while others expressed their doubts as to the powers of the Inspector of Nuisances in the matter. The doubtful are to receive invitations to the Hall of Justice presided over by the Mayor.
The meeting of the Meanee [ Meeanee ] ratepayers took place, pursuant to notice, on Saturday, at the Mission Station, Meanee. Mr. J. Hallett on taking the chair, explained that by the Rating Act the business of the meeting would have to be confined to the election of a new Board. Mr. F. D. Luckie read the statement of accounts for the past year, which showed a credit balance of £342 18s 4d. This sum was, however, liable to a small deduction through some few accounts not yet having been rendered. The following gentlemen were elected wardens for the ensuing year: – Messrs. J. Hallet, J.C. Speedy, G. Rymer, H. Condie, and H. Sladen. A resolution was passed recommending to the new Board that a sixpenny rate be struck for the next year.
The postmen throughout the colony appeared in a bran [brand] new uniform on Monday. It is said to be of a very handsome pattern. All the officers of the Civil Service are soon, it is said, to be provided with uniform to distinguish them from the common County Council and Municipal officials.
It may be interesting for some of our Napier bakers to learn that recently, at Timaru, the Resident Magistrate nonsuited a baker who put the word “ditto” frequently in his bill of particulars. His Worship did not consider the word “ditto” sufficiently explicit.
The Te Kapu Rowing Club is about to wind up owing to many of the members of the Club having left the district. The Wairoa local print understands that arrangements are being entered into in Napier for the purpose of either selling or raffling both the gigs.
At the ratepayers’ meeting at the Meanee Mission Station on Saturday last, Mr. H. S. Tiffen was proposed and seconded for a seat at the new Board of Wardens. It then transpired that Mr Tiffen was a defaulting ratepayer, and was therefore not eligible for election. His name had consequently to be withdrawn.

G. .E. Sainsbury, Esq., barrister, has been appointed the Commissioner before whom the evidence shall be taken at Napier in the case Russell v. the Waka Maori, for libel. The Commission was opened on Thursday. Some forty natives are in town with the object of giving their evidence. Dr Buller, C.M.G., and Mr Allen, of Wellington, have been retained for the defence, and arrived at Napier overland on Tuesday. Messrs Bell and J. N. Wilson, are for the plaintiff. The evidence will be heard with closed doors, no reporters being permitted to be present.
In an account given of the special meeting of the Wairoa County Council, it is reported that Mr Parker proposed, and Mr Flint seconded the adoption of the following as one of the bye-laws of that the Council;- “If any person shall permit the surface of any public road or thoroughfare throughout the County to be displaced or destroyed by the pigs, he shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding £5 (five pounds).” The clause as reported was adopted. Accordingly, therefore, to this bye-law, should the pigs of the county destroy the surface of any public road or thoroughfare, any person in the County will be liable to forfeit £5. Oh! Wise and sapient legislators?
There was a meeting of the Napier Municipal Council on Monday, the principal business at which was to consider certain bye-laws relating to hawkers, closets, and hackney-carriages. These will be published in the DAILY TELEGRAPH in the course of a day or two. On the recommendation of the Public Works Committee, it was resolved that tenders be called for opening trenches for the water pipes; for carting for the year ending June 30 1878; for the removal of nightsoil, &c. With reference to the Municipal Conference to be held at Wellington at the instigation of the Christchurch Municipality, on the motion of Cr. Lee, it was agreed that a reply be sent stating that, after mature consideration, the Council were of the opinion no beneficial result would follow from sending a delegate to the Conference. In reply to Cr. Swan, His Worship stated that he would suggest to the Engineer the desirability of instructing the contractors for the reclamation works to proceed with the formation of Raffles-street without delay. The Council then adjourned.
On Monday, Mr John Harding gave his promised lecture, in Trinity Church, on “What I saw at Naples, Vesuvius, and Pompeii.” The Rev. J. Berry occupied the chair, and introduced Mr Harding to the audience. Mr Harding then gave a description of Rome and its viaducts; of his journey from the Eternal City, describing as he went along the beauties of the scenery, and the wonders to be seen. When at Naples he visited Mount Vesuvius, ascended the burning mountain, and brought back with him lava and other curiosities from the mouth of the world-renowned crater. The lecturer, after describing the city of Naples, took his listeners with him to the ruins of Pompeii, where he described that ancient city as it is to be seen now after being buried in ashes from the year 79 until it was restored. Mr Harding also gave the audience a peep into Herculaneum, but not having visited these ruins, he was unable to give such a minute description of this old burrowed city as of Pompeii. The lecture was listened to throughout with great interest, and at its conclusion, Mr. Harding exhibited photographs of the ruins of Pompeii which he had purchased at the gate of the old city, and various curiosities, all obtained at Naples, Pompeii, and Mount Vesuvius. Mr. Pulford moved a vote of thanks to the lecturer for the high intellectual treat he had afforded the audience. The motion was duly seconded by Mr. M. R. Miller, and carried with acclamation. Mr Harding stated his willingness to again visit Napier, an offer which was received with cheers. The Rev. Mr. Berry previous to vacating the chair expressed a wish that the beautiful and interesting photographs shown by Mr. Harding, might be so taken as to be exhibited by lime-light after the manner Mr. Severn exhibited his photographs in the Oddfellows’ Hall. Mr. Harding’s account of his travels, were not only highly instructive but amusing, and we only hope he will redeem his promise by giving the public a further account of what he saw during his absence from his adopted home and country.
On Friday night last a shark measuring about eight feet was taken by the fisherman plying their avocation on the Ngaruroro river. The creature made sad havoc of their nets, but was ultimately safely brought to shore, where during Saturday it was visited by a number of persons.
Fredrick Irvine DeLisle has been gazette Honorary Assistant surgeon in the Napier Artillery Volunteers. The Commission is dated March 22, 1877.
The Boiling-down season being close at hand, Mr. R. P. Williams at Clive is adding considerable improvements to his establishment, which when completed will enable him to carry on operations both in wool-washing and boiling-down far more expeditiously than heretofore.
A correspondent writes from the country: – “As showing the mildness of the present winter, notwithstanding the continuous frosts we have experienced of late, in many of our gardens may be seen the wattle-tree in full blossom.”
We have received two letters signed respectively “Napier,” and “Lowton,” but their length prevent our giving them insertion. We suggest to our correspondents the advisability of condensing their communication, as owing to the large amount of telegrams from all parts of the colony, we are daily in receipt of, we are obliged either to refuse insertion to such letters, or greatly curtail their dimensions, This will be more especially the case during the sittings of Parliament, which commenced last Thursday.
The balance-sheet of the Committee of the Taradale Ploughing Match, held last month, shows that there is now a balance in hand, after paying all expenses, to the amount of £16 2s 9d. We are requested by the Committee to express their thanks to Messrs Tuxford and Williams for their kindness in lending them ploughs for the match. It may be mentioned that the ploughs thus lent were used by the ploughmen who were prize-takes on the occasion.
A Hastings correspondent writes under date of Monday: – “Business is somewhat dull, and I am informed that all has been done by the Road Board towards the reclamation of the Swamp, is simply striking the annual rate and collecting the same, so that the filling in or draining of this nuisance is up to the present highly problematical. If it was commenced, it would certainly afford employment to a number of men who are now wandering up and down the country in search of work, and which would prove a benefit to the township. – I am glad to say that the Church is progressing favorably and it is anticipated that it will be ready for Divine Service within a month from this date. Some slight alterations have been made in the original plans, which are held to be a decided improvement. The exertions of the Rev. Mr Marshall are deserving of the highest modicum of praise, and it must be gratifying to him to know that his labors have not been in vain, and are appreciated by the people of Hastings. – The Skating Rink, I fear, is not as great a success as could be desired.- Mr. Somerville having added a bakery to his establishment, has found it to answer so well, that he now supplies not only the inhabitants of Hastings, but also a portion of Clive with eh staff of life.”
An assault of a cowardly character was committed on Monday on a young lad named Frank Parker, a son of Mr William Parker , in Shakespeare road. Parker was coming along the road, when he was met by a – we were nearly writing man – strapping fellow, a shoemaker, who had in his hands a boot or a pair of boots. Some words passed between the youth and the bootmaker, when the latter struck Parker twice, hitting him each time on his forehead. Parker struck out at his assailant most pluckily, and when assistance came to his aide, although beaten and bruised about, he still attempted to get the fellow into his clutched, so as to hand him over to the police, but was prevented by those who came to the scene of the scuffle, as the bootmaker was well known, and could if required be easily identified. We are aware that it is stated in the defence of the fellow who struck the youth that Parker had given his offence in the public streets some time back. Be that as it may, it was cowardly for a person grown up to the stature of manhood to wait until he met a youth in the dark on the road, and there strike him in the cowardly manner it is alleged that this assault took place. More it is to be hoped, will be heard of the matter in another place.
On Tuesday, the steam fire-engine was taken out for practice round the Battery road. On reaching a spot above the first Taradale Bridge, the hose was put under a culvert, and the tide being high there was plenty of water to test the powers of the engine. The practice was in every respect a satisfactory one, the engine throwing jets of water 100 feet high, going clean over the hill. She worked splendidly.
In the case of the Receiver of Land Revenue v. Kinross for fees due on a Crown Grant and which was heard on Saturday morning by Messrs J.A. Smith and T.K. Newton, Esquires, J.P.s, and the decision adjourned until 2 p.m. on Monday, their Worships decided to dismiss the case.
Information was received in town on Monday of the burning of the stable of Mr D.S. Hunter, at Poranagahau [ Porangahau ]. The stables were newly erected, and consisted of five stalls and two loose boxes. A quantity of harness and saddles was also consumed. We have not heard whether the property was insured.
The editor of the Wairoa paper appears to have a great contempt for the opinions uttered by the people at public meetings in that district. In one of his late issues he remarks: – “We do not advise calling any more meetings to consider this or any other subject, because we have not further wish to hear any more of the unmitigated nonsense generally talked at those assemblies.” The wit and wisdom of Wairoa, in this editor’s opinion, is all centred in his own person.
The Herald is greatly exercised over the Te Aute estate. Some days ago it reported a rumor[rumour] to the effect that the Rev. S. Williams had released the estate from the Trustees; on Saturday, our inquisitive contemporary, in a leading article, stated that the existing lease would not expire until 1st February next. In Monday’s issue the Herald says: -“It is really time that we had some utterance from the missionary party with reference to the correctness, or otherwise of the report as to the re-leasing – intended or actual – of the trust estate to the Rev. S. Williams. They may as well say what is to be said on the subject, without further delay.” One would have thought from the contradictory statements of the Herald, that too much had been said already. Our contemporary has worked itself into a state of excitement, and now calls on Mr. Williams to get it out of the mire into which it has floundered. Impertinence could scarcely go further.
The Rev. J. Berry, of Trinity Church, announced during evening service, on Sunday, that he would be happy to meet at the Wesleyan School-room, on Wednesday night, any young men who might feel disposed to form themselves into a literary class. The association need not consist solely of members of the Wesleyan persuasion or of the Trinity Church congregation. The rev gentleman was of opinion that the establishment was of some such class, or club, might be made productive of much good.
Two telegraph stations were opened on Monday, one at Coalgate and the other at Rolleston. Both places are situated in the County of Selwyn, and in the Provincial District of Canterbury.
Sergeant Robinson, the poundkeeper, officiated as auctioneer on Monday, having sold a horse which had been impounded. The animal appeared to be a good one, but the attendance not being numerous, the bidding was not spirited, and, to the chagrin of the poundkeeper, only brought 23s, while the expenses amounted to 30s. The poundkeeper wants the balance.
We notice the names of Mr. and Mrs Josiah Harding among the passengers by the City of New York, from San Francisco to Auckland. Mr. Harding is a son of Mr John Harding, Mount Vernon, and has been many years absent from New Zealand. He has been occupied for some years in Bolivia as civil engineer, having charge of the railway works connecting the valuable silver mines of that country with the coast. We do not know whether Mr Harding intends to remain and follow his profession in his native country.
The promoters of the scheme for merging the Meanee Highway District into the County are not likely to be successful in their movement. Mature reflection has reversed public opinion on the matter, and now a counter-petition to the one presented to the County Council is being numerously signed. Forty settlers who signed the first petition have since put their names to the counter one. One curious feature of the first petition is that it is signed by Mr M. Bazil who is put down as a property holder assessed at £560 value. It so happens that Mr. Bazil is not a ratepayer of the district, holding no landed property there whatever. Father Reignier, the owner of the property of which Mr. Bazil is made to appear the proprietor, has signed the counter petition. There are one or two other small irregularities in the first petition which, if it were necessary to bring to light, would disclose the peculiar method employed to get up the petition to respectable dimensions.
We understand that it is contemplated to petition the Mayor, asking His Worship to convene a public meeting in Napier at an early date to consider the Local Option Bill, which is to be introduced into the House this session of the Assembly.
Some forty ratepayers received billet-doux last week from the Resident Magistrate’s Court, containing polite invitations to meet the Magistrate on Friday morning, and shew cease why they should not pay the water-rates now overdue. Several, wise in their generation, have paid the amount into the hands of the Clerk of the Court, with the additional costs. We recommend the others to follow the same example.
The statement of the receipts and expenditure of the Meanee Road Board from December 16, 1876 to July13, 1877, laid before the ratepayers meeting on Saturday, showed the Board to be in a flourishing financial condition. The receipts had been as follows: – Cash balance at Bank, handed over by Mr. Tuke – £34 9s 1d; General Government grants in aid, 1875-76 £116 3s 3d; Rated collected, 1876-77, less cost of collection, £263 16s 2d. Total £414 9s 9d; due on contracts Nos. 2 and 4, £100 2s. Total £241 11s 9d. Expenditure, – Balance on Meanee stop-bank £5; advertising to December 30, 1876 £3 16s 9d; Bennett and Dolbel for valuation, £16 16s; Timber for culverts, £6 19s 8d; paid on account contracts£182 17s; Survey, £30, Meanee Drain, £18 3s 9d; Miscellaneous £7. Total £270 13s 2d. Assets. Bank balance £143 15s 4d; General Government subsidy 1876-77, say £325;Rates 1875-76 not collected £25; ditto, 1876-77 £80 14s 9d; County Council grant in aid to Meanee drain £10. Total, £584 10s 1d.
A correspondent under the signature of “Sugar” writes; – “I was astonished at the coolness with which Capt. Russell replied to the question put to him by an elector as to the payment of common jurors. Capt., Russell said he would not advocate the payment of working-men for loss of time when doing their duty to the public. Mr Russell drew his honorarium last session, and I have never heard that he refused to be paid as a grand juryman. I only wish that he was a working-man like myself, and was deducted four days’ pay by his master for absence, had a wife and children to support, and no wool money to fall back upon to make up on a Saturday night the deficiency. Then, perhaps, he would learn the difference between a paid grand juryman and an unpaid common juror. His remarks also about subscribing to defray the expenses of a working-man in Parliament were utter bosh, and as he well knows could not be carried out.” Other indignant remarks made by our correspondent we neither care nor dare to print.
Dr De Lisle’s lecture at the Athenaeum, on the development and culture of the brain in men and animals, was a gratifying pecuniary success. The lecture, which embraced a very wide subject, occupied in its delivery two hours and a-half. Next Tuesday, it is proposed to give a more varied entertainment, consisting of vocal and instrumental music, readings, &c.
The Hon. H. R. Russell, and S. Johnston, Esq., were nominated on Tuesday as candidates for the representation of Waipukurau in the Waipawa county Council. The poll will take place on Saturday next, and the declaration will be made on the following Monday.
All leading morning journals in the colony contained a full report of Mr. Stafford’s speech, delivered last Wednesday evening at Timaru, in their next day’s issue. The minor morning journals such as Wanganui Chronicle and Hawke’s Bay Herald, contented themselves with reprinting the abbreviated reports from their evening contemporaries.
The ninth volume of the Transactions of the New Zealand Institute has just been published. Professer [Professor] Von Haast on the Cetacea. In a review of the work, the New Zealand Times says: – “The volume under notice is larger than any of its predecessors, and would have been still bulkier had the proceedings of the various societies and all the papers been printed. It consists of 700 pages, comprising ninety-four papers, the meteorological reports for the year, and a list of members. Of seven societies, Auckland contains the greatest number, then Otago and Wellington; but the greatest intellectual activity is displayed by Wellington. The Hawke’s Bay, Nelson, and Westland societies have not between them contributed a single paper; apparently they exist only in name. the volume is a creditable production, its contents varied, the amount of information conveyed enormous, and much of it extremely valuable.”
A respectably-dressed individual named Hoff, was sentenced on Thursday to 14 days hard labor for indecent exposure in Hasting Street, yesterday, R. Stuart, Esq., presided. There was no other business.
Telegrams from the North inform us that shares in the Moanatairi mine at the Thames have dropped to £6 2s 6d. This will not be very gratifying to the many holders of those shares in Hawke’s Bay.
At the annual meeting of the Petane Road Board, held on the 14th instant, Messrs Twigg, Orr, Spence, Troutbeck, and Steven were appointed wardens. A rate of 6d in the £ was struck. Messrs Villers and McKenzie were appointed auditors.
The ratepayers of the Kereru and Aorangi district met on Friday last, and selected the following gentleman as wardens for the ensuing year: – Messrs H.W.P. Smith, Captain McLean, H. Ford, Archibald McLean and James Lyon. The rate was fixed at 3d in the £. Mr James Lyon was elected Chairman of the Board and Collector.
On Thursday considerable interest was manifested on the Ngaruroro bridge to witness the descent into the river of a diver in orthodox diving dress. His mission was to ascertain the state of the piles below the water, some of which we understand, are in a state of dilapidation, and require immediate attention. Doubtless soon as the diver’s report is made known to Mr Bold, that gentleman will at once take the necessary steps to strengthen the bridge.
Mr Wells, blacksmith, has sought protection in the Bankruptcy Court from visits from duns.
A meeting was held on Wednesday in the Trinity Church School-room, to consider the advisability of opening a Literary Class. There was a very fair attendance of young men, who all appeared anxious to see such a society started. The Rev. J. Berry was voted to the chair, and after a slight discussion, a resolution was carried unanimously that a society to be called the Napier Literary Association be formed. The Rev. J. Berry was elected President, and Mr G.S. Strange, Secretary. Several rules were discussed and agreed to, and are to be brought up for confirmation at the next meeting, to be held on Wednesday evening next, in the School-room at 7.30., when the President will also deliver an inaugura [inaugural] -address. On the following Wednesday, a discussion will take place on the Local Option Bill. We hope to see this Association flourish, and commend all who desire to improve their minds, and learn to take part in public discussions to become members. The Association we may state has been started on an unsectarian basis.
The Hospital Committee held a meeting on Wednesday for the purpose of selecting a design from amongst those sent in, for a new hospital building. The members of the Committee were mainly influenced in their decision by the recommendations of the medical profession, and these being in favor of No. 10 signed “Hope,” that design was accepted, conditionally that the architect, could certify to it being carried out for the sum of £3,000. “Hope,” who, we understand is a local architect, was communicated with today, and his reply being satisfactory, the plan will be finally accepted. We congratulate “Hope” upon his success; his design was by far the best that was sent in, the only other one to be compared with it being No. 3, which we believe was also sent in by a Napier architect.
Our Waipawa correspondent writes : – Mr John Harding’s lecture last evening in the Rechabite Hall ‘‘On the Manners and Customs of America,” was fairly attended. The Rev. J. M. Fraser presided, and in a few well-chosen remarks introduced the lecturer. Mr Harding’s merits as a speaker are well known, and require no comment ; in fact, he imparts an impression that he takes a pleasure in what he is saying, and in his humorous accounts of the incidents that occurred to him in his travels, kept his audience in good humor. He gave a description of his travels from the time he landed in ’Frisco until he reached Cincinnatti. In speaking of the American liquor laws, he said, ‘‘ Americans Citizens do not appear to show any outward sign of liquoring up, and they have to go down below in the cellar if they want a “cock tail” or “corpes reviver.” For the “ glass of beer” at dinner, that is so much in use in England and New Zealand a tumbler of iced water, takes its place. All the American clergy he met were temperance men, and each in one large town mentioned take their turn in giving a temperance service. Mr Harding, after taking over an hour, said he was afraid they would not reach New York, that night, but would be obliged to give the remaining part of the lecture at some future date. After the usual vote of thanks to the Chairman and lecturer; the meeting separated.
(Before R. Stuart, Esq., R.M.)
William Donne was charged by Constable Burne with being drunk last evening. Accused said he was guilty of the offence. He was a stranger to Napier, but the beer sold here being more “hoppy” than that sold in the country, he became weak in his understanding. He was fined 5s, and 2s extra for the cab-fare.
Mr W.J. Miller was charged by the Inspector of Nuisances with having through negligence permitted his chimney to take fire on the 14th inst. In reply to the charge, Mr Miller said he had only been in the house a week, and had not known that the chimney was in a foul state. He had also a great difficulty in getting a person to sweep chimneys.
His Worship said when he required his chimney swept he could always find a man to perform the work. He would fine Mr Miller 5s, and costs 11s 6d, as a caution to persons to keep their chimneys clean.
William Ressimer, a cabman, appeared in answer to a charge made by Constable Burne that he did, on the evening of the 14th inst., leave his cab unattended opposite the Foresters Arms. Ressimer in his defence stated that he was only absent about 30 seconds, and had gone into the hotel to tell some passengers that he was ready to proceed to the Spit.
His Worship said that owing to cabmen leaving their horses unattended there had been recently many narrow escapes from accidents. He would therefore impose a fine on Ressimer of 5s, and costs 11s 6d.
John Franklin, an expressman, was charged by Constable Laurenson with leaving his horse and express unattended opposite the Criterion Hotel on Monday. Defendant, denied the charge, and, on being sworn in, deposed that he had his wheel locked. His Worship, however, considered the evidence of the constable weightier that the accused, and fined Franklin 5s, and 9s.
Shipping Intelligence.
12 – Minnie Hare, schooner, from Ngungururu.
12 – Opitiki, schooner, from Poverty Bay.
12 – Columbia, schooner, put back.
12 – Result, s.s., from Wairoa.
14 – Wanaka, s.s. from Auckland, Tauranga, and Gisborne. Passengers – Mesdames Naylor and Sterndale, Cols. Whitmore and Herrick, Capt. McInnes, Messrs Battley, Steward. Oxley, State, Gannon, Kinross, Ward (2), Bowler, Murphy, Spencer, Cooper, Cropp, Henry, Naylor, Rev. Mr Eccles, 10 steerage, and 24 for South
14 – Manaia, p.s., from Wairoa. Passengers – Mrs Atward and children, Messrs Smith, Roach, Burtton, Anderson, Lambert, and two natives
14 – Sothern Cross, s.s., from Auckland. Passengers – Messrs Jarram, Hurst, Sherwood, and two in steerage
15 – Orpheus, schooner, from Mercury Bay
15 – Ephemey, schooner, from Mercury Bay
16 – Falcon, barquentine, from Newcastle, N.S.W.
17 – Jane Douglas, s.s., from Auckland via Poverty Bay. Passengers – Miss Gibbon, Dr. Pollen, Messrs. Hamlin, Pilcher, Gordon, Patrick Macartney, and 4 natives.
18 – Stormbird, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Mrs Climey and child, Miss Carruthers, Dr. Buller, Messrs Hust Austen, Jobson, McLean, Strater, and Climey (2).
13 – Rangatira, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Messrs Sothern, Parker, Johnson, Hoskins. and 1 steerage.
13 – Kiwi, s.s., for Wellington via Castle Point. One lady passenger.
14 – Wanaka, s.s., for South. Passengers – Mrs Ashforth, Miss Windsor, Messrs Walker, Best, Wilson, and 24 original
17 – Southern Cross, s.s., for the Thames and Auckland. Passengers – Messrs J. Watt, Clark, M. Banks, T. Begg, Sibbald, Phillips, Masters, Holmes (3), Harkis, and 2 steerage.
19 – Storm Bird, s.s., for Wellington
In consequence of a private telegram received on Thursday from Castle Point, stating the weather was very bad on the coast, Captain Campbell, of the s.s. Kiwi, and Captain Evans of the s.s. Rangatira, determined to postpone the departure of their respective steamers till Friday morning. They both left about 7.30 a.m. on Friday and by the time they reached the Kidnappers the Rangatira had a slight lead.
The s.s. Result returned from Wairoa on Thursday. Captain Baxter reports a good bar. On the passage up he called off the Mohaka, but found to much sea to land. Sighted the Mary Ann Hudson near Mohaka, apparently landing cargo. In consequence of the southerly weather, he was unable to go to Whakaki for a load of maize there waiting for him.
The schooner Columbia has returned to port again, in consequence of the heavy southerly wind outside.
The schooner Opotiki is loaded with timber and shingles for Mr Scarfe.
The s.s. Wanaka, Captain McGillivray, left Auckland on Wednesday, at 4.30 p.m. and arrived at Tauranga on Thursday, at 6 a.m. leaving at 8.30 a.m.; she arrived at 4 o’clock, and anchored in the Bay here at three on Saturday. Captain McGillivray reports having light S.W. winds as far as East Cape; from there encountered strong southerly winds and heavy sea until arrival here. Passed the s.s. Southern Cross off the East Cape; sighted at anchor in Tologa [ Tolaga ] Bay one brigantine and two fore and aft schooners, name unknown, and saw two vessels taking shelter at Happy Jacks. The Wanaka had not much cargo for the port. She left again at noon.
A schooner called the Mariner, Captain Austen, put in here on Friday short of provisions. The Captain tried to land, but could not do so on account of the heavy roll on the beach. The boat then went to the Opotiki, where wants were supplied.
The s.s. Hero arrived at Auckland on Monday from Sydney.
According to the report on the Telegraph Board, the steamers Rangatira and Kiwi, hence about 8.30 a.m. on Friday, arrived at Wellington on Sunday, the former at 4 p.m., and the latter at 12.30 p.m. The s.s. Wanaka, hence on Saturday at noon, arrived on Sunday at 10 a.m.
The ketch Unity came from the Kidnappers on Monday, bringing the captains of two vessels who have run short of provisions. The following vessels were taking shelter under the Kidnappers on Sunday, viz., the Josephine, Marian, Isabella Pratt, Columbia, Acadia, and Unity. The two first named vessels are now out 23 days from Auckland, timber laden for Lyttelton. The Isabella Pratt, Columbia, and Acadia, are from Napier bound to Lyttelton.
The schooners Ephemy and Orpheus are both from Mercury Bay, having left at the same time and arrived here on Sunday. They are both timber laden. The former vessel is under the command of our old friend, Capt. Kean, formerly of the Eliezer and Banshee.
The A.S.P. Co. s.s. Southern Cross, Capt. Holmes, arrived in port late on Saturday night. She left Auckland on Wednesday, at 7.30 p.m., got as far as Gable End Foreland, and had to turn back to Tologa Bay for shelter from the strong southerly gale blowing. Found at anchor there, also taking shelter, a brigantine apparently in ballast, and two schooners, timber laden, names unknown.
The p.s. Manaia returned from Wairoa on Saturday. She encountered a heavy sea on the Bar in coming out, which broke a quantity of her galley boards, and washed some of her deck cargo into the stoke-hole.
The City of Sydney arrived at Auckland on Sunday morning, after a fine weather voyage. Passengers for New Zealand – Mr. Quick, Mr. Josiah Harding and wife, Messrs. Gibbon, Ferguson, Gleer, Guliver, Graham, and 18 in the steerage.
The barquentine Falcon, Capt. Hare, arrived at the anchorage about 4 p.m. on Monday, having made the passage from Newcastle in 12 days. She has had a fine weather trip, the top-gallant sails never being taken in, until passing Palliser Bay. She brings 284 tons coal, consigned to Watt Brothers.
The three-mastered schooner Mary Wadley was 26 days in her passage from here to Hobartown. Mr Vautier, her owner, received advices lately that she was to leave for Napier on Monday, with a cargo of timber, fruit, &c.
The s.s. Southern Cross, Captain Holmes, discharged on Monday about 150 tons of general cargo, the principal lines being 30 tons salt for Watt Brothers, and 250 casks of cement for Kinross and Co. The steamer took in a load of fat cattle, shipped by Mr Banks, and left for the Thames and Auckland on Tuesday. In going away from the wharf, the pilot had some trouble in getting clear of the wharf on account of the tide setting her on the eastern side. After three ineffectual attempts, the pilot had a stern rope made fast to the outer wharf, which caused her bow to pay off, and before sufficient head way could be got on, the tide carried her over to the western side, where she grounded in the old Rangatira Bank, and remained there about an hour and a half. With the assistance of a line from her bows, and hove taut by her steam winch, she was gradually got afloat again, and steamed away to Auckland. In crossing the Bar, the pilot informs us she bumped heavily, and nearly lost steerage way. The dispatch that has been given to the Southern Cross this trip, reflects great credit upon the agents, as well as on the captain and her crew. On the arrival of Captain Holmes in Auckland there will be an official inquiry into the cause of a collision between his steamer the Southern Cross and a ketch named the Ada, on his last trip from the Thames to Auckland. We refrain from making any remarks until we hear the official report.
The s.s Storm Bird, Captain Doile, left Wellington at 10.30 a.m. on Tuesday, and experienced light southerly winds the whole of the passage, accompanied with drizzling rain. She was partially full of cargo. Capt. Doile reports five schooners still at anchor under the Kidnappers.
The alteration and improvements to the s.s. Rangatira have been commenced in Wellington by the contractor, Mr E.W. Mills.
The s.s. Jane Douglas returned from Auckland and Gisborne at midnight on Tuesday She had a fine weather passage from Auckland to Gisborne, but encountered a heavy sea off Portland Island. The Jane Douglas had not yet completed her charter for carrying sheep to Auckland from Gisborne.
The Thames Advertiser of the 13th inst., gives the following account of the collision between the s.s. Southern Cross and the ketch Ada, at the Sandspit, regarding which an enquiry is be held on the arrival of the Southern Cross in Auckland : – “The Southern Cross, Captain Holmes, had discharged a cargo of cattle and sheep at the Thames, from Napier, and was proceeding to Auckland, and when off the Sandspit, about 7 o’clock in the evening, she suddenly saw the light of a coasting craft right in the fairway ahead of her. The helm was ported instantly, but the bowsprit of the ketch came into collision with the steamer on the port bow, and damaged two of the bulwark plates. The rigging of the ketch also carried away one of the steamer’s boats and broke some of her gear, the ketch also suffering similar damage to her standing gear and bowsprit. Fortunately no further injury was inflicted, so far as we have been able to ascertain. Both vessels stood on their courses without loss of time, and, as both had lights burning it is difficult to tell which is to blame for the collision.” The circumstances have been reported to the Collector of Customs, Mr Hill, and, we understand, an inquiry will be instituted in the course of a few days, The damage to the s.s. Southern Cross is computed at £60.
The brigantine Isabella, bound from Newcastle to Poverty Bay with coals, put into Wellington to repair damages sustained during her passage through the Straits in a heavy gale. She is the same vessel that the Storm Bird collided on going up Wellington harbor on her last visit to Napier. Her necessary repairs being completed, she is ready for sea.
The schooners that have been so long under shelter at the Kidnappers all got underweigh on Thursday. We hope they will soon reach their different destinations. put in an appearance this evening.
Government Notifications.
Colonial Secretary’s Office,
Wellington, 14th July, 1877.
IT is hereby notified that the following persons have been elected under the provisions of “The Hawke’s Bay Rivers Act, 1876,” to be Conservators of the Taradale District, viz : –
The Cheapest House in the Trade.
Stock, Land Estate, and General Commission Agent, Waipukurau.
Goods Stored and Forwarded.
Offices and Stores: Near the Railway Station.
Public Works Office,
Napier, July 18, 1877.
TENDERS will be received up to NOON on TUESDAY, the 31st day of July instant, for ADDITIONS TO THE ENGINE SHED, NAPIER STATION.
Drawings and Specifications can be seen on application to the undersigned, to whom, the tenders must be addressed
The lowest of any tender will not necessarily be accepted.
By command
District Engineer.
MOORE. – On July 15, at Carlyle-street, Napier, the wife of Mr. T. Moore, of a son.
ALLEN. – At Napier, on July 16th, the wife of Henry Allen, of a son.
WRIGHT – GOODWIN. – At Hastings, on the 12th July, at the bride’s residence, by the Rev. W. Marshall, D. A. Wright, youngest son of the late Henry Wright, of New Plymouth, to Ellen Pinyon Goodwin, eldest daughter of Mr. W. Goodwin, of Hastings.
WARMAN – LAFFOLEY. – At St. John’s Church, Napier, on the 15th July, by the Rev. D’Arcy Irvine, Alfred Edward Warman to Eliza Margaret Laffoley, eldest daughter of Philip Laffoley, late of St. Lawrence, Jersey, Channel Islands.
MORRISON. – At Napier, on the 17th July, after a long and painful illness. Isabella, the beloved wife of Mr. Thomas Morrison, watchmaker.
For the United Kingdom, Continent o [of] Europe, &., via Suez and Brindisi, by every opportunity to Wellington, where the mails close on the 27th instant. Correspondence for this route should leave Napier on 23rd instant, per overland.
For Fiji, Sandwich Islands, West Indies, America, United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, &c., via San Francisco, per s.s. Rotorua, on Saturday, 28th instant, at 9 p.m.
Money Orders and Registered Letters will close at 5 p.m. Book Packets and Newspapers, at 8 p.m., 28th instant.
For the undermentioned places every Monday, and Thursday, at 5.30 a.m. – Clive, Hastings, Havelock, Te Aute, Kaikora, Waipawa, Waipukurau, Danevirk [ Dannevirke ], Norsewood, Tahoarite [ Tahoraiti ], Woodville, Foxton, Palmerston, Wanganui, Taranaki, Wellington and Southern Provinces, &c., Wallingford, Porangahau, Wanui [ Wainui ], and Castle Point.
On the other days of the week, mails close as usual, at 6.30 a.m.
Chief Postmaster.
The Weekly Mercury
SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1877.
CAPTAIN RUSSELL met his constituents on Wednesday night in the Oddfellows’ Hall, which was crowded, when he received an unanimous vote of confidence. This result did not in the least take any one by surprise; it was what we expected, and what we had trusted would follow naturally from a manly explanation. Napier electors are not a difficult body to please. They demand, however, the confidence of their representatives, and when they obtain it, as they now have done, they are willing and happy to return it. The feeling of irritation caused by Captain Russell’s departure from the colony was entirely owing to an impression that in leaving his post in the House, without informing his constituency of his intention, he had not treated the electors with the confidence they expected and deserved. No objection would have been raised to his leaving the colony at a time when there was every prospect of the session being at an end, but considering the reason that impelled his departure, the electors would have been the last to have taken exception to a course domestic affairs rendered imperative. All that was needed, all that the circumstances of the case demanded, was that some notification of his departure should have been given. The absence of this required an explanation, which, having been given, has set the matter right, and replaced Captain Russell in the position he held in relation to the electors when he was returned as a colleague of the late Sir Donald McLean.
Captain Russell’s address was fully reported in our last issue. It will be seen from its perusal that, in giving a thorough support to the Government, last session, Captain Russell fulfilled his election pledges. Representative government means government by party, and the man who enters Parliament pledged to no party or to no principles, is, if he be not of stupendous genius, of very little utility to his constituency. The independent member, may be in his own estimation superior to those who are bound by party ties, but he is often only independent in order to discover the most profitable side on which to jump off the political rail on which he is sitting. Captain Russell could see no illegality in the “big swamp swindle” that gave 80,000 acres of land to a party of capitalists at half-a-crown an acre. As a Ministerial supporter he was bound to be blind to a transaction that could only be defended on the ground that a hostile vote would place in power a party not one whit more honest than that which was ousted.
On the question of payment to members Captain Russell and Mr. Sutton are not in perfect accord. Mr. Sutton is in favor of an honorarium that will cover the necessary expenses of members at the seat of government. Captain Russell does not believe in this at all, and is of opinion that should a constituency elect to send a representative to Parliament whose means will not allow him to leave his private affairs, the constituency should provide him with the required funds. This is admirable in theory, but would never work in practice. But, holding as he did this lofty opinion, we are surprised that Capt. Russell did not treat his honorarium as Mr. Waterhouse, and one of two other wealthy members of the General Assembly have invariably done – give it to a local charity. The Napier Hospital Committee would be glad to receive the £143 Captain Russell drew as honorarium last session, and its gift would practically illustrate his objection to the payment of members.
THERE have has been so many reconstructions of the Ministry since the commencement of the present Parliament, that it is impossible to say whether the existing Government hold themselves responsible for the promises made by their predecessors. It will be remembered that last session opened with Sir Julius Vogel as Premier, who, on accepting the appointment of the Agent-General, was succeeded by the Hon. H. A. Atkinson. Mr. Atkinson’s Ministry which contained Mr. Ormond as Minister for Immigration, in consequence of the grave doubts as to the legality of its construction, deemed it advisable to resign, and was immediately reformed, Mr. Ormond and Mr., Hall not being included within it. Since then, the Ministry has been almost entirely reconstructed. The Hon Dr. Pollen, has succeeded the late Sir Donald McLean as Native Minister, and Mr Ormond has taken Mr. Richardson’s post of Minister of Public Works. We know that the existing Ministry has given distinct promises of one sort and another, and have furnished some little evidence of a determination to carry on the government of the country with the utmost economy consistent with the efficiency of administration. Before the reconstruction of the Government there was nothing of this intention manifested or promised, and it is a question whether the present Atkinson-Ministry identify themselves with the late Atkinson Ministry, or with the Atkinson Ministry that preceeded the one before last. Taking it, however, for granted that with respect to any important measure, promised by the Government to have their consideration during the recess has not been ignored, the question of representation, both European and Maori, will be brought forward this forthcoming session. This promise was extracted from Mr Whitaker when Mr Tairoa moved the second reading of the Maori Representation Bill. Mr Whitaker said it was the intention of the Government during the recess to consider the question of representation generally – to consider all those laws which had reference to the presentation of the people, amongst which would be the electoral law. He thought that the Maori representation had never been upon a fair and proper basis, but that the present was an inopportune time to increase the number of members, because it might hamper the Assembly next session in dealing with the subject. Mr Tairoa’s Bill, which proposed to give the Maoris seven members in the House of Representatives, was thereupon modified into a sort of Native Continuance Representatives Act. In 1867 the first Act was passed giving the Maoris their special representation; it was in the nature of an experiment, and was only to continue for five years. In 1872 another Act was passed continuing the Maori representation for another five years, which period expires in October next. The Act of last session was to continue the operation of the former Act during the pleasure of Parliament. That is the position of the case as it stands at present, and it must be admitted to be a very unsatisfactory one. In reference to this question Captain Russell’s remarks when addressing his constituents las week, would commend themselves to all settlers in Hawke’s Bay. We need not here quote what he said on that occasion, suffice it to say that the unjust advantages in representation the natives possess over the Europeans, more especially in this provincial district, are patent to all, and call loudly for an alteration. In what manner the General Assembly will deal with the question, or in what shape the Government Bill will be brought down, we cannot of course form a conjecture. There appeared, however, last session, a strong feeling in the House to retain special Maori representation, and, as it apparently has great value in native estimation, we can see no reason for its discontinuance. That being so, however, the right of the Maoris to vote at elections for European representatives should be anmulled [annulled], for under no circumstances should such privileges be allowed to one race that are denied to all other.
THE members of the Orange Lodges in the Hawke’s Bay District celebrated the anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne on Thursday in the Oddfellows’ Hall, by a supper and Ball. About 8 o’clock, the Worshipful Grand Master, Bro. D. Lindsay, after marshalling the members in the body of the hall, took his seat at the head of the supper tables, which were laid out on the stage, in a manner which reflected the highest credit on the purveyor, Mr. Black. The Grand Master was supported on his right by the Rev. G. M. D’Arcy Irvine, M.A., and on his left by the Rev. Mr. Parkin. The Rev. D Sidey and the Rev. Mr. Berry, in response to invitations sent, were unable to be present, the former owing to ill-health, and the latter having ministerial duties to attend to which he could not postpone. After the Grand Master had taken his seat, between eighty and ninety members, with their wives and lady friends, sat down to the supper-tables, and after the company had enjoyed the good things, so well provided, the tables were cleared of the remnants of the repast.
The usual loyal toasts, were then drank and were heartily and cheerfully responded to.
The Grand Master then proposed “The Memory of King William, Prince of Orange,” and in doing so referred to historical facts in connection with his reign. It was drunk with lodge honors.
Brother Cotton then proposed the health of the “Imperial Grand Master, the Earl of Enniskillen.”
Bro. B. Johnson proposed “Success to Orange Institutions all over the Globe.” Mr Johnson referred in glowing terms to the principles on which the Society was based, and to the great amount of good, both in a social and charitable sense, they had done and were doing. He said when the first lodge started, it only comprised 20 members; now, in Great Britain and Ireland, there were 300,000 members, in the dominion of Canada, 30,000, and no matter where the British flag floated, there would Orangeism be found. In New South Wales there were 30,000 members, and a similar number in Victoria, and in New Zealand – the land of our adoption – there were 3,000 members (Cheers.) The toast was drunk amidst great applause.
Bro Kelmsley proposed the toast of the “Protestant Clergymen.”
The Rev. G. M. D’Arcy Irvine, in an eloquent speech, during which he was frequently applauded, replied to the toast, speaking in high terms of the principles on which Orangeism is founded. His sympathies were entirely with the Order for he was the son and grandson of Orangemen, and a nephew of the late Grand Master of the Orangemen of Ireland, Viscount Dungannon; and he might also add that he had been for many years one of the Domestic Chaplains of His Grace the Duke of Leinster who was also an Orangeman.
The toast next on the list was “The Press,” which was proposed by Bro T. Moore, and responded to by the representatives of the Herald and TELEGRAPH – Messrs T. Morrison and E. Grigg.
The toast of “The Ladies” followed, and was responded to by Bro J. S. Masters.
Bro Gilmour proposed “Our Visiting Friends,” and the Rev Mr Parkin “Prosperity to No. 5 and No. 24 Lodges.” Mr Parkin, in proposing this toast, made and excellent short speech, and was heartily applauded.
Bro Spence replied.
Bro Ben Johnson then proposed the health of the “Rev. Bro. Eccles.” And regretted that the gentleman’s absence, and said he felt sure no one regretted not being able to be present more than Mr Eccles himself. He held in his hand a Bible which the brethren had purchased to present to Mr Eccles. One of the members had remarked about the laws of the Order. He could assure all present that their book of rules was the Bible. (Cheers.) The toast was drunk most heartily.
Dancing was commenced at eleven o’clock, and was kept up with spirit until an early hour this morning.
July 16, 1877.
IN all probability the future members of the Clive Road Board will consist of Messrs Sutton, R.P. Williams, Caulton, Bennett, Hollis, and Stoddart. Speaking of the election, it is to be hoped that the next meeting will not prove as great a farce as the two previous ones. I know that some persons hold that inasmuch as the Board ceased to exist by effluxion of time prior to the insertion of the advertisement containing the meeting for the 25th instant that any action taken by such meeting will be illegal, whether such will prove to be the case I know not, but cannot refrain from thinking that the Clive Road Board will soon become as conspicuous as Waipukurau for the illegality of its proceedings.
Two new slaughter-houses are to be erected in close proximity to Clive, one by Mr. Hollis, the other by Mr. Merrit, these buildings will prove a source of convenience as there will be no necessity for driving cattle to the Slaughter-house near Tareha’s bridge. When they are completed, however, it is only to be hoped that they will be kept thoroughly clean, and that no noisome exhalations will be allowed therefrom.
Lambing has already commenced, which is rather early for this neighborhood.
I omitted in my last to notice that a large seal was captured on the beach near Mr. Baldwin’s wool washing establishment. The animal made a desperate struggle for life, and in doing so one of the capturers had a very narrow escape from injury.
Among the many improvements going forward none is more conspicuous than the pleasure gardens which Mr Toop is having laid out in connection with the Farndon Hotel, in wich [which] grassy lawns, arboretimas, and shady walks, I understand, are to form conspicuous elements, besides which, there will be an orchard, well stocked with a great variety of fruit trees. This garden being contiguity to the public park will not only enhance the value of the property but doubtless form a favorite resort to holiday keepers from your city.
Mr R.P. Giffard is about paying a visit to India and the old country. That gentlemen will take the good wishes of the community with him, and his speedy and safe return will be looked forward to with pleasure by all who know him during his long residence in this district. There is some talk of a dinner being given to this gentleman prior to his departure.
SIR, – The importance of something being done to protect the river bank at Hamlin’s corner is beginning to be felt by the owners of property in the immediate neighborhood, still the apathy displayed by them in the matter is truly unaccountable; for I might say to the most obtuse, it must appear palpable that at the next flood the whole of the property in contiguity to the said corner will in all probability be submerged. This danger has been materially increased by the works now being carried out at Merritt’s corner under the auspices of the railway authorities, which will have the effect of backing the water to the other side, and causing the river to overflow its bank at the point alluded to, whence it will be carried both to East and West Clive, causing destruction to property, and, possibly, death, in its onward career. In the flood of January last, Mr Hague lost 300 sheep, and many other persons were great sufferers, besides properties being under water for several days. Now, if this occurred when there was free egress for the water at Merritt’s corner, I would ask what is likely to take place now that an embankment some four feet above its natural level is formed there? True this embankment (if it stands) may protect the railway, but must of necessity be the cause of serious loss to property holders both in East and West Clive. Therefore it behoves them to be up and doing at once, as delays are dangerous, and the sooner they call a public meeting to ventilate the matter, the better it will be for themselves. As to the planting of willows at this spot, I am under the impression that it would be money thrown away in consequence of the bank being almost of a perpendicular character, and that instead of them affording protection they would be swept to sea by the first flood. Yet it would be well if the people suggested by Mr. Bennett were to raise an amount of money amongst themselves, and then call in the assistance of some thoroughly competent engineer and obtain from him plans and specifications for the permanent protection of the river bank at the place spoken of; after which if they found they had not sufficient funds for carrying out the work, let them apply to the County Council to supplement the funds they have in hand. By doing this they will be taking a step in the right direction, and in all probability be the means of preventing danger and death. – I am,. &c.,
West Clive, July 11, 1877.
SIR, – While quite agreeing that it is high time that something should be done to secure to the consumers of spirituous liquors a guarantee that they should be supplied with an unadulterated article, I am under the impression that the conference at Wellington has not devised any steps by which this great desideratum is to be accomplished. It is all very well for the Venerable Archdeacon Stock to wish that that old and demoralizing institution – the “stocks” – was in existence. Whether this institution derived its existence from the ancestral house of the Archdeacon I know not; still there is a striking similarity between the two names, which may account for his respect for this ancient institution. However, I would ask the Archdeacon, with all due respect, whether, in the days of the existence of the stocks, it prevented people from getting drunk? I am under the impression it did not. No; it only tended the degrade and demoralise those who were subjected to punishment; hence, and very wisely, the cause of its disuse. And since that time the tardy efforts to improve the drunkard has been to elevate and not degrade the unfortunate who perhaps, step by step, from causes unknown to the outside world, has become a slave to ardent spirits.
Further on in the proceedings of the conference I find it urged by Mr Hutchison, the Mayor of Wellington, (who from personal acquaintance I know to be a shrewd and deep-thinking man), that public-house licenses should be granted in the proportion of one license to every thousand inhabitants. This may appear all very well, but I hold that if in that one thousand inhabitants there is a given proportion addicted to drinking, they will still continue to drink whether there is only one or twenty public-houses. But, on the other hand, it will create a monopoly in the liquor traffic, and, there being no opposition, the solitary publican will be enabled to vend the vilest compounds with impunity, and realize an independency in a short time by, in all probability, filling our lunatic asylums, hospitals and gaols, with men who have been deprived of their senses, or driven to desperation by the maddening influence of the adulterated liquors that those monopolists would have it in their power to retail, if such suggestion became the law of the land. Therefore it behoves the gentlemen forming the conference, to pause before they commit themselves to any particular line of recommendation for the legislature to adopt. At the present while admitting that each and everyone of them, are desirous of ameliorating the unfortunate position of the inordinate toper, and all doing in their own particular way the best to bring about this much wished for results, I cannot refrain from thinking that so far as they have yet proceeded their labors have been in vain, and in consequence thereof I am tempted to throw out a suggestion which if acted upon, I am under the impression will prove a greater safeguard against intemperance, and all the evils arising therefrom, than the mere limitation of the number of public houses, which have no more right to the limited than grocers shops, and we are all aware that the fewer there are of such shops the more liable we are to be supplied with inferior articles. This requires no illustration as it is an every day occurrence, and patent to nearly every householder. But to my suggestion, the primary cause if not of actual drunkenness of most of the evils arising therefrom, it to be found in the adulterated liquor which is sold throughout the whole of New Zealand. By some this is attributed to the publican, by others to the merchant, and further by others to the exporter; now which of the three happens to be the guilty party it matters little, but it is a duty that devolves upon the State to protect its citizens, and have the guilty person punished. Therefore I would suggest that from all spirits whether in bulk of in bottle, coming into the country immediately upon discharge from vessel, a small portion should be taken for analytical test; if this was found to be adulterated, the whole should be destroyed. I say destroyed, as it would be difficult and expensive to reach the shipper at home with a fine. Should it prove genuine and passes to a merchants’ store, the said merchant should give notice when a sale tales place to the Customs that he had sold a certain amount of liquor to a certain publican, and before it left his store another analytical test should be gone through, and if found adulterated, a fine of at least £100 should be inflicted with a forfeiture of license for ever. But if it reached the hands of the publican in its purity, and that person was found guilty of adulterating the liquor, all his goods and chattels should be confiscated, and he subjected to penal servitude for at least two years. Such is my suggestion, and I may be told that it would not work, inasmuch as it would be expensive; still such a line of argument I must confess I cannot see, but assuming such to be the case, I say another shilling a gallon duty upon wines and spirits would meet the difficulty, and more than pay for any expenses that are likely to arise, and thereby produce good from evil. It was my intention to have gone further into this matter, but fearing that I have already trespassed too far upon your valuable space at the present, I may with your permission return to the subject again. In the meantime. – I am, &c.,
July 14, 1877.
SIR, – The reason urged at the Borough Council meeting last night for not sending a delegate to the Wellington Municipal Conference was that Napier had nothing to complain of in the working of the laws relating to Municipal institutions, and this happy state of things was due to the Corporation so performing its duty as always to receive the Colonial subsidies in good time.
His Worship the Mayor must have been gratified at being able to draw such a favorable comparison between the working of this Corporation and that of all others in the Colony. If his language was somewhat cramped at the time, it was owing most likely to the feeling that it would be unbecoming too express to much pride in the result of his administration.
But, Sir, why should we hide our light under a bushel? I would suggest that a letter be sent from our Council, inviting members of all the Corporations in New Zealand to Napier to come and take a lesson from the working of this Municipality. A few weeks residence here would doubles be of more use to them that an attendance at a Conference which is merely called to devise amendments to laws that, if properly understood and carried out, require no alteration. Our visitors could also take a lesson in our water-works scheme our open drainage system, and our night-soil removal plan. All these, your readers must allow are perfect in their kind, and reflect,, in a marked degree, the wisdom of our Councillors, whose practical common sense at once discerned that nothing can possibly be suggested to the Government which would tend to improve the working of the Acts relating to Corporations, and that any pressure brought to bear on the Legislature for the amendment of those laws would be hurtful.
As long as we get our subsidies, why should New Zealand Municipalities strive after the freedom that took ages for the English Corporations to wring from the Crown? Let the Government receive our revenues, and dole them back as it lists. The day may come when the Government will stick to what it can grab, but in the meantime let us rest and thankful. – I am., &c.,
July 17, 1877.
(Before R. Stuart, Esq., R.M.)
Five adjourned cases of complaints by Receiver of Land Revenue, were down for hearing this morning. Two were adjourned until to-morrow morning; in two others fresh summonses were ordered to be issued, and in the other case viz., Tylee v Moore and others, for £4 16s 6d, Crown grant fees due, the complaint was dismissed.
There were thirteen cases on the cause list for hearing to-day. In five of these the date of hearing was extended; five others had been settled out of Court, and the following came before the Court: –
Anderson v. Moorehouse. – Claim £20, and adjourned case. On the application of Mr Lascelles the hearing was further adjourned until the 27th July instant.
Cohen v. Ingram – Claim of £14 15s for musical instruments, watch, and jewellery supplied. Defendant did not appear. Judgment by default for plaintiff, for amount claimed, with £2 6s costs.
North v. Gallagher – Claim £2 15s. No appearance. Case struck out.
Graham v. North. – On a judgment o[on] the 18th May last for £3 15s. Defendant did not appear. Order made that the amount, and further costs of 9s, be paid forthwith, or in default defendant be committed to prison for one month.
(Before J.A. Smith, Esq, J.P., and T.K. Newton, Esq., J.P.)
John Glover, a man who has figured in the Police Court several times before for different offences, was convicted on the evidence of Constable Motley, on a charge of having no visible lawful means of support, and was committed to gaol for one month with hard labor.
An information, laid by Constable Black against a female for assaulting him while in the execution of his duty as such constable, was dismissed.
James Dornett, for allowing offensive matter to be cast on the beach, within the Borough of Napier, being a public place, was fined £2, with cost 6s 6d, or in default seven days imprisonment. The money was paid.
An information against William Hodgkinson and John Cartwright, laid by one Henry Bagley, for feloniously stealing two mares, one cart, and two sets of harness, the property of the informant, was dismissed, no evidence being offered in support of the charge.
Receiver of Land Revenue v. New Zealand Trust and Loan Company (Limited.) – A complaint that £4 16s 6s,[6d] fees on a certain Crown Grant was unpaid, was withdrawn.
Same v. Kinross – A similar case to the last, amount £14 10s 6d. This case was defended. Evidence on both sides was taken, and the decision reserved until Monday, the 16th instant, at 2 p.m.
(Before Robert Stuart, Esq., R.M.)
John Murphy (not the cabman) was charged with taking a drop too much yesterday. He pleaded guilty, and was fined 5s or 24 hours hard labor. He chose to break stones.
Francis Coyne, a man with not a very prepossessing appearance, was charged by Constable Black with being drunk yesterday. He pleaded guilty. The same prisoner was also charged by Mr Black the proprietor of the Q.C.E., with having stolen from his premises a hat, valued at one shilling. The prisoner denied the charge, and said that he took the hat with the consent of a daughter of Mr Black’s. Complainant said that his girl was only seven years of age, and had not given the man the hat. The prisoner had come into his establishment and took possession of a room without he or his wife giving his consent.
His Worship dismissed the charge of drunkenness, but as a warning to prisoner to keep his head out of other people’s hats in future, he sent him to Miller’s Seminary for fourteen days.
Eight civil cases only were on the cause list for hearing this morning, of which number the following came before the Court; –
Vickers v. Karaitiana Takamoana. – Claim of £5. Balance due on a two-horse dray sold by plaintiff to defendant two years ago for £25, and of which £20 had only been paid. Defendant did not appear. Judgment by default for amount claimed, and 15s costs.
LeQuesne v Trask – Claim £5 7s 10d, balance of an account for timber and coals supplied. Defendant not appearing, judgment went by default for plaintiff for amount as claimed, and costs 13s.
Cohen v Houguez. – Claim £5, for jewellery sold and delivered. No appearance of defendant. Judgment for plaintiff (by default) for £5 9s, including costs.
Of the other cases four were adjourned and one had been settler out of Court.
Government Notifications.
Crown Lands Office,
Napier, 19th May 1877.
Notice is hereby given that the following selections of land in the MAKARETU RESERVE having been forfeited, will under Section 13 of the above Act, be sold for Cash, by Public Auction at the Crown Lands Office, at Noon on MONDAY, the 30th July 1877.
Applications Contents Upset price
A.R.P £ s. d.
13 100 0 0 50 0 0
15 100 0 0 50 0 0
17 200 0 0 100 0 0
49 100 0 0 50 0 0
50 60 0 0 30 0 0
54 100 0 0 50 0 0
86 40 0 0 20 0 0
110 50 0 0 25 0 0
111 50 0 0 25 0 0
*The above areas are exclusive of 5 per cent allowance for Roads.
Commissioner of Crown Lands.
9,000 ACRES Freehold, Agricultural and Pastoral, Seaboard, with
14,000 acres Leasehold, valuable improvements, and
18,000 Sheep, few Cattle, Horses, &c,
3,920 acres Freehold Agricultural rich pastoral land, Wairoa, with
800 Sheep, and 100 head Cattle
900 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa
4,677 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa, with
3,000 Sheep, and other necessary working improvements
25,000 acres Leasehold, Poverty Bay, and
112 acres Freehold, close to town, with
20,000 Sheep, and improvements
4,200 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Poverty Bay
11,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, Poverty Bay, with
3000 Sheep and few Cattle
1,600 acres Leasehold, half interest, Poverty Bay
28,750 acres, Poverty Bay, situate about 20 miles from Tologa Bay, title under Native Lands Court
1657 acres rich Pastoral Land, good title, Poverty Bay
1385 acres rich Pastoral Land, good title, Poverty Bay
8,800 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa Bay, with
3,000 Sheep and good improvements
3,000 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,220 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
400 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,200 acres Freehold, Rich Pastoral Land, improved, Opotiki
225 acres Freehold, excellent Land, Omaranui, with
1,600 Sheep,
30 head Cattle, and a few Horses, with improvements
Stock and Station Agent.
MR. EVAN’S Draught Stallion, “LORD NELSON,” by “Sir Colin Campbell,” dam “Blossom,” etc.
Liberal terms.
For further particulars apply to
On Deferred Payments.
For particulars, apply to
NOTICE is hereby given that the FEES for Registering Dogs in the above County can be paid to
Sergeant HAWKE, Te Kapu.
Constable RYAN, Wairoa.
Or to the undersigned,
County Clerk.
County Clerk’s Office,
Wairoa, 5th July, 1877.
(Certificate Leyden, Holland.)
Beg to announce that they have
They are now engaged
And for the following six weeks only,
In many cases HALF COST, to effect a Speedy Clearance, and make room for the Spring Shipment of New and Fashionable Goods ordered by the late Firm, to arrive at the end of August, also bought at a DISCOUNT by
Hours of Business during the Sale: –
From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday excepted.
One Price only will be the rule of this establishment.
Country orders specially attented to at Sale Prices.
Terms for the Sale will be Cash, or Cash on completion of Sale, and a Discount will be allowed in all purchases of £10 and upwards.
A.M.* A.M. + A.M. P.M. P.M.
Spit, depart 7.40 11.0 3.40
Napier arrive 7.50 11.10 3.50
Napier depart 6.45 7.55 11.30 4.10 2.30
Farndon depart 7.10 8.20 11.55 4.35 2.55
Hastings, depart 7.35 8.45 12.20 5.0 3.20
Paki Paki arrive 9.5 5.18
Paki Paki depart 7.53 9.13 5.20
Te Aute arrive 8.32
Te Aute depart 8.35 9.55 6.5
Kaikora depart 9.15 10.35 6.45
Waipawa, depart 9.35 11.15 7.25
Waipukurau arrive 9.55 11.15
Waipukurau depart 10.0 11.30
Takapau, arrive 10.50 12.20
* On Monday and Thursday only.
+ On Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.
A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
Takapau, depart 2.20
Waipukurau, dep. 7.10 3.15
Waipawa, depart 7.30 3.35
Kaikora, depart 7.50 3.55
Te Aute arrive 8.13
Te Aute depart 8.33 4.35
Paki Paki, arrive 9.10 5.15
Paki Paki, depart 9.12 5.22
Hastings, depart 9.32 1.0 5.42 5.20
Farndon, depart 9.57 1.25 6.7 5.45
Napier arrive 10.22 1.50 6.32 6.10
Napier depart 7.20 10.25 3.0
Spit, arrive 7.30 10.35 3.10
*Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday only.
Passengers are requested not to enter or leave the carriages while in motion.
Season tickets issued to and from all Station. Apply to the Manager.
To ensure despatch, Parcels should be booked fifteen minutes before the starting of the Train.
General Manager,
Napier, March 8, 1877.
Watches! Watches! Watches !
DRAWS special attention to his Magnificent Stock of WATCHES, just received direct from English and American Manufacturers, and made Specially to Order, which, for Excellence and Cheapness, are unequalled in the colony.
All Watches sold at this establishment are thoroughly regulated and put in working condition before leaving the premises, and Guaranteed.
SAMSON FENCE WIRE. – This is an entirely new article, and is fast superseding the old style. Five Wires weigh Ten cwt. per mile, and costs in Melbourne £12 10s, versus Seventeen cwt. ordinary wire costing £14 10s (the relative cost will be the same at the principal ports of Australasia) with the advantage of having Seven cwt. less to pay carriage for. Over 1,000 TONS sold by one firm last year, giving unbounded satisfaction. Send for full descriptive circular with innumerable testimonials from leading colonists, and judge for yourselves. McLEAN BROS., and RIGG, Importers, and General Ironmongers, Melbourne.
“By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” – See in the Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk.
Sold only in pockets (tins for abroad), labelled: –
and at
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted in English, Continental, and American Newspapers, Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines, Books, and Stationery supplied with accuracy and punctuality, and at the lowest prices.
Proprietors of Newspapers furnished with Paper, Ink, and every requisite connected with the printing business.
Indents through the Sydney and Melbourne houses, and Commissions executed quickly and economically generally.
Persons suffering from weak or debilitated constitutions will discover that by the use of this wonderful medicine there is “Health for all.” The blood is the fountain of life, and its purity can be maintained by the use of these pills.
in his work entitled “The Nile Tributaries in Abbyssinia,” says, “I ordered the dragoman Mahomet to inform the Fakey that I was a Doctor, and that I had the best medicines at the service of the sick, with advice gratis. In a short time I had many applicants, to whom I served out a quantity of Holloway’s Pills. These are most useful to an explorer, as possessing unmistakable purgative properties they create an undeniable effect upon the patient, which satisfies him of their value.”
Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment. I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse feed poured in upon us until at last a teaspoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
On the Label in the address, 533, Oxford-street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
With a “New York” Label.
Spital Hill, Sheffield, direct the attention of Flock Owners and Shearers to their Improved New Pattern, No. 69 Shear, which for quality, style, finish, and adaptability to the requirements of the Australian and New Zealand markets, cannot be surpassed. The main features are – great extra width of steel in the blades, accurately ground, long shanks with narrow grip. Procurable at the leading Ironmongers’ Warehouses throughout Australasia.
Look for this Trade Mark in blade.
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
Standing Advertisements for Three, Six or Twelve Months can be arranged for at a Liberal Discount.
Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original order) must be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager.
W. DENHOLM, Port Ahuriri
£ s d.
Per Quarter, if paid in advance 0 6 6
Per Quarter, if booked 0 7 6
Per Annum, if paid in advance. 1 6 6
Per Annum, if booked 1 10 6
Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1877.
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Names –
Allen, Mr & Mrs Henry Allen Anderson, Mrs Ashforth, H A Atkinson, Mrs Atward, Austen, Captain Austin, Henry Bagley, Baker, Baldwin, M Banks, Banks, J Barry, Battley, Captain Baxter, M Bazil, Percival Bear, J Beck, T Begg, Bell, Bennett, Rev J Berry, Best, E Bibby, Black, Constable Black, Black, Henry Bodaan, W M G Boggs, Bold, E H Bold, Bowler, Dr Buller, Constable Burne, Burtton, Captain Campbell, Cantwell, John Cartwright, Miss Carruthers, Caulton, Clark, Mrs Climey, Cohen, Colledge, H Condie, Cooper, Francis Coyne, Craig, Cropp, Fredrick Irvine De Lisle, W Denholm, Captain Doile, Dolbel, William Donne, James Dornett, Duncan, Rev J Eccles, Captain Evans, Eustace Coates Fannin, Ferguson, Flint, John Franklin, H Ford, Gallagher, Gannon, Gentle, Gibbon, Miss Gibbon, R P Giffard, Gilmour, Gleer, John Glover, Ellen Pinyon Goodwin, W Goodwin, Gordon Graham, E Grigg, Edward Henderson Grigg, J Grubb, Gulliver, Hague, Hall, J Hallett Hamlin, Harding, Mr and Mrs Josiah Harding, Capt Hare, Harkis, Sergeant Hawke, Henry, Col Herrick, Hill, William Hodgkinson, Hoff, Hollis, Holmes, Hoskins, Houguez, D S Hunter, Hurst, Hutchison, Ingram, Rev D’Arcy Irvine, Jarram, Thomas Jeffares, Jobson, Johnson B Johnson, S Johnston, Captain Kean, Kelmsley, Kinross, Eliza Margaret Laffoley, Philip Laffoley, Lambert, Lascelles, Constable Laurenson, Lee, LeQuesne, D E Lindsay, F D Luckie, James Lyon, Patrick Macartney, Alexander MacDonald, Macfarlane, Rev W Marshall, Masters G M J S Master, Captain McGillivray, McLean, Sir Donald McLean, Merrit, M R Miller, W J Miller, Capt McInnes, Captain McLean, Archibald McLean C O Montrose, Mr & Mrs Moore, T Moore Moorehouse, Isabella Morrison, Thomas Morrison, Constable Motley, Murphy, John Murphy, Mr & Mrs Naylor, T K Newton, J Nicholson, North, Charles Patrick O’Dowd Ormond, Oxley, Parker, T Parker, Frank Parker, William Parker, Rev Parkin Pilcher, Phillips, Dr Pollen, Daniel Pollen, Pulford, Quick, Father Reignier, William Ressimer, Richardson, Roach, John Robertson, Russell, H R Russell Capt Russell, Constable Ryan, G Rymer, S G E Sainsbury, Scarfe, Severn, Sherwood, Sibbald, Siddon, Rev D Sidey H Sladen, Smith, J A Smith, H W P Smith, Somerville, R Somerville, Sothern, J C Speedy, Spence, Spencer, State, Steward, Stoddart, S Stone, Strater, Mrs Strendale, G S Strange, Robert Stuart, Sutton, Swan, Tairoa, Karitiana Takamoana, Toop, Henry Stoke Tiffen, Louis Ansel Tiffen, Trask, Tuke, Tuxford, Tylee, Vautier, Vickers, Walker, Ward, Alfred Edward Warman, Waterhouse, J Watt, Wells, Whitaker, Col Whitmore, William, R P Williams, Herbert J Williams, H Williams, Rev S Williams, Wilson, J N Wilson, Miss Windsor, D A Wright, Henry Wright.
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