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- Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 094 - 1 September
Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 094 – 1 September
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.
9,000 ACRES Freehold, Agricultural and Pastoral, Seaboard, with
14,000 acres Leasehold, valuable improvements, and
18,000 Sheep, few Cattle, Horses, &co.
3,920 acres Freehold, rich pastoral land, Wairoa, with
800 Sheep, and 100 head Cattle
900 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa
4,677 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa, with
3,000 Sheep, and other necessary working improvements
25,000 acres Leasehold, Poverty Bay, and
112 acres Freehold, close to town, with
20,000 sheep and improvements
4,200 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Poverty Bay
11,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, Poverty Bay, with
3000 Sheep and few Cattle
1,600 acres, Leasehold, half interest, Poverty Bay
28,750 acres Poverty Bay, situate about 20 miles from Tologa [Tolaga] Bay, title under Native Lands Court
1657 acres rich Pastoral Land, good title, Poverty Bay
1385 acres rich Pastoral land, good title, Poverty Bay
8,800 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa Bay, with
3,000 Sheep and good improvemeuts [improvements]
3,000 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,220 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
400 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,200 acres Freehold, Rich Pastoral Land, improved, Opotiki
225 acres Freehold, excellent Land, Omaranui [Omarunui], with
1,600 Sheep,
30 head Cattle, and a few Horses, with improvements
Stock and Station Agent.
On Deferred Payments.
For particulars, apply to
of various extent, and
Stocked and Unstocked, in the Provinces of Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington. Canterbury, and Otago.
For particulars, apply at the office, Browning-street, Napier.
All First-class Flocks.
STORE SHEEP. – Various Lots of Store Merinos Ewes and Wedders for Sale.
Mr J.M. FRASER, Travelling Agent of the Australian Mutual Improvement Society, is now in Napier, and prepared to take proposals for Insurance, and give information to inquirers at the Criterion Hotel, or at Messrs Routledge, Kennedy and Co’s.
By Mr. W. Rathbone, on August 23rd.
ONE White Heifer, no brand visible.
Will be sold this day fortnight, unless redeemed.
A.M.* A.M. + A.M. P.M. P.M.
Spit, depart 7.40 11.0 3.40
Napier arrive 7.50 11.10 3.50
Napier depart 6.45 7.55 11.30 4.10 2.30
Farndon depart 7.10 8.20 11.55 4.35 2.55
Hastings, depart 7.35 8.45 12.20 5.0
Paki Paki arrive 9.5 5.18
Paki Paki depart 7.53 9.13 5.20
Te Aute arrive 8.32
Te Aute depart 8.35 9.55 6.5
Kaikora depart 9.15 10.35 6.45
Waipawa, depart 9.35 10.55 7.5
Waipukurau arrive 9.55 11.15 7.25
Waipukurau depart 10.0 11.30 7.25
Takapau, arrive 10.50 12.20
* On Monday and Thursday only.
+ On Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.
A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
Takapau, depart 2.20
Waipukurau, dep. 7.10 3.15
Waipawa, depart 7.30 3.35
Kaikora, depart 7.50 3.55
Te Aute arrive 8.31
Te Aute depart 8.33 4.35
Paki Paki, arrive 9.10 5.15
Paki Paki, depart 9.12 5.22
Hastings, depart 9.32 1.0 5.42 5.20
Farndon, depart 9.57 1.25 6.7 5.45
Napier arrive 10.22 1.50 6.32 6.10
Napier depart 7.20 10.25 3.0
Spit, arrive 7.30 10.35 3.10
*Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday only.
Passengers are requested not to enter or leave the carriages while in motion.
Season tickets issued to and from all Station. Apply to the Manager.
To ensure despatch, Parcels should be booked fifteen minutes before the starting of the Train.
General Manager,
Napier, March 8, 1877.
RESPECTFULLY invites the attention of the public and especially to COUNTRY STOREKEEPERS, to their large assortment of NEW GOODS –
Builders’ Ironmongery –
WIRE and EWBANK’S NAILS Rim and Mortice Locks, Hinges Screws, Augers, Adzes. PLANES, Levels, Gauges, Floor Cramps, Chisels, Gouges, Axes, Hatchets, Hammers, Gimblets, Spokeshaves, Saws (Pit and Crosscut, Hand, Tenon, and Compass), Door Springs, Sash Weights, Lines, and Pulleys, &c.
Brass Foundry –
Cornice Rings and Pole Ends, Curtain Bands and Hooks, Cornice and Window Brackets, Bolts, Sash, Table, and Casement Fasteners, Hinges, Blind Furniture. Beer, Bottling, and Range Cocks, &c.
Agricultural Implements –
Hornsby’s and Ramsons’ 1 and 2 Wheel-Ploughs, Harrow’s Winnowing Machines, Horse Powers Wheat Mills, Corn Shellers, CHAFF CUTTERS, (hand and horse power), Coil, Plough, Cart and Dog CHAINS, Hames, Grind-stone, Draining and Grafting Tools, Hedge, Pruning and Sheep Shears, Scythes, Sickles, Reap Hooks, Maull Rings, Wedges, Fencing Wire, Steel-yards, GALVANISED WIRE NETTING, (3/8 to 2 in.) Mesh, Saddles, Bridles, Girths, Spurs, &c.
B.B.H. Bar and Rod Iron –
Boiler Plate, Sheet Iron (black and galvanised), Anvils, Vyces [Vices], Spring, Shear, Cast, and Blister STEEL, Horse Nails, Files and Rasps, Portable Forges, Bellows, Dray, and Buggy Axles, Iron Pipe, HYDRAULIC WOOL PRESS, &c., &c.,
Galvanised Corrugated Iron
O.G. and ½ rd. Guttering, Down Pipe, Ridging, Brackets, Spikes and Tubes, SHEET ZINC, (plain and perforated), Sheet Lead, WHITE LEAD, boiled and raw Linseed, Colza, Castor and Kerosine Oils, Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, Varnish, Soft Soap, Raddle and Charcoal, Putty, Colours, (dry and ground), Liquid Paint in 5 and 10lb tins.
American Novelties –
Saws, Braces and Bits, Arkansas, Washita and Pond Stones, Corn-shellers, Weighing Machines, Sausage Machines, Ames, Collins, and Day’s S. and L.H. Shovels, Axes, Hatchets, &c.
Furnishing Requisites –
BEDSTEADS, (single and double), Childrens Cots, LAMPS in great variety, Cooking, Parlour and Office Stoves, from 30s upwards, Colonial Ovens, Fenders, Fire Irons, HOLLOWARE, (tinned and enamelled) Brushware, Tinware, Doormats, Scrapers, Tubs, Buckets, Wash and Knife Boards, Mangles, Wringers, Portable Washing Boilers and Furnace Pans, Charcoal and Flat Irons, Electroplate Tea and Coffee Pots, Cruets, Butter Coolers, Toast Racks, Cake Baskets, Spoons, Forks, Tea Trays, Bells, Chandeliers, (gas and kerosene) in 2 to 8 lights.
Cutlery –
Rodger’s, Lockwood’s and Johnson’s Table and Pocket Knives, Steels, Knife Sharpeners, Scissors, Razors, Fleams Sheath Knives.
Dairy Utensils –
Churns, Milk Pans and Seives [Sieves], Butter Pats and Prints, Scales, Wood Spoons, &c.
Sporting –
Single and Double-barrelled Guns, Sporting and Blasting Powder, Fuse, Dynamite, &c., &c.
N.B. – BOYLAN & CO., are now SELLING OFF their entire STOCK OF CROCKERY at and under Cost.
50 dozed [dozen] GRANITE CUPS and SAUCERS, from 4s per dozen.
100 dozen PLATES, from 2s 6d per dozen
100 dozen CHILDRENS MUGS, from 2s per dozen
PRESERVE POTS in Nests, EARTHEN MILK PANS, TEAPOTS, from 1s each; TUMBLERS, from 6s per doz. Also a large variety of Articles, too numerous to mention.
By all the celebrated English and French Makers, for Cash or on time-payment system.
From 4s each.

August 25.
The Rotorua sailed for Napier at noon to-day. Passengers: – Messrs McLean, Mann, Aperahania, Mr. and Mrs Cotterill, Mr and Mrs Sidey, and six in the steerage.
August 24.
Sailed – Taupo. Passengers – For Gisborne: Miss McCoy, Messrs Adair, Tack, Lucas. For Napier: Miss Lowe, Miss Briggs, Messrs Mann, Leonard, Mowbray, Haultain, Ross, Hartshorn, and Grant.
August 23.
Sailed – Rotorua, for the North. Passengers for Napier – Messrs Stead and Vickerman.
August 24.
Sailed – Rotorua, at 5 p.m., for the North. Passengers for Napier – Mrs Adams, Messrs Swainson, Wilkin, and Burrows.
August 27.
A Good Templar lodge has been opened here by Henry Brown, of Napier. About 30 natives have been initiated, a chief named Rewiti Te Kune being head until Poihipi’s return from Wanganui.
There is very little food among the natives, who are complaining.

Waka Maori Libel Case.
August 27.
The Waka Maori libel case is now on. It causes great excitement in legal circles. The plaintiff has twenty-seven witnesses. It is believed the defendants have thirty. It is expected to-day’s proceedings will be chiefly confined to proving publications.
The names of the jury in the Waka Maori libel case are: – Messrs James Lockie, E. Toomath, Joe Dransfield, G.S. Sellars, S. Carroll, Thomas Turnbull, Thomas Young, H.M. Lyon, D. McIntyre, Herbert Gabey, M. Marchant, and John Watt.
The defence admitted the publication.
Mr Macassey delivered a capital and exhaustive address lasting an hour and a half.
Powatahuri proved that he never signed Manga’s letter, and therefore demanded that the forged name be struck off.
H.T. Clarke the Commissioner, proved that the letters were inserted by orders of Sir Donald McLean, when Native Minister, and that he (Mr Clarke) considered the letters libellous and improperly reflecting on the character of a gentleman in another province. On this ground he kept Arihi’s letter one month, but was ordered to insert it.
The cross-examination of Mr. Clarke is now proceeding.
Mr. Grace acts as interpreter. Chief Justice Prendergast is the only judge sitting to-day.
August 28.
Yesterday Mr Connolly opened the case for the defence.
Dr Buller then commenced the reading of the evidence taken in Napier, until the Court rose.
The Court was occupied this morning with reading the evidence taken before the Napier Commission.
Portions of it have been expunged as inadmissable [inadmissible].
The Napier evidence given before the Commission will take all the day reading.
August 27.
The Waka Maori libel case commenced at the Supreme Court this morning before the Chief Justice. Counsel for the plaintiff, Messrs. Macassey, Stout, and Bell; for the defence, Messrs. Connolly, Buller, and Chapman.
Mr Macassey is now opening the case for the plaintiff.
A good deal of interest is taken and the Court is crowded in every part.
August 27, 1877.
DOUBTLESS the authorities, by depriving us of police protection for so long a time, have come to the conclusion that the people of Clive have arrived at that happy state of high-toned morality when there is no necessity for them or their property to be protected by the “man in blue.” Such, however, unfortunately is not the case, for even here we have thieves who have a particular liking for other persons’ saddles, and not only for saddles, but for bacon and hams, – as I am credibly informed that a side of bacon and a couple of hams have suddenly disappeared from a certain establishment one night last week. What will be the next article to disappear, it is difficult to say; but it is not at all improbable that a carcase of mutton, or a side of beef, may be missing from some of the butchers’ shops, if we do not get the necessary protection we are entitled to. Irrespective of the stealing proclivities so paramount just now, the presence of a policeman would deter the use of disgusting and foul-mouthed language which, unfortunately, is too often heard in our public thoroughfares – much to the horror and dread of all respectable females. Perhaps Major Scully will use endeavors to ameliorate our condition by lending us a constable until Colonel Moule is able to manufacture one according to approved pattern.
In consequence of our obtaining a telegraph office in connection with the railway station, we are about to lose our stationmaster, Mr Douglas, who is to be removed to an up-country station. Mr Douglas has now been amongst us about twelve months, and, from his obliging manner, has secured for himself the respect of the inhabitants. It is to be hoped that, with his removal, his salary will be increased, for a more deserving officer is seldom to be met with.
The works at Hamlin’s corner have proceeded satisfactory so far, and, as a temporary preventative, perhaps they are as good as could be expected; in fact they are far better than nothing at all. I have heard it rumored that it is contemplated in connection with the works to throw out one or two Douslin’s dams in miniature. If such are constructed, they may possibly have the desired effect; but having had no personal experience of their capabilities, I am bound to refrain from saying more about them than trust they will meet the requirements they are intended for.
The fencing about our park is in a somewhat dilapidated state, and I think it would be wise if the trustees were to devote some of the funds at their disposal to repairing the same. I say this, inasmuch as I saw three head of cattle break through the fence last Sunday morning, and, doubtless, if the shrubs and plants had been more advanced, considerable damage would have been done to them.
On Saturday, the sea made a clean breach over Mr Baldwin’s property at Waitangi, doing considerable damage to the out-houses about the property. A boat was washed ashore at this place, and is now lying high and dry near Mr Baldwin’s premises.
The Ngaruroro has been considerably swollen, principally caused, I have no doubt, by the melting of the snow on the ranges. I have not heard of any damage having been done, nor do I think it overflowed its banks at any place that it usually does in the time of floods.
Mr Hollis will commence killing at his new slaughterhouse to-day. I understand the event is to be celebrated by a dinner in the evening.
The Road Board met on Saturday, but no business of importance was transacted.
The weather is particularly dirty and disagreeable, and is still raining, but the mouth of the river is clear, and there is no danger of a flood.

The Chief Commissioner of the Auckland Waste Lands Board notifies that the land known as the Wairoa confiscated block will be offered for sale, at Auckland, on Wednesday, 26th September. This land was withdrawn from sale a few days ago, at the instigation of the law officers of the colony, through it having been offered to the public at a less sum than £1 per acre, at which it could not be legally sold. Commenting on the forthcoming sale, and the regulations that compel the land to be sold at not less than the prohibitive price of £1 per acre, the Wairoa Free Press says: – “To those of our readers who have a local knowledge of the land in question, it will be unnecessary for us to say that such a price will never be realised; it seems somewhat absurd that although the frontages, the eyes in fact of this block could be selected by the holders of old military settlers’ sections at the low price of five shillings an acre (land honestly worth twenty shillings per acre), for the back portions of the same land really not worth more than five shillings no less a sum than twenty shillings is asked per acre. This is but one instance of the beautifully balanced and charmingly confused land laws under which the settlement of the Colony is retarded and by means of which the development of this district is kept back.”
The musical talent to be found amongst the Odd Fellows’ of Napier, we hear, is about to be utilised by the formation of a band. There is abundance of good material from which to form an excellent company of musicians.
The Sabbath observance question is once more raging in Dunedin. The bone of contention is the Museum. The “old identity” is horrified at the numbers who enjoy recreation, however innocent, in that institution on Sundays, while the “new iniquity” points to those numbers as the best proof of the value to the community of opening the building on the Sabbath.
At the general meeting of the Hawke’s Bay Jockey Club on Friday, J.D. Canning, Esq. occupied the chair. The Club resolved to endorse the decision of the Dunedin Jockey Club with respect to Fishhook and his jockey. The Secretary was instructed to communicate with the members in arrear with their subscriptions. The statement of receipts and expenditure was read showing a credit balance of £27 5s. The following gentlemen were elected the Committee for the ensuing year: – Messrs. Coleman, Williams, Farmer, Winter and Johnston. Mr M.R. Miller having resigned the Secretaryship, Mr Malcolm Banks was asked to accept the office.
The adjourned general meeting of the Napier Rowing Club took place on Thursday at the Criterion Hotel, Mr R.G. Gibbons in the chair. The object of the meeting was to receive the report of the Committee on the proposed amalgamation with the Ahuriri Club. The Committee reported strongly against the proposal, mainly on the ground of its cost. A long discussion ensued, when Mr. T. Begg moved, and Mr. F. Bee seconded, “that the proposition of the Ahuriri Club to amalgamate be accepted.” To this an amendment was moved by Mr. A.R. Eva, and seconded by Mr C.A. Tabuteau, “That the Committee be empowered to ascertain how many new members would be willing to join the Club if the proposed amalgamation takes place; and that, in the meantime, the whole matter be postponed until Saturday next, on which date the Committee shall report to an adjourned general meeting.” This amendment was carried on the casting vote of the Chairman, and the meeting then adjourned.
The following appropriate observations on the Civil Service of the colony, made by the Wellington Argus, will commend themselves to our readers: – “The Civil Service of the colony can be reformed only by the Government. It is vain for private members to move that £50 be reduced here and suggest that £50 be added there. Such a style is simply unjust and injurious. The whole system requires re-organisation, and the whole salaries need re-adjustment. There are too many officials, and too much red-tape. Those who do little work get large pay; those who do the bulk of the duty are poorly paid. There are, speaking within the mark, scores of men enjoying partial sinecures, – in fact, some of them have not the brains for important work, if they got it do to, – while numbers of hard-worked men are struggling upon salaries quite inadequate to support their families. Then again there are numbers of lads in the telegraph, the post office, and other offices, doing a large amount of work for wages little, if anything, better than that of house-maids and respectable female servants. The marvel is that these lads conduct themselves in the exemplary way they do, and the Government has the plain and imperative duty before them of taking the bull by the horns and inaugurating an entirely new system. If they trust to the heads of Departments to do it, the thing will never be done.”
Messrs Oxenham and Mills were the successful tenderers for the supply of limestone to the Napier Gas Company, at 6s 6d per yard.
The Tasmanian cable is now repaired, and messages can be forwarded as usual.
Messrs Swan and Ashton, the new lessees of the Oddfellows’ Hall, have lost no time in taking steps to convert that building into a theatre. Mr T. R. Cooper’s services have been called into requisition, and that gentleman has furnished excellent plans and drawings for the enlargement of the Hall and its conversion into a theatre. Mr Cooper’s designs, we are glad to state, have been accepted, and operations have already been begun to carry them out. The building is to be lengthened thirty feet, of which fifteen feet will be added to the depth of the stage, and fifteen feet to the body of the Hall. The roof is to be lifted seven feet, which will allow for a “dress circle”, and private boxes, capable of seating about 250 persons. The dress circle will be supported by handsome Corinthian pillars, the position of which will not decrease the available space for dancing on the present floor. The entrance to the dress circle will be by a private door on the street line, and a handsome and commodious staircase six feet wide, on the landing of which is to be a spacious cloak-room. The floor of the building will be divided into stalls, parquette, and pit; the stall seats, being nearest to the stage, will be on the floor level, the parquette and pit seats rising at the same grade as the dress circle above, so as to ensure everybody in the theatre seeing the performance on the stage without standing. The orchestra will be sunk below the floor level, so that the musicians’ heads will not impede the view of the stage. The opening of the proscenium will be heightened and widened; this of course will entail entirely new scenery. The ground beneath the stage will be excavated, in order to facilitate the working of mechanical effects for performances. There are to be six new dressing or retiring rooms available for either the use of actors, or of ladies and gentlemen when the Hall is used for ball purposes. Mr T.R. Cooper has been mindful in his plans to provide ample means for exit and entrance, and in case of panic from fire or other causes the whole building could be emptied without confusion in three minutes. The exterior to be built will have an imposing appearance and will be an addition to the architecture of the town. The work will be vigorously pushed on, and it is hoped to complete it within three months, and this without interfering with the use of the Hall.
The Tutaekuri was in heavy fresh last week. At Taradale the water was over the road and running round Guppy’s corner in a considerable stream. At the Meanee [Meeanee] Bridge the river was higher than at any previous fresh this winter, and was still rising. The old racecourse is almost under water. Mr Powdrell’s new embankment at Papakura [near Waiohiki], was watched with great interest by Meanee and Papakura settlers. The large quantity of water now coming down the river is no doubt occasioned by the warm rain melting the snow on the ranges.
The tenders for engrossing Crowns Grants, were opened on Friday, and the Commissioner of Crown Lands accepted that of Mr Richard Winter from amongst a large number of tenders.
Heavy seas came over the Beach road on Saturday, entering the dwellings of those residing in that healthy part of the town. Those who were thus inconvenienced were making enquiries as to whether at the coming municipal elections they should not return men pledged to construct the long talked of sea-wall.
The Wananga, which made its appearance last Saturday, contains the petition agreed to at a meeting of natives held at Hapuku’s pa with reference to the Te Aute estate. After stating the circumstances under which the grant was given, the petitioners state that the total extent of the College estate is now about 7,500 acres. They complain that up to a year or two ago, through the system then in vogue, the school gradually dwindled away, but recently has been chiefly filled with boys from the East Coast and other places not included in the Ahuriri district, to which the petitioners object, as the parents of these children did not give the land. The petitioners, then, on the assumption that a new lease has been granted to Mr. Williams for a further period at £1000 per annum, to which they object and desire it to be sold by auction, pray the House to put the affairs of the College immediately on such a footing that the great and important objects which both Governor Grey and the Bishop, as well as the Native chiefs and people had in view, when they made the endowment, may be carried out successfully, and that the income from the estate may not be diverted from its legitimate purpose.
The Wanganui Herald, in its description of the local exhibits at the Art Exhibition opened last Saturday, thus refers to the articles sent by our Napier fellow-townsman, Mr Shanly: – “There is another exhibit of jewelry which also demands a notice. It has been sent in by Mr Shanly of Napier, and he makes a most effective display. Among the articles are a baton, evidently intended for the director of a musical society, a gold bracelet, neck studs, and monogram sets, very tastefully and chastely executed, also a medal to be competed for by the Napier Artillery Volunteers. The exhibit is a very creditable one, and was warmly commended.”
“Ivanhoe” was again produced at the theatre last Saturday by the Lydia Howarde troupe to a good house. There was a very great improvement manifested in its production by the elimination of certain eccentricities on the part of the minor characters, that, on the previous evening, marred the vocal performances of the principal actresses.
The following information, gleaned from a Wellington paper, will possibly prove instructive to several Hawke’s Bay store-keepers: – “At the Police Court on Tuesday Inspector Pilmer applied for a warrant to seize 45 cases of kerosene in the possession of Messrs Jameson Brothers, grocers, Dixon-street, kept by them in contravention of the provisions of the Dangerous Goods Act, on which the City Bye-laws have provided a regulation that only 10 cases and no more shall be stored on the premises of any retailer. The warrant, we understand, was put into the hands of Sergeant Smith for execution, who carried off the goods to the Corporation store in Courtenay-place.
An accident occurred to Mr Rymer’s coach on Monday, that fortunately was unattended by serious injuries to the passengers. On one of the bridges between the old Meanee race-course and the Shamrock Hotel, some repairs had been commenced last week, and that morning a pile of loose planks had been laid over the bridge. The fore wheel of the coach caught this obstruction, which was sufficient to stop further progress, but the horses, in their struggle to surmount it, broke the king-bolt, and galloped away. The coach almost turned a sommersault [somersault] precipitating the driver to the ground, and tumbling the passengers about inside, bruising some of them rather sever[e]ly.
The Catholics of Wellington we are glad to hear are following the example of their Bishop, Dr. Redwood. It is to be hoped that the moderate views expressed by the Catholics of Wellington and Napier will influence those of their co-religionists in other parts of the colony.

On Sunday, the Rev. J. Berry preached two sermons, in Trinity Church, in connection with the Sunday School Anniversary. The attendance at both sermons was large, considering the wretched state of the weather.
We hear that Mr A. Peters has bought out Mr Corcoran’s interest in the Clarendon Hotel, and that Mr W. Britten delivers possession on the first of next month.
Mr William Henry Schultze, the party whose unfortunate loss of money caused so much stir a few months ago in Napier, has now felt it necessary to shield himself from his creditors by going under the shelter of the Bankrupty [Bankruptcy] Court.
The supplement of the New Zealand Times of Saturday contains a full report of Captain Russell’s speech in reply to Sir George Grey’s accusations. It extends over five columns of small type.
Our own correspondent sends us the following: – The first appearance of the Waipawa Amateur Christy Minstrels on Friday night, in the Oddfellows’ Hall, was a most decided success. I am glad to be able to record a very marked improvement, which was noticeable in the absence of that vile pedal accompaniment which generally trys [tries] one’s nerves to the utmost and also the calumet, certainly not of peace or comfort, unless it be to those who indulge in it, was happily conspicuous by its absence. To those who have had the pleasure of hearing Mr C. Harding’s performances on the piano, it is unnecessary to say that he acquitted himself in his usual style. The corner men, Messrs Scott and Bickerton, were no novices at their work; in fact, all the performers showed evidence of careful study of their parts, and the “goaks” were good. When I mention that there were about 250 people present, in spite of the inclement state of the weather, you will see that the efforts of the amateurs in catering for our amusement was fully appreciated. That ubiquitous, and most urbane of the dwellers in Waipawa – T.C. – was on duty at the door, and as usual, did his duty well. The Waipukurau Minstrel was in good form, rather less in the excelsior style than is his wont, (but all the better for that), and contributed his full quota to the pleasantness of the evening. His rendering of the song, “The death of Nelson” was rewarded by a well-deserved encore. In the second part of the programme, the overture of the band was a performance worthy of professionals. I must give their due meed of praise to Messrs Weaver, Shanley, and Brown, who warbled very sweetly. The entertainment concluded with the laughable farce, “Troublesome servants.” The characters were well sustained by Messrs Tye, Scott, and Bickerton. Altogether this was one of the best amateur performances I have been present at; and I hope to be present at many more of the same description.
A meeting which was well attended, was held at the Albion Hotel on Saturday evening, for the purpose of forming a Press Cricket Club in Napier. Mr Sellars occupied the chair, A Club was formed, and the following gentlemen elected office-bearers: – Mr Sheehan, M.H.R., President; Mr Knight, Captain; Mr Pallott, Secretary; and Mr Sellars, Treasurer. A committee was formed consisting of Messrs. J. Dinwindie [ Dinwiddie ], Williams, O’Connor, Freeman, and Murphy for the purpose of framing rules, &c., for the new Club, to report at another meeting to take place on Saturday evening next. The meeting then adjourned. The new Club starts under very fair auspices, and we believe, it will try its strength with some of the older established Clubs in Napier during the coming season.
We have received a letter signed “Fair Play” from a Woodville correspondent, in which the writer gives his reasons why the Local Option Bill should not be passed. We would gladly publish the letter in full, but in writing it our correspondent’s ideas appear to have become rather confused, and to such an extent, that we are unable to make out the true meaning of several of the sentences.
By Monday’s mail we received a copy of the Wellington Monthly Prices Current, compiled by Mr S. Carroll, the Secretary of the Wellington Chamber of Commerce. It is a valuable paper, and should be subscribed to by all persons interested in trade.
We have to acknowledge with thanks from the author of a copy of a work entitled “History and Politics, containing the Political recollections and leaves from the writings of a New Zealand Journalist, from 1851 to the present period.” To those desirous of obtaining a glimpse of a portion of the early political history of New Zealand, the work before us cannot fail to be interesting, and we earnestly recommend it to their perusal. The writer of the work had the best opportunities of knowing what was passing during the period he has furnished the history of, and being observant, and an able writer, has been able to place a number of facts together hitherto not seen in print. The work can at present be obtained from Messrs Lyon and Blair, at Wellington.
The following applications for new licenses have been made, and will be heard before the Licensing Court next Tuesday. Napier district; Henry Lane, Shakespeare Hotel, Shakespeare-road, for the house lately in the occupation of Mr. Edwards; Thos Peddie, for a new house to be called the Caledonian Hotel, to be erected at the corner of Dickens and Hastings streets; Levi White, for a new house to be erected on section 430, Shakespeare road, to be called the Adelphi Hotel. Petane district; George Bradley, for a new house to be erected on the new Taradale road, section 35, Meanee: John O’Brien, for a new house to be erected at Konini, near Tuanui. We hear that some opposition will be made to the granting of the new licenses for houses in Napier.
The three nights on which Ivanhoe has been produced here by the Lydia Howarde troupe, the weather was such as to deter people from leaving their firesides, but nevertheless, good houses have been obtained.
We notice in the Nation of the 31st June that at the grand drawing of prizes for the benefit of St. Bridget’s Orphanage in Dublin, Mr. Mahon, of Napier drew the third prize, a lady’s gold watch, valued at £7. The tickets were only sixpence each.
There was a capitally well filled house, on Tuesday, at the representation of Aladdin, by the Lydia Howarde troupe. Miss Lydia Howarde’s Aladdin was an excellent piece of acting, and the character being one in which there was any amount of work to be done, that lady was quite in her element. Her singing, too, was more than usually pleasing; her rendering of “Sweet Spirit hear my Prayer,” was charming, and it received most genuine applause. As the Sultan, Mdlle. Solange Navaro had not much to do, and there was very little to be made out of the part. That accomplished young lady, however, sustained the character remarkably well, though it was one that was not suited to her. In the second Act Mdlle. Navaro sung a solo that well earned the hearty plaudits of the audience. Miss Jenny Nye appeared as the Princess, and enacted the part with that absence of affectation that has made this lady a favorite with every audience before whom she has played. Her singing is always extremely pleasing, and especially so in the “Echo Song,” which she gave in the final Act. To Miss Patty Holt was assigned the part of Pekoe, and Mr Poole took the character of the Widow Twankey which in his hands was irresistibly mirth provoking. Aladdin will be produced again this evening.
A female named Mary Ann McNamara, who had been incarcerated in the Napier Gaol for larceny, by some means managed to make her escape from the Gaol at an early hour on Wednesday, before daybreak. Several constables are out in search for her, but up to the time of our going to press she had not been caught.
We learn that Constable Motley has been promoted to first-class Constable. The straightforward evidence given by this constable in the charge made against Mr Windsor, has doubtless caused Colonel Moule to give him promotion.
In another column we reprint a leading article from the Melbourne Argus of the 14th instant, written after the arrival of the last Suez mail. It gives the best account we have seen of the political position of Europe and Asia, and will well repay perusal.
In the Resident’s Magistrate Court on Wednesday, Geo. Sinclair, who had only recently come out of gaol, where he had been residing for the past three months, was brought up on a charge of drunkenness. Sinclair informed the Bench, he had received a fortune from England, and would go up-country if permitted. The police threw doubt on the story, and Sinclair was fined 10s or 48 hours imprisonment. His money being in some bank, and having neglected to provide himself with loose cash, he was sent back to his old quarters. There was an assault case set down for hearing, but the parties interested, like sensible men, came to an amicable settlement outside the Court-house.
We learn than about a week or two ago, some lads who had a few dynamite cartridges in their possession, were playing near Mrs Butcher’s residence on the hills. She had driven them away, but one of the cartridges was placed on the woman’s fence. Mrs Butcher went to put up a paling, and when hitting at the fence happened to strike the cartridge, An explosion followed, the result being that Mrs Butcher had one of her hands severely injured, the thumb and two of her fingers being almost blown off. A child, which was with her at the time was also injured. Dr. Gibbes has attended the wounded woman. The question now arises, how do lads become possessed of these dangerous articles. It is to be hoped steps will be taken to trace how they are procured, and a stop put to it ere an accident of a worse character occurs than we have yet recorded.
Our Taradale correspondent writes as follows: – “The information forwarded a short time back to the DAILY TELEGRAPH, relative to the rumored departure of the Rev P.C. Anderson, has lately received some confirmation. On the principle that what every body says must be true, I am under the impression Mr Anderson will not be long with us. It is said that he proceeds to Akaroa, and that he will probably take his departure in about ten days time.”
The Chief Commissioner at Wellington has accepted Sergeant Robinson’s resignation of his grade as a sergeant, and he is now to be stationed as a policeman at Porangahau. We have not yet heard who is to succeed him in Napier.
The Trinity Church Sunday-school anniversary was celebrated on Tuesday by a tea-meeting in the Protestant Hall. After the tea, an adjournment was made to Trinity Church. Mr. T.K. Newton took the chair, and opened the proceedings by introducing Mr. Welsman. The report of the Sunday school was then read, from which it appeared that there were 150 children on the roll. The Rev. Mr. Berry next addressed the meeting, and then followed the “Service of Song” Illustrative of the life of Christ. The meeting was largely attended, every one appearing well pleased.
The Art and Industrial Exhibition at Wanganui still continues to attract a large number of visitors. After expenses are paid, it is thought there will be an overplus of £250, which is to be given to the Library fund. We should like to see the Napier Athenaeum Committee follow the excellent example and enterprise shewn them by our Wanganui neighbors. A similar exhibition is proposed to be held at Wellington, and why not in Napier? Have we not sufficient public spirit?
Church of England Service will be held (D.V.) on Sunday next, at St. Luke’s, Havelock, at 11 a.m.; at St Matthew’s, Hastings, at half-past 3, and at St. Mark’s, Clive, at 7 p.m.
It is estimated that the costs in the Waka Maori libel case will amount to £4000. This will be no trifling amount for the losing side to pay.
Mr. Henry Hughes, a contractor at Norsewood, has contracted so many debts, that he has felt himself compelled to file his schedule.
The Post of Tuesday says: – “A little bit of a breeze occurred in the Supreme Court to-day during the hearing of the Waka Maori libel case, which served to lighten the tedious journey through the maize [maze] of evidence taken before the Commission in Napier. On the opening of the case in the morning, Mr Macassey, leading counsel for the plaintiff, had taken objection to the evidence on various grounds duly set forth, and after Dr. Buller had read another of the many passages it contained, he contented himself by merely stating that he raised the same objection he had previously submitted. This drew a remark from His Honor the Chief Justice that the Court had a right to expect something more from counsel than merely stating he objected. There should be some argument afforded in support of the objection. Mr Macassey pointed that the ground of objection being similar to what it was in the previous instance, he had merely objected without offering any argument, although in doing so he had not the remotest intention of offending the Court. He observed that it was the first time during the whole of his practice that such an observation had been addressed to him by any Judge. His Honor the Chief Justice – ‘Possibly so.’ Mr Stout supported his learned colleague, and submitted, with all due deference to the Court, that the points on which the objection had been raised were so similar as rendered it, in his opinion, unnecessary to repeat the argument again – a view, however, from which His Honor stated he greatly differed. The matter then dropped.”
A Press Agency telegram informs us that “In a supplement to the Gazette issued this evening there is a proclamation announcing that the practice of shaving prisoners will cease at all prisons of the colony under the Prisons Act, 1873. The prisoners will have their hair, beard, and moustache cut to a length, proper to ensure cleanliness, once a fortnight.” Fancy, a supplement extra-ordinary published by the Government with this important intelligence. Why not give the length of the hair, beard, and moustache prisoners are allowed in future, as a kind of guide to persons not desirous of being classed as escaped “goal birds?”
How easily some people can be imposed upon can be gleaned from the case which was heard in the Police Court on Thursday and reported in our columns under the heading of “Our Relation from Kerry.”
Amongst the passenger[s] from Wellington by the Taranaki, on Thursday, was Bishop Redwood. His Lordship was met at the wharf by a considerable number of the leading Catholics of Napier, both clergy and laity.
Mr William Villers intends running a coach twice a day, both morning and afternoon between Petane and the Western Spit. We understand, should Mr Villers’ enterprise receive the encouragement which it certainly deserves, he will make extra trips for the accommodation of the settlers and the public. We certainly hope he will receive sufficient support. The hours fixed for the various trips will be found in our advertising columns. As summer advances, alterations will be made in the hours to suit the season.
The Napier Literary Association held its usual meeting in Trinity Church Schoolroom last evening. The Rev. J. Berry, President, occupied the chair. After some business in connection with the government of the society had been transacted, Mr Ellison read an essay on the “Mutual relations of capital and labor in the colonies, as affected by immigration,” in which the essayist, after pointing out the relations which at present existed between labor and capital in the colony, and the present dearth of employment, contended that free immigration should cease, and assisted immigration only be supported until such time as capital was more superabundant than labor. Chinese immigration was a curse to the colony, and the writer pointed out the many disadvantages that accrued from the importation of such labor. The essay, taken altogether, was (as the Chairman remarked) a model one, and elicited considerable discussion, all the members taking part. Mr Davis keenly criticised the tone of the essay, and spoke generally in favor of immigration and settlement. He was followed by others, some of whom advocated a stoppage being put to immigration, while many others contended that had the public Works policy of 1870 been carried out by the government by the people being settled on the lands, where public works were going on, and the country thus opened up, there would not now be seen such a superabundance of labor. All the members deprecated Chinese immigration, with the exception of the President, who thought a narrow view of that portion of the subject had been taken by those who took part in the debate. He held that those Chinamen who returned to their own country after being in contact with Europeans would be able to enlighten their countrymen on many matters, and thus assist in the civilization of their own country, which would prove beneficial to humanity. Mr Ellison replied very fully to the remarks of the several speakers, and defended his essay. It was afterwards announced that Dr. Spencer would next Wednesday read a paper on Geology, illustrating his subject with one of the most powerful microscropes [microscopes] in the colony. Members are particularly requested to attend punctually at the appointed time, quarter to eight. Members will also be called on to decide as to the removal of the place of meeting to the Athenaeum. Non-members will be admitted to the room at eight o’clock.
A Wellington correspondent writes us, under date of Wednesday: – “George Jones understood that he is only a tool in other hands. – The Waka Maori case is attracting attention, and I hear bets are freely made on it. Both sides are confident of success. At present it looks as if the defence will succeed. Mr Macassey made a splendid opening speech. Mr. Connelly opened carefully, and stated that before the case closed, he should strip a veil off a gentleman who had long held a conspicuous place in the colony, and that he should prove all the charges made. Under any circumstances, he was certain to prove one charge, which would show a very disgraceful transaction. – The position of the Government is now assured. Rees’ foaming speeches has driven the moderate Oppositionists over to the Government, and the Ministry can now always count on a majority of ten to twelve on all questions affecting their Ministerial positions. Verily, they have much to thank Grey and Rees for.”
Some few weeks back, we announced that the settlers of the Waipawa County were taking steps to establish annual ram fairs to be held at Waipukurau. Those arrangements now appear to have been completed from the fact of Mr. J.J. Tye announcing his intention of holding a ram fair at Waipukurau on the 16th October.
August 28.
The Waka Maori case is proceeding. The reading of the evidence taken by the Commission at Napier occupied the Court all day. Portions of it are expunged as inadmissable.
August 29.
The Taranaki left for Auckland via Napier at 1 p.m. Passengers: – Bishop Redwood, Messrs Giffard, Johnston, Williams, and Miss Coleman.
August 27.
The Native Land Court closed here yesterday, after successfully dealing with 350,000 acres. The natives were all well satisfied with the result of the sitting. The repudiationists have totally collapsed in their endeavors to influence the Taupo tribes. Judge Rogan and staff leave here on Thursday.
The weather is again very cold.
August 29.
In the House yesterday, Mr. Rees asked by whose authority two Judges of the Supreme Court are now stationed in the Wellington District; also, by whose authority Judge Richmond was sent to hold the Supreme Court sittings in Napier in June last.
The Attorney-General replied that one District Judge used to be stationed in Napier, but the business there was insufficient. Wellington required two Judges. It had six circuits to attend, including Napier. The Judges arranged between themselves who should attend Napier, and the Government did not interfere.
August 30.
In the House last night, Mr. Fox replied energetically to the arguments against the Local Option Bill. He said the members who resisted female suffrage would hear of it from their wives. Some men sympathised with men using bluestone, copperas, coculus [cocculus], and indicus – poisoners of their fellow-men. The door of the public house was the door of hell.
He related his experiences of the Hawke’s Bay country hotels. At one place everything smelt of rum, even the woman who served the meals. If he had had a brush and dust-pan he could have packed up enough fleas to have filled a portmanteau. The whole question was now narrowed to one of money compensation, which he opposed. He would devote the remaining years of his life to the cause.
Mr. Rees severely condemned Mr. Fox for his intemperate language, which damaged his cause. Would Mr Fox grow barley?
Mr. Fox: I would not.
Mr. Rees: Then perhaps you would not grow beef for a publican. He characterised this as madness or fanaticism. He would lick the Bill
into shape.
Dr. Wallis gave it hot to Mr Fox for telegraphing to Auckland re his (Dr. Wallis’) action. As to the lady in Napier who smelt of rum, he (Dr. Wallis) could not tell what a lady smelt of without approaching close to her mouth. (Roars of laughter). Dr. Wallis concluded by gravely relating an anecdote of a thief who fled to a belfry, made the bell ring, and was then caught. He then said to the bell, if it was not for your long tongue, empty heads should not be caught. Dr Wallis neatly applied these remarks to Mr Fox.
Mr Swanson, in an energetic speech, advocated compensation, and asked why not begin by abolishing Bellamy’s, where members would rush directly to drink success to the Local Option Bill.
The House, when in Committee, got to the second clause, when amendments were like the leaves of Vallombrosa.
Mr Sutton moved in the second clause, the second line, the substitution of fifty persons, instead of twenty. This was carried.
A long discussion then ensued on defining the licensing districts, but with no result, and progress was reported at 12.30 a.m.
A new clause will probably be introduced defining the districts.
The writ against Jones charges him with unlawfully and maliciously publishing false, scandalous, and defamatory libel of, and concerning Frederick Whitaker. He appears in Wellington Court on Monday. It is a criminal action.
The Government will drop the Fencing Bill.
Waka Maori Libel Case.
August 29.
The Court is still engaged in the reading of the evidence taken at Napier.
After the adjournment for dinner to-day, one of the jurymen, Mr Sellar, fell down in the street in an epileptic fit and was taken home. On resuming, it was decided to adjourn the case till to-morrow, when the jury-man will probably be able to attend.
August 30.
The reading of the evidence taken before the Commission at Napier, was interrupted by Mr Locke being called upon to give evidence, which appears to be supplementary to that already taken. He was first examined by Mr Connolly, then cross-examined by Mr. Macassey, and then re-examined by Mr Connolly. His evidence mainly related to the purchase of the Waipukurau reserve by Mr Russell through Mr Locke, and the Te Aute purchase. Mr Locke was keenly cross-examined by Mr Macassey to show that Mr Russell was not present in Locke’s office when the purchase was effected from the natives, and two letters, one by Mr Locke and one by Mr Russell, were read to show that Russell was not there, and that Mr Locke’s recollection of the circumstances was defective.
Mr Locke testified to going to Hastings in his capacity as Resident Magistrate to witness a deed of cession from Arihi to Mr Tanner, and did so at his own expense, although he had no other interest in the matter. He was to have gone to Te Aute also when the land purchase transactions were about to be completed there, but was prevented by illness in his family, but when that cause was removed, and he was about to go, he received telegraphic instructions from Sir D. McLean not to go to those gatherings unless upon public business. When Macassey commented upon the strangeness of the coincidence that he should have received such instructions at that particular juncture, Mr. Locke said he could not account for it unless perhaps in this way, that the Te Aute affair being very much talked of at the time, Mr. Ormond might have acquainted Sir D. McLean that he (Locke) was going there to attest a deed. Occasional reference was made in the evidence to the twelve apostles. The examination of Mr. Locke concluded about one o’clock when the Court adjourned for an hour.
The next witness is Francis Edward Hamlin.
Nothing of a very striking character was elicited from Mr. Locke’s evidence.
(Before A. Kennedy, Esq., J.P., and E. Lyndon, Esq., J.P.)
Our Relation from Kerry.
Francis McCartney Lawry was charged on the information of Thomas Willis with having on the 29th instant obtained by false pretences, a suit of clothes valued at £3, and 2s in money, from his wife Catherine Willis.
The Bench: What have you to say to the charge?
Prisoner: Mrs Willis is a relative of mine, but does not know it.
Thomas Willis, a laborer, deposed he resided in Chaucer Road. Yesterday the prisoner came to his residence about ten o’clock, and knocked at the door. He opened the door, and prisoner asked him if his name was not Willis, and married to a Lawlor. He replied “Yes.” Prisoner again asked him, “Does she come from Kerry?” He replied, “Yes.” Prisoner then said, “I am a relation of hers.” He then invited him in the house. After some conversation, in which the prisoner spoke of his relationship, it was agreed that witness, wife, and prisoner should go to Farndon to see her brother who would know more about him. He asked for a clean shirt, and as we did not like to see him go out shabby, the prisoner dressed him-self in my suit of Sunday clothes, and my wife and he departed for the rail-way station. When they got to the station, the train had gone, and the prisoner asked my wife to have a drink at the hotel. She gave him two shillings. He received a note from the prisoner asking him to meet him at Mr Sheehan’s office next morning at ten o’clock. He went there and saw Mr Knight, who told him he knew nothing about the prisoner.
To the Bench: He had never seen the prisoner before. The prisoner had stated to him that his uncle had died, and left him £500, and his wife £300. The money was in the bank, but no one could draw it out except the prisoner. After seeing his wife go to the railway station, he went to work, but as his wife told him she had lost her valued relation, he went to seek him, and met him after a search in the Napier Hotel. After some conversation we went together to Mr Sheehan’s office, where Mr Knight informed me that his statements were not true. He (witness) then gave him in charge. The clothes the prisoner had now on were his.
Catherine Willis deposed that she had never seen the prisoner until yesterday, when he claimed relationship, and informed her about her fortune. She shewed him her marriage certificate, and proved to the prisoner’s satisfaction that she was Catherine Lawlor. Prisoner said, “Catherine, you will be a rich girl to-morrow.” Witness replied, “I don’t know you.” When we missed the train he asked me for money, and I gave him 2s. We went into the hotel. Prisoner had beer, and she (witness), had a glass of wine. Prisoner was sober. The money prisoner said has to come through Mr. Sheehan, and when they got it they would go back to dear old Ireland by the steamer. She did not see him after he went out of the hotel.
H.T.H. Knight: He saw the prisoner yesterday. From statements made by him, he caused enquiries to be made at the Bank of New Zealand, and finding they were false, prisoner was given in charge.
Constable Black deposed as to taking prisoner in custody.
Prisoner, in his defence informed the Bench that he got a letter from Auckland asking him to seek out Kate Lawlor and that there were £500 for himself and £300 for her. He had not kept the letter but burnt it, but the matter was right. If the money was not in the bank it was his fault. Mrs Willis had got him to put on her husband’s clothes, so that as her relation he should appear respectable when he visited her friends.
Inspector Scully then put in a number of papers, among which were some half-filled up and signed cheques which the Inspector stated,
the prisoner had attempted to get cashed.
The Bench: Does anyone know anything about the man’s previous character?
The Inspector: Your Worships, he is best known to the police as a loafer.
Constable Black deposed that the prisoner was a loafer about the town, and had been imprisoned on charges of drunkenness recently.
The Court then sentenced the prisoner to two months imprisonment with hard labor.
Shipping Intelligence.
23 – Kiwi, s.s., from Wellington via Black-head
23 – Result, s.s., from Wairoa and Whakaki
24 – Manaia, p.s., from Wairoa. Passengers – Mrs Gardiner, Master Gardiner, Messrs Maney, Martelli, Laws, Atward, Knight, and 10
26 – Wild Wave, schooner, from Lyttelton.
26 – Rotorua, s.s., from Southern Ports. Passengers – Mr and Mrs Saxby, Mrs Adams, Miss Miller, Messrs McLean, Swainson, Burrows, Mann, and several others for Auckland and Sydney.
26 – Opotiki, schooner, from Gisborne.
27 – Taupo, s.s., from Auckland via Tauranga and Gisborne. Passengers – Misses Law and Briggs, Messrs Ross, Molroy, Hartshorn, Haultain, Mann, Grant, Williams, Floyd, Williamson, Hutchinson, Kemp, Fraser, and Borrell.
29 – Falcon, barquentine, from Newcastle, N.S.W.
30 – Orpheus, schooner, from Mercury Bay.
30 – Taranaki, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Mrs Robertson, Mr and Mrs Cotterill, Mr and Mrs Rowen, Miss Coleman, Bishop Redwood, Messrs Williams, Pine, Jobson, Anderson, Giffard, Cotterill, King, Ormond, Brook, and Thompson.
26 – Rotorua, s.s., for Auckland. Passengers – Capt. Oxley, and Mr Lucas Harris.
27 – Storm Bird, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Messrs Tanner and McCrea.
27 – Taupo, s.s., for Wellington and Southern Ports. Passengers – Mesdames Ready, Veal, Digby, Lockyer, Sheehan and 2 children, Miss Banks, Messrs Ready, W. Veal, J. Veal, J.P. Hamlin, Duncan, J.N. Wilson, Dowding, Craig, G. Willis, J.W. Carlile, F. Caldwell, Robertson, Mr and Mrs Johnson, servant and child, besides several original.
28 – Kiwi, s.s., for Wellington via Mangakuri.
28 – Silver Cloud, three-masted schooner, for Newcastle, N.S.W. Passenger – Miss Crouch.
28 – Manaia, p.s., for Wairoa. Passengers – Messrs Miller, Stewart, Chisholm, and a few others.
28 – Result, s.s., for Wairoa. Passengers – Messrs Morgan, McLean, and 2 natives.
28 Mary Ann Hudson, ketch, for Mohaka
29 – Southern Cross, s.s., for Auckland. Passengers – Mrs McManus, Miss Sutton, Mrs Harris, and 4 children, Messrs Light, Hanley and Parritt
The P.M. s.s. Australia was 8 ½ days going from Auckland to Sydney average passage 4. She encountered a series of gales and head winds, and unfortunately was only using one boiler. Several Napier residents were passengers.
The s.s. Result, Captain R. Baxter, returned from Whakahi [Whakaki] and Wairoa on Thursday, with a hold full of maize, and a number of pigs. She made the passage from Whakahi in about six hours.
The p.s. Manaia arrived at the anchorage about 10.30 p.m. on Thursday. She also had a cargo of maize. The bar at Wairoa is good just now.
The s.s. Rotoruo [Rotorua] arrived in the Bay at about 10 o’clock on Sunday, and was immediately waited upon by the Bella, but the launch finding it not safe to lay alongside got the Kiwi’s surf-boat, and transferred the passengers from the Rotorua to the launch, which was safely accomplished; in fact, if the Kiwi had not been outside, and her boat been put in requisition, the chances are the inward passengers would have been taken to Auckland. In returning, and whilst crossing the bar, the Bella encountered four heavy seas, which when broadside on broke clean on board, drenching the whole of the passengers, more or less. Fortunately no one was hurt. The Rotorua steamed away at noon for Auckland direct with our out-ward mails.
The steamers Southern Cross and Kiwi were successfully brought inside on Monday and moored, the former to the outer wharf, and the latter to the breastwork. Both steamers had been trimmed so as to bring them on as even a keel as possible. The Cross was done by taking a quantity of coals forward, and Captain Campbell trimmed his steamer by filling his water tanks forward. The Cross, drawing eight feet nine inches struck three times. The Kiwi came in all right.
The s.s. Taupo, Captain Carey, arrived in the Bay about 7.30 a.m. on Monday. She was immediately tended by the Bella, and the passengers and mails landed. She discharged her cargo to the Sir Donald, and steamed for Wellington at 11.30 a.m.
At high water on Monday there was eight feet ten inches on the bar.
The three-masted schooner Silver Cloud was successfully towed out on Tuesday by the Sir Donald. On the bar at the time was nine feet.
A favorable opening in the bar at the eastward side was very plain on Tuesday. After the tide began to ebb, all the flood water coming down the Tutaekuri, easily discernible by its dirty color, went out by the new outlet, never going to the westward. We hope, now the easterly swell has gone down, that the present opening will increase in depth and width.
The s.s. Kiwi, Captain Campbell, was taken out on Tuesday at eight o’clock. She will call at Mangakuri to land what cargo she was unable to do on coming up the coast.
We are glad to notify a marked improvement in the state of the Bar on Wednesday. At the westward channel at high water there were nine feet two inches, and at the eastward one there were nine feet. Both channels, unfortunately, are very narrow and hard. The westward channel is mostly loose shingle, but there are a lot of loose boulders in the eastward one.
The s.s. Southern Cross took in on Wednesday, a cargo of 60 head fat cattle, and a deck of fat sheep for Auckland. She steamed for Auckland at 9.15 a.m., and experienced no difficulty in going over the bar, just grazing slightly on the westward channel.
The steamers Result and Manaia both steamed for Wairoa on Tuesday, each with a general cargo and a fair complement of passengers. A cargo of maize is awaiting each steamer at the Wairoa.
The ketch Mary Ann Hudson also left on Tuesday for Mohaka, principally laden with material for the Post and Telegraph Station.
Our readers will regret to learn that Capt. Evans, of the s.s. Rangatira, is seriously indisposed in Wellington and confined to his bed. We trust that, on completion of the alterations to the Rangatira he will be able to assume the command.
The barquentine Falcon returned from Newcastle, N.S.W., late on Wednesday, having made the passage in 10 days. She made a very
good run of five days from Newcastle to Cook’s Straits, but had to contend with baffling winds up the coast. The Falcon was 13 days on the passage to Newcastle.
On Wednesday, no news having been received of the Falcon’s arrival in Newcastle, great fears were entertained as to her whereabouts. Captain Hair informed us he instructed his agent at Newcastle to wire to Napier of his arrival, but apparently the boy who was entrusted with the telegram failed to put it in the office. The lighter Why Not is alongside to-day taking in coals. We are very glad to her that the steam winch fitted in the Falcon last voyage works very satisfactorily.
The schooner Orpheus, Capt. Dunn, arrived in the Bay early on Thursday with a cargo of sawn timber from Mercury Bay, which is being discharged at the Breastwork.
A ketch, supposed to be the Venus from Lyttelton, was in the Bay on Thursday.
The schooner Columbia is on her way from Kennedy’s Bay to Napier with a cargo of timber.
The s.s. Taranaki. Capt. Malcolm, anchored about 11.30 a.m. on Thursday after a smooth water passage from Wellington. Amongst the passengers we noticed Bishop Redwood.
The s.s. Storm Bird, Captain Doile, does not leave Wellington for Napier till Monday next. She is going on the slip, not having been cleaned for the last few months. It is also anticipated that she will make one trip to Wanganui with railway plant previous to coming up here.
The s.s. Kiwi arrived early on Thursday at Wellington from Napier.
The s.s. City of Sydney left Auckland for Honolulu on Wednesday at 2 p.m.
The ketch Mary Ann Hudson got into Mohaka all right on Thursday.
MESSRS. MURRAY, COMMON & CO. report as follows: –
Our supplementary advices from the Home market are to the following effect: –
Prices remain pretty firm, and competition is steady. American users are again in the market, and several parcels of Australian and New Zealand have been taken for that industry. Great caution is, however, still the ruling feature amongst buyers, and with reference to the course of affairs for the remainder of this year, the utmost that can reasonably be expected is the maintenance of present rates. Further enhancement in the values is hardly to be looked for, as the war shows no signs of coming to an end yet.
For the undermentioned places every Monday, and Thursday, at 5.30 a.m. – Clive, Hastings, Havelock, Te Aute, Kaikora, Waipawa, Waipukurau, Danevirk [ Dannevirke ], Norsewood, Tahaorite, Woodville, Foxton, Palmerston, Wanganui, Taranaki, Wellington and Southern Provinces &c., Wallingford, Porangahau, Wanui, and Castle Point.
On other days of the week, mails close as usual, at 6.30 a.m.
Chief Postmaster.
THEOPIAN. – We do not desire to open up a discussion on the matter on which your letter treats. Were we to insert your communication, it would be bound to draw forth a reply, which we should feel compelled to insert. It is one of those subjects best left to time to deal with.
THEOLOGIAN. – Forwards us a letter and an article from the London Examiner on Scottish Theology, in support of the statements of “Ex-Presbyterian.” The letter would occupy over a column, and the article fully another. We cannot afford the space at present, but our correspondent can have his letter and extract to curtail if he so desires.
BURTON. – At Taradale, on August 23rd, the wife of W.J. Burton, of a son.
WELLWOOD. – At Maxwell Lea, Hastings, on August 25th, the wife of Robert Wellwood, Esq., of a son.
ELMES. – At Napier, on August 28th, the wife of Mr John Elmes, jun., of a son.
McVICAR – CARBIS. – At the Free Methodist Chuch [Church], Napier, on August 25, by the Rev. J. Parkin, Mr James McVicar, of Lochmaddy, Scotland, to Miss Catherine Carbis, of St. Gist, Cornwall, England.
SMITH. – At Cameron Road, Napier, on August 29, Rosa, fourth daughter of William and Mary Smith.
Stock, Land Estate, and General Commission Agent, Waipukurau.
Goods Stored and Forwarded.
Offices and Stores: Near the Railway Station.
The Cheapest House in the Trade.
CATTLE AND HORSES, including a draft of Messrs. Nairn Bros., well-bred Cattle and Draught Stock, will take place at the Railway Sale Yards on
At the request of a number of the leading settlers in the Southern portion of the Province, he is making arrangements for holding a
On the same date, when a large assortment of Longwools and Merinos from the best breeders will be offered for sale UNSHORN, thus giving purchasers better facilities for judging the Stock. Suitable paddocking and other necessary conveniences will be provided.
Stockowners desirous of sending Stock to the above sale are respectfully invited to communicate with the undersigned as early as possible.
J. J. TYE,
Stock and Station Agent.
Or to
Commission Agent,
August 25, 1877.
16,000 ACRES LEASEHOLD, (with improvement clause) well fenced and sub-divided. Dwelling-house, Woolshed, &c., with
5,000 Sheep
3,000 Acres Freehold rich Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Southern Seaboard
105 Acres Freehold near Waipawa
Sections at Woodville, Richmond Park, Waipawa Bush, and Waipawa.
J. J. TYE,
Land and Estate Agent,
Waipawa County Council Office,
Waipawa, August 30, 1877.
NOTICE is hereby given that ADOLF BREWER has been appointed Pound-keeper at Sherwood, Ruataniwha.
Clerk County Council,
Public Works Office,
Napier, August 29th, 1877.
TENDERS will be received up to Noon on WEDNESDAY, the 5th of September for the Erection of a Post and Telegraph Office, at Farndon Station.
Drawings and specifications can be seen on application to the undersigned, to whom all tenders must be addressed.
The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
By command,
District Engineer.
The Weekly Mercury
THE withdrawal of the Native Lands Bill by the Government will undoubtedly have an effect on the Maori mind the reverse of that intended to be produced when the Ministry weakly acceded to the clamors of the Opposition. It is possible that the members on either side of the House could not have been in the least aware of the effect the withdrawal of the Bill would have on the country. The Opposition party appeared to have been ignorant alike of the wants and necessities of the natives, and to have taken no pains to discover that which was really required to meet the urgent demands of the Maoris. From Mr Sheehan we expected better things; from Mr Takamoana, Sir George Grey, and Mr Rees we might have anticipated an unreasoning and factious opposition. To that factious opposition, borne of ignorance, may be attributed the action of the House, that permitted itself to be led away by the deceptive utterances of men whose speeches read as though they coined their facts to support their arguments. The Bill introduced by the Government so far merited support that it recognised the principle of free trade in native lands. Imperfect in the machinery it provided, and mischievous as it might possibly have proved in the working of some of its provisions, the principle of the Bill was that which has been contended for by the natives for years, was that to which the whole policy of the late Sir Donald McLean had been leading, and which, strangely enough, was the very principle that the opponents of the Bill have been agitating for, and, in the past, censuring the Government for not establishing in their native policy. When, however, the time appeared to have arrived when free trade in native lands could be safely permitted, owing to the increased demand for land ensuring to the Maoris a fair value for what they parted with, then, from a quarter least expected, came opposition. And that opposition was so strong, and from fallacious statements appeared so backed up by the opinion of the country, that the Government withdrew the very measure that had previously been demanded of them. The inconsistency of the Opposition was as unreasonable, as was the weakness of the Government unaccountable. The one opposed the Bill on the ground that it was framed to encourage land-sharking and speculation; the other introduced the measure with the full knowledge that it was applicable to the wants of the Maoris, and in accordance with their wishes.
We have no intention to defend, or to express approval of the details of the Bill, but we claim for it the merit of providing for free trade in lands, of removing disabilities on the natives which are now unjust, but which, when imposed, were perhaps necessary for their protection from unprincipled men. However faulty the details of the Bill might have been, there was nothing that could not have been rectified in Committee; there was nothing to have prevented the principle enunciated in Mr. Balance’s motion being incorporated in the measure; and there was nothing good in the Bill that would have been destroyed by the amendment of the clauses relating to the constitution of the Lands Courts. It was not to have been expected that the Government would have brought down a perfect measure in every respect, but it was expected of the House to have assisted in turning crude matter into due form.
The Bill is withdrawn; let us therefore turn to the position of the natives on the East Coast. Briefly stated, their position in this, that though in possession of enormous wealth, these unfortunate Maoris are beggars. With ample means to meet all demands of their creditors, they are threatened with imprisonment for debt. The Act that is in operation, and which permits them to sell their land, is so cumbrous in its machinery, and gives such powers to the Government, that millions of acres are practically locked up from sale. The Act allows any native, with or without a shadow of a title to tribal land, to accept a sum of money, however small, from a Government Land Purchase Commissioner, as part payment for the land. The Government is then deemed to be negotiating for the purchase of that land, and all private persons are debarred from competing with the Crown. In this way, hundreds of thousands of acres have been “sealed” to the Government by the mere payment of a few pence, while, in some cases, we believe, the real owners of the land have never been consulted in the matter. The greater portion of the East Coast has thus been locked up from settlement, and the Maoris have been virtually pauperised. That which renders this state of affairs irremediable is that the Act allows of so many grantees to a block of land it is hopeless to secure a perfectly clear title. It is hopeless, under the existing Act, even to complete in numerous cases purchases that have been in negotiation for a long period, and on the strength of which negotiations the natives have obtained both money and goods from the local storekeepers. So heavily does the existing Act press upon the natives, that from every tribe inhabiting the country from Napier to the East Cape, has gone up the cry “free us from our disabilities”; “put us on a level with the European so that from the sale of our superabundant land we may cultivate that which is needful for our wants.” We have already seen how that urgent prayer has been answered by the General Assembly. We know that its refusal was immediately followed by the issue of judgment summonses against men who have got into debt for the purchase of agricultural implements, and of food for their people, but who would be wealthy if the law enabled them to sell their useless land. In Maori districts, the credit of the natives has been stopped; trade is at a standstill; the Maoris idle; the land lying untilled – a silent waste of bush and fern.
What is it now that is proposed to be done till the Government can next year bring down a Bill to meet the wishes of members who are densely ignorant of the real wants of the natives? Nothing less than to pass a short Act to absolutely stop all purchasing of Maori land! This will be adding ten-fold to the injustice and hardship from which the natives already suffer. It has not transpired whether this Bill to exclude the Government from completing its negotiations, but if it does, it must be followed by another Act to protect the Maori from his creditors, or it will be followed by war. At the present moment there are hundreds of natives waiting wearily for the payment of the purchase money for lands sold to the Government; the local creditors of those natives are also waiting, and those creditors have creditors waiting too. In the meantime, the land is lying idle. It is impossible to follow the ramifications of trade, but enough had been said to show that the indebtedness of the natives is felt within a large and ever increasing circle.
And here, if our space allowed us to do so, we might compare the condition of the Ahuriri natives with that of the tribes on the East Coast. The Maoris who, in Hawke’s Bay, were permitted by the then law to sell their surplus lands freely; the Maoris of whom Sir George Grey, Mr Rees and others are never weary of telling the House have been robbed and pillaged of their tribal estates, are the most civilised, the richest, and the most industrious of their race. The natives on the coast, in the full possession of their lands, are sunk in poverty, debt, and misery. The occupation of their country by the European can alone elevate them. This they see for themselves; it is this for which they have prayed; it is this which has been denied them by their worst enemies, the men who falsely call themselves the friends of the Maori.
BESIDES Port Ahuriri, there are other harbors suffering from “improvements.” At Greymouth, the Government has undertaken costly works to improve the navigation of the river, and the results of those improvements are the same as those at Port Ahuriri. The following extract on the subject from the Grey River Argus is as applicable to ourselves at present as to the residents of the Grey district. We ask our readers to substitute the words port for river, and Kiwi and Southern Cross for Adieu and Gleaner, Engineer Weber for Mr Moriarty. The paragraph runs thus: –
There are two vessels outside, the Adieu and Gleaner, both of which are heavily laden, and when they enter it will be found to what extent the channel has suffered since their last voyage. It is the opinion of every experienced master who frequents this port, that, according to all appearances, the navigation of the river is becoming seriously imperilled. But the engineers look calmly on and fold their hands. It is nothing to them. They have made up their minds to follow up their own theory and it is of no consequence even should Greymouth become a port without any shipping. But it is a matter of great importance to everybody else who are interested in the welfare of the place, and as every day sees the damage to the navigation increasing it is about time that something should be done to put a stop to the process. Why does not the Borough Council take up the question? Although it has parted with its control of the river works, it is at least the representative of the public, and as such should not allow a very serious evil to go unchecked. Every day we see Councillors keenly examining the harbor works, and deploring their effect upon the river, but there has been no courageous outspoken protest by them as a body. Have they lost public spirit or are they afraid that plain speaking is not safe – that officialdom would resent it and punish accordingly? It seems very much as if this were the case, but surely there is a little independence left, and it is not too late to call it into action. Let the Council appoint a committee and take evidence as to the condition of the river – there is plenty to be got for the asking – let them compare the present soundings with those made for Mr Moriarty, and see what a serious change has occurred, and then it will remain to be decided what should be done in the matter. It is melancholy to think that the very existence of the port as a place for shipping is being endangered, and no effort made to interfere.
IN the course of his speech in the debate on the second reading of the Local Option Bill, Mr. Wakefield stated that he had been told by travellers on the road between Taupo and Napier that the hotels are a perfect disgrace. He said that he had “heard other people say that they would have liked very much to have taken their families to Taupo by that road, but they could not do so on account of the condition of the hotels, and the disgraceful state of drunkenness in which the native population was usually to be found.” Mr Wakefield has been misinformed. There are only four public-houses between Napier and Taupo, and the journey between those two places is performed in two days. Of the four public-houses, those at Petane and Opepe, a stoppage of only a few minutes takes place, and no drunkenness is to be seen at either house; at the one, because the proprietor would not allow it; at the other, because it is immediately under the eye of the Armed Constabulary. The public-house that was closed for some time through the influence of Mr. Fox, and which is situated at Titio-kura, is now, and has been since its reopening, well conducted, and there are no natives there to get drunk. It is a bush public-house, at which the coach stops to allow passengers to get dinner. Mr. Fox is the only person who ever complained of the accommodation. The other hotel is at Tarawera. It is a well built, commodious and comfortable hostelry; it is most creditably conducted, and no more drunkenness would be allowed there than in any first-class house in a town. Nothing is more damaging to the cause of temperance than the libels that are so freely levelled at respectable men who, from various causes, have entered business as licensed victuallers. A cause that requires to be bolstered up by exaggerations and falsehoods will never commend itself to the thoughtful portion of any community. Howevermuch a drunkard may call forth the pity of a sober man, an habitual economiser of the truth is equally an object for the commiseration of his fellow men. Lying and drunkenness are alike vices, and as far as their mischievous effects on a community are concerned, perhaps, the former bears off the palm.
On Thursday, a meeting was held in the Catholic School-room to consider the Education Bill. The room was well filled, and shortly after eight o’clock the Venerable Father Forest was elected to the chair.
The CHAIRMAN said he was glad to see such a large number present to examine the Education Bill. He would not occupy the attention of the meeting long, as there were several speakers who would propose resolutions and explain the details of the measure, and more particularly those clauses which were not acceptable to Catholics. There were three or four points which, to his mind, were very objectionable. First was the reading of the Bible and the Lord’s prayer. Secondly, there was the fact that Catholics could not attend those schools, and yet they would have to pay capitation rates and support their own schools besides, which was very unjust. Thirdly, there was the question as to the books used in the schools. In country places where Catholics could not have their own schools, education should be purely secular.
Mr. G.E. LEE would propose the following resolution: –
That the proposed Education Bill would, if passed in its present shape, inflict great hardship on the Catholics, who would, in order to secure the religious education of their children, be obliged to support their own schools, and also be compelled to contribute towards the support of the public schools from which they could derive no benefit.
He (Mr Lee) thought they were entitled to be heard on this question, as looking over the report of the Inspector of Schools it would be found that the Catholic schools had one-fifth of the school attendance of the province. That showed, at all events, that Catholics did something in the cause of education. It was not his intention to go into the question in a rabid manner, nor to show any unreasoning hostility to the Bill. It was not a frightful Bill and one that could not be worked. Indeed, he would freely admit that if there were no Catholics in the colony to be affected by it, the measure was very well drawn, and showed that it emanated from persons who had experience of the subject in the southern part of the colony, and also in other parts of the world. But there were parts of the Bill that were objectionable to Catholics. It provided for the establishment of public schools, but there was no provision for any other kind. The position they (the Catholics) would be in would therefore be that they would have to support their own schools unaided, and would have to pay besides a capitation rate of 10s for every Catholic child (except where there were more than four in a family.) Persons might be exempt from payment of the capitation rate by obtaining a certificate that the children were attending school otherwise than at the public school; but it might be perfectly impossible to get such a certificate, because it could only be granted by teachers of schools approved for that purpose by the Board of Education. He dare say most of those present, if indeed all had not read Bishop Redwood’s letter to the New Zealand Times, which had been published in the columns of the DAILY TELEGRAPH. The substance of the letter fully expressed their views; was temperate in tone; approached the question in a calm manner, and did not talk about injustice and all that. (Mr Lee then read the letter signed by Bishop, Redwood which has already appeared in the DAILY TELEGRAPH). Mr Lee, after referring to Mr Ferard’s Bill introduced into the Provincial Council eight or ten years ago, concluded by moving his resolution.
The REV. FATHER KERRIGAN said he had much pleasure in seconding the resolution. What the Catholics wanted was to be left to educate the children of their own faith. It had been said by an eminent statesman, that there was a great difficulty in educating the Catholics, and that the only way out of the difficulty was to accede to their wishes and let them conduct their education according to their religious views on the subject. That was Earl Beaconsfield. He thought the whole subject would be solved if the Catholics were allowed to educate themselves, and given their fair share of the public funds. He looked upon their claims as reasonable. Britons were praised throughout the world for their liberality to their Catholic brethren, and to such an extent that they had received praise from the Sovereign Pontiff, and surely it would not be restricted in New Zealand. It might be said that other denominations might ask the same, and why not? The Catholics only asked for a fair share of the public money, and were always willing to accede to all others the same liberty as they asked for themselves. (Applause.)
The resolution was then put to the meeting and carried unanimously.
Mr. J.A. REARDEN moved the second resolution as follows: –
That the Education Act of Hawke’s Bay under which Government aid is given to the denominational schools, which give a sufficient amount of secular instruction to satisfy the inspector, has been in force for many years: That such Act has given general satisfaction, and under it both common and denominational schools have been treated with equal justice, and that there is no reason why an Act similar in principle should not be brought into force for the whole colony.
In reference to this particular question he would say that he had now for seven or eight years seen the practical effect of the Hawke’s Bay Education Act which had produced beneficial results. It had saved discord, and given satisfaction to the people, the Inspectors, and the Education Boards. Under its provisions, we all have worked harmoniously together for the common good, and all schools were being treated with equal justice, and that was all that was now required. It would be seen from the tabular statements attached to the School Inspector’s Report, that over 20 per cent of the children attending the schools in this province were being educated by the Catholics in Napier and Meanee. Their schools had given satisfaction to the late Sir Donald McLean and Mr. Ormond, and neither of these gentlemen being Catholics it gave further weight to their opinion. The present School Inspector (Mr Colenso), in his annual reports, had expressed himself in highly favorable terms in regard to the Catholic schools. The schools, then, being so satisfactory, there was every reason for contending that they should be continued. As to their being called denominational, that could scarcely be so when the doors were open to all denominations, whether they were able to pay or not. That was truly colonial education. (Cheers.) If the Assembly could be induced to shape the Bill so as to make it something like the Hawke’s Bay Act, it would be doing a great deal for the peace, harmony, and prosperity of New Zealand. (Cheers.)
Mr Malcom seconded the resolution.
The Very REV. FATHER FOREST said that the late Sir Donald McLean had several times stated to him when conversing on the subject of education, if he was in the General Assembly when an Education Bill for the whole colony was brought in, he would do his best to have the Hawke’s Bay Act taken as a model. (Cheers.)
The resolution, on being put, was carried unanimously.
MR BOWERMAN moved: –
That the teachers or managers of private schools should have a right to claim the inspection of the Government Inspector, and that upon the inspection being satisfactory, such teachers should be authorised to give certificates of exemption from payment of capitation rates and from attendance at public schools.
If the request, he said, made in the previous resolution met with the favorable consideration of the Assembly, the resolution he was now moving would not be necessary; but if the Bill as brought in was to be adhered to, then it would become a matter of necessity that the Catholic schools should be placed under inspection, so that the masters might be in a position to grant certificates of attendance, and the Catholics be exempted from paying capitation fees for their children, and also be exempted from the compulsion of sending their children to the public schools. If those claims were granted, the Catholics would be relieved from the onus of paying for other schools at the same time that they were supporting their own. (Applause.)
Mr. W. REARDON seconded the resolution.
After some remarks from MR LEE, the resolution was put and carried.
Mr. ST. CLAIR then moved, –
That in the event of the Bill at present before the House becoming law, the clause relating to the reading of the Lord’s Prayer and a portion of the Holy Scriptures should be expunged from the Bill.
The necessity for the resolution was, he said, obvious. That clause of the Bill placed the Catholic schoolmaster in the position of being required to do what was out of his power, and hence the injustice of it.
Mr. BARRY (Taradale) in seconding the resolution, made some remarks on what appeared in one of the local papers, in asking why did they object to the Lord’s Prayer or the Bible. He thought the writer knew as much about the Bible as he did about Gulliver’s Travels or Robinson Crusoe. (Great laughter.) He bore no ill-will to the writer, but he could not understand how such a senseless question could be asked.
The CHAIRMAN said there was no objection on the part of the Catholics to read the true Bible. They read it every day, and by heart too. But there were so many versions that for peace sake it was better not to have it read in schools.
The resolution was carried unanimously.
Mr. McGREEVY (Waipawa) moved –
That a petition be presented to the House of Representatives embodying the former resolutions and praying for such a modification of the bill as will protect the Catholics of the colony in the proper education of their children, in accordance with their religious convictions.
– He thought they had quite enough to do to educate their own children without having to pay for the education of others. (Cheers.)
The motion was seconded by Mr HAYDEN and carried unanimously.
Mr W. REARDON moved –
That a copy of the resolutions be forwarded to his Lordship Bishop Redwood, and also to the Hawke’s Bay members.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Lee, and carried unanimously.
Mr. PETERS moved a vote of thanks to the representatives of the Press for their attendance at the meeting, which was carried by acclamation.
The REV FATHER KERRIGAN said he desired to move another resolution. In the event of the Assembly not being disposed to adopt the principle of the Hawke’s Bay Act, he thought it was necessary to state distinctly what the Catholics required. The resolution he would move would, he thought, embody what was required. It was –
That, in case the Assembly should not accept the Hawke’s Bay Act, a fair share of the public money for the education of their children and the support of their schools be given to the Catholics; that they have the entire management of their schools as to teachers and books; and that the Catholic schools be under the inspection of the Government Inspectors, as to the amount of secular education required by the standards sanctioned by the Governor-in-Council.
Mr DALY seconded the resolution in a lengthy speech.
A long discussion followed as to whether the principle of the motion was not embodied in the second resolution, but eventually it was agreed to put the resolution, which was carried by a large majority.
A vote of thanks to the rev. chairman was carried with hearty acclamation, and, on the invitation of Mr. Lee, three cheers were given for the Queen, which brought the meeting to a close.
The opening night of the Lydia Howard Troupe was a decided success, for, notwithstanding the weather and the state of the streets, the Hall was filled. The front seats were crowded, as were also those at the back, showing that rain and mud will not prevent a large audience being got together when there is something worth seeing to attract. The reputation of the Lydia Howarde troupe was the attraction on Friday, and it was quite sufficient to bring about a full house.
The first production was a lively burletta called “Le Chalet,” which served to introduce Mr. Poole and Miss Patty Holt (Mrs Poole), who never previously have appeared in Napier. Their reception was most favorable. Miss Patty Holt, in addition to a pretty face, and nice figure, is a sprightly actress; she has a very sweet voice, and she sings nicely. This lady is certain to be a favorite here. Mr. Poole is an accomplished low comedian, and his excellent acting kept the house in roars of laughter.
The burlesque of Ivanhoe was the piece de resistance of the evening. Miss Lydia Howarde took the part of Sir Brian, Mdlle. Solange Navaro that of Lady Rowena, Miss Jenny Nye that of Ivanhoe, and Miss Patty Holt that of Wamba. The piece could not have been better cast. Miss Lydia Howarde was magnificently dressed, and her appearance can only be described as splendid. Her entrance on the stage was the signal for a hearty round of applause, and, indeed, the reception also of Miss Jenny Nye, and Mdlle. Navaro, as each well remembered favorite came before the audience, was most cordial. The burlesque of Ivanhoe follows the drama closely, but as it allows for the introduction of numerous songs and concerted pieces, the vocal powers of the principal actresses were well drawn out. The first duet that was thus introduced, was “Sainted Mother,” which was charmingly sung by Miss Lydia Howarde, and Mdlle. Navaro. In the second act there was a trio that was sung by the above-named ladies, and Miss Jenny Nye; this was one of the sweetest songs rendered during the evening, and would certainly have met with even more enthusiastic applause than it received had not the attention of the audience been distracted by the humorous eccentricities being performed at the back of the stage. In the third act Miss Lydia Howarde sang a solo with remarkable power and sweetness, and Miss Jenny Nye obtained an encore for her rendering of “Oh, Stay with Me.” Mr Poole, as Isaac of York, made a capital burlesque of the character, and Mr Tom Margetts, though he overdid the part, was exceedingly humorous as Rebecca. The other characters, were well filled by the remaining members of the company. Mr W. H. Flood presided over the orchestral portion of the performance, and with his usual skill and ability played the accompaniments on the piano.
Last night’s programme will be repeated this evening.
August 18, 1877.
Thursday’s debate on the Native Land Act was opened by Mr Takamoana, who was reported to be very full. His speech disappointed the gallery, as all expected a vigorous onslaught on Mr Sutton and Captain Russell, but he did not refer to either gentleman, except in very mild terms. The debate then collapsed; there was evidently something behind the scenes. Sir George, although in the House, was relining [reclining] on the floor and evidently on the alert, although he did not want to be seen. Mr Sheehan, who had taken copious notes during Mr Sutton’s and Captain Russell’s speeches, was about, but did not speak. It was supposed that they were both waiting for Mr Ormond, as they had made several attempts to get him on his legs. Report says that Mr Ormond would not speak until after Sir George or Mr Sheehan; but Mr Sheehan did not speak, and your new member did not get the castigation that it was understood Mr Sheehan had promised him.
The debate of the session so far is that upon Mr Woolcock’s motion. The Opposition have not been slow in taking up the ground, and the only question now is when the alteration shall be made, the Government having tabled a motion to bring it into operation next year, while Grey wants it done at once. Mr Sutton advocated the alteration, and thought the House should insist, whatever Government was in power, next session upon making the alteration indicated. Several members spoke. Sir George spoke well, and, for him, pretty moderately. Mr Stout also spoke well; Messrs Atkinson, Hunter, Pyke, and others, spoke. The debate was adjourned till Tuesday. It is reported that the Government have a majority of ten or twelve.
The Opposition did not look so dangerous as they did last week. It is said that defections have taken place, and there is no community of interest. For instance, Mr Bunny advocated the generalising of land revenue; of course this was objected to by all Southern members.
Mr Rees has a motion for Wednesday for a Committee to inquire into Hawke’s Bay land affairs. It is expected to be a very hot debate, and it is probable that he will get more than he wants. He is a great assistance to the Government; although very fearless and insulting, he is quite enough to settle any party who enjoys his support.
Last week Mr Sheehan chaffed Mr Reid that he was like Samson – fallen into the hands of the Phillistines. Mr Reid retorted that the debates had shown that the Opposition had at all events one of Samson’s weapons in their midst, viz., the jawbone of an ass!
Serious Accident.
A SERIOUS accident happened on Tuesday in the Napier Grammar School to Robert Miller, second son of Mr W. Miller, governor of the gaol. The lad was sitting in his place in the schoolroom, at about a quarter to twelve o’clock, when all of a sudden a loud report was heard in the room. It was the explosion of a dynamite cartridge used in blasting, which the boy had had in his pocket for six or seven months, and with which he was fiddling when the explosion took place. Unfortunately the boy has lost two of his left-hand fingers and thumb by the accident. Such dangerous articles ought not to be in the possession of boys, and much less ought boys to be permitted to bring such things to school. But it is almost next to impossible for parents or guardians to know what boys are possessed of.
Dr Gibbes, assisted by Dr De Lisle, found it necessary to amputate the thumb and two fingers. We understand that the operation was very skilfully and successfully performed.
SIR. – I observed, in your issue of the 11th instant, a leading article opposing the Local Option Bill now before the House of Representatives, and in which you are pleased to characterise it as “a very extreme measure, and one that is not likely to be passed by the House.” Now, Sir, will you be kind enough to grant me space to reply briefly to these statements, and also to make some remarks on the Bill? With all due deference to yourself and your opinions, I am convinced that you have not given the full details of the Bill your mature consideration, or you would not give such a prejudiced opinion without also affording your readers the privilege of hearing upon what grounds you base this assertion. As one who has carefully considered the Bill, I must state that I fail to see that it is “a very extreme measure;” but I am convinced that, should it succeed in passing, it would be one of the greatest blessings yet bestowed on New Zealand, by her statesmen. You take exception to the provisions embodied in the Bill, that the power of granting and refusing of licenses be placed in the hands of the people. Now, Mr Editor, who should know better than the residents in the neighborhood of the proposed public-house, whether an additional hotel would be an advantage or a curse to them? Who is in a better position than the ratepayers of a licensing district to say whether there are too many or too few public-houses in the locality? Certainly, not a Licensing Board – as at present composed of several persons, who may neither know anything of, or be at all interested in the granting of the licenses. It is the people, and not the Magistrates and Licensing Boards who are materially affected by the sale of alcoholic liquor close to their doors, and therefore the power of withholding or granting these licenses should be delegated to them. Then there would be no chance of a low grog-shop being allowed to continue operations because the police had never caught the proprietor tripping, while a less fortunate hotel, which had broken some part of the law, was reported against, and compelled to shut up shop. In many of the present licensing districts there are grog-shops which are a perfect disgrace to the colony, and yet, despite the efforts of the police, these places manage to keep open, while, if the neighbors had the power, they would soon put a stop to the nuisance. I will give you a case in point: In Northern Wairoa [Northland] there are a very large number of sawmills, situated in flourishing districts. These sawmills afford employment to many hundreds of bushmen, who earn good wages. This field of gain was too good to be allowed to pass, and the devil, always on the watch, did not allow it to escape his clutches. A number of persons applied for licenses for houses in the district, and these were granted by the Licensing Board. It may be easily known what was the result of this. The temptation placed in the path of bush-men was very great, as a natural result, their earnings were spent in drink, and they became drunkards. During the last two years, many fearful catastrophies have occurred in the district, and only last year several men returning in a boat from a funeral with several children capsized the dingy owing to some drunken freak, and the occupants were drowned, including the father of the child who had that day been buried. This is only one of many similar cases that might be cited, – all caused by those disgraceful grog-shanties so plentifully sprinkled through Wairoa and Kaipara districts. At the last meeting of the Licensing Court there, a petition containing the signatures of about two-thirds of the residents was presented, praying that the licenses be refused. The persons who refused to sign the petition were those who were being so easily fleeced by the cruel traders. Legal assistance was obtained for the grog-sellers, and the petition was not granted, on the ground “that some of the signatures had been procured outside the boundaries of the district.” Now, Sir, had the people been allowed the privilege of granting a refusal, those licenses, as the case might be, they could have known whether it was to their own interests and the welfare of the district, to have the houses closed. Under the present Licensing Act, licenses are granted almost indiscriminately in almost every town in New Zealand, without properly considering whether the people are in favour of having the house or not. The consequence of this is, there are an enormous number of hotels in the colony, the number being continually added to, but seldom decreased. It is impossible to proceed fifty yards along the principal streets of any of the leading towns in the colony, without passing an hotel. In Queen-street, Auckland, which is not more than 500 or 600 yards long, there are no less than 18 hotels, and about a similar number within 100 yards of the same thoroughfare. The consequence of this is that at the present time, when so many are out of employment, these hotels do a splendid trade, taking what money there is to be got, while the wives and children of these men are suffering from starvation and poverty, and are dependent upon public charity for their subsistence.
Now, Sir, is it not more than probable that if the number of hotels were decreased, the men would spend less of the small amount of cash they have in drink, and there would be less unemployed agitations in the colony than at present. There are thousands of women in this colony to whom the passing of the Local Option Bill would mean, happy homes, prosperity, and comfort, and whose children would be the means whereby they might rise from the position of a drunkard’s children to high and important stations in life. This would not only “possibly” but most probably follow the passing of what you term “A very extreme measure,” but what seems to me to be one of the greatest blessings which we could receive. Several days ago, I read in a leading article in an Auckland paper the following singular statement: – “Unhappily, the drinking part of the community are the main prop to the revenue, and for every pound which the temperate man pays the state, the tippler pays five,” Now, Sir, of all queer arguments, this is one of the queerest that I have read for some time past. How in the name of goodness, the editor found this out I do not know. But it stands to reason that while a temperate man only pays a pound to the revenue, he does not require any of it to be paid back to him for the support of his family, for the maintenance of gaols, hospitals, lunatic asylums, and destitute children’s homes, of which the drunkard is such an extensive supporter. The state is never asked to pay for the support of a sober man’s family, but how many drunkards avail themselves of the chance to get rid of the responsibility by allowing the Government to support their families, while they expend their money in liquor, from which the state receives the revenue fee of £5. Does the temperate man allow his children to run wild about the streets, and afterwards be taken to a destitute children’s home to be supported at the public expense? No, but the tippler does, and in this way he receives back a very large share of that £5. Another moiety of it is paid for the maintenance of the police force, and, in the end, we find that instead of the tippler paying £5 to the £1 contributed by the temperate man, it is vice versa. In conclusion, I say that when a Bill is passed such as that at present before the House, and not until then, shall prosperity reign in this colony, “and the clouds that have so long darkened our skies be scattered by the golden beams of truth and temperance.” – I am, &c.,
Auckland, August 20, 1877.
SIR, – The theological earthquake which was to blow up the whole Westminster Assembly, Presbyterianism, and the parson of St. Paul’s, has burst, and except the noise, things are just as they were. It is not every one who can play the part of a theological Guy Fawkes and certainly, “Ex-Presbyterian” was never intended to play that role. Of him it is in a special manner true, that the mountain has been in labor, but we have not got even the usual little mouse.
I might have taken leave of “Ex Presbyterian” without any reply. If he is satisfied with the results aimed at, I am sure I have no cause to be otherwise; but as he seems getting somewhat testy on this Confession question, he might deem it a great want of courtesy on my part to pass him by in silence.
As I fully expected, “Ex-Presbyterian” has suddenly discovered that “discretion is the better part of valor,” and thinks it judicious to take no notice of my request that he should prove his statements. And I can readily believe that the expression of regret with which his letter opens, is thoroughly sincere. I doubt not, he will now be prepared to endorse the truth of this couplet: –
Look before you, ere you leap,
For as you sow, you are like to reap.
I regret exceedingly to give “Ex-Presbyterian” any more trouble; but such is my affection for him that I cannot afford to part with him in the easy, off-hand manner he wishes. An old angler knows when his fish is hooked, and so do I.
Instead of proving his positions, and telling us where we are to find those peculiar doctrines said to be contained in the Confession, and taught in the Presbyterian Church, “Ex-Presbyterian” now takes refuge behind Mr Macrae. This, however, will not avail him. “Ex-Presbyterian” has made what he calls Mr Macrae’s statements his own, and is thus responsible for them – and he will bear in mind that this is not a question of “conviction” but of “facts.”
“Ex-Presbyterian” has publicly stated that Presbyterianism teaches, and the Confession contains doctrines regarding “non-elect children,” – “the heathen,” – “countless myriads who have died in infancy. – “the sins alike of those who obey and disobey the law of God,” – “the eternal death of many simply on account of the sin of our first parents,” &c. These are some of “Ex-Presbyterian’s” statements, and if they are on the Confession, they can easily be verified. I say such doctrines are not in the Confession, and are taught by no Church – Presbyterian or other – that I know of, and again ask “Ex-Presbyterian” to give the page, chapter, and paragraph, where we are to find them.
If these statements are neither proven nor withdrawn, the public will doubtless know what opinion to form of any one who would try to impose upon them such utterly unfounded assertions.
“Ex-Presbyterian” concludes with a bit of advice; as advice is very cheap, I will do the same. I advise him in future to let “sleeping dogs lie,” especially theological ones. – I am, &c.,
SIR, – In a recent issue you had an article referring to my lecture on “What I saw of the working of the Maine Law,” in which you said, “we do not know what Mr Harding’s experiences may have been.” I will therefore tell you. On the road from Montreal to Portland, we had a lady fellow-passenger, who, in our presence, informed the train-conductor that she had brought two bottles of brandy with her for medicine, because, as she said, “you know it is impossible to buy any at Portland.” She then asked his advice as to the best method to get the contraband through the Customs at the Border Station. The conductor replied that if she were prepared to swear the brandy was for her own use, and not for sale, and if she did not attempt to hide it, the officers would let it pass. On arrival at the Border Station I witnessed the examination, and the brandy was allowed to pass. But I was aware that a part of her statement was incorrect, for I knew, from all accounts, that brandy could be bought at Portland for medicinal purposes.
We spent five days at, and near, Portland. I had several conversations with the proprietor of the hotel where we stayed, and also with some of his boarders. The proprietor had been in the past, a dealer in rum, and he said that he would be again in the trade but for the Maine Liquor Law. He acknowledged that it was possible to get grog in Portland as well as in some other large towns, but that it was extremely difficult. He told me that he could take me to five or six different places at night where it was sold, but when the time came he backed out.
Each night, I rambled up one street, and down another; round the docks, and the wharves, and the shipping, to see what was going on, and I assert that Portland is the quietest and most orderly town I ever spent a night in. I did not see one person the worse for drink, or one house that looked like a grog shop. During the five days we spent there, I did my best to find such out, short of resorting to the trick of many English visitors to Maine, of telling a wilful lie to obtain a drink.
My friend, the Hon Neal Dow (The father of the Maine Law), introduced me to the City Marshal, and with him I spent some time in talk on the subject. He told me that though the law was not absolutely obeyed in two or three of the large towns in the State, in nine-tenths of the State it was impossible to obtain intoxicating drinks at all, and that he and his men soon heard of any breach of the law. He took me to the vaults under the Court House, and showed me the stuff he had seized in a recent raid. I saw the culprits tried, condemned, and fined, and saw the contraband liquor shot down the sewers. The City Marshal
said that every one of the sly grog sellers were Irish, and that but for them and the Germans there would be no trouble.
So much for my experience. Now for your witness. I, without any fear, say he is an untruthful one. As to the Melbourne Leader, possibly, like the NAPIER TELEGRAPH, it is owned by grog merchants, and its travelling penny-a-liner writes his letter to order, But, like many others, he proves too much, when he says, “in Portland, at any rate it (local option) is not carried out any better than the law against sly-grog selling was at the Goldfields in Victoria.” Such a state of things, as he describes, I know never existed in Portland. On many of the Goldfields, the diggers would not allow grog selling at all, till the Government forced the trade upon them, by granting licenses against the protest of nearly all the residents. Our own Government did the same thing in the case of Masterton and Karori, in the Wellington province. You may notice the Leader’s correspondent does not tell us that he bought, or had any grog himself, in Maine, and I think if he had succeeded in getting it, he would have told us so. Even he, however, acknowledges that in smaller villages the law is fairly carried out, and I say it is well carried out in Portland too. If every other house was a sly grog shop the effect would have been evident, and I saw no such effect. During our stay, two men were arrested for drunkenness. I asked the City Marshal if he knew where they got drunk. He said “they get drunk on board a foreign ship in port, and nearly all the drundards [drunkards] we take up do the same.” If the law is such a failure, as it is said to be, how is it that other States, as well as Canada, are adopting the law. It is because of its great success. Either the Prohibitory law or Local Option is being adopted right and left. Virginia has adopted it in twenty five counties. The Canadian Government sent a commission through the States which had adopted the law to report to the Dominion Parliament. One of the Commissioners was appointed because of his known opposition to a prohibitory law, but from what he saw of its working in Portland, he became converted. Canada has now a local option law in force, and it is working successfully.
Some two years since, you, with great flourish of trumpets, told us that Massachusetts had repealed its prohibitory law, but you did not tell us it had been changed for local option. Neither have you thought fit to tell us that, a few weeks since, that same State had by a large majority re-enacted the prohibitory law.
I will send you the testimony of a few witnesses as to the working of that law, in a few days; statements of men quite as reliable as those of your travelling scribe. – I am, &c.,
Mount Vernon, August 25, 1877.
(Before R. Stuart, Esq., R.M.)
Henry Spencer, a wretched looking man, and who has been twice before sent to gaol for vagrancy, was again placed in the dock on a similar charge.
The Police Sergeant informed the Court that he found the man lying under the verandah of the Royal Hotel, and he appeared to have no where else to lay his head.
Out of humanity, and to fulfil his Scripture duty, His Worship sent Spencer to gaol for another two months.
William Orr, a settler at Clive, sued Walter Caulton, proprietor of the Clive Hotel, for the sum of £7, being the value of a saddle belonging to plaintiff and stolen from the premises of the defendant on Monday, the 30th day of July last.
Mr Lascelles appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr Sainsbury for the defendant.
From the evidence of both plaintiff and defendant, it appeared that, on the day in question, Mr Orr went to the Clive Hotel to attend a meeting of the Road Board. On arriving at the hotel, Mr Orr, who was on horseback, was met by the defendant, who was on the verandah, and the plaintiff asked to have his horse placed in the stable as it was raining. The defendant told him the stable was full. The plaintiff then said all he wanted was to have his saddle kept dry. The defendant then took the horse, threw bags over the saddle, and led the horse into an enclosure which he leased for the purpose of placing horses instead of having them tied to his verandah. After the Road Board proceedings were over in the afternoon, the defendant after partaking of a glass of beer, asked for his horse, but was informed it had vanished. He walked home and found the animal at his gate with the saddle gone, and with only the throat-strap of the bridle on. The saddle has not since been found. The saddle had been bought in England by Mr. Rhodes, and a similar one could not be purchased in Napier under £9.
Mr. Lascelles, in a lengthy speech, quoted a number of authorities to show that Mr Caulton was liable for the stolen property.
Mr Sainsbury contended that as Mr Caulton made no charge for placing horses in the enclosure, and Mr Orr not being what is termed a guest of Mr Caulton’s, was not liable.
His Worship said as it was a purely legal question he would reserve his decision until to-morrow.
James McBride, charged by Constable David Black with this offence, was fined 10s, with the alternative of twenty-four hours’ imprisonment. The fine was paid.
William Murrow, for having negligently suffered a chimney of a house occupied by him to take fire, was fined 5s, with costs 6s 6d.
A complaint by a wife against her husband for threatening language, and praying that he might be ordered to find sureties to keep the peace, was adjourned until Monday, the 27th instant.
In the case of Orr v. Caulton, a claim of £7, value of a saddle and bridle, lost by the alleged negligence of the defendant, which case was heard yesterday, and judgment reserved until to-day, His Worship gave judgment for plaintiff for £5 5s, and costs of Court 16s.
Edward Reynolds, charged with being drunk and incapable on Saturday, pleaded guilty. He forgot whether he was sober or drunk. He was fined 5s, or twenty-four hours imprisonment. He paid the fine.
Henry Grigsby was brought up on a similar charge, and the same sentence was alloted him as Reynolds. Having forgot to leave enough in his pockets to pay the fine, he was marched to the lock-up, but was brought up again on a charge of leaving a trap in his charge unattended in the public streets on Saturday, while he was himself in the Criterion Hotel preparing to take up his quarters in the lock-up. Constable Black proved this charge, and he was fined 20s, and costs 6s 6d.
John Glover was charged by Constable Mitchell with being illegally on the premises of Mr Chales [Charles] Stewart, of Havelock, on Saturday last.
Constable Mitchell informed the Bench that he found the prisoner on Saturday asleep in Mr Stewart’s coach house, and took him into custody. The prisoner was also charged with being a vagrant, and having no visible means of support.
Prisoner denied the charge. He had been ordered out of town by the police and had travelled about the country seeking work. On Saturday, before coming to Havelock, he was very thirsty, and drank a deal of water. He took a glass of beer at the Exchange Hotel, which completely upset him, and he went to Mr Stewart’s coach house to lie down.
Inspector Scully described the prisoner as a vagrant of the worst type, and was a man who had no idea of working except with his fingers.
He was sentenced to six months imprisonment on the first charge, and three months for the latter.
William Tuely, Joseph Trume, and William Williams were each and severally charged with being drunk at Clive on the 20th instant, and disturbing the peace of Her Majesty’s loyal subjects residing in that portion of her territory.
They all pleaded guilty to the charge, and were each fined 10s, or 48 hours’ imprisonment, besides costs of Court and witnesses expenses, amounting in all to £1 6s. They each paid their 26s, and departed from the Court.
Thomas Paton was charged by Constable Black with being drunk last night in the public streets.
Constable Black informed the Court that about a quarter to 11 last night he was informed the prisoner was kicking at Mr. Welsman’s door, and refused to go away.
Prisoner: I was there to get a draught for a sick person.
Constable: The only draught he had was a bottle of brandy in his pocket.
Another constable deposed that Paton was drunk and helpless when taken to the lock-up.
His Worship fined him 5s, or 24 hours’ imprisonment.
Prisoner to constable: Now I want that bottle of brandy you took out of my pocket.
Daniel Coury, who pleaded guilty to a charge of drunkenness, was fined 5s or 24 hours imprisonment.
Henry Hudson was charged with being illegally on the premises of Mr B. Johnson, at Port Ahuriri last evening.
His Worship said, as the man had only lately come out of the Asylum, he would remand the case for three days so as to consult with Inspector Scully.
Henry Grigsby was charged on the in- [formation] of Charlotte Elizabeth Grigsby, his wife, with having, on the 20th of August, used the following threatening words to her, “I will be hanged for you yet,” and with also having ill-used her. She prayed for him to be bound over to keep the peace.
The prisoner pleaded guilty.
Mrs Grigsby, in reply to the Court, said she did not wish to press the charge. He had frequently ill-used her. He now promised to alter, and unless he did so she would not live with him.
His Worship said he would bind him over to keep the peace for twelve months, himself in a sum of £50, and two sureties of £25 each
Proprietors DAILY TELEGRAPH v Henry Yates. – Claim £2 11s 10d. Judgment, by default, for amount claimed, and 9s costs.
Robjohns and Co. v. William Henry Schultze. – Claim £60 5s 3d. Judgment for plaintiffs, with costs £1 7s.
A. Bryson v. Same. – Claim £39 10s 6d for timber. Judgment for amount, and costs £1 5s.
Henry Williams v. Same. – Claim £17 12s 7d. Judgment for amount o[f] claim, and costs 8s.
Gilligan v. Ressimer. – Claim £4 10s for hay delivered. Mr Lascelles appeared for defendant, and proved that his client was only acting for R. Kirkpatrick, and was therefore not responsible. His Worship gave jndgment [judgment] for the defendant with costs.
Noble v. Kirkpatrick. – Claim £9 10s for the value of a horse left in charge of defendant and lost. Mr Lascelles appeared for the defendant. From the evidence it was shown that the plaintiff had placed three horses about four months ago in care of the defendant, which were placed in a paddock. Two of the horses the plaintiff got delivery of, but the other, a chesnut [chestnut] horse, was lost. Mr Lascelles contended that his client was not liable, and quoted authority in support of his statement that unless carelessness was shewn, judgment must be given for the defendant. His Worship said no doubt it was a hard case, but he had no other course but to give judgment for the defendant. Mr Lascelles applied for solicitor’s fee of £1 1s, which was granted.
This concluded the business.
Several tradesmen in Napier were politely informed on a postal card received by mail from Messrs. Moorhouse and Edwards, solicitors, Wellington, that Mr. George Bryan Douglas Thornhill, late of Wairoa and Napier, a clerk, would apply to the Supreme Court on the 4th of September, when sitting in Bankruptcy for an order of discharge. The bankrupt’s liabilities are set down at £79 17s 11d, and assets, nil. Most of his debts were contracted in Napier.
Mr Sheehan has given notice that he will move the following resolution in the General Assembly: – “That, in the opinion of this House, all railway plant and materials which can be so procured and manufactured, even though the adoption of this course may lead to a slight increase in the costs; and further, that the Government should take steps to insure the use of New Zealand coals, instead of Newcastle or other foreign coals, upon the Government railways.”
Mr. Larkin called at our office on Monday, and desired us to state that the bruises now on his face were caused by an accident while working at the harbor works, several people having hinted that his disfigurement was due to another cause he wished this to be made known. We are only too happy to comply with the request.
The following is a copy of a petition presented to both Houses of the Legislature by Heta Tiki, of Waipawa, an aboriginal native: –
To the Honorable the Speaker of the House of Representatives of New Zealand in Parliament assembled.
The petition of Heta Tiki, of Waipawa, Hawke’s Bay, aboriginal native.
Humbly sheweth, – That your petitioner has on a previous occasion petitioned the Parliament of New Zealand, and also brought his complaint before the Commission appointed in 1873 to hear the complaint of the Hawke’s Bay natives as to dealing with their lands by the Government as well as by private persons.
That your petitioner’s case was gone into by the Commissioners, but no satisfactory result followed.
That since that time the Government have repeatedly promised through their officers, and especially by Mr. Locke, to have some settlement arranged by which our expulsion from our pa may be avoided.
That legal proceedings were taken by Mr. John Harding against me, who holds a Crown Grant for a portion of our land, which your petitioner says is wrong, and judgment was obtained in his favor. That he consented, at the instance of your petitioner’s solicitor, to stay proceedings at this point for a time, to allow a further chance of an arrangement with the Government.
That Mr Locke and your petitioner’s solicitor, with surveyors, met on the ground during the last year, and your petitioner was given to understand that Mr Locke would recommend to the Government a mode of settlement which would probably satisfy Mr Harding, and prevent the ejection of your petitioner and his people from their pa. But your petitioner is informed that the Government will not consent to Mr Locke’s proposal, and Mr Harding now threatens to put his judgment in force and expel us from our homes.
That under the circumstances we are driven despair to appeal to your honorable House in the hope that some redress may be granted.
May it therefore please your honorable House to enquire into the matter, and to afford such relief as to your honorable House may appear just and right.
[Before R. Stuart, Esq., R.M.]
Olley v. Slipper. – The defendant having met with a serious accident, the case was adjourned sine die with the consent of the plaintiff.
Jensein v. Skjot. – Plaintiff claimed £7, the value of a horse unduly retained by the defendant, who stated he had received the horse for work done. Judgment for defendant.
Pritchard and Olley v. Bunting. – No appearance of defendant. Judgment for £10 4s amount of claim, with 19s costs.
Olley v. Cochrane. – £8 claimed for a horse sold to defendant. Judgment, by default, and 13s costs.
Firth v. Hansen. – Claim of £2 12s 6d for timber for fencing. Defendant did not appear. Judgment for amount, and 9s costs.
Rathbone v. Rooney. – Store account for £1 7s 3d. Judgment, by default, with 9s costs.
Firth v. Wilkes. – Store account for £3 10s 4d. Judgment, by default, with 9s costs.
Carruthers v. Brears. – Claim of £3 0s 9d. Neither party appeared. Case struck out.
Bestie v. Lascelles. – Medical account of £1 11s 6d. Judgment by default, with costs and allowance 33s.
Hobson v. Mosen. – Defendant admitted the claim of £14 17s. Judgment accordingly, with 24s costs.
Olley v. Hill. – Dishonored bill for £73 6s 3d. Defendant did not appear. Judgment for plaintiff, with 35s costs.
Rathbone v. Hill. – £19 9s. Balance of store account. Judgment, by default, with 19s costs.
Mr Lee, solicitor, of Napier, conducted various cases, being retained.
Mr. J.M. Fraser, travelling agent of the Australian Mutual Provident Society, is now in Napier, and prepared to take proposals for insurance, and give information to enquirers at the Criterion Hotel, or at Messrs Routledge, Kennedy and Co’s.
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Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
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