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- Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 092 - 18 August
Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 092 – 18 August
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.
9,000 ACRES Freehold, Agricultural and Pastoral, Seaboard, with
14,000 acres Leasehold, valuable improvements, and
18,000 Sheep, few Cattle, Horses, &c.
3,920 acres Freehold, rich pastoral land, Wairoa, with
800 Sheep, and 100 head Cattle
900 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa
4,677 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa, with
3,000 Sheep, and other necessary working improvements
25,000 acres Leasehold, Poverty Bay, and
112 acres Freehold, close to town, with
20,000 sheep and improvements
4,200 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Poverty Bay
11,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, Poverty Bay, with
3000 Sheep and few Cattle
1,600 acres, Leasehold, half interest, Poverty Bay
28,750 acres Poverty Bay, situate about 20 miles from Tologa [ Tolaga ] Bay, title under Native Lands Court
1657 acres rich Pastoral Land, good title, Poverty Bay
1385 acres rich Pastoral land, good title, Poverty Bay
8,800 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa Bay, with
3,000 Sheep and good improvemeuts [improvements]
3,000 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,220 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
400 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,200 acres Freehold, Rich Pastoral Land, improved, Opotiki
225 acres Freehold, excellent Land, Omaranui [ Omarunui ], with
1,600 Sheep,
30 head Cattle, and a few Horses, with improvements
Stock and Station Agent.
THE throughbred [thoroughbred] Entire “BLAIR ATHOL,” Chestnut, rising 5 years, by Ravensworth, dam Moss Rose.
For pedigree and terms, apply to
MR. EVAN’S Draught Stallion, “LORD NELSON,” by “Sir Colin Campbell,” dam “Blossom,” etc.
Liberal terms.
For further particulars apply to
MR. EVAN’S Draught Stallion, “LORD NELSON,” by “Sir Colin Campbell,” dam “Blossom,” etc.
Liberal terms.
For further particulars apply to
On Deferred Payments.
For particulars, apply to
of various extent, and
Stocked and Unstocked, in the Provinces of Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington, Canterbury, and Otago.
For particulars, apply at the office, Browning-street, Napier.
All First-class Flocks.
STORE SHEEP. – Various Lots of Store Merinos Ewes and Wedders for Sale.
For the Spring, in 201 different shapes.
Also, Pattern Cards of 2 cases
The style of these goods is exceedingly elegant.
The firm have very great pleasure in inviting ladies to select from the first show for the coming season.
Price 2s 6d each.
THE undersigned has always on hand: –
In Totara and Kauri.
The whole of the above are of the best Workmanship and Material.
Totara Timber, House Blocks, and Drain Pipes kept in stock.
Men’s Elastic-sides, at 14s
Men’s Bluchers, at 9s 6d
Men’s Army Bluchers, at 11s
Men’s Watertights, 14s
Men’s Shooters, light, at 16s 6d
Men’s Shooters, heavy, at 16s 6d
Men’s Oxonian, at 7s.
Men’s Canvas Shoes, at 6s.
RESPECTFULLY invites the attention of the public and especially the COUNTRY STOREKEEPERS, to their large assortment of NEW GOODS –
Builders’ Ironmongery –
WIRE and EWBANK’S NAILS Rim and Mortice Locks, Hinges Screws, Augers, Adzes. PLANES, Levels, Gauges, Floor Cramps, Chisels, Gouges, Axes, Hatches, Hammers, Gimblets, Spokeshaves, Saws (Pit and Crosscut, Hand, Tenon, and Compass), Door Springs, Sash Weights, Lines, and Pulleys, &c.
Brass Foundry –
Cornice Rings and Pole Ends, Curtain Bands and Hooks, Cornice and Window Brackets, Bolts, Sash, Table, and Casement Fasteners, Hinges, Blind Furniture, Beer, Bottling, Range Cocks, &c.
Agricultural Implements –
Hornsby’s and Ramsons’ 1 and 2 Wheel-Ploughs, Harrow’s Winnowing Machines, Horse Powers, Wheat Mills, Corn Shellers, CHAFF CUTTERS, (hand and horse power), Coil, Plough, Cart and Dog CHAINS, Hames, Grindstones, Draining and Grafting Tools, Hedge, Pruning and Sheep Shears, Scythes, Sickles, Reap Hooks, Maull Rings, Wedges, Fencing Wire, Steel-yards, GALVANISED WIRE NETTING, (3/8 to 2 in. Mesh), Saddles, Bridles, Girths, Spurs, &c.
B.B.H. Bar and Rod Iron –
Boiler Plate, Sheet Iron (black and galvanised), Anvils, Vyces [Vices], Spring, Shear, Cast, and Blister STEEL, Horse Nails, Files and Rasps, Portable Forges, Bellows, Dray, and Buggy Axles, Iron Pipe, HYDRAULIC WOOL PRESS, &c., &c.
Galvanised Corrugated Iron
O.G. and ½ rd. Guttering, Down Pipe, Ridging, Brackets, Spikes and Tubes, SHEET ZINC, (plain and perforated), Sheet Lead, WHITE LEAD, boiled and raw Linseed, Colza, Castor and Kerosine Oils, Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, Varnish, Soft Soap, Raddle, Charcoal, Putty, Colors, (dry and ground), Liquid Paint in 5 and 10lb tins.
American Novelties –
Saws, Braces and Bits, Arkansas, Washita and Pond Stones, Corn-shellers, Weighing Machines, Sausage Machines, Ames, Collins, and Day’s S. and L.H. Shovels, Axes, Hatches, &c.
Furnishing Requisites –
BEDSTEADS, (single and double), Childrens Cots, LAMPS in great variety, Cooking, Parlour and Office Stoves, from 30s upwards, Colonial Ovens, Fenders, Fire Irons, HOLLOWARE, (tinned and enamelled), Brushware, Tinware, Doormats, Scrapers, Tubs, Buckets, Wash and Knife Boards, Mangles, Wringers, Portable Washing Boilers and Furnace Pans, Charcoal and Flat Irons, Electroplate Tea and Coffee Pots, Cruets, Butter Coolers, Toast Racks, Cake Baskets, Spoons, Forks, Tea Trays, Bells, Chandeliers, (gas and kerosine) in 2 to 8 lights.
Cutlery –
Rodger’s, Lockwood’s and Johnson’s Table and Pocket Knives, Steels, Knife Sharpeners, Scissors, Razors, Fleams Sheath Knives, &c., &c.
Dairy Utensils –
Churns, Milk Pans and Seives [Sieves], Butter Pats and Prints, Scales, Wood Spoons, &c.
Sporting –
Single and Double-barrelled Guns, Sporting and Blasting Powder, Fuse, Dynamite, &c., &c.
N.B. – BOYLAN & CO., are now SELLING OFF their entire STOCK OF CROCKERY at and under Cost.
50 dozed [dozen] GRANITE CUPS and SAUCERS, from 4s per dozen.
100 dozen PLATES, from 2s 6d per dozen
100 dozen CHILDRENS MUGS, from 2s per dozen
PRESERVE POTS in Nests, EARTHEN MILK PANS. TEAPOTS, from 1s each; TUMBLERS, from 6s per doz. Also a large variety of Articles, too numerous to mention.
By all the celebrated English and French Makers, for Cash or on time-payment system.
MEN’S FROM 6s. up. WOMEN’S FROM 4s. up.
Where the best articles can be obtained at the Lowest Prices.
Opposite Post Office, Napier.
SHOES. See our Prices quoted in this paper. BOOTS.

It may interest our readers to know by what route our cablegrams come from London, and the distance along which those messages are flashed, which are read with such eagerness at every tea-table in Napier: –
London to Falmouth (overland wire) 88
Falmouth to Gibraltar (cable) 1,250
Gibraltar to Malta (cable) 981
Malta to Alexandria (cable) 819
Alexandria to Suez (overland wire) 224
Suez to Aden (cable) 1,308
Aden to Bombay (cable) 1,664
Bombay to Madras (overland wire) 600
Madras to Penang (cable) 1,213
Penang to Singapore (cable) 381
Singapore to Batavia (cable) 560
Batavia to Bangoewangi (overland wire) 480
Bangoewangi to Port Darwin (cable) 970
Port Darwin to Port Augusta (South Australia overland wire) 1,800
Port Augusta to Sydney (overland wire)…650
Sydney to Wakapuaka (cable) 1,150
Wakupuaka [ Wakapuaka ] to White’s Bay (overland wire 88
White’s Bay to Wellington (cable) 41
Wellington to Napier (overland wire) 200
Total 14,379
The Auckland-Waikato line of railway is now open as far as Newcastle or Ngaruawahia. This will be a great benefit to the settlers in the Waikato district, and if the charges of freight are seasonable, it should create a large amount of traffic.

We understand that Mr E. Ashton purposes to at once commence operations in making alterations to the Oddfellows Hall, in accordance with the plan of Mr T. Cooper, which will consequently improve that building. The alterations will be carried out in such a manner as not to interfere with the use of the hall by the public.
The New South Wales authorities will not permit the shipment of sheep sent from New Zealand by the Rotorua to be landed at that port. The reason for this step is not stated, but we presume it is on account of the scab diseases not being rooted out of the colony.
We hear that the Government purpose removing the Napier Lighthouse, and to erect it at Cape Kidnappers. In its present position the lighthouse is of little or no service. The site at the Gaol was apparently selected, not as being the best, but because there the erection could be looked after cheaply, and kept in repair by prison labor.
The track through the clay bog separating the Wesleyan Church from the railway station, and which was dignified by the name of a road, we are glad to see has been thoroughly well metalled. The Napier roads just now could afford ample employment for three times as many men and carts as are now at work.
The man Spencer, who was sent to gaol on Thursday by the Magistrate for fourteen days for being illegally on Mr Hutchinson’s premises, and who represented himself to the police as being a released lunatic from Wellington, turns out to be the same character who was found in a hut at Kaikora some short time back, and was committed by the Waipawa Bench to gaol for vagarancy.
On Friday the complimentary concert tendered to Mr. Jones, came off in the Oddfellow’s Hall, to a moderately filled house. The programme, which was excellent and varied, was gone through with spirit, the songs, &c., being rendered admirably by the different performers. Altogether, the concert was a success, and a very pleasant evening was passed by those present.
A Taradale correspondent reminds us of a meeting which was held at the Mission House, Meanee [ Meeanee ], when Mr. Ormond was in Napier about six months ago, when a deputation was appointed to wait on him, and report at a future meeting. Mr. Ormond promised that an engineer should make an inspection of the river and furnish a report. Our correspondent is naturally anxious to learn what has become of the members of the deputation, or the promised report, and why no meeting has been called to inform those, who appointed the deputation, of the result of their labors. He further writes: – “I presume, however, that the principal mover in the matter is satisfied. He has got a scheme in hand to protect his own property, and the Meanee people may be ruined for all he cares. There are, however, other members of the deputation appointed, who know and ought to perform their duty.”
The meeting that was called for the purpose of eliciting public opinion at Napier, concerning the Local Option Bill, failed to bring together more than a score of persons, and consequently the meeting was adjourned. The conveners, have, apparently, thought it wiser to let the matter drop, for no other meeting has been called. This is rather a pity, because, we think, an expression of opinion would have been evoked that would have assured Mr. Sutton he had the support of his constituents in his opposition to the Bill. We may be quite sure of this, that if the teetotallers had thought that they could have carried a vote of unqualified approval of Mr Fox’s measure, we should have had another meeting.
In the R.M.’s Court on Monday, one man was brought up for drunkenness, at Port Ahuriri, and fined 5s. A man known as “Christie” forfeited his bail of £1, William Geany was sent to goal for two months, for amusing himself with throwing stones through the Post Office window. A man named Myer was remanded on a charge of larceny. Two Maoris were charged with the larceny of some small articles at Havelock [North], and were fined four times the value of the things stolen.
Encouraged by the success that has attended the culture of hops at Wairoa, Mr Witty has added seven acres to his hop garden this season, which are now ready to receive 20,000 plants just received from Messrs. Shoebridge’s celebrated garden near Hobarton.
Mr Charles Wheatleigh, the actor, is to leave Sydney on the 25th instant for Auckland with an entirely new company, under engagement to Mr. De Lias. After playing a season at Auckland, Mr. De Lias proposes to bring the Company to Napier.
It is expected that, in the course of a fortnight, the contract for the making and erecting of the Municipal lamp posts will be completed. One lamp has already been placed in position by the side of Mr Garry’s foundry, and will be lighted to-night. The firm, who has the order for making the lamps, has men working night and day to complete, as rapidly as possible, their portion of the contract.
We learned from the Press Agency on Saturday that the Stormbird was to have left for Napier at 7 o’clock. We since learn that the Stormbird left Wellington for Wanganui on Saturday.
Under the Public Works and Immigration policy, there has been a total expenditure in Hawke’s Bay of £414,635. The number of immigrants landed at Napier has been 6011.
The total value of imports at the Port o[f] Napier, for the year ending June 30, 1877 was £153,349. The total value of the exports for the same period was £226,775. For the whole colony the imports were valued at £6,894,380, and the exports at £5,476,749.
In St. Mary’s Church on Sunday, the Very Rev. Father Forest announced that he had received a telegram from Bishop Redwood, intimating His Lordship’s intention of arriving in Napier during the last week of the present month. Father Forest also said that it was probable His Lordship would administer the Sacrament of Confirmation on the first Sunday in September.
The quarterly election of officers of the Pride of Hawke’s Bay Lodge, No. 91, I.O.G.T., took place on Friday night, the 10th instant, at the School-room, Waghorne street, when the following officers were installed by T.D. McKay, assisted by W.C.T. Higgs, of the Ark of Friendship and G. Quilter as G.M. : – W. Fulton, P.W.C.T.; G. McCauly, W.C.T.; W. Kitto, W.V.T.; J. Broom, W.C.; F.H. Fulton, W.A.S.; G Kendall, W.A.S; D. Cameron, W.T.; J. Clark, W.F.S.; J. Briggs, W.M.; H. King W.D.M.; C. Mills, W.I.C.; W. Shepherd, W.O.G.; W. Bristow, W.R.H.S; J North, W.I.H.S. The Lodge is progressing as there were twenty-five members made during the last quarter.
Messrs Turley and Brathwaite report their sale on Friday last, of the late Mr. Duncan Morrison’s property, hoggetts realised 7s 3d a head, and old ewes 2s; hacks from £6 to £12 10s.

The appearance in the roadstead of the Southern Cross, steamer, at 3 o’clock on Monday afternoon, was a convincing proof that that vessel did not leave Auckland about five hours after the arrival of the Australia from San Francisco. We made such a statement, however, on the supposition that the information supplied by the official shipping board at the Telegraph Office was correct. Up till late on Monday afternoon the departure of the Cross from Auckland was posted on the shipping board as having been at 1 p.m. on Sunday, whereas she left at 7.30 p.m. on Saturday. We believe it is the duty of the Customs department at each port, to telegraph the arrivals and departures of the steamers, and a small salary about £15 a year, is paid to the officer appointed to do this work. It is very clear from the unreliability of the notices on the shipping boards both at the Spit and at Napier, that the work is not done properly, that it is often neglected altogether, and that the public money is being thrown away for the payment of a service that is rendered valueless for the want of attention. As a rule, Government officers are not too proud in the matter of receiving small sums of money for extra work they may be called upon to perform, but they are sometimes too proud to do their work in such a manner as honestly to earn the unconsidered trifles which they are only too glad to put in their pockets.
In consequence of the bad state of the weather last Monday, the entertainment given by the Mutual Improvement Society at Taradale, was but poorly attended, and being requested by a number of those unable to attend on that evening, to repeat the performance, this was done to a well-filled house, and taking it as a whole, was a success. After an overture on the piano by Mr Flood in his usual clever and finished manner, a duet by Miss Hawkins and Miss Davis was very nicely sung. Mr Gold gave a comic song called “Milky White,” which was very amusing, and called forth great applause. Mr Baldwin gave “Juanita” and another, which were undoubtedly the best songs of the evening. Miss Jennie Macdonald gave a recitation, the “African Slave,” and as on previous accasions [occasions], quite pleased the audience, her manner and speech all through, showing care in preparation. The Misses Saburne gave a duet on the piano, the “Christmas Quadrille,” which was excellently played, and being a lively, pretty air, much pleased their hearers. Mr O’Dwyer followed with “Father Come Home,” but was not quite so successful as on a previous occasion. Mr R. Jeffares song “Rocky Road to Dublin” in character, created great laughter, his style of song being one that takes with any audience. Mr Dryden’s song “Nil Desperandum” was well sung, in fact, he is an entertainment in himself; good at everything, and is the life of the society. After another song by Miss Davis, there was an interval of ten minutes to prepare for presenting the burlesque: “Blosom of Churnington Green,” This peace[piece] is very suitable for amateurs, although the publichouse forms rather too prominent a scene in it, the plot is good and was certainly well acted by all who took part in it, particularly Simon Forge, the smith, by Mr. S.J Dryden, whose line is certainly the burlesque, but where all was done so well, I will mention no more individually. As the scenery was done by an amateur, it is worthy of mention, and shows that they can rely on a member of the society to provide all that can be desired in that line for the future occasions. – Taradale correspondent.
It is very certain that a short term of imprisonment with hard labor has no terror for some people. In England, it is a common practise amongst a certain class, as the winter season approaches, to commit a petty crime, which will ensure a few months’ imprisonment. William Geany, who was sentenced to one month’s hard labour on Monday, for breaking a Post Office window, belongs, apparently to a class that regards the commission of crime as a means of livelihood. About twelve months ago, he threw a stone through one of the windows of the Bank of New Zealand, and now, perhaps, because the living and the labor at gaol are comfortable and easy, he has secured for himself a month’s quarters at the public expense. It is a pity these sort of characters are not summarily flogged, and turned back again on to the streets, and so compel them to work for their living. Imprisonment is no punishment to them, and the hard labor they are offered to do is much easier than that which falls to the lot of any ordinary workman.
Persons using the Hyderadad [ Hyderabad ] Road will be glad to learn that steps have been taken to put that highway in repair.
Mr J.A. Rearden purposes opening an evening class at his residence, Coote Road, on Monday next. Mr Rearden, whose professional abilities as a teacher, and as headmaster of St. Joseph’s are well known, will be assisted by Mr Daly.
The case of drunkenness against Mr Frank Windsor, which was heard in the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday, has excited considerable comment amongst all classes in Napier. The case brought by Sergeant Robinson completely broke down, and the evidence given by the Sergeant was far from being clear, and proved that he had not shown that discrimination which an officer in his position should have exhibited. There can be no doubt about the matter, that Mr Windsor had been harshly and, we may say, cruelly treated, and we cannot but express our astonishment that an officer of such experience as Sergeant Robinson should have permitted himself to have acted in the manner he did. We must, however, exonerate Inspector Scully from all blame in the matter. Having confidence in his subordinate; aware that he had large experience as a police officer, not only in Napier, but in other parts of the colony, and that he was a man who h[a]d hitherto shewn great caution in the exercise of his duty, it was natural for Inspector Scully to suppose, when Sergeant Robinson informed him that besides himself, another constable had expressed his opinion that Mr Windsor was drunk, that he believed the statement made as to the inebriety of the prisoner. In fact, it is no part of the Inspector’s duty to see the prisoners brought to the police cell, and examine their condition. If his subordinates cannot be trusted with this duty, they are not fit for their position, and should make room for men who are. The case has been fully represented to the authorities at Wellington, and their decision will doubtless be received in a few days.
Water has now been laid on to the end of White Road, and two standpipes erected. These latter will be of very great convenience to the residents in that locality, who, for the most part, hitherto have had to carry water long distances from the well at the White Swan Brewery.
Our Wairoa contemporary has been making some interesting calculations. The Waka Maori, it appears, publishes a list of the amount of remittances from its subscribers. More than 30 copies are circulated in the Wairoa district, and all the money acknowledged for subscriptions is thirty shillings. This as our contemporary remarks, hardly pays for the paper – it certainly would not pay for postage, but then the Waka don’t pay postage, it has a soul above half-penny stamps.
In the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday, one drunkard, who had been incorcerated [incarcerated] in the Port Ahuriri lock-up, was brought up, and it being a first offence, he was dismissed.
On Wednesday the time expired during which applications for shares in the Union Insurance Company could be made. The number of shares applied for at Napier was 20,000.
About nine o’clock on Tuesday the fire bell ringing brought crowds of people into Hastings street in a considerable state of anxiety. In an incredibly short space of time the engines were got out, and prepared for action, when fortunately it was discovered to be a false alarm. Flames issuing from the engine chimney, at Messrs. Gilberd and Co’s establishment caused the watchman at the Fire-station to ring the bell.
A meeting of shareholders of the Theatre Company was held on Tuesday at the Empire Hotel, when the following gentlemen were elected: – Captain Routledge, Chairman; Mr J. Sheehan, Solicitor; Mr H.T Knight, Secretary; Mr Manoy was elected a Director in the room of Mr Upham. A Committee was appointed to frame rules and by-laws for the Company, viz:- Dr. Gibbes, Messrs. Manoy and Ellis. A Committee was appointed to wait upon Mr N. Williams in connection with the purchase of the land offered by him.
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs Cotterill (Miss Isabella Carandini) will be glad to learn that they purpose visiting Napier, and intend giving performances in the Oddfellow’s Hall. They are at Wellington at present, where, notwithstanding numerous counter attractions, they have succeeded in obtaining a hearty welcome. They hope to be in Napier during the course of next week.
It is expected that the Telegraph Station at Farndon, about which Colonel Whitmore catechised Dr Pollen in the early part of the session, will be opened in about a fortnight. Mr Pritchard, formerly Station Master at Waipawa, will perform the duties of Station Master and Telegraphist.
The adjourned annual meeting of the ratepayers of the Okawa Road District, was held last Saturday in the School-house, Puketapu. The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed by the Board. Mr. Kinross was moved to the chair to conduct the election of the wardens for the ensuing year. Mr. Beamish, the chairman of the late Board, submitted a statement of the proceedings and finances of that body for the last year, also the balance sheet, duly audited, which showed that the whole of the rates had been paid in, and that a sum of £456 11s 10d remainded to the credit of the Board at the Bank, towards carrying out the several works in progress and contemplation in that large district. The wardens elected for the current year are: -. Messrs. J.G. Kinross, J. Bennett, A.H. Russell, A. Shield, G.T. Seale, A.H. Wallis, and N.E. Beamish. Mr. Beamish was again elected Chairman of the Board.
The News Letter learns that Mr Donald has purchased Mr John Moore’s property at Waikaraka, containing about 2,500 acres, and including the homestead of what was formerly the Waikaraka station. The price has not transpired. It is Mr Donald’s intention to work the place in the same manner as he has done the Manaia station, namely, combining farming with stock breeding. The land is of first-class quality, and should yield very heavy crops. Nor is there any drawback as regards markets, for it is calculated that grain can be shipped to Wellington at £1 per ton.
Mr Ashton, having obtained a long lease of the Odd Fellows’ Hall has decided to carry out the plan furnished by Mr Cooper. The plan as shown us will make the Hall a complete theatre, capable of seating nearly 800 persons, having a dress circle to seat 250, the pit and stalls seating over 500. The present floor space, 50-38, will be increased to 62-38. The stage will be 32 feet deep instead of 19 feet as at present. Six dressing-rooms will be provided, besides ladies retiring room, and ladies cloak rooms, and with fire places. The seats, pit, and stalls can be removed when the Hall is required for ball purposes – the stage providing a splendid supper-room. The present roof will be taken off and the building raised six feet at the walls, and a new front brought out to the street line. Numerous doors for exit are provided, quickly emptying the building in case of fire.
To the Editor: Sir – Will you kindly allow me to correct an error in your last night’s report of the fire alarm. The bell was rung by Mr. Cohen, who lives near the Albion Hotel. As the public may think I should use more discretion before alarming the whole town, you will oblige me by inserting the above correction. – I am, &c., R. YUILL. Fire Station. Napier, August 16, 1877.
The annual meeting of the members of the Napier Rowing Club was held on Wednesday, at the Criterion Hotel, J.M. Batham, Esq. in the chair. The report and balance-sheet were read and adopted. The former showed there were sixty-eight members on the Club books; the latter shewed a debit balance of £104. A proposal from the Ahuriri Club to to amalgamate with the Napier was referred to the incoming Committee to report upon at an adjourued [adjourned] meeting. The election of office-bearers then took place by ballot. Mr R. Gibbons was elected Captain. The Hon. J.D. Ormond was reelected President, as were also Messrs Stuart and Tanner as Vice-Presidents, Messrs Eva and Bogle as Secretary and Treasurer respectively. Committee – Messrs Batham, Liddle, Gilberd, Dugleby, Moore, Garner, and Price. Auditors, Messrs A.L. Campbell and R. Brooking. After a vote of thanks to the retiring officers, and to the Chairman, the meeting adjourned till Wednesday evening next.
Dr. F.W.A, Skae has been appointed Inspector of the Lunatic Asylum, at Auckland, New Plymouth, Napier, Wellington, Nelson, Hokitiko,[Hokitika] Christchurch and Dunedin.
We are glad to report that the “Winter Entertainment” on Wednesday at the Athenaeum, attracted a crowded audience the large reading-room of the Institute being filled to overflowing, The programme, as usual, was well prepared and capitally carried out. The entertainment was preided [presided] over by M.R. Miller. Esq.
The shareholders in the Napier Theatre Company met on Wednesday at the Empire Hotel, when W. Routledge, Esq., was voted to the chair. It was resolved to proceed with the object the company had in view, and to call for designs for a theatre to cost £3,000. The sum of £20 is to be given for the approved design.
A correspondent living on the White Road enquires why no policemen are stationed in that portion of the town. He narrates a disgraceful drunken scene that occurred on Wednesday in that locality, which, it is to be hoped, the presence of a policeman there will prevent a repetition of.
We regret having to record the death at Dunedin on Wednesday of Captain Griffiths, late of the Rangatira. It is unnecessary for us to write of the many qualities he possessed, and which made for him in Hawke’s Bay a large circle of friends.
The English Church at Hastings is now completed, and will be formally opened at 3.30 p.m. on Sunday next. We need scarcely remind those of our readers who desire to attend the ceremony that the train leaving Napier on Sunday offers an opportunity to visit Hastings on that interesting occasion.
August 15.
The Coroner, Dr. Ormond, has held an enquiry into the cause of the fire at Mr. W. Black’s Mahia. A verdict of cause unknown was returned.
It is splendid settled weather.
No definite arrangements have been made as to retaining Dr. Haughton, but probably the doctor will remain here.
August 16.
In reference to the Waka Maori libel case, the Post says: – “Our Napier correspondent has written to us at considerable length in explanation of some of his telegrams, the accuracy of which were called in question by Messrs. Buller and Lewis, the counsel for the defendants. It would serve no good purpose to go into the matter in detail, but our correspondent shows, and with success, that he sent the telegrams in good faith; that the statements made therein were current at the Club and other places in Napier where people congregate, and that, as a watchful journalist, he thought it right to send every item of information which could be obtained about an inquiry which was regarded locally with the greatest interest. It was quite evident that there was a terrible amount of gossip going on in Napier about this case, and that facts and fictions got curiously jumbled up together. We have the utmost confidence in our correspondent, and are of opinion that he did his best to secure reliable intelligence, and if any error crept in, it was inadvertently. In any case, our correspondent has acted with perfect good faith.”
August 14.
Sailed – Kiwi, for Napier, at 4 p.m. Passengers – Messrs Edwin, Bruce, Guskin, Russell, Judge, Miss Keys, Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
August 16.
The Agent-General informs the Government by cable of the sailing of the Mataura for Napier with 184 immigrants, and the Rangitikei for Canterbury with 277.
August 15.
Mr Travers spoke of land speculators as animals. One of the highest type told him that he approved of the stoppage of land speculations for one year as likely to enormously increase the value of his property. He charged Mr Ormond with being concerned in land sharking. The natives had been led into debauchery, drunkenness, and extravagance, and then defrauded of their lands. Te Hapuku and Tareha had been reduced from the position of influential chiefs to pauperism by swindling, and he quoted the Omaranui [ Omarunui ] case. Land transactions in Hawke’s Bay had been the most rascally in the colony.
Mr. Thomson, amidst roars of laughter, expressed his astonishment that Mr. Ormond did not rise to rebut the charges. He said there were two Premiers in the Cabinet. He advised the Ministry to consult more, and not travel about the country like evil spirits. He concluded by relating a story of some one in Lambton Quay who asked him if there would not be a great lunch in the Parliament House, because Ministers would that day bring down their great humble pie. He (Mr. Thomson) replied that Ministers were so fond of it they would want it all themselves.
Mr. Douglas supported the withdrawal of the Bill.
Mr. Rees, in a long speech, lashed Ormond. He quoted the cases of Paora Torotoro and Waka Kawatini, and charged Mr. Ormond with having aided and abetted in land swindles. He challenged Mr. Ormond to deny the statements.
Mr. Ormond: When I like.
Mr. Rees continued: the people of Hawke’s Bay are afraid to mention these things. Mr. Sheehan had been cut by his friends. The ring endeavored to expel Henry Russell from the Club. He charged Mr. Morris with having ratted. He compared Ministers to a jelly-fish without a backbone. Why did they not eat the whole leek instead of nibbling it.
Captain Russell denounced Mr. Rees’ charges as gross libels. He quoted the report of the Alienation Commission. He defended the people of Hawke’s Bay. The outcry against them was a mere clamour. He shewed from figures that every native in Hawke’s Bay had still 150 acres. He defended Mr. Ormond. No one in Hawke’s Bay would think less of him because he refused to answer charges made by accomplished liars.
Karaitiana moved the adjournment till Friday.
The Premier moved the adjournment till half-past seven on Thursday.
The Premier’s motion was carried by thirty-seven to twenty-six. Mr Stafford and his tail voted with the Government.
Shipping Intelligence.
8 – Isabella Pratt, schooner, from Tasmania.
10 – Silver Cloud, three-masted schooner, from Newcastle, N.S.W.
11 – Wanaka, s.s., from Auckland. Passengers – Mrs Von Tempsky, family, and servant, Mrs Probert, Mrs Herbart, Miss Percy, Judge Rogan, Messrs Jobbern, Carroll, Beaver, Brooking Chicken, Jackson, Hare, Herbert, O’Neill, Nichols, Remmington, Mann, Lorrigan, Honi Peti (native assessor), and 20 for the South.
13 – Southern Cross, s.s., from Auckland. Passenger – Mr T Begg
14 – Albatross, schooner, from Whangapoua
14 – Result, s.s., from Wairoa via Mohaka.
14 – Manaia, p.s., from Wairoa. Passengers – Mesdames Taylor, Aislabie, McLean and 2 children, Messrs Swan, Carroll, Ramsey, Hawkesley, and 2 in steerage.
15 – Saucy Kate, schooner, from Auckland via Poverty Bay.
15 – Laetitia, schooner, from Lyttelton.
16 – Kiwi, s.s., from Wellington via Castlepoint. Passengers – Mrs Sallagar, Mr and Mrs Smith and children, Miss Keys, Messrs Edwin, Bruce, Russell, Judge, Common, Hurst, Flint, Taylor, Cribb, M’Lean, Leary, Lungan, 1 Chinaman, and 4 in the steerage.
16 – Rotorua, s.s., from Sydney via Auckland. Passengers – Miss Todd, Miss Horne, Miss Tunks, Messrs Harris, Tester, 2 in the steerage, and 42 for the South.
9 – Stormbird, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Mr and Mrs Brenderet, Mr and Mrs Dickman, Mr and Mrs Ashton, Mesdames Doherty and Conley, Miss Scully(2), Messrs Buchanan, Thompson, Hermann, Goodall, Currie, Saunders, Brooklands, Stephensen, Willie, and Thompson’s Diorama Troupe.
11 – Result. s.s., for Mohaka and Wairoa. Four native passengers.
11 – Manaia, p.s., for Wairoa. Passengers – Miss Gardiner, Messrs. Cable, Burton, Swan, Ingram, McMurray, Fraser, Newton, Bishop, Dr. Boyd, and a few natives.
11 – Wanaka, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Mrs Thomas, Messrs. Berry, Henhessey, Lawrence, Easton, McLouglan, Long, Edwards, Wade, Witty, Douglas McLean, and 20 original.
12 – Orpheus, schooner, for Mercury Bay
12 – Venus, ketch, for Mercury Bay
13 – Columbia, schooner, for Kennedy’s Bay
14 – Opotiki, schooner, for Poverty Bay
15 – Southern Cross, s.s., for Thames and Auckland. Passengers – Mrs Conroy, Messrs Turner and E. Carter.
15 – Result, s.s., for Wairoa and Whakaki, 4 passengers.
16 – Rotorua, s.s., for Wellington and Southern Ports. Passengers – Mrs Russell, Miss Baker, Messrs Coates, Remmington, Bell, Bridge, Brown, Silver, Johnson, Bishop, Grindell, Farquhar, Cameron, Grace, Baker, Gracer, H.R. Russell, Mr and Mrs Dennett, Dr Buller, Henare Matua, Rawiti, Renata Kawepo, Hapuka, and 8 other natives, and 42 originals
The s.s. Stormbird, Captain Doile, in going out on Thursday, had some difficulty in stemming the very strong current that was running. After trying for about half-an-hour she succeeded, with the assistance of her canvas, in getting beyond the westward mole, and got over the Bar. She had a tolerably large number of passengers.
The Pilot, after leaving the Stormbird outside, went on board the Columbia, and brought her to the outer wharf. During the passage in the channel, the pilot had to let go one of the anchors, when the chain instantly snapped, and the other had to be let go, which fortunately held, and enabled him to get to the wharf instead of drifting up stream.
The ship Merope, Captain Sutherland, arrived on Thursday at Lyttelton from London, after a splendid passage of 82 days. She brings 50 passengers, who have all been landed in good health.
The Isabella Pratt has a cargo of colonial produce from Oamaru, consigned to Messrs. Kinross and Co.
The following is the report of the passage of the Silver Cloud: – The Silver Cloud left Newcastle, N.S.W. on the 31st ultimo, with a cargo of 430 tons coal, 10 tons coke, 2 tins seed potatoes, and sundries. The beginning of the passage was made with light variables all round the compass. From the 4th instant strong S.W. winds until making the Straits on Wednesday, the 8th, when a heavy S.E. gale was experienced, lasting but 12 hours, hence light westerly and strong westerly winds until arrival here.
The Union Company’s s.s. Wanaka, Captain McGillvray, arrived at the anchorage early on Saturday. She had fine weather as far as Table Cape, when she encountered a heavy S.W. gale. She landed 35 passengers and 45 tons cargo; embarked about 25 passengers, and left at noon for Wellington.
We noticed in the Herald on Saturday that the three-masted schooner Mary Wadley is going to Wairoa to take 20,000 hop plants for Mr Witty. A friend of ours wanted to take a passage in her, but the agent Mr Vautier, informed him he had no intention of sending her there as she drew too much water, and he did not deem it advisable to run in opposition to the steamers Result and Manaia.
In justice to the Postmaster at the Spit, we beg to correct a statement that appeared in the Herald of the 9th, alluding to some irregularity in the shipment of mails by the Jane Douglas going to Poverty Bay. The only bag that was left behind was the one that had just arrived in the Storm Bird from Wellington, which vessel was not alongside the wharf when the Jane Douglas was leaving. The Pilot’s crew endeavoured to put the bags on board the Jane Douglas, but could not pull against the current.
The p.s. Manaia, in attempting to leave the breastwork tailed to stem the current, when Capt. Smith let go her anchor, but this not holding she took the ground; near the shoal bank were one of the telegraph posts is fixed, and remained there from 7 p.m. on Friday till 8.30 a.m. on Saturday, when she was got off, and steamedaway[steamed away] for Wairoa.
The s.s. Result, Capt. R. Baxter, left at 2 a.m. on Saturday for Mohaka and Wairoa.
The schooner Orpheus and ketch Venus were towed out by the Pilot boat on Sunday, and at sundown had made a good offing.
With the P.M.S.S. Company’s usual punctuality, the “Frisco mail arrived in Auckland on Sunday at an early hour. The Australia was the bearer and she left for Sydney at 8 p.m. the same day.
The Columbia left on Monday for a cargo of sawn timber from Kennedy’s Bay.
The s.s. Southern Cross had a good run down from Auckland. She was detained in Auckland for the mail steamer from Friday night till Saturday at 5 p.m. The detention ought to have been longer, because the mail boat was not due on Friday, but she was due on Saturday, and a matter of £25 was all that was asked by the A.S.P. Company. She passed the steamers Jane Douglas and Pretty Jane, both bound to Auckland. She had about 30 tons of cargo for Napier. Captain Carey is still in command, Captain Holmes not quite having recovered from his late indisposition. The latter gentleman hopes, however, to bring the Cross down next trip.
The schooner Albatross had a smart run from Whangapoua, where she brings a cargo of sawn timber for Mr Johnson.
The schooner Isabella Pratt, as usual, is turning her cargo out in excellent condition.
The Southern Cross brought this trip from Auckland a new mainmast for the Three Brothers. It is an excellent stick, being entirely free from knots.
The Auckland Manager of the South British Insurance Company received the following telegram from Nelson on Thursday last: – “A survey was held by Harbor-Master Cross, and the Captains of the two steamers on the Queen Bee. Their report is as follows: – “Found her abondaned [abandoned] with starboard anchor let go about six miles S.E. of Cape Farewell Spit light-house. Her head is pointing south with her sails hanging loose. The deck planking and bulwarks are gone, and the cargo is washing out. It is our opinion from the working of the ship that she parted amidship. At eight a.m. she was completely under water, with the exception of a small part of her starboard side; and further we recommend that she be sold for the benefit of whom it may concern. The steamer Lyttelton was at work all day yesterday, and what she has brought away is not worth the cost. We presume the sale should take place of ship and cargo. Please say who is the proper person to act, and otherwise instruct. The steamers have gone again.” The South British Insurance Company have a total line of £12,000 on the ship and cargo, but there are re-insurances against this, reducing the liability certainly to £5000, and probably to £3000.
The Southern Cross, Capt. Carey, left at 10.30 a.m. on Wednesday, with a cargo of 60 head of cattle and 300 fat sheep for the Thames. There being nine feet of water on the eastward side of the bar, the Pilot determined to try and take her out that way. We are happy to say he was successful, although when on the bar he grazed it all the time, but being loose shingle it did not stop the steamer’s way. We trust this is the beginning of an improved channel for bringing vessels in and out.
The schooner Laetitia, Capt. Short, left Lyttelton with a cargo of Colonial produce, consisting of flour, oatmeal, bran, sharps &c. She has made the passage in four days, experiencing light S.W. winds.
The schooner Saucy Kate has a cargo of sawn timber, which she is discharging at the breastwork.
The barque Robina Dunlop, that was recently lost at Turakina, was almost a new vessel, having been launched in 1874. She loaded late in the season in Auckland, and took a large quantity of Napier wool and tallow.
The ship Queen Bee, lately wrecked at Cape Farewell, is an old trader to this port, having made four voyages to Napier. Three times she loaded wool Home, and the fourth cleared for Madras. She was built in Sunderland in 1859, and was owned by Shaw, Savill and Co, London, and when lost was uninsured. Her agents here were always Messrs Kinross and Co.
The captain of the Manaia, which vessel arrived from Wairoa on Tuesday, reports a good entrance now at Wairoa.
The s.s Result left Wairoa on Tuesday for Mohaka to land cargo, which she succeeded in doing. Capt. Baxter then left for Whakaki for a load of maize, but a souther [southerly] springing up he came to Napier, arriving early in the afternoon.
The Pilot expects to bring the Silver Cloud inside to-morrow.
The s.s. Rotorua, Jas. Macfarlane, commander, cleared Sydney Heads at 3.30 p.m. on the 9th, and arrived at Auckland at 11 a.m. on the 14th, after a smart passage of 4 days, 17 hours, and discharged 200 tons of cargo, and left at 9.30 p.m., arriving in the roadstead on Thursday. Experienced fresh north-west and south-west winds and high seas the whole passage from Sydney, and light westerly winds and fine weather from Auckland.
The s.s. Kiwi left Wellington at 5 p.m. on Tuesday with the barque Edwin Bassett in tow; let her go at 10.30 off Sinclair Head. Arrived at Castle Point at noon on Wednesday, and discharged a quantity of cargo. Left there at 3 p.m., and brought up in Hawke’s Bay at 5 o’clock on Thursday, and was brought to the outer wharf at about 10 a.m. The Pilot brought her by the eastward channel, and although the Kiwi is only drawing eight feet six inches, she grazed the bar. She brought a large number of passengers, besides a quantity of pure-bred Merino sheep, chosen by Mr A. McLean, manager of the Maraekakoho [Maraekakaho] station, from some of the best flocks in Tasmania.
The Helen Denny, Capt. Routh, bound for Dunedin, passed Deal on June 10.
CHANDOS (Hastings). – We must decline the insertion of your letter. If the Herald prefers giving its readers nearly a column of telegrams referring to football, in preference to Parliamentary news or subjects of other importance, the subscribers to the Herald should complain, but not ourselves. You allude to the “Notes in the Gallery,” professed to be forwarded from Wellington, as being mamby-pamby and hashed up from the Parliamentary reports of the Wellington newspaper. There are more people than you of the same opinion. – We are glad to learn that the TELEGRAPH has now such a circulation in your district, as to be seen in nearly every settler’s cottage.
THE celebrated pure pedigreed Clydesdale Stallion “LITTLE JOHN” formerly belonging to the Hon. H.R. Russell, will arrive from Wairarapa in about ten days, and will stand for the season at the Hon. Colonel Whitemore’s [ Whitmore’s ] Clive Grange.
The first-class stock he has produced of which there are now so many in this Province are his best advertisement.
As a good many Mares are already secured, and the number taken will be limited, early application to the undersigned is recommended.
As a sure foal-getter “Little John” has never been surpassed.
Clive Grange.
The Cheapest House in the Trade.
Stock, Land Estate, and General Commission Agent, Waipukurau.
Goods Stored and Forwarded.
Offices and Stores: Near the Railway Station.
ALLARDICE – At Danevirk [ Dannevirke ]. On August 3, the wife of J. Allardice, of a son.
TYLER – At Waipawa, on August 4, the wife of Mr W. Tyler, of a son.
NEWMAN – BOSWELL – At Onga Onga, Ruataniwha, on the 9th August, by the Rev. J.C. Eccles, Mr James M. Newman, to Adaline Caroline, second daughter of Henry Boswell, Esq., of London.
For the United Kingdom, Contient [Continent] of Europe, &c., via Suez and Brindisi, by every opportunity to Wellington, where the mails close on the 24th instant.
For Fiji, Sandwich Islands, America, United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, West Indies, via San Francisco, per Rotorua, on Saturday, 25th instant, at 9 p.m.
Money Orders and Registered Letters will close at 5 p.m. Book Packets and Newspapers, at 8 p.m. on 25th instant.
For the undermentioned places every Monday, and Thursday, at 5.30 a.m. – Clive, Hastings, Havelock, Te Aute, Kaikora, Waipawa, Waipukurau, Danevirk, Norsewood, Tahaorite, Woodville, Foxton, Palmerston, Wanganui, Taranaki, Wellington and Southern Provinces &c., Wallingford, Porangahau, Wanui, and Castle Point.
On other days of the week, mails close as usual, at 6.30 a.m.
Chief Postmaster.
The Weekly Mercury
FROM The Public Works statement that was delivered on Friday by the Hon. Mr Ormond, we learn that there are now 860 miles of railway completed, and open for traffic. The north island has 212 ½ miles, and the southern island 647 ½ miles of railway. During the ensuing year, 274 miles more will be finished, about equally divided between the two islands. There will then only remain 93 miles to complete the total length of railways – 1227 miles – that was authorised by the General
Assembly. The total expenditure, up to June 30, last, had been £6,129,920 11s 5d, and the outstanding liabilities on existing contracts, and materials ordered, amounted to rather more than half a million sterling. In reference to the Hawke’s Bay line, Mr Ormond said, “the Napier Manawatu line would be extended five or six miles by October next, when it would be completed to Kopua, and about 65 miles would be in work. During the year a few miles more would be finished, and as this would bring the Seventy-Mile Bush settlements into more direct communication with Napier, the traffic would be considerably increased.” The proposed expenditure on railways for the current year was £1,370,100, £530,333 of which was to meet existing liabilities – “The Government,” said the hon. gentleman, in conclusion, “would have preferred to propose a smaller expenditure for the year; but taking into consideration that in the case of some of the most important railways the works are far advanced, and represent in their unfinished state a large unproductive expenditure, we consider it necessary to provide for their completion at as early a date as possible. We also think it necessary to push on the completion of the main line from Dunedin and Invercargill, and through to Kingston, and to advance the works on the different sections, of the main trunk lines in both Islands, and to provide the rolling stock and station accommodation which is necessary to secure the efficient working of the railways throughout the colony. With the exception that we undertake the completion of those branch railways in the South Island which were in course of construction by the Provincial Governments, our proposals are confined to works on the main trunk lines. We consider the colony is not in a position at present to undertake the responsibility of constructing branch lines, but must confine itself to steadily proceeding with the main trunks. We fully recognise, however, that many important districts in the colony may be immensely assisted in the development of their resources by the construction of branch or district railways, and to provide for this, a District Railway Bill has been prepared, which, we believe, will enable any district that is in a position to support a railway to secure it. I purpose submitting this bill to the House very shortly. If Parliament sanctions the works I have proposed, a very considerable increase will be added during the year to the mileage of working railways; and, looking at the results of the past year, we may confidently expect a largely increased traffic, and such returns as will amply justify us in providing for the further extension of our railway system.
Let us now turn to Captain Russell’s views on this subject, which we may gather from the DAILY TELGRAPH report of his speech delivered prior to his election for this constituency in December, 1875: – “If a man had wealth – no matter in what form – let him out of that wealth contribute to the expense of Government. Captain Russell said a reduction of duty on the necessaries of life would not only be a boon to the poor, but would increase the revenue, as had been practically shown in England. He was in favor of a tax on land, which should be valued and made to pay according to its situation and its soil. It will thus be seen that the two representatives of this constituency hold practical views on the question of taxation. It is to be hoped that no party ties will be allowed to shake those views, for on their possession intact does the confidence of this constituency rest upon its representatives.
THE Napier Endowment Bill has received a check at the hands of Captain Russell and Mr. Sheehan, who have succeeded in getting its second reading postponed for a fortnight. The delay was asked for by Mr. Sheehan, to enable enquiry to be made into the claims of the Harbor Board which conflict with the application of the Corporation. The piece of land, or lagoon, in question, which is only some two acres in extent, lies between the Hyderabad-road and the railway line, in the neighborhood of the Royal Hotel. Before the Hyderabad-road was formed, this land was under water, and in fact was a portion of the big lagoon, the whole of which had been reserved in 1860, when Mr. FitzGerald was Superintendent of Hawke’s Bay, for marine and harbor purposes. Seventeen years ago there was no such body as a Harbor Board, and it was competent for the Provincial Council from time to time, to make ducks and drakes of any reserve that might have been simply vested in the Superintendent. For instance, several acres in Napier were reserved during Mr. FitzGerald’s Superintendency, nominally for the benefit of the town, such as the Market and Town Hall reserves, all of which, however, were appropriated, chiefly under Mr. Ormond’s authority, for provincial purposes. It is a fortunate circumstance that the Marine reserves were mostly valueless wastes of mud and water. If they could have been turned into money by leasing, Mr. Ormond was not the Superintendent to let them lie idle. When Napier was constituted a Borough, the Corporation found that there were no reserves belonging to the town. Those which the Corporation subsequently obtained were granted as a very great favor, and for which the Borough was expected to be extremely grateful. The reserves set apart by Mr . FitzGerald for the town were in exactly the same position as those reserved for marine purposes. That is to say, on the establishment of the Harbor Board, no claim could be made by that body to a single acre of either land or water which had been originally set apart for the endowment of a future Harbor and Marine Board. But prior to the Harbor Board being created, one of the last acts of Mr Ormond was to richly endow it with town sections and country lands, besides making over to it the lagoon surrounding Napier, cutting out however, the little piece inside the railway line which has now been applied for by the Corporation. It will therefore be seen that the Harbor Board, by virtue of reservations made in 1860, has no claim whatever to that section, and we much regret the action taken by the Board in the matter of its opposition to the Corporation.
AS we predicted, the House on Tuesday was fully occupied in discussing the Native Lands Bill, and the proposition of the Government to withdraw it for a season. Mr. Rees, in his usual wild fashion, made all sorts of charges against the Hawke’s Bay settlers as to their transactions with the natives, but on this occasion his statements were fully rebutted by Captain Russell, who did not mince his words in condemning Mr Rees’ insinuations and falsehoods. Mr. Rees conduct appears to have disgusted the moderate Oppositionists, for we find the Government had a majority of eleven, when insisting that the debate should be postponed until Thursday.
(Before R. Stuart, Esq., R.M. and S.G. Brandon, Esq., J.P.)
Peter Andersen was charged by Sergt. McGuire with being drunk, disorderly, and destroying a zinc bucket whilst in custody. Fined £1.
Frederick Parkins was charged with furious riding and find £1.
Messrs Lee and Lascelles, of Napier, attended, being retained in various cases.
Allardice v. Jensen. – The defendant appeared on a judgment summons for £29, and was ordered to pay £3 per month, in default to be committed for one month.
Twenty-four cases were set down for hearing, of which three were settled out of Court. The following were adjudicated upon, and the remainder adjourned to Tuesday, 21st inst., at eleven o’clock: –
Wai Kahu v. Hughes. – Claim of £41 15s for agricultural work. Judgment, by default, with costs £2.
Wooster v. Turley, £88 5s; and same v. same, £23 11s 9d. – Agreed, by consent of Court, that £21 13s 9d be paid into Court, and that the matter be referred to Mr Banner, of Napier, for arbitration; his award to be made a judgment of the Court.
Burslem v. Sims. – Plaintiff claimed £16 6s for breaking in horses, &c. Defendant alleged that the horses had been improperly treated. After conflicting evidence, judgment was given for £4 11s, with costs 39s, and solicitor’s fee 21s.
Ryan v. Tangaru Tuhua. – The plaintiff had performed bush work for defendant, claiming £23 3s 3d. Judgment for the amount, with £3 4s costs.
Burslem v. Peters. – £5 10s, value of a horse sold to defendant was claimed. Defendant alleged that the purchase was conditional. Judgment for amount, with 13s costs, and solicitor’s fee 21s.
Lee v. Houguez. – Law costs, £5 14s 6d. Judgment accordingly. Court costs, 13s, solicitor’s fee 21s.
Mosen v. Hobson. – Claim of £14 3s 3d, balance of account for ploughing land. Defendant disputed the charge of 15s per acre. Judgment for claim, with costs £2, and solicitor’s fee 21s.
The Court rose at 3 p.m., and adjourned as above stated.
(Before R. Stuart, Esq., R.M.)
A woman named Mrs Hall who had imbibed rather freely yesterday, and was taken to the Police Cells, and afterwards bailed out, did not choose to make her appearance, and her bail money of £1 was therefore ordered to be forfeited.
A new comer named Kelly was ushered before the Court this morning by Constable Harvey charged with being of an unsteady gait yesterday. He had only landed from one of the vessels, when he entered an hotel, where he partook rather too freely of alcohol, and apparently being unable to take care of himself, Constable Harvey gave him free lodgings for the night. He was cautioned and dismissed.
A young lad named Patrick Maher, was charged by the Constable at Havelock,[North], with having broken into the house of James Churnside and stolen therefrom the sum of £7 10s.
The prisoner pleaded guilty.
The Police Inspector pressed for a heavy sentence as the youth had been formerly in gaol on a similar charge, for six months, and had a very bad character.
His Worship sentenced the prisoner to imprisonment in the common gaol at Napier for 12 months with hard labor.
The Police were instructed to deliver back the stolen money found on the prisoner to the party robbed.
This was all the business.
SIR, – The Catholic Bishop of Dunedin, Dr. Moran, has once more been pleased to insult the Freemasons of New Zealand in his wild and unreasoning denunciations of the proposed Education Act. Your Dunedin telegram of the 14th instant states, that, in denouncing the Bill, his Lordship characterised it as a measure put forth by the Freemasons, as an earnest of their determination to destroy the Catholic Church and faith in this colony. I am sorry to have to reply to this language; I am sorry the Catholic Church has a representative in this country who could use such language. I regret still more having to say that it is my firm conviction Dr Moran was perfectly well aware at the time he made use of that language that it was false, and that in using it he intended to deceive those of his hearers and readers whose faith in him as their guide and priest he could rely upon as remaining unshaken, say what he would.
The Education Bill does not represent a Freemason’s programme, nor did it emanate from the Order. This Dr Moran knew perfectly well, and if he did not, his hasty and unfounded conclusion was unworthy the high position in which the Church to which he belongs has placed him.
The Fremasons [ Freemasons ] have no hostile designs against the Catholic faith, or the Catholic Church of New Zealand, and any statement to the contrary is as false as it is puerile. If the Catholic Church seeks to discover its enemies it must look to within itself, where teachers and spiritual guides will be found, perhaps, in plenty, whose lessons and directions must sow the seeds of distrust in the minds of all educated persons.
The Freemasons in New Zealand are not the dupes of those on the Continent of Europe, nor have they been in communication with them on those matters that have brought Continental craftsmen under the ban of the Catholic Church. In making his assertion to the contrary, Dr. Moran shows that he is the dupe of his own foolish fancies.
Dr. Moran, apparently, dreads any scheme of State Education that would, in its operation tend to open the eyes of Catholics to the onesidedness of the views they are permitted by the Church to hold on all religious, civil, and moral duties of life. I would ask Dr. Moran to explain the cause of the poverty and the want of energy of countries that are basking in the sunshine of undefiled faith in the Catholic Church. I would ask him to explain why it is that the Catholic population in every Protestant country is the poorest and the most ignorant of the people. I would ask him to explain why it is that no nation appears to progress until it has shaken off the Papal yoke, and why this burden is never thrown off until the education of the people has been wrenched from the priesthood.
When these questions are answered, the cause perhaps, of Dr. Moran’s senseless arguments against the Education Bill will be disclosed. – I am, &c.,
Napier, August, 15th, 1877.
August 6, 1877.
It is a long time since you heard from me, but the fact is things are going on in that steady jog-trot fashion that there is no news to send you. However, shearing time is not far off, when our town will be lively, and doubtless I shall often send you a few lines.
By the bye though, one amongst us does endeavor to create a little excitement, but ex nihilo nihil fit; I hear that not contented with causing a dissension amongst the members of the late Road Board, he was endeavoring to create a disturbance at the meeting of the members of the English church the other night. His abuse of our worthy Pastor, calling forth a proposal for a vote of censure on his hoary but irreverent head would, I have no doubt, have been carried by acclamation had not the Chairman (Mr Eccles) declined to put it to the meeting, although it was twice brought forward, and each time readily found a seconder.
We have had a visit from an itinerant organ-grinder. He created quite a sensation, and must have done remarkably well. Our next visitor was a foreigner, selling indiarubber bladders inflated with gas. Napier must have changed since my last visit, for he is reported to have left four hundred unfilled bladders there, and was desirous of engaging one or two of our leading citizens for the purpose of filling them. Can the street lamps have exhausted the supply?
There is considerable fear of the serious trouble in connection with the plans of this township, there being two registered, and both of them interfering with many of the fenced sections. It is said that a Napier gentleman who holds property here has already commenced an action against the Road Board.
The Empire Hotel is still closed. This certainly has one good effect as far as I am concerned, and I think many others have the same experience, it is that my pockets are now heavier than they used to be. I even found a hole worn (not burnt) in one of them the other day; but still we grumble, for people object to being made teetotallers by compulsion.
On the subject of teetotallers, I am reminded that one or two meetings have been held since Mr Harding’s return, to consider the Local Option Bill. I dropped in one night just in time to hear one gentleman get into a fearful fog about a chemist’s poison sales book, and a similar book, in his opinion, publicans should be compelled to keep – that we should have to sign before every nip. I fear it would be a volume of great magnitude in the course of a few months.
The County Council at last seems inclined to settle down to work, although at their last meeting I cannot report much progress; but they meet again in a few days, when it is to be hoped a little business will be dispatched.
Mass will be celebrated by the Rev. E. Reignier next Sunday, 19th instant, in St Patrick’s Church. Waipawa, at 11 a.m.
Church of England service will be held (D.V.) on Sunday next, the 19th Instant, at St Mark’s, Clive, at 11 a.m., at the New Church, Hastings, at half-past 3, and at St. Luke’s Havelock, at 7 p.m.
SIR, – In your leader of yesterday upon Municipal and harbor endowments you have stated unintentionally, I have no doubt, from wrong premises, that “just a little jealousy was shown by the Municipality when some valuable town reserves were made over to the Harbor Board.” Allow me to inform you that all the reserves within the Town boundary included in the two Harbor Board Endowment Acts were already the property of the Board by Crown grant of 1860, with the exception of Battery Reserve and Lighthouse Reserve, which, as their designation implies, were originally intended for the protection and the interest of the shipping. The Lighthouse Reserve has been handed over only conditionally, the Government reserving the right of resuming possession in the event of its being wanted for a coast light. The Acts were required to enable the Harbor Board to lease or otherwise utilise the reserves, as the Crown grant did not define the powers.
From the above you will perceive that the Endowment Acts conveyed merely to the Board in a more tangible shape what was set aside for the harbor purposes in the early days of the settlement, without encroaching upon any Municipal reserves.
Allow me to add, that the Schedule to the Municipal Endowment Act of 1876 contains nine valuable sections on the reclaimed land and along Waghorne-street and Hardinge-road, that were originally included in the Harbour Grants of 1860. The late Superintendent was induced to recommend this unusual course to the Government, principally for the purpose of providing endowments for the Municipality in portions of the town where originally no land for these objects had been reserved, and as the remaining portion of the Harbor endowment at and adjacent to the reclaimed land had been greatly enchanced [enhanced] in value by expenditure of Provincial funds in reclaimation and breastwork. The section on the reclaimed land with the Customs Searching Shed (referred to by you) is included in the Harbour Grant of 1860, although it is not enumerated in the schedules to the Endowment Acts. – I am, &c.,
Napier, August 9, 1877.
[The Crown Grant that our correspondent alludes to was not a grant to the Harbor Board. It was a grant to Thomas Fitzgerald, Superintendent of Hawke’s Bay, and to his successors, Superintendents of Hawke’s Bay, of all that parcel of land, &c., in trust for the improvement of the harbor of Napier. The Grant was made out in the same way as others vesting land in the Superintendent in trust for purposes of public utility. By the Abolition Act the Governor now holds the powers formerly enjoyed by the Superintendents. The Harbor Endowment Act of 1874 did not include the piece of land that has been applied for by the Corporation, and the Harbor Board has no right to it whatever. – ED. D.T.]
SIR, – “Fair Play” is a lucid writer, nothing can be clearer than his definition of predestination unless, perhaps, it be his explanation of the doctrine of Election; and I am sure all devout Presbyterians, Mr Sidey included, will feel grateful for his advocacy of a good cause – as I am.
The Rev. D. Sidey, I presume, intends to be sarcastic; he is more, he is down-right amusing. In turn, I must congratulate him on the assumption of an entirely new role, and trust that he will not allow this recently discovered faculty to lie dormant. Perhaps it is open to question whether he should lose his temper and leave our poor friend “Fair Play” to explain the motives of the Calvanistic deity, and rush in where Angels fear to tread. – I am, &c.,
Napier, August 10, 1877.
SIR, – Your correspondent “Ex-Presbyterian” is evidently much more at home in the style of composition which is dignified with the name of “chaff,” than in writing letters intended to be edifying, on the subject of theology.
It may be quite true that it may be presumptuous in one like myself, whose business it has been to study theology, to write a letter in defence of one’s own creed; while it may, on the other hand, be a most sensible and moderate proceeding for “Ex-Presbyterian,” who evidently is not particularly at home on the literature of the subject, to make reckless attacks, which he cannot substantiate, on the creed of one of the largest sections of the Christian Church.
But so far from thinking myself an object of compassion, and “Ex-Presbyterian so pre-eminently wise and moderate as he gives himself the air of being, I feel sufficiently amused with his airs to be able to compliment him on his audacity and well-assumed conceit which would fit some wag of the Press far better than anyone I could conceive of as having ever been a Presbyterian at all. My advice to “Ex-Presbyterian” would be to tread more softly when he tries his pen at theological composition again. – I am, &c.,
Napier, August 11, 1877.
SIR, – As proprietor of the above hotel, and a ratepayer to the extent of £12 per annum, I wish, through the medium of your columns, to call the attention of the authorities to the disgraceful state of the road in front of my house. It is, after a few days’ rain, almost impassable for cabs and foot-passengers – being a mere quagmire.
I am sorry to trouble you in the matter, but your own good sense will tell you that the present state of affairs must be a source of great damage to my hotel, and inconvenience to my lodgers. – I am. &c.,
August 11, 1877.
SIR, – Your correspondent “Ex-Presbyterian,” after writing what he no doubt thought a grand philippic against the Westminster Confession, objected to the letter I wrote replying to the very points which he himself took up – that I had rushed in where angels feared to tread. The only difference that can be drawn from this statement of his is, that he considers himself privileged, like the angels. But this particular angel differs from the other angels in not being at all afraid to enter the enclosure, to which he forbids an entrance to common mortals like myself.
Another angel, as we must consider him on “Ex-Presbyterian’s” principles, because he writes on the same side as “Ex-Presbyterian,” unchallenged and privileged, writing to the Herald, says, that he has a great admiration for faith, but utterly disbelieves in dogma. Newspaper writers really do make curious discoveries in this nineteenth century. There can be no doubt that, wherever there is thought, there must be dogma; for what a man thinks is just his dogma. If this writer had said that the Church in its various branches, had, during the course of its history, accumulated too many dogmas, and that a revision of its creed, at regular intervals, to suit the existing age of thought in the Church, would be a wise and wholesome process, many adherents of almost all existing churches would have agreed with him.
I suppose I shall again be considered presumptuous, if I venture gently – very gently- to advise these knight-errants of the Press should endeavor to think with a little more clearness, and then they would be able to express themselves with more accuracy and force, when they enter the field of religion or theology. – I am, &c.,
Napier, August 13, 1877.
SIR, – I am sorry to perceive the morning paper take the tone it has recently done. In commenting on the wreck of the Queen Bee, the editor remarked “there is much reason to believe that the loss of the vessel, and probably a number of persons, is due to culpable carelessness or want of skill.” This, Sir, is a very grave charge to make, and being made in the absence of a single jot of evidence, I look upon it – to say the least – as unmanly. Last Saturday, the same journalist commented in a most unfair manner on the case of Mr Windsor which is to be heard in the Police Court on Tuesday next. I always was under the impression when a case was before the Court, and not decided upon, it was the duty of the Press to maintain a strict silence and not attempt to influence a judge’s or magisterial decision, and it could only be ignorance of this rule which has prompted your contemporary to step out of his way to adopt the course he has in both these instances. – I am, &c.,
August 13, 1877.
SIR, – Of late the ecclesiastical world appears to have been in a somewhat electrical state, and articles, paragraphs, and letters on disputed points of dogma have been showered broadcast. But one of the most original and unique productions which has yet appeared, was the letter signed “Ex-Presbyterian,” and entitled “Scepticism and Free Thought,” which appeared in the TELEGRAPH of Wednesday, the 8th inst. This was a gem of its kind, in more respects than one. The meaning of the title is a matter of some perplexity, – as it is a puzzle still to find out the connection between the title and sequel. For myself I can make neither head nor tail of it, and unless some Solon like “Ex-Presbyterian” throw a little light on the subject, I fear others will be as much in the dark as myself. Had “Ex-Presbyterian” chosen as his text, “The Lord opened the mouth of the ass” and then proceeded to expound the Binomial Theorem, or favor the public with a dissertation on the Hebrew points, his meaning would not have been a whit more inexplicable than it is. But if his meaning is ambiguous, his object is plain.
Opening his letter with an attack upon Mr Sidey, “Ex-Presbyterian” flies off at a tangent, and hurls a broadside at Presbyterianism, and finally, pulls up with an onslaught against the Westminster Confession. His charges against the Confession consist of a rehash of the select crudities of the Rev D. McRae, of Gomock, with certain original variations, additions, and emendations of his own. And the whole proves this Goliath to be a veritable Don Quixote, whose heaven-appointed mission is to run a muck against certain theological windmills, and those of Presbyterianism in particular. This is the red rag which excites his ire, and goads him into fury.
The object of “Ex-Presbyterian’s” letter is very patent. The personal animus in its opening sentences is too undisguised to deceive any one. Afraid to attack Mr Sidey openly, he hopes to stab him through the Confession. In the Life of Dr. Chambers we are told how an imposter tried to cozen him out of some money by getting astride the shoulders of Melchisedeck, and in the present case, “Ex-Presbyterian” thinks it safer to sneak behind the Confession, and try to reach his opponent through it, than come openly and manfully forward, and meet him face to face. There are some people whose rancour is a far greater commendation than their praise. And it is anything but uncharitable to affirm that anyone who could demean himself to play the role of “Ex-Presbyterian” must be ranked amongst the number.
“Ex-Presbyterian’s” bilious outburst against Presbyterianism is natural enough. The title appended to his letter explains the whole secret. He tells us he is an “Ex-Presbyterian,” and thus innocently affords us an explanation of his present antagonism. To justify their defection, turncoats usually deem it necessary to resort to ultra-vituperation and abuse of the party they have left, and to effect great zeal for those they have joined. They suspect themselves, and think that others do so too. And this doubtful expedient is adopted in the hope of justifying their inconsistency, and when the defection is not a matter of principle but disappointment, or some such cause, the bitterness is in the inverse ratio of the provocation. The more trifling the offence, the more fierce and unrelenting the hate.
For malice will with joy the lie receive,
Report, and what it wishes true, believe.
The principle of abusing the opposing counsel is often a convenient expedient, but always a sign of weakness, and sure evidence of a bad cause. But never is this principle so much resorted to, as where people change their party of sect. It is the only refuge of the desperate. When a man turns his coat outside in he thinks that by heaping abuse upon those with whom he was formerly associated, he will convince the world of honesty, sincerity, and absolute necessity of his conversion. Like the chased skunk, he hopes to escape notice by means of his own fetid and filthy discharge. It is therefore natural enough to find “Ex-Presbyterian” adopting the usual tactics of the unfortunate. If however, he has only found an ark of refuge and rest, he would certainly have shown his wisdom by casting no regretful glances back at the house of bondage from which he has escaped, and giving utterance to no resentful feelings against his quondam-taskmasters. There is room for ill-natured people now to say, that his emancipation has not afforded the anticipated satisfaction. But be this as it may; one thing is certain, “Ex-Presbyterian’s” loss affords as little cause of sorrow to those he has forsaken, as his gain affords ground of joy to those he has joined.
The first count in “Ex-Presbyterian’s” indictment is that the “Presbyterian Church is not a Church of charity.” The question here arises – what meaning does “Ex-Presbyterian” attach to this word charity? If he means that the Presbyterian Church has hitherto been intolerant of error within her fold, and a faithful and fearless expounder of what she believed to be Christian truth, he is correct. And it is doubtless this that has made her the largest reformed body in the world, and at this moment one of the most flourishing. It is true that “Ex-Presbyterian” seems to regard his secession as a severe blow to her prospects, and an indication of her near and speedy dissolution. It is possible however, that despite this great calamity she may hold together a little longer. The Old Blue Banner has survived many a storm, and its hoary folds may yet continue to wave, although “Ex-Presbyterian” has changed his colors, and taken service in the ranks of the enemy.
“Ex-Presbyterian’s” second count is that the “Calvinistic doctrines are hard, and calculated to frighten all those Christians whose bumps of self-veneration are feebly developed.” The argument, or rather insinuation, here is, that Calvinism and the Confession are peculiar to Presbyterianism alone, and that the “hard” uncharitable doctrines are ignored and repudiated by other denominations. This to have any force must be “Ex-Presbyterian’s” meaning, and like some more of his statements, it is wholly untrue. It did not suit his purpose however to say so. In an able article on the “Reconstruction of Creeds,” in the Christian World – the religious organ of the English Nonconformist – the writer says of Westminster Confession: – “In that document all Nonconformists may be expected to take an interest; for though it was never accepted by either the Independent or Baptist denominations collectively, it has been treated as a standard of theological orthodoxy by vast numbers of Independent and Baptist congregations, and alluded to in countless trust-deeds of Baptist and Independent chapels. The shorter Catechism has played an important part in the family and school education of devout English Noncomformists for centuries.” And if the Confession is thus the standard of many English Noncomformists, its “hard Calvanism” is embodied in the Thirty-nine Articles of the English Church, and forms the teaching of such men as Spurgeon and Dr Lindsay Alexander – the living representatives of English Baptists, and Scottish Independents. Probably enough, “Ex-Presbyterian” was not aware of this; but had he been as anxious to speak the truth as to score a point, he would have hesitated before giving publicity to a statement which betrays ignorance, misrepresentation, and prejudice, all in one breath.
To the question “Ex-Presbyterian’s” christianity might seem uncharitable; but it is certainly no want of charity to assert that be the cause of his becoming an ex-Presbyterian what it may, it could not possibly have been owing to a a “feeble development of the bump of self-veneration.” Though not a betting man, I’ll take the odds that this bump is sufficiently developed to enable him to swallow all the Creeds in Christendom, boards, brushing, and all without the slightest discomfort. He evidently does not require to pray as an old Highland Minister once did: – “Lord gie us a good conceit o’ ourselves.” Be his virtues and vices what they may, humility and modesty are certainly not of the number. And the opinion prevails that were it possible, by some surgical operation, to elevate the bump of common-sense, and have that of self-conceit depressed to a corresponding degree, the change thus effected in “Ex-Presbyterian’s” phrenological development would be a wonderful and decided improvement. But not thus, unfortunately, can the compensating balance of the mind be adjusted, and moral obliquities rectified.
The most important part of “Ex-Presbyterian’s” letter remains to be noticed; but having already occupied too much space, I must crave room for some strictures on it in another letter. – I am, &c.,
(Before R. Stuart, Esq., R.M.)
Christian Jensen was fined and paid ten shillings for the above offence.
Henry Windsor contributed five shillings.
Frank Windsor was charged by a Constable with a similar offence. The hearing of the case was adjourned until the 14th instant.
Francis Edward Oliver, on suspicion of being a “lunatic not under proper care and control, was remanded until Tuesday next for medical examination and report.
There were seventeen cases on the cause list for hearing to-day, but only the following were adjudicated upon by the Court, the others having been arranged in various ways before the sitting of the Court: –
Margoliouth and Banner v. Loader. – Claim £9 16s 3d, balance due on a promissory note dishonored. Judgment for plaintiff for amount claimed, and 13s costs.
Rymer v. Macdonald. – Claim £42 2s 8d. In this case £6 18s 10d had been paid into Court, and a set-off filed for the balance. Judgment for £6 11s 4d, and costs £1 8s.
France v. Fortune and Black. – Claim £30 13s 6d, defended. Judgment for plaintiff for £18 13s 6d, and £2 6s costs, &c. In this case an unstamped document in the shape of an agreement to lease was produced, and plaintiff was under the necessity of not only parting with 10s, the value of the stamp required, but also of paying an additional sum of £5 in the shape of a penalty for the infringement of the Stamp Act.
Vinsen v. Jessop. – Claim £7 18s 6d. Defendant had filed as a set-off a notice that he had filed a declaration of insolvency some time back. The set-off did not avail him, and judgment was given for plaintiff for the amount claimed, and 13s costs.
John Newman, charged with the above offence, was convicted and ordered to pay a fine of five shillings, or in default 24 hours imprisonment.
The same defendant was also convicted of having assaulted Constable Dennis Black whilst in the execution of his duty, and fined in the sum of £5 and costs, or in default one month’s imprisonment with hard labour. He went for the latter.
An information laid by one William Stafford, of Hastings, against a married woman of the same city, for stealing some £22, his property, was dismissed for want of evidence.
(Before J.A. Smith and T.K. Newton, Esqs., J.P’s.)
A man named Francis Edward Oliver, who had been suffering from delirium tremens, and was last week sent for medical examination was dismissed, he being now in his right mind.
Frank Windsor, a clerk in the employ of the railway authorities, and whose case has excited some comment, appeared in answer to a charge of drunkenness made against him by Sergeant Robinson.
Mr Cornford appeared as counsel for Mr Windsor.
Sergeant Robinson after being sworn, desired to make a statement to the Bench, but was ruled too late. He then deposed that on the evening of Thursday last at twenty minutes past six, Mr Windsor came to the lock-up, and asked him to be allowed to bail out his son, who was confined on a charge of drunkenness. The Sergeant told Mr Windsor his son was too drunk to bail out. He then looked at Mr Windsor and from his appearance and the way he spoke he concluded that he was drunk, and locked him up in one of the police cells.
Cross-examined by Mr Cornford: I will not swear it was the correct time. I concluded from Mr Windsor’s manner that he was drunk. It did not occur to me that the man was full of emotion on account of his son being locked up. I am prepared to swear that at the time I locked up Mr Windsor he was drunk. There was no other policeman at the lock-up at the time. During the day I had three cups of tea, one at noon, another in the afternoon, and another in the evening as usual. I might have had some beer on the afternoon in question.
Mr Cornford: Had you drunk intoxicating liquors that afternoon?
Sergeant Robinson: I will not answer the question.
Mr Cornford appealed to the Bench.
Sergeant Robinson: If the Bench desire the question answered, I will do so.
Mr Smith: The Bench consider you should answer the question.
Sergeant Robinson: That afternoon I had a glass of beer at 3 o’clock at the Criterion Hotel. That was all the liquor I had to drink from 12 in the forenoon till midnight. I swear most positively I was not at the Clarendon Hotel at all.
Mr Cornford to the Court: I wish that evidence taken down.
Sergeant Robinson: Possibly I might have been at the Clarendon Hotel between six o’clock in the afternoon and six the next morning. I did not drink there that afternoon. I did not drink with Mr Lockett that afternoon. I mean by Mr Lockett the little boy that serves behind the bar. If that is not Mr Lockett, I do not know the party known by that name. When I locked Mr Windsor up he was in the passage of the lock-up. I was in the kitchen having my tea when the two men came in. Mr Windsor asked me to see his son, and I told him if he did not go away, I would lock him up as he was drunk. I told him before locking him up that he was drunk. I myself was perfectly sober.
Constable John Laurenson deposed: I saw Mr Windsor in the police cell on Thursday night, at 6.30, and Mr Windsor was then drunk.
Cross-examined by Mr Cornford: I saw him for about five minutes, I looked at him, but did not ask him any questions. Sergeant Robinson asked me, “Is that man drunk or sober.” Windsor was staggering about in the cell, denying he was drunk. Most people when they are locked up for drunkenness believe themselves sober. I did not smell any drink on him. He appeared to be in a fury. I had no conversation with him. I had no lantern only a candle to see him by. Mr Windsor’s hat and gloves had been taken from him. There were some blankets in the cell. It was a cold night.
Dennis Black: I am a constable, I saw Sergeant Robinson several times during the day and up to 10 or 11 o’clock at night. He was sober.
Thos. Scully: I am an Inspector in the Armed Constabulary Force. On the night in question a man came up to me in Hastings-street, between five and six o’clock, and informed me some man working in the Wananga office had been locked up for drunkenness and that the father had gone to bail him out and had also been locked up. I went to the lock-up to make enquiries. Sergeant Robinson informed me of the circumstances of the case as related by him to the Court, and asked me to see the prisoner if I liked. I said there was no necessity. I saw nothing wrong with Sergeant Robinson. He appeared perfectly sober.
Mr Cornford then addressed the Bench. He said he did not wish to make any charge of malice against the police for their conduct to Mr Windsor, but he thought that Sergeant Robinson and Constable Laurenson had exhibited gross recklessness in their behaviour. He did not wish to prove that Sergeant Robinson was drunk, but there was a time, even with policemen, under the influence of a glass or two of beer, when they did not show such discrimination as they ought to do. The charge was not true. Mr Windsor was a respectable man, upwards of 50 years old, and such a charge, holding the position he did, was a most serious one to him. He would call evidence to prove the charge groundless:
Ernest Ingpen: I am a clerk in the Railway Department, Napier. On Thursday evening last, I worked up to a quarter past five. Mr Windsor and myself left the station together. He was perfectly sober. We met Mr Boyle and another gentleman. I left Mr Windsor when near the Odd Fellows’ Hall.
Messrs Bogle and McKay clerks in the Railway Department, deposed as to Mr Windsor being sober at half-past six, and to his general character for sobriety.
Constable Motley deposed: I met Mr Windsor and Mr Hill of the Wananga, on Thursday evening at half past six in Hastings-street, and they asked me who was at the police station. I replied, Sergeant Robinson. Mr Windsor spoke to me about his son who was locked up for drunkenness. To speak the truth, it never struck me that Mr Windsor was in liquor.
Henry Hill: I went to the lock-up with Mr Windsor on Thursday evening with the object of getting his son bailed out. We knocked at the door. The Sergeant came and said that we could not bail him out as he was too drunk. We were coming away when we said we should like to see him. The Sergeant said come along. The Sergeant went first, Mr Windsor next and then myself. We got to one of the cell doors, the Sergeant unlocked it, and pushed in Mr Windsor, and then closed the door. I then ran away as fast as I could for fear of being also locked up. I did not wait. (Laughter.) Mr Windsor was perfectly sober.
Mr Cornford did not think there was any need for him to adduce any witnesses as to the respectability of Mr Windsor, on account of his well-known character.
The Bench thought there was no necessity.
After a short consultation with Mr Newton, Mr Smith said the Bench had dismissed the charge against Mr Windsor They thought the police ought to have shewn more discretion. The evideuce [evidence] of Mr Hill more particularly had shown that Mr Windsor was perfectly sober. Under the circumstances, it was only natural that Mr Windsor should appear excited and they hoped the police would be more particular in future.
The Council met to-day at 11 o’clock.
Present; Messrs Tiffen (chairman), Williams, Brathwaite, Kinross, Torr, and Bennett.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The Public Works Committee’s report was read as follows:- Ngaruroro bridge: The Committee recommend the adoption of Mr Bold’s report, and that the same be acted upon immediately. Puketapu bridge: This bridge having been reported to be in an unsound condition, it is recommended that the engineer proceed to inspect the same, and report before the next meeting of the Council.
On the motion of Mr Bennett, the report was adopted.
Mr Williams moved, that Mr Bold be invited to act as County Engineer, at a salary of £300 per year, and a travelling allowance of £50 per year, he being at liberty to accept a similar offer under the Waipawa County Council, his services at times of floods being always first at the disposal of the Hawke’s Bay Council.
Mr Torr seconded the motion, which was agreed to.
Mr. Bennett moved, that the Chairman be requested to write to Mr. Bold (before making the appointment of Engineer) asking him if he is willing to undertake the appointment, subject to such appointment ceasing on six months notice being given, and that his services are to be available when required by the Road Boards of the County.
This was seconded and carried.
Mr. Bold’s report re drainage at Havelock was read.
Mr. Brathwaite moved,, that the works as directed in Mr. Bold’s report be carried out at once.
Seconded by Mr. Bennett, and carried.
Mr. Bennett moved, that the application of Mr J. B. Hollis, to erect a private slaughter-house at West Clivs [ Clive ], suburban section 36, be granted.
Seconded by Mr Kinross, and carried.
Mr. Bennett moved, and Mr. Torr seconded, that the Chairman be authorised to cause the raising and metalling of the road between the race course and Meanee bridge to be continued to Meanee bridge.
Correspondence was laid on the table.
A letter from Major Scully stated that he had placed in the bank to the credit of the Council the sum of £88 5s, being the amount of fees collected on dog tax.
A letter from the clerk to the County Council Waipawa, informed the Chairman of the Hawke’s Bay Council, that a special meeting of the former would be held on the 17th instant, and asking whether any definite arrangement with regard to co-operation in the appointment of Mr. Bold as permanent engineer for both Counties could be come to.
Mr. Brathwaite called the attention of the Council to the fact of certain reserves at Havelock being allowed to lie idle, which if let would return a revenue of £50 a year.
The Chairman stated that those reserves were in the hands of the Waste Lands Board.
The Council then adjourned.
A Coroner’s inquest was held on Thursday last, at the School-house, Norsewood, on the body of a man named Lorenz Christiansen, before Alexander Todd, Esq., Coroner, and a jury of which Mr Alfred Levy was foreman. The following was the evidence:-
Jacob Schware, being sworn, stated: About 2p.m. on Thursday last, myself and deceased were falling a large totara tree. We were standing one on each side of the tree. The deceased was standing on the side of the tree in the direction in which it was supposed to fall. He passed to my side, and we had an altercation as to which way the tree would fall, when a puff of wind caught the tree and turned it in the opposite direction to which we had intended it to fall. When the tree was falling the deceased ran for shelter to a matai tree standing twelve yards distant from the tree that we were falling. The falling tree caught a branch of the said matai tree, and the branch came down, striking deceased on the left side of the head. The branch was about four inches in diameter. Witness called deceased twice by name, but got no answer. I ran over to where deceased lay, and saw him breathe twice. He then died. I then called the other two men who were working close by, and they came up as the deceased was breathing his last. We got some water and washed his head to see where he was injured. We afterwards carried him to the clearing, and got a cart and conveyed him to the place where he now lies.
Gorgen Smidth, being sworn, stated: I was working about half a chain from the tree that the last witness and deceased were falling. I saw the tree falling and breaking off a brand from the matai tree under which the deceased had taken shelter. The last witness called to me. I ran over and found deceased lying under the tree. He was quite dead when I arrived. I assisted the last witness to remove the body to where it now lies.
The jury returned a verdict to the effect that the deceased came by his death accidentally.
A.M.* A.M. + A.M. P.M. P.M.
Spit, depart 7.40 11.0 3.40
Napier arrive 7.50 11.10 3.50
Napier depart 6.45 7.55 11.30 4.10 2.30
Farndon depart 7.10 8.20 11.55 4.35 2.55
Hastings, depart 7.35 8.45 12.20 5.0 3.20
Paki Paki arrive 9.5 5.18
Paki Paki depart 7.53 9.13 5.20
Te Aute arrive 8.32
Te Aute depart 8.35 9.55 6.5
Kaikora depart 9.15 10.35 6.45
Waipawa, depart 9.35 10.55 7.5
Waipukurau arrive 9.55 11.15 7.25
Waipukurau depart 10.0 11.30
Takapau, arrive 10.50 12.20
* On Monday and Thursday only.
+ On Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.
A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
Takapau, depart 2.20
Waipukurau, dep. 7.10 3.15
Waipawa, depart 7.30 3.35
Kaikora, depart 7.50 3.55
Te Aute arrive 8.31
Te Aute depart 8.33 4.35
Paki Paki, arrive 9.10 5.15
Paki Paki, depart 9.12 5.22
Hastings, depart 9.32 1.0 5.42 5.20
Farndon, depart 9.57 1.25 6.7 5.45
Napier arrive 10.22 1.50 6.32 6.10
Napier depart 7.20 10.25 3.0
Spit, arrive 7.30 10.35 3.10
*Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday only.
Passengers are requested not to enter or leave the carriages while in motion.
Season tickets issued to and from all Stations. Apply to the Manager.
To ensure despatch, Parcels should be booked fifteen minutes before the starting of the Train.
General Manager,
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in his work entitled “The Nile Tributaries in Abyssinia,” says, “I ordered the dragoman Mahomet to inform the Fakey that I was a Doctor, and that I had the best medicines at the service of the sick, with advice gratis. In a short time I had many applicants, to whom I served out a quantity of Holloway’s Pills. These are most useful to an explorer, as possessing unmistakable purgative properties they create an undeniable effect upon the patient, which satisfies him of their value.”
Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment. I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse feed poured in upon us, until at last a tea-spoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
On the Label in the address, 533, Oxford-street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
With a “New York” Label.
and at
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted in English, Continental, and American Newspapers, Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines, Books, and Stationery supplied with accuracy and punctuality, and at the lowest prices.
Proprietors of Newspapers furnished with Paper, Ink, and every requisite connected with the printing business.
Indents through the Sydney and Melbourne houses, and Commissions executed quickly and economically generally.
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
Standing Advertisements for Three, Six or Twelve Months can be arranged for at a Liberal Discount.
Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original order) must be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager.
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Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
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Names –
Mrs Aislabie, Mr and Mrs J Allardice, Dr Lindsay Alexander, Peter Anderson, Mr and Mrs Ashton, E Ashton, Miss Baker, Baldwin, Banner, J Barry, J M Batham, Captain R Baxter, N E Beamish, Beaver, J Beck, T Begg, Bell, J Bennett, Berry, E Bibby, Bishop, W Black, Constable Dennis Black, Bogle, Bold, Adaline Caroline Boswell, Henry Boswell, Boyle, Braithwaite, R M Brandon, S G Brandon, Mr and Mrs Brenderet Brice, Bridge, J Briggs, W Bristow, R Brooking, Brooklands, J Broom, Brown, Dr Boyd, Bruce, Buchanan, Buller, Dr Buller, Burslem, Burton, Cable, A L Campbell, D Cameron Cameron, Miss Isabella Carandini Carroll, E. Carter, Captain Carey, Chicken, Lorenz Christiansen, James Churnside, J Clark, Coates, Cohen, Colledge, Common, Mrs Conley Mrs Conroy, T Cooper, Cornford, Mr. and Mrs Cotterill Craig, Cross, Cribb, Currie, Daly, Miss Davis, W Denholm, Mr and Mrs Dennett, Mr and Mrs Dickman, Mrs Doherty Captain Doile, Donald, Douglas, S J Dryden. Dugleby, Duncan, Easton, Rev J C Eccles, Eccles, Edwards, Edwin, Ellis, Eva, Farquhar, Thomas FitzGerald, Flint, Flood, Father Forest, Simon Forge, Fountain, Fox, Fraser, W Fulton, F H Fulton, Miss Gardiner, Garner, Garry, William Geany, Dr Gibbs, R Gibbons, Gilberd, Gold, Goodall, Gracer, Captain Griffiths, Grindell, J Grubb Guskin, Mrs Hall, Hapuka, Hare, Harris Harding, Constable Harvey, Dr Haughton, Miss Hawkins, Hawkesley, Henhessey, Mrs Herbart, Herbert, Hermann, W C T Higgs, J B Hollis, Captain Holmes, R Holt, Miss Horne Houguez, Hughes, Hursts, Hutchinson, Ingram, Ernest Ingpen, Jackson, Christian Jensen, Jessop, Jobbern, Johnson, R Jeffares, Jones, Judge, Wai Kahu, Renata Kawepo, Kelly, G Kendall, Miss Keys, H King, J G Kinross, W Kitto, H T Knight, Lascelles, Lawrence, Constable John Laurenson, Leary, Lee, Alfred Levy, Lewis, Liddle, Loader, Lockett, Long, Lorrigan, Lungan, Miss Jennie Macdonald, Patrick Maher, Mann, Manoy, Margoliouth, Henare Matua, G McCauly, Jas. Macfarlane, Captain McGillvray, Sergeant McGuire, T McKay, Douglas McLean, A. McLean, Mrs McLean, McLoughlan, McMurray, M R Miller, C Mills, M’Lean, Monteith, John Moore, Dr Moran, Morris, Duncan Morrison, Myer, James M Newman, John Newman, Newton, T K Newton, Nichols, J Nicholson, J North, O’Dwyer, O’Neill, Francis Edward Oliver, Ormond, J D Ormond, Dr Ormond, T Parker, Frederick Parkins, Miss Percy, Honi Peti, Peters, Dr Pollen, E Price, Pritchard, Mrs Probort, G Quilter, Ramsey, Rawiti, J A Rearden, Rees, Rev E Reignier, Remmington, Sergeant Robinson, Rogan, Captain Routh. Captain Routledge, W Routledge, Captain Russell, A H Russell, H.R. Russell, Mrs Russell, Russell, Ryan, Rymer, Mrs Sallagar, Saunders, Jacob Schware, Inspector Thos. Scully, Major Scully, Miss Scully G T Seale, J Sheehan, Sheehan, W Shepherd, A Shield, Captain Short, Rev D Sidey, Silver, Sims, F W A Skae, Gorgen Smidth, Mr and Mrs Smith, J A Smith, R Somerville, J C Speedy, Spencer, Spurgeon, William Stafford, Stephenson, S Stone, R Stuart, Captain Sutherland, Sutton, Swan, Tanner, Taylor, Mrs Taylor, Tareha, Te Hapuku, Tester, Mrs Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Tiffen, Alexander Todd, Miss Todd, Torr, Tangaru Tuhua, Miss Tunks, Turley, Turner, Mr and Mrs W Tyler, Upham, Vautier, Vinsen, Mrs Von Tempsky, Wade, A H Wallis, Colonel Whitmore, Robert Wilkin, H Williams, N Williams, Willie, Frank Windsor, Henry Windsor, Witty, Wooster, John Young, R Yuill.
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