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- Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 093 - 25 August
Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 093 – 25 August
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.
9,000 ACRES Freehold, Agricultural and Pastoral, Seaboard, with
14,000 acres Leasehold, valuable improvements, and
18,000 Sheep, few Cattle, Horses, &c.
3,920 acres Freehold, rich pastoral land, Wairoa, with
800 Sheep, and 100 head Cattle
900 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa
4,677 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa, with
3,000 Sheep, and other necessary working improvements
25,000 acres Leasehold, Poverty Bay, and
112 acres Freehold, close to town, with
20,000 sheep and improvements
4,200 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Poverty Bay
11,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, Poverty Bay, with
3000 Sheep and few Cattle
1,600 acres, Leasehold, half interest, Poverty Bay
28,750 acres Poverty Bay, situate about 20 miles from Tologa [ Tolaga ] Bay, title under Native Lands Court
1657 acres rich Pastoral Land, good title, Poverty Bay
1385 acres rich Pastoral land, good title, Poverty Bay
8,800 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa Bay, with
3,000 Sheep and good improvemeuts [improvements]
3,000 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,220 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
400 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,200 acres Freehold, Rich Pastoral Land, improved, Opotiki
225 acres Freehold, excellent Land, Omaranui [ Omarunui ], with
1,600 Sheep,
30 head Cattle, and a few Horses, with improvements
Stock and Station Agent.
On Deferred Payments.
For particulars, apply to
of various extent, and
Stocked and Unstocked, in the Provinces of Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington. Canterbury, and Otago.
For particulars, apply at the office, Browning-street, Napier.
All First-class Flocks.
STORE SHEEP. – Various Lots of Store Merinos Ewes and Wedders for Sale.
Crown Lands Office,
Auckland, 18 August, 1877.
IT having been intimated to the Waste Lands Board that the Law Officer of the Colony is of opinion that the Wairoa confiscated lands advertised to be sold on the 22nd inst., cannot be offered for sale at a less price than ONE POUND PER ACRE, the said lands are hereby withdrawn from sale, and will be subsequently re-offered at a date of which due notice will be given.
Chief Commissioner Waste Lands Board.
THE Undersigned agree to subscribe to amounts undernoted: –
£ s. d.
To amount as per advertised list 227 11 0
J. Robertson 2 2 0
G.P. Donnelly 2 2 0
D. Galbraith 2 2 0
E. Merritt 2 2 0
Neal & Close 3 3 0
H.N. Chapman 2 2 0
C. Doney 1 0 0
Rev. Marshall 1 0 0
A. and W. Birch 5 0 0
P. Ramsay 2 2 0
William Ebbitts 2 2 0
J. Harris 1 0 0
J.C. Speedy 1 1 0
Hon. H. R. Russell 5 5 0
Gordon Hill 5 5 0
J.D. Canning 5 5 0
Other subscriptions will be published on receipt of the country lists, the following gentlemen having kindly undertaken to collect subscriptions: – R. Farmer, R. Wellwood, J.S. Giblin, G. Peacock, J. Bennett, M.R. Miller, and the Secretary.
Secretary Hawke’s Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Society.
Direct from the English and Colonial Manufacturers.
Carriage, Gig, Buggy, and Spring Cart
Made up on the Premises.
And every article in the Trade on Hand, or made up on the shortest notice.
Repairs done at moderate charges, and with quick despatch.
WANTED KNOWN – That in all Orders for GENERAL PRINTING executed at the DAILY TELEGRAPH Office, FULL NUMBERS are guaranteed.
RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of the public and especially to COUNTRY STOREKEEPERS, to their large assortment of NEW GOODS –
Builders’ Ironmongery –
WIRE and EWBANK’S NAILS Rim and Mortice Locks, Hinges Screws, Augers, Adzes. PLANES, Levels, Gauges, Floor Cramps, Chisels, Gouges, Axes, Hatches, Hammers, Gimblets, Spokeshaves, Saws (Pit and Crosscut, Hand, Tenon, and Compass), Door Springs, Sash Weights, Lines, and Pulleys, &c.
Brass Foundry –
Cornic [Cornice] Rings and Pole Ends, Curtain Bands and Hooks, Cornice and Window Brackets, Bolts, Sash, Table, and Casement Fasteners, Hinges, Blind Furniture. Beer, Bottling, Range Cocks, &c.
Agricultural Implements –
Hornsby’s and Ramsons’ 1 and 2 Wheel-Ploughs, Harrow’s Winmowing [Winnowing] Machines, Horse Powers, Wheat Mills, Corn Shellers, CHAFF CUTTERS, (hand and horse power), Coil, Plough, Cart and Dog CHAINS, Hames, Grind-stones, Draining and Grafting Tools, Hedge, Pruning and Sheep Shears, Scythes, Sickles, Reap Hooks, Maull Rings, Wedges, Fencing Wire, Steel-yards, GALVANISED WIRE NETTING, (3/8 to 2 in. Mesh), Saddles, Bridles, Girths, Spurs, &c.
B.B.H. Bar and Rod Iron –
Boiler Plate, Sheet Iron (black and galvanised), Anvils, Vyces [Vices], Spring, Shear, Cast, and Blister STEEL, Horse Nails, Files and Rasps, Portable Forges, Bellows, Dray, and Buggy Axles, Iron Pipe, HYDRAULIC WOOL PRESS.
Galvanised Corrugated Iron
O.G. and ½ rd. Guttering, Down Pipe, Ridging, Brackets, Spikes and Tubes, SHEET ZINC, (plain and perforated), Sheet Lead, WHITE LEAD, boiled and raw Linseed, Colza, Castor and Kerosine Oils, Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, Varnish, Soft Soap, Raddle and Charcoal, Putty, Colours, (dry and ground), Liquid Paint in 5 and 10lb tins.
American Novelties –
Saws, Braces and Bits, Arkansas, Washita and Pond Stones, Corn-shellers, Weighing Machines, Sausage Machines, Ames, Collins, and Day’s S. and L.H. Shovels, Axes, Hatches, &c.
Furnishing Requisites –
BEDSTEADS, (single and double), Childrens Cots, LAMPS in great variety, Cooking, Parlour and Office Stoves, from 30s upwards, Colonial Ovens, Fenders, Fire Irons, HOLLOWARE, (tinned and enamelled) Brushware, Tinware, Doormats, Scrapers, Tubs, Buckets, Wash and Knife Boards, Mangles, Wringers, Portable Washing Boilers and Furnace Pans, Charcoal and Flat Irons, Electroplate Tea and Coffee Pots, Cruets, Butter Coolers, Toast Racks, Cake Baskets, Spoons, Forks, Tea Trays, Bells, Chandeliers, (gas and kerosene) in 2 to 8 lights.
Cutlery –
Rodger’s, Lockwood’s and Johnson’s Table and Pocket Knives, Steels, Knife Sharpeners, Scissors, Razors, Fleams Sheath Knives.
Dairy Utensils –
Churns, Milk Pans and Seives [Sieves], Butter Pats and Prints, Scales, Wood Spoons, &c.
Sporting –
Single and Double-barrelled Guns, Sporting and Blasting Powder, Fuse, Dynamite, &c., &c.
N.B. – BOYLAN & CO., are now SELLING OFF their entire STOCK OF CROCKERY at and under Cost.
50 dozed [dozen] GRANITE CUPS and SAUCERS, from 4s per dozen.
100 dozen PLATES, from 2s 6d per dozen
100 dozen CHILDRENS MUGS, from 2s per dozen
PRESERVE POTS in Nests, EARTHEN MILK PANS, TEAPOTS, from 1s each; TUMBLERS, from 6s per doz. Also a large variety of Articles, too numerous to mention.
By all the celebrated English and French Makers, for Cash or on time-payment system.
MEN’S FROM 6s. up. WOMEN’S FROM 4s. up.
Where the best articles can be obtained at the Lowest Prices.
Opposite Post Office, Napier.
SHOES. See our Prices quoted in this paper. BOOTS.

August 17.
It is considered probable that the Nuhaka natives will agree to have the whole of the disputed block surveyed and put through the Native Lands Court.
August 21.
The bar is reported all right. There was a heavy sea on last night, but it has subsided.

August 18
A meeting of citizens was held on Thursday night at the Oddfellows’ Hall, which was crammed. The Mayor occupied the chair. The following resolutions were carried unanimously: – 1. “That this meeting of citizens desire to draw the attention of the Government to the present unsatisfactory state of trade, and urge upon the Government the necessity of fostering as far as possible, the manufacture of all iron work, woodwork, and other material required for the public roads of the colony.” 2 “That in view of the greatly increased manufacturing power within the colony, this meeting is of opinion that the Colonial Legislature might with advantage adopt the resolutions passed by the Provincial Council of Canterbury, in August, 1871, viz., that in the opinion of this Council, it is desirable that railway and other plant or material should be obtained within the province, where this can be done at a cost not exceeding ten per cent above that which the same can be imported, and that public tenders be invited for the same.” 3 “That this meeting views the importation by the Government of manufactured articles, which can be produced with advantage within the colony, as an injury to the general interests of the community.”
August 20.
The Native Land Court opened here today. About 300 to 350 natives were present, Several of the Napier repudiation native party are here, and likely to cause some delay in the transaction of business.
August 17.
An extraordinary scene occurred in the House yesterday afternoon.
Mr Murray moved, “That the House is of opinion that the Government should this session take measures to give effect to the recommendation of the Public Petitions Committee in their report on the petition of the Hon. Henry Russell.” The petition of Mr Russell was for a right of access through private property which barred his frontage. In the petition, he offered to construct a road at his own expense. Mr Murray enlarged on this fact. The land was shut off by means which, if not fraudulent, were certainly not creditable to the administration of the waste lands in Hawke’s Bay. Mr Russell was unfortunately in antagonism with certain land speculators and friends of the Ministers in Hawke’s Bay, which were discreditable to the colony.
The Hon Mr Reid deprecated importing warmth into the discussions. The case was fully brought out in the papers he would lay on the table. To give a road through Mr Kinross’s property would be an unwarrantable interference with the rights of private property.
The Hon Mr Ormond strongly opposed the motion. The mistake in laying out land so as to prevent people having access to it was made under Sir George Grey’s regulations, under which the eyes of the country were picked out, and under those regulations enormous properties were sold. Hundreds of people in Hawke’s Bay had the same complaint as Mr Russell. He appealed to the House not to give way to this exceptional case.
Mr Stout hoped the Russell and Heretaunga party would not quarrel again in the House as they had a few nights ago. What Mr Ormond said had not damaged Mr Russell’s claim, which rested on the report of a Committee of the House.
Sir G. Grey charged the Government with ignoring Mr Russell’s case because he is an opponent to Mr Ormond. In reply to the charges Mr Ormond was in the habit of making with reference to his (Sir G. Grey’s) land regulations, he was cofounding together truth and righteousness, justice and injustice. When Mr Ormond was charged with acquiring land from drunken natives; when the accusation was made against him of acquiring blocks of tens of thousands of acres of lands which had been put up at certain upset price, but afterwards sold privately at less prices, could Mr Ormond accuse him (Sir G. Grey) of having acquired lands by unfair means? Mr Ormond had referred to great tracts of land bought under his (Sir George Grey’s) regulations. Did he (Sir George Grey) buy any? When Mr Ormond was attacked the other night, why did he not get up and deny the charges, and call for a Special Committee to investigate them? Let him ask for a Committee to inquire why a special clause was inserted in the Native Land Court’s Bill to protect his property, and make retrospective laws to protect lands wrongfully acquired?
Mr. Gisborne deprecated the importation of foreign matter into the discussion.
The Premier rose and said the conduct of the member for the Thames was characteristic. At all times since he had been in this House, he had used his position to slander gentlemen whose characters were irreproachable – whose characters were better than his own. I call upon the hon. Gentleman to dare –
Mr Wood, (Invercargill): I rise to order. I move those words be taken down. (Hear, hear.)
The Premier: I used those words absolutely. To slander myself and my colleagues –
Mr Wood: I think the better way would be, before this matter goes further, to move “that the words be taken down.”
The question that the words be taken down was put by the Speaker. At first only several members cried Aye.
The question was put three times, each time after a long pause.
The third time the Speaker declared his opinion that the feeling of the House appeared to be against enforcing rigorous measures. The Speaker than [then] said: I am of opinion it is undesirable to use these strong expressions, which are likely to provoke members. I am bound to say that the leader of the House in this Chamber ought to set an example.
The Premier who changed from the passionate and vehement tones in which he had spoken before, challenged Sir G. Grey to put in writing the charges he had made, and repeat them outside the House and he (Major Atkinson) would meet him in a Court of Law. If Sir G. Grey was a man, let him accept this challenge. Sir G. Grey defamed the characters of men higher than his own. He (Major Atkinson) called upon the House to defend the Government from these dastardly attacks. If such charges were true the duty of the House immediately was to eject the Government. ( Loud cries of “Hear, hear.”) In conclusion, he challenged Sir G. Grey to put his statements in writing, and to-morrow he would have them sifted to the bottom.
Mr. Rees: I do not intend to grow white in the face with passion. I do not intend to tremble where I stand, and scarcely know what I am saying. I will ask the hon. gentleman to recollect last year when I asked him to support me with a Committee, he did not accept the challenge. Mr. Rees went on to say, now that the Premier could get a majority to walk into the lobby, and defeat a motion for a Committee, he capered and danced a war dance on the floor of the House. He challenged Major Atkinson now, and all the Ministry, to move for a Committee of inquiry. He (Mr. Rees) would make the charges against him, either in writing or any other way. He had done it before, and would do so again. He dared the Premier, with all his influence over the Courts, to accept the challenge. The great sting of the charges was their truth. Let them move for a Committee.
Sir G. Grey: Why did they refuse one last year?
Mr. Rees: They refused two or three last year. Will they deny it? Let them have a Committee into the Piako Swamp business. (Great laughter.) They were afraid to grant it. He demanded a Committee from that House. As for the Government, he challenged Mr. Ormond to move for a Committee of inquiry, or support him (Mr. Rees) in moving it. No; he (Mr. Ormond) was afraid to move for an inquiry into the land dealings in Hawke’s Bay. Then why all this boasting; this working-up of savage notions? Why not come out in red ochre feathers. Let the Premier come out, with Messrs. Ormond and Reid in the rear. They would be much in the rear. If there was any fighting, they would be in the rear, pulling the wires. If the Premier would mention one false accusation he (Mr. Rees) made, he would move for a Committee of inquiry. The result would be to shock and astonish even the Premier. He (Mr. Rees) would prove five times more than he had stated.
Sir R. Douglas thought the parties had better settle matters out side.
After further lively debate, Mr. Murray’s resolution was carried, on the understanding that the Government were to consider the resolution in its general bearing, and not with regard to the Hon. H. R. Russell or any particular case.
On the House resuming, at half-past seven, Mr Whitaker called the attention of the House, as a matter of privilege, to an article in the Oamaru Mail of August 13, (printed by George Jones, late of the Auckland Echo) which accused Mr Whitaker and a company of having combined with Brissinden and one Moon to swindle the natives out of land. It accused him of having introduced a Native Land Bill with the object of making a safe land transaction comprising 250,000 acres of land, or 300 square miles. Mr Whitaker emphatically denied all the allegations in the article, and said he never employed Mr Brissenden, and never had any communications with him on the subject of employment. He concluded by moving that the article was a breach of privilege.
Mr Wakefield, in the interest of the Press pleaded for deliberation. They ought not to condemn hastily.
Mr Stout deprecated extreme measures. They might accept Mr Whitaker’s denial as sufficient. Their attention to newspaper libels would monopolise the attention of the House.
Mr Rees thought, if the House affirmed this a breach of privilege, they ought to go further, otherwise they would offer a premium to newspapers to gain notoriety. The New Zealand Times during the last few weeks was inspired by Ministers, and contained scurrilous attacks on members, and obscene expressions, especially regarding Sir G. Grey who took no notice. He referred to Major Green’s refusal to answer questions when summoned by the Auckland Provincial Council, who said he was acting under instructions from Dr Pollen.
Mr. Fox supported the motion. He severely condemned the libels on Sir G. Grey in a letter signed T.C. Williams, J.P. in the New Zealand Times. He said such ribald articles were only to be explained by Watts lines “The devil finds some mischief still, etc.” The Government ought to strike Mr. Williams’ name off the list of Justices.
Mr. Gisborne thought an example should be made.
Mr. Thomson deprecated extreme measures as usually abortive.
The motion was agreed to.
Mr. Whitaker moved that the printers and publishers be ordered to appear at the bar of the House that day week.
Mr. Wakefield seconded.
Mr. Stout thought Parliament ought only to assert its privileges against articles interfering with its freedom. Mr. Whitaker had better institute criminal proceedings.
Mr. Reynolds strongly condemned the scurrilous articles in the New Zealand Times on Sir G, Grey. They should call the editor and publisher of the Times to the bar.
Mr. Travers said ordinary apologies in similar cases had been made with impertinent humility. A fine or imprisonment ought to be inflicted.
Mr. Rees defended the press generally from sharing the obloquy of the present condemnation.
The motion was carried.
After the privilege question, the debate was resumed on the second reading of Native Lands Court Bill.
Takamoana, Hori Karaka, and Tawiti condemned the bill.
Mr. Rowe advocated the preparation of a suitable measure during the recess.
Mr. Bryce, in a capital speech, severely criticised the Bill, and sketched out the provisions of a suitable measure.
Without any further discussion, the question was put to vote. The words ”During the present session” were struck out. The motion thus amended was carried on the voices in the following form: – “That the order of the day be discharged from the Order Paper to enable the Government to give effect to the amendment of the member for Rangitikei.” The latter is practically Mr. Lusk’s amendment. The Government did not divide the House. The Opposition cheered loudly.
The Banker’s Evidence Amendment and the Conveyancing Ordinance Amendment Bills were read a second time.
August 18.
Trouble is brewing over the Premier’s speech yesterday.
When the House met, Sir G. Grey requested the Speaker that the Clerk might furnish a copy of the speech made yesterday by the Premier, challenging him (Sir G. Grey) to use certain expressions outside the House which he had used inside it.
The Speaker replied that it should be furnished.
Mr. Sheehan gave notice of motion for a Special Committee of inquiry into the Government Land Purchase Department at Poverty Bay in connection with Wilson’s petition.
After some questions had been replied to by the Government, the debate on Mr Woolcock’s motion regarding incidence of taxation was resumed by Mr. Bowen, who said the Government fully concurred in the propriety of throwing a fair share of the burdens of the country on property, but it was impossible to make any change this year. He moved as an amendment, “That in the opinion of this House the incidence of taxation should be adjusted so as to impose on property a fair share of the burdens entailed on the colony by expenditure on public works, thereby affording means for the reduction of taxation on necessaries, and that the financial proposals of the Government next session should embody this principle.”
The Speaker ruled the amendment out of order.
A short discussion then ensued, in which Mr. Sutton, the member for Napier, supported the motion in a sensible and argumentative speech, adducing the same arguments in favour of the motion as he did when seconding the reply to the Governor’s speech.
Many members advocated the taking over the land fund of the South, but this proposition was not at all acceptable to the Canterbury members.
Mr Woolcock’s motion was then put, and declared carried on the voices.
Sir G. Grey then moved a further amendment, “That an income and property tax be at once imposed to relieve the people of the colony from Customs duties on the necessities of life.” Sir G. Grey spoke well on the subject, but as usual went out of his way by making attacks on members who differed from him politically. He abused Captain Russell and his family as being landsharks in Hawke’s Bay, and accused them of mopping up Maori lands.
The Speaker interfered, and rebuked Sir George for attacking hon. member’s private character.
Sir George maintained that £35,000 could be remitted from the Custom’s duties on the necessaries of life if an acreage land tax were imposed, the expenditure of the colony reduced, and the land fund made Colonial revenue.
The debate was interrupted by the adjournment hour having arrived.

Sir George Grey’s motion on the incidence of taxation will be the next bone of contention. Coming as it does now from one of their leading opponents, who cannot be talked over like Mr Woolcock, they will now have to meet the question face to face. The majority will probably support the government to delay the question until next year, and thus enable the government to bring down their budget according to the principles contained in the motion.
Mr G. Benjamin of Hastings-street has received per Rotorua the first shipment of this season’s fruit, amongst which we notice Australian loquets [loquats], a fruit which is very palatable and much partaken of in our sister colony.
The Medical Practitioners Bill contains 36 clauses. The Act is not retrospective. The following medical districts will be made under its provisions: – Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, Taranaki, Middle District, Wellington, Nelson, Marlborough, Canterbury District, Canterbury and Westland, Otago District. The Medical Council in each district is to consist of five members, who are to be appointed by the Governor and hold office for five years.
An emergency meeting of Scinde Lodge, 419, I.C., held on Thursday, for the purpose of enabling the Freemasons of Napier to bid farewell to Brother Hugh Campbell. After the Lodge was closed, a considerable number of the bretheren sat down to a cold refection that was laid out in the Hall. Brother R. Price, W.M. of Scinde Lodge, occupied the chair, supported by Past Masters Kennedy, Pulford, and Wandrum, and by Brother Crawford, the W.M. of Victoria lodge. The W.M. of Scinde Lodge, in proposing the toast of the evening, said, he need not expatiate on Brother Campbell’s many admirable qualities, that had endeared him to the Lodges of Napier as a Mason, and had earned for him the esteem and respect of his fellow townsmen. Earnest in pursuit of his duties, and zealous in the performance of them, Brother Campbell had been at once a credit of the Craft, and a valuable member of society in this town. Brother Campbell was about to return to the Waikato, and to his mother Lodge (Beta,) whither he would take with him the sincerest wishes for his success and happiness. The toast was heartily responded to with Masonic honors, and was replied to by Brother Campbell in suitable terms. Songs and toasts enlivened the remainder of the meeting, and the bretheren separated after spending a most enjoyable evening.
The woman Gallagher, who was brought up for lunacy and discharged on Friday, afterwards made an attempt to rush into the surf, but was prevented by Sergeant Robinson, who was watching her movements. She was taken to the lock-up.
The Waste Lands Board met last week when the application of F. Ingobrisen for a reversal of the decision of the Board with respect to the forfeiture of his land was refused. An application from Toha, a native, to be allowed to exchange a section of land he owned for one belonging to the Crown could not be entertained. A letter from the Under-Secretary for Crown Lands was laid on the table, informing the Board that the Tarawera and Te Haroto reserves had been proclaimed waste land of the Crown. Others correspondence was laid on the table relative to surveys, and others matters. An application from Samuel Philips to transfer his interest in an application (No. 48) for 100 acres in the Makaretu reserve to Joseph Bryan was agreed to. An application (No.2493) from S.W.P. Peddie to purchase 20 acres in the Patoka district was refused, because it would exclude other settlers from access to a creek. The Board resolved to recommend, to His Excellency the Governor to proclaim as reserves certain sections which had been withheld from sale, and had been marked as reserved, but had hitherto proclaimed as such; one of them (at Papaku) to be set aside for a cemetery and seven others (at Havelock) to be set aside for purposes of public utility. The board also resolved that the reserves should be put to auction to be leased for seven years. The Board agreed to sell by auction in two months time some town sections at Mahia, Clyde (Wairoa), East Clive, and Porangahau; also two suburban sections at Clyde, some rural sections at Woodville, and 2 blocks in the Makaretu reserve. The Board then adjourned.
In the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Saturday, there was only a solitary case on the police sheet, being one of lunacy against the female Gallagher. The Police Sergeant stated she was unfit to be brought before the Court, but he believed she would be all right on Tuesday, as she was only suffering from the effects of drink.
Mr Henry Clapcott, the Government Life Insurance Agent, arrived in Napier on Wednesday. Persons desirous of effecting life insurances, purchase of annuities, for endowments, will be able to obtain tables or rates and all particulars from him at the Post Office. Those unable to call at the office, and desiring information, will be waited on by Mr Clapcott, if they will send their addresses to him.
We have had the pleasure of seeing at Messrs Gilberd and Co.’s factory five blocks of artificial ice, manufactured by the machinery recently imported by that spirited firm. The blocks average 200lbs each, and measure about three feet square by about seven inches thick, and look very transparent.
At a meeting of the Cook County Council held at Gisborne about a month ago, a resolution was passed instructing the Chairman to forward a circular to the various County Councils throughout the colony, asking them to co-operate for the purpose of “passing a Bill with the object of so amending the Waste Lands Act that the waste lands of the Crown may be vested in the Councillors and the County respectively.” The Chairman appears to have complied with the request, but the manner in which the suggestion has been received by some of the enlightened Councillors in the colony is truly laughable. One of the Councillors of the Bruce County, in the Otago district, having a very hazy knowledge of the geography of the colony, wanted to know where the Cook County Council was located. An equally enlightened member, with a most solemn look, informed his brother Councillor it was in Napier. Another member, who had seen a map of the North Island thought it was somewhere about Cook’s Straits. At length, the seven wise men of Bruce gave up in despair, and passed a resolution, ”that the subject was too large for them to attempt to grasp.” They thus appear to have a greater knowledge of their own capabilities, than they have of New Zealand geography.
To the Editor: Sir, – From time to time, Mr W Colenso has advocated the claims of kingfishers and pigeons to the milk of human kindness, allow me before my death to say a word for butterflies and moths. I fear troublous times for my species since Mr Colenso has preached a crusade against us by drawing attention to the beauty of our creation. We suffer quite as much as pigeons do when our domestic ties are broken, but in our capture and death for the pleasure of savants, there is none of the excitement that is enjoyed by pigeons when being shot at for the amusement of sportsmen. We are trapped in a net, and are then pinned to a cork, there left to die a miserable death from starvation and agony. The more merciful savants, after putting a pin through the body of his victim, suffocate the quivering creature by placing it for a few seconds in a bottle containing poisonous fumes. But how many do this? – I am, &c., A CRUCIFIED BUTTERFLY. Philosopher’s Study, Napier.
We regret to learn that, owing to the illness of Mr Cotterill, he has been compelled to postpone the visit to Napier he purposed making in company with his talented wife (Miss Isabella Carandini).

The opening of St. Matthew’s Church, Hastings, took place on Monday afternoon. Prayers were read by the Rev. Mr. Anderson, and an appropriate sermon was delivered by the incumbent, the Rev. W. Marshall. The church was crowded.
We regret to learn of the drowning in the Waipawa river on Saturday afternoon last of a youth named Edward Bolt, aged thirteen years. From what we can gather it would appear that on Saturday the father, Mr. James Bolt, with his son, were returning on a dray to Waipawa from his section in the Bush for provisions. In attempting to cross the river, in which there was a fresh, the dray upset, and when the father recovered himself he found his son had been washed away by the swift current and drowned. The body has not yet been recovered , although the river has been carefully watched by the police, nor is it expected to be found until the water subsides.
Mr George Jones, who appeared on Thursday last at the bar of the House on a charge of breach of privilege, is a brother to Mr F. Jones, of Napier, and was formerly proprietor of the Waikato Times. No doubt it was information obtained from some of his old Waikato friends which has placed him in his present prominent position.
The railway officials got a well-deserved wigging from the Bench on Tuesday for the extraordinary steps they took in the arrest of a respectable settler for not showing his ticket when called on. It was not an ordinary case. It was clearly shown that Mr. Ray, the defendant in the case, had on Saturday purchased a return railway ticket, but being in ignorance of a new by-law which has only been in force for two months, and not posted up with the fifty-two by-laws to which travellers look for guidance, he neglected to have his return ticket re-dated. On being told of his error, he paid to the ticket seller two shillings that was demanded from him, and was handed back a piece of paper, which he carelessly thinking to be no good threw away. This action appeared to anger the officials, and he was thereupon handed over to the custody of the police, notwithstanding the officials were told that Mr. Ray was a well-known settler, and what he had done was done in ignorance. Furthermore, the railway officials, finding they had committed a blunder in giving Mr Ray into custody, then altered the charge to another section of the by-laws. It is to be hoped that the remarks of the Justices will have the effect of making the officials show more caution in the future, and however their pride may be disturbed, “they will take more precaution before resorting to arbitrary measures.”
We do not know who the controller-general of the Napier waterworks may be, but whoever he is his place of residence should be well known. On Monday, as the Fancy-dress Ball Committee was in grave deliberation in the reading-room of the Fire Brigade Station a Fireman, with alarm depicted on his countenance, desired to interview the Captain of the Brigade, Mr. W. Miller. In a few minutes it leaked out that there was no water in the mains. Nobody knew where Mr. Peppercorne lived, much less where he was to be found at 9.30 p.m. One said, “Try the White Road;” another cried out” somebody lives on the Spit who knows;” while another recommended application to be made at the Gas-works, As in the course of an hour after it was discovered that the mains had been turned off, water was again laid on, we presume Mr Peppercorne, or somebody else was found who had authority to use the key. It is manifestly absurd, however, that water can be turned on or off, at the sweet will and pleasure of somebody or other, who can go to bed, or elsewhere, and be oblivious to the danger in which he has placed the town, and the inconvenience to which he has subjected the ratepayers. On Monday morning, without any notice, the water was cut off, and family washings, we understand, were seriously put out of gear.
It must be very satisfactory to all interested in the subject of education to hear that Mr. J.A. Rearden’s Class was well attended last week. Several who seem most anxious to make amends for lost time, or very probably, had not sufficient opportunity in their younger days, are taking advantage of the means now offered them by Mr. Rearden for improving their education.
At a meeting of Mr Jessop’s creditors held on Tuesday, The assets which were wholly book debts were shown as £70 16s., and the liabilities amounted to £149 3s 2d, leaving a deficit of £69 7s 2d. Mr Vinsen was appointed Trustee.
We have to acknowledge with thanks from the author, a small book of Poems, from the pen of Mr. Anderson, of Wairoa. The subjects chosen are all local. We do not wish to write disparagingly of the efforts of our local poet, but to those who read the work it will give an inkling of the kind of poetry which often finds its way to the editorial desk for insertion in the papers. We only wish that all our poets would print a book; they would then know better than we could tell them how prized their effusions are. The book is neatly printed by Messrs. Colledge and Craig.
At a meeting of the Acclimatisation Society held at Dunedin last week, in reply to an application from Mr Shrimpton, of Napier, for starlings. It was resolved that he be informed that the Society will endeavour to send a lot of these birds to Hawke’s Bay in December, when the young birds will be ready.
The following members of the House of Representatives comprise the Select Committee to consider the Sheep and Cattle Bill, Fencing Bill, and Slaughter-houses Bill. The majority of the members are large holders, and the interests of their class will not we may be confident , be forgotten: – Messrs Cox and Williams, Captain Russell, Hon. Mr Ormond, Messrs Beetham, Bryce, Richmond, Murray-Aynsley, Harper, Teschemaker, Captain Morris, Mr Seymour, Captain Kenny, Messrs Wason, Thomson, Joyce, Dr Hodgkinson, and the Hon. Mr Reid.
It has been decided to celebrate the anniversaries of the formation of the Napier Volunteer Company, the Fire Brigade, and the Dramatic Club, by a fancy dress ball, to be held at the Oddfellows’ Hall on Thursday, September 20, next. The ball-committee held a meeting last night, when it was decided that the price of a ticket admitting lady and gentleman should be 25s, and extra tickets for ladies 10s 6d each. It was resolved to issue circulars, on postal cards, inviting the company and co-operation of those to whom they are sent, to which answers will be desired with as little delay as possible. The novelty of a fancy dress ball should ensure a large assemblage, while the names of the gentlemen on the Committee guarantee a success for it second only to the ball that was given, now more than three years ago, to the Colonial Prize Firing representatives.
Some larrikins, the other evening, amused themselves by rolling down the gully, at the top of the Shakespeare Road, a concrete block placed on the footpath by the contractor for the erection of the lamp-posts. The block weighs about five hundred weight, and it will cost less money to make another block than to raise the one thrown down the gully. The police would be glad to get hold of the offenders.
Our special correspondent at Wellington telegraphed us last week, in the event of the Government threatening to bring in a Bill to cause speculations in native lands to cease for 12 months, certain parties during the interim would attempt to make large purchases. From a telegram sent by the Press Agency, it would appear that this prediction is about to be fulfilled. The telegram runs thus: – “Russell and Brissenden are said to be endeavouring to purchase the Otamakapuku block of 145,000 acres, and it is reported that certain land speculators are actively at work to secure all the native land possible before the passing of restrictive legislation.”
There is a sweet thing in drains in Hasting-street, and its present condition is highly creditable to all concerned. The drain is a sort of directory to the kitchen proceedings within the houses from which the sewerage flows. The turbid stream that slowly wends its way along the side of the footpath carries on its waters tea leaves and currants, little balls of dough, and islets of fat, and the aroma from these decomposing substances goes far to make one forget the perfumes of Arabia. The open drainage system of Napier has much to recommend it; it offers a study to the philosopher, a fortune to the medical practitioner, and an ever source of enjoyment to children interested in the displacement of water of various floating bodies.
The shareholders of the Theatre Company held a meeting on Tuesday at Mr Mayo’s Empire Hotel, Mr Routledge in the chair. After some discussion a resolution was carried adjourning the meeting until an opinion could be obtained from the solicitor of the Company (Mr Sheehan) as to the status of the Company. An amendment was moved to the effect “ That the Company wind up forthwith,” but it found few supporters. The business of the meeting was brought to a close by a vote of thanks to the chairman.
A rather severe lesson was taught on Wednesday, to those persons who neglect to affix stamps on receipts. Mr Robert France was fined nearly £20, and, counting his own solicitor’s fee, he will have to pay fully over that amount, for giving three separate receipts to Messrs Fortune and Black for rent, without placing on each a penny receipt stamp. We are aware that there is a great deal of carelessness shewn by many people in Napier in giving unstamped receipts for sums over £2. The result of the proceedings, should be a caution to them in the future.
The Chairman of all Road Boards in the colony are in future to receive copies of the New Zealand Gazette.
On Tuesday, at the dead of night, three individuals were discovered on their knees, striking matches, and peering on the ground. The party who discovered these people in their investigation was about to give them in charge as lunatics, when, on enquiry, he ascertained that they were sounding the depth of water in the mains. They were members of the Fire Brigade, who, at midnight, finding that there was no water in Hastings-street, were endeavouring to see if the whole of the town had been served in the same manner. In a previous issue, we drew attention to the gross carelessness shown in turning the water off, but, apparently, our remarks had no effect. Perhaps the Municipal Council will take the matter in hand. If the members of the Corporation do not wish to make themselves responsible, in the event of a fire occurring when the water is turned off at the mains, we should advise them to issue some positive instructions which, if disregarded, would lead to the well merited punishment of the offenders.
In wet weather, persons going from the Spit Post Office to the Custom House have to wade through a sea of mud. This inconvenience might be obviated by the removal of the Customs yard fence, which is now in a line with the Post Office verandah, and by the construction of a foot-path. The customs yard is never used, and the fence we imagine, encroaches on the public road.
The annual meeting of the members of St John’s Church congregation took place on Tuesday, at which the Rev H.W. St Hill presided. The proceedings were opened with prayer, after which Mr. St Hill read a short address, in the course of which he stated that he had undertaken the care of the parish for a period of six months, at the request of the Primate, and the concurrence of the Vestry. The minutes of the last Vestry meeting were then read and confirmed. Dr. Spencer read the annual report and statement of accounts. The receipts from pew rents and offertories, for the year ending June 30, 1877, had been £526 12s 1d, showing a falling off of £315 2s 9d from the previous year. The total liabilities over and above assets, including £200 due to Rev J. Townsend, was shown to be £1056 19s 3d. On the motion that the report and balance-sheet be adopted, and that the balance-sheet be printed. Before the close of the meeting, a resolution was moved by Dr. Gibbes, and seconded by Mr. Tiffen, “that the accounts be adopted.” This was carried, after some discussion as to whether it did not rescind the amendment to the original motion. The following office-bearers were elected: – Clergyman’s Churchwarden, Col. Lambert; Parishioners’ Churchwarden, Dr. Spencer; Vestrymen: – Messrs Miller, Ellison, Tabuteau, Stuart, Sainsbury, and Moore; Auditors, Messrs. Routledge and Sutton. A vote of thanks to the Chairman brought the meeting to a close.
Church of England service will be held (D.V.) on Sunday next, the 26th Instant, by the Rev. Wm. Marshall, at St Matthew’s, Hastings, at 11a.m;at St Luke’s, Havelock, at 3 p.m; and at St Marks, Clive, at 7p.m.The Rev. J.C. Eccles will hold evening service at St Matthew’s, Hastings, at 7 p.m.
Owing to the configuration of Scinde Island, a fire might break out in a house on the Spit, and do immense mischief before the news could be conveyed to the engine station in town. We have been informed that, at a cost of £5, a wire could be laid from the Spit Post Office to the engine station, and as this is such a small sum of money, we think this communication should be made. The residents on the Spit have no means whatever of extinguishing a conflagration, and without the engine from town came to their assistance they would be helpless in the event of a fire.
Mr. Pyke’s Little Joke. – Scene, Bellamy’s; time, just after the conclusion of the debate on the Native Lands Bill; dramatis personae, Messrs Pyke and Sheehan. Pyke: “Johnny, what is the matter? You don’t seem happy.” Sheehan: “I feel as if I can neither sit nor stand.” Pyke:” Well, you can lie at all events!”
The following is the notice of motion on the Order Paper given by Mr. Rees, asking for a Committee to enquire into Hawke’s Bay native land purchases: – “Mr, Rees to move, that a Committee, consisting of Hon. Mr. Bowen, Hon. Mr. McLean, Hon. Mr. Fox, Messrs Stevens, Bastings, Hislop, Balance, Bunny, Macandrew, Curtis, Montgomery, Burns, Fitzroy, DeLatour, Sir G. Grey, and the mover, be appointed to inquire into all the dealings with native lands by landed proprietors in Hawke’s Bay. Such Committee to have power to call for papers and persons, and to report in a month, Five to be a quorum.”
A Press Agency telegram from Wanganui states that Messrs Russell and Brissenden are said to be endeavouring to purchase the Otamakapuku block of 145,000 acres; and it is reported that certain land speculators are actively at work to secure all the native land possible before the passing of restrictive legislation.
Sir George Grey visited the Wellington Working Men’s Club on Saturday, and expressed himself highly satisfied with the arrangements which had been made by the Club Committee. Sir George Grey and several members of the House of Representatives have enrolled themselves as honorary members.
A German residing in the vicinity of Arapawanui, met with an adventure while out pig-hunting a few weeks ago, which will long remain embedded in his memory. One bright morning, accompanied by a fine bulldog he came across a large boar, which the dog immediately tackled. His enemy, however, managed to get hold of him in his mouth, and carried him thus for about twenty yards, when he threw him down, and killed him with his immense tusks. As soon as the boar had concluded proceedings with the dog, he ran at the German, who made for a tree, into which he climbed. His porcine enemy walked round and round the tree, making it impossible for the man to escape. The boar kept guard all night, and the feelings of the German during that time can be more easily imagined than described. He slept not, for fear of falling into the jaws of the enemy. Next morning, perceiving the boar going towards his dead dog, the man slipped down from his place of refuge, and wended his way homewards, where he arrived weary and hungered. The following day an expedition was organised by some settlers, who went out in search of the boar, which they found and shot. The German, however, declares that he will never again go out pig-hunting alone. Wild pork is good, but sleeping in a tree all night he does not consider beneficial to health.
At the meeting of the Napier Literary Association, held on Wednesday, Mr. D.K. Davis read a well-written essay on the poet Longfellow, which was afterwards discussed. At the next meeting, an essay will be read by Mr. H. Ellison on the mutual relations of capital and labor in the colonies, as affected by immigration.
August 22.
The Manaia and Result both arrived here from Napier shortly after noon.
August 23.
The Result left early this morning for Whakaki, taking in a cargo of maize there for Napier.
The Manaia leaves at 4, if the wind is favourable.
Mr. Sturm is here with a lot of trees, fruit, etc, and is selling them well.
August 22.
The Petition Committee yesterday considered a petition from 166 residents of Clyde with reference to the reserve. Captain Russell examined the resolution passed, that if the reserve was not already dealt with for local purposes, the Committee recommend it be vested in the chairman of the Wairoa County Council in trust for the inhabitants of Clyde for a public recreation ground.
Takamoana presented a petition against the Native Land Court Bill, and Hoani Nahe presented a petition from the Omahu meeting.
Yesterday, the Hon. Mr Russell moved a resolution in the legislative council, requiring the Government to inform the House what steps have been taken to enforce a resolution passed in the session of 1875, with regard to the Te Aute and other educational Trusts. The hon. member gave a summary of the position in which the Te Aute Estate was new in, which your readers are fully acquainted with. A short debate ensued in which Captain Baillie, Colonel Whitmore, Randall Johnston and Dr. Pollen took part. The latter asked that the debate be postponed until that day week, so as to give him time to consult his colleagues, and gather further information.
The debate was then adjourned.
Shipping Intelligence.
17 – Storm Bird, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Messrs. Byrne, Pelemmes, Axup, Dunbar, Jones, Collins, Wells, Joyce and Hart.
17 – Result. s.s,. from Wairoa and Whakaki.
17 – Minnie Hare, schooner, from Auckland.
18 – Taupo, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Captain and Mrs McInnis, Mrs Fry and child, Messrs King, Headlam, MacKinnon, Witty, Margetts, McDonald, Jobbens, Robertson, Davidson, Jolly, McIntiosh, Reed, Groswell, and family, and 5 carpenters.
19 – Jane Douglas, s.s., from Gisborne: Passengers – Mr and Mrs Clunes, Mrs Davey and 2 children, Miss Trimmer, Messrs Mannen, Nolan, Thomas, Rock, Loughlan, Tucker, Warnop, native wife and child
22 – Southern Cross, s.s., from Auckland. Passengers – Master McAuley, and 20 immigrants
23 – Storm Bird, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Mrs Poole, Misses Lydia Howard, Navaro, and Nye, Messrs Shepperson, Poole, Sweeney, and Hunter
17 – Mary Wadley, three-masted schooner, for Newcastle, N.S.W.
17 – Kiwi, s.s., for Wellington via Mangakuri.
17 – Isabella Pratt, schooner, for Oamaru.
18 – Taupo, s.s., for Auckland via Gisborne and Tauranga. Passengers – Mesdames Gibbons (2) Sterndale and Butterworth, Misses Harkis, Davis, Gibbons, and Browning, Messrs Gibbons (2) Harkis, Ewing, Mann, Berry, Joyce, Campbell, Baker, Harrison, Cribb, O’Neal, Firth, Floyd, Dunbar, Turnbull, Farnes, and one native.
19 – Storm Bird, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Messrs Anderson and Solomon
19 – Jane Douglas, s.s., for Wellington. Passenger – Mr Rock
21 – Jannett, ketch, for the Sound
22 – Manaia, p.s., for Wairoa. Passengers – Mrs Taylor, Mrs Aislabie, Miss Keys, Messrs Sturm and Ralph
22 – Albatross, schooner, for Whangapoua
22 – Laetitia, schooner, for Auckland
22 – Result, s.s., for Wairoa. Four passengers
22 – Saucy Kate, schooner, for Auckland
The three-masted schooner Mary Wadley was towed out by the Sir Donald on Friday through the eastward channel. She bumped four times, and is bound to Newcastle, N.S.W., for a cargo of coal.
The s.s. Storm Bird, Capt. Doile, left Wellington on Thursday at 12.30 a.m., and has experienced throughout the trip strong head winds with heavy rain and thick weather. Passed Castlepoint at 3 p.m. same day, and Cape Turnagain at 7 p.m.; eased engines at midnight owing to the thick weather, and came under easy steam, arriving in the roadstead at 8.30 on Friday. Crossed the bar at 9.15, and was moored to the Breastwork. Sighted a fore and aft schooner off the Castle. The Storm Bird has 73 tons general cargo, principally transhipments ex Endymion from London, and leaves again for Wellington. We thank Mr Dugdale for report and files.
The officers and crew of H.M.S. Sappho after getting on board Mr Mason, the third mate of the Queen Bee, nursed him very carefully, and before he left the man-of-war, handed to Mason a subscription amounting to £16.
Negotiations for the purchase of the Jane Douglas have been pending for some time between Messrs Richardson and Co., the late owners, and Mr Plimmer, manager of the N.Z.S.S. Co. Mr Plimmer arrived in the Storm Bird on Friday, and the final arrangements were concluded. The price has not transpired. We hear she is intended to run between Wellington and Manawatu, a trade for which she is admirably adapted, as the passenger traffic is increasing in that river. We hear that some altarations [alterations] will have to be made to her accommodation. Captain Fraser will no doubt remain in charge of her.
No report of the Taupo’s voyage having reached us, we can only favour our readers with the names of the passengers, kindly furnished by Mr Duncan, shipping clerk at Messrs Kinross and Co’s. On the occasion of the last trip of the Taupo going South from Wellington, she was commanded by Capt. Andrews, with Capt. Evans acting as mate, Capt. Carey and officers being obliged to remain behind to attend a Court of Inquiry, re the running down of the Eli Whitney by the s.s. Taupo.
Capt. Malcolm, late of the Wanaka, is now in command of the Taranaki.
The s.s. Result returned from Wairoa and Whakaki with only half a cargo of maize in consequence of a southerly springing up early on Friday morning, Capt. Baxter was reluctantly compelled to leave with the vessel only half laden.
The Isabella Pratt, Capt. Cross, left on Friday.
A Nelson paper informs us that the Maori crew who brought a part of the shipwrecked passengers ex the Queen Bee, were entertained whilst in port to several sumptuous repasts at the expense of the Bishop of Nelson.
The s.s. Taupo, Capt. Carey left on Saturday afternoon. She left the major part of her cargo for Napier, and during the transhipment to the Three Brothers considerable damage was done to the lighter on account of the heavy roll.
In consequence of the threatening appearance of the weather on Saturday, the s.s. Storm Bird was detained till Sunday, when she left for Wellington, passing out by the westward channel. At 2 o’clock she was followed by the Jane Douglas.
The schooner Minnie Hare was brought inside on Saturday at 1.30 p.m. She was steered in by the semaphore as far as the passage on the eastward end of the bar, when she was boarded by the pilot, who immediately took the wheel. In crossing the bar the heel of the rudder struck the bar, which took the wheel out of the pilots hand knocking him down, and one of the spokes hitting him severely on the chest, besides injuring his shoulders and wrist. The sea washed the vessel over the bar.
The s.s. Jane Douglas hoisted on Sunday the house flag of her new owners, and steamed for Wellington at two p.m. We are glad to hear that Capt. Fraser, and the engineer, Mr Dobbie, are still to retain their respective positions in the steamer. We wish the present owners prosperity with their new purchase.
A gentleman recently from Wellington, connected with the N.Z.S.S. Company has kindly favoured us with a description of the proposed improvements and alterations to the s.s. Rangatira. Her engines are to be made on the compound principle, which means a great saving of coal, and are to be increased 20 horse power. Her propeller is to be 20 inches large in diameter, which will make her a ten-knot boat. A new high pressure boiler is being fixed with all the latest improvements. Extra bilge pieces are being fitted so as to prevent the proverbial rolling. The saloon is being fitted up as nearly as possible after the pattern of that in the Wanaka, with green velvet seats and backs. There are fourteen enclosed cabins for gentlemen, and the ladies cabin is to remain as it is. The whole of the internal fittings are being repainted and handsomely decorated. In the future she will steer from the bridge. The whole of her deck fittings will be entirely altered. The donkey engine will be shifted more forward, and a whale back will be fixed forward of her foremast. This will be very useful for coiling away ropes, &c. Her owners expect her to be in Napier in three weeks time. We are glad to inform our readers and the future travellers in this steamer that Captain Evans will retain the command.
The s.s. Storm Bird, Captain Doile, hence, on Sunday at 12 o’clock, arrived at Wellington, at 4 o’clock on Monday afternoon.
The s.s. Jane Douglas, Captain Fraser which left here at 2 p.m. on Sunday last, arrived at Wellington on Monday at half past five. It will thus be seen that the latter steamer gained on the Storm Bird half-an-hour on the passage. Both steamers were no doubt doing their level best. Money changed hands on the event.
A schooner called the Ann Hill has left Dunedin for Napier, with a full cargo of Colonial produce.
H.M.S.S. Sappho, Captain Digby, may shortly be expected to pay a visit to Hawke’s Bay, en route for Auckland.
The Result on Tuesday towed out the ketch Jannett, bound to the Sound for a load of timber for Lyttelton. She also towed out the schooners Laetitia and Albatross, the latter bound to Whangapoua, and the former to Auckland.
The Laetitia, soon after the pilot left her, brought up, and the captain ran up the ensign as a signal for the pilot, who immediately went to see what was the matter. The captain informed him one of the crew had stolen from him some money. As the Laetitia was anchored in a dangerous position, the pilot got her underweigh, and the captain determined to give the man in charge as soon as he got to Auckland.
The s.s. Southern Cross, Captain Holmes, left Auckland at 4.30 p.m., last Monday, and has made a good run down, arriving at the anchorage on Wednesday at 1 p.m., having experienced fine weather throughout. We are glad to see Captain Holmes has again assumed command of the steamer, having entirely recovered from his late indisposition. She brought 20 immigrants transhipped from the barque Columbus. The latter vessel was the first wool ship that loaded here last season. The Cross had not much cargo for Napier. She will load cattle and sheep for Auckland.
Capt. Holmes, in company with the Pilot, sounded the bar at the westward channel at high water slack on Wednesday, and found eight feet three inches only, and a very hard bottom on the bar, but on each side of the bar they found about nine feet and a soft bottom. Captain Holmes therefore decided not to run the risk of bringing his vessel in till the bar improves. We are glad to report that a practical man like Captain Holmes sounded the bar himself, as it proves that the Pilot’s soundings are to be relied on. The bar is not improving. At 6.30 a.m. on Thursday, at high water lack, there were only seven feet six inches of water.
The s.s. Storm Bird, Captain Doile, left Wellington at midnight on Wednesday; rounded Cape Palliser at 2.45 a.m. , with a N.E. wind; passed Castle Point at 2 p.m., and Cape Turnagain at 7.30 p.m.; sighted the s.s. Kiwi off Blackhead at anchor; rounded the Kidnappers at 4 o’clock this morning, and arrived at anchor at 6.30 a.m. She has experienced strong head winds throughout the passage. She has a full general cargo, principally transhipments from the Endymion from London, and the Albion from Melbourne. The Lydia Howard Troupe were passengers to Napier. We are indebted to the purser, Mr Dugdale, for prompt delivery of files and report.
The Silver Cloud is still detained in harbor, not being able to cross the bar. It has been suggested that Mr Vautier should dismantle her and lay her up, and have her fitted with offices for the Harbor Board.
The Queen Bee wreck inquiry concluded on Wednesday, judgment was given to the following effect: – (1.) That there had been want of proper navigation between the time of sighting the Spit light and the ship striking. (2.) That there was culpable neglect in not using the lead. (3.) That a bad look out was kept. The captain’s certificate was suspended for three years, and the second mate’s six months. The Court considered that the first mate erred in judgment as much as the captain, but the responsibility rested with the latter and the second mate, who was the officer of the watch at the time of the wreck.
MESSRS. Murray, Common and Co. report as follows : – Advices from home shew a rather firmer feeling in this industry generally, and the prospect for the auctions commencing this month is slightly more encouraging. It seems probable that if political influences do not disturb more than at present, the closing rates of last series will be firmly sustained. Cross-breds have not improved so much as other sorts, owing doubtless to the English wools keeping still low, but the fairs of the new clip have shewn some little improvement, which will probably increase.
For Fiji, Sandwich Islands, West Indies, America, United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, &c., via San Francisco, per s.s. Rotorua, on Sunday, 25th instant, at 9 p.m.
Money Orders and Registered Letters will close at 5 p.m. Book Packets and Newspapers, at 8 p.m., 25th instant.
For the undermentioned places every Monday, and Thursday, at 5.30 a.m. – Clive, Hastings, Havelock, Te Aute, Kaikora, Waipawa, Waipukurau, Danevirk [ Dannevirke ], Norsewood, Tahoarite [ Tahoraiti ], Woodville, Foxton, Palmerston, Wanganui, Taranaki, Wellington and Southern Provinces, &c., Wallingford, Porangahau, Wanui [ Wainui ], and Castle Point.
On the other days of the week, mails close as usual, at 6.30 a.m.
Chief Postmaster.
J.L. – Clause 22 of the Rating Act was complied with, as was also Clause 28. See DAILY TELEGRAPH of March 6, and April 5, 1877.
MURROW. – At Napier, on August 3rd, the wife of W.H. Murrow, of a son.
ALLARDICE – At Danevirk, on August 3, the wife of J. Allardice, of a son.
TYLER – At Waipawa, on August 4, the wife of Mr W. Tyler, of a son.
BISHOP. – On the 17th August, at Hastings, the wife of Thomas Bishop, of a son.
JONES. – At Napier, on the 19th August, the wife of Mr J.S. Jones, of a son.
McLEOD. – At Napier, on the 23rd August, the wife of Mr John McLeod, of a son.
TUPPER. – MORDACQUE. – On the 29th May last. At the church of St. Peter, Port Guernsey, by the Rev. R.J. Oxanne, M.A., Rector, uncle of the bridegroom, Henry De Lisle, youngest son of the late Henry Tupper (of Les Cotils), Esq.,to Florence Harriet, sixth daughter of the late Rev. H.L. Mordacque, Rector of Hastington, Lancashire.
WALLIS – BEAMISH. – At Okawa, on July 26, by the Rev. P.C. Anderson, Arthur Henry, second son of F Wallis, Esq., F.R.C.S., of Beshill [Bexhill], Sussex, to Jane, eldest daughter of N.E. Beamish, Esq., Okawa, Hawke’s Bay.
FLEMING – McKENZIE. – On July 27th, at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. R. Fraser, Mr John Scott Fleming, of Blackhead, to Harriet Ruddiford, eldest daughter of Mr John McKenzie, of Tamumu.
MILLER – EDSER. – At Napier, on 28th July, R.M. Miller, late lieut. 33rd (Duke of Wellington’s) Regiment, to Mary J., youngest daughter of Mr.A. Edser.
VILLERS – McKAIN. – At Petane, on the 2nd August, at the residence of the bride’s mother, by the Rev. Father Reignier Mr Charles Villers, of Petane, to Robina, fourth daughter of the late Mr. James Buchanan McKain.
NEWMAN – BOSWELL – At Onga Onga, Ruataniwha, on the 9th August, by the Rev .J. C. Eccles, Mr James M. Newman, to Adaline Caroline, second daughter of Henry Boswell, Esq., of London.
LOVE – MERRYMAN. – At St. John’s Church, Napier, on the 11th August, by the Rev. D’Arcy Irvine, Mr George Love. of Hastings, to Emma, eldest daughter of the late Mr William Merryman, of Gloucestershire, England.
BROWN – BUCKINGHAM. – At the residence of the bride, on 21st August, by the Rev. D. Sidey, Mr Henry Brown, Gas Manager, to Sarah Ann Georgiana, only daughter of Mr. George Buckingham, Napier.
TRASK – At Wellington, on July 25, Thomas Trask, aged 86 years, father of J.H. Trask, Napier.
REID. – At the County Hospital, Napier, on the 1st August, Thomas Glen Reid, aged 26 years.
The Cheapest House in the Trade.
Stock, Land Estate, and General Commission Agent, Waipukurau.
Goods Stored and Forwarded.
Offices and Stores: Near the Railway Station.
The Weekly Mercury
THE discussion in the House on Thursday on Mr. Murray’s motion appears to have been both bitter and acrimonious. Mr. Murray moved that the House give effect to the recommendations of the Public Petitions Committee in the matter of the prayer of the Hon. H.R. Russell that a right of road be granted him through certain lands the freehold of J.G. Kinross, Esq. In making his motion, Mr Murray appears to have been under the impression that the Hon. Mr. Russell had a right to claim the road in question, and that if it had not been for the neglect of the late Provincial Government of Hawke’s Bay, this road would have been laid off many years ago. In justice to Mr. Murray we are inclined to think that he would not have moved in the matter had he not been profoundly ignorant of the circumstances of the case. The land through which the road is wanted is situated at Motuotaraia in the Porangahau district. About seventeen years ago, Mr. Fitzgerald then Superintendent of Hawke’s Bay, caused the Crown land on either side of the road from the top of the Motuotaraia valley to Porangahau to be set aside as a reserve. On the eastern side of the valley (Mr. Kinross’) the first occupier of the property, Mr. Snodgrass, purchased a strip of land running along the back of the reserve. This purchase was much increased in depth by Mr. Joseph Tanner, to whom Mr. Snodgrass sold out. Subsequently, under Mr. Ormond’s Superintendency the greater portion of the reserve itself was cut up into sections and sold, Mr. J. Tanner being the buyer. Mr. Tanner sold out to Messrs A.H. and R. Price, and after some years the estate fell into the hands of the present owner, Mr. Kinross. It will thus be seen that from the road to a considerable distance back the freehold had been purchased, and no roads through that freehold leading from the main Porangahau highway to the Crown lands at the rear had been laid off. That this omission was an evidence of gross mismanagement of the public estates by the Provincial Government, we are quite prepared to admit. At the same time, that particular omission was not exceptional; it was the policy of Hawke’s Bay Superintendents to encourage the wool-growing interests, and this could not be more effectually done than by offering sheep-farmers peculiar facilities for the security of their runs against “interlopers” who might be anxious to acquire from the Crown small freeholds. By omitting to lay off roads through the strips of land that a sheep farmer would buy in order to enclose a large area of Crown land, the Government virtually made that Crown land valueless, because inaccessible, to any but the occupier of the run. It is true that a purchaser from the Crown was allowed five acres in every one 100 bought, which grant was supposed to be made as compensation for roadways that might be taken at any future time, but the Crown Grants Act limited the time to six years during which a right of way could be applied for. In the Motuotaria case, no application was made for a right of way through Mr. Kinross’ freehold until long after the six years had expired. In those days, the Hon. H.R. Russell had not cast longing eyes on his neighbour’s run, and it was not till Mr Kinross had acquired possession of the Motuotaraia property that Mr Russell stepped across his original boundary, and bought some 7000 acres of Crown land that formerly was included in the Motuotaraia run. Having purchased this land, Mr Russell then asked for a right of way through Mr Kinross’ freehold to obtain access to the Porangahau road, but by the Crown Grants Act the application could be, and indeed was refused. It is fair to state also that by a slight detour, an excellent road could be made from Mr Russell’s Motuotaraia purchases through his own original freehold to the Porangahau highroad. That was the position of the case, when Mr. Russell, failing to persuade Mr. Kinross to give him a right of way, petitioned the House last year. The petition was favourably received by the Committee, but the House, as we think very properly, did not act on its recommendations. Our reason for thinking that the House acted rightly in the matter is that Mr Russell’s case is not a solitary one. There are hundreds of settlers – poor men – who, under the operation of the Crown Grants Act, are placed in the most disadvantageous circumstances through the want of a direct right of way to their properties. We do not see why Mr Russell’s wealth and personal friendship with members of the General Assembly should give him advantages that are denied to the poor man. Many years ago we strenuously advocated the repeal of the Crown Grants Act, and it is only common justice to Mr Ormond to say that, on two occasions, he urged that course in the House. We would go very much further than merely repealing that most unfair measure; we would be in favour of an Act being passed that would enable rights of way to be obtained at any time on just an application through any estate to the full extent of the five percent allowance for roads.
THE Mayor and Council of the Borough of Napier do not appear to have friends at Court. On the other hand they can boast of not a few enemies. Our readers are aware that, some weeks back, the Corporation petitioned the Government in the matter of the endowment of the Borough, and also secured the good offices of our representative Mr Sutton, for the introduction of a short Bill to the House for the purpose of adding to the reserves of the town the two acres of mud and water, lying between the Royal Hotel and the railway line. As soon as it was announced that this Bill had been read a first time , the Napier Harbor Board communicated with Captain Russell, the other member for Napier, and he, taking his instructions from that body opposed the Bill. Whether Captain Russell is under the impression he was sent to the General Assembly more to represent the Harbor Board, than the town of Napier, we do not know, but at all events his opposition to the Bill was enough to get its consideration postponed. The Government then manifested an extraordinary interest in the question between the Board and the Corporation, and the Colonial Under-Secretary was instructed by his chief to ascertain the views of the Board with regard to the matter. It was not thought necessary apparently, to discover the views of the Mayor and his Council. The Chairman of the Board, in reply to the Colonial Secretary, admits that the land applied for by the Corporation had not been included in the Harbor endowments, but nevertheless, the Board would strenuously oppose the application. That letter was written on the 15th instant and we have heard nothing more of the matter, but as Mr. Ormond is a member of the Board, and as Captain Russell appears to follow the directions of that body, it is just possible the miserable two acres on the Hyderabad Road will never become the property of the Borough.
We now come to the other application of the Corporation, viz., that for a grant of 2000 acres for the endowment of the Borough. It will be recollected that the title to the first block of land recommended to the Corporation to apply for, was in such an undefined state as to make it extremely unlikely the Government would deal with it. Mr. J. Turley was then employed to mark off 2000 acres in the Puketoi block, and this being done, application was made for the land. It is now reported that the Corporation will not get the grant, as the native title to the land not having been extinguished, the block has not been declared Crown land. In its dealings with the Corporation of Napier, the Government appears to be extremely cautious. This cautiousness is the more remarkable as, in the past, it was not observable when a land sale was the only means of raising money. It was only the other day that the Ahuaturanga block was gazetted waste land of the Crown, although the township of Woodville, which is situated within it, was sold more than two years and a half ago. If there had been any desire to meet the wishes of the Corporation the Government might have granted the application subject to the extinguishment of the native title. It is not likely the Corporation would desire to make use of any portion of an endowment situated in that district for many years to come. The unconditional refusal of the application, under the circumstances, adds another link to the chain of evidence of the enmity that is borne in certain quarters to
a borough that has sacrificed a good deal in always returning Government supporters to the House.
Latest Political News.
August 20.
The Government supporters reckon confidentially on a majority of seven on Sir G. Grey’s amendment re incidence of taxation. Some enthusiastic supporters say, they will have thirteen, but evidently there is a difference of opinion, and varying estimates shew [show] there is considerable uncertainty, several members being still on the rail.
The Opposition are not sure of a majority, and from present appearances the chances are against them.
On Saturday, attempts were made to reconcile conflicting differences, and obtain an Opposition majority, but their efforts failed. Another attempt in the same direction will be made to-day.
Great preparations are being made for the Waka Maori libel action. A great number of natives witnesses are here in readiness for the trial on the 27th.
August 21
It is considered probable, if the Government have a small majority on Sir G. Grey’s amendment on Mr Woolcock’s resolution, the Government will afterwards table another amendment pledging them to introduce a Budget with the altered incidence of Taxation next session.
Mr Woolcock, and those who support him, will endeavor to force the Government to pass a measure this session, to come into force some date next session.
August 22
The Opposition threaten a want of confidence motion if the amendment on the incidence of taxation is lost.
The motion will probably take the shape, ”That the financial proposals of the Government are unsatisfactory.”
The Committee on Mr. Barton’s petition resolved to-day to recommend that the matter be enquired into by the following Committee of the House: – Sir G. Grey, Messrs Bowen, Stafford, Fox, and Stevens. This will bring the matter on the floor of the House.
August 24.
Ou [On] dit another amendment is being prepared on the Premier’s motion for going into Committee of Supply. It is doubtful whether the question will be settled to-day.
The old members of the House think the speaker has muddled things, by permitting an amendment to be moved on an amendment.
(Before R. Stuart, Esq.,R.M.)
Robert France appeared to answer an information laid by J.B. Fielder, Deputy Commissioner of Stamps, with having given a receipt to Messrs. Fortune and Black on the 20th of April, 1876, for the sum of £53 10s, and not placing a duty stamp thereon in accordance with the Stamp Act.
Mr Wilson appeared for the Government and Mr Lee for the defendant.
Mr Wilson explained that the action was taken under the sub section of the 95th clause of the Stamp Act 1875.
J.B. Fielder deposed: He was Deputy-Commissioner of Stamps and laid the information. He then produced a paper signed Robert France, purporting to be a receipt for money from Fortune and Black.
Robert Black said, he had never paid Mr France moneys. His partner, Mr Fortune, conducted the monetary portion of the business. He had placed the receipts in Mr Lascelles hands, and did not know what had since been done with them.
Cross-examined by Mr Lee: – He had not initiated the present proceedings.
Mr Wilson: Of course not. The Government has taken the action.
Mr Lee: I only put the question to relieve the firm, as it had a civil case with Mr France last week, and it was well to know that this action did not rise out of revenge.
James Fortune gave evidence to the effect that he paid Mr France money by cheque, and that Mr France had given him the receipt produced. It was not stamped. He could swear that the receipt was in Mr France’s handwriting.
After a short discussion between the counsel, it was arranged that two similar cases should be heard prior to judgment being given.
Two other documents were then put in, purporting to be receipts given by Robert France to Messrs. Fortune and Black for rent, each amounting to £16 5s.
Mr Wilson said he had been requested by the Government to ask for a substantial penalty. His Worship had power to inflict a fine not exceeding £10, or could reduce it as low as one-tenth the sum.
His Worship fined the defendant £5 in each case, costs of Court amounting to £1 7s and Solicitor’s fee of one guinea in each case, making in all the sum of £19 10s, to be paid forthwith.
A cheque was at once handed in by the defendant for the amount.
Henry Cohen appeared in answer to an information laid by the Inspector of Nuisances for obstructing the footpath on Saturday last by leaving goods thereon.
Richard Williams deposed: He was Inspector of Nuisances. On Saturday last, about half-past ten, the defendant put a number of chairs in the centre of the footpath opposite his shop, and left them there two hours. The defendant had been often warned by both himself and the Sergeant of Police.
Nathaniel Bishop: I am subpoenaed here. Will I be paid expenses?
His Worship: Yes. Go on.
This witness deposed that he was engaged by Mr Cohen to remove some chairs on Saturday at half-past ten, and promised to take them away after the train left. He did so about noon.
Mr Cohen, in his defence, said it was raining at the time, or he would have put them on the curbing, and thought it hard if he could not do so.
His Worship said he had no right to obstruct the thoroughfare. The Corporation was liable if, in consequence of there being obstructions on the footpath, a man broke his legs. He would fine the defendant £1, and costs, 19s, but if he came up again he would be differently dealt with.
This concluded the business.
James Machin was charged by Constable Harvey with being drunk yesterday. He admitted the offence. He had come from the country on a visit to town, but when he arrived at the port the look of the bars was too much for him, and he was overcome.
His Worship fined the delinquent 5s, or the usual alternative of 24 hours solitary thought.
Robert Henry Robinson appeared in answer to an information laid by the Inspector of Nuisances for permitting water to flow from his premises.
The defendant stated that the complaint arose because he had no proper drainage.
Mr John Dinwiddie, the landlord of the defendant, stated to the Bench that there was no drainage from the premises, and that he had called the attention of the Municipal Engineer to the matter, who after inspecting the place had said that nothing could be done to obviate the nuisance until a deep drain was made in the neighbourhood. He would warn his tenants and do all he could to lessen the nuisance. His Worship said he would dismiss the present case, and see what could be done. Nuisances such as that must be abated and the Municipal Bye-laws carried out.
This concluded the business.
SIR, – Permit me to tender you my sincerest apologies for being the cause of subjecting you and your readers to the infliction of wading through the two wearisome tirades signed “Montamus.” I little imagined that the few lines I wrote on the subject of the Confession would have raised so terrific a champion to its defence. Truly the cause must be good to evoke such an advocacy.
“Montamus,” like all the rest of his kidney, imagines that dirt-throwing and diatribe will dispose of Mr Macrae. There were a good many hard words thrown at this daring speaker in Scotland by those whose interests lie in keeping up obsolete superstitions; but all honor be to the man who braved the ire of his fanatical brethren by boldly expressing his convictions – the convictions of all but those few of whom “Montamus” may be considered a fair representative.
If I might be permitted to give a word of advice to “Montamus,” I should implore him not to waste his time, valuable as it doubtless is, by writing any more scurrilous letters. They evidently cause him great labor from the time they take to compose, and the results are sadly inadequate. Let the ”weak, washy, everlasting flow” of his words take the form of a sermon to the “elect” of his appreciative family circle. He must surely belong to the cloth from the style of his composition, and will therefore feel it a kindness to be told that he is wasting his strength on the air. Let the mountain labor no more until it can be delivered of something better than an attenuated mouse. – I am, &c.,
Napier, August 21, 1877.
SIR, – “Ex-Presbyterian” has evidently got himself into very deep water. The lachrymose wail of his last epistle is in very marked contrast with the somewhat foolish air of bravado with which he embarked on his crusade against the Calvanistic creed, the only result of which has been to expose his own profound ignorance of the subject which he somewhat rashly rushed forward to take up.
I think I can now afford to return him a little of his superfluous compassion which he so needlessly wasted upon your humble servant before he had waited to see whether he could not have made a better use of it on his own account. For he will evidently come to grief in this discussion, except some chivalrous member of that company described by him in his last effusion as, “all but those few, of whom ‘Montamus’ may be considered a fair representative,” will gallantly step in to fill the breach in his position, which poor “Ex- Presbyterian” is evidently helpless to repair, and which notwithstanding all his efforts, he can even do nothing to conceal.
Surely, from all that numerous company, one individual will be forthcoming, ready to break the metaphorical lance in behalf of this courageous and well meaning though somewhat unskilful champion of this all but universal faith. Someone, like M.N. might at least show his good-will, if he can do nothing more, and make it appear that such a good cause does not utterly lack arguments in its behalf. It does not do for the advocates of such a powerful cause to be forever dancing the war dance; and if they do not give us some argument, or some show of reason for their belief, they may leave us poor benighted Calvinists to wonder whether it is really true, that faith or belief is a good thing, but that a dogma or thing to be believed is a wicked invention of weak and Calvinistic minds.
Now, I do think it is particularly uncharitable to leave us in such deplorable ignorance, when the people who could help us out of the difficulty are so numerous and so confident. Some weak Calvinists may even think that, if something is not said, in behalf of this much belauded faith that is opposed to Calvinism, it is nothing better than shallow superficial thinking, or rank and decided bigotry. This, no doubt, would be a most surprising transformation of reputed character: and it would really be advisable to try and get some one, by hook or by crook, that would do something to save the character of the majority; for, although “Ex-Presbyterian” now speaks of the subject, which he himself introduced, in a somewhat contemptuous tone, I think more people are interested in this discussion than his modesty will allow him the credit of imagining, – I am, &c.,
Napier, August 22, 1877.
SIR, – I was, with many others, pleased and also enlightened on reading the report in the Herald on the build, masts, yards, sails, and also the rigging and gear of that fine brigantine, with three masts, called the Silver Cloud; also, the late improvements she has on board which have only been used till lately, viz., forty-five gears, that is double top-sail yards, wire and chain, &c. The Grafted ring-bolts, and cross-pointed shear poles are something new decidedly, and the gaff topsails furling aloft not being so dangerous as the flying ones. If the writer of the report had to ride one down in a strong breeze he would not write such bunkum, and notice the crew have been parbuckling ballast. I wonder if the writer assisted them. He also says that one man can handle her so easily by giving her a spoke or two each way. It is a pity the owner employs so many men, when one man can handle her easily. Sheep-shanks and Irish pennants are no doubt great ornaments in any ship’s rigging. – I am, &c.,
Port Ahuriri, August 23, 1877.
The Council met in the Court-house, Waipawa, at 11.30 a.m. on Friday.
Present: – Messrs Mackersey, (Chairman), Monteith, Levy, Johnston, Herrick, and Rathbone.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The report of the Committee of Ways and Means was laid before the meeting. It was as follows: –
Estimates of Receipts and Expenditure of the Waipawa County Council from 1st August 1877, to March 31st, 1878.
The Committee of the Waipawa County Council on Ways and Means having met on the 16th instant, and having taken into consideration the approximate outlay for the next eight months, beg to suggest that a rate of sixpence in the pound be levied. The attached table shows the average expenses incurred for supervision, clerical labor, material, and probable and incidental expenditure. To meet this expenditure it will be necessary to raise a sum of £2,750. An approximate valuation of ratable property in the county shows £107,364. If a rate of sixpence in the pound is struck it will in all probability be found sufficient, with the Government subsidy, to cover the estimated expenditure.
August 16, 1877.
Approximate estimate of receipts Nil.
Total rateable value, £107,364 at 6d in the £ £2,684
Estimate of expenditure –
Salaries £550
Contingencies 200
Roads and bridges 2,000
The report was adopted.
The following resolution was then moved and carried: – “That this Council is of opinion that the cost of maintaining the Seventy-Mile Bush road is a very heavy charge, and presses most unfairly upon the Waipawa County: that, taking into consideration the fact that this road is the main trunk line across and through the North Island, and is of equal benefit to the whole Provincial Districts of Napier and Wellington, this Council is of opinion that those portions of the colony should be compelled to contribute towards its maintenance, or that the General Government should either maintain the road at its own cost, or give to the Waipawa County a substantial sudsidy [subsidy} towards its maintenance.
The Council then adjourned.
SIR, – My former letter on this subject left off where “Ex-Presbyterian” opens his battery against the Confession of Faith. His indictment consists of twelve counts. We are told that they are selections from the speech of the Rev. D. Macrae before the synod of the United Presbyterian Church: but as “Ex-Presbyterian” has served himself sponsor to them, he is responsible for their truth or falsity. To these charges I would now advert. And on reading this part of ‘Ex-Presbyterian’s “remarkable diatribe, I was forcibly reminded of the fable of the “Ass and lion’s skin.” Of an aspiring disposition, the ass assumed the cast-off skin of the lion, and thought to terrify all the beasts of the forest, and thus make himself famous; but his ears and voice spoiled his sport, and brought him into contempt. And by donning the cast-off arguments of Mr Macrae, with certain original annotations of his own. “Ex-Presbyterian” wished to play the role of the lion, and “flutter the dovecots” of Presbyterianism. His intentions were generous and well meant; but alas!
“The best laid schemes of Mice and Men, Gang aft aglee.”
We certainly have the lion’s skin, but once again, it is evident from the voice and ears, that the wearer is the harmless jackass after all. “Fair Play” accuses “Ex-Presbyterian” of ignorance of the literature of the question; but some of his wild and extravagant statements prove him equally ignorant of the facts of the case.
Reasoning and argument are out of the question. The columns of a newspaper are scarcely a place for a discussion of such a question as has been stirred up. Besides, to reason with “Ex-Presbyterian” to any advantage would, I fear, entail the necessity of providing him not only with arguments, but also with brains to understand them. There are, however, three things I would say to “Ex-Presbyterian:” –
1. He might have told those for whose benefit his letter was written, that the Rev. D. Macrae was so completely answered and refuted in the Synod of the United Presbyterian Church, that he had no other reply to make, than that being
“Convinced against his will,
He was of his own opinion still.”
2. Before getting rid of the hard Calvinism of the Confession. “Ex-Presbyterian” must first get rid of the Bible. For his comfort let me here adduce the words of Mr Gilfillan of Dundee, a man as “violently” if not as “blindly” opposed to the Confession, as “Ex-Presbyterian” himself. He says, ”We in our revision will sweep away what the Confession says about God’s decrees, about a limited atonement, about the creation of the world in six days, about elect infants, and so forth; still we hold now and shall continue to hold them, that it (the Confession) contains the system of doctrine that is in the Holy Scriptures.” This admission speaks for itself, and coming from the quarter it does, is of no little importance. And 3, “Ex-Presbyterian” may console himself with the reflection that the Calvanistic doctrines will be taught, and that the Westminster Confession will hold its place as a Standard in the Churches of the world, long after he and others of that ilk have become “Ex-nothings.”
4. “Ex-Presbyterian’s” statement of the four doctrines of the Confession is not merely a caricature, it is in many respects a down-right perversion and misrepresentation of them. The thoughtlessness with which the most momentous doctrines are treated, shows clearly how Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread.
Some of the “strongest assertions have no existence in the Confession; others “are garbled and misquoted; others seem to have been got up for the nonce; “and scarcely one of them is an accurate reproduction of the original. In some cases, the original meaning is altered by the addition of wild sentences, and in others, by the omission of important qualifying clauses. Again, we have statements put together which have no connection in the document from which they purport to be taken. And lastly, we have those statements which “Ex-Presbyterian” in his simplicity gives as examples of the odious teaching of the Confession, but which unfortunately for his “argument and controversial honesty” have no place there.
The first doctrines which challenge Ex-Presbyterian’s “opposition, are those of “Election,” and “Men’s total depravity.” Well! These doctrines are in the Confession. But they pertain not to the Westminster Standard’s alone; they are also in the Articles of the Church of England. They are held and taught by all Evangelical Christendom, and what is more important still, they are expressly taught in the Bible. This is not a question between “Ex-Presbyterian” and the Confession, or Presbyterian Church, it is a question between Ex-Presbyterian and the Word of God. The Confession is right, and “Ex-Presbyterian” is wrong; or else “Ex-Presbyterian” is right and the Scriptures wrong. “Ex-Presbyterian” can choose whichever alternative suits him best, and perhaps he will kindly tell us what his choice is.
The next doctrine questioned is that of future punishments. I must again refer to “Ex-Presbyterian” to the “law and to the testimony.” He must settle this point with Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Paul. By the time he disposes of these five champions of orthodoxy, there will be very little for any one else to do.
I must now trouble “Ex-Presbyterian” for some definite information on the following points: – Where does the Confession once refer to non-elect infants, or make any allusion direct or indirect, to the heathen? Where does it teach that “countless myriads who have died in infancy” have perished; and, that for “non-elect young there is no other fate than that of never-ending and unspeakable torments in Hell?” Where does it teach that those who obey and disobey God’s law, are alike guilty of sin, and perish all the same? Where does it teach that the heathen who have never heard the Gospel, and had no opportunity of accepting it, cannot be saved, no matter how earnestly they may frame their lives according to the light of nature, or the laws of that religion which they profess? Where does it teach that any one is held responsible for the sin of our first parents, and because of a sin they could not help, are bound helplessly over to the wrath of God and curse of the land, and eternal death? Where does it teach that Christ has not the power to save any but the elect? I have to request “Ex-Presbyterian” to be accurate for once, and to mention the page, chapter, and paragraph, in the Confession where these respective statements are to be found. One so assured of his ground and thoroughly conversant with this subject, as “Ex-Presbyterian “ seems to be, will, doubtless, be readily able to lay his finger on the necessary proofs, and thus make good his position.
“Ex-Presbyterian” concludes his remarkable effusion with what is intended to be a sarcastic allusion to the religion of love. It may not, however, be out of place to remind him that, good as this religion of love is, the religion of truth is a great deal better. But what is this religion of love, as expounded by “Ex-Presbyterian?” It is the religion of ignorance, misrepresentation, perversion of truth, and self-conceit. The first principle of the religion of truth and charity is, “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.” The second is, ”Speak the truth in love.” The third is, “Follow after those things which make for peace.” It therefore ill becomes any one to prate of charity, who has wantonly and causelessly been stirring up strife maligning his neighbours, and by means of false issues, trying to excite prejudice against them. He would do well to get the beam out of his own eye, before he even attempt to pluck the mote from his brother’s. The most searching, microscopic examination would fail to detect the presence of charity in anything that has yet dropped from his pen. And before we hear more about this religion of love from the same quarter, ”Ex-Presbyterian” would do well to remember that “Charity covereth a multitude of sins,” Instead of concocting special ones it conceals such as really exist. When “Ex-Presbyterian” has learned the A.B.C. of this charity he will see fewer faults and flaws in the creeds and characters of others.
In conclusion, “Ex-Presbyterian” had better leave creeds and confessions alone. It is not by his puny whistles and pop-guns these modern Jerichos are to be overthrown. They will need ordinance of a much heavier calibre than “Ex-Presbyterian” can command, to batter down their grey and hoary walls. Artemus Ward tells us that he once tried being a “boss,” but on experiment, found that being a “boss” was not his forte; and so far, experience clearly demonstrates that it is no more “Ex-Presbyterian’s “ forte to be a theologian, than it was Artemus Ward’s to be a “boss.” – I am, &c.,
SIR, – I have often wondered and do still wonder that something has not been done by capitalists, or even men of moderate means, by forming themselves into companies for the purpose of opening up new industries. At the present time, whichever way we turn, we find nothing but sheep, wool, and tallow, occupying the thoughts of the leading, and I suppose, the richest men in Hawke’s Bay, while other industries which doubtless would prove not only highly remunerative to the promoters, but be a great source of prosperity to the community, and highly beneficial to the provincial district in general, are left neglected, or, perhaps, never thought of. In saying this I do not wish it to be understood that I am striving to underrate the great wool growing interests of Hawke’s Bay; on the contrary, I say this is one of the principal sources from which one of our greatest industries must sooner or later spring up – by the opening of woollen factories. True, upon this point I may be told that Mr Thomas Tanner has taken the matter in hand, and is now in England with a view of establishing such a factory at Hastings; still, without the slightest intention of casting any disrespect upon that gentleman’s capacity for carrying out his intentions, I would ask, – are there not men amongst us with equal ability and capital? And I would further ask would it not be possible to inaugurate a company for the above named purpose in Hawke’s Bay? I am under the impression it would without any difficulty. But for the present, leaving this portion of my subject, I believe it is a well ascertained fact that we have plenty of paper-producing material in Hawke’s Bay. Therefore, if such is the case, why not form a company for the manufacture of paper? Perhaps in this instance I may be told that I am a little visionary; yet I do not think so, for the consumption of paper in New Zealand is something considerable, and my impression is that it would be a paying undertaking if a company was started upon a true basis, and save the country from parting with a large amount of capital that is annually taken out of it for the purchase of this material, besides giving employment to a number of men.
Again, a company could be started for articles that have now become a necessity, and which necessity must increase with the growth of Hawke’s Bay. The articles I allude to are – drain-pipes, flower-pots, tile, and every description of rough pottery, bricks, &c. That we have the material, and of the best quality, there cannot be a doubt, This company could be started with a very small capital, in fact any private individual, with sufficient enterprise and capital, might start it and make a remarkably handsome thing out of it, at the same time affording an amount of labor and prosperity in the district in which it happened to be started. At the present we are dependent upon Dunedin and Auckland for the whole of the above-named articles, with the exception of bricks, and must continue to be so until something of the kind is established.
I have briefly touched upon these three industries knowing the limited amount of space at your command at the present time; but in a future communication may amplify them, and point to other industries which, if only entered into, would do much to better the present and future prospects of Hawke’s Bay. – I am, &c.,
August 21, 1877.
SIR, – I was very sorry to read this morning in the Herald of the accident at the Port on Saturday last, when the Pilot got severely hurt by the handles of the wheel of the Minnie Hare; also of the said handles catching his vest, when the seams luckily gave way, otherwise he would probably have lost the number of his mess, I wonder if the writer of the local can give an old salt the definition of the word handles of a ship’s wheel. – I am, &c.,
Port Ahuriri, August 20.
The Harbor Board met this morning at 11 o’clock.
Present: – Messrs Kinross (Chairman), Smith, Kennedy, Chambers, Vautier, Williams, Rhodes, and Newman.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Some correspondence between the Board and the Under Colonial Secretary relative to the application of the Municipality for about two acres of
the Ahuriri lagoon, was read.
The Board’s Engineer’s report on the state of the bar was read, which showed a depth for the past fortnight of nine feet in both channels.
The Engineer’s report on the Reclamation of the Whareomaranui was read and adopted, so far as that the Board
authorised the expenditure of £100 for wattle work.
Accounts were laid on the table and ordered to be paid.
Tenders for the raising of Customs Examination Shed C were opened, and that of Messrs. Oxenham and Mills was accepted subject to the Engineer’s approval.
The Board then adjourned.
August 20, 1877.
Notwithstanding the heavy rains during the last week, I am glad to say that no flood took place, although great anxiety prevailed, and every precaution taken to guard the young lambs in particular, as well as all other stock, from the much dreaded enemy. The highest the Ngaruroro rose was on Saturday afternoon, at about 4p.m., when I think it attained its maximum, which was about 3 ft. from the top of the centre piles of the Ngaruroro bridge, causing a serious strain and very perceptible vibration in this prematurely aged structure; and if any heavy timber had happened to come against this acknowledged impediment to the free course of the river, there cannot be a question that its remains would have been found somewhere near McMurray’s beach.
The Tuki Tuki was swollen to a great extent, still I hear of no absolute damage or loss. However, should I hear of anything during the day I will forward it at once.
During Saturday, Mr Tracey, the Road inspector to the Napier City Council, was particularly vigilant between the Ngaruroro bridge and Hamlin’s corner, making necessary arrangements against danger or disaster. I should think, with the salary Mr Tracey receives, his billet is no sinecure.
A special engine went up the line on Saturday with Mr Bold and Mr Miller, I presume to see if any damage had been done. I am informed that they were well satisfied with their inspection.
The stealing of saddles still continues, one having been stolen on Thursday night last. The sooner this is prevented and the delinquents brought to justice the better it will be for the community, and the more it will redound to the credit of the police.
Mr Gifford, prior to his departure to Europe, has proceeded to Wellington for the purpose of seeing if it is possible to obtain compensation from the Government for the loss he has sustained by the railway passing through his property. Should he fail in this, legal proceedings, I am informed, are to be instituted forthwith.
The approach of spring is indicated not only by the budding of the willow, but the song of the lark, which now resounds across the plains from sunrise to sunset.
The boiling-down establishment is now in full swing, affording employment to a number of hands, which appears to have put fresh life into the place.
The telegraph to this place will soon be an accomplished fact, but certainly not one moment before it is required.
(Before R. Stuart, Esq., R.M.)
A female who was charged with lunacy was discharged, the Police Inspector stating that it had been a case of delirium tremens.
A respectable-looking man named Dennis Daly was put in the dock charged with vagrancy. The Inspector of Police informed the Bench that the man had been out of employment for the past three months, and was in fact unable and unfit for work. He was not fitted to be an inmate of the Lunatic Asylum, and he wanted to be sent to gaol – in fact, it was at his own request the present proceedings were taken. The Inspector further stated he had assisted the man at various times.
The Bench to Daly: What have you got to say?
Daly: I would prefer not going to gaol if it can be avoided.
The Inspector: Your Worship; The man’s memory is completely gone. He forgets what he says in a few minutes. I do not know what to do with him good, bad or indifferent.
His Worship: Daly, I will sentence you to be imprisoned in the Common Gaol at Napier for a period of three months.
George Brown was charged by Constable Irvine with being in an intoxicated state on Sunday last. Brown pleaded guilty, and was fined 5s and costs 6s 6d.
Thirteen debt summonses were down for hearing, but only the following came before the Court: -|
Beukers v. Tracey. – Claim £8 15s. Judgment for plaintiff, and order made that defendant pay £2 per month, commencing on September 17. Costs 16s.
Rochfort v. Kisslow. – Claim £2, Plaintiff having received £1 on account, judgment was given (by default) for £1, and 12s costs.
Same v. Shirley. – Claim £4 0s 6d. Judgment (by default) for amount claimed and 9s costs.
Tuke v. Miles. – £57,rent. Adjourned by the Court until next sitting day.
Highley v. Snell. – Claim £1 10s. Judgment for plaintiff with 12s costs, and order made that defendant pay 5s per month.
Tuckwell v. Flanagan. – £2 6s 3d. Ordered that defendant pay 5s per week, first payment to be made on August 24. In default of any single payment imprisonment for one month.
A man named Golding, was charged with being drunk and incapable yesterday. He was fined 10s or 24 hours imprisonment. He accepted the latter alternative.
John Munday was charged with being drunk and disorderly, and assaulting Constable Motley on Saturday night. He was sent to gaol for three months to ruminate over his conduct, and during his leisure hours amuse himself with breaking stones.
William Bennett was charged by the Havelock Constable with attempting to defraud Charles Stuart, the landlord of the Havelock Hotel, of the sum of £1. The police stated that the prisoner was a well-known character, having only lately come out of gaol.
The evidence shewed that Bennett last evening waited on Mr Stuart, and said he had been sent by Mr Bethell the saddler, to borrow £1 from Mr Stuart, and that Mr Bethell would return the amount in the morning. Knowing the character of the man, and believing he could relieve Havelock from the presence of a loafer, he called in the aid of the constable, who placed him in durance vile. Mr Bethell denied giving him the authority, and further stated that to get rid of the fellow from his house, where he had been asking for money, he had given him 2s.
His Worship sent him to pound stones in his old quarters at the gaol for one month.
Christian Johansen was charged with having solicited money from various people on a Sabbath about four weeks ago.
The prisoner who was a Scandinavian denied the charge, and said there were a good many people the same name as himself trying to get
money out of people, but it was not him.
Several witnesses swore to his identity, and His Worship gave him free board and lodging in the Napier gaol for one month.
A man was charged with being drunk on Thursday evening on the White Road, and “larking” around to the annoyance of his neighbours. He pleaded guilty to the charge and was fined 10s and 6s 6d costs. The money was immediately paid.
This concluded the business.
(Before T.K .Newton and E. Lyndon, Esqs., J.Ps.
The female Gallagher who had been remanded for medical examination was brought up and discharged, it being stated that the woman had been suffering from the effects of alcohol.
John Golding was charged with being drunk.
Police Sergeant Robinson stated that Golding on the 20th June last, had been sentenced to two months imprisonment for habitual drunkenness, but promised if the Bench would permit him this time to go free, he would go to work in the country
In reply to the Court, Golding stated, he only came out of gaol yesterday and being weak in the head, a few glasses of beer he had partaken of had quite upset him.
The Court recommended him to go out of town, and get work at once, else if he was again brought up he would be severely punished.
John Ray, a Havelock settler, was charged by one of the railway guards, Mr Andrews, with not producing his railway ticket, when asked, on Monday.
Mr Lascelles who appeared for the defendant pleaded not guilty. The learned counsel stated that the case showed gross irregularity on the parts of the railway authorities. His client was now charged under the 11th section of the bye-laws, but he had been given into custody to the police by the guard as having broken the 3rd section, which certainly gave the power. Under the 11th section under which the defendant was now charged, the railway authorities had no power to act in the manner they had. Mr Lascelles in a long speech, commented in strong terms on what he termed the extraordinary straining of powers by the railway authorities.
Andrews deposed: I am a railway guard. While coming through yesterday, I asked the defendant to produce his ticket. He refused. He told me he had thrown it out the window, I then gave him into custody of the Havelock constable.
Cross-examined by Mr Lascelles: I was not aware that he held a Saturday return ticket. He told me he had paid his fare. Smith, the ticket clerk, told me that the defendant had given him 2s for his fare, and that he had given him a duplicate ticket. I asked defendant for the duplicate. I was in doubt whether defendant had given me his right name, and asked Mr Stuart of Havelock, who gave me a reply in the affirmative. I have a right to use my own judgment in cases like this. I knew I was doing my duty. I gave defendant into custody, but I don’t know what authority I had for doing so. I gave him into custody six or seven minutes after he had purchased the duplicate ticket from Mr Smith.
Smith deposed: I am a travelling ticket seller on the railway line. Finding, that defendant had not his Saturday return ticket re-dated, I sold him a duplicate for 2s. I saw him tear the duplicate up. Previous to his tearing it up I did not tell him he would be required to show it to the guard. He did not know anything about the bye-laws.
Mr Andrews: This is a new bye-law, and has been in force since the 1st June, requiring persons to have their Saturday return tickets redated.
Mr Lascelles then addressed the Bench pointing out how improperly his client had been treated, and asked the Bench to dismiss the case.
After a short consultation, Mr Newton said, the Bench had decided to dismiss the case, and they thought it would be wiser for the railway officials to take more precaution before resorting to the arbitrary measures it had been shewn{shown], they had taken in this case.
Peters v. Young. – Claim £75 1s 3d. In this case, defendant having applied to have his evidence taken at Wellington under the provisions of the R.M.’s Evidence Act, 1870, the hearing was adjourned until the 11th September prox.
Trustees of C. Tuke v. Miles. – Claim £57 for rent, an adjourned case. Further adjourned to the 24th instant.
Black v. Gilberd. – Claim £10, an action for detinue of a white poodle dog. This was a long uninteresting case, a large number of witnesses giving evidence. The result was a nonsuit, with witnesses costs allowed amounting to £2 19s.
Several other civil cases were settled out of Court.
It will be noticed that Messrs Devery and Sutton have entered into partnership in the butchering line, and have opened shops in the progressive townships of Kaikora and at Te Aute. We hope to see the new firm prosper.
A.M.* A.M. + A.M. P.M. P.M.
Spit, depart 7.40 11.0 3.40
Napier arrive 7.50 11.10 3.50
Napier depart 6.45 7.55 11.30 4.10 2.30
Farndon depart 7.10 8.20 11.55 4.35 2.55
Hastings, depart 7.35 8.45 12.20 5.0
Paki Paki arrive 9.5 5.18
Paki Paki depart 7.53 9.13 5.20
Te Aute arrive 8.32
Te Aute depart 8.35 9.55 6.5
Kaikora depart 9.15 10.35 6.45
Waipawa, depart 9.35 10.55 7.5
Waipukurau arrive 9.55 11.15 7.25
Waipukurau depart 10.0 11.30
Takapau, arrive 10.50 12.20
* On Monday and Thursday only.
+ On Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.
A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
Takapau, depart 2.20
Waipukurau, dep. 7.10 3.15
Waipawa, depart 7.30 3.35
Kaikora, depart 7.50 3.55
Te Aute arrive 8.31
Te Aute depart 8.33 4.35
Paki Paki, arrive 9.10 5.15
Paki Paki, depart 9.12 5.22
Hastings, depart 9.32 1.0 5.42 5.20
Farndon, depart 9.57 1.25 6.7 5.45
Napier arrive 10.22 1.50 6.32 6.10
Napier depart 7.20 10.25 3.0
Spit, arrive 7.30 10.35 3.10
*Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday only.
Passengers are requested not to enter or leave the carriages while in motion.
Season tickets issued to and from all Stations. Apply to the Manager.
To ensure despatch, Parcels should be booked fifteen minutes before the starting of the Train.
General Manager,
Napier, March 8, 1877.
SAMSON FENCE WIRE. – This is an entirely new article, and is fast superseding the old style. Five Wires weigh Ten cwt. per mile, and costs in Melbourne £12 10s, versus Seventeen cwt. ordinary wire costing £14 10s (the relative cost will be the same at the principal ports of Australasia) with the advantage of having Seven cwt. less to pay carriage for. Over 1,000 TONS sold by one firm last year, giving unbounded satisfaction. Send for full descriptive circular with innumerable testimonials from leading colonists, and judge for yourselves. McLEAN BROS., and RIGG, Importers, and General Ironmongers, Melbourne.
Persons suffering from weak or debilitated constitutions will discover that by the use of this wonderful medicine there is “Health for all.” The blood is the fountain of life, and its purity can be maintained by the use of these pills.
in his work entitled “The Nile Tributaries in Abbyssinia,” says, “I ordered the dragoman Mahomet to inform the Fakey that I was a Doctor, and that I had the best medicines at the service of the sick, with advice gratis. In a short time I had many applicants, to whom I served out a quantity of Holloway’s Pills. These are most useful to an explorer, as possessing unmistakable purgative properties they create an undeniable effect upon the patient, which satisfies him of their value.”
Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment. I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse feed poured in upon us until at last a teaspoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
On the Label is the address, 533, Oxford-street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
With a “New York” Label.
and at
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted in English, Continental, and American Newspapers, Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines, Books, and Stationery supplied with accuracy and punctuality, and at the lowest prices.
Proprietors of Newspapers furnished with Paper, Ink, and every requisite connected with the printing business.
Indents through the Sydney and Melbourne houses, and Commissions executed quickly and economically generally.
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser
Standing Advertisements for Three, Six or Twelve Months can be arranged for at a Liberal Discount.
Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original order) must be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager.
W. DENHOLM, Port Ahuriri
£ s d.
Per Quarter, if paid in advance 0 6 6
Per Quarter, if booked 0 7 6
Per Annum, if paid in advance. 1 6 0
Per Annum, if booked 1 10 0
Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
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