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- Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 089 - 28 July
Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 089 – 28 July
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.
9,000 ACRES Freehold, Agricultural and Pastoral, Seaboard, with
14,000 acres Leasehold, valuable improvements, and
18,000 Sheep, few Cattle, Horses, &c.
3,920 acres Freehold, rich pastoral land, Wairoa, with
800 Sheep, and 100 head Cattle
900 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa
4,677 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa, with
3,000 Sheep, and other necessary working improvements
25,000 acres Leasehold, Poverty Bay, and
112 acres Freehold, close to town, with
20,000 Sheep, and improvements
4,200 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Poverty Bay
11,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, Poverty Bay, with
3000 Sheep and few Cattle
1,600 acres Leasehold, half interest, Poverty Bay
28,750 acres, Poverty Bay, situate about 20 miles from Tologa [Tolaga] Bay, title under Native Lands Court
1657 acres rich Pastoral Land, good title, Poverty Bay
1385 acres rich Pastoral Land, good title, Poverty Bay
8,800 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa Bay, with
3,000 Sheep and good improvements
3,000 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,220 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
400 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,200 acres Freehold, Rich Pastoral Land, improved, Opotiki
225 acres Freehold, excellent Land, Omaranui, with
1,600 Sheep,
30 head Cattle, and a few Horses, with improvements
Stock and Station Agent.
MR. EVAN’S Draught Stallion, “LORD NELSON,” by “Sir Colin Campbell,” dam “Blossom,” etc.
Liberal terms.
For further particulars apply to
On Deferred Payments.
For particulars, apply to
of various extent, and
Stocked and Unstocked, in the Provinces of Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington. Canterbury, and Otago.
For particulars, apply at the office, Browning-street, Napier.
All First-class Flocks.
STORE SHEEP. – Various Lots of Store Merinos Ewes and Wedders for Sale.
THE undersigned begs to intimate to his numerous friends and customers that he has purchased the Stock-in-Trade of Mr D. MUNDELL, General Storekeeper, adjoining the Kaikora Railway Station, and will continue the same as a branch of his present business.
WITH a view to direct more attention to Agricultural Pursuits, it is proposed that a SPECIAL FUND be raised to offer Champion Prizes for Ploughing, for Provincial grown wheat and other cereals, as well as for root crops, miscellaneous Farm Produce, and Agricultural Implements heretofore provided for by comparatively small prizes from the general funds of the Hawke’s Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Society, the undersigned agree to subscribe the amounts undermentioned: –
£ s. d.
Hon. J.D. Ormond 10 0 0
M.R. Miller 10 0 0
R. Wellwood 5 0 0
G. Peacock 2 2 0
J.S. Giblin 2 2 0
John Heslop 5 0 0
John Bennett 2 2 0
F. Sutton 3 3 0
Hugh McLean 2 2 0
J.G. Kinross 10 0 0
Watt and Farmer 10 0 0
Coleman and McHardy 5 0 0
Routledge, Kennedy & Co. 2 2 0
T.K. Newton 1 1 0
E.W. Knowles 1 1 0
J.T. Johnson 2 0 0
(Mr Johnson will also give a Special Prize for best wheat)
Hugh Campbell 2 2 0
Dinwiddie, Morrison & Co. 5 5 0
John Gemmell 2 2 0
R.D. McLean 10 0 0
Capt. Newman 5 5 0
H.S. Tiffen 10 0 0
H. Williams 1 1 0
P. Dolbel 2 2 0
G. Condie 2 2 0
J. Barry 1 1 0
A. McDonald 1 1 0
T. Tanner 5 5 0
J. Chambers 5 5 0
A. McLean 3 3 0
W. Douglas 3 3 0
J.N. Williams 10 0 0
Russell Bros. 10 0 0
W. Cowper 5 0 0
W. Goodwin 2 2 0
Knight Bros. 2 2 0
J.J. Kelly 1 1 0
R. Somerville 2 2 0
T. Bishop 2 2 0
R.P. Williams 5 0 0
W. Burnett 2 2 0
W. White 2 2 0
Wm. Common 10 0 0
W. Villers 1 0 0
E. Moore, Union Bank 5 5 0
F. Tuxford 2 2 0
Boylan & Co. 2 2 0
H. Wall 2 2 0
J. McVay 2 2 0
R. Holder 2 2 0
S. Hooper 1 1 0
C. Carnell 1 1 0
Large and Townley 2 2 0
E. Lyndon 2 2 0
J.N. Wilson 5 5 0
W. Shrimpton 5 5 0
A. Grant 5 5 0
Margoliouth & Banner 3 3 0
Other subscriptions will be published on receipt of the country lists, the following gentlemen have kindly undertaken to collect subscriptions: – R. Farmer, R. Wellwood, J.S. Giblin, G. Peacock, J. Bennett, M.R. Miller, and the Secretary.
Gentlemen desirous of assisting in the above will further the business much by forwarding their names, with intended amount of donations, as early as possible to the sub-committee named above, to enable them to proportion the amounts to be awarded in prizes to each individual class.
Secretary Hawke’s Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Society.
Napier, July 9, 1877.
Men’s Elastic sides, at 14s
Men’s Bluchers, at 9s 6d
Men’s Army Bluchers, at 11s
Men’s Watertights, 14s
Men’s Shooters, light, at 16s 6d
Men’s Shooters, heavy, at 16s 6d
Men’s Oxonian, at 7s
Men’s Canvas Shoes, at 6s.
The following gentlemen have consented to Act as Local Provisional Directors.
NOTICE is hereby given that the following Clause was passed by the above Council at their meeting of the 12th instant, in addition to Bye-Law No. 7 as previously published.
“If any person shall permit the soil or surface of any public road throughout this County, to be destroyed or displaced by his pigs, he shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding Five Pounds (£5) in addition to which fine such pigs may be destroyed.”
Chairman of meeting.
Government Notifications.
Crown Lands Office,
Napier, 19th May, 1877.
Notice is hereby given that the following selections of land in the MAKARETU RESERVE having been forfeited, will under Section 13 of the above Act, be sold for Cash, by Public Auction at the Crown Lands Office, at Noon on MONDAY, the 30th July, 1877.
Application Contents Upset price.
A.R.P. £ s. d.
13 100 acres 50 0 0
15 100 acres 50 0 0
17 200 acres 100 0 0
49 100 acres 50 0 0
50 60 acres 30 0 0
54 100 acres 50 0 0
86 40 acres 20 0 0
110 50 acres 25 0 0
111 50 acres 25 0 0
*The above areas are exclusive of 5 per cent allowance for Roads.
Commissioner of Crown Lands.
Encourage Local Industry!
AS the planting season has arrived again, we beg to draw the attention of the public to our large stock of Nursery Produce. Our collection comprises all the well-known varieties of Conifers, Forest, Fruit, and hardy Ornamental Trees and Shrubs, and consists of –
23,000 Conifers, as Pines, Cypress, &c.
11,000 Forest and Ornamental Trees and Shrubs
7,000 Fruit Trees of the choicest varieties
2,000 Roses in great and choice variety
100 Choice Standard Roses
270,000 White Thorn, 1, 2, and 3-year old
6,000 Sweet Briar for hedges
2,000 Arbor Vitae for hedges
4,000 Cherokee Roses, Privets, and Pittis-porums [Pittosporums]
20,000 Osage Orange, &c.
We also have a large stock of Greenhouse and Stove Plants, Florist Flowers, Vegetables, and Flower Seeds of the best and choicest varieties. We can warrant all our trees, shrubs, and seeds healthy, sound, and true to name. We, therefore, beg to trust us trustfully with your esteemed orders, which shall have our best attention.
Orders addressed to us at the Nurseries, or left at our Seed Store, Emerson-street, Napier, will meet with prompt attention.
Our prices will be found as low and reasonable as those of any respectable house in the Colony. Where large quantities are ordered, a most liberal reduction in price will be made.
Hawke’s Bay Nurseries,
West Clive, near Napier.
PERSONS desirous of nominating relatives or friends in Great Britain for Passages to New Zealand are informed that the Monthly List will be closed on the 14th August, 1877.
Nominated Immigrants on arrival in the Colony, may join their friends immediately after inspection, and will not be required to go into the Depot.
Full particulars can be obtained from the Immigration Officer, Napier.
Immigration Officer.
WANTED KNOWN – That Printing is executed at the DAILY TELEGRAPH office below Wellington Prices.

July 20.
The departure of the Southern Cross for Napier was postponed from Saturday until to-day.
A Maori woman has been arrested on a charge of murdering her own child. The circumstances of the case have not yet come to light. An Inquest is being held this afternoon.
July 21.
The Manaia left at 2.30 p.m., for Napier with a full cargo.
There is plenty of maize still here.
July 24.
Sailed – Stormbird, for Napier, at noon. Passengers: – Messrs Austin and Stephen, Dr. Pollen and three in the steerage.

The following return has been laid on the table: – The return of lands held under depasturing leases presented to the House shows a total of 14,266,292 acres in the colony; total rents and assessments, £118,318 8s 1d; mineral leases, except gold mining, 59,776 acres; rents paid £3,314 72 1d; royalties, £149 18s 3d; depasturing leases. Auckland, 103,640 acres; rents and assessments, £162 10s. Hawke’s Bay, 121,765 acres; rents and assessments, £325 12s 7d; mineral, 39,060 acres; rents, £142. Nelson, 643,401 acres; rents and assessments, £4,586 10s 11d. Marlborough, 1,068,678 acres; rents and assessments £4,385 3s 11d; mineral, 1,103 acres. Canterbury, 4,676,400 acres; rents and assessments, £47,876; mineral, 927 acres. Westland, 452,876 acres; rents and assessments, £1,065; mineral 3,380 acres. Otago, 6,472,718 acres; rents and assessments, £59,784; mineral, 5,355 acres. Southland, 726,820 acres; rents and assessments, £6,181.
The annual reports of officers of Native Districts have been laid on the table.
Dr. Ormond, from Wairoa, May 11, reports: – “There has been no event of importance during the past twelve months. The floods here destroyed much food. The storekeepers have supplied the natives on credit, and thus prevented an appeal to the Government.” He has no hesitation in saying that every native in the district is about £10 in debt, and in some individual instances from £300 to £500. The in-land natives at Te Reinga have run up long accounts, and it is difficult to see how they can ever repay. One chief’s liabilities are £2000. Drunkenness, prostitution, and larceny, are on the decrease, a mania for gambling is prevalent. A strong belief in witchcraft prevails. In two instances chiefs visited Te Kooti to get witchcraft removed. The health of the natives is good. He has collected arms issued by the Government some years ago to the number of 211 stand. From a conversation with the Nuhaka natives, he is inclined to think surveys will be allowed to proceed. The native schools are not well attended. The Uriweras [Ureweras] at Onepoto have applied for another school.
S. Locke, under date Napier, May 23, 1877, says: – “Though no overt action has occurred in the Omaranui dispute, the natives still occupy 160 acres of the land.” He refers to the importance of the law being made definite in regard to minors, where no Registrar of Births, Deaths, or Marriages exists. Great inconvenience exists through a number of persons being inserted in one memorial of ownership under the Native Lands Act, 1873, in some cases there being over 300 names. He draws attention to the growing desire of the natives for subdivision and individualization of lands. The schools at Pakowhai and Omahu have not succeeded so well lately. A school house has been erected at Taupo. The school at Wairoa is fairly attended. Both schools at Poverty Bay are closed. He advocates four or more well sustained schools for the Island, capable of maintaining natives sent from their homes. He refers to the necessity of careful inspection of schools. He refers also to the large acquisitions by the Government of land in the County of Cook, and thinks native reserves should be placed under some restriction to prevent mortgage, sale, or lease. The Uriwera tribe is anxious to continue in a quiet state. The opening of a dray road from Taupo to Cambridge and Wanganui would be a great boon to the district, and he suggests a careful analysis and reports on the hot springs. The Maori population is somewhat less than last year. There is not much change to their social and moral condition. The Teetotal movement, revival in religion, interest in elections and Road Boards, occupy their chief attention.
Waipukurau County Election.
The poll was officially declared at 12.30 to-day. –
Waipukurau 53 67
Makaretu 27 32
Ruataniwha 39 9
Total 119 108
Majority for Mr S. Johnston 11
Parliamentary Papers.
The Governor, in a despatch to Lord Carnarvon, dated January 6, 1877, says: “There is in my opinion no public man in this country to whom the colony owes a deeper debt of gratitude than to Sir Donald McLean, and he has left a name behind which will long be remembered with respect and esteem by all parties in New Zealand.”
Earl Carnarvon, in reply, says: – “I sincerely agree with you in the estimate you have formed of Sir Donald McLean’s services, and the loss New Zealand sustained by the death of one who rendered such distinguished services during his public career, and who when retired from active part in the administration of affairs, had life and health left to him to exercise a beneficial influence over the population for the welfare of which he had done so much.”

Our special correspondent at Wellington has furnished us with a summary of a few of the Parliamentary papers laid on the table of the House last week. It will be noticed that the report of Dr Ormond and Mr Locke are quite contradictory so far as relates to the native school at Wairoa. Dr Ormond says: “The native schools are fairly attended,” while we learn from Mr Locke such is not the case. Who is right?
Amongst the passengers by the Rotorua was one who landed here with the object of following the occupation, or profession, of organ-grinding. We do not think there will be found a profitable opening at Napier. This community is under the impression that it is musically inclined, but the strains from a street organ would be slightly in advance of its requirements. It would be like the wastefulness displayed in throwing pearls before swine for a professional organ-grinder to exhibit his talents in our streets. We presume he will have to take out a license if he purposes turning our thoroughfares into places of public amusement.
There was a meeting of the Waste Lands Board on Thursday. After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed, some conversation ensued concerning the notices to be given to members of the sitting days. It was resolved that, for the future, notice should be given by advertisement in the DAILY TELEGRAPH and Herald. The consideration of a petition from Mr. J.W. Mitton, of Makaretu, was the next business. Mr Mitton, who is occupying land on the deferred payment system, applied to be allowed to make certain improvements in the place of erecting a dwelling house on the land. The Board decided that they could not authorise a breach of the regulations relating to the occupation of land bought on deferred payment. Mr. F.J. Rickard applied for permission to transfer a section of 100 acres at Makaretu to Mr. J. Bargrove. The application was granted on certain conditions relating to improvements.
From an advertisement it will be seen that Messrs Margoliouth and Banner have dissolved partnership, and that Mr Banner has taken into partnership, Mr Joseph Liddell, late manager of the Union Bank at Port Ahuriri.
The Hon Colonel Whitmore and Captain Russell were passengers to Wellington in the Rotorua.
To the Editor: Sir, I was exceedingly amused on Friday when reading Mr Leslie Campbell’s communication to the Herald, and the accompanying correspondence. Mr Campbell must be a most ingenuous individual to presume for one moment that the Fire Brigade would keep the fire ladders of my Company in repair, when one of the conditions of their accptance [acceptance] was that when required by the public they were to be lent. That is to say, builders, painters, and others, were to use them “when required,” and the Fire Brigade were to keep them in repair. That the Superintendent of the Brigade was perfectly right in refusing such an offer will be the opinion of nine-tenths of the community; and if “my” company cannot act more liberally to the public, it had better keep the ladders for the purpose they are at present used. – I am &c., ONE OF THE PUBLIC.
Mr Josiah Harding, M.I.C.E., whose arrival in New Zealand we have already mentioned, arrived in Napier on Friday by the Rotorua. Mr Harding was elected Associate of the institution of Civil Engineers in March, 1872, and Member in April, 1877, being the first native of this colony abmitted [admitted] to the membership of the Institution. He served as pupil under Mr Ramsbottom, of Crewe, for two years, and under Mr Baker, of the London and North-Western Railway, for two years more. He was afterwards engaged as assistant Engineer on the Theyton [Theydon?] and St. Helen’s Railway, the windening [widening] of the Liverpool and Manchester line, and other works. In 1870 he was appointed engineer to the Chanaral railway, Chili [Chile] a work including 45 miles of line, buildings, telegraph, &c., and which was completed in sixteen months, without other professional assistance. In 1871-2 he was engaged in extensive surveys in Valparaiso. In May, 1872, he was appointed engineer to the Antofagasta Railway, Bolivia, the main line being 80 miles long, besides numerous branches, and work including building, telegraph, &c., and the widening of the Company’s pier at Antofagasta. Mr Harding is the second son of Mr John Harding of Mount Vernon.
Mr C.L. Margoliouth, late of the firm of Margoliouth and Banner, has taken offices in the Hastings-street, and purposes to carry on his business of auctioneer, land and general commission agent, as heretofore. We wish Mr Margoliouth that success which his energy and attention to the orders of his clients fully merit.
The shareholders of the Napier Theatre Company held a meeting at the Criterion Hotel, last evening, Mr B. Johnson occupying the chair. The object of the meeting was to select a site from those offered for sale, for the erection of the Theatre building. On the motion of Mr J. Sheehan, a Committee was appointed by ballot from those present, to report on the sites, and the probable cost of erecting a theatre. The meeting then adjourned till that night fortnight.
Political gossip from the seat of Government, as telegraphed to Auckland by the Star’s correspondent, is as follows. – “It is stated that £2000 will be placed on the estimates for the family of the late Colonel Balneavis. Mr Baker, the interpreter of the Upper House will, it is said, be replaced by either Mr. Grace (of Napier), or Mr Riemenschneider. The latter gentleman is in the Native Office, and the former has been employed in it.” Since Mr. Riemenschneider has received the appointment.
The Taranaki natives are said to be in the constant practice of racing the train running from New Plymouth to Waitara, between Sentry Hill and Hemswood Road. The local paper fears that some accident will yet be the result.
Outside the editorial room people would not believe how much poetry there exists in the human breast. Every week we receive poetical contributions that, in accordance with an oath made long ago, are immediately consigned to the wastepaper basket. On Saturday another “poem” reached us, exhibiting so much genius – latent genius – such a knowledge of the laws relating to rhyme and language, that we have broken our resolution, and give it verbatim et literatim. May it act as a warning. –
Little Birds may chirrup,
Little dogs may Bark,
Little cages may contain
A good warbling little Lark.
Little acts of kindness,
Little words of love,
Makes this Earth an Eden
Like the Heaven above.
Little Stars shines Brightest
On a cold and frosty night;
When thy lantern burns dimly
Look to little Stars for light.
Little children mind this well,
Through all this world’s fight,
Allways trust in Providence,
T’is the purest surest Light.
“Twinkling Star”
– We earnestly pray that, for the future, our correspondents may forward their communications in prose.
Messrs Garrett Bros. received by the Rotorua on Friday the boots required for the Fire Brigade, and for the supply of which that firm were the successful tenderers.
We understand that a concert will shortly be given as a complimentary farewell benefit to Mr F. Jones, who is about leaving Napier. For the last five years, Mr Jones has given his valuable assistance at all entertainments that have been got up for charitable purposes, and the compliment now proposed to be given him is fully merited.
Before the Court rose on Saturday, His Worship complimented the members of the police for the zeal they were showing in the performance of their duties. This expression of opinion was doubtless drawn from the Magistrate owing to the number of cases recently brought before him against drivers who leave horses and vehicles under their care unattended in the public streets.
At the annual meeting of the ratepayers of the Heretaunga Road Board, held to-day, the following gentlemen were elected as members of the new Board: – Messrs Wellwood, J.N. Williams, Vickers, Saunders, and Somerville. The balance sheet showed a balance in favour of the Board of £240.
An accident occurred on Saturday afternoon to a ballast train while running from the Spit to Napier. When the train was turning the sharp corner opposite Onepoto [ Corunna Bay ], the central trucks ran off the line tearing up the rails and sleepers. The engine was not proceeding at a higher rate of speed than what is usual, and the accident must be attributed to the length and weight of the train. We have on several occasions alluded to the many dangerous curves not only on that portion of the line between the Spit and Napier, but also on the steep incline at Te Aute. Between the Napier station and the Spit, the curves are so numerous and sharp, that the line appears to have been designed with the special object of showing what could be done in serpentine railway engineering. The same remark applies to the Te Aute cutting where the curves are much more dangerous owing to the steepness of the incline. We have heard that the Spit line has been surveyed with the object of straightening the railway; it is to be hoped that the work will be proceeded with before another accident occurs, and that other serpentine portions of the line will also receive the same attention.
A communication has been received from the Primate by the Church Wardens of St. John’s, relative to the Incumbency of the parish. The Primate informs the Church Wardens that the Revd. J. Townsend has expressed his willingness to abide by his resignation of August, provided his salary was paid to the end of February last. We understand that the Church Wardens have agreed to this proposition, and that their reply has been forwarded to the Primate. It is reported that the Revd. H.W. St. Hill will be requested by the Church Wardens to take temporary charge of the parish, pending the completion of final arrangements.
The Hospital Committee met on Monday for the purpose of considering Mr Dugleby’s letter in reference to the acceptance of his design (Hope). Mr Dugleby stated that he could carry out his design for £3000; the committee desired to know whether that sum was estimated at current rates of materials. A resolution was passed accepting Mr. Dugleby’s plan, and that the premium of £50 be paid to him. The total number of plans received was sixteen, three from Dunedin, four from Napier, three from Wellington, and six from Auckland.
The Resident Magistrate carried out on Monday the threat he made last week to inflict the severest penalty in his power on those who left vehicles under their care unattended in the public streets, by fining two cabmen 40s and costs amounting to 9s. The cabmen, who were both employes [employees], did not pay the fine without a good British growl, taking as it did all their three months savings. It will, however, act on them and others as a caution in the future.
The football match between the Banks and the Football Club came off last Saturday, and resulted in a drawn game, each party scoring two. There was good play on both sides.
The Municipal Engineer calls for tenders for the removal of night refuse and soil; for the cartage of road metal and other materials, and also for the excavation and re-filling of about 8,700 lineal yards for trenches for laying water pipes. The tenders are all required to be sent to the Town Clerk’s Office, by noon, on Monday next.

By the next outgoing mail, the Immigration Officer for Hawke’s Bay will forward only eight nominations for intending immigrants. This is a considerable falling off from the numbers that are usually forwarded monthly.
The Commission appointed to take evidence at Napier in the case Russell v. Waka Maori, commenced its sittings last Thursday and sat on Friday, Monday, and Tuesday. Up to Tuesday only three witnesses were examined, while it is reported their number is legion. On the termination of the trial, we imagine the expenses will be tolerably heavy.
A Taradale correspondent informs us that every now and again a report is circulated to the effect that the Revd. P. C. Anderson has been offered some lucrative incumbency down South. The latest is that he is wanted at Akaroa, where a residence and £250 to £300 a year await him. These repeated invitations have not had the effect of inducing the reverend gentleman’s congregation to subscribe for him a more liberal salary than he now enjoys, and it is feared that the parishioners will soon lose his services.
A special meeting of the Municipal Council was held on Tuesday, for the purpose of receiving the report of Mr. J. Turley on the block of land proposed to be applied for by the Corporation as a Municipal endowment. (Seventy-Mile Bush). The Council also took into consideration a further communication that has been received from the Christchurch Corporation relative to the Municipal Conference to be held at Wellington.
From our advertising columns it will be seen that the firm of Pritchard and Olley, butchers, of Waipawa and Kaikora have dissolved partnership, and that in future the business will be conducted by Mr Olley alone, who receives all moneys and pays all debts. Mr Olley is well-known in the district, and will doubtless not only retain the support given to the old firm, but will also be able to extend the business.
At the last meeting of the Acclimatisation Society, the Chairman congratulated the members on the fact that through the efforts of the Society, hawks in the district were becoming scarse [scarce] if not nearly exterminated. Mr Sutton was rather over sanguine. Since the first of the present month, the Inspector of Police has had brought to him no fewer than 700 pairs of hawks’ feet, for which payment has been made to the tune of £37. Mr William Goodwin has been the greatest contributor, having drawn last week the sum of £8 12s. We cannot say that the olfactory nerves of those who visit the Inspector’s office are flattered just now by the number of hawks’ feet in the room.
Some alarm was occasioned in town on Monday through the non-arrival of the 10.20 a.m. train from Waipukurau. The cause of the delay was, we hear, owing to some defect [in] the engine, by which steam could not be got up. The train that should have left Waipukurau at 7.10 a.m. did not leave there until twenty minutes past ten o’clock. It is a significant circumstance, in relation to cattle slaughter, curves, and an unfenced line, that at each station there is now provided a stretcher for the carriage of the dead and dying.
Our Auckland correspondent informs us by telegram that the Parliamentary special correspondent of the Star wires to that journal the following regarding Mr Sutton: – “He made a sensible speech in seconding the address, but was evidently much impressed with the idea the [that] Sir Donald McLean’s mantle had fallen on him. His style is fair, but he is not the class of member to set Port Nicholson on fire with his eloquence.”
There arrived by the Kiwi, Snider rifles, breech loaders, cavalry swords, and saddlery, for the use of the police in the Hawke’s Bay district. As no ammunition was sent, pedestrians may yet walk the streets in security without being in fear of being shot at in mistake by our armed police.
The Police, we hear, were glad to obtain information through the columns of the Herald of the whereabouts of a youth to whom a Mr Taylor, at Port Ahuriri, has been acting as he supposed the Samaritan. When the youth again gets away from employment obtained for him, the Inspector of Police would be thankful for news regarding him.
In the morning sermon at St. John’s on Sunday, the Rev D’Arcy Irvine, in speaking of those who profess to be of no party, thus characterised them: – “They are neither for Christ, nor against Him; wise men after the flesh, who think they have found a via media, who look down on the battle of life as if only spectators – cautious, selfish gentlemen; they don’t commit themselves; they are not wicked, but they are not pious – not vicious, but they are not virtuous; hope they do no harm, but certainly do no good; useless, indolent, negative cumberers of the ground. If they are Ministers of Christ, ‘their trumpet gives an uncertain sound;’ if heads of families, nothing decided in their conduct – double-minded – unstable – afraid to confess Christ, and afraid to deny Him – a dead weight in society – slugglish hinderers of all good! Like shifting ballast in a vessel.” In the evening sermon, although acknowledging that there might be heathen morality exhibited by those who never heard of Christ, yet he boldly denied that there could be Christian morality apart from Christ – “He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without Me, ye can do nothing.”
From a special telegram published in another column, it will be seen that Mr. S. Johnston has been elected to represent the Waipukurau Riding in the Waipawa County Council. This is the fourth election, and it now remains to be seen whether another appeal will be made respecting its validity, it being well known that should such an appeal be made, owing to some blundering respecting the roll, the election would in all probability be again upset. Mr. Johnston, it will be seen, owes his election to the strong support given him by the Ruataniwha sheepfarmers, who worked heartily together to obtain the result they have achieved.
The s.s. Kiwi with the letter portion of the Hawke’s Bay mails arrived in the Bay on Saturday evening about 9 p.m. this portion of the mail was just a week on its way to Napier from Auckland, and only three mails have arrived here during the interval.
Since the 1st of June the amount received from the dog tax in the Borough amounts to £52. Although this is a good sum as compared with past years, yet it is well known half of those animals are not registered which should be, and we learn that steps are about to be taken by the police to summons those who will keep curs, and try to evade registering them. In a week or so, 70 of these individuals will be politely asked to make an appearance before the Resident Magistrate’s Court.
A meeting of the Co-operative Baking Committee was held at the Provincial Hotel on Monday. Several more shares were reported as being taken up, and the Company hope to be in a position shortly to commence operations.
A Waipukurau correspondent writes: – “I learn on reliable authority that the Hon. H.R. Russell does not at present purpose appealing against the election of Mr Johnston for the representation of the Waipukurau Riding, although he is aware such an appeal would not be made in vain. He will, however, become a candidate at the next general elections. It was astonishing to notice that Mr Russell’s chief support during the contest came from the small farmers, shewing clearly that had the voting not been plural, he could have out-distanced his opponent.”
Last week, a firewood hawker hailing from the Clive district had a narrow escape. He was returning home in the evening from town, and having on the road imbibed pretty freely, allowed his old horse to jog along, while he took a nap at the bottom of the cart. As the vehicle approached the railway crossing at the end of the Clive road, the train came along, but the horse kept on his way, the train just shaving past his harness. The driver lay still snoring in the cart, unaware of the danger he had placed himself in by his wanton carelessness.
Perceiving the necessity of a salt water well being sunk somewhere near the vicinity of the Post Office, so as to be available for the steam engine in case of fire, Mr S. Carnell has communicated with Mr Ormond, the Minister of Public Works on the subject, suggesting that the well should be sunk near the stone fence at the back of the Post Office, and also asked whether prison labor could be obtained for the work. Mr Ormond has sent to Mr Carnell a reply in the affirmative, and it now only rests with the inhabitants having property in that portion of the town to do their duty and subscribe together for the procuring of the necessary materials.
Last week the ratepayers in the Waipawa district assembled in the Rechabite Hall to elect a new Board. Great interest was manifested in the proceedings, and there was some warm discussion, in which several well-known Waipawa storekeepers took the principal part. The following ratepayers were afterwards elected as members of the Board for the ensuing year, viz.: – Messrs S. McGreevy, A. Robb, W. Olley, W.B. Garnham, and John Lloyd. The meeting was then adjourned to a future date, when the amount of the rate would be fixed. As the Board has now the power of fixing the rate, and not the ratepayers, and as there can be no object to be attained by calling another meeting, we presume it will not take place.
We have been requested to notify that in consequence of the general meeting of the Napier Athenaeum having been fixed for Friday evening, the public meeting to consider the licensing laws has been deferred to Monday evening, the 30th instant. Mr Fox has already given notice for the introduction of the Local Option Bill, and was well received by the House.
The erection of a new Hospital being a matter of such importance to the inhabitants of Napier, we feel that a brief description of the plan chosen by the Committee will interest our readers. The most noticeable feature in the design is the absolute separation of the various parts of the building one from the other, the communication being by means of covered ways open at the sides. We may remark that in this particular, which is so essential, most of the plans sent in were deficient. The operating room is situated in the centre of an octagonal court yard, from which the wards, surgeon’s quarters, and administrative blocks radiate. There are three wards, one of eight beds, and two containing fourteen beds each. Each ward is fitted with nurse’s room, scullery, W.C., bath room, and lavatory. The lavatories and W.C., are separated from the ward by means of lobbies arranged so as to prevent any offensive smell entering the ward. The surgeon’s quarters consist of two rooms for surgeon, examining room, and dispensary. The operating room is 16.0 by 22.0 octagonal in plan and lighted from the roof. There are in the administrative block two rooms for master and matron, nurse’s off-duty rooms, dinning [dining] room, visitors room, kitchen, and necessary offices connected therewith. At a distance from the building there will be a laundry. The mortuary and post mortem room will also be a detached building. The whole of the plan is so arranged that addition to an extent only limited by the size of the ground can be made without affecting the general arrangements. The style of the exterior is Italian, and when completed the new Napier Hospital promises to be one of the most perfect structures of the kind in the colony.
The Athenaeum reading-room was crowded on Tuesday on the occasion of the 1st series of Winter Entertainments, the accommodation for the audience being much too limited, many persons being unable to secure seats. The programme was an agreeably varied one, and the ladies and gentlemen who kindly took part in it fully merited the warm applause that greeted their efforts to amuse. These entertainments, which have now become a feature of the winter season here, have no pretensions of a character to call forth criticism. Their object is to increase the funds of the Athenaeum, to make that institute more generally useful, and at the same time to provide an innocent evening’s amusement. These objects are cheaply and successfully accomplised [accomplished] by this means, and it is to be trusted that those of the community whose abilities enable them to assist at these entertainments will employ them for so good a cause.
Some months ago the Corporation sued a ratepayer for 10s 4d for rates. Judgment was permitted to go by default, and this, with the costs, swelled the amount to 19s 4d. Still the ratepayer neglected to meet the demand, and a distress warrant was issued and a levy made on his goods and chattels. The cost of this document amounted to 8s. Shortly, however, after the bailiff had taken possession, the obstinate ratepayer, who was in a position to pay, found the sum of £1 8s 4d, and sent the bailiff away, thus saving 8s. It is astonishing that persons should be so foolish for such a paltry sum as first asked for (10s 6d) should allow matters to go so far, as to pay more than double the sum, allow their names to be dragged publicly through the Court, and put up with other inconveniences for no earthly object. We publish this case as a warning to other defaulting ratepayers.
Mr J. Turley returned from the Seventy-mile Bush on Saturday last, having been engaged on behalf of the Corporation of Napier, in selecting a block of land of 2000 acres in extent for a Municipal endowment. Mr Turley, as directed, proceeded to the Puketoi block, situated about five miles from Woodville, on the east bank of the Manawatu river. The 2000 acres selected are situated on the Puketoi block, having a frontage of about four miles to the Manawatu river. The land is heavily timbered with rimu, white pine, totara, and in time will doubtless prove a valuable endowment. The above information was enbodied [embodied] in Mr Turley’s report submitted to the Municipal Council at its special meeting on Tuesday afternoon, and approved of. An application for the block was drafted, and will be forwarded to the proper authorities at Wellington without delay.
The Revd. J.C. Anderson, in a letter to the Herald on Thursday, denies the statement made the other day by our Taradale correspondent, relative to the reverend gentleman having received the offer of the incumbency of Akaroa. We did not think it at all likely that such an offer would have been made him.
The Rev. Mr. Brown, who it will be remembered, preached a few weeks ago in Napier, in Trinity Wesleyan Church, and St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, has recently been holding forth at Wellington on Sundays in the Polytechnic Hall to large congregations. The members of the Baptist Church resident in the Empire City have resolved to build a church for the rev gentleman, if he can be induced to take up his abode amongst them.
The editor of the Post, when in company with a Mr Black, a reporter of that journal, in Willis-street Wellington, met another reporter of an evening paper named Brown. Messrs Black and Brown had some conversation, in which the editor joined. Mr Anderson challenged Brown as to the authorship of a certain paragraph in a temperance journal reflecting on Mr Anderson, and made use of language not at all complimentary to Mr Brown. The latter party took out a summons against Mr Anderson for using abusive and threatening language. The editor defended himself, and severely cross-examined the complainant, causing the Court at times to be convulsed with laughter. The case we need hardly say, was dismissed. The Mr Brown mentioned, we may say, is not Mr Lionel Browne, formerly sub-editor of the Hawke’s Bay Herald, and now filling the same position in the New Zealand Times.
When we read the proceedings of other Municipal Councils in the colony, we cannot but feel a little proud of the decorous manner in which the proceedings of the Napier Municipal Council are conducted as compared with others. At Wellington just now the Mayor is at loggerheads, not only with members of the Council, but with the Town Clerk and other officials. The proceedings as reported in the Wellington Post, are of a most humorous, though undignified character.
The Governor, by proclamation, has reserved section No 18 in the Nuhaka Survey District, containing by admeasurement 55 acres, as a ferry site.
Mr Thompson’s Diorama of the American War viewed from a Southern aspect will be exhibited in the Oddfellows’ Hall on Monday evening next. The scenery and incidents are wholly different from any previously shown here, the previous one exhibited being the Federal side of the picture, while on Monday we shall see how the Confederates fought to attain their independence.
The Patangata people (writes a correspondent) are very anxious to know if there is any likelihood of their getting the compensation promised then [them] by government for the land that was taken for the railway line, they now having waited patiently four years for the fulfilment of such promise. In these dull times, and the busy season not having commenced, the settlers would like to fill up their time in counting the bawbees.
At the annual meeting of ratepayers of the Patangata District held on the 24th instant, the following gentlemen were selected as Wardens: – W. White (Chairman), S. McGreevey, H. Small, J. Nicholson, and J. Collins.
On Wednesday, at 10 a.m., a fair average amount of intelligence, possessing the necessary qualification of ratepayers, assembled at Caulton’s West Clive Hotel for the purpose of electing wardens for the current year. – In the absence of Mr Sutton, Mr Bennett occupied the chair, and in opening the meeting said that he was proud to be in the position to state that the Clive Road Board had been worked more economically than any other Board in Hawke’s Bay. – He resumed his seat amidst the plaudits of the people. – Mr Orr, upon rising, said if any political differences might have arisen in the Road Board, he had none, but payments had been made which he thought not strictly correct. – Mr Bennett, in explanation, said that himself and Mr W. Caulton had examined the work done by Mr McPherson, and the payment alluded to by Mr Orr was found to be only what was due to the contractor. – Mr Lascelles was throughout the meeting very argumentative and with that well-known forensic ability of which he is the happy possessor he urged many points upon the attention of the electors, but unfortunately without the desired result, as the gentleman alluded to was one of the rejected candidates. – There was a great amount of desultory conversation but the result of the election was as follows (Mr Symms acting at [as] scrutineer): – Messrs Sutton, R.P. Williams, John Bennett, Hollis, and Orr were elected from out of ten candidates. – Clive Correspondent.
Some months ago Messrs Routledge, Kennedy and Co. received a consignment of Japanese fancy goods, from which their novelty attracted much attention, and met with a successful sale. The same firm has now received a second consignment from Yokohama, which will be sold on Friday, August 3th [3rd].
We have received a copy of the Bill “for the management of Charitable Institutions.” As its provisions will not affect the provincial hospitals or lunatic asylums, we have not considered it necessary to give a synopsis of its contents.
The members of the Napier Literary Association met on Wednesday in the Trinity Church School-room, the President, the Rev. J. Berry occupying the chair. After the rules passed at the previous meeting had been confirmed, the following office-bearers were elected: – Presidents, Rev. J. Berry and Dr. Spencer; vice-presidents, Dr De Lisle and Mr J. Dinwiddie; secretary, Mr Strange; executive committee, Messrs Grigg, Davis, and Bennett. A syllabus was then arranged for the next six months, consisting of subjects for debate, essays, readings, and recitations, and it was also resolved that the meetings should be open to the public. The President, the Rev. J. Berry then read a very able and appropriate address on the duties devolving on the members, and the benefits to accrue from the founding of such an Association. The first ordinary meeting will be held next Wednesday, when a debate on the principles of Local Option will be debated, the discussion being opened by Mr E. Grigg.
We hear that the manager of the Australasian Bank has been served with a notice from the solicitor of certain of the original owners of the Omahu estates, lately owned by Mr R.D. Maney intimating his intention to commence proceedings to set aside various deeds of sale.
The entertainment given on Wednesday by the Hawke’s Bay Combination Troupe in the Oddfellows’ Hall for the benefit of Mr H.R. Johns, was well attended. The efforts of the new troupe were more successful than were expected.
On Wednesday about 7.30 a.m., a horse with cart attached was to be seen going at a furious pace through Hastings street. The horse, however, declined to go up Shakespeare road at a less pace than a walk, and was then speedily overtaken. The horse belonged to Mrs Goddard, of the White Road.
The buildings formerly used as the National Bank were disposed of on Wednesday, by Messrs Routledge, Kennedy, and Co., for £41.
Captain Routledge received by the Tararua from Melbourne some new instruments for the use of the Artillery Band, and these were distributed on Thursday. We are glad to hear that the Band is making great progress.
At a meeting of the Committee of the Theatre Co. held on Wednesday, the resignations of Mr Upham as Secretary, and Mr Manoy as Treasurer, were received. The monies in the bank were to be handed over to Mr Sheehan and Mr Swan. After the transaction of other business, the meeting adjourned.
July 25.
Dr. Nesbitt, the Resident Magistrate, died this morning early. His decease will leave a blank in the community which will long be felt.
July 25
There was a very heavy sea on the bar last night. The weather is fine.
The Taupo sailed last night for Tauranga, Gisborne, Napier, and Southern Ports. Passengers Messrs R. Lusk, W.B. White, Jessop, Hay, Scanlon, Vernon, G.H. Brown, Thompson and Diorama Company, Chalmers, Fosset, Wilson, Warner, Bernard and servant, Rossen, Brodker, Elmslie, J.M. Meek, Miss Connell, Miss Joe, Mrs Corrigan and child, Miss Black, Mr and Mrs Fletcher, Miss and Tattersall.
The Pretty Jane sailed last night for Gisborne and Napier. Passenger Mrs Williams.
Shipping Intelligence.
20 – Rotorua, s.s., from Northern Ports. Passengers – Mesdames Harding and Williams, Misses Close and Williams, Rev Mr Williams, Messrs Ferris, Lusk, Harding, Easton, Sheehan, Holmes, Metcalfe, 13 in the steerage, and 22 for the South.
20 – Taupo, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Mr and Miss Brandon, Captain Evans, and the Hon. J. Johnston.
20 – Taupo s.s., from Wellington and Southern Ports. Passengers – Mesdames Todd and three children, Harding and one child, Philips and Cookson, Miss Brandon, Messrs Harding, Brandon, Johnston, Royse, Shirley, Matheson, Pritchard, Davies, Plante, Britton, and several others.
20 – Albatross, schooner, from Whangapoua.
21 – Kiwi, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Mrs Ryan and child, and Mr Gorrie.
21 – Result, s.s., from Mohaka. Passengers – Messrs Bee, Brandon, Sutherland, Ross, and several natives.
21 – Manaia, p.s., from Wairoa. Passengers – Mrs Burtton, Messrs Fraser, Ingram, Jobson, and several others, and a few natives.
21 – Mary Ann Hudson, ketch, from Mohaka.
23 – Fairy, s.s., from Blackhead and Pourerere.
25 – Storm Bird, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Dr. Buller, Messrs White, Beck, Chandler, Thomson, and Howard.
25 – Southern Cross, s.s., from Auckland. Passengers – Mrs Robinson and child, Miss Pitt, Messrs Harris, Clark, Dixon, and three steerage.
19 – Minnie Hare, schooner, for Auckland.
10 – Fairy, s.s., for Blackhead.
19 – Manaia, p.s., for Wairoa. Passengers Mrs Taylor, Mrs Atward and family, Messrs Fraser, Cattley, and Anderson.
19 – Result, s.s., for Mohaka. Four passengers.
20 – Rotorua, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Mrs Whitmore and maid, Mrs Saxby, Misses Macintosh and Rich, Col. Whitmore, M.L.A., Capt. Russell, M.H.R., Dr Pollen, Messrs Hart, Gordon, Mackenzie, Prendergast, Vesty, Morrison, Naylor, Dundas, Crabb, and 27 original.
20 – Jane Douglas, s.s., for Poverty Bay and Auckland
21 – Taupo, s.s., for Poverty Bay and North. Passengers – Mrs Brett, Mr and Mrs Shrewsbury and three children, Misses Brown and Davis, Messrs Ferris, Hill, Roach, Sneddon, Lorrigan, Marsh, Murphy, Forester, and several others.
22 – Opotiki, schooner, for Poverty Bay. Passengers – Miss Harris.
23 – Orpheus, schooner, for Mercury Bay.
23 – Ephemey, schooner, for Auckland.
24 – Kiwi, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Mrs Ryan and 2 children.
25 – Fairy, s.s., for Pourerere
26 – Result, s.s., for Mohaka and Wairoa. Four passengers.
26 – Manaia, p.s., for Mohaka and Wairoa. Passengers – Messrs Bee, Sutherland, Brandon, Bruce, Fraser and Ingram.
26 – Falcon, barquentine, for Newcastle, N.S.W.
The s.s. Rotorua, J. Macfarlane, commander, arrived in the bay at 9.15 a.m. on Friday. She cleared Sydney Heads at 8 p.m. on the 11th, and encountered a strong easterly gale, which continued the whole of the passage; passed the Three Kings at 6 p.m. on the 16th, but did not arrive at Auckland till 1 a.m. on the 18th; sailed again at 6.30 p.m. for the South, and anchored in the bay as above. She experienced head winds and moderate weather down the coast.
The steamers Manaia, Result, and Fairy, all left on Thursday for their respective destinations, viz., Wairoa, Mohaka, and Blackhead.
The s.s. Rotorua, Captain Macfarlane, left about 4 p.m. on Friday after discharging her cargo to the Sir Donald. The latter sustained some damage whilst laying alongside. The Rotorua had not a great many passengers from Napier.
The schooner Albatross has a cargo of sawn timber from Whangapoua, consigned to Mr Johnson, Spit.
The Union Company’s s.s. Rotorua, hence on Friday at 4 p.m., arrived in Wellington at 12.30 p.m., on Saturday.
The ketch Mary Ann Hudson returned on Saturday from Mohaka, with a full cargo of maize. On the passage up she sprung a leak, and she had to be discharged immediately on arrival in the Iron pot to keep her afloat. There was no damage to the cargo.
The s.s. Result arrived off Mohaka at 7 a.m. last Friday. At 2 p.m., a signal was made from shore to take the bar. Captain Baxter having the day before received a message that the bar was good he determined to try it. On going in she grounded on the bar, and went on the beach close to the mouth of the river, where she lay till all the cargo was landed. The captain then tried to get her in the river, but the fresh coming down caught her on the port bow, and canted her head seaward. Unfortunately a number of the inhabitants and natives were on board lending their assistance in getting her in the river when she canted, and as there was too much sea on to land them, they were brought on to Napier. Captain Baxter desires, through our columns, to return his sincere thanks to Messrs G. Bee, Sutherland, Ross, Brandon, Fannin, and the natives, for their prompt and efficient assistance.
The p.s. Manaia brings a full cargo of maize for Wairoa.
The s.s. Kiwi, Captain Campbell, arrived from Wellington via the Coast on Saturday at 9 p.m., and was brought to the wharf on Sunday at noon. She has about 30 tons of cargo for this port. The Kiwi, left Wellington on Tuesday last at 5 p.m., called at Castle Point to land some passengers, and arrived at Blackhead at 7 p.m. on Wednesday; she succeeded in landing about 74 tons of cargo for Messrs Hunter, and left at noon on Saturday for Napier, arriving as above. The ‘Frisco portion of our mails was on board the Kiwi, but neither the Captain or Mr Decker, the mate, was informed of the fact before leaving Wellington. Captain Campbell never suspected he had an English Mail, as he informed us the mail money he secured, amounted to 2s 6d.
The three-masted schooner Silver Cloud was 12 days going to Newcastle on her last trip, as against 9 ½ days on two previous trips.
Capt. Campbell, of the s.s. Fairy, was obliged to return to port with only the Blackhead cargo landed, too much sea prevented anything being put ashore at Pourerere.
The natives who were brought to Napier by the Result against their wish, were paid for their services on Monday, and leave for Mohaka overland on Tuesday.
The s.s. Stormbird, Captain Doile, had a smooth and calm passage from Wellington. She brings about 50 tons of general cargo.
The s.s. Southern Cross, Captain Holmes, arrived about half-past four on Wednesday, having had a head wind nearly the whole way down. In crossing the bar at the westward, at high water, she bumped several times, although only drawing about 9 feet.
The barquentine Falcon was towed out on Thursday by the Sir Donald. In crossing the bar at the westward channel the Falcon bumped once heavily, although only drawing eight feet two inches.
The s.s. Result is in charge of Captain Robert Baxter this trip, in consequence of the indisposition of Captain W.E. Baxter. She left on Thursday for Mohaka and Wairoa. From the latter port she will bring back a cargo of maize.
The p.s. Manaia also left on Thursday for Mohaka and Wairoa. She is expected to load maize at Wairoa.
It is reported in Wellington that Captain J.C. Andrew is likely to get the command [of] the Tairaroa on the coast in connection with the Wanaka, Taupo, and Hawea.
The s.s. Rotorua is due here on Sunday next, and will be the bearer of the outward English mails.
The s.s. Fairy left on Wednesday for Coleman and McHardy’s station. We hope she will be successful in landing the whole of her cargo.
For Fiji, Sandwich Islands, West Indies, America, United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, &c., via San Francisco, per s.s. Rotorua, on Sunday, 29th instant, at 9 p.m.
Money Orders and Registered Letters will close at 5 p.m. Book Packets and Newspapers, at 8 p.m., 28th instant.
For the undermentioned places every Monday, and Thursday, at 5.30 a.m. – Clive, Hastings, Havelock, Te Aute, Kaikora, Waipawa, Waipukurau, Danevirk [ Dannevirke ], Norsewood, Tahaorite, Woodville, Foxton, Palmerston, Wanganui, Taranaki, Wellington and Southern Provinces, &c., Wallingford, Porangahau, Wanui, and Castle Point.
On the other days of the week, mails close as usual, at 6.30 a.m.
Chief Postmaster.
BARRY. – At Taradale on the 29th June, the wife of Mr John Barry, of a son.
RIGGIR. – At Olrig, Maraekakaho, on the 2nd July, the wife of Mr John Riggir, of a daughter.
NASMITH. – At Port Ahuriri, on the 5th July, the wife of Mr James Nasmith, of a son.
JOHNSTON. – At Oruawharo, on the 7th July, the wife of Sydney Johnston, Esq., of a son.
HIRTZEL. – At Porangahau, on the 8th July, the wife of Charles A.M. Hirtzel, of a daughter.
NIGHTINGALE. – At Napier, on the 11th July, the wife of W.F. Nightingale, of a son.
MOORE. – On July 15, at Carlyle-street, Napier, the wife of Mr M. Moore, of a son.
ALLEN. – At Napier, on July 16th, the wife of Henry Allen, of a son.
LANGLEY. – At Cameron Road, Napier, on the 22nd July, the wife of Mr J. Langley, of a son.
CAREY – GARBUTT – On the 23rd June, at the residence of Mr George Ross, Wellington, by the Rev. J. Moir, George Nicholas, eldest son of the late Captain Carey, to Martha Jane, youngest daughter of the late Captain Garbutt, of Liverpool.
WRIGHT – GOODWIN. – At Hastings, on the 12th July, at the bride’s residence, by the Rev. W. Marshall, D.A. Wright, youngest son of the late Henry Wright, of New Plymouth, to Ellen Pinyon Goodwin, eldest daughter of Mr W. Goodwin, of Hastings.
WARMAN – LAFFOLEY. – At St John’s Church, Napier, on the 15th July, by the Rev. D’Arcy Irvine, Alfred Edward Warman to Eliza Margaret Laffoley, eldest daughter of Philip Laffoley, late of St Lawrence, Jersey, Channel Islands.
BRETT. – At the residence of Mr. George Clampitt, Dickens-street, Napier, Catherine Brett, adopted daughter of Mr G. Clampitt, aged 10 years.
INGLIS. – At Napier, on July 3, of croup, A. St. Clair, youngest son of A. St. Clair Inglis, Esq., aged 8 months.
WILLIAMS. – At Napier, on the 10th July, after a long and painful illness, Annie Maria, the beloved daughter of John and S. Williams, aged 20 years. – Auckland and Wellington papers please copy.
MORRISON. – At Napier, on the 17th July, after a long and painful illness, Isabella, the beloved wife of Mr. Thomas Morrison, watchmaker.
The Cheapest House in the Trade.
Stock, Land Estate, and General Commission Agent, Waipukurau.
Goods Stored and Forwarded.
Offices and Stores: Near the Railway Station.
The Weekly Mercury
SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1877.
FOR the information of our country readers we give a synopsis of the Sheep and Cattle Bill, notice to introduce which has been given by the Hon. D. Reid. The Bill proposes to repeal all Provincial Sheep and Cattle Acts, but does not repeal or alter any of the provisions of the Diseased Cattle Act 1871. All existing appointments under Provincial Acts are affirmed. All rules, regulations, and tables of fees affected by the Act, and not inconsistent with it, remain in force. Scab and catarrh in sheep, are diseases under the Act. The Governor may by proclamation declare that other diseases affecting cattle, sheep, or horses shall be diseases under the Act. The Governor may establish and define districts. “The Sheep and Cattle Fund” to provide for the expenses incurred in carrying out the Act is created by a sheep assessment to be fixed by the Governor in Council each year according to requirements. Owners of sheep have to make annual returns of their sheep to the Chief Inspector of the district, who can sue for unpaid assessments. Assessments paid under existing enactments for the year 1878 shall exempt the sheep owner from further payment for that year. All fees and fines are to be paid into the Sheep and Cattle Fund. Registrars of Brands are to be appointed for each division established under the Act. Stockowners must register their brands under a penalty not exceeding £5. Registration fee 5s. Similar brands not to be registered. Priority of registration to entitle to use of brand. There are penalties for using other persons brands, for unlawfully branding stock or defacing brands. Brand on stock to be evidence of ownership. All cattle and sheep above the age of six months are to be branded. Inspectors and Chief Inspectors of divisions are to be appointed. The Act defines their duties and powers which are similar to those under the provincial laws. The clauses relating to scabby sheep, giving notice of disease to Inspector, driving notices, dipping, &c., quarantine, certificates, are of the same character, but more stringent than the present Hawke’s Bay Act. For knowingly clipping sheep the property of another, a penalty is to be imposed of not less than 20s for every fleece above the value thereof. Diseased sheep must be buried three feet in the ground.
A SERIES of blunders has resulted in the delivery of the Hawke’s Bay portion of the San Francisco mails being delayed for a most unreasonable time. By some means or other, our mails at Auckland got separated, the letters being forwarded to Wellington by the other coast, the newspapers being despatched here by the Rotorua. The first information we received was that the whole of our mail had gone to Wellington; this was afterwards semi-officially contradicted, the authorities at Auckland, apparently, not being aware that they had sent the letters to Wellington, and detained the newspapers for the Rotorua. It was not until the Rotorua arrived that the above became known, but so ill-informed were the postal officials at Napier, that a notice was posted up stating that the newspapers had arrived by the Rotorua, and that the letters would come by the Taupo. But when that steamer came up from Wellington it was found she had not brought the letters. Nobody then knew what had become of them, and not until Friday last was it discovered that they had been put on board that magnificent and powerful steamer the Kiwi, which having left Wellington last Tuesday week, arrived at Napier on Saturday night. We congratulate the Hon. G. McLean on the remarkable efficiency of his Department.
July 20, 1877.
Precisely at 2 o’clock yesterday His Excellency the Governor arrived at the Legislative Council Chamber, and opened Parliament with the usual forms observed on such occasions. There was a large assemblage inside the House, and on the lawn, the Wellington Rifles and Artillery providing the usual Guard of Honor. After the opening ceremony the House commenced business, and the newly elected members were sworn in. Your new member Mr [Frederick] Sutton [Napier], was introduced by the Hon. Mr. Ormond and Captain Morris, and the business of the session was commenced in earnest, several of the Government Bills being placed upon the Order Paper. The Premier and other members of the Government gave notice for the appointment of the usual sessional committees, and a Bill to regulate Crossed Cheques was introduced, read a first time, and ordered for second reading on Tuesday.
Mr Beetham has given notice to move the address in reply to-day, and it is believed Mr Sutton will second it.
It is impossible at this early period of the session that I should be able to give you much news, but probably the next week or two may show somewhat how matters stand.
Monday, July 23, 1877.
Your other member, Captain Russell, has, I see arrived, and no doubt he will take his seat to-morrow. He is one of the Native Affairs Committee.
Your new member [Mr F. Sutton] is, I see, on the Public Petitions Committee. It is generally considered that this is the hardest worked Committee of all.
The Government whips for the session are understood to be Mr. Wason and Captain Morris. It is not known yet who will perform those necessary duties for the Opposition.
The Friendly Societies Bill has been introduced, but I hear is not yet printed.
Synopsis of Bills.
July 25.
The following education districts will be constituted: – Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, Taranaki, Wanganui, Patea, Wellington, Marlborough, Nelson, Westland, North Canterbury, South Canterbury, Otago, and Southland.
(Before R. Stuart, Esq., R.M.)
Municipal Corporation v. A. Johansen. – Rates unpaid, £1 13s. Judgment by default for amount claimed and 9s costs.
Same v. McLean – £4. Judgment by default for amount and 9s costs.
Same v. M. Johansen. – £1 7s. Judgment by default for amount and 9s costs.
Same v. Flanagan. – £2 16s. Judgment by default for amount claimed and 9s costs.
Same v. H.O. Caulton. – £16 10. Judgment by default for the amount claimed, and 19s costs.
Same v. W. Graham. – £1 10s; same v J. Farrell. – £2 12s. These two cases were adjourned until Friday, 27th instant.
Thirty other summonses for unpaid water rates were down for hearing, but the amount having been paid in the meantime to the Collector, with costs of
Court, amounting to 5s or more in each case, the plaints were withdrawn.
Neagle v Bagley. – Claim £11 15s 5d. Judgment confessed for amount, and costs 11s.
Young v. Marshall. – Claim £10 1s 6d. This was struck, as neither the plaintiff or defendant appeared.
Cunningham and Giffard v. Wells. The plaintiff had two cases against the defendant, but they were both struck off the list, as defendant had filed his schedule.
John Young was charged with having been drunk yesterday, and was further charged on the information of Mr George Rymer with having in the Taradale coach within hearing and to the annoyance of passengers travelling therein used.
He was convicted and sent to gaol for one month with hard labor. The charge of drunkenness was dismissed.
John Murphy, driver of a hackney carriage, and Joseph Hatwell, driver of a delivery cart, were both charged on information with leaving their vehicles and horses unattended in public thoroughfares. They were each fined 10s with 9s costs.
His Worship remarked that these cases were becoming too frequent, and said he would inflict the highest penalty allowed by law in the next case of the kind that came before him.
The hearing of an information against one Thomas Hammell for the above offence was adjourned until Tuesday morning next.
John Hollins, for a first offence of the above nature, was fined and paid five shillings.
James Lawson, released on bail on a similar charge, failed to answer his name when called, and the amount deposited as bail, viz. 20s, was ordered to be forfeited, and a further sum of five shillings to be paid for cab hire.
William Lucas and Charles Polland, two cabdrivers, charged on the information of Constable Motley with leaving their hackney carriages and horses inattended in a public street, were convicted and each fined in the maximum penalty of forty shillings, with 9s costs in each case. The fines, &c., were paid forthwith.
Roper v Perrett. – An information for assault was called, but owing to the delay in arrival of the train, the parties were not present, and the case was adjourned. We believe it would have been heard this afternoon at 3 o’clock.
Police v. Thomas Hamell. – The hearing of this case was further adjourned for a week, to allow of a necessary witness being summoned, to attend on behalf of the prosecution.
Raven v. Sanderson. – Adjourned until Thursday, 26th instant, for medical reports.
Vickers and Lye v. Meihana Takihi. – Claim £12 8s 1d. Adjourned by the Court until Tuesday, 31st instant.
Fortune and Black v. R. Anderson. – Claim £2 17s 3d., balance of account for bread, &c., supplied. Defendant not appearing, judgment went by default for the plaintiff for the amount as claimed, and 9s costs.
Blythe and Co. v. Stewart. – Claim £1 11s, goods supplied. Judgment confessed.
Several other cases, as usual, had been “settled out of Court.”
One Henrico Branisse, described as an Italian Count, was fined and paid five shillings, for a mild offence of the above description. He admitted the charge, saying, “Yaas, that ees right; I am droonk last night.”
Bergin v McDonald, an information for assault and battery. Complainant admitted having used some filthy and insulting language towards defendant, and the evidence went very nearly to show the real aggressor was the complainant himself, but who happened to have slightly got the worst of it. Mr Lee was counsel for defendant. The case was dismissed.
John Howard pleaded guilty to a charge of having been drunk last night at the Spit, and was fined in the sum of ten shillings, with an alternative of 24 hours imprisonment.
A second charge against the same defendant of the above nature was dismissed with a caution, it appearing that there had been no wrong intent on the part of accused, further than a desire “to get out of the way and have a sleep.”
Two cases of the above nature were adjourned until to-morrow morning (Friday), at eleven o’clock.
An information against a woman named Sanderson, for that she was a lunatic and not under proper care and control, was dismissed.
William Hall was charged with assaulting and beating one Sydney Smith. This was a very trumpery case, the only notable feature about it being the voluntary attendance of defendant’s wife to give evidence on behalf of complainant. The information was dismissed.
An information against William Hall the same defendant as in the previous case, for “unlawfully and maliciously breaking and damaging one window” the property of Sydney Smith, to the amount in value of two shillings and sixpence, was dealt with, by the Court making an order that defendant pay the value of the property destroyed, namely, two shillings and sixpence.
July 23, 1877.
Within the last few days a number of trees have been carted to Hamlin’s Bend on the Ngaruroro river, evidently for the purpose of forming a protection to this notoriously dangerous place. I certainly have my misgivings as to the wisdom of the course about to be adopted, but must bow to those who know more about such matters than myself, at the same time trusting that the work will prove as efficacious as can be desired.
Mr. McPherson has finished his contract in connection with the stop bank near Mr. Grant’s property. He has completed it to the satisfaction of all parties concerned, and in a much shorter time than was anticipated. He has entered into a fresh contract for work of a similar character near Mr. McHardy’s, and is to commence operations this morning.
I am informed that a new patent wool press is being constructed for Mr. R.P. Williams, which it is understood will be worked more expeditiously and with greater economy and ease than any at present in use. I believe Mr. James Reid is the patentee.
By your telegrams I notice that the guard’s van is made a travelling post office between Dunedin and Port Chalmers. Some months ago I made a similar suggestion for this place, but it has not been acted upon. Now if it is found to prove beneficial to Otago, I cannot see why it would not be equally so to the people of Hawke’s Bay. Perhaps the people may yet see the advantage to be derived by postal communication by every train.
A testimonial to Mr. Ballantyne, schoolmaster at West Clive, is being numerously signed by persons having children at his school; it expresses the highest satisfaction at the progress made by the children, and the ability of Mr. Ballantyne as a teacher. Doubtless this testimonial has arisen from sympathy, in consequence of the somewhat crushing statement made by Mr. Colenso in his last report upon public schools relative to Mr Ballantyne.
There exists an apparent desire to start a Foresters’ Lodge at Farndon; and with the view to opening such a lodge, a meeting is convened for Wednesday evening next, at Toop’s hotel. It is anticipated that there will be a good attendance, and that the object of the meeting will be accomplished.
When will the Government be just and reward to Mr R.P. Gifford the compensation he is so justly entitled to by the depreciation and destroying valuable frontages in consequence of the railway passing through his property? That Mr Gifford is entitled to compensation no person acquainted with the property can gainsay; and, if such be the case, the sooner they pay it the more it will redound to their credit. I shall, in a future letter, refer more fully to the subject, and possibly give publicity to the shortcomings of some members of the Government on this particular matter.
It is expected we shall have a lively time on Wednesday next at the Road Board election. Should there be anything particularly lively, interesting, or racy, you may depend on having a faithful chronicle of the same.
The Board met pursuant to notice to-day. Present: – Messrs Kinross, (Chairman), Kennedy, Robjohns, Newman, Chambers, Smith, Rhodes, and Vautier.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Relative to the memorial of the Napier Municipal Council to the General Assembly to have a portion of the Ahuriri lagoon proclaimed a Borough reserve, a letter was read from the Board’s Engineer pointing out that the said lagoon was the property of the Board.
Mr Smith proposed and Mr Chambers seconded, that the Secretary should communicate with Hon. J.D. Ormond requesting him to protect the Board’s interests in the matter.
In reference to providing extra yard accommodation for the shipping of stock, the Board decided that nothing could be done pending the prosecution of the present harbor works, as all the available space is in occupation.
A letter was read from the Board’s Engineer pointing out the advisability of withdrawing the suggestion re alterations of the eastern pier.
The Board decided to act upon the Engineer’s advice.
Accounts were then ordered to be paid.
It was proposed by Mr Kennedy, and seconded by Mr Chambers, “That it be an instruction to the wharfinger that where it is necessary for steamers to make use of the Board’s Receiving Sheds for one night – all labor being found by the steamer – no charge beyond the usual charge for wharfage be made if goods are removed within twenty-four hours from date of storage.
This was agreed to.
Mr Vautier gave notice of motion to the effect that the Pilot be instructed to report to the Board at each monthly meeting concerning the state of the bar, depth of water, and any alterations that may take place during the progress of the works.
The Board then adjourned.
THE Postmaster-General’s reply to Mr. Gisborne concerning the reported intention of the Government to privately dispose of the steamer Hinemoa is a sufficient answer to the slanderous on dits disseminated by the Hawke’s Bay Herald in connection with this subject. Our contemporary’s Wellington correspondent recently wrote in such language as to leave it to be inferred that, one of the Ministers being a director of the Union Steam Shipping Company, it was not improbable the Government would sell the Hinemoa to the company for about half her cost price. By this “rosy arrangement”, the company would pick up a cheap boat, and make a good thing by having their steamers chartered by the Government whenever a boat was urgently needed. Then, by the sale of the Hinemoa, the Governor would be snubbed for having offended a Minister, and everything was to work together for the gratification of the members of the Cabinet. We presume some unprincipled person had started these atrocious slanders, for we find that Mr. Gisborne has entered a protest in the House against the private sale of the Government steamers. The Hon. G. McLean, in reply, stated that he thought the full value had been obtained for the Luna, but with regard to the Hinemoa it was for the House to determine the manner of her disposal.
At the sale of the Korokipo and Moteo estates on Tuesday, these valuable properties were bought in by the mortgagees.
SIR, – In a letter that appeared in a local paper, a few days ago, the attention of the public was drawn to the Trustees, and to the management of the Te Aute Estatpe. That letter was in the right direction. Indeed anyone who can throw light upon the subject, or keep alive the interest now taken by the public upon the subject of leasing the above property may be considered as doing good service.
“Monte Christo” appears to be well acquainted with the value and capabilities of this estate, and he would, I think, be an efficient ally in any movement taken to urge the Government to take action that would cause the property to be made the most of for the purposes of the trust to which it was originally granted.
There is, and always has been a mystery about the Te Aute estate; no accounts have been laid before the public (during the present lease), but it has been treated like a freehold property, or as Church lands in England.
The present lessee, who was a missionary, and the manager of the estate, secured a lease about seven years ago, at a rental of £500 a year. This to him, was no doubt a satisfactory transaction. There is no blame to him; but what about the Trustees? Did they do their duty?
I write from memory. Some fourteen years back, Mr. H.R. Russell was appointed a Commissioner to value and report upon the Te Aute Estate. He at that time, if my memory is right, reported that the property was worth from £800 to £1000 a year. I would recommend all who take an interest in this matter, to request Mr. Russell to assist them in bringing to the notice of the General Assembly the way in which this valuable property is cared for by the present Trustees.
There is no time to be lost, as two valuations have been made, one by Col Herrick and Mr. Johnston (though not satisfactory), and the other by Mr. J.N. Williams and two other persons. I repeat there is no time to be lost, for we may hear any day a lease has been granted.
In any application to the authorities it should be urged that the land should be divided into farms of varying acreage. That part on which the splendid herd of cattle, bred by the present lessee on the land, into small blocks, and the other and less valuable portions of the estate into large areas.
From the position of the estate, from the fact of the railway, and the Great South Road running through it, the Te Aute estate is eminently adapted for a thriving agricultural settlement, and if let on long leases, by auction, or by tender, would bring in a good rental.
By this line of action, the Trustees would be relieved from any dissatisfaction expressed by the public, and the lessee, the late manager, from (in his opinion) the unfair and unpleasant remarks to which he has been subjected by certain parties. – I am, &c.
Napier, July 23, 1877.
SIR, – I notice that an entertainment is announced to be given to-morrow evening, at the Oddfellow’s Hall, for the benefit of the unfortunate man R. H. Johns. The object of this entertainment is most laudable; and I have no doubt, if the performances to be entered on the programme are decently carried out by amateurs, whose previous appearances guarantee a passable evening’s amusement, that Mr. Johns will derive some pecuniary benefit from their exertions.
But, Sir, I would ask, have play-goers any such guarantee in the advertisement that announces this performance? The members of the Dramatic Club know nothing about it, and yet it is proclaimed that there is to be a farce enacted, wizard performances, and a combination of amateurs, which I presume, means songs, step-dancing, or other such tom-foolery.
Sir, I do not wish to be misunderstood; I would not for anything write or say anything tending to lessen the amount that Mr Johns might receive from a benefit performance. But is it all likely that Mr Johns will get a sixpence from the performance as advertised? Is it not much more likely that on Wednesday night, if the Hall is not empty, the audience will go away with the feeling that, as regards an “entertainment,” money had been extracted from their pockets by false pretences?
No, Sir, I do not believe in supporting, or countenancing amateur performances by performers who are ashamed, or are too shy, to announce their names. The Combination Troup now advertised may be geniuses, and quite capable of reaching the highest eminences in the dramatic world, but until they let it be known who they are, they must not expect an audience. – I am, &c.,
July 24, 1877.
The Wanganui Chronicle of a recent date remarks: – “We learn that some sleight-of-hand men are at present in Wanganui, ready to pluck any pigeons whom they may come across in a friendly way. Of course people who don’t want to get besmeared with soot, don’t go up chimneys, nor do they fear being stung go near beehives. We trust that we are understood.” Some of these gentlemen are said to be travelling towards Hawke’s Bay. Our “pigeons” should be on their guard.
The book debts in the estate of Mr J. Neagle, advertised by Messrs Routledge Kennedy and Co., for sale on Tuesday, were withdrawn by order of the mortgagees.
A.M.* A.M. + A.M. P.M. P.M.
Spit, depart 7.40 11.0 3.40
Napier arrive 7.50 11.10 3.50
Napier depart 6.45 7.55 11.30 4.10 2.30
Farndon depart 7.10 8.20 11.55 4.35 2.55
Hastings, depart 7.35 8.45 12.20 5.0
Paki Paki arrive 9.5 5.18
Paki Paki depart 7.53 9.13 5.20
Te Aute arrive 8.32
Te Aute depart 8.35 9.55 6.5
Kaikora depart 9.15 10.35 6.45
Waipawa, depart 9.35 10.55 7.5
Waipukurau arrive 9.55 11.15 7.25
Waipukurau depart 10.0 11.30
Takapau, arrive 10.50 12.20
* On Monday and Thursday only.
+ On Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.
A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
Takapau, depart 2.20
Waipukurau, dep. 7.10 3.15
Waipawa, depart 7.30 3.35
Kaikora, depart 7.50 3.55
Te Aute arrive 8.31
Te Aute depart 8.33 4.35
Paki Paki, arrive 9.10 5.15
Paki Paki, depart 9.12 5.22
Hastings, depart 9.32 1.0 5.42 5.20
Farndon, depart 9.57 1.25 6.7 5.45
Napier arrive 10.22 1.50 6.32 6.10
Napier depart ∗7.20 10.25 3.0
Spit, arrive 7.30 10.35 3.10
*Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday only.
Passengers are requested not to enter or leave the carriages while in motion.
Season tickets issued to and from all Stations. Apply to the Manager.
To ensure despatch, Parcels should be booked fifteen minutes before the starting of the Train.
General Manager,
Napier, March 8, 1877.
Watches! Watches! Watches !
DRAWS special attention to his Magnificent Stock of WATCHES, just received direct from English and American Manufacturers, and made Specially to Order, which, for Excellence and Cheapness, are unequalled in the colony.
All Watches sold at this establishment are thoroughly regulated and put in working condition before leaving the premises, and Guaranteed.
SAMSON FENCE WIRE. – This is an entirely new article, and is fast superseding the old style. Five Wires weigh Ten cwt. per mile, and costs in Melbourne £12 10s, versus Seventeen cwt. ordinary wire costing £14 10s (the relative cost will be the same at the principal ports of Australasia) with the advantage of having Seven cwt. less to pay carriage for. Over 1,000 TONS sold by one firm last year, giving unbounded satisfaction. Send for full descriptive circular with innumerable testimonials from leading colonists, and judge for yourselves. McLEAN BROS., and RIGG, Importers, and General Ironmongers, Melbourne.
“By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” – See in the Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk.
Sold only in packets, ½lb & 1lb, labelled: –
and at
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted in English, Continental, and American Newspapers, Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines, Books, and Stationery supplied with accuracy and punctuality, and at the lowest prices.
Proprietors of Newspapers furnished with Paper, Ink, and every requisite connected with the printing business.
Indents through the Sydney and Melbourne houses, and Commissions executed quickly and economically generally.
Persons suffering from weak or debilitated constitutions will discover that by the use of this wonderful medicine there is “Health for all.” The blood is the fountain of life, and its purity can be maintained by the use of these Pills.
in his work entitled “The Nile Tributaries in Abbyssinia,” says, “I ordered the dragoman Mahomet to inform the Fakey that I was a Doctor, and that I had the best medicines at the service of the sick, with advice gratis. In a short time I had many applicants, to whom I served out a quantity of Holloway’s Pills. These are most useful to an explorer, as possessing unmistakable purgative properties they create an undeniable effect upon the patient, which satisfies him of their value.”
Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment. I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse-feed poured in upon us, until at last a tea-spoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
On the Label is the address, 533, Oxford-street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
With a “New York” Label.
Spital Hill, Sheffield, direct the attention of Flock Owners and Shearers to their Improved New Pattern, No. 69 Shear, which for quality, style, finish, and adaptability to the requirements of the Australian and New Zealand markets, cannot be surpassed. The main features are – great extra width of steel in the blades, accurately ground, long shanks with narrow grip. Procurable at the leading Ironmongers’ Warehouses throughout Australasia.
Look for this Trade Mark in blade.
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
Standing Advertisements for Three, Six or Twelve Months can be arranged for at a Liberal Discount.
Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original order) must be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager.
W. DENHOLM, Port Ahuriri
£ s d.
Per Quarter, if paid in advance 0 6 6
Per Quarter, if booked 0 7 6
Per Annum, if paid in advance. 1 6 0
Per Annum, if booked 1 10 0
Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1877.
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